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[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
Just tested and I can only breathe through my left nostril at the moment. Will test again later on in the day.
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
How is everyone testing this on themselves?
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
Close one nostril at a time with finger and breath in i guess
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
Pretty much the same issue as me. That's the works of the "nasal cycle".
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
There's plenty! I'll kickstart you off with a [Wikipedia link](
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
Thanks :)
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
So I’m breathing through both nostrils right now, but usually it switches from one to the other. I didn’t realise this wasn’t a standard feature.
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
I can never breath through either of my nostrils :(
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
I had my deviated septum repaired ten years ago. It’s sooo much nicer to breath using both nostrils. Would highly recommend.
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
Woaaaah ok I breath through both. Is this true?
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
“I tested myself and everybody is exactly like me so everybody else is wrong”
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
Now you're getting it.
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
Shit TIL. Ive always thought I could breathe through both. But thinking back its sometimes easier to breathe through one more than the other. And testing now, one definitely seems to be more restricted.
[Serious] Is it true that 85% of people can only breath through one nostril at a time? Who here can breathe with both nostrils?
When I posted this I could breathe through my right nostril only, now it's moved to the left! Learning new stuff about how our bodies work everyday!
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
[This has been debunked by Snopes]( According to them, though the "news article" that was submitted is from 2012, the first instance of this goes back to 2006. The Misinformation Superhighway just keeps on growing I suppose!
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
Where was her control ?, why did she prune newly growing plants ? etc.. Sure it got the results she wanted. But her procedures were horrible. (Edit: Spelling)
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
Apparently her control was another plant which she watered using water boiled on a conventional stove. Still, a sample size of only 1 plant per group, and no blinding, means that her results cannot be statistically significant.
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
>It has been known for some years that the problem with microwaved anything is not the radiation people used to worry about, it’s how it corrupts the DNA in the food so the body can not recognize it. Junk science alert! The body doesn't give a tinkers cuss about the DNA of food you ingest, it cares about things like proteins, which are a product of DNA. Oh, and water doesn't have DNA. Or proteins, for that matter. >What about the nurse in Canada that warmed up blood for a transfusion patient and accidentally killed him when the blood went in dead If that actually happened, that is the stupidest nurse ever to pass the exams. Yes, microwaving blood will damage or destroy the blood cells. But there is a world of difference between eating something and injecting it directly into your veins.
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
Mythbusters tackled the plant thing and found it to be busted. If anything, their microwaved water plants were healthier than any of the others they tested. Of course, that isn't to say microwaving water is better for plants, rather, that it has no negative effect.
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
>The body doesn't give a tinkers cuss about the DNA of food you ingest, it cares about things like proteins, which are a product of DNA. If it did, then fellatio-givers would have another thing to worry about.
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
Also different antigens in blood become more or less active at different temperature.
Debunk This: Microwaves are bad because microwaved water kills plants
1. Microwaved water is just normal water, but hotter. The microwave radiation does not persist on objects, they are even lower energy than visible light, and just a little higher than radio waves. Radiation itself can not persist on objects for long periods of time, only radio emitters such as uranium, which can give a steady stream of radiation pose any risk whatsoever (rest assured your microwave does not contain uranium) 2. Most microwaves no not use water resonance to heat, but instead use dielectric heating (is is more efficient), which uses a rapidly changing electric field to spin polar molecules, causing heating in most materials equally. It functions a little like an induction cooktop
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
I'm not sure about that, as I've never heard it before. But I have heard that right now this very second on Earth women outnumber men 9 to 1. So I think that would be the present-day version of what you're talking about. It's a math worked out then it certainly works out now
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
Most men never had sex. Some men had sex with a lot of women. It is true.
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
lesbian couples
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
That's oxymoronic as fuck, take your time, read it again, and you will know that math is fucked.
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
If I remember right, this was because of long human pregnancies. One man can get an endless amount of women pregnant, but those women can only have one baby every 9 months. Therefore, to Foster large population growth, you'd need more women than men.
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
BS. Just by walking around it feels like men outnumber women like 60-40% or 65-35%.
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
that’s counting china?
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
I would imagine so but don't take my word for it. Google is your friend. But I would imagine China's rules on female babies doesn't affect the worldwide average as much as you would have think. But then again maybe it does. Again, I don't know.
Is it true that we have as a species, twice as many female ancestors as we do male? & If so, how does that math work out?
