# Dube aibeba Yanga kibabe ## Muktasari: **Dube aliyesajiliwa msimu huu kutoka Azam, alikuwa hajafunga bao lolote kabla ya mechi hizo mbili, lakini jana alidhihirisha mambo yamemnyookea baada ya kufungua akaunti ya mabao katika ligi wakati Yanga ikiizamisha Mashujaa kwa mabao 3-2 kwenye Uwanja wa KMC Complex, Mwenge.** Gari limewaka ndivyo unavyoweza kusema baada ya Prince Dube kufunga hat trick katika mchezo wa Ligi Kuu Bara, ikiwa ni siku chache tangu afanikiwe pia kufunga kwenye mchezo wa Ligi ya Mabingwa Afrika wakati akiipa Yanga sare ya bao 1-1 dhidi ya TP Mazembe ya DR Congo. Dube aliyesajiliwa msimu huu kutoka Azam, alikuwa hajafunga bao lolote kabla ya mechi hizo mbili, lakini jana alidhihirisha mambo yamemnyookea baada ya kufungua akaunti ya mabao katika ligi wakati Yanga ikiizamisha Mashujaa kwa mabao 3-2 kwenye Uwanja wa KMC Complex, Mwenge. Hiyo ilikuwa ni hat trick ya kwanza katika Ligi Kuu kwa msimu huu baada ya kupigwa mechi 111 hadi sasa, lakini ya pili kwa Mzimbabwe huyo tangu alipotua nchini akijiunga na Azam akitokea Highlanders ya Zimbabwe na kuitumikia klabu hiyo kwa misimu minne kabla ya kuhamia Yanga msimu huu. Hat trick ya kwanza ya Dube aliifunga Juni 6, 2023 wakati Azam ikiizamisha Polisi Tanzania kwa mabao 5-0 na jana akiwa na moto mkali alitupia mabao mawili kipindi cha kwanza na kuongeza lingine kipindi cha pili na kumaliza ukame aliokuwa nao katika Ligi Kuu tangu msimu ulipoanza rasmi Agosti mwaka huu. **Mabao ya vichwa** Hat trick ya Dube kwa leo ilitokana na mabao mawili ya vichwa na moja la mguu wa kulia. Dube alianza kufunga bao la kwanza dakika nane akimalizia pasi ya Pacome Zouzoua aliyegongeana na straika huyo, kabla ya dakika ya 22 kuongeza chuma ya pili kwa kichwa akimalizia mpira wa Clement Mzize aliyeizidi safu ya ulinzi ya Mashujaa. Na bao la tatu la kufungia hesabu alitupia tena kwa kichwa akimalizika krosi tamu kutoka kwa Kibwana Shomari aliyeanzishwa katika mchezo huu kama beki wa kushoto kabla ya kutolewa katika kipindi hicho kumpisha Chadrack Boka aliyeanzia benchi pamoja na Nickson Kibabage. **Khomeny mmh!** Kama kuna mchezaji wa Yanga aliyetoka uwanjani kichwa chini basi ni kipa Abubakar Khomeiny aliyeanzishwa langoni kutokana na kipa namba moja, Diarra Djigui kuwa majeruhi, baada ya kuruhusu mabao mawili na kutibua rekodi yake ya kucheza mechi tatu mfululizo bila kuruhusu bao, zikiwamo mbili za Ligi Kuu na moja ya CAF. Aliyeanza kumtia doa Khomeiny ni David Ulomi aliyefumua shuti kali la mbali sekunde chache kabla ya mapumziko na kumfanya kipa huyo aliyesajiliwa msimu huu kutoka Singida BS (enzi ikiitwa Ihefu) na kufanya mapumziko Yanga kuwa mbele kwa mabao 2-1. Kipindi cha pili dakika 10 tu tangu Yanga ifunge bao la tatu, mtokea benchi, Idriss Stambuli alimtungua tena Khomeiny kwa shuti lingine la mbali na kuwafanya mashabiki waliojaza kwenye Uwanja wa KMC kubakiwa wameduwaa, kwani waliamini angeudaka mpira huo, lakini ukamponyoka na kuingia wavuni. **staili ya Mjerumani yaonekana** Tofauti na Yanga iliyocheza mechi nne zilizopita, zikiwamo tatu za Ligi ya Mabingwa na moja ya Ligi Kuu dhidi ya Namungo ikiwa chini ya kocha Sead Ramovic, timu ikionekana kucheza kinyonge na kupoteza hovyo mipira, kwa jana timu hiyo ilionekana wachezaji wamechangamka na kugeana kiustadi mwanzo mwisho. Viungo wa Yanga washambuliaji waliotumika jana Pacome, Dube Abuya sambamba na mabeki wa pembeni Yao Kouassi na Kibwana wakishirikiana na Clement Mzize na Dube waliliweka hatarini kwa muda mrefu lango la Mashujaa lililokuwa likilindwa na kipa Patrick Munthali aliyekuwa na clean sheet nane kabla ya mechi hiyo. **Mashujaa siyo wanyonge** Licha ya kupoteza mechi hiyo, lakini Mashujaa katika vipindi vyote ilionekana kucheza kwa nidhamu na hasa kipindi cha pili walitumia nafasi chache walizotengeneza kulitingisha lango la Yanga ambalo liliwatia presha mashabiki kutokana na kushindwa kumuamini Khomeiny ambaye alicheza kama mwenye mchecheto vile. Ulomi, Mapinduzi Balama, Ismail Mgunda na Shaaban Mgandila walipambana kuitafuta mabao timu hiyo katika kipindi cha kwanza na kufanikiwa kupata moja kabla ya kipindi cha pili kuongeza jingine na dakika 20 za mwisho za pambano hilo baada ya timu zopte kufanya mabadiliko mchezo ulikuwa fifte fifte. Matokeo hayo yameifanya Mashujaa kusalia nafasi ya saba ikiwa na pointi 19 baada ya mechi 15 za duru la kwanza, ikipoteza jumla ya michezo minne, ikishinda minne na kutoka sare saba, huku ushindi huo ni 10 kwa Yanga katika mechi 12, ikiwa imepoteza mbili na haijatoka sare yoyote. Pia huo ni ushindi wa pili mfululizo katika Ligi Kuu kwa Ramovic, baada ya awali kushinda ugenini dhidi ya Namungo iliyoifunga 2-0 wiki tatu zilizopita.
# Mpanzu apewa Kagera Sugar ## Muktasari: **Ally amebainisha hayo akiweka wazi kwamba kila kitu kuhusu usajili wake kwa maana ya vibali kimekamilika, kilichobaki ni benchi la ufundi chini ya Kocha Mkuu, Fadlu Davids kuamua kumtumia kwani kiafya yupo vizuri.** Klabu ya Simba imethibitisha kwamba, kila kitu kuhusu usajili wa Elie Mpanzu ndani ya kikosi hicho kimekamilika, hivyo ni rasmi sasa yupo tayari kuanza kuitumikia timu hiyo katika mchezo ujao wa Ligi Kuu Bara dhidi ya Kagera Sugar utakaochezwa kesho kwenye Uwanja wa Kaitaba mkoani Kagera. Septemba 30 mwaka huu, Simba ilitangaza kumsajili Mpanzu ikiwa ni wiki chache baada ya dirisha kubwa la usajili kufungwa Agosti 15, 2024 na iliezwa angeanza kutumika mara tu dirisha dogo lilipofunguliwa Desemba 15, 2024 lakini haikuwa hivyo kutokana na kutokamilisha baadhi ya taratibu. Meneja wa Habari na Mawasiliano wa Simba, Ahmed Ally, amesema Mpanzu ambaye amejiunga na timu hiyo kutoka AS Vita ya DR Congo ana asilimia kubwa ya kucheza dhidi ya Kagera Sugar. Ally amebainisha hayo akiweka wazi kwamba kila kitu kuhusu usajili wake kwa maana ya vibali kimekamilika, kilichobaki ni benchi la ufundi chini ya Kocha Mkuu, Fadlu Davids kuamua kumtumia kwani kiafya yupo vizuri. "Elie Mpanzu ana asilimia 99.99 tarehe 21 akawa sehemu ya kikosi, mambo yake yote yameshakamilika na sasa yupo tayari kuitumikia Simba," alisema Ally. Katika msafara wa kikosi cha Simba uliosafiri jana kwenda mkoani Kagera kwa ajili ya mchezo huo, Mpanzu alikuwa sehemu ya wachezaji wa timu hiyo jambo linalotoa majibu ya moja kwa moja yupo kwenye mipango ya benchi la ufundi. Wakati Mpanzu akiingizwa kwenye usajili, ni wazi staa mmoja atampisha Mcongo huyo. Hatua hiyo inafuatiwa kwa sababu kabla ya ujio wa Mpanzu, Simba ilikuwa imekamilisha idadi ya wachezaji 12 wa kimataifa wanaotakiwa kikanuni ambao ni Ayoub Lakred, Moussa Camara, Che Malone Fondoh, Chamou Karaboue, Valentine Nouma, Fabrice Ngoma, Augustine Okejepha, Joshua Mutale, Jean Charles Ahoua, Debora Mavambo, Steven Mukwala na Leonel Ateba. Kuhusu nani anampisha Mpanzu, Ally amesema: "Tutatoa taarifa juu ya nani ameondolewa ili aingie Mpanzu, kuweni na subira." Mpanzu alichelewa kutua Msimbazi baada ya kupata dili la kwenda kufanya majaribio katika klabu ya KRC Genk ya Ubelgiji, mambo yalipokwama ndipo akasaini mkataba na Simba.
# Adele atuhumiwa kuiba wimbo ## Muktasari: **Uamuzi huo uliotangazwa hadharani Desemba 16, 2024, ulikuja baada kesi iliyowasilishwa mwaka huu na Toninho Geraes ambaye anadai Adele aliiga wimbo wake uliotoka miaka ya 1990 unaofahamika kama 'Mulheres'** **Uingereza.** Rio de Janeiro jaji kutokea nchini Brazil, ameamuru kufutwa kwa wimbo wa 'Million Years Ago' wa mwimbaji wa Uingereza Adele kutokana na madai ya wizi wa kazi hiyo kutoka kwa mwanamuziki wa Brazil anayefahamika kama Toninho Geraes. Uamuzi huo uliotangazwa hadharani Desemba 16, 2024, ulikuja baada kesi iliyowasilishwa mwaka huu na Toninho Geraes ambaye anadai Adele aliiga wimbo wake uliotoka miaka ya 1990 unaofahamika kama 'Mulheres'. Kutokana na hilo wameamuru makampuni yanayomsimamia Adele ambayo ni 'Sony Music Entertainment' na 'Universal Music' kuondoa wimbo huo kwenye majukwaa yote ya kuuzia na kusikilizia muziki na itawalazimu kulipa faini ya USD 8,080.94 sawa na Sh 19 milioni ikiwa kampuni hizo zitashindwa kutii agizo hilo. Hata hivyo, Universal ilikata rufaa dhidi ya madai hayo Jumanne Desemba 17, ikisema hakuna wizi bali ni "kufanana kwa sauti kwa bahati mbaya," Adele na Geraes wote wana mikataba na Universal, lakini mwanamuziki huyo wa Brazil amekuwa akijaribu kusitisha mkataba wake na kampuni hiyo kutokana na madai yake ya wizi, wakili wake. Wimbo wa 'Million Years Ago' ulitoka Desemba 21, 2019 ukiwa umetazamwa zaidi ya mara milioni 22 kwenye mtandao wa YouTube.
