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84 6 89 9 ☑001 44 7 63 8 ROPER STARCH WORLDWIDE 7 7 36 9 89/ 22/ 97 MON 15: 35 FAX 12124554900 35 10 59 16 ROPER STARCH 25 18 69 20 TURNING DATA INTO INTELLIGENCE WORLDWIDE 15 22 78 25 Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax 13 26 17 28 Date: 27 26 41 28 September 22, 1997 27 29 36 31 Ron Milstein 13 29 15 31 To: 50 29 55 31 From: 64 29 72 31 "JJ" Klein 13 32 21 34 Company: 27 32 33 34 Lorillard 13 35 22 37 Fax Number: 27 35 38 37 (910) 335 7707 50 35 71 37 Pages (Including cover page): 74 36 76 37 3 85 68 87 80 83594639 12 86 26 91 Roper Starch Worldwide nc 205 East 42nd Street New York NY 0017 212 599 0700 212 887 7008 Fax 61 87 82 91 Roper Marketing and Public Option Research Search Advertising and Media Research Frederen Marketing Services INRA World Headquarters
68 10 86 12 SUBMISSION DATE: 6 10 9 12 TO: 16 10 32 12 Mrs. K. A. Sparrow 16 13 25 15 R. G. Ryan 81 13 84 15 ☑ 67 14 74 15 JUNE7 6 14 12 15 FROM: 67 15 74 17 AUG.2 67 17 74 19 OCT.7 22 21 72 23 NEWPORT LIGHTS HEAVY UP PROGRESS REPORT 6 26 55 28 EFFECTIVENESS OF DISTRIBUTION ALLOWANCE: 5 30 38 32 DIRECT ACCOUNT/ WHOLESALERS: 6 32 79 36 Distribution allowance was very effective in accomplishing our objectives. All accounts have purchased introductory products. 6 43 31 45 DIRECT ACCOUNT CHAINS: 6 45 31 47 Eagle Foods is the only Void. 6 55 37 56 NON- DIRECT ACCOUNT CHAINS: 6 57 76 59 Reception from these accounts is most positive with a solid incentitive to purchase. 6 66 32 72 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE RETAIL (1 00 OFF CARTON) DISTRIBUTION ALLOWANCE: 37 70 85 73 Has been most helpful in acquiring desireable distribution when needed by Sales Reps. 6 79 31 81 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY 90 80 93 91 8623474 6 83 24 87 40c OFF PACK- GENERAL MARKET: 26 85 80 88 The 40c off promotions continue to be well received at the retail stores and by consumers, as well.
5 6 34 7 11/ 12/ 99 19: 32 FAA 212 450 4800 41 6 49 7 DPW 1048 82 6 90 7 UUZ/ DUS 31 10 63 12 DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL 33 15 38 16 Sender 5 15 17 17 Fax Transmittal 33 17 48 19 Charles Duggan 5 17 20 21 450 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 212- 450- 4000 61 19 88 20 Number of Pages (this page included) 33 19 37 20 Date 64 20 66 22 6 33 21 51 22 November 12, 1999 61 22 85 24 If problems receiving this fax, call 33 22 49 24 Sender Voice Number 61 24 73 26 212- 450- 4785 33 25 46 26 212- 450- 4785 61 26 69 28 Reference 33 27 48 28 Sender Fax Number 61 28 71 30 17555 002 34 28 45 30 212- 450- 3785 68 31 86 33 Recipient Phone Number 26 32 35 33 Fax Number 48 32 55 33 Company 6 32 8 33 To 68 33 81 35 617- 330- 9000 26 34 38 35 617- 439- 3278 48 34 67 37 Brown Rudnick Freed & Gesmer 5 34 21 36 Thomas M. Sobol 68 39 80 40 843- 720 9000 27 39 39 41 843- 720- 9290 47 39 63 45 Ness, Motley, Loadholt, Richardson & Poole 5 39 19 41 Joseph F. Rice 48 47 65 51 Schneider, Reilly, Zabin & Costello 69 47 81 49 617- 227- 7500 5 47 22 51 Robert V. Costello Jeffrey D. Woolf 26 47 39 49 617- 722- 0286 6 53 24 54 Richard M. Heimann 27 53 38 54 415- 956- 1008 48 53 63 56 Lieff, Cabraser & Heimann 69 53 80 54 415- 956- 1000 6 58 24 60 Michael P. Thornton 48 58 63 61 Thomton, Early & Naumes 68 58 81 59 617- 720- 1333 27 58 39 59 617- 720- 2445 5 64 13 65 Message: 84 72 87 82 8355333 20 89 87 90 This only for the person or entity may besi pavilegedal 8 89 20 90 Confidentiality Note 8 90 88 94 of otherwis protected from disclosos. Disscnlation, distribution popying of the facile the information herein by anyone other than the poupil, waployee responsible for delivering the message the prohibited. You thisfacsimile in error please notify as immediately by telephone and return the facsimile by mail.
11 7 40 9 09/ 17/ 97 10: 55 603 841 1898 49 7 61 8 LORILLARD PTLD 85 7 89 9 ☑ 001 9 14 12 15 TO: 29 14 38 15 K. A. Sparrow 70 14 83 15 SUBMISSION DATE 9 16 14 18 FROM: 29 16 38 18 T. D. Blachly 59 16 64 18 MAY 12 75 17 79 18 AUG 4 60 19 65 20 JUN 23 75 19 79 20 SEP 15 83 19 85 20 x 9 22 16 23 SUBJECT: 29 22 77 23 OLD GOLD MENTHOL LIGHTS & ULTRA LIGHTS 100'S PROGRESS REPORT 26 26 34 28 9 29 15 30 REGION: 9 32 51 33 (ONLY IF PARTIAL REGION CONTINUE WITH DIVISION (S) SCOPE) 9 34 16 36 DIVISION: 12 37 18 38 DIVISION: 51 37 57 38 DIVISION: 58 37 78 38 Seattle South # REPS: 7 20 37 37 38 Portland # REPS: 6 20 40 37 41 Boise # REPS: 2. 5 58 40 78 41 Seattle North # REPS: 4 12 40 18 41 DIVISION: 51 40 57 41 DIVISION: 20 43 36 44 Eugene # REPS: 5 50 43 57 44 DIVISION: 58 43 78 44 Helena # REPS: 4 12 43 18 44 DIVISION: 25 47 35 48 10 49 76 52 DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED WITHIN THE REGION (15 + STORES) STOCKING NO OLD GOLD MENTHOL LIGHTS OR ULTRA LIGHTS 100'S 82 55 88 58 NO. OF STORES 32 55 37 58 VOLUME 43 55 49 58 NO. OF STORES 72 55 78 58 VOLUME 12 56 26 58 NAME OF ACCOUNT 54 56 67 58 NAME OF ACCOUNT 32 58 37 59 105 / 5 10 58 20 59 Texaco Seattle 44 58 47 59 225 44 60 46 61 27 10 60 21 61 Texaco Portland 33 60 37 61 61 / 3 10 61 19 63 Maid -O Clover 33 61 37 62 20 / 2 45 61 46 62 15 10 64 16 66 Dari Mart 32 64 37 66 125 / 5 44 64 46 66 31 9 66 15 67 Zip Trip 32 66 38 67 106 / 4 44 66 46 67 18 32 68 37 69 77 / 1 45 68 46 69 19 9 68 15 69 Maverick 32 69 38 71 600 / 7 44 69 46 70 20 10 69 16 70 Astro Gas 89 77 92 87 82200067 73 90 87 92 Page 1 of 3 Pages 12 91 14 92 R-1: 15 91 23 92 OGMUD-15.xls
44 14 53 15 CASE FORM 32 16 78 18 Donald D. Sellers and Robin J. Sellers v. Raybestos Manhattan et al. 15 17 25 18 CASE NAME: 32 19 61 21 San Francisco Superior Court- No. 996382 14 19 21 21 COURT: 14 22 25 25 LORILLARD ENTITIES 32 24 51 25 Lorillard Tobacco Company 15 27 25 28 DATE FILED 31 29 42 31 August 3, 1998 15 29 26 31 DATE SERVED 14 32 24 33 CASE TYPE: 31 32 38 33 Asbestos 14 35 25 37 PLAINTIEE'S COUNSEL: 31 36 64 43 Wartnick Chaber, Harowitz, Smith& Tigerman StephenM. Tigerman 101 California Street Suite 2200 San Francisco California 94111 14 44 24 47 LORILLARD COUNSEL: 14 48 21 49 JUDGE: 15 51 25 52 TRIAL DATE: 77 77 87 89 82504862 946225115
26 11 69 13 DECISION TREE ESTIMATION OF TOXIC RISK 65 13 78 15 August 14, 1990 61 13 63 15 DATE 10 14 13 15 14 14 41 16 J. D. Ergle and R. F. Dufresne 11 16 19 18 COMPOUND NAME 14 18 22 20 Vanitrope 34 22 66 34 CH3CH2O OH 10 22 16 23 STRUCTURE 48 35 66 37 LORILLARO COMPOUND CODE NUMBER 11 35 24 37 ESTIMATED TOXICITY CLASS 56 36 60 38 B134 25 36 29 38 III 10 38 16 39 COMMENTS 14 40 61 42 This ethoxy substitued aromatic falls into class III. 59 56 69 62 63 60 68 61 Engle 61 60 62 61 D. 58 60 60 61 J. 58 61 73 63 Research Chemist 58 64 81 71 61 68 62 70 F. 58 68 60 70 R. 63 68 71 70 Dufresne 58 70 72 71 Research Chemist 81 78 83 87 87086073 79 91 86 93 FORM 11 92 26 93 LORILLARD RESEARCH CENTER
75 2 89 4 October 17, 1979 69 2 73 3 Date 39 3 69 5 MARKETING RESEARCH RPROJECT APPROVAL 12 4 18 9 file 32 5 76 7 (To be filled out by Marketing Research Department) 40 9 47 12 PROJECT TITLE 83 10 91 12 5546/ 1979 49 11 74 12 Triumph Disaster Check Study 12 11 19 13 PRODUCT 24 11 31 12 Triumph 12 15 88 17 Research Design (N, Cells, Elegibility, Design, Key Danner Breaks, Methodololy, Cities) 13 20 89 32 Contact respondents from Buffalo and Kansas City who had previously participated in a steak knife offer This will consist of one cell of approximately 175 respondents who are Triumph most often smokers /triers This study is intended to provide us with any negatives associated with Triumph Banner points will include Triumph most often smokers (we anticipate approximately 25 most of ten people Switchers away from Triumph (N approximately 45). It should be noted that an action standard of at least 50% be obtained in acting upon any product negatives associated with these groups see research limitations below for additional action standard. 45 34 61 36 (See attached memo 12 44 35 45 Key Criteria for Analysis 18 45 67 47 -Triumph switchers asked why no longer smoking Triumph 19 47 77 49 -Present smokers of Triumph asked reasons for switching to Triumph 19 48 41 50 -Mentions of "harshness" 12 51 30 53 Research Limitations 12 53 90 57 Due to sample size and experience we feel 25 respondents will presently be Triumph smokers. An action standard of 75% should be utilized for judgments on product negatives only among this group 12 57 87 61 If 75% of Triumph smokers mention harshness we could consider it a 50- 75% problem If of Triumph smokers mention "harshness" we could it a look consider possible problem at other areas). 17 61 92 62 If below 50% of Triumph smokers mention "harshness" we could consider it at a problem 58 63 69 65 Research Firm 73 63 89 65 The Data Group. Inc 30 64 36 65 $ 2.250 12 64 24 65 Cost Estimate 32 65 34 66 yes 12 65 29 66 + - 10% Contingency 39 65 41 66 no 58 66 66 67 Incidence 39 67 41 68 no 80 67 81 67 - 13 67 27 68 Final Report Inc. 32 67 35 68 yes 29 68 48 71 Scott R. Benson 75 69 84 70 10 minutes 13 69 23 71 Prepared by: 58 69 67 70 Lenght Int 19 71 40 79 58 72 68 73 # Open 13 72 23 74 Approved by: 76 72 77 73 4 23 75 32 82 58 75 66 76 # Reports 76 75 78 76 1 13 76 36 78 Marketing 73 77 94 79 2 wks from start of fid. 58 78 64 79 Topline 30 80 47 85 13 81 26 82 Product Manager 73 82 94 83 4 wks from start of fld 58 82 62 83 Final 13 85 31 87 Group Product Manager 75 86 86 88 89856243
40 10 65 12 CIGARETTE REPORT FORM 14 14 20 16 YEAR: 65 14 81 16 NO. PER PACK 14 17 27 19 BRAND NAME: 14 20 26 22 VAR. DESC: 71 20 90 22 (SEE EXPLANATION) 14 23 36 25 VARIETY UNIT SALES: 54 23 78 25 VARIETY DOLLAR SALES: 14 26 28 28 CIG. LENGTH: 48 26 64 28 FILTER LENGTH: 14 29 28 31 FILTER TYPE: 36 29 48 31 FLAVORING: 53 29 64 31 OVERWRAP: 71 29 83 32 PACK TYPE: 14 32 36 34 IST MANUFACT. DATE: 42 32 59 34 IST SALES DATE: 68 32 85 35 LAST SOLD DATE: 14 35 31 37 YEARLY SUMMARY: 14 38 19 40 TAR: 36 38 46 40 NICOTINE: 71 39 85 40 CARBON MONO: 27 49 76 51 ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES (SEE EXPLANATION) 13 52 31 53 CAT- A- EXPENSES: 39 52 57 54 CAT- B- EXPENSES: 66 52 84 54 CAT- C- EXPENSES: 14 55 31 57 CAT- D- EXPENSES: 39 55 57 57 CAT- E- EXPENSES: 66 55 84 57 CAT- F- EXPENSES: 14 58 31 60 CAT- G- EXPENSES: 39 58 57 60 CAT- H- EXPENSES: 66 58 84 60 CAT- I- EXPENSES: 14 61 31 63 CAT- J- EXPENSES: 39 61 57 63 CAT- K- EXPENSES: 66 61 84 63 CAT- L- EXPENSES: 14 64 31 66 CAT- M- EXPENSES: 39 64 58 66 CAT- N- EXPENSES: 14 67 50 69 TOTAL ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES: 88 83 91 93 85629964
9 11 36 13 COUPON CODE REGISTRATION FORM 18 14 30 16 KELLI SCRUGGS 9 14 12 16 TO: 18 17 31 19 LEONARD JONES 9 17 14 19 FROM: 18 20 46 26 V. LOSITO M. TAHMASEB G. BAROODY L. STEVENS B. VON DER LIPPE D. Risling 9 20 12 22 CC: 18 30 35 32 BRAND(S) APPLICABLE 50 30 57 31 OLD GOLD 50 33 59 34 DIRECT MAIL 18 33 27 34 MEDIA TYPE 18 36 27 38 MEDIA NAME 18 39 36 41 ISSUE FREQUENCY YEAR 18 42 29 44 SPACE/ COLOR 18 45 34 47 COUPON ISSUE DATE 50 45 55 47 10/ 4/ 99 18 49 38 50 COUPON EXPIRATION DATE 50 49 55 50 3/ 31/ 00 18 52 30 54 CIRCULATION(#) 50 52 55 54 201, 500 50 55 61 57 OCTOBER 1999 18 55 33 56 CIRCULATION DATES 50 58 80 60 DISCOUNT SMOKERS OG GROUPS IANDII 18 58 36 60 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA(S) 50 61 61 63 $1 00 OFF PACK 18 61 30 63 COUPON VALUE 18 64 29 66 PACK/CARTON 50 64 54 66 PACK 18 68 40 69 ADVERTISING CREATIVE TITLE 50 70 70 75 18 71 37 73 SIGNATURE OF INITIATOR 18 74 29 76 DATE INITIATED 50 74 55 76 4/ 14/ 99 36 77 53 79 REDEMPTION RESULTS 18 77 30 79 REQUIREMENTS 87 79 91 90 83996357 72 82 79 85 30165 18 84 30 85 CODE ASSIGNED 41 84 47 86 07809 18 86 23 87 JOB# 42 86 46 87 594 18 87 32 89 EST. REDEMPTION 44 87 47 89 14%
9 9 51 13 CREATIVE INPUT DOCUMENT 12 15 24 17 SPECIFICS 51 17 64 19 Client Name: 9 18 20 20 Date/ Time: 23 18 37 19 10/30/98 1:46 PM 51 19 66 21 Matter Number: 9 20 21 22 Prepared By: 51 21 64 23 Project Title: 9 21 37 24 Milestone Presentation Date: 51 23 74 25 Est. Production Budget: 9 24 35 26 Estimated Creative Budget: 51 26 58 27 Media: 9 26 17 28 Concept: 29 26 38 28 Execution: 11 30 24 31 OBJECTIVE 9 32 33 35 Why are we advertising? What do we plan to achieve? 74 35 79 37 ☐ Loyalty 38 36 45 37 ☐ Retention 14 36 28 37 ☐ Relationship-Building 57 36 64 37 ☐ Acquisition 57 37 63 38 ☐ Up-Sell 74 37 86 38 ☐ Lead Generation 38 37 46 38 ☐ Cross-Sell 14 37 28 38 ☐ Competitive Blocking 74 38 78 40 ☐ Trial 38 39 46 40 ☐ Direct Sale 57 39 64 40 ☐ Awareness 14 39 32 40 ☐ New Product/Package Intro. 38 40 43 41 ☐ Other 14 40 31 41 ☐ Change Image Perception 13 43 22 45 TARGET 9 46 85 49 To whom are we talking? Who is the primary target? Is there a secondary target? What is their relationship to the brand what do they currently think about it? 27 54 36 56 PLATFORM 12 54 27 56 COMMUNICATION 9 56 88 60 What is the single most important message/idea we are trying to communicate? What is the unique selling position that will help us achieve our advertising goal? Are there any secondary messages? 9 63 46 67 What is the key benefit to the target? What's in it for the reader? 9 70 89 73 Is there an offer/call to action? What are we offering the target to persuade him/her to act now? (A premium, sweepstakes, limited-time offer, free information, or something else? 9 76 48 79 What would we like our target to think? What would our target say after being exposed to our program? 69 86 72 96 86079776 48 93 52 94 1 of 2 79 93 92 94 10/30/98 01:46 PM 8 93 32 94 c:\my documents\wp\sample cid. doc
81 6 84 8 1/ 3 70 6 72 8 NO. 78 6 81 8 P. 72 6 77 8 1796 7 7 24 9 JAN 31. 1997 11: 48 AM 32 9 67 12 LAW OFFICES SHOOK HARDY & BACON L. L. P. 9 11 18 16 FAX COVER 76 11 86 16 FAX COVER 28 13 70 20 One Kansas City Place 1200 Main Street Kansas City Missouri 64105- 2118 Telephone (816) 474 6550 Facsimile (816) 421- 5547 48 22 61 24 TELECOPY NO: 14 22 17 24 TO: 21 22 34 24 JACK REILLY 63 22 74 24 212/ 545- 3297 14 26 20 27 FROM: 21 26 32 28 JIM DALEY 59 26 61 28 #: 64 26 67 27 392 14 29 20 31 DATE: 21 29 38 31 JANUARY 31, 1997 55 29 61 31 TIME: 14 33 32 35 SHB Client Matter No: 64 33 74 35 LORI 45048 14 37 44 39 Pages transmitted including cover sheet: 63 37 65 38 20 40 78 42 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT WILL FOLLOW VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS 14 43 30 45 Special Instructions: 14 46 63 49 If you experience any problems, please call extension 21000 25 49 35 52 14 50 25 52 OPERATOR: 13 54 33 56 COMMENTS/ MESSAGE: 13 57 17 59 Jack 12 61 85 78 Per your request, attached is a memo regarding the process of labeling reviewed diskettes for the purpose of later identification Please call me if you have any questions regret I cannot join you and the electronic document collection team for lunch today. I hope you agree they have done an outstanding job! I look forward to seeing you on February 5 for the Legal Edge presentation. Best Regards, Jim Daley 89 78 92 88 83772145 14 84 24 85 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE 29 84 84 85 The documents accompanying this transmission contain confidential information belonging to the sender 14 85 83 88 legally privileged The information is intented only for the Individual or entity named above pol pre intended recipen you heret notified that copying distribuar dhe crion Islance content or lecoled normation och If you have received this telecopy in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the origin documents to us.
