Unnamed: 0
Criminal Moons [blakkatt07 & Krystal_Atems_Girl]
Aug 19, 2020 at 4:19 PM
JJ shakes her head with a chuckle."No horror." Serenity spoke up. "I love you Krys, but if I'm gonna watch a horror movie, I'd rather Aaron be around."Penelope nodded in agreement. "I'm with Sere on that. Not to mention, I see enough endings through work. Something happy at least."
Criminal Moons [blakkatt07 & Krystal_Atems_Girl]
Aug 19, 2020 at 9:36 PM
Krystal shrugs. Not really in the mood for horror anyway. I wonder if japan s netflix has our anime yet? Call me curious. she chuckles.
Controversial Dance of Star Crossed Partners (Wave and Solo)
Jul 29, 2020 at 5:09 PM
In a modestly developed shady part of the city, a pair of hazel eyes stared out through the car window, quietly watching the rather ragged buildings and somber faces she passed by. Hardly the most decent neighborhood to live in, but rents must have been quite affordable at least, especially if one s business required a spacious office. If truth be told, she had seen a lot worse. Coming from poverty, loneliness where she was abandoned to despair, the young woman had been toughened by the cruelty of backstreets. If it weren t for the very man behind the wheel who sat next to her, she would have still been scavenging to make a living, in spite of her feisty nature, even might have been captured to be placed in a house of ill repute. A father figure for sure, where she didn t get to know her own. An adopted daughter, where he lost a son to the profound ambitions for supremacy.It wasn t the familiar sight of a shady neighborhood what kept her lippy mouth shut, what puzzled her mind today, but the ultimate destination of this short trip. She respected the old man, definitely owed him a lot. Still, this had been a bold request, asking she helped his infamously big headed son out, in his twisted journey to notoriety. In a way, it was funny, how much she could hate someone she in truth knew so little about. Well, she certainly knew enough to hold an almost imposed detestation. Even if it meant upsetting the man she looked up to, she didn t shy away from being vocal about her hatred, how much she despised his so called son. In the end, she had accepted the man s daring wish, however. Even if it had required quite a bit of convincing. He was a cunning man, Han. Could be quite convincing sometimes. Admittedly, some of his son s smugness appeared to come from him. And to an extent, maybe some of his charming looks as well.Junk for some, an underappreciated classic to its owner, the car eventually stopped in front of a five story baroque looking building, a few blocks past the invisible border where the buildings began to look more decent. The rattling of the engine ceased as well, not to disturb the spoken words. This must be it. Han announced. Since he wasn t welcome here, he actually didn t know how Ben s base of operations looked from inside. I m thankful for this, kid. His weary eyes found the 19 year old woman sitting on the passenger seat, gesturing in the direction she had agreed to take. She didn t seem very intrigued, to be under the same roof with her half brother. Shaking her head from side to side, she opened the door, still doubtful of her decision. He doesn t even want to use your name. Above her beady eyes, Rey knitted her brows. It was no secret that in a selfish urge to strike out on his own, Ben had picked a different name for himself. While Rey could have given everything to know more about her past, he seemed to be trying to erase his. A stark contrast between the two, one of many in fact. Give him time. Unable to find the will to use a witty comment to soften the mood, Han suggested. Be patient. Wait for the best opportunity. Further guidance rang in the woman s ears, who stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her as a response. I know all about waiting, don t I? Leaking into the vehicle through the open window, her voice filled the interior, carrying the hints of a resentful complaint. In terms of how she treated those whom she detested, her emotions shaped her actions, all the while she remained loyal and kindly towards friends and loved ones. Leaning in,Reyflashed a smile still, one she wore quite nicely as her optimistic nature reflected upon her tender lips. I ll manage. She claimed. In my own way. Swiftly turning around, Rey entered the building. A pair of unassuming dark pants and a white blouse loosely covered her figure. Features of her slim form didn t have a hypnotic sway to them as she moved, however they stood upright and confident like she did. A compact, agile body that could fit into narrow spaces, sought after qualifications in a magician s assistant. She perhaps didn t have a physically imposing form, but a stubborn spirit dwelled under her toned skin. Firm legs climbed up the stairs to stand on the relevant floor. Now only a door to separate her from her half brother, she clenched her fist. This is a mistake. A snort of frustration was exhaled out through her nostrils. For a girl of her build, the few knocks on the door were firm and aloud. To prevent a surprise, Han would have told his quick tampered son of Rey s imminent visit, if he had been still talking with him that is.
Controversial Dance of Star Crossed Partners (Wave and Solo)
Aug 16, 2020 at 3:57 PM
Sitting in the back row of the theater, in the far left wing, directly below a balcony one of the worst seats, statistically, so the best vantage point for him to judge from if a show was good from there, it would be good from anywhere the tall, brooding man dressed in all black rubbed at his temples with two fingers on each side, willing the developing migraine to subside. Awake at sunrise, he had endured a long day of amateurs and outright morons one had even set himself on fire, and had almost taken the building down with him and judging by his clipboard, he had twelve more before he could judge his idea as stupid with finality and go on to continue trying to work a solo show before his next performance. The fact of the matter was, people wanted things more and more extravagant as the days went by, and while he had innate talent his shows as Kylo Ren wouldn t have granted him the moderate success he enjoyed if he hadn t it wasn t enough to skate by on, not any longer. The crowds demanded to be dazzled, and though he managed to finagle enough to keep their money coming, he wasn t wowing anyone anymore. That was what he had lived for, ever since he was a little kid providing that sense of wonder for his father, and without it, his choice in career was worthless. If he couldn t impress someone, what was he but a hack? Anyone could make money from something if they worked at it hard enough. It took true talent to consistently amaze. And if he was chasing the approval of strangers because he knew, deep down, that he couldn t gain the approval of his parents, well, that was his own damned business. The son of famed magician Han Solo known mainly for his stunt driving involving the horrendous bucket of bolts he called the Falcon, though he also had a long run of trick shots with a cork gun that seemed to defy physics and renowned politician Leia Organa, he d been in the public eye since before he could walk, learning the basics of magic from his father by the time he was in elementary school. It didn t lead to him being very popular amongst his classmates, but every talent show there was, he won with flying colors, becoming addicted to the sparkle in the crowd s eyes as he pulled off his latest trick. Inventive and confident, he commanded the stage in a way fully reminiscent of his father, but his career had taken a dark turn when instead of going his father s route of wanting to entertain the crowd, he mentored under Alistair Snoke, and became addicted to the power of seeing the crowd eat out of his hand. Needless to say, it hadn t gone well. After a public fallout that led to him losing his entire stage crew, he d used the last of his savings to strike out on his own, purchasing the Upsilon theater from its aging owner and turning it into his personal playhouse. Shows were three times a week, and while tickets were still selling, performing had lost its shine hence his decision to attempt to hire an assistant. The only problem with his decision? Everyone that came to him was terrible. No, no, he drawled, his voice booming in the nearly empty theater. No more. The young, skinny teenager on stage s lip wobbled as he hung his head and stepped off stage. Sighing heavily, Ben shook his head and stood. We re done for today. All other applicants can return tomorrow. With that, he stormed from the seating area and around to his dressing room, palms planted firmly on the dressing table in front of the large, lit up mirror. Leaning over, his head bent towards its surface, he slammed a large palm down in frustration before bringing it up to run through unruly dark hair. And then, there was a knock at his door. Whipping to face it, his face scrunched up in confusion. Who would be visiting him? After a moment of debating, he had a flash of thought it must be someone just dying for an audition, and if he would just give them a chance, he d see how talented they are He d heard it all before. Teeth ground together in anger, he yanked the door open to face them. What? he snapped, voice low and gravelly. I said auditions. Are. Done. If you even want a chance at trying tomorrow, you ll turn around and go back the way you came.
Controversial Dance of Star Crossed Partners (Wave and Solo)
Aug 24, 2020 at 6:54 PM
Convincing her inner voice to neglect the sensible action of simply turning down her father figure s bold request, accepting the challenge of working for someone whom she despised so much: It had been neither easy, nor quick for the woman. Hence, making it in time to the audition wasn t necessarily her biggest concern. Although she was hardly enthusiastic about squaring the circle by playing the part of a magician s assistant, she had already made up her mind, that she would keep her word. So, she was indeed determined to get the job, although she saw it more of favour. Cursed with an unyielding obstinacy, she was tenacious to uphold her decision, regardless of what kind of terror she would be voluntarily throwing herself into. Preventing potentially more qualified candidates from getting the job with the aid of a somewhat outside interference, it could have seen as an immoral exercise. However, she saw it as doing them a favour, sparing them the poorly confined onslaught of Han s notorious son.Perhaps it was her imagination, but she could hear the restless thuds of the approaching menace s heavy steps through the closed door of the place. She was no pessimist, but hoping to find a surprise hospitality within these walls would have been an unrealistic conjecture in this case. Yet, it wasn t the breeze of a roar what brushed her slim frame when the new owner of the theatre opened the door, but a rather frustrated scolding, exhaustion of failure if she were to guess. Maybe it wasn t a noisy clamour, but to the woman at the entrance, it wasn t any different from the concerning whistle of a burning dynamite fuse either. Clad in black, a shadow with a face. A broad man for sure, hard to fit through doorways, if one were to exaggerate his burly physique a little. With a demeanour that, at first glance, seemed to consist of a dangerous mix of depression and subtle anger, he must have been none other than Ben himself.No matter how demanding, mere words of immediate rejection wouldn t be enough to make her walk back. Hearing the clearly uttered words of the man quite well, Rey didn t turn back, insisting her face remained in his sight and not the view of her fit hips moving away from the entrance. If she had randomly stumbled upon Ben, she wouldn t have identified him as Han s boy. After all, she only knew him by reputation, and not necessarily a great one at that. Having an overconfident gaze looking down on her without recognition didn t surprise the woman. She would indeed return tomorrow, as his assistant, however. Albeit inexperienced in the show business, she would consider herself to be a quick learner. Han was a smart man as well, must have had something in mind when sending her here. In the arguable belief that he still knew his son well enough, he had given her some advice as well. Like how she shouldn t outright tell her name to his son, or that she should avoid mentioning his at the same time. I m Rey. The woman offered a brief introduction of herself, not entirely sure if it would ring a bell. Yes, you re done. I ll be your assistant. Rey stepped in closer towards him, trying not to break eye contact with the towering magician in black. Han sent me. She continued, standing upright, her honesty in place. Here I am. It was no mystery that her abrupt appearance wouldn t make Ben all that cheerful. Rey spent a moment to let her eyes inspect the adamant figure who blocked her path in. If you want to debate about it, I d prefer to do it inside. She mentioned her wish to set foot in his workplace. Standing 5 6 tall in the door frame, her assured gaze kept penetrating Ben s eyes. Or you could slam the door and see if that would make me jump back. She dared in a small demonstration of courage.
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 30, 2020 at 11:01 PM
Island Time "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" 08:31 2 October, 1938 Somewhere in the South PacificspaceIt was never a good idea to fly a plane drunk in a storm. But for when shehad to, at least Stella now knew shecould.spaceBefore opening her eyes, Stella pieced together the subtle clues to deduce that, among other things, she was, in fact, not dead. There was also the fact that, when she slept aboard her sea plane, theLuckie Duckie, she slept in a hammock in the back of the cabin the gentle swaying of the water complimenting the gentle swaying of the hammock and she felt no swaying right now. This told her two things: firstly, the plane was on solid ground secondly, she was actually not in her hammock, but was lying on the floor. Further, she could hear the waves, quite loudly, but felt no swaying was she even on her sea plane? Maybe she was in a bungalow on the beach? If so, whose?She stretched out a stiff leg and kicked a bottle with her tingling big toe. The bottle went rolling across the floor, which sounded like the uncarpeted deck of her plane. The bottle sounded like an empty wine or rum bottle, which further reinforced the idea that it was her plane. The bottle of Demerara ?spaceAnother empty bottle was sitting under her left arm on the floor she remembered the excellent bottle of rum she had opened to console herself about the delay in departure because of the storm. She had wandered out to the dock to watch the storm rolling in... and... She pushed herself up, eyes open, gasping. She remembered.space Skipping, leaping, prancing across the top of the waves, the ethereal blue ghost of a deer seemed to call to her from the surf. Standing on the edge of the docks, looking out at the churning black sky and roiling black sea, occasionally lit by stabs of blinding light, Stella could only look on in wonder. Was this real? Was she asleep? What was in this rum? The ghost deer dashed toward the storm. In a moment of pure impulse she bolted down the jetty to her plane and threaded herself through the hatch and the partition into the cockpit. She didn't even remember closing the door. She had spilled rum on herself fortunately she wasn't wearing any clothes to stain. space Bottle in one hand, she started the plane, remembered she had to release the rope, got out of the plane, released the moorings, got back into the plane and followed the receding figure of the magic deer out to sea. It wasn't the most reckless thing she had ever done while drunk...spaceHead pounding, skull grinding against her spine, temples throbbing and her brain and stomach threatening to swap places, she caught herself against the bulkhead and vomited.spaceAfter a few minutes she crawled to the cockpit and found a canteen. Hydrated, she stepped out into the warming tropical air. The sand, in the shadow of her plane, was cool beneath her feet, between between her toes, wet and clay like. She stepped out into the brilliant tropical sun, the light bathing her nude, aching body. A breeze caught at her short, dark hair and tickled the sides of her torso, her hips, her thighs... The soothing tonic of sunlight was a balm to the abused swirling pit of nausea that was her stomach. Her breast smarted from the first kiss of the sun. Her eyes drank in light in excess, giving her blurred after images in the blue white expanse of sky. Her legs struggled to navigate her body down to the surf.spaceThe sea was cold, frigid even, but it washed the drying bile off her leg and sent blessed relief through her as she fell to her knees in the lapping push and pull of the water. She was on a sandbar, one of the dozens of tiny atolls that peppered Oceania which disappeared entirely at high tide. Still, though, she vomited again in the water, lurching forward and just barely being able to hold her head out of the waves with her arms at full extension.spaceWhen she was done, she spit the foul taste of sick out of her mouth and cursed in three languages. Then she tried to look on the bright side. "There you go," she rasped. "You stupid fishies. You're welcome." She coughed and gargled sea water after a moment when she was sure Mother Ocean had cleared away her detritus. "Ugh that was probably a bad idea " She crab walked on her hands and feet, face turned skyward, up the sandbar until she was mostly out of the water, and collapsed, lying on her back, looking at the sky.spaceThere were no birds, no insects, only water lapping at the sand and rocks air blowing past her ears. The waves caressed her feet and calves she turned her head to the side, away from her plane spaceShe blinked.spaceStella sat up on her elbow, brushed her wet hair out of her face and rubbed her sore eyes. She blinked again. There was a body lying a few yards away on the sand.spaceShe stood up and walked toward it. A splayed, female form, skin pale, wearing a torn slip drenched to transparency. The figure's head was a mess of light brown hair, with a bit of kelp and other flotsam mixed in it. She couldn't see any facial features beneath the tangled mane, and hastened to look for them, having seen what the sea did to corpses. She took another step toward the body and knelt beside it. With one hand she moved the heavy, wet hair aside and startled! The mouth was moving, muscles working the jaw and a soft, pitiful groaning emitting from the lips. She felt the neck as she had intended to .She struggled to roll the body over, not realizing her knee was pinning part of the slip to the ground, and she tore the already tattered garment. Oh well. She planted one foot in the wet sand and slid her arms under the woman's body, and, with her weight pressing on her anchored foot and a hearty grunt, scooped the woman up in her arms. She nearly fell straight over again but already being deeply uncomfortable from her hangover, was wall willing to bear the added strain, which made little difference on balance held herself upright.spaceStella staggered toward the plane, whose hatch was still open, and laid the woman at the threshold. Gripping the top of the hatch, Stella stepped over the prone woman and into the plane. Hands under the woman's shoulders, she pulled her guest into the interior and sat her upright against the couch at the port side of the cabin.space"Oh shit " she remarked to herself. Hadn't someone once told her not to move the body of an injured person? Why was that again? "Oh well " she muttered. It was too late now.spaceDoubling down on her decision, she laid out a warm, dry blanket on the couch, pulled the rest of the soggy scraps of the slip off the woman and muscled her onto the blanket on the couch. From there, she towelled her off as best she could , and wrapped the stranger in the blanket.space"Okay " she spread her hands apart in thought now what?spaceIn answer to her own question, "now what" entailed fishing out a hip flask from a drawer by the couch for some hair of the dog a candy bar from the cockpit for breakfast working on cleaning up the vomit at the back of the cabin and throwing the subsequent dirty rags out the hatch onto the sandbar. She then focused on drying her hair with another towel and pacing the cabin, trying to think of what to do next spaceWhere had she last put her toothbrush ?