Prime # Tanzania turns to tech to tackle teacher shortage ## What you need to know: **In 2023 about 17,700 desktops and 10,384 laptops were distributed to primary schools, with 61.9 percent of these schools connected to the national grid while secondary schools received over 31,000 desktops and 10,000 laptops, with 72.2 percent connected to electricity** **Dar es Salaam.** Tanzania has embarked on an ambitious plan to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into education to address the perennial teacher shortage, a challenge that has hindered quality education delivery for years. The intervention aims to leverage technology to not only curb the shortage but also enhance teaching and learning across the country. For decades, Tanzania has grappled with a teacher deficit, particularly in science subjects. This issue has been compounded by the increasing number of students enrolling in schools each year. While the government recruited 13,130 teachers in the 2022/23 fiscal year and plans to recruit over 11,015 more this year, the gap remains significant. In many schools, classrooms are overcrowded, with some accommodating over 100 students, leading to a pupil-to-teacher ratio (PTR) of 1:100 instead of the standard 1:45. The Covid-19 pandemic further exposed the digital divide in the education sector. Despite efforts to ensure remote learning during lockdowns, many students, especially in rural areas, were left behind due to lack of access to ICT tools and infrastructure. Recognising the challenges, the government is now prioritising digital solutions to bridge this divide and create a more inclusive education system. “ICT is a game-changer in education. It allows us to address teacher shortages and improve the quality of learning,” said minister of State in the President’s Office—Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), Mr Mohamed Mchengerwa, during the launch of the first phase of ICT equipment distribution on Wednesday. As part of the initiative, the government allocated Sh18 billion in the 2023/24 fiscal year to purchase ICT equipment for schools. Through the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP), 1,500 secondary schools are set to benefit. The first batch of equipment has already been distributed to 231 schools. To ensure the effective use of the tools, over 3,000 secondary school teachers have undergone ICT training in two phases. These sessions aim to equip teachers with the skills to integrate technology into their teaching practices. “ICT utilisation will revolutionise teaching and learning. It makes teachers more efficient and improves student outcomes,” Mr Mchengerwa noted. He also highlighted the potential of ICT to connect students across the country. “With digital classrooms, a teacher in Kibaha can teach students in remote areas like Kigoma and Lindi simultaneously,” he added. Tanzania’s National ICT in Education Strategy outlines a comprehensive plan to integrate technology at all levels of education. The vision is to achieve “improved learning outcomes through a digitally enabled education system.” The strategy focuses on seven key pillars: infrastructure and access, ICT integration in the curriculum, digital content development, digital assessment, capacity building, innovation, and emerging technologies. According to the Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prof Calyne Nombo, the strategy emphasises the need to prepare students and society to thrive in the information age. “We must harness the strengths of ICT tools to build a well-educated and informed society,” she said. Efforts include providing science laboratories with ICT facilities, distributing computers to schools, and training teachers. In 2023 alone, 17,700 desktops and 10,384 laptops were distributed to primary schools, with 61.9 percent of these schools connected to the national grid. Similarly, secondary schools received over 31,000 desktops and 10,000 laptops, with 72.2 percent connected to electricity. The government has also invested in creating e-content, particularly for STEM subjects. Tutorial videos featuring multimedia elements help students grasp complex topics in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Through SEQUIP, 15,282 secondary school teachers have been trained to adopt digitally enabled teaching methods. “Digital tools make learning more engaging and accessible, especially for students in underserved areas,” said Prof Nombo. Rwanda’s successful integration of ICT in education provides a valuable lesson for Tanzania. Through the One Laptop per Child programme, Rwanda equipped students with laptops and connected schools to the internet. The initiative has significantly improved literacy rates and STEM performance. Tanzania can draw inspiration from this model to accelerate its ICT adoption. Tanzania’s ICT-driven education strategy marks a significant step toward addressing teacher shortages and improving learning outcomes. While challenges such as infrastructure gaps and electricity connectivity persist, the government’s commitment to digital transformation is commendable. “We are building a foundation for a knowledge-based society. This is not just an investment in education but in the future of our country,” Mr Mchengerwa emphasised.
# Tanzania govt says strategic infrastructure projects are on track ## What you need to know: **Addressing journalists in Dar es Salaam on Thursday, December 19, the Government Chief Spokesperson, Gerson Msigwa, highlighted achievements in ports, railways, aviation, and agriculture, calling these efforts vital to realising Tanzania’s development goals** **Dar es Salaam.** The government has reaffirmed its commitment to implementing strategic legacy projects across key sectors, underscoring significant progress in infrastructure, transportation and energy initiatives. Addressing journalists in Dar es Salaam on Thursday, December 19, the Government Chief Spokesperson, Gerson Msigwa, highlighted achievements in ports, railways, aviation, and agriculture, calling these efforts vital to realising Tanzania’s development goals. Mr Msigwa reported a notable improvement in port operations. From May to November 2024, Tanzania’s ports handled 16.5 million tonnes of cargo, a 5.92 percent increase from the 15.6 million tonnes recorded during the same period in 2023. The Port of Dar es Salaam alone accounted for 14.4 million tonnes, reflecting a 5.6 percent growth. Container handling also improved, with 621,584 units processed across the ports, marking a 3.29 percent increase from the previous year’s 601,805 units. Transit cargo for neighbouring countries surged by 19.3 percent, reaching 6.3 million tonnes. The spokesperson attributed these gains to ongoing investments in port infrastructure, including modern equipment and enhanced operational systems. "The partnership with DP World has been a game-changer. Their $250 million investment in just five months has significantly reduced ship waiting times and operational costs," he said. **Standard Gauge Railway** Progress continues on the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), a flagship infrastructure project aiming to revolutionise Tanzania’s transport network. The government has invested $10.3 billion (Sh23.3 trillion) in the railway, connecting Dar es Salaam to Mwanza and Kigoma. Mr Msigwa outlined the construction status of various sections, for instance, Dar es Salaam to Dodoma; Operations commenced in June 2024, serving over 1.17 million passengers by November. Also, Makutupora to Mwanza: 61.2 percent complete. Makutupora to Tabora: 14.53 percent complete. As well as, Tabora to Kigoma with 7.16 percent complete. "The SGR has not only doubled passenger volume compared to the old railway but has also generated Sh30 billion in revenue within five months," Mr Msigwa noted. "This project is transforming Tanzania’s transport landscape," he added. **Aviation** The national carrier, Air Tanzania Company Limited (ATCL), has expanded its fleet to 16 aircraft, facilitating operations on 27 domestic and international routes. According to Mr Msigwa, from January to December 17, 2024, ATCL transported over 1.1 million passengers and 10,181 tonnes of cargo. "Our investment in modern aircraft has enhanced ATCL’s competitiveness. This progress strengthens our economy and positions Tanzania as a key player in regional and international aviation," he said. **Bus Rapid Transit** Mr Msigwa said the BRT system has reduced commute times in Dar es Salaam from three hours to 45 minutes, with construction progressing on additional phases. "The BRT project is not just about transportation; it’s about improving the quality of life for our citizens," he remarked. **Energy access** The government has made strides in electrification, with 12,278 villages connected to electricity as of December 2024. The remaining 40 villages are expected to be connected by the end of the month. "This milestone reflects our commitment to universal energy access and underscores Tanzania’s leadership in rural electrification. We are determined to ensure no village is left behind," said Mr Msigwa. Under the fertiliser and seed subsidy programme, 406,966 farmers have benefitted, purchasing 253,669 tonnes of fertiliser worth Sh435.7 billion between July and November 2024. The government has allocated Sh90.5 billion in subsidies for the initiative. Mr Msigwa highlighted improvements in local fertiliser and seed production, which have contributed to increased agricultural productivity. "Our efforts are boosting farmers’ productivity and strengthening food security," he added. Mr Msigwa reaffirmed the administration’s resolve to deliver on its promises, describing the progress as “tangible proof” of President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s leadership. "These projects are laying the foundation for a prosperous and competitive Tanzania," he said, urging citizens to support the government’s efforts.
Prime # Tanzania changes approach in Liganga, Mchuchuma talks ## What you need to know: **The government has changed its approach in the discussions on the Liganga and Mchuchuma projects as it seeks to secure a new investor** **Dar es Salaam.** The government has changed its approach in the discussions over Liganga and Mchuchuma projects as it seeks to secure another investor for implementing the iron and coal mining schemes. Tanzania China International Mineral Resource Ltd (TCIMRL) is currently spearheading the $3 billion Mchuchuma and Liganga project but the government said the current investor lacks the capacity. Industry and Trade deputy minister Exaud Kigahe told *The Citizen* that the government is now in country-to-country discussions to reach an agreement regarding the investment. “We expect China will find another company to take over the project, or if not, we will search for another investor,” he said. Mr Kigahe added that despite the ongoing discussions, there has been no official communication confirming that the initial investor has withdrawn. Earlier in the year, Mr Kigahe said Tanzania was ready to finalise the process and start implementation of the project. “The challenge we are facing is that the major investors do not come to the negotiation meetings,” he said. This comes after President Samia Suluhu Hassan directed the Ministry of Industry and Trade, along with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to expedite the acquisition process for a company that will facilitate the launch of the Liganga and Mchuchuma projects. The project, situated in the Ludewa district of the Njombe region, aims to provide essential raw materials for Saturn Corporation Limited’s large vehicle assembly plant in Kigamboni, Dar es Salaam, and other industries. However, TCIMRL deputy CEO Eric Mwingira told *The Citizen* that the negotiations on the project are still ongoing. “Currently, the initial investors left the management and new ones came in,” he said. Mr Mwingira added that since the project was stalling, the investors are currently in China, and there is one representative in Tanzania making follow-ups. “The company is still here, and we are continuing with the discussions.” Earlier in the year, Mr Mwingira told *The Citizen* that the company still holds a valid development contract. However, he noted that the government has not yet gazetted the agreed-upon tax incentives, essential for initiating the project’s implementation. Further reports highlight that the Ministry of Finance and Planning was yet to publish the granted investment incentives approved by NISC and enshrined in the two signed performance contracts in the Government Gazette to make them legally operational as required by law. Mr Mwingira had said the project has taken a long time, and the government approved the tax incentives they sought, but it is yet to work on them and gazette them as legal. “The project, whose contract was signed in 2011, investors are calling on the government to endorse the tax incentives, including 10 years of relief for the project that would be running between 50 and 100 years.” Further, reports indicate that they are seeking tax incentives on exercise duty for import duty on the cargo or materials to be imported for construction, as well as incentives on spare parts and machinery, as well as relief taxes on fuel. Reports show that they are continuing with negotiations, and there is great indication that the government will accept their requests. “Initially, the negotiations were under the government negotiating team, but currently, they have been moved to a committee under the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The mother company, Sichuan Hongda Group Limited (SHG), discharged its part of the contract by carrying out the geological exploration and environmental and social impact assessment, study, valuation for purposes of compensation of the project-affected people, research, and development for smelting technology to the tune of about $70 million. The capitalised exploration cost consumed a lot of resources because of the complexity of the mineralogical constitution when it comes to the separation of titanium from iron ore and design for an industrial complex. Based on the developments, TCIMRL applied for and was granted two Special Mining Licenses (SML) for both the Liganga Iron Ore and Mchuchuma Coal projects. Reports show that immediately after the grant of the licence, TCIMRL started negotiations with the government in 2014 through the National Investment Steering Committee (NISC) on the granting of investment incentives for the Mchuchuma and Liganga projects under the provisions of the Tanzania Investment Act (Cap 38). After concerted negotiations, the performance contract was signed in June 2014, which provided some investment incentives for the project. Further reports show that the government introduced Parliament an amendment to the Tanzania Investment Act CAP 38 through the Finance Act, 2015, in which they introduced the “Special Strategic Investor Status,” where the Finance Act 2015 amended section 20 of the Tanzania Investment Act by adding subsections (5) to (9). The Finance Act 2015 was signed into law and according to the amendment, the government may identify and grant Special Strategic Investment Status to projects that have a minimum investment capital of less than $300 million and investment capital transactions that are undertaken through registered local financial and insurance institutions.
