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1 OBJECTIVE This handbook is issued for the exclusive benefit and use of Knovel Engineering Private Limited employees, the contents of which is subject to change from time to time.</s>2 SCOPE The present rules and regulations are based on the Employment Act of Republic of Singapore. Consequently, they form an integral part of your contractual terms and conditions of employment with Knovel Engineering Private Limited, herein refers as Company.</s>The term “employee” or “you” in this document refers to any person that has signed a letter of employment with the Company.</s>3 APPOINTMENT 3.1 Letter of Appointment Every new employee hired by the Company will receive a letter of appointment stating the terms and conditions of employment in addition to those contained in this Handbook.</s>3.2 Personal Particulars On being employed, employee will be required to submit the onboarding information and documents required by the Company and/or Law.</s>3.3 Probationary Period The probationary period, unless otherwise stated in your letter of appointment, is normally six months. Such probationary period may be extended up to a further six months, if performance is unsatisfactory or the probation period have been insufficient for evaluation. During your probationary period, either you or the company may terminate the employment relationship by giving one (1) month notice, or the equivalent of one (1) month’s salary in-lieu of notice.</s>Employee will be informed of the outcome of his/her probation before the end of his/her probationary period.4 REVIEWS 4.1 Transfer Employee may be transferred from one department or within the Company at the discretion of the Management. Employee will be required to carry out such duties as required in his/her new assignment.</s>4.2 Performance Appraisal Unless stated in employee’s letter of appointment, the performance of the employee is reviewed annually during performance review period in November/December. The immediate supervisor is required to submit a performance review during this process.</s>4.3 Salary Adjustment The annual salary review shall normally be made on 1st April each year. Those who serve less than six months’ service as at 31st March of each year shall have their salary review in the following year or at the Management’s discretion. Employees on contract will have their salary review during the next contract renewal negotiation.</s>4.4 Promotion As far as possible whenever a vacancy exists which provides an opportunity for internal promotion and where the pre-requisites for the job are present in existing employees, every effort will be made to fill that vacancy from within the Company.</s>Promotion is defined as a movement from one job to another of a higher grade.</s>5 HOURS OF WORK 5.1 Working Hours The employee is required to work 5 days a week from Monday to Fridays except Public Holidays. The daily working hours are from 0830 hours to 1800 hours from Monday to Thursday, and from 0830 hours to 1730 hours on Friday, inclusive of one-hour lunch break.</s>Other flexible arrangement may be approved by the Company from time to time.</s>5.2 Public Holiday & Elections Every employee is entitled to paid holidays gazetted by the Government during the time that he/she is employed.If a public holiday falls on Saturday, employee is entitled to a day of adjustment leave immediately after the public holiday, the adjustment leave has to be taken within 6 months of the public holiday.</s>If the eve of major public holidays such as Christmas, New Year, Chinese Lunar Year, falls on a working day, the company will close officially at 1.00 p.m. In addition, Indians and Malays may take a half day’s holiday if the eve of Deepavali and Hari Raya Puasa falls on a working day.</s>5.3 Attendance & Absenteeism Work is to continue up to the time assigned unless permission to leave early has been granted by your immediate superior. To ensure that the work schedule in the Department is not disrupted, employees must keep their immediate superiors informed of their whereabouts during working hours.</s>The employees are obliged to report immediately and if possible, by 10am to their superiors concerning any absences as a result of illness or accident and their expected duration.</s>Any employee who fails to inform or attempt to inform the Company of the absence within 48 hours of the commencement of such absence shall be deemed to have absented himself/herself from work without permission and without reasonable excuse for the days on which he/she is so absent from work.</s>Employee who fail to notify his/her absence will risk cessation of his/her salary for the period of absence. It will be deemed that employee has voluntarily left the Company’s employment, if the absence continues for more than two continuous days without prior approval or reasonable excuse.</s>All medical certificates are to be handed in to the supervisor immediately on the day after his/her sick leave. If this is not possible, the medical certificates must be submitted within 48 hours after the leave is granted.6 SALARIES, ALLOWANCES & OTHER PAYMENTS 6.1 Payment of Salary The Company aims to keep its remuneration package competitive by considering changing market conditions and prevailing market wage rates.</s>An employee's commencing salary shall be commensurate with his/her experience and qualifications.</s>Salary will be reviewed once a year and increment shall be directly linked to employee’s individual performance, as well as the performance of the Company in the preceding year and salary increment is at the absolute discretion of the management.</s>The formula for calculating payment of salary are: - Commence employment after the first day of the month or resign from company before the end of the month 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑙𝑦 𝑃𝑎𝑦 𝑋 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ Calculating salary in-lieu of no-pay leave 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑙𝑦 𝑃𝑎𝑦 𝑋 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ The company adopts the 5-day workweek schedule to determine the number of working days in each calendar month for computation of salary.</s>The monthly salary shall be credited to the employee's personal bank account on the 23rd of each month. If the 23rd of the month falls on a Sunday or a public holiday, the pay shall be credited 1 working day before that.</s>Full details of individual salaries are reflected on pay-slips and is strictly private and confidential. It should not be open for discussion amongst employees.</s>Any request for change of bank account must be submitted to Human Resource Department – Payroll before the 1st day of the month.</s>6.2 Overtime Payment Employees eligible for overtime pay under the statutory law will be entitled to overtime pay when they work in excess of the official working hours (forty-two (42) hours in a week).from supervisor. Overtime pay calculation will be based on the recommendations of the statutory law.