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The digital method improves the detection accuracy and the processing speed compared with the analog method. | 与模拟检波方法相比,该数字方法在检测精度和处理速度上也有较大提高。 |
Over the past 10 years of being a public face in a rapidly changing China, she has gone from interviewing celebrities to talking with people from all walks of life. | 在过去的十年中,作为公众人物,陈鲁豫经历了中国的飞速转变,她的采访对象也由名人渐延伸到普罗大众。 |
All these activities are accompanied with changes of cardiovascular activities, and many pressor and depressor areas in the limbic forebrain are involved in regulating these activities. | 这些活动都伴有心血管活动的变化。 边缘前脑内很多升、降压区参与这些活动。 |
Deep-sea red coral growth and growth patterns have to end in a high-powered magnifying glass or microscope to observe. | 深海红珊瑚的生长结和生长纹就得在高倍的放大镜或显微镜下才能观察到。 |
The category of problem I have described here persists specifically because it tends to stay dormant in the majority of cases, so most of the community is not affected. | 我在这里描述的问题类别特别持久,因为它在大多数情况下都保持休眠状态,因此社区的大部分都不会受到影响。 |
If Bynum is healthy and effective throughout the playoffs, the Lakers will be exceedingly difficult to deny. | 相反如果拜纳姆能够在季后赛保持健康且有效的话,那么湖人是难以被击败的。 |
There's Thai restaurants and Chinese, and we've got every sort of, types of... | 有泰国餐馆和中餐馆,我们有所有种类的…… |
A fire burns in the cauldron, as a reminder of the Olympic flame. | 火炬塔里燃烧着一团火焰,让人想到奥林匹克圣火。 |
The 1980s also announced the return of French, with Yannick Noah getting France's first title for 37 years. | 20世纪80年代,诺亚为法国获得了这37年来第一个冠军,从而宣布了法国的王者归来。 |
India has a large young population: 72 percent of its citizens are below the age of 40. | 印度是一个年轻人口众多的国家:72%的公民年龄在40岁以下。 |
She was thunderstruck to hear the news. | 得知消息时她大感惊讶。 |
The rattle dancing performed by kids world-wide gave deep impression to audience on evening party of Yiwu Fair last year. | 在上一届义博会的文艺晚会上,各国小朋友同台表演的拨浪鼓舞蹈让观众一饱眼福。 |
And culture-loaded words, as a special cultural phenomenon, pose a demanding task for preciseness and effectiveness. | 而文化负载词作为一种特殊的文化现象,对理解和解释的准确性和有效性都提出了新的要求。 |
Blaine stopped to chat with a friend and Guiteau saw his chance. | 布莱恩停下来跟一位朋友聊天,吉特奥看到了机会。 |
The lack of history recording led to different opinions in ancient books about name foundation of Qidan nationality, which has become a controversial problem for the research of the history of Liao. | 由于史料不足,以至契丹族的创名,古籍中异说并存,成为辽史研究的纷歧问题。 |
JPALS works with GPS to provide accurate, reliable, landing guidance for fixed and rotary wing aircraft and supports fixed-base, tactical, and shipboard applications. | JPALS依靠GPS味固定翼和旋翼飞机提供精确、可靠的着陆导航,并支持普通航空机场、战术和船舰上的应用。 |
We all are from Shandong. | 俺都是山东人。 |
Behold, I am coming … | 看哪,我必快来!赏罚… |
These results help explain how a supermassive black hole can alter the evolution of its host galaxy. | 这些结论帮助解释了特大质量黑洞如何可以改变它所在星系的演化。 |
The developmental time of each ramet was basically same. | 结缕草无性系各分株的发育时间基本相同。 |
