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The thesis is an exploratory study of the gap between accounting research and financial reporting practices. The fundamental issue is that comprehensive accounting theories (CATs) have been largely disregarded in the formation of financial reporting practices. To understand why this should be so, the thesis studies continuously contemporary accounting (COCOA), the CAT associated with the Australian scholar Raymond John Chambers. The thesis adopts a hyperbolic reading of actor-network theory (ANT), which treats ANT on its own terms rather than diluting it by reference to other interpretive approaches. The thesis uses a single case-study approach that traces how Chambers developed what was to become COCOA throughout his life. Archival data and interviews, as well as primary and secondary literature, inform the empirical narrative. The narrative focuses on six distinct episodes: the publication of Chambers’ first academic article in 1955, the debate and events that followed this article, attempts to influence financial reporting practices in the US in the 1960s, the publication of Chambers’ most comprehensive statement on COCOA in 1966, further attempts to influence financial reporting practices in the US, UK, and Australia in the 1970s, and three instances where financial statements were prepared in accordance with COCOA in the 1970s. Through the empirical narrative, the thesis contributes to knowledge about the gap between accounting research and financial reporting practices by studying an actual CAT and the attempts of its proponent to change conventional thinking. What emerges is a nuanced narrative about COCOA filled with various actors, not normally associated with accounting research, that nonetheless turn out to be vital to the success of COCOA
This thesis questions to what extent Catholic schools\ud in Australia, England and Wales, and the United States are\ud being able to form their pupils in Catholic social\ud principles today. Catholic schools, because of what they\ud are and of what they purport to be, must always be open to\ud questions of authenticity.\ud Over recent years there has been a steady and subtle,\ud but very significant, increase in the role of governments in\ud non-government education in Australia, England and Wales and\ud the United States. There is concern that non-government\ud schools, particularly Catholic schools, may be becoming\ud unwitting and complacent vehicles of government policy,\ud whether it be a Labour government in Australia, a\ud Conservative government in England and Wales, or a\ud Republican government in the United States.\ud The thesis examines the nature of this government\ud intervention in Catholic schools in these countries over\ud recent years, and considers whether such intervention has\ud been antithetical to the school's capacity to develop the\ud pupils in a sound understanding of Catholic social justice\ud principles. It looks at reasons why Catholic schools in\ud these countries today have difficulty reconciling their aims\ud for social justice with prevailing government's economic and\ud social policies. It is a comparative study, to see how an\ud analysis of such developments in England, Wales and the\ud United States can illuminate these issues in Australia. The thesis attempts to locate, evaluate and synthesise\ud evidence to give a much clearer picture of the difficulties\ud Catholic schools have to face in their call to evangelise\ud modern youth. The investigative method used is essentially\ud a historical analysis of policy documents of the Catholic\ud Church, of the popes, bishops and Catholic education bodies,\ud of the governments and Courts of the countries concerned, of\ud recent statistical data, and of a series of informal\ud interviews. Visits were made to a number of Catholic\ud tertiary institutions to estimate current input in terms of\ud modern Catholic social teaching.\ud In the conclusion the thesis offers strategies to\ud current Catholic educational administrators which may help\ud improve the effectiveness of their Catholic social justice\ud teaching
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India’s $2.7 Billion Capital Project Explained Because we already built enough roads, enough public toilets, enough toll gates to collect more tax, Drainage, Rainwater channels, enough water / flood management dams, migrated slums to concrete houses across country 100%. We are in heaven already. so for the shake of PR stunt , Bitching about super power brag., Helping Adani &Co to loot money from govt construction contracts. we are building new capital. don't forget we are also making Airforce one, New parliament. Coz we have a 5 yr old running our country. He wants stuff same as others have it in US and EU. otherwise he will shed tears in Aug 15 or every week in radio. and not to forget. he is coward and spineless to conduct a single Press meet with journalists to answer any questions. 🙏 Jai Hind.
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This dissertation started with a simple question: Why is it so difficult to lead successful organizational change initiatives? The dynamics of organizational behavior support a plethora of complex answers to this simple question. Indeed, literature abounds regarding the need for organizational change, individual transformation, and living system adaptation. However, Jaworski, Gozdz, and Senge (1998) noted that although much has been written about organizational change, there is little offered in literature about how to achieve change. Beer and Nohria (2000) added that existing organizational change theory is not sufficient to address organizational transformation especially relative to the people side of change. Wall (2004) echoed in this void claiming there is still no practical organizational change process, technique, or formula available to plan, lead, and sustain change. This brief literature suggests that organizational change is difficult due in part because there is not a clearly practical explanation of how to change. Thus, the grand aim here is to provide an understanding of how to change, and offer what is commonly referred to as change implementation theory (Bennis, 1966). The research approach to accomplish this aim took a constructivist knowledge claim position in that theory generation is the goal. The strategy of inquiry followed a qualitative research method using grounded theory protocols. Theory building was data driven largely from expert interviews. However, existing literature and emerging approaches were also employed along side constant comparative analysis throughout the study. The result is detailed herein as an organizational change implementation theory and utilitarian change leadership field guide regarding how best to plan, lead, and sustain organizational change
The student bullying of teachers (SBT) is a distinct and complex form of bullying with a multiplicity of diverse, changeable and intersecting causes which is experienced by and affects teachers in a variety of ways. SBT is both a national and an international phenomenon which is under-recognised in academic, societal and political spheres, resulting in limited conceptual understanding and awareness of the issue. This study explores teachers’ experiences of SBT behaviours in Irish second level schools as well as teachers’ perceptions regarding training, policies and supports in Ireland to address the issue. Specifically, the study seeks to explore the influence of historical low State intervention in education on contemporary policies and supports to deal with SBT in Ireland. A mixed methods approach involving a survey of 531 second level school teachers and 17 semi-structured interviews with teachers, Year Heads and representatives from teacher trade unions and school management bodies was employed to collect and analyse data. Findings indicate that SBT behaviours are prevalent in many forms in Irish second level schools. The hidden nature of the phenomenon has simultaneously contributed to and is reinforced by limited understanding of the issue as well as teachers’ reluctance to disclose their experiences. Findings reveal that teachers perceive the contemporary policies, training and support structures in Ireland to be inadequate in equipping them to effectively deal with SBT. State intervention in addressing SBT behaviours to date, has been limited, therefore many teachers are forced to respond to the issue based on their own initiatives and assumptions rather than from an informed critically reflective approach, supported by national guidelines and sufficient State investment. This has resulted in a piecemeal, un-coordinated and ad-hoc approach to SBT in Irish schools both in terms of teachers’ management of SBT behaviours and with respect to the supports extended to staff. The potential negative consequences of SBT behaviours on teachers’ wellbeing and professional performance and thus, on the education system itself, underlines the need for a strategic, evidence-based, resourced and integrated approach which includes, as a pivotal component, consultation with teachers, whose contribution to the process is crucial
I could remember when i had a very bad credit and wanted to get a loan .. i applied for one but the interest Rate was quite much for me that i had to back down for the momennt and figure out a way to get my credit fixed first .. I then made my research and came across ( Webowlhack5 at gmail dot com ) via Linkein and they helped me out with fixing my crredit and took down all the negative reviews i had on there .. it took him a little time to get this done .. don't fall for people saying they'd get it done in less than a week or so , they are all Rippers trying to take your money and at the end of the day they won't keep to their words .. it took them 4 weeks to get this done .. Patience is truly a Virtue .. You can make a direct call or text to him +1 201 549 3937
It’s creepy how many adored celebrity artists had secret serious substance dependencies. Problems like this were so well-hidden until recently. Everyone thought these people were gifts from above, rather than simply extremely talented human beings. What a strange vicious cycle that must’ve been to feel trapped in.