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 4:26 AM
space"H hey..." came a voice.spaceStella stopped pacing.space"No Pain...? Am I dead? Is everyone naked in heaven?"spaceStella looked to the woman on the couch. She drew breath to correct the woman's assumption that she was dead, but then grinned, kneeling beside the couch.space"Yes, why would there be clothing in heaven, girl? Clothes are the worst!" She sat cross legged beside the couch and held out her hip flask, unscrewed the top. "Little nip?" She shook the metal flask with little sloshing sounds.spaceThe woman was fair skinned, with a mess of long straw coloured hair and green eyes. Her brow and the back of her neck were sun baked and sun kissed, suggesting... Australia? Maybe America? Farther afield? How long was she in the water? How long was she at sea? Her lips were parched and cracked.space"Actually, hold that thought..." She stood up, capping the hip flask, and disappeared behind the partition to the cockpit. She reemerged a moment later unscrewing the metal cap of her canteen. "Here, get some fresh water in you, I'm sure you've had enough of the salty stuff to last a lifetime, yeah?" She pulled the blanket away to free the woman's arms and pressed the canteen toward her. The woman was lean, thin of frame but athletic. She couldn't be more than twenty? Twenty one? What was a young lady doing on a nothing atoll in the middle of the ocean? A ship wreck? An accident? A runaway? A gunfight that had a chase by rowboat perpetrated by dire rivals? A drunken revelry that sent her careening off a cliff and into the sea during her rival's wedding? Stella realized she needed to stop reading gothic romance novels and more mysteries, as it was starting to skew her deductive processes.space"Come on, get some water in you, girl. You must have been in the water for hours."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 5:08 AM
spaceThe woman on the couch gulped down the water eagerly. Stella felt compelled to pat her on the back and rub her shoulder. "There you go... drink up."spaceShe gasped when she had finished the canteen. "Holy shit... Nathan... Mr. Jefferson... I... I was dying... but, this drink... it's actually real... this is fucked... "space"There there, now. No one's gonna hurt you here..."space"D did you see my phone around? N nevermind... here it is..." The woman was clearly crazy, or traumatized, because she was moving her hands as if she was manipulating a folded... puzzle box? An imaginary puzzle box? Holding her fingers as if she was holding a narrow object... and... caressing it with her thumbs? Stella brushed the woman's hair out of her eyes to look at her forehead, checking for head injuries.space"Wait... what? 1938? No, I'm on drugs still, I have to be..."space"Oh, girl, you have amnesia... you must have gotten one nasty shock, what was the last year you remember it being? You're American? Who's president last time you saw a newspaper?" Stella pulled the blankets up over the woman's naked body. "You need to keep warm, you're in shock on something. Where's the last place you remember being?" She stood up and looking for the latest newspaper. What the hell was the date? The last one she remembered was... some time in September...? Not finding a newspaper, she grabbed an extra pillow from her hammock . She put the pillow behind the woman's head. "Lay back, stop playing with your hands there, relax...! You're gonna be okay, deary, don't worry about... uh, Norton. He's far away, we're on an atoll in the middle of the ocean, no one for hundreds of miles, shh shh shh.."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 6:30 AM
space"Shh shh shh, calm down, girl. Don't worry about all... uh... all that." She put a hand around the woman's shoulder without thinking and hugged her. "It sounds like you've been in a bad way. Ain't nothing gonna hurt you out here but sharks, and even they're lazy as hell and growl in French out here."spaceShe checked the woman's forehead again. "There's a mark here, but it looks... I mean... it looks pretty healed up? I guess?"space"And, I been out of the world a spell down here, but, from what I heard on the radio the other day, Herr Hitler signed a peace treaty with France and England. There's not gonna be another big war, just the..." she laughed, a sad, bitter laugh, more deeply sad and more harshly bitter than she would have liked. "Just that stupid war in Spain that will never end. That's all."space"What's your name? Sorry, I'm Stella. Stella Bowyer, out of Fort de France, but I'm fromN'awlinsoriginally." As is the way with accents, she slipped into her mother's pronunciation of New Orleans whenever she mentioned the city of her birth. "So you don't have to worry, I'm American like you. Heh, never met anyone from Oregon. But, from what it sounds like, you've been all over too. But, like I said, the French keep their territory right clean, no vagrant boomers to harass you down here."spaceThe poor unfortunate thought it was April she was missing five months of her memory.
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 7:10 AM
spaceStella put one hand on either of Rachel's shoulder and looked her square in the eye, as friendly a face as she could muster. "Well nice to meet you Rachel. And yeah, the one part of that I believe is that the world heading to hell in a handbasket. But don't worry, we are literally on the other side of the world from Europe, we're in the middle of the South Pacific. Hitler and Franco and Mussolini and all those other fascist bastards are far,faraway..."spaceStella smiled. "Wow, it is nice to meet another American who actually takes the fascist threat seriously. Only people I seem to meet these days are America First assholes on holiday..." she sighed and craned her neck to look at the chronometer in the cockpit. "Well, we're about an hour away from Mitimotu if I can skid us off this sandbar and into the lagoon... too late for breakfast but how about lunch, yeah? I'll buy and we can work out the details after that."spaceFrom what she could see she had managed to park the plane on the narrowest part of the sandbar, facing inward toward the lagoon of the atoll. If she really revved the engines she could probably pull them out into the water... though she'd have to check if the pontoons were gonna dig into the sand or not...space"Hey, how about a walk to clear your head for a little bit, yeah? This island's gonna be above the water for a few hours year, might be your last chance to ever see it not often someone gets to see this place... I think this is called Aitua? I get all these little spits of land confused." She got up and walked toward the door of the plane...
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 7:38 AM
spaceStella stopped and smirked over her shoulder, she put a hand on her bare hip, cocked her butt to the side and said: "Girl, I've seen you in your altogether, you look and feel like a real person to me!" She winked and continued out of the plane. She hopped back down into the sand, stepped out of the planes shadow and into the sun. She stretched and spread her arms, sun worshiping. She took a few steps down the beach spun around back toward the plane. The sea and sky are the best cure for what ails you, even too much sea and sky like you've had to deal with."spaceShe turned back toward the beach. "Mmmm... feel that sun, that salt air... almost makes you forget your hangover... almost," she laughed.spaceShe turned her back on the ocean and looked out to the lagoon. It looked deep enough, and the pontoons were up over the highest part of the sand. She should be able to just scoot the plane into the lagoon and up. And, if she was where she thought she was, be back home for lunch in 50 minutes tops. She pressed her toes into the wet sand... it was mushy...space"I'm afraid this beach isn't really good for sunbathing, sands really wet here. This whole island is nothing but a few rocks and sandbars that disappear at high tide. It's pretty, though."spaceThe lagoon was like a plate of glass, so crystal clear was the water, and the dusky blue sand beneath held an explosion of colourful coral and flitting fish, plane for all to see. The ocean not ten feet from the lagoon, was darker blue, opaque and foamy, a stark contrast to the clear mirror finish of the inside of the atoll. "Feel free to stretch, walk around, maybe go for a swim in the lagoon if you've not had enough of saltwater for one lifetime, I'm gonna check the outside of theDuckie for damage and make sure we're still sea and skyworthy." She did a few stretches herself, pretending that she wasn't still nauseous and hung out to dry from her bender last night. She moved to walk around her plane, arms crossed, trying to look like she was considering something, in reality, unless there was something seriously wrong, she probably wouldn't see it unless it was too late... but for some reason she felt the need to instill a sense of confidence in this confused young woman. And so she put a hand on her chin as she walked around the plane, occasionally tapping the fuselage and going "hm"...
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 7:12 PM
space"So, Stella, I have to ask for reals...why are we both naked?" Rachel asked.space"Well, you're naked because your clothes were ruined by the ocean you were just wearing a slip when I found you, and it was soaked and torn up." Stella did not mention the fact that the fatal tear in the garment was her own mistake, which she made rolling the girl over. "Looked to me like you were going to bed when you fell overboard? Probably lost your slippers or shoes in the water. And me..." Stella shrugged. "Personally I hate clothes and never wear them unless I absolutely have to. What's the point? I live in a tropical paradise." She looked over at Rachel, standing naked on the wet sand, hair a mess but looking not at all like someone just fished out of the Pacific.spaceStella cocked a grin. "Sorry if naked isn't something you'd prefer to be, but just know, I don't mind. And if you want, I can lend you a sarong when we get back to town, maybe a we can scrounge you up some other kind of clothes if you want?"spaceThey did a complete circuit of the plane. Then stood to regard the engine for a moment.spaceStella was about to say something else, but Rachel was playing with her imaginary object again, and rattling off "future" events.space"Okay... that's... interesting. So Hitler is being Hitler and the Cubs win the big baseball match 10 3. How about this: they might be talking about that baseball thingy over Maritime Radio, we could check when we get back to town. And, if you like, I need to do a delivery run to Tahiti, they have a newspaper office we could check that other stuff at. But uh..." Stella regarded Rachel and gave her what she hoped was a conspiratorial smile. "How about we keep this time travel thing between you and me, let's be honest, it sounds kinda crazy, but if it's real, we could really make some money off of predicting sporting events, yeah?" Stella hoped she was doing the right thing by humoring Rachel's fantasy. But, why not. It seemed harmless.
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 7:44 PM
spaceRachel nodded at the offer of clothes. "In public I'd prefer to be clothed, or guys are gonna harass me even more than usual." she laughed. "I mean there's no way tocompletelykeep them away..."space"Yeah, and boy oh boy, there are some sailors around a here. You just stick close to me, girl, I'll keep you safe."spaceRachel was going on about a future war in Europe. "... But please understand, a lot of people our age will die if we don't help them. Do you have any brothers?"space"No, I don't have any brothers, and girl, please. Stop it. Even if you're not from the future, I one hundred percent believe the European powers are going to slaughter themselves back to the dark ages. Until last year I was fighting against the Fascists in Spain with my pal Andre. I lost a lot of good friends already, and I have seen what modern planes can do to a city. Why do you think I'm living in one of the most isolated places on Earth? Either way, don't worry about it, okay? Let's focus on lunch first, alright? I need something to settle my stomach," she groaned. "This hangover is killin' me," she rubbed the back of her neck.spaceA thought occurred to Stella. "You ever been up in a plane before?" She started back toward the hatch to the sea plane. She patted the fuselodge beside the hatch. "This here isLuckie Duckie.Duckie, meet Rachel."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 8:20 PM
space"That's the spirit. If you like gambling, there's a back room at the Lotus that's the Lotus Hotel where I live where the owner runs a few tables on the sly, you know? Well, I say sly, the chief of police gambles there just about every night. Sort of a sham secret, you know?" As she spoke, she had climbed aboard the Duckie and was prepping the cockpit. "Close the hatch, if you please?"spaceStella worked the huge lever in the ceiling of the cockpit to prime the engines before contact, flipped some switches in by the pilot's consoles, then some on the co pilot's consoles, fully aware that, standing as she was, between the pilot and co pilot's seat, and leaning over at the waist to reach the consoles, she was flashing her fanny to her new passenger. "Best you come up here and sit in the copilot's seat." Stella sat in the pilot's seat on the left and continued her checks.space"There's this little cafe right across the street from the docks that is just tops! Amazing coffee! And this bread they make with coconut milk, it's amazing. By the way, best strap in, this is gonna be a little bumpy..." As she said this, she fished her white, visored hat out from the left side of the pilot's seat and affixed it to her head to keep the sun out of her eyes while she flew.spaceShe started the plane, engines roaring to life and skidded the beast into the water of the lagoon. "Here we go..." she accelerated down the length of the lagoon for take off...
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 9:14 PM
space"Can I borrow some money to get my sports bets rolling? Otherwise I'll never get off the ground..." she said, using a plane reference.space"Sorry, girl, I believe in 'Neither a lender nor borrower be'," she briefly thought about quoting Shakespeare to a purported actress. "But I'm sure I can get you a job waiting tables at the hotel if you like. And you can stay in my room at the Hotel, or, if you like, I have a hammock back there," she threw a thumb over her shoulder to indicate the back of the plane. "Somewhere. There's this little cafe right across the street from the docks that is just tops! Amazing coffee! And this bread they make with coconut milk, it's amazing. By the way, best strap in, this is gonna be a little bumpy..." As she said this, she fished her white, visored hat out from the left side of the pilot's seat and affixed it to her head to keep the sun out of her eyes while she flew.space"I will take your word for it..." Rachel said, as she did up her straps.She started the plane, engines roaring to life and skidded the beast into the water of the lagoon. "Here we go..." she accelerated down the length of the lagoon for take off into the clear South Pacific sky.spaceShe saw, out of the corner of her eye, Rachel sizing up her body. She turned to look at the slender woman in her copilot's seat, saw her gripping her bare, alluring thighs. Was she sweating already? The interior of the plane was cool. She looked at her instruments again... then back at the sky... then back at Rachel.space"What a time to be alive, am I right?" Rachel said.space"Absolutely! And what a place, yeah? Think about it, world is basically half this ocean, the Pacific, and it's filled with islands. Some big, some small, if you don't like one island, you can hop on a plane like this and jump to another one. Thousands of islands, each one like it's own little world, it's own foibles. Places to... explore. Really find yourself." She openly swept her eyes up and down Rachel's naked body, as Rachel had ogled her a moment earlier, then met her eyes and gave her an appreciative eyebrow wave before a playful wink. "But honestly," she turned her eyes back to her instruments. "I think my island of Mitimotu is just about the best place in the Pacific."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 10:07 PM
space"I'm not surprised. It's a volcanic island half way between the Cooks and Tahiti with nothing really interesting about it. It's sort of a backwater of the French Territory down here..."spaceShe checked over her instruments for a moment, and was glad her complexion was dark enough and sun baked enough to hide her blushing. "You think I'm pretty? Well... I think you're lovely yourself..." she cleared her throat. "So, doubling back... yes, that does sound like a hard choice," she teased sarcastically. "Hm, a very tough decision. And, since you're having a hard time deciding, how about I just simplify things and say: 'since you have nowhere to go, why don't we share my bed back at the Hotel Lotus?'" Stella gave Rachel what she hoped was a seductive smile, though, she had to admit, snapping her eyes back and forth between Rachel and the instrument panel sort of killed the effect she was going for.space"And, to be clear I saw you giving me the look see there, and I absolutely don't mind. I like being appreciated. I hope you don't mind my admiring your lovely naked body as well? I know some people would consider that rude, but I don't."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 10:45 PM
space"Oh my...!"spaceRachel planted a tender kiss on Stella's thigh, and Stella's control of the plane faltered a moment, causing a shudder to tremble through not only Stella's leg but the plane itself.space"Oh my oh my..." Stella made a show of fanning herself with one hand. "My but you are open!" she laughed "Oooh, if I weren't flying this plane right now I would take you up onall of that, girl... but uh... Mmm..." Unconsciously she rubbed a hand over her tummy and torso under her breasts.spaceShe squirmed in her leather seat a bit uncomfortably. Then she sat up and craned her neck to look back past the partition. "Well, um, as the first command from your Queen, then, I'll ask you to please grab me that towel on the sideboard back there... the thought of you, ahem, kneeling and kissing me places... has, uh, made that place a bit uncomfortably... moist?" she laughed and put a hand over her mouth as she said that last word. "And I think I need something to sit on if this conversation is going to go on much longer."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Aug 31, 2020 at 11:07 PM
space"Mmmm... yeah, it's probably not a good idea to tease the pilot," she sighed "Mmmm," she moaned, frustrated. "Though it is a tempting offer."spaceOne hand on the side of the chair, one hand on the wheel, she lifted her butt off the seat...space"However, before you drop that towel... do you think you could... mop me a little... uh, with that towel, down there... the idea... Uh, of your suggestions has really gotten me going down there." She spread her legs to expose her protruding labia, moisture gleaming between her folds with excitement...
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 12:02 AM
space"Ugh... girl, you're doing a good job patting me dry but your words are just gonna make me a mess of me down there again," she laughed and sat back down on the towel. "Mmm... that thing you're doing with my scalp feels good. Almost makes me forget this headache. Thank you, Rachel, I'm glad I met you... Now stop trying to make us crash!" she laughed and leaned her head back against the headrest. spaceThe island of Mitimotu was a middling sized island for the area, volcanic though seemingly semi dormant. No European had seen it erupt in recorded history, though the natives claimed it did in fact erupt from time to time every few centuries. The amateur geologists that occasionally came by from London or Paris confirmed this assertion with their observations of the jungle and the volcanic peak itself. Though no one on the island gave this much mind. Hawaii had eruptions seemingly every time anyone could locate a newspaper to check, and the people who lived on those islands seemed to be doing fine, aside from the overreaching attentions of the United States.spaceAs the Luckie Duckie approached Mitimotu, the island reared up over the horizon, a giant triangular point arching into the skies with lush green vegetation covering every part of it, all the way down to the water. The settlement of Mitimotu, called the Village by the locals who spoke English, was a main street along the cove beach, with a line of palm trees and a fine and well maintained stone boardwalk and retaining wall on the beach side of the street, and a long row of shops and grand colonial style buildings along the other side of the street, seeming for all the world to be a street out of Paris for all its charms. spaceStella came down low over the cove and touched down gracefully into the water, the pontoons cutting into the tide. From there, Stella used the engines to taxi them toward the jetty that was her usual and, there on the docks.space"Here we are," Stella said. "Home sweet home."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 5:04 AM
spaceStella squeezed Rachel's hand and smiled. "Well, it sort of depends on your definition of 'naked', because, according to the Europeans, the local women who wear only a sarong from the waist down are, technically naked, but if you want naked to mean 'completely without clothing', then really its just me... but..." she gave Rachel's hand a little squeeze again. "It would really mean a lot to me if you would stay naked too...? Then we could be naked together...?" She gave a wink. "Maybe consider it a command from your queen?"spaceWith her other hand, she caressed the far side of Rachel's torso, so that her arm was gently rubbing against Rachel's tummy. She leaned in slowly and spoke in low tones, eyes smiling and locked on Rachel's. "You look so beautiful naked, it would make me so happy if you would be like this all the time...? Like me...?"
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 5:22 AM
spaceWhen Rachel got out of her seat and knelt behind the copilot's seat, Stella swung her legs into the narrow isles between the seats, so she could face Rachel.space"Yes Mistress, I will join you in the nude for as long as you want," Rachel said.spaceRachel was nuzzling Stella's palms and Stella blushed and tried her best to caress the other woman's face... Then she pressed her face into Stella's thighs and Stella let out a ragged breath...space"Anything to make you happy." Rachel told her cutely. "In public though, I'm gonna keep being assertive to other people. I can't let them push me around."space"Of course!" she pressed her hand into Rachel's blond hair. "That's absolutely right... But right now, I need to give you another order, please come back to the couch with me..."spaceStella stood up, spending a moment to pet the adorable kneeling woman on the head before padding to the couch in the back cabin, sitting on it with knees spread wide apart. "Come here, my beautiful naked subject... I'm really looking forward to that tongue cleaning you promised me..."