Move away from large text documents to visual representations, and use scenario-based requirements definitions (see Figure 5). | 从大型文本文件转移至可视代表,并使用基于场景的需求定义(参见图 5)。 |
Churandy Martina of the Dutch Antilles got the silver in 19.82 seconds and Shawn Crawford of the United States won the bronze in 19.96 seconds. | 荷属安的列斯群岛的玛尔提纳以19.82秒的成绩获得银牌,美国的肖恩-克劳福德以19.96的成绩摘得一枚铜牌。 |
Objective:To describe and explain the importance of the hepatogastric ligament in dividing the superior recess of the lesser sac (SRLS) and the exist of gastrodiaphragmatic ligament. | 目的:阐明肝胃韧带分隔网膜囊上隐窝(SRLS)的意义及内侧胃膈韧带的存在。 |
And this program enables the patient to complete remission as soon as possible, especially for newly diagnosed patients with light chain. | 且这一方案可使患者尽早获得完全缓解,特别是对于轻链型初诊患者。 |
A group of investment banks led by Morgan Stanley managed China’s Longyuan Power Group Corporation Ltd.’s $2.6 billion listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange in December. | 相关消息还显示,去年12月,由摩根斯坦利牵头的投行机构,成功运作了中国龙源电力集团市值达26亿美元的香港上市计划。 |
The lack of middle-class income growth during that span is “the defining issue of our time, ” Mr. Summers has said, in a tacit admission that liberals were ahead of him on this issue. | 萨默斯表示,在这段时期,中产阶级收入增长的缺失是“我们这个时代最重要的议题,” 这事实上是承认,自由派在这个议题上要更胜他一筹。 |
Shanxi is a good place and has a long history. | 山西是个好地方, 人杰地灵,历史悠久。 |
Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. | 正如,亚伯拉罕信神,这就算为他的义。 |
Text analysis is the process of enabling computers to extract meaning from text. | 文本分析是指使计算机能够从文本中提取意义的过程。 |
That is why we consider to be their own thing, they are actually people think it's wishful. | 所以我们认为的属于自己的东西,其实不过是人的一相情愿的认为罢了。 |
Wait until half day in the past, look shape of the additional celebration body, blue Joe cannot assisted merely howling with mirth. | 等到半日过去,看看对方身上模样,蓝乔忍不住哈哈大笑。 |
After finish his again see again, feel this couldn't help or comfort to her! | 发完过后自己再看了一遍,觉得这样子根本就不能帮助或者是安慰到她! |
Mike: You know, Ben, if dad leaves for basketball games, we get some with no nutritional value whatsoever . | 迈克:别担心本,只要爸爸去看篮球赛,我们准会吃到没有营养价值的怪餐。 |
Looking back on a sojourn in the African highlands, you are struck by your feeling of having lived for a time up in the air. | 在这片非洲高原上,我往往在回头的瞬间,油然生出一种骇人的错觉:我竟在半空中呆了这么久! |
Audit the quotation cost, study out a tactic for quotation, then submit to EC, execute after approved. | 审核报价成本表,拟定报价策略,报EC审核、 批复并执行。 |
Visitors most often can encounter it in the police traffic stops that can make a cross-city trip an hour longer than necessary. | 游客经常会在交警岗亭遭遇到索贿一类的事情,以至穿越市区会比所需时间超过一小时之久。 |
We won't be defensive at Stamford Bridge - we need to score in the first leg to make the second one easier. A goal or two in London will give us the spirit and confidence that we need. | 在斯坦福桥我们不会一味防守——我们需要在第一回合取得进球,第二回合才能轻松一点。 |
Now, at the core of behaviorism are three extremely radical and interesting views. | 言归正传,行为主义的核心,由三个非常极端又很有趣的观点组成。 |
The Browns are all college graduates. | 布朗一家人都是大学毕业生。 |
You remember the Iliad ends with the actual cremation of the bodies of the relevant people. | 你们应该记得《伊利亚特》是以,对相关人物的火葬描述结尾的 |