top of page * More Use tab to navigate through the menu items.!_edited.jpg) # the sci-fi studio ## short stories Subscribe to get one free science fiction story every week! ! CREATING THE CLASSICS OF TOMORROW The Sci-Fi Studio is a film and television studio that focuses on creating unique science fiction films, television series, graphic novels, and other forms of media centered primarily around science fiction elements. ## ​ ## upcoming films !! bottom of page
I'm considering remotely taking up a job at a startup while based in Canada - and as part of the compensation I'll receive some equity.I'm also considering relocating to where the startup is based in the US in 6 months - 1 year.However, Canada has a departure tax, and I'm wondering if I would need to pay capital gains tax on the FMV of the equity that was granted to me while I was based in Canada - and what would be considered the FMV of the equity?
Poor service and incorrect pricing for premium I am a pensioner who has asked to rejoin Boncap Bonnitas after having terminated my membership in early 2015,my wife who is the principal member is still a member.In early October i made enquiries to rejoin the medical aid as a dependant.( I am a pensioner and so is my wife...we submitted supporting documents.Upon my daughter calling the call centre an agent assured her that i fell into the pensioner income bracket.He quoted an amount which my daughter confirmed with him,(R640.00)being happy with the premium,i submitted documents to rejoin, when i called the call centre.i was told i would be paying a much higher premium than quoted,as well as a rejoining fee which i understand but i cant see why i should pay a rejoining fee ongoing..this takes my premium to R960 ongoing for a pensioner on a govt pension.The agents are unhelpful and one even said he is new,he is unable to assist.He transferred the call which cut off.I have spent much thus far on phone calls and to my dissatisfaction,i feel Bonnitas does not have concern for pensioners..Its time people take their roles seriously and stop passing the buck.Even upon request of policy schedule...benefits were fowarded..not premiums .
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This result could change physics forever Its not as complicated as your making it out to be, and this is a major issue with physics as a whole, nature has this amazing property in and of itself at the core of its complexity it always breaks into simplicity, explaining it in mathematical terms which is merely a human construct to have a measure of reality(so you can rationally explain and describe it) is where it can become complicated, humans make it complicated partially because they feel the need to somewhat be smarter than they actually are to justify a social standing....................................
COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Future minimum payments for commitments as of December 31, 2019 (in millions): Aircraft Commitments (a) Capacity Purchase Agreements (b) Aircraft Maintenance Deposits 2020 $ 531 $ 145 $ 73 2021 487 166 62 2022 347 174 51 2023 206 179 26 2024 31 184 6 Thereafter 26 880 2 Total $ 1,628 $ 1,728 $ 220 (a) Includes non-cancelable contractual commitments for aircraft and engines, buyer furnished equipment, and aircraft maintenance and parts management. (b) Includes all non-aircraft lease costs associated with capacity purchase agreements. Aircraft Commitments Aircraft purchase commitments include non-cancelable contractual commitments for aircrafts and engines. As of December 31, 2019, Alaska had commitments to purchase 32 Boeing 737 MAX9 aircraft with deliveries in 2020 through 2023. Future minimum contractual payments for these aircraft have been updated to reflect the most current anticipated delivery timing for 737 MAX aircraft, which has been delayed as a result of the grounding order mandated by the FAA on March 13, 2019, and is subject to change. Horizon also has commitments to purchase three E175 aircraft with deliveries in 2023 and has cancelable purchase commitments for 30 Airbus A320neo aircraft with deliveries from 2023 through 2025. In addition, Alaska has options to purchase 37 737 MAX aircraft and Horizon has options to purchase 30 E175 aircraft. Alaska has an option to increase capacity flown by Skywest with eight additional E175 aircraft with deliveries in 2022. The cancelable purchase commitments and option payments are not reflected in the table above. Aircraft Maintenance and Parts Management Through its acquisition of Virgin America, the Company has a separate maintenance-cost-per-hour contract for management and repair of certain rotable parts to support Airbus airframe and engine maintenance and repair. In 2017, Alaska entered into a similar contract for maintenance on its B737-800 aircraft engines. These agreements require monthly payments based upon utilization, such as flight hours, cycles and age of the aircraft, and, in turn, the agreement transfers certain risks to the third-party service provider. There are minimum payments under both agreements, which are reflected in the table above. Accordingly, payments could differ materially based on actual aircraft utilization. Aircraft Maintenance Deposits Certain Airbus leases include contractually required maintenance deposit payments to the lessor, which collateralize the lessor for future maintenance events should the Company not perform required maintenance. Most of the lease agreements provide that maintenance deposits are reimbursable upon completion of the major maintenance event in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) the amount qualified for reimbursement from maintenance deposits held by the lessor associated with the specific major maintenance event or (ii) the qualifying costs related to the specific major maintenance event. Contingencies The Company is a party to routine litigation matters incidental to its business and with respect to which no material liability is expected. Liabilities for litigation related contingencies are recorded when a loss is determined to be probable and estimable. In 2015, three flight attendants filed a class action lawsuit seeking to represent all Virgin America flight attendants for damages based on alleged violations of California and City of San Francisco wage and hour laws. The court certified a class of approximately 1,800 flight attendants in November 2016. The Company believes the claims in this case are without factual and legal merit. In July 2018, the Court granted in part Plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment, finding Virgin America, and Alaska Airlines, as a successor-in-interest to Virgin America, responsible for various damages and penalties sought by the class members. On February 4, 2019, the Court entered final judgment against Virgin America and Alaska Airlines in the amount of approximately $78 million. It did not award injunctive relief against Alaska Airlines. The Company is seeking an appellate court ruling that the California laws on which the judgment is based are invalid as applied to national airlines pursuant to the U.S. Constitution and federal law and for other employment law and improper class certification reasons. The Company remains confident that a higher court will respect the federal preemption principles that were enacted to shield inter-state common carriers from a patchwork of state and local wage and hour regulations such as those at issue in this case and agree with the Company's other bases for appeal. For these reasons, no loss has been accrued. The Company is involved in other litigation around the application of state and local employment laws, like many air carriers. Our defenses are similar to those identified above, including that the state and local laws are preempted by federal law and are unconstitutional because they impede interstate commerce. None of these additional disputes are material.