In your country sure I can imagine it feels like that. It feels like that in my country as well. But also many women are homebodies. The reason we see more man it's because men are more active.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
There's not enough iron in your blood to make a difference if you hold a powerful magnet near your skin, so the very weak magnetic field from the Earth won't make any difference at all.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Not even commenting on the BS pseudoscience here, but we just tend to sleep with our heads away from the door when on a level surface. It is a leftover survival instinct.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
The WHO says the evidence for the magnetic field of the Earth's effect on human health is weak to non-existent. Moveover, the effects would be due to electro-magnetic radiation, if anything, rather than something simple like "magnetics pull the metals in your body one way." That would be easily observable and uncontroversial if that were possible, which it evidently is not. Plus, Indians do a lot of weird stuff, as anyone around the world does. Most folk science is more folk than science.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
What the hell is this
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
I read a folklore (northern hemisphere) where you were supposed to point your bed North, so it's contradictory.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Just curious here, why would sleeping with our heads *away* from the door be a survival instinct?
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Because of the variability of the Earth's magnetic field at the poles, the Inuits have learned to sleep while standing. True story.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Yeah, I sleep with my head toward the door. Does... that mean I'm not long for this world??
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
'Cuz when an intruder comes into the bedroom, your feet wake up first, then your head. This extra time ensures you're better rested to fight him off. (apologies to Pippi Longstocking...)
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
So you always have a view of your door in case someone walks in that you need to fight off. Someone or something....
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Okay, so why would you face AWAY from it if you want a view of the door?!?!
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
So we can pop our heads up, look over our feet at the door in case somebody walks in. If we sleep with their head pointing towards the door, we would have to flip around to see the person and they would have their hands around our neck a lot more quickly. So basically we instinctively point our feet towards the door. I believe that's what the guy is saying and I have read that somewhere.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Damn, I'm an idiot sometimes. I was picturing someone laying parralel to the door, with either the front of their body facing the door, or the back of their body facing the door.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
There's no difference in the magnetic field on the north and south hemisphere, like there is with the coriolis effect, so the idea invalidates itself.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Oh, I can see why you thought that. Maybe that is when the guy was saying, that's just not what I read about sleeping patterns.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
You're a really good bullshitter. I nearly believed that :)
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
It's the 'true story'. Gets'm every time.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
This is silly, but I'd like to know why some Asian religious traditions have taught people to sleep on *their* left side (the left side of their body.)
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
The earth's magnetic field ranges in strength from 25 to about 65 microteslas (µT). If you have ever had a MRI you have been subjected to a magnetic field of about 1.5 T - around 23,000 times stronger than the earth's magnetic field at the Poles. And yet it probably had no noticeable effect on you. The earth's weak magnetic field will most likely be drowned out by other sources of EM radiation right in your room - your cell phone, laptop, AC/DC converters etc. We have been using devices that emit EM radiation for quite a long time now - and have yet to see any negative effects.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
>most folk science is more folk than science holy shit, reading that i just realized that "folklore" is composed by the english words "folk" and "lore", like lore of the folks. i never noticed that. (I'm not native english speaker btw)
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Yep! Etymology can be pretty fun. What is your first language?
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
portuguese. in portuguese, the word "folklore" translates to "folClore". "folc" and "lore" doesn't mean anything in portuguese, so i guess we got the word from english
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Ohh, interesting! It's always a fun surprise when words cross languages. Russian borrows a lot from English, and English borrows a lot from German. And that's ignoring the German and French origins of a lot of English words, which most people aren't even aware of. Linguistics!
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
You've already signed your death warrant by sleeping that way.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
I guess when the poles shift some people are going to have a really bad nights sleep... and others a really epic one... until we wake up in the morning and some stuff don't work no more.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
I live in the southern hemisphere and if I point my bed in any direction it just snaps straight back to North or South.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
The fact that the rules here are totally arbitrary is a clue. Random ass directions for the northern hemisphere, only two for southern.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
> English borrows a lot from German. but then >...that's ignoring the German... origins of a lot of English words... Wait... what? Also, English words are mostly of Latin origin. French and German origins are slightly less common.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Is that a real quote?
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
You can see threats coming more easily and it's easier to defend yourself with legs and arms since they are between you and the threat already.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Something like that... Pippi would sleep with her feet on the pillow, so they would wake up first and she could sleep longer!
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
The difference I was explaining was words borrowed vs. words etymologically derived. For example, *wanderlust* and *delicatessan* we straight up borrow from German, and an ESL speaker whose native language isn't German wouldn't know that. *Answer*, however, is not a borrowed word, but an English word which was introduced to the English lexicon from the Proto-Germanic language. This is because English developed with influence from the Germanic people coming to England hundreds of years ago, notably the Frisians, Saxons, and Danes. When they went to England, whether trading or settling, the English language evolved to accommodate. So now you see what I mean? There is German influence from pre-Old English that have Germanic origins from hundreds of years ago, and there are German words that English borrowed very recently without changing or integrating the word. To a non-English and non-German speaker, this might be interesting.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Oh, I forgot to mention that while Latin does heavily influence English, a great deal of that came from French (Norman) influence. English is a strange mixture of Latin roots, and prior to that, a variety of Germanic roots. That's all on top of the original British roots. You might like English to a whirlpool of European languages focused atop England.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Oh yeah! I get what you’re saying now. Yes, English borrows from French and German very frequently!! Disregard my other comment.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
No biggie! It's confusing wording if the difference I was talking about is not immediately apparent.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
Oh damn I remember that scene!
