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OTR: The Fall of the Night
"Nice hair!" Bolt called noticing the awkward situation he had placed her in, eliciting laughter from the crowd, "Anyway, back on track!" The crowd settled down, and focused on the stage once again. "I've also been told to inform everypony, that the crystal mines contained within this mountain, are officially closed!" Bolt announced, earning yet another cheer from the crowd, "The gems may be valuable, but the dangers presented by working there are simply too great a risk!" Again, the crowd started talking amongst itself, however, Bolt, on the other hoof, had something whispered in his ear. Clearing is throat, he got attention once again. "I think that this prelude had gone on long enough!" Bolt said, "Without further ado, I give you, the new rulers of this land, Celestia and Luna!" The crowd broke out into the loudest cheer that any of them had ever heard. The two sisters timidly walked out on to the stage, wearing extravagant dresses that matched their coats, and dragged along behind them. The band started to play once again, and continued until Luna and Celestia stood on either side of the podium. After another moment of silence, an old stallion took Bolt's place in the center. "Everypony, please!" The pony announced, trying to silence the crowd. Clearing his throat, he cast a spell, making a large bell appear above his head. When everypony continued cheering, he conjured a large hammer that struck the bell, making a deafening ringing sound. Immediately the crowd silenced. "Thank you," He said, smiling, clearing his throat, and speaking as clearly as he possibly could, "Now, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Star Swirl the Bearded, formally, the professor of harmonious magic, under Discord himself." Some quiet murmuring broke out in the crowd. "Don't go thinkin' that I'm a bad guy!" Star Swirl said, "These two have saved me, just as much as they saved everypony here!" The murmuring silenced. "Now, as some of you may already know, this coronation is more than a simple ceremony." Star Swirl explained, "I plan on casting an ancient spell, often used by ponies in the past to ensure their rule over their given kingdom would remain for generations." Celestia looked to Luna, becoming more and more worried about this spell as his description went on. "I'm sure that you both have many questions..." Star Swirl said, "And I promise that I'll answer them all for you, once we're done here." The sisters nodded. "So, you two're?" Star Swirl asked, looking back and forth between the sisters. Luna moved from her spot, on the stage, and moved next to her nervous sister. "Yes." Luna said, looking at Celestia, earning a smile from her. "Yes." Celestia said, looking back to her sister. "Alright," Star Swirl said, walking toward the pair, "This may pinch a bit..." The next thing the crowd knew, the entire stage went white. /-/ "Do you see that?" Dash asked, "What's he doing?" "I think he's making them... Immortal." Alex said, trying to focus on the bright light on stage. "Geez..." Dash said to herself, shielding her eyes, "What's with magic these days, and being so flippin' bright?" The light eventually subsided, leaving the same three ponies on stage, but two of them looked remarkably different. "They're so much bigger now!" Dash said in disbelief. "You make them sound fat." Alex laughed. "Well, you know what I mean!" Dash said, "They're not as big as in our time though." Alex simply nodded. "This must be so scary for them..." Dash said quietly. /-/ The first thing Celestia was able to see when the light subsided was her sister. Thanks to her dark coat, she stood out from the fading light. And what she saw truly shocked her. Her sister was now much larger than the size she had been previously. And her hair was flowing with some kind of energy... It looked like she had the night sky in her mane. "Sister..." Luna said, "You're so different!" Celestia immediately wondered what had been changed about her. Turning her head, she saw that her hair was a solid pink. "So are you!" Celestia said back, taking a step toward her sister, inspecting her closely. For a moment, the two forgot about the crowd, and the fact that they were being made the new rulers of Equestria, and simply looked over each other, like two giddy fillies. "And with that, I can now officially say, that Equestria has two new rulers!" Star Swirl, to cheering from the crowd, "Celestia, the goddess of the sun, And Luna, the goddess of the moon! Our immortal queens!" "Wait." Luna said quickly, "Did you say immortal?" /-/ "They look different from how they look in our time," Dash observed, "They're not quite the princesses we know yet." "Give them some time," Alex said, "A long time passes between now and then." "They seem to be doing better than I thought they would," Dash said. "Maybe they're not scared." Alex said simply, as the crowd cheered around them, "They look pretty confused though." "They have each other," Dash smiled, "They'll be fine as long as they have that." "But..." Alex began, knowing what was coming for those two. "Hey Alex, Rainbow Dash!" Derpy said, flying over to them, "That was amazing, huh?" "It really was something!" Alex agreed. "I'm happy for them!" Dash smiled. "Excuse me!" A voice said from the stage, pulling attention away from their conversation. "Celestia and I, wanted to thank Bolt for everything he has done for Equestria, without him, we wouldn't be here right now!" Luna announced to the crowd, "So, we're naming him the captain, of his brand new messenger team, The Wonderbolts!" "We hope that this fine group of fliers, can be used for delivering messages throughout Equestria, without the need of advanced magic!" Celestia added. "So... wait," Dash said, "The Wonderbolts started out as a bunch of... mail ponies?" "Wow!" Derpy said, her eyes glittering with excitement, "I'm a mail pony!" "Yes you are!" Alex laughed. "All members of this team, will take residence in the castle, and perform under both Celestia and myself!" Luna announced. Dash giggled. "I know why you're laughing, Dash," Alex said, "And that's dirty." Dash burst into laughter. Alex couldn't help but smile. 'Perform UNDER them.' "I don' get it...." Derpy said quietly. "We should probably get going," Alex said pushing the thought from his mind, "We have more ground to cover." Dash nodded, trying her best not to laugh again, wiping a tear from her cheek. "L-let's go...!" Dash stammered, snarking. "Yeah yeah," Alex smiled, "Calm down." /-/ Luna had put on a good face for her announcement of the Wonderbolts, but... Had she truly been made immortal? Sure, she was an entirely new pony now... But... immortal? Surprisingly, Celestia had been just fine with this, which led Luna to think that she was over thinking this. If Celestia could do it, so could she! Maybe she just needed a night to let it all sink in... She was never going to die. Okay, maybe a bit longer than one night. /-/ The three headed back to the Doctor's ship and went inside. "How was it?" The Doctor asked, "Did you guys like the song they played at the very beginning? I helped write it!" "Uh..." Alex said, knowing that he had been pretty busy, at that particular moment, "It was a great... song... I think." The Doctor frowned. "You didn't even hear it, did you?" "We were just preoccupied!" Dash blurted, "We wandered too far from the podium, and got lost on the way back." "Early Canterlot is a tough place to walk around," The Doctor said, "I got lost for almost a whole hour once! ...Is an hour a long time to be lost?" "So this WAS Canterlot!" Dash said. "Sure is!" The Doctor said, "Lots changes in the next thousand years." "Cool!" Derpy said, "It's a lot of fun seeing all this stuff!" "That's great!" The Doctor beamed, smiling toward her. Alex and Dash looked at each other with a knowing glance. 'He's into her.' Alex mouthed. Dash nodded. "So!" Alex said, "Where to next?" "Well, why don't we check in say... ten years from now?" The Doctor said, "Things were very foreign for the Princesses when they first started, however; it was only ten years from now when things started to go downhill." Flipping a switch, and turning a dial, the TARDIS came to life once again. "Allons-y!" The Doctor smiled, before realizing that he hadn't shown them the past version of himself. Great, now his awesome mood was ruined. //// You Shouldn't Peep on a Princess //// Alex, Dash, Derpy and The Doctor stepped out of the ship, and into what was now Canterlot. "Wow!" Dash said, starting to recognize the town much more now, "THIS is what I'm talking about!" Canterlot had come a long way in a short ten years. The town was now much more pristine, and white than it had just been for them. Ponies walked through the streets, clearly happier than they had been. "Wear these!" The Doctor said, lifting three necklaces up, that were looped on his foreleg, each having a simple silver box in the middle, "As long as you have these on, it'll make you go unnoticed by everypony. But you won't be invisible! So don't make any loud noises that'll attract attention!" "So, it's different from the ship?" Alex asked. "Exactly! It kept us invisible! These won't do that!" The Doctor said, "So, don't take them off!" "Got it!" The three said in unison. "I wanna go check out the castle!" Dash said, "Are we safe to go there?" "Of course," The Doctor said, "Just don't make a commotion." Dash and Alex nodded. "Can I come?" Derpy asked the two. "Sure," Alex smiled, "What about you, Doctor?" "Of course!" He said, "I haven't had a good walk in Canterlot in months!" The group headed away from the TARDIS, and walked toward the castle. However, times were different then they had been ten years ago. Castle walls had been erected, and the streets were as confusing as ever. *Achoo* Everypony looked to Dash, as she lightly rubbed her nose. "Do you guys smell that dust?" She asked, breathing carefully, not wanting to sneeze again. "The castle gets renovated every now and then," The Doctor shrugged, looking to the section of the building that was being worked on, "Oh! They're making the library! It's a good library." "Egghead..." Dash said under her breath. "I'm not an egg head!" The Doctor said quickly, "I'm a nerd! There's a huge difference!" They all laughed as they continued on their way. As they wandered, they came to a point overlooking the side of the mountain, toward where Ponyville was going to be. And sitting there, were several couples, all on benches that had been built there. "Hey Alex," Dash whispered to him, "Isn't this where we... you know... " "I think so..." Alex said, approaching a sign that sat next to the benches. The Doctor, Dash, And Derpy all watched as he read the sign. "Lovers Outlook," Alex read, "Erected after two ponies were seen expressing their love for one another physically, in celebration of Discords Defeat." "Are you serious?" Dash whined, "We weren't THAT physical." The Doctor and Derpy both looked at them. "It was pretty physical..." Alex corrected. "Oh look!" Dash said, changing the topic, "There's the entrance to the castle!" "Let's go!" Alex laughed, running toward the gates with her, leaving The Doctor and Derpy a bit confused. "Did they make out in front of a bunch of ponies or something?" The Doctor asked. "I think they did more." Derpy said. "Uh..." The Doctor said, "Let's not lose them, yeah?" "Right!" Derpy agreed, heading off toward them. //// The four walked into the castle foyer, and saw two distinctive things. First, a large line of ponies were lined up outside the throne room. Second, the pony they had all seen ten years ago, Bolt, who was adorned in a suit of armor, was heading down a corridor often checking to see if anypony was behind him. "We should follow him!" Dash said, "Can we, Doctor?" "Feel free!" He answered, "You don't need my permission for everything! "I wanna know what he's hiding!" Dash said excitedly. "Yeah, that's not rude." Alex laughed. "This line of ponies is here to see Celestia," The Doctor said, "I'm going to go see what they're all here to ask for." "I'll see too!" Derpy said to him. "Come on Alex!" Dash said, nudging his side, "I don't wanna lose him!" Alex nodded, and headed down the corridor with Dash, in pursuit of the rainbow maned colt. //// The two had followed him through several twists and turns, until he finally arrived at the bottom of one of the castles towers. It was in such an obscure place, Alex was surprised that he had even been able to find it. The pony ascended a large staircase, and headed for the top of the tower. "What do you think he's doing?" Alex asked. "I don't know..." Dash said, "But he's been checking for ponies following him for the entire trip... So he doesn't want anypony to find out." "Let's follow him!" Alex said, suddenly very interested in what he was up to. "Geez! Calm down!" Dash teased. Walking up the stairs quietly, they followed him until they reached the top of the tower. Giving one last glace around him, Bolt knocked on the door quietly. "Come in," A voice said from the other side of the door. Bolt smiled, and entered the room, leaving the door open a crack. "You weren't followed?" Alex and Dash heard from the door, as they walked forward to peek in. "Of course not, Luna." Bolt said. Alex and Dash looked at each other, but didn't say a word. Reaching the door, the two looked through the small crack that was still open. Inside, they could see Bolt, and Princess Luna involved in a deep kiss. "Should we be watching this...?" Alex asked. Finally separating, the two smiled at one another. "I hate that we have to keep our relationship a secret like this..." Bolt said, lightly stroking the side of her face, "I wish that things could be normal for us." "You know that would be impossible," Luna said sadly, "I am a Princess... and immortal." "I know..." Bolt said quietly, "But, couldn't you just leave it all behind?" "You know I can't," Luna said sadly, "I have responsibility." "To live a life, where everypony you love grows old and dies around you?" Bolt asked, "Its torture!" "I agree," Luna said in a shaky tone, "However, I owe it to Celestia that I stay by her side." Bolt was silent. Luna was clearly a bit shaken up over something, "Do you remember what we discussed last time we were here?" "About the--" Bolt said, immediately understanding what she was referring to, "Yes... What did you find out?" "Well... I'm--" *Achoo* Alex looked at Dash, absolutely horrified. She had just sneezed, at the BEST part. "Who's out there?" Bolt called. Immediately casting a spell, Alex teleported the two of them away, not caring where they ended up. Bolt opened the door, and saw that the tower was empty. "We'll continue this conversation in a few minutes at dinner." Bolt said, walking out the door, "I need to check on the Wonderbolts, and make sure they're ready for tomorrow's show." Luna nodded, a sad look on her face. "I will announce my news then." Heading back down the tower, Bolt sighed. He already knew what she was going to say. And he wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or not. //// "You sneezed!" Alex shouted, standing on the roof over the throne room, "It was just getting good!" "Sorry..." Dash said quietly. "Dang... Now we'll never know!" Alex sighed, sitting down. "Maybe we'll find out later." Dash said. "I hope so..." Alex muttered, being a bit of a baby. /-/ The Doctor and Derpy walked past the outrageous numbers of ponies that were lined up toward the throne room. "What are they all doing here?" The Doctor asked, "The Princesses would never get work done if they were dealing with their subjects all day..." Walking into the throne room, The Doctor was a little surprised at what he saw. These ponies were simply walking in, just so they talk to her? "That's a bit odd," The Doctor laughed, "I guess I never knew what kind of pony she was way back then." "Maybe she's just enjoys it!" Derpy suggested. "She's just like them, deep down." The Doctor reasoned, "She wasn't born a Princess, but now that she is, she tries her best to keep herself on their level." "Good for her!" Derpy cheered. The Doctor nodded, "You can't let your ego get too big." The Doctor simply watched the Princess, as Derpy looked around the room, seeing just how different it was a thousand years from now. "Wow!" Derpy said, looking upward, "There are two ponies on the roof!" The Doctor looked up, and sighed. "Why are they on the roof...? Would you mind going and getting them?" The Doctor asked, "I'm a bit challenged in the flying department this regeneration." "Sure!" Derpy said, trotting out of the room. //// Derpy flew outside, and made her way up to the roof, where Alex and Dash were lounging on the roof. "You guys should come inside!" Derpy said, "The Dentist doesn't want you on the roof!" "Dentist?" Alex asked, "You mean, Doctor?" "A dentist isn't a doctor?" Derpy asked. "Well... Um... I guess." Alex couldn't trump her logic. *Achoo* Alex frowned. "Why are you sneezing, Rainbow Dash?" Derpy asked. "I don't know!" Dash said, "This is annoying as all hay!" "Well, maybe we can get you some medicine!" Alex suggested, recalling all the potions Zecora had made for them, "Are there any zebras in this town?" "Hey!" Derpy and Dash said together. "Don't be a racist!" Dash said sternly. "Yeah!" Derpy agreed, "A racer-ism is wrong!" "I... Okay." Alex said, knowing there was no winning this. /-/ Celestia walked down the main corridor, to the dining hall. Luna had informed her of some kind of news she wished to share with her, Bolt, and other close advisors to the throne. But, for some reason, during her trip, she couldn't help but feel that she was being watched. Nopony had caught her eye when she turned around to check. So, she just assumed that it was her imagination. Entering the room, Celestia walked past her sister and several other ponies as she headed to the head of the table. Taking her place, Celestia immediately notice that the room was eerily silent. "How was everypony's day?" Celestia asked brightly. "Mine was good," Luna smiled, "How did you enjoy your fans?" "Ponies seem to want to thank me just for... being me," Celestia laughed, "I can't help that." "They don't do that while I am at the throne," Luna smiled, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe they just like me better!" Celestia teased. "Perhaps they do," Luna laughed, not doubting that fact for a moment. "So, sister," Celestia said, wanting to get this meeting on track, "What was the news you wished to deliver to me?" Luna looked around the room nervously, knowing that this was going to cause unrest. "I..." Luna said slowly, "I'm going to take up the Crystal Empire on their offer." "What?!" Celestia shouted, standing up, "Luna, you can't be serious!" "They requested our help," Luna said simply, "They are in need of a proper kind of governing body." "Sister, we both know that this could easily take a year to resolve!" Celestia pleaded, "Bolt is more than capable of doing this." "I'll need to take him as well," Luna said, "This is a two pony job." "You... You can't...!" Celestia stammered. "I'm sorry, Celestia," Luna said unhappily, "We both know that the chances of this working increase with one of us doing the job personally." Celestia remained silent. "Please, sister..." Luna said, "I implore you to understand this choice!" "I... I wish to speak with you in private," Celestia said. Luna nodded. Celestia walked from the table, and headed back toward the throne room. It was empty now, and would be the perfect place to speak privately. Luna stood up, gave Bolt a single glance, and then followed her sister. //// "Luna," Celestia said, holding her voice back from cracking, "Why have you suddenly changed your mind?" Luna was silent, she had no answer for her sister. "You were against either of us personally going when we were asked last month," Celestia said, "Why have you changed your mind? What's happened?" "Sister..." Luna said, "This is for the good of the crystal ponies." Celestia shook her head angrily, "Do you think I don't know you?" Luna gave Celestia a guilty look. "You have been my best friend for my entire life!" Celestia said, "Why would you lie to me?" Luna thought to herself for a moment, before coming to a middle ground, "I... wish to have some time with Bolt." Celestia looked shocked. "The two of us have become... Involved." Luna said, "I wish to spend some time alone with him." "Luna..." Celestia said, a bit surprised that this had been her explanation, "Why didn't you tell me about you two?" "Well, I wasn't sure how you would have felt about the topic." Luna explained, "And I know it wouldn't look good for me, if everypony knew that I was involved with a close advisor of the crown." Celestia nodded, accepting that both of them needed some