Validate bucket. @param left the left @param right the right @param operator the operator @return true, if successful
private boolean validateBucket(String left, String right, String operator) { Double leftValue = Double.valueOf(left); Double rightValue = Double.valueOf(right); logger.debug("Comparison expression " + operator + "found with left value: " + left + " right value: " + right); if (Expression.GREATER_THAN.equals(operator)) { return leftValue > rightValue; } else if (Expression.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL.equals(operator)) { return leftValue >= rightValue; } else if (Expression.LOWER_THAN.equals(operator)) { return leftValue < rightValue; } else if (Expression.LOWER_THAN_OR_EQUAL.equals(operator)) { return leftValue <= rightValue; } else if (Expression.EQUAL.equals(operator)) { return leftValue == rightValue; } else { logger.error(operator + " in having clause is not supported in Kundera"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(operator + " in having clause is not supported in Kundera"); } }
Verifies whether the user has permission to grant all of the provided roles. If not it throws an UnauthorizedException. @throws UnauthorizedException User did not have the permission to grant at least one role.
private void verifyPermissionToGrantRoles(Subject subject, Iterable<RoleIdentifier> roleIds) { Set<RoleIdentifier> unauthorizedIds = Sets.newTreeSet(); boolean anyAuthorized = false; for (RoleIdentifier roleId : roleIds) { // Verify the caller has permission to grant this role if (subject.hasPermission(Permissions.grantRole(roleId))) { anyAuthorized = true; } else { unauthorizedIds.add(roleId); } } if (!unauthorizedIds.isEmpty()) { // If the caller was not authorized to assign any of the provided roles raise a generic exception, otherwise // the exception provides insight as to which roles were unauthorized. This provides some helpful feedback // where appropriate without exposing potentially exploitable information about whether the subject's API key // is valid. if (!anyAuthorized) { throw new UnauthorizedException(); } else { throw new UnauthorizedException("Not authorized for roles: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(unauthorizedIds)); } } }
Adds image parameters to a list of parameters @param params @param images
protected void handleFeedImages(List<Pair<String, CharSequence>> params, Collection<IFeedImage> images) { if (images != null && images.size() > 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("At most four images are allowed, got " + Integer.toString(images.size())); } if (null != images && !images.isEmpty()) { int image_count = 0; for (IFeedImage image : images) { ++image_count; String imageUrl = image.getImageUrlString(); assert null != imageUrl && "".equals(imageUrl) : "Image URL must be provided"; params.add(new Pair<String, CharSequence>(String.format("image_%d", image_count), image.getImageUrlString())); assert null != image.getLinkUrl() : "Image link URL must be provided"; params.add(new Pair<String, CharSequence>(String.format("image_%d_link", image_count), image.getLinkUrl().toString())); } } }
// newUploadRequest creates a new h.Request for uploading
func newUploadRequest(target, username, secret string, headers map[string]string, a *asset) (*h.Request, error) { req, err := h.NewRequest(h.MethodPut, target, a.ReadCloser) if err != nil { return nil, err } req.ContentLength = a.Size req.SetBasicAuth(username, secret) for k, v := range headers { req.Header.Add(k, v) } return req, err }
Create a type list.
def run(self): """""" config = self.state.document.settings.env.config # Group processes by category processes = get_processes(config.autoprocess_process_dir, config.autoprocess_source_base_url) processes.sort(key=itemgetter('type')) processes_by_types = {k: list(g) for k, g in groupby(processes, itemgetter('type'))} listnode = nodes.bullet_list() for typ in sorted(processes_by_types.keys()): par = nodes.paragraph() par += nodes.literal(typ, typ) par += nodes.Text(' - ') processes = sorted(processes_by_types[typ], key=itemgetter('name')) last_process = processes[-1] for process in processes: node = nodes.reference('', process['name'], internal=True) node['refuri'] = config.autoprocess_definitions_uri + '#process-' + process['slug'] node['reftitle'] = process['name'] par += node if process != last_process: par += nodes.Text(', ') listnode += nodes.list_item('', par) return [listnode]
Returns an empty module.
def load_module(self, fullname): mod = sys.modules.setdefault(fullname, imp.new_module(fullname)) mod.__file__ = self._path mod.__loader__ = self mod.__path__ = [] mod.__package__ = fullname return mod
Returns the javascript coming with the object @return string javascript string
public function script($with_ele=1) { $this->update(); $r = ''; if ( isset($this->attr['id']) ){ if ( isset($this->cfg['events']) ){ foreach ( $this->cfg['events'] as $event => $fn ){ $r .= '.'.$event.'('. ( strpos($fn, 'function') === 0 ? $fn : 'function(e){'.$fn.'}' ). ')'; } } if ( isset($this->cfg['widget'], $this->cfg['widget']['name']) ){ $r .= '.'.$this->cfg['widget']['name'].'('; if ( isset($this->cfg['widget']['options']) ){ $r .= '{'; foreach ( $this->cfg['widget']['options'] as $n => $o ){ $r .= '"'.$n.'":'; if ( \is_string($o) ){ $o = trim($o); if ( (strpos($o, 'function(') === 0) ){ $r .= $o; } else{ $r .= '"'.bbn\str::escape_dquotes($o).'"'; } } else if ( \is_bool($o) ){ $r .= $o ? 'true' : 'false'; } else{ $r .= json_encode($o); } $r .= ','; } $r .= '}'; } $r .= ')'; } if ( !empty($this->help) ){ // tooltip } if ( !empty($r) ){ if ( $with_ele ){ $r = '$("#'.$this->attr['id'].'")'.$r.';'.PHP_EOL; } else{ $r = $r.';'.PHP_EOL; } } } if ( !empty($this->script) ){ $r .= $this->script.PHP_EOL; } if ( \is_array($this->content) ){ foreach ( $this->content as $c ){ if ( \is_array($c) ){ $c = new bbn\html\element($c); } if (\is_object($c) && method_exists($c, 'script') ){ $r .= $c->script(); } } } return $r; }
Given a query result from a SPARQL query, obtain the number value at the given variable @param resultRow the result from a SPARQL query @param variableName the name of the variable to obtain @return the Integer value, or null otherwise
public static Integer getIntegerValue(QuerySolution resultRow, String variableName) { if (resultRow != null) { Resource res = resultRow.getResource(variableName); if (res != null && res.isLiteral()) { Literal val = res.asLiteral(); if (val != null) { return Integer.valueOf(val.getInt()); } } } return null; }
锁定 @param int $id @return boolean
public function isLocked($id=-1) { if($id === -1){ return $self->state === 0 ? true : false; }else{ $rec = Member::find($id)->state; if(count($rec)){ return Member::find($id)->state === 0 ? true : false; }else{ die('FooWeChat\Authorize\Auth\isLocked: 无效id'); } } }
Sets the type of this arc to the specified value.