Even Olympians say they dread the treadmill now and again. How do these men and women stay on track and stick to strict diets? Get their best fitness secrets! | 就连奥运选手们也会说自己时不时地对跑步机出现厌烦心。那么这些人是如何保持、并遵照严格饮食的呢? 来了解一下他们的健身秘诀吧。 |
Unicef said the star of Lord Of The Rings and Pirates Of The Caribbean would work to help poor children and raise awareness of the organisation.. | 联合国儿童基金会日前宣布,任命英国影星奥兰多布鲁姆为儿基会的亲善大使,他的工作是帮助贫困地区的儿童。 |
For a number, being divided by two numbers may cause indeterminate equations (in India) while by three numbers may cause group of congruence (in China). | 一个数被两个数除自然得到不定方程(印度),一个数被三个数除则得到同余式组(中国)。 |
Lin Xuanquan, Male, Director of Landscape Architecture Design & Planning Research Studio, Shanghai Pudong Architecture Design & Research Institute Co. | 林选泉,男,上海浦东建筑设计研究院有限公司,景观规划设计研究室主任。 |
This is a famous gray-beard gathering place. | 这儿是一个有名的老年人聚集的地方。 |
DHA occurs naturally in the brain and is found in reduced amounts in people with Alzheimer's disease. | DHA在大脑中产生,而其(人们)发现其在患有阿尔采末氏病的患者中的含量减少。 |
No, they're coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on. My phone should be working then, too. | 是呀,他们要明天才来帮我把煤气接上。电话也到时才可以用。 |
Walk over to the beach, it's sunny day, but still ok under the tree. | 走过去海边, 阳光普照, 可是树阴下还是舒服的… |
The pulp & paper market in the delta of the Pearl River is holding the balance in China, especially marketing of the middle and high quality paper such as coated paper, which is paid more attention. | 珠江三角洲浆纸市场在全国占据着举足轻重的地位,尤其是以铜版纸为代表的中高档工业、文化用纸,更是倍受业届关注。 |
This study demonstrated the new application of uncooked fermentation technology. | 该间歇补料优化工艺的建立,丰富了生料发酵技术的应用。 |
"I think you will like him, " said Elinor, "when you know more of him. | “我想,”埃丽诺说,“你要是对他了解多了,准会喜欢他的。” |
Jinbali fashion wholesale market deals in middle and top grade girl's fashion. | 金百利时装批发商场经营中、高档少女时装。 |
Jake: I like to skate. | 杰克: 我喜欢滑冰。 |
Perhaps they spent time in the yard. | 也许他们在院子里打发时光。 |
Transshipment and Partial shipment prohibited. | 不容许分装运和转运。 |
No buts. You tin melodrama extinction afterward. | 别说可是,还轮不到你绝种呢。 |
With the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, we observe one of the great traditions of our nation's capital. | 随着国家圣诞树上灯火亮起,我们迎来了祖国首都一个重要的传统节日。 |
The panels started absorbing energy from the sun to power the local grid last Wednesday, three years after the project began, according to the AP. | 据美联社说,该计划启动已经三年了,并于上个星期三起,这些电池板开始从太阳那里吸收能量,并为本地电网提供电力。 |
The train was invented in the early nineteenth century. It is fast in speed and low in price, especially suitable for the transportation of goods and long-distance passenger travel. | 火车诞生于十九世纪初,其特点是快速,廉价, 特别适合陆上货物运输以及旅客长途旅行。 |
Although dozens of studies on functionalism have been carried out in many fields over the past years, the field of E-C News Translation has not been paid enough attention to. | 虽然近年来对功能派翻译理论的研究已逐渐在多个领域展开,但具体到新闻英语的汉译的研究仍少有提及。 |