time away every now and then, "But sister... An entire year?" "It won't take that much time," Luna said, happy that her sister wasn't yelling anymore, "The two of us are a good team, regardless! We'll have the Crystal Kingdom sorted in no time!" Celestia sighed, then finally nodded. "Thank you, sister!" Luna said happily. "If there was a stallion I was involved with, I know that I'd want some time with him," Celestia smiled, "And besides... He's growing older." Luna nodded sadly, "His time is limited... Ours is not." "But, promise me... You'll hurry back," Celestia said softly, a tear coming to her eye, "I don't know what I'd do without you here to help me..." "You're a great Princess," Luna encouraged, "Just look at all those ponies that you have to talk to! You're so popular!" Celestia blushed lightly, "I'm a princess, I certainly hope that I'm popular!" /-/ The four invisible ponies watched the scene develop in silence. Unfortunately, Dash started to have that feeling again. "Aaa--" Dash inhaled, earning a look from the ponies around her. "Aaaaaaaa--" Alex went wide eyed. "CHOO!" Dash sneezed, causing the two sisters to look in their direction in confusion. "Who's there?" Luna shouted, her horn glowing. "Guards!" Celestia called, suddenly seeing four ponies in the corner, that she hadn't noticed before. "Crap," Alex said, "Everypony hold on..." The three ponies each put a hoof on Alex's back, as he teleported them away from the throne room. //// Reappearing in front of the parked TARDIS, Alex couldn't help but laugh. Dash was dangerous to have along during construction work. "So, we know that Luna is going to the Crystal Empire, to spend time with her lover," The Doctor explained, "But we still don't know how you fit in to all of this, Alex." "So, where to next?" Alex asked. "Well, things definitely got worse a year from now," The Doctor explained, "We're going to go to the final days of Luna's time there, and see the events that unfolded." Everypony nodded. "It gets worse from here on in," The Doctor warned, "Please remember that." //// The Worst Choice She Ever Made //// Luna sat in her room at the top of the crystal castle, and looked out on the beautiful, and contrasting horizon in front of her. Immediately below her, was a beautiful town, filled with bustling ponies that were all going about their daily lives. On the other hoof, beyond the limits of the Kingdom, was nothing but ice and snow. Magic had been used to ensure that this land would remain fertile, and life sustaining, despite the harsh landscape it was built on. Walking in the room, Bolt smiled brightly at Luna, "So, it looks like we're just about done here." Luna was happy to hear those words. She longed to go home; she longed to see her sister again. However, there was just one thing that she was going to have to work out with Celestia... "How're you doing?" Bolt asked. "WE are fine." Luna corrected, rolling on her side, exposing her swollen stomach to the Stallion. "Of course," Bolt said, kneeling down next to her, kissing her stomach softly, "I always love to hear that my girls are happy." Luna smiled sincerely, "Thank you for working so hard for me..." "I don't mind," Bolt smiled, "Besides, pretending to be bedridden to hide your pregnancy was our only option." Luna nodded, and fell back on her bed, and closing her eyes. "What's the plan for tomorrow?" "We're going to officially crown the new leader of the Crystal Empire, King Sombra." Bolt smiled, lying down next to her in the bed, "Everypony will finally be able to move on with their lives, and we can go home." As excited as Luna was to see Celestia, she wondered how her sister would react to her having a child. Of course, she knew that Celestia wouldn't be able to stay mad, especially with a foal involved in the situation... At first, Luna wasn't sure if she was even going to go back to Canterlot. She had considered running away with Bolt, and living a normal life. She had even written a letter to Celestia, and left it in her journal back in Canterlot, as a sort of goodbye, telling her sister that she was resolved to leave. But, she had decided not to run away. Her child would receive a great life in Canterlot. "When do we go back, by the way?" Luna asked. "Two weeks," Bolt smiled, "But... That's nothing compared to what we've been through." "I just hope they pass quickly," Luna said, "I would be much happier to birth the child in Canterlot." "I understand," Bolt said, "Perhaps we could get out of here a few days early." "I'd love that," Luna smiled, "Let's retire for the night." Bolt nodded, and lay down next to her in the bed. "I love you, Luna," Bolt said to her. "I love you too, Bolt." Luna sighed, casing a spell, extinguishing the torches. /-/ The Doctor was speechless, something that his companions quickly noticed. "What's wrong?" Derpy asked. "She... She was pregnant..." The Doctor said in disbelief. Alex scratched his head, "I've never heard her mention kids..." "You're right!" Dash agreed, "I know the royal family is a bit confusing... But I've never heard of Luna having children." Alex thought for a second. If the Doctor didn't even know that she was ever pregnant... Does that mean that something happened to the child? Alex didn't like that thought at all... "What's up with this Crystal Kingdom too?" Dash asked, "Why haven't I heard of this place?" "You'll see," The Doctor said simply, "I brought us here a night early." "I don't feel like we're going to find out what I have to do with the Elements here..." Alex said. "No... I don't think so," The Doctor said, "But, this is something we need to see, don't you think?" Alex nodded. "What next, then?" Dash asked. "Well, if I remember right," The Doctor said, "Luna was rushed to the hospital just after the induction of King Sombra." "And you never knew why?" Alex asked. "Everypony just assumed that she was having complications with her mystery illness," The Doctor explained. "So..." Alex said, trying to find the right words, "She lost the child." The two girls gasped. The Doctor simply looked at the ground solemnly. "We don't know that for sure though, right?" Dash asked. "Well, what else could have happened?" Alex asked. "Let's find out!" Dash said, "I... I don't want to go on without finding out!" "She's right!" The Doctor said, "There's no use being so negative!" Alex nodded, still convinced that this was going to end sadly for them. "While Luna was in the hospital, The Crystal Kingdom was taken over by their new leader, King Sombra," The Doctor explained, "Whatever happened to her, would have happened then." "Let's go already!" Dash said impatiently. "Sheesh!" The Doctor said, "You've got no patients whatsoever!" "Not at a time like this!" Dash whined. "Come oooooon!" Derpy added. Not saying a word, the Doctor reached behind him, and pulled a string. The TARDIS turned back on, and started moving again. After a few minutes of grinding, the ship came to a stop. Silence filled the air, as the group approached the door. However, as soon as the door was opened, a mass amount of screaming could be heard coming from outside. "Are we safe out there?" Alex asked. The Doctor nodded, "We're right outside the hospital right now, it's safe for now." "For now?" Alex asked. "Don't worry," The Doctor said, "We'll be out before anything happens." Nopony liked the sound of that. /-/ Princess Celestia, accompanied by a group of her elite guard, walked through the halls of the Crystal Kingdoms hospital. As soon as news of King Sombra's hostile takeover reached Canterlot, the Princess went into action. She had been begged to stay behind by the captain of the guard, but Celestia ignored him. King Sombra had been waiting for this. Unknown to everypony until now, he was extremely well versed in the ways of chaotic magic. And used this magic to almost instantly gain control of the entire Crystal Kingdom. And with the Crystal Heart locked away by Sombra, they had no way of countering his magic. And now, a group of his followers were moving on the hospital to take Princess Luna hostage. Hearing this was happening, Celestia put on her Element of Harmony, and instantly transported herself, and her team here to extract Luna. "Why didn't she come home when she got sick..." Celestia said to herself as they headed to the ward Luna had been placed in. "Your majesty, I implore you... Let us handle this!" The guard asked. "I cannot," Celestia said sternly, "I will not sit and wait for news of my sisters wellbeing." A loud crashing was heard behind them, as a group of Sombra's loyalists broke in through a window. Sombra's army consisted mostly of crystal unicorns, that all wore dark red armor, covering their bodies completely, save their face. Celestia had rarely seen Crystal Ponies, but their natural shimmering look had always been beautiful to her. Except now, however. "Look!" One of them called, "Both Princesses are here!" "Just as hot as her sister!" Another said. The guards all took a defensive position in front of Celestia. "Maybe the boss'll let us have some fun with 'em!" The first laughed. Celestia didn't even turn to look at them. As the group approached the Princess and her Guard, a massive wall of flame appeared in front of them, blocking their paths. "What the--" One said, "You think that can stop us?" "I do." Celestia said quietly. Suddenly, the flames started to move in strange patterns, moving into itself, making a solid mass of fire, until it finally twisted into the shape of a dragon. "How did she do that?" "What is that?" "Is it alive?" The group of attackers were quickly cut off as the dragon started approaching them, shooting a breath of flame into the air. "R-retreat!" Their leader called, as they all ran out the way they came. Celestia's guard simply looked between one another in awe. They hadn't ever seen her in action. Now they understood why she insisted on coming. "How far are we?" Celestia asked. "The room at the end of the hall." A guard instructed. The group headed down the hall, and opened the door. And there, in the bed, was an unconscious Luna, with a unicorn above her, casting some kind of spell. Upon seeing the entrance of the Princess, the unicorn teleported itself away. "What did that pony do to her?" A guard asked, going to Luna's side." "I don't know," Celestia said, "But we're taking her home, and we'll have her looked after while we plan a counter attack." "What about Bolt?" A guard asked, "He's still here." Celestia knew that Luna was only here to spend time with him, but, right now, she needed to keep her sister safe. Bolt could take care of himself. Luna was sick, and under some kind of spell. She needed to be in a safe place. "Bolt can handle himself until we organize a counter attack," Celestia said, "We return to Canterlot now." The group nodded in agreement, and circled the bed that held Luna. Lifting her horn in the air, Celestia cast the same teleportation spell she used to get here, and sent Luna, herself, and their entire guard back to Canterlot. /-/ "Where's Bolt?" Dash asked, "Wouldn't he be with her?" "The nursery," The Doctor said. "Then let's go!" Dash said, running out of the room, having no idea where she was going. "We... Should probably follow her," The Doctor said. Alex nodded, and headed out the door with Derpy and the Doctor in tow. /-/ "Get back!" Bolt shouted, clutching a newborn foal to his chest, "Don't make me hurt you!" His daughter, only a few hours old, was a navy blue Pegasus, with a brighter blue mane, just as Luna's coat and mane had contrasted. A gang of ponies had surrounded bolt, obviously here to take him to King Sombra. "You're comin' with us," A grizzly red unicorn said, with no helmet, and several scars on his face. "King Sombra has plans for you." "What about the foal, boss?" One of them asked. "We can raise it to work the mines!" He laughed in response. Bolt growled. He had no feasible means of escape. Sure, he could try to fly over them, but over half of the ponies surrounding him were unicorns... It wouldn't take much to stop him in his tracks. Could he fight them? Under normal circumstances, he would have perhaps stood a small chance... But he was holding his child. And he wouldn't endanger her for anything. "Now, you're going to hand over the kid, and you're going to come with us." Their leader said, taking a step forward. Bolt took a step back in response; only further backing himself into the corner. The red unicorn approached Bolt, until he had forced him against the wall. Then, casting a spell, he started to pull the foal away from Bolt. "No!" Bolt shouted, not wanting to pull hard against the magic, knowing that he could hurt his baby. Suddenly, the red pony was lifted in the air, and thrown violently against a wall. As everypony watched the unconscious leader hit the ground, a white alicorn walked into the center of the group. "W-who are you?" Bolt asked, not sure if this pony was a blessing or a curse. The pony smiled cockily, looking through the crowd in front of him, "My name is Dax, and I'm way more useful than the pussy I've been stuck inside of." /-/ Moments Before /-/ The group followed Dash until they ran into a large crowd that had surrounded somepony. Upon closer inspection, they saw that it was Bolt. He stood in a corner, trying to defend his child. "W-we have to do something!" Dash said to Alex. Alex looked at the Doctor, who shook his head. Dash looked at Alex, her eyes starting to fill with tears. "You have to help him!" Dash pleaded. Alex was conflicted. He knew that intervening could have horrible consequences. But not intervening would make him a monster. Yes? Or no? 'You had better man the hell up.' A familiar voice said in his head. Dax. Go in and save the child? ...He was right. But, he didn't have the power to do it himself. 'Good,' Dax said, feeling Alex submit to his demand, 'Let me take a pass at these ponies.' Alex felt a surge of chaotic magic start pouring into him, as Dax took full control of him. Alex was aware though. Dax wanted him to see this Levitating the large pony that had corned Bolt off the floor, Dax threw him against the wall, laughing quietly to himself as the pony landed on the floor like a rag doll. Walking forward, Alex entered the group, and took a defensive stance over the Pegasus and his daughter. "W-Who are you?" Bolt asked. "My name is Dax, and I'm here to help you." Dax smiled cockily. Bolt swallowed hard, and nodded. "Stay behind me." Dax said simply, turning to face the crowd. "Do you think you're getting out of here alive?" A unicorn barked threateningly. "Funny, I was going to ask you the same question." Dax said seriously, before flashing a smile. Suddenly, the entire group was levitated off the floor. The unicorns tried desperately to cast some kind of magic to break his hold, but found it impossible. "You're lucky I'm such a nice guy," Dax laughed, throwing them all out a large window overlooking a small lake below the hospital. Bolt was stunned. "T-thank you!" Bolt said, shocked at the power he possessed. "I did it for the fun," Dax laughed, "It's always nice to get out, and flex my muscles." Bolt didn't know what that meant, but decided to roll with it. "You need to help me... I have to get my daughter out of here." Bolt said, "She's a very important foal." Dash, Derpy and The Doctor all approached Dax and Bolt. "Are you ponies with him?" Bolt asked them. "Wellll... Sort of." The Doctor said. "Let Alex back out!" Dash said angrily. "I just saved this pony, like you ASKED me too!" Dax laughed, "And you're angry?" "I asked Alex!" Dash shouted, "Not you!" "You know what?" Dax said, intentionally trying to piss Dash off, "I think I deserve some fresh air." "No!" Dash said instantly. "Alex is in here agreeing with me," Dax lied, tapping his head, "So, I'll stick around for just a little longer." "Look!" Bolt said, "I don't know what's going on, but we need to get out of here!" "We can get you out of here!" Derpy said happily, "There is a box we can use to go to the future!" Bolt wasn't so sure about this anymore. "She's joking," Dash cut in, "But we do have a way out." "Thank you," Bolt said, "I just need my foal taken to her mother." The Doctor frowned. This isn't how it was supposed to go. Luna doesn't have a child. "Let's just get out of here." The Doctor said finally. Bolt nodded as the five of them headed back toward the exit. As they moved, Dash made her way toward Dax, wanting to try and get rid of him again. "Can you please let Alex out?" Dash asked, "This isn't funny!" "I pretty much AM Alex," Dax said, pointing to himself, "I'm just way more exciting." "You're not Alex!" Dash argued, "You're nothing like him!" Dax sighed. He was told that too much. Of course,. So, instead of politely explaining that to her, he decided to piss her off further. "I was there, you know." Dax said confusingly. "You were... where?" Dash asked. "With you, when you and Alex shared your little 'wake up' kiss." Dax said, smiling knowingly. Dash immediately flushed. "Got a little intense, didn't it?" Dax laughed. "Y-you're just being a pervert!" Dash feebly argued. "Want to know a secret?" Dax asked, earning a concerned look from Dash, "I was the one egging him on. The one telling him to rub lower, and lower, and lower... Just like you wanted him--" Dash slapped him hard across the face. "If you ARE Alex, like you constantly say," Dash said angrily, "Then you're going to care if I ignore you!" Dash walked ahead, and walked with Bolt. 'Nice friggin' job!" Alex shouted at Dax, 'You screwed up! Let me back out!' 'No,' Dax said, 'I'm here to protect the kid. If I piss of Dash, what's the harm?' Alex growled. 'Chicks dig being treated badly, you know." Dax laughed. //// The King Himself //// The five exited the hospital, and headed for the TARDIS. The sky was black, and a thin red haze had seemed to engulf the entire Kingdom. It was a truly foreboding environment. "There they are!" A rough voice shouted from behind them. "Perfect." A deep voice answered. The five looked over toward the voice, and saw a large grey pony, with a black mane, wearing a suit of armor. "Sombra," Bolt said, clearly outraged with this pony. "That's KING Sombra to you, Bolt." He laughed, "And that's all thanks to you!" "Why have you done this?" Bolt asked, "Everything was looking up for the Crystal Empire!" "I did it for power!" Sombra laughed, "If I turn everypony here into slaves, they can collect enough material to arm my army to the teeth! We'll be able to march out of this Kingdom, and take over every town we come across!" "You plan on invading Equestria?" Bolt asked in disbelief, "We JUST freed the world of Discord's reign!" "Just Equestria?" Sombra laughed, "I plan on taking over the whole world!" "You're insane!" Bolt shouted. "Maybe," Sombra laughed, "But you have nothing you can do about it." Sombra quickly cast a spell, paralyzing everypony in front of him, broke from his crowd of armed guards, and walked toward them all. Casting his own spell, Dax freed himself from Sombra's magic. However, instead of simply attacking, he waited. The element of surprise would do him much more good than running at him and his army. "I see you have a foal there," Sombra said, circling Bolt, inspecting the surprisingly quiet child, "You're trying to save it from the hospital?" "I'll be back for the others after I finish beating the snot out of you!" Bolt shouted, avoiding the fact that this child belonged to him and Luna. "Even if you were to escape," Sombra laughed, "You won't be coming back for anypony." Bolt didn't understand. Laughing, Sombra turned to the hospital, and fired a dark blast into the side of the building, making the walls crack severely, as chunks started falling out of the side of the building, until the building was literally falling apart. After only a few seconds, the entire hospital had been reduced to a pile of rubble. "I guess there's nopony to save now!" Sombra laughed. "You monster!" Dash shouted, feeling tears start to fill her eyes. Dax was stunned. He couldn't believe what had just happened... He should have attacked when he had the chance. Bolt sighed, the nursery had been empty, so no children were killed in that collapse, but there were plenty of patients. He wanted to lunge at Sombra. He wanted to kill him. But he was stuck here. "So, is this your daughter?" Sombra asked, shocking bolt. However, he hadn't been referring to the foal. He was talking about Rainbow Dash. "Yes..." Sombra said, looking her over as she tried to restrain her tears over the collapse of the hospital, "You two carry yourselves the same way." "I only just met her," Bolt said, hoping to take his attention off of Dash. "Is that so?" Sombra asked, "Well, perhaps I'll take her anyway... I'll bet you could show me a good time." Raising a hoof to stroke her face, Dash tried to recoil, but was