public void setArcType (int type) { if (type != OPEN && type != CHORD && type != PIE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Arc type: " + type); } this.type = type; }
public function ajouterAdresseFromArray($adresse = array(), $params = array()) { $mail = new mailObject(); $arrayRetour=array(); if (count($adresse)>0) { $select =""; $leftJoin=""; $numero=$adresse['numero']; $indicatif=$adresse['indicatif']; if ($numero != '' && $numero !='0') { $select .=" AND ha.numero='".$numero."' "; if ($indicatif!='' && $indicatif!='0') { $select .=" AND ha.idIndicatif='".$indicatif."' "; } else { $select .=" AND ha.idIndicatif='0' "; } } else { $select .=" AND ha.numero='0' AND ha.idIndicatif='0' "; } if ($adresse['idRue']>0) { $select .=" AND ha.idRue ='".$adresse['idRue']."' "; } elseif ($adresse['idSousQuartier']>0) { $select .=" AND ha.idSousQuartier ='".$adresse['idSousQuartier']."' AND ha.idRue='0' "; } elseif ($adresse['idQuartier']>0) { $select .=" AND ha.idQuartier ='".$adresse['idQuartier']."' AND ha.idRue='0' AND ha.idSousQuartier='0' "; } elseif ($adresse['idVille']>0) { $select .=" AND ha.idVille ='".$adresse['idVille']."' AND ha.idRue='0' AND ha.idSousQuartier='0' AND ha.idQuartier='0' "; } $reqVerifAdresse = "SELECT ha.idAdresse as idAdresse,ha.idHistoriqueAdresse as idHistoriqueAdresse FROM historiqueAdresse ha, historiqueAdresse ha2 ".$leftJoin." WHERE 1=1 ".$select." AND ha2.idAdresse = ha.idAdresse GROUP BY ha.idAdresse , ha.idHistoriqueAdresse HAVING ha.idHistoriqueAdresse = max(ha2.idHistoriqueAdresse) "; $resVerifAdresse = $this->connexionBdd->requete($reqVerifAdresse); if (mysql_num_rows($resVerifAdresse)==1) { //l'adresse existe deja , on recupere son id $fetchAdresse = mysql_fetch_assoc($resVerifAdresse); $idAdresse = $fetchAdresse['idAdresse']; $arrayRetour = array("idAdresse"=>$idAdresse,"newAdresse"=>true); // on va ecraser les coordonnees googlemap dans tous les cas $reqIdHistoriqueAdresse = " SELECT ha1.idHistoriqueAdresse as idHistoriqueAdresse, ha1.coordonneesVerrouillees as coordonneesVerrouillees FROM historiqueAdresse ha1, historiqueAdresse ha2 WHERE ha2.idAdresse = ha1.idAdresse AND ha1.idAdresse = '$idAdresse' GROUP BY ha1.idAdresse, ha2.idHistoriqueAdresse HAVING ha1.idHistoriqueAdresse = max(ha2.idHistoriqueAdresse) "; $resIdHistoriqueAdresse = $this->connexionBdd->requete($reqIdHistoriqueAdresse); if (mysql_num_rows($resIdHistoriqueAdresse)==1) { $fetchIdHistoriqueAdresse = mysql_fetch_assoc($resIdHistoriqueAdresse); if ($fetchIdHistoriqueAdresse['idHistoriqueAdresse']!='' && $fetchIdHistoriqueAdresse['idHistoriqueAdresse']!='0') { $longitude='0'; $latitude='0'; // attention si les coordonnees on ete verrouillees , elles ne sont pas mis a jour (verrouillees si modifiées avec la popup googlemap sur le detail d'une adresse if (isset($adresse['longitude']) && $adresse['longitude']!='' && isset($adresse['latitude']) && $adresse['latitude']!='' && $fetchIdHistoriqueAdresse['coordonneesVerrouillees']!='1') { $longitude=$adresse['longitude']; $latitude=$adresse['latitude']; $reqUpdateCoordonnees = "UPDATE historiqueAdresse SET longitude='$longitude',latitude='$latitude' WHERE idHistoriqueAdresse='".$fetchIdHistoriqueAdresse['idHistoriqueAdresse']."'"; $resUpdateCoordonnees = $this->connexionBdd->requete($reqUpdateCoordonnees); } } } } elseif (mysql_num_rows($resVerifAdresse)>1) { // il y a des adresses redondantes : envoyer un mail $this->erreurs->ajouter("Il existe une adresse redondante dans la base de donnée , veuillez contacter l'administrateur"); $fetchAdresse = mysql_fetch_assoc($resVerifAdresse); $idAdresse =$fetchAdresse['idAdresse']; // on prend la premiere $arrayRetour = array("idAdresse"=>$idAdresse,"newAdresse"=>false); } else { // on enregistre la nouvelle adresse et on renvoi son id $newIdAdresse = $this->getNewIdAdresse(); // Auto filling of the subsidiaries ID (ex: filling city and country id from neighborhood id) if ($adresse['idRue']>0) { $idRue = $adresse['idRue']; $idSousQuartier = $this->getIdSousQuartier($idRue); $idQuartier = $this->getIdQuartier($idSousQuartier); $idVille = $this->getIdVille($idQuartier); $idPays = $this->getIdPays($idVille); } elseif ($adresse['idSousQuartier']>0) { $idRue = 0; $idSousQuartier = $adresse['idSousQuartier']; $idQuartier = $this->getIdQuartier($idSousQuartier); $idVille = $this->getIdVille($idQuartier); $idPays = $this->getIdPays($idVille); $numero=""; $indicatif=""; } elseif ($adresse['idQuartier']>0) { $idRue = 0; $idSousQuartier = 0; $idQuartier = $adresse['idQuartier']; $idVille = $this->getIdVille($idQuartier); $idPays = $this->getIdPays($idVille); $numero=""; $indicatif=""; } elseif ($adresse['idVille']>0) { $idRue = 0; $idSousQuartier = 0; $idQuartier = 0; $idVille = $adresse['idVille']; $idPays = $this->getIdPays($idVille); $numero=""; $indicatif=""; } // recuperation du nom de la rue , le complément et l'indicatif $reqRue = "SELECT idRue, nom, prefixe FROM rue WHERE idRue = '".$idRue."'"; $resRue = $this->connexionBdd->requete($reqRue); $fetchRue = mysql_fetch_assoc($resRue); $idUtilisateur = 0; $auth = new archiAuthentification(); if ($auth->estConnecte()) { $idUtilisateur = $auth->getIdUtilisateur(); } $longitude='0'; $latitude='0'; if (isset($adresse['longitude']) && $adresse['longitude']!='' && isset($adresse['latitude']) && $adresse['latitude']!='') { $longitude=$adresse['longitude']; $latitude=$adresse['latitude']; } $reqInsertAdresse="INSERT INTO historiqueAdresse (idAdresse,date,idRue,numero, idQuartier,idSousQuartier,idPays, idVille,nom,idIndicatif,idUtilisateur,longitude,latitude) VALUES ('".$newIdAdresse."',now(),'".$idRue."','".$numero."','".$idQuartier."','".$idSousQuartier."','".$idPays."','".$idVille."',\"".$numero.' '.$fetchRue['prefixe'].' '.$fetchRue['nom']."\",'".$indicatif."','".$idUtilisateur."','".$longitude."','".$latitude."') "; $resInsertAdresse = $this->connexionBdd->requete($reqInsertAdresse); $idAdresse = $newIdAdresse; $libelleAdresse = $this->getIntituleAdresse(array('nomRue'=>$fetchRue['nom'],'idIndicatif'=>$indicatif,'numero'=>$numero,'prefixeRue'=>$fetchRue['prefixe'])); // **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** // envoi du mail de notification aux administrateurs => ce mail s'envoi maintenant en meme temps que le signalement d'un nouvel evenement sur une nouvelle adresse dans la fonction ajouterNouveauDossier() sauf dans le cas // d'une modif d'un groupe d'adresse ( option params['envoiMailAdminSiNouvelleAdresse']) if (isset($params['envoiMailAdminSiNouvelleAdresse']) && $params['envoiMailAdminSiNouvelleAdresse']==true) { if (isset($this->variablesGet['archiIdEvenementGroupeAdresses'])) { $message = "Une nouvelle adresse a été ajoutée sur un groupe d'adresses existant: <a href='".$this->creerUrl('', '', array('archiAffichage'=>'adresseDetail',"archiIdAdresse"=>$idAdresse,"archiIdEvenementGroupeAdresse"=>$this->variablesGet['archiIdEvenementGroupeAdresses']))."'>".$libelleAdresse."</a><br>"; } else { $message = "Une nouvelle adresse a été ajoutée sur un groupe d'adresses existant: <a href='".$this->creerUrl('', 'adresseDetail', array("archiIdAdresse"=>$idAdresse))."'>".$libelleAdresse."</a><br>"; } // recuperation des infos sur l'utilisateur qui fais la modif $utilisateur = new archiUtilisateur(); $arrayInfosUtilisateur = $utilisateur->getArrayInfosFromUtilisateur($this->session->getFromSession('utilisateurConnecte'.$this->idSite)); $message .="<br>".$arrayInfosUtilisateur['nom']." - ".$arrayInfosUtilisateur['prenom']." - ".$arrayInfosUtilisateur['mail']."<br>"; $mail->sendMailToAdministrators($mail->getSiteMail(), "Ajout d'une adresse sur : ".