25 10 35 12 K. A. Sparrow 5 11 8 12 TO: 70 11 85 12 SUBMISSION DATE 25 14 34 16 D. J. Landro 72 14 77 16 AUG 4 56 14 63 16 MAY 12 4 14 10 16 FROM: 71 17 78 19 SEP 15 56 17 63 19 JUN 23 63 18 64 19 X 25 20 82 22 OLD GOLD MENTHOL LIGHTS & ULTRA LIGHTS 100'S PROGRESS REPORT 5 21 12 22 SUBJECT: 20 26 32 27 GEOGRAPHY 4 29 11 31 REGION: 5 32 54 34 (ONLY IF PARTIAL REGION CONTINUE WITH DIVISION (S) SCOPE) 4 36 13 37 DIVISION: 6 39 19 41 DIVISION NAME: 24 39 35 41 Milw. South 62 39 68 41 # REP 36 39 49 41 DIVISION NAME: 76 39 78 41 7 24 42 35 44 Milw. North 6 42 20 44 DIVISION NAME: 36 43 49 44 DIVISION NAME: 62 43 68 44 # REP 76 43 78 44 7 6 46 20 47 DIVISION NAME: 62 46 69 48 # REPS 36 46 49 47 DIVISION NAME: 19 51 32 52 DISTRIBUTION 4 54 81 58 DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED WITHIN THE REGION (15 + STORES) STOCKING NO OLD GOLD MENTHOL LIGHTS OR ULTRA LIGHTS 100'S 38 61 46 64 NO. OF STORES 69 61 77 64 IND/LOR VOLUME 82 61 89 64 NO. OF TORES 26 61 34 64 IND/LOR VOLUME 50 63 66 64 NAME OF ACCOUNT 6 63 22 65 NAME OF ACCOUNT 25 65 30 66 144/14 4 65 16 66 Walgreen Drug 45 65 47 66 93 92 78 95 89 82252956 72 91 88 93 Page1 of 3 Pages 9 92 19 93 OLOGOLD.XLS
30 1 48 2 REQUEST FOR CHANGE 3 1 7 2 RJRT 85 2 91 3 880029 31 2 44 3 F- 1001 7/ 88 80 2 84 3 RFC 21 5 31 7 Dan Straka 55 5 69 7 Date Prepared 76 5 81 6 Page 86 5 90 6 Date 3 5 19 7 ORIGINATOR Name: 78 6 84 8 1 of 1 88 6 95 8 B-17-88 57 7 65 8 8-17-88 76 8 87 9 Received By 88 8 96 9 D. Marsh 55 8 68 9 Telephone No. 3 8 11 10 Position 59 9 64 11 5398 76 11 82 12 Change 89 11 95 12 Number 83 11 88 12 Order 4 11 31 13 Department Name and Location 80 12 89 14 8410059 12 13 28 14 611- 13 3rd Floor 61 14 61 14 9 14 18 16 Assembly/ 27 14 35 15 Affected 3 14 9 16 Brand/ 18 15 26 16 Material 23 16 28 17 Glass 29 16 32 17 Mat 4 16 9 17 Glass 10 16 13 17 Mat 14 16 17 17 and 18 16 22 17 Slit 8 18 11 19 of 11 18 17 19 Change 3 18 8 19 Type 81 20 90 21 Emergency 57 20 69 22 Spec Change 33 20 40 22 Design 9 20 17 22 Addition 81 21 87 23 Urgent 57 22 71 23 Cost Reduction 33 22 45 23 Compatibity 9 22 17 23 Deletion 81 23 88 24 Routine 54 23 56 25 X 78 23 80 25 X 33 23 51 25 Manufacturability 57 23 62 24 Other 5 24 7 25 X 9 24 15 25 Change 3 26 26 28 Description of Problem 7 28 92 31 The current specifications for glass mat and slit glass mat can be made more accurate and complete with the following changes: 27 32 86 37 Delete C- glass from Iten description. Change glass softening point to 756 + / - 10 degrees from 750. Change rolls per pallet to 2 from 1. 7 33 17 34 Glass Mat: 27 38 81 43 Delete C- glass from item description Change bobbins per stack to 47 from 45. Add outside diameter specs of 30.0, 26.0 - 31.0 inches. 7 39 22 40 slit Glass Mat: 4 52 21 54 Proposed Solution 8 54 62 55 Change the current MSS specifications as outlined above. 93 58 95 62 51484 93 63 95 67 3791 91 72 95 73 Date 63 72 69 73 Title 28 72 37 74 Signature 6 74 20 77 Accepted for Investigation 64 78 82 84 91 78 95 79 DATE 49 78 57 80 Rejected 67 78 78 79 SPEC HOLDER 4 78 21 80 Final Disposition 28 78 36 80 Approved 85 80 96 82 8-17-88 4 81 39 83 Action Taken or Reason for Rejection 67 82 91 84 PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE 84 83 91 85 75 83 82 85 68 84 72 86 76 85 85 90 66 85 76 88 67 88 94 90 PRODUCT ACCEPTANCE COMMITTEE 40 89 64 90 Proposed Effective Date 66 89 95 96 42 91 50 94 9/8/88
29 13 66 16 COMPETITIVE PRODUCT INTRODUCTION PROGRESS REPORT 59 19 63 21 B&W 12 20 15 21 TO: 41 20 54 21 MANUFACTURER: 18 20 25 21 Sam Zolot 41 21 47 23 BRAND: 53 21 62 22 Kool Waterfall 12 21 16 23 FROM: 18 21 26 23 D. J. Landro 41 23 55 24 TYPE OF PACKINGS: 59 23 67 24 All Packings 12 23 17 25 DATE: 18 23 24 24 2- Dec- 97 36 26 39 28 Oct. 61 26 64 28 Dec. 73 26 76 27 Jan. 48 27 52 28 Nov. 53 27 54 28 X 12 27 28 28 REPORTING PERIODS: 41 31 72 33 Divisions 621 and 627 wisconsin 12 32 32 33 TEST MARKET GEOGRAPHY: 42 35 68 36 (Indicate Distributor's Cost Per Carton) 12 35 22 37 PRICE POINT: 23 35 37 36 FULLS $ P/ V $ 12 39 33 40 SALES FORCE INVOLVEMENT: 12 41 85 45 They have crew- worked distribution, and it is reported that they may crew- work it again Sales force has been busy promoting old style backs to clean up inventory. All POS is being converted to "B" Kool. 12 50 65 51 DISTRIBUTORS ACCEPTANCE INTRO TERMS INTRO DEALS INVOLVEMENT: 12 52 80 55 All accounts have the new packaging. It was not a problem obtaining new distribution. All accounts appear to have 100% distribution of new packings. 12 60 42 62 CHAINS ACCEPTANCE/ MERCHANDISING: 12 62 68 64 This has not been a problem. New packaging is just following on the old "packaging". 12 71 47 73 INDEPENDENTS ACCEPTANCE/ MERCHANDISING: 12 73 77 77 Very well received. The packs are peing consolidated and promoted in select retail locations at 40 off $4 00 off cartons. 90 81 92 91 82250337 12 82 42 83 ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS OF P. O. S.: 12 84 80 90 The theme "B" Kool has replaced all previous POS. They have effectively replaced all old POS. New door signage, hour signs, poster mats, and clocks have the new design. "B" Kool also appears on billboards in llinois. 43 95 52 96 PAGE 1 OF 2
9 7 41 8 JUN 05 97 02:00 PM LOEWS CORP 76 7 81 9 P. 1/ 6 41 17 50 19 LOEWS CORPORATION 19 20 70 21 667 Madison Avenue, New York, N. / 10021 8087 (212) 545 2920 Fax (212) 935 6801 8 26 24 30 BARRY HIRSCH Senior Vice President Secretary & General Counsel 39 28 53 33 FAX CONFIDENTIAL 11 36 17 38 DATE: 21 36 31 38 June 4, 1997 22 39 47 41 Dr. Spears/ A. J. Stevens/ R. Milstein 12 39 15 41 TO: 21 43 31 44 Barry Hirsch 11 43 17 44 FROM: 11 46 66 51 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET- 6 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL CAROL DOKTORSKI AT (212) 545- 2934. 13 52 32 54 OUR FAX NUMBER 33 52 44 54 (212) 935 6801 11 78 79 84 THIS TRANSMISSION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THIS INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO FROM IT IS ADDRESSED. AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL AND You YOU ARE THAT MY DIRAYDOTIG DISAISONICAR OF THIS COMKONICATION TA ATRICTLY PROHIBITED HAVE RECEIVED TINCOFMONTTIOS PYTHOND ROU ORIGDOL YILSON ATITE ABOVE ADDR359 VIA POSTAL SERVICE THANK YOU. 86 79 89 89 83635935
10 12 13 13 TO: 28 12 40 13 K. A. SPARROW 66 12 77 14 DATE TO NYO: 80 12 88 13 1/24/97 28 14 39 16 S. Reindel 10 15 16 16 FROM: 10 17 23 19 DIV. NAME/ NO: 28 17 42 19 Nassau/ 107 34 23 64 24 1997 SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST FORM 28 28 52 30 H. Levinson Tradeshow 10 28 24 30 NAME OF EVENT: 10 31 24 33 "DATE OF EVENT: 30 31 37 32 3/18/97 36 37 62 38 SAMPLE 10'S (400 PACKS PER CASE) 9 37 34 38 SAMPLES/ ITEMS REQUIRED: 40 42 47 43 # CASES 9 45 21 46 NEWPORT K. S. 30 45 32 46 2 65 45 78 46 KENT GL LTS K. S. 40 45 50 46 KENT III K. S. 40 46 49 47 KENT III 100 9 46 22 48 NEWPORT 100's 65 46 75 47 GL 100 10 48 24 49 NEWPORT LTS K. S. 30 48 32 49 1 40 48 48 49 TRUE K. S. 56 48 58 49 1 10 49 24 50 NEWPORT LTS. 100 57 49 58 50 1 40 49 48 50 KENT K. S. 40 50 48 51 KENT 100 40 56 46 57 ITEMS 66 56 84 57 QUANTITY REQUIRED 40 58 53 60 BASEBALL CAP 71 58 76 60 1500 72 61 76 63 500 40 62 54 63 WATER BOTTLES 10 72 17 74 SHIP TO: 42 75 53 76 198- 1160006 10 75 34 76 CUSTOMER SHIPPING NUMBER 89 76 92 87 82254765 10 79 20 80 NYO ONLY: 54 81 61 83 zbulan 9 82 45 83 DATE FORWARDED TO PROMOTION SERVICES: 10 87 62 89 PLEASE ALLOW 6 WEEKS FOR PROCESSING OF YOUR REQUEST 6 93 14 94 REQFORM 84 93 90 94 01/17/97
72 7 89 21 xc: RB5 12- 9- 99 RECEIVED DEC -9 1999 R B. SPELL 25 15 71 18 COVINGTON & BURLING 33 20 64 28 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N W. P. O. Box 7566 Washington D. C. 20044- 7566 (202) 662- 6000 Fax Numbers (202) 662 6291 or (202) 737 0528 Fax Operator (202) 662- 6280 16 33 81 40 THIS FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE ADDRESSEE SHOWN BELOW LIT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED FROM DISCLOSURE ANY REVIEW DISSEMINATION OR USE OF THIS TRANSMISSION OR ITS CONTENTS BY PERSONS OTHER THAN THE ADDRESSEE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION ERROR PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY AND MAIL THE ORIGINALI TO AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS 37 45 54 47 December 9, 1999 21 45 27 47 Date: 37 49 55 51 Haney H. Bell, Esq. 22 50 25 51 To: 37 53 63 57 David H. Remes (202) 778 5212 - direct fax 21 53 27 55 From: 37 59 72 65 803E // Pages (including cover) 21 60 28 61 Room: 21 69 33 70 MESSAGE: 85 72 88 82 82573104 71 94 88 96 12 94 17 96 38 94 54 96
11 5 25 7 12/ 10/ 36 09: 51 28 6 40 7 317 8450977 50 6 59 7 LORILLARD 85 6 93 8 001/ 002 29 13 71 15 COMPETITIVE PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 39 15 61 17 PROGRESS REPORT 12 20 15 21 TO: 18 20 35 21 MRS. K. A. SPARROW 43 20 57 21 MANUFACTURER 58 20 69 21 R. J. Reynolds 12 22 17 23 FROM: 18 22 25 23 R. G. Ryan 50 22 62 23 Camel Menthol 43 22 50 23 BRAND: 18 24 25 25 12/ 10/ 96 43 24 59 25 TYPE OF PACKINGS: 60 24 83 25 Full Flavor Box and Light Box 12 24 17 25 DATE: 12 27 30 29 REPORTING PERIODS: 38 27 42 29 AUG 50 27 55 29 SEPT 63 27 67 29 OCT 84 27 86 29 X 77 28 80 29 NOV 31 29 66 31 (Forward by the 10th of the following month.) 12 33 35 35 TEST MARKET GEOGRAPHY 37 33 47 35 All of Region 7. 12 37 23 38 PRICE POINT: 25 37 78 39 FULL $ 11.89 P/ V $ (Indicate Distributor's Cost Per Carton) 12 41 36 42 SALES FORCE INVOLVEMENT: 37 41 85 42 Merchandising the top tray of permanent counter displays and labeling 12 43 76 44 carton fixtures in the Camel section. Also placing metal signs and temporary counter displays. 12 48 60 50 DISTRIBUTORS - ACCEPTANCE/ INTRO TERMS/ INTRO DEALS: 12 50 79 52 Product is being introduced to all Direct: Accounts in the Region. Acceptance is spotty at this time. 12 58 35 59 DISTRIBUTOR INVOLVEMENT: 12 60 84 63 Assembly of promotional products and shipment to retail Indianapolis Direct Accounts are reported to be receiving B1G1F product. 12 67 56 69 CHAINS - ACCEPTANCE/ MERCHANDISING ALLOWANCE 12 69 39 71 Chain acceptance has been very good. 12 77 62 78 INDEPENDENTS - ACCEPTANCE/ MERCHANDISING ALLOWANCE 12 79 65 80 Acceptance is better at high volume locations than at lower volume retail calls. 75 90 89 92 82253058 46 92 55 94 PAGE 1 OF 2 8 92 20 94 CAMEL WK1/ FMT
33 11 70 13 COMPOUND PHYSICAL PARAMETERS 65 14 72 15 LOT NUMBER 14 15 22 16 LRC FILE NUMBER 16 16 20 17 A221 14 17 22 18 PHYSICAL STATE 16 18 71 20 A crystalline solid at room temperature which melts at > 56 C. 14 20 16 21 pH 16 21 76 27 The pH of a 50 % concentration of A221 in water was theoretically calculated to be 7.26 at 22 C from a 0.5 % solution in 79.5 % aqueous dioxane according to the extrapolation procedures of Dr. P. D. Schickedantz, Lozillard Accession Number 1662. Referenced 45- 10- 1. 14 28 23 29 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 16 30 30 31 Not Determined. 14 34 20 35 SOLUBILITY 16 36 69 39 MUTAGENICITY SOLVENTS A221 is soluble EtOH at 0.2 g/ ml, with stirring, at room temperature. Reference BC30- 88. 16 43 17 44 16 43 73 46 A221 forms a solution in corn oil at 0.5 g/ 0.5 mL, with stirring at room temperature. Reference BC30- 8888. 15 48 18 49 ORAL 16 50 73 53 A221 forms a solution in corn oil at 0.5 g/ 0.5 mL, with stirring at room temperature. Reference BC30- 88. 15 57 26 58 ACUTE CARDIOVASCULAR 16 59 67 61 A221 is insoluble for this procedure. Reference BC30- 38 14 63 28 64 STORAGE RECOMMENDATIONS 83 64 86 73 87428306 16 68 67 69 Refrigerate in an amber glass bottle at no more than 8 C. 15 73 26 75 COMPOUND SENSITIVE TO 27 76 34 77 ☐ MOISTURE 35 76 40 77 ☐ OTHER 22 76 25 77 ☐ HEAT 17 76 20 77 ☐ AIR 15 79 40 80 SAFETY COMMENTS (SUGGESTED HANDLING PROCEDURE: 66 88 68 89 DATE 18 88 45 92 15 88 20 89 SIGNATURE 66 88 87 90 48 89 55 90 A - 13 84 90 90 91 FORM 20 90 24 91 RESEARCH 24 90 28 91 CENTER 14 91 19 92 LORILLARD
7 8 10 10 TO: 23 8 31 10 K. A. Sparrow 64 8 76 10 SUBMISSION DATE 23 11 31 12 J. L. McGinnis 7 11 12 12 FROM: 54 11 62 12 MAY 19 ☐ 71 11 78 12 AUG 11 ☐ 55 13 62 15 JUN 30 ☐ 71 13 75 14 SEP 22 75 13 78 15 ☑ 7 16 14 17 SUBJECT: 23 16 57 17 MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL - PROGRESS REPORT 21 18 29 19 GEOGRAPHY 59 20 64 22 PARTIAL 32 21 35 22 FULL 37 21 38 22 X 7 21 13 22 REGION: 7 23 46 25 (ONLY IF PARTIAL REGION CONTINUE WITH DIVISION (S) SCOPE) 7 26 13 27 DIVISION: 59 26 64 27 PARTIAL 32 26 35 27 FULL 9 28 19 29 DIVISION NAME: 59 28 64 29 # REPS 32 28 42 29 DIVISION NAME: 32 31 42 32 DIVISION NAME: 59 31 64 32 # REPS 9 31 19 32 DIVISION NAME: 32 33 42 34 DIVISION NAME: 59 33 64 35 # REPS 9 33 19 34 DIVISION NAME: 21 36 29 37 DISTRIBUTION 7 38 52 40 DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED WITHIN THE REGION (15+ STORES) STOCKING NO MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL 25 40 30 43 IND/ LOR VOLUME 33 40 38 42 NO. OF STORES 61 40 66 43 IND/ LOR VOLUME 69 40 74 43 NO. OF STORES 9 41 21 43 NAME OF ACCOUNT 45 41 57 43 NAME OF ACCOUNT 7 43 14 44 Don & Bens 62 43 65 45 75/ 2 71 43 72 45 27 26 43 29 44 26/ 2 36 43 38 44 20 43 43 49 44 Sac N Pac 7 45 17 46 Western Beverage 43 45 50 46 ACO Texaco 26 45 29 46 42/ 2 62 45 65 46 95/ 3 37 45 38 46 15 71 45 72 46 15 7 47 14 48 Speedy Stop 26 47 29 48 106 /4 37 47 38 48 29 43 47 48 48 Lone Star 62 47 65 48 76/ 3 70 47 72 48 37 7 48 13 50 Get Go 26 48 29 50 62/ 2 37 48 38 50 44 7 50 16 52 Valley Shamrock 26 50 29 51 78/ 4 37 50 38 51 17 7 52 19 53 Albertson's -Houston 25 52 29 53 319/ 16 37 52 38 53 34 7 53 12 55 Mini Mart 26 54 29 55 65/ 3 37 54 38 55 15 37 55 38 57 20 7 55 16 56 Neal One Stop 26 55 29 57 69/ 3 7 57 14 58 Shopper Mart 26 57 29 59 80/ 4 37 57 38 58 22 7 61 53 63 DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED OUTSIDE THE REGION (15+ STORES) STOCKING NO MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL 25 63 31 66 IND/ LOR VOLUME 60 63 66 66 IND/ LOR VOLUME 69 63 74 66 NO. OF STORES 35 63 41 66 NO. OF STORES 45 64 57 66 NAME OF ACCOUNTS 9 64 21 66 NAME OF ACCOUNT 7 66 12 67 Chevron 27 66 28 67 ? 36 66 39 67 115 27 68 28 69 ? 7 68 17 69 Brookshire Bro's 37 68 38 69 38 27 70 28 71 ? 7 70 21 71 Eckerd Drugs S. Texas 36 70 39 71 217 7 71 11 73 Exxon 27 71 28 73 ? 37 71 38 73 38 7 73 13 74 Philip's 66 27 73 28 74 ? 37 73 38 74 27 7 75 15 76 Star Enterprise 27 75 28 76 ? 37 75 38 76 70 7 77 14 78 Walgreen's 36 77 39 78 177 27 77 28 78 ? 92 79 94 90 82253362 76 92 89 94 Page 1 of 3 Pages 10 92 18 94 MAVPROGO
45 10 64 12 TEST ARTICLE RECEIPT 26 14 33 16 T07281A 17 15 23 16 TA #: 35 19 44 20 Lorillard 17 19 32 21 SPONSOR'S NAME: 46 23 50 24 B220 17 23 45 25 TEST ARTICLE IDENTIFICATION: 25 27 31 29 012590 45 27 66 29 CONDITION OF SHIPMENT: 76 27 82 29 BROKEN 85 27 92 29 LEAKED 68 27 72 29 GOOD 17 28 23 29 LOT #: 32 32 45 33 Direct Exress 17 32 29 34 SHIPPED VIA 39 36 56 38 Clear brown liquid 17 36 37 38 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 39 41 42 42 One 17 41 34 42 NO. OF CONTAINERS: 78 45 83 46 100 g 32 45 44 47 Not provided 53 45 77 47 NET WEIGHT (if provided): 17 45 29 47 GROSS WEIGHT 34 49 46 50 Not provided 17 50 32 51 EXPIRATION DATE: 48 53 73 55 Store refrigerated in dark. 17 54 46 55 SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIREMENTS: 28 60 51 66 73 61 81 63 03 /01 /90 61 62 66 64 DATES: 16 63 28 64 RECEIVED BY: 45 67 54 68 Ray David 16 67 41 69 STUDY DIRECTOR /DEPARTMENT 49 69 75 75 16 71 49 73 SIGATURE OF DEPARTMENT CONSIGNEE: 24 74 36 78 03 /02 /90 16 76 21 77 DATE: 87 80 90 89 87137840
61 3 73 5 P. O. 1534 LT-1979 74 3 78 5 DATE 7 4 18 5 ☐ PURCHASING 34 4 55 5 PURCHASE REQUISITION 7 5 18 6 ☐ STATIONARY 75 5 90 7 April 19, 1988 23 5 68 7 PLEASE INCLUDE ONLY ONE TYPE OF MATERIAL ON THIS REQUISITION 5 7 10 8 VENDOR 26 7 29 8 FOR 29 7 38 8 PURCHASING 38 7 47 8 DEPARTMENT 47 7 50 8 USE 49 7 53 8 ONLY 74 7 81 8 ORDER NO 5 8 73 10 Piedmont Research Laboratory 2748 Patterson Ave., Greensboro, NC 18 10 69 13 27407 NET 15 F. O. B. N/A VIA N/A 77 10 92 11 or Recommended Supplier 74 10 77 11 Prev. 9 11 13 12 TERMS 5 13 21 14 SHIP TO (DEPT BRANCH) 65 13 74 14 DATE WANTED 5 14 33 15 Lorillard Research Center 43 14 59 15 N. A. Thaggard 70 14 83 16 As required 5 16 46 18 420 English St., Greensboro, NC 27405 6 19 13 21 QUANTITY 20 19 23 21 CODE 48 20 57 21 DESCRIPTION 83 20 86 21 UNIT 86 20 90 21 PRICE 15 22 91 52 This is your authorization to prepare cigarette smoke condensate according to the protocol "Standard Operating Procedure før the Preparation of Smoke Condensate for Mouse Skin Bioassay," for the period April 1, 1988 through December 31, 1988. Condensate will be prepared acording to a time schedule provided by Lorillard. The fixed price for condensate collection will be at a rate of $1, 750/10, 000 cigarettes smoked. Piedmont will pay the cost of consumable supplies. This work is to be conducted in accordance with the December 10, 1984 formal agreement between Piedmont Reseach Laboratories and Lorillard. All work is to be coordinated with our Mr. Neil Thaggard (919) 373-6628 13 67 25 69 FOLLOW UP DATE 43 68 55 69 REQUISITION NO. 74 68 81 69 ISSUED BY 15 73 23 74 BUDGET NO. 53 73 59 74 DEPT. NO. 38 73 45 74 ACCT. NO. 74 73 83 74 APPROVED BY 66 74 87 78 38 75 43 76 4111 56 75 60 76 8700 81 78 83 87 87147607
81 8 88 10 0002/ 003 26 8 38 10 813 384 0683 47 8 73 10 LORILLARD TAMPA GREENSBOR 9 8 22 10 11/05/97 11: 03 78 10 89 14 28 18 57 20 Retail Excel Progress Report 11 20 22 21 Submission for: 59 20 70 22 Distribution by/ to: 11 21 16 22 July 31 59 22 75 25 DM to RSM 1st of Month RSM to R W. C. 10th 11 23 18 24 August 29 33 23 35 24 : 41 23 54 24 R. W. Caldarella 11 25 21 26 September 30 61 25 66 26 D. O. S. 59 25 61 26 cc: 11 26 19 28 October 31 41 26 51 28 Kent B. Mills 33 26 37 28 From: 22 27 23 28 X 11 28 20 29 November 28 33 30 37 31 Area: 11 30 20 31 December 30 38 30 39 31 5 40 30 46 31 Region: 48 30 50 31 17 11 33 31 34 Acceptance/Response: 32 33 71 35 What is the retailers response to Lorillard's Excel 11 35 28 36 Merchandising plan? 11 36 18 38 Chains: 19 36 75 38 This program has been successful to date with chains where our "Flex 10 38 77 43 Payment". was not place. The chains where were using the "Flex Payment" system we have not been las successful. The P. O. S. requirements of the P- 1 Plan with Oil Companies is difficult to obtain. 11 47 23 48 Independents: 10 48 55 51 Additional P. V. merchandising is being secured quickly, 10 52 77 55 Additional monies have assisted Region 17 in fighting PM Exclusives and PM/ RJR co-existence situations. 11 59 42 60 Hardware Evaluation/Effectiveness: 42 59 76 61 Comment on the assembly of displays and 11 61 28 62 application of shields: 10 62 78 68 The displays are easily assembled and durable. Some questions have been raised conceming the inability to be flush with the counter and/ or against the register. As well as the ability to place this or the Back Bar if the settlement goes through 10 71 76 74 Pemanent Advertising Evaluation/ Effectiveness/ Acceptance: (P- 1/ P- 5 & C 5 Plans Only: 26 75 46 76 Not available at this time 90 83 93 94 82251504
85 7 87 8 001 83 7 85 8 11 7 37 8 /97 TUE 18: 39 FAX 212 5578 44 7 51 9 DPW 30 -59 33 11 61 12 DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL 7 15 19 17 Fax Transmittal 34 15 36 17 To 60 16 63 17 Date 7 18 22 22 450 Lexington Avenue New York NY 10017 212- 450 4000 34 18 52 20 Robert H. Shaw, Esq. 60 18 76 20 November 11, 1997 34 20 40 22 Company 34 23 57 25 Lorillard Tobacco Company 34 26 42 27 Fax Number 60 26 70 27 Voice Number 34 28 45 30 910 -335- 7077 60 28 71 30 910 -335- 7720 60 31 85 32 Number of Pages (this page included) 34 31 38 32 Sender 60 33 61 35 2 34 33 47 35 Charles Duggan 60 36 83 37 Main Fax Operator Voice Number 34 36 48 37 Sender Voice Number 34 38 45 40 212 -450- 4785 34 41 47 42 Sender Fax Number 60 41 67 42 Reference 60 43 69 45 17560 -188 34 43 45 45 212 -450 -5578 7 46 14 47 Message: 88 80 91 91 83823750 21 89 85 90 This facsimile intended only the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential 10 89 18 90 Confidentiality Note 10 90 85 93 or otherwise protected from disclosure distribution or copying of this facsimile or the information herein by anyone other than the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient is prohibited. If you love received the facsimile in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the facsimile by mail.