</s>Employees are to comply with the one hour of lunch time when required to work overtime for the day. Employees who are working overtime are required to tap their access cards when they enter or leave the office for verification purpose.</s>Employees are required to fill up the overtime claims on a weekly basis, using the overtime form (in shared folder). Upon completion of the form for overtime worked for the month, the employee must obtain his/her supervisor’s approval, before submitting the approved overtime form to HR by 3rd of the following month. Any overtime payment will be made to the employee together with his/her salary payment in the following month in which the overtime was earned.</s>6.3 Central Provident Fund Where required under the Central Provident Fund Act, the Company and the employee shall make contributions to the employee’s Central Provident Fund in accordance with the rate of contribution as set out in the Central Provident Fund Act and Regulations.</s>6.4 Salary Structure In January 2004, the Tripartite Taskforce on Wage Restructuring strongly recommended companies to implement wage restructuring to ensure that the Company can stay competitive during short-term crisis, as well as in the long term, when faced with intense competition from developing countries in the region through the introduction of Monthly Variable Component (MVC).</s>MVC is a “standby” component to be used by employers to bring down wage costs in sudden and severe business downturns to survive and save jobs. MVC forms part of monthly basic salary. It is to be included in computing overtime payment and CPF contribution.</s>With the introduction of MVC, your monthly basic salary will consist of 2 components.</s>Monthly basic salary = monthly fixed component + monthly variable component 6.5 Bonus This section is only applicable to employee on permanent employment term.</s>Performance Bonus (PB) will be determined in the month of March of each work year for work done in the previous work year, if any, and its quantum is based on the Company andThe PB will be pro-rated for employee with less than 1 year of service with the cut-off date on 31st December of each work year. The PB will be paid only if the employee is in the employment of the Company on the pay-out date.</s>7 CESSATION OF EMPLOYMENT 7.1 End of Employment Unless otherwise stated in the letter of appointment, both parties may terminate the contract of service at any time by giving 1 months’ notice or payment in-lieu with assigning any reason for such termination by either party.</s>Earned or accrued leave or unconsumed public holidays shall not be used to offset any portion of the period of notice without the approval of the Management. The employee will instead be compensated a sum equivalent to the outstanding earned leave. However, the Company reserves the right to waive the full notice or part of the period of notice in special circumstances.</s>7.2 Dismissal/Termination of Employment Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right to terminate without notice, the service of any employees with immediate effect without notice or payment in lieu if found guilty of misconduct inconsistent with the fulfilment of the expressed or implied conditions of service. This decision shall be taken only after investigation/inquiry has been conducted.</s>7.3 Disciplinary Procedure An employee who contravenes any of the Company's regulations shall be subjected to disciplinary proceedings which could lead to his/her eventual termination of service.</s>Depending on the degree of seriousness of the offence/breach of regulation, the employee may be given a verbal warning and up to two (2) written warnings prior to being terminated for disciplinary problems or poor performance.</s>7.4 Retirement Retirement age and re-employment of eligible employees that have reached the retirement age are governed by the Retirement and Re-employment Act (“RRA”) and the Company reserves the right to exercise its discretion in accordance with the RRA when make decisions relating to employees that have reached retirement age.</s>7.5 Return of Company’s Property7.6 Income Tax Employee is responsible for payment of the individual income tax in respect of his/her income under the employment contract.</s>The Company reserves the right to withhold remaining wages due to a foreign employee who has ceased employment until he/she has cleared his/her payment with the Singapore Income Tax Authority or when the Singapore Income Tax Authority gives its instruction to pay the employee concerned.</s>8 LEAVE SCHEME 8.1 Annual Leave Unless stated in the appointment letter, each employee is entitled to 18 days of annual leave within a calendar year. An employee who has not completed 12 months’ continuous service in any year shall be entitled to annual leave only in proportion to the number of months of service in that year. Application for leave shall be submitted to immediate Supervisor at least one day in advance. Employee taking half-day leave must work at least 4½ working hours on that day (exclusive of lunch break).</s>For application of urgent leave, the employee must inform the Supervisor before 1000 hrs on the same day.</s>Employee can carry forward up to a maximum of 9 days’ annual leave to the following year, any unused leave in excess of 9 days will be forfeited. Any carry forward balance must be used by 31st December of the following year, otherwise, it will be forfeited in the third calendar year.</s>The Company reserves the right to encash the unutilised annual leave to the employee at the gross rate of pay, subject to a maximum of 9 days.</s>Employee is entitled to annual leave after working for the Company for 3 calendar months from the date of commencement. Notwithstanding the above, the Employee can apply for annual leave at any time after the commence of the Appointment, but no more than the number of pro-rated annual leave based on the number of completed months the Employee has worked. In the event that the Employee has taken annual leave during the first three (3) calendar months of his/her Appointment and the Appointment is subsequently terminated within such period, the Company shall be entitled to deduct from the salary due to the Employee, such pro-rated sum equivalent to the number of days of annual leave taken.8.2 Sick Leave and Hospitalisation Leave The number of days of paid sick leave employee is entitled to depends on his/her period of service, up to 14 days for paid outpatient sick leave and 60 days for paid hospitalisation leave in each calendar year. The 60 days of paid hospitalisation leave includes the 14 days paid outpatient sick leave entitlement. Paid hospitalisation leave is not an extension of paid outpatient sick leave.