stuck in place. "Stop." Dax said angrily. Sombra looked over to the white alicorn, and saw the raw hatred radiating from his body. "I'm going to kill you," Dax growled. "Oh are you?" Sombra laughed, "You cannot even move!" "I'm going to kill you." Dax growled again. "Good luck!" Sombra laughed, "Even if you were free, you have no power compared to me!" Deciding to show off, Sombra started focusing all of his power at the base of his horn, making a strange ripple effect come off of his eyes, as if they were radiating heat. "Fancy," Dax said simply, angering Sombra. "Do I need to demonstrate my power to you?" Sombra shouted. "No." Dax said simply. Suddenly lunging at Sombra, Dax took him entirely by surprise, and connected with the strongest tackle he could manage. "What the--?" Sombra shouted as he was tackled away from Rainbow Dash, on to the ground. Dax surrounded his friends and Sombra within a shield, breaking the paralyzation spell on them, while simultaneously keeping them safe while he had his turn with the King. Dax decided against using magic to hurt the King, and started wailing on Sombra instead. Punching him over, and over, and over, and over, until his face was a bloody mess. Dax pulled away from the unicorn, his white hoofs red with blood, and walked backwards. Sombra struggled to stand after that. "I'll take your unconditional surrender now," Dax said, panting heavily. Sombra shot a bolt of magic at the shield, and broke it. Surprising Dax. "How do you know chaotic magic?" Sombra shouted, backing toward his army, "Your powers are impossible!" "I know," Dax said. Dax looked at the massive crowd behind Sombra. He didn't have the kind of energy to take them all on. But... did they know that? "I'm going to count to three." Dax bluffed, "You are all going to leave, or I'm going to personally dispatch each of you." A murmuring broke out among the crowd. Sombra glared at him, not sure if he was serious or not. Levitating a piece of the rubble from the hospital, Dax threw it into Sombra's face, cutting him deeply above his right eye. Collapsing to the ground, Sombra placed a hoof over his eye, and glared at Dax with his other. Dax leaned forward, and took an aggressive stance. "Come at me, Som-BRAH." Dax smiled cockily. "Did he just say that?" Bolt asked his friends, as they all shook their heads in disappointment. Sombra retreated into his group of soldiers, as they surrounded him tightly. "I'll be back for you," Sombra growled. "No, you won't." Dax laughed. Sombra motioned to his army to surround him, as he cast a large teleportation spell, creating a ring on the outside of them, that slowly closed in on the crowd, making each of them disappear as it passed them. "Before I go..." Sombra said, as his teleportation spell made its way toward him, "I want you to have this!" Sombra levitated a rapier from one of his soldier's scabbards, and threw it at Bolt, just as his spell reached him, teleporting him away. Bolt hadn't had time to avoid the attack. The thin blade passed through the hoof that held his child, into the foal, and then into his chest. He collapsed on the ground suddenly, shocking everypony. "No!" Dax shouted; rushing to Bolt's side. "I...I... Can't..." Bolt struggled to say, knowing that the sword had passed through his daughter, on its way to him. Dax swallowed hard as he repositioned himself to see the small foal as it struggled for breath, whining quietly. It's dark blue coat had turned to black as it's blood seeped from its wound. "I-I'm so sorry Luna..." Bolt struggled, his eyes filling with tears. "I couldn- Couldn't save her... I-I..." Bolt tried to form the words, but failed. He was dying... And he knew it. "No..." Dax whispered, lightly nudging the foal, receiving no response. Dash sobbed quietly on Derpy. Derpy herself was stunned beyond response. "Dax..." The Doctor said, fully expecting this kind of outcome, "This is how it needs to be..." Dax shook his head, still trying to get any kind of reaction from the foal. But, there was none... She was gone. "Luna could have never had that child," The Doctor said, knowing it made no difference to how he felt, "Not even Celestia herself could change this." "I don't care!" Dax shouted, "I'm not letting this happen!" Forcing every ounce of power into his horn, Dax achieved the same ripple effect in his eyes that Sombra had just had. Touching his horn to the child, Dax pushed that energy into the foal, causing it to twitch lightly in response. "No..." The Doctor said, stunned. The energy poured onto the foal as if it were water, and immediately coated her entire chest. It broke the rapier on both sides of the child, and pushed the remaining piece out of her. The small wound made by the sword quickly disappeared, leaving her skin as it had been a few moments before. A few seconds of silence passed, as the foal simply levitated in the air, turned blue by Dax's magic. And, after what seemed liked forever, the color faded, leaving her motionless in the air. Next, to everypony's happiness, the foal drew a breath. "Oh Celestia..." Dash said breathlessly. Dax sighed happily, panting from the massive power it had just taken from him. However, he still had one thing left to do. He needed to send this child somewhere safe... And suddenly, his mind came up with a place. He had no idea how it got there, but he went with it. Casting one final spell, she was lifted even higher into the air, and then suddenly disappeared. Dax collapsed on the ground next to Bolt, Struggling to stay conscious himself. "S-She's safe..." Dax said to him. Bolt simply nodded, tears streaming down his face, before closing his eyes, and surrendering to the darkness. Moments later, Dax himself was out cold. /-/ Luna shot up in her bed. Where was she...? What happened to her child? Or Bolt? "Call for the Princess!" A guard stationed next to the door shouted into the hall, "Her majesty has awoken!" "What happened?!" Luna shouted frantically, wanting any kind of information. "You were recovered from the Crystal Kingdom after King Sombra seized control." A guard explained to her, "You've been unconscious for almost three days." Luna's heart sank. "Where's Bolt?" Luna asked, "Where's my--" "Luna!" Celestia said coming in the room, "Thank heavens you're safe..." "What happened?" Luna asked again, "Bolt was with me in the hospital!" Celestia's expression hardened. "What?" Luna asked desperately. Silence filled the air. "Bolt was... Killed," Celestia finally said. "What?!" Luna shouted, "H-How?" "The hospital was destroyed by King Sombra himself... Everypony inside was killed..." Celestia said solemnly, not having any idea Luna had had a child at all, "His body was seen just outside the rubble." "W-were there any..." Luna tried to say, realizing that she would have already been told if her child had been recovered. "Even Stallion, Mare, and foal was killed." Celestia said, seeing the pain in her sisters eyes, "Luna... Sombra will pay for this." Luna was silent. "I'm so sorry, sister." Celestia said, having no idea what Luna had truly lost. "Leave me." Luna said quietly. Celestia looked to the guards and nodded, as they all left the room. "Come speak to me when you're ready, sister." Celestia said sadly, knowing that would probably take a long time. Hearing the door close behind her sister, Luna started to weep. She had lost so much more than anypony could have known. //// Alex struggled to open his eyes. He was exhausted... "Dax?" Dash asked him, as his eyes opened. "No..." Alex said, "It's me." "Thank goodness," Dash said, pulling Alex into a hug. "Where are we?" Alex asked, as Dash pulled away from him. "We're in my ship," The Doctor said quietly, "How are you feeling?" "Exhausted..." Alex admitted, "Did... Did all that just happen? Or was it all a dream?" "It happened," Dash said sadly, "But, you saved that foal." "Dax did," Alex sighed, "I didn't know he had it in him." "Where did it go?" Derpy asked. "He sent it somewhere... I don't know where that is though." Alex said. "It's safe though... right?" Dash asked. Alex nodded. Dash sighed happily. At least it hadn't turned out horribly. "He sent her away from Luna," The Doctor explained, "Her child survived, but the Princess will never know... I think History can cope with that." Alex nodded. "Dax saved her. Don't worry." A melancholy silence filled the air, as everypony wanted to ask one simple question. "What next?" Alex asked finally, "I... I don't know how much more of this I can take." "Do you want to go home?" The Doctor asked seriously. The group was silent. They had just been through worse than any of them had ever been. "We need to finish this," Derpy spoke up, surprising everypony, "I think we've seen too much to just give up..." Dash nodded, "She's right... We came here to do something, let's do it!" Alex nodded slowly, resolving to see this through to the end. The Doctor smiled. "Alright," He said, "But before we go to Night Mare Moon, I think we should watch the fall of Sombra." "Yes." Dash said, "I want to see him get his RUMP kicked!" "Now that I know how this all went down, I wouldn't miss it for anything." Alex agreed, "For Bolt, right everypony?" The three nodded. "Great." /-/ Aftermath /-/ Months had passed since King Sombra had taken over the Crystal Kingdom, however, his plans to invade Equestria had been stomped out. Princess Celestia had proven herself as quite the commander when it came to battling against Sombra's forces. She had fought them back, with great strategizing at every point he tried to take ground. Unfortunately for him, all of Equestria raised up in arms to help keep him away. Not even his sizable army of advanced magic users could stop them. Nopony even knew where he recruited those ponies. They weren't crystal ponies, they were just regular unicorns. Still, most of them had been defeated in battle, and locked away, leaving Sombra locked away in his city with only a few ponies left, behind a massive cloud of chaotic energy. Something that Celestia wouldn't be able to break herself. She would need Luna. Unfortunately, Luna hadn't been the same since the initial attack. She had been deeply traumatized by her loss of Bolt. However, Celestia was surprised that she hadn't moved past it by now. Celestia knew that Luna was heartbroken, and almost felt guilty for feeling the same way. Ever since Luna had heard of the attack, she had stopped truly being Celestia's sister. She had become a shell of the pony she had once been. And that hurt Celestia more than anything ever had. She had lost her sister. Her constant companion. Even though she was constantly surrounded by ponies that she trusted with her life, she had never felt so alone. Worse yet, Celestia had been somewhat preoccupied with the war they were waging, and hadn't had the time for Luna that she would have liked. Still... when this was all over with, she could put as much time into her sister as she wanted. Seeing that the sun had set, leaving only shining stars, Celestia sighed, and headed for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day of planning... She was also going to have to speak with Luna. Something that made her quite nervous... But, right now, there was a war to be won. And even if she was a completely different pony, she was needed her to get into the Crystal Kingdom. //// Luna sat on the balcony of her chambers, and stared at the night sky. It was a truly beautiful thing... She wished that she could lose herself in it, and never have to be exposed to the light of day again. The tears had run dry a few weeks ago, leaving her to simply dwell on everything she could have done. She COULD have stayed in Canterlot, and not hid the pregnancy, she COULD have saved Bolt, she COULD have tried to stop that unicorn, when it knocked her out in the hospital. But, all of these things were past. All she could do now, was dwell on them. "Luna?" Celestia said, entering the room. "Yes, sister..." Luna answered quietly from the balcony. "I have discussed the next move we plan to make on Sombra," Celestia explained, "We're taking the Crystal Kingdom back." Luna sat up, exposing her necklace to Celestia, "We're going for Sombra himself?" "Luna..." Celesta asked, seeing her Element of Harmony hanging around her neck, "Why are you wearing that?" "For this very moment, Sister," Luna explained emotionlessly, "So I can destroy Sombra myself." That wasn't the only reason she wore it, however, ever since the Crystal Kingdom, the necklace had started calling to her. Begging her to be worn. She hadn't expected such a calling to come from her Element of Harmony. So, finally giving in, she put it on, and instantly felt an old rush of power that she hadn't experienced since her and Celestia had defeated Discord. "Luna, you and I will be moving in on him, together." Celestia said seriously, "We need to break his shield, and bring him to justice." Luna was silent. "I know that Sombra did unforgivable things to you to you..." Celestia sighed, "I know how you feel--" "You know nothing!" Luna shouted angrily, her eyes glowing with her dark magical aura "We will move on Sombra tomorrow, and I will deal with him!" "Luna... You need to listen to yourself!" Celestia said, shocked at her sister's outburst. Luna growled, making Celestia recoil. "Leave." Luna said angrily, "I will be ready tomorrow." Celestia turned away from her sister and exited her room. Something was wrong with Luna... She had never once seen her in this kind of mood. Bolt's death had truly warped her. Still... Celestia couldn't help but think that she was hiding something from her. /-/ "Can we please tell her?" Dash asked sadly, "Her baby is alive!" "I'm sorry... But no..." The Doctor said. "It makes me so sad..." Derpy said quietly. "She's been through a lot," Alex said, "More than any of us could ever imagine." "Let's jump forward to tomorrow..." The Doctor suggested, "We shouldn't stay here for any more than we have to." Everypony agreed, and entered the ship, as the Doctor once again started the TARDIS. However, it started grinding loudly, making everypony look to the engine with concern. "Come on!" The Doctor shouted, kicking the side of the control panel. "What's happening?" Derpy asked. "She's being difficult again..." The Doctor grumbled, "Come on! Just a few more trips!" Alex and Dash looked to each other. "You know what? Fine!" The Doctor shouted, "You get one night!" "Is he talking with his ship?" Dash asked Alex. Alex shrugged, "I don't mind somepony being crazier than me." "Alright!" The Doctor said, turning to the group behind him, "It looks like we're grounded for the night." "Inside Luna's room...?" Dash asked. "No no, we're outside now." The Doctor said. "Well, are we going to stay in a hotel?" Alex asked. "No need!" The Doctor smiled, "We can sleep in here." "Won't it be... kinda uncomfortable?" Dash asked, "I mean, this room has a pretty hard floor." "You say that like it's the only room!" The Doctor smiled, "I should give you all the grand tour!" Dash, Alex and Derpy all looked between one another, before finally nodding in agreement. "Great!" The Doctor said, "Let's start with the library!" "Library...?" Alex asked. //// Hours had passed since The Doctor had decided to show his companions around the TARDIS. And they had gotten quite the surprise when they finally understood the vastness of his ship. Not only was it big on the inside, it was MASSIVE. They had seen six libraries that they had all explored for a while, four gyms that Alex had personally shown off at each one of, three pools, two of which Dash had done her signature 'Rainbow Cannonball' at, something called an 'Eye of Harmony' which incidentally, had nothing to do with the Elements of Harmony, and finally, they had arrived at the section of the ship that contained the living quarters. "Here we are!" The Doctor said, gesturing to the long hall of rooms, "Pick whichever one you like!" "...What's the difference between them all?" Dash asked. "Themes!" The Doctor said, "Do any of you like cartoons?" "Isn't this a cartoon already?" Alex asked. "What?" Derpy asked. "Never mind." Alex laughed. "Anyway," The Doctor laughed, "Take your time... Settle down, I'll see you all tomorrow!" Walking down the hall, The Doctor left the three of them to choose their own room. "Well," Alex said after a moment of silence, "I'll take this room." "What theme is it?" Derpy asked. Alex shrugged, "As long as it has a comfortable bed, I'll sleep in a wooden shack." "Well that's no fun!" Dash said, smiling to Derpy, "Let's go find the best rooms!" "Yeah!" Derpy agreed, "I want a muffin room!" "Uh... We can look, for sure," Dash laughed, knowing that type of room was likely impossible. "I'll see you girls tomorrow," Alex said, walking backward into his room, leaving them to their room hunt. Turning around, Alex closed the door, and came face to face with the room he had chosen. "Dear god..." Alex muttered, "I'm in the muffin room." He had never seen anything like it. A giant muffin in the corner had been carved out in the shape of a desk... Or a desk had been made in the shape of a carved out muffin? It was too tough to figure that out. A huge muffin cup had been made into a bed, a chair made of large raisins, even wallpaper that looked like bran. Alex was truly amazed that this room even existed. "I guess I should tell Derpy," Alex said, walking back out the door, into an empty hallway. "Dash?" Alex called, "Derpy?" No response. "Where are they?" Alex said to himself, walking across the hall, and opening the door. It was a room filled with clowns. Alex did not like that one bit. And, since neither Dash nor Derpy were in the room, he decided to leave, before the large, horrifying, inflatable clown started to haunt his dreams. Stepping out, Alex looked down the hall, just in time to see a rainbow colored tail enter a room a few down from him. "I like this one!" He heard Dash say, "I like it a LOT!" Scratching his head, Alex wondered what could possibly be in that room. So, sneaking down the hall, he poked his head into the room. "Geez..." Alex said to himself, looking into the room. He hadn't seen so many posters of stallions in his entire life. Well... 