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
I remember reading that it's because if you are attacked while you sleep your heart is better protected...I also remember reading that this was some sort of Ninja and/or Samurai practice. I'm sure I read this on the internet somewhere, so I have no Idea how true it is. Also there's the fact that the heart is mainly central in the chest, with only a slight left tilt so I'm not sure how effective this would be anyway.
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
It is a very common belief in India. Even highly educated people fall for it as such pseudoscience is often peddled by religious people(just search Sadhguru if you want).
Debunk this: The direction you sleep matters
If we are going to build from the initial though of self defence then one might consider it would be better to have greater mobility of your right hand (most people being right handed) also reduces the odds that if you are attacked in your sleep then your right hand is less likely to have fallen asleep. Pretty sure it's all just silly folklore though.
Debunk this: Nicotine isn't really bad for you, and it's the other substances that makes tobacco so harmful.
Actually, he is right, kind of. Though nicotine can have bad side effects in excess (as almost all drugs, including caffeine) and is very addictive (roughly as addictive as morphine) the main health problems associated with smoking concern the build up of carcinogens and various oxidants that cause a myriad of physiological damage that would take me a few hours to type out comprehensively. Nicotine itself is not considered carcinogenic, which is why nicotine therapies (like a patch) are favored over cigarette use. It gives the person the nicotine fix (albeit, less effective than inhaling) without loading down your body with the huge list of added chemicals in cigarettes. Is nicotine good for you? No, its not. It can cause hypertension, birth problems, and a few other minor problems. However, caffeine and ethanol are both "not good" for you in most contexts, and its all about weighing out their potential health risks with whatever value we place on their psychoactive effects. It is absolutely true, though, that cigarettes carry with them a lot of baggage that causes many of the health problems associated with smoking, and the only reason people smoke is because of nicotine, so in that sense it is the "worst" thing in a cig. Just to add some primary literature to this, here is an excerpt from Uptodate, which is paid access so you cannot see it. >NICOTINE AND CARDIOVASCULAR RISK — Smoking is an important and established risk for myocardial infarction and other coronary events, including angina pectoris [11-13]. The mechanisms by which cigarette smoking accelerates atherosclerosis and precipitates acute coronary events are complex. The main responsible constituents are combustion products, including oxidizing chemicals, acrolein, butadiene, metals (such as cadmium), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, particulates, and carbon monoxide. Oxidizing chemicals increase free radicals, increase lipid peroxidation, and contribute to several potential mechanisms of cardiovascular disease, including inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, oxidation of LDL, and platelet activation. Nicotine may also contribute to acute coronary events. There are a number of ways in which nicotine can affect the cardiovascular system to increase the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction Also, wikipedia has alot of this information. Now, your friend may think an e cig is absolutely safe. This is a dubious claim, since, not only does nicotine have some negative side effects, but the current regulations on e cigs are effectively non-existent. This means their may be some other various chemicals that make them unsafe. They are a fairly new thing so research is insufficient. My personal opinion is that they are definitely more safe than cigarettes, less safe than nothing at all, but a potentially excellent smoking cessation therapy option that could get people to stop smoking.
Debunk this: Nicotine isn't really bad for you, and it's the other substances that makes tobacco so harmful.
Any decent e-cig has a silica wick than can't burn, and nicotine juice is pretty simple stuff, some ratio or another of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin nicotine and some flavorings. Not much you can cut corners on and still get decent "smoke." Propylene glycol has a pretty good body of research saying it's harmless in the quantities you could possibly be smoking, it's used for medical vaporizers. Vegetable glycerin I'm admittedly not so sure of, but so far as I know there's no known issues caused by vaporizing it. I suppose the various flavorings added could theoretically cause issues, it's hard to say exactly what they're made of. That said, I'd put a good amount of money on most people having zero or negligible health impact from the non-nicotine components of e-cig juice. Unless you're smoking those sketchy cheapo things they sell at gas stations.
Debunk this: Nicotine isn't really bad for you, and it's the other substances that makes tobacco so harmful.
>He compared nicotine to caffeine. Not at all comparible.
Debunk this: Nicotine isn't really bad for you, and it's the other substances that makes tobacco so harmful.
A straight forward cigarette has minimal ingredients but the tobacco companies have added many things to increase their addictiveness and lethality. The same can easily be done for e-cigs. I don't think it has yet but it certainly can be.