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RN STAFF NURSE Professional Experience RN Staff Nurse August 2008 to April 2014 Company Name - City , State Participate in multidisciplinary plan of care. Follow Best Practice Protocols, Evidence based practice as well as patient-centered and team-based care. Identify barriers to successful treatment and share with team. Monitor,measure and report/document progress of interventions and outcomes. Timely and effective communication of newly implemented changes to unit based methods of practice. Accomplishments Management of Aggressive Behavior (MOAB) in house Certified Instructor, Patient Experience Champion, Shared Governance Chair of Policy & Procedure Committee, Oncology Certification, Implementation of unit Bedside Report and hourly rounding. Skills Used Therapeutic touch/communication, teach back communication,assessments, IV care, telemetry care, wound care including wound vacs, dressing changes. Age-based plan of care. Excellent organizational skills. Collaborative working relationship with unit team members as well as physicians, technicians, pharmacy, housekeeping and other ancillary team members. RN- Resident Care Manager July 2007 to July 2008 Company Name - City , State Responsibilities Care Management of adult and senior patient population. Knowledge of care levels including SNF, ECF, ICF, ALF, rehab and hospice. Attending and participating in care conferences. Development and distribution of expected outcomes to interdisciplinary team. Assignment and direction of care provided by licensed staff across 24 hour schedule. Reconciliation of monthly MAR's. Disposal of out-dated/discontinued medications. Development and monitoring of appropriate care plans, Accomplishments Created, communicated and modeled a unit Mission Statement. Developed effective teamwork model for licensed staff and caregivers. Skills Used Effective oral and written communication and organizational skills. Ability to determine and direct appropriate care. Ability to navigate electronic medical records and effectively utilize basic computer programs. Provide compassionate and effective communication to family members in times of crisis. RN Charge Nurse July 2000 to June 2007 Company Name - City , State Assessment of acuity, asignment of staff, Review of charts, obtaining and signing off orders. Guidance/monitoring and assistance to team members to balance work load throughout shift. Attend and participate in staff meetings and hospital wide agendas. In the Geriatric Assessment Center (GAC), I performed total body assessments including hearing, vision, labs and Accomplishments Geriatric Resource Nurse (GRN) certification 2003-2008. Hospital based NICHE member. Pain Management Resource team member. Participant in Evidence Based Practice implementation. Geriatric Assessment Center on call RN. Note: During my tenure at Providence Milwaukie, I worked in the ECF/ICF/SNF unit, the Med/Surg unit, Womens Health/Mother-Baby unit, the Geriatric Assessment Center and the Emergency Dept. I was a charge nurse in all except the GAC and ED. Skills Used Open and effective communication. Excellent organizational skills. Telemetry, IV, wound care, physical, mental and emotional assessment. Appropriate and effective care plans. Medication reconciliation and monitoring for therapeutic effectiveness. Administrative Assistant April 1990 to April 1996 Company Name - City , State Maintaining informational material and application packets availability. Assisting applicants accurately complete and provide information required form application completion. Compile information for reports. Setting up and maintaining supervised bank accounts monthly. Reconcileing local office concentrated banking system. Servicing delinquent accounts, Prepares tax vouchers as applicable. Weekly back up of computer files and secure storage of files. Education and Training BSN : Nursing , 1 2007 Washington State University - City , State Nursing ADN : Nursing , 1 2000 Clark College - City , State Nursing AA : General Studies , 1 1987 Clark College - City , State General Studies Medical Admin. Assistant in Front/back office Med. Ass't. 1 1982 Western Business College - City , State Personal Information I also worked this role in a temporary position during the 1996-1997 fiscal year while I worked on my nursing prerequisites. Skills balance, banking, basic, charts, oral, Basic computer skills, conferences, direction, Instructor, meetings, office, organizational skills, progress, Protocols, tax, teamwork, Telemetry, vision, written communication Additional Information Note: I also worked this role in a temporary position during the 1996-1997 fiscal year while I worked on my nursing prerequisites. Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Your resume is visible to anyone. Your contact details are hidden but employers can contact you via Indeed. Public Your resume is visible to anyone. Your phone number and email address are only provided to employers you apply to. Your street address is visible only to you. Private Your resume is not visible. Employers cannot find you. Delete your resume About your privacy Your phone number and email address are only provided to employers you apply to. Your street address is only visible to you. 2014 Indeed
Toggle Mobile Nav # We’re changing the investing paradigm. StockSnips is changing the investing paradigm by making advanced AI technologies and investor sentiment available to asset managers and investment advisors. Building predictive models requires extensive quantitative research and signals that achieve Alpha. Adapting to changing market conditions and sector rotations requires continuous monitoring of key indicators and systemization. StockSnips enables investors to deliver better outcomes and downside protection to clients. Our platform combines Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks, and Data Science. We have partnered with investment experts to validating our signals and portfolio strategies, and these proven models provide an edge to investment professionals. ## Our Team ! Ravi Koka CEO & Founder Over 3 decades of technology and R&D experience with current focus in AI and Natural Language processing. He has successfully applied technology to solve business problems and his research on using NLP / ML for deriving News Sentiment has led to the successful launch of StockSnips solutions for the investment industry. Ravi has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and has been a serial entrepreneur with successful exits including an IPO of SEEC Inc in 1997 a leader in the Application modernization and transformation area. Mr. Koka has worked closely with faculty and students at Carnegie Mellon University and continues to be active in research. He was awarded the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in 1997. Viv Penninti Co-Founder & Research Advisor Formerly President of MSA Inc a leading data services company. Founder & CEO of IRG a leading data analytics company which was acquired by IGate Corporation. Subsequently founded InRhythm Inc a powerful data analytics platform and services company. 