</s>For new employee, paid sick leave is pro-rated according to the length of service. Employee must have worked at least 3 months to entitled to paid outpatient sick leave or paid hospitalisation leave. Between 3 to 6 months of service, the entitlement is pro-rated as follows: Completed Paid Outpatient Sick Paid Hospitalisation Leave Months of Service Leave (Days) (Days) 3 5 15 4 8 30 5 11 45 6 and thereafter 14 60 The new employee who worked less than 3 months can take sick leave and such leave will be accrued and deducted from the earned paid sick leave upon completion of 3 months of service. Employee who resigned before completing 3 months of the service will have the sick leave treated as unpaid leave.</s>Employee can take up to 4 days out of 14 days of non-consecutive sick leave each year without submitting medical certificates. These 4 days of sick leave will be recorded as normal sick leave.</s>The employee must immediately inform or attempt to inform the Company of the absence within 48 hours of the commencement of such absence, otherwise, he/she is deemed to be absent from work without permission or reasonable excuse. If employee is on medical leave when he/she has applied for annual leave, his/her annual leave will be credited by the number of days he/she is on medical leave.</s>All medical certificates must be certified by a Singapore medical practitioner registered under the Medical Registration Act or Dental Registration Act.</s>Employee whose medical leave exceeds the entitlement will have the excess leave debited from the annual leave. Unutilised sick and hospitalisation leave cannot be substituted for cash and cannot be carried over into subsequent years.8.3 Birthday Leave Employee is entitled to 1 day paid birthday leave on the month of his/her birthday. The birthday leave shall be utilised within the same month of his/her birthday. Unutilised leave cannot be substituted for cash and shall be forfeited.</s>Birthday leave cannot be used to offset the notice period.</s>8.4 National Service Leave The employee shall be granted leave of absence to enable him to fulfil his National Service obligations.</s>An employee who is required to undergo reservist training must inform and submit all supporting documents to HR upon receipt of notice from relevant Authority before the commencement of the reservist training.</s>The Company will pay the employee his salary as usual and Company will claim reimbursement of the NS man's civilian income directly from the relevant Authority.</s>8.5 Marriage Leave Confirmed employee will be granted 3 days' marriage leave and a cash gift of $200. The leave can be taken within three months from the date of marriage registration. Employee is required to submit the marriage certification to HR department within 1 week after the marriage registration.</s>Application for such leave must be submitted to his/her immediate supervisor at least one month prior to the commencement of leave and supported by documentary evidence of such event.</s>8.6 Maternity Leave Maternity leave entitlement and eligibility are in accordance to Child Development Co- Savings Act. Female employees are eligible to either 16 weeks or 12 weeks of maternity leave depending on whether the child is a Singapore citizen and other criteria.</s>Employee is eligible for 16 weeks paid maternity leave if the employee meets the following requirements: • The child is a Singapore Citizen; • The child's parents are lawfully married; and • The employee has worked in the Company for a continuous period of at least three months before the child's birth.If the child is not a Singaporean at date of birth, but the employee has worked in the Company for at least 3 continuous months before the child’s birth, employee is eligible for 12 weeks maternity leave where the first 8 weeks of maternity leave are paid and the last 4 weeks of maternity are unpaid.</s>The employee, with the agreement of the Company, may have the option to utilise the maternity leave as follows: Arrangement 16 weeks 12 weeks By default Take the 16 weeks continuously, Take the 12 weeks continuously, starting 4 weeks before delivery. starting 4 weeks before delivery.</s>By mutual Start anytime within 4 weeks Start anytime within 4 weeks agreement before delivery or on the day of before delivery or on the day of delivery. delivery Leave must be taken for the first Leave must be taken for the first 8 weeks in one continuous 8 weeks in one continuous stretch. stretch.</s>The last 8 weeks flexibly over 12 The last 4 weeks flexibility over months from the child’s birth. 12 months from the child’s birth.</s>Flexible leave 8 weeks x 5 working days in the 4 weeks x 5 working days in the calculation week = 40 working days week = 20 working days Employee must inform the Company at least one week’s notice before going on maternity leave and inform the Company as soon as possible of her delivery.</s>Employee must adhere to the legislations and to submit a copy of the birth certificate of her child, government declaration form and any other documents as required by the Company upon returning to work after the expiry of her maternity leave.</s>The Company is not obliged to consent to the employee's request to take the extended 8 weeks of maternity leave flexibly. If the Company assess that this will adversely affect its business operations, the employee will have to take the extended 8 weeks of maternity leave as a continuous block immediately after the first 8 weeks.</s>Maternity leave cannot be used to offset the notice period.8.7 Paternity Leave In accordance to Child Development Co-Savings Act, male employee with Singapore citizen child is eligible for 2 weeks of paid paternity leave if he meets the following requirements: • The child is a Singapore citizen.</s>• The employee is or had been lawfully married to the child’s mother between conception and birth.</s>• Employee has served the employer for a continuous period of at least 3 months before the birth of the child.</s>The employee, with the agreement of the Company, may have the option to utilise the paternity leave as follows: By default Take 2 continuous weeks within 16 weeks after the birth of the child.</s>By mutual Take 2 continuous weeks any time within agreement 12 months after the birth of the child OR Split the 2 weeks into working days and take them in any combination within 12 months after the birth of the child.</s>Calculate actual 2 weeks x 5 working days in the week leave days = 10 working days An adoptive father of the child below 12 months of age can also benefit from the 2-week paternity leave.</s>Male employee of non-citizen child is eligible for 5 working days of paid paternity leave if he has worked with the Company for a continuous period of at least 3 months before the birth of his child. The employee, with the agreement of the Company, has the flexibility to take the leave within 12 months after the birth of the child.</s>Employees must adhere to the legislations and to submit a copy of the birth certificate of his child, government declaration form (if applicable) and other documents as required by the Company to substantiate the leave application.