70 values
2 values
70 values
138 values
I use to drive a semi.ober the road. I traveled coast to coast regularly. I was on my way to massa from Washington and stopped for something to drink in Montana at a a road ranger/pilot. It was small in size compared to most out there. I had parked walked in and went to the drink cooler and lost track of what I was looking for as there was too much to choose from. As I was standing there a old man, tall but large with what looked like an empty saggy suit case walked in and right up to me to ask for a ride to the air port, He was heading to Gary Indiana! Right down 80/90 like I was heading. He had. A 50/50 chance. Told me he was a trucker and had to get home. I told him I was a driver my self and this was the middle of nowhere. His reply was odd, he seemed like that shouldn't have been a problem I could give him a ride. Told me I was sheading east anyway. He has glasses kind of hunched over. I remember feeling fear and that had to leave. I went up to pay and he never came around the corner. I only saw a glimpse of him as I left out the door; like an odd shiver of light in the glass. Mind you the glass was reflecting the mountains, which for my self is always an amazing site. I grew up in New England. Trees are good!
It’s been a while. Y’all holding on or selling? I’ve been in for while and looking for a potential cash out. What are your thoughts?
The borehole that was dug is 12km. If we dug say 50km. Could we still find new pockets of oil and natural gas? The earths radius is 6.3km so how deep are the valuables at?
https://youtu.be/kJiWTnvl10s?si=UYzchnIhYFx8LbyR I love the way camus thinks and his brilliant take on happiness. The idea that he who succumbs to his own weight can never make himself or anyone else happy strikes like an arrow to my heart. One who dominates his life can lift others up. I hope more people understand his message.
\*Warning\* this post mentions death and self harm. please read at your own discretion. I'm 22m and have experienced a variety of "crazy coincidences" throughout my life, but this has got to be the weirdest. On Tuesday, I was doing homework and happened upon the song "mercy street" by peter gabriel. the song is quite melancholy, and it made me unusually sad. Particularly, how it was based on the poems of Anne Sexton, an american mental patient who wrote as a form of therapy. She had repeatedly tried to end her own life, until she eventually succeeded, which is quite grim. I listen to a variety of music, and usually I don't get very emotional over it. However, when I went to bed, the sadness had compounded, to the point where I was crying uncontrollably and could not stop. This went on constantly for about 1 hour. At the time, I was just thinking about my family and how much our lives had changed for worse, especially during COVID. Eventually I fell asleep, and the next morning, awoke feeling on the right side of bed as though nothing had happened. Fast forward to Thursday, news got around that a student at my school had been killed in a car accident. He was simply biking down the street, when a reckless driver lost control of his car. He crashed the car, and ended up running into the student. This student ended up being the younger brother of a girl I had dated two years ago. I also happened to have seen him the day before he was killed. I cant help but feel irked. I never feel grief like that, let alone out of the blue. And for it to be two days before someone I knew getting so horribly killed.
Lets say i am, after a plane crash, stranded on a deserted island and now i want to know the exact date for some reason. I have no acces to calendars, history or historic astronomical books, historic records, etc. but, if i had to, i could acces the deserted islands world famous although deserted science labs, observatory, etc. I also got a hit to the head when i stranded and severe amnesia, so i can not count backwards from when i boarded the plane. I also dont remember any other reference points from which i could count or calculate. Could i determine the exact date (according to the gregorian calendar), or at least the exact day of the year. Bonus question: Could i also tell which day of the week it is?
Welcome to our History Questions Thread! This thread is for all those history related questions that are too simple, short or a bit too silly to warrant their own post. So, do you have a question about history and have always been afraid to ask? Well, today is your lucky day. Ask away! Of course all our regular rules and guidelines still apply and to be just that bit extra clear: Questions need to be historical in nature. Silly does not mean that your question should be a joke. [r/history](https://www.reddit.com/r/history/) also has an active [discord server](https://discord.com/invite/r-history-284001693044310016) where you can discuss history with other enthusiasts and experts.
I understand the basic concept, but I’m wondering about is a bit more specific. How granular does it get when passing down genes? You hear things like, he has his moms eyes or his dads nose, but when passing down traits, how is it broken down? Are they really getting the “nose” from their dad? Or is it really more like, the tip of the nose is more like dad, the nostrils more like mom, etc. (I’m using mom and dad, but I know there can also be hidden genes from past generations, I’m mostly curiosity about how large or small of a feature is effected) Basically I’m just curious about how a trait is inherited and how small of an area or feature is affected by the different genes. Do you get a kind of swath of an area or is it actually really minute things, and maybe someone just happens to get a majority from one side or the other making at appear like that total feature was inherited, but there may actually be small details that differ that just aren’t as noticeable. Hope I explained this ok.
Lmk my friends
Friendship as a component of human nature has been of great scientific interest throughout the ages. An Islamic philosopher of the 11th century, Al-Ghazali, described in his book entitled Ihya' Ulum al-Din just how to be a good friend. Nearly a millennium later, the scientific contributions of the contemporary psychologist Robert Dunbar, particularly "The Anatomy of Friendship," explain through the perspective of modern science how friendships function in the brain and society. Surprisingly, his ideas greatly interconnect, showing a bridge between spiritual knowledge and modern science. Al-Ghazali puts much stress on the choice of friends. He declares that everyone finds friends for his good character, perfect faith, and moral honesty. He looks at friendship not as social dealings but as potent connections that mold an individual's soul and future. This fits very strongly with Dunbar's "Dunbar Number," which postulates a cognitive limit on the number of meaningful relationships-roughly 150, he says-but with only about five close, intimate relationships. In the opinion of Dunbar, mental resources are limited and it is the intensity of the emotional investment in deep friendships which limits their number. He continues with, "Friendships take time, and the mental effort required to maintain them is what limits the numbers of friendships we can have." It is this scientific observation that ascertains Al-Ghazali's recommendation to invest in relationships that sustain spiritual and emotional well-being since we are capable of only a few friendships. Therefore, choosing those friends who help us become good and do good things is not just a personal decision but important in the process of keeping life in balance. The features of loyalty and honesty appear as the most important features in Al-Ghazali's idea of friendship. According to him, a friend is not he who joins to share the time of joy but he who shares the time of distress. This idea relates closely to Dunbar’s research on why friendship is important in our evolution. Dunbar says that shared experiences, especially those that provide emotional support, make friendships stronger. He writes, “Shared laughter and emotional support are evolutionary tools that cement our strongest friendships.” An emotional connection based on honesty and loyalty is what makes true friends different from just acquaintances. Al-Ghazali’s emphasis on sincerity (ikhlas) supports this idea. He warns against friendships of utility or pleasure alone, since they cannot sustain the knocks of life; rather, true friendship is based upon the promise to look after the other with care. This brings out how important emotional give-and-take is in sustaining the imperatives of a relationship. It is evident in both Al-Ghazali and Dunbar that conflict is inevitable even in the best of relationships. Al-Ghazali insists on forgiveness and patience. He appeals to be tolerant of as far as the defects in a friend are concerned: for him, no person is faultless, and friendship can be tolerated only by overlooking small mistakes and condoning big ones. This view precisely coincides with Dunbar's idea pertaining to resilience, which is necessary for long-term friendships. Dunbar writes, "Conflict is natural in any relationship; the ability to forgive and rebuild is what separates temporary acquaintances from lifelong friends." The notion that friendship requires emotional resilience is hardly novel; still, this spiritual perspective by Al-Ghazali carries even deeper weight. To him, being forgiving is not just a socially demanded trait but a virtue that becomes a testament to one's inner strength and character. In both schemes, the ability to handle conflict and practice forgiveness would define how long a friendship would last. For Al-Ghazali, the