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 5:42 AM
spaceSuddenly, as Rachel stood up and there was jewelry on Rachel, clothes and shoes on the floor, and a device in Rachel's hand.space"Oh... okay..." Stellas eyes were wide, confused. "Okay, future girl. Magic future stuff. Sure..." Stella closed her legs and leaned back, face full of uncertainty, she folded her hands on her knees. "Okay. Sure, that works too. Um, actually..." She stood up and moved toward the hatch of the plane. "Actually, hold that thought, I need to tie off the plane, I'll be right back."spaceStella left the plane. Outside, on the dock, she took a deep breath. So... the woman she rescued from the sea was from the future? Or had weird powers and thought she was from the future? She saw those things just appear in front of her. Though, last night she was seeing magical ethereal deer, so... Shaking her head, she decided to just tie off the plane with the mooring rope and go back inside...space"Right," she said going back inside. She looked over Rachel... she was still beautiful... somehow more so with her bracelet and blue feather earring... "I love that earring on you," she managed, and went to sit back down on the sofa. She took another deep breath. "Okay, sorry, panicked there for a minute, what, um, what was it you wanted to show me?"
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 6:11 AM
space"Okay, that's.... different. I like the guitar playing in that. Um... can you promise me something? Don't show this to anyone else, I'm worried they'll panic and get scared and... I don't know, attack you or something. I've seen crowds in a panic before, they are capable of terrible things." She put her hand on the side of Rachel's face. "I don't want bad things to happen to you, okay?"space"Now, I hate to say it, but, uh, I think my neathers need some time before moisten up again, that was sort of a big shock. How about we get some breakfast I still owe you that, I said it was my treat." She hugged Rachel, rubbing her hand against her bare back she moved her hand up to the back of Rachel's neck, where she saw the back of the necklace was, and felt nothing but skin. She nodded to herself okay, she thought.So that's how that works. She stood up, and lead her out of the plane to the dock. Across the street from the docks, there was a cafe with outdoor seating.
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 6:31 AM
space"Food sounds wonderful, and I'll tame down the worship while we're in public too, even though you totally deserve to be worshiped in public." Rachel teased.space"Oh, well, as far as worship goes, we can certainly do a private worship session down the street at the hotel after food. Come on," she stood up and took Rachel by the hand, leading her out of the plane. The sun bleached salt stained wooden boards of the dock were hot and smooth under Stella's bare feet and she guided her new charge down the jetty, and across the stone boardwalk and paved street to the cafe. All along the other side of the street, there were fully clothed Europeans in suits and dresses, and a few local Polynesians in sarongs Stella and Rachel alone with stark naked amongst the French Colonial architecture and charming tropical scenery.spaceStella laughed when Rachel asked about the coffee. "Yes, we have coffee I'm pretty sure coffee was discovered by ancient Arabs. And we've been growing it in the Caribbean for something like two hundred years now. And, if you've never had French cafe coffee, I think you are in for a treat."spaceStella clung tightly to Rachel's hand, and led her to the cafe with it's wrought iron tables and chairs and Reynaud the cafe's host, was smiling at Stella, and giving her guest a quizzical eyebrow... He was used to seeing Stella naked, as well as the topless local women, but not a fully nude white woman. This was something new.
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 7:33 AM
space"Bonjour, Raynaud!" Stella greeted the host.space"Bonjour, Mademoiselle Bowyer! Et qui est votre...ehhh...charmant compagnon? Et pourquoi est elle nue?"spaceStella laughed and squeezed Rachel's hand. "Raynaud! Est ce si difficile de croire que j'ai trouv un esprit similaire?"spaceAt this friendly tone and glimmer of playfulness in Stella's eye made Raynaud smile and nod. "Bien s r, mademoiselle Bowyer, je suis heureux pour vous!"spaceSuddenly, Rachel, her fists long since balled and tensed, jumped up on a table and started shouting at the crowd.space"You know what? Fuck all of you!!!" Rachel growled, as she climbed on top of the table. She gave everyone the finger. "I'm pasty, and I'm naked!! Deal with it, brochachos!"spaceWhen the naked young woman jumped up on the table, there were gasps and shouts, but, after a moment, the patrons, most of them, began clapping.space"Uh, Rachel, please get down from there, only about three people here actually speak English and..." a thought occurred to her. "Actually, better idea, Rachel, stay up there and shout this, 'Je suis fier de ma corps nu. Vive les arts!'" Stella said this slowly but loudly, and when she said this, the French men and women cheered. Stella said it again for Rachel to copy: "Je suis fier de ma corps nu. Vive les arts!"
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 8:18 PM
spaceThe flip really got the group clapping, even the Polynesian group of ladies who had mostly frowning at the whole affair as they had their wine and cheese were clapping now. And Raynaud pulling out the chairs of the table Rachel had just vacated.spaceStella put an arm around Rachel's shoulder in sort of a half hug, half conspiratorial huddle. "You certainly know how to make a first impression just know, you can get away with a lot with the French by being an artist." Stella pressed the side of her face against Rachel's and let out a small laugh. "Also, congratulations, you're now a performance artist as far as these people are concerned."spaceRaynaud cleared his throat, and Stella turned to see the host making a show of brushing off one of the chairs with his handkerchief and proffering one of the two chairs he had just pulled out, head lowered in an obsequious gesture. "Mesdemoiselles?"space"Merci, Raynaud." Stella sat down, and gestured for Rachel to do likewise.
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 1, 2020 at 11:07 PM
space"Hm, alright. Deux caf s et firi firis pour commencer.Ensuite... je pense, euh...poisson cru." A second thought: "Eh, pour deux."space"Tr s bonne id e," Raynaud snapped his fingers at a server.spaceSitting across from Rachel, and resting her chin on her steepled fingers, she leaned in. "Incidentally," she said in a hushed, breathy tone. "As much as I adore your current ensemble..." to emphasize that she meant Rachel's nudity by this, she reached out a foot and caressed Rachel's elegant pale leg under the table. "I'd very much like to 'dress' you further, with some local accessories or jewelry, to celebrate the occasion, maybe sarong or two for when we want to go hit the town in Tahiti..." she leaned farther over the table and hoped her face was looking seductive and not ominous. "What I'm trying to say is... after we eat... we should absolutely go shopping, eh? Again, my treat."spaceAt about that moment, a waiter a Mitimotan man , wearing a red sarong down to his shins and a white suit jacked and tie arrived with the two coffees and two little plates, each with two firi firi. A firi firi was a specialty of the islands, a long strip of dough, dusted with powdered sugar, something like a doughnut but softer and made with coconut milk.
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 2, 2020 at 3:22 AM
space"Sugar bomb?" Stella querried as she bit into thefiri firi.She added just one teaspoon of sugar to her coffee and stirred it in. "Oooh, coffee, yes. Bon oui..." she sighed as she continued to caress Rachel's leg under the table with her foot.space"So... I ordered us some raw tuna and citrus for the main course, I know it sounds weird, but you can actually each really fresh tuna raw. It's marinated in coconut milk and citrus and it's really quite good." Stella took another bite of her first firi firi. "So... tell me about your life in the future, what did you do for work?"
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 2, 2020 at 3:59 AM
spaceStella laughed. "So they still have rich people in America 75 years from now?" Stella sighed and sipped her coffee for a long moment. "So I guess the Revolution hasn't caught on in America yet?"spaceShe finished her firi firi in two bites and washed it down with some more coffee, contemplative. "I mean, 'volunteer work' sounds like a communist concept, non exploitative labour and all that. But... hm. I started working at 12, mostly helping my mother do laundry, clean rooms and mop up at the dockside inns and boarding houses. Dressed as a man and did a little longshore work when I was strong enough. Got involved with revolutionary types and went over to Spain in '36..." she shrugged. "Then they forced women out of the front line in '37, you know how it is... or do you?" she laughed again. "Well, long story short, got the hell out of Spain when there didn't seem to be any point to us being there, that's me, my friends Andre, Fillip, Mari and Antonia, we all pooled our resources and fenced... frankly, an embarrassing amount of stolen weapons and supplies in Monaco, won theLuckie Duckiein a card game and here I am. Down here in paradise far away from the madness going on in Europe and America right now."spaceShe lifted a foot to caress Rachel on her upper inner thigh. "I try to live life for the fun of it these days, when I can. Down here life is slow and relaxed, and... pleasurable..." she pressed against Rachel's sensitive areas...
[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)
Sep 2, 2020 at 5:43 AM
space"Wait, you won the plane in a game of cards? That's pretty badass. I guess you really do like gambling. And your life has been a lot more adventurous than mine but I'm gonna change that and do everything with you now. Like I said, you'll have to exile me from your royal court if you want rid of me! "space"I mean, yes, technically I won the plane, but I was, truth be told, cheating with the help of my friends pretty heavily." She laughed at the memory. "Ehhh... not my proudest moment, but, you know, we were high on life, being alive, after all the fighting. We made some bad choices... I'm sure, it sounds adventurous when you just distill it down after the fact, but really it was a bunch of stupid choices compounded one upon another and," she shrugged. "Eventually it just gets to be like... your trying to fix one disaster after another with even more bad decisions. Part of me is sorry I can't show you Monaco, but, I'd honestly fear for my life going anywhere near France or Italy at this point, because of the people we angered alone, not just the fact that Europe is infested with Fascists right now." She sighed...spaceShe lifted a foot to caress Rachel on her upper inner thigh. "I try to live life for the fun of it these days, when I can. Down here life is slow and relaxed, and... pleasurable..." she pressed against Rachel's sensitive areas...space"Are you ticklish?" Rachel giggled. "Hehe, I wouldn't do that to you, unless you wanted me too... But... your aim is a little off..." Rachel said, as she moved Stella's foot to where it really wanted to go, and opened her legs to accommodate it.space"Ticklish? No. Why?" she smiled and leaned forward, massaging Rachel firmly with strong, slow motions. "Are you...?"spaceThe server chose that moment to bring over the two plates ofpoisson cru. "Oh, I think you'll like this."spaceWhen the server walked away again, Stella whispered. "Are you interested in trying to tickle me? Because, I absolutely would not mind you trying to find if I had a tickle spot... but... I feel like there are other things that tickle my fancy that you could help me with... are you at all interested in spanking at all? It's a... I guess sensation I got somewhat fond of in Europe that I haven't experienced in a while... I mean, if you're interested..." She bit her lip and swirled her coffee with both hands.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 25, 2020 at 1:55 AM
teumessian fox
Taungsdays were always slow miserably so, in Echo s opinion. That the denizens of Coruscant might have better things to do than drink and gamble their lives away at the Outlander Club had come as something of a surprise, though on a practical level it made sense one had to earn credits to have credits to spend, and it was only the truly destitute who had the leeway to spend their early mornings throwing chits into slot machines with reckless abandon. The lack of orders coming to the bar hinted at some sense of propriety among the assembled gamblers: drinking before noon? How excessive. How unnecessary. How gauche. But a quiet morning left her with precious little to occupy her time, and Echo found herself succumbing to boredom behind the bar, hands idly working the same rag over the same clean, polished glass in an effort to keep occupied. Cerd was a decent boss, all things considered, but the Bothan had little interest in paying his employees to do nothing, and Echo was all too aware that he would delight in figuring out some obscure, physically intensive chore for her to accomplish in her idleness. She was bored, sure but when it came to menial labor, it was difficult to deny that she possessed some small, inborn sense of laziness, too. It was strange to see the Club so quiet, regardless of the hour. In the evenings, the building came alight with a thrumming neon glow, with patrons packed from one wall to the next. Hearing the person next to you was an impossible task over the music, the sounds of the holo screens, and the raised voices of one s peers half the time she found herself simply guessing at orders, too busy to read their lips or ask for clarity. Maybe it was luck, or some working of the Force that she was rarely wrong as long as they tipped her and the Bothan didn t find out and fire her, Echo wasn t exactly liable to care. Among the various employees bookies, dancers, musicians, and bartenders alike Echo had found some level of anonymity. Nothing was on the books, no chance of a trail no one cared where she came from or where she hoped to go. Her past as a Jedi didn t matter. Her real name, what brought her to Coruscant, why she was laying low, no one cared about any of it. There was nothing more comforting than being forgotten, especially considering the kind of trouble her seemed to bring. With a resigned sigh, Echo placed the glass on the counter. From beneath the bar she produced a bottle of amber liquid to fill it halfway, before topping it off with something that smelled impossibly sweet, turning the concoction a deep violet where the two spirits mixed. Swirling the glass, she brought it to her lips and took a sip, content to whittle away the last hour of her shift on her datapad.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 25, 2020 at 1:56 AM
Approaching the bar was one of the shiftless types there content to throw away their credits at one of the digital pazaak boards, even if it was early and the wrong day. Unremarkable in every other way, and wearing a rebreather, their deciding they needed a drink to go with their destitution was certainly an unwelcome surprise. Half stumbling into the stool only a few down from where Echo had stationed herself at the bar, the unrecognizable alien waved her over with the kind of overwrought gesticulation that conveyed he was plenty drunk to begin with. I ll have . . . whatever you re having there . . . Came the digitized slur from behind his re breather, as he failed to make eye contact.There was a grim dappled duster over his shoulders and down past the edge of the stool, and an unremarkable keffiyeh wrapped up from his neck and over his head. Fortunately, he didn t stink, even if he did give the appearance of being stinking drunk.If only the appearance. Sharp eyes pierced the gloom as soon as Echo seemed to be going about her work, and his fingers flexed beneath the bar in anticipation. The ripple through the Force of sudden, undeniably malicious intent, impossible to ignore, was like a static shock while she was busying herself, and worst of all . . . it was familiar.A tremor in the Force The last time she had felt it was in the presence of . . .Flashing a brief smile was Vanduen Tross, hardly the man anyone wanted to see when they hadn t specifically sought him out . . . or were trying to collect one of the bounties on his head.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 25, 2020 at 8:52 PM
teumessian fox
The worst part of her job was always the customers. People needing something from her, specifically was a difficult space to navigate, though less so when it was a simple credits for goods transaction. Still, Echo couldn t help but begrudge every person who had the audacity to ask her for a drink, even if they were a distraction from the very idleness she had grown to resent. The truth, of course, was she was a bad fit for customer service but if she couldn t hack it at a cantina, or as a pilot, or as anything else she d tried her hand at, what in the galaxy was she good for, anyway? Biting back the urge to tell the stranger her concoction wasn t on the menu, she instead forced a half smile and turned to do as he requested, setting down her datapad and pouring together the ingredients with less enthusiasm than before. There was no preparing for the sudden invasion of her senses, or the rush of memory that came with the realization that there was only one person who would dare be so subtly reckless to reveal himself, uninvited, through the Force. Part of her wanted to lob the glass at his head and smash it on his rebreather, as if it would somehow change everything that had transpired between them. He d appeared out of the ether, embroiled her in his schemes, and vanished without a trace was she supposed to be happy to see him? No she was hurt. Echo had grown to like him, insufferable as he was, and to lose a friend her only friend, it seemed was a slight she hadn t counted on. She enjoyed her solitude, but being thrust back into that familiar loneliness against her will had been too much to bear. It was only an extraordinary feat of self control that allowed her to turn around, replay the same fake service industry smile, and place the colorful drink on a coaster within his reach. If he was hoping for a reaction, she wasn t going to give him the satisfaction of one perhaps it was petty, but it was a far more agreeable option than succumbing to his manipulations. Tab open, or closed?
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 25, 2020 at 9:04 PM
So it s like that, is it? Vanduen thought to himself, knowing that he couldn t very well blame her for being bitter. Tricks of the trade were one thing, but lying to Echo had quickly become an exercise in futility . . . for whatever reason, the ex Imperial agent s intricate web of deceit invariably seemed to come crashing down around where this former Jedi was concerned. The will of the Force? He wasn t one to speculate, let alone give the notion of destiny the time of day. It was a purely practical matter. What will this get me? He asked, sliding something in a small scrap of cloth across the bar towards her.Beneath the flimsy bit of fabric was what to most eyes would appear to be a gemstone, uncut, unpolished, valuable, surely, to the right buyer, but hardly anything spectacular. To a more discerning eye, it was clearly weapons grade crystal of one of only a few origins throughout the galaxy, useful for all manner of advanced armaments, focusing, directing, or concentrating power . . . to the eyes of a Jedi, it had a far more poignant significance. This was a rare example of crystal suitable for the crafting of a lightsaber even without being an expert, one could tell it was uniquely grown for such a purpose naturally no less, and reaching out through the Force, it was clear this was a gem of no small power. In the right hands, it could make for a weapon of legend . . . or doom. Don t worry, I didn t steal it. I m supposed to be helping fence it in fact . . . I ve decided to do the honorable thing though, and make sure it, and the others wind up back in the right hands. For a healthy reward, of course. Van was smiling behind the rebreather, but his eyes were glinting. No hint of deception or betrayal was behind those bright eyes, as he flipped the cloth back over the crystal and reached for his drink at the same time. That s where I need your help, of course. He winked, It s a job. Better paying than this one . . . and the only lecherous wretch you have to put up with would be me.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 25, 2020 at 9:19 PM
teumessian fox
Echo sucked in a sharp breath, sickness rising in her stomach like a wave. The crystal wasn thers, but to see something so precious and rare in Van s possession brought back a series of memories she d hoped to forget. Their short lived partnership had brought about the destruction of her lightsaber at its climax, and while it was no one person s burden to bear, a part of her blamed him for the loss.In her mind s eye, she imagined herself taking the shard, shoving him out of the bar, and ending their acquaintance then and there. But Van was persistent, and like a spreading sickness always seemed to show up when she let her guard down.It pained her to hear him talk like they were old pals, separated by little more than circumstance. Cycles ago she would ve considered him a friend perhaps foolishly, given his duplicitous nature but now it was clear he viewed her as little more than another asset, a tool to be used when convenient or necessary. There was no cure for the lonely ache that settled in her chest, but Echo liked the taste of whiskey well enough to finish her drink in an attempt to dull that pain. Some nerve, she mumbled into the glass, turning away from him. Keeping watch on him out of the corner of her eye, Echo shook her head. Part of her hoped Cerd would show up, chastise her for talking too long, and send her away. But it seemed like such a silly thing to wish for when had any boss, ever, done something so convenient? I don t care about money. It was true: Echo lived a very simple, straightforward life. She wasn t one to long for material things, so long as she had a place to sleep and something vaguely palatable to eat. It wasn t an exciting existence, but it was honest.Visibly struggling to keep her composure as she put her thoughts together, eyes fixated on some far off point at the opposite end of the cantina, she forced herself to speak to give the anger and frustration in her chest a voice. I really.. I thought you were my friend, Van. Disappointment heavy in her tone, Echo knew it was her own fault for trusting in him. A snake was a snake, and she was an idiot for believing otherwise. I know better now, she added quickly, cutting off any opportunity to interject. It was.. Naive of me to assume. So, thank you for that. Failure was always an opportunity to grow, but stars end did it have to hurt so much?Fingers tightening around the glass in her palm, she finally turned to face him, her expression sharp, almost withering. I ll help you, though, on two conditions. Raising the index finger on her free hand, she continued. One, is you find me a crystal like that one, no questions asked, no strings attached. With her middle finger extended to create a v shape, marking her second request, she made sure to hold his gaze. Two, is that I never, ever have to see your face again.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 25, 2020 at 9:37 PM
Steadily, the color and enthusiasm drained from Van s demeanor as Echo made herself inescapably clear that she was not going to stand for a micron of fuckery on his part. Truth be told, he d been entirely too hopeful about his chances at reconciliation, and all because, what? He brought her a shiny rock and the promise of a hard currency payout. Nope, what he d done wasn t the kind of thing that could buy bygones, and he only hoped that watching him shrink before her withering and well warranted invective was a start. There was no need to feign contrition on his part, Van did in fact regret the way things had gone down. Out of trillions of teeming throngs in the Galaxy, Echo was one that he sincerely believed deserved better.A sentiment that he did not extend to himself, and given that this was probably the least of what he had coming, Van took the time to bear it out, listening, nodding in acquiescence.When she got to the ultimatum, he couldn t hide the urge to retort, to turn it around somehow, but biting his tongue, he exhaled and offered his hand, Deal. You get an out clause, you re free to invoke anytime. Before or after we get you your crystal. He made sure to let his hand linger and through the Force, did his best to relax his usual defenses, lay himself bear in a show of good faith. Van couldn t change who he was, not that easily, and his twisting, nebulous aura was still full of guile, plans, contingencies . . . but in the moment, absent any ill will or the hint of deception towards Van. There were ways around such things, and it was no guarantee about down the line, but unless he was a far better impersonator of false feelings than he took credit for, she would be able to tell the difference between what she had just felt and anything duplicitous. So the job. I know where the crystals are being held, and the folks who have them don t know that I know. That s the easy part. The hard part is that there isn t exactly a return shipping label for wherever they stole them from. This crew, they re run by two Sith Renegades, and not the friendly sort like me. We can set up whatever sort of sting you want against them, but once we ve got the crystals, we need to get rid of them fast and make ourselves scarce. We take all the time you need now to figure out and find whoever in the Republic or Jedi you might trust to receive them that s on the up and up and is willing to look the other way in regards to us. Sound like anyone you know, off the bat?