$libelleAdresse, $message, " and alerteMail='1' ", true); $u = new archiUtilisateur(); $u->ajouteMailEnvoiRegroupesAdministrateurs(array('contenu'=>$message,'idTypeMailRegroupement'=>4,'criteres'=>" and alerteMail='1' ")); } // **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** // envoi du mail aux utilisateurs dont la notification est activée (alerteMail) // **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** //ATTENTION : on n'envoit plus de mails aux utilisateurs a chaque creation d'adresse, on envoi un mail de resumé de creation d'adresse chaque semaine. /*$reqUtilisateurs = "SELECT idUtilisateur,mail FROM utilisateur WHERE alerteMail='1' and compteActif='1' and estAdmin='0'"; $resUtilisateurs = $this->connexionBdd->requete($reqUtilisateurs); while($fetchUtilisateurs = mysql_fetch_assoc($resUtilisateurs)) { if($fetchUtilisateurs['idUtilisateur']!=$auth->getIdUtilisateur()) { $message=""; $message.="Un utilisateur a ajouté une adresse sur le site : <br>".$libelleAdresse; $message.=$this->getMessageDesabonnerAlerteMail(); $sujet = "Une nouvelle adresse a été ajouté sur le site : <a href='".$this->creerUrl('','',array(''=>))."'>".$libelleAdresse."</a>"; $mail->sendMail($mail->getSiteMail(),$fetchUtilisateurs['mail'],$sujet,$message,true); } }*/ // **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** $arrayRetour = array("idAdresse"=>$idAdresse,"newAdresse"=>true); } } else { // erreur dans le tableau d'adresse (ajouterAdressesFromArray) $this->erreurs->ajouter("Erreur dans la saisie de l'adresse"); $idAdresse = 0; $arrayRetour = array(); } return $arrayRetour; }
Insert data in a keyspace. @param table @param fields
public void insertData(String table, Map<String, Object> fields) { String query = this.cassandraqueryUtils.insertData(table, fields); LOGGER.debug(query); executeQuery(query); }
{@inheritDoc} @see org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.StandardDdlParser#initializeTokenStream(org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream)
@Override protected void initializeTokenStream( DdlTokenStream tokens ) { super.initializeTokenStream(tokens); tokens.registerKeyWords(CUSTOM_KEYWORDS); tokens.registerStatementStartPhrase(ALTER_PHRASES); tokens.registerStatementStartPhrase(CREATE_PHRASES); tokens.registerStatementStartPhrase(DROP_PHRASES); tokens.registerStatementStartPhrase(SET_PHRASES); tokens.registerStatementStartPhrase(MISC_PHRASES); }
// Get blocks until it can return an item to be processed. If shutdown = true, // the caller should end their goroutine. You must call Done with item when you // have finished processing it.
func (q *Type) Get() (item interface{}, shutdown bool) { q.cond.L.Lock() defer q.cond.L.Unlock() for len(q.queue) == 0 && !q.shuttingDown { q.cond.Wait() } if len(q.queue) == 0 { // We must be shutting down. return nil, true } item, q.queue = q.queue[0], q.queue[1:] q.processing.insert(item) q.dirty.delete(item) return item, false }
See `cirq.protocols.SupportsApproximateEquality`.
def _approx_eq_(self, other: Any, atol: Union[int, float]) -> bool: """""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return cirq.protocols.approx_eq( self._moments, other._moments, atol=atol ) and self._device == other._device
/* Have to change Bytes into a Long, to avoid the inevitable signs in the Hash
private static long hashToLong(int hash) { long rv; if(hash<0) { rv = 0xFFFFFFFFL & hash; } else { rv = hash; } return rv; }
// configure TLS and retry settings before making any connections
func (flag *ClientFlag) configure(sc *soap.Client) (soap.RoundTripper, error) { if flag.cert != "" { cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(flag.cert, flag.key) if err != nil { return nil, err } sc.SetCertificate(cert) } // Set namespace and version sc.Namespace = "urn:" + flag.vimNamespace sc.Version = flag.vimVersion sc.UserAgent = fmt.Sprintf("govc/%s", Version) if err := flag.SetRootCAs(sc); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := sc.LoadThumbprints(flag.tlsKnownHosts); err != nil { return nil, err } if t, ok := sc.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok { var err error value := os.Getenv("GOVC_TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT") if value != "" { t.TLSHandshakeTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(value) if err != nil { return nil, err } } } // Retry twice when a temporary I/O error occurs. // This means a maximum of 3 attempts. return vim25.Retry(sc, vim25.TemporaryNetworkError(3)), nil }
get the interval of two times
def get_time_interval(time1, time2): '''''' try: #convert time to timestamp time1 = time.mktime(time.strptime(time1, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) time2 = time.mktime(time.strptime(time2, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) seconds = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time2) - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time1)).seconds #convert seconds to day:hour:minute:second days = seconds / 86400 seconds %= 86400 hours = seconds / 3600 seconds %= 3600 minutes = seconds / 60 seconds %= 60 return '%dd %dh %dm %ds' % (days, hours, minutes, seconds) except: return 'N/A'
Creates a RSA key with the given key size and additional values. @param int $size The key size in bits @param array $values values to configure the key
public static function createRSAKey(int $size, array $values = []): JWK { if (0 !== $size % 8) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid key size.'); } if (384 > $size) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Key length is too short. It needs to be at least 384 bits.'); } $key = \openssl_pkey_new([ 'private_key_bits' => $size, 'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA, ]); \openssl_pkey_export($key, $out); $rsa = RSAKey::createFromPEM($out); $values = \array_merge( $values, $rsa->toArray() ); return JWK::create($values); }
Applies the specified timezone to all dates in the list. All dates added to this list will also have this timezone applied. @param timeZone a timezone to apply to contained dates
public final void setTimeZone(final TimeZone timeZone) { if (!Value.DATE.equals(type)) { for (Date date: this) { ((DateTime) date).setTimeZone(timeZone); } } this.timeZone = timeZone; this.utc = false; }
Create a new instance using the specified API key and configured {@link Retrofit}.
public static PagerDuty create(String apiKey, Retrofit retrofit) { checkStringArgument(apiKey, "apiKey"); checkNotNull(retrofit, "retrofit"); return realPagerDuty(apiKey, retrofit.create(EventService.class)); }
Returns true if the relation holds.
private static boolean polylineRelateMultiPoint_(Polyline polyline_a, MultiPoint multipoint_b, double tolerance, int relation, ProgressTracker progress_tracker) { switch (relation) { case Relation.disjoint: return polylineDisjointMultiPoint_(polyline_a, multipoint_b, tolerance, progress_tracker); case Relation.contains: return polylineContainsMultiPoint_(polyline_a, multipoint_b, tolerance, progress_tracker); case Relation.touches: return polylineTouchesMultiPoint_(polyline_a, multipoint_b, tolerance, progress_tracker); case Relation.crosses: return polylineCrossesMultiPoint_(polyline_a, multipoint_b, tolerance, progress_tracker); default: break; // warning fix } return false; }
Returns an `Executor.Runner` for the given java command.
def runner(self, classpath, main, jvm_options=None, args=None, cwd=None): """""" return self._runner(*self._scrub_args(classpath, main, jvm_options, args, cwd=cwd))
Transliterate Unicode string to a initials. @param str Unicode String to initials. @return String initials.