**Dar es Salaam.** Leading hospitals in Tanzania have revealed the most sought-after services among foreign nationals as new statistics indicate a growing trend in medical tourism. They include advanced surgical procedures, comprehensive diagnostics, dialysis, cancer treatment and specialised care such as joint, knee and hip replacements. The surge in medical tourism is linked to increased investment in specialised services and training of specialists. The Ministry of Health’s *Health Service Delivery Statistics Journal* shows that between January and June 2024, the number of international patients seeking medical attention in Tanzania increased to 4,251 from 3,657 during the same period in2023. Patients mostly came from Comoros, Malawi, Burundi, Zambia, DR Congo (DRC), Uganda, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Hospitals handling the most foreign patients include Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), the Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI) and the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI). Others include the Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute (MOI), the Aga Khan Hospital in Dar es Salaam and Saifee Hospital Tanzania. According to the ministerial report, MNH treated 560 foreign patients between January and June 2024, up from 409 last year, while ORCI attended to 328 patients this year compared to 287 in 2023. However, JKCI saw a decline in international patients from 112 in 2023 to 75 this year, while MOI served 79 international patients, up from 75. The Aga Khan Hospital saw a rise in international patients to 2,609 from 2,518 in 2023, while Saifee Hospital received 600 patients in the first half of 2024 from 256 during the same period last year. MNH head of corporate communication Aminiel Aligaesha attributed the influx of foreign patients to advanced surgical services and specialised diagnosis. “A variety of surgeries and diagnostic services, such as CT scans and MRIs, are the main draw for international patients,” he said. The Medical Tourism Committee chairperson at MOI, Prof Reuben Mutagaywa, highlighted the hospital’s role in conducting complex surgeries, especially those involving joint replacements. “We also treat brain tumours, stroke and chronic back pain and have a sizeable number of patients coming from outside the country,” Prof Mutagaywa said. MOI also offers innovative treatments such as the provision of artificial joints for patients with worn-out cartilage and specialised care for paediatric scoliosis, a condition that causes sideways curvature of the spine. Aga Khan Hospital trade, marketing and communications manager Olayce Lotha noted that many international patients come for advanced neuroscience services, both surgical and non-surgical. “We usually receive patients from the Comoros, Malawi, Burundi and Mozambique, who seek treatment for conditions such as stroke, brain disorders, and central nervous system issues,” he said. In addition to neurology, patients visit Aga Khan Hospital for comprehensive cardiology services such as artery unblocking, pacemaker implantation and angiography. The hospital also offers chemotherapy, radiotherapy, knee and hip replacements, dialysis and gynaecological care, including fertility treatment. An oncology specialist and medical tourism coordinator at ORCI, Dr Caroline Swai, said patients from neighbouring countries often travel for specialised cancer treatment, particularly for cervical, breast, prostate and head and neck cancers. “We’ve seen increasing numbers of foreign patients seeking these treatments,” she said. **Sustainability strategies** The Aga Khan Hospital aims to improve service quality and affordability for regional patients as part of its long-term strategy, according to Mr Lotha. “We are creating treatment packages tailored to the region, making services more accessible to ordinary citizens,” he said. The hospital also strengthens partnerships with international specialists and expands marketing efforts to attract more international patients. Dr Swai said ORCI is focusing on reducing waiting times and expanding access to treatment by planning new centres in Mbeya, Mloganzila and Mtwara. For his part, Prof Mutagaywa said MOI plans to expand its regional outreach by enhancing digital services and introducing AI-powered technology for improved patient outcomes. “We aim to integrate more specialised clinics and advanced technologies to better serve our patients,” he said. **Growth of medical tourism** National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data shows a 24.3 percent increase in the number of international visitors to Tanzania in 2023, totalling 1,808,205. Of these, eight percent came for medical treatment with Zambia contributing 6.8 percent of medical tourists, while Kenya accounted for 5.1 percent. Other countries such as Burundi and the DRC also sent a significant number of patients to Tanzanian hospitals. **Private Hospitals Association** The Private Health Service Providers Association (Aphta) chairperson, Dr Egina Makwabe, said earlier in the year that the body planned to create a database tracking the origins and treatment of international patients. “We aim to identify hospitals offering specialised services locally, reducing the need for international referrals,” he said. **Government’s role** The government’s 2024/2025 budget includes plans to further develop the country’s medical tourism sector by enhancing national and regional hospitals’ ability to provide specialised services to locals and foreigners. The then Health minister, Ms Ummy Mwalimu, reported that by March 2024, Tanzania had treated 7,843 foreign nationals, up from 5,705 in 2022/23. **What experts say** In July, Prof Abel Kinyondo of the University of Dar es Salaam said as global tourism diversifies, medical tourism offers countries and important revenue channel. He stressed the importance of prioritising service quality and increasing hotel capacity to accommodate patients and their families, ensuring Tanzania becomes a preferred medical tourism destination.
# Kwa nini ujiunge na familia yaSimBanking, miamala kidijitali Katika watu wazima zaidi ya asilimia 65 wanaotumia huduma za benki nchini, ni wateja wa Benki ya CRDB pekee wanaofurahia ura¬hisi wa Programu ya Sim¬Banking ndiyo wanatambu¬lika duniani. Ndio, huu ni ukweli unaothibitika. Programu ya SimBank¬ing ambayo imechangia kwa kiasi kikubwa upati-kanaji wa huduma za Benki ya CRDB kwenye simu za mkononi, imetambuliwa kuwa programu salama zaidi ya benki kwenye tuzo zilizotolewa hivi karibuni na Jarida la Global Finance lenye makao makuu yake nchini Uingereza. Benki ya CRDB ilikuwa kati ya taasisi tatu za fed¬ha kutoka Afrika zilizot-ambuliwa na kutunukiwa katika tuzo za mwaka huu zilizotolewa na jarida hilo maarufu duniani. Taasisi nyingine zilikuwa Benki ya Dashen ya nchini Ethiopia na First National Bank ya Afrika Kusini. Mwanzilishi Mwenza na Mkurugenzi wa Uhariri wa Jarida la Global Finance, Joseph Giarraputo anas¬ema washindi wa kip¬engele cha programu bora ya benki walipatikana kwa kuzingatia aina ya hudu¬ma wanazozitoa kidijitali, mafanikio waliyoyapata kwa kuwahamishia wateja wao kwenye huduma za kidijitali, uandikishaji wa wateja wapya sambamba na kuwabakiza wale wa mwanzo, na namna majuk¬waa ya kidijitali yalivyotu¬mika kuboresha biashara, kupunguza gharama na kuongeza tija. “Kila mshiriki alijadiliwa na jopo la wataalamu wa huduma za benki na mifu¬mo ya TEHAMA kutoka Infosys, lakini uamuzi wa mwisho ulifanywa na jopo la majaji wetu wa Global Finance. Kutoka Tanzania, Benki ya CRDB imeshinda kwa kuwa benki ya kidiji¬tali,” amesema Giarraputo. Benki nyingi barani Afri¬ka, Giarraputo anasema zimekuwa zikipitia wakati mgumu kutokana na chan¬gamoto za kiuchumi kwe¬nye mataifa yao hata hivyo, mikakati iliyowekwa na baadhi ya taasisi hizi za fedha imezisaidia kuk¬abiliana nazo na kuzifanya zivuke salama. “Badala ya kuanguka na kufilisika kutokana na ugu¬mu uliopo, bado benki hizi zinaendelea udumu na baa¬dhi zinapata faida kubwa hivyo kustahili pongezi,” anasema mkurugenzi huyo wa uhariri wa Jarida la Global Finance. **Mchango wa SimBanking ** Mpaka Jarida la Global Finance linatoa tuzo hiyo kwa Benki ya CRDB, taarifa zinaonyesha mafanikio makubwa ya Programu ya SimBanking kwani imechangia kwa kiasi kikubwa kuimarisha matu¬mizi ya huduma za kidijitali ndani ya taasisi hii kubwa zaidi ya fedha nchini ikihu¬dumia pia Burundi na Jam¬huri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo (DRC). Boma Raballa, Afisa Biashara Mkuu wa Benki ya CRDB ambayo mpaka Sep¬temba 2024 thamani ya mali zake ilikuwa shilingi trilioni 16, anasema benki imeshin¬da tuzo mbili mwaka huu. Ya pili ni benki bora ya kidi¬jitali. Kupitia SimBank¬ing ambayo imefanyiwa maboresho kadhaa tangu ilipozinduliwa mwaka 2009, Raballa anasema wateja wa Benki ya CRDB wanapata huduma karibu zote waka¬ti wote na wakiwa mahali popote jambo lililosaidia kuongeza ujumuishi wa wananchi katika huduma za kidijitali. “Tumepandisha ukomo wa fedha ambazo mteja anaweza kukamilisha mia¬mala yake kupitia SimBank¬ing. Mwanzoni ilikuwa Sh 5 milioni lakini sasa hivi ni Sh 10 milioni. Kiasi hiki kip¬ya kinawawezesha wateja wengi kukamilisha mambo yao kwa wakati. Mteja pia anaweza kuomba mkopo kupitia simu yake na kupata huduma nyingine nyingi,” anasema Raballa. Kutokana na urahisi wa kutumia, Programu ya Sim¬Banking imekuwa na manu¬faa kwa wateja wa nchini hata wanaoishi nje ya Tan¬zania jambo lililoongeza tija na ufanisi kama inavyothibi¬tishwa na taarifa za fedha za robo ya tatu mwaka 2024 wa Benki ya CRDB. Taarifa hizo zinaonyesha mikopo iliyotolewa ime¬ongezeka kutoka Sh 8.1 tril¬ioni Septemba 2023 mpaka Sh 10.1 trilioni Septemba 2024. Ongezeko hili la miko¬po limetokana na kuimarika kwa amana za wateja zilizo-panda kutoka Sh 8.7 trilioni mpaka Sh 10.3 trilioni ndani ya kipindi hicho. Mpaka Septemba 2024, Benki ya CRDB ilipata faida ya Sh 583.9 bilioni kabla ya kodi ikilinganishwa na Sh 411.4 bilioni zilizopatikana katika kipindi kama hicho mwaka jana. Baada ya kuli¬pa kodi, faida hiyo imebaki Sh 408.9 bilioni ikipanda kutoka Sh 280.5 bilioni ya mwaka jana. Faida hii ilito¬kana na matumizi sahihi ya mali za Benki zenye tha-mani ya Sh 16 trilioni amba¬zo zimepanda pia kutoka Sh 12.8 trilioni zilizokuwapo Septemba 2023. Matumizi ya majukwaa ya kidijitali yakiongozwa na SimBanking ndani ya Benki ya CRDB yamekuwa na mchango mkubwa kati¬ka utoaji na usimamizi wa mikopo. Kwa sasa, Mkuru¬genzi wa Wateja Wadogo na wa Awali wa Benki ya CRDB, Bonaventura Paul anasema mteja anaweza kuomba mkopo kupitia programu hiyo na akaupata kwenye simu yake wakati huohuo. Wanaoweza kupata mkopo kwa utaratibu huo, Bonaventura anasema ni wafanyakazi, wanafunzi wa vyuo vikuu wanaopokea mkopo kutoka Bodi ya Miko¬po ya Elimu ya Juu (HES¬LB) pamoja na wastaafu na marejesho yao yanakatwa kwenye akaunti zao tarehe itakapofika. Kwa watumiaji wote wa SimBanking, anasema upo mkopo wa Jinasue unaoleng akumwezesha mteja kununua umeme, kulipa bili ya maji au kulipia king’amuzi chake na pale inapobidi anaweza akapata fedha taslimu kati ya shi¬lingi 1,000 mpaka shilingi milioni moja. Kutokana na usimam¬izi mzuri unaochangiwa, pamoja na mambo mengine, matumizi ya Programu ya SimBanking, ukwasi wa Benki ya CRDB umeongeze¬ka kutoka Sh 1.58 trilioni zilizokuwapo Septemba 2023 mpaka Sh 2.722 trilioni mwaka huu. Katika kipindi hicho, ben¬ki ilipata Sh 321.16 bilioni kutokana na ada na kamish¬eni. Kiasi hiki kinachochan¬giwa na mapato yatokanayo na huduma za SimBanking kilipanda kutoka Sh 257.76 bilioni zilizopatikana mwa¬ka jana. **Wananchi kuzawadiwa na SimBanking ** Wakati SimBanking pamoja na majukwaa men¬gine yakizifanya huduma za Benki ya CRDB kupatikana kidijitali kwa zaidi ya asil¬imia 96, benki ilizindua na inaiendeleza kampeni inay¬olenga kuwazawadia wateja wanaofanya miamala mingi kupitia jukwaa hilo. Bonaventure anasema mteja anaweza kulipa bili mfano ya maji au umeme, kufanya malipo serikalini, kulipia bidhaa dukani, vituo vya mafuta au vinywaji baa, kuuliza salio na men¬gine mengi bila kulazimika kwenda tawini hivyo kue¬puka usumbufu wowote ambao angeweza kukutana nao. “Mteja anaweza kufungua akaunti kupitia SimBank¬ing. Lengo letu ni kuhakiki¬sha mteja anapata kila ana¬chokitaka mahali alipo na aende tawini kwa mahitaji ya vitu vichache sana vina¬vyohitaji maelezo ya ziada,” anasema Bonaventura na kuongeza: “Huduma nyingi kwa sasa zinafanyika kidiji¬tali duniani hivyo miamala nayo inahamia huko pia. Ni lazima nasi tuungane na dunia, tusiachwe nyuma. Nimwombe kila Mtanza¬nia kuhakikisha anajiunga na Benki ya CRDB ili kutu¬mia huduma hizi salama na zenye uhakika.” Kupitia kampeni ya Ben¬ki ni SimBanking yenye kaulimbiu ya ‘swahiba, miamala inalipa,’ inayo¬lenga kusajili wateja wapya pamoja na kukamilisha usajili wa wateja waliopo ambao hawatumii huduma hii, Bonaventura anasema wateja hushinda zawadi za aina tofauti kutokana na miamala wanayoifanya kila siku. Zawadi hizo, anasema zinajumuisha gari aina ya Nissan Dualis ambayo ndio kubwa zaidi, linalotolewa kila baada ya miezi miwili, bajaji moja na pikipiki mbili zinazotolewa kila mwezi, simu 10 za kisasa kila mwezi, kompyuta mpakato 10 kila mwezi kwa wanafunzi wa vyuo vikuu nchini, na fedha taslimu kiasi cha shilingi 30,000 zinazotolewa kwa washindi 32 kila mwezi. “Wateja wanaotumia huduma za SimBanking wana nafasi kubwa zaidi ya kuibuka washindi. Nawasihi waendelee kufanya miamala mingi kupitia SimBanking ili kujishindia moja kati ya zawadi hizi hivyo kunufaika zaidi,” anasihi Bonaventura. Licha ya zawadi za aina tofauti zinazotolewa, wate¬ja wa SimBanking sasa wanaweza kupata hudu¬ma bure wakipiga USSD kwa kubofya *150*03# ili kufurahia huduma wazita¬kazo tofauti na ilivyokuwa zamani ambapo ilihitaji kuwa na muda wa maongezi ili kufanya miamala uita¬kayo. Ili kutoa nafasi kwa wate¬ja wengi zaidi kujishindia zawadi hizi, Benki ya CRDB imeanza ziara ya kuhamasi¬sha matumizi ya SimBank¬ing kwa Watanzania wote tangu Novemba 15 ikipita katika mikoa ya Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Dodoma, Arusha na Kilimanjaro.