30 years of data science and AI experience. Viv has a MBA from the Tepper School of Business and is a thought leader in the retail, distribution and consumer goods industries. Robert Lindenberg Director, Development & Operations With 8 years of experience building scalable NLP applications and NOSQL databases, Bob oversees the development and operations at StockSnips. He earned a Computer Science degree, graduating Magna Cum Laude, and uses his extensive experience in Big Data, Neural Networks, and Amazon Web Services to ensure high accuracy and availability of StockSnips signals and models. Rebecca Wilde Managing Director Born and raised in the United Kingdom, Rebecca brings a wealth of transferable startup experience in the FinTech arena, after spending her entire career mastering operational, business development and strategic roles within the Alternative Lending Space. Graduating from Florida International University, as a ‘World’s Ahead’ honorary recipient, Rebecca holds Degrees in Economics and an MBA specializing in International Business. Rebecca will leverage her Sales & Business Development skills to drive StockSnips growth. Rebecca holds her Series 65 license. Leandro Lopez Leon Quantitative Analyst Leandro is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University who specializes in applying Machine Learning and statistical methods to model complex systems. He has experience with systemic risk management for COVID- 19, network analysis of single-cell genomics, and feature detection from continuous data streams. His research at StockSnips involves use of AI and data science to optimize portfolio construction using News Sentiment signals and other fundamentals and macro-economic data. ## Our Partners UX Wealth Partners is a dedicated AI-driven TAMP for the RIA community that provides advisors with a complete and simplified technology solution and access to managers that are experts in various technology disciplines. They provide exclusivity to qualified advisor partners in their respective markets and brand the platform to each advisor they serve, a combination that has powered significant growth for their advisor partners. In addition, UX Wealth Partners has certain investment models exclusive only to UX Wealth Partners advisors. This advisor-focused offering contains models that produce results, technology that grows AUM, and enables advisors to focus on their clients and business. Cirrus Research, LLC is an independent research firm dedicated to delivering innovative analysis and insights to mid, small and micro cap investors. Our approach is idea driven and disciplined, our services strategic and quantitative, and our products solely focused on the discovery of arbitrage and opportunistic situations for our clients. FactSet creates flexible, open data and software solutions for tens of thousands of investment professionals around the world, providing instant anytime, anywhere access to financial data and analytics that investors use to make crucial decisions. BattleFin focuses on sourcing, organizing, evaluating and vetting alternative data. Our Global One-on-one meeting events leverage Ensemble and our data Sandbox’s to let buyers explore the data with preloaded tools. Benzinga is a content ecosystem that makes information easier to consume. Our mission is to connect the world with news, data and education that makes the path to financial prosperity easier for everyone, every day. The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business. Kailasa Capital Management LLC operates as an investment advisory firm. The Firm offers portfolio construction, financial planning, asset allocation, and investment management services. Mr. Frank Li is the founding partner of Kailasa Capital Management. Over his 25-year career Mr. Li has held positions in investment banking, equity research, and technology consulting. Prior to founding Kailasa Capital Management, Mr. Li spent 15 years as a Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager with Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. ## Current job openings Sorry, there are no current openings. close # Learn how our real-time news sentiment analysis can revolutionize your business. ### How do we contact you? Your name \* Email Phone number Work email I’m interested in AI Sentiment based Portfolio ModelsFinancial Media Sentiment SignalsESG Sentiment SignalsGeneral Inquiry Message reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. 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Effective November 4, 2022, The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) prohibits investment advisers from showing hypothetical performance unless it is relevant to your likely financial situation and investment objectives, provides sufficient information to enable you to understand the criteria used and assumptions made when calculating such hypothetical performance, and provides sufficient information to you to understand the risks and limitations of using such hypothetical performance in making investment decisions. Further, investment advisers must ensure that when receiving hypothetical performance materials, you have access to the resources necessary to independently analyze hypothetical performance information and you have the financial expertise to understand the risks and limitations of hypothetical performance presentations. The purpose of these access questions is to confirm that you are a registered investment professional or otherwise have the relevant financial sophistication to understand the hypothetical performance information contained herein, and that such information is relevant to your likely financial situation. Terms I agree to the terms and conditions Confirm Access Request a Fact Sheet ### Request a Fact Sheet To request a fact sheet for this model, please enter your details below. Name First Last Request Fact Sheet # AI Weekly Low-Beta Large Cap # Quarterly AI Sentiment & Fundamentals All Cap # AI Monthly Multi-Factor All Cap