Debunk this: Nicotine isn't really bad for you, and it's the other substances that makes tobacco so harmful.
The nicotine damages your heart and blood vessels by causing high blood pressure, but not your lungs. The tar and smoke are what destroys your lungs. But since nicotine is the addictive element in cigarettes, one might argue that it indirectly damages your lungs by getting you hooked on the idea of pumping tar and smoke into your lungs.
Debunk this: Nicotine isn't really bad for you, and it's the other substances that makes tobacco so harmful.
Those of us that vape shop from companies that self regulate, though I agree that regulation is a good thing, but over-regulation like the FDA is proposing will effectively kill off the majority of manufacturers and vendors. Peer reviewed studies, a lot of them, showing that ecigs are of minimal to no health concern: Also nicotine is not as addictive as you make it out to be, tobacco is. The reason is that tobacco contains both nicotine and natural Monoamine Oxidaise Inhibitors (MAOI's). Here are a few studies on this subject:
Would Labour win if young people voted?
You can look at the BES2015 which gives this data as well, which had far more accurate sampling methods. I'll drag out the table when I open up my computer, but one of the questions was "which party do you usually associate with" and it had Labour marginally ahead (you'd also need to look at Scotland of course).
Would Labour win if young people voted?
As far as I can see BES only make their data available in SPSS and Stata formats, which while I have access to at work is a bit more than I want to deal with on a hungover Sunday morning.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Yeah they do. I put it into PSPP and then copied and pasted it into excel. It's big though because they ask 450 odd questions to 3k people. I'd share, but the answers are often coded, so don't make sense (eg who did you vote for has answers of 1, 2, 3, etc which relate to parties).
Would Labour win if young people voted?
I think it would be this chart I would need, but it doesn't copy nicely into excel. Also, I dont quite understand why when its meant to be actual vote it shows under 18s. However just eye balling that I dont think it would change the answer, since it shows Tory's with about the same support at the lower age groups but Labour with lower. 30.7% at the lowest age group in BES vs. 43% in the data I used.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
I do wonder why none of the polls show any change in older voting for Labour since Corbyn was elected. Maybe its patronizing but... surely having an older bloke as leader would get older voters voting Labour? Maybe its the policies he needs to enact? What sort of policies to old people like?
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Sorry - I didn't explain myself well. You are extrapolating the existing voters into the non-voters and assumed they'd vote in the same way. The BES asked even the non-voters which party they supported, so we can see how many said they supported Labour and the Conservatives, but didn't vote.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Ahh ok, however the complication is the BES includes a "I wouldn't vote" category, and I'm not sure how you would deal with them in the alternate scenarios.. Probably you would have to say that even in the 100% voting case that they still wouldn't or would spoil their ballot because they don't support any party. I might have a play with incorporating that later, right now I should probably do the work that this procrastination was designed to avoid while still feeling like I was being productive.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
There is also the obvious point that if young people did vote the Tories would make a greater effort to try to appeal to them, so the numbers should not be taken as constant. If I've learned anything from the NUS, its that it is really easy to get students to get on your team if you do something simple that appeals to them.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
> What sort of policies to old people like? Not those which Corbyn like, except for things like nationalisation on the railways. There are not fans of immigration and multiculturalism, unlike Corbyn.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
It's not really about image, more about ideology. Old people have assets that they want to hold on to; voting Conservative will allow them to do that better than Labour. Also things that Labour consider important to their ideology such as workers' rights, education and housing, don't apply so much to old people.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Interesting that Green support doesn't trail off as you move up in the age groups. UKIP peaks at the same age Tories do, Lib Dems peak in the 30s-40s.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
> What sort of policies to old people like taking away peoples benefits, restricting the internet, banning pornography, etc.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Labour were in power for a long time and never did it, even though it probably would have benefited them. There are lots of legitimate reasons for being against it beside self interest.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Would Labour win if young people voted?
No is the short answer. You are assuming that each generation is of equal size. But the 65+ group has five times the number of people of the 18-24 group. So even if turnout was the same for both groups the 65+ group would outvote the 18-24 group by sheer force of numbers.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
The Representation of the People Act 1969 - it reduced the voting age from 21 to 18.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
21 feels like a more suitable age sometimes
Would Labour win if young people voted?
No I'm not? I use population demographics from Wiki, thats stated in the text and shown very clearly in the calculations.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
I think (as a hard right winger) that if we're going to make 18 year olds fight and die for their country, then we *must* give them the vote.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
To be fair, the greens didn't have much to trail off from.
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Since when did Greens get 6.9%?
Would Labour win if young people voted?
Jesus, legalise weed and make it mandatory every pub must have a pound pint Thursday and you'd have the NUS sucking you off