public static String initials(final String str) { if (str == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^\\w|\\s+\\w"); Matcher m = p.matcher(decode(str)); while (m.find()) { sb.append(" ", "")); } return sb.toString(); }
Invokes the /app-xxxx/run API method. For more info, see:
def app_run(app_name_or_id, alias=None, input_params={}, always_retry=True, **kwargs): input_params_cp = Nonce.update_nonce(input_params) fully_qualified_version = app_name_or_id + (('/' + alias) if alias else '') return DXHTTPRequest('/%s/run' % fully_qualified_version, input_params_cp, always_retry=always_retry, **kwargs)
A CSS Selector .class > div + h1 li a:hover Selectors are made out of one or more Elements, see above.
function () { var sel, e, elements = [], c, match, extend, extendList = []; while ((extend = $(this.extend)) || (e = $(this.element))) { if (extend) { extendList.push.apply(extendList, extend); } else { if (extendList.length) { error("Extend can only be used at the end of selector"); } c = input.charAt(i); elements.push(e) e = null; } if (c === '{' || c === '}' || c === ';' || c === ',' || c === ')') { break } } if (elements.length > 0) { return new(tree.Selector)(elements, extendList); } if (extendList.length) { error("Extend must be used to extend a selector, it cannot be used on its own"); } }
example: {% captureas myvar 1 %}content...{% endcaptureas %} - {{ myvar }} result: content... - content... example: {% captureas myvar %}content...{% endcaptureas %} - {{ myvar }} result: - content...
def captureas(parser, arg): args = arg.contents.split() if not 2 <= len(args) <= 3: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('"captureas" node requires a variable name and/or assign only') nodelist = parser.parse(('endcaptureas',)) parser.delete_first_token() return CaptureasNode(nodelist, args)
// Find returns the user with the given name. nil is returned if no user exists // with the given name.
func (u Users) Find(name string) *User { for _, user := range u { if user.Name == name { return user } } return nil }
{@inheritDoc} @see \Ajax\semantic\html\base\HtmlSemDoubleElement::run()
public function run(JsUtils $js){ parent::run($js); return $js->semantic()->sticky("#".$this->identifier,$this->_params); }
Print ping exit statistics
def exit_statistics(hostname, start_time, count_sent, count_received, min_time, avg_time, max_time, deviation): end_time = duration = end_time - start_time duration_sec = float(duration.seconds * 1000) duration_ms = float(duration.microseconds / 1000) duration = duration_sec + duration_ms package_loss = 100 - ((float(count_received) / float(count_sent)) * 100) print(f'\b\b--- {hostname} ping statistics ---') try: print(f'{count_sent} packages transmitted, {count_received} received, {package_loss}% package loss, time {duration}ms') except ZeroDivisionError: print(f'{count_sent} packets transmitted, {count_received} received, 100% packet loss, time {duration}ms') print( 'rtt min/avg/max/dev = %.2f/%.2f/%.2f/%.2f ms' % ( min_time.seconds*1000 + float(min_time.microseconds)/1000, float(avg_time) / 1000, max_time.seconds*1000 + float(max_time.microseconds)/1000, float(deviation) ) )
// path is only passed for debugging purposes
func (c *httpClient) parseResponse(ctx context.Context, path string, rdr io.Reader, res interface{}) error { if c.debug { var buf bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&buf, rdr) c.logger.Debugf(ctx, "-----> %s (response)", path) var m map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &m); err != nil { c.logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to unmarshal payload: %s", err) c.logger.Debugf(ctx, buf.String()) } else { formatted, _ := json.MarshalIndent(m, "", " ") c.logger.Debugf(ctx, "%s", formatted) } c.logger.Debugf(ctx, "<----- %s (response)", path) rdr = &buf } return json.NewDecoder(rdr).Decode(res) }
// Produce the KEY token.
func yaml_parser_fetch_key(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool { // In the block context, additional checks are required. if parser.flow_level == 0 { // Check if we are allowed to start a new key (not nessesary simple). if !parser.simple_key_allowed { return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "", parser.mark, "mapping keys are not allowed in this context") } // Add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token if needed. if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, -1, yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN, parser.mark) { return false } } // Reset any potential simple keys on the current flow level. if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) { return false } // Simple keys are allowed after '?' in the block context. parser.simple_key_allowed = parser.flow_level == 0 // Consume the token. start_mark := parser.mark skip(parser) end_mark := parser.mark // Create the KEY token and append it to the queue. token := yaml_token_t{ typ: yaml_KEY_TOKEN, start_mark: start_mark, end_mark: end_mark, } yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token) return true }
public function getResources() { $services = []; foreach (ServiceManager::getServiceNames(true) as $serviceName) { if (Session::allowsServiceAccess($serviceName)) { $services[] = [static::getResourceIdentifier() => $serviceName]; } } return $services; }
Produce a random sample of the given DBIDs. @param source Original DBIDs, no duplicates allowed @param except Excluded object @param k k Parameter @param random Random generator @return new DBIDs
public static ModifiableDBIDs randomSampleExcept(DBIDs source, DBIDRef except, int k, Random random) { if(k < 0 || k > source.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value for size of random sample: " + k + " > " + source.size() + " or < 0"); } // Fast, and we're single-threaded here anyway. random = (random != null) ? random : new FastNonThreadsafeRandom(); // TODO: better balancing for different sizes // Two methods: constructive vs. destructive if(k < source.size() >> 2) { ArrayDBIDs aids = DBIDUtil.ensureArray(source); DBIDArrayIter iter = aids.iter(); int size = aids.size(); HashSetModifiableDBIDs sample = DBIDUtil.newHashSet(k); while(sample.size() < k) { if(!equal(, except)) { sample.add(iter); } } return sample; } else { ArrayModifiableDBIDs sample = DBIDUtil.newArray(source); randomShuffle(sample, random, k); // Avoid excluded object: for(DBIDArrayIter iter = sample.iter(); iter.valid() && iter.getOffset() < k; iter.advance()) { if(equal(iter, except)) { sample.swap(iter.getOffset(), k); break; // Assuming that except occurrs only once! } } // Delete trailing elements for(int i = sample.size() - 1; i >= k; i--) { sample.remove(i); } return sample; } }
Create the PHP syntax for the given schema. @param array $schema @param array $meta @return string @throws GeneratorException
public function create($schema, $meta) { $up = $this->createSchemaForUpMethod($schema, $meta); $down = $this->createSchemaForDownMethod($schema, $meta); return compact('up', 'down'); }
Add a sample to this measurements.
def add_sample(self, ts, **kwargs): """""" if not self.series.offsets: self.ts = ts offset = 0 else: dt = ts - self.ts offset = (dt.days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + dt.seconds * 1000 + dt.microseconds // 1000) self.series.add_sample(offset, **kwargs)
Links a rich menu to multiple users. @param string[] $userIds Found in the source object of webhook event objects. Max: 150 user IDs. @param string $richMenuId ID of an uploaded rich menu @return Response
public function bulkLinkRichMenu($userIds, $richMenuId) { $url = $this->endpointBase . '/v2/bot/richmenu/bulk/link'; return $this->httpClient->post($url, [ 'richMenuId' => $richMenuId, 'userIds' => $userIds ]); }
Given a + operation node with a list of fraction nodes as args that all have the same denominator, add them together. e.g. 2/3 + 5/3 -> (2+5)/3 Returns the new node.
function combineNumeratorsAboveCommonDenominator(node) { let newNode = clone(node); const commonDenominator = newNode.args[0].args[1]; const numeratorArgs = []; newNode.args.forEach(fraction => { numeratorArgs.push(fraction.args[0]); }); const newNumerator = Node.Creator.parenthesis( Node.Creator.operator('+', numeratorArgs)); newNode = Node.Creator.operator('/', [newNumerator, commonDenominator]); return Node.Status.nodeChanged( ChangeTypes.COMBINE_NUMERATORS, node, newNode); }
32位MD5加密算法 @param s @return
public static String convert32(String s) { try { byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(bytes); bytes = md.digest(); int j = bytes.length; char[] chars = new char[j * 2]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { byte b = bytes[i]; chars[k++] = hexChars[b >>> 4 & 0xf]; chars[k++] = hexChars[b & 0xf]; } return new String(chars); } catch (Exception e){ return null; } }
Disable automatic decoding on a netCDF4.Variable. We handle these types of decoding ourselves.