'Most Stallion Posters in his entire life' wasn't really a hard record to beat... He'd never seen a stallion in a poster before... But dang, this room was truly covered in male ponies. All of them in some kind of semi-sexy pose, or showing off muscles... It made Alex a wee bit uncomfortable. "I'm picking this one, for sure!" Dash laughed. "I still want a muffin room!" Derpy said. "I got the muffin room..." Alex spoke up, making both the girls turn to him. "Oh, Alex!" Dash laughed nervously, "Eh... I was just joking about this room!" "I know I know," Alex laughed, not really upset by the whole thing, "But the room I was in... It was a muffin room." "Great!" Derpy said happily, trotting out of the room, and heading to the one Alex had previously chosen. "So!" Dash said awkwardly now that they were alone, "I.. Uh... Well I... Oh come on! You know I wasn't serious!" "I know," Alex said, truly believing her. "I'd love a room filled with sexy mares myself." Poor Alex... He was so slow to understand the fairer sex. "Excuse me?" Dash said, suddenly staring daggers at Alex, making him frown in response. "That... That's not fair...!" Alex peeped, knowing that he had made a truly grave mistake. "Maybe we should just go find you a room filled with sexy mares!" Dash said angrily, "Would you like that? Huh?" Now... This was a VERY important question! And Alex had to choose the right answer VERY carefully. "I... Would... NOT like that...?" Alex said, looking directly into her eyes, unblinking. "Lair!" Dash said brushing past him, "Please leave my room!" Alex frowned, knowing this was an impossible battle. "Sorry..." Alex said, walking out the door as Dash closed it behind him. That was unpleasant... But, he knew better than to have this fight. She would cool off soon enough. All girls did. //// Derpy walked into the room, and felt like she had just walked into heaven. Muffins, muffins, muffins! It was almost as if The Doctor had had this room made specifically for her... How many ponies just had a 'muffin' room in their time machines? Walking toward the desk, Derpy leaned forward and sniffed the table lightly. It smelled delicious! "Can I eat this?" Derpy said out loud to herself. "You probably shouldn't," A voice said from behind her. Turning suddenly, Derpy saw The Doctor standing in front of her. "I had nearly forgotten about this room," He said softly, "You probably shouldn't see it..." "Why not?" Derpy asked turning back to the desk, inspecting more of the room, "This is amazing!" "Derpy, wait--" "Whose pictures are these?" she asked, inspecting the photos on the desk, "Is this... Me?" The Doctor was silent. He wasn't sure how he was going to tell her about their past... But, now was as good a time as any. "I don't remember taking these pictures with you," Derpy said, extremely confused. "Well, that's because YOU didn't take them with me..." The Doctor tried to explain, "Well, you did! But, you haven't... yet?" Derpy was lost. "But... as we go on adventures, we take them!" The Doctor further tried, "So, we just need to keep going, so they can be taken!" "I... I'm sleepy..." Derpy said quietly, totally lost, and not wanting to admit it to him. The Doctor sighed, "You've been up for hours... Why not try to get some sleep?" Derpy nodded. "I'll come wake you tomorrow morning," The Doctor said, "Before Luna and Celestia march on The Crystal Kingdom" Turning, The Doctor headed for the door, knowing for sure that time traveling for her had been ruined by all the death and destruction they had experienced. However, he was interrupted by Derpy before he left. "This has been a lot of fun," Derpy said, surprising him, "I wouldn't mind going some happier places after this." The Doctor turned back to her and beamed, "I'm sure we could find something!" "Thanks," Derpy said, settling into the bed, "I'll see you tomorrow!" The Doctor nodded, and then pressed the light switch, "Sleep tight, Derpy." Walking out of the room, The Doctor closed his eyes and smiled. He was going to take her on the happiest trip he could. He needed her back. //// Alex lay in his racecar bed, and stared up at the ceiling, which itself was covered in race tracks and various cars that eyes instead of headlights. His blanket was in a checkerboard pattern, and his pillow read the number 95, as if it was the side of a race car. After Dash yelled at him, he didn't really care what room he ended up with. He had instantly gone to the room across the hall, but, it had indeed been filled with several pictures of sexy mares. So, deciding not to push his luck, he took the one beside Dash's instead, as it had been full of harmless cars. It had been about an hour, and Alex had struggled to find sleep. Unfortunately, it hadn't come to him. He had just watched a pony die in front of him. He had seen a newborn die...Of course; it had been resurrected by Dax, something he was grateful for... But it was still completely unsettling for him to have experienced it. "I wonder what happened to Luna's child..." Alex said to himself, "If she survived... That means she could have had children of her own... And that means, that she could have grandchildren alive right now." Alex couldn't believe it... Luna had never had a child, according to history... But would it be okay for him to introduce her to her relatives? "I'll have to ask The Doctor," Alex said to himself, "I'd love to go find Luna's grandchildren, I'll bet that they--" "Talking to yourself?" Dash asked, leaning against the doorframe. "Just to all those sexy mares I wish I could sleep with," Alex said, still staring at the ceiling. "Yeah... Sorry about that..." Dash said, "I REALLY over reacted... I mean, I had JUST said that I liked the stallions." "They were pretty hot," Alex said to her, "I honestly can't blame you." Walking toward Alex, Dash smiled, "Yeah... But they were nothing compared to you." "Stop kissing up," Alex laughed sitting up, watching her advance toward him, "Farm stallions are babes, I have nothing on them." Dash laughed as she walked toward the bed. "What are you doing here?" Alex asked. "I'm just apologizing." Dash said, "Plus, I needed to thank you for what you did earlier." "Thank me?" Alex asked. "You saved that foal," Dash said, "Just like I asked you to." "I didn't," Alex corrected, "It was that evil pony... Dax. All I did was let him take control of me." "No..." Dash said, now fully understanding that Alex and Dax was the same pony, "He did just what you would have." Alex didn't want to disagree with her right now; she was obviously on some train of thought. "That foal is alive because of you," Dash said stopping beside the bed, "Even if it was only because you let Dax run the show." He may not have known it, but they were two sides of the same coin. Dax had rescued Bolt when he was in danger, he had kept King Sombra from having his way with her while they were paralyzed, and he saved a completely innocent bystander. Alex would have done all of the same things. "Listen..." Alex said, "Dax isn't me... He's just not as horrible as we thought." Dash sighed. She knew Alex wouldn't accept this. He could be a pretty stubborn pony sometimes. "Well, regardless..." Dash said, her mood visibly changing, "I... I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight." Alex raised an eyebrow, "S-sleep with me?" "Don't get any ideas!" Dash said embarrassingly, "I just... I don't want to be alone tonight." "After all we saw, I can't blame you." Alex said, shuffling over, making her some room on the racecar bed. "Thanks," Dash said, climbing under the covers, and snuggling up to him, "I wouldn't be able to sleep alone... Not tonight." Alex reached a hoof around her shoulder, and pulled her close to him. "Let's try to get some sleep," Alex said, as Dash rested her head on his chest, "Something tells me that we have plenty to do tomorrow." Dash nodded slowly, her mind still filled with all that had happened today. "Hey Alex..." Dash said from his chest, "About what we did before the coronation..." "Got a little heated, huh?" Alex asked. "I was just about ready to pounce you," Dash laughed, "Why did that stupid crowning have to start?" "If it hadn't, we probably would have made been arrested for public indecency." Alex laughed. "We'll have to keep it to ourselves next time." Dash suggested, "Where nopony is gonna interfere!" "Next time we're together in private then?" Alex asked, wanting nothing more than finishing what they had started. "Well... We're in private right now..." //// The Doctor walked down the hall, stretching himself out. The night had passed fairly quickly, and The Princesses were going to be leaving for the Crystal Kingdom in a few hours. Checking each room on the way, The Doctor looked for the one the contained Alex, and the one that held Dash. Checking the 'sexy mare' and 'sexy stallion' rooms, he saw that they were both empty. Moving to the next room, The Doctor opened it, and immediately recognized it as the racecar room, a personal favorite of one of his previous regenerations. Looking to the bed, he saw Alex and Dash fast asleep, cuddled up to each other. It was precious. Seeing that they were clearly happy at this moment, he decided to give them some more time relax. They still had a few hours to spare, and the mood wouldn't stay happy like this. Walking out, he closed the door. Making enough noise to wake Dash. Opening her eyes slowly, Dash took a moment to figure out just where she was... She was in bed? No... a Racecar bed... With, Alex? Oh! Right! They had... last night. Sitting up, she pulled her forelegs above her head and stretched, and then flexed her wings. "Geez..." Dash said quietly to herself, retracting her wings to her side quickly, "My jaw is really sore..." Cracking her neck a few times, Dash finally lay back down, and nuzzled into Alex, which caused him to stir. "Dash?" Alex asked, "What's going... Geez my mouth hurts..." Alex rotated his tongue around him mouth, and realized how sore it was. "I didn't expect my tongue to hurt so much." Alex said. "You were pretty busy with it;" Dash said nonchalantly, "My jaw hurts too." "I'll get used to it." Alex said simply, stretching out. "You'd better." Dash smiled. "What time is it...?" Alex asked. "Time?" Dash asked, "Is there time here?" "Maybe not," Alex said, "Oh!" Pulling his IPod out of seemingly nowhere, Alex clicked the top. "It's nine," Alex said, "Way too early to be up." "Especially after all that happened yesterday," Dash added, thinking back to the Crystal Kingdom. "There was a LOT of making out." Alex said, not getting her reference, "Well, that and all the s--" Dash rolled her eyes as she started to get out of bed. "Where do you think you're going?" Alex asked, levitating her back toward him. "We should be getting up." Dash said, scooting away, and trying to get off the bed. "No, I don't think we should," Alex said, levitating her back once again. Dash thought about it, and decided not to fight him. The Doctor said that more crappy stuff was coming... So enjoying herself would be the best for now. //// The Failure, and the Victory //// The four assembled in the main chamber of the TARDIS, ready to finish what they had started. "Is everypony ready?" The Doctor asked, pulling some knobs and throwing a switch on the main panel. "Yes," Alex said, as the two other girls nodded. "Good!" The Doctor smiled, "Because the Princesses are already there!" The three stood awkwardly as they waited for The Doctor to do something, and get them moving again. "What are you looking at?" The Doctor asked. "Are we going to go...?" Dash asked. "We're already here!" The Doctor said, "I was just being polite by letting you go out first!" "Thanks!" Derpy said, trotting toward the door, followed by Alex and Dash. "Here we go..." Alex said as Derpy opened the door. /-/ The two sisters stood at the entrance to the throne room to the Crystal Castle, ready to move in and take down Sombra. The two had broken the spell protecting the city, and had been horrified at what they found. The streets were dark, ponies were being forced to work by a small group of unicorns... It looked like all love had been drained from the place. Even the castle in the heart of town had been twisted by his darkness, changing the entire building into a perfect evil lair. Since Sombra had seized the Crystal Heart, he had utilized some kind of memory tampering spell that made the ponies lose all concept of time. For all they knew, they had been doing this for their entire lives. This had been much like the attack on Discord eleven years ago. However, now they had an army behind them. The Canterlot guard had swiftly taken key points in the city, and was now waiting for the Princesses to defeat Sombra, and return the Crystal Heart to the square in town, so it could be used to repair all the damage he had done. "We haven't been in this kind of situation since Discord..." Celestia said, hoping to invoke some kind of conversation with her sister. The truth was, Celestia was frightened of what was coming next. Before, she had Luna's undying support and encouragement. That was the only reason she had been able to help fight Discord. Without Luna, Discord would still be the ruler of Equestria. But now that Luna was so introverted, Celestia was scared for what lay ahead of them. Luna silently cast a spell, and opened the massive door in front of them, revealing the massive pony inside the room, Sombra. "Why hello, Princess Luna," Sombra said in his unpleasantly deep voice, "How nice it is to see you again." Luna growled very uncharacteristically. "You're finished," Celestia said to him, "We have this castle completely surrounded, and your magic is no match for ours." Sombra already knew this was true. They bore the single most powerful stones in Equestria. However, he wasn't prepared to just let his kingdom go. "I'm going to make you a deal," Sombra said, "I wish to walk free, and you may have your Crystal Kingdom back." "Never!" Luna shouted at him, "You will pay for your crimes!" "I will not," Sombra said, smiling cockily, "Because I have a failsafe." "Failsafe?" Celestia asked, "How so?" "I have cast a curse," Sombra explained, "Should anything happen to me, the spell will trigger and... This entire kingdom will vanish." "You're bluffing." Luna said, trying to hold back her rage. "You both know that such spells exist. My wellbeing is tied to it activating." Sombra laughed, "And once I'm gone from here, you can dispel it, not having to worry about me." "And what happens if we destroy you?" Luna asked. "Then you destroy the city." Sombra laughed, "The spell will even activate if you try to take any of my power away. The city will only be here while I'm healthy!" Celestia thought seriously about his offer. She couldn't risk losing all of the ponies in this town, just because she held a grudge against Sombra. However, Luna saw things differently. She had lost much more than Celestia had, and would not likely let this go. "Luna..." Celestia started, immediately earning a look of shock from her sister, "We should consider this." "Never!" Luna shouted, "This pony has taken too much from me!" "Be a good girl, and listen to your big sister," Sombra laughed deeply. Luna knew that she needed to keep the ponies in this town safe. So, she forced herself to calm down. "Good girl!" Sombra said, laughing. "Sombra, if I teleport you away from here, to the furthest point from Equestria, I will allow you to leave," Celestia bargained, "You will never come back... And should you, I will have you executed." "Fine," Sombra said happily, "There are other places to conquer." Celestia frowned. "Tell me, Luna," Sombra said suddenly, "How did it feel?" Luna cocked an eyebrow. "To lose your beloved!" Sombra cackled, confident that he was safe at this point. Luna growled again, feeling power start rushing from her necklace to her horn. "You should have seen it!" Sombra continued, "I stabbed him right through that foal in his arms!" No... "If it weren't for those ponies with him, I would have been able to watch them both die!" Sombra said, shocking Celestia, and enraging Luna, "Maybe he would have survived if he hadn't tried so hard to save that foal!" Celestia looked to Luna, trying to find the right words... but none came. Sombra was bad mouthing the heroics of the stallion Luna loved. And laughing about it too... "You. Will. Stop." Luna said, her horn starting to glow. "You won't hurt me!" Sombra said confidently, "Now be a good girl, and SIT!" Feeling her Element start giving her even more power, Luna stopped caring about everything. Celestia, The Crystal Kingdom, Her own well being... It was all gone now. Lunging across the room, Luna knocked Sombra on to his back. "You will pay for what you took for me," Luna growled, firing a beam of energy into Sombra's chest. Screaming out in pain, Sombra felt himself start to burn in every nerve in his body. "Luna!" Celestia shouted, trying to intervene. However, Luna had erected a shield around herself. Next, the ground started to shake. His failsafe spell must have been activated. "Luna, we need to go!" Celestia shouted again. Luna responded was a dark laughter as she continued to pour energy into Sombra. After a few moments, his hind legs start to liquefy into a dark puddle beneath them. Celestia wasn't sure if Luna was melting him, or casting some other kind spell on him, but she needed to get out of here, and try to save as many ponies as she could. She would come back as soon as she could. Rushing out the door behind them, Celestia regretfully left Luna to torture Sombra. "S-stop!" Sombra managed to say, between the wailing and screaming. "You want me to stop?" Luna asked darkly, weakening the spell on him just enough to ensure he would be around for a few more moments, "Well, let me tell you a story..." "The foal that Bolt carried in his arms, was the foal that I carried for twelve months!" Luna shouted, pushing the beam into him harder. Sombra went wide eyed. Whether it was because of pain, or because he realized that he had killed Luna's daughter, nopony knew. But at this moment in time, he regretted what he had done. "You are going to suffer more than anypony ever has!" Luna shouted again, watching the remainder of his hind legs melt onto the floor. "You took away my life!" Luna shouted, intensifying the attack. Sombra's cries for mercy had long since stopped, and were now staggered groans from his delirious state of mind. "You took away the only stallion I could ever love!" Luna shouted again, forcing more power out, accelerating the process, as his stomach started to melt into the floor. "And you took away my baby..." She cried, opening the flood gates, liquefying the rest of Sombra instantly. Standing up from the puddle on the floor, Luna stomped the ground, splashing a bit of Sombra's remains on her face. Wiping it off, she levitated it off the floor. "You will spend the remainder of your days as a shadow!" Luna growled, holding the transformed Sombra above her. Teleporting them outside of the castle, Luna looked around, until she spotted a beautifully large crack in some ice, a few miles away. "Enjoy your imprisonment," Luna said, hurling the liquid toward the broken sheet of ice, as the Crystal Kingdom around her started to glow in a dark aura. Sombra was barely aware of what was going on at that point... Luna had made sure he wouldn't be in his right mind any time soon. However, he knew the Crystal Kingdom wouldn't be saved. So, when he finally found a way back to reality, he would be ready to take it over again. //// Celestia had spread the word amongst the guards, and they were all working on evacuating themselves. She had gotten reports of attempts to evacuate the citizens failing, due to some kind of apathy that the citizens were exhibiting. Everypony was so desensitized by Sombra's magic that they made no attempt to flee the slowly vanishing city. So, finally, the guards were forced to evacuate the Kingdom. Celestia stood just outside the limits of the city, and watched as her soldiers filed past her, some carrying prisoners or dazed citizens, and others nursing wounds of their own. However, she was not concerned about them. She was still waiting for Luna to exit the Kingdom. If she were to lose her here... She didn't even want to imagine it. Even though Luna had just caused the entire Kingdom to start fading into nonexistence, she needed to make sure that she got out. These ponies could be saved in one way or another... she was sure. Her sister had just had a momentary lapse in judgment. Dark wells of magic had started seeping through the ground, and latching on to the buildings, with long dark arms, to the buildings around town. After a building had been covered in the darkness long enough, it started to fade, until it disappeared completely. "Who are we missing?" Celestia asked the captain of the guard. "We're missing one soldier... And your Princess Luna," He answered grimly. "I'm going back in," Celestia said determinedly, "She's still in there... I can't leave her." "Princess, I beg you..." The Captain said, "You can't risk yourself. Let me go." Celestia shook her head. "I will be out before the Kingdom falls." The captain sighed. "I will return with my sister... And our missing soldier if I come across him." Celestia offered. "Please do." He said, knowing that argument was no longer an option. Celestia spread her wings, and took off into the city. //// Flying through the vanishing city, Celestia was shocked at the way his magic worked. The blackness simply attached itself to everything it came across, and pulled it into the ground, leaving nothing. Most ponies in town were now either vanished, or frozen in place, as the magic coated them, and prepared to pull them down, like everything else. Celestia had been moving to avoid the spikes of magic rising from the ground, as they tried to snag her from the sky. They were easy enough to dodge at first, but they were increasing in numbers... Soon, she would be forced to keep high in the sky, too far to help Luna. First, she had gone and inspected the entire Castle, from the court yard to the throne room, but had not seen any sign of her sister. Almost ten minutes had passed since then, and Celestia was starting to panic. The dark tendrils in the ground were now almost constantly nipping at her hoofs, trying to take her with the rest of the rapidly disappearing city. She had checked the library, the town square, the college, and even the theater, in a desperate attempt to find her sister. Celestia thought as fast as she could, trying to figure out just where her sister could have gone. Then, suddenly, she got an idea. The ruins of the hospital. Turning sharply to the right, Celestia gunned for the Hospital. This didn't have much time left. Most of the city was gone. Luckily, she was heading back toward the edge of town, meaning that Luna hadn't been engulfed just yet. Scanning the area, Celestia was extremely relieved to see Luna standing a few feet away from the crumbled building. "Sister!" Celestia shouted, slamming into the ground as fast as she could, "We need to leave!" Luna didn't answer her. The blackness started approaching them on all sides. They were running out of time. "Luna!" Celestia shouted, "Please!" "This is the place where my life ended." Luna said quietly, "On this spot." Celestia hadn't noticed it first, but Luna sat in front of a large dark stain on the ground, with the remains of a sword broken