# Shule 26 zapata Tuzo ya Bendera ya Kijani ## Muktasari: **Programu ya Eco-schools ni programu ya kimataifa iliyoasisiwa na Taasisi ya Elimu ya Mazingira Duniani 1994 nchini Denmark ikiwa na lengo la kuhakikisha kuwa jamii na shule zinashirikiana katika utolewaji wa elimu bora na utunzaji wa mazingira.** **Morogoro**. Jumla ya shule 26 za msingi na sekondari katika halmashauri nne zimetunukiwa Tuzo ya Bendera ya Kijani kutoka Taasisi ya Elimu ya Mazingira Duniani (FEE) baada ya kukidhi vigezo vya kuboresha elimu na mazingira kupitia Programu ya Eco-School unaosimamiwa na Shirika la Kuhifadhi Misitu ya Asili Tanzania (TFCG) hapa nchini. Akizungumza katika hafla ya ugawaji wa tuzo ya bendera ya kijani wilayani Mvomero, Naibu Waziri wa Nchi Ofisi ya Rais (Tamisemi), Zainab Katimba amesema walimu, wanafunzi, jamii na wataalamu wana kila namna ya kuhakikisha miti inayopandwa katika maeneo mbalimbali nchini inatunza ili kudumisha uhifadhi wa ardhi na mazingira kwa ujumla. Zainab amesema halmashauri nne ambazo zimepata tuzo ya bendera ya kijani zihakikishe shule zao hazisirudi nyuma katika jitihada za kutunza na kuhifadhi mazingira ili kuendelea kuwa somo kwa shule nyingine na taifa kwa ujumla. “Mkoa wa Morogoro ambao una idadi kubwa ya shule zilizonufaika ziweke utaratibu wa kusambaza maarifa ya programu hii kwa shule zote za msingi na sekondari na kuwasilisha taarifa ya utekelezaji kwa Katibu Mkuu, Ofisi ya Rais – Tamisemi kila baada ya miezi sita lakini tuzichukulie changamoto kama fursa ya kufanya vizuri zaidi na endeleeni kushirikiana na jamii na kufanya kazi kama timu ili kuyatunza mazingira yetu,” amesema Zainab. Mkurugenzi Mtendaji shirika la kuhifadhi misitu ya asili Tanzania (TFCG), Charles Meshack amesema kupitia Programu ya Eco-Schools imewezesha shule 22 za msingi na nne za sekondari imewezesha Tanzania kupata tuzo ya bendera za kijani katika halmashauri ya Mvomero, Morogoro, Kilosa na Mufindi ikitajwa tuzo hiyo ikielezwa kuipa heshima nchi. “Programu ya Eco-schools inatekelezwa katika nchi 87 duniani na hii programu inazingatia uhalisia wa mazingira na mahitaji ya nchi na hapa Tanzania inatekelezwa na kusimamiwa na TFCG) tukiboresha mazingira ya kufundishia na kujifunzia pamoja na upatikanaji wa elimu bora shuleni kupitia mfumo wa elimu. “ Tunafanya pia kazi ya kuwajengea uwezo walimu na wafanyakazi wa wilaya ili kutoa elimu bora kuongeza uelewa na kuunga mkono haki za mtoto hususani za mtoto wa kike za kupata elimu bora,”amesema Meshack. Mkuu wa Shule ya Msingi Kwelikwiji, Wilaya ya Mvomero, Evance Mwelondo amesema kupitia Programu ya Eco-School imewezesha shule hiyo kuanzisha miradi mbalimbali yenye mrengo wa kuhifadhi mazingira. “Tuna miradi 13 ikiwemo ya kilimo cha iliki, vanilla, kokoa, ufugaji nyuki mizinga 26 ambapo shule imekuwa ikinufaika baada ya kuuza mazao na kupata fedha ambazo zinatatua changamoto mbalimbali,”amesema Mwelondo.
# Wahukumiwa kifungo cha maisha jela kwa kulawiti watoto wa miaka minne ## Muktasari: **Kwa upande wa makosa ya usalama barabarani madereva 56 wameondolewa madaraja pamoja na kufungiwa leseni zao za udereva kwa muda kutokana na makosa mbalimbali ya barabarani na wengine wamelipa faini mahakamani kwa makosa ya ukiukwaji wa sheria.** **Tanga**. Watu wanne wamehukumiwa kifungo cha maisha na wengine watatu wakihukumiwa kifungo cha miaka 30 jela kwa kukutwa na makosa ya kubaka watoto wenye umri wa miaka minne na tisa mkoani Tanga. Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari ofisini kwake leo Desemba 19, 2024, Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Tanga, Almachius Mchunguzi amesema kesi hizo zilifikishwa Mahakamani kwa kipindi cha mwezi Novemba hadi Desemba, 2024 na watuhumiwa nne wamehukumiwa vifungo vya maisha na wengine watatu wamehukumiwa kifungo cha miaka 30 jela. Amewataja waliohukumiwa adhabu hiyo kuwa ni Mwamini Ezekiel Mgeja (32), mkulima na mkazi wa Kilindi Asilia amehukumiwa kifungo cha maisha jela kwa kosa la kumbaka mtoto wake wa kambo mwenye umri wa miaka 9 huku Jonas Alphan (38), mkulima na mkazi wa Gombero Kilindi amehukumiwa kifungo cha maisha jela kwa kosa la kumbaka mtoto wa miaka 4. Mwingine ni Rajabu Juma (25), mkulima na mkazi wa Mafuleta Kilindi amehukumiwa kifungo cha maisha jela kwa kosa la kumbaka mtoto wa miaka 17, Salimu Riziki na Athumani Salumu Jumaa wamehukumiwa kifungo cha miaka 30 jela kwa kosa la unyang’anyi wa kutumia silaha na miaka 20 Jela kwa kosa la kumiliki silaha kinyume na sheria. Aidha Richard Kiyango Shelukindo(45), Mkulima na mkazi wa Kwaludege Handeni amehukumiwa kifungo cha miaka 30 jela kwa kosa la kulawiti mtoto wa miaka 5 na Mansuri Omari, (19), Mkulima na mkazi wa Kijiji cha Kwakibuyu Pangani amehukumiwa kifungo cha miaka 30 jela kwa kosa la kumbaka binti mwenye umri wa miaka 16. Amesema katika tukio lingine wamefanikiwa kuwakamata watu watano kwa makosa ya wizi kwa njia ya mtandao ambao ni Said Amiri (21), Mkazi wa Kimara Dar es Salaam, Athumani Amiri (24), mkazi wa Mbezi mwisho Dar es Salaam, Brayan Matina Mayunga (26), Mkazi wa Mombasa Ukonga Dar es Salaam, Wakala, James John Nathaniel, (24), mkazi wa Kitunda Dar es Salaam na Peter Michael Babuya (20), Mkazi wa Arusha, mwanafunzi wa Chuo cha Uhasibu Arusha (IAA). Amesema watuhumiwa hao wamekamatwa kwa nyakati tofauti katika maeneo mbalimbali nchini ikiwemo Jijini Dar es Salaam na Masasi Mkoani Mtwara baada ya kujifanya mawakala wa kujitegemea (freelancers) wa kampuni za Tigo, Vodacom na Airtel na kuiba fedha kiasi cha Sh20,390,000 milioni kwa njia ya mtandao mali ya Abdul Hemed Shedafa Mfanyabiashara na Mkazi wa Wilaya ya Muheza Mkoani Tanga. Kamanda Mchunguzi amesema baada ya uchunguzi wa kitaalamu kufanyika imebainika kuwa walitumia mbinu za ulaghai, ikiwemo kutumia namba za simu zilizosajiliwa kwa majina mengine ili kujipatia fedha kwa njia ya udanganyifu. Aidha Desemba 10, 2024 katika msako uliofanyika huko katika kijiji cha Makuyuni, Kata ya Makuyuni, Tarafa ya Mombo Wilaya ya Korogwe walikamatwa watuhumiwa wawili ambao ni Hashimu Juma Mohammed (46), Dereva, Mkazi wa Buguruni Malapa jijini Dar es Salaam na Ramadhan Ismail Mbaruku (28), Kondakta, Mkazi wa Tegeta Dar es Salaam wakiwa wanasafirisha dawa za kulevya aina ya mirungi. Amesema kuwa watu hao walikuwa wakitumia gari yenye namba za usajili T. 689 EJJ aina ya Coaster Hino rangi mchanganyiko (Mult Colour) wakitokea mkoani Kilimanjaro kuelekea jijini Dar es Salaam. Pia katika upekuzi wa gari hilo walikutwa na dawa za kulevya aina ya mirungi bunda 962 sawa na kilo 411.05 dawa hizi zilikuwa zikisafirishwa kwa lengo la kuingizwa sokoni hivyo watuhumiwa hao watafikishwa mahakamani wakati wowote baada ya taratibu za kisheria kukamilika. Pia amesema, kwa kipindi cha kuanzia Novemba, 2024 hadi Desemba 18,2024 Jeshi la Polisi Mkoa wa Tanga katika operesheni ya kuimarisha doria na misako limefanikiwa kukamata watuhumiwa 95 wakiwa na makosa mbalimbali ikiwemo makosa ya uvunjaji, kujeruhi, wahamiaji haramu na kupatikana na dawa za kulevya. Amesema katika kudhibiti matumizi ya dawa za kulevya kwa kipindi cha miezi miwili kuanzia mwezi Novemba hadi Desemba 2024 wamefanikiwa kukamata dawa za kulevya aina ya mirungi Kg 529.49, bangi ni Kg 563, pombe moshi lita 179.5. Hata hivyo wamefanikiwa kukamata wahamiaji haramu 3 kutoka nchini Ethiopia, mali mbalimbali za wizi ikiwa ni pamoja na; televisheni kumi za aina mbalimbali, Pikipiki nane za aina mbalimbali, visimbuzi 11 vya kampuni ya Azam, laptop saba za aina mbalimbali. Vitu vingine ni friji mbili aina ya Rock rangi nyeupe, simu 30 za smart phone na simu ndogo saba na madumu ya mafuta ya kula lita 864 yaliyoingizwa kwa njia ya magendo, pamoja na kuwakamata watuhumiwa wa matukio hayo. Lakini kwa upande wa makosa ya usalama barabarani madereva 56 wameondolewa madaraja pamoja na kufungiwa leseni zao za udereva kwa muda kutokana na makosa mbalimbali ya barabarani na wengine wamelipa faini mahakamani kwa makosa ya ukiukwaji wa sheria za usalama barabarani.