def _disable_auto_decode_variable(var): var.set_auto_maskandscale(False) # only added in netCDF4-python v1.2.8 with suppress(AttributeError): var.set_auto_chartostring(False)
Returns a copy of the buffer if offset and length are used, otherwise a reference. @return byte array with a copy of the buffer.
public byte[] getBuffer() { if(buf == null) return null; if(offset == 0 && length == buf.length) return buf; else { byte[] retval=new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(buf, offset, retval, 0, length); return retval; } }
Provides a synopsis for the given Input Argument. @param input\Argument $definition The Input Argument to provide a synopsis for. @param array $options Additional options to be considered by the Descriptor. @return mixed
public function getInputArgumentSynopsis(input\Argument $definition, array $options = null) { $output = '\<'.$definition->getName().'>'; $value = $definition->getValue(); if (!$value->is(input\Value::REQUIRED)) { $output = '['.$output.']'; } elseif ($value instanceof input\values\Multiple) { $output = $output.' ('.$output.')'; } if ($value instanceof input\values\Multiple) { $output .= '...'; } return $output; }
Returned expression results in Date arithmetic. Returns the elapsed time between two UNIX timestamps as an integer whose unit is part.
public static Expression dateDiffMillis(String expression1, String expression2, DatePart part) { return dateDiffMillis(x(expression1), x(expression2), part); }
converts a argument scope to a regular struct @param arg argument scope to convert @return resulting struct
public static Struct toStruct(Argument arg) { Struct trg = new StructImpl(); StructImpl.copy(arg, trg, false); return trg; }
/* Implementation notes: The requirement that "K extends CopyableValue<K>" can be removed when Flink has a self-join which performs the skew distribution handled by GenerateGroupSpans / GenerateGroups / GenerateGroupPairs.
@Override public DataSet<Result<K>> runInternal(Graph<K, VV, EV> input) throws Exception { // s, t, d(t) DataSet<Edge<K, Tuple2<EV, LongValue>>> neighborDegree = input .run(new EdgeTargetDegree<K, VV, EV>() .setParallelism(parallelism)); // group span, s, t, d(t) DataSet<Tuple4<IntValue, K, K, IntValue>> groupSpans = neighborDegree .groupBy(0) .sortGroup(1, Order.ASCENDING) .reduceGroup(new GenerateGroupSpans<>(groupSize)) .setParallelism(parallelism) .name("Generate group spans"); // group, s, t, d(t) DataSet<Tuple4<IntValue, K, K, IntValue>> groups = groupSpans .rebalance() .setParallelism(parallelism) .name("Rebalance") .flatMap(new GenerateGroups<>()) .setParallelism(parallelism) .name("Generate groups"); // t, u, d(t)+d(u) DataSet<Tuple3<K, K, IntValue>> twoPaths = groups .groupBy(0, 1) .sortGroup(2, Order.ASCENDING) .reduceGroup(new GenerateGroupPairs<>(groupSize)) .name("Generate group pairs"); // t, u, intersection, union DataSet<Result<K>> scores = twoPaths .groupBy(0, 1) .reduceGroup(new ComputeScores<>(unboundedScores, minimumScoreNumerator, minimumScoreDenominator, maximumScoreNumerator, maximumScoreDenominator)) .name("Compute scores"); if (mirrorResults) { scores = scores .flatMap(new MirrorResult<>()) .name("Mirror results"); } return scores; }
Save a thumbnail to the thumbnail_storage. Also triggers the ``thumbnail_created`` signal and caches the thumbnail values and dimensions for future lookups.
def save_thumbnail(self, thumbnail): filename = try: self.thumbnail_storage.delete(filename) except Exception: pass, thumbnail) thumb_cache = self.get_thumbnail_cache(, create=True, update=True) # Cache thumbnail dimensions. if settings.THUMBNAIL_CACHE_DIMENSIONS: dimensions_cache, created = ( models.ThumbnailDimensions.objects.get_or_create( thumbnail=thumb_cache, defaults={'width': thumbnail.width, 'height': thumbnail.height})) if not created: dimensions_cache.width = thumbnail.width dimensions_cache.height = thumbnail.height signals.thumbnail_created.send(sender=thumbnail)
Get a hash key for the session this stanza belongs to. @param sid The session id @param initiator The initiator @return A hash key
public static int getSessionHash(final String sid, final Jid initiator) { final int PRIME = 31; int result = 1; result = PRIME * result + (initiator == null ? 0 : initiator.hashCode()); result = PRIME * result + (sid == null ? 0 : sid.hashCode()); return result; }
Method: onVertexModified Registered as a listener for the vertexmodified event on the editable layer. Parameters: event - {Object} The vertex modified event.
function(event) { this.feature = event.feature; var loc =; this.considerSnapping( event.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(loc.lon, ); }
Checks if there is an extension and adds it if does not @param string $file File name @param string $extension Extension (dot included) @return string
public static function addExtension(string $file, string $extension) { if (substr($file, strlen($extension) * -1) !== $extension) { $file .= $extension; } return $file; }
// EvalString implements Expression interface.
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error) { return sf.Function.evalString(row) }
@function maxRecordNumber get max record (n)umber with optional where @param {object} args @param {object} args.session @param {object} args.where @returns {Promise<integer>}
function maxRecordNumber (args) { // get sql var select = sql.maxRecordNumber(this, args) // do query return this.mysql().query(select.sql, select.params) // get n value from response .then(res => { return res[0][0].n }) }
Loads properties from the passed URL @param url The url to load from @return the loaded properties
protected static Properties loadConfig(URL url) { InputStream is = null; try { URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); if(connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { ((HttpURLConnection)connection).setConnectTimeout(2000); } is = connection.getInputStream(); return loadConfig(url.toString(), is); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to load configuration from [" + url + "]"); }finally { if(is!=null) try { is.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { /* No Op */ } } }
Handles pycosio exceptions and raise standard OS exceptions.
def handle_os_exceptions(): try: yield # Convert pycosio exception to equivalent OSError except ObjectException: exc_type, exc_value, _ = exc_info() raise _OS_EXCEPTIONS.get(exc_type, OSError)(exc_value) # Re-raise generic exceptions except (OSError, same_file_error, UnsupportedOperation): raise # Raise generic OSError for other exceptions except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, _ = exc_info() raise OSError('%s%s' % ( exc_type, (', %s' % exc_value) if exc_value else ''))
Returns the value of field without HTML tags @return string
function getFrozenHtml() { $value = array(); if (is_array($this->_values)) { foreach ($this->_values as $key => $val) { foreach ($this->_optGroups as $optGroup) { if (empty($optGroup['options'])) { continue; } for ($i = 0, $optCount = count($optGroup['options']); $i < $optCount; $i++) { if ((string)$val == (string)$optGroup['options'][$i]['attr']['value']) { $value[$key] = $optGroup['options'][$i]['text']; break; } } } } } $html = empty($value)? '&nbsp;': join('<br />', $value); if ($this->_persistantFreeze) { $name = $this->getPrivateName(); // Only use id attribute if doing single hidden input if (1 == count($value)) { $id = $this->getAttribute('id'); $idAttr = isset($id)? array('id' => $id): array(); } else { $idAttr = array(); } foreach ($value as $key => $item) { $html .= '<input' . $this->_getAttrString(array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $name, 'value' => $this->_values[$key] ) + $idAttr) . ' />'; } } return $html; }
// UnmarshalJSON does a no-op unmarshal to PathenumPathEnum. // It just validates that the input is sane.
func (e PathenumPathEnum) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { return unmarshalJSONEnum(b, pbpathenum.PathEnum_value) }
Rescores all priorities by multiplying them with the same factor. @param factor the factor to multiply with
public void rescore(double factor) { for (int i = 0; i < this.prior.size(); i++) this.prior.set(i, this.prior.get(i) * factor); }
Return the last directory. Returns absolute path to new working directory.