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 26, 2020 at 7:09 AM
teumessian fox
To the Jedi, anger was an unthinkable sin: it was the ultimate taboo, the surest sign of their failings. It laid bare the extent of one's training of how deeply the pacifist ideology had taken root and made clear which threads of attachment still lingered, which branches still reached for the sun, needing to be pruned. It was a feeling that Echo relished in, letting it warm her when little else could, happily simmering in the kind of selfish, passionate fury that had been denied to her for so long.But there was no pleasure to be found in her ranting no wave of self righteous pride to numb the raw edges of her pain, no rush of adrenaline to replace the anxious thrumming of her heart with predatory excitement. For all the times she had practiced telling him off in the shower, putting him in his place with wit and cruelty and grace, it was disappointing to hear her voice tremble, to struggle to succinctly tell him what an unbelievable ass he had been and, no doubt, still was.The anger was a mask, one that seemed to slip as he offered his hand, his contrition nearly palpable through the Force that connected them. Sighing, she placed her palm against his and squeezed gently, shaking once. Pulling back, she picked up the towel behind the bar, rubbed it briefly over her hands, and tossed it aside with little regard for where it might land. Listening as he continued to speak, Echo started on her preparations to leave: grabbing her backpack from beneath the counter, throwing in a bottle or two from the shelves above her head, and availing herself to the tip jar for a mere handful of cred sticks, rightfully deserved despite the lack of current customers.Pausing, his question was enough to distract her from whatever snide comment had been running through her head if those Sith weren't likehim, maybe she might like them after all and it was some time before she spoke again, clearly uncertain."I might know someone,"she confirmed, snagging her datapad from the back of the bar. Would the Jedi actually pay..? Probably not. But she wasn't completely without contacts, despite her predilection for solitude."You don't know anybody?" She asked casually, stepping out from behind the counter. "Let's leave through the back before my boss shows up." It wasn't a suggestion: whether he followed her or not, Echo started toward the opposite end of the bar, heading for the narrow door that opened up into one of Coruscant's many back alleys.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 26, 2020 at 10:52 PM
"Are you kidding? I'm taking a major loss not selling these things to some high end weapons manufacturer here on Coruscant, or else to the Hutt Cartel for a percentage on every crystal sold. Could retire on those kinds of dividends. Trouble is, somewhere in the back of my mind, I picture it being me or another poor sap just trying to get by without my wit and charm on the receiving end of a highly refined blaster bolt, or worst of all, a shiny red beam of plasma." Van remarked, quietly enough so as not to be heard in the absence of any appreciable noise at the cantina. Nodding approvingly at the liquor and the credsticks, he joined Echo in heading to the opposite end, only a passing glance for sign of followers. "No, if a Jedi winds up running me through with a crystal I sold them, at least I might actually deserve it."Realizing the Jedi most likely to stab him was the one he was currently talking to. Vanduen grinned nervously and swallowed hard."Speaking of which, you need a piece? I've got a spare of your choosing, blaster or vibroblade. Which are you feeling up to these days?" He certainly hadn't meant for it to come off as an implication she was the one at a disadvantage, but then, everything being as on edge as it was, as they exited into the rear alley behind the towering structure in the Coruscant slums, not much in either direction but graffiti and detritus, Van was once against struck with how he was credulously offering to hand a weapon over to someone who could leave him here for dead without any witnesses.Hopefully that counted for something in the way of trust, and it wasn't like he was a walking armory at the moment either. Echo wouldn't quite have the drop on him, even if she usually had a leg up on him in close combat ability.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 28, 2020 at 3:54 AM
teumessian fox
"Ah." She replied, coolly. The idea of Van caring for anyone's well being save his own was a ridiculous conceit, and to Echo's cynical ear it sounded as though he simply couldn't find a buyer willing to pay what he thought the crystals were worth. Somehow suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, she simply continued on her path to the cantina's exit, eager to get away from the monotony of her day job even if it meant spending her time with the lying son of a bantha she blamed for putting her there."Since when have you cared about consequences like that?" She asked as the door to the alley slid open, a rush of warm, putrid smelling air invading her senses. As far as she was concerned, it was a rhetorical question. No matter how apologetic he seemed, no matter how harmlessly contrite he came across, sheknewwhat he was, or at least liked to think that she did. He was a selfish man, troublesome to the last, and the sooner she could be rid of him, the better.Which made it all the more frustrating that some part of her, deep down, was happy to see him again.Adjusting the weight of the bag on her shoulders, she came to a full stop when it came time to process his offer. It seemed.. unthinkable, really. Not only had he shown up out of the blue with the one material possession she could ever hope to acquire, he seemed to be sitting on a cache of the damn things, and now despite the obvious bad blood between them was offering her a weapon, assuming she was unarmed. Combined with the talk of his just desserts, the situation felt surreal somehow. Maybe it was a setup. Maybe she was paranoid. Either way, she couldn't help but laugh at him, the cruel sound of her amusement echoing down the otherwise empty alley."And what about this situation makes you think Iwon't just shoot you where you stand?"
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 28, 2020 at 9:28 PM
No good answer came to Vanduen's mind as Echo questioned his consequences. Truthfully, he tended to overthink most situations out along strategic ends. His ideal plan was one which accounted for every eventuality, and to the degree that consequences like collateral damage came with added complications that tended to get you caught or killed . What did this have to do with favoring the Jedi with a cache of weapons grade crystals? . . . Van didn't like to think along those lines, but the fact was the war between Republic and Empire was not going well. Not that he had his finger on the pulse of military intelligence like he had when he'd been playing double agent at the Corellian Fleet Academy, but it was hard not to notice for someone of his expertise.Easier not to dwell, but he couldn't exactly articulate that Echo. Not like he was choosing sides or anything, just that if the Sith got too far ahead, their reach might come to encompass him.With her begging the question that was on his mind though, Van decided it was time to cut some of the tension. Reaching behind his back, he pulled the holdout blaster he had from the concealed holster and hefted it, checking that the safety was on before glancing up to Echo with a smile. "Catch." He said, tossing the weapon in a slow arc towards her, managing to keep the grip angled towards her.Faster than it could fly though, he had the cortosis blade in his sleeve out and was within striking distance. Not that he expected a Jedi to fumble the catch, but he was already inside her guard, the push handled blade too small for a vibro generator, but still plenty dangerous. "You think I'd give you the chance?" he asked with a smirk as he eased out of a fighting stance. All in good fun as far as he was concerned, but then, seeing Echo's reaction, he realized he may have miscalculated.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Aug 31, 2020 at 2:35 AM
teumessian fox
Echo had no interest in his blaster, nor did she want his blade: she wanted her saber back.Frowning, she watched him heft the blaster in his palm, testing its weight, before tossing it in her direction. Some part of her wanted to snatch it out of the air and turn it on him, consequences be damned as if anyone would care about a body in a back alley gutter on a plate so low but the moment passed in time with her opportunity to do so. Instead, she simply leaned slightly aside, allowing the blaster to arc gracefully through the air and clatter to the broken duracrete below. The idea of trading her beloved lightsaber for a common blaster was insulting, and she had no intentions in engaging with his idea of 'charity'.There was plenty of conventional wisdom to be had about letting sleeping dogs lie: even the most mild mannered pet was liable to lash out when provoked, and Echo was certainly well past the point of being agitated by his sudden reappearance. It was a potent cocktail of emotions: of anger, at the memory of how they had parted ways of disappointment, knowing that her lightsaber was truly lost forever of excitement and joy marred by inward annoyance at her desire to simply forgive him, move on, and get the job done. Despite all that transpired between them, she'd missed his presence, the barely controlled chaos his company seemed to bring, and it drove the more pragmatic parts of her mind mad with frustration.He was bad news, and she knew it. But then again, so was she.A Jedi would never retaliate on such a toothless threat. He was close, the blade was sharp, but he wasn't threatening her with anything remotely lethal. It was all for show and she knew it. Still, something about his smirk inspired a knee jerk response in her, a desire to wipe the grin from his face as quickly and violently as possible. Turning her torso, she launched herself forward at him without a second thought, slightly hunched, aiming her elbow for his stomach. A blur of silvery hair and dark clothing, her movements were faster than they should've been for someone so long removed from the Order it was no doubt clear she had been practicing. If not for this moment, then another.In truth, she didn't much care what she collided with as she stepped through the movement, leaning her weight into the motion. His gut was liable to be softer than his sternum, but her elbows were sharp and slender, and she knew if the blow connected, it would sting either way.
Star Wars: Undisclosed Desires (1x1, PatricianHavelock)
Sep 3, 2020 at 6:24 AM
Operating on instinct, the clatter of the blaster against the ragged flooring of the ill maintained plate, Vanduen was far more susceptible to distraction than the former Jedi's honed reflexes. It was his way of fighting those more powerful in the Force than himself, and here and now, it was plain that Echo hadn't forgotten how he fought. Her elbow made contact with his gut, but he rolled with it, pulling the knife back in the process and springing up as she pushed through, weight forward. He was winded only for a moment before he brought his empty hand around to find a hold on her arm or shoulder. The blade he kept back as he twisted, trying to keep his machinations out of sight and turn her along with.His foot found the blaster and it provided the momentary distraction. Situational awareness was one thing, but he couldn't match the omnidirectional senses of a trained combatant in the Force.Van froze, making himself a brittle target in the moment. It would be more than enough to shift the momentum of his attempted grapple, so he had to try something different. Kicking the blaster further up the alley, Van threw his weight against Echo, attempting to push her backwards, in the direction of the cantina, hoping he could get some distance to talk, now that Echo had made it clear she hadn't gone soft on him. His breathing was still a bit ragged from the blow below his sternum though, and whatever he might try to say to talk his way out of an escalating altercation . . . well, he hadn't quite thought about that yet.Maybe he wasn't admitting to himself that the tension wasn't all on her side. Van had gone into the cantina thinking he could defuse everything with a solid acknowledgement, a bit of sincerity. When they had been partners though, sparring had been as much as outlet as a past time, and maybe it was as much instinct that had driven them to a confrontation. The need for a good scrap to prove nothing at all.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 4, 2020 at 4:44 AM
Bright yellow sunlight bathed the entire city of Tokyo that sunny Summer Saturday afternoon. In the outer sections of the Japanese metropolis, a spacious green park unfolded, the occasional Sakura could be seen, all of them stood tall and were bearing pretty pink petals. A few people were playing various casual sports in the vast grassy field, just passing sports balls and frisbees among each other while discussing work, school, media, and life.Under the shade of one of the cherry trees, a strange looking man with long, spiky blue hair tied in a tail looked around to make sure he had enough space around him to avoid bumping into anyone. He wore a white karate gi along with red and gold wristbands. He had 2 swords affixed to him, still in their sheaths: one wide one his back, and a thinner, curved katana on his belt.The young swordsman reached his 2 hands up high, then, keeping his back and knees straight, reached for the ground and held the stretch for several seconds. He then stretched one leg at a time, followed by a series of arm stretches. Finally, he leaned against the mighty tree, flexed his calf upwards and grabbed his own ankle so he could loosen up his quads. Checking once again to make sure he had enough room, he took his 2 swords out, followed by some soft, padded wrappings that he removed from his belt pouch, despite them looking too large to fit inside such a tiny bag. He applied the peace bondings to both swords, then proceeded to perform a series of air slashes and combinations, culminating in a move where he jumped once, did an air jump to flip over once, and land on his feet while double striking an imaginary target.Finished with his workout, Musashi sheathed the 2 swords before looking at and tapping his wristband. Feeling its reaction, he lamented, There s an Oni in this city could be nasty in a place with this many people. He started to leave then suddenly stopped and grabbed his noisy stomach. "Well, can t hunt Oni on an empty stomach! he determined. He walked over to an unoccupied picnic table that sat near several others that people were sitting at. The warrior proceeded to remove a bento box from his pouch along with a bottle of Ramune.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 4, 2020 at 5:51 PM
Phoenix Rising
Rei sat in a meditative state in the middle of the park trying to focus on the negative energy she d been feeling for weeks, it had cost her sleep. She was running the shrine herself cause her grandfather had passed away, sometimes she just had to get away. College wasn t her thing because she had to take care of her grandfather shrine, she took her job pretty seriously. She was a high priestess now she didn t have time to take classes at the university, now she was just trying to figure things out.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 4, 2020 at 6:15 PM
Musashi opened his bento box, wherein a generous serving of teriyaki grilled steak, broccoli, carrots, california rolls and rice awaited his consumption. Chopsticks in hand he took to the hearty meal one piece at a time, excited to eat it all but taking time to savor and chew, as well as getting sips of his drink in regularly. Before finishing, he looked around, seeing many people in the bustling park engaged in all manner of activities. He noticed a very attractive young woman who appeared to be meditating, but soon returned his attention to finishing lunch. Once it was emptied, he closed up the bento box and placed it a sealed hard container which he then placed inside his belt pouch, which it easily fit into despite how tiny the pouch looked. He stood and tapped on his armlet again, feeling it tug and squeeze. "You won't get away from me, Oni." he promised.One strange man stood in the line outside Meiji Jingu stadium among many others. He stood out in a strange way while folks around him were lightly dressed due to the summer heat, and sporting outfits printed with "Tokyo Yakult Swallows" imagery with the occasional "Yomiuri Giants" shirt mixed in, this stranger wore a hooded overcoat coveirng his arms and legs entirely and cast a shadow over his face. Still, since he had a ticket, the security officials permitted him to enter.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 4, 2020 at 6:22 PM
Phoenix Rising
Rei sighed as she stood dusting off her robes she gathered up the blanket she d been sitting on, headed back to the shrine. But since she was in such a rush she didn t pay attention to where she was going. I m sorry I need to go. She said running off, was glad when she got back to the shrine. Makoto kino stood behind the counter taking orders for lunches pastry s etc, she was almost finished with culinary school so by the time she was finished she d be able to run her own restaurant bakery cafe whatever she wanted.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 4, 2020 at 6:36 PM
"STRIIIIKE!" the home plate umpire shouted in judgment of Masao Aoyama's first pitch of the game. All the while, the hooded man sat in a section just behind home plate. While fans around him talked, cheered, or shouted, he sat in relative silence, showing no emotion or reaction to the game's events.After walking several steps in the direction his forearm plate tugged, the determined warrior pressed with a couple of fingers from his opposite side hand onto the accessory, noticing it give a warmer squeeze than before, thus indicating he was getting closer to whomever was in possession of the Oni. He looked up and around, now seeing several restaurants and sports bars in the vicinity of Meiji Jingu Stadium. Curious, he looked up at one of the screens visible from the outside and listened as best he could to the sportscasters. Runners remain at second and third. 2 out, count now at 2 2, Swallows could really use a hit here to take the lead, especially now having left 7 in scoring position, a sportcaster s disembodied voice alerted the viewers.The pitcher hurled a sinker to the inside section of home plate. As it approached, Musashi spotted a fan in the seats behind home plate whose eyes quickly flashed a bright glowing yellow, causing the warrior to jump slightly. Batter took a swing and hit a hard, fast moving ground ball to the 3rd base side as the runners took off. The announcer narrated, Deep to the 3rd base hole this is gonna be close, Machida with a slight bobble, late with the throw, and with Atsuma s speed, he will be safe and we have a tie ball game! The crowds in and out of the stadium reacted, most with cheers, a few with disappointed groans.Musashi, on the other hand, spoke It s here.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 4, 2020 at 7:32 PM
Phoenix Rising
Rei felt a chill run down her spine while she was working, knew what she needed to do. After making sure no one was around she took out her transformation pen. Mars Crystal power makeup! once she was transformed she ran in the direction of the negative energy, made her stance. I am sailor mars the guardian of fire, I will punish you in the name of mars! She looked at the man controlling the negative energy, everyone around the stadium started to run for their lives. Where was sailor moon when you needed her? Oh she was off with her fiance that had decided to fly her to America so she didn t feel so lonely without him, Mercury was still finishing up medical school. She didn t want to bother makoto cause she knew how much her career meant to her.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 4, 2020 at 8:24 PM
Inside the ball park, the man whose eyes flashed earlier reached into a belt pouch for a glass jar, the contents of which were 3 Asian giant hornets, though he kept them concealed by keeping most of the jar within the pouch. He slowly removed the lid, then kept gloved hands on the sides of the jar to keep the wasps obscured until he jerked the jar upwards and quickly pulled it back down, setting them free into the air. Once airborne, the already large hornets mutated, turning an odd green color and growing to heights of 3 feet each. The monster wasps were soon caught on camera, causing people to run away while screaming scared. In the commotion, the odd man attempted to mix in with the fleeing crowd, having the seen the magical girl and her angry stare on him.Just outside the stadium, Musashi looked up to see many people struggling to exit the superstructure. Knowing of the dangers and his duty to contain them, he quickly looked around and discovered a beetle crawling along a building wall. He took out his katana Fusion and started focusing on it, causing it to emit a blue glow. Once the glow reached full saturation, he hacked at the beetle only for his sword to stop a few inches short and sliced into a previously invisible energy field that now glowed green. With an open handed gesture, he willed the energy into the sword and in turn, into himself. Then, a bright green flash of light came and went quickly. When it cleared, the beetle scuttled on, unaware that anything happened. "There we are," he said. He headed for the stadium's outer wall, jumped onto it, and stuck to it with his hands. From there, he started climbing up the side of the superstructure by sticking to the walls.Once over the outer wall, he spotted a pair of unlucky fans cornered by one of the 3 mutated hornets. He performed a double jump with his immense strength and drove his heavy sword Lumina into the big bad bug's back then slid down leaving a big gash wound in the monster. Damaged but still alive, it turned around and slashed with stinger. The fencer met the stinger with his lighter sword Fusion, causing a loud clang to be heard.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 9, 2020 at 4:09 AM
Phoenix Rising
Mars flame sniper! She shouted as she made the stance for the attack, hoped no innocent bystanders were hit. the raven haired fire senshi was on her own until she heard a familiar voice, she turned around to see sailor Jupiter. Jupiter oak evolution! The brunette shouted, looked around for anyone that might need to get to safety quickly then her eyes fell on him as he scaled the stadium. She was a bit confused but she was pretty sure he was on their side, she could occasionally trust her instinct.