Prime # Profesa Janabi: Chembe za plastiki zinaweza kuathiri ubora wa mbegu za kiume ## Muktasari: **Profesa Janabi amezungumzia mazingira ya kisasa na namna yalivyojaa hatari zilizofichwa zinazoathiri afya ya uzazi.** **Dar es Salaam. **Chembechembe za plastiki na kemikali inayotumika kutengeneza bidhaa hiyo, zinatajwa kuathiri afya ya uzazi, ikiwemo ubora na idadi ya mbegu za kiume. Kemikali inayotajwa ni BPA (Bisphenol A) inayotumika kutengeneza plastiki ambazo mara nyingi hutumika kama vyombo vya chakula, vinywaji, vifaa vya matumizi ya kila siku, vifaa vya matibabu na umeme. Pia hutumika kwa utengenezaji wa vifaa kama vile chupa za maji, vyombo vya kuhifadhia chakula, vikombe vya watoto, na kwenye makopo ya chakula na vinywaji ambayo hupakwa ndani ili kuzuia kutu na kuharibu chakula. BPA inatajwa kusababisha madhara yakiwamo ya athari kwa mfumo wa homoni na kuongeza hatari ya matatizo ya uzazi, ya moyo na mishipa na kuathiri maendeleo ya ubongo, hasa kwa watoto wachanga. Pia tafiti zinaonyesha inaweza kuongeza hatari ya saratani kama vile za matiti na tezi dume. Hivyo inashauriwa kutumia vyombo vya plastiki visivyo na BPA na kuepuka kuweka chakula cha moto kwenye vyombo vya plastiki, huku ikishauriwa kuvibadilisha vyombo hivyo na vya kioo au chuma cha pua inapowezekana. Mshauri wa masuala ya afya ambaye pia ni Mkurugenzi wa Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili (MNH), Profesa Mohamed Janabi, kupitia kurasa zake za mitandao ya kijamii ya Instagram na X, ameandika akitaja sababu ya kupungua kwa ubora na idadi ya mbegu za kiume ni pamoja na matumizi ya plastiki zenye BPA. Profesa Janabi amezungumzia mazingira ya kisasa na namna yalivyojaa hatari zilizofichwa zinazoathiri afya ya uzazi. Amesema bidhaa nyingi hutoa chembechembe za plastiki ndogo, zenye kemikali zinazoweza kuathiri uzazi, kuongeza hatari ya saratani na kuvuruga usawa wa homoni. “Uvutio wa kemikali kama BPA kwenye plastiki unaweza kupunguza idadi ya mbegu za kiume na uwezo wake wa kusafiri… amesema. Ametaja msongo wa mawazo wa muda mrefu, ukosefu wa mazoezi na usingizi duni pia vinavuruga viwango vya ‘testosterone’ (homoni ya kiume) na usawa wa homoni unaohitajika kwa uzazi. Nini cha kufanya? Profesa Janabi ambaye ni mbobezi wa magonjwa ya moyo ameainisha mambo ambayo mwanamume anatakiwa kuyafanya kuboresha afya ya mbegu za kiume kwa ujumla. “Achana na plastiki, chagua bidhaa zisizo sumu, plastiki hasa zile zilizo na BPA na ‘phthalates’ hutoa kemikali hatari zinazovuruga mfumo wa homoni mwilini mwako. Kemikali hizi huiga homoni na kuvuruga mfumo wako wa uzazi na afya yako kwa ujumla. “Tumia vyombo vya kioo au chuma cha pua, angalia lebo za ‘BPA-free’ (zisizo na kemikali hiyo) kwenye vitu vya kila siku kama risiti, makopo na chupa za maji,” amesema. Ameshauri kuchagua bidhaa za utunzaji wa mwili na usafi, zenye lebo zisizo na harufu au zisizo na sumu ili kupunguza athari za kemikali mwilini. Kwa upande wa vyakula amesema ni muhimu kufuata ulaji wa vile vya asili vyenye virutubisho vingi kupambana na uvimbe. “Kile unachokula kinaathiri moja kwa moja afya yako ya uzazi. Mlo wenye sukari nyingi, mafuta yaliyochakatwa na vyakula vilivyosindikwa huongeza msongo wa oksidishaji na uvimbe, kuharibu mbegu na kusababisha kutofanya kazi vizuri kwa homoni,” amesema. Profesa Janabi amesema ni muhimu kulenga ulaji wa mboga za rangi tofauti, mboga za majani na matunda yenye vioksidishaji kama ‘berries’ ili kupunguza uharibifu wa chembe huru. “Jumuisha mafuta yenye afya kama parachichi, karanga, mbegu na vyakula vya omega 3 kama samaki (salmoni) ili kuongeza uzalishaji wa homoni. Ondoa au punguza vyakula vilivyosindikwa, sukari na wanga uliosafishwa ili kuweka sukari ya damu katika hali thabiti na kupunguza uvimbe,” amesema. Pia anashauri ni muhimu kuweka kipaumbele katika usingizi, kutembea na usimamizi wa msongo wa mawazo ili kusaidia afya ya homoni. Profesa Janabi amesema msongo wa mawazo wa muda mrefu, usingizi mbaya na maisha yasiyo ya kimwili vinaathiri viwango vya homoni za uzazi na kufanya kuwa vigumu kudumisha uzazi bora. Akizungumza na Mwananchi Agosti mwaka huu, Mkuu wa kitengo cha upandikizaji mimba (IVF) Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili, Dk Matilda Ngarina alitaja mambo ya kufuata na kuepukwa ili mwanamume awe na mbegu zilizo bora. Alisema lazima ajue vitu vingapi vinaweza kuharibu ubora, akitaja wapo ambao huzaliwa wakiwa tayari na changamoto ya mbegu, ikiwemo shida za homoni, mfumo na wengine kupata athari baadaye na kuharibu ubora wa mbegu zinazozalishwa. “Inategemea unakula nini, unakunywa nini, unafanya kazi gani na tabia ya ngono zembe pia nayo inaathiri ubora wa mbegu. “Ukifanya ngono zembe ukawa na maambukizi inaathiri ubora wa mbegu, ukinywa pombe nyingi, sigara, kukaa muda mrefu sehemu yenye joto inaathiri ubora wa mbegu,” alisema. Alitaja kutokula vyakula vyenye ubora, ikiwemo mboga za majani, matunda na protini kwa wingi kuwa huathiri ubora wa mbegu. Mbegu bora ni ipi? Kwa mujibu wa Dk Ngarina, katika mshindo mmoja mwanamume anatakiwa kutoa mbegu zaidi ya milioni 30. Kuhusu ubora wa mbegu, anasema huhusisha jinsi inavyotembea kwenda kutafuta yai, ambayo kawaida huogelea kwa kasi kwenda mbele, iwe na kichwa, shingo na mkia. Mbegu isiyo bora anasema hubaki ikichezacheza palepale badala ya kusonga mbele. Dk Ngarina anasema ili kubaini ubora wa mbegu, hutakiwa zaidi ya asilimia 60 ziwe na safari zinazoeleweka.
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Javascript needed No Download: Play Now Choose your Player Name I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy . : ▽ Panzer Quest is a real time strategy game, that you can play directly in your browser. PQ1 | DITOGAMES | Privacy | SUPPORT | Imprint | Navy Quest Game | Terms | HELP PAGES LOGIN
ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Javascript needed No Download: Play Now Choose your Player Name I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy . : ▽ Base Attack Force is a real time strategy game, that you can play directly in your browser. BAF | DITOGAMES | Privacy | SUPPORT | Imprint | Navy Quest Game | Terms | HELP PAGES LOGIN
# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Javascript needed No Download: Play Now Choose your Player Name I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy . : ▽ Panzer Quest is a real time strategy game, that you can play directly in your browser. PQ1 | DITOGAMES | Privacy | SUPPORT | Imprint | Navy Quest Game | Terms | HELP PAGES LOGIN
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Javascript needed No Download: Play Now Choose your Player Name I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy . : ▽ Panzer Quest is a real time strategy game, that you can play directly in your browser. PQ1 | DITOGAMES | Privacy | SUPPORT | Imprint | Navy Quest Game | Terms | HELP PAGES LOGIN
Hello Your subscription is almost coming to an end. Don’t miss out on the great content on Nation.Africa Ready to continue your informative journey with us? Your premium access has ended, but the best of Nation.Africa is still within reach. Renew now to unlock exclusive stories and in-depth features. Reclaim your full access. Click below to renew. Subscribe for a month to get full access Wrote articles Connect with Sharon Sauwa: Latest articles written by Sharon Sauwa:
# Simbachawene ataka walioghushi barua za uhamisho kuchukuliwa hatua ## Muktasari: **Watumishi waliobainika na walioshiriki katika mchakato wa kughushi barua za uhamisho kuchukuliwa hatua za kinidhamu.** **Dodoma**. Waziri wa Nchi katika Ofisi ya Rais Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma, George Simbachawene amezitaka mamlaka za nidhamu kuchukua hatua stahiki na kwa wakati kwa watumishi waliobainika kughushi barua na walioshiriki katika mchakato wa kughushi barua za uhamisho. Simbachawene ameyasema hayo leo Jumanne Desemba 17, 2024 wakati akifungua kikao kazi cha wakuu wa idara na vitengo vya utawala rasilimali watu kutoka taasisi na wizara jijini Dodoma. “Mamlaka za nidhamu zichukue hatua stahiki na kwa wakati kwa watumishi wote waliobainika kuwa na barua za kughushi na walioshiriki katika mchakato wa kughushi barua za uhamisho kwa tarehe zilizobainishwa katika barua za maelekezo,” amesema Simbachawene. Amesema wamewapa ripoti na wengine wamewaelekeza wachukue hatua stahiki wasisubiri hadi Katibu Mkuu achukue hatua hizo. Aidha, amewataka wakuu hao kutenda haki kwa wafanyakazi, wakiwasimamia kinidhamu kwa wale wanaozembea kutimiza majukumu yao. “Katika kizazi hiki cha leo, uwazi wa upashanaji habari uliopo katika dunia na hususan nchi yetu ambayo kila mtu ana intaneti wa kudanganywa hawapo, hivyo twendeni tukafanye kazi tu, tuhudumie wananchi kwani uongouongo hauwezi watu wana majawabu,” amesema. Aidha, Simbachawene ameonya kuhusu upendeleo wa fursa mbalimbali za kiutumishi na kuwa zipo baadhi ya taasisi watu wanaosafiri ni haohao tu kila wakati. Amesema moja kati ya maofisa rasilimali watu wanayojifunza ni kurithishana nafasi za kazi, lakini wapo ambao hadi wanastaafu hawajafanya hivyo wanaomba kuongezewa mikataba. Ameongeza pia kuwa watu wanaofanya uamuzi mbaya ndio wanung’unikaji wakubwa wakistaafu halafu wao ndio wanaomba kuongezewa mkataba. “Uongezewe mkataba wa nini? Wakati tuna Watanzania milioni 60. Kuna kundi kubwa linafanya ushawishi wa kuongezewa mkataba upi wakati vijana hawana ajira. Tunang’ang’ana na watu wazee kuwaongezea mkataba waje kwenye siasa tukagombee,” amesema. Naye, Naibu Waziri, Deus Sangu amesema pamoja na kazi inayofanywa na Serikali lakini, bado kumekuwapo na malalamiko kwa baadhi ya watumishi ambayo kwa kiasi kikubwa yanafanana na mengi ni ya muda mrefu na yapo katika dhamana ya waajiri kisheria, lakini hayashughulikiwi kwa wakati.