Every 24 hours, wind generates enough kinetic energy to produce roughly 35 times more electricity than humanity uses each day. And unlike coal or oil, this resource is totally renewed each day. So how can we harness this incredible amount of energy, and is it possible to create a world powered entirely by wind? The basic principle of wind energy is simple. A series of sails or blades mounted around a rotor catch the wind and translate its kinetic energy into rotational energy. Traditional windmills use that rotational energy to grind wheat or pump water. But in modern wind turbines, it turns a generator that creates electricity. This conversion from wind to rotational energy to electricity has defined wind turbines since their invention in the late 19th century. And there are three primary factors that determine just how much energy they can produce: the size and orientation of the blades, the blade’s aerodynamic design, and the amount of wind turning the rotor. First up, blade orientation. Wind turbines can be designed with their rotor on a vertical axis or a horizontal axis. Vertical blades can pick up wind coming from any direction, but with much less efficiency than horizontal axis rotors. Horizontal designs allow blades to capture the wind’s full force by tracking the wind’s direction and turning to face it. This turning process is called yawing, and older windmills achieved it through manual monitoring. Today, wind sensors and computer systems automatically adjust the blades with expert precision to capture as much energy as possible. Outside rotor orientation, the blades themselves need to be shaped to maximize efficiency. While early designs used flat blades, modern blades are curved like airplane wings. Wind travels faster over the curved surface, creating a low-pressure pocket above the blade that forces it upwards. Since the amount of lift depends on the angle at which the wind is moving relative to the blade, modern blades also incorporate a twist, optimizing how much of the blade can cut into the wind. Made of fiberglass and resin layers, these blades are strong enough to operate through rain, lightning, and blistering sunlight for over 20 years. Even with aerodynamic blades and a horizontal rotor, a wind turbine can only capture wind if it's in a windy environment. Wind speeds typically increase the higher into the atmosphere you travel. So today, most turbines are well over 100 meters tall, with equally large rotor diameters. A turbine of this height and size can capture a huge amount of wind, generating enough electricity every year to power 750 American homes. A wind farm of 200 similarly sized turbines could power over 150,000 American homes— or twice as many European homes— for an entire year. Offshore wind farms contain an even greater number of even larger turbines. In 2019, the largest wind turbine ever built began operating off the coast of the Netherlands. With a rotor diameter of 220 meters, just one of these turbines can meet the annual power needs of 16,000 European households. Despite its amazing potential, wind energy still faces challenges. Wind may be a free and unlimited fuel, but no matter how large or efficient a turbine is there's a mathematical limit to how much wind it can convert into electricity. German physicist Albert Betz calculated that since some wind must remain to keep the blades spinning, a turbine can only ever capture 59.3% of the wind’s energy. Additionally, some people feel turbines disrupt natural scenery, and wind energy’s intermittent availability can make it difficult to integrate into electrical grids. But even with these challenges, modern wind turbines have made wind energy the most efficient and inexpensive source of electricity. Wind turbines already provide essential energy for communities around the world. And for many farmers, hosting a wind turbine can be a reliable source of additional income. With continued improvements in wind forecasting, electrical grid infrastructure and energy storage, wind power might blow away all our energy problems.
Circular Motion - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern I am a high school student and I am very confused in an argument ,people says that when we generate any disturbance{wave} in a string, suppose that I have generated a simple harmonic wave on string in which all particles are performing Simple harmonic motion, suppose the wave is travelling and it just disturbs the particle which was initially at rest, people says that it disturbs the particle by exerting some kind of force on it , but how can there be any net force on the mean position? why no one talks about how these disturbances are propagated from one particle to another dynamically{in terms of forces}. I think if we talk by what mechanism, these disturbances are generated it would become much more complicated for us{high school students}, so we all talk of waves only mathematically.
Title: Changes in FDA enforcement activities following changes in federal administration: the case of regulatory letters released to pharmaceutical companies. Abstract: The United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for the protection of the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness and security of human drugs and biological products through the enforcement of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and related regulations. These enforcement activities include regulatory letters (i.e. warning letters and notice of violation) to pharmaceutical companies. A regulatory letter represents the FDA's first official notification to a pharmaceutical company that the FDA has discovered a product or activity in violation of the FDCA.This study analyzed trends in the pharmaceutical-related regulatory letters released by the FDA during the period 1997-2011 and assessed differences in the average number and type of regulatory letters released during the last four federal administrations. Data derived from the FDA webpage. Information about the FDA office releasing the letter, date, company, and drug-related violation was collected. Regulatory letters were classified by federal administration. Descriptive statistics were performed for the analysis. Between 1997 and 2011 the FDA released 2,467 regulatory letters related to pharmaceuticals. FDA headquarters offices released 50.6% and district offices 49.4% of the regulatory letters. The Office of Prescription Drug Promotion released the largest number of regulatory letters (850; 34.5% of the total), followed by the Office of Scientific Investigations (131; 5.3%), and the Office of Compliance (105; 4.3%). During the 2nd Clinton Administration (1997-2000) the average number of regulatory letters per year was 242.8 ± 45.6, during the Bush Administration (2001-2008) it was 120.4 ± 33.7, and during the first three years of the Obama administration (2009-2011) it was 177.7.0 ± 17.0. The average number of regulatory letters released by the Office of Prescription Drug Promotion also varied by administration: Clinton (122.3 ± 36.4), Bush (29.5 ± 16.2) and Obama (41.7 ± 11.1). Most regulatory letters released by FDA headquarters were related to marketing and advertising activities of pharmaceutical companies. The number of regulatory letters was highest during the second Clinton administration, diminished during the Bush administrations, and increased again during the Obama administration. A further assessment of the impact of changes in federal administration on the enforcement activities of the FDA is required.