Japanese Superheroes Unite (Musashi & Crimsonwolfqueen)
Sep 9, 2020 at 4:29 AM
One of the huge green hornets emitted a weird muffled screech as it was lit on fire by Sailor Mars's burning jet. Its flight took an erratic path for a moment before being blasted full of holes by the subsequent barrage of leaflets. Its exoskeleton, having been softened by the fire, was easily punctured. It fell to the hard surface of the seating area and emitted a red and purple smoke from which a pair of glowing red orbs floated from. When the smoke cleared, the hornet was back to normal, alive and breathing, but unconscious.Musashi nimbly dodged one thrust from the hornet he was fighting, causing it to sting to the concrete and dull the tip of its deadly weapon. He quickly grabbed the abdomen of the nasty bug and, using his super strength, slammed it into the solid metal guardrail head first. He then stuck Lumina into the mutant wasp's tail to pin it down, then ran up to its head and drive Fusion right through its nose and brain. Upon being impaled, this hornet, like the first, faded into smoke and glowing orbs. The brave fencer reached out and concentrated, causing the glowing balls to fly into his arm band and vanish.Musashi breathed a sigh of relief, then looked to see that 2 stunningly beautiful women in very short sexy colorful dresses appeared to have defeated another one of the deadly oni infused insects. He was about to greet them until he heard the buzz of huge wings, indicating that their job was unfinished. Thus, he took hold of his 2 swords and advised his apparent allies, "Look alive there's one left!"
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Apr 29, 2019 at 9:27 PM
Annarubbed her head with one hand, her hip with the other. She hadn't been outside the Palace in ages and she'd been so excited! There was so much to see! So much to do! She felt as though she'd been waiting for this moment her whole life! Now that it was here, she didn't intend on spoiling it. On the contrary, Princess Anna was determined to see everything there was to see and do everything there was to do in her first ten minutes outside!She dashed this way and that, stuffing her face with delectable food, marveling at stores and carts and statues as she went. She didn't care where her feet took her, as long as it was outside and among the people! She was SO Excited!!Perhaps a little too excited...In her wonder and rush to see the sights of the marketplace, she'd tripped. On her way down, she'd reached for anything to catch her balance. Her flailing hands caught a bit of fabric but it was too late. Anna managed to fall with a sideways wobble, her arms waving about in the air like a helpless penguin. She hit the ground with a thump and rocked her head against a pair of boots. Her hip hurt. Her head hurt. But what throbbed the most was her heart.From where she lay on the ground, Anna stared up at the most beautiful man she'd ever laid eyes on.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Apr 29, 2019 at 9:42 PM
Diego Vendrix clutched onto his coat as he looked around. He did not know why he was here... oh wait, he did. He was a diplomatic agent for his home nation of Mehica over out in the West. Far he was from the warm seas and lands of his home continent and he was here in the frozen lands. He was here namely to watch the coronation of Elsa into queenhood. It was a pretty basic affair and he arrived here with Usonian counterpart... who likely vanished.Diego sighed. He was inexperienced in the job and the government back home was... unstable. Namely the Republicans and Monarchists at one another's throats. He was cold, he did not know where to go and he stuck out, being the tannest man here. Despite having spent some time over in his homeland's mountains to practice for the cold weather, he was still pretty tan. Though beyond that, his brown eyes, black hair and boyish face did not grant him much appeal, at least in his mind anyway. As he adjusted his glasses, he saw that someone knocked into him.Diego's eyes widened a bit. Here lying was a very beautiful woman to say the least. Her fiery red hair that matched her piercing blue eyes and with a warm smile on his face. Always the gentleman, Diego lowered down to help her up. "My goodness, are you okay, miss? " Diego told her as he helped her up.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
May 28, 2019 at 7:34 AM
"Ughhh... Sorry." Anna struggled to right herself. Her shoulder bumped into his knee. Her legs sprawled out and her dress crinkled up past her knees. Part of her hair had come undone in the turmoil and it tickled her nose. She blew a puff of air at it as she took his offered hand. "Thanks for that. I'm Sanna. I mean I'm Arry! I mean brrrrrrrr!" Anna trilled her lips to get her nervousness out. Her pale cheeks flushed bright pink with embarrassment. She flashed a nervous smiled. "Let's try that again! Sorry for crashing into you. I'm Anna and you're gorgeous. I mean!" She searched for the right words. "You're, uh, not from around here, right?"Anna pushed her skirts back down and tried to smooth them out. There was dust and dirt on her coronation dress now and her hair was a mess. She'd managed to tear her stockings somehow too, but she wasn't thinking about any of that. She was focused on those amazing eyes, that stunning hair, that adorable face. This man in front of her had taken her breath away. She was a babbling fool and she didn't care."Oh, I didn't mean that in a bad way, like 'you look so weird, what are you doing here!' More like a 'I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you before.' Not that I've seen too many people lately though. Or, ever for that matter. I mean, I'm not a weird mountain girl who's been isolated away from people all her life. Well, I mean, I was isolated away from everyone for all my life, but only because they closed the castle and my sister kept herself locked in her room all the time. But there were totally people there! We had the butler, the nursemaid, the cook, the cleaners, all the basic staff. So, you know, there were people there."As Anna rambled, her hands flailed about, illustrating her speech. But the longer she went on, the more she realized it was getting weird."Oh, gosh, Im really sorry again. I I don't get out much. I'm not used to being around people. I talk too much and I'm really awkward. I'm just so excited for today and being out here and meeting everyone for the first time..." Anna's hand drifted towards this mystery man's as she spoke. Her fingers reached out and for a moment she touched his hand. "...meeting you..."Anna flushed and she pulled her hand back against her dress. "I umm, do you wanna maybe go somewhere and talk?"
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
May 31, 2019 at 3:33 PM
Diego meanwhile was just smiling the whole time at seeing the cheerful and attractive redhead. "My name is Diego," Diego told her with a smile, looking at the pretty princess. He was answering her questions the best he could. "Yeah, I am not from here," Diego said as he was making sure that she was okay. Despite the dress being a little dirty, she still looked qyute stunning. However, the way she was looking at him was very surprisingly and heavily flattering.Diego let her go and talk. She remidned him alot of himself, regarding the talking and being wakward with people. However, he did look very surprised at hearing that she was a princess. It was certainlhy very surprising."I understand. No worries. I a the same way and I'm glad I got to meet a beautiful princess like yourself," Diego told her with a smile as he went to kiss her hand."Of course, I would love to go with you," he said, offering his arm for her to take like a gentleman.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 3, 2019 at 7:55 AM
"...Really?! Oh that's great!" Anna's expression burst into a massive grin. Meeting people wasn't terrible! She had just met this beautiful man, err, handsome man. Men were handsome. Women were beautiful. But yes, this handsome man! And already things were off to an amazing start!"Come with me!" Anna grabbed Diego's hand and led him away from the growing bustle of the castle square. "This is so exciting! What a wonderful day to meet you! It's the perfect day, really. And i can't believe we have so much in common! You like bright colors. I like bright colors. We both have two consonants in our first names. You don't mind my crazy awkwardness." Anna gushed as she walked. She led Diego along a stone building until they reached the back. Along the building's rear wall was a painted bench and just a bit away were several bushy trees and small blooming flower patches. It was picturesque and the din of the crowd was quieter here."So, I already told you all about me, the socially awkward Redheaded princess. Why don't you tell me about you? "
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 3, 2019 at 1:49 PM
Diego had to admit, he was smitten by the charm and attention of the Princess here. He knew he had to meet her, but he had no idea that he would end up actualy meeting the princess, much less becoming very friendly with her. He squeezed her hand with a smile as they were talking. She was quite awkward, but then again, so was he. "Well, I can be crazy awkward too," Diego told her with a smile."I'm a socially awkward agent. I came from one of the countries across the sea because of the coronation. Granted, my country is in conflict and my superior wanted to put me away somewhere quiet. But getting to meet the lovely Princess Anna of Arendelle is worth it," Diego told her, trying to be gallant and kiss her hand. "But yeah, I'm not really royalty or anything special," he explained."I am happy we get to spend one together and get to know one another more intimately, he added, kissing her hand.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 7:43 AM
Anna flushed bright red. A boy had just kissed her hand! And not just any boy, acuteboy! She giggled to hide her embarrassment, but her laugh was too loud and lasted much too long for a proper princess. As Diego looked up from the delightful introduction he had just given the back of her hand, Anna's bright blue eyes met his.Her breath quickened and her wide open grin stuck on her lips. This boy was so charming, so handsome, so sweet, so.. soo... wonderful! He was a wonderful boy! No, man.. he was a wonderful man! In seconds there were tears in the corners of her eyes. Her lower lip trembled as a wave of emotion came over her. What if this was it? What if he was the one? That must be why her knees were shaking!! She'd been out of the castle for mere minutes and had already met her one true love!!! What should she do now?!"Wow. I wonder what that's like for real.."
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 7:58 AM
Diego could not help but admire Anna. She radiated delight and affection in a way he never witnessed before. Her eues were wonderful and her smile utterly enchanting. He liked being around the Princess. Plus, he felt a sense of ease around her. Not having to worry about the problems of his life or so on.Her grin at him made him realize he was the cause of her joy and he could not help but rub the back of his head sheepishly. He never got along that well with people in general so having the princess be on good terms for him is really quite nice. He would definitely like to get to know her better, but she was royalty. He had his job to do, but it was just be a representative. He was never much for decorum unless he had to."What that is like for what?" Diego asked Anna when he heard say something. What he liked most with her is how he related to her. She is so excited to be out and see the world. The energy was contagious and reminded him of his own.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 3:49 PM
"What? Oh! Uh.." Had she said that out LOUD?? Anna's grin became suddenly sheepish. Why did she have to be so awkward around people! A million reasons came to her at once: she hadn't had practice, she was naturally a bit weird, she was bad with words, she'd spent her life locked in a castle talking to portraits, etc.But she had yet to pull her hand away. Her thumb had begun gently stroking his the side of his hand. Her eyes had not left his for even a second. She was certain she hadn't even blinked this whole time. It was almost like the universe had pulled these two people together. He was so close! She could smell his cologne and feel the warm glow of his presence radiating against her skin.Her eyes broke away, looked down just for a moment, enough to see his lips. They were right there. So close. From somewhere deep within a sort of courage welled up and took hold. She tipped her head, closed her eyes, started to pucker up and leaned in.While Anna had been mesmerized within her own mind, her body had moved. She had stepped closer and closer to Diego until she was standing only inches away. Her hand clung to his and she leaned in to kiss him like a lovesick puppy.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 4:10 PM
Diego could not help but chuckle a bit at seeing Anna's smiel become sheepish. She truly did remind him a fair bit of himself. However, when he felt her thumb gently rub on his hand, he realized she did not let go. He shrunk back a little bit, blushing harder. However, he did not let go of her either. He found his hand squeezing hers back. He could smell lovely perfume on her. He himself did not use cologne much, and did so because it was a gift.Diego wondered why the princess stared at him so amorously. He never had a girl look at him like that before and it felt really nice to say the least. He felt that it was like there was no one else around them except for them.He watched her move to a grace coming closer to him, as if she was... wanting... to... kiss... him...His heart began beating like drums and his face scarlet like tomatoes and yet... he leaned into give her the kiss they both craved. He did not know what force possessed them both to be so close, but he is growing to want her more and more. An arm wrapped around them as it was just the two of them.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 4:27 PM
The universe did not disappoint. A shock rolled through Anna's body as their lips touched and she experienced what it felt like to kiss someone for the first time. Her lips pressed against his, softly, sweetly, like a butterfly landing oh so gently on a flower petal. His breath was hot against her cheek. Her heart was beating so loud, she was certain he could hear it. His arm encircled her waist and pulled her body tight against his. Her hand found its way to his chest and rested against the finery of his clothing.It was all so fast and yet she could see each moment in time as it happened. When it was over, Anna blushed hard. Her eyes were once again open and staring into his but this time the tips of their noses were touching."Wow. I had no idea.."The rise and fall of her breathing pushed her chest against him. She stared into his eyes, first the left one, then the right one, then both at the same time. Then her eyes closed again and she leaned in for another kiss. This time, her mouth was slightly open and she was ready for something more than a sweet peck.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 5:14 PM
Diego's body shook like a quake and he felt his soul alight with a new sensation of passion. A spark lit up in him and a flame began burning. One that crarved more and more. All the world melted around in his eyes, leaving just her and him. He pulled her body tighter to his, closer to his. She awoke a hunger in him he never knew existed, except perhaps into those quiet moments by himself that he was only scantly aware of.He could only nod in response to her response on how it felt.He wanted ore. More of her.Diego's eyes had a fire in them and when Anna leaned in for the kiss, he went in deeper... hungrier. His tongue began swirling with hers as his hands began caressing her. His people were always a passionate people, full of emotion and openly expressing it.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 8:11 PM
Lips touched. Mouths opened. Tongues danced. Anna was hesitant at first, but only because she'd never done this before! She'd read about love and kissing plenty in some of the dusty old novels within the castle library, but reading and doing are two very different things. The touch of his tongue on hers was immediately strange and wonderful. She could taste him and he was delicious!Her knees felt like they could buckle at any moment. Thank goodness his arm was supporting her! She learned into him, let him take some of her weight. She wanted desperately to be closer to him. The fingertips of his hand grazed her exposed skin and she shivered. Not a bad shiver like she was cold. No, this was her whole body awakening and responding to a burning desire. It made her breath catch in her throat and a small moan escaped from their passionate kissing. Surely, Anna would lose herself in this! She griped his coat where her hand rested againt his chest and found that her other hand was free! She wrapped her arm around his back pulling him in even more.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 8:27 PM
Diego never kissed a girl until now. He never really dreamed of doing it, having resigned himself to bachelorhood... until now. But he wanted more. He needed more. He wanted everything of her and so much more. He felt her leaning onto him and he liked that. Her delicate moan sent a shiver down his spine and he felt her grip his coat. Her hand on his chest and wrapped around his back. He was relieved few were paying mind to him."That is delightful..." Diego panted out when they parted, their tongues hanging from their mouth and a thin stand of saliva connected them. "We can spend more time together if you wish," he said as he caressed her face caringly. "Would you care to, my princess?" he whispered seductively in her ear.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 8:51 PM
"Mmm.." Anna let out the tiniest of contented sounds as they both emerged for air. Her eyes were hazy with lust and she was nowhere near ready to leave Diego. Her face had flushed and her hands gripped him so tightly, like he might fly away if she let go. She nodded as he spoke. Yes. Yes, she wanted to stay with him. Yes, she wanted to be with him always. Yes, she wanted to spend all her time with him and get to know him in every way possible. She wanted him and she wanted to be his. His voice in her ear shot through the last of her defenses. His hot breath lingered on her cheek and ear. It sent bumps down her neck and into her very soul. She couldn't help the exclamation that emerged from her lips."Ahh! Yes!" After several laborious breaths, her words returned. "Yes. I would love that. I would love to do anything you'd like to do. I want to get to know you better.. I want to know everything about you! I want to share everything with you." Anna's hand moved to rest in the middle of his chest, like it was hovering above his heart. Her other hand captured one of his arms and placed that captured palm on her chest as well. She held it there for a moment, pressing his palm into the dip between her breasts and feeling his fingers resting on the tender skin above her dress. Her breath caught when she tried to speak again and it took her a visible, pleasurable moment to regain her composure. "Everything. I want to share everything with you. I.. I love you."