around it. "I lost everything here," Luna squeaked, a tear rolling down her cheek. The darkness was only seconds away from them now. "Luna, I'm so sorry, but we need to leave," Celestia said, "Bolt would want that." "I know..." Luna said, "I simply needed to see this place before it fades forever." Luna stood up for a moment, before collapsing on the ground. "What's wrong?" Celestia asked, panicked, as the magic started to reach for her and her sister. "I have no energy remaining..." Luna said exhaustedly, "Perhaps- Perhaps you should leave me..." "Never." Celestia said, immediately levitating her sister off the ground, and on to her back. "I'll fly you out myself." Celestia said softly, "Hold on tight." Positioning Luna as well as she could on her back, Celestia spread her wings, and took to the sky once again, just as the blackness enveloped the ground they had stood on. Celestia looked to the nearest edge of the city, and started flying as fast as she could, she was getting out of here. Unfortunately, the dark magic had other ideas. Celestia flew the two of them through town, barely dodging the forest of tendrils that were constantly reaching for them. She was close now... She could see the line of guards that surrounded the outside of the town. Unfortunately, her moment of focus on the ponies outside of town, took away from her concentration on her constant dodging of bark magic, and she was hit by one of the arms of magic on her hind leg. The magic wasn't strong enough to stop her, but it was enough to slow her down, and allow several other tendrils to attach to her. Each one added a bit more resistance until she was moving at an almost crawling pace. "Princess, I'm coming to assist you!" A pony shouted from behind them. The final soldier in the city flew through the sky, much lower than Celestia had been. Pulling out his sword, he sliced at the tentacles that tried to hold Celestia back, cutting them from the base, making them vanish from the Princess. Celestia felt the resistance begin to fade as this pony flew through the streets below, slicing her restraints off. She had never been happier to see a guard. The guard cut down the street until only a few magic streaks held on to the Princesses. Flapping his wings powerfully, he elevated to the level of the sisters, and sliced at the tendrils that tried to grab hold of the three of them. Celestia beat her wings as powerfully as she could, to compensate for the few attached arms that slowed her. The three were only a few feet away from the edge when the magic started to try attacking in far greater numbers. It must have been getting desperate, as it was actually pulling away from buildings to get her. But she wasn't stopping now. Feeling herself pull away from the last of the magic, Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. She assumed that it had given up on capturing her. "Princess!" The Guard shouted, "Watch out!" Celestia turned her head back, and saw just why the magic had pulled away. Instead of attacking her in vines, it had pulled together, and formed what looked like a 200-foot tall tsunami. Now, not only was it heading for Celestia and Luna, but it was going to crash into her entire army on the outside of the city. She wished that she could cast a teleportation spell away, but it would have taken far too long, and would have left her in the jaws of the beast behind them. Of course, when the royal guards saw the mass of blackness heading for them, they called the few unicorns among them to try and stop the magic, and save their Princesses. Celestia was now outside of the Kingdom, but was losing distance between her and the blackness. The darkness was moving much faster than she was. It was going to overtake her any moment. Suddenly, a dozen beams fired past her and impacted the mass, slowing it down considerably. Stopping, Celestia turned and watched the darkness start to push past her army's magic. I was succeeding. Thinking quickly, she decided to stop it here. She pointed her horn at it, and put as much power as she could into her attack. At first, it simply froze... Next, it started to melt, as if the mass had lost whatever was holding it together, the blackness looked like ice cream that had been left out a bit too long in the middle of summer. Finally, after a few moments of slow, silent melting, the beast exploded out its back, coating the final chunk of the Crystal Kingdom, that it had left in pursuit of the Princess only moments ago. Celestia frowned as she watched the city below her start to disappear. So many ponies were lost... Lowering them from the sky, Celestia put Luna down as her army surrounded the two of them. "What happened?" One guard asked, "Did Sombra do all of this?" "What a horrible pony!" Another shouted. "Princess..." The Captain asked, "How did all of this happen?" Celestia sighed, "Sombra... attacked Luna and myself, But we defeated him." "But what about all this?" He asked. "It was his final move," Celestia explained, hating that she was lying to everypony around her, "His final spell made the kingdom suffer the same fate as him." The Captain growled. Celestia looked down to her sister and sighed. Luna had done so much damage... "The Kingdom will return," Luna said, barely conscious. "What?" Celestia asked, "How do you know this?" "I didn't kill him," Luna admitted, "I turned him into a shadow." "A shadow...?" Celestia asked, knowing what that meant, "A pony with his kind of power will be able to reform himself!" Luna nodded, "I do not know how long it will take for him to recover, but my spell will keep him at bay for now." "That's great!" A pony said, "When he comes back, we'll just do this again, and keep him from destroying the Kingdom!" "Count me in too!" The Captain announced, "Who's with us?" The entire army cheered in response. "I'm afraid... That won't be possible," Celestia said to the group, silencing the cheers, "I don't think Sombra will be back any time soon." "How long?" One asked. "A thousand years?" Celestia estimated, "It could be even more." An eerie silence swept across the crowd. Suddenly, the pony who had followed behind the Princesses during their escape, stepped forward. "Then promise me," He asked, limping forward, "You'll stop him when he comes back." Celestia could suddenly feel everypony's eyes on her, as if they were expecting her to promise to be back here in a thousand years. She wasn't sure that she could make that promise. "We will." Luna announced, standing up shakily, "I promise you all, that when Sombra comes back, I will dispatch him myself!" The crowd erupted in to cheers in response. Luna leaned forward to Celestia's ear, "I destroyed this town... I will repair the damage I have done, when the time comes." Celestia nodded slowly, "I will stand with you, sister." Luna fell to one knee, grimacing. "Are you alright?" Celestia asked. "Yes..." Luna answered, lowering herself to the ground again, "I simply need some time to sleep." Celestia nodded, casting her teleportation spell to take them all back to Canterlot. There was absolutely nothing left here for them to do. Where the Kingdom had just stood, was now nothing but ice. But, when the kingdom came back, she would be there to save it. //// "So that's why I've never heard of the Crystal Kingdom..." Dash said, watching the final piece of the city fade from existence. "Sombra was a monster." Alex said, "Especially after trying to get off scot-free like that." "I hate him!" Derpy growled, "Don't you, Doctor?" The Doctor was again silent over something. "What is it?" Alex asked, seeing his strange expression. "That pony, over there." The Doctor said, pointing to the one that had helped the Princesses escape from the black mass, "He doesn't have a baby." "So...?" Dash asked, "What does that even mean?" "Last time he had a baby with him... She was only a few months old. It was one that he rescued from the Kingdom!" The Doctor explained, "There's no baby this time!" "So... did he miss it this time?" Dash asked, her heart sinking, "It's trapped with its parents in the Kingdom now?" "It wasn't a crystal pony though... It was an abandoned orphan he had said." The Doctor said, his expression suddenly shifting to one of happiness, "That's brilliant!" "What is...?" Alex asked. "That foal was a NORMAL pony!" The Doctor laughed, as it dawned on Alex as well, "And the only normal ponies to have a child in the kingdom around that time were--" "Luna and Bolt!" Alex said, suddenly getting it, "That means..." "That means that her child never died!" The Doctor finished happily, "She must have gotten to safety somehow!" Dash was completely lost in this development. "Could somepony PLEASE speak English?" Dash asked. The Doctor thought for a moment, then tried his best to explain what they had figured out. "Luna and Bolt were the only non-crystal ponies to have a child before Sombra took over," He explained, "Which means that there was only ONE normal foal that could be a few months old in the entire Kingdom!" "Oh!" Dash and Derpy said together. Alex and The Doctor gave each other a high five, happy to learn that Luna had never lost a child. "But, it was stabbed!" Dash said quickly, "How did it survive that without Dax?" "It only happened that way in this universe because we intervened," The Doctor explained giddily, "We saved Bolt from that gang of ponies! In my timeline, he must have been captured by them, and separated from the child, where it was later found by that guard pony!" "Thank Celestia," Dash said happily, "But, where did that foal end up after Dax teleported it away?" "Probably that same place it ended up in my world," The Doctor said, "Time has a funny way of making things happen the way they're supposed to." "We should find her!" Derpy suggested, "Well... After we're done here!" "What? no!" The Doctor said quickly, "That could cause irreparable damage to time and space and... aw, who am I kidding? I want to know too!" Everypony laughed. "Next stop, Canterlot!" The Doctor said, trotting back into the TARDIS, "We still have plenty to learn." Everypony followed him, excited to see what was coming next for them. /-/ Of course, the next phase of Luna's downfall took a very long time to come around. The Doctor couldn't possibly take them to every event that led to her transformation into Night Mare Moon. There was simply too much. So, he decided to take them to several milestones along her path, showing the changes in a much more noticeable way. It would still be a slow process, but he saw no other way. /-/ The Beginning of the End, Of the Beginning /-/ After the two Princesses returned to Canterlot, life resumed, taking them back to a semi-normal life style. Luna had somewhat become her old self again... Save a few odd occurrences with her attitude. Sure, she was smiling again, she was present in Canterlot... But she had some rather strange moments. It was almost like she had two personalities. But, that would have been impossible. Luna would never let such a thing happen. One other odd thing she was doing, was keeping her Element around her neck. She refused to take it off. As far as anypony knew, this wasn't a bad thing. So, Celestia never said anything. "Sister," Celestia asked, walking into her room at the top of the tower, "Dinner is prepared, I've been waiting for you for some time." "My apologies, I lost track of time," Luna said, looking away from the star filled sky, "Isn't the night beautiful, sister?" Celestia cocked her head. "I suppose it is," Celestia said, "It's quite a peaceful time." "A shame," Luna said, confusing Celestia further. "Shame?" Celestia asked, frowning. "It's nothing," Luna said, smiling up to her sister, "What was prepared tonight?" "Salad, fruit, cake..." Celestia sighed unhappily, "Just Like every other night." "I do miss living off of unhealthy food," Luna giggled, "It always tasted better." "I wonder how the chef would feel if we requested a pizza..." Celestia asked. "He'll probably explode!" Luna laughed, "He has such a stick up his butt!" The two enjoyed a giggling fit for a few minutes together, before finally calming down, and heading off together for dinner. Celestia had seen Luna's strange mood once again. But, hopefully, it would vanish with time. That was the most she could hope for her sister. //// The two walked back from dinner, and talked lightly about various things they had been doing lately, or ponies that they had met. A rather typical conversation for them. "You know, Sister..." Luna said, "I experienced something rather unpleasant today in town." "Oh?" Celestia asked. "I was walking through town, and a school filly... She was frightened of me." Luna said slowly, her brow furrowed in frustration, "She acted like I was some kind of beast." "Really?" Celestia asked, knowing that there had been some talk around town of Luna's attitude changing since she had come back from the Crystal Kingdom, "Perhaps you just need to be in town a little more..." Celestia hoped that this suggestion would get Luna up and about a little more. "Perhaps," Luna said, "I've become a bit of a night owl recently... In fact, the dinner we just ate, was a bit more like breakfast for me." "I've noticed that," Celestia sighed, "Do you have any plans of readjusting your sleep schedule?" "Not at the moment," Luna said, "I'm enjoying the peace that comes with the night." "Well, I can't imagine the towns ponies getting closer to you if you're only up at night," Celestia said, hoping to show her some reason. "I will see them right before they go to bed!" Luna laughed, "In fact, I had plans to do that right now!" "I don't know if--" "Don't worry about me sister!" Luna smiled, walking away from Celestia, heading toward the front door of the castle, "I will make sure to change that filly's mind!" "If you insist," Celestia gave up, "I hope that this plan works for you." "I'm sure that it will!" Luna said, "I'll see you in the morning!" And with that, Luna headed off into town; she would spend tonight in the streets, and watch over Canterlot. //// Luna walked down the quiet streets of Canterlot, heading toward the small park where she had encountered the young girl last time. It was the same time of day, so she was hoping that she would be here. And, sure enough, there she was, playing at the park just as she had been before, swinging on the same swing as before. Luna knew the attitude of this filly well... the young, pink Pegasus loved feeling of flying. Something that Luna understood. At her young age, she probably wasn't able to fly yet. And this swing was her way of reaching the sky, without needing her wings. She had no Cutie mark, but she was starting to get to the age where she would be earning it. Luna breathed deeply, and headed toward the filly. This was it! She was going to get this pony to like her! "Hello, young one!" Luna said to the girl, frightening her off the swing, and into a bush. "You have no need to hide from me!" Luna said sweetly, "I'm the Princess!" The girl peeked her head out from the bush, still very unsure. "Please..." Luna said. A long silence followed, as Luna held her breath, and hoped that she would come out, and join her in a conversation. Deciding not to take the risk, the small girl ran from the bush, back toward town, going wherever it was that she lived. Luna sighed quietly. "Perhaps... I will simply walk tonight," Luna said to herself, "I don't want to frighten anypony... And besides! I can always come back and see the filly tomorrow!" And that's what she did. /-/ Luna's first real signs of trouble had started at this time. She had recovered from her ordeal at the Crystal Kingdom somewhat, and was starting to show signs of being herself once again. She had even started helping Celestia with ruling Equestria, something her sister loved, as doing all the work alone kept her in a constant state of stress... She was happy to have her back. Unfortunately when she started doing her nightly walks through the city, she had started to get a worse reputation, rather than a better one. She would roam the streets in silence, never speaking, always ignoring the ponies she passed. The only time she would change her routine, was when she would encounter the young pegasus, playing at that playground. Of course, she had run from Luna each time, as the scary stories surrounding her had only gotten worse once she started roaming the streets at night. But, she always came back to the park, and was always confronted by the princess. The truth was, she loved seeing Luna every night... It had become a bit of a game for her. At first, Luna had been saddened each time the foal ran away... But she became used to it. It was a fact that she had accepted. Normally, she would have never accepted such a truth. Being disliked was never something she would have stood for. Especially from a filly! But, she found herself caring very little at this time. Luna had continued this way for years. She would always stop by the park, and have the girl run away. But, one day, something changed. The girl stopped coming. And after all of those years, Luna had never once exchanged a word with the young girl. And even though the foal had always thought their time together had been fun, she had never expressed that to Luna. And, had she done that, then perhaps she could have changed the entire history of Equestria. /-/ 5 Years Later /-/ Luna sat in her room, once again staring into the sky, as she did every night, just before leaving on her nightly stroll. The time she spent in the city, had shown her just how the ponies felt about her. Of course, she had had a horrible attitude recently toward the ponies in town. She had been silent, she had been assertive, and she had been quietly dominant. She had frightened those ponies, and didn't care whatsoever. She had truly become a new pony recently. Ever since she had started keeping her Element on her at all times, her attitude had been changed completely. Its effects were so gradual... And she had always thought of it as a blessing. She had first put it on after she heard of Bolt's and her foal's death. It took her mind away from the sadness, and focused it on anger. It had kept the pain away even AFTER Sombra was defeated. She had wanted to take it off after she had had her revenge, but something was telling her not to. Whatever it was that was that had been keeping it on her, had somehow instilled some kind of fear in her as well, that taking the necklace off would bring all those sad feelings poring back into her. Of course, she had no real way of knowing that would happen... But that didn't matter she would never risk feeling that way again. So, she knew it could never be taken off. She would simply live with the small changes, and hopefully, keep herself sane as time passed. Still... as much as she had been changed into a new pony, she always had one thing... One thing that would never change, no matter how much she did. The night. The beautiful sky stretched above her, was the single most beautiful thing in existence... It was a shame that everypony was asleep. Closing her eyes, Luna let her mind start to wander. Luna had thought many times, that the waking hours of the day should be changed... Everypony waking later, and going to bed later. That way everypony could enjoy the night, just as she did every time the sun went down. Would Celestia agree with something like that? Perhaps she could ask... Yes. She would do that. Opening her eyes and looking back to the sky, Luna smiled. She had a good feeling about this. //// "Luna... no." Celestia said, shocked, "Of course we can't do that." "Why not?!" Luna shouted, "This is a good idea!" "These ponies just got used to a normal day and night cycle," Celestia explained, "I'd never change it on them so suddenly, whether they want it or not!" "Sister," Luna asked, teeming with a strange intensity Celestia had never seen, "I am just as much a princess as you! Why are you fighting me?" "I can't believe you would ask me such a thing!" Celestia shouted to Luna, flaring her wings powerfully, "You're asking me to agree with you on changing the hours of the day! I will never allow such a change!" Immediately, Luna was snapped out of her strange attitude. And was now at the mercy of her angry sister. "Sister, wait! I--" "No!" Celestia cut off, "I cannot believe that you would approach me, with such an insane question! You're supposed to be smarter than this, Luna!" "But--" "No 'buts'!" Celestia interrupted again, standing up, "Leave this alone!" "Just listen to me!" Luna begged, tears falling down her eyes. "I won't hear another word of this!" Celestia said angrily, "Return to your chambers." Luna couldn't believe that she had just been spoken to his way, by her own sister. Normally, Luna had been the one in charge. The one to scold when something went wrong. But