</s>Paternity leave cannot be used to offset the notice period.8.8 Shared Parental Leave In accordance to Child Development Co-Savings Act, male employee of Singapore citizen child may share up to 4 weeks of his wife’s 16 weeks maternity leave. This is subjected to the agreement of the mother, if the mother qualifies for Government-Paid maternity leave and the father is lawfully married to the child’s mother.</s>The employee, with the agreement of the Company, may have the option to utilise the Shared Parental Leave as follows: By default Take in a continuous stretch within 12 months after the birth of the child.</s>By mutual Take in blocks of weeks or in working days, agreement in any combination within 12 months after the birth of the child.</s>Calculate actual Number of weeks x 5 working days in the leave days week.</s>Employees must adhere to the legislations and to submit a copy of the birth certificate of his child, government declaration form and other documents as required by the Company to substantiate the leave application.</s>Shared Parental leave cannot be used to offset the notice period.</s>8.9 Childcare Leave In accordance to Child Development Co-Savings Act, eligible employee is entitled to 6 days of paid childcare leave per calendar year if the employee meets the following conditions: • The child is a Singapore Citizen; • The youngest child (including legally adopted or stepchild) is below 7 years old; and • The employee has worked for the employer for a continuous period of at least three months.</s>For new employee, childcare leave is pro-rated as follows: Completed Eligible Days of Months of Service Childcare Leave 0-2 Not eligible 3-4 211-12 6 For employee who has worked for the Company for at least 3 months before leaving, the childcare leave will be pro-rated based on his/her completed months of service in the year of the resignation or termination: Completed Eligible Days of Months of Service Childcare Leave 0-2 2 3-4 2 5-6 3 7-8 4 9-10 5 11-12 6 For employee with non-Singapore citizen child below 7 years, the total paid childcare leave for each parent is a maximum of 2 days per year after fulfilling at least 3 continuous months of employment.</s>Employees must adhere to the legislations and to submit a copy of the birth certificate of his/her child, government declaration form and other documents as required by the Company to substantiate the leave application.</s>Unconsumed childcare leave cannot be used to offset the notice period and carried forward to another year.</s>8.10 Extended Childcare Leave In accordance to the Child Development Co-Savings Act, employee is entitled to an extended childcare leave of 2 days if he/she meets the following conditions: • The child is a Singapore Citizen; • The youngest child (including legally adopted or stepchild) is aged between 7 and 12 years (inclusive); and • The employee has worked for the employer for a continuous period of at least three months.</s>For parents with children in both age groups (i.e. below 7 years as well as between 7 and 12 years), the total paid childcare leave for each parent is a maximum of 6 days per year.</s>Employees must adhere to the legislations and to submit a copy of the birth certificate of his/her child, government declaration form and other documents as required by the Company to substantiate the leave application.8.11 Adoption Leave Female employees are entitled to 12 weeks of paid Adoption Leave if they meet the criteria in accordance to Child Development Co-Savings Act.</s>8.12 Unpaid Infant Care Leave Employee is eligible for infant care leave without pay if he/she meet all the following requirements: • The child is a Singapore citizen.</s>• The child (including legally adopted or stepchild) is below 2 years of age.</s>• The employee has worked for the employer for a continuous period of at least 3 months.</s>Employee is entitled to 6 days a year of unpaid infant care leave, regardless of the number of children.</s>8.13 Compassionate Leave Employee is eligible for 3 working days of compassionate leave per occurrence on: • Death of a parent, spouse, child, brother, sister; • Death of a grandparent, parent-in-law, grandparent-in-law; or • grandchild.</s>Documentary evidence of the event is required to validate the leave taken.</s>8.14 Examination Leave All employee is eligible to apply for paid examination leave to enable him/her to sit for the examination. The leave shall be confined to the day of the sitting of the examination only.</s>To be eligible for the examination leave, the course must be related to the nature of his/her work, approved and sponsored by the company. The employee shall submit the documentary proof of such exam and obtain prior approval before going on leave.</s>8.15 No Pay Leave Employee who intends to take leave exceeding his/her annual leave entitlement may apply to the management through his/her supervisor. The grant of such leave shall depend on the exigencies of the service and the Company reserves its right not to approve or grant such leave in whole or in part. PB will be pro-rated for employees who have taken more8.16 Loyalty Leave Permanent employee will have two additional days of leave when he/she has served the company continuously for more than 5 years as of 31st December of the preceding year.</s>Thereafter, the employee will have two additional days' annual leave in the 8th and 10th year of service, up to a maximum of 6 days.</s>This loyalty leave is not part of the Annual Leave entitlement and will be excluded in the computation of salary in lieu for purpose of purchase of unconsumed leave from the employee. The loyalty leave shall be consumed within the year of award or it shall be forfeited.</s>9 MEDICAL AND DENTAL 9.1 Outpatient Medical Benefits Employees will be issued with medical insurance card upon hired. Employees have an option to seek medical treatment at appointed insurance company’s panel of clinics as well as non-panel clinics who are registered with the Singapore Medical Council.</s>The employee must bear the co-share charges if he/she choose to visit a non-panel dentist.</s>Please refer to the appointed insurance policy and benefits.</s>Married employees are eligible to claim outpatient medical fees incurred by the following dependants who are based in Singapore: • Spouse, • Children below 18 years of age, and • Children between 18 and 24 years of age and is a full-time student of a recognized educational institution in Singapore.</s>9.2 Dental Benefits Employees are covered under the Group Dental benefits. Employee is eligible for preventive and restorative dental treatment (e.g. scaling, polishing, fillings, extraction) provided by the panel dentist subject to limitations and exclusions where applicable.</s>The employee must bear the charges if he/she choose to visit a non-panel dentist.</s>Please refer to the appointed insurance policy and benefits.9.3 Group Hospitalisation & Surgical Hospitalisation and surgical benefits for employee are currently provided in Group Hospital & Surgical Plan (GHS). Please refer to HR on the procedure for the respective claims. The sum assured and coverage will be subjected to limitations and exclusions where applicable If the hospital bills exceeded the Policy's limit, the employee must bear the excess charges.