This means that I’m empathetic, that I need to “connect on a deeply personal level”, but also that I tend to “see so many angles to any issue or decision” that I can be “indecisive”. | 这就意味着我是情感动物,我需要“个人深层次的接触”,而且倾向于“对任何问题或决定都多角度的予以设想考虑”,我可能“优柔寡断”。 |
I put more effort into my art and, a few years later, won a huge chocolate Easter bunny in a drugstore coloring contest. | 结果,几年以后,在一家杂货店举办的涂色比赛上,我赢得了一只巧克力做的巨大的复活节兔子。 |
This helps you understand how information flows between different divisions or departments, and ensure that hand-overs will be managed smoothly. | 这会帮助您了解信息在不同的科室或是部门是如何传递的 并确保工作的移交可以顺利地进行。 |
On the other hand, a CEO\\\'s pay might be excessively high on average, but not appreciable better when his company does well than when it does badly. | 另一方面,CEO的薪酬可能相对平均水平过高,但是与公司业绩不理想时比较,公司业绩好时,其(薪酬)并没有便于评测的涨幅。 |
"With all due respect sir, but that's exactly what we are doing now. So what's the point wasting twenty-five years?" asked the Mexicans. | “先生,恕我直言,那就是我们现在正在做的事啊。那么浪费二十五年光阴的意义又是什么呢?”墨西哥人问道。 |
Jerry: Who was that interesting old guy I saw you talking to in the bookstore yesterday? | 哲力﹕ 我昨天见你在书局里跟一个有趣的老人交谈,他是谁? |
They´ve put murderers in jail that way. They´ve also freed innocent people. | 他们通过这种方法将很多犯罪分子绳之以法,也让很多无辜的人免受不白之冤。 |
The major battle was over Tenofovir, given its extensive use. | 由于tenofovir的广泛使用,主要的战斗也围绕着它来进行。 |
Sometimes, like in current reporting tools for business intelligence, this additional glitter reduces the visual perception of information instead of enhancing it. | 但是有时这些多余的“闪光点”并没有提高用户获取信息的效率,反而会造成不必要的干扰而降低效率。 现在很多报表工具和商业智能工具都犯了这样的错误。 |
Molding shrinkage of small, good stability, melt viscosity size is small, easy forming process. | 成型收缩率小,尺寸稳定性好,熔体粘度小,易成型加工。 |
Finally, we will define activation specifications for each of the MDBs in the DayTrader application. | 最后,我们将为 DayTrader 应用程序中的每个 MDB 定义激活规范。 |
This universal banking model has proved hard to manage, with the likes of Citigroup and UBS knitting together a vast empire of operating units. | 这一包罗万象的银行业模型已经被证明是难以管理的,像花旗和瑞士银行这样的公司织就了一个庞大的业务帝国。 |
What event marked the beginning of competitive intercollegiate athletics at West Point" ------ Navy football game of 1890." | 什么事件引起了西点军校和各校之间激烈的体育竞争?------是1890年的海军足球比赛。 |
Media should shoulder some of the responsibility by not presenting material that would entice them to smoke, she said. | 她还指出,媒体也应该承担一些职责,禁止刊登引诱青少年吸烟的内容。 |
Yes. We have eight famous wines in China. I say you try a cup of Fen Wine from Shanxi? | 我们中国有八大名酒。我说您来一杯我们的山西汾酒吧。 |
You know, Gordon, I should not like you. You are Scottish, we have nothing in common and you are an economist. | 你知道吗,戈登,我不应该喜欢你,你是苏格兰人,又是个经济学家,我们没有任何共同的地方。 |
I am glad to nominate this 19-year-old Brooklyn truck driver for the assorted Halls of Fame. | 我很高兴提名这位19岁的布鲁克林卡车司机进入各类名人堂。 |
A city of south-central Arizona southeast of Phoenix. It is a residential community and winter resort. Population, 90,533. | 美国亚利桑那州中南部一城市,位于菲尼克斯东南。为一居住社区和冬季度假胜地。人口90,533。 |