def cdpop(): if len(_cdhist) >= 1: old = _cdhist.pop() # Pop from history. os.chdir(old) return old else: return pwd()
Trim the trailing spaces. @param line
private String trim(String line) { char[] chars = line.toCharArray(); int len = chars.length; while (len > 0) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(chars[len - 1])) { break; } len--; } return line.substring(0, len); }
Returns the AWS region for this environment @return string @throws DriverException
protected function getRegion() { if (empty($this->sS3Region)) { $this->sS3Region = $this->getRegionAndBucket()->region; if (empty($this->sS3Region)) { throw new DriverException('S3 Region has not been defined.'); } } return $this->sS3Region; }
/* (non-Javadoc) @see com.impetus.kundera.query.QueryImpl#getReader()
@Override protected RDBMSEntityReader getReader() { if (reader == null) { reader = new RDBMSEntityReader(getJPAQuery(), kunderaQuery, kunderaMetadata); } return reader; }
Adds @item to the end of the list -> #int length of list after operation
def append(self, item): return self._client.rpush(self.key_prefix, self._dumps(item))
Creates a NumberMap for Integers. @param <K> @return NumberMap&lt;K, Integer&gt;
public static <K> NumberMap<K, Integer> newIntegerMap() { return new NumberMap<K, Integer>() { @Override public void add(K key, Integer addend) { put(key, containsKey(key) ? (get(key) + addend) : addend); } @Override public void sub(K key, Integer subtrahend) { put(key, (containsKey(key) ? get(key) : 0) - subtrahend); } }; }
Make identity from JSON object. @param json JSON received from Twitter @return Identity found
private static Identity parse(final JsonObject json) { final Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(json.size()); props.put(PsTwitter.NAME, json.getString(PsTwitter.NAME)); props.put("picture", json.getString("profile_image_url")); return new Identity.Simple( String.format("urn:twitter:%d", json.getInt("id")), props ); }
Unset hive key @param $key string
function clear($key) { // Normalize array literal $cache=Cache::instance(); $parts=$this->cut($key); if ($key=='CACHE') // Clear cache contents $cache->reset(); elseif (preg_match('/^(GET|POST|COOKIE)\b(.+)/',$key,$expr)) { $this->clear('REQUEST'.$expr[2]); if ($expr[1]=='COOKIE') { $parts=$this->cut($key); $jar=$this->hive['JAR']; unset($jar['lifetime']); $jar['expire']=0; call_user_func_array('setcookie', array_merge([$parts[1],NULL],$jar)); unset($_COOKIE[$parts[1]]); } } elseif ($parts[0]=='SESSION') { if (!headers_sent() && session_status()!=PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) session_start(); if (empty($parts[1])) { // End session session_unset(); session_destroy(); $this->clear('COOKIE.'.session_name()); } $this->sync('SESSION'); } if (!isset($parts[1]) && array_key_exists($parts[0],$this->init)) // Reset global to default value $this->hive[$parts[0]]=$this->init[$parts[0]]; else { eval('unset('.$this->compile('@this->hive.'.$key).');'); if ($parts[0]=='SESSION') { session_commit(); session_start(); } if ($cache->exists($hash=$this->hash($key).'.var')) // Remove from cache $cache->clear($hash); } }
Check if this assertion is true @param AuthorizationService $authorizationService @param mixed $context @return bool
public function assert(AuthorizationService $authorizationService, $context = null) { /** @var EnvironmentInterface $context */ /** @var UserInterface $identity */ $identity = $authorizationService->getIdentity(); if ($identity->getRole() === UserInterface::ROLE_USER) { return false; } if ($authorizationService->isGranted('manageAllEnv', $context) || ($context != null && $context->hasUser($identity))) { return true; } if ($context == null) { return false; } if (!$context->hasParent()) { return false; } $parent = $context->getParent(); return $parent->hasUser($identity) || $authorizationService->isGranted('manageEnv', $parent); }
TODO: suggest the old value & the current version
def complete_set(self, cmd_param_text, full_cmd, *rest): complete_value = partial(complete_values, ["updated-value"]) complete_version = partial(complete_values, [str(i) for i in range(1, 11)]) completers = [self._complete_path, complete_value, complete_version] return complete(completers, cmd_param_text, full_cmd, *rest)
/* Apply effects on an image Parameters resource $resource : image resource resource $mask : mask resource integer $xinit : initial x coord in source image integer $yinit : initial y coord in source image Return resource
public function apply($resource){ // Extract arguments @list(,$mask,$xinit,$yinit)=func_get_args(); if(is_subclass_of($mask,'Imagix\AbstractImage')){ $mask=$mask->getResource(); } elseif(!is_resource($mask)){ throw new Exception("The 'mask' parameter must be a valid GD resource or a Lumy_File_Image child object"); } // Prepare $w_mask=imagesx($mask); $h_mask=imagesy($mask); if($w_mask===false || $h_mask===false){ throw new Exception("An error was encountered while getting mask image resolution"); } $width=imagesx($resource); $height=imagesy($resource); if($width===false || $height===false){ throw new Exception("An error was encountered while getting source image resolution"); } $xinit=(int)$xinit; $yinit=(int)$yinit; if($xinit<0) $xinit=0; if($xinit>$width-$w_mask) $xinit=$width-$w_mask; if($yinit<0) $yinit=0; if($yinit>$height-$h_mask) $yinit=$height-$h_mask; // Create new image $image=$this->_createTrueColor($width,$height); if(!imagecopy($image,$resource,0,0,0,0,$width,$height)){ throw new Exception("Cannot copy image"); } // Modify colors $x=$xinit; do{ $y=$yinit; do{ // Get pixel color from source image $rgba_src=$this->_getColorAt($image,$x,$y); // Get pixel color from mask image $rgba_mask=$this->_getColorAt($mask,$x-$xinit,$y-$yinit); // Generate alpha if($rgba_mask[0]==$rgba_mask[1] && $rgba_mask[1]==$rgba_mask[2]){ $alpha=floor($rgba_mask[0]/2)+$rgba_src[3]; if($alpha>127) $alpha=127; } else{ throw new Exception("Mask image must be in grayscale"); } // Define new pixel $color=imagecolorallocatealpha($image,$rgba_src[0],$rgba_src[1],$rgba_src[2],$alpha); if($color===false){ throw new Exception("Cannot allocate color"); } if(!imagesetpixel($image,$x,$y,$color)){ throw new Exception("Cannot set pixel"); } } while(++$y<$h_mask+$yinit); } while(++$x<$w_mask+$xinit); return $image; }
<!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc --> @generated
@Override public boolean eIsSet(int featureID) { switch (featureID) { case AfplibPackage.GCMRK__RG: return rg != null && !rg.isEmpty(); } return super.eIsSet(featureID); }
Gets an initialized CmsObject to be used for the actual search for a given search bean.<p> @param searchObj the search object @return the initialized CmsObject @throws CmsException if something goes wrong
protected CmsObject getSearchCms(CmsGallerySearchBean searchObj) throws CmsException { CmsObject searchCms = getCmsObject(); if (searchObj.isIncludeExpired()) { searchCms = OpenCms.initCmsObject(getCmsObject()); searchCms.getRequestContext().setRequestTime(CmsResource.DATE_RELEASED_EXPIRED_IGNORE); } return searchCms; }
Adds light to specified RayHandler
public void add(RayHandler rayHandler) { this.rayHandler = rayHandler; if (active) { rayHandler.lightList.add(this); } else { rayHandler.disabledLights.add(this); } }
{@inheritDoc} @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CamelCaseVariableName)
public function getRoles() { $user = $this; $comparator = function ($level) use ($user) { return $user->hasAccessLevel($level); }; // Fallback for PHP < 5.6 which do not support ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY. if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '<')) { $filtered = array_flip(array_filter(array_keys(self::$roleMap), $comparator)); return array_values(array_intersect_key(self::$roleMap, $filtered)); } return array_values(array_filter(self::$roleMap, $comparator, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY)); }
// Append adds the values to key k, not overwriting what was already stored at that key.