now she was just a selfish child in the eyes of her sister. Had this been Celestia's reaction to an insane pony from town, Luna would have loved to see this kind of attitude from her sister. It's the sign of a truly worthy ruler, who was firm in their beliefs. But... When that anger, and passion was turned toward her... It didn't feel good. It made her want to cry. So, after teleporting herself to her room, that's exactly what she did. //// 2 weeks later //// Celestia had been anxious all day. A few weeks ago, she had exploded at her sister, over something that was... Perhaps not worth such a reaction. And, it had led to Luna's ignoring her. The thing was... Luna hadn't exactly pushed her idea on her... She had asked for an opinion from the residents of Canterlot, and for just a chance to try it out. Celestia almost felt like she had been the unreasonable one... And yet, it felt like there was something behind Luna's suggestion. Something... off. It was the same thing that had seemed off about Luna since the death of Bolt. Of course, Celestia could never truly know if Luna's attitude had been permanently damaged by the death of Bolt, or if there had been some other kind of influence on her. One possible influence was, of course, her Element. It hadn't left her neck since the Crystal Kingdom. Was it possible that such an overpowering stone could change her sister's entire attitude? Of course it was. But, at the same time, Luna could just be a new pony as a result of Bolt's death. No... That wasn't possible. A famous saying came to her mind, as she thought of her sister, 'Time heals all wounds.' And it had. Celestia had seen Luna up and about after she defeated Sombra. She had been her old self! But, over the years, she had become increasingly irritable. She would argue over very small things, she would shout at the guards for little reason... After which, she would head off into town, and scare everypony she had come across. But, she still had her happy, normal side to her. She would be an angry Princess at one moment, and then turn around and become her usual self again. She had two personalities... Something she was going to confront her with tonight, once the sun had set. She was going to get some answers about all of this. And, hopefully, get Luna on the road to becoming her sister once again. That was, if she was even going to talk to her. //// Luna looked up to the sky, her attitude still spoiled from her argument with her sister. Nightfall was coming, and she could feel Celestia coming to her room, to apologize she was sure. A part of her knew that she had crossed a line, and yet, she didn't care. This wasn't a matter of what she wanted at this point... It was a matter of what everypony else SHOULD have wanted. She just couldn't comprehend why ponies slept through the night. Weren't they sick of the day? Every day it was the same. The sun would come up, they would go about their business, the sun would go down, they would go inside and go to sleep. Maybe it was because they were so used to it, and it would be a huge pain to change their schedules. Then again, most of them had been alive during Discords rule. He had no set times for sunset and sun rise. So, they must have been used to it then! It would have been easy for them to change once again! All it would take is a bit of a push... Shaking her head, Luna tried to get a grip on herself. These weren't her thoughts... Well, they partly were. But, something was twisting them... and changing them into completely different things. And, as she knew, that 'something' was her necklace. But, as hard as she tried, the anger simply came back in, and forced her back to those twisted ideas. "Luna?" Celestia asked, opening her room. Luna was silent. Deep down, she wanted to apologize, but her anger kept her far from it. "I wanted to apologize for my outburst..." Celestia said, "I was wrong to do that to you." Luna smiled. She was happy to hear her sister apologizing like this. "Yes you were." Luna said darkly. Celestia sighed, Luna wasn't herself right now. "You had no right to speak to me that way," Luna growled. Celestia closed her eyes. This wasn't good at all. "So, have you come to grant me my request?" Luna asked, in a rather rude tone, "If you haven't, then please leave." "No," Celestia said, "I haven't come to allow you to do anything." "No?" Luna asked, "Then leave." "I won't." Celestia said again, her eyes still closed. "Excuse me?" Luna asked, "You have no right to be here now!" "Yes I do!" Celestia said, opening her eyes, revealing the tears that had glazed her eyes over, "I'm worried about you!" Luna didn't speak. "You're not yourself, Luna!" Celestia managed, her voice cracking slightly, "And you haven't been yourself for a long time!" Celestia looked at her sadly, as a tear fell from her cheek to the floor. Luna was stunned, Celestia had broken down almost instantly in front of her. "Ever since you started wearing that Element... You've been a different pony!" Celestia cried, tears now flowing freely, "I... I just want you to be my big sister again." A part of Luna wanted to apologize, she wanted to go hug her sister, and promise to never fight with her again. But the past few weeks of brooding, and resentment had fed her Element, making all of those feeling multiply... Luna had changed remarkably over these weeks. Celestia had started a chain reaction within her sister. One that everypony would soon see the outcome of. "You are the eldest," Luna said coldly, "You are the big sister." "Luna, please take your Element off..." Celestia begged, "It's the cause of all this!" "Never!" Luna shouted, giving at truly mortified look, "This necklace has made me powerful! I destroyed Sombra myself!" "You doomed the entire Crystal Kingdom!" Celestia shouted through the tears, "They're gone, all because of you!" Luna growled, "You have no right to blame me for that! You don't know what I lost!" "You lost so much," Celestia said breathlessly, "But, you can't just stop living life because you lose somepony! Our losses define us!" "And this loss defined me!" Luna said, her necklace starting to feed her power, "It has turned me into what you see here!" "No it hasn't!" Celestia tried to explain, "Your necklace has done this to you! Nothing else!" The immense power radiating from Luna started extending her starry mane, giving it a more gas-like look, as it started to float around her. "My Element has given me power in my time of weakness!" Luna said, genuinely believing this, "It's been here for me, much more than you have been!" Celestia didn't respond, she simply turned, and walked toward the door. Sadness riddling her face. "Where are you going?" Luna demanded, "We haven't finished this argument!" "I'm so sorry that you've become this," Celestia sighed, "I'm so... So sorry." With that, Celestia left the room. Immediately, the power in Luna started to recede. She was forcing it back. The anger, the hate... It was hurting Celestia, and she didn't like that one bit. So she was going to go to her right now, and apologize. However, before Luna was able to calm herself down to the point that she could call her sister back to her, she felt her Element start to get hot. It wasn't allowing her to do this. Her anger had taken on a life of its own; it was outside of her management. Immediately, the anger came back, and it wasn't going anywhere this time. Luna smiled, as she felt it all come back to her. Looking to the darkening sky, Luna left her room, and headed for the throne room. Celestia had stood firm on her choice to keep hours the same. But, Luna wasn't satisfied with that. "Why is there a sun anyway? It would be better if there was just a moon." Luna said to herself before stopping, and considering the idea that had just come to her head, "All night... All the time." It was the best idea she had ever had. //// One Month Later //// Of course, things only went downhill from this point. Luna had essentially stopped being herself. She would now rarely speak with Celestia, despite her sister's constant attempts to try and smooth things over. Finally, Celestia had even started planning on some way of removing her Element from her sisters neck. But, whether she would actually go through with such a thing was still up in the air for her. If Luna were to catch her trying to do anything like that, things would go south fast, probably ending with some kind of fallout between them, and most likely a public disgrace of them both... which, was the worst case scenario. Well, that's what she THOUGHT was worst case... //// Celestia stood on the main balcony, overlooking the front gate of the castle. The sun was setting, and Celestia was preparing for a short conversation with Luna, as they hadn't really exchanged words since their argument a month ago, despite Celestia attempts otherwise. But, over the last week, Luna had had a strange expression... As if she knew something that Celestia didn't. It was a kind of quiet satisfaction that Celestia didn't understand. It worried her, to say the least. "Sister?" A calm voice said from behind her. "Luna?" Celestia said, turning around, seeing her sister, "You're here to raise the moon?" Luna nodded, giving a small smirk. "Luna... Is there something you're not telling me?" Celestia asked, concerned. "Of course not, sister." Luna said in a static tone, "Why do you ask?" Celestia frowned, Luna was absolutely hiding something. "Please, go to bed," Luna said calmly, "I'll watch over the night." "Luna, I--" "Sister, we will have plenty of time to talk tomorrow," Luna smiled darkly, "Please, leave the night to me." With that, Luna turned, and walked off the balcony, and into the throne room. Celestia sighed, she hadn't been able to talk to Luna at all, as usual... But, she could just talk to Luna tomorrow. It would give her more time to think about what she would say to her anyway. //// Celestia yawned as she opened her eyes, it would be time for her to raise the sun soon. Looking to her window, she was surprised to see that is was still dark out. Had she woken up early? Turning to her bedside table, she was surprised to see that it was indeed, just before sunrise. So, why was it still so dark out? The moon was hanging high in the sky, exactly where the sun would go when it would rise. That was why it hadn't started to come up on its own. The moon blocked its path. Quickly getting out of bed, Celestia cast a spell making herself presentable, and headed out the door. What was Luna doing? "Luna!" Celestia said, walking into the throne room, "What are you doing? It's almost time to raise the sun!" Luna laughed slowly. "What's going on Luna?" Celestia demanded, "What is this?" "You know, sister..." Luna finally spoke, "Since you denied my request to make the day different hours, I've been... formulating a plan." "What kind of plan?" Celestia asked, her voice deep and threatening. "I've decided, that since you don't plan on seeing reason, I will force it upon you!" Luna laughed. Celestia felt her heart sink. She couldn't believe that Luna was doing this. "The night is a beautiful thing, sister." Luna said, in some effort to explain herself, "And I think it's time that I shared my passion with everypony!" "That's crazy!" Celestia said, "This is the wrong way to go about this!" "I already tried to go about this the RIGHT way!" Luna shouted, showing her anger, "You shot me down! You told me I couldn't even TRY!" "Luna, I was trying to save you!" Celestia said. "Save me from what?" Luna demanded, "I'm sure that a bunch of ponies would have been excited to try it out!" "No... They wouldn't have," Celestia said sadly, "Everypony would have been against such an idea." "How do you know?" Luna asked, offended that she had such an opinion of the night. "Just use your brain, Luna!" Celestia shouted, "If ponies want more night, why do they sleep through it?" "Because that is the norm!" Luna argued, "All it would take is a small change!" "Then what about winter?" Celestia asked, "Days are shorter during the winter, and ponies spend no more time enjoying the night then! They go inside, and hide from it!" Luna was silent; perhaps this wasn't as thought out as she thought. "Ponies WORK during the day because of the light!" Celestia continued, "And when the darkness falls, they go to bed, and rest. This is how it has been, and this is how it will remain to be!" Luna growled, she knew that any argument she tried would be taken down by her sister. "Please, Luna," Celestia said, "Stop this right now!" Luna thought for a moment. What should she do? She could surrender, and allow the sun to come back... Or stand her ground, and keep the night. "I'm asking you, as your sister, to PLEASE stop this." Celestia begged, "Before this goes too far!" //// A long silence filled the room, as Alex, Dash, Derpy, and The Doctor watched the scene unfold. Luna was obviously deep in contemplation, leaving everypony on the edge of their seats. "Is this where it all ends?" Dash asked. "Shhhh!" The three said to her in unison. "Fine! Geez!" Dash said quietly, "Let's just keep--" "No." Luna said simply. "Ooooh!" Dash said again, earning a hard look from Alex. "Remind me to never go see a movie with you," Alex said under his breath. Celestia looked genuinely heartbroken at her saying this. "I will not lower the moon." Luna reiterated, "And, I don't care if anypony likes it, or not." "Luna, I can't allow that," Celestia said, walking toward her sister, "And I will lower the moon myself, if you refuse to." Luna looked at Celestia darkly. Celestia returned it. "You have until I return," Celestia said, "And should you choose to ignore my warning... Then heaven help you." "This is it..." The Doctor whispered. Celestia turned, and walked from the throne room, filled with quiet rage... She hoped that Luna would stop, but if she wouldn't, then it would be bad. It would be the worst thing she would ever have to do. She would have to publically shame her sister, which would probably end with her dethroning. This was the worst case scenario indeed. //// 2 Hours Later //// Celestia walked across her room, to a chest that sat underneath her window. Opening it, she levitated the necklace from the box, and placed it around her neck. A crowd had already formed outside the castle... The shouting of several ponies could be heard from her window. Celestia worried deeply for her subjects. They depended on her and her sister, and that trust had been betrayed. Over the past few hours, Celestia had come to a horrible realization. Her loyalty no longer belonged to her sister. As soon as she accepted her role as the Princess of Equestria, she had to start putting everypony else before herself, and Luna. She was going to have to make sure that whatever happened today, was going to be for the benefit of Equestria, no matter what that was. The crowd had started chanting something she couldn't understand... But it was getting louder, obviously signifying the need for the sun to rise. Sighing, Celestia walked out her door, and headed back toward the throne room. The normally short walk, however, felt like it had been extended by a massive amount. At the same time, Celestia wanted the walk to never stop. Because as soon as it did, she was going to have to do something that she really didn't want to do... "Princess," The captain of the guard said to her as she exited the room, "Are you sure that you need no assistance?" "I'm sure," Celestia said grimly, "This is my battle." He nodded simply as Celestia approached the massive doors. Raising a hoof, Celestia pushed it open, revealing her sister sitting on the throne surrounded by a shroud of darkness. "Luna..." Celestia said, as she walked toward her sister, "Do you hear everypony outside?" Luna didn't respond. "They don't want this, sister!" Celestia continued, "So, move the moon, and allow the sun to rise." "Never." Luna said. "You don't want me to do this!" Celestia shouted. "Do it," Luna laughed, "Show me the kind of Princess that you are!" Closing her eyes, Celestia's element started glowing, as she started focusing its energy into her horn. "Yes... Let's do it!" Luna said, Pointing her horn in the air, a dark cloud started pouring out the tip, shrouding completely inside it. Celestia watched, ready to act at a moment's notice. The dark cloud hung around her for a few moments, before it started to dissipate. Immediately, Celestia saw a difference in her sister. Her colors had been swapped. The black that had normally been on her flank, had now changed to her old purple color, and the rest of her coat had changed to jet black. Small metal plates had appeared all over her body, but they weren't quite... right. Small bolts of energy bounced around, and between them, as a haze surrounded her entire body. Her head had also been covered by a smooth helmet that covered all but her eyes, nose, mouth, and horn. Her Cutie Mark also glowed an eerie white color, that was distorted by the aura surrounding her. "Luna..." Celestia said in awe, "What have you done to yourself?" "I have shown you my TRUE form!" Luna laughed, "This is how I will look, while I rule Equestria!" "W-what?" Celestia stammered, shocked that her goal was to now conquer Equestria, "You plan to take over control?" "You were right to give me so much time to think about what to do..." Luna said. "You gave me time to realize that I wanted more than just a few more hours of night... I wanted it to be night all the time! And, since it would always be dark, then there would be no need for a Princess of the sun!" Celestia was so tired of repeating the same pleas, and begging her sister to stop at every turn. "Luna, why--" "And that's another thing!" Luna cut off, "You will stop calling me 'Luna.'" Celestia was stunned. "From now on, you will refer to me as... Night Mare Moon!" Luna laughed, as dark energy swirled around her. "Night Mare Moon...?" Celestia asked, "I will call you no such thing!" Night Mare frowned, "Well, if you won't do it for me... perhaps you will do it for this!" Luna suddenly shot a bolt of energy at her sister, impacting her on the shoulder. Celestia collapsed, wincing in pain. Luna had just attacked her, without any hesitation. This was far worse than Celestia could have ever imagined. "Do you concede, Sister?" Night Mare asked, "If you surrender now, I will allow you to live with me in the castle... Perhaps as a pet." Celestia slowly stood upright, as her Element sent some magic to her wound, easing the pain. "Luna," Celestia said, now in 'defend Equestria' mode, "I will not allow you to hold control over Equestria. Not now, not ever!" Night Mare laughed and fired another bolt of energy at Celestia. This time, however, it was simply absorbed by some kind of barrier around Celestia. Celestia instantly shot a blast back, hitting Night Mare straight in the chest, sending her into the throne behind her, destroying it. Night Mare stood up, smirking weakly to hide her pain from the attack. "Look at what you've become," Night Mare laughed, "Attacking your own sister?" "I'm sorry Luna..." Celestia said, charging another beam, "I'm so... So sorry." Firing another blast, Night Mare was sent backward again. "You act like this battle is one sided!" Night Mare laughed, trying to attack Celestia again. However, the magic was simply absorbed. "What is happening?!" She growled trying again and again to hurt Celestia. Celestia had no idea herself. If they were both wearing the same necklace, why was hers affecting her sister, but her sister had no effect on her? Quickly casting a new spell, Luna's entire body was surrounded in a dark, starry fog that was rather similar to mane. At first, Celestia wasn't sure what she was doing. However, when the fog started to clear, Luna was no longer inside. "Meet me where our reign started." Night Mare's voice said from the smoke. With that, she flew upward, and broke a hole in the ceiling, and escaped into the night. Celestia immediately felt all of her rage melt away as the gravity of her situation sunk in. Her sister was much further gone. Celestia made no effort to stop the tears that now ran down her cheeks. Luna didn't seem capable of hurting Celestia with her magic, but, she was sure that Luna would be figuring that out right now. So, she was going to have to brush up her own powers, and make sure that she was ready. She would win this for her subjects, no matter the price. //// "Poor Celestia," Dash said, as the Princess exited the room, "I can't believe how fast Luna became this... Monster." "It wasn't fast," The Doctor corrected, "It's been years since we saw them the first time." "I guess so," Dash sighed, "But that doesn't change how hard this must be." Alex nodded. Derpy's eyes were filled with tears, and her mouth was full of muffin. It was a strange experience for her, to feel sadness