24 9 33 10 K. A. Sparrow 66 9 80 10 SUBMISSION DATE 4 9 7 10 TO: 24 12 31 13 R. E. Lane 4 12 9 13 FROM: 56 12 62 13 JUNE 30 66 12 67 13 X 73 12 78 13 SEP 22 57 15 62 16 AUG 11 73 15 78 16 NOV 10 24 18 53 19 STYLE LOW PRICE PROGRESS REPORT 5 18 11 19 SUBJECT: 31 20 57 22 EFFECTIVENESS OF: Transition Plan 4 22 21 23 (Report on June 30 only) 8 23 12 24 SELL 24 23 74 25 Overall pre- sell efforts were successful Retail accounts that previously stocked 5 23 8 24 PRE- 5 25 41 26 Style Full Price accepted the introduction of the low price 4 29 16 30 BIGIF 2 FOR 1: 24 29 78 30 Proved to be an excellent tool for pulling the balance of Style Full Price packs through 4 30 43 32 the system. This aided the field greatly during the transition 5 35 30 36 $ 7.00 CARTON COUPON/ BUYDOWN: 33 35 77 36 Effective in those retail calls that we could not exchange product out of. 5 36 24 38 Those situations were limited. 19 41 29 42 DISTRIBUTION 4 42 55 45 DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED WITHIN THE REGION (15+ STORES) STOCKING NO LOW PRICE STYLE 63 46 70 49 IND/ LOR VOLUME 25 46 31 49 IND/ LOR VOLUME 34 46 40 49 NO. OF STORES 72 46 78 49 NO. OF STORES 46 47 60 49 NAME OF ACCOUNT 7 48 21 49 NAME OF ACCOUNT 4 49 17 50 M. Maskos & Sons 5 51 22 52 Pollock Candy and Cigar 5 52 21 54 McKeesport Candy Co. 26 54 31 55 104/ 22 37 54 39 55 18 4 54 12 55 Sicc Serva 25 56 30 57 521/ 42 37 56 40 57 150 4 56 9 57 Sheetz 5 57 14 59 Thrift/ Eckerd 26 57 30 59 137/ 20 37 57 40 59 183 4 65 56 68 DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED OUTSIDE THE REGION (15+ STORES) STOCKING NO LOW PRICE STYLE 25 69 31 72 IND/ LOR VOLUME 34 69 40 72 NO OF STORES 63 69 70 72 IND/ LOR VOLUME 72 69 78 72 NO OF STORES 7 70 21 72 NAME OF ACCOUNT 46 71 60 72 NAME OF ACCOUNT 37 72 39 73 21 4 72 9 73 Kroger 4 74 10 75 Rich Oil 37 74 39 75 82 37 75 39 76 106 4 75 15 77 Super America 5 77 7 78 cvs 37 77 39 78 87 91 78 94 88 82253245 4 79 12 80 W H Smith 37 79 39 80 5 5 80 14 81 7- 11 318 Zon 37 80 39 81 23 37 82 39 83 35 4 82 13 83 Dairy Marts 5 83 15 85 Widman Drugs 37 83 39 85 43 74 94 88 95 Page 1 of 3 Pages 10 94 16 95 STYLE XLS
18 3 67 8 Executive Offices 1 GULF+ WESTE PLAZA . NEW YORK, NEW YORK 23- 7773 (212) 373- 7500 16 8 70 11 PRENTICE HALL CORPORATE SERVICES 54 12 83 14 The Prentice- Hall Corporation System, Inc. 3 12 27 14 United States Corporation Company 10 15 18 16 12- 13- 89 36 15 49 17 RECEIVED 3 15 7 17 DATE: 55 15 76 18 TX 3951 U 10 18 31 22 LORILLARD, INC. ONE PARK AVENUE 18TH FL NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016 3 18 6 19 TO: 38 18 49 20 DEC 14 89 16 21 49 24 MR. ARTHUR STEVENS, ESQ A. J. STEVENS 55 21 68 23 MOTOR CARRIER 10 22 15 24 ATTN: 55 23 64 26 OR STATUTORY 68 24 69 25 x 68 26 73 28 033052 10 27 24 29 LORILLARD, INC. 55 27 63 29 Account # 3 28 6 29 RE: 20 29 36 31 (Represented Company) 30 31 59 33 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS 6 33 49 35 We enclose the following documents which were served upon: 17 34 62 36 UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY IN TEXAS 45 37 52 39 12- 13- 89 4 37 44 39 as registered agent for the above- captioned corporation on 53 37 56 38 via: 64 39 72 41 Certified # 34 39 43 41 Mail: Regular 50 39 58 41 or Certified 17 40 28 41 Personal Service 31 40 32 41 x 65 42 82 44 Notice of Mechanic's Lien 39 42 57 46 A self- addressed stamped envelope enclosed 8 43 15 44 Summons 65 44 83 46 Notice of Default Jucgment 8 45 15 46 Complaint 65 46 72 48 Subpoena 8 46 31 50 Duplicate copies of the Notice and Acknowledgement enclosed 39 46 48 48 Garnishment 39 48 56 50 Notice of Attorney's Lien 16 50 48 51 CITATION AND FIRST ORIGINAL PETITION 6 50 7 52 X 8 51 12 52 Other: 46 55 47 57 ) 3 55 17 57 TITLE OF ACTION: 21 56 33 57 WEBSTER CRECC 69 56 76 57 475,592 61 56 68 58 Case No. 46 56 47 58 ) 46 58 47 59 ) 3 59 6 60 vs. 11 59 44 61 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, ET AL 46 59 47 61 ) 25 62 67 64 345th Judicial District Court Travis County. Tx 3 63 23 64 COURT OR JURISDICTION 18 64 54 66 Monday next 20 days from date of service 3 65 10 67 RETURN 10 65 14 67 DATE 57 67 79 68 Agent called New York Office 24 67 29 69 Collect 33 67 40 69 Spoke to 3 67 19 69 Tel Call Placed Direct 3 69 13 71 COMMENTS: 26 73 42 78 Mary Ellen Felps 1000 West Ave. Austin, Tx. 78701 3 74 25 75 ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANT 61 78 72 79 512/478- 4873 61 79 65 80 Phone 88 81 90 89 92380595 3 82 29 83 PAPERS TRANSMITTED TO CLIENT 18 83 25 85 Reg. Mail 4 83 8 85 Fed X 12 84 13 85 X 61 84 71 85 PAT HIGGINS 43 84 60 86 FORM PREPARED BY 3 85 8 86 Other 66 87 85 95 68 87 83 89 AND RETURNING THE 3 87 67 89 PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE AND THE ENCLOSURES BY SIGNING 3 89 72 91 DUPLICATE COPY A BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE IS ENCLOSED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 17 91 34 95 12/ 14/ 89 55 92 60 93 Signed: 3 92 14 94 Date Received: 42 94 49 96 ORIGINAL
8 7 39 10 Marden - Kane, Inc. 32 13 67 20 TRUE "YOU FOUND IT" SWEEPSTAKES SECOND PRIZE WINNER TRAVEL INFORMATION SHEET 19 23 81 26 THE DESTINATION IN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES I WISH TO TRAVEL TO IS: 19 29 24 30 NAME 19 31 28 33 ADDRESS 19 34 24 36 CITY 42 34 48 36 STATE 64 34 68 36 ZIP 19 38 31 40 HOME PHONE 19 42 36 43 BUSINESS PHONE 19 46 35 47 NAME OF GUEST 19 49 23 50 AGE 20 52 33 55 RELATIONSHIP TO WINNER 19 58 88 60 PLEASE LIST THREE ALTERNATIVE DATES YOU WOULD LIKE TO TRAVEL 22 63 25 65 1. 23 66 25 67 2. 23 68 25 70 3. 19 72 40 75 MAJOR AIRPORT NEAREST YOUR HOME 20 76 32 79 AIRLINE: (CHECK ONE) 49 77 57 79 SMOKING 87 77 90 86 85201976 73 78 86 79 NON- SMOKING 20 82 52 84 SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS 19 85 64 88 ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU WOULD LIKE TO PROVIDE
57 6 77 7 TO 3212128557HC02N P. 01 11 6 32 7 JAN 11 '99 16: 29 FR 8220 12 10 41 13 FAX TRANSMISSION 67 12 78 20 DICKSTEIN SHAPIRO MORING OSHINSKY 23 22 37 24 January 11, 1999 12 22 16 23 DATE: 23 24 32 26 L8557 002 11 25 21 26 CLIENT NO.: 23 28 35 30 Dewey Tedder 11 28 22 30 MESSAGE TO: 23 31 45 33 Lorillard Tobacco Company 11 31 20 33 COMPANY: 23 33 35 35 336/ 373- 6917 11 34 22 35 FAX NUMBER: 12 36 17 38 PHONE: 23 36 35 38 336/ 373- 6750 11 40 17 41 FROM: 23 40 47 42 Andy Zausner and Rob Mangas 23 43 50 44 202/ 828- 2259 and 202/ 828 2241 12 43 18 44 PHONE: 11 45 35 47 PAGES (including Cover Sheet): 36 45 38 47 2 40 46 59 47 HARD COPY TO FOLLOW 64 46 68 47 YES 72 46 74 47 X 75 46 78 47 NO 11 48 19 49 MESSAGE: 20 48 43 50 The following is for your review 59 56 69 58 JAN 1 2 1999 20 70 78 74 If your receipt of this transmission is in error, please notify this firm immediately by collect call to our Facsimile Department at 202- 861- 9106, and send the original transmission to us by return mail at the address below. 20 75 79 81 This transmission is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of this transmission by someone other than the intended addressee or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. 88 78 92 89 83443897 19 92 73 93 2101 L Street NW Washington, DC 20037- 1526 Tel 202- 785 9700 Fax 202- 887 0689
34 6 68 17 THE TOBACCO INSTITUTE FIFTH ANNUAL COLLEGE TOBACCO KNOWLEDGE REGISTRATION FORM 12 8 31 14 SHERATON- CARLTON HOTEL WASHINGTON, D. C. 70 10 95 12 FEBRUARY 19-21 1980 11 21 17 23 NAME: 21 21 41 23 GEORGE R. TELFORD 11 24 19 26 TITLE: 21 25 36 26 Brand Manager 11 27 20 29 COMPANY: 21 28 32 29 Lorillard 11 30 20 32 ADDRESS: 21 31 65 33 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10019 21 33 37 35 (212) 841- 8787 11 33 18 35 PHONE: 10 40 23 42 CHECK ONE: 29 40 93 44 Please reserve a room for me at the Sheraton- Carlton 24 43 77 46 X I will my own housing arrangements. 10 49 37 51 ARRIVAL DATE AND TIME: 39 50 61 52 2/18/80 7:00 P. M. 10 52 39 54 DEPARTURE DATE AND TIME: 40 53 61 55 2/21/80 4:00 P. M. 9 59 89 78 Please attach a brief (50 words or so) autobiographical sketch. Note your first name or nickname, your current professional re- sponsibilities, employment background and whatever personal in- formation you feel would be helpful in giving your fellow students an idea of your activities and interests. The sketches will be assembled and provided at the opening class session. 9 79 26 81 Any questions? 28 80 91 83 Call Connie Drath or Carol Musgrave at 800/424- 9876. 9 87 95 91 **PLEASE RETURN IN SELF- ADDRESSED ENVELOPE BY FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1980** 77 93 89 94
21 14 75 17 47th TCRC REGISTRATION FORM 14 18 28 20 Please type or print 14 20 19 21 Name: 25 21 27 22 Title 61 21 64 22 Last 32 21 35 22 First 45 21 50 22 Middle 14 24 22 25 Institution: 14 27 21 28 Address: 25 29 28 30 Street 40 29 47 30 P.O. Box# 66 33 71 34 Country 40 33 43 34 State 51 33 57 34 ZIP Code 25 33 27 35 City 14 36 22 38 Telephone: 43 36 49 37 FAX #: 14 39 25 41 Name of guest: 53 42 67 43 Breakfast on Wednesday 21 42 41 44 Continental Breakfast on Tuesday 53 44 75 45 Craftsman Village Tour Wednesday 21 44 39 45 Fall Foliage Tour on Tuesday 35 48 51 50 (prior to September 1) 56 48 62 50 $135 00 14 48 34 50 Advance Registration Fee: 56 50 62 51 $150 00 31 50 45 51 after September 14 50 31 51 Late Registration Fee 20 51 43 53 Extra banquet tickets tickets $40. 00 56 53 62 54 $ 30. 00 14 53 40 55 Ground Transportation (round trip) 62 56 68 57 TOTAL 14 59 81 61 Please complete this portion if you need transportation from and to the Knoxville Airport. 14 62 25 63 No. in Party: 35 65 40 66 TIME 67 65 75 66 FLIGHT # 25 65 30 66 DATE 51 65 59 66 CARRIER 14 68 21 70 Arrival: 15 71 23 73 Departure: 14 77 83 80 Send this registration form, along with payment to the address noted below. Enclose a check or international money order payable in U. S. funds to the University of Tennessee - 47th TCRC 85 77 87 85 87332450 22 82 47 88 Dr. Phil P. Hunter U. T. Tobacco Experiment Station Route 5 Box 113 Greeneville, TN 37743 15 82 21 83 Mail to: 71 83 82 85 (615) ) 638- 5532 63 83 70 84 Telephone: 62 85 66 86 FAX: 67 85 78 86 (615) ) 638- 6458
3 4 24 16 S 78 5 87 8 10675 26 10 76 13 STOUT INDUSTRIES, INC. 26 13 86 15 6425 W. FLORISSANT AVE. ST. LOUIS MO 63136 . (314) 385- 2280 38 18 56 20 PROPOSAL 62 20 84 22 Metal "Pack" Plaque 13 21 36 22 Lorillard Corporation 4 21 6 22 TO 53 21 56 22 FOR 62 22 80 24 October 16, 1987 13 22 31 24 666 Fifth Avenue 52 22 56 24 DATE 4 23 10 24 ADDRESS 13 24 22 25 New York 4 24 8 25 CITY 62 25 84 27 Mr. A. D. Steinberg 13 25 29 26 New York 10103 4 26 9 27 STATE 66 26 82 27 YOUR REPRESENTATIVE 15 27 21 28 Attn: 21 27 42 28 Mr. Robert Kennedy 6 30 53 33 It is our pleasure to propose the following: 67 33 78 35 171/4 x 231/2 " 5 33 10 35 ITEM: 13 33 44 35 Harley Davidson Metal Plaque 56 34 60 35 SIZE: 79 35 84 36 .025" 46 35 55 37 OTHER ☐ 15 35 24 37 STEEL ☐ 38 35 41 37 ☑ 66 35 72 37 GAUGE 6 35 15 37 MATERIAL: 29 35 38 37 ALUMINUM 13 37 66 39 Transparent gold, opaque black, white and orange 6 38 12 39 COLORS: 20 39 30 41 Aluminum 57 39 72 41 DOUBLE FACE ☐ 6 39 16 41 BASE COLOR 37 39 49 41 SINGLE FACE 49 39 52 41 ☑ 6 42 11 44 HOLES: 12 42 16 44 YES 16 42 19 44 ☑ 22 42 27 44 NO ☐ 31 42 41 44 NUMBER OF 42 42 45 44 4 6 44 14 45 CORNERS: 15 44 23 45 ROUND ☐ 33 44 36 45 ☑ 50 44 65 45 CUT TO SHAPE ☐ 26 44 33 45 SQUARE 39 44 48 45 ANGLE ☐ 52 46 69 48 BEADED BORDER ☐ 5 46 11 48 EDGES: 12 46 22 48 HEMMED ☐ 25 46 35 48 CURLED ☐ 38 46 47 48 EMBOSSED 48 46 50 48 ☑ 23 48 43 49 RIGHT ANGLE BEND ☐ 6 48 18 50 STAMP FRAME 18 48 20 49 ☑ 46 48 59 50 BACK FRAME ☐ 28 50 31 53 10 35 51 45 53 PER CRATE 5 51 14 52 PACKING: 53 51 64 52 PER BUNDLE 14 51 26 52 PER CARTON 13 52 82 54 Price is based on reproduction of customer supplied "Pack" box. 5 52 12 54 OTHER: 24 53 83 55 Form die, brass emboss die to achieve detail on eagle. 13 54 22 55 Tooling: 47 58 65 60 One time tooling 65 58 78 59 @ $ 3,015.00 6 58 16 60 QUANTITIES: 22 58 35 60 500 Plaques 47 60 58 62 Steel tips 68 60 78 62 $ 1,045.00 5 61 11 62 PRICE: 20 61 31 63 $ 9.18 each 67 63 78 65 4050 48 67 65 69 ☐ BILL AS SHIP FOR. 65 67 74 69 ☐ 6 MOS. 75 67 84 69 ☐ 12 MOS 23 67 25 69 ☑ 25 67 45 69 BILL AS MANUFACTURE 5 68 13 69 BILLING: 76 69 77 71 42 69 56 71 ☐ 6 MOS. WHSE. 59 69 73 71 ☐ 12 MOS. WHSE 6 70 18 71 WAREHOUSING: 20 70 23 71 ☑ 76 70 87 75 8650 23 70 39 71 SHIP IMMEDIATELY 61 71 74 75 TOTAL 74 71 77 73 5 72 19 74 DROP SHIPPING: 30 72 43 74 PER SHIPMENT 5 75 14 77 CONDITIONS: 5 76 89 82 PRICES QUOTED HEREIN ARE BASED ON CURRENT COSTS AND ARE FOR IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE *These prices will be updated periodically from date of order, to reflect changes in material and labor costs. Prices and terms quoted herein are not subject to verbal changes unless confirmed in writing by the home office of this company in S. T. LOUIS M. O. All contracts for delivers are contingent upon fires, strikes or other causes beyond our control. Purchaser agrees to accept overun or underrun to the extent of 10% of the quantity ordered. 6 82 89 84 Any taxes or governmental changes which the seller may be required to pay or collect upon the production sale storage, or delivery under any existing or 5 83 64 85 future law shall be for the account of the buyer who shall promptly pay the amount hereof to the seller upon 74 84 85 86 87528380 5 85 47 86 F. O. B. S. T. LOUIS MISSOURI Shipments via truck shipped freight collect. 6 86 62 87 A 15 service charge will be added to reight costs for all prepaid shipments involving 5 or more pieces. 59 87 79 94 7 89 36 93 TERMS - NET 10 DAYS A service charge of 11/2 per month will be applied to all unpaid balances over 30 days. 43 89 56 92 STOUT INDUSTRIES INC, 68 94 87 95
25 2 70 11 "CORRECTED FORM" The Commonwealth of Massachusetts OFFICE OF CAMPAIGN AND POLITICAL FINANCE 78 5 87 6 Office Use Only 12 13 34 16 REPORT OF CORPORATE TREASURER 44 13 53 21 57 14 70 17 Form CPF 22 (formerly CPF 10) 6 17 13 19 File with: 14 17 43 22 Director, Office of Campaign & Political Finance One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108 78 18 87 19 (CHECK ONE) 74 19 91 21 ☐ 60th Day Prior to Election 74 21 88 22 ☐ 5th Day of the Month 74 22 89 23 ☐ 20th Day of the Month 10 23 38 25 Please Print or Type, except Signatures. 5 23 9 25 76 23 79 25 Final 74 24 76 24 ☑ 22 25 91 27 M. Alfred Peterson; Assistant Treasurer Peter J. Marzullo 7 27 22 28 1. Name of Treasurer 28 28 57 30 Lorillard Tobacco Company 6 29 24 31 2. Name of Corporation 28 31 56 35 One Park Avenue New York. NY 10016 -5895 7 31 26 33 3. Address of Corporation 22 36 68 38 1 relating to Tobacco Excise Tax Increase 7 37 18 39 4. Question No. 56 38 75 39 (Describe question briefly) 26 40 44 42 November 3, 1992 50 40 65 42 Massachusetts 89 40 94 42 ballot 42 41 47 42 on the 7 41 25 43 submitted to the voters on 59 42 81 44 (Name of City/ Town of State)* 29 42 40 44 (Election Date) 13 44 94 48 If this expenditure is made to influence a local ballot question, a copy of this form should be filed with the city or town clerk or election commission. 7 45 13 47 *Note: 72 48 91 50 November 5. 1992 43 49 63 50 October 16, 1992 63 49 72 50 and Ending 5 49 10 52 10 49 20 51 Fill in Dates: 23 49 42 51 Reporting Period Beginning 7 51 95 57 contribution I certify that this report is a true statement of the amount of value of gift, payment, expenditure or or whom promise to give, pay,, expend or contribute, together with the date, purpose, and full name and address of the person to Mass. Laws, Section, as amended. It was made. I make this General report in accordance with the requirements of Chapter, 7 57 33 60 Signed under the penalties of perjury. 49 59 65 61 March 30, 1993 6 59 38 63 61 61 65 63 Date 7 62 22 63 Treasurer Signature 7 63 30 65 Assistant Treasurer 35 63 66 65 EXPENDITURES OR DISBURSEMENTS 85 66 93 68 Amount or Value** 20 66 44 69 To Whom Paid (Alphabetical Listing Mandatory) 10 67 14 69 Date Paid 76 67 82 69 Purpose 57 67 63 69 Address 74 69 84 71 Oppose Tax Increase 87 70 94 71 28, 482. 00 47 70 72 71 P. O. B03 5979 Boston, MA 0212 19 70 43 72 Committee Against Unfair Taxes 9 71 16 72 10/ 26/ 92 74 72 83 74 Oppose Tax increas 87 72 95 73 19, 503 00 47 72 72 74 P. O. Box 5979. Boston, MA 02114 9 72 16 74 10/ 30/ 92 19 72 43 74 Committee Against Unfair Taxes 95 76 98 84 91814768 86 89 95 91 48, 585 00 51 90 84 92 Total Expenditures or Disbursements on This Report 86 92 95 94 508. 789 00 48 92 84 94 Total Expenditures for Disbursements Previously Reported 8 93 39 96 **In- kind contributions should be included here. Attach additional pages if necessary. 86 94 95 96 556 874. 00 56 95 85 97 Total Expenditures or Disbursements to Date 20 98 73 100 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE
78 5 87 7 001/004 46 6 60 8 LORILLARD RGNY 11 26 7 37 8 612 894 9690 24 7 26 8 7 7 21 8 05/01/00 10:21 36 12 60 18 LORILLARD TOBACCO COMPANY 15 24 31 30 Fax 15 33 19 34 To: 22 33 35 35 Mr. Randy Spell 48 33 53 34 From: 54 33 65 34 Rick Redfield 54 35 64 37 May 1, 2000 48 35 53 37 Date: 15 36 20 37 Fax: 15 38 19 40 CC: 22 38 38 40 Mr. Fred Paternostro 54 38 65 40 952 894- 9690 48 38 53 40 Fax: 22 41 33 43 Legal- lowa 15 41 19 43 Re: 59 41 61 43 4 48 41 54 43 Pages: 17 44 23 46 Urgent 26 44 34 46 For Review 55 44 65 46 Please Reply 39 45 51 46 Please Comment 68 45 79 46 please Recycle 15 49 26 51 Comments: 15 52 80 60 Attached is the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance Minimum Legal Prices on Cigarettes as of April 3, 2000. I am attempting to obtain a copy of the actual Fair Trade Law and will forward as soon as obtained. Rick 41 74 55 75 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE 86 75 90 86 82562350 15 76 80 81 This facsimile may contain privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual entity named above. If the mader of the facsimile is not the intended recipient or employee or delivering. It to the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination for copying of this facsimile is strictly prohibited. If you have received his facsimile in error, please notify us immediately by telephone (number indicated below) and return the original facsimile to us at the address below via the U.S Postal Service. 42 86 54 89 205 River Ridge Circle P. O. Box 7589 Bumsville, MN 5337 40 90 47 91 Telephone: 47 90 55 91 (952) 694-2238
5 14 12 15 DIVISION: 65 14 70 15 DATES: 5 16 13 18 ACCOUNT: 5 19 18 21 INVENTORY FOR: 22 21 28 22 (STATE) 22 27 69 29 DIRECT ACCOUNT STATUS REPORT 31 32 42 35 # OF CARTONS ON HAND 47 32 61 35 AVERAGE WEEKLY MOVEMENT 65 32 74 35 # OF WEEKS ON HAND 5 34 10 35 BRAND 5 36 19 38 STYLE LIGHT 100'S 5 39 27 41 STYLE LIGHT MENTHOL 100'S 5 42 23 43 STYLE LIGHT BOX 100'S 5 45 27 46 STYLE MEN. LIGHT BOX 100'S 5 47 24 49 STYLE SLIM LIGHT 100's 5 50 25 52 STYLE SLIM MEN. LT. 100's 5 58 10 59 NOTE: 11 58 66 63 REPORT STYLE INVENTORY ONLY. SUBMIT REPORT ONLY IF STYLE IS STILL ON HAND IN THIS ACCOUNT. 11 64 14 65 CC: 15 64 74 65 REGIONAL SALES MANAGER, ALL DIVISIONS SERVICED BY THIS ACCOUNT. 88 70 91 80 8624113 5 71 15 72 ACTION PLAN 82 91 88 92 STYLEREP