func (md MD) Append(k string, vals ...string) { if len(vals) == 0 { return } k = strings.ToLower(k) md[k] = append(md[k], vals...) }
// SetName sets the Name field's value.
func (s *ScheduleRunInput) SetName(v string) *ScheduleRunInput { s.Name = &v return s }
Emit dispatchEvent @param string $event Le nom de l'évènement @return bool
public static function emit($event) { if (isset(static::$events['__bow.once.event'][$event])) { $listener = static::$events['__bow.once.event'][$event]; $data = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); return $listener->call($data); } if (!static::bound($event)) { return false; } if (isset(static::$events[$event])) { $events = static::$events[$event]; } else { $events = static::$events['__bow.transmission.event'][$event]; } $listeners = new Collection($events); $data = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); $listeners->each(function (Listener $listener) use ($data) { if ($listener->getActionType() === 'string') { $callable = $listener->getAction(); } else { $callable = [$listener, 'call']; } return Actionner::getInstance()->execute($callable, [$data]); }); return true; }
// Min returns minimun value of the given sample.
func Min(values []int64) int64 { if len(values) == 0 { return 0 } if isSorted(values) { return values[0] } min := values[0] for i := 1; i < len(values); i++ { v := values[i] if min > v { min = v } } return min }
/* recommend using getMetadataInJson() instead of toString()
public String getMetadataInJson() throws SQLException { try { return getMetadataInJsonFunc(); } catch (TException e) { boolean flag = connection.reconnect(); this.client = connection.client; if (flag) { try { return getMetadataInJsonFunc(); } catch (TException e2) { throw new SQLException("Failed to fetch all metadata in json " + "after reconnecting. Please check the server status."); } } else { throw new SQLException("Failed to reconnect to the server " + "when fetching all metadata in json. Please check the server status."); } } }
Add a security scheme which can be referenced. :param str component_id: component_id to use as reference :param dict kwargs: security scheme fields
def security_scheme(self, component_id, component): if component_id in self._security_schemes: raise DuplicateComponentNameError( 'Another security scheme with name "{}" is already registered.'.format( component_id ) ) self._security_schemes[component_id] = component return self
Retrieve option . @param string $key @param mixed|null|string $group @param null $default @return mixed
public function get($key, $group = self::DEFAULT_GROUP, $default = null) { return isset($this->settings[$group][$key]) ? $this->settings[$group][$key] : $default; }
resolveRequestData. @param $request @return array
protected function resolveRequestData($request): array { $params = $request->all(); if ($request instanceof Request) { $routeParams = $request->route()->parameters(); $params = array_merge($params, $routeParams); } return $params; }
Real-time update of search results
def append_result(self, results, num_matches): """""" filename, lineno, colno, match_end, line = results if filename not in self.files: file_item = FileMatchItem(self, filename, self.sorting, self.text_color) file_item.setExpanded(True) self.files[filename] = file_item self.num_files += 1 search_text = self.search_text title = "'%s' - " % search_text nb_files = self.num_files if nb_files == 0: text = _('String not found') else: text_matches = _('matches in') text_files = _('file') if nb_files > 1: text_files += 's' text = "%d %s %d %s" % (num_matches, text_matches, nb_files, text_files) self.set_title(title + text) file_item = self.files[filename] line = self.truncate_result(line, colno, match_end) item = LineMatchItem(file_item, lineno, colno, line, self.text_color)[id(item)] = (filename, lineno, colno)
// dumpTlsCertificates prints some fields of the certificates received from the server. // Fields will be inspected by the user, so they must be conscise and useful
func dumpTLSCertificates(t *tls.ConnectionState) { for _, cert := range t.PeerCertificates { console.Debugln("TLS Certificate found: ") if len(cert.Issuer.Country) > 0 { console.Debugln(" >> Country: " + cert.Issuer.Country[0]) } if len(cert.Issuer.Organization) > 0 { console.Debugln(" >> Organization: " + cert.Issuer.Organization[0]) } console.Debugln(" >> Expires: " + cert.NotAfter.String()) } }
Gets a dispatcher for the given session and messages. @param session the session locking the messages @return the dispatcher @throws ResourceException if a dispatcher could not be created
SibRaDispatcher createDispatcher(final AbstractConsumerSession session, final Reliability unrecoveredReliability, final int maxFailedDeliveries, final int sequentialFailureThreshold) throws ResourceException { final String methodName = "createDispatcher"; if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) { SibTr.entry(this, TRACE, methodName, new Object[] { session, unrecoveredReliability, maxFailedDeliveries, sequentialFailureThreshold }); } if (_closed) { throw new IllegalStateException(NLS .getString("LISTENER_CLOSED_CWSIV0953")); } final SibRaDispatcher dispatcher; if (_endpointActivation.isEndpointMethodTransactional()) { if (_endpointConfiguration.getShareDataSourceWithCMP()) { dispatcher = new SibRaSynchronizedDispatcher(this, session, _endpointActivation, unrecoveredReliability, maxFailedDeliveries, sequentialFailureThreshold); } else { dispatcher = new SibRaTransactionalDispatcher(this, session, _endpointActivation, _busName, unrecoveredReliability, maxFailedDeliveries, sequentialFailureThreshold); } } else { if (SibRaMessageDeletionMode.BATCH.equals(_endpointConfiguration .getMessageDeletionMode())) { dispatcher = new SibRaBatchMessageDeletionDispatcher( this, session, _endpointActivation, unrecoveredReliability, maxFailedDeliveries, sequentialFailureThreshold); } else if (SibRaMessageDeletionMode.SINGLE .equals(_endpointConfiguration.getMessageDeletionMode())) { dispatcher = new SibRaSingleMessageDeletionDispatcher( this, session, _endpointActivation, unrecoveredReliability, maxFailedDeliveries, sequentialFailureThreshold); } else { dispatcher = new SibRaNonTransactionalDispatcher(this, session, _endpointActivation, unrecoveredReliability, maxFailedDeliveries, sequentialFailureThreshold); } } _dispatcherCount.incrementAndGet(); if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isDebugEnabled()) { SibTr.debug(this, TRACE, "Creating a dispatcher, there are now " + _dispatcherCount.get() + " open dispatchers"); } if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) { SibTr.exit(this, TRACE, methodName, dispatcher); } return dispatcher; }
// NewHeightHintCache returns a new height hint cache backed by a database.
func NewHeightHintCache(db *channeldb.DB) (*HeightHintCache, error) { cache := &HeightHintCache{db} if err := cache.initBuckets(); err != nil { return nil, err } return cache, nil }
Modified from the quote method in: @param string The string to escape. @return An escaped JSON string.
public static String escapeJson(@Nullable String string) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(string)) { return ""; } int len = string.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len + 2); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { char c = string.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\\': case '"': sb.append('\\'); sb.append(c); break; case '\b': sb.append("\\b"); break; case '\t': sb.append("\\t"); break; case '\n': sb.append("\\n"); break; case '\f': sb.append("\\f"); break; case '\r': sb.append("\\r"); break; default: if (c < ' ') { String t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(c); sb.append("\\u").append(t.substring(t.length() - 4)); } else { sb.append(c); } } } return sb.toString(); }
This mehtod will check the name map for entries where the WeakReference object has been reclaimed. When they are found it will reclaim the entry in the map.