and joy at the same time. The Doctor was frustrated, time was almost up, and they hadn't seen what they had come here to see. Something radically different must have happened in this battle, if Alex were to become associated with selflessness here. "So..." Alex said, "Is our next stop the final battle?" The Doctor nodded. "Well then, we should probably save our game, am I right!?" Alex laughed inappropriately, before nervously stopping when he realized he was the only one laughing, "...I guess that joke is lost on you guys..." "I guess it is..." Dash said awkwardly. "Right, well!" The Doctor said, "One more stop, and hopefully we'll be done!" //// The darkness of the night was somewhat unsettling for Celestia. Her instincts told her that it should be day time right now, but the fact that it wasn't was throwing her off a tiny bit. Night Mare, however, was in her element. It was dark; the moon lit the battlefield around them, illuminating the ground enough for everything to be visible. "Why do you insist on fighting here?" Celestia asked, looking around to the large chunks of rock embedded in the ground from their battle with Discord so many years ago. "This is the place where one ruler was lost, and two rulers were made," Night Mare explained, "I have decided that It will serve the same role once again." Celestia was silent. "So, Sister, are you ready?" Luna asked. Celestia nodded, knowing that no argument would stop her. "Good!" Celestia was immediately encased in a bubble, locking her in place. Once she realized that she wasn't going anywhere, she erected another shield around both herself and the bubble, countering its effect, making it fade away, leaving only her barrier. "Luna," Celestia said, confident in her safety "You won't be able to breach this spell, and you know it." A few hours ago, Luna would have agreed with her. Her magic hadn't been able to hurt her sister when she was protected, however, she had been pooling energy from her Element for the past few hours, and had made herself quite the reserve to lay on thick with. Pouring a massive amount of magic into her horn, Luna blasted a huge beam into her sister, making her shield buckle, as it cracked around the epicenter. "Yes!" Night Mare shouted maniacally, "I can break your magic!" Before Celestia had a chance to react, the shield shattered, allowing the beam of energy to impact her, and send her tumbling into a large rock behind her. As soon as Night Mare saw Celestia slam into the rock, she momentarily lost focus, as a pang of guilt hit her. The beam weakened in response. However, she quickly squashed it, and put her energy into the beam again. Although Night Mare didn't know it, Celestia was being protected by her Element. It wasn't stopping all of the damage from reaching her, but it was keeping her from receiving anything severe. Night Mare continued until she was satisfied with the amount of time she had put into the spell. She was sure that Celestia was defeated, if not close to death. Stopping her barrage, she watched as Celestia collapsed on the ground. "So, Sister?" Night Mare said cockily, "Do you concede?" Celestia shocked Night Mare as she easily stood up. "What?!" Night Mare shouted, "How did you--" Celestia immediately stomped on the ground, pushing her power into it, making the ground crack, and explode upward into Night Mare. She was thrown from where she stood, into a patch of grass behind her. Lifting herself up, she smiled. "You're good..."Night Mare laughed, standing up, "I thought you were down for the count!" "Not yet," Celestia said angrily, stomping the ground again. Night Mare dodged the attack easily this time. "I hope you have more than that!" She laughed, as her horn started to glow. Celestia looked up, as the sky was quickly filled with thousands of dark clouds. An eerie silence filled the air, until the night sky was completely blacked out, leaving the two in complete darkness. The area suddenly lit up as a red bolt of lightning hit the ground in front of Celestia. The battlefield returned to blackness, until another bolt landed just to her right. Getting the idea, Celestia started running, not sure if a shield would protect her from this lightning. She tried her best to avoid the oncoming bolts of electricity. However, since she had no real way of determining where lightning would strike next, she simply ran in erratic pattern, until she came up with a good plan of retaliation. Scanning the area for her sister, she found it almost impossible to find her in the half-second bolts of light that the lightning was providing. But, something caught her eye. Night Mare's mane was glowing! Turning toward her sister, Celestia started running straight for her. And, since she had been so busy keeping this spell going, Night Mare wasn't able to stop Celestia from colliding with her. The two hit the ground as the next bolt of magic struck Celestia in the back, sending the electricity through her, into Night Mare Moon. They both involuntarily shook as the electricity coursed through their bodies. Neither was sure how long they had lay there together, and at this moment, they didn't care how long that was. They were both in the most pain they had experienced. Finally, Celestia pushed herself off of her sister, and staggered back, trying her best not to collapse. Night Mare tried her best to stand, having just as much trouble as Celestia. "Let-Let's end this here," Celestia panted, "This is madness..." "Never..." Night Mare said, without much power behind her speech. "I do not wish to experience that ever again..."Celestia said weakly, hoping that her little sister would at least agree with her on that. "Oh?" Night Mare smirked, commanding the clouds once more. Immediately, Celestia was struck again sending her on to the ground, convulsing as her already weakened body responded to the electricity. "It looks like we're just about done... here!" Night Mare panted, sending yet another bolt into her sister. Celestia seized as the bolt made contact with her, and collapsed motionless after it vanished. Night Mare laughed weakly as she observed the unmoving form of her sister, "You never were stronger than me, little Sister!" Celestia barely heard what Night Mare had said. Her head was buzzing too much to understand much. After a moment of searing pain in her side, she felt her Element respond, and start to spread a light energy over her body, healing her wounds. After a few seconds of silence, Celestia felt enough strength to stand herself up come to her. So, she did exactly that, receiving a shocked expression from Night Mare. She was back to where she had been a few minutes ago, except that she was much, much angrier this time. "What?! How did you--" Before Night Mare could finish, Celestia fired a small spark toward her that exploded just before it hit her face, making her collapse, clutching her burned left eye. Celestia started sending more power toward her horn, readying another attack. "You... M-My face!" Night Mare shouted, as she struggled to stand back up, the pain absolutely excruciating, "H-How could you do this to me...?" Celestia immediately felt her anger melt away, being replaced by regret. Night Mare looked at the ground, whining quietly in pain. This attack was so much worse than the lightning bolt had been. However, to her surprise, the pain slowly started to melt away, as Celestia cast a healing spell on her. Night Mare looked up in surprise, and saw Celestia standing in front of her, with a genuinely concerned expression. "Why have you done this?" Night Mare asked quietly, "You're wasting your power on this!" "I don't care, Luna," Celestia smiled sadly, "I'm so sorry that I hurt you." Night Mare wasn't sure what to do now... Unfortunately, as soon as the indecision popped up, her element started flowing more power into her, making that indecision quickly fade. "Well, your loss!" Night Mare laughed, raising a hoof, and slapping Celestia across the face. There was silence. Nothing but agonizing silence, as Night Mare once again felt indecision. A tear rolled down Celestia's cheek, and into the ground below her. "Luna..." Celestia said quietly, "I'm sorry that it had to end this way..." Night Mare simply listened. "I... I wish that I didn't have to lose my sister..." Celestia managed, "I wish that I didn't have to lose my best friend..." Her heart wrenched as she listened to her sister. "You've always been there for me, and... I wish that I had been there for you," Celestia said, making no effort to stop herself from crying, "It's my fault that you've become what you are..." "N-No..." Night Mare said quietly, as her Element tried to further twist her thoughts. "You have always been my anchor, Luna... You've saved me more times than I can count!" Celestia said, "So now, It's my turn to save you!" Casting a levitation spell, Celestia took hold of Night Mare's element, and swiftly pulled it off her head, making her collapse on the ground, and transform back into her normal form. The Element immediately responded by surrounding itself with a ball of darkness, and making the wind around them start to rip, and howl, as it raised itself high in the air, in an effort to break Celestia's hold on it. "This is the source of your evil!" Celestia shouted over the deafening wind, "I will make sure it never does this again!" The Element itself, however, had much more power that Celestia could have anticipated, as it started pulling the magic out of Celestia's horn, and taking it into its mass. "Celestia!" Luna shouted, feeling her madness leave her, "Y-you have to stop it!" "Luna!" Celestia shouted back happily, "You're ba--!" The Element suddenly released a pulse, sending both of them flying backward, away from it. "You can't let it exist anymore!" Luna shouted, standing up, "It needs to be destroyed!" Celestia pointed her horn toward the black ball, and fired a beam of magic that was simply absorbed by the Element. "W-what?" Celestia said desperately, looking toward her sister, as she often had in the past, "Luna, I don't know how to stop it!" "When it's on my neck... it loses some power to me!" Luna said, "I... I have to put it back on! And when I do, make sure that you send us as far away as you can!" "Absolutely not!" Celestia shouted, "We can stop it!" As if it had been on cue, the ground underneath the Element cracked, and started floating up in pieces around it. "No, we can't!" Luna said back, "It'll rejoin with me once it beats you anyway!" Celestia wanted to argue that she could stop it, but it was sapping her strength away. She had no means of stopping it at this rate. "I'm sorry, Celestia!" Luna shouted, as she positioned herself underneath the necklace. "No!" Celestia shouted, as she watched her sister flap her wings powerfully, and propel herself into the dark ball, putting the necklace back on. The dark ball instantly vanished, as the wind calmed down, and Luna was dumped on the ground, returned to her 'Night Mare Moon' form. "N-Now!" Luna shouted, "You have to S-stop me now!" "There's too much power!" Celestia argued, "If I banish you, you won't be able to come back for a very long time!" Luna shook her head, "That doesn't matter!" Celestia's cheeks were so dampened from her tears that they were starting to roll down her neck instead of falling off her cheek. "I-I... I just--" "Please Sister..." Luna begged, "For our subjects!" Their subjects... The ponies they had both promised to protect. Celestia knew that she would have given her life for them, and Luna was doing the exact same thing. Celestia looked up to her sister, and gave a single, determined nod. "I'll take care of them!" Celestia said, "And you will too, when you get back!" Luna nodded, smiling weakly, her control over herself slipping away. Celestia felt her Element start to fill her up in a way it never had before, as if it knew what she needed. It was channeling all of its energy into her. It started to get hotter, and hotter, until the purple gem in the middle cracked. Celestia now held all of its power within her "Hurry!" Luna shouted, "My Element is doing something!" The black gem in Luna's necklace also cracked, just as Celestia's did. "It's going to try to attack you f-first!" Luna shouted, "Do it n-now... Before I lose control!" Celestia closed her eyes, and took a moment to enjoy the last seconds she would spend with her sister, for a very long time. "I love you, Luna." Celestia said, as the wind around them started to pick up again, as it had just been. "I love you too, Celestia!" Luna shouted over the screeching noises the wind was now making. Celestia felt her energy center in the necklace finally drain. And with one small push, it all exploded out in mass of waves and ripples, completely engulfing Luna within them. "N-No!" Night Mare shouted, having gained control once again, "This can't be happening! I won't be stopped like this!" Celestia watched in silence as her sister was lifted up off the ground, and started to glow bright white. The necklace around Night Mare's neck exploded, as it was surrounded by the magic sent from Celestia. The pieces were sent flying in all directions, rendering the Element completely harmless. "I will be back!" Night Mare shouted, "The element has put its power into me! Your sister is gone! She is chaos now!" "You have one thousand years," Celestia said grimly, "I hope you're a new pony then..." Night Mare's arguments, and shouting could barely be heard as the whirlwind of magic started to swirl faster and faster around her, until all that could be seen was a white ball in the sky. The spell finished off, by exploding, and clearing the sky of all dark clouds left by Night Mare, giving a perfect view of the moon. Celestia watched as a few new craters on the face of the moon appeared, creating the shape of her sister's head. Suddenly the gem in Celestia's necklace fell apart, landing on the ground. However, it went by almost unnoticed by her. She really couldn't care less what happened to her element. She had just lost something so much more important to her. "Goodnight, Luna." Celestia said quietly, "I will see you soon..." /-/ A silence passed among the four ponies, as three of them watched Celestia stare at the moon, motionlessly. "Uh... Ouch," Alex said, making everypony turn to him. Dash looked at him, and went wide eyed. "Alex!" She said, looking at his face, "What happened?" A deep gash had appeared across his right cheek, and blood ran down the side of his face. "I think a... a piece of her necklace exploded on me..." Alex said, moving his tongue around in his mouth, "Hit me right in the... cheek." "What's in your mouth?" Dash asked, before watching Alex spit a bloody piece of gem out of his mouth, on to the ground. "Well... I guess I should have seen THAT coming." The Doctor said, now seeing how Alex and the element had been associated. "Why is it glowing?" Derpy asked, looking at the fragment on the ground. "He's full of chaotic energy, I think," The Doctor said, "He just fed it, and gave it strength." "Does that mean he'll change like Luna, though?" Dash asked. "He's already changed, but in a better way," The Doctor explained, "Alex is half harmonious magic, so, it got some of that too." "Basically, we just made the future happen?" Alex asked, wincing at the movement of his cheek. "Exactly," The Doctor said, looking the gem over, "But, how did she get it back?" *Achoo* The four watched as Dash's sneeze blew the shard away from them, sending it into the pile of gems below Celestia, something that the Princess didn't even notice. "Oh." "Sorry," Dash apologized, "I haven't sneezed this much in a while..." "Actually, that's what needed to happen..." The Doctor said, scratching the back of his head, "Well, a sneeze can change the future, I suppose." The four looked back to Celestia hearing her collapse on the ground, broken into tears. The silence among them was deafening, as they simply listened to Celestia weep. "I wish I could talk to her," Dash spoke up, "But that's not allowed, huh?" The Doctor shook his head. "C-can we go home?" Derpy asked. Everypony seemed to agree on this, and all filed back into the TARDIS. /-/ Celestia sat in silence inside her sister's room. As heart wrenching as being there was for her, just the fact that Luna had lived her for so long gave her a small kind of comfort. She had raised the sun instantly after the battle, and given a small speech to the ponies, explaining what had happened. Of course, she had lied about half of it, but didn't really care. In response, the ponies had decided to throw some kind of celebration... It wasn't one that Celestia had any intention of joining them on. Looking across the room, Celestia smiled weakly. Of course, her Luna's room was immaculate. Nothing out of place, just as she had always kept it... Celestia herself had had a small problem with keeping her room clean. The castle staff would often insist on cleaning it for her, but at that point in her life, she was still new to being a princess, and wanted as little as possible from the ponies here. But, Luna had helped her get over that... Sighing, she levitated the remains of Luna's Element off the bed next to her, and softly placed it in the box she had always kept it, and closed the lid. As for her own Element, she had taken all the broken pieces of both hers, and Luna's element, and placed them in a safe place, in two separate piles. Her pile of shards had been all of the pieces that were in front of her after it shattered. They consisted of different colors. Two were purple, one was yellow, one was blue, one was green, and the final two red. Of course, one of the red ones had actually been clear. But it had gotten a coat of blood on it. Luna's had a bit difficult to hunt down, and Celestia was sure that she didn't find them all. But, that didn't matter. The power had been drained from them, rendering them harmless. At this point, she wasn't sure why the necklace had changed Luna so much, but figured that it had something to do with their colors. Still, it was a problem that she was going to solve another day. Celestia couldn't dwell on too much right now, she would break down completely if she did that. Looking around the room, she saw a book resting on the night stand. Levitating it up, she placed it back in its place on Luna's bookshelf. Celestia stood up, and slowly looked through some books on a shelf next to the bed. Several fantasy books lined the shelves. They were Luna's favorite genera. Celestia had always been more of a serious writing pony... Looking on the top shelf, she saw a line of Journals. Celestia had often seen Luna writing in these as the years passed. On the end, was a tattered, purple book with a red strap that was used as the bookmark. This was the Diary she had had during their quest to defeat Discord. She would write in it every night... Even when there was nothing to report, she would write about something funny that had happened, or what she was going to do when Equestria was finally free. Looking down the line of books, Celestia noticed that they had all been marked with years on the spines. Scanning across them, she counted upward through them, until she reached the final diary, sitting at the end of the shelf. The year written on the spine was a well-known one to Celestia. It was the year that Sombra took over the Crystal Kingdom. Levitating the book off the shelf, Celestia brought it closer to her, before a letter dropped out of the book, and landed on the floor. Looking down to it, she was surprised to see it was addressed to her. "Dear Celestia...?" Celestia read aloud, "Did Luna write this?" The letter was old... It hadn't been touched since the Crystal Kingdom, obviously. Lifting the flap at the back, Celestia levitated the paper out from the inside, and read through the letter Luna had written to her. /~~~~~~~~~~~~/ 'Dear Sister, If you're reading this, then I haven't returned from my diplomatic mission to the Crystal Kingdom. I'm sure that you're very confused at this point, and I hope to clarify as much as possible with this letter. Do you remember how my decision to leave on this trip was so sudden? I had claimed it to be some form of romantic trip for Bolt and myself? I'm sorry to say, that there was something I kept from you, and I sincerely apologize for doing so. Celestia, before I left, I discovered that I was carrying a child. Bolt's child. Upon finding this out, I decided that I needed to be away from Canterlot. I knew that a pregnant princess wouldn't have been the best thing for everypony in Canterlot to see. So, I will feign illness when I reach the Crystal Kingdom, and have this child as quietly as possible. Now, you might be asking why I chose to disappear, instead of return home. And, I suppose, that the best answer would be: so I can care for my child. I