43 13 52 15 CASE FORM 30 16 80 18 Wanda G. Robinson and Carroll Robinson v Raybestos- Manhattan, et al. 14 16 24 18 CASE NAME: 30 19 60 21 San Francisco Superior Court - No. 996378 13 19 20 20 COURT: 13 22 23 25 LORILLARD ENTITIES: 30 23 50 25 Lorillard Tobacco Company 30 26 40 27 July 23, 1998 13 26 24 27 DATE FILED: 14 29 25 30 DATE SERVED: 30 29 40 31 August 3, 1998 14 31 23 33 CASE TYPE: 30 32 37 33 Asbestos 14 34 23 37 PLAINTIFF COUNSEL: 30 36 63 43 Wartnick, Chaber, Harowitz, Smith & Tigerman Madelyn J. Chaber 101 California Street, Suite 2200 San Francisco, California 94111 415 986- 5566 13 44 23 47 LORILLARD COUNSEL: 13 48 20 49 JUDGE: 14 51 24 52 TRIAL DATE: 77 77 86 88 82491256 94624999
21 8 31 9 From- UNTON WILL 66 8 81 9 T-122 P.01/04 F-066 7 8 18 9 Feb-24-99 10:53 51 8 55 9 1426 35 10 60 23 TELECOPY INFORMATION HUNTON & WILLIAMS Riverfront Plaza 951 East Byrd Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 -4074 (804)788-8200 2nd Floor Telecopier 70 17 82 19 Telecopier Nos. 70 19 82 23 (804) 788- 8218 (804) 788- 8219 (804) 788- 8669 13 25 17 26 TO: 13 26 19 28 Name: 31 26 41 28 Ken Forrest 18 28 26 29 FAX NO: 30 28 42 29 212- 403- 2211 13 29 19 31 Name: 31 29 43 31 Tom Frederick 18 31 26 32 FAX NO: 31 31 42 32 312- 558- 5700 13 32 18 34 Name: 31 33 39 34 Tom Griffin 18 34 26 35 FAX NO.: 31 34 42 36 617- 523- 1231 13 35 18 37 Name: 30 36 41 37 Ever Hurwitz 18 37 26 38 FAX NO.: 30 37 42 39 202- 342- 5999 13 38 18 40 Name: 31 38 49 40 Barry Levin/ Curl Caton 18 40 26 41 FAX NOc.: 30 40 42 42 415- 772- 6268 12 41 18 43 Name: 31 42 44 43 Barbara Robbins 18 43 26 45 FAX NOv 30 43 42 45 212- 403- 2033 12 45 18 46 Name: 31 45 49 47 Greg Stone/Ron Olson 18 46 26 48 FAX NOv 31 46 42 48 213- 687- 3702 12 48 18 50 Name: 30 48 49 50 Bill Allinder/Jeff Nelson 18 49 26 51 FAX NOv 30 50 42 51 816- 421- 2708 12 51 18 52 Name: 30 51 43 53 Steve Krigbaum 18 52 26 54 FAX NOv 30 53 42 54 917- 663- 5593 12 54 18 56 Name: 30 54 41 56 Tom Stoever 18 56 26 57 FAX NOv 31 56 42 57 303- 832- 0428 12 57 18 58 Name: 30 57 48 59 Judy Bernstein- Gaeta 17 58 26 60 FAX NOv 30 59 42 61 202- 942- 5999 12 60 18 62 Name: 30 61 39 62 Dal Burton 18 62 25 63 FAX NOv 30 62 42 64 404- 581- 8330 12 64 18 65 Name: 30 64 42 65 Andy McGaan 18 65 26 66 FAX NOv 30 65 42 67 312- 861- 2200 12 67 18 68 Name: 30 67 42 68 James Wilson 17 68 26 70 FAX NOv 30 68 41 70 336- 335- 7707 12 70 18 71 Name: 30 70 53 71 Eric Sarner/ Doug Flemming/ 30 72 43 73 Peter Mckenna 18 73 26 74 FAX NOv 30 73 42 74 212- 735- 2000 12 74 18 76 Name: 30 75 43 76 Thomas McKim 17 76 25 77 FAX NOv 30 76 41 78 336- 741- 0671 12 77 17 79 Name: 30 78 41 79 D. Scott Wise 17 79 25 81 FAX NO.: 30 79 41 81 212- 450- 4800 88 79 92 90 86328049 35 82 37 84 4 39 82 59 84 Pages (Including Cover) 29 85 49 87 Original to follow in mail: 53 86 57 87 Yes 61 86 63 87 No 58 86 60 87 ☑
77 9 84 12 MRA 40 9 66 11 NEW COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS 31 14 76 15 BOBBY MILLS, REGIONAL SALES MGR., INDIANAPOLIS, IN 12 14 24 16 REPORTED BY: 25 18 31 19 8/ 10/ 90 18 18 23 20 DATE: 33 18 38 20 TIME: 12 22 24 25 SOURCE OF INFORMATION: 31 23 57 25 HALL RODECAP, NOBLESVILLE, IN 33 27 38 29 B & W 12 28 27 30 MANUFACTURER: 25 32 65 34 VICEROY KING BOX AND VICEROY LIGHTS KING BOX 12 33 23 34 BRAND NAME: 11 37 20 40 TYPE OF PRODUCT: 12 43 24 44 SIZE OR SIZES: 12 47 21 49 LIST PRICE: 12 52 24 54 EXTENT OF DISTRIBUTION: 12 61 24 64 OTHER INFORMATION: 32 62 59 64 SEE ATTACHED INFORMATION SHEET 12 77 15 78 cc: 30 78 41 88 G. Telford F. J. Schultz A. W. Spears N. P. Ruffalo T. Achey P. J. McCann A. J. Giacolo 12 78 24 86 A. H. Tisch R. H. Orcutt M. A. Peterson T. H. Mau L. Gordon J. P. Mastandrea 45 78 59 88 J. J. Tatulli L. H. Kersh J. R. Slater S. T. Jones R S. Goldbrenner E. R. Harrow 89 79 91 88 82837252
9 11 12 13 TO: 17 11 25 13 S. P. ZOLOT 54 11 67 13 SUBMISSION DATE 44 14 49 15 OCT 05 9 14 14 16 FROM: 17 14 30 16 R. W. RICHARDSON 62 14 66 15 DEC 21 72 14 73 16 X 44 17 49 18 NOV 16 9 20 16 21 SUBJECT: 18 20 51 21 OLD GOLD- LIGHT BOX 100'S PROGRESS REPORT 20 23 30 24 GEOGRAPHY 9 26 15 27 REGION: 60 26 66 27 PARTIAL 36 26 40 27 FULL 72 26 73 27 X 9 27 51 29 (ONLY IF PARTIAL REGION, CONTINUE WITH DIVISION(S) SCOPE) 9 30 16 31 DIVISION: 36 30 40 32 FULL 44 30 45 32 X 60 30 66 32 PARTIAL 36 33 47 34 DIVISION NAME: 60 33 64 34 # REPS: 70 33 72 34 13 12 33 23 34 DIVISION NAME: 23 33 31 34 Detroit North 48 33 55 34 Detroit South 71 35 72 36 12 12 35 23 36 DIVISION NAME: 23 35 30 36 Detroit East 36 35 47 36 DIVISION NAME: 48 35 55 36 Detroit West 60 35 65 36 # REPS: 12 37 23 38 DIVISION NAME: 23 37 31 38 Grand Rapids 36 37 47 38 DIVISION NAME: 60 37 64 38 # REPS: 70 37 72 38 13 48 37 50 38 Flint 20 40 30 41 DISTRIBUTION 9 43 46 45 Direct Accounts and Chains Headquartered within the Region (15+ Stores) Stocking No Old Gold Light Box 100's 33 46 40 48 Number of Stores 59 46 64 48 Ind/Lor Volume 25 46 30 48 Ind/Lor Volume 68 46 74 48 Number of Stores 11 46 21 48 Name of Account 45 46 55 47 Name of Account 9 49 17 50 Quality Dairy 26 49 29 50 151/15 36 49 37 50 31 41 49 47 50 Speedy Q 60 49 63 50 196/13 70 49 72 50 16 9 51 16 52 Bay Stations 26 51 29 52 81/9 36 51 38 52 1818 9 53 18 54 Schmuckal Dil 26 53 29 54 138/9 36 53 38 54 22 9 54 15 56 Wilson Oil 26 54 29 56 140/13 36 54 38 56 15 9 56 15 57 Quik Stop 36 56 37 57 24 26 56 29 57 117/9 9 58 14 59 Forwards 26 58 29 59 118/8 36 58 37 59 19 9 60 14 61 Phil Flint 26 60 29 61 166/15 36 60 38 61 15 9 62 15 63 Arbor Rx 36 62 38 63 209 26 62 29 63 115/13 9 63 16 65 Imperial Oil 26 63 29 64 163/11 36 63 37 64 32 9 67 46 69 Direct Accounts and Chains Headquartered Outside the Region. (15+ Stores) Stocking No Old Gold Light Box 100's 25 70 30 72 Ind/Lor Volume 59 70 64 72 Ind/Lor Volume 33 70 40 72 Number of Stores 68 70 75 72 Number of Stores 11 70 21 71 Name of Account 45 70 55 72 Name of Account 9 73 15 74 Clark Gas 36 73 38 74 142 9 75 12 76 Emra 35 75 38 76 237 36 76 38 78 102 9 77 20 78 7- Eleven Southland 9 78 14 79 Walmart 36 78 38 79 39 86 78 89 89 83641919 9 80 18 81 Ultra Diamond 36 80 38 81 184 10 82 16 83 Dairy Mart 36 82 38 83 32 9 84 15 85 Mobil Oil 36 84 37 85 40 9 85 17 86 ACA Amoco 36 86 37 86 31 83 95 87 95 Page 1 of 3 9 95 24 96 GOD
72 6 94 15 WA Fee Pay Agree XC: JAW 6 7 34 9 04/ 14/ 99 18: 36 FAX 206 623 0594 41 7 52 9 HAGENS BERMAN 38 14 55 17 HAGENS BERMAN Attorney Law 29 17 63 20 1301 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 2900 SEATTLE, WA 98101 TELEPHONE (206) 623 7293 FACSIMILE (206) 623- 0594 35 23 58 24 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET 57 27 72 29 37 (including this page) 12 27 16 29 Date: 20 27 32 29 January 14, 1999 47 27 57 29 No. of Pages 59 30 70 32 1129. 01 47 30 54 32 File No.: 20 30 33 32 Steve W. Berman 12 31 17 32 From: 20 33 54 35 Tobacco - Fee Payment Agreement and Release 11 33 14 35 Re: 12 36 23 38 COMMENTS: 68 43 75 45 Fax No.: 12 43 22 45 Recipient(s): 33 43 41 45 Company: 53 43 61 45 Phone No.: 52 47 64 48 (212) 403- 1000 67 47 79 48 (212) 403- 2000 12 47 28 48 Mr. Meyer G. Koplow 33 47 51 50 Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz 33 51 51 53 Davis, Polk & Wardwell 68 51 80 53 (212) 450- 4800 12 51 28 53 Mr. Arthur F. Golden 52 51 64 53 (212) 450- 4000 12 54 28 56 Mr. Martin Barrington 33 54 46 56 Philip Morris Inc. 68 54 79 56 (917) 663- 5399 68 57 79 59 (502) 568- 7297 12 57 28 59 Mr. F. Anthony Burke 33 57 49 60 Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. 12 62 27 63 Mr. Ronald Milstein 33 62 50 63 Lorillard Tobacco Co. 68 62 79 63 (336) 335- 7707 12 64 28 66 Mr. Charles A. Blixt 68 64 80 66 (336) 741- 2998 33 65 50 68 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co 33 69 46 71 Kirkland & Ellis 12 69 28 71 Mr. Stephen R. Patton 52 69 64 71 (312) 861- 2000 68 69 79 71 (312) 861- 2200 36 77 41 79 Urgent! 42 77 48 79 Deliver 48 77 58 79 Immediately 12 81 49 82 Please call the Support Center at (206) 268- 9312 or 74 81 81 82 if you do 63 81 67 82 at ext 12 82 50 84 not receive all of these pages or if there is a problem. 86 83 89 93 83573282 12 86 82 91 The information contained in this facsimile is confidential and may also be attorney privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intented recipient, you are hereby notified any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please immcdiately notify us by a collect call to (206) 623- 7292, and return the original message to us at the address above via the US Postal Service. Thank you. 38 92 57 94 A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION
26 18 67 22 LORILLARD TOBACCO COMPANY Market Planning and Information Department 35 26 46 27 Mike Mozina 22 26 25 27 To: 22 28 27 29 Firm: 35 28 40 29 MSA 22 30 25 31 FAX 26 30 28 31 #: 35 30 43 32 Autodial 22 34 27 35 From: 35 34 47 35 Susan Smith 22 36 28 38 FAX #: 35 36 44 38 335- 7733 22 38 30 40 Phone #: 35 38 44 40 335- 7150 22 42 27 44 Date: 35 42 42 44 8/ 31/ 98 22 44 30 46 # Pages: 35 44 61 46 3 (including this cover page) 15 56 20 57 Mike, 15 60 34 62 As promised, here are: 15 64 81 66 - Approval for AWS Quarterly Store Count Database to begin 3rd Quarter 1998 15 69 77 73 - Table showing significant jump in Convenience Store market importance in 2nd Quarter 1998 87 71 90 81 8622042 15 76 29 77 Talk to you soon! 34 76 41 78
30 8 68 11 MEDIA CONTACT SHEET 7 15 24 16 (Publication or station) 53 15 66 17 (Location address) 7 18 12 20 (Name) 53 19 59 20 (Position) 7 22 11 23 (Date) 53 22 63 24 (Phone number) 6 26 24 27 Reason for Contact 7 42 26 44 Questions/ Responses 94 71 96 80 85540866 6 76 26 78 Additional Comments 6 95 24 97 Inquiry handled by: 28 96 32 98 (Name)
25 4 74 9 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE RECONCILIATION RECORDS MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT - M /C 41 13 65 15 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 11 13 30 15 DEPARTMENT NAME 46 17 50 19 141 12 18 33 19 COST CENTER NUMBER 12 24 47 25 INDEX BINDERS CONSOLIDATED BY: 29 28 33 30 N/A 59 28 65 30 DATE 12 34 43 36 INDEX BINDER RE- LABELED BY: 13 38 36 42 Mallery 71 39 79 40 2 /15 /90 60 39 65 41 DATE 12 45 84 47 RETENTION & RECOMMENDATION FILE REORGANIZED AND RE- LABELED BY: 29 49 33 51 N/A 60 49 65 51 DATE 12 55 88 57 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE PLACED IN INDEX BINDER AND IN FILE BY: 20 59 39 64 Wayne Boughan 60 60 65 62 DATE 71 60 80 62 4 /18 /90 12 66 80 68 BOXES CREATED FOR HARD COPY PERMANENT RETENTION RECORDS BY: 59 70 65 72 DATE 29 70 33 72 N/A 92 76 95 90 2051119008 12 77 63 79 RECORDS TRANSFER INVENTORY FORMS UPDATED BY: 19 79 40 85 Wayne Baughan 71 81 80 83 7 /25 /90 60 81 65 83 DATE
36 8 46 10 614 -466 -5087 55 8 78 10 Dec 10 '98 17 :46 P. 01 13 8 32 10 ATT. GEN. ADMIN. OFFICE 33 8 36 9 Fax: 8 12 18 21 19 14 40 19 Attorney General Betty D. Montgomery 35 24 61 28 CONFIDENTIAL FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET 38 29 46 31 FAX NO. 46 29 58 31 (614) 466- 5087 18 34 31 36 George Baroody 13 34 17 35 TO: 13 37 26 39 FAX NUMBER: 29 37 41 39 (336) 335- 7392 50 37 66 39 PHONE NUMBER: 66 37 78 39 (336) 335- 7363 24 40 30 42 12 /10 /98 13 40 19 42 DATE: 13 43 55 45 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 61 44 62 45 3 12 47 37 48 SENDER /PHONE NUMBER: 40 47 71 48 June Flynn for Eric Brown/ (614) 466- 8980 13 50 36 52 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 23 59 73 64 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ANY OF THE PAGES PROPERLY, PLEASE CONTACT SENDER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 13 69 18 70 NOTE: 21 69 83 81 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED. CONFIDENTIAL, AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient of the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or conveying of this communication in any manner is strictly prohibited. If you have received this comunication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the address below via the U. S. Postal Service. Thank you for your cooperation. 83 77 86 87 82092117 24 88 71 92 State Office Tower / 30 East Broad Street/ Columbus, Ohio 43215 -3428 www ag state oh us An Equal Opportunity Employer 38 94 56 95 Primed an
27 8 73 14 LORILLARD MEDIA SERVICES ONE PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10016- 5896 MAGAZINE INSERTION ORDER 65 19 69 20 DATE: 71 19 81 20 MARCH 17, 1995 13 19 15 20 TO: 20 19 34 23 ESSENCE 1500 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10036 61 22 69 23 ADVERTISER: 71 22 78 23 LORILLARD 20 24 24 25 ATTN: 25 24 36 25 JOYCE WINSTON 62 25 69 26 PRODUCT: 71 25 77 26 NEWPORT 12 30 87 35 THIS ADVERTISEMENT COMPLIES WITH THE FTC REQUIREMENT FOR A WARNING STATEMENT AND TAR AND NICOTINE LINE WHICH MUST APPEAR IN ALL CIGARETTE ADVERTISING CHECK MATERIAL YOU RECEIVE AGAINST THE PROOF TO BE SURE IT IS CORRECT, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE TO YOU RUN SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS, ALTERIOR OR OMIT ANY COPY WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM LORILLARD MEDIA SERVICES. 50 37 54 38 SPACE: 69 37 73 38 DATE: 30 37 36 38 CAPTION: 12 37 15 38 AD#: 30 40 42 41 FOUNTAIN COUPLE 50 40 53 41 P5CE 69 40 76 41 JUNE 1995 12 40 20 41 NPT- 533- 7 12 45 14 46 PO 15 45 19 46 #77219 12 47 85 50 IF UNABLE TO INSERT ON THE DATE ORDERED KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE AND WAIT FOR NEW INSERTION DATE. NO CREDIT CAN BE ALLOWED SHOULD THIS ADVERTISEMENT APPEAR INCORRECTLY OR ON A DATE OTHER THAN THAT AUTHORIZED. 12 51 33 52 POSITION URGENTLY REQUESTED: 12 54 40 56 FAR FORWARD, OPPOSITE FULL EDITORIAL 33 57 66 59 - Maintain at least six page separation from bompetitive ads. 12 58 31 59 - No coupon ad on backing page. 12 59 57 60 - No aditional/ advertising matter to cigarette within 6 pages of our ad. 12 61 25 62 COPY INSTRUCTIONS: 77 61 81 63 Cigarette 61 61 76 63 SURGEON GENERALS WARNING 60 63 79 64 Smoke contains carbon Monoxide 12 64 57 65 5 COLOR PROOF ATTACHED, FILM FROM COLLIER WITH "D" WARNING 59 67 78 68 SPACE BILLING INSTRUCTIONS: 12 67 29 68 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: 59 70 76 71 This space is being ordered by: 12 70 35 73 A. Check material carefully against proof to make sure it corresponds in every respect 59 72 76 73 LOAILLARD MEDIA SERVICES 12 74 38 77 B. Please inspect repro material immediately. They should produce good printing results. Advise us promptly if Hor satisfactory 59 75 82 77 Direct all invoices and full checking copies of all regional and national additions to: 59 78 80 82 LORILLARD MEDIA SERVICES ONE PARK AVENUE 17TH FLOOR NEW YORK NEW YORK 10016- 5896 12 78 33 79 C. Poor printing will not be paid for. 89 79 92 86 93106788 12 80 36 83 D. Advise us at once if instructions are not clear. 59 82 62 83 ATTN: 63 82 72 83 STEVE MOLLOY 12 83 38 87 E. Under no circumstances are you to space out our advertisement without specific instructions from us.
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53 8 89 12 CENTER FOR INDOOR AIR RESEARCH 1099 WINTERSON ROAD SUITE 280 LINTHICUM, MD. 21090 (410) 684-3777 FAX (410) 684-3729 11 10 43 16 APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH CONTRACT 11 16 58 18 1. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR NAME, TITLE, TELEPHONE # AND MAILING ADDRESS. 13 18 38 19 Steven R. Kleeberger, Ph. D. 47 18 65 19 Associate Professor 75 18 96 19 (410) 955-3515/955-0299 11 18 15 21 (A) NAME 44 18 48 20 (a) TITLE 72 18 78 20 (c) TELEPHONE 13 21 40 22 Environmental Health Sciences 47 21 96 23 Johns Hopkins University, School of Hyg. & Pub. Hlth. 11 21 20 24 (D) DEPARTMENT 44 21 51 24 (E) INSTITUTION 13 24 53 25 615 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 69 24 74 26 21205 11 25 16 27 (F) MAILING 66 25 72 27 (G) STATE/ZIP 22 27 77 29 Mechanisms of Chronic Ozone Exposure: Role of Inflammation 11 28 22 29 2. PROJECT TITLE 11 30 73 32 3. KEY WORDS PLEASE PROVIDE THREE (3) KEY WORDS WHICH WILL BE USED AS REFERENCE HEADINGS Ozone, 74 30 95 32 Inflammation, Mast Cell 11 32 87 34 4. INSTITUTION NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSTITUTION RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE FOR OF AWARDED ON THE OF DISPOSITION FUNDS BASIS THIS APPLICATION. 41 34 62 36 615 North Wolfe Street 13 35 36 36 Johns Hopkins University 11 35 18 38 (A) INSTITUTION 39 35 43 38 (a) STREET 43 36 48 38 ADDRESS 13 38 22 39 Baltimore 68 38 84 40 Maryland 21205 11 38 14 41 (C) City 66 39 72 41 (D) STATE/ZIP 11 41 77 43 5. LOCATION LIST LOCATION WHERE RESEARCH WILL BE CONDUCTED IF OTHER THAN INSTITUTION IDENTIFIED IN #4 ABOVE. 11 44 13 45 (A) 11 46 13 47 (B) 11 48 85 52 6. INCLUSIVE DATES AND TOTAL COSTS OF THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT RELATED TO EACH 12 MONTH PERIOD IF MORE THAN ONE YEAR IS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE PROJECT. SUMMARIZE FROM BUDGET PAGE ITEM 12(s). IT MUST BE UNDERSTOOD THAT AWARDS FOR 2ND AND 3RD PERIODS ARE DEPENDENT ON CENTER APPROVAL OF CONTINUATION APPLICATION. 33 52 43 53 INCLUSIVE DATE 61 52 68 53 TOTAL COST 47 53 55 54 12/31/94 27 53 35 54 01/01/94 58 53 65 54 210, 910 11 53 25 55 (A) 1ST 12 MONTH PERIOD 44 53 47 55 THRU 56 53 58 55 $ 33 55 41 56 01/01/95 48 55 55 56 12/31/95 58 55 65 56 212, 481 11 55 32 57 (B) 2ND 12 MONTH PERIOD IF REQUIRED 56 55 58 56 $ 44 56 47 57 THRU 58 57 65 59 220, 416 33 57 41 59 01/01/96 48 57 55 59 12/31/96 11 57 32 59 (C) 3RD 12 MONTH PERIOD IF REQUIRED 56 57 57 59 $ 44 58 47 59 THRU 10 59 88 63 7. INSTITUTIONAL OFFICER. NAME, TITLE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FOR THE INSTITUTION IDENTIFIED IN #4 ABOVE. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE OFFICER, IN APPLYING FOR A CONTACT. HAS READ AND FOUND ACCEPTABLE THE CENTER'S MANAGEMENT OF RESEARCH CONTRACTS AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION POLICY. 13 63 34 65 Alan M. Goldberg, Ph. D. 41 63 63 65 Assoc. Dean for Research 10 64 14 66 (A) NAME 38 64 42 66 (B) TITLE 71 65 81 69 5/26/93 13 65 26 67 (410) 955-9253 11 66 17 68 (C) TELEPHONE 38 66 46 68 (D) SIGNATURE OF 66 66 69 69 (E) DATE 11 69 31 73 8. PRELIMINARY STUDIES* QUALIFICATIONS OF INVESTIGATOR 10 73 32 81 9. EXPERIMENTAL PLAN* (A) METHODS DATA INTERPRETATION RESULTS INVESTIGATION LITERATURE CITED 88 80 91 88 87594142 11 81 40 83 10. AVAILABLE FACILITIES AND RESOURCES 10 83 24 85 11. OTHER SUPPORT 10 86 87 91 * APPEND AS MUCH MATERIAL AS REQUIRED TYPE, SINGLE SPACE USE 8-1/2 x 11" WHITE PAPER AND LABEL EACH SHEET WITH NAME THE PRINCIPAL NVESTIGATOR IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER AND PAGE NUMBER AT THE BOTTOM. CONSECUTIVELY NUMBER EACH ADDENDUM BEGINNING WITH PAGES 5. DO NOT INSERT PACES BETWEEN PAGES 1 AND 6 E.G. 2A 2B 3A ETC. INCLUDE NINE COPIES AND AN ORIGINAL If SENDING PHOTOGRAPHS, INCLUDE 2 ORIGINAL SETS. NOTE: EACH OF THE NINE COPIES MUST BE PLACED IN BINDER PER MAILING INSTRUCTIONS.