private void reclaimSpace() { if (_nameMap == null) return; if (_nameMap.size() > 0 && _nameMap.size() % _reclaimPoint == 0) { synchronized (_nameMap) { Set s = _nameMap.entrySet(); Iterator it = s.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); TrackingObject to = (TrackingObject) e.getValue(); // If the object has been reclaimed, then we remove the named object from the map. WeakReference wr = to.getWeakINameable(); INameable o = (INameable) wr.get(); if (o == null) { it.remove(); } } _reclaimPoint = _nameMap.size() + _reclaimIncrement; } } }
Get a {@link Histogram} with the given name prefix and suffixes. @param prefix the given name prefix @param suffixes the given name suffixes @return a {@link Histogram} with the given name prefix and suffixes
public Histogram getHistogram(String prefix, String... suffixes) { return this.metricContext.histogram(, suffixes)); }
Returns whether the two expressions refer to the same object (e.g. a['b'].c and a.b.c) @param {Object} a @param {Object} b @returns {boolean}
function isEquivalentMemberExp(a, b) { return _.isEqualWith(a, b, (left, right, key) => { if (_.includes(['loc', 'range', 'computed', 'start', 'end', 'parent'], key)) { return true } if (isComputed(left) || isComputed(right)) { return false } if (key === 'property') { const leftValue = || left.value const rightValue = || right.value return leftValue === rightValue } }) }
// Area returns the surface area of the Cap on the unit sphere.
func (c Cap) Area() float64 { return 2.0 * math.Pi * math.Max(0, c.Height()) }
Use a new context. May be called from outside to update internal state for a new annotation-processing round.
public void setContext(Context context) { context.put(JavacTypes.class, this); syms = Symtab.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); }
Create the URI object from `$server`. @param HTTPServerFactory $httpFactory @param array $server @return UriInterface
private function createUri(HTTPServerFactory $httpFactory, array $server) : UriInterface { $uri = $httpFactory->createUri(); $uri = $this->withScheme($uri, $server); $uri = $this->withHost($uri, $server); $uri = $this->withServerPort($uri, $server); $uri = $this->withPath($uri, $server); $uri = $this->withQueryString($uri, $server); return $uri; }
Starts the dump of an object. @throws \ReflectionException @return string The generated markup.
public function callMe() { $output = $this->pool->render->renderSingeChildHr() . $this->dispatchStartEvent(); $ref = $this->parameters[static::PARAM_REF] = new ReflectionClass($this->parameters[static::PARAM_DATA]); // Dumping public properties. $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\PublicProperties'); // Dumping getter methods. // We will not dump the getters for internal classes, though. if ($this->pool->config->getSetting(Fallback::SETTING_ANALYSE_GETTER) === true && $ref->isUserDefined() === true ) { $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\Getter'); } // When analysing an error object, get the backtrace and then analyse it. $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\ErrorObject'); // Dumping protected properties. if ($this->pool->config->getSetting(Fallback::SETTING_ANALYSE_PROTECTED) === true || $this->pool->scope->isInScope() === true ) { $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\ProtectedProperties'); } // Dumping private properties. if ($this->pool->config->getSetting(Fallback::SETTING_ANALYSE_PRIVATE) === true || $this->pool->scope->isInScope() === true ) { $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\PrivateProperties'); } // Dumping class constants. $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\Constants'); // Dumping all methods. $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\Methods'); // Dumping traversable data. if ($this->pool->config->getSetting(Fallback::SETTING_ANALYSE_TRAVERSABLE) === true && $this->parameters[static::PARAM_DATA] instanceof \Traversable ) { $output .= $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\Traversable'); } // Dumping all configured debug functions. // Adding a HR for a better readability. return $output . $this->dumpStuff('Brainworxx\\Krexx\\Analyse\\Callback\\Analyse\\Objects\\DebugMethods') . $this->pool->render->renderSingeChildHr(); }
Return a new JSON response from the application. @param string|array $data @param int $status @param array $headers @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response @static
public function response($data = [], $status = Response::HTTP_OK, $headers = []) { return new JsonResponse($data, $status, $headers, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); }
Sets up the object attributes. Args: disk_name (string): Name of the disk to process project (string): The project containing the disk to process turbinia_zone (string): The zone containing the disk to process
def setup(self, disk_name, project, turbinia_zone): # TODO: Consider the case when multiple disks are provided by the previous # module or by the CLI. if project is None or turbinia_zone is None: self.state.add_error( 'project or turbinia_zone are not all specified, bailing out', critical=True) return self.disk_name = disk_name self.project = project self.turbinia_zone = turbinia_zone try: turbinia_config.LoadConfig() self.turbinia_region = turbinia_config.TURBINIA_REGION self.instance = turbinia_config.PUBSUB_TOPIC if turbinia_config.PROJECT != self.project: self.state.add_error( 'Specified project {0:s} does not match Turbinia configured ' 'project {1:s}. Use gcp_turbinia_import recipe to copy the disk ' 'into the same project.'.format( self.project, turbinia_config.PROJECT), critical=True) return self._output_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.client = turbinia_client.TurbiniaClient() except TurbiniaException as e: self.state.add_error(e, critical=True) return
Get the search directories @param string $env @return array @access protected
protected function getSearchDirs(/*# string */ $env)/*# : array */ { if (!isset($this->sub_dirs[$env])) { $this->sub_dirs[$env] = $this->buildSearchDirs($env); } return $this->sub_dirs[$env]; }
// GitFsck calls 'git fsck' to check repository health.
func GitFsck() { if taskStatusTable.IsRunning(_GIT_FSCK) { return } taskStatusTable.Start(_GIT_FSCK) defer taskStatusTable.Stop(_GIT_FSCK) log.Trace("Doing: GitFsck") if err := x.Where("id>0").Iterate(new(Repository), func(idx int, bean interface{}) error { repo := bean.(*Repository) repoPath := repo.RepoPath() if err := git.Fsck(repoPath, setting.Cron.RepoHealthCheck.Timeout, setting.Cron.RepoHealthCheck.Args...); err != nil { desc := fmt.Sprintf("Fail to health check repository '%s': %v", repoPath, err) log.Warn(desc) if err = CreateRepositoryNotice(desc); err != nil { log.Error(3, "CreateRepositoryNotice: %v", err) } } return nil }); err != nil { log.Error(2, "GitFsck: %v", err) } }
// ParseHTTP parses the SSE-C headers and returns the SSE-C client key // on success. SSE-C copy headers are ignored.
func (ssec) ParseHTTP(h http.Header) (key [32]byte, err error) { if h.Get(SSECAlgorithm) != SSEAlgorithmAES256 { return key, ErrInvalidCustomerAlgorithm } if h.Get(SSECKey) == "" { return key, ErrMissingCustomerKey } if h.Get(SSECKeyMD5) == "" { return key, ErrMissingCustomerKeyMD5 } clientKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(h.Get(SSECKey)) if err != nil || len(clientKey) != 32 { // The client key must be 256 bits long return key, ErrInvalidCustomerKey } keyMD5, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(h.Get(SSECKeyMD5)) if md5Sum := md5.Sum(clientKey); err != nil || !bytes.Equal(md5Sum[:], keyMD5) { return key, ErrCustomerKeyMD5Mismatch } copy(key[:], clientKey) return key, nil }
Escapes a given string as an URI @param string $uri @return string
static public function escapeUri(string $uri): string { self::initSerializer(); return self::$serializer->serialiseValue(new Resource($uri)); }
// GetPrivate returns the Private field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (p *PushEventRepository) GetPrivate() bool { if p == nil || p.Private == nil { return false } return *p.Private }
Warn if nans exist in a numpy array.
def warn_if_nans_exist(X): """""" null_count = count_rows_with_nans(X) total = len(X) percent = 100 * null_count / total if null_count > 0: warning_message = \ 'Warning! Found {} rows of {} ({:0.2f}%) with nan values. Only ' \ 'complete rows will be plotted.'.format(null_count, total, percent) warnings.warn(warning_message, DataWarning)
响应请求 @param \One\Protocol\Contracts\Request $request @return \One\Context\Contracts\Payload
protected function run(Request $request) { $payload = new Payload; if ($request->get('acme') === 1) { $payload = $payload->withMessage('Acme Interceptor is work'); } return $payload; }