very essence of any true friendship is trust. Indeed, he said that one of the gravest forms of rupture which can ever damage even the closest of friendships is betrayal. This trust, or amanah, consists of guarding each other's confidence, keeping promises, and acting honorably. Dunbar's own research corroborates this when it postulates that the balance of giving and receiving actively sustains the notion of trust. He writes, "Friendship thrives on a balance of exchanges, whether emotional, social, or practical. A breach in this balance erodes trust." The commonalities are patent in this tenet of their thought. Both thinkers are cognizant that trust is not a high-order abstraction but rather a substantive foundation on which the rest of the friendship structure rests. Without trust, there can be no true connection or help for each other. This shared understanding shows that trust is an important part of human relationships, whether seen from a spiritual or scientific point of view. The strongest link between Al-Ghazali’s and Dunbar’s ideas about friendship is in how they see its purpose. For Al-Ghazali, friendship is not just for social reasons but also for spiritual and moral growth. To him, friends are fellow travelers that help scale up towards betterment and eventually draw closer to God. The spiritual aspect, thus, gives prime importance to friendship, which, beyond companionship, becomes a bond shaping the character and destiny of a person. Dunbar, while approaching friendship from a secular perspective, does reach a similar conclusion about its impact on personal growth. He says, "Friendship is not just a nice thing to have, but very important for mental health." For Dunbar, friendships greatly aid our feelings and personal development through their support, encouragement, and sense of belonging. The idea here tallies with Al-Ghazali's belief that friends show who we are and affect who we become. Both views indicate that friendships are not only helpful but necessary to a happy life. Today, social media and online connections often make it hard to tell the difference between real friendship and casual acquaintance. These ideas are important now more than ever. Al-Ghazali’s principles tell us to look for depth, honesty, and good character in our friendships. Dunbar’s research offers a scientific way to see why these qualities are important. Taken together, they give a broad view of friendship, combining the wisdom of ancient and contemporary psychology on the subject. Each thinker gives a challenge as to the quality of our friendships and the place they actually occupy within our lives. Are we investing time in relationships that nourish and feed us? Can we let go, trust, and evolve with our friends? These questions are pertinent and help us find our way to true, lasting connection.  What do you guys think? Can religious views help our friendships today in the world of social media and online connections? How would you guys balance Dunbar's ideas about how many friends we can have with Al-Ghazali's idea of being good in friendship? Works Cited/ References Dunbar, Robin. “[The Anatomy of Friendship](https://www-sciencedirect-com.libproxy.aucegypt.edu/science/article/pii/S1364661317302243?via%3Dihub).” *Trends in Cognitive Sciences* vol. 22.1 (2018) Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid. “[The Etiquette of Friendship](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1APx16TL5cJQhwVOcrnUgofQNGZCqjpfx_oCWcoXc_Ao/edit).” in *The Beginning of Guidance: The Imam and proof of Islam*. trans. Mashhad Al-Allaf. White Thread Press: 2010: 142. (Hopefully I can continue to edit this when I have more time since I actually enjoyed writing this for uni. It took me 6 days to write. I am in the same uni and course as the guy who wrote Absence & Friendships: Kahlil Gibran on Absence around 6 days from posting this on this subreddit.)
When I was 17, I wrote about my theory of life. I said life is like a blank piece of paper—it has no meaning until you sketch, paint, and add color to it. Sounds a bit pretentious coming from someone who wasn’t even old enough to apply for a driving license, right? Still, corny or not, it was what I believed. Seven years later, I still don’t have a driving license, and I still don’t think there’s a god or any inherent meaning to life. The blank paper analogy still holds. But there’s been a shift. Lately, I’ve been struggling with my blank paper. I’m no longer sure if the picture I’m painting is the one I want. If I’m the one creating the meaning for my life, wouldn’t I always be aware of how artificial it is? It feels like an enormous responsibility to create all your values by yourself. To be fully committed to anything in life requires an unwavering belief that it’s worth the effort. But if you know there’s no inherent meaning to it—that your pursuit is arbitrary—existential dread creeps in. That thought has left me stuck in a bind. One thing is clear to me: for a man to remain sane, he must care about something. He needs a reason to get out of bed in the morning. But this is where the blank paper analogy begins to fail me. If it’s entirely up to me to decide what painting to create, how can I ever be sure I’ve chosen the right one? Back then, I wrote that if there’s no inherent point to life, a logical option might be to quit the game altogether. But I argued against that, reasoning that if there’s no ultimate point, you might as well play the game and paint for the fun of it. Later, I learned this was similar to Albert Camus’s argument to "live without appeal." But what happens when the awareness that nothing has meaning becomes overpowering? When it gets to a point where even the things you once enjoyed no longer bring satisfaction because—well—what’s the point? I started thinking about how to cut myself off from this awareness, how to manage or suppress it. But that doesn’t seem like the right approach. Sooner or later, it resurfaces, and when it does, the disappointment feels even sharper. The other day, I was discussing this dilemma with a friend. After an hour-long conversation, we landed on a conclusion that, for now, feels like a good answer: You don’t have to commit to a single meaning. Go out. Explore. See what you like. Experiment. If the meaning you choose turns out to be garbage, throw it out the window. There’s no perfect life, no singular “right” answer. Obsessing over the meaning of life without actually living it is counterproductive. Start small. Take a leap of faith. Decide on a meaning—not for the rest of your life, just for now. Take it one day at a time. Imagine your perfect day. What are the elements that make it fulfilling? Pick those elements, engage with them, live them. If you can go to bed satisfied at the end of the day, you’re on the right track. Of course, some days your experiment will fail. You might end up even sadder. Life will throw random curveballs at you. Things will spiral out of control. But the aim is to find meaning. The meaning is to find meaning. If, at some point, you’re happy to settle on one meaning, so be it. Until then, keep exploring. I don’t know if this framework is right or wrong—it’s just what I’ve chosen to believe in for now. It may or may not change in the future. That is how I deal with the Absurd for now. This my theory of life.
Ignoring the political controversy, what's the mechanism by which fluoride reduces cavities?
If you guys don't mind to share your bag. Mine is 3000@$3.9
Is this possible? [https://www.deepbrainchain.org/](https://www.deepbrainchain.org/) For example, TAO, DBC, and CLORE would have all GPUs they each allow for leasing available on the others. Seems TAO subnets are the best route for achieving this. Thoughts?
From the previously stickied post - AskMen is a place to ask questions that will open a conversation with men or to gain a male perspective on things. This is not a sex sub. This is not an anti-woman sub. This is not a dating sub. This is not a PUA tips sub. This is not a MGTOW sub. This is not an Incel positive sub. Men are not a monolith. Do not ask questions that treat all men as a singular being. Do not post questions that assume all men think a single way, and you want to know why. You're already on the wrong path. Your boyfriend/husband/SO is an individual not part of collective male mind. If you want to know why they did something - ASK THEM, NOT US. You want to buy your boyfriend/husband/SO a gift, and don't know what to get them, HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH THEM. You didn't have a dad growing up and want to ask a question - we got dads here. You didn't or don't have many male friends and don't understand a reference - we got dudes here. You never learned how to do a thing that "every dude" seems to know how to do, and want it explained - we got those guys here too. This is a safe space. Liberal, Conservative, Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans, Cis, Married, Single, Poly, Child-free, parenting, POC, White, Religious, Atheist, whatever...thats all part of the male experience, so it's all valued and all valid. WE THE MODERATION TEAM ARE ASKING - when you see hateful shit, when you see people behaving badly, when you see people being wrong - fucking report it. if it's reported, report it again - three reports takes it down. Or message us with a link - and title it "This Fucking Person"
As I understand it, most (if not all) plagues in history have been caused by some chicken, cow, pig, or other domesticated animal disease jumping to human hosts and wreaking havoc. Has the reverse ever happened - where something like the common cold jumped from humans to our domesticated animals and became a plague for their species?