67 3 73 4 3/14/90 80 3 85 4 90- B- 1 61 3 66 4 Date: 51 4 58 6 1194- 90 41 4 50 6 Sample No. 35 5 51 7 Type of Cigarette 52 6 64 7 100 mm Filter 40 7 49 8 Batch Size 50 7 59 8 47.5 lbs. 6 9 28 11 Original Request Made By 29 9 38 11 J. H. Bell 41 9 48 11 2/15/90 38 9 40 11 on 22 11 49 13 Cigarette Modification B- 451 6 11 22 13 Purpose of Sample 6 13 36 15 Sample Specifications Written By 36 13 49 15 C. W. Lassiter 20 16 26 18 CASTING 35 16 42 18 RECASING 50 16 62 18 FINAL FLAVOR 6 16 11 17 BLEND 70 16 77 18 MENIHOL 6 18 14 19 Attached 20 18 24 19 None 35 18 42 19 Attached 50 18 54 19 None 70 18 75 19 None 6 20 16 22 Cigarettes 41 21 48 22 Filters 9 23 14 25 Maker 27 23 31 25 MK 8 61 23 70 25 Section A 74 23 83 25 Section B 28 25 34 27 99.0 mm 9 26 15 27 Length 61 26 66 27 27 mm 74 26 77 27 mm 9 27 21 29 Filter Length 27 28 32 29 27 mm 44 28 48 29 Kind 61 28 71 29 3.3/ 35,000 9 30 21 31 Circumference 27 30 34 31 24.8 mm 61 30 67 31 OG Lt. 44 32 53 34 Rod Length 27 32 36 34 78.0 g / 100 61 32 67 33 108 mm 9 32 15 33 Weight 27 34 35 35 81- 01- 07 9 34 14 36 Paper 43 34 56 36 Pressure Drop 61 34 67 36 400 mm 27 36 35 38 25- 04- 07 9 36 18 38 Tip. Paper 44 36 56 38 Circumference 61 36 69 38 24.45 mm 61 38 70 40 75.3 30g / 100 27 38 38 40 67 mm White 44 39 49 40 Weight 9 41 23 42 Tip. Paper Por. 61 41 68 42 7 % Kent 27 41 30 42 430 43 41 49 42 Plast. 9 43 19 44 Glue Roller 61 43 69 44 84- 52- 28 44 43 53 44 Plug Wrap 27 43 29 44 G 9 45 20 46 Air Dilution 27 45 33 46 13.0 % 44 45 56 46 Plug Wrap Por. 61 45 66 46 655 44 47 53 48 Comb. Wrap 44 49 57 51 Comb. Wrap Por. 6 52 14 54 Wrapping 41 52 54 54 Responsibility 9 54 15 55 Labels 27 54 32 56 White 43 54 56 55 Tobacco Blend 61 54 76 56 Lassiter/ Douglas 43 56 60 58 Filter Production 61 56 65 58 MFG. 9 56 16 57 Closures 27 56 31 58 Blue 43 58 59 60 Making & Packing 9 58 17 60 Tear Tape 27 58 32 60 White 61 59 66 60 James 9 61 16 62 Cartons 44 61 52 62 Shipping 27 61 32 62 White 9 62 16 64 Markings 27 63 40 66 Sample No. on each Carton 43 63 60 66 Sample Requistion (Form 02: 20: 06) 61 63 66 64 James 6 68 17 69 Requirements 41 68 60 69 Laboratory Analysis: 9 69 18 73 Laboratory Other 27 69 33 71 1 Tray 43 69 67 71 Mainstream Smoke Analysis 40 75 59 77 Special Requirements 87 76 90 85 87093315 63 89 90 91 Director, Product Development
14 8 34 9 FEB 25 '98 18: 23 FR 59 8 61 9 TO 62 8 79 9 #1 28557 002# P. 2101 66 12 81 24 12 12 42 15 FAX TRANSMISSION 24 24 38 25 February 25, 1998 13 24 18 25 DATE: 24 26 34 28 L8557 002 13 27 22 28 CLIENT NO.: 24 30 39 31 Ronald S. Milstein 13 30 24 31 MESSAGE TO: 24 33 46 34 Lorillard Tobacco Company 13 33 21 34 COMPANY: 24 35 37 37 910/ 335- 7707 13 35 23 37 FAX NUMBER: 24 38 36 40 910 /335 -7718 13 38 19 39 PHONE: 25 42 35 43 Andy Zausner 13 42 18 43 FROM: 25 44 36 46 202 /828 -2259 13 45 19 46 PHONE: 13 47 36 49 PAGES (including Cover Sheet): 38 47 40 48 12 42 47 60 49 HARD COPY TO FOLLOW: 65 47 68 48 YES 76 47 79 48 NO 13 49 21 51 MESSAGE: 22 49 76 53 See attached fax from the Committee on Commerce just received in my office. Call me discuss. 22 71 79 75 If your receipt of this transmission is in error, please notify this firm immediately by collect call to our Facsimile Department at 202- 861 -9106 and send the original transmission to us by return mail at the address below. 22 76 80 82 This transmission is intended for the sole use of the individual and entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution duplication of this transmission by somcong other than the intended addressee or its designated agent is strictly prohibited. 85 82 88 92 83624198 21 93 50 94 2101 L. Street NW Washington DC 20037 1528 54 93 62 94 202 785 9700 51 93 53 94 Tel 63 93 66 94 Fax 66 93 74 94 202 -887 -0589
12 12 22 13 Lynnette Stevens 6 12 10 13 From: 12 14 20 16 Kelli Scruggs 7 14 8 16 To: 6 17 9 19 CC: 12 17 21 20 Vincent Losito George Baroody 29 17 36 19 Don Kisling 28 18 45 20 S. Tesh C. Hill 14 22 16 24 18 22 29 24 Brand(s) Applicable 42 22 61 24 Newport Parent, Lights. & 120's 14 25 16 27 18 25 25 27 Media Type 43 25 49 27 Direct Mail 14 28 16 29 18 28 25 29 Media Name 42 28 57 30 Competitive 21- 34 years 14 31 16 32 18 31 32 32 Issue Frequency/ Year 14 34 16 35 18 34 27 35 *Space/ Color 14 36 16 38 18 36 28 38 Coupon Issue Date 61 37 66 38 4/ 14/ 00 14 39 16 41 18 39 31 41 Coupon Expiration Date 61 39 66 41 9 /30 00 42 42 53 43 APPROX. 600,000 14 42 16 43 18 42 26 43 Circulation(#) 42 44 75 45 AR,AZ,AK,CA,CO,FL,ID,IA,CT,ME,MASS,MN,MT,NE, 14 45 16 46 18 45 42 46 Geographical Area(s) Tiers II & IV 43 45 71 46 NV,NM,NY,ND,DK,OR,RI,SD,UT,WA,D.C.,WY 14 48 16 49 18 48 26 49 Coupon Value 62 48 69 49 $1.50 OFF 15 50 16 52 17 50 30 52 Pack and/ or Carton? 61 50 64 52 PACK 14 53 16 54 18 53 34 55 Advertising Creative Title. 41 54 80 62 14 57 16 59 18 57 30 59 Signature of Initiator 15 60 16 62 18 60 26 62 Date Initiated 54 60 61 62 21-Jan-00 6 63 21 65 Analytical Requirements 34 70 49 72 FOR CONTROL USE ONLY 49 72 57 74 05787 29 73 37 75 Code Assigned 29 75 35 77 Job Number 29 77 38 79 Est. Redemption 50 78 54 80 13% 85 80 89 92 86075409 6 83 18 85 * Where Applicable
68 5 90 17 35 10 61 12 FINAL REPORT AMENDMENT 9 15 22 17 STUDY NAME 23 15 64 17 Induction of Hepatic Enzymes in rats (B202) 10 18 24 20 STUDY NUMBER 24 18 34 20 I- 7016. 401 46 21 70 23 DATE OF FINAL REPORT 70 21 86 23 February 26, 1987 27 21 43 22 October 27, 1986 10 21 27 23 INITIATION DATE 10 23 70 26 PART OF FINAL REPORT TO BE AMENDED (EXACT LOCATION) 14 27 32 29 Page 14 and Table 4 10 30 38 32 REASON FOR THE AMENDMENT 41 30 60 32 Request from sponsor 10 45 68 47 AMENDMENT (Attach additional sheets as necessary) 23 48 35 50 see attached 55 64 82 75 88 67 91 77 87125460 10 68 21 70 APPROVALS 13 69 24 74 8/ 7/ 87 58 72 75 74 STUDY DIRECTOR 10 73 15 74 DATE 54 77 92 82 11 78 24 83 08/ 14/ 87 58 81 79 83 QUALITY ASSURANCE 10 82 15 83 DATE
71 2 84 11 43 7 57 9 PROJECT BRIEF 14 11 19 12 DATE: 25 11 38 13 June 1, 1990 14 14 20 15 BRAND: 23 14 46 17 General Merchandising Nonspecific 51 14 56 16 ITEM: 59 14 85 17 Package Fixture Circle-K Convenient Stores 14 18 22 19 SUMMARY 22 18 25 19 OF 26 18 35 19 PROJECT: 37 18 40 19 See 41 18 50 19 Attached 72 21 92 32 13 25 43 26 SUPPLIERS BEING CONSIDERED: 13 27 27 29 Chicago Show 13 30 31 32 Display Equation 13 33 30 35 Chicago Display 13 36 43 38 Robert Nielson & Associates 13 40 22 41 FUNDING: 13 43 45 45 1990 Customized Merchandising 13 45 30 47 Services ESPNS 13 55 25 57 SIGNATURES: 13 59 33 61 REQUESTING MANAGER 13 64 36 65 MERCHANDISING MANAGER 12 68 37 69 GROUP PRODUCT DIRECTOR 12 72 36 74 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 12 76 23 78 RETURN TO: 25 77 46 78 REQUESTING MANAGER 12 82 21 83 4514cbta 0 95 30 98 462231045 PRODUCED FROM B&W WEB SITE
3 3 11 10 B&W 77 3 87 10 QUALITY 15 4 74 9 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTION OUR MISSION IS SUPERIOR CONSUMER SATISFACTION 16 9 73 10 Highest Quality. Teamwork, Do Right Things Right The First Time 29 11 60 13 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 65 14 82 16 Quality Coord Only 32 16 43 18 R&D Library 6 16 19 17 June 21, 1993 18 16 29 17 DEPARTMENT: 1 16 6 17 DATE: 71 16 80 19 6/ 21/ 93 59 17 69 19 Date Rec'd 70 19 82 21 93- 0301 18 19 34 20 Carol S. Lincoln 59 19 69 20 QIP Log #1 1 19 13 20 SUBMITTED BY: 66 20 73 22 EQPR 59 20 63 22 Type 19 21 29 23 407- 64- 3484 59 22 71 23 Status (1993) 1 22 16 23 SUBMITTER'S SS#: 59 23 73 25 Keywords (1993) 1 27 46 29 SUGGESTION: (Describe Current Situation and Idea) 4 30 89 43 The current system of managing records is too complex. The trend seems to be increasingly specific, when we should be getting more general. Right now, people must work to understand the system. We must spend too much time adninistering the system, labeling and cleaning our files. Complying is a real burden, both for the individual and for the records coordinators. 1 47 39 49 Describe Possible Solutions And Benefits 4 50 47 51 1. Drop the category specifications altogether. 4 52 33 54 2. Use moregeneral categories. 4 54 85 60 hote: I have passed this to Scott Appleton for the task force to use in streamlining the records management program. 1 59 19 60 PROFIT IMPROVEMENT: 19 59 34 60 (If Applicable) 53 64 62 66 ☐ Pending 39 64 45 66 ☐ Yes 47 64 52 66 ☐ No 1 64 12 66 RESPOND HERE 64 64 68 66 Date 28 64 37 66 Implement: 83 77 85 89 632120763 7 87 29 89 Approval Signature/ Date 55 87 69 88 Responder/ Date 34 87 54 90 Sign & Print Names) (See Instructions On Back)
12 11 15 13 TO: 24 11 34 13 R. B. SPELL 64 11 82 13 SUBMISSION DATE 12 14 18 15 FROM: 59 14 66 16 MAY 27 76 14 83 16 AUG 26 59 16 66 18 JUN 24 76 16 83 18 OCT 07 12 19 21 21 SUBJECT: 24 19 64 21 MAVERICK SPECIALS- PROGRESS REPORT 12 27 32 28 EFFECTIVENESS OF: 33 27 82 29 Pre- Sell Booklet /Coupon Maverick /Harley B1 G1 F 13 29 35 31 (Report on May 27 only) 12 31 21 32 PRE- SELL 12 45 30 47 BOOKLET/ COUPON 12 60 36 62 MAVERICK/ HARLEY B1 G1 F 13 74 50 76 COMPETITIVE PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY 13 76 34 78 (Report on May 27 only) 91 76 92 83 92039708 12 78 87 80 Average Coupon Buydown Value On Targeted Brands (Doral/ Basic/ Monarch/ Cambridge/ GPC 28 82 34 83 PACKS 28 85 37 86 CARTONS 86 90 91 92 1 of 3
28 6 73 9 SPORTS MARKETING ENTERPRISES DOCUMENT CLEARANCE SHEET 10 13 20 15 Date Routed: 51 13 61 15 Contract No. 28 13 41 15 January 11, 1994 69 13 78 15 4011 00 00 10 18 23 19 Contract Subject: 28 18 44 20 Joe's Place Exhibits 21 21 33 23 SPEVCO, INC. 10 21 17 23 Company 65 21 77 23 Camel/ Winston 56 21 63 23 Brand(s) 30 24 42 26 $ 1,340,000.00 52 24 66 26 Current Year Cost 10 25 25 26 Total Contract Cost 73 25 81 26 1994-1995 31 28 88 31 2 Joe's Place Exhibits for use at Winston Cup, Winston Drag and Camel Super Bike Events. 10 28 23 30 Brief Description 50 35 67 37 Program Budget Code 10 35 18 37 G/ L Code: 28 39 33 41 NAME 51 39 62 40 SIGNATURE 75 39 80 41 DATE 28 42 40 44 Michael Wright 10 42 18 44 Originator 54 45 72 49 B J. Powell 77 46 88 48 1-11-94 10 46 17 48 Manager 28 46 38 48 John Powell 10 50 25 51 REVIEW ROUTING 51 52 62 53 SIGNATURE 75 52 80 53 DATE 10 55 17 56 Insurance 10 58 13 60 Law 10 62 21 64 FS - Marketing 10 65 28 71 REVISIONS TO SHELL (Other than Term Compensation or Job 51 66 58 67 PAGE(S) 75 66 85 67 SECTION(S) 10 73 27 74 APPROVAL ROUTING 10 74 33 76 * Sr. Manager (B. J. Powell) 10 76 30 78 * Director - (G. L. Littell) 92 77 94 86 51669 8130 10 80 35 82 ** Sr. VP T. W. Robertson 9 83 18 85 Return To: 27 84 43 87 MARY SEAGRAVES Ext 1485 51 84 55 85 SME 75 84 82 85 13 Plaza 10 88 37 91 * UP TO AND INCLUDING $ 25,000 ** OVER $ 25,000 75 90 88 91 Revised 10/26/92
18 8 25 9 S.P. Zolot 2 8 5 9 TO: 60 8 73 10 SUBMISSION DATE 2 11 7 12 FROM: 18 11 25 12 C.J. Leiker 50 11 55 12 MAY 19 67 11 72 12 AUG 11 51 13 55 14 JUN 30 67 14 72 15 SEP 22 72 14 74 15 ☑ 2 16 9 17 SUBJECT: 19 16 55 17 MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL- PROGRESS REPORT 16 19 25 20 GEOGRAPHY 2 21 8 22 REGION: 28 21 32 22 FULL 35 21 36 22 x 55 21 61 23 PARTIAL 2 24 45 25 (ONLY PARTIAL REGION CONTINUE WITH DIVISION(S) SCOPE) 2 26 9 28 DIVISION: 28 26 32 28 FULL 55 27 61 28 PARTIAL 4 29 15 30 DIVISION NAME: 28 29 39 30 DIVISION NAME: 56 29 61 30 # REPS 55 32 61 33 # REPS 5 32 15 33 DIVISION NAME: 28 32 39 33 DIVISION NAME: 28 34 39 35 DIVISION NAME: 56 34 61 36 # REPS 5 34 15 35 DIVISION NAME: 2 37 51 42 DISTRIBUTION DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED WITHIN THE REGION (15+ STORES) STOCKING NO MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL 20 41 26 44 IND. LOR VOLUME 57 42 63 44 IND VOLUME 29 42 35 44 NO. OF STORES 65 42 71 44 NO. OF STORES 4 43 17 44 NAME OF ACCOUNT 40 43 54 44 NAME OF ACCOUNT 2 45 16 46 Chatham Oil (311- 01) 21 45 26 46 139/ 27 32 45 34 46 23 2 47 16 48 Express Stop (309- 30) 21 47 25 48 202/ 22 32 47 34 48 21 2 49 15 50 Fowlers Oil (308 -21) 21 49 26 50 126/ 26 32 49 34 50 15 3 50 17 52 Petro Express (313- 07) 21 50 26 52 176/ 13 32 51 34 52 17 3 52 16 54 Service Dist. (313- 12) 21 52 26 54 98/ 17 32 52 34 54 82 2 62 53 65 DIRECT ACCOUNTS AND CHAINS HEADQUARTERED OUTSIDE THE REGION (15+ STORES) STOCKING NO MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL 20 65 26 67 IND LOR VOLUME 29 65 35 67 NO. OF STORES 57 65 63 67 IND LOR VOLUME 66 65 72 67 NO. OF STORES 4 66 18 68 NAME OF ACCOUNT 40 66 54 68 NAME OF ACCOUNT 3 68 16 69 Coastal Mart (210- 06) 38 68 49 70 _7-Eleven 68 68 70 69 25 32 68 34 69 31 3 70 13 71 Conoco (524- 10) 32 70 34 71 17 3 71 15 73 Dairy Mart (417- 47) 32 72 34 73 15 3 73 12 75 Emro (411- 07) 32 74 34 75 39 3 75 15 77 EZ Serve (810 76B) 32 76 34 77 25 3 77 16 79 CVS- Revco (014- 20) 32 77 35 79 460 89 78 92 88 81619511 3 79 13 81 Rite Aid (209- 07) 32 79 34 80 79 3 81 14 83 Walgreen (625- 60) 32 81 34 82 17 3 83 14 85 Walmart (527- 35) 32 83 35 84 112 71 92 85 94 Page1 of 3 Pages 5 93 14 94 MAVPROG.XLS
8 13 15 15 EPL 18 16 54 18 EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY LABORATORIES, INC. 37 21 56 24 QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT CERTIFICATION 13 27 24 28 Client Name 25 27 51 28 Borriston Laboratories, Inc. 73 27 78 28 1419A 51 27 66 28 Client Study No. 27 31 81 33 Dr. William O. Iverson Pathologist Dr. Charley E. Gilmore 13 31 26 33 Study Director 27 34 76 39 Bioassay of Cigarette Smoke Condensates for potential Tumorigenic Activity on Mouse Skin (Revised Pathology Report) 13 36 23 37 Study Title 14 40 25 41 Test Article 26 40 34 41 Multiple 56 40 63 41 Species 67 40 72 41 Mice 15 48 85 59 A11 parts of the pathology phase of this study, including the final report, were reviewed by Experimental Pathology Laboratories Quality Assurance Unit on March 2- June 8, 1983 . All Findings were reported to the Study Director and Management. 51 66 80 74 6/8/83 86 83 88 92 89386032
36 3 54 8 MAGAZINE SCORES AUDIENCE STUDIES 74 12 80 14 74- 80 18 12 30 14 SALEM (RJR) 5 12 11 14 Brand 60 12 70 14 Project # 18 15 34 16 "HEAD IN WATER" 5 15 11 17 Title 60 15 74 17 Total Sample 74 15 78 16 214 5 18 11 20 Code # 65 20 65 21 17 20 28 22 FULL PAGE 5 21 10 22 Size 5 23 14 25 Magazine 18 23 23 25 TIME 18 26 42 28 WEEK OF MARCH 25, 1974 5 26 16 28 Field Date 18 29 76 31 CHICAGO, DALLAS/ FORT WORTH, INDIANAPOLIS, LOS ANGELES 5 29 14 30 Location 18 32 54 33 MEMPHIS, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH 5 35 25 37 Sample Description 26 35 60 37 MALE AND FEMALE MENTHOL SMOKERS 71 37 80 39 COMMENTS 29 37 32 39 PM6 43 37 57 39 PROVED RECALL 23 39 29 40 SCORE 32 39 37 40 BASE 44 39 50 40 SCORE 53 39 57 40 BASE 52 45 57 47 (167) 5 45 13 47 OVERALL 61 45 90 56 Tested among a half sample of smokers. Sub- group scores subject to wide variation because of small sample size and should be averaged across several ads for meaningful infor- mation. 25 45 29 46 1.0 32 45 37 47 (.97) 46 45 48 47 31 5 51 9 52 SEX: 32 52 37 54 (51) 46 52 48 53 31 53 52 57 53 (83) 5 52 10 53 Male 25 52 29 54 2.0 5 53 12 55 Female 53 53 57 55 (84) 25 54 29 55 0.0 32 54 37 55 (46) 46 54 48 55 31 5 59 9 60 AGE: 5 60 14 62 Under 25 5 62 11 63 25- 34 5 63 11 64 35- 44 5 64 15 66 45 & Over 25 70 29 71 2.4 32 70 37 72 (42) 46 70 49 71 33 5 70 14 71 Under 35 53 70 58 71 (81) 25 71 29 73 0.0 52 71 58 73 (86) 5 71 15 73 35 & Over 32 71 37 73 (55) 46 72 48 73 29 5 77 19 78 BRAND SMOKED: 46 78 49 80 33 53 78 58 80 (42) 5 78 25 80 Test Brand Smokers 5 80 23 82 All Other Smokers 53 80 58 81 (125) 46 80 49 82 30 63 83 74 84 Date Sent 74 83 83 84 4/19/74 75 84 85 85 PI- 7653 65 89 80 91 770205964
33 0 61 2 ACCEPTED SYMPOSIUM 65 0 83 2 Return this form to: 9 1 29 5 Annual Meeting Los Angeles 65 1 82 6 AAAS Meetings Office 1101 Vermont Ave., N W. Washington, D. C. 20005 34 2 60 4 Preliminary Program Information 13 5 25 7 26- 31 May 1983 33 5 62 8 Submit not later than 1 November 66 6 73 8 Telephone: 73 6 84 8 (202) 842- 9530 22 10 67 11 READ REVERSE SIDE BEFORE FILLING OUT THIS FORM 69 12 84 15 202/ 457- 4850 58 13 68 15 TELEPHONE 1 13 44 15 RINCIPAL ORGANIZER (who will receive correspondence): 69 14 72 15 79 14 84 16 72 15 75 16 1 16 5 18 AME 8 16 32 18 Marvin A Kastenbaum 48 16 59 18 AFFILLATION 56 19 81 21 Washington DC 20006 8 19 41 21 1825 Eye Street, NW Suite 800 1 19 8 21 DDRESS 42 19 55 21 CITY STATE, 1 22 24 24 O ORGANIZER (if applicable): 58 22 68 24 TELEPHONE 69 23 75 24 79 23 84 24 1 25 6 26 AME 48 25 59 26 AFFILIATION 0 28 8 29 DDRESS 42 28 55 29 CITY, STATE, ZIP 37 32 52 34 FOR ONE SESSION 36 35 61 37 THE HUMAN CHROMOSOME 1 36 24 38 INAL TITLE OF SYMPOSIUM 51 43 83 46 Director - Genetics Centers 8 43 33 46 Dr. William J. Schull 1 44 6 46 resider 45 44 51 46 Position 9 46 86 48 Univ. of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Houston) 2 46 9 48 Affiliation 54 49 66 51 Professor 9 49 30 51 Dr. Jorge J. Yunis 1 49 8 51 - Speaker 45 50 50 51 Position 12 51 56 53 Univ. of Minnesota School of Medicine 2 52 9 53 Affiliation 8 53 76 55 The Oncogene, the Fragile Site, and Nonrandom Aberrations 2 54 6 56 Topic 51 55 93 58 Chairman - Professor of Cytogenetic 9 56 31 58 Dr. Sheldon Wolff 1 57 8 59 - Speaker 46 57 51 58 Position 9 58 93 60 Laborat. Radiobiology& Environmental Health - U. of Cal. San Francis 2 59 9 60 Affiliation 12 60 43 63 Sister- -Chromatid Exchanges 2 61 6 63 Topic. 54 63 65 65 Professor 8 63 32 65 Dr. Patricia Jacobs 46 64 51 66 Position 1 64 8 66 - Speaker 11 65 58 67 University of Hawai - Dept. of Anatomy 2 66 9 68 Affiliation 8 67 53 70 Abnormal Human Chromosome Complements 2 68 6 70 Topic 12 70 33 72 Dr. Raymond White 54 70 66 72 Professor 1 71 8 73 - Speaker 45 71 51 73 Position 12 72 34 75 University of Utah 2 73 9 75 Affiliation 12 74 60 77 Human Linkage Map based on DNA Markers 2 76 6 77 Topic 9 77 34 80 Dr. Michael A. Bender 54 77 71 79 Cytogeneticist 1 78 8 80 - Speaker 45 78 51 80 Position 12 79 76 82 Brookhaven National Laboratory - Medical Department 2 80 9 82 Affiliation 12 82 41 84 Cyrogeneric Epidemiology 2 83 6 84 Tοpic 79 85 90 87 See Reverse Side
10 9 64 15 WINSTON & STRAWN 78 10 86 14 68 13 81 15 Fax Cover Sheet 12 15 61 18 MAMI TRIAL SITE, 2000 FIRST UNION FINANCIAL CENTER, 200 SOUTH BISCAYNE BOULEVARD MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 12 17 15 19 FAX: 16 17 29 19 (305) 400 6 06 10 20 26 23 200 PARK AVENUE NEWYORK NY 10166 4193 212 294-6700 29 20 45 23 400 L. STREET N WASHWINGTON DC 20005 3502 202 371 5700 47 20 58 23 35 WEST WACKER CHICAGO. IL 30601 312- 588 5800 66 20 78 23 21 AVENUE VICTOR HUGO 75 PARIS, FRANCE 33- 53 64 62 82 35 25 47 27 Fax Number: 47 25 60 27 305 400- 6107 9 28 15 30 FROM: 21 28 31 30 Kevin Narko 60 28 72 30 CHARGEBACK: 62 31 69 32 4162/ 158 21 33 28 34 10/ 13/ 99 9 33 15 35 DATE: 32 37 62 38 Please Deliver as soon Possible To: 31 40 39 41 COMPANY 14 40 23 41 RECIPIENT 52 40 56 41 FAX 68 40 77 42 PHONE No. 56 40 59 41 No. 14 43 25 44 John Mulderig 31 43 41 45 Philip Morris 52 43 63 44 917 -663 -5796 68 43 79 44 917- 663 3056 14 45 25 47 Gregory Little 31 45 41 47 Philip Morris 52 46 63 47 917- 663 5979 31 49 63 51 Total number of pages including this page: 10 53 19 54 COMMENTS 11 67 82 72 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL OUR FAX OPERATOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THANK YOU. 312- 558- 5948 10 82 84 87 The information contained in this facsimile message is attorncy privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying this communication strictly prohibited. 90 83 93 92 2074956978 11 88 84 90 If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone, and return the original message to us at the above address via the U. S. Postal Service. Thank you. 13 91 27 93 Operator Initials: 71 93 74 95 No: 25 93 29 95 Yes 34 93 39 95 Name: 13 93 25 95 Confirmation:
64 9 85 13 INBIFO 12 11 51 13 INBIFO Institut für biologische Forschung GmbH 64 13 71 15 Contract 71 13 79 15 Research 40 15 47 17 2463 12 15 34 17 TELEFAX MESSAGE No.: 70 17 77 18 (0 22 03) 303 -1 64 17 70 18 Telephone 64 18 68 19 Telefax 68 18 77 19 (0 22 03) 303 -362 12 19 53 20 INBIFO bioloische Forschnung GmbH Fuggesstr 3- D- 51149 Cologne 65 21 73 23 -/BVI DLEY FAX 12 25 18 27 DATE: 35 26 44 27 28 Apr. 98 12 30 19 32 FROM: 35 30 53 32 Dr. Wolf Reininghaus 64 33 83 35 98 -04 -28 12: 05 OUT 12 35 16 37 TO: 35 35 55 38 Dr. Don Leyden, Dept. Scientific Affairs 67 40 85 50 Telefax- Original Ablage 13 42 23 44 ADDRESS: 35 42 64 45 Philip Morris Europe Fabriques de Tabac Reunies S. A. 35 46 52 48 CH- 2003 Neuchatel 44 51 60 53 0041- 32- 888 5776 35 51 42 53 Fax no: 49 55 74 59 21 13 56 44 57 NUMBER OF FOLLOWING PAGES 12 62 17 64 Re.: 17 62 36 64 TPM/ Nocotine ratio 13 67 34 68 For your information! 85 77 91 92 2505430204 73 93 82 94 Cologne HRB 367 65 93 73 94 Trade Register 65 94 74 95 General Manager 74 94 85 95 Dr. Wolf Reninghaus 90 95 93 96 27/94
37 18 61 19 PROJECT INITIATION FORM 15 27 27 28 PROJECT CODE 36 27 40 28 PMRM 63 27 77 28 April 30, 1985 57 27 62 28 DATE 36 30 61 32 PALL MALL Regular Menthol 15 30 27 32 PROJECT NAME 35 34 48 36 J. F. Anders 15 34 29 36 PROJECT LEADER 36 38 55 40 R. S. Sprinkle, III 15 38 32 40 WORK REQUESTED BY 36 42 77 48 To develop a nonfilter menthol cigarette delivering 21- 24 mg "tar" as a menthol companion to PALL MALL Famous Cigarettes. 15 42 32 44 PROJECT OBJECTIVE 46 49 57 51 dimensions: 59 49 80 51 84 x 24.9 mm circum- 36 50 45 51 Cigarette 35 52 44 53 ference. 15 55 30 57 OTHER PERSONNEL ASSIGNED 36 56 48 57 E. P. Barbee 51 68 62 69 Approved by 51 70 74 74 R. S. Sprinkle III 19 72 23 73 RSS 14 72 17 73 cc: 19 73 23 74 RDC 20 74 23 76 PHL 19 76 23 77 PRC 19 77 23 78 BMC 20 78 27 79 Records 19 79 34 81 Project Leader 19 81 44 82 Other Personnel Assigned 66 86 81 88 ATX02 0226607
58 0 64 2 Date: 67 1 89 3 September 21, 1976 34 4 46 6 Sample No. 49 4 54 6 6030 25 7 45 9 Type of Cigarette 49 7 64 9 85 mm Filter 33 10 45 12 Batch Size 49 10 57 12 50 lbs. 68 13 89 15 September 21, 1976 32 13 51 15 Dr. A. W. Spears 63 13 66 15 on 0 13 29 16 Original Request Made By 43 16 56 18 W. E. Routh 0 16 38 19 Sample Specifications Written By 77 18 96 19 Additional Spray 59 19 74 21 FINAL FLAVOR 18 20 25 21 CASING 37 20 46 21 RECASING 0 20 7 22 BLEND 77 21 97 23 3. 4% PMO in EtoH 64 21 68 23 OGS 40 22 44 24 OGS 1 22 5 23 OGS 19 22 24 23 OGS 48 27 58 29 Filters 0 28 13 29 Cigarettes 60 30 86 32 20 mm True plastic rod 52 31 57 32 Kind 4 31 10 32 Maker 15 31 20 32 AMF 15 32 22 34 85 mm 4 32 11 34 Length 21 34 27 35 25.0 4 34 20 35 Circumference 24 34 26 35 0 53 34 61 35 Process 13 35 45 37 To be det. (803 mg tobacco) 4 35 12 37 Weight 53 35 65 37 Rod Length 21 37 40 39 To be determined 52 37 68 38 Pressure Drop 4 37 19 39 Pressure Drop 4 38 19 40 Filter Length 53 38 68 40 Circumference 22 39 28 40 20 mm 53 40 60 41 Weight 21 40 25 41 554 4 40 10 42 Paper 53 41 66 43 Plasticizer 4 42 20 43 Tipping Paper 21 42 28 43 30 mm 53 43 64 44 Plug Wrap 49 47 66 49 Responsibility 3 48 11 50 apping 75 51 82 53 Ammons 53 51 68 52 Tobacco Blend 20 51 26 53 White 4 51 11 53 Labels 20 52 26 54 Blue 53 52 73 54 Filter Production 74 52 82 54 Wicker 4 53 14 54 Closures 75 54 88 55 Brown /Routh 53 54 72 56 Making & Packing 20 54 26 56 White 4 54 15 56 Tear rape 75 55 81 57 Routh 53 56 62 57 Shipping 22 56 24 57 " 4 56 13 57 Cartons 77 57 79 58 " 17 57 32 60 Sample No. on overwrap 53 57 74 60 Sample Requisition [Form 02: 02: 06] 4 57 14 59 Markings 49 63 73 65 Special Requirements 1 63 15 65 Requirements 4 66 16 68 Laboratory 19 66 30 68 3 cartons 49 66 94 77 Spray 50 lbs. tobacco with solution of 880 g (= 1. 94 lbs.) PMC in 1175 ml of denatured alcohol. This should give 3. 4% PMO add- on (3. 3% PMO contained) assuming 88% spraying efficiency. PMO delivery from 85 mm cigarette smoked to 30 mm butt should be 6. 5 mg/ cig. 19 68 35 70 20, 000 cigts. 4 68 10 70 Other 1 72 23 74 Laboratory Analysis 24 74 40 78 Smoke Analysis PMO Analysis 1 79 10 80 Reports 83 80 86 90 00093726 19 81 41 84 P. D. Schickedantz 4 82 16 83 Written by 19 83 38 85 Dr. A. W. Spears 4 83 17 85 Original to 19 85 43 88 Dr. F. J. Schulz Dr. H. J. Minnemeyer 4 85 15 86 Copies to 53 92 90 98 Manager, H.J. Minnemeyer Research
84 1 90 3 33 7 69 9 AMES ASSAY FOR MUTAGENICITY 18 11 43 13 2, 4- Dihydroxypyridine 9 11 15 13 COMPOUND 61 14 68 16 OR61 -2 17 14 51 16 Lorillard - Organic Chemistry 9 15 14 16 SOURCE: 51 15 57 16 LORILLARD 77 15 80 16 LOT 57 15 59 16 NO 80 15 82 16 NO. 46 17 65 19 9 /10 /80 -10 /10 /80 78 17 87 19 10 /10 /80 22 17 29 19 9 /3 /80 40 18 44 20 TESTED 9 18 18 19 DATE RECEIVED 63 18 70 19 REPORTED: 22 20 50 22 H. S. Tong & A. A. Poole 80 20 88 22 BIO7 -24 9 21 18 22 INVESTIGATOR(S) 68 21 77 23 NOTEBOOK PAGE 23 22 77 26 9 24 17 25 SIGNATURE(S) 9 30 22 31 TOXICITY (% SURVIVAL) 61 30 66 31 SOLVENT 70 30 73 31 DMSO 36 30 37 31 50 52 30 55 31 100 68 30 70 31 ☑ 74 30 81 31 ☐ WATER 44 30 45 31 80 9 32 22 34 CONCENTRATION 1mgimit 68 32 74 34 ☐ OTHER 44 33 46 34 .5 9 37 18 38 S. TYPHIMURIUM 35 37 39 38 TA1535 51 37 54 38 TA100 67 37 70 38 TA98 31 38 35 39 (-)S-9 39 38 42 40 (+)S-9 47 38 50 40 (-)S-9 55 39 58 40 (+)S-9 63 39 66 40 (-)S-9 70 39 74 40 (+)S-9 79 39 82 40 (-)S-9 87 39 90 40 (+)S-9 9 40 24 42 CONTROL AFVERTANTS PER PLATE (0.05 ml SOLVENT) 38 41 43 43 8.00 30 41 35 43 4.67 45 41 52 43 123.00 53 41 61 43 135.33 69 42 75 43 16.00 63 42 67 43 3.33 9 45 20 46 COMPOUND (US plate) 39 45 80 47 REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE 39 47 43 49 .92 17 47 21 49 500 57 47 60 49 .88 71 47 75 49 .96 49 49 52 51 .97 31 49 36 51 1.00 64 49 67 51 .90 40 49 43 51 .79 17 50 20 51 250 57 50 60 51 .97 71 50 75 51 .92 17 52 21 53 125 40 52 43 53 .83 57 52 61 53 .92 71 52 75 53 .85 9 58 19 60 POSTIVE CONTROL (ug plate) 9 61 21 62 2- AMINOANTHHACENE 31 63 36 65 1.20 38 63 43 65 8.63 63 63 68 65 1.80 46 63 52 65 1.39 17 63 19 64 4 55 63 60 64 7.26 70 63 76 64 27.69 64 65 68 67 .30 70 65 76 67 24.13 17 65 19 67 2 38 65 44 67 4.75 46 65 51 67 1.24 55 65 60 67 6.07 33 65 36 67 .86 21 78 90 80 This compound is judged non mutagenic in this test system. 9 79 16 81 CONCLUSION 92 80 94 90 00836244 17 83 45 85 Copies to the following: 47 83 71 87 Dr. H. J. Minnemeyer Ms. L. B. Gray 9 94 26 96 LORILLARD RESEARCH CENTER 85 94 92 96 FORM (5/80)
17 8 70 20 P. LORILLARD CO. , INC. RESEARCH DIVISION QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT SMOKE ANALYSIS AND BURNING TEST REPORT WEEKLY PRODUCTION LITTLE CIGARS NON FILTERS WEEK ENDING 11/ 25 /66 34 21 51 25 BETWEEN-THE-ACTS 25 %% mm. Butt 63 21 76 25 MADISON 25 mm. Butt 11 23 29 24 Characteristic Tested 73 26 84 28 Mean of Last 12 Samples 59 26 71 28 Present Sample 32 26 44 28 Present Sample 10 26 23 28 Smoke Analysis 46 26 57 29 Mean of Last 12 Samples 75 29 80 31 1 .132 62 30 67 31 1 .111 34 30 39 31 1 .089 49 30 54 31 1 .106 12 30 18 32 Weight 63 32 67 34 0 .34 50 32 54 34 0 .37 77 32 81 34 0 .37 12 33 16 34 Draw 35 33 39 34 0. .34 76 35 81 36 31 .0 50 35 54 37 35 .6 63 35 68 36 37 .8 36 35 39 37 39. .7 12 35 15 37 Tar 76 37 80 39 2 2.99 50 38 54 39 3 .83 63 38 67 39 3 .45 12 38 19 39 Nicotine 35 38 40 39 4 .26 76 40 81 42 Basic 62 40 67 42 Basic 12 41 28 42 ction to Litmus 49 41 54 42 Basic 35 41 39 42 Basic 12 43 19 45 urn Test 12 46 27 48 Static -Complete Cigar 78 47 81 48 23 65 47 67 48 11 38 47 40 49 0 52 47 54 49 23 39 49 40 51 5 19 50 28 51 -1/2 Cigar 66 50 67 51 5 80 50 81 51 0 53 50 54 51 0 19 52 28 54 -1/3 Cigar 39 52 40 54 7 66 52 67 54 4 80 52 81 54 1 53 52 54 54 1 19 55 30 58 -Went out immediately 80 56 81 57 0 38 56 40 58 12 66 56 68 57 4 53 56 54 57 0 12 59 27 62 Dynamic -Time in seconds 20 63 30 66 -% Burned Completely 73 68 79 70 SOC- 36 87 82 89 93 80620665
46 8 56 10 FIELD TRIP 68 13 76 15 2 /28 /84 60 14 65 16 DATE: 23 14 35 16 J. R. Mueller 11 14 14 16 TO: 20 18 41 20 Mary Anne Kayiatos 11 19 16 21 FROM: 63 23 81 25 Ted van de kamp 11 24 62 26 Please make the necessary Field Trip arrangements for 29 28 91 30 To evaluate Satin's overall performance and results of 11 29 26 31 Purpose of trip 13 33 30 35 Special Cities. 40 38 48 39 Boston 11 38 37 40 Division (s) to be contacted 30 42 68 44 Tuesday 3 /13 and Wednesday, 3 /14 11 42 27 44 Dates of contact 55 46 60 48 Other 11 46 28 48 Method of travel: 46 46 51 48 Train 37 47 41 48 Auto 29 47 33 48 Air 66 51 80 53 Monday, 3 /12 11 51 63 53 Arrival date and time (include airline and flight no.) 13 55 31 56 Evening Shuttle 44 59 47 61 XX 11 60 41 62 Hotel /Motel reservations needed 69 64 74 66 Dates 11 64 31 66 Reservations made at 11 69 41 70 Sales Personnel to be contacted 86 72 88 74 X 11 73 44 75 Sales Personnel to be worked with: 54 73 60 74 A.D.M. 65 73 85 74 Sales Representative 46 73 50 74 D.M. 92 78 95 88 80728670 10 92 82 94 Return to J. R. Mueller no later than two weeks prior to anticipated trip.
