<s>[INST] From 2018-05-31 to 2018-06-14, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2246, 2129, 2302, HOLIDAY, 2728, 2583, 2824, 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-15? [/INST] On 2018-06-15, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2481. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-01 to 2018-06-15, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2129, 2302, HOLIDAY, 2728, 2583, 2824, 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-16? [/INST] On 2018-06-16, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2866. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-02 to 2018-06-16, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2302, HOLIDAY, 2728, 2583, 2824, 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-17? [/INST] On 2018-06-17, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be HOLIDAY. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-03 to 2018-06-17, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 2728, 2583, 2824, 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-18? [/INST] On 2018-06-18, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3049. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-04 to 2018-06-18, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2728, 2583, 2824, 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-19? [/INST] On 2018-06-19, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2710. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-05 to 2018-06-19, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2583, 2824, 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-20? [/INST] On 2018-06-20, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2761. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-06 to 2018-06-20, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2824, 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-21? [/INST] On 2018-06-21, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2471. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-07 to 2018-06-21, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2499, 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-22? [/INST] On 2018-06-22, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2372. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-08 to 2018-06-22, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2809, 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-23? [/INST] On 2018-06-23, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2484. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-09 to 2018-06-23, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3154, HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-24? [/INST] On 2018-06-24, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be HOLIDAY. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-10 to 2018-06-24, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-25? [/INST] On 2018-06-25, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2539. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-11 to 2018-06-25, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3424, 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-26? [/INST] On 2018-06-26, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3032. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-12 to 2018-06-26, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3248, 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-27? [/INST] On 2018-06-27, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3881. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-13 to 2018-06-27, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3218, 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-28? [/INST] On 2018-06-28, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2903. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-14 to 2018-06-28, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2913, 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-29? [/INST] On 2018-06-29, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3344. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-15 to 2018-06-29, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2481, 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-06-30? [/INST] On 2018-06-30, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 2683. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-16 to 2018-06-30, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2866, HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-01? [/INST] On 2018-07-01, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be HOLIDAY. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-17 to 2018-07-01, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-02? [/INST] On 2018-07-02, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3352. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-18 to 2018-07-02, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 3049, 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY, 3352 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-03? [/INST] On 2018-07-03, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3231. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-19 to 2018-07-03, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2710, 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY, 3352, 3231 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-04? [/INST] On 2018-07-04, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3399. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-20 to 2018-07-04, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2761, 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY, 3352, 3231, 3399 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-05? [/INST] On 2018-07-05, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3048. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-21 to 2018-07-05, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2471, 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY, 3352, 3231, 3399, 3048 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-06? [/INST] On 2018-07-06, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3555. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-22 to 2018-07-06, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2372, 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY, 3352, 3231, 3399, 3048, 3555 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-07? [/INST] On 2018-07-07, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 4321. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-23 to 2018-07-07, the price per kilogram of Scallion is 2484, HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY, 3352, 3231, 3399, 3048, 3555, 4321 won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-08? [/INST] On 2018-07-08, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be HOLIDAY. </s>
<s>[INST] From 2018-06-24 to 2018-07-08, the price per kilogram of Scallion is HOLIDAY, 2539, 3032, 3881, 2903, 3344, 2683, HOLIDAY, 3352, 3231, 3399, 3048, 3555, 4321, HOLIDAY won of on each day. What is the cost going to be on 2018-07-09? [/INST] On 2018-07-09, the price per kilogram of Scallion is predicted to be 3891. </s>