>I don't know who to talk to or where to ask for help, so I'm sharing my strange personal experience here, translated by AI. I'm sharing this knowing it might not be "permitted" by what I call "the thing" or the "mysterious force." I've experienced consequences when going against its will. If this post disappears, you'll know why. Since elementary school, I've noticed patterns in my luck. I could predict when I'd get good grades(during the "designated good grades"semesters, minimal effort would yield high scores. But in semesters marked for poor performance, no amount of effort would improve my grades) or when my dad would lose his temper. Back then, I used to picturing someone sitting at a control panel, flipping a "luck switch" repeatedly that affected my childhood life. I often find myself shouting into thin air furiously, demanding answers: "What do you want? I'm not your puppet! When will you leave me alone?" It feels like my entire life is a script written by this force, and I'm just an actor with no real control. When I do things it "permits," everything goes smoothly. But when I go against its will, I face obstacles and prepare to face punishment to prevent me from doing it again. Here's a recent example: Last year, I had a severe cold and went to the clinic. Everything was fine until exactly my turn to see the doctor - suddenly, the computers lost power despite that level still having electricity. So I had to wait a bit longer. This wasn't an isolated incident; similar "technical issues" have happened multiple times when I've tried to see doctors.I can see that it doesn’t like me seeing doctors. Another time was the print machine broke down. Once is bad luck, but a series of coincidences? That’s possibility multiplying, That's deliberate. The hospital incidents are just one small part of this. If I were to create a Venn diagram of all the strange "coincidences" and manipulations I've experienced, it would be incredibly complex. I guess The hospital incident is a still-going thread, there are so much to share. As a child in elementary and junior high school, I simply observed and followed these patterns. Later, I tried to actively manipulate them to achieve desired outcomes, though it remained challenging. (Not sure if anyone will believe this, but I needed to share.) Edit: Might have to delete this if "it" doesn't approve. We'll see.
These last few years Europe has experienced extreme heat waves, due to anticyclones creating high pressure systems, warming air and reducing cloud cover. Lately, anticyclones in various places in southern Europe have decimated autumn rains, and now we are experiencing rare levels of drought for the season. I know this stuff has become more common due to climate change, but why exactly? Will this trend continue? Where can I read about it?
It's hard to understand as English is not my native language although I'm pretty good at it and I'm new to reading books other than textbooks as a whole. I started with want to know about Absurdism and ended up learning little bit about Kierkegaard, Sartre and Karl Jasper. I'm also googling new words that I don't hear from movies, songs or textbooks I learnt English from. But DAMN, it's worth the effort. I've read this paragraph 4-5 times now because idk, it's good >Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying. The regularity of an impulse or a repulsion in a soul is encountered again in habits of doing or thinking, is reproduced in consequences of which the soul itself knows nothing. Great feelings take with them their own universe, splendid or abject. They light up with their passion an exclusive world in which they recognize their climate. There is a universe of jealousy, of ambition, of selfishness, or of generosity. A universe—in other words, a metaphysic and an attitude of mind. What is true of already specialized feelings will be even more so of emotions basically as indeterminate, simultaneously as vague and as "definite," as remote and as "present" as those furnished us by beauty or aroused by absurdity. I don't even know if this post will be posted or not 'cuz this is a new account
Tao was one of the big mover prior to Trump election. Since then, every coin has moved except Tao. Doesn’t anyone have any solid theories as to why that is?
i am new in crypto and bought the coins when they were high coz my friend told me, should i hold them?!!
Most powerplants basically boil water to produce steam. That steam is used to produce energy. So why aren't there more incineration plants that have a dual purpose of also providing electricity? The only difference between a coal plant, a nuclear plant and an incineration plant is the fuel but the end result is the same thermal energy being converted to electrical energy.
I’ve been I crypto for about 8 years now, Filecoin both did me well, and it bit me. I used to trade a lot and speculate, now I mostly buy “blue chip” cryptos and hope more for a long term investment. So, Filecoin, to my knowledge and understanding, really starts to pump when the total market cap of all cryptos is flying off the charts and data is pouring out of nodes. Filecoin seems to pump because it is a tool that is being used. Data crunching, storage etc becomes a problem when transactions I general go haywire. Some of it is also pure speculation and fomo Pros. Filecoin is a “dino” crypto at this point. Anything through 2 halving cycles is , IMO. That’s a good thing for Filecoin. Ol reliable. Many platforms adopted File and will continue to use it. Cons. It’s inflationary and there are lots and lots of competitors that do the same thing File does. So is it sort of like ETH,where it’s the foundation that cannot easily be discarded and swapped for a new platform? Or is FILE easily discarded, and now there’s newer models with better narratives and hype? ICP and NOSANA etc , they seek to be the Swiss Army knives of cryptos that will largely replace the specialty cryptos, but is that a long time from now? Just wanted to stir the pot a little and get other opinions. I still own some, but I consider booting it and using the money to buy something shiny and new. I’m a LOOONG time LTC bag holder because I’m emotionally invested there and I’m second guessing doing that again with Filecoin.
Hello, I am using a translator because my English is not very good so I apologize for any bad English. The other night I was driving through Culiacán around 9 and saw a disturbing figure crawling along the road. It looked like a woman with long straight hair but it didn't look human. It had no legs and had large hands that looked like they had claws and had a very thin neck. I couldn't see much of her face because it was dark but she seemed pale. I don't know if this was real or if it was just my imagination playing tricks on me, but it was still very creepy.
Obviously anti rejection drugs are necessary as the pool of organ donors will never be as high as those who volunteer to join a plasma registry to donate platelets, but are the immune system's mechanisms similar enough that there could theoretically be a perfect match that would result in no organ rejection?
From my understanding, Bittensor is incredibly interesting and I hold a good amount due to the decentralization and non-biases. My question is: how will it compete with the big players like Openai and Claude? I have been a heavy user of AI, specifically LLM’s and I tens to only use the best models based on metrics and personal experiences. Thanks for any answers here! Have been looking for answers to this, no-one seems to talk about this.
Welcome to this week's Open Discussion Thread. This thread is a place for posts/comments which are related to philosophy but wouldn't necessarily meet our [posting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/wiki/rules) (especially posting rule 2). For example, these threads are great places for: * Arguments that aren't substantive enough to meet PR2. * Open discussion about philosophy, e.g. who your favourite philosopher is, what you are currently reading * Philosophical questions. Please note that /r/askphilosophy is a great resource for questions and if you are looking for moderated answers we suggest you ask there. This thread is **not** a completely open discussion! Any posts not relating to philosophy will be removed. Please keep comments related to philosophy, and expect low-effort comments to be removed. All of our normal commenting rules are still in place for these threads, although we will be more lenient with regards to commenting rule 2. Previous Open Discussion Threads can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AOpen%2BThread).