84 0 90 2 P.1/8 18 1 61 3 Jul 22 93 02:42PM LORILLARD TOBACCO 919 373 6917 12 6 39 13 Lorillard TOBACCO COMPANY 39 12 82 13 2525E Market Street, P.O. Box 21688, Greensboro, North Carolina 27420 1688 47 22 61 23 VIA FACSIMILE 30 29 44 33 (919) 378- 001 Ron Goldbrenner 19 31 23 33 TO: 29 34 42 35 Becky Hayden 19 34 25 36 FROM: 30 37 42 38 July 22, 1993 19 37 25 39 DATE: 65 41 67 42 8 19 41 63 43 NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): 41 44 56 46 (919) 373- 6917 19 44 38 46 OUR FAX NUMBER IS: 19 56 61 59 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ANY OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 19 59 81 62 AT (919) AT THE GREENSBORO BRANCH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 19 64 30 65 THANK YOU. 89 76 91 82 92327794
61 1 74 3 P.O. 1534 REV. 7/75 LT-9-75 75 1 79 2 DATE 33 2 55 3 PURCHASE REQUISITION 6 2 15 3 PURCHASING 21 3 69 6 PLEASE INCLUDE ONLY ONE TYPE OF MATERIAL ON THIS REQUISITION 6 4 15 5 STATIONARY 75 5 83 6 ORDER NO. 1 6 8 6 VENDOR 1 6 64 8 Microbiological Associates 5221 River Rd., Bethesda MD 20816 75 8 93 9 Prev. or Recommended Supplier 11 9 59 11 15 Net F.O.S N/A VIA N/A 5 10 10 11 TERMS 65 11 76 12 DATE WANTED 1 11 19 13 SHIP TO DEPT BRANCH) 69 12 81 14 As required 37 12 58 14 Dr. Harry Minnemeyer 1 13 26 14 Lorillard Research Center 32 13 36 14 Attn: 1 15 41 17 P. O. Box 21688 Greensboro N. C. 27420 84 18 92 20 UNIT PRICE 49 18 58 20 DESCRIPTION 18 18 22 20 CODE 3 19 10 20 QUANTITY 13 21 90 40 This is your authorization to provide the "1601.013: The Effect of Inhalation of Reference and Test (D3 and D4) Cigarette Smoke on Two Cytogenetic Endpoints in Mice: Chromosome Aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchange" test for a fixed price of $19,750 Tests will be performed in accordance with the December 21, 1981 formal agreement between Microbiological Associates and Lorillard. All work is to be coordinated with our Dr. Harry Minnemeyer (919) 373-6603 76 65 84 66 ISSUED BY 11 65 24 66 FOLLOW UP DATE 44 65 55 66 REQUISITION NO. 76 67 89 69 00922237 13 70 22 72 BUDGET NO. 38 70 45 72 ACCT NO. 53 70 60 72 DEPT NO. 75 70 85 72 APPROVED BY 67 72 92 77 H.J. Minnemeyer 55 73 60 74 9590 36 73 40 75 4111
79 8 84 9 P 1/ 16 11 8 44 9 JAN 19 96 05:27 PM AB RESEARCH ASSOC. 9 11 46 14 AB Research Associates, Inc. 71 16 86 29 Revisions 28 18 67 20 TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET 23 22 35 23 MARY MAZZA 12 22 16 24 TO: 23 25 35 27 Pam Churchill 12 25 18 27 FROM: 23 28 35 30 JAN 19. 1995 12 28 18 30 DATE: 40 31 62 33 (Including this cover sheet) 12 32 19 33 PAGES: 25 34 50 36 CIGARETTE QUESTIONNAIRE 12 35 16 36 RE: 12 42 84 47 Here is yet another version of the questionnaire. Please note that the last 2 pages are at the alternate versions that we discussed. Take a look at the alternate Q9 to try to get at the intensity issue, and maybe we can improve on it from here. 13 48 84 54 By the way, we received 13 more signature cards today and sent the cigarettes out. We are now up to 74 respondents who have been sent cigarettes. Hopefully we will get a lot of callbacks this weekend. 13 55 37 57 Talk you Monday. Thanks 83 80 85 87 92298125 15 93 82 95 41 Kenosia Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810 Phone 203 794- 0323 Fax 203 748- 6304
21 4 76 9 LAURENCE, CHARLES, FREE & LAWSON, INC. BULLETIN ADVERTISING- INSPECTION REPORT 56 13 61 14 Misty 15 13 35 14 Lakeland Metro Market 48 13 53 14 BRAND 7 13 13 14 MARKET 70 14 77 17 RIDE DATE 20 15 26 17 400.400 56 15 67 17 2/20 & 3/20 77 15 84 17 3/23/91 48 16 55 17 SCHEDULE 7 16 16 17 POPULATION 18 18 31 20 The Lamar Corp. 7 19 15 20 OPERATOR 70 19 79 20 SPOT CHECK 48 19 60 21 FULL INSPECTION 48 22 60 23 NUMBER VIEWED 42 25 56 26 TYPE OF DISPLAY 23 28 33 30 PERMANENT 7 31 16 33 BULLETIN ☐ 23 31 29 33 WALL ☐ 50 31 55 33 ROTARY 56 31 58 33 ☑ 18 34 34 36 See attached list 50 34 61 36 NO OF ROTARIES 7 35 13 36 LOCATION 66 35 71 36 8 RB 7 38 23 41 DAILY EFFECTIVE CIRCULATION 50 38 66 40 AVERAGE DAILY EFFECTIVE CIRCULATION 28 38 32 40 70 39 77 40 218, 499 32 39 35 40 24 41 47 43 (Condition And Rendition of Copy) 7 42 23 43 DESIGN ON DISPLAY 17 49 64 51 (Description of Location or Rotary Plan, Brand Category Competition) 7 49 17 50 COMMENTS: 7 51 85 57 This is a comparatively easy market to cover. It is less than an hour from Tampa airport. Our bulletins are on every major arterial and in all No quadrants of the area. changes were made. Some minor on- premise blocking and trees were noted, but deemed serious enough for correction. not 6 58 85 61 The only other tobacco in the market was a standing 6 Panel RJR buy currently showing Camel. 7 68 25 70 COMMENT ON PLANT: 25 68 70 70 (Condition, Structures, Painting Ability, Lighting, Cooperation, etc.) 6 70 85 75 The plant is well maintained and covers all parts of the market. Lamar looks like a good citizen here, keeping a good- looking public and carrying lot operation. doing service, a of local advertisers. 65 84 92 91 71 88 82 90 INSPECTION BY 4 89 13 90 (FORM NO 0 95 30 98 970518461 PRODUCED FROM B&W WEB SITE
10 8 88 17 Newport pleasure! 17 23 82 26 SPECIAL EVENT INFORMATION SHEET 17 33 48 35 GENERAL INFORMATION: 34 37 60 38 Upper Madisor Avenue Festival 17 37 28 39 EVENT NAME: 34 40 62 41 68th -86th Street New York, NY 17 40 32 42 EVENT LOCATION: 17 43 28 44 EVENT DATES: 34 43 45 44 June 4, 1995 17 49 27 52 HOURS: 17 53 32 55 MONDAY- FRIDAY 17 56 33 58 SATURDAY- SUNDAY 36 56 45 58 11 am - 6 pm 17 63 29 65 SPECIFICS: 17 65 33 67 check applicable box(es) 29 68 40 70 # OF BOOTH 40 68 42 70 (S) 59 68 68 70 ☐ SIGNAGE 27 68 29 70 ☑ 60 71 71 72 ☐ MUSIC VAN 27 71 48 73 ☐ SAMPLING & PREMIUMS 29 74 43 76 PREMIUMS ONLY 27 74 29 75 ☑ 60 74 72 76 ☐ RACING CAR 87 79 89 86 92586242 17 81 51 83 SUPERVISOR INFORMATION: 17 84 43 86 NAME OF ALLWAYS SUPERVISOR 47 85 58 86 Jerome Curry 33 87 45 89 (201) 923 -9208 65 87 77 89 (201) 698 1780 17 87 31 89 PHONE NUMBER 49 87 63 89 BEEPER NUMBER: 6 93 9 94 3056
34 10 64 15 BROWN & WILLAMSON 1994 COLLECTION PROTOCOPYING VARIANCE FORM 56 18 79 21 6708105266 12 19 53 21 This form was placed before Bates ID 31 22 67 25 AT THE TIME OF REPRODUCTION, THE FOLLOWING NOTATTONS WERE MADE: 23 27 87 31 DOCUMENT COPIES ARE IN THE SAME SEQUENCE AS THEY APPEARED IN THE ORIGINAL. 17 28 18 29 ) 12 28 13 29 ( 12 35 13 36 ( 23 35 87 38 PAGE NUMBER(S) WERE MISSING IN THE ORIGINAL. 16 35 17 36 ) 23 40 61 44 POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL. faded 12 40 19 43 (☑) 23 47 87 50 OVERLAY ITEM COULD NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT DAMAGE TO THE ORIGINAL. 12 47 13 49 ( 17 47 17 49 ) 23 54 73 56 NO DOCUMENTS WERE FOUND WITHIN THE ORIGINAL: 12 54 13 56 ( 16 54 17 56 ) 40 57 53 58 FILE FOLDER 34 57 35 58 ) 29 57 30 58 ( 40 59 66 61 REDROPE EXPANDABLE FILE 29 59 30 61 ( 34 60 35 61 ) 40 62 54 64 HANGING FILE 34 62 35 64 ) 30 63 30 64 ( 41 65 50 67 ENVELOPE 29 65 30 67 ( 34 65 35 67 ) 34 68 35 69 ) 40 68 56 70 OTHER (SPECIFY) 29 68 30 70 ( 23 73 87 76 DOCUMENT COPIES WERE REPRODUCED IN COLOR PERMIT CORRECTION INTERPRETATION 17 73 18 75 ) 12 74 13 75 ( 23 80 77 82 BATES NUMBER NOT USED. 12 80 13 82 ( 17 80 17 82 ) 23 86 51 87 OTHER VARIANCE (EXPLAIN). 12 86 13 87 ( 16 86 17 87 )
21 5 73 9 RESEARCH COMPLETED OR IN PROGRESS WHICH HAS POSSIBILITIES FOR PRESENTATION OR PUBLICATION 59 11 83 13 Analytical- Radiochemistry 7 11 12 13 NAME: 50 11 58 13 DIVISION 14 12 28 13 Ronald. W Davis 22 14 72 16 Total aldehyde analysis in cigarette mainstream 6 14 21 16 NATURE OF WORK: 7 19 66 21 PRESENT STATUS OF WORK (Cite progress reports where appropriate) 67 20 87 21 Techniques worked out 7 22 87 27 and reported for pure aldehyde samples; must be adapted for cigarette mainstream smoke by further laboratory work 7 28 46 30 HAS WORK BEEN REPORTED IN MANUSCRIPT 52 28 78 30 IF SO, GIVE DATE AND TITLE: 46 28 50 30 yes 6 31 65 33 MBTH- reagent for analysis of aliphatic aldehydes 7 / 5 / 67 7 34 49 36 NAMES OF OTHER PERSONS COLLABORATING IN WORK: 50 34 64 36 L. W. McDowell 7 40 45 41 ESTIMATE OF TIME NEEDED TO COMPLETE WORK: 46 40 68 41 approximately one month 65 42 94 44 several weeks after completion 7 42 65 44 ESTIMATE OF TIME NEEDED TO PREPARE MANUSCRIPT FOR PRESENTATION: 65 45 94 48 several weeks after completion of work 7 45 64 47 ESTIMATE OF TIME NEEDED TO PREPARE MANUSCRIPT FOR PUBLICATION: 6 48 34 50 SCIENTIFIC METING OF CHOICE: 33 48 45 50 none as yet 6 51 34 53 SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF CHOICE: 34 51 48 53 Tobacco Science 6 54 15 55 COMMENTS: 16 54 21 56 none 7 65 36 67 COMMENTS BY MANAGER OR DIRECTOR 6 68 33 70 DOES WORK MERIT PUBLICATION? 6 71 38 73 CAN TIME BE SPARED FOR COMPLETION? 17 73 91 76 been with applicability 7 74 14 75 COMMENTS 9 76 78 81 may provide a technique.