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 9:02 PM
Diego did not know what came over him for this. Perhaps it was the pent up loneliness. Maybe it was the boundless charm and loveliness of Princess Anna. Or it could be the heat of the moment. However, he is enjoying this route and he did not want to stop. Hearing her breath how she would like to do anything with him and know everything about him... it touched him. It made him feel welcomed in a way that he never felt before. He desired to ber with her even more. He felt her hand on his chest, feeling his heart, which was beating faster.His desire grew when he felt her move his hand to her chest and go near her breasts. Instinct was demanding he claim her now. Then came her confession of love. It was as if everything was a blur. After all, they only knew each other for a few minutes yet... yet he felt something powerful and intense for her."T the same. I wanna know more about you. Not just as a princess, but as you a person. You wonderful smile. You kind demeanor," he said, emotionall overwhelmed before gaining his composure. "I love you too," he claimed before pulling her into another kiss. "We should go somewhere private... the coronation is not starting for a few more hours," he noted, feeling the temptatios of carnal pleasure beckon to him.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 9:20 PM
Anna nodded. Being alone with Diego right now, somewhere quite and secluded, it was all she wanted. Her mind tried to think of places to take him, but they were all within the castle. That's the last place she wanted to be right now. Even the town was busier than normal because of her sister's coronation. It was also difficult for her to think in her love drunk state."Yes, somewhere private. Quiet. Secluded. Romantic. The town is so busy right now i don't think there's going to be anywhere here like that. The castle is busy too, preparing for the coronation. I know a few places to hide in there." Her eyes darted into the distance, caught by a glimmer and she noticed the bridge. "Oh! We could always go to a cabin! There's lots of them in the woods. Or up onto the cliffs! We could hide in one of the boats. They're empty now that everyone is in town. Where do you want to go? I just want to be with you so it doesn't matter much to me where we go. I know it's crazy cuz we just met and all but i can't help how I feel.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 9:28 PM
Diego blushed a little when Anna said romantic, but he could not help himself. He saw how excited she look to try this and her mirth is contagious to say the least. He nodded in agreement in regards to how the palace is bustling with activity. He then noted the bridge and thought of going to a cabin. He figured there must be at least one they could have, or in the boats. "I know," he can only whisper back in response. They just met and were both lonely, yet this cycle of passion spun more, much to his desire."A cabin would work best. In fact, I have one reserved for myself during my visit here," Diego noted to her. It was close enough to the town to be a short walk, but still out of the way to where they would not be disturbed. It was not in the town due to the space reserved for the coronation. He slipped out with her, his hand holding onto hers as he went toward the area. Fortunately, it was only around a 10 minute walk and the area was reserved. He possessed the key to the ares and he would be let in. No one was around but them.When he entered the cabin, he took in how nice it is. The large cozy bed, the fireplace, a stove for cooking and a couple other pieces of furniture, such as a desk where his paperwork and so on laid. Unable to contain himself, Diego began another passionate kiss with Princess Anna, his hand now boldly gripping her butt. He yearned for her chastity and to take her like a beast.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 10:01 PM
Anna followed Diego like a giddy schoolgirl chasing a puppy. She entwined her fingers with his and ran with him to the edge of town, past the gate guards and across the bridge. The cabin was not far. Tucked back enough to feel secluded but close enough to run back to the castle on short notice.Anna had been in a cabin like this before, a long time ago. Her parents had a royal cabin in these woods and she vaguely remembered visits when the air was just begining to crisp and the leaves had just started to change. This cabin was smaller than the one she remembered but it was 1000 better because Diego was here with her.Their passion barely waited for the door to be locked. Anna had already kicked off her shoes and began to remove her socks, then suddenly Diego was pulling her up into a other embrace. A new embrace. The kind of embrace that preceeds hasty lovemaking. Anna was swept up into the moment. She kissed him fiercely, her teeth clanging against his. She laughed and went back for more. Her hands pushed his coat off his shoulders and worked it down to his elbows. He grabbed her ass and she moaned. Her hands were on his chest now, caressing the fabric of his doublet or vest or shirt or whatever. Clothes didn't matter. Only Diego and passion and love and a romantic cabin that would soon be anything but quiet.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 10:43 PM
Doegp began working off his coat and his clothign. It was some pretty standard clothing as he would not need to dress into his formal clothing just yet after all. His mind became enveloped in a hungry haze for her. He began working to help strip Anna of her clothing, being delicate as he worked off more and more of the clothing. Every passing second made him excited for what would be coming.He even went to kiss on her neck as he removed her undergarments and before long, his princess would be naked. Only for him to see and him alone. "You are endlessly beautiful, your highness," he whispered excitedly in her ear as he caressed her, waiting for her to remove the rest of his own clothing."I want you so much, Anna. You want this commoner to make you his?" Diego whispered as a lover in her eae, realizing the path he was on, but did not want to stop at all.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 11:37 PM
Anna's clothing came off piece by piece. Her dress was unfasted and allows to fall from her shoulders revealing her corsety. In one group effort, the garment was pulled over her head and allowed to flop onto ther floor. Her petticoat was next. Diego wasted no time untying the pair of bows that cinched it to her waist and pushing it past her slight hips so that it too landed on the floor. Next was her corset, which she helped him undo by guiding his hands to the stays and showing him how to unhook them. Once it was removed, only her white sleeveless shift remained. Anna pressed her body into his so that he could untie the cinched knot behind her back keeping the delicate piece of clothing on her body. Her breasts rubbed against the fabric of his shirt, her nipples expressing their excitement. Then the shift fell slack and slipped from her body to the floor. She was naked now. Naked in front of a man for the first time. She trembled, afraid of what she was doing and how fast she was moving, but he whispered to her. Diego whispered his words to her with all the fire and passion she'd been longing for and suddenly nothing else mattered."Yes!"His coat had already hit the floor so Anna went to work removing his shirt, his pants, his everything untl he too was just as naked as she was. She'd never seen a naked man like this. There had been pictures in a medical book in the library but it was nothing like this. "Oh!" She gasped as her eyes landed on his very obvious excitement. What should she do next? Should she touch it? Would he touch her too?Anna looked up into Diego's eyes with questions. She paused then, for the briefest of moments. She didn't have the words. Instead her mouth met his once again and she pressed her bare body against his. Flesh to flesh.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 8, 2020 at 11:45 PM
Diego's mind pasued as he admired Anna. How she covered her breast and maidenhood in shyness at being naked in front of a man, and not her husband no less. Though that may change in the future... he savored her passion and energy... her inner fire. He continued to stoke that fire, inviting her to come with him down the path of passion between the two. He saw her eyes widened when he made his offer. Would she be willing to throw herself wholly to this foreign commoner?Her eager response excited him even more, especially when his eyes caught glimpse of her transfixed look at his full erection, as his strong manhood. He admired how naive she was. Now, while he may have never been with a woman, he had heard enough stories and anecdotes from drunken men and women back home on sexual pleasure. It was a bit awkward, but he could now apply that knowledge.His body burned against hers, their heat rising in joyous sync. He wanted her. To make this princess his and his forever. His hands freely explored her bare beautiful body. He groaned in pleasure as he began playing with her breasts, all while he grinded against each other. He melted into glorious pleasure... he got an idea.He placed her on her back, spreading her legs before he went to lick at her maiden flower. He ran his tongue at her lower lips tantalizingly and lovingly slow, working to bring her to greater levels of pleasure. He would make Anna his. Nothing else mattered.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 9, 2020 at 12:06 AM
His hands sparked fire everywhere they touched her skin. Her back was set ablaze with the flame of Diego's love. Then her hips, her sides, finally her breasts. Ah her breasts! Never before had anyone touched them like he did! He caressed and massaged and pinched and pulled and squeezed and rubbed. Her pink nipples, already hard with excitement, stiffened into peaks of pleasure and she gasped loudly into the stillness of the cabin.Her hips pressed against his, pushing her sex along his manhood. They rode that wave together, hups pushing and scraping agaisnt one another in a dry hump while he fondled her breasts and she moaned. Her back arched behind her which forced her breasts further into view and her hips even harder agaisnt his own. She wasn't worried about falling, that had already happened and Diego's arm would catch her anyway.Moments later, he was easing Anna onto the bed. She lay back as he propped her up with pillows. She offered no resistance as he spread her legs apart and slid down her body. What was he doing? She thought yhe lovemaking would keep his face near hers. Why was he moving so far away? Then fingers grazed her labia and parted her inner sanctum."What are you ohhh! Ohhhhh!!"She scarcely had tome to ask before his tongue lapped at her mons. He tasted her lower lips, then parted them and began licking in earnest. Never before had Anna experienced anything remotely like this!"Ahh!! Ohhhh!! Wh aaaahhh! Ahhhh!! AHHHH!!!!!" She moaned loud and true, holding nothing back as Diego brought her to her very first orgasm.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 9, 2020 at 12:15 AM
Anna's moans were music to Diego's ears. She is completely new and unknown to the world of sex and hearing her be moved over the edge in pleasure so easily... it turned him on so much. He groaned out as he kept licking her some more. He went further in, pushing his tongue inside of Anna's maidenhood. She tasted so human, so unique... her scent made his cock twitch in desire. He felt himself becoming the dominant one here in their relationship.When he gave her her first orgasm, he took in all of her sweet nectar, watching her far off look of pleasure in ecstasy. She is his princess and he would never let her o for anyone. She is his and his alone."Did my princess like that?" Diego asked her teasingly. He began asserting himself over her. He moved her so she could face his fully erect cock, now shoved in her face. "I heard of how lovers would pleasure each other in such a way. I tasted your maidenhood and nectar. Now I suppose it is your turn," he purred, telling her to take in his manhood for her. He was telling her like a commoner yet also like a prince or even a king.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 9, 2020 at 12:57 AM
Anna was still reeling from her high when Diego repositioned the two of them so that his throbbing desire was well within her grasp. Whatever he wanted, she would do. She knew that intrinsically. She had given her heart to him less than an hour ago and soon she would give her body to him as well. This too, she knew deep in her soul.From where she lay naked on the bed, Anna looked up at Diego towering above her. Her flushed face had not gotten any better, but now she had a glow about her. Her smile was all dizzy and elated as she spoke. "I don't what you did, but it was amazing! You're amazing! Please just let me make you happy. I love you, Diego!"Anna reached for Diego's cock and wrapped her hand around it. She moved her hand back and forth, stroking him like she was milking a cow. She had no idea what she was doing. He had used his mouth on her so she kissed the tip of his dick. It was a touch salty but not entirely unpleasant. She licked it, then kissed it again. Her hand pumped while her mouth licked and kissed his tip. Was she doing it right? She looked up at him."Like this?"
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 9, 2020 at 1:01 AM
"You already make me happy by being you," Diego responded back in equally romantic terms over to Anna. Her words made his soul sing and he knew they were becoming hopelessly addicted to one another. "I love you," he said with a sultry tone, looking at her affectionate and glowing look on her face. He did stay steady as she watched her try and figure out how to pleasure him.He sighed in mild pleasure as she began gently stroking. Her look of curiosity and desire looked nicely on her. He liked how she kissed the tip of his cock before licking it. Even with her gentle pace, it felt good and he has a very pleased look on her face. "Yes, like that. But don't be afraid to take more into your mouth. You are the princess and deserve it," he crooned at her, his fingers playing with her bright red hair.How naughty and intoxicating it was to teach a princess such lewd acts yet it also felt wonderful because he does truly love and care... two lost souls now finding the other and he wanted to take her further into the fires of passion.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 10, 2020 at 4:57 PM
More? Anna entertained the thought briefly. What exactly did he mean? He was too big to fit entirely and for a moment she panicked, thinking she might very well disappoint him. Then an idea struck her. The shape and size of him was akin to some fruits and vegetables she'd eaten. That might work.Anna nodded in understanding. "I'll try." She kissed the tip again but this time allowed her mouth to open afterward. Her lips parted and she cautiously slid her head down on him until she could feel the invasion on her tongue. Her hand adjusted. Anna's strokes were shorter now, so she pulled a bit harder to make up for it. With her lips fully wrapped around his cock and his entire tip inside her mouth, Anna paused. What now?Anna started to pull her head back. Having Diego's cock in her mouth didn't allow her tongue much movement. As her head pulled away, her tongue licked the underside of his tip accidentally. The noise he made at that moment caused her to pause once again. She tested a flick of her tongue against his tip once more.Encouraged by his nonverbal responses, Anna slid her mouth back down his shaft. She took more of him into her mouth this time, doing her best to rub her tongue on the parts of him inside her mouth. She felt her own saliva slip past her lip. She was drooling!! Drooling was unacceptable! Surely she could prevent this!Anna sealed her lips around Diego's manhood, creating enough suction to stop herself from drooling. She found that it was easier to rub her tongue on him if she moved her head forward and back. She began a slight rhythm: suck down and rub the underside, suck up and rub the tip. But after a few strokes, her lips were becoming dry and pulling on his skin as she moved. Anna thought of a solution immediately. She sucked up until her lips came off with a gentle smack and proceeded to lick the entirely of his shaft. Her saliva was hot, wet and slippery. Best of all it provided enough lubrication to keep her lips from sticking or pulling.As soon as she was finished, Anna greedily took Diego into her mouth once more. She experimented with how far she could accept him, reaching her puckered lips further and further down until she felt like she might gag. She massaged him with her mouth, letting her tongue press and rub against eveh part of him that she could. He had made her feel incredible she wanted to do the same.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 10, 2020 at 5:09 PM
Diego saw his princess go and try and take everything of him. He groaned softly in pleasure when she began taking all of him in. "That feels nice," Diego told her, reassuring Anna that she was doing very good. He was even seeing her drool and he smiled. "I like seeing my princess acting so lewd," Diego told her in a flirtacious manner as his hands ran through her bright red hair once more. "You are doing wonderful... please keep sucking me," Diego said to Anna in a loving yet asserting manner.He never felt so good before and seeing how devoted she was to pleasing him, despite her royal status. The entire ordeal made him hot like nothing else before."I'm about to give you your reward, my princess," Diego told her and he gently pulled out. "Open your mouth and stick our your tongue," he told her and when she did, it was just in time as he would cum all over her face and into her mouth. He did not want to shock and startle her by cumming alot in her mouth. That and seeing the sight of such a pretty princess covered in his cum is immensely invigorating."I want more... I want it all. To love every aspect of you," Diego said as he embraced her cool body once more. "Will you give this commoner all of you?" he asked her huskily.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 10, 2020 at 7:13 PM
Anna couldn't possibly blush any brighter than she was already. Lewd? Did she look lewd right now? She supposed that yes, she must. Here she was, a princess and second in line to the throne, naked in a cabin and on a bed with a man's penis in her mouth and covered in her saliva. A man she just met, no less! That was the very definition of lewd! She might have stopped at that moment if he hadn't followed up with such earnest words of encouragement. He liked it? He wanted more? She was doing a good job then!Invigorated, Anna did all she could to suck him deeper and harder until she felt his hand on her head, easing her mouth off of him. She stared up at him, her lips open and gasping like a fish. A thin strand of drool mixed with the beginnings of his precum formed a glistening line between her mouth and his cock. At his request, she opened her mouth further and stuck out her tongue in much the same way she would if she was being treated by a physician.The blast came then, all hot and white and steamy. It covered her face in thick lines and globs. Once it landed, it dripped and pooled. She startled as the substance landed and oozed down her skin. It was on her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, her chin. It was in her bangs and even just above her eyelids. Some of it even made it into her mouth and onto her tongue. She swallowed out of impulse and made a face. Whatever it was certainly didn't taste the best. But it wasn't awful either. It also cooled off very quickly.As Anna listened to Diego, a few more drops fell onto her lips agter streaking down her face. She licked them up with her tongue out of habit as she nodded. "Yes! Yes please! Take me and make me yours! I don't care about anything else. Just say I can be with you forever!"
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 10, 2020 at 9:19 PM
Diego stood transfixed at seeing Anna try and lick the seed that he coated with her. Seeing the pure desire and love on her face made him hard quickly once more. He will take her. Make her his. He saw the loneliness in her eyes and it looked so much like his. Certain men would've exploited Anna to have her around their finger, unaware of her strength. Diego though... he loved her just as much, wearing his emotions on his sleeve like she did. She awoke something primal and repressed within him... and he has no desire to keep it restricted any longer."You are with me forever. When we finish here, I will take you as my wife. We'll be happy together. Either I can be here as Prince or you can come with me and we can figure it out in my homeland. No matter where we go, you are forever mine, my dear Princess Anna," Diego told her with a crooning yet genuinely loving smile as he caressed her cheek affectionately and lightly.He began grinding his hard cock against her wet pussy. "I love you so much, my beloved lewd princess," Diego told her, the word coming out like honey. He liked seeing her be flirty and sexy with him. Tempting her further into the debauchery. Once his cock was covered in her juices, he begin going deep inside of her. Clasping Anna's hips, he inserted himself deep inside of her. He gave her his virginity. Anna had given her virginity to this foreign commoner. He groaned softly as he savored just the immense pleasure of being connected with her.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 11, 2020 at 2:19 AM
Anna's face lit up visibly. Diego would really do all that just for her? Her heart nearly leapt from her chest. He wanted to marry her! She wiped her eyes as they began to tear. Her hands rubbed some of the cum off her face along with the hapiness leaking from the corners of her eyes. "You mean it? You really want to marry me? I know we just met but, i feel the same way! Yes! Oh Diego, Yes yes yes!!! Let's get married and spend the rest of our lives together loving each other!"Diego spoke such sweet words as he caressed her cheek and positioned her beneath him. She held her eyes steady, staring into his as he moved. She opened her legs to him once more, unashamed to expose her most sacred of places to her lover. Her hands lay flat on the bedsheets. She was only nervous for the moment of coupling itself. The act she was about to commit with her lover didn't frighten her at all.She felt him rub against her, exhaled as he pressed into her wetness and moaned. It hurt a little, but only a little and only at first. Anna winced as Diego entered her for the first time. He pushed inside her until she felt resistance. Something like a wall or a shelf was blocking his way. He thrust against it, applying more pressure. Anna grunted. Now it hurt. The pressure eased for a moment, then increased tenfold, then whatever was holding him back just vanished and suddenly Diego was filling her whole insides."Oh! Ow oh!! Nngh, Diego!" She called his name as her hips met his. Her legs bent around his frame, knees locking around his sides. He was fully sheathed within her and she shivered. "Mmm.. so this.. ah.. this is what mmm what it feels like.. to be one oh!" She released the bedsheets and slid her hands up his body.The moments stretched on for a lifetime. He held her, cradling her hips. She held his waste and let herself simply feel what it it was like to be full and held and loved. "I love you too, but do you really have to call me that? I've never been lewd before. Only with you. Always with you."