</s>If the medical conditions and/or services or products provided during the hospitalisation are excluded under the GHS Plan, notwithstanding that admission to the hospital is by means of a letter of guarantee issued by the Insurer, the employee shall be liable for the hospital bill payable. Employee shall be liable to reimburse the Insurer for any sum of money the Insurer may have settled with the hospital on account of the guarantee it had issued on employee's behalf. All claims are to be submitted within 30 days from the date of discharge.</s>10 CLAIMS AND REIMBURSEMENT 10.1 Transport Reimbursement Transport reimbursement is not applicable to the employee if company pays for their monthly season parking (at one office address only) and petrol charges.</s>Mileage Claims An employee who uses his/her own private motor vehicle to conduct company business may claim transport reimbursement at S$0.60 per km for motor car and S$0.30 per km for motorcycle.</s>Parking & Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) Charges Parking fees may be claimed when the private vehicles are used on company business.</s>Employees who use the expressways that are under the ERP scheme to attend meetings or to carry out company functions, and/or re-enter CBD after attending the meetings or functions, can claim reimbursement for the ERP charges for such journeys. Employee claiming parking fees will be required to attach the relevant parking coupons/receipts to substantiate the claims.</s>Transport reimbursement is not allowable for travelling between residence and office on working days.</s>Public Transport Claims Employee is encouraged to use public transport, namely bus and/or MRT, to conduct company business. They will be reimbursed S$5.00 per trip, irrespective of the distancesEmployee will seek prior approval from his/her supervisor to travel by taxi for company business. An employee may travel by taxi, for example, if there are more than one employee travelling together to the same location; for urgent and unscheduled meetings or assignments; to attend to onsite support functions stipulated in Service Level Agreements with customers; or where the destination is not served by public transport.</s>The respective supervisors also have the discretion to set predetermined instances whereby the employee can travel by taxi without prior approval.</s>Employee is entitled to claim taxi fare for the journey to his/her residence if he/she is required to perform duties for more than 4 hours after normal working hours.</s>10.2 Expenses Claim Form Employee is to fill up the expenses claim form and to give a detailed statement of all journeys made on company business. The claim forms are to be submitted monthly to the respective supervisors who will certify the mileage and transport claims and forwarded to the Accounts Department to be processed for payment.</s>10.3 Meal Allowance Employee will be reimbursed S$5.00 for meal if the employee is required under the request of the Supervisor to perform duties for more than 3 hours after the normal working hours.</s>10.4 Handphone charges reimbursement Employee shall seek prior approval of the management to claim reimbursements of the monthly handphone charges. In seeking approval, the employee must show proof that he/she is the registered subscriber of the handphone line and he/she requires the use of the handphone to conduct business on behalf of the company.</s>Employee shall submit the original telephone bill to claim the reimbursement, duly certified by the superior. Employee will not be reimbursed for services such as voice mail, roaming service, etc and for personal overseas calls.</s>The reimbursement shall not exceed S$60.00 per month, excluding charges for overseas calls made for company purposes.</s>11 TRAVEL FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT An employee who need to travel on duty outside Singapore will be eligible for land, air or sea travel according to the provisions under this Section.place on economy class regardless of job grade or flight time. All airline bookings must be done through Admin Department. The employee is to inform and provide the Admin Department with supporting documents as soon as the overseas travel is confirmed to ensure timely airline and hotel bookings. Employees electing to upgrade to a higher class of service may do so at their own personal expense. Stopovers or re-routing to other destinations for personal reasons are subject to approval and employees will have to pay the differences in fare.</s>Flight Time & Flight Class Employee Job Grade Less than or Equal to More than 6 hours 6 hours Others Economy Class Economy Class VP Economy Class Premium Economy Class C-suites, SVP Economy Class Business Class The Admin Department will advise the employee on the departure and return flight schedules, as well as connecting flights, where applicable. No change to the schedule is allowed after the ticket has been issued. The employee may have to bear the charges levied for changes to the flight itinerary.</s>The employee will be scheduled to arrive at the destination within one day before the commencement of the official event. The employee will depart on the last day of the event if a flight is available more than six hours from the end-time of the event.</s>11.2 Travel Outside Singapore by Rail or Sea As the standards of rail travel vary significantly in different countries, the Admin Department may decide on an appropriate class of travel for the employee, considering the employee's seniority and the rail travel conditions.</s>An employee may travel by sea if there is no other mode of transport to the official place of duty. The most cost-effective sea passage should be used.</s>Besides cost-effectiveness, factors such as operational effectiveness and the safety and security of the employee should also be considered when deciding on the class of travel by rail or sea.</s>11.3 Per Diem Allowance Per diem allowance refers to the daily allowance given to employees on overseas trips for business purposes. The per diem allowance is meant to cover certain living expenses incurred overseas such as the cost of meals and other incidental items like laundry duringfor the published rate for per diem allowance, rates are subject to review from time to time.</s>All other expenses (e.g. passport application/renewal fees, mini bar, pay movies, overseas ATM withdrawal or bank fees, etc.) will be on the employee’s personal account.</s>The employee who extends his/her stay for personal reasons will be entitled to the per diem allowance computed up to the next available flight timing after six hours from end- time of official event whichever is earlier.</s>The circumstances under which the Per Diem Allowance is payable are: Full Meals1 – Full Meals1 – Duration at Not Provided Provided Place of Duty (% of Full Rate) (% of Full Rate) 0 to < 12 hrs 50 0 12 to < 24 hrs 100 30 Note: (1) Full Meals are not provided if one of the three main meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) is not provided.