40 8 71 9 COUPON CODE REGISTRATION FORM 13 11 19 13 FROM: 20 11 30 13 THOM SMITH 18 14 30 16 VINCE LOSITO 13 15 16 16 TO: 73 16 81 19 B. maj 18 18 73 19 T. BAYLIES, L GIORDANO, V. LINDSLEY, M. MCGLYNN, S RAPISARLDI, 13 18 16 19 CC: 13 24 32 26 BRANDS(S) APPLICABLE 42 25 56 26 HARLEY- DAVIDSON 41 28 59 29 MAGAZINE- HOT ROD 13 28 18 29 MEDIA 41 31 43 32 1 13 31 33 32 ISSUE FREQUENCY/ YEAR 41 33 50 35 FULL PAGE 13 34 25 36 SPACE/ COLOR 13 37 30 39 COUPON ISSUE DATE 41 38 48 39 5/19/93 41 40 49 42 11/30/93 13 41 35 42 COUPON EXPIRATION DATE 13 45 24 47 CIRCULATION 41 47 47 48 25,461 41 50 93 52 TOTAL HOUSTON, GALVESTON, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, DULUTH 13 50 33 52 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA(S) 13 53 26 55 COUPON VALUE 41 54 56 55 $ .75 OFF 1 PACK 41 57 46 58 PACK 13 57 31 58 PACK AND OR/ CARTOCARTON 53 59 78 67 13 60 39 62 ADVERTISING CREATIVE THEME 42 60 49 62 BLUE SKY 13 63 33 65 SIGNATURE OF INITIATOR 45 65 55 69 2/3/93 13 67 26 68 DATE INITIATED 13 70 37 72 ANALYTICAL REQUIREMENTS: 68 72 77 74 93- 056 40 73 61 75 FOR CONTROL USE ONLY: 68 76 75 78 8482 40 76 54 78 CODE ASSIGNED: 92 77 94 84 91391286 70 78 77 79 9076 40 78 52 79 JOB NUMBER: 72 79 77 81 1.54 40 79 56 81 EST. REDEMPTION:
35 4 59 5 CIGARETTE REPORT FORM 10 8 29 9 (1) YEAR COVERED: 40 8 45 9 1985 10 11 35 12 (2) BRAND FAMILY NAME: 40 11 54 13 LUCKY STRIKE 10 14 37 15 (3) VARIETY DESCRIPTION 40 14 83 16 Low tar, king size, filter, hard pack 10 16 32 18 (4) PRODUCT LENGTH: 40 16 45 18 King 25 19 27 21 X 10 19 23 21 (5) FILTER: 37 20 49 21 NONFILTER: 64 20 77 21 (check one) 25 22 27 24 X 10 22 26 24 (6) HARD PACK 37 22 48 24 SOFT PACK: 64 22 77 24 (check one) 10 25 24 27 (7) MENTHOL: 53 25 77 27 X (check one) 37 25 50 27 NONMENTHOL: 40 28 45 29 20's 10 28 32 29 (8) PACK SIZE SOLD: 25 30 32 32 11 mg 61 30 89 32 0.8 mg (Jan. '85 Report) 10 31 22 32 (9) "TAR": 48 31 58 32 NICOTINE: 10 33 37 35 (10) VARIETY UNIT SALES: 44 34 51 35 238,282 10 36 40 38 (11) VARIETY DOLLAR SALES: 43 36 51 38 6,117,778 10 39 35 41 (12) FIRST SALES DATE: 48 39 67 41 LAST SALES DATE: 34 44 60 45 REPORTABLE EXPENDITURES 46 46 51 48 2,303 10 46 33 48 (13) CAT- A- EXPENSES: 46 49 51 51 3,890 10 49 33 51 (14) CAT- B- EXPENSES: 48 52 51 53 741 9 52 33 54 (15) CAT- C- EXPENSES: 10 55 33 56 (16) CAT- D- EXPENSES: 46 55 51 56 71,445 10 58 33 59 (17) CAT- E- EXPENSES 47 58 48 59 - 48 60 52 62 193 10 60 33 62 (18) CAT- F- EXPENSES: 46 63 52 64 12,787 10 63 32 65 (19) CAT- G- EXPENSES: 45 66 52 68 95,614 10 66 33 68 (20) CAT- H- EXPENSES: 10 69 33 71 (21) CAT- I- EXPENSES: 44 69 51 71 291,095 44 71 51 73 155,718 10 72 33 73 (22) CAT- J- EXPENSES: 44 74 51 76 476,722 10 75 32 76 (23) CAT- K- EXPENSES: 10 78 33 79 (24) CAT- L- EXPENSES: 45 78 51 79 85,208 10 80 33 82 (25) CAT- M- EXPENSES: 45 81 51 82 26,055 10 83 63 85 (26) TOTAL REPORTABLE EXPENDITURES FOR VARIETY: 64 84 73 85 1,221,771
8 10 11 12 TO: 18 10 27 12 S. P. ZOLOT 59 10 74 12 SUBMISSION DATE 9 13 14 15 FROM: 18 13 30 15 R. W. Richardson 49 13 55 15 JUNE 29 69 14 75 15 SEPT 21 50 16 55 18 AUG 10 70 16 75 18 NOV 9 59 17 61 18 x 18 19 69 21 MAVERICK SPECIALS EXPANSION MARKETS PROGRESS REPORT 9 20 16 21 SUBJECT: 22 23 32 25 GEOGRAPHY 39 26 43 27 FULL 8 26 16 27 REGION: 67 26 73 27 PARTIAL 8 28 57 30 (ONLY IF PARTIAL REGION, CONTINUE WITH DIVISION (S) SCOPE) 9 31 16 32 DIVISION: 39 31 44 32 FULL 48 31 49 32 X 67 31 73 32 PARTIAL 12 33 24 35 DIVISION NAME: 66 33 72 35 # REPS: 77 33 79 34 12 52 33 61 35 Detroit West 24 33 33 35 Detroit North 39 33 51 35 DIVISION NAME: 77 35 79 37 13 12 35 24 37 DIVISION NAME: 25 35 34 37 Detroit South 39 35 51 37 DIVISION NAME: 66 35 72 37 # REPS: 52 36 60 37 Detroit East 39 37 52 39 DIVISION NAME: 12 38 24 39 DIVISION NAME: 25 38 34 39 Detroit Central 77 38 79 39 7 66 38 72 39 # REPS: 20 41 33 43 DISTRIBUTION 8 44 50 46 Direct Accounts and Chains Headquartered within the Region (15+ Stores) Stocking No Maverick Specials 65 47 71 50 Ind/ Lor Volume 36 47 43 50 Number of Stores 74 47 82 50 Number of Stores 27 47 33 50 Ind/ Lor Volume 48 48 60 49 Name of Account 10 48 22 49 Name of Account 27 50 32 52 245/ 19 39 50 41 52 70 9 51 16 52 Meijer Gas 38 52 41 54 121 9 53 18 54 Ultra Diamond 27 53 32 54 223/ 25 9 69 51 72 Direct Accounts and Chains Headquartered Outside the Region (15+ Stores Stocking No Maverick Specials 65 73 71 75 Ind/ Lor Volume 36 73 43 76 Number of Stores 74 73 82 75 Number of Stores 27 73 32 75 Ind/ Lor Volume 49 73 61 74 Name of Account 11 73 22 75 Name of Account 87 80 90 91 81619486 82 94 87 95 Page 1 of 3 9 95 19 96
6 8 10 10 To: 13 8 19 10 Files 72 9 86 10 CONFIDENTIAL 33 16 60 18 PROJECT INITIATION FORM 69 26 89 29 September 16, 1980 32 27 36 28 BTF 6 28 21 29 PROJECT CODE: 62 28 68 29 DATE: 32 32 34 32 - 6 32 21 34 PROJECT NAME: 32 35 46 37 E. P. Barbee 7 36 24 38 PROJECT LEADER: 32 40 53 42 R. S. Sprinkle, III 7 41 27 42 WORK REQUESTED BY: 32 44 84 57 To develop cigarette Cigarette to utilize a filter tip with longitudinal grooves from the mouth end to the tobacco end in con- junction with perforated tipping paper. 7 45 15 46 PROJECT 16 45 27 46 OBJECTIVE: 7 60 24 63 OTHER PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: 32 61 49 63 J. E. Mann, Jr. 32 64 47 66 D. E. Cawthon 52 75 66 77 Approved by: 53 77 83 84 R. S. Sprinkle, III 6 82 11 84 EPB: 11 82 15 84 ODL 7 85 10 87 cc: 12 85 25 90 BMC/RMI/EPB JEM/DEC PRC/DRB
8 3 19 9 THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY 22 3 44 6 SIX STAMFORD FORUM P. O. BOX 10380 STAMFORD CONNECTICUT 06904- 2380 81 3 89 4 AT [1- 89) 60 4 89 8 ADVERTISING AND SELLING AUTHORIZATION 2 9 87 11 DO NOT MAKE ANY COMMITMENT OR AUTHORIZE ANY EXPENDITURE OF ANY KIND FOR ACCOUNT OF THIS COMPANY UNTIL EXECUTIVE APPROVAL HAS BEEN OBTAINED HEREON (BE GUIDED BY PPM 60,020 IN COMPLETING THIS FORM) 13 13 19 14 SALES 72 13 81 15 02/04/91 1 14 10 15 ORIGINATOR 45 14 50 15 JOB NO 65 14 69 15 DATE 12 16 17 18 BRAND 68 16 78 18 DESCRIPTION 39 16 45 18 MEDIUM 7 19 33 21 BULL DURHAM Filter Box 66 19 92 22 COLLATERAL MERCHANDISING MATERIALS 7 20 33 22 BULL DURHAM Lights BOX 63 31 69 33 03/91 36 31 42 33 01/91 23 32 33 33 PERIOD - FROM 56 32 60 33 THRU 1 34 7 36 REMARKS 7 38 90 41 To cover the cost of collateral merchandising materials to be used in 1991 in connection with the merchandising and promotion of BULL DURHAM. 7 42 83 45 These costs will include but are not exclusive to the the following materials: 7 47 26 48 CARTON END PANELS 30 47 42 48 LIGHT THIEF 61 47 77 48 SCORED CARTONS 61 48 77 49 SHELF DANGLERS 30 48 38 49 MOBILES 7 48 15 49 DECALS 30 49 54 51 POSTERS (LARGE WINDOW) 61 49 85 51 SIDING INDOOR TALKERS 7 50 15 51 LABELS 7 51 20 52 JUMBO PACKS 30 51 51 52 PACKAGE I. D. STRIPS 65 59 76 61 35,000.00 52 60 58 61 TOTALS $ 10 62 19 63 APPROVALS 49 62 68 64 ACCOUNTING DISTRIBUTION 35 65 39 66 JAN 39 65 53 66 $ 10.000. 1 66 6 67 Agency 35 66 39 68 FEB 40 66 53 68 $ 10.000. 40 67 53 69 $ 15,000. 35 68 39 69 MAR 1 68 8 70 Forecasting 1 71 7 73 Marketing 1 74 4 75 Sales 1 77 11 79 V. P. - Marketing 71 79 79 81 10- 320 58 79 67 81 Account Code 4 80 7 81 Sales 58 82 66 84 Budget Code 1 83 7 84 President 88 84 90 86 91 67 84 73 86 5060 58 85 64 86 Auth No. 80 85 82 86 Yr. 1 86 10 87 Chairman/ CEO
37 7 61 8 CHANGE OF AUTHORIZED COST 63 8 67 10 No. 11 8 16 10 Date: 71 8 76 10 C -5-51 19 8 28 10 12- -4 -87 11 11 23 13 Description: 26 11 84 13 CAPRI A&U EXPANSION - CALIFORNIA: WAVE 2 (87 -113) , 13 14 55 16 WAVE 3 (87 –114) AND WAVE 4 (87 -115) . 11 17 20 18 Supplier: 26 17 55 19 Kapuler Marketing Research 11 20 45 22 Previous $ Commitments This Project 51 20 68 22 $ 212, 475 + 10% 11 23 25 25 Amt. of Change: 39 23 47 24 Decrease 51 23 86 25 $ NA ( % Change) 26 23 36 25 Increase 11 26 41 27 Adjusted Total Cost of Project: 51 26 68 28 $ 212, 475 + 10% 11 28 20 30 Reasons: 26 31 77 34 Adjustment due to timing of projects falling into 1988. 11 39 21 41 PROJECTED: 41 39 67 41 Summary of Research Budget 74 40 79 42 1987 42 42 59 44 Total Area Budget: 11 42 30 44 Internal Init. Date 70 42 82 44 70 45 83 47 (886, 220. 53) 11 45 26 47 Ext. Auth. Date 41 45 67 47 Current Balance Available: 70 48 82 50 +14, 165. 00 11 48 25 50 Field Complete 41 48 62 51 This Change: (From Current Budget) 11 51 27 54 Final Report Due (Supplier Rpt.) 41 52 52 54 This Amount 54 52 66 54 -14, 165. 00 42 54 66 56 (From Next Year' s Budget) 29 56 35 59 Com- plete 22 57 28 59 Start 37 57 42 58 FR 70 58 83 60 (872,055.53) 4 58 11 60 87-113 (70,825) 29 58 35 60 10/11 36 58 42 60 11/16 42 58 53 60 New Balance: 23 59 28 60 9/23 3 60 21 62 87-114 (70.825) 22 60 28 61 10/13 29 60 35 61 10/29 36 60 41 62 12/7 4 61 21 63 87-115 (70,825) 22 61 28 63 11/16 37 61 42 63 1/11 29 62 34 63 12/7 68 64 82 66 1, 652, 955. 53 41 64 59 66 Committed To Date: 11 69 23 70 Submitted By: 27 69 43 70 S. L. Willinger 71 69 79 70 12 -4 -87 57 69 62 70 Date 11 72 23 73 Approved By: 57 72 61 73 Date 11 74 22 76 Approved By: 57 75 61 76 Date 11 78 23 79 Approved By: 57 78 61 79 Date 24 79 44 84 68 79 84 83 12 /2 /87 57 81 61 82 Date 11 81 23 82 Budget Check 27 82 31 83 32 82 38 84 11 85 21 86 Original - 21 85 33 87 Project File 65 86 87 88 1987 -113 /114 /115 -CA 21 87 37 88 S. Willinger (3) 11 87 14 88 cc: 53 87 64 88 Project No. 21 88 34 90 G. D. Raphael 20 90 43 91 V. Hansberry (If Int.) 52 90 65 91 Account Name 70 90 76 91 CAPRI 78 93 94 96 465915249 11 94 19 96 MRD00008
38 5 58 7 Mr. G. J. Schramm 66 5 83 7 Mr. W. P. Myhan 32 6 35 7 TO: 66 7 84 8 Mr. F. X. Whelan 38 7 60 8 Mr. R. H. Stinnette 38 8 58 10 Mr. J. B. McCarthy 38 11 52 12 E. E. Curtin 32 11 37 13 From: 32 18 82 23 Request for contribution or membership to be considered by contributions Committee at next meeting 34 25 37 27 ☑ 58 25 73 27 ☐ Membership 38 25 51 27 Contribution 49 27 74 32 Harvard Medical School and Dr. Gary Huber Boston, Massachusetts 32 28 42 30 Requested 43 28 46 30 by 59 34 74 35 Letter 8/ 1/ 76 46 34 54 35 Message 32 37 60 38 For American Brands, Inc. 35 42 81 44 Recent actions regarding above solicitor 43 45 73 46 1976 $ 40, 921. 30 by A. B., Inc. 31 45 42 46 Payment - 43 46 74 48 1975 84, 309. 94 A. B., Inc. 43 47 74 49 1974 92, 131. 29 A. B., Inc. 43 49 74 51 1973 91, 630. 53 A. B., Inc. 35 58 45 59 Remarks - 32 62 83 67 For confirmation by the Committee. Check for $ 43, 910. 30 representing the ninth semi- annual installment to the Harvard Project transmitted August 1976. 32 74 79 76 Decision of Committee on Present Request - 46 76 49 78 35 77 43 79 Pay - $ 35 80 59 82 Declined - Send letter 71 80 80 82 YES NO 35 83 66 84 Consideration deferred until 73 83 79 87 8/ 26 48 86 70 87 Committee meeting 84 86 88 87 1976
65 1 86 7 INC 6 3 41 10 BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CORPORATION B&W 72 7 85 11 15 12 20 13 7848 6 12 14 14 JOB NO. 6 15 13 17 BRAND 15 15 26 17 KOOL Natural 19 18 54 21 Passport Winter Program Ad- EMRO 6 19 18 21 DESCRIPTION 60 22 67 26 44 14 23 22 25 10/22/98 6 23 12 25 DATE 6 27 21 29 SQ. INCHES/FEET 22 27 37 29 7.96875 sq inches 53 31 60 34 Legal Approval 22 33 38 34 33/16"WX21/2"H 7 33 16 35 TRIM SIZE 70 34 75 35 (Date) 22 38 41 40 Exhibt 1(a) Statement A 7 39 16 40 WARNING 22 44 24 46 8' 7 45 11 46 T&N 6 50 21 52 OTT APPROVALS 67 52 71 53 Date 41 52 51 54 Department 11 52 19 54 Signature 67 53 79 57 10/22/98 10/22/98 12 53 23 60 LKelly 42 54 57 58 production AE 23 62 44 77 7 66 22 67 B&W APPROVALS 67 67 72 69 Date 42 67 52 69 Department 11 68 19 69 Signature 68 81 88 82 REVISIONS APPROVED 42 81 57 83 DATE COMPLETE 7 81 18 83 REVISIONS 0 95 30 98 176103236 PRODUCED FROM B&W WEB SITE
31 6 67 8 COMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES AND PROMOTIONS 8 13 19 16 REPORTED BY: 23 13 80 15 R. E. Klein, Regional Sales Manager, Cleveland, OH 8 17 13 20 DATE: 15 18 22 20 4/7/88 8 22 29 24 SOURCE OF INFORMATION: 31 22 66 24 Best Cigarette Co., Mentor, OH 8 27 22 28 MANUFACTURERS: 24 27 61 28 R. J. REYNOLDS AND PHILIP MORRIS 7 35 25 37 TYPE OF PROMOTION: 26 36 70 38 SEE ATTACHED CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING: 24 39 88 40 - R. J. REYNOLDS SPRING DIRECT ACCOUNT INCENTIVE PROGRAM 24 41 84 46 - Philip Morris- SPECIAL PROMOTIONS ON MAKLBORO AND CAMBRIDGE CIGARETTES 7 48 22 50 HOW WIDESPREAD? 7 53 22 55 OTHER COMMENTS: 7 72 10 73 cc: 13 72 25 73 Mr. J. R. Ave 36 72 51 74 Mr. T. L. Achey 12 73 28 75 Mr. R. H. Orcutt 36 73 52 75 P. J. McCann 12 75 30 77 Mr. M. A. Peterson Mr. T. H. Mau 36 75 53 76 Mr. A. J. Giacoio 36 76 50 78 Mr. L. H. Kersh 13 77 26 79 Ms. S. Ridgway 36 78 50 79 Mr. R. G. Ryan 13 79 32 80 Mr. J. P. Mastandrea 36 79 52 81 Mr. P. A. Lawless 13 80 25 82 Mr. L. Gordon 36 81 53 82 Mr. J. E. Daghlian 87 81 89 90 93455715 12 82 29 83 Mr. G. R. Telford 36 82 56 83 Mr. R. S. Goldbrenner 12 83 27 85 Dr. S. T. Jones 36 83 51 85 Ms. E. R. Harrow 13 84 23 86 Mr. C. Toti 35 85 50 86 Ms. S. F. Smith 12 86 29 87 Mr. N. P. Ruffalo
26 13 52 17 46th Tobacco Chemists' Research Conference 26 25 69 28 TH 46 TCRC REGISTRATION FORM 13 29 28 31 Please type or print 13 33 19 34 Name: 24 34 27 35 First 40 34 44 35 Middle 55 34 58 35 Last 13 37 22 38 Institution: 13 40 20 42 Address: 24 42 28 43 Street 40 42 46 43 P. O. Box # 50 46 57 47 ZIP Code 66 46 72 47 Country 40 46 43 47 State 24 46 27 47 City 39 49 48 50 Area Code: 14 49 23 51 Telephone: 14 52 54 54 Name of spouse participating in the guest programs 42 55 51 57 Monday (Y/ N) 58 55 67 56 Tuesday (Y/N) 66 59 73 61 $ 170.00 14 60 51 61 Advance Registration Fee: (prior to August 10) 67 61 74 63 $ $185.00 42 61 45 63 10) 14 61 42 63 Late Registration Fee: (after August 23 63 48 65 Extra banquet tickets @ $ 40.00 67 66 73 67 TOTAL 14 72 83 77 Send this registration form, along with payment to address noted below in attached envelope. Enclose a cheque or international money order payable in Canadian funds to the 46th Tobacco Chemists Research Conference. 41 78 74 86 Ms. Susan Mathison Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council 701- 99 Bank Street Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6B9 (613) 238- 2799 30 78 37 80 Mail to: 85 79 87 86 87682908
28 7 65 9 COMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES AND PROMOTIONS 26 13 74 15 VAL THURMAN, DIVISION MANAGER, LOUISVILLE, KY 8 14 19 15 REPORTED BY: 26 19 33 20 4/ 26/ 91 18 19 23 21 DATE: 8 24 19 27 SOURCE OF INFORMATION: 26 26 66 27 SHORT STOP FOOD MARTS. LOUISVILLE, KY 25 31 39 32 PHILIP MORRIS 8 31 21 32 MANUFACTURER: 29 35 50 37 MARLBORO CIGARETTES 8 36 25 38 BRAND (S) PROMOTED: 33 41 63 45 CARTON PROMOTION SWEEPSTAKES (SEE ATTACHMENTS) 8 41 24 43 TYPE OF PROMOTION: 8 55 23 56 HOW WIDESPREAD? 8 60 23 61 OTHER COMMENTS: 82 69 84 76 9135631 8 78 12 80 CC: 11 79 20 81 A. H. TISCH 31 79 42 81 G. R. TELFORD 46 79 55 81 L. H. LAKERSH 46 81 55 82 J. R. SLATER 31 81 39 82 R. G. RYAN 11 81 22 82 R. H. ORCUTT 31 82 42 83 N. P. RUFFALO 46 82 55 83 S. T. JONES 11 82 24 83 M. A. PETERSON 46 83 61 85 R. S. GOLDBRENNER 31 83 40 85 T. L. ACHEY 11 83 24 85 M. L. ORLOWSKY 31 84 41 86 P. J. McCANN 46 85 55 86 S. F. SMITH 11 85 20 86 L. GORDON 11 86 25 87 J. P. MASTANDREA 31 86 41 87 A. J. GIACOIO 31 87 40 89 J. J. TATULLI
35 8 66 10 COUPON CODE REGISTRATION FORM 29 13 39 14 J. La Valle 18 13 23 15 FROM: 29 17 46 18 S. A. Rapisarldi 18 17 21 18 TO: 28 21 40 24 R. G. Ryan 18 21 21 22 cc: 56 25 60 27 TRUE 24 26 45 27 Brand (s) Applicable 56 28 81 29 ON - Carton Instant Redeemable 24 28 35 30 Media Type 56 30 59 32 N/A 24 31 35 32 Media Name 56 33 59 34 N/A 23 33 46 35 *Issue Frequency / Year 23 36 36 37 * Space / Color 56 36 59 37 N/A 56 38 60 39 10 / 90 25 38 43 40 Coupon Issue Date 56 40 62 42 6 / 30 / 91 24 41 48 42 Coupon Expiration Date 24 43 40 45 Circulation (#) 56 43 64 44 1. 213, 400 25 46 45 47 Geographical Area (s) 56 46 63 47 National 25 48 37 50 Coupon Value 56 48 60 50 $2.00 25 51 45 52 Pack and / or Carton? 56 51 61 52 Carton 56 53 76 54 True Filter King Carton 23 53 52 55 * Advertising Creative Title 55 54 84 59 23 58 47 60 Signature of Initiator 23 61 38 62 Date Initiated 55 61 66 62 May 3, 1990 46 65 85 67 Break - out separately byl packing as indicated 18 66 29 67 ANALYTICAL 30 66 43 67 REQUIREMENTS: 86 75 89 83 87533049 39 76 62 77 FOR CONTROL USE ONLY : 55 77 67 79 530430 39 78 53 79 Code Assigned 55 80 64 82 1112 39 81 50 82 Job Number 18 86 36 87
30 9 69 11 A. T. Co. Tar & Nicotine Change Form 63 15 71 18 7/ 24/ 90 52 16 58 18 Date 37 22 54 25 CARLTON 100's FMSP 16 23 31 25 Brand & Style 64 29 68 31 To 27 29 33 31 From 16 32 27 37 Tar (Mg /Cigt) 34 32 45 36 Nicotine (Mg /Cigt) 53 32 64 37 Tar (Mg /Cigt) 71 32 82 37 Nicotine (Mg/ /Cigt) 20 38 21 40 3 37 38 40 40 0 .3 74 38 78 40 0 .2 56 39 58 40 2 58 42 76 45 45 43 55 45 Signature 24 54 62 56 Use Separate Form For Each Change 16 54 22 56 NOTE:
78 3 81 5 RE 81 3 86 5 -339 5 6 24 8 P. LORILLARD CO. 73 6 94 8 RESEARCH DIVISION 14 8 33 10 (Revised 5/ 9/ 61) 6 8 13 10 SQC -21 74 8 79 11 DATE 80 9 89 11 11 /2 /61 52 11 68 13 % Plasticizer 33 11 38 13 T. E. 81 11 83 13 6 83 11 85 13 .0 6 11 15 13 Supplier 6 14 15 16 Bale No. 53 14 71 16 Firmness of Rod 81 14 86 15 Good 33 16 40 18 White 5 16 12 18 Color 52 16 71 18 Quality of Bloom 81 16 87 18 Good 33 19 40 21 58 ,000 5 19 32 21 Total Denier as Marked 52 19 68 21 Width of Band 81 19 87 21 Good 52 21 65 24 Ref. Paper 81 21 86 23 #450 6 22 32 23 Total Denier as Tested 5 24 26 26 % Moisture in Tow 52 24 80 26 Quan of Trays Produced 82 25 84 26 3 5 27 16 28 Maker No. 81 27 86 29 1067 26 27 47 28 Research Division 52 27 68 29 Rods per Min. 5 29 19 31 Type of Rod 34 29 39 31 "D" 53 29 65 31 Tape Speed 81 29 93 32 400 F. P. M. 5 32 21 34 Length of Rod 30 32 39 34 120 mm. 53 32 78 34 F. P. M. Delivery Roller 81 32 87 34 337 .5 5 34 20 36 Circ of Rod 32 34 38 36 24.7 52 35 75 37 F. P. M. No. 1 Roller 81 35 88 36 477 .5 32 37 51 39 0 .12 (new scale) 5 37 25 39 Mean Draw of Rod 81 37 87 39 362 .5 52 37 75 39 F. P. M. No. 2 Roller 30 39 41 42 86 .9 gms 5 39 18 42 Dry Weight 52 40 82 42 Delivery Roller over Tape 85 40 90 42 .844 5 42 30 44 Dry Wt. With Adhesive 31 42 42 44 93 .3 gms. 52 42 79 45 No. 1 Roller over Tape 83 42 90 44 1 .194 5 45 18 47 Wet Weight 31 45 41 47 99 .2 gms. 53 45 80 47 Pump Press. Card Roller 81 45 91 47 120 psig 5 47 23 49 Complete Weight 30 47 42 49 99 .2 gms. 52 47 75 50 Pressure on Air Jet 82 48 91 50 16 psig 5 50 14 52 Remarks 18 51 91 54 * Special Plasticizer - 1 part LG- 168 - 15 parts Estrobond "B" Union Carbide LG- 168 additive .38% 20 56 87 59 Sample repeated as RE- 341 because 2. 1/ 58 ,000 tow was used instead of 2. 1/ 42 ,000 tow. 45 70 52 73 SPRING 5 71 16 73 Date Made 17 71 25 73 11 /3 /61 57 71 81 73 Length of Cigarettes 29 71 44 73 Tobacco Used 84 71 88 73 85 5 73 30 76 % Moisture in Tobacco 51 73 78 76 Wt. of Cigarettes /4 oz. 5 76 21 78 Type of Maker 29 76 34 78 AMF 51 76 68 78 Type of Tipper 76 76 82 78 Hauni 29 79 36 81 Weight 78 79 88 81 Nicotine 43 79 48 80 Draw 61 79 66 81 Tars 40 82 44 84 .54 53 82 58 84 20.2 68 82 73 84 62.4 5 82 24 84 Smoking Results 25 82 30 84 .922 61 82 65 84 7.6 74 82 80 84 1.07 82 82 86 84 .41 89 82 94 84 61.7 31 82 38 84 1.059 46 82 50 84 .20 48 84 92 88 16 85 46 88 Production Supervised by: 93 87 96 96 011221115 52 88 76 93 5 89 17 91 Copies to: 17 89 39 96 Dr. C. O. Jensen Mr. R. A. Wagner Mr. J. Berner Dr. A. W. Spears 59 91 80 93 Research Engineer
26 8 66 10 Marketing Research - CPT Initiating Brief 18 15 26 17 15. 03. 2000 11 15 15 16 Date 11 18 21 20 Client Group 24 18 33 20 BAT Korea 11 21 22 23 Client Contact 69 21 77 23 Subi. Jeong 25 21 42 25 Alberto Marcheggiano Kyu Yeon Hwang 53 21 66 23 Research Liaison 23 26 55 28 to be assigned by Brown & Williamson USA 11 26 16 28 Project 17 26 23 28 Number 11 29 31 31 Project Name/ Description: 31 30 46 31 Dunhill Lights, CPT 11 33 25 35 Market (s) / Zone (s) 11 36 19 38 South Korea 11 40 22 41 Referent Brand 23 40 24 41 (s) 10 43 34 47 Dunhill Lights Kent Super Lights Mild 7 This 11 49 25 51 Consumer Segment 25 49 27 51 (s) 11 52 32 54 Own Brand - Dunhill Smokers: 32 52 74 54 150 Males, 25 ~ 39 years old, ABC+ who live Seoul/ Pusan 11 55 41 57 Competitors Brands - Mild7 Lights Smokers 42 55 73 57 150 Males, 25 ~ 39 years old, ABC+ who live 73 56 75 57 in 11 60 29 62 Source of Business - This: 29 60 82 62 250 Males, (100 smokers 25 ~ 29 years old, 150 smokers, 30 ~ 39 years old) 11 62 61 63 ABC+ who are not rejectors of imported cigarette and live in Seoul/ Pusan 45 64 79 66 250 Males (100 smokers, 25 ~ 29 years old, 150 11 65 45 66 Source of Business - Local Premium KS Smokers 11 66 80 68 smokers, 30 ~ 39 years old ABC+ who are not rejectors of imported cigarette and live in Seoul/ Pusan 11 70 35 71 Background / Problem Definition 13 73 77 76 1999 showed that imported cigarettes are recovering from the 1997 / 1998 economic crisis and we forecasted continuos growth over the company's plan period. 13 76 80 79 BAT objective is to substantially increase its market share with growth coming primarily from its first priority brand: Dunhill Lights 13 79 81 82 To achieve growth we consider fundamental to have a superior product in terms of acceptability among potential source of business as well as for our current franchise 0 95 30 98 597133637 PRODUCED FROM B&W WEB SITE