I only know English and found two english translations of the book both translated by Lloyd Alexander, one is introduced and revised by Richard Howard another by Hayden Carruth and is revised by Mrs. Violet Hammersley. It's for personal read and self loathing rather than academic reasons so I'd prefer something closer to the original text, simplicity or modernity isn't a priority :)
hi , I was wondering how I can start mining on Sub3 , there is no GitHub repo or something like that , is anyone has an idea , thank you
Indeed, hope is what chains us to future and can be source of not only joy but also fear and suffering. When hopes make us quiver they take present moment from us. This makes me wonder if we can hope and passionately consume present time at once. What do you think?
Hello. I only recently read Metamorphosis and the Trial and can’t help but feel there are some similarities between those works and some of Camus’ material. In your opinion, do you see similar connections there or am I just seeing what I want to due to being a fan of absurdism? For the record, I felt somewhat similar about Notes from the Underground, though would stop before labeling it “absurdist”.
I have faith we will see ATH either this cycle or next.
When we think of **Alexander the Great**, images of swift cavalry charges, daring sieges, and legendary conquests come to mind. But did you know he also encountered one of the ancient world’s most formidable weapons: **war elephants**? During the epic **Battle of the Hydaspes (326 BC)**, Alexander faced off against **King Porus of India**, whose army included a battalion of elephants. These towering creatures struck terror into the hearts of Alexander’s soldiers—many of whom had never seen elephants before. Despite this, Alexander emerged victorious, and in true visionary fashion, he didn’t just defeat the elephants—he made them his own!  **A Game-Changing Encount**er Impressed by their battlefield impact, Alexander incorporated the war elephants into his own ranks. They became a symbol of his ability to adapt and innovate, blending **Greek and Eastern military traditions**. These elephants later marched in his campaigns, demonstrating the fusion of cultures that defined his empire. **Want to dive deeper into this fascinating histor**y? 1. ["Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army](https://amzn.to/4fZ2GIs)*"* by Donald W. Engels – This book provides incredible insights into how Alexander’s army, including his elephants, operated across diverse terrains. 2. *"*[In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great: A Journey from Greece to Asia](https://amzn.to/499xWCk)*"* by Michael Wood – A brilliant narrative of Alexander’s campaigns, including his encounters with Indian forces. This moment wasn’t just a clash of armies—it was a meeting of **cultures and technologi**es, showcasing Alexander’s genius as a military leader and his openness to learning from those he conquered. Have you heard of Alexander’s war elephants before? What do you think about this incredible moment in history?
I know the sperm determines gender of the embryo, and each sperm is a little bit different in terms of the genes it carries (correct me if I'm wrong..). I was wondering if the eggs are as unique, or carry the same information in each one.
Hey guys! So I’ve been doing some research on these two for 2 days now. Both seem to be great projects. But has anyone bought hyper yet? It’s currently priced at $36.
Im super super afraid of anything paranormal.ive never experienced anything aside from my delusions. My dog died on november 14th. The other day i was trying to record her last days that were still saved in the security camera system. Late. I dont know. 1 am, 3 am, and i heard these loud scratching sounds from the yard, followed by another odd sound similar to scratching but different. I went back to my room upstairs quickly. My dog spent a lot of time on the yard so i thought ehh maybe its her? Now it was like 4 am and im in my room. I heard also some form of scratching now outside the room. Im terrified. My dog didnt come upstairs often because she didnt like to get baths. Im scared its something else, what if something else came here now that my dog is gone? I have other dog. But i didnt hear any of her steps so i know it wasnt her.
Hey all, tonight a buddy and I went exploring a place we've previously been. But upon arrival, both my friend and I felt a looking sense that was not previously present. We felt instinctively more on edge and aware of our surroundings. Upon making it to the factory, we pulled out our radio to keep an eye on security and listened. Upon listening we heard what sounded to be an alarm system, to be sure we ventured down near towards the sound, upon making it to the front entry, we found what looked to be a mangled raggedy Anne doll. Unsettling? Yes. Frightening? Not quite. Upon feeling relatively secure, we then ventured into a building, once we entered we felt a sense of heaviness and dread. Upon walking further we found used needles that looked as if they had been used very recently. When venturing further, I led down a staircase - once at the base I was suddenly startled by what sounded to be a charging sound towards me. Worried for my friend I called to him to see there was no one but him around me. Once we were both at the bottom, I noticed to my left what appeared to be a memorial (picture attached in comments), the note made mention of someone, a kid not too much younger than us that had been dismembered and whose entire body had yet to be found. A scary five weeks prior to our visit tonight. With that being said, the note looks, off? Strangely composed, a trap maybe. The more I look at the picture trying to figure it out, the more dreadful and near tears I feel. At a loss, we're looking for any additional possible explanations. TLDR; went urbexing, upon entry looking for alarm systems, we found an old raggedy Anne doll held by its neck. Moving in the the building, we saw needles, I heard a charging sound that seemed to come from no where and we found a memorial for someone who was seemingly killed and disfigured. But the memorial seems, odd?[memorial picture w/o phone number](https://imgur.com/a/VKd6YZ3)
>In 1960, at the height of the observatory’s Golden Age, a Schmidt-class 1m telescope was brought to Byurakan. An interesting historical side note is Adolf Hitler had presented the telescope to Mussolini as a gift. The aim was to establish an observatory in Italy. The project was never realized. >Mickaelian says that Hitler launched his program to develop telescopes in the 1930s and that Carl Zeiss, the famous manufacturer of optics founded in Jena, Germany, in 1846, was on board. The outbreak of WWII put an end to the program. With the defeat of Nazi Germany, this unfinished telescope, with other property, was transferred to Leningrad as spoils of war. >Mickaelian claims that Ambartsumian saw the telescope in Jena and knew that he wanted it. The telescope was finished in Leningrad and sent to Armenia.
As the Thao Diens would say. Vietnam
Really? Why so?
Easy visa, they can do drugs, white people are worshiped and they can be trashy. Not saying these are positive but Thao diens like it.
I am White but nothing disgusted me more than White worshiping. Anyone who worships White people is a D.... But thanks for the recommendation. I am 20 and you see, I am looking to start a life somewhere.
An honest opinion. You are young so level up. Get multiple degrees up to masters in desirable fields and then start from there. Obviously the lower income the country the easier it’ll be. But you also want to offer something. At 20 you wanna start a life but you also don’t wanna be looked at as a burden so leveling up is the only solution
Whatever country you plan to move to, learn their language. That's a way among others to show respect to the host country. That's what I did some twenty years ago when I traveled to VN, loved the people. I ended up living there for more 4 years.
Hello! I'm Khaled Kteily, the CEO and founder of Legacy, the sperm testing and freezing company. Since we were founded at Harvard in 2019, more than 30,000 people have chosen to test and preserve their sperm via our at-home kits. We're working to change the outdated perception that fertility is a women's issue. In fact, it's a 50-50 male-female issue. Research has found that sperm counts have dropped 50% in the last 40 years. Today, 1 in 6 couples experience infertility; in about half of those cases, sperm is a causative factor. Ask me anything about sperm testing and freezing, male fertility, and what we do at Legacy. I'm happy to answer questions on any of these topics, such as: * Why healthy men should test and freeze their sperm * The global sperm crisis * How at-home sperm testing and freezing works * The five key metrics of sperm health * Sperm and aging: Why sperm health isn't forever * Environmental threats to sperm, including microplastics and climate change * Why the military is testing and freezing sperm Some helpful links: [Legacy's website](https://www.givelegacy.com/) [Legacy's Instagram account](http://instagram.com/givelegacyinc) (and [my personal Instagram](http://instagram.com/djnotkhaled)) [My recent interview on BNN Bloomberg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CESbhVgVoOY) [Our 2023 survey of what 3,000+ men know about sperm: The Sperm Report](https://www.givelegacy.com/guides/sperm-report/) [Our 2024 ranking of all 50 states by sperm quality: The United States of Sperm](https://www.givelegacy.com/the-united-states-of-sperm-quality/) *A quick disclaimer: Although Legacy is advised by physicians that include the world's top fertility experts — and we may pull in some of them, including our chief medical officer — I am not a doctor myself. I can't offer medical advice during this AMA. Our website contains many informative resources on male fertility, and we always encourage you to consult your healthcare provider with any questions about your personal health.* I'm a real human being: [My IamA verification](https://imgur.com/a/nJoDQKr)
Honestly all Asian countries lol. Depends on your race and gender though.