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Philosophiae Doctor - PhDComparative analysis of the CPD systems internationally and nationally revealed that CPD is mandatory for some whilst for other countries it is compulsory, but not mandatory for licensing purposes. Licensing occurs on a yearly basis, but CPD recognition is accredited over a time period with expiry deadlines and minimum requirements. A portfolio was a common method of recording and proof of evidence for CPD, and a continuous theme was that CPD is needed to ensure competency. The Nursing Act 33 of 2005 makes provision for CPD for nurses but to date the South African Nursing Council has not yet decided on a model of CPD for implementation for SA nurses.South Afric
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Segment Information ? The Company has four reportable segments, three of which are separately managed business units and the fourth (Corporate and Other) includes the Companys remaining operations. The Excess and Surplus Lines segment primarily offers commercial excess and surplus lines liability and excess property insurance products. The Specialty Admitted Insurance segment offers workers compensation insurance coverage as well as specialty admitted fronting and program business. The Casualty Reinsurance segment offers commercial liability and non-catastrophe property reinsurance to U.S. insurance companies and to the Companys U.S.-based insurance subsidiaries. The Corporate and Other segment consists of certain management and treasury activities of James River Group, James River UK, and JRG Holdings as well as interest expense associated with senior debt and Junior Subordinated Debt, and investment income from investments classified as trading or other invested assets. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies. Segment revenues for each reportable segment consist of net earned premiums, net investment income, and realized and unrealized (losses) gains on investments. Segment profit (loss) for each reportable segment is measured by underwriting profit (loss), which is generally defined as net earned premiums less losses and loss adjustment expenses and other operating expenses of the operating segments. Gross fee income of the Excess and Surplus Lines segment are included in that segments underwriting profit (loss). Gross fee income of $13.9 million , $17.0 million and $10.1 million was included in underwriting profit for the years ended December 31, 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively. Segment results are reported prior to the effects of the intercompany reinsurance agreements between the Companys insurance subsidiaries. All gross written premiums and net earned premiums for all periods presented were generated from policies issued to U.S. based insureds. ? Excess and Surplus Lines Specialty Admitted Insurance Casualty Reinsurance Corporate and Other Total ? (in thousands) As of and for the Year Ended December 31, 2018 ? ? ? ? ? ? Gross written premiums $ 656,538 $ 374,346 $ 135,889 $ ? $ 1,166,773 Net earned premiums 555,684 55,146 204,568 ? 815,398 Segment revenues 580,785 56,717 243,178 4,919 ? 885,599 Net investment income 14,456 3,262 38,838 4,700 ? 61,256 Interest expense 11,553 ? 11,553 Underwriting profit of operating segments 42,834 6,972 5,103 ? 54,909 Segment goodwill 181,831 ? 181,831 Segment assets 972,111 633,689 1,453,754 77,222 ? 3,136,776 ? Excess and Surplus Lines Specialty Admitted Insurance Casualty Reinsurance Corporate and Other Total ? (in thousands) As of and for the Year Ended December 31, 2017 ? ? ? ? ? Gross written premiums $ 530,120 $ 316,430 $ 235,355 $ $ 1,081,905 Net earned premiums 463,521 68,110 209,478 741,109 Segment revenues 493,853 70,366 240,751 12,655 817,625 Net investment income 15,014 2,532 31,507 12,066 61,119 Interest expense 8,974 8,974 Underwriting profit (loss) of operating segments 29,693 3,166 (1,765 ) 31,094 Segment goodwill 181,831 181,831 Segment assets 843,486 439,416 1,379,866 93,927 2,756,695 As of and for the Year Ended December 31, 2016 ? ? ? ? ? Gross written premiums $ 370,844 $ 182,221 $ 184,333 $ $ 737,398 Net earned premiums 301,404 52,281 161,978 515,663 Segment revenues 331,090 55,412 190,064 9,661 586,227 Net investment income 18,051 2,542 27,257 4,788 52,638 Interest expense 8,448 8,448 Underwriting profit (loss) of operating segments 47,235 2,872 (194 ) 49,913 Segment goodwill 181,831 181,831 Segment assets 740,144 300,519 1,195,230 110,640 2,346,533 The following table reconciles the underwriting profit (loss) of insurance segments by individual segment to income before taxes: ? Year Ended December 31, ? 2018 2017 2016 ? (in thousands) Underwriting profit (loss) of the operating segments: ? ? ? ? ? Excess and Surplus Lines $ 42,834 $ 29,693 $ 47,235 Specialty Admitted Insurance 6,972 3,166 2,872 Casualty Reinsurance 5,103 (1,765 ) (194 ) Total underwriting profit of operating segments 54,909 31,094 49,913 Other operating expenses of the Corporate and Other segment (26,903 ) (25,330 ) (20,433 ) Underwriting profit 28,006 5,764 29,480 Net investment income 61,256 61,119 52,638 Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on investments (5,479 ) (1,989 ) 7,565 Other income 505 361 295 Other expenses (1,300 ) (539 ) (1,590 ) Interest expense (11,553 ) (8,974 ) (8,448 ) Amortization of intangible assets (597 ) (597 ) (597 ) Income before income taxes $ 70,838 $ 55,145 $ 79,343 The Company currently has 15 underwriting divisions, including 13 in the Excess and Surplus Lines segment, one in the Specialty Admitted Insurance segment, and one in the Casualty Reinsurance segment. Each underwriting division focuses on a specific industry group or coverage. Gross written premiums by segment and underwriting division are presented below: ? Year Ended December 31, ? 2018 2017 2016 ? (in thousands) Commercial Auto $ 322,126 ? $ 247,960 ? $ 110,050 Manufacturers and Contractors 79,160 ? 85,719 ? 83,279 Excess Casualty 66,452 ? 51,160 ? 43,574 General Casualty 54,127 ? 38,097 ? 36,858 Energy 33,942 ? 29,704 ? 29,709 Allied Health 30,450 ? 19,181 ? 14,413 Excess Property 16,963 ? 14,447 ? 14,083 Life Sciences 16,636 ? 12,981 ? 11,132 Small Business 14,808 ? 11,307 ? 9,104 Professional Liability 5,916 ? 6,326 ? 8,361 Environmental 10,499 ? 7,920 ? 5,321 Medical Professionals 1,774 ? 2,297 ? 2,739 Sports and Entertainment 3,685 ? 3,021 ? 2,221 Total Excess and Surplus Lines segment 656,538 ? 530,120 ? 370,844 Specialty Admitted Insurance segment 374,346 ? 316,430 ? 182,221 Casualty Reinsurance segment 135,889 ? 235,355 ? 