39 8 67 10 NEW COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS 33 14 74 16 A. REID, DIVISION MANAGER, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 10 15 23 16 REPORTED BY: 22 20 29 21 8/ 13/ 93 33 20 37 21 TIME: 17 20 22 21 DATE: 10 25 25 27 MANUFACTURER: 32 25 55 27 AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY 33 30 44 32 SPECIAL 10' s 10 30 22 32 BRAND NAME: 10 36 19 39 TYPE OF PRODUCT: 10 43 23 44 SIZE OR SIZES: 10 48 20 50 LIST PRICE: 10 53 23 57 EXTENT OF DISTRIBUTION: 10 64 23 67 OTHER INFORMATION: 33 65 69 67 SEE ATTACHED COPY OF CIRCULAR NO. 4848 10 78 13 79 cc: 70 79 82 81 K. P. Augustyn 47 79 56 81 J. J. Tatulli 31 79 40 81 V. Norman 10 79 19 81 A. H. Tisch 94 79 96 87 93329540 70 81 81 82 V. D. Lindsley 47 81 56 82 L. H. Kersh 30 81 41 83 A. W. Spears 10 81 20 83 R. H. Orcutt 70 83 80 84 R. C. Bondy 47 83 56 84 J. R. Slater 31 83 41 84 A. J. Giacoio 10 83 23 85 M. A. Peterson 70 84 82 86 R. D. Hammer 47 84 57 86 A. Pasheluk 31 85 41 86 N. P. Ruffalo 10 85 22 86 M. L. Orlowsky 47 86 62 88 R. S. Goldbrenner 31 86 40 88 T. L. Achey 10 87 19 88 L. Gordon 47 88 59 89 N. Simeonidis 10 88 19 89 G. Telford 31 88 40 90 R. B. Spell 30 90 41 91 P. J. McCann 48 90 57 91 S. F. Smith
73 1 87 5 28 9 59 14 SERVICE REQUEST FROM R & D BY INTERNATIONAL LICENSEE OPERATIONS 69 16 81 18 RECEIVED 7 17 19 19 REQUEST NO.: 25 17 30 19 25- 84 69 19 81 24 APR 2 1984 P. H. H. 8 20 12 22 DATE: 25 20 39 22 March 27, 1984 25 22 45 25 P. H. HARPER PHH 8 23 16 24 INITIATED 17 23 20 25 BY: 7 26 18 27 COMPLETION 9 29 21 30 TARGET DATE: 25 29 38 30 April 13, 1984 7 32 15 33 COUNTRY: 25 32 32 33 BELGIUM 7 34 15 36 PRODUCT: 25 34 55 36 LUCKY STRIKE Filter and VICEROY 7 37 21 39 NATURE OF WORK: 22 40 69 43 Advise if locally obtained Yucatan Honey (sample enclosed) is an acceptable substitute for HALWAY. 7 46 20 47 R & D COMMENTS: 24 46 54 54 Target the P A 29Mar 84 7 54 10 56 BY: 7 59 12 60 DATE: 7 62 13 63 NOTES: 23 62 75 64 a) Nature of work should be specified in exact terms. 23 65 71 68 b) R & D should advise if completion date cannot be met. 23 69 69 74 c) Two copies of this form to be sent to R & D by initiator and R & D is to return to T. O. one completed copy. 6 75 13 76 MH/ enm 6 79 15 82 0036/ (r) # 2894M 65 83 81 87 620429480
15 9 23 14 75 9 82 14 30 15 70 17 Market Research - Initiating Project Brief 16 20 27 21 Brief Number 28 20 30 21 # 68 20 72 21 Date: 75 20 81 21 02/ 12/ 98 28 23 33 25 R. B. U. 15 23 26 25 Client Group: 41 23 50 25 COLOMBIA 29 25 38 26 Brand Group 40 25 46 26 KOOL 28 27 32 28 Other 66 30 83 33 Camilo Concha/ Andrea Suarez 15 30 26 31 Client Contact: 28 30 46 33 Maria Helena Argüelles/ Edwin Garcia 51 30 65 31 Research Liaison: 35 35 61 36 K001 vs. Marlboro Menthol Lights 15 35 35 36 Project Name/ Description 15 38 23 40 Market(s): 24 38 48 40 Bogotá, Medellin and Barranquilla 15 42 29 44 Referent Brand(s): 17 44 74 45 Current Kool Filter King Colombia 1 1 mg tar @ 0. 51% menthol white tipping. 15 44 17 45 1) 17 45 63 47 Kool Milds KS Japan 9mg tar @ 0. 56% menthol white tipping 15 45 17 47 2) 17 47 54 48 Kool KS. 9 mg tar, @ 0. 51% menthol white tipping 16 47 17 48 3) 17 49 79 50 Current Marlboro Lights Menthol King US 9mg tar @ 0. 66% menthol, white tipping. 16 49 17 50 4) 15 52 32 53 Consumer Segment(s): 24 54 28 55 60% 15 54 19 55 Male: 24 55 28 56 40% 15 56 21 57 Female: 24 57 34 58 18 -29 (100%) 16 57 21 58 By age: 16 59 21 60 BY SEL: 24 59 33 60 AB1 (100%) 32 60 75 62 KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50% 16 60 22 62 By City: 24 60 30 62 Bogotá: 24 62 31 63 B/ quilla: 32 62 75 63 KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50% 24 63 31 65 Medellin: 32 63 75 65 KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50% 20 66 85 68 In order to establish a quantitative basis for determining the winning product, results will be 15 67 19 68 Note: 15 68 30 70 weighted as follows: 30 68 51 70 Alternate 60%, Regular 40%. 15 72 40 73 Background Problem Definition: 16 73 85 78 On September 1 97, PMI simultaneously launched Marlboro Menthol KS Box (16mg tar and Menthol Lights KS Box (9mg tar) in Colombia. These two products became KOOL's direct competitors (Premium Menthol Brands). 16 78 85 81 At the same time KOOL replaced its product with a milder 11mg cigarette (the same KOOL Milds but with a 27mm cork tipping). 0 95 30 98 440026083 PRODUCED FROM B &W WEB SITE
30 5 58 9 AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY TELEVISION NETWORK 29 9 60 13 1330 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019 LT - 7777 59 18 77 19 October 9, 1968 52 19 56 20 Date: 60 21 81 23 Mr. Mary Goldsmith 18 22 28 23 BBDO Inc. 52 23 58 24 Contact: 9 23 14 24 Agency: 17 27 57 28 383 Madison Avenue New York 10017 9 28 15 30 Address: 17 32 40 34 American Tobacco Co. 9 34 14 35 Client: 17 37 40 39 Tareyton Cigarettes 9 39 15 41 Products: 9 45 36 46 Script(s) (and/ or story board(s)) cleared: 18 50 39 51 Phone Booth : 39 50 42 51 20 18 51 39 53 Phone Booth : 39 51 42 53 30 39 53 42 54 60 18 53 39 54 Phone Booth : 39 54 42 55 20 18 54 39 56 ECU : 40 56 42 57 30 18 56 39 57 ECU : 40 57 42 58 60 18 57 40 58 ECU : 17 61 88 64 THESE COMMERCIALS CANNOT BE SCHEDULED UNTIL THIS DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED OF THEIR CODE NUMBERS. 9 66 70 68 PLEASE NOTIFY THIS DEPARTMENT OF ANY CHANGES THE CODE NUMBER(S). 9 68 66 72 Final approval is, of course, dependent upon our screening the finished film(s), and upon time and placement of the commercial(s). 53 74 59 75 Sincerely, 53 76 77 77 American Broadcasting Company 53 78 59 84 53 81 63 82 Judie Price 16 81 22 83 JP/ gb 53 83 59 85 Department of BROADCAST STANDARDS AND PRACTICES 10 85 25 86 XER. 257/ REV 6/ 68
69 3 81 4 Page 1 of 10 27 4 65 11 RESTRICTED BROWN & WILLIAMSON INTERNATIONAL TOBACCO PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 19 12 25 13 PHOENIX 9 12 15 13 Brand: 54 12 67 14 B. A. T. CYPRUS 45 13 53 13 Company: 9 14 15 15 Style: 19 14 27 15 HLB- KS 45 14 53 15 Country: 54 14 61 15 CYPRUS 9 15 26 16 Licensee Ref. NO.: 45 15 52 16 Macket: 45 16 65 18 Place of Manufacture: 67 17 74 18 NICOSIA 9 21 25 22 CIGARETTE MAKING 9 24 32 25 Physical Characteristics 53 24 60 25 Weights 53 26 67 28 Total Cigt. Wt. 9 26 32 28 Overall Cigarette Length 72 26 83 28 974 mg 45 26 51 28 84 mm 9 28 26 29 Tobacco Rod Length 45 28 51 29 64 mm 9 29 26 30 Filter Plug Length 53 29 67 30 Net Net Tobacco 73 29 83 30 749 mg 45 29 51 30 20 mm 9 30 43 32 Filter Plug Pressure Drop (unencap.) 45 30 52 32 56 mm 9 32 41 33 Filter Plug Pressure Drop encap. 53 32 72 33 Net Tob. Rod Density 72 32 83 33 245 mg/cc 45 32 52 33 56 mm 9 33 31 34 Cigarette Circumference 45 33 51 34 24.75 mm 9 34 37 36 Total Pressure Drop (unencap.) 45 34 51 36 90 mm 9 36 35 37 Total Pressure Drop (encap.) 45 36 51 37 110 mm 8 37 22 38 Tipping Length 45 37 51 39 25 mm 9 39 39 40 Print Position (from filter end) 45 39 51 40 27 mm 9 40 36 41 Moisture content (ex-catcher) 45 40 50 41 13.5 % 45 41 50 43 Nil % 9 41 31 43 Filter ventilation Rate 9 44 38 46 Tipping and Tipping Application 9 47 22 48 Tipping Paper: 49 47 57 48 Adhesive: 9 48 19 49 Supplier(s) 30 48 37 50 Ecusta 49 48 59 50 Supplier (s) 62 48 67 50 Swift 9 50 28 51 Supplier Code No(s). 30 50 37 51 E.30639 49 50 68 51 Supplier Code No (s) 69 50 76 51 T.K. 9220 9 51 14 52 Color 49 51 53 52 Type 54 51 76 52 Printed Imitation cork 29 51 42 52 Imitation Cork 9 52 26 55 Perforation Type and No. of lines 29 54 33 55 None 49 54 68 55 Application Pattern: 9 55 17 56 Porosity 38 55 46 56 (coresta) 49 55 56 56 Overall 58 55 59 56 x 62 55 66 56 skip 72 55 77 56 Other 9 56 25 58 Print Description 27 57 42 58 Brown on yellow 30 58 48 59 50 mm mm 9 58 21 59 Bobbin Width 49 58 63 59 Glue Pree Area 64 58 68 59 N/A 9 59 22 60 Robbin Length 30 59 46 61 2700 m 49 59 58 60 Dimension 66 59 82 61 mm x mm 9 60 18 62 substance 30 61 47 62 36 gm/ m2 49 61 60 62 Positioning 66 61 83 62 mm from mouth end 9 63 39 65 (Indicate N/A If Not Applicable) 39 65 50 66 Prepared by: 54 65 71 66 M. HAMERTON / enm 54 68 65 69 May 1, 1985 39 68 44 69 Date: 39 71 50 72 Approved by: 51 72 82 76 Director of Technical Operations, Brown & Williamson International Tobacco 18 74 29 76 May 1, 1985 9 75 14 76 Date: 9 77 17 78 Replaces: 21 77 25 78 New 39 77 43 78 Date: 53 77 64 79 May 1, 1985 9 80 14 81 05045 69 82 85 85 620419245
75 1 88 3 1987- 115- CA 57 2 70 3 PROJECT NO. 6 3 12 4 CAPRI 7 4 24 6 32 9 79 11 CAPRI EXPANSION A&U - CALIFORNIA - WAVE 4. 6 10 20 12 DESCRIPTION: 33 14 62 15 Kapuler Marketing Research 7 14 16 16 SUPPLIER: 33 16 46 18 B. R. Pellett 7 17 21 19 MR PERSONNEL: 33 21 59 25 70,825 + +10 % (TOTAL 1987) +7.075 (2 -23 -88 77,900 TOTAL 7 21 25 23 AUTHORIZED COST: 22 30 30 32 7 31 19 32 Int. Init. Date 21 32 30 33 11- 16- 87 7 32 20 33 Ext. Autho. Date 21 33 30 35 12- -7 -87 7 33 20 35 Field Complete 22 35 30 36 1- 11- 88 7 35 19 36 Final Rpt. Due 58 38 64 39 47,218 26 38 36 39 PAID 1987 58 39 64 41 9,442 26 39 44 41 DEC 1987 ACCRUAL 65 39 68 41 -Pd. 57 40 64 42 14,165 26 41 46 42 CARRYOVER TO 1988 38 48 51 51 PAID OUT OF 1989 BUDGET 10 49 20 52 RELEASED TO ACCTG 73 49 85 51 CUMULATIVE 38 54 44 56 YEA - 45 54 49 56 9.442 26 55 30 56 DEC 38 55 44 56 CAPRI - 44 55 50 56 21.240 76 56 83 58 77.900 11 56 20 58 2- 25- 88 44 56 50 58 3068230.682 26 57 30 58 FEB 70 90 87 93 466009457
12 6 33 8 Manuscript Review Form 43 12 59 14 TOBACCO SCIENCE 12 16 24 18 Registration No 27 16 30 18 533 66 17 70 18 Date 70 17 84 18 March 18, 1968 12 19 21 21 AUTHORS 27 19 78 21 Andrew G. Kallianos, Richard K. Means, James D. Mold 27 22 80 27 "Effect of Nitrates in Tobacco on the Catechol Yield in Cigarette Smoke" 12 22 17 23 TITLE 35 30 44 32 3/ 29/ 68 12 31 31 32 REVIEW COMPLETED 51 31 69 33 RECOMMENDATION: 71 31 73 32 x 74 31 89 33 APPROVE IN ITS 11 33 27 35 PRESENT FORM: 45 33 62 35 (Give reasons below): 31 33 44 35 NOT 66 34 89 35 APPROVE TENTATIVELY 12 36 75 38 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTED REVISIONS: (itemize below): 11 41 80 46 Page 4 - Last line should be Mass spectrometric instead of Mass spectroscopic. 85 74 88 83 00070353 11 84 89 90 NOTE- Execute in triplicate using additionall sheets if more space is required. Retain the third copy for your file Return the original (signed) and the first carbon (unsigned) along with the manuscript to this office The unsigned copy and the manuscript will be for returned to the author his consideration.
65 1 92 12 6DR IV per II Revised MRA request one on LS to be 34 8 61 10 MARKET RESEARCH AUTHORIZATION 33 10 62 12 (Recommended Proposal Attached) 13 13 21 15 10/ /9 87 73 13 79 14 C- 40 7 13 11 15 Date: 64 13 67 15 No. 6 15 34 17 Description: CAPRI Expansion: 35 16 59 17 California- A&U Wave II 21 20 36 22 S. H. Trebilcock 70 20 73 22 Yes 74 20 76 21 x 7 20 19 22 Requested By: 44 20 69 22 Research Request Attached: 76 20 79 22 No 7 23 36 25 Competitive Proposals Obtained: 51 25 57 28 Est. Travel 78 25 87 28 Cost Per Interview 36 26 44 27 Cost ($) 13 26 21 27 Supplier 63 26 73 27 Total Cost 32 29 48 31 $70 70,825 +/ - 10% 60 29 73 31 $70 ,825 + - 10% 7 29 29 31 Kapuler Market Research 78 29 85 31 $47 .22 53 29 55 30 -0- 78 31 85 34 $74 .67 33 32 48 34 $112, 000 +/ - 10% 7 32 25 34 Market Facts, Inc. 53 32 55 33 -0- 59 32 75 34 $112 000 +/ - 10% 6 36 16 38 Projected: 39 36 63 38 Summary of Research Budget 69 37 81 40 780, 900. 00 22 38 28 40 8/ 3/ 87 6 38 21 39 Initiation Date 38 38 56 40 Total Area Budget: 22 40 31 42 9/ 23/ 87* 68 40 81 43 (381, 583. 08) 6 40 17 42 Field Start 38 40 60 42 Current Bal. Available: 6 43 20 45 Field Complete 21 43 29 45 10/ 11/ 87 38 44 58 47 This Change (From Current Budget) 69 44 80 45 -70, 825. 00 6 46 22 48 Final Report Due 23 46 31 48 11/ 16/ 87 38 48 62 51 This Amount (From Next Year's Budget) 57 48 61 49 -0- 4 49 38 61 *Actual start date on the part of supplier Technically was due to start 9/ 7 (the) 10 week post intro period) See Project File Note) LJS 10/ 13/ 87 38 52 50 54 New Balance 68 52 81 54 (452 ,408, 08) 66 56 81 59 1, 233, 308. 08 38 57 55 60 Committed to Date: (Current Year) 6 61 18 63 Sample Size 19 61 25 63 1. 500 6 62 26 64 Recommemded Supplier: 29 63 54 65 Kapuler Marketing Research 35 64 46 65 Low bidder. 6 64 34 66 Reason(s) for Recommendation 19 69 40 73 L J L. J. Spurtier 59 69 70 72 10/ 9/ 87 6 70 18 72 Submitted By: 53 70 57 72 Date 19 71 49 76 L. E. Gravely 59 72 70 75 10/ 13/ 87 6 73 18 74 Approved By: 53 73 57 74 Date 53 76 57 77 Date 6 76 18 77 Approved By: 53 78 57 80 Date 6 79 18 80 Approved By: 6 81 18 83 Budget Check: 53 81 57 83 Date 19 83 29 85 K. F. Lyle 6 84 14 86 Original 16 84 28 86 Project File 14 85 16 86 - 59 86 69 88 1987- 113CA 16 86 32 87 S. Willinger (3) 47 86 58 88 Project No. 5 86 9 87 cc: 16 88 30 89 G. D. Raphael 16 89 37 91 V. Hansberry (If Int.) 59 89 65 91 CAPRI 46 89 58 90 Account Name 72 91 89 94 465915288 5 92 15 93 /lsbg1006
62 3 68 4 Date: 68 3 75 4 3/27/84 82 3 88 4 84-C-7 35 4 65 9 Sample No. 1078-84 Type of Cigarette NP Control 85 Batch Size As needed 6 9 27 11 ginal Request Made By 28 9 48 11 T. Jessup on 2/13/84 4 11 21 13 Purpose of Sample 21 11 42 13 Mkt. Research Newport 4 14 35 15 Sample Specifications Written By 36 14 45 16 W. Barnes 4 17 9 18 BLEND 18 17 25 18 CASING 34 17 42 19 RECASING 50 17 63 19 FINAL FLAVOR 71 17 79 19 MENTHOL 18 18 23 20 7773 4 18 11 20 1077-84 34 19 38 20 7774 50 19 58 20 attached 71 19 76 20 8098 4 21 14 23 Cicarettes 41 22 48 23 Filters 26 24 30 26 MK 9 6 25 12 26 Maker 75 25 85 27 Section B 61 25 71 27 Section A 26 27 32 29 84.0 cm 6 27 13 28 Length 62 27 67 29 21mm 75 28 78 29 mm 6 29 12 31 Filter 13 29 19 31 Length 26 29 32 31 21.0 mm 43 29 48 31 Kind 62 29 73 31 3.3 35,000y 6 31 20 33 Circumference 26 32 32 33 24.8 mm 61 32 68 33 RE-2218 6 34 13 35 Weight 26 34 36 35 96.0 g/100 43 34 53 35 Rod Length 62 34 68 36 126 mm 6 36 12 37 Paper 26 36 31 37 E- 554 43 36 56 38 Pressure Drop 62 36 67 38 370mm 6 38 16 39 Tip. Paper 22 38 39 40 51mm cork- Ecusta 43 38 56 40 Circumference 62 39 68 40 24.7mm 17 40 39 42 TOD 01042-4 lines perf. 43 41 49 42 Weight 62 41 72 42 81.0 g/100 6 43 21 45 Tip. Paper Por. 26 43 30 44 4260 43 43 49 44 Plast. 62 43 69 45 7% Kent 25 45 33 47 Mk II 85 6 45 17 46 Glue Roller 43 45 52 47 Plug Wrap 61 45 64 47 E- 63 45 67 47 626 6 47 18 49 Air Dilution 25 47 28 49 NA 43 47 57 49 Plug Wrap Por. 62 48 67 49 1509C 43 50 53 51 Comb. Wrap 43 52 57 53 Comb. Wrap Por. 3 55 12 56 Wrapping 40 55 54 56 Responsibility 25 57 31 58 white 6 57 13 59 Labels 43 57 56 59 Tobacco Blend 61 57 80 59 production, Barnes 6 59 14 61 Closures 25 59 29 61 blue 61 59 72 61 production 43 60 60 61 Filter Production 6 61 15 63 Tear Tape 25 62 31 63 white 42 62 59 63 Making & Packing 61 62 76 63 Barnes, Fernald 5 64 13 65 Cartons 25 64 30 65 white 42 64 51 65 Shipping 61 64 63 66 - - 25 66 34 67 code #1746 6 66 14 67 Markings 42 66 60 68 Sample Requistion 61 66 71 68 T. Skinner 40 71 59 73 Laboratory Analysis: 3 71 16 74 Requirements Laboratory 89 73 91 82 81574683 25 73 33 74 30 ctns. 42 73 65 79 Moisture analysis Menthol analysis Tar & nicotine analysis 23 75 32 77 1100 pks. 5 75 11 76 Other 39 79 58 81 Special Requirements 2 81 73 88 1. Cigts. to be packed in white labels printed with "20 Class A. ATF Auth. #47 sample not for sale, all applicable state taxes paid, and code No. 746." 59 88 94 95 Director, Product Development 2 88 64 92 2. Cigts. to be inspected, placed in pk. mailers and shipped Inc., for Mkt. Rsh. Study. 65 89 67 90 74 89 80 90 Stein, 68 89 74 90 Newan
4 1 7 1 RS 85 1 93 7 WHAS 11/3/56 10/26/57 11 2 16 3 RS#39 27 5 93 13 Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn INCORPORATED CHANGE IN RADIO SCHEDULE 7 7 14 8 Accounting 4 9 18 13 M. BOGGIANO Director) FRANK TOWERS 40 13 82 15 THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY (LUCKY STRIKE) 27 14 32 15 CLIENT 4 15 20 22 GEN'L ACCT DEPT. APTEKICKSER MURIEL, KAMNIT PRE MALARA (2) HOPE MARTINEZ 41 16 56 18 1/2 HOUR PROGRAMES 27 17 34 18 PROGRAM 40 19 68 21 WHAS LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 32 19 39 20 STATIONS 40 21 54 23 CONTRACT #1032 32 22 38 23 22 24 83 25 ENTIRE SCHEDULE CANCELLED LAST BROADCAST SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1957 23 27 45 28 REVISED CONTRACT TOTALS. 47 29 68 31 24 @ $ 150.00 TIME 4 30 18 34 47 32 69 34 24 @ $ 125.00 NET TALENT 73 35 83 36 $ 6.600.00 66 35 72 36 TOTAL: 76 40 89 42 APRIL 1,1957 40 40 53 42 HOPE MARTINEZ 68 41 72 42 DATE 29 41 35 42 SIGNED 7 43 17 45 Form No. RA 905
34 4 62 6 SPORTS REGISTRATION 32 6 65 15 37TH ANNUAL MEETING AUGUST 15-18, 1996 RYE- TOWN HILTON HOTEL RYE, NEW YORK 10 18 86 21 Make copies of this form if necessary. Complete applicable section (s) and return to NYSAWMD. 28 22 68 24 LORILLARD TOBACCO COMPANY 10 28 35 30 GOLF TOURNAMENT 33 29 87 32 (Ladies & Men) . . . Friday, August 16, Tee off at 8:00 A. M. SHARP (no green fee) 10 35 59 37 I will participate in the Golf Tournament 61 35 66 36 < > 18 36 37 38 My handicap is: 67 36 75 38 Strokes 61 37 66 38 < > 10 41 15 42 NAME 10 44 21 45 FIRM NAME 20 54 80 56 BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CORPORATION 11 59 38 61 TENNIS TOURNAMENT 34 59 82 63 (Ladies & Men) . . . Friday, August 16, starting time is 3:00 P. M. 11 66 77 69 I will participate in the Tennis Tournament I would classify myself as (please check appropriate box) 11 70 26 72 < > Beginner 11 72 21 73 < > Fair 11 73 22 74 < > Good 11 75 27 76 < > Excellent 11 79 16 81 NAME 11 82 22 84 FIRM NAME 92 89 95 93 A 14 90 84 92 NYSAWMD, INC. 211 EAST 43RD STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10017-4707 11 93 19 94 CONVFORM.96
80 7 88 8 002/ 003 46 7 74 9 LORILLARD TOE CO NYO - SALES 8 7 39 9 12/08/97 09: 01 FAX 1 732 583 8977 57 10 72 12 SUBMISSION DATE 14 12 23 13 S. P. ZOLOT 7 12 10 13 TO: 69 14 74 15 FEB 23 47 14 52 15 DEC 8 58 14 59 15 X 8 14 13 16 FROM: 14 14 24 16 S. P. McBride 47 17 53 18 JAN 19 21 17 25 18 1/ 20 7 17 19 19 AREA REGION: 20 20 73 21 MAVERICK SPECIALS NON- MENTHOL- EXPANSION PROGRESS REPORT 8 20 15 22 SUBJECT: 9 24 20 25 DISTRIBUTION 8 25 72 28 DIRECT ACCOUNTS PROJECTED TO ACCEPT WHICH REFUSED ONE OR MORE PACKING 31 28 40 31 # OF STORES SUPPLIED 78 29 81 32 LT. K. S. 64 30 68 32 LT. 100's 11 30 27 31 NAME OF ACCOUNT 42 30 46 32 BOX 80's 48 30 55 32 LT. BOX 80's 71 30 74 31 K. S. 57 30 61 31 100's 17 33 21 35 None 8 53 51 55 TOTAL # OF INDEPENDENT SPECIAL EMPHASIS OUTLETS: 63 53 67 54 2.471 63 56 67 58 1,020 9 56 51 58 TOTAL # OF INDEPENDENT NEWPORT #1 CLUB OUTLETS: 45 59 63 63 TOTAL # OF NUMBER ONE CLUB OUTLETS WITH DISTRIBUTION 23 60 37 63 TOTAL # OF SP EMPHASIS OUTLEIS WITH DISTRIBUTION 66 60 68 61 % 40 61 42 62 % 12 61 18 62 PACKING 65 63 69 64 36% 53 63 56 64 365 40 63 43 65 22% 9 64 16 65 BOX 80's 29 64 31 65 542 66 64 69 66 34% 53 65 56 66 346 40 65 43 66 19% 29 65 31 66 475 9 66 18 67 LT. BOX 80's 66 66 69 67 36% 53 66 56 68 371 40 67 43 68 19% 29 67 31 68 479 9 67 13 69 100's 66 68 69 69 35% 28 68 31 70 451 53 68 56 69 355 40 68 44 69 18% 9 69 15 70 LT. 100's 9 71 12 72 K. S. 9 72 15 73 LT. K. S. 91 75 94 86 81749056 10 75 41 77 COMPETITIVE PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY 9 78 76 80 PREDOMINANT BUYDOWN VALUE OF TARGETED BRANDS (DORAL G. P. C/ BASIC) 37 80 42 82 BASIC 46 81 52 82 G.P.C 26 81 32 82 DORAL 27 82 30 84 30 48 82 51 84 30 38 83 41 84 20 13 83 18 84 PACKS 47 85 51 87 $ 3.00 37 85 41 87 $ 2.00 14 86 21 87 CARTONS 26 86 28 87 $ 28 86 31 87 3.00 13 87 22 88 (Where Applicable) 77 91 87 93 Page 1 of 2 45 92 51 93 12/8/97 11 92 22 94 Mav- nm- 1. xls
9 5 75 8 GREY ADVERTISING INC. - MEETING REPORT 79 5 89 9 FEB 23 1982 13 10 20 11 CLIENT: 22 10 39 12 Brown & Williamson 50 11 55 12 DATE: 57 11 63 13 1/ 19/ 82 72 11 79 13 482 -2 R1 68 11 71 13 NO. 13 13 21 14 PRODUCT: 24 13 30 15 Viceroy 50 14 56 15 PLACE: 57 14 65 15 Telephone 13 15 21 17 PRESENT: 21 16 32 18 (For the client) 50 16 62 18 DATE OF REPORT: 62 17 69 18 2/ 17/ 82 13 18 22 19 T. Parrack 21 22 33 24 (For the agency) 12 24 24 26 P. Hendricks 12 28 21 30 SUMMARY: 58 30 68 32 Written by: 70 30 81 32 P. Hendricks 58 32 71 34 CONFIDENTIAL 12 37 76 43 Client confirmed agreement for Agency to pay advance to with official photographer, signed estimate to follow, for 1/ 25/ 82. This was Viceroy Shoot week of agreed to by T. and January Parrack A. 18 pre- Forsythe production at the meeting 12 50 14 51 PH: 15 50 17 51 mg 16 53 28 57 R. Schoenfein S. Dammers P. Hendricks 12 53 14 54 cc: 81 71 84 82 670121460 0 95 30 98 670121460 PRODUCED FROM B& W WEB SITE
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