If everything is absurd, and I shall find the things in life that make me happy. What stops me from being a bad person if that brings me happiness. In other words where do morals and ethics collide with absurdism.
Hey all, tonight a buddy and I went exploring a place we've previously been. But upon arrival, both my friend and I felt a looking sense that was not previously present. We felt instinctively more on edge and aware of our surroundings. Upon making it to the factory, we pulled out our radio to keep an eye on security and listened. Upon listening we heard what sounded to be an alarm system, to be sure we ventured down near towards the sound, upon making it to the front entry, we found what looked to be a mangled raggedy Anne doll. Unsettling? Yes. Frightening? Not quite. Upon feeling relatively secure, we then ventured into a building, once we entered we felt a sense of heaviness and dread. Upon walking further we found used needles that looked as if they had been used very recently. When venturing further, lled down a staircase - once at the base I was suddenly startled by what sounded to be a charging sound towards me. Worried for my friend I called to him to see there was no one but him around me. Once we were both at the bottom, I noticed to my left what appeared to be a memorial (picture attached in comments), the note made mention of someone, a kid not too much younger than us that had been dismembered and whose entire body had yet to be found. A scary five weeks prior to our visit tonight. With that being said, the note looks, off? Strangely composed, a trap maybe. The more I look at the picture trying to figure it out, the more dreadful and near tears I feel. At a loss, we're looking for any additional possible explanations. [memorial that was found](https://imgur.com/a/VKd6YZ3) TLDR; went urbexing, upon entry looking for alarm systems, we found an old raggedy Anne doll held by its neck. Moving in the the building, we saw needles, I heard a charging sound that seemed to come from no where and we found a memorial for someone who was seemingly killed and disfigured. But the memorial seems, odd? [Factory location](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/valmont-butte)
**EDIT: Hi everyone, this AMA has ended. Thank you for all the wonderful questions!**  **Joanne Silberner: You can find me on** [**Bluesky**](https://bsky.app/profile/joannes430.bsky.social)**. I post links to my health and medical stories there.**  **Jessica Borelli: You can visit my** [**professional website**](https://www.drjessicaborelli.com/) **to learn more about my research and clinical work. Also, check out my book on**[ **relational savoring**](https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/relational-savoring)**, my** [**Audible book**](https://www.audible.com/pd/How-to-Talk-to-Your-Kids-About-Death-Audiobook/B0D5N5DG7G?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&pf_rd_p=f3abc0ee-320d-4c19-8388-fcd3a8e6c3a4&pf_rd_r=BQ8GHF40WEXV3M84NHEH&plink=VKzmACmr2vDL5q1F&pageLoadId=7KuZkM1nN9M5DhhB&creativeId=73c32a9a-e504-4597-bb87-c30c58fc0204&ref=a_author_Dr_c19_lProduct_1_1) **on how to talk to kids about death, and my** [**parenting book**](https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/nature-meets-nurture)**.** Hello! This is Joanne Silberner, a multimedia journalist, joined by Jessica Borelli, a clinical psychologist. We're here to answer your questions about hypochondria, "cyberchondria," and ways to support loved ones struggling with health anxiety. Hypochondria, including the digital age variant “cyberchondria,” is gaining recognition and more effective treatments. It involves intense fears of illness or misinterpreting symptoms as catastrophic, often leading to hours of online research or frequent doctor visits. Disruptive for sufferers and challenging for physicians, hypochondria requires thoughtful diagnosis and care. I spoke with Jessica for my story in the December issue of Scientific American, which explores the latest insights and offers practical advice for those affected or supporting someone with health anxiety. **Read the full story:** [**Why Hypochondria Can Be Deadly, and How Newer Treatments Help**](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-hypochondria-can-be-deadly-and-how-newer-treatments-help/) **About Us:** [Joanne Silberner](https://pulitzercenter.org/people/joanne-silberner) is an an independent multimedia reporter and the co-founder of the Association of Healthcare Journalists. She is a former NPR health correspondent, and has been covering medicine and public health since the start of the HIV epidemic. | Proof:  [https://imgur.com/a/NyGK81M](https://imgur.com/a/NyGK81M) [Jessica Borelli ](https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/borelli/)is a professor of psychological science at University of California, Irvine. She is a clinical psychologist specializing the field of developmental psychopathology; her research focuses on the links between close relationships, emotions, health, and development, with a particular focus on risk for anxiety and depression. | Proof: [https://imgur.com/a/xKQdP7i](https://imgur.com/a/xKQdP7i) **Disclaimer:**  This AMA is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. For personalized support, please consult a licensed healthcare professional.
I think they were two Emperors
Or an Emperor and his main wife
I think…
Qing dynasty 3rd emperor couple
I think on the right is Emperor Shunzhi of China
I see everyone talk about the futility and lack of meaning part of the absurd, but no one talks about the uncertainty and lack of clarity part. So, how would Camus face the probability that an evil demon is controlling all his thoughts and perceptions, thus making all knowledge except the cogito uncertain? How does revolt fit into this and is it even possible in this situation?
I see the absurdity in a tiny ant that, by accidentally drowning in a puddle of water, meets its end and ceases to exist. How do you cope with the absurdity of life? I don't feel different from that small ant; this existential anguish does not appeal to me, yet I believe it to be the truth. [ant drowning](https://preview.redd.it/0uduje1jra3e1.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f4fe9b910e769ececeb8cbd1677b312d57fb1f6)
Do all absurdists have a mean-oriented personality? Can people who- because of personality- only find satisfaction or joy in achivement, also recognize the futility of assigning meaning to life? Or is that a goal-oriented person that is also absurdist will never find any joy at all? If you are goal-oriented absurdist, I'd love to hear your experience.
A quasar could destroy earth tomorrow and this shower pleasure is gone. Would an absurdist look forward to something like tomorrow morning's coffee when its 20 hours away? Camus says amount of absurdity depends on the degree: " If I see a man armed only with a sword attack a group of machine guns, I shall consider his act to be absurd. But it is so solely by virtue of the disproportion between his intention and the reality he will encounter, of the contradiction I notice between his true strength and the aim he has in view. Likewise we shall deem a verdict absurd when we contrast it with the verdict the facts apparently dictated. " This makes me think, the absurdist thinks its its impossible to be rational, but we can wisely use nature to determine the likelyhood of plausible events and look forward to them. However, this doesnt prepare anyone for when things like a hot shower disappear. War, health issues, family issues, etc... Does an absurdist hope for a hot shower?
Someone's ancestors who were court officials?