# Sangu aipa mbinu e-GA kuongeza ajira kwa vijana ## Muktasari: **Naibu Waziri, Deus Sangu ameitaka ameipa mbinu e-GA ili kuongeza ajira kwa vijana wabunifu katika Tehama ikiwemo kushirikiana na ili kuongeza fursa za ajira.** **Dar es Salaam. **Naibu Waziri wa Ofisi ya Rais, Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma na Utawala Bora, Deus Sangu, ameitaka Mamlaka ya Serikali Mtandao (e-GA) kushirikiana zaidi na sekta binafsi ili kuongeza ajira kwa vijana wabunifu katika sekta ya teknolojia ya habari na mawasiliano (Tehama). Akizungumza wakati wa kufunga programu ya awamu ya sita ya mafunzo kwa vitendo na mafunzo kazini kwa mwaka wa fedha 2024/2025 inayoendeshwa na e-GA kupitia Kituo cha Utafiti, Ubunifu, na Uendelezaji wa Serikali Mtandao (e-GovRIDC) jijini Dodoma, Sangu aliipongeza e-GA kwa kukuza vipaji vya vijana kwenye tehama. Alisisitiza kwamba ushirikiano wa karibu na sekta binafsi utaongeza fursa za ajira kwa vijana, huku akitoa wito kwa e-GA kutafuta njia za kuwasaidia vijana wanaoshiriki mafunzo hayo kupata fursa za ajira. "Huu ushirikiano na sekta binafsi utaongeza tija katika kukuza tasnia ya tehama, hivyo kuongeza ajira kwa vijana na kupunguza changamoto za ajira nchini," alisema Sangu. Sangu pia alibainisha kuwa baadhi ya taasisi binafsi, kama benki na kampuni za simu, zimeonesha nia ya kushirikiana na e-GA kupitia mikataba ya ushirikiano (MoU) katika masuala ya elimu, utafiti, na ubunifu wa teknolojia, hatua ambayo inatarajiwa kuimarisha ushirikiano kati ya taasisi hizi na e-GA. "Nimetembelea miradi mbalimbali ya e-GA na kuona jinsi wanavyowaandaa vijana wetu kukabiliana na teknolojia mpya kama akili bandia na sarafu ya kidijitali. Hii itawawezesha vijana wetu kuingia katika soko la ajira la kidijitali na kuleta ubunifu serikalini," aliongeza. Kwa upande wake, Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa e-GA, Benedict Ndomba, aliahidi kuimarisha ushirikiano na sekta binafsi na vyuo vikuu ili kuwajengea uwezo vijana kwenye tehama na kuwaandaa kushindana katika soko la ajira kimataifa. Akizungumza kwa niaba ya wanafunzi, Philemon Mbunda, mwanafunzi wa mwaka wa tatu kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma (UDOM), alishukuru e-GA kwa kuwapa nafasi ya kushiriki programu hiyo, ambayo imewasaidia kujifunza teknolojia mpya na jinsi ya kuzitumia kubuni mifumo itakayoinufaisha taifa. Kwa mwaka wa fedha 2024/2025, e-GA imeendesha programu ya mafunzo kwa vitendo iliyowashirikisha wanafunzi 65 kutoka vyuo vikuu 12 kwa kipindi cha wiki 10, ikiwa ni jitihada za kuwajengea uwezo wa kushindana katika soko la ajira.
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Javascript needed No Download: Play Now Choose your Player Name I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy . : ▽ Panzer Quest is a real time strategy game, that you can play directly in your browser. PQ1 | DITOGAMES | Privacy | SUPPORT | Imprint | Navy Quest Game | Terms | HELP PAGES LOGIN
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Facebook Barua pepe au simu Nenosiri Umesahau akaunti? Jisajili Notice You must log in to continue. Ingia kwenye Facebook Ingia Umesahau akaunti? Fungua Akaunti Mpya Kiswahili English (US) हिन्दी ગુજરાતી العربية Deutsch Italiano Français (France) Português (Brasil) Español 中文(简体) Jisajili Ingia Messenger Facebook Lite Video Maeneo Michezo Marketplace Meta Pay Duka la Meta Meta Quest Ray-Ban Meta AI ya Meta Instagram Threads Uchangishaji Huduma Kituo cha Taarifa za Kupiga Kura Kanuni ya Faragha Kituo cha Faragha Vikundi Kuhusu Unda Tangazo Unda Ukurasa Wasanidi programu Ajira Vidakuzi Chaguo za Matangazo Masharti Msaada Kupakia Waasiliani na Wasio Watuaji Mipangilio Kumbukumbu ya shughuli Meta © 2024
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
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Prime # Kundi la damu linachangia mtu kutopata VVU? Siku ya Jumapili Desemba Mosi, 2024 ilikuwa ni siku ya Ukimwi duniani. Mwaka huu kaulimbiu inasema Chagua njia sahihi; Afya yangu, haki yangu. Katika utafiti wa karibuni 2023 uliochapishwa katika Jarida la PLOS ONE, watafiti walichunguza uhusiano kati ya virusi vya Ukimwi (VVU) na vikundi vya damu vya ABO na Rhesus factor D (RhD). Walifanya kwa kutumia taarifa kutoka katika vituo vya kukusanya damu katika majimbo manane kati ya tisa ya Afrika Kusini. Kwa kawaida makundi ya damu yanapangwa kwa mfumo wa makundi ya ABO na Rhesus D. Ni aina ya vijichembe ambavyo vipo katika nyuso za seli nyekundu. Aina ya damu ya kila mtu hutegemeana na chembe za antijeni zilizorithiwa kutoka kwa wazazi wao. Chembe za urithi yaani genes huchangia katika uwezekano wa mtu kuambukizwa VVU, kuenea kwa VVU hadi Ukimwi na kuwezesha ufanisi wa matibabu tofauti tofauti. Kila mwaka mamilioni ya watu wanaingia katika hatari ya maambukizi ya VVU, lakini si kila mtu ataambukizwa. Ndiyo maana wapo wanaojamiiana bila kinga na waathirika lakini hawapati VVU. Watafiti wanakadiria chembe za urithi zinachukua asilimia 28 hadi 42 ya hatari ya mtu kuambukizwa VVU. Antijeni za vikundi mbalimbali vya damu zimefanyiwa utafiti kuona kama chembe hizo zinaweza kukuza au kulinda mwili dhidi ya maambukizi ya VVU. Lakini hadi sasa, watafiti hawajapata uhusiano wowote wazi kati ya antijeni za aina ya damu na hatari ya kupata au kukabiliana na VVU. Antijeni za kikundi cha damu ambazo zimechunguzwa kwa jukumu lao katika VVU ni pamoja na kundi la ABO lenye aina kama kundi O, A, AB na B. Utafiti wa mapema wa VVU na Ukimwi uligundua wazi kwamba baadhi ya aina za damu huathirika zaidi na maambukizi ya VVU kuliko zingine. Hata hivyo, nadharia hii haijathibitishwa na bado ina utata. Hapo awali, ilifikiriwa kuwa damu ya aina O iliongeza hatari ya VVU. Hii nayo ilipingwa na tafiti zingine ambazo ziligundua VVU ilikuwa ya kawaida zaidi kwa watu wenye damu ya aina ya AB au B. Hadi sasa, haijulikani ni kwa nini na kama ipo, jukumu la uchangiaji kundi la damu la mfumo wa ABO katika maambukizi ya VVU bado lina utata. Protini za aina ya kundi la damu la mfumo wa Rhesus ziko kwenye uso wa seli nyekundu za damu. Nadharia ya awali ilikuwa Rh chanya kulindwa dhidi ya VVU na Rh hasi iliongeza hatari. Hata hivyo, utafiti haujaweza kuthibitisha uhusiano wowote kati ya aina ya kundi la Rh na hali ya maambukizi ya VVU. Ukiacha makundi ya damu, kuhusu chembe za urithi na VVU, kwa sasa DNA pia inatumika kutambua tiba mpya kwa ajili ya kuzuia na kutibu VVU. Tafiti hizi za makundi ya damu na chembe za urithi, yaani genes zimechapishwa pia katika miaka ya karibuni katika majarida mbalimbali ya sayansi na tiba, ikiwamo JAMA, Science Today, The BMJ na Lancet. Wanasayansi wana matumaini kwamba tafiti zilizofanywa na zitakazoendelea kufanywa kwa mapana zinaweza siku moja kasababisha tiba ya VVU na Ukimwi. Nihitimishe kwa kusema kuwa mpaka sasa bado haijathibitika kisayansi kuwa moja kwa moja makundi ya damu na aina zake kuchangia au kupunguza uwezekano wa kuambukizwa VVU.
# Hofu kukosekana kwa vijana yatajwa kuchochea maambukizi VVU ## Muktasari: **Takwimu za mwaka 2022/2023 za maambukizi ya VVU mkoani Mwanza, zilishuka kutoka asilimia 7.2 hadi asilimia 4.7, huku ikishuhudiwa ongezeko la maambukizi kwa vijana rika balehe wenye umri kati ya miaka 15 hadi 24.** **Mwanza. **Kutokuwa na hofu ya maambukizi ya Virusi vya Ukimwi (VVU) pamoja na changamoto za maisha, zimetajwa kuwa sababu kuu zinazochangia ongezeko la maambukizi mkoani Mwanza, kutoka asilimia 16 hadi asilimia 28 kwa vijana wenye umri wa miaka 15-24 kati ya mwaka 2022 na 2023. Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za mwaka 2022/2023, kiwango cha jumla cha maambukizi ya VVU mkoani Mwanza kilishuka kutoka asilimia 7.2 hadi asilimia 4.7. Pia, kumekuwepo na ongezeko la maambukizi miongoni mwa vijana wa rika balehe, hali inayotajwa kuchangiwa na sababu mbalimbali kama ugumu wa maisha, tamaa, malezi duni na ukosefu wa elimu ya kutosha kuhusu VVU. Baadhi ya vijana waliozungumza na *Mwananchi* Digital leo Jumatano, Desema 4, 2024 wamesema hofu juu ya Ukimwi imepungua kutokana na mtazamo kuwa ugonjwa huo si tishio tena. Fatuma Ally, mkazi wa Kata ya Pamba jijini Mwanza, amesema watu wameamua kupuuzia Ukimwi kwa sababu hauogopeshi tena. “Kwa mfano, vijana wanaogopa zaidi magonjwa kama UTI, saratani na fangasi kuliko Ukimwi,” amesema Fatuma. Kwa upande wake, Juma Ramadhani, mkazi wa Kata ya Butimba amesema upatikanaji wa dawa za kufubaza virusi (ARV) umewafanya vijana wengi kupuuza athari za VVU kwa miaka ya hivi karibuni. "Siku hizi vijana wanaona Ukimwi si tatizo kubwa kwa sababu ARV zinawasaidia kuendelea kuishi maisha ya kawaida. Wanaogopa zaidi kupata mimba kuliko maambukizi ya VVU,” anasema Juma. Kwa upande wake, muelimishaji rika wa Shirika la ICUP wilayani Misungwi, Jenipher Bamusiba ametaja utandawazi, tamaa na ugumu wa maisha kuwa sababu kuu zinazowasukuma vijana kujihusisha na biashara ya ngono. Amesema baadhi ya vijana hufanya hivyo ili kupata fedha za kukidhi mahitaji kama kununua simu au mavazi. Pia amesema malezi duni, hususan kwa watoto wanaolelewa na wazazi wa umri mkubwa au mzazi mmoja, yanachangia tabia hatarishi. Miriam Nkwabi, wa Shirika la Wanawake na Wasichana wanaoishi na VVU (DWWT) amebainisha kuwa vijana wengi wa rika balehe hawana elimu ya kutosha kuhusu maambukizi ya VVU. Ametoa wito kwa Serikali kuongeza juhudi za utoaji elimu, ili kuliokoa kundi hilo lililo hatarini zaidi. Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Kwimba, Ng'wilabuzu Ludigila amesisitiza umuhimu wa ushirikiano kati ya Serikali, wadau na jamii katika kutoa elimu na malezi bora kwa vijana. “Nitoe rai kwa wazazi na walezi kuhakikisha wanatoa malezi sahihi na elimu ya kujikinga na maambukizi ya VVU ili kufanikisha lengo la Taifa la 95-95-95,” amesema Ludigila.