</s>Rates of Per Diem Allowance for Employee who are away for more than one month: 2nd and 3rd month 4th month and subsequent (% of Full Rate) month (% of Full Rate) Full Meals1 Not Provided 75 50 Full Meals1 Provided 25 15 Note: (1) Full Meals are not provided if one of the three main meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) is not provided.</s>11.4 Hotel Accommodation When booking for hotel accommodation, where accommodation is not provided for the trip, employees should select hotels that are within close vicinity to the meeting venue (to reduce travel time and transport cost), adhere to the lowest logical hotel rate and should not exceed 2.5 times of the per diem daily rate (before service charges and taxes). The place of accommodation must be approved by the Admin Manager before booking. The employee should only claim for actual room charges (excluding minibar, room service charges. etc). Itemized hotel bills must be submitted for such claim. Any extension due to personal reasons will not be reimbursed.11.5 Other Expenses Additional expenses incurred whilst travelling overseas during company business, such as telephone charges, taxi fares and purchases etc. shall be reimbursable. Supporting documents must be produced and all such expenses must be duly approved. Data roaming and Internet charges are reimbursable for checking office mail and making phone calls to conduct business on behalf of the Company.</s>For the journey to the Singapore airport on the day of departure and the journey from the Singapore airport to residence on the day of return, the employee will be paid actual expenses incurred for public transport or mileage claimed.</s>Employee will be also be paid actual expenses incurred for public transport for all airport transfers.</s>11.6 Travel during Weekends and Public Holidays Employee is entitled to one day off-in-lieu based on the following condition: 1. Travel overseas during weekend or on a Public Holiday in Singapore 2. Public Holiday in Singapore while overseas The off-in-lieu must be taken within one month from the return date to allow employee to rest from the overseas trip. Employee will follow the Public Holiday in overseas if it happens during his/her trip there.</s>12 IN-HOUSE REFERRAL SCHEME Where there are career opportunities, all employees are encouraged to recommend suitable candidates for these permanent positions. The referring employee, being living testimonies to the nature of the job, its requirements and service conditions, is able to help the referral assimilates into the company better.</s>All permanent employee can make referrals for positions in the company. The cash reward quantum for a successful referral is S$5,000.</s>The referring employee will not be eligible for the cash reward if the referral has no knowledge or does not agree to the referral. The referring employee will receive the first half of the cash reward (S$2,500) when the referral is confirmed in his/her appointment and the remaining half if the referral has completed one (1) year of service in the company, from the date of the appointment. The referring employee must be in service when the disbursement is due to be entitled to the reward.13 TRAINING AND SPONSORSHIP The company recognises the imperative for employee to attend courses, seminars and training programmes, both locally and overseas, to continually upgrade their skills and for their personal development. An employee who wishes to attend academic or professional courses, seminars or workshops to upgrade their skills may apply to the company for approval and/or sponsorship.</s>13.1 Academic-based courses An employee may apply to the company for sponsorship to attend an academic-based part- time course leading to graduate or post-graduate qualifications. The employee shall submit the application for sponsorship through his/her supervisor. The criteria for consideration include the employee's length of service, performance and potentials. The approval and terms of the sponsorship will be at the discretion of the Company. Upon approval, the employee shall be required to enter a bond to serve the company for a period of between 24 months and 36 months from the date he/she completes the course.</s>13.2 Workshops and Seminars The company may sponsor an employee to attend workshops, seminars or solution/product training, conducted locally or overseas, where these are deemed useful in enhancing their technical competencies or for their professional development. The employee will be given paid leave of absence to attend the event if it is held during working hours.</s>The employee shall diligently attend all sessions of the event and shall undertake to repay the company the total sum of the sponsorship if he/she fails to do so. The employee shall, where applicable, submit a copy of the result slip and certificate of other documents evidencing the successful completion of the event to the HR Department within one week from completion of the event.</s>In addition, the employee shall be placed on a bond to serve the company for a period of 12 months upon completion of the event if the total amount of sponsorship exceeds S$5,000/-or duration of more than 10 working days. The total amount will include, where applicable, event fees, flight/hotel expenses and allowances. The quantum of liability will be 100% of the total amount.</s>13.3 Courses An employee who has been approved for sponsorship to undertake a course (with or without examination) leading to professional qualification or accreditation shall undertake (a) to diligently pursue and successfully complete the course, (b) to attain at least 75%sit the prescribed examination, he/she shall reimburse the company the total sum of the sponsorship. This is to encourage the employee to take responsibility for their own training as part of their professional and personal development.</s>The employee shall, upon receipt of the result slip and certificate of other documents evidencing the successful completion of the course, forward a copy of the same to the HR Department. The company will not approve an application for sponsorship to re-sit the same course and/or examination. In addition, the employee shall be placed on a bond to serve the company for a period of 12 months upon completion of the course if the net amount of sponsorship exceeds S$5,000/-. The quantum of liability will be 100% of the total amount.</s>13.4 Membership of Professional Bodies An employee may apply for reimbursement of the annual subscription fees of a professional body. The employee may be reimbursed 80% of the annual fee if the membership is deemed relevant to the scope of his/her work.</s>14 CHANGE OF PERSONAL PARTICULARS Employees must notify the HR Department as soon as possible of any change in their personal particulars, e.g. marital status, address, telephone number, birth of child, academic attainment, etc., so that their personal records with the company can be updated.