An Manchurian emperor and his Mongolian empress of China
singapore! i grew up in singapore and I'm asian but the main language there is english so it would be much easier to adjust there without learning a new language. there are also a lot of expats
You might want to level up more with experiences before deciding to work in Asia, most asian countries hiring foreigners as an expat. And just a note that companies are required to pay quite the amount of tax to hire foreigners. Not sure about others, but Malaysia and Singapore for sure.
A Royale perhaps?
I am afraid that I may have lost access to my staked TAO. I see the delegated amount on TaoStats through my connected wallet. When I attempt to unstake, the confirmation page does not allow me to CONFIRM. Just one of those spinning wheels like the app is "thinking". To get out of this page I have to hit Reject. It then says in red letters "There was an issue undelegating funds". Meanwhile, above the red letters is my accurate Delegated Amount. Been a believer in this project since 2023 and this is truly devastating to contemplate trying to DCA again in the midst of a bullrun because I lost access to the funds while staking. ANY ADVICE OR ASSISTANCE is APPRECIATED.
Ive heard this stated multiple times, and i was wondering how true it is. I know it varies, so let's put it this way. Do I, a middle class American, have a better standard of living than a king in England in the 13th century?
So since Eth went to PoS and left Etc as PoW, what is ETC even used for?
Looking at what they're wearing, it's a possibility no?
the third [emperor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_of_China) of the [Qing dynasty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qing_dynasty)
A large majority of the attention revived by absurdist writing is associated with Albert Camus, and rightfully so. Over the last few months, I've been reading a lot of Philip K. Dick. From what I've read so far, his books are a sort of Frankenstein's Monster of Absurdist feelings mixed with the gonzo journalistic style of Hunter. S Thompson, and some Lovecraftian cyber horror sprinkled on top. I think '*A Scanner Darkly*' is an exemplary representation of the Absurd in Dick's writing. A narco cop getting hooked on drugs, having to spy on his undercover self while slowly slipping into madness. Nothing is sensible or logical. Shifting between something being true as well as untrue in the characters mind. The rational Fred vs the irrational Arctor. A tightrope walk between sanity and insanity, coupled with the drudgery of every day existence. Once you believe you have found a crumb of rationale to hold on to, it is taken away from you the next chapter. This is such a great book to read. Not only for its absurdist atmosphere, but the visceral look into drug addiction. A lot of Philip K. Dick's books deal with constant uncertainty, of meaning and identity. For anyone looking for more absurdist fiction, I recommend PKD!
Played around with investing small amounts here and there. Made some some good gains but then lost everything by letting my emotions win when making decisions. Have decided trading these meme coins is not for me. I have an addictive personality and after only 2 weeks I can feel it taking ahold of my brain and part of me wants to throw more money at it so I can 'win' and it's not doing good things for my mental health. Problem is being an emotional person, even though I've learnt a lot in the last 2 weeks about the do's and don'ts, I don't think I'll ever be able to keep emotions out of it which means i will lose I'm the end. I know you can make a lot of money off this sort of trading if you do it right but you can also lose a lot. Going to listen to the clever people in here and put some money in Sol, stake it, leave it and see what happens.
We can look out to other galaxies and see their shape, but we can't exactly see our own galaxy from the outside just yet. I know we can calculate distance to the galaxy core, and other stars, but do we measure star density in different directions to get a general position? How do we know that we are seeing the end or edge of a galaxy, how do we know how many arms spiral out from the center? Is the gravity of the supermassive black hole at the center responsible for the shape of the galaxy?
“Whenever I was asked what I wanted my first impulse was to answer “Nothing.” The thought went through my mind that it didn’t make any difference, that nothing was going to make me happy.”” “Virtue and vice are concepts invented by human beings, words for a morality which human beings arbitrarily devised.”
Hi everybody, Welcome to our weekly book recommendation thread! We have found that a lot of people come to this sub to ask for books about history or sources on certain topics. Others make posts about a book they themselves have read and want to share their thoughts about it with the rest of the sub. We thought it would be a good idea to try and bundle these posts together a bit. One big weekly post where everybody can ask for books or (re)sources on any historic subject or timeperiod, or to share books they recently discovered or read. Giving opinions or asking about their factuality is encouraged! Of course it’s not limited to \*just\* books; podcasts, videos, etc. are also welcome. As a reminder, also has a recommended list of things to read, listen to or watch
[There are solid indications that at most 15% of BTC "owners" are holding self-custodially, and the percentage is likely to be even lower.](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1h0nwvh/btcers_owning_coins_proportion_of_selfcustody_vs/) In other words __85% (though likely more) are only using the system CUSTODIALLY__. Through a financial institution. In my humble opinion this represents a catastrophic situation of capture and defeat of the principle of trustless transacting as laid out in the beginning of the system: > Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on financial institutions serving as trusted third parties to process electronic payments. While the system works well enough for most transactions, it still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. Completely non-reversible transactions are not really possible, since financial institutions cannot avoid mediating disputes. The cost of mediation increases transaction costs, limiting the minimum practical transaction size and cutting off the possibility for small casual transactions, and there is a broader cost in the loss of ability to make non-reversible payments for non-reversible services. With the possibility of reversal, the need for trust spreads. __Merchants must be wary of their customers, hassling them for more information than they would otherwise need.__ A certain percentage of fraud is accepted as unavoidable. These costs and payment uncertainties can be avoided in person by using physical currency, but no mechanism exists to make payments over a communications channel without a trusted party. TL;DR bitcoiners on BTC are almost back to square one - before bitcoin was a thing - in terms of the need to use intermediaries, with all the downsides of that, right up to potential currency debasement. The bolded part is mine, and relates in part to pervasive KYC/AML that users are being hassled about, sometimes even thought the merchant doesn't want it but is being forced to do (via regulation). > What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. That's Satoshi saying: people need to be empowered to have custody over their own money and transact directly with it, without a financial institutions. _That's_ what Bitcoin was invented to solve. That's what is lost when you go custodial. Less need for trust, less need for intermediaries, less risk, less costs to you, less hassle for you. --- My first open question relates to: - __On average how many addresses does a self-custodial user control?__ Knowing this would allow the accuracy of the estimate of number of self-custodial users to be significantly refined. After all, it would be nice knowing if the real-world percentage of custodial users is as low as 85% or more like 99%. The best source of such statistical data on number of addresses per real, self-custodial user, is probably companies which deal with real world users in a custodial way. i.e. Exchanges, non-custodial wallet app companies whose backends have some idea on number of address requests per user etc. It is likely that at this point, the self-custodial users are a dwindling population that originally held out for the attraction of a decentralized, trustless, permissionless monetary system described in the Bitcoin whitepaper. Plus a couple of hodlers who might really transfer to very few cold storage addresses. Anyway, hope to get some feedback on what you think about my open question re: the average number of addresses per self-custodying user. --- EDIT: My second open question: __Can BTC revive self-custody? Anyone of the BTC supporters in this sub have a plan?__
Hi everyone, been into crypto now for a year. I have a few coins I believe have real use value such as XRP, Hedera, Dogecoin (specifically to make money short term) and have finally bought just 2.5 BCH. I have read a little about it but it all seems to be FUD, like it’s a useless coin and that it’s not worth investing in. That FUD has just made me buy into it as it seems like a sleeping giant imo. Why isn’t it at least 1:10 to bitcoins price and why isn’t it doing as well as BTC? It’s faster and cheaper to use right? I’m all for opinions and insights. Thanks
The paintings depict two emperors from the Qing dynasty: Right: The painting on the right is of the Shunzhi Emperor, the first Qing emperor to rule over China proper. Left: The painting on the left depicts Empress Dowager Xiaozhuangwen, the mother of the Shunzhi Emperor and grandmother of the Kangxi Emperor. She played a significant role in the early Qing dynasty as a regent and political advisor (For transparency, I used s24 genai)
Put 20k in $xlm at the end of October... moved my entire position into $etc yesterday because the chart looks about the same. 🤞🏻
Bitcoin hit four figure & five figure milestones on the following dates: $1,000: Nov 28, 2013 $10,000: Nov 28, 2017 Tomorrow is the 28th.