184,333 Total $ 1,166,773 ? $ 1,081,905 ? $ 737,398 The Company does business with two brokers that generated $358.3 million and $81.4 million of gross written premiums for the Excess and Surplus Lines segment for the year ended December 31, 2018 , representing 30.7% (BB&T Insurance Services) and 7.0% of consolidated gross written premiums and 54.6% and 12.4% of the Excess and Surplus Lines segments gross written premiums, respectively. The Company has agency contracts with various branches within the aforementioned brokers. No other broker generated 10.0% or more of the gross written premiums for the Excess and Surplus Lines segment for the year ended December 31, 2018 . The Company does business with one insured (Rasier LLC) that generated $294.3 million of gross written premiums and $13.9 million of gross fee income for the Excess and Surplus Lines segment for the year ended December 31, 2018 , representing 25.2% of consolidated gross written premiums and 44.8% of the Excess and Surplus Lines segments gross written premiums. No other insured generated 10.0% or more of the gross written premiums for the Excess and Surplus Lines segment. The Specialty Admitted Insurance segment accepts applications for insurance from a variety of sources, including independent retail agents, program administrators and managing general agents (MGAs). The Company does business with one agency (Atlas General Insurance Services) that generated $201.7 million of gross written premiums for the Specialty Admitted Insurance segment for the year ended December 31, 2018 , representing 17.3% of the consolidated gross written premiums and 53.9% of the Specialty Admitted Insurance segments gross written premiums. No other agency generated 10.0% or more of the gross written premiums for the Specialty Admitted Insurance segment for the year ended December 31, 2018 . The Company does business with two brokers that generated $54.0 million and $42.3 million of gross written premiums for the Casualty Reinsurance segment for the year ended December 31, 2018 , representing 4.6% and 3.6% of consolidated gross written premiums and 39.8% and 31.1% of the Casualty Reinsurance segments gross written premiums, respectively. No other broker generated 10.0% or more of the gross written premiums for the Casualty Reinsurance segment for the year ended December 31, 2018 . The Casualty Reinsurance segment assumed business from three unaffiliated ceding companies that generated $83.4 million , $22.1 million , and $20.8 million of gross written premiums for the year ended December 31, 2018 , representing 7.1% , 1.9% , and 1.8% of consolidated gross written premiums and 61.4% , 16.2% , and 15.3% of the Casualty Reinsurance segments gross written premiums, respectively.
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Today 40 million Americans are indebted for their passage to the new economy. Too poor to pay their way through college, they now owe lenders more than one trillion US dollars. They do find what jobs they can get to pay off a debt that is secured on their person. In America, even a bankrupt gambler gets a second chance. But it is nearly impossible for an American to get discharged their student loan debts. Once upon a time in America, going to college did not mean graduating with debt. My friend Paul's father graduated from Colorado State University on the GI Bill. For his generation, higher education was free or almost free, because it was thought of as a public good. Not anymore. When Paul also graduated from Colorado State University, he paid for his English degree by working part-time. 30 years ago, higher education tuition was affordable, reasonable, and what debts you accumulated, you paid off by graduation date. Not anymore. Paul's daughter followed in his footsteps, but with one difference: when she graduated five years ago, it was with a whopping debt. Students like Kate have to take on a loan because the cost of higher education has become unaffordable for many if not most American families. But so what? Getting into debt to buy an expensive education is not all bad if you could pay it off with the increased income that you earned from it. But that's where the rubber meets the road. Even a college grad earned 10 percent more in 2001 than she did in 2013. So ... tuition costs up, public funding down, family incomes diminished, personal incomes weak. Is it any wonder that more than a quarter of those who must cannot make their student loan payments? The worst of times can be the best of times, because certain truths flash up in ways that you can't ignore. I want to speak of three of them today. 1.2 trillion dollars of debts for diplomas make it abundantly obvious that higher education is a consumer product you can buy. All of us talk about education just as the economists do now, as an investment that you make to improve the human stock by training them for work. As an investment you make to sort and classify people so that employers can hire them more easily. The U.S. News & World Report ranks colleges just as the consumer report rates washing machines. The language is peppered with barbarisms. Teachers are called "service providers," students are called "consumers." Sociology and Shakespeare and soccer and science, all of these are "content." Student debt is profitable. Only not on you. Your debt fattens the profit of the student loan industry. The two 800-pound gorillas of which -- Sallie Mae and Navient -- posted last year a combined profit of 1.2 billion dollars. And just like home mortgages, student loans can be bundled and packaged and sliced and diced, and sold on Wall Street. And colleges and universities that invest in these securitized loans profit twice. Once from your tuition, and then again from the interest on debt. With all that money to be made, are we surprised that some in the higher education business have begun to engage in false advertising, in bait and switch ... in exploiting the very ignorance that they pretend to educate? Third: diplomas are a brand. Many years ago my teacher wrote, "When students are treated as consumers, they're made prisoners of addiction and envy." Just as consumers can be sold and resold upgraded versions of an iPhone, so also people can be sold more and more education. College is the new high school, we already say that. But why stop there? People can be upsold on certifications and recertifications, master's degrees, doctoral degrees. Higher education is also marketed as a status object. Buy a degree, much like you do a Lexus of a Louis Vuitton bag, to distinguish yourself from others. So you can be the object of envy of others. Diplomas are a brand. But these truths are often times hidden by a very noisy sales pitch. There is not a day that goes by without some policy guy on television telling us, "A college degree is absolutely essential to get on that up escalator to a middle-class life." And the usual evidence offered is the college premium: a college grad who makes on average 56 percent more than a high school grad. Let's look at that number more carefully, because on the face of it, it seems to belie the stories we all hear about college grads working as baristas and cashiers. Of 100 people who enroll in any form of post-secondary education, 45 do not complete it in a timely fashion, for a number of reasons, including financial. Of the 55 that do graduate, two will remain unemployed, and another 18 are underemployed. So, college grads earn more than high school grads, but does it pay for the exorbitant tuition and the lost wages while at college? Now even economists admit going to college pays off for only those who complete it. But that's only because high school wages have been cut to the bone, for decades now. For decades, workers with a high school degree have been denied a fair share of what they have produced. And had they received as they should have, then going to college would have been a bad investment for many. College premium? I think it's a high school discount. Two out of three people who enroll are not going to find an