This tells us that being God, Jesus is also lord over the entire creation. | 万有也一同靠著他而存在。」 告诉我们,身为神,基督也是万有之先? |
Back then, people felt less urgency to log on to their solitary, unconnected machines. | 那时,人们不觉得登录到他们独个儿不连在一起的机器是件急迫的事。 |
Liason to VIP guests? Does that mean you could be around famous athletes? | 贵宾陪同?有可能见到体育明星吗? |
Are you guys serious?? China??? Common – its like gifting them a sword to cull you. | 你们这些家伙是认真的吗?中国?拜托,这就像是给中国一把剑,然后让它砍死你。 |
All non-Nepalese students enrolled at any of Hong Kong's universities are eligible to participate in the contest. | 所有非尼泊尔裔香港注册大学学生均可参加。 |
The city's most famous monument is the Tomb of Pacal (Pacal was the city's 7th century founder-king), which is located within the glorious Temple of Inscriptions, a steep, stepped pyramid. | 这个城市最为著名的纪念碑是帕卡尔墓(帕卡尔是这个城市7世纪的开国君主),它坐落在著名的峻峭的金字塔型的碑铭诗内。 |
The system could provide one or several accident succor protocols in on-site accident interact ively. | 该系统可在行车事故现场以人机交互方式提供一个或几个救援方案。 |
In this paper, the problem of limit cycles bifurcated from the equator for a quintic polynomial system is investigated. | 运用奇点量方法,首次证明了五次多项式系统可在赤道分支出十个极限环。 |
As a ship captain and skilled 23)cartographer, he filled in many gaps on world maps. | 作为一名船长和经验丰富的绘图师,他为世界地图填补了很多空白。 |
The results indicated the genetic diversity between R and B was not very great. | 结果表明恢保间的遗传差异不大;但不同恢保组配间的遗传距离有很大的不同。 |
She was possessed by a devil. | 她着了魔。 |
Fresh air with a lot of anions, light purple lavenders with fascinating fragrance, I like these. However, a story made me frown. | 含有丰富负离子的新鲜空气,淡紫色的薰衣草香馨宜人,我喜欢这些,但是,有一件事情令我皱眉头。 |
The results show that the molybdenum coating is composed of white layer, diffuse layer and heat affected zone. | 结果表明,钼合金涂层由白亮层、扩散层和热影响区组成; |
Made of specially-treated material, the coat is light in weight and machine washable. | 该大衣由经过特殊处理的面料做成,重量轻,可机洗。 |
BIANCA. The taming -school! What, is there such a place? | 御妻学校!有这样一个所在吗? |
Jack took the cat, and began carrying it very carefully in his hands, but in a short time pussy scratched him so much that he was compelled to let it go. | 杰克接过大猫,小心翼翼地捧在手里,但很快大猫就把他的手抓伤了,他只得放它跑掉了。 |
I screamed in pain as the knife cut the surface layer of my skin. | 我的皮肤被割开了,我痛苦的嘶叫着。 |
We are professional at opening ceremony, foundation ceremony, exhibition opening, press conference, brand exhibition and brand marketing planning and execution. | 专业从事开业庆典、奠基典礼、展览会开幕、新闻发布会、品牌展览展示、品牌互动营销等活动的策划及执行。 |
Spire: Steeply pointed termination to a tower or roof. | 塔尖顶:塔或屋顶上尖锐陡峭的顶部。 |
On one hand, the Confucians of Song and Ming Dynasty explained concretely that how "sincerity" link up Dao of heaven and human nature; | 一方面,宋明理学对“诚”如何贯穿“天道”、“人性”作了具体的阐释; |
He. considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost(John Lothrop Motley. | 他…认为奖金与它所夺去的生命相比太微不足道了(约翰·洛斯罗浦·莫特莱)。 |
US defence firm Lockheed Martin says it has come under a significant cyber-attack, which took place last week. | 美国防御公司洛克希德马丁称在上周遭受一次严重的网络攻击。 |
Subsets and Splits