As I shared a couple of days ago, Camus believed that only when we stop to hope can we passionately live in present. The fact is that outside of our imagination, the presence is all we have. But it isn't easy to give up hope. While philosophicaly I agree with Camus, in the terms of every day living I am more inclined towards Dostoevsky - at least when it comes to this. It may be an absurd question but whose side would you take?
I know it sounds like a question for 6 year olds but Where does the heat go ? What I mean is short term the ground that would only work for so long as it would eventually heat up as well. The IR radiation from everything would cool us down but it doesn't seem like it would be so high and iirc the atmosphere absorbs a lot of IR already so it's not that. The atoms escaping our planet might be contain a lot of energy but very low in mass so they likely don't cool us down much so How does the heat escape us ?
Ethereum's price is at $3,500 right now. It's been crabbing for a while but that's totally normal. Ethereum has been performing good against bitcoin lately. We have so many positive happenings in the coming months thus $5k Ethereum is inevitable. Trump and Elon look like they are going to keep their promises. They even started to to deliver some of them. Even though they won the election they never stopped supporting crypto. They even support it more aggressively since the elections which makes me believe they are gonna actually keep their promises. FED is considering to cut rates even more which will be positive for the markets generally. We are finally getting rid off the head of the SEC who's been anti-crypto since he's elected as the head of the SEC. I see adoption news all over the world. Countries in Africa or North Europe or Asia, they all starting to realize the actual power crypto holds. Singapore and Hong Kong are literally competing to see who will embrace crypto more. Even China started to thinking of unbanning crypto. Bullish news everywhere. At this point $5k Ethereum within a few months is inevitable. What we actually discuss is if Ethereum is going to hit $10-15k in 2025.
I know everyones been going crazy this bull market, whether it’s with main coins, alt coins, or especially meme coins, but I know on X there’s been a ton of discussion about the potential of AI Tokens. For instance, CZ [tweeted](https://x.com/cz_binance/status/1861715172429090959) about their new product, BNB Greenfield and how they’re creating more tech for AI functionality, which kinda kicked Candidly I haven’t looked into any tokens, I did sort on Coinmarketcap and see volume to get an idea of what people are buying, one project is OORT, which shot up by like [700%](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/oortech/). If anyone has info on them or any other projects I think it’d be great to know, especially in the coming months.
I've been focusing on creating consistent scientific illustration designs using Midjourney. The goal is to achieve clean layouts that showcase a subject (e.g., an organism, anatomical structure, or object). Here are some of the prompts I used, I thought some of you might find them helpful: **A detailed cross-section illustration of a gnome's anatomy, showcasing its internal organs and skeletal structure, labeled clearly for educational purposes. The gnome is depicted in a natural setting, surrounded by flora, with a transparent overlay of a classified document outlining its biological classification, habitat, and behavior. --style raw --stylize 350 --v 6.1** **A detailed anatomical illustration of a dragon, showcasing skeletal structure and muscular anatomy, with labeled sections including the skull, wings, and tail. The dragon is depicted in a cutaway view revealing internal organs, and a classified document-style background with faded text and stamps, emphasizing its scientific significance. --style raw --stylize 350 --v 6.1** **A scientifically accurate illustration of a fairy, featuring a side profile and a detailed breakdown of its morphology, including wing anatomy, hair structure, and leg joints. This illustration includes a transparent overlay showing the fairy's unique genetic traits, with annotations on specific features such as magical glands. The background is neutral and unobtrusive, with ample labelling space to facilitate educational use. Soft, diffused lighting accentuates key anatomical details while ensuring clarity. --style raw --stylize 350 --v 6.1**
Tried to become a Wall Street millionaire and failed miserably, took out personal loans to cover myself and lost those too. Tanked my credit score to 450 and have 80000 in debt. I don’t know what to do :/ . Retiring from ever gambling again and the shame and guilt is killing me. If you have any advice please let me know
Years ago, I read that the relationship between real-life mobsters and Hollywood's portrayal of them is a very interesting case of life imitating art. More specifically, after *The Godfather* came out, with its romanticizing and glamorization of several aspects of the mob's image. For example. * **Style**: The tailored suits, quiet dignity, and understated luxury of the Corleone family set a new aesthetic standard for how people imagined organized crime figures. * **Behavior**: The movie depicted mobsters as embodying a code of honor and loyalty, blending violence with civility and respect for tradition. This portrayal resonated culturally and became aspirational—even for actual mobsters. * **Cultural Identity**: For many Italian-Americans, including some involved in organized crime, the film was seen as elevating their heritage, with its operatic, Shakespearean undertones. * **Family relations**: The idea of the "omertà" (code of silence) and "family loyalty" existed but was exaggerated in *The Godfather* for dramatic effect. * **Sophistication and honor code**: Historians and crime experts have noted that the portrayal of the mafia as deeply honorable, family-centric, and governed by a strict code of conduct is largely fictionalized. In reality, organized crime was (and is) often ruthless and self-serving, with infighting and betrayals being more common than the brotherhood that was depicted. Mario Puzo, the author of the original novel, researched mafia operations extensively beforehand, but admitted himself that he heightened the drama and sophistication for narrative effect. Borrowing loosely from stories of prominent mobsters like Frank Costello and Vito Genovese, he added layers of elegance and tradition that weren’t as prominent in real life. Vito Corleone’s character, for example, was partly inspired by Costello, but Puzo amplified his wisdom, strategic mind, and patriarchal warmth. Furthermore, Francis Ford Coppola, who adapted Puzo’s novel into the movie, also contributed to the romanticized depiction of mafia life. Coppola brought a visual and emotional depth to the Corleone family that resonated with audiences, blending Puzo's fictionalized world with cinematic artistry. And so, because of that, some mobsters admired *The Godfather* and consciously modeled aspects of their public image after the film. John Gotti, for example, became known as the "Dapper Don" for his meticulous dressing and public persona, and reflected some of the film's glamorized traits. Others also reportedly used lines or gestures from the movie as part of their interactions, seeing it as a kind of cultural touchstone or manual for how to behave with power and gravitas. With time, the cycle of influence continued, with organized crime figures embracing Hollywood's version of themselves. Now, coming back to my question. I myself am not American, but I have visited a lot and spent considerable amount of time overall, and it's unavoidable to associate real life, general American culture with the way life just is in Hollywood movies. High school and college culture, suburban culture, work culture, even the way people talk. Little things like taking off your scarf and hanging your coat after coming home from work, since I am from a tropical country with no winter. In my country, we don't just hail a cab, give the address and go. We haggle with them before entering the vehicle, because they have no taximeter. Before going to NYC for the first time, I had only seen the hail-enter-go in the movies, and I had never seen people using chopsticks to eat Chinese food out of those cardboard containers that open up from the top. Having a person, for their last time, walk out of their office carrying their things on a box never happens where I'm from. I could go on, but I don't want to digress. So, yeah. Stuff like that is normally processed as "Oh, it's just like in the movies", a phrase that, taken literally, is expressing that life follows movies, but it's colloquially used with its opposite meaning: it is movies that take things out of real life, and that's why they are like that. I just wonder what, if anything, is actually the other way around, the literal meaning of the phrase, of life imitating art. Are there any other instances of that happening in history? If so, which ones?