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 11, 2020 at 3:12 AM
Diego could not help but beam at how Anne's face lit up. Unlike the cold as snow exterior of her older sister Elsa, Anna radiated warmth and mirth like sunshine. "Yes," Diego told her when she asked if he really wanted to marry her and nodded. He did not care for the crown or throne he just wanted to be with her. This amazing girl who radiated love and light. He could not help but admire her flawless body as she presented herself entirely to him.He was being slow and gentle, knowing that it usually hurt for girls though he also heard that orgasms helped lessened the pain quite a bit. Diego felt Anna's perfect legs wrap around him and he enjoyed just being connected with her, holding her. He was panting and breathing, enjoying te connection between and letting her get used to him inside of her."I am teasing," Diego told her before he began thrusting slowly inside of Anna, getting used to her hot tight wetness. "Oh god, you feel soo wonderful," he groaned out as he began fucking his beloved pretty princess. "Do not be afraid to let loose your passion, Anna. I can sense alot of inner strength in you," he said to her as he began going a little faster. His chocolate brown eyes held nothing but warmth for her. Holding her down onto the bed, he indulged in his hearts' desire, in finding romance with a princess no less."Does my princess once more?" Diego asked her, picking up the pace a bit to show what he meant.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 11, 2020 at 7:31 PM
Anna felt herself relax. Her body loosened just enough fornher to feel a sort of comfort from their coupling. Diego teased and she laughed. He professed so many wonderful things and she could only agree. A thousand times yes!When he began to move again, she found herself panting along with him. Each thrust produced more of her voice until she was moaning and grunting tonhis rhythm. She could feel every inch of his cock as he fully imbedded himself within her once virgin pussy. She wanted nothing more than to be connected like this, with him, forever."Ah.. ohhh.. mmm Diego! Ohh! Ahhh!! Mmm yes! More! Give me more! Ohhhh!!!"She rocked with him as he fucked her, delighting in each new sensation. Her voice grew in strength and gained a sultry edge. She was really feeling him now, really feeling what it meant to truly and deeply fucked. Her moans became pleas, which became screams of pleasure and in one sudden, violent moment, Anna came.Her entire body shook. Her muscles lost control. Her fingers clawed at Diego's sides while her legs cramped and locked in place, holding his length well and fully inside her as she rode out the most pleasurable experience she'd ever known.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 11, 2020 at 8:27 PM
Before long, Diego set himself up into a tantalizing rhythm, one where he would slam his hips with that of Anna's. Her moans and coos of affection just added fuel to the fire burning within him. His grip on her hips tightened and he let himself go faster and harder, especially when he felt Anna really get into it as well. He knew they would not have time to go at it further, but that was what the honeymoon would be for. His brown eyes looked into hers as he gave her a gentle love bite on the neck.He marked her as his.In fact, he would do so in such a primal way. When he felt her cum and squeeze his cock for all he had, he groaned out her name out loud before he would come inside, filling Anna up with his seed and claiming her inside and out.He rolled over so Anna was laying on top of him. " That... was... amazing," he panted, holding Anna tightly.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 11, 2020 at 10:23 PM
Anna could feel Diego's love pouring into her. It filled her up so full that she couldn't hold it all. It trickled down her ass and onto the bedsheets as she held her lover. She whispered sweet melodies into his ear and cooed his name passionately. She peppered his face with kisses.As they both wafted down from their passionate highs, Anna was spun up and on top of diego. She let gravity pull her closer and lay her body on him. Her face nuzzled agaisnt his neck as she rocked her hips. She was still quite sensitive and the motions made her moan just a little. She held her lover tightly with all over her body."...wow... that.. that was yea, amazing. You're amazing. Oh Diego, I wish we could stay like this forever!"
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 12, 2020 at 1:12 AM
Diego kept panting, resting from the immense high he got. The past hour was something amazing. He went from a junior diplomat to a potential prince, all while having a wonderful and bubbly princess as his wife to be. His smile beamed when he felt her kisses on his face. It felt like something out of a fairy tale, but even greater. And not just because of the sex, though that did play an admittingly large part of it."Likewise... we should probably get dressed. Your sister's coronation starts soon," Diego commented, prefering to just stay and be here with Anna, but they both had somewhere to be and besides, he may as well meet his sister in law.Before long, he would be getting dressed and helping Anna getting dressed. When they would head back to the palace, everything was getting into swing with the cermonies beginning soon. Not many people noticed them together though those that did we a bit surprised to see them hand in hand. For the most part, Diego was talking to Anna a bit on himself and his homeland, one of nations in the so called New World.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jun 30, 2020 at 7:04 PM
Anna was reluctant to part from her newfound lover, but she discovered that getting re dressed was actually fun! They made of game of it, stealing kisses and sensual touches as layer after layer of clothing was reapplied to their bare skin. The only real thing that remained amiss was her once carefully plaited and woven hair. Now the braids were lopsided and strands of hair flew away from their coffered confines. Anna peeked at her reflection in the window and scrunched up her nose in surprise. She had left the castle so elegantly she could not return looking a mess. In a quick fix, she let all her hair down and her fingers went to work crafting a braid from each temple. She wound them back until they met and then braided them together. It wasn't elegant like before but it would do. Anna grinned at Diego. Now no one would suspect a thing!The trip back to the castle was filled with banter about their respective lands and favorite things and familes and hopes for the future. Anna wanted a huge family so no one would be lonely ever. She loved bright colors and happy moments. She spoke fondly of her family and her home. In turn she learned a great deal about Diego and his homeland.The pair made it back to the coronation in time for Anna to cringe at the exasperated looks tossed her way by the staff. Apparently she hadn't done as good a job as she thought of masking her disheveled appearance. Nevertheless she marched into the ballroom hand in hand with Diego, her head held high and smiling ear to ear.The guests were already piling in but Anna wanted her sister to meet Diego in a more private setting. She led him to one side of the giant room and pushed a heavy door open just far enough for the two of them to slip out into a lavish hallway. Once away from the crowd, Anna nearly broke into a jog, darting down corridors and around corners until she stopped suddenly outside an ornate double door."Elsa?," Anna asked after knocking.No one answered."Elsa I know you're in there. Please come out. I, um, I have to talk to you." Anna's voice was tentative now, but the room remained silent."Elsa?!" Anna asked louder.""Anna? What are you doing here? You should be in the ballroom. What happened to your hair? And your dress is crooked." The blonde queen to be stepped into the hallway from a different door. As she surveyed her sister's appearance, her eyes landed on the man standing beside Anna. She noted the intertwined hands but made no comment. "Anna really, it's my coronation day and you look a mess. Go get ready. I'll send Ingrid to fix your hair."Anna protested. "But Elsa I already wait i don't need Elsa! listen to me! I need to talk to you!" The younger sister stomper her heeled foot and Elsa's gaze narrowed."Anna, the coronation starts in a few minutes. Go get changed. We can tall after." Elsa spoke with an icy tone. When she finished she smiled politely at Diego and whisked herself away towards the ballroom.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Jul 1, 2020 at 1:52 AM
Diego did the best to help out Anna with her appearance and he hoped it would work though he was also trying to come up with some potential and plausible excuses that Anna could use to try and answer any questions over in regards to what happened. One he gave for Anna to suggest was that he lost his balance and tumbled and she tried to help him and thus why they ended up a bit disheveled. When asked why he would be talking to her, Diego would point out he is part of an ambassador group for a new nation and thus maintaining positive relationships with nobility was part of a job.The excuse worked quite well to any of the staff of the guests who asked and he used it as a good follow up to introductions and polite meetings. He was not like his younger brother, who had a way with people, though he was polite enough to get good graces and he figured endearingly awkward enough to appear approachable and nonthreatening. He smiled at the staff and whatnot while he was with Anna.Speaking off Anna, he loved his time with the princess. How she wanted a huge family so no one would be lonely ever. How she loved bright colors and happy moments. And how she spoke fondly of her family and her home. Diego did the same. His culture leaned more toward large families he told her about the bright colors and how even they would take a rather bright view when it came to death. He spoke of his own family and his home. At the same time, he did speak politics to her, namely the division between those who wanted the monarchy and those who wanted republicans. However, the main issue was more over on the ideals, especially as the monarchists were backed up traditionalists, the churchfolk and the elite. He hoped to find a resolution and he told Anna how she could become the princess of his nation if she wanted if they can get it with his government. He was even excited to introduce her to his folks.In trying to meet his future sister in law, Diego saw her. Queen Elsa. She was pretty like her sister though aloof... seemingly. Everything about her told Diego she was repressed and nervous... likel holding something in and it wasn't healthy."Hello, Queen Elsa. My name is Diego Vendrix, an ambassador from Mehica, a nation in the west," he managed to say before she smiled formally at him. She wasn't dismissively of him, but more concerned and focused. "We'll be able to tell her at the party, though I am worried about her. She's hiding something massive and it's tearing her apart," Diego commented. "We'll talk to her after the party. It's gonna be okay," he reassured Anna. Once they were ready, they were there, Diego happily sitting with her. He noted a couple of his ambassadors raising eyebrows at him and discussing matters between them, though they were going to wait.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Sep 8, 2020 at 8:51 AM
The coronation itself was a splendid if not simple matter. Words were spoken, passages read, hymns sung. A crown and a scepter were placed on Elsa's head and in her gloved hand, respectively, and she smiled like a nervous rabbit through the clapping. The whole thing was over fairly quickly, according to Anna. For Elsa though, it seemed to drag on for eternity. She just wanted to return to her room without incident, but of course she was required to mingle at least a little afterwards.At the party, Elsa patiently greeted each foreign dignitary and ambassador with the grace expected of a queen. She thanked them for coming and expressed wishes for continued good relations in the future. She kept her handshakes to the minimum amount necessary for queenly behavior and her plastic smile never left her face. It also never reached her eyes.Finally, her line of meet and greets ended and she relaxed into her chair. So far, so good. A butler making rounds paused to offer a drink to Her Majesty and Queen Elsa gladly accepted. She sipped from the glass, enjoying the fruity notes and mellow undertones, but decided it would be better chilled. Without consciously thinking about it, frost began trickling its way up the glass. Her next sip brought sheer dread into her eyes as the newly cooled liquid slid down her throat. What had she done?! Had anyone noticed??
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Sep 8, 2020 at 7:04 PM
"I am becoming concerned for Elsa. She's clearly uncomfortable with all of this. As if she didn't want to be here," Diego noted over to Anna quietly while they were watching the coronation. Diego managed to avoid talking more than necessarily to his superiors on the matters, promising to speak further on it when everything was said and done. Once the cornration was over and the meetings were held, Diego talked more with Anna and get to know her. While they were definitely both optimists, they had their little differences such as how Anna can be bubbly and full of energy while Diego could often be laid back and sometimes joked a bit of a slacker. Nonetheless, getting to know more about her was lovely like this.Furthermore, he would introduce Anna over to some of his fellow diplomats and ambassadors and they were liking her. However, they did see how Diego was close to her and they were planning to arrange some future meetings, especially with everything going on. Before long though, they went to meet over to Elsa, Diego being respectful to his future sister in law.However, when he went to see her, he saw her react suddenly all surprised. "Hey... you okay?" Diego asked Elsa as he went up to her with Anna, seeing it as a good time to talk and see what needs to be discussed with her.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Sep 11, 2020 at 2:30 AM
"What? O of course I am. I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" Flustered, Elsa nearly jumped out of her skin when Diego spoke. Had he seen it? She cleared her throat and called over a server. Setting her glass down on his tray, she turned to... to... what was his name again?"Dino, right? I'm fine. Perfectly fine. No problems here. Thank you for asking. How did you like the uh Coronation?" Elsa fumbled for words, desperately trying not to make a fool of herself. This is why she never left her room. It had nothing to do with her forbidden magic and everything to do with her lack of social skills."Elsa? Are you sure you're alright? I know it's been a stressful day. I bet you're just tired?" Anna offered compassionately. Why was Elsa acting so weird? Come to think of it, was she acting weird? Or is this how she always acted? It dawned on Anna that she didn't actually know because she didn't really know her sister. The red headed princess frowned. Elsa was the only person she had left in the whole world, except for Diego now. She really ought to fix that.
For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD)
Sep 11, 2020 at 6:57 AM
"You look stressed. Downright tense even," Diego told Elsa, with his arms crossed and looking a bit irritated at her, especially when she got his name wrong. "My name is Diego Vendrix, your highess," Diego corrected Elsa, but still being respectful and formal. However, seeing her fumble with her words and look just as awkward as her sister did have him relax pretty considerably."I may be a novice when it comes to my job, but even I can tell that something is bothering you. And it is not just the pomp and decorum here," Diego added as he looked over to Elsa with some concern. "Maybe we can try and have a meal the three of us and spend some time. It will probably help you feel better," Diego offered to Elsa. He did catch a glimpse of the frosted glass, but he didn't pay that much attention to it.He awaited to hear her answer and hoped everything was going all right.
In for a Zeni (Love&Cyran)
Jul 9, 2020 at 9:51 PM
Dinner was on the table. It was a nice spread of soups, salad, meats but the only person sitting at the table was a young girl. The dining room was large, with beautiful furniture and a nice chandelier. Her father liked things to look like a palace and with the amount of money the company made, it was more than easy to live in a palace like home. Why did her father want to live in a palace? Because when he wasn t off fighting God s, he was a king of him castle. He was the strongest man and his wife, was the richest woman in the world. They wanted for nothing and that was just how Vegeta liked it.Bulla sighed as she looked at her noodles floating around in her ramen filled with veggies and steak, resting her cheek in her palm as she sat her elbow on the table. She missed her father, even if they weren t getting a long at the moment. When her mother and brother were busy with work, she always had her father to fall back on. To take her shopping or even just watch movies together, she was his special little princess and he treated as the treasure she was.Right now, she was alone at the big table that could fit all her extended family for dinner parties, but it had been a long time since she had seen any of them either. The idea of it was kind of sad as time seemed to be passing very quickly and she felt like she was stuck. Wasting time that she could be doing or becoming .someone more special than just daddies little girl. Moving some of her flowing blue hair behind her ears she picked up her chop sticks and began to eat quietly. She listened to her mother on the phone in the kitchen attached to the dining room. Listen to me you asshole. Bulma growled on her cell phone. There is no way in hell I will allow your company access to Capsule Corps processing information, I don t care what they of deal you made with my father years go or any small text. This is my company now and I will not cow tail to jackasses! Trunks was resting against the counter, his arms over his chest as he listened to this conference call his mother was on. He was the face of the company while Bulma ran the engine, again, leaving little Bulla out of the mix when her father wasn t home. Threats of any kind will not work on me. You have no idea the woman you re dealing with bud! Bulma slammed the phone on the counter and Trunks moved over abit, looking at the broken phone under her hand. Damn mom. He muttered and Bulma growled. That asshole thinks he can use a years old products arrangement to gain access to our information. If he wants a war, I ll be happy to give him one! Trunks smiled and nodded. Sure thing Mom! Bulla ate quietly as her mother and brother came back into the dining room, discussing just what they were going to to get ride of the man by the name of Mr. Robin out of their hair and out of their invention books. But none of them really talked to Bulla as she listened. She knew she wasn t being ignored. Her mother and Trunks loved her very much, but they were lost in their own issues. Once she was done eating she got up from the table and walked to her room. Bulla Trunks said, and Bulla turned around. Yea? Can you go to the laundry room and get my good suit out of the dry cleaning machine? He asked her as he stuffed food in his face and she cocked an eye brow. Bulma sighed, why did Trunks even bother his sister at all. Do I look like your slave?! Bulla asked, pressing a hand to her chest. You have two legs and the gifted ability to walk, you do it!! She growled, her aura already turning around her and Trunks swallowed his food, looking at her. Christ you re moody, go take a nap. He growled and Bulma kicked him under the table. OW! What was that for?! TAKE A NAP!! HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE A NAP FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!! Bulla screamed, energy snapping around her skin as she turned and stormed off down the hallway, lighting it up as she went and slammed her bed room door so hard it shook bowls off the table That s what that was for Bulma muttered. You know better than to order your sister around. Mom, she has to learn to be respectful. Dad has spoiled her rotten and needless to say, she may need to catch hands like dad did before she learns to be less bratty You know how much dad hit me? Trunks said and Bulma frowned. Trunks, he never hit you out of anger, he was training you, pushing you. I know that mom but, I know some level of respect now. She doesn t know that. She a pint sized dad. That s enough Trunks. * * * * * * * * *Bulla leaned against her door and sighed, tears prickled her eyes. She felt like she was in a shell that was to small and all her energy wanted to burst out like a fireworks cake. She took a few deep breaths to calm the lighting along her skin. Her boots lifted off the ground as if she were going to float, but she pulled herself back down to the carpet of her bedroom. This was going to drive her inside if she didn t do something about this! Her father had forbidden her from training and fighting, and through most of her life, that was ok by her. As long as her father was there to baby her and people to wait on her hand and foot, was just the life for a princess. But she didn t want that anymore.It felt as if centuries old wild blood coursed through her and she wanted nothing more than to run free. She walked to her balcony and looked out at the night sky. The stars were hard to see from all the light population of West City, and this annoyed her. That untapped well of rage was twisting inside of her, but she held it down. Dad wouldn t just take this. She muttered. He would do anything to grow .and so will I. She turned from the balcony and ran to her closet. Grabbing a backpack, she gathered clothing and things she would need before she put on a pair of tennis shoes, tight jean shorts, and a black tank top. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and looked at herself in the mirror for a moment before she smiled and blew herself a kiss.Walking to the balcony, she looked around and thought to herself how she would get to Aunt Chi Chi s from here without a car ..She climbed onto the railing of the balcony and looked down at the busy streets below her, her hair wavy in her ponytail. Closing her eyes, she focused on her energy and slowly her feet lifted off the railing as she began to rise into the air. Opening her eyes, she smiled and moved as a push of energy had her flying from the balcony.Just as she vanished on the horizon her bedroom door opened, Bulla hey, Trunks said but looked around as his sister was gone. Bulla? * * * * * * * * * * * HOOOO! Bulla shouted as the air buffered around her as she sped up to see how quickly she could fly and in honesty, it was rather fast! She found herself laughing when she got speeding along, it was amazing! Why would her father forbid her from this! It was her right! It took a few hours by flying, but when she saw the pointed tops of her Aunts house, she smiled.Slowly she lowered herself with a little uneasy footing to the ground and giggled, the energy in her body making her muscles buzz. The night wasn t to late, and judging by the lights being on, Chi Chi was still awake. Bulla knocked on the door and waited with a face happy smile on her face. Hello? Chi Chi said from the other side of the door, opening it slowly due to the late hour and knowing in their lives, literally anything could be out there. Only to find her sweet niece. How hello Bulla dear, what are you doing out here so late? She asked, looking around, Come in, are you ok? Is your mom ok? Bulla didn t go in but she didn t lose her smile, No, everyone is fine. Um Does Goten still live with you? She asked. And Chi Chi shook her head. No dear, he is a few mountain ranges over now why? Can Chi was cut off as Bulla launched like a rocket into the air, the wind spinning Oh dear, ok! Thank you Aunt Chi Chi Bulla said as she took off.It wasn t to long time she saw smoke coming from a house, it was the only one she had seen in miles so, she eased down to the ground and walked to the door before she knocked.
