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A (n) ________ ________ is a disease that can be passed from one person to another
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A Barr body is typically found in the nucleus of
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A Petrarchan sonnet is made up of
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A _____ is a network of intersecting nerves
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A a species is a group of similar organisms that test
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A bacterium carrying a dormant phage inserted in the chromosome is called a __________.
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A basic nerve cell in the central nervous system is called a(n):
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A biological species is defined as a group of organisms that
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A cancerous tumor of fat cells is called
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A carbohydrate that is composed of numerous sugar molecules is called
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A common name for hydrochloric acid is
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A decrease in energy prices will
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A fever is a rise in body temperature reading above
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A frameshift is caused by ______ mutations
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A gene is defined as a quizlet
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A gene is usually __________.
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A general term meaning nerve cell
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A group of organisms which lives together in an area is called a
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A hemiglossectomy is the surgical excision of _________ of the tongue.
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