I've stumbled upon an interview with the historian Timothy W. Ryback where he explicitly claims that Hitler went to court after losing the 1932 presidential elections to Hindenburg, and that he insisted that there had been voter fraud. This is the exact quote from one of Ryback's articles (link below): "When Hitler lost the 1932 presidential election by more than 6 million votes, he went to court to have the results annulled amid claims of voter fraud and irregularities by state officials. The presiding judge dismissed the case out of hand, observing that the 6-million-vote margin precluded any possibility that irregularities could have changed the outcome." Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything on this on AskHistorians, Wikipedia, or Google. Even Chat GPT says that something's off with Ryback's claims. I would be very thankful if someone could clarify this. Thanks. Source 1: [https://edition.pagesuite.com/popovers/dynamic\_article\_popover.aspx?guid=eddb5771-0bf0-4298-a5b4-c4c85bd20a14&v=sdk](https://edition.pagesuite.com/popovers/dynamic_article_popover.aspx?guid=eddb5771-0bf0-4298-a5b4-c4c85bd20a14&v=sdk) Source 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKgPzDctPM8&ab\_channel=DWNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKgPzDctPM8&ab_channel=DWNews) EDIT: Apparently there is truth to this. A kind Redditor sent me this link: [https://www.nytimes.com/1932/04/30/archives/hitler-to-contest-validity-of-election-german-fascist-bases-appeal.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1932/04/30/archives/hitler-to-contest-validity-of-election-german-fascist-bases-appeal.html)
Putting this out there because I have a cousin who does this with her daughter and I feel so bad for that child. My cousin posts everything about her including medical problems, school problems, some achievements, and most recently starting her period 😩. I don't think this girl is even allowed on social media yet so she probably has no idea how much information her mom is just putting out there. On top of that imagine her trying to find a job when she's older or get health/ life insurance and her rates are high because they can clearly see, in detail, all her health problems she's had since childhood. Not to mention just shaming your child online for behavior problems is just bad parenting. So please, if your someone who does this and thinks it's fine. Please reconsider how your child as an adult is going to feel about it. It's also just so trashy and I guarantee most people are cringing when they see it Thanks for letting me rant lol
Is it possible that I'll ever be able to cash this out?
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! I’m looking for some guidance on the most cost-effective and secure methods to bridge my wrapped TAO (wTAO) back to native TAO (to unwrap or bridge it.) Any tips or experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I think this is a shakeout until we hit 100k. There’s no way we only go to 99k this cycle. I don’t think altcoin season is going to blow yet. I believe that people just made a bunch of money off of meme coins and have a bunch of conviction plays, and BTC will reclaim it’s throne again very shortly one last time before the dominance ACTUALLY falling. Not just 2 measly percent lol. Thoughts on this at all?!
Can any1 confirm if Bitwise filed for an etf with the sec?
You will get rekt on pumpfun. KOLs lie. If you see it on social media, you are the exit liquidity. Search the top ten coins on dex. $5 million+ market cap, 6+ months old Add to watch list Buy when you feel comfortable You won't make it quick in this game You will lose 99% of the time If anyone else who's been in the game 5+ years like me, pls help these new ppl These posts lately have been getting ridiculous
How do your husbands parent? My husband is one of 6 and says I live in a false reality as an only child regarding parenting. We have a 25 month old and 8 month old. He yells “shut up” to our toddler when he repeats words over and over, is having a tantrum and crying, being whiny. He calls him kid when he’s mad at him. For example, if my toddler is using his riding horse to get onto a coffee table, he will yell “come on KID” with disgust in his voice then very firmly rip him off the table and semi-throw the horse behind a gate. When my toddler is interested in something that my husband isn’t, like a speck on the ground and is pointing it out to my husband, he will say “I don’t care” My husband works from home and my son loves to go into all the rooms at home. If my husband is in the bathroom and my son goes in, he will push him out and slam the door in his face. If my husband is getting changed in the bedroom and my sons gets in, he will push him out and slam the door in his face. The other night I got so tired of all the negativity in our house that I lost it. I hold up and do the hard work to help my son regulate all day as a SAHM, while doing all the wakeups with my daughter all night, then working on bringing in income after our kids go to sleep. Within 5 minutes of my husband watching the kids there is always yelling or negativity and it gives me anxiety. Majorly. I cannot imagine how my son’s nervous system must feel. The very first time he yelled shut up to our son was when he was a few months old and crying and wouldn’t sleep. He told me he wouldn’t remember and he would be better by the time he would remember. I fear he hasn’t changed. Please tell me how your husbands parent and discipline. He says he will not be a second mother to our children, but I don’t find this being a father. I find it being authoritarian. Some other examples: -Holds him down and yells at him, slams his legs down during diaper changes -Pushes his body down and pins him into car seat How would your husbands handle these situations,
Coinbase has dramatically slowed down deposits from Solana. It typically takes a few seconds for a transaction to be confirmed, but they have made it where it will take 45 minutes which is ridiculous, and it should be criminal. No where in the world should the time be 3 minutes for Ethereum and 45 minutes for Solana.
I feel like every other post in parenting subreddits I’ve seen today is along the lines of “my toddler has a fever and a sore throat, should I cancel Thanksgiving?” As an immunocompromised mom—I know how much it sucks to cancel something you put so much love and effort into. We had to cancel my daughter’s first Thanksgiving last year because we all got a nasty stomach bug. But having a nice family dinner is not worth the risk to others. What could be a small cold for them could turn into something way worse for really little ones, or older family members. Not to mention the headache of having to call out of work/school/daycare right after a holiday because someone picked something up. I urge you to use your critical thinking skills and take care of others around you. (If it helps, what we did last year is that my SIL/BIL brought back plates and leftovers for us after coming home from our ILs.)
I used to invite my sister “J” and niece “L” to family dinners every Friday, but J has begun changing the subject to her parenting struggles with L. Normally, I would be open to lending an ear and letting her vent. But it’s exhausting because now every conversation is a variation of the same two basic formulas: Version #1 J: “The meds aren’t working because L stays up all night on her phone and then sleeps in class!” Me: “OK, take away the phone before bed and don’t give it back to her until the next morning. Problem solved.” J: “Well I don’t want to do that because then she gets mad at me!” Me: “Then what do you expect me to do?!” Version #2 J: “L doesn’t listen to me, I’m always getting calls from her school because she gives the teachers attitude!” Me: “OK, then you need to figure out and enforce a punishment because that is not acceptable behavior.” J: “See, L? Auntie says-” Me: “No, I’m not telling her to do anything. You’re the parent, not me. You need to tell her what she is and isn't allowed to do.” I told J that I don’t want to resume our weekly dinners until she can either parent L or stay quiet about it. I work long weeks and just want a pleasant and relaxing dinner on the weekend. What I don’t want is to be drained by parenting struggles when we can talk about anything besides that. J lashed out, saying I know BIL isn’t around to help consistently, and I don’t care about her or L if I’m not willing to listen to her struggles. As I said, I am more than willing to let my sister vent and help her. But everyone has their limits. Especially when J doesn’t seem to want real solutions to her parenting struggles. AITA?