wish to look after it, and give it the attention that a princess never could. This child has been my deepest desire for longer than I can recall, and now that it's happening, I'm happier than I have ever been. Although I am immortal, and will outlive my child, and its children, I need to be here for it. I cannot apologize more for what I have done to you, leaving you to rule alone. It is the worst betrayal that anypony could ever suffer. However, please remember. While I may have left you, I have no intention of forgetting you. You have been the single most important pony in my life, and I truly love you, Celestia. Nothing could ever change that, no matter what choices I have made with my life, or the pony that I may become. And I promise, we will see each other again, perhaps not today, perhaps not tomorrow, but I will return. Luna /~~~~~~~~~~~~/ Celestia swallowed hard, now she understood. Everything fit together now. Luna, Bolt, the foal Sombra had mentioned killing... Closing her eyes, Celestia finally knew just what Luna had lost. What had driven her to what she did to Sombra, and perhaps even why she had started wearing her Element regularly. "I love you too, Luna." Celestia whispered, taking a final look at the letter, as she put it back in the envelope, and placed it in the book. Knowing that it would be inappropriate for her to be seen crying by her subjects, or guards, Celestia closed the door, and locked it. She would stay here until she stopped. She never truly did, however... Not until this day, one thousand years later. /-/ The four stood in the TARDIS in silence. Sure, they had found out what they wanted... But it had been emotionally taxing. They had seen enough death, loss, and despair, that they weren't sure that they were ever going to smile again. "I know we said we were going home... but would you all mind making one stop first?" The Doctor spoke up. "Is it a depressing stop?" Dash asked. He shook his head. "Sure," Alex said, wiping some red spit from his face to his leg, "I need a smile." "Can't you heal that?" Dash asked. "A little bit," Alex shrugged, "I think Dax used most the healing on that foal." "Is that where we're going?!" Derpy asked suddenly. The other two looked to The Doctor. He nodded, and smiled. "We should go find out what happened to her," He smiled, "Maybe you'll know one of her decedents!" The four were in slightly higher spirits as The Doctor fiddled with the control panel, setting their destination. "She was sent to Cloudsdale after the soldier found her," The Doctor explained, "So, let's jump ahead say... Five years? See what kind of a filly she was!" /-/ 5 Years Later /-/ "Stop this!" A young mare said to a small, dark blue filly, "Get down from there!" The young girl had flown herself to the top of a bookshelf and giggled uncontrollably, as her caretaker tried to get her down from when she was perched. The mare wasn't very old, but she certainly could have a stern look to her. She loved looking after the orphans here, but none of them had given her as much trouble as this particular filly. "Don't make me have to come up there! I'm going to count to three!" She warned, flapping her wings, "One... Two... Three!" "Aww!" The girl squeaked, as the mare lifted her up and brought her back to the floor, "No fair!" "Now, listen to me, missy!" She said sternly, "Learning to fly is exciting, but you need to control yourself!" "But... I just wanna fly everywhere!" The girl beamed, her voice squeaking. "I know you do, but its bed time!" The mare said, "I'll take you all over Cloudsdale tomorrow, with all the other kids, alright?" "Okay!" She smiled, flying a few laps around the mare, "I'll go to bed right now then!" With that, she scurried off toward the room she shared with a few other fillies, wanting to get to tomorrow as quickly as possible. She smiled, the girl had so much energy. More than any child in the orphanage, and she adored it. "Sleep tight, Dasher!" She called down the hall after her. /-/ "That's so cute..." Dash said, as the filly galloped past them, in their invisible hiding spot, "I can see why they named her Dasher." "I'm surprised she's so happy," Alex said, "I guess she wouldn't remember the Crystal Kingdom though, huh?" "Thank goodness she can't," The Doctor said, "She wouldn't be a happy filly otherwise." "What happens to her?" Alex asked, "Does she get adopted?" "I think she does," The Doctor said, "By the mare that was just dealing with her." "That's good," Dash smiled, "I hope that she had a good life..." "What about her own children?" Alex asked, "Are we going to go to every stop, and see all of the ponies that are born because of her?" "I've got the TARDIS working it out as we speak," The Doctor said, "She'll have the answer for us as soon as--" *Ding* "Ah!" He said, "That would be it!" The four went back inside, and looked to a screen attached to the main control panel, that was showing static. The Doctor pressed a few buttons, as an image became slowly came into view. It was the foal! "Now, it's going to show her entire family on here," The Doctor said, "So the picture will probably get rather big." They all nodded, as it showed the progression of the filly. First, it was just her, and it seemed like nothing was happening. However, she was actually rapidly aging. "Wow," Dash said, "Look at her grow!" Eventually, her Cutie Mark appeared, a single star on a purple patch on her flank. Next, she hit maturity, and quickly became a spitting image of Luna before her transformation into a princess. Next, another foal appeared next to her, as it started aging as well. "Is that her own foal?" Derpy asked. The Doctor nodded. That child grew on screen faster than Luna's child had, quickly reaching maturity, and then turning grey, as its mother had a few seconds before, but, not before two more children appeared. This time, two new foals appeared, and started aging themselves. "Why are their pictures turning grey?" Alex asked. "It means that they died," The Doctor said somewhat grimly, "But, everypony does that, right?" They all nodded. Eventually, the screen started to fill with the relatives of Princess Luna, as it showed the hundreds of ponies that had been born from her single child. "Wow..." Dash said as it became harder and harder to keep track of the ponies appearing. However, somewhat confusingly, the number of ponies having children started to slow down, as less and less foals were appearing on the screen, leading to less and less being born. "What's going on?" Dash asked, as the number of newborns started to dwindle. "That's odd." The Doctor said quietly, as fewer and fewer of Luna's descendants were shown having children, "I guess it's not impossible that they stopped having children." Finally, after forty or fifty generations passed by on the screen, with less and less foals being born. It finally came to a stop, showing one pony behind the final foal. And that pony greyed out as soon as the foal appeared. And, after a few seconds, the foal grew into a filly, and then stopped. There was only one living descendant left at this point. And they all knew who it was. /-/ 1000 Years Later /-/ Luna lay on the ground, a fraction of the size she had just been, after having been defeated by The Elements of Harmony. Still in shock, she simply looked around the room, wide eyed. Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity all stood, watching the event in front of them, while Alex was passed out behind them. "Princess Luna..." Celestia said, walking toward the pony on the floor, "It's been a thousand years since I've seen you like this, sister." Luna looked at her sister, still dazed from the entire experience. Her mind was still coming back from Night Mare Moon. "It's time we put our differences behind us," Celestia smiled, "We are meant to rule together, little sister." Celestia hadn't exactly been honest with the public when she told them of Luna's betrayal. She had made sure the story told was one excluding the use of her Element, and the dark entity that had forced itself into Luna's mind. When Royalty is corrupted by external influences, it makes them look weak. So, she told them a different story. Simply, Luna had become obsessed with the night, which led her astray. That was all. Luna smiled. "Will you accept my friendship?" Celestia asked. "Oh... I'm so sorry!" Luna said, standing up, and hugging Celestia, "I've missed you so much Celestia!" The two were now in tears, as they simply enjoyed the others presence. "I'm so sorry..." Celestia whispered to Luna, "I wish things could have ended differently." "It wasn't your fault," Luna whispered, "It was mine..." "I know about your child, Luna," Celestia said quietly to her, "And I'm so, so sorry that you lost it... So don't blame yourself anything." Luna nodded, and closed her eyes. "Let's go home, sister." Celestia said, pulling away, beaming, "We have so much to catch up on!" /-/ Dash smiled, crying a bit herself. "I'm so happy that we got to see this again," Dash said, "I had no idea what I was watching last time..." "I was out cold," Alex said, rubbing his cheek lightly, "So it's nice to see it at all." "Of course, you all know what happens next," The Doctor said, "So, why don't we head back?" "Just one more second," Derpy said, watching the two reunited sisters. "Those thousand years must have been impossible for her..." Dash said. "I guess I can see why they're a bit silly now," Alex smiled, "I know I would be if I lost somepony so close for that long." "Come on," The Doctor said softly, "I think it's time that we deliver our news to Luna." //// Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Spike, and Fluttershy all stood in Froggy Bottom Bog, looking up to the massive, four headed beast. "Is that a Hydria?!" Pinkie shouted, looking at the monstrosity above them, frozen in place. "Who cares?" Twilight shouted, as everypony, save Pinkie, ran away. Pinkie, stood, frozen in place, underneath the monster. "Pinkie!" Twilight shouted, running back to her scared friend, "Come on!" Grabbing her tail in her mouth, Twilight pulled hard, Dragging Pinkie through the mud on the ground, away from the Hydra, as it started chasing after them, full speed. Fluttershy ran alongside a green frog that was also trying to make it away from the monster. She deeply regretted bringing them here now. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She said to the frog, as it hopped ahead, making it to a crack underneath a large rock. "Everypony up that hill!" Twilight shouted, as they exited the mud, and headed up, and away from the Hydra. "Aw, dang it!" Applejack shouted, feeling her hind leg sink into a deep patch in the mud, just before the hill. "I've got you!" Spike said, running in from behind her, and scooping her up, on to his back. As soon as they were a few steps ahead, he let her down, allowing her to start moving on her own once again. "Thank ya' kindly, Spike!" Applejack called, as they ran. "I think we're gonna make it!" Twilight said, looking back at the Hydra, and seeing it slowly making its way through the mud, clearly having reached a tough spot for it. "But Pinkie is still shuddering!" Spike shouted, looking at the vibrating pony in front of him. Suddenly, she stopped her vibrations, and stood still. "Oh, lookie there! It stopped!" Pinkie said happily, before immediately resuming her violent shaking. "Oops! ThErE It GoEs AgAiN!" Pinkie said, slowly vibrating her way up the hill once again. Seeing her dramatic speed decrease, Spike ran up to Pinkie, and pressed his head to her rump, and started pushing her forward a bit faster. Eventually, they came to a large gap in ground, with a few tall stones, allowing passage across, if they were to jump. "Everypony jump across!" Twilight said, "One at a time!" "No way!" Spike said, "Look, why not just... Turn him into a mouse? That would be way easier!" "I don't know any magic to do that!" Twilight said, "Just go!" "Well, how about a squirrel?" Spike asked. "No!" Twilight said angrily. "Can you turn him into a--" "No, Spike!" Twilight said, "I can't turn him into a rodent of any kind!" "Well... That's too bad," Spike frowned. Fluttershy looked down, swallowed her fear, and decided to just go for it. Falling and drowning, was a much better way to go than being eaten by a Hydra. Jumping to the first stone, she realized just how easy it was, and jumped to the next once, and the next one, until she made it across to safety. Next, Twilight lifted Spike onto her back, and threw him on to the first pillar. Her strength truly amazed him. "You guys get across!" Twilight said to Pinkie and Applejack, "I'll distract the Hydra!" Applejack nodded, bit Pinkie's tail, and jumped across with her, just as Spike jumped to the next one himself. Twilight now stood alone on this side of the gorge, facing down the Hydra that was thundering up the hill toward her. "Ooh..." Twilight groaned, "What would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do?" Well... there was one thing. "Chaaaaaaaaarge!" Twilight shouted, suddenly running directly toward the beast. The Hydra was taken by surprise as this pony suddenly changed direction, and ran toward it. Leaning down, it positioned one of its heads to grab her as soon as she was in reach. Suddenly, a loud screeching sound was heard in the air above it, making the Hydra lift its heads up, and look to the source of the noise. Twilight stopped herself, and looked into the sky, at a blue box that seemed to be appearing out of nowhere, as it careened out of control toward them. Finally, the box was phased in, spinning rapidly, as it headed directly for her and the Hydra. Seeing Twilight's loss of attention, the beast started moving toward her once again. Twilight immediately noticed it, turned tail, and started running, with the Hydra behind her, and the spinning box behind them both. Twilight quickly reached the edge of the gorge, and jumped to the first stone pillar, and then the second. Figuring this was a safe distance, Twilight turned around, and watched the blue box behind the Hydra. "What is that?" Pinkie shouted. "I don't know!" Twilight shouted. "Ah've seen that box before!" Applejack said. The Hydra saw that Twilight was close enough to grab if it jumped. Sure, it would land in the mud below, and be seriously hurt, but it wasn't smart enough to think that far ahead. Taking a few steps back, the beast started running for the edge, and jumped, with full intention to grab her. "Hold it steady!" A voice shouted to Twilight's right. Twilight didn't look at the source of the voice, she was too busy being shocked that the Hydra would risk so much, just to get her. Then, just before the jaws made contact with her, box flew right into her, pulled her inside, and flew away from the hungry Hydra, leaving it nothing to eat, but the stone where she just stood. Landing on the two pillars, the massive weight of the Hydra made them crack loudly, until it could no longer hold it. The beast fell until it landed in the massive mud pools below, where the falling stones fell from above pummeling its heads, until it collapsed in the mud, unconscious. Everypony stood in shock. "What." Applejack said. "The." Fluttershy added. "Buck." Pinkie and Spike said together. //// Finally, the blue box landed, and out came Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Derpy, The Doctor, and a very bloody Alex, making everypony recoil. "I have so many questions..." Spike said quietly. "What happened to yer face?!" Applejack asked Alex. "I got run through by a jewel," Alex said, "It's fine though." Alex looked at Spike and mouthed the words 'it's not fine.' "What are you doing here Derpy?" Fluttershy asked. "I was watching Princess Luna!" She replied, smiling. "Uh... Beg yer pardon?" Applejack asked. "Yup!" She smiled, "It's really sad!" "We'll explain later." The Doctor laughed. "We need to see Princess Luna!" Dash said impatiently, "We have to tell her something really important!" "W-what is up with that box?" Twilight stammered, still in shock. "Yes, yes," The Doctor said, "It's bigger on the inside, but we need to talk to Luna!" "W-well... She's pretty busy for the next few weeks," Twilight said breathlessly, "Celestia has her running some diplomatic missions... or something." "Twilight," Alex said seriously, "She needs to hear this." "Well... I guess we can talk to Celestia." Twilight said, "Maybe she can get her back here, if it's really important." "Are we going on a train to Canterlot?" Pinkie asked excitedly. "Psh, train?" The Doctor asked, "We're taking my ride, but... I only the four of us should be going." "Why?" Pinkie whined, "What are you going to tell her?" "We can't say, yet," Alex said, "You'll find out soon enough." "Well... Okay," Twilight said, scribbling out a note on some parchment, "Spike, can you send this to the princess?" He nodded, and shot his green fire to the parchment Twilight was levitating in front of him. "Alright," Spike said, "She'll know you're coming." The four looked to one another, and nodded. "Let's finish this." //// Alex and Dash approached Princess Celestia sitting on her throne, as she read the small piece of paper that Spike had just sent her. Alex had made sure to clean himself up before approaching her as well. Last thing he needed was to be seen by the royal guard, covered in blood, going to visit the princess. The Doctor and Derpy stood in the TARDIS, watching silently, and invisibly. "Princess?" Alex asked, earning her attention. "Oh! Alex!" Celestia laughed, "You're here... fast! Um, what happened to your cheek?" "It's nothing," Alex laughed nervously, "It happened ages ago." "Would it be possible for us to talk to Luna?" Alex asked her, earning a strange look. "She's overseas right now," Celestia explained, "I'm surprised that Twilight didn't tell you that." "She did," Alex said, "But--" "It's really important!" Dash cut in, "She needs to hear this!" "I'm sorry," Celestia said, still very confused, "But I'm afraid that--" "It's about Bolt." Alex said, earning an odd look from Celestia. "Bolt?" Celestia asked, "I don't know any 'Bolt.'" "Maybe not now... But how about a thousand years ago?" Alex asked, shocking her. "And... It's about their child." Dash added, a bit unsure of how she would react. "Where did you learn of that foal?" Celestia asked seriously. "There is something Luna needs to hear," Dash said simply, "Something that she didn't know thousand years ago." Celestia looked back and forth between the two, before silently casting a spell, making a while ball appear above them in the room. "Luna!" Celestia projected at the ball. "Yes, sister!" Luna's voice was heard, "What does thou need?" "I think you need to return home," Celestia said, "There is something important you must hear." "I cannot leave!" Luna laughed, "This is my first diplomatic job since the Crystal Kingdom! I must ensure that there isn't a repeat performance!" "Luna, that's what we need to talk about," Celestia said, "Alex and Rainbow Dash are here... They're talking about Bolt." Silence. "Alright sister," Luna finally said, her tone completely changed, "I'm on my way." The ball disappeared, and was instantly replaced by a series of sparks, originating from seemingly nowhere. After a few seconds, a dark explosion took their place. When the dark bubble faded, Luna was in the center, flapping her wings, lowering herself to the floor. "What do you two know of Bolt?" Luna asked quickly, looking between them, "What is so important that I need to be here?" Alex opened his mouth, not sure where to start. "Princess..." Dash spoke up, "It's about your foal." Luna went wide eyed. "She survived." ////
OTR: The Fall of the Night
"////\n\nFall of the Night - Epilogue\n\n////\n\nFor the people who haven't read my other story, tha(...TRUNCATED)
George Trestale, God of... Something
"\"What? A cake on the ground!?\" She turned around, which I quickly took as an opportunity to dash (...TRUNCATED)
George Trestale, God of... Something
Dead Poets Society
"I awoke to the sound of bubbling liquid. Opening my eyes, I found myself in some sort of hut, the w(...TRUNCATED)
George Trestale, God of... Something
Strangers on a Train
"Viewing the Canterlot-bound train from afar, I was struck with an idea. A train wouldn't bring me a(...TRUNCATED)
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Brilliant Mistakes
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"A week from now. A week from now! The next train that goes anywhere near Anthropia is a week from t(...TRUNCATED)
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"After witnessing that sorry excuse for a chase, Twilight decided the best thing to do would be to w(...TRUNCATED)
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Death of a Salesman
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