</s>15 CODE OF CONDUCT The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct (“the Code”) that applies to all employees.</s>The Code sets the minimum standard that the Company expects of all employees and provides the guidelines to all employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities to the highest standards of personal and corporate integrity.</s>It is the responsibility of every employee to comply with the spirit and principles of the Code, as amended from time to time.</s>15.1 Compliance with the Law Employees should not engage in any activity that will adversely affects Company’s interests or reputation, including but not limited to, engaging in any act whether in the workplace or otherwise that, in the sole discretion of the Company, involves violent behaviour, moral15.2 Workplace Health and Safety Employees are obliged to carry out their work in a safe manner, without causing harm to themselves or others, and to report any potentially unsafe or unhealthy situations immediately.</s>They must observe and follow all safety and environmental regulations laid down in the operation instructions, including putting on the necessary safety equipment, and conduct specific risk assessment prior to carrying out any works, where applicable.</s>15.3 Company Property and Assets Employees are responsible for company property entrusted to them. This property includes but is not limited to physical property (such as phones, company vehicles or computers), records (such as data on customers and company records), and intangible property (such as computer software and computer records). Employees must treat Company’s property as they would their own and must not damage it, deface it or remove it for personal use, unless authorized to do so.</s>Employees must not dispose of any company property in an unauthorized manner, such as by selling, loaning or giving it away without proper permission.</s>Employees is to ensure proper expenditure of the company’s funds. Employees must be sure that all transaction is proper and documented, and that the company receives appropriate value in return.</s>15.4 Use of Computers and IT System Employees must use office computers, or terminals, only in the way in which they have been instructed. They should protect their own password and not use anyone else's ID or password to access records.</s>Unless authorized, employees must not alter records or software instructions. They must always ensure that any software they use has been obtained from authorized suppliers and should only install software if they are permitted to do so.</s>Employees must act responsibly when updating their personal data or uploading any information (statements, documents, videos, photos, etc.) in any IT systems provided by the Company. They must not knowingly update false information nor upload any materials that are defamatory, offensive, obscene, inappropriate or that violate or infringe any laws, copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property, personal or proprietary rights of any person, including any obligation of confidence.15.5 Work Performance Employees are required to perform tasks assigned in a responsible and reliable manner and to manage time at work efficiently, without wasting company time and resources by taking part in unauthorized activities including, but not limited, to trading, gambling or political activities on the premises.</s>15.6 Dealings with Other Employees The Company is committed to provide employees with a work environment which is conducive, safe and free from discrimination and harassment. Employees should always treat their colleagues and other persons with respect and consideration.</s>Workplace harassment can occur when one party demonstrates behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to another party. Examples of behaviour that may be considered harassment include but are not limited to threatening, abusive, or insulting language, comments or other non-verbal gestures, discrimination, physical violence, cyber-bullying, sexual harassment and stalking. Workplace harassment can also take place through different modes of communications, such as by email, text messaging or social media.</s>The Company will not tolerate any acts of discrimination or harassment and will investigate all complaints and incidents in a fair and timely manner.</s>The Company prohibits any form of retaliation or intimidation against any person for making good faith reports concerning allegations of discrimination, harassment, violation of the Code of Conduct, or any other allegations of improper behaviour. Any employee, who is found guilty of such acts shall be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination/dismissal from service.</s>15.7 Customers and Business Partners Employees must always seek any third party's confidential information through the proper authorities. If given such confidential information, employees must ensure that they are entitled to have it, and obey the rules of having such information, if any.</s>All contracts with customers and business partners must be fairly arrived at, with no hidden deals or unspoken agreements, and fully documented in writing. Information about customers and business partners must remain confidential and should only be imparted with full authority to do so.15.8 Alcohol & Drugs An employee must attend work in a fit state and is not to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during working hours.</s>Involvement with the manufacture, possession, use, distribution, sale, purchase, or transfer of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.</s>15.9 Official Records Information is a valuable asset of the Company and its integrity depends on the honesty, completeness and accuracy of its records.</s>Employees must keep copies of company records such as installation data, customer records and test data at a safe location. For financial record keeping purposes, employees must not engage in any practice or procedure which might conceal, facilitate or constitute bribery or other illegal or improper payments or receipts, or which might appear as such.</s>15.10 Proprietary Information & Intellectual Property It is important that all company proprietary information is kept confidential.</s>When releasing information to a third party, a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) should be signed by the third parties, and information released is on a need-to-know basis.</s>Any trademark, copyrights, patents, designs, registered designs, proprietary information and all other intellectual property rights developed and commissioned by the company belong to the Company. Employees are reminded not to infringe any third parties' rights including, but not limited to, any third-party intellectual property rights, copyrights, patents and trademarks.