In for a Zeni (Love&Cyran)
Jul 15, 2020 at 11:40 PM
It was the year 796 and Goten was bored. It had been twelve years since the 28th World Martial Art Tournament when Goku had flown off to train Uub, and in that time there had not been a single world threatening event in all of that time. Frieza had really dropped the ball on that whole "I will return" threat. Sure Goten had had a chance to go and battle again the Frieza Force from time to time with Jaco, but it wasn't like that was any real challenge to someone who could turn into Super Saiyan 3. He had even had elite units of the Frieza Force surrender as soon as he showed up, just because theythought he was Goku. Which of course disappointed Goten to no end. It had almost been enough to get him to cut his hair. Almost.Ever since Goku, Uub and Vegeta had gone to Vampa to train with Broly things had just been too quiet for Goten's liking. Sure ha dhad gone to school, like Chi Chi wanted, but it wasn't something he was passionate about, even though his brother's papers on the history of martial arts were very interesting, Goten was just much more of a hands on guy than his brother as. Maybe Goten would be a bit more satisfied with this Peaceful World Era, if there was actually some challenge for him here on Earth. But, with the arrangement all of the Z Fighters had with Mr. Satan there was no real pinnacle for them to push for with Goku so far ahead of everyone else and Mr. Satan putting a cap on how tough they could be in public.Goten had really come to understand the feeling of the people competing for fifth or sixth place, sure you were in the top ten, but you knew you were never going to get to the top.A lot of the others had learned to find their niche in this new normal. Yamcha was playing professional baseball Tien and Krillin had established a combined Crane Turtle School to train martial artists, Pan and Marin were two of their best students, Trunks was the nominal head of Capsule Corp. Everyone seemed to have a role in this new world except Goten. So he had decided to go off into the wildnerss and train, get back into the basics and try to get in touch with what martial arts had been like for men llke his Grandpa Gohan and Ox King.Chi Chi had been exasperated of course, not only was she the only one who seemed to be aging in their whole friend group, now her son was running off and acting just like Goku used to, even though he was now older than Goku was when he had died the second time. Something that always seemed to be brought up every time there were familiar dinners or gatherings.Trunks and Mai had gotten married a few years back, and everyone seemed to expect him to be next. And it wasn't like he was opposed to getting married, he certainly dated plenty of nice girls, just none of them seemed the right one. Something always seemed to come up and keep him from really settling down. Maybe he should go to Universe 6 and see if there was a Saiyan girl that he could get along with there. Maybe Caulifla knew somebody?These were the thoughts on his mind as he lay in a nice warm tub in his Capsule House after a long day of training. he had spent todayin the forest, just enjoying nature and meditating by the river, trying to get deeper in touch with his spirit and meditating on the world. He might not be as book smart as Gohan was, but he had really started to understand the principles of the spiritual part of martial arts in the last few years. When he had finished meditating he had taken time to just channel his ki, moving as much of it as possible from one part of his body to the other and back, it was all part of something he was working on related to flying, Super Saiyan forms and ki control. Maybe it would even lead to something that would help him figure out how to go Super Saiyan Blue.After training he had caught some really big fish and cooked it over a fire, though he wasn't nearly as good of a cook as his mom or Videl were. So even though he ate it all, it wasn't nearly as good as he knew it would have been with his family. It was moments like that that made him feel a bit lonely up here in the middle of nowhere. He closed his eyes, laying back into the water letting the heat soak into his muscles as one of his hands slid below the water to relieve a bit more tension in his muscles. He pictured some of the beautiful fighters he had met throughout his years of travel, especailly some of those pretty out there alien girls. Then when he was about to get all the tension out, he heard a knock on the front door and jumped, hands quickly flying through the air."Coming!" Goten yelled, before getting confused about who would be knocking all the way up here. thinking it must be something important for one of the Z Fighters to fly all the way out here he quickly jumped out of the bathroom and threw on a towel that covered him from hips to ankles. He left his muscled chest, certainly expanded since the last time he had been around all the Z Fighters, uncovered because it didn't seem that important. And because he wanted to kind of show off hois gains. he quickly came to regret that decision when he opened the door to find Bulla standing there.Bulla his best friend's little sister. Bulla the daughter of the second strongest Saiyan in the Universe. Bulla the daughter of Bulma, the second scariest woman in the universe. Bulla, the teenage girl who couldn't fl, and he didn't see her flying car anywhere. When all of this dawned on him he made the standard Son Family noise of surprise and embarrassment and quickly shut the door until he was looking at her through a crack in the door."Bulla! Ah, sorry, I thought you were someone else!" He said, not realizing that that kind of made it sound like he was expecting another person to be at the door, a person more comfortable seeing him in just a towel. Then he calmed down and gave her that adorable, confused Goku Gohan Goten look that all three men shared. "Uh Bulla, what are you doing here? And how did you get here?" He asked
In for a Zeni (Love&Cyran)
Jul 16, 2020 at 5:00 PM
The times had been boring, this was true. It as a time of peace, prosperity and quiet natures. Most of the universe knew now that Earth was the home and under guardianship of some of the most powerful creatures. Goku and Vegeta were not to be fucked with, and everyone knew it. So Earth, was left alone to get and prosper, but for the bloodline of those great men, it meant boredom. Trunks had been ok with getting married and helping his mother run a trillion dollar business. But even he got ants in his pants and would rush off to train. His father wouldn t have him getting soft, if Vegeta wasn t there to protect Bulma and Bulla it was Trunks place to do so. His father would never forgive him .hell he might even wipe him off the earth if something happened to his mother and sister.So, as Trunks walked into Bulla s room and found it empty, when she had certainly gone in there, he got a little concerned. The balcony doors were open as the curtains fluttered in the night wind. Surely she didn t ..she cant fly. He walked to the balcony and looked around and down, but saw nothing. He couldn t even feel her energy. Weird . He said as he walked out of the room. Mom, have you seen Bulla? He asked and Bulma was loading the dish washer. No baby, she went to her room. She answered as she wiped off her hands and looked at him. Why? Well, I went to her room to ask if she wanted to go get some ice cream with me since I made her so angry .but she isn t in there. He said.Bulma cocked an eye brow, I didn t hear her leave her room .she s around here somewhere surely. She said and Trunks nodded. I m going to go look around. Bulma nodded and headed to her bedroom as Trunks began his search around the massive building.* * * * * * * * * * *Bulla stood at Goten s doorstep, rocking on her feet slightly as she hummed and looked up at the stars. For a second, she got lost staring at them. In West City the lights were so bright it was hard to see the stars sometimes. She remembers her father complaining about it, and that if he cut off the power supply to the city then there wouldn t be so much light pollution on the planet. Of course, her mother told him no to such a horrible deed and he backed down. It was just an idea anyway!But as she stood there looking up at the stars, she couldn t help but smile. The moon caught her eye and she wondered about it too. It was so big and round and always made her feel odd if she looked at it for too long. Of course, nothing happened, she didn t have a tail, but she always new that something was missing.The door opened and she turned her attention away from the night sky and to the man before her. She smiled wide at the sight of him, geeze, he did look just like his dad! Looked like uncle Goku was standing there! Younger and smaller of course, but that was damn near the only difference. She smiled wide when the door opened, Hi Goten! she pipped before she looked and saw he was just in a towel and her eyes got kind of wide. She looked like her mother, but her expressions where all her dad.The door shut as Goten hid himself from her view of his half naked body. She had seen naked boys before and she knew all that, but she totally wasn t allowed to have boyfriends or be alone with boys in any manner without her father leering. The shadow of Vegeta kept every boy away, so she was admired from afar by many. But her dad wasn t here right now, and she was already breaking all the rules. So! Who cared! There was her mother in her. Her way, or the highway.Bulla blinked a few times, confused why he would be so shy at first, then well she knew their families all talked to each other and she sighed, putting her hands in her pockets. The shadow of her father always lingered even if he was gone. But she replaced her saddened look with a smile. I fly here! She answered, before any other questions and lifted herself off the ground in a whisk of energy, doing a small back flip and hovering there. It was awesome! There is so much to see outside of West City! There is like dinosaurs running around and so many cute little towns! She spun in the air before she set her feet back on the ground. I m here to ask you to train me. She said, looking more serious now. My dad refuses, guess he doesn t want to hurt his perfect princess. Trunks isn t allowed or dad will kill him. She put her hands on her hips. And before you ask, I cant go train with Pan and Marin at the Crane Turtle School .they will tell my dad and he will come me personally. But! If I m out here with you, and being taught by the son of Goku, then I am still getting great training, right?! She slipped into his house, pushing her way through the cracked door opening like she owned the place. There is a small tournament coming up and I want to surprise Pan and Marin, by beating them! She was looking around his small place before she smiled at him, What do you say?! telling Bulla no, also came with its own level of fear for many, she made Bulma look tame and was only steps away from Vegeta.
In for a Zeni (Love&Cyran)
Jul 16, 2020 at 6:22 PM
Flying was one of the thinks that separated the Z Fighters from the average martial artist. One of the first things Goten had done on this journey of self discovery that he had found himself on was go and talk to Tienshienhan about the history between the Crane and Turtle School and this flying technique that had once been the secret technique of the Crane School for hundreds of years. And now it was such a basic measure of the power that each individual Z Fighter could bring forward that Pan had started flying from the cradle. It normally took a huge amount of ki control and it was one of those things they usually learned after a bit of training in every other way.Honestly Goten had just thought that Bulla didn't really want to learn how to fly. She'd always seen more, well more like her mother, when it came to physical abilities, looks and interests. At least that had been Goten's impression. Her and Pan had always seemed to have the whole 'tomboy and girly girl' thing going. So to say Goten ws surprised that she had actually flown all the way out here, and now wanted him to train her was an understatement.He'd honestly be less surprised if Frieza had shown up, dressed like a mariachi singer with the rest of the Ginyu Force as his back up singer's and musicians.Goten did his best to jump back as she pushed her way through the door, her body pressing against his as she slid through the door. It took Goten a moment to realize that he had lifted his hands up to make sure they didn't bump into anything and quickly grabbed his towel to make sure it didn't fall down and nothing showed. He could definitely understand wanting to compete with people your own age as a goal and motivation for training. He and her brother had always been best friends and rivals at the same time. Butting heads in every tournament and way they could, just for fun of course.He thought about her request for a second, pecs bouncing slightly as he moved one of his hands to his chin to think, doing his best to look in every direction but where she stood. "So on one hand, I've got the second and third scariest people I know getting mad at me, possibly doing everything in their power to make my life a living hell because I trained their little princess a bit too hard. On the other hand, i have you here, mad at me at me if I say no. Which could probably be just as scary, at least until Vegeta's hair turns blue..." Goten said, his ex's had always said he was cutest when he was thinking."I guess that just leaves me with one question, do you know how to cook?"
In for a Zeni (Love&Cyran)
Jul 16, 2020 at 9:11 PM
Bulla shoved her way in, she was strong, she of course was not anywhere as strong as Goten but for a young girl she was way stronger. She had lived a happy life of being daddy s little girl and she still loved being daddy s little girl, but as she was growing up, her powers were starting to have more control over her than her own desire to shop and spend days being a normal earth girl. Her Saiyan blood was too strong if anything Trunks was proving to be the more domesticated. It was rather small home, she was only used to her family s summer cabin being small, and it still was way bigger than this. But when you come from the richest family in the world, everything seemed small and unlavish. To Bulla it was a nice change of pace.She had been looking around when Goten almost dropped his towel and quickly grabbed it by the time she looked at him. She knew he would understand and wouldn t kick her right out. But then again, it was understandable to want to tell her no. She didn t want to consider how her father would react if something happened to her, with her mother in tow, both of them terrifying. Bulma would start off the beating and Vegeta would zap you to ashes till only a hole was where you stood.Letting him think it over, she walked around, checking things out and being a nib shit. With his considerations, she nodded, knowing they were all valid. But, he then asked if she could cook she damn near fell over in typical anime fashion. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him with a slightly annoyed gaze. Yes. I can. My dad showed me how to be honest. But I m not going to be your mommy and cook for you all the time. I know how much you guys eat ..I don t have the patience to come close to making all the food I ve seen Aunt Chi Chi make.
In for a Zeni (Love&Cyran)
Jul 19, 2020 at 5:13 AM
Eyes on the hair, eyes on the hair. Goten told himself as she pranced around his small cottage looking everything over. It was a small space,cranberry colored couch with a whatever material coffee table with a tv that he never used, plus a kitchenette and two bedrooms. Goten had been confused by Bulma giving him a capsule house with two bedrooms, but she had put it that she had never expected to wreck into, shoot, and then befriend Goku when she went exploring for the Dragon Balls so maybe Goten would meet a group of wacky friends when he was away training and trying to 'discover' himself. Which he supposed was a good thing now that Bulla had showed up.It wasn't that Goten was trying to ogle Bulla, or that he thought he was attracted to his best friend's little sister. It was just that bulla had a propensity to dress like her mother, when her mother was younger, and that tended to be in an 'eye catching' way. So in order to be polite and avoid any weird incidents, Goten decided to not allow his eyes to be caught. Though those denim shorts were certainly making it a challenge for him. When she mentioned that while shecould cook, she wasn't planning on cooking for him. So he justed smiled and shrugged, still holding up his towel."Well in that case, I guess you could spend the night before flying off to the Lookout or Roshi for training. While you're thinking about that I'm going to go and put some clothes on. Feel free to make yourself at home." Gotten said, turning and walking down thae only hallway that then led to the two bedrooms. He went into his room and then started to pick out his pajamas. He ended up deciding on a Tien style under shirt and a pair of plaid pajama paints.
In for a Zeni (Love&Cyran)
Jul 29, 2020 at 3:10 PM
It was smart of Goten to not leer at Bulla, she was a very smart girl even for her age. Between her mother s brains and her father hawk like eyes, almost nothing got by her. Thankfully she was busy looking at his place, it was a good thing he didn t have to much stuff, so everything was pretty tidy. Bulla couldn t handle messes she always had her bedroom just how she liked it and didn t want anyone messing with things. So, when she was done snooping around and Goten asked her about cooking she knew what he wanted. He would train her, in exchange that she cook for him.Of course, it was going to be able food. Feeding a Saiyan was no easy matter. Chi Chi made so much food to feed her husband and two boys it was crazy! Bulma, thankfully had hired help if she needed, but feeding Trunks, Vegeta and even Bulla sometimes was a challenge. They burned so much energy their bodies had to restore it through consuming food. Bulla was hungry right now from flying but she also hadn t eaten dinner from her and Trunk s little spat.Goten gave her the ultimatum and she pouted, crossing her arms tight over her chest and looking annoyed. Honestly, she looked a lot like her dad when she frowned her face and gave Goten the snake eye as he walked away to his room to get dress. He didn t give an inch as she pouted and went to his run. Bulla them made an exasperated sound and threw her arms at the side as she looked at the ceiling. Why can t people just do what I tell them! Spoiled, thanks Vegeta.She stood there a moment before her stomach growled and she decided she might want to ease aside some of her pride. She knew she had the ability to be something great, it was burning in her skin .but is being prideful was going to hold her back, then .she might decide to ease up on that sooner than her father. Licking lips, she walked to the kitchen area and opened the fridge. Leaving her bag on the couch. She began to go through his fridge. It was full of food, as it was easily restocked thanks to a capsule corp update to the house.Pulling out somethings to make fried rice she waited for Goten to return. When he did, she was already saut ing the slices of meat in the large pot. I don t want to go to the look out, Mr. Poepoe scares me. And I d rather not get leered at by Master Roshi, I m surprised he doesn t have brain damage from all the time my mom hit him. She said as she cooked. So I ll cook for you. Her voice was begrudging but she didn t look at him. Taking a second to glance over his big he was getting. He looked just like his dad, which Uncle Goku was not a bad looking guy. She bit her lower lip slightly before turning back to what she was doing so she didn t burn the food.