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Javascript needed No Download: Play Now Choose your Player Name I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy . : ▽ Panzer Quest is a real time strategy game, that you can play directly in your browser. PQ1 | DITOGAMES | Privacy | SUPPORT | Imprint | Navy Quest Game | Terms | HELP PAGES LOGIN
Hello Your subscription is almost coming to an end. Don’t miss out on the great content on Nation.Africa Ready to continue your informative journey with us? Hello Your premium access has ended, but the best of Nation.Africa is still within reach. Renew now to unlock exclusive stories and in-depth features. Reclaim your full access. Click below to renew. # Tuzo Mapunda Tuzo Mapunda ni Mwandishi wa gazeti la Mwananchi linalochapishwa na kampuni ya Mwananchi Communication Ltd (MCL) inayochapisha pia magazeti ya The Citizen na Mwanaspoti Wrote articles Tuzo Mapunda ni Mwandishi wa gazeti la Mwananchi linalochapishwa na kampuni ya Mwananchi Communication Ltd (MCL) inayochapisha pia magazeti ya The Citizen na Mwanaspoti Anandikia kutoka Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam na amejikita kuandika habari za jamii, uchumi, michezo na siasa. Ana Stashahada ya Uandishi wa Habari Facebook: Mapunda tz Instagram: @chrispinMapunda Latest articles written by **Tuzo Mapunda**:
# Familia ya Ulomi yakubali ndugu yao amefariki kwa ajali ## Muktasari: **Kamanda wa Polisi wa Kanda Maalum ya Dar es Salaam, Jumanne Muliro amesema ajali hiyo ilitokea Ubungo Extenal Makuburi Desemba 11 mchana na walitokea wasamaria wema waliosaidia kuupeleka mwili huo hospitali.** **Dar es Salaam. **Hatimaye familia ya mfanyabishara Daisle Ulomi aliyefariki na mwili wake kukutwa mochwari ya Hospitali ya Rufaa ya Mwananyamala, imesema kuwa ndugu yao ni kweli alifariki kwa ajali. Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari leo Desemba 17, 2024, Kamanda wa Polisi wa Kanda Maalum ya Dar es Salaam, Jumanne Muliro amesema ajali hiyo ilitokea Ubungo Extenal Makuburi mchana na walitokea wasamaria wema waliosaidia kuupeleka mwili huo hospitali. "Tukio lile lilitokea mchana kweupe na wasamaria wema waliojitolea wenye ubinadamu na utu licha ya kwamba ilikuwa ajali mbaya ambayo kama ukiona ule mwili utajua ni kwa nini hata ndugu walipopita mochwari walishindwa kumtambua," amesema. Akizungumza na wanahabari leo Mikocheni ambako familia imeweka msiba, msemaji wa familia hiyo ambaye ni Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ubungo, Hassan Bomboko amesema baada ya mwili kupatikana Mwananyala walipigiwa simu kisha baadhi ya ndugu walienda kuangalia na kuutambua. "Tupo kwenye taratibu za maombolezo ya kwenda kumstiri ndugu yetu ambaye alipata ajali Desemba 11, 2024 saa 7:55 mchana katika maeneo ya Gereji akiwa anatokea Barabara ya Mandela baada ya kutokea ajali watu wema walimpeleka kituo cha afya Makuburi," amesema. Amesema taratibu za mazishi zinaendelea na wanatarajia kuuaga mwili wa marehemu Alhamisi Desemba 19, 2024 katika Kanisa la Kijitonyama na atakwenda kuzikwa Mkoa wa Kilimanjaro. "Salamu zote zitatolewa pale na utaratibu wote wa kumuaga utakuwa pale na baada ya hapo tutaanza safari ya kuusafirisha mwili hadi Kilimanjaro," amesema. Bomboko amekiri taarifa za kupotea hadi kuja kuonekana ndugu yao zimekuwa na mkanganyiko, huku akieleza wakati anaondoka kwenye shughuli zake alienda kufuata mzigo wake Bandari Kavu. "Akiwa njiani alifikwa na umauti kwa ajali na taarifa zilitolewa na Jeshi la Polisi na ndio uhalisia, awali kama familia tulitoa taarifa ya kupotelewa na ndugu yetu na tulipata ushirikiano wa kutosha kwa Jeshi la Polisi na tumeridhika na taarifa yao na kilichobaki kwenda kuupumzisha mwili," amesema. Amesema wameridhika na taarifa ya jeshi hilo baada ya kuona picha za mwili hivyo taarifa yao inaonyesha uhalisia. "Hatupo kwenye fikra kwamba alipotezwa, tumeridhika na tumepokea, kimsingi hakuwa mtu mwenye ugomvi na watu hakuwa mwanaharakati na wala si mwanasiasa na hakuwa mfanyabiashara mkubwa kihivyo na hakuwa na changamoto ya kuweza kusema amepotezwa," amesema.
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
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# Umuhimu wa ushauri nasaha wenye kisukari Watu wanaoishi na kisukari hukutana na changamoto za kudhibiti kiwango cha sukari, jambo linaloweza kusababisha matatizo makubwa ya kiafya, kama vile magonjwa ya moyo, kiharusi, matatizo ya figo, upofu na vidonda visivyopona. Hata hivyo, athari za kisukari siyo tu za kimwili, bali pia huweza kusababisha matatizo ya kisaikolojia. Kwa watu wengi wenye kisukari hupitia hali ya wasiwasi, hofu na huzuni kubwa kuhusu maisha yao ya kila siku. Hali hii inaweza kuathiri ushirikiano wao katika matibabu, unaweza kuzorotesha maendeleo yao binafsi na maisha kwa jumla. Hivyo, ushauri nasaha unakuwa na umuhimu kwao. Ushauri nasaha ni njia bora ya kuwasaidia kuhimili changamoto hizi za kisaikolojia na kimihemko. Ushauri nasaha kwa wenye kisukari unahusisha kutoa msaada wa kisaikolojia na kimhemko ili kuwasaidia watu waelewe na kukubaliana na hali na namna ya kuishi. Wataalamu wa ushauri nasaha wanatoa huduma ya kufundisha mbinu za kukabiliana na mafadhaiko, wasiwasi na huzuni. Hii ni muhimu, kwani mabadiliko katika mtindo wa maisha, pamoja na kurekebisha mlo, mazoezi na matumizi ya dawa, yanahitaji nguvu za ziada, akili na utayari wa hisia. Wengi hawawezi kukubaliana na mabadiliko haya bila msaada wa kisaikolojia. Ushauri nasaha unasaidia kupunguza hatari ya matatizo ya ziada, kama vile shinikizo la damu na magonjwa ya moyo yanayoweza kutokea kutokana na wasiwasi na msongo wa mawazo. Wenye kisukari wanaweza kuathiriwa na hali ya kujiona kana kwamba wako pekee yao duniani, hivyo kuwa na mtu wa kuwashauri na kuonesha kuwa wapo pamoja nao kunaweza kuleta nafuu kubwa. Wataalamu wa ushauri nasaha pia wanaweza kusaidia watu hao katika kujenga mtazamo chanya kuhusu afya yao na kwa njia hii wanasaidia kupunguza athari za magonjwa ya kisukari kwa kuimarisha hali ya kiakili na hisia. Ushauri nasaha unahakikisha kuwa watu wenye kisukari wanapata elimu kuhusu kisukari na namna bora ya kudhibiti kisukari. Wataalamu wa ushauri nasaha mara nyingi hushirikiana na madaktari, wauguzi na wataalamu wengine wa afya ili kutoa msaada wa kina kwa mgonjwa. Elimu hii inahusisha namna ya kujitunza, mbinu za kupambana na msongo wa mawazo na umuhimu wa kufuata maelekezo ya matibabu. Hii inawawezesha watu kuishi maisha bora na yenye afya, huku wakiepuka athari za kiafya zinazoweza kutokea kutokana na udhibiti mbovu wa kisukari. Ushauri nasaha pia unaweza kusaidia kufuta hali ya kujinyanyapaa wenyewe kwa kujiweka mbali na jamii.
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# Exploring the Appeal of Unsold Container Homes in Today's Real Estate Market In recent years, an intriguing trend has emerged in the real estate market - the appeal of unsold container homes. Let's delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of container homes. **Container Homes: An Affordable Alternative** Container homes offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional housing. One of the primary reasons for their appeal is the affordability factor. Purchasing and converting a shipping container into a livable space is often more budget-friendly than buying a conventional house. This financial advantage has made container homes an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize without breaking the bank. **Sustainability and Environmental Benefits** Another factor driving the appeal of unsold container homes is their sustainability and environmental benefits. Recycling shipping containers into homes helps reduce waste and promotes eco-friendly living. By repurposing these steel containers, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying a unique and modern living space. The eco-conscious consumer is increasingly drawn to container homes as a way to minimize their environmental footprint and live a greener lifestyle. **Creative Design Possibilities** Container homes offer endless design possibilities, allowing homeowners to unleash their creativity and create a one-of-a-kind living space. From sleek and modern interiors to industrial-chic designs, the flexibility of container homes appeals to those seeking a unique and personalized home. With the ability to stack and combine containers in various configurations, homeowners can design a home that suits their style and needs, making each container home a truly bespoke dwelling. **Flexibility and Mobility** One of the advantages of container homes is their flexibility and mobility. These modular structures can be easily transported and relocated, offering homeowners the freedom to move their home to a new location if desired. This flexibility appeals to those who value the ability to change scenery or relocate without the constraints of a traditional fixed foundation home. Container homes are particularly popular among digital nomads, remote workers, and individuals seeking a portable living solution. **Novelty and Trendiness** The novelty and trendiness of container homes have also contributed to their appeal in today's real estate market. These unique dwellings stand out in a sea of traditional houses, attracting attention from homebuyers looking for something different and unconventional. The growing popularity of container homes in design magazines, social media platforms, and television shows has further fueled the interest in this emerging trend. For those seeking a statement-making home that breaks the mold, container homes offer a fresh and contemporary alternative. In conclusion, the appeal of unsold container homes in today's real estate market can be attributed to their affordability, sustainability, design flexibility, mobility, and trendiness. As the demand for innovative housing solutions continues to rise, container homes have carved out a niche for themselves as a viable and attractive option for homebuyers seeking a unique living experience. Whether you're drawn to their eco-friendly nature, creative design possibilities, or cost-effective benefits, container homes offer a compelling choice in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate options.
ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Javascript needed No Download: Play Now Choose your Player Name I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy . : ▽ Panzer Quest is a real time strategy game, that you can play directly in your browser. PQ1 | DITOGAMES | Privacy | SUPPORT | Imprint | Navy Quest Game | Terms | HELP PAGES LOGIN
Hello Your subscription is almost coming to an end. Don’t miss out on the great content on Nation.Africa Ready to continue your informative journey with us? Your premium access has ended, but the best of Nation.Africa is still within reach. Renew now to unlock exclusive stories and in-depth features. Reclaim your full access. Click below to renew. Subscribe for a month to get full access Wrote articles Latest articles written by Baraka Loshilaa:
# Mwaka 2024 ulivyopaisha utoaji huduma za afya Tanzania **Dar es Salaam.** Hali ya utoaji wa huduma za afya nchini kwa mwaka 2024 imeendelea kuboreka kwa kiasi kikubwa, ingawa changamoto kadhaa bado zipo. Serikali kwa kushirikiana na wadau wa maendeleo, imewekeza katika kuboresha miundombinu, upatikanaji wa dawa na kuongeza rasilimali watu kwenye sekta ya afya. Serikali imeendelea kujenga na kukarabati hospitali za wilaya, vituo vya afya na zahanati ili kufanikisha huduma kwa maeneo ya vijijini. Pamoja na hayo, kuna teknolojia ya matibabu kwa kuimarishwa upatikanaji wa vifaa vya kisasa vya uchunguzi, ikiwemo kuanzishwa rasmi kwa kitengo cha upandikizaji mimba, yaani IVF kilichopo Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili (MNH). Hata hivyo, eneo la rasilimali watu, mwaka 2024 Serikali imeongeza ajira kwa watumishi wa sekta ya afya, ikiwa ni pamoja na madaktari, wauguzi na wataalamu wa maabara. Programu za mafunzo ya ndani na nje ya nchi zimeimarishwa ili kukuza ujuzi wa watumishi wa afya, hata hivyo changamoto bado zipo katika maeneo ya vijijini ambako kuna uhaba wa watumishi wenye ujuzi. Kuhusu bima ya afya kwa wote, Wizara ya Afya kuanzia Januari hadi Juni 2024 imeendelea kukamilisha uandaaji wa sheria na hatua zinazoendelea sasa ni maandalizi ya kanuni. Hatua inayoendelea sasa ni kukamilika kwa kanuni za sheria hiyo kutakakoiwezesha Serikali kutekeleza Sheria hiyo, ikiwa ni pamoja na ugharamiaji wa huduma kwa wasio na uwezo kwa kuanzisha mfuko maalumu kulisaidia kundi hilo. Hata hivyo, kuna changamoto kadhaa za uhaba wa rasilimali fedha, ingawa bajeti ya afya imeongezeka bado kuna pengo katika kugharimia mahitaji yote ya sekta hii. Upatikanaji wa huduma bora za afya vijijini unahitaji maboresho zaidi. **Serikali yafafanua** Kwa mujibu wa taarifa iliyotolewa na Wizara ya Afya, kuanzia Januari hadi Juni mwaka huu vituo vya kutolea huduma za afya vimeongezeka kutoka 9,366 vilivyokuwepo mwaka 2023 hadi kufikia vituo 9,826 Juni mwaka huu, sawa na ongezeko la asilimia 4.9. Mkurugenzi wa Tiba Wizara ya Afya, Dk Hamad Nyembea anasema kati ya vituo hivyo, 7,366 sawa na asilimia 75 vinamilikiwa na Serikali na 1,006 vinamilikiwa na mashirika ya dini, vituo 79 vinamilikiwa na mashirika ya umma na 1,375 vikimilikiwa na watu binafsi. Anasema katika kipindi hicho, idadi ya wagonjwa wa kulazwa iliongezeka kufikia 971,271 ikilinganishwa na wagonjwa 951,011 mwaka 2023, ongezeko lililochangiwa na kuongezwa kwa vitanda. “Hadi kufikia Juni 2024 idadi ya vitanda vya wagonjwa katika vituo vya kutolea huduma za afya imeongezeka kutoka 104,687 mwaka 2023 hadi 126,209, kwa mujibu wa viwango vya Shirika la Afya Duniani (WHO) kwa kila watu 1000 uwiano ni vitanda 2.5, hivyo Tanzania imefikia uwiano wa 2.1 kwa kila watu 1,000,” anasema. Anasema kuhusu huduma za uchunguzi wa magonjwa, Serikali imeendelea kuimarisha upatikanaji wa vifaatiba na uchunguzi wa magonjwa ili kutoa tiba stahiki kulingana na ugonjwa. Kwa mujibu wa Dk Nyembea, hadi kufikia Juni 2024 tayari kumenunuliwa na kusambazwa vifaa vya uchunguzi na jumla ya wagonjwa 531,861 walitumia vifaa hivyo katika kipindi cha Januari hadi Juni 2024. **Magonjwa yaliyotikisa 2024** Kuhusu magonjwa yaliyoongoza katika mahudhurio ya wagonjwa wa nje hospitalini ni maambukizi ya mfumo wa hewa, ukiathiri zaidi watoto chini ya miaka mitano na zaidi pamoja na magonjwa yasiyoambukiza kwa wenye miaka mitano na kuendelea. Kama ilivyo katika orodha iliyotolewa na Dk Nyembea, kundi la watoto chini ya miaka mitano, magonjwa yaliyoongoza kwa mahudhurio ya wagonjwa wa nje ni maambukizi ya mfumo wa hewa asilimia 40.9, malaria asilimia 9.9, kichomi kikali asilimia 7.7 na kuharisha pasipo kupungukiwa maji asilimia 7.6. Anasema magonjwa mengine ni maambukizi ya njia ya mkojo asilimia 6.7, magonjwa ya ngozi asilimia 4.2, magonjwa ya kuambukiza asilimia 3.8, minyoo ya tumbo asilimia 2.9, ngozi asilimia 2.4, kuhara na upotevu wa maji asilimia 2.1, magonjwa yote yakiathiri kundi la watoto chini ya miaka mitano. “Kwa wenye miaka mitano na kuendelea, magonjwa yaliyowaathiri zaidi ni maambukizi katika mfumo wa hewa asilimia 18.6, maambukizi katika njia ya mkojo asilimia 15.6. “Mengine ni malaria asilimia 6.9, shinikizo la juu la damu asilimia 5.9, vidonda vya tumbo asilimia 3.9, magonjwa mengine yasiyo ya kuambukiza asilimia 3.5, kisukari asilimia 2.9 na kichomi kikali asilimia 2.6, minyoo ya tumbo asilimia 2.3, magonjwa ya viungo asilimia 2.2,” anasema. Kwa upande wa wagonjwa wa kulazwa, Dk Nyembea anasema Januari hadi Juni kwa watoto chini ya miaka mitano malaria iliongoza kuwalaza kwa asilimia 16.3, kichomi kikali asilimia 33.0 na wenye miaka mitano na zaidi waliathiriwa zaidi na shinikizo la damu kwa asilimia 8.7 na kisukari asilimia 4.5. “Ugonjwa wa kuharisha uliwaathiri watoto kwa asilimia 8.8, upungufu wa damu asilimia 8.8, kuzaliwa na uzito pungufu asilimia 5.7, maambukizi ya mfumo wa hewa asilimia 5.3, maambukizi ya njia ya mkojo asilimia 3.2, selimundu asilimia 1.3 na kuugua asilimia 1.2,” anasema. Dk Nyembea anasema kwa wenye miaka mitano na kuendelea, magonjwa yaliyoongoza kuwalaza hospitali ni malaria asilimia 16.3, maambukizi ya njia ya mkojo asilimia 9.6, upungufu wa damu asilimia 9.3, shinikizo la damu asilimia 8.7 na kichomi kikali asilimia 6.3. “Ugonjwa wa vidonda vya tumbo nako ilichukia asilimia 6.3, magonjwa ya akina mama asilimia 5.4, kisukari asilimia 4.5, kuvunjika mfupa asilimia 3.7 na maambukizi katika mfumo wa hewa asilimia 3.5,” anasema. **Maoni ya wadau** Hata hivyo, wadau wa masuala ya afya wamezungumzia hali ilivyokuwa kwa mwaka 2024, wakisema ulikuwa wa mifumo ya kukabiliana na majanga kama Marbug, Ebola, Mpox na nchi imefanikiwa kuvuka salama. Akizungumza na Mwananchi, Rais wa Chama cha Madaktari (MAT), Dk Mugisha Nkoronko anasema nchi imeendelea kutoa huduma za kibingwa na kibobezi, kupandikiza figo na kutibu mafua, maambukizi ya mfumo wa mkojo (UTI) na magonjwa ya ajali. Dk Mugisha anasema mwaka huu nchi imekuwa na kitita cha bima ambacho kimeathiri utoaji wa huduma, kupata Waziri wa Afya mpya (Jenista Mhagama) baada ya kuondoka Ummy Mwalimu na nchi imefanikiwa kushinda kiti cha Uongozi wa WHO Afrika. “Afya ya jamii, tumeona mikutano ya afya mikubwa na midogo, mahususi MATbscientific Conference, THS, hospitali zimepata viongozi wapya na mengine mengi. Zaidi ya wataalamu wa afya 3,000 wamehitimu masomo na 900 wameajiriwa,” anasema. Hata hivyo, anasema nchi imepata shida za kitita kipya cha NHIF, hali ambayo huenda ilichangia kuondoka kwa Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa NHIF (Bernard Konga) na kuletwa mpya Dk Irene Isaka. Dk Mugisha anasema miongoni mwa mambo yaliyojirudia ambayo yanafaa kuangaliwa zaidi ni wagonjwa kuendelea kuchelewa kuwahi hospitalini, ajali na majeruhi kuongezeka na kwamba bado wanawake wanapoteza maisha wakati wa uzazi, watoto wanapoteza maisha wanapozaliwa. “Upatikanaji wa dawa na huduma za msingi bado sio kwa watu wote, maradhi bado ni maadui wakubwa wa maendeleo yetu. Tunadhani Taifa lina kazi ya kufanya, kujenga mifumo imara ya afya inayojibu matatizo ya wapiga kura wa nchi hii, wananchi wa mijini na vijijini,” anasema. Dk Mugisha anasema mifumo hiyo inategemea ukuaji wa uchumi, utengaji wa bajeti zaidi pengine tufike asilimia 10 badala ya 5.7 ya sasa. “Tuendelee kuwawezesha wafanyakazi wachache waliopo, tuwawekee mazingira mazuri zaidi ya kufanya kazi zao kwa weledi na urahisi, tuwalipe stahiki zao kwa wakati na tuboreshe maslahi yao,” anasema. Anashauri ni vema kuajiri wataalamu zaidi kukabiliana na upungufu wa asilimia 66 uliopo na kwamba ni muhimu kujenga mfumo wa elimu kwa umma ili kuzuia na kudhibiti maradhi. Kuharakishwa kwa mapitio ya Sera Mpya ya Afya ni muhimu ili kuachana na ile ya mwaka 2007 ambayo kwa mujibu wa Dk Mugisha imepitwa na wakati. “Tujenge mifumo ya afya inayoboresha mazingira ya ukuaji wa sekta binafsi (PPP). Tushirikishe wadau wote wa Afya kuongeza kasi ya uwekezaji kwenye sekta ya afya, viwanda vya kuzalisha vifaa tiba, dawa na vitendanishi vya maabara,” anasema. Anasema ni muhimu kupunguza utegemezi kwa wadau wa maendeleo na kushirikiana nao kwenye vipaumbele vinavyodhibiti na kuzuia magonjwa. “Nanukuu kauli ya Prof. Fathala kuwa watu wetu hawafi kwa magonjwa ambayo hatuwezi kuyatibu bali kwa maamuzi na mipango inayotekelezwa isiyoshirikishi na vipaumbele hafifu. Mwaka 2025 tuna nafasi ya kupiga hatua kubwa tena kwa haraka na kwa mbinu rahisi,” anasema Dk Mugisha.
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