</s>The Company will hold exclusive property of any invention, discovery, design or improvements made. This could also include inventions employees may create which relate to the Company’s business, regardless of whether the invention or designs are patentable or are capable of being registered or copyrighted. The Company's ownership of any intellectual property created by employees while with the Company continues after they have left service.</s>When employees leave the Company, they must return all the Company’s property, including all documents and records in their possession, and they must not disclose or misuse Company confidential information. Employees are also responsible for protecting information provided in confidence by any third party, such as a customer, supplier or a partner, after they leave the Company.During their employment with the Company, employees may receive and/or have access to secret, confidential or proprietary information relating to the Company. Such secret, confidential or proprietary information may, without limitation, be verbal, written, electronic or in the form of image data, photographs or software. Employees are required not to disclose or divulge or cause to be disclosed or divulged such information without the prior written approval of or clearance from the Company. This condition shall continue to apply even after they are no longer employed by the Company.</s>15.12 Conflict of Interest A ‘conflict of interest’ arises when employees have a competing professional or personal interest that would either make it difficult to fulfil their duties properly or would create an appearance of impropriety that could undermine customer or public confidence.</s>Employees must avoid all situations which could result in conflicts of interest. They should comply with reporting and disclosure requirements of potential or actual conflicts of interest and disclose any matters which could reasonably be expected to interfere with their professional duties.</s>15.13 Business Dealings Employees should not engage in any outside business dealings that involve or could appear to involve, a conflict between their personal interests and the interests of the Company (i.e. conflict of interests).</s>Employees must not have any direct or indirect financial or business interest in or dealings with competitors, suppliers, customers or anyone else with whom they are engaged in a business relationship on behalf of the Company, which might or might appear to, create a conflict of interest, or impair the judgments they make on behalf of the Company.</s>They should also not engage in any personal business dealings which detract from or conflict with their employment in the Company.</s>Employees must not take advantage of any opportunity for personal gain that rightfully belongs to the Company. They should avoid putting themselves in any situation which might or might appear to put them at a personal advantage, and they must report any potentially compromising situation to their supervisors promptly.</s>15.14 Employment Outside Company Employees should not engage in any outside employment or hold any position without the prior written consent of their Management, as appropriate unless such employment has been arranged or is undertaken in connection with the performance of their responsibilitiesIf employees are considering accepting an external appointment, they must consider if accepting this position may give rise to the possibility of conflict. If they have been given permission to take on such employment or to have other business relationships, they must ensure that these activities do not negatively affect their ability to fully and effectively perform their role for the Company or Company's reputation and/or its services to customers or Company’s current or future business plans.</s>15.15 Gifts and Hospitality Generally, the acceptance of gifts or hospitality events/invitations from customers, existing and/or potential, business partners, suppliers, contractors, competitors or members of the public is prohibited as it may create a situation of conflict or potential conflict of interest.</s>Where circumstances make it impossible, difficult or impractical to reject the gifts or hospitality events/invitations, employees should immediately declare such gifts or hospitality events/invitations to their supervisors and HR. This applies to all except perishables and those of a token value. When in doubt whether the gift or hospitality event/invitation can be accepted, the employee should declare.</s>As business lunches/dinners are an accepted mode of hospitality, these need not be declared but care must be exercised while accepting such meals. These should be infrequent and non-lavish. The sole purpose must be for enhancement of a business relationship and not for reciprocity.</s>It is the Company's policy not to accept hospitality events or invitations which involve air travel and/or accommodation. The employee may accept the invitation only if the cost of the air travel and/or accommodation (including related expenses) is fully borne by the employee's department.</s>15.16 Gifts Extended to External Parties/Customers Due consideration should be given to gifts or benefits extended to external parties in public or private sector. It is the responsibility of the person extending such a gift to ensure that it is deemed reasonable and consistent with the purpose and hence not misconstrued as a bribe or in contravention with any existing Corrupt Practices Act, or other prevalent legislation, in any country where we conduct our business including Singapore.All employees who have access to and/or collect, use disclose or process personal data of external parties or other employees, are responsible for complying with the Company’s Personal Data Protection Policy and to adhere to all internal procedures and processes developed to ensure that the Company is compliant with the requirements of personal data protection laws. Employees understand, agree and consent to collection, use and disclosure of their personal data as described in the Company’s Personal Data Protection Policy.</s>15.18 Dealing with the Media No comments regarding the Company, its business, products, services, strategy or practices should be made without prior approval from Management. Where employees do participate in blogs or any other online space, even personal sites maintained outside of work hours, they should take care to ensure that they do not act in conflict with the best interests of the Company.</s>15.19 Penalties Failure to comply with the Code is viewed as a serious matter that can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or dismissal, as well as criminal penalties. Such disciplinary action may also be taken against supervisors who condone, permit or have knowledge of improper conduct.</s>16 MISCELLANEOUS As it is not possible to cover all items in this policy statement, employees are requested to check with their immediate supervisor or the HR Department if they have further questions/clarification. Anything not covered in this statement will be subject to the provisions of the Singapore Employment Act.

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