adequate job. And the future, for them, doesn't look particularly promising -- in fact, it's downright bleak. And it is they who are going to suffer the most punishing forms of student debt. And it is they, curiously and sadly, who are marketed most loudly about this college premium thing. That's not just cynical marketing, that's cruel. So what do we do? What if students and parents treated higher education as a consumer product? Everybody else seems to. Then, like any other consumer product, you would demand to know what you're paying for. When you buy medicines, you get a list of side effects. When you buy a higher educational product, you should have a warning label that allows consumers to choose, make informed choices. When you buy a car, it tells you how many miles per gallon to expect. Who knows what to expect from a degree say, in Canadian Studies. There is such a thing, by the way. What if there was an app for that? One that linked up the cost of a major to the expected income. Let's call it Income-Based Tuition or IBT. One of you make this. (Laughter) Discover your reality. (Laughter) There are three advantages, three benefits to Income-Based Tuition. Any user can figure out how much money he or she will make from a given college and major. Such informed users are unlikely to fall victim to the huckster's ploy, to the sales pitch. But also to choose wisely. Why would anybody pay more for college than let's say, 15 percent of the additional income they earn? There's a second benefit to Income-Based Tuition. By tying the cost to the income, college administrators would be forced to manage costs better, to find innovative ways to do so. For instance, all of you students here pay roughly the same tuition for every major. That is manifestly unfair, and should change. An engineering student uses more resources and facilities and labs and faculty than a philosophy student. But the philosophy student, as a consequence, is subsidizing the engineering student. Who then, by the way, goes on and earns more money. Why should two people buy the same product, pay the same, but one person receive half or a third of the service. In fact, college grads, some majors, pay 25 percent of their income servicing their student debt, while others pay five percent. That kind if inequity would end when majors are priced more correctly. Now of course, all this data -- and one of you is going to do this, right? All this data has to be well designed, maybe audited by public accounting firms to avoid statistical lies. We know about statistics, right? But be that as it may, the third and biggest benefit of Income-Based Tuition, is it would free Americans from the fear and the fact of financial ruin because they bought a defective product. Perhaps, in time, young and old Americans may rediscover, as the gentleman said earlier, their curiosity, their love of learning -- begin to study what they love, love what they study, follow their passion ... getting stimulated by their intelligence, follow paths of inquiry that they really want to. After all, it was Eric and Kevin, two years ago, just exactly these kinds of young men, who prompted me and worked with me, and still do, in the study of indebted students in America. Thank you for your attention. (Applause)
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+ + Top Bar - Spanish Kersia Group INVENTING A FOOD SAFE WORLD - Buscar: # Enfermedad de Newcastle Estás aquí: 1. 2. 3. Enfermedad de Newcastle ## Enfermedad de Newcastle, ¿cómo se transmite y cuáles son las medidas de prevención? La enfermedad de Newcastle es una enfermedad viral muy contagiosa que presenta unas implicaciones considerables para el sector avícola y aves salvajes. La provoca una virulenta cepa del paramixovirus aviar de tipo 1 y supone una grave amenaza para la salud y el bienestar de las aves. Asimismo, puede tener un efecto social y económico devastador en el sector avícola. Por ello, resulta crucial adoptar medidas preventivas, entre ellas de bioseguridad, para mitigar el riesgo de brotes en las explotaciones avícolas. ! ## ¿Cuáles son los síntomas del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle (VEN) en las aves infectadas? El VEN provoca una infección y puede mostrar síntomas clínicos en diversas especies de aves. La gravedad de la enfermedad dependerá de varios factores como la cepa del virus, la edad, el estado de salud y si el ave está vacunada o no. Los síntomas más habituales de la enfermedad de Newcastle en las aves infectadas incluyen: | | **Síntomas respiratorios:** tos, estornudos, respiración alterada, rinorrea, hinchazón de ojos y cara, dificultad respiratoria (disnea). | | --- | --- | | | **Síntomas digestivos:** diarrea, heces verdosas y acuosas, lo que a veces se denomina «diarrea verde» lo que se traduce en un menor consumo de pienso y agua (síntomas más predominantes). | | | **Síntomas del sistema nervioso (neurológicos, a menudo en cepas virulentas):** torsión del cuello y la cabeza (tortícolis), parálisis de las alas y patas, temblores, descoordinación, marcha en círculos o giros, parálisis y muerte. | | | **Descenso de la producción/calidad de los huevos:** las gallinas ponedoras infectadas pueden sufrir un descenso repentino en la producción de huevos o estos pueden presentar una cáscara fina y forma irregular. | | | **Menor actividad y morbilidad:** las aves infectadas tienen un aspecto letárgico, decaído y presentan un menor apetito. | | | **Hinchazón de las crestas y carúnculas:** en algunos casos, las crestas y carúnculas de las aves infectadas pueden hincharse y tornarse amoratadas. | | | **Mayor mortalidad:** en función de la virulencia del virus y la propensión de la población, la enfermedad de Newcastle puede conllevar unas altas tasas de mortalidad, sobre todo en poblaciones no vacunadas o cuya vacunación no se ha realizado correctamente. En las poblaciones no vacunadas, la mortalidad puede llegar al 100 %. (CFSPH, 2016) | ! Es importante resaltar que los síntomas de la enfermedad de Newcastle pueden solaparse con los de otras enfermedades respiratorias y gastrointestinales en la población avícola. Para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo, normalmente hay que realizar un análisis en laboratorio para confirmar la presencia del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle. Si sospecha que hay algún caso de enfermedad de Newcastle en su población avícola, es crucial aislar a las aves afectadas, notificar el brote a las autoridades pertinentes y acudir a un veterinario para que confirme la enfermedad y le ofrezca pautas sobre las medidas de control de la enfermedad. Adoptar rápido unas medidas de contención y control es crucial para evitar la propagación del virus a otras aves y así mitigar las pérdidas económicas. ## ¿Cómo se transmite la enfermedad de Newcastle? **Por contacto directo :** El virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle (NDV) puede transmitirse por contacto directo entre excrementos y secreciones corporales de animales infectados y animales sensibles (los animales jóvenes son más susceptibles). Esto incluye contactos externos, tales como el contacto pico a pico, la monta o peleas. **Por contacto indirecto :** El virus puede sobrevivir en el entorno dependiendo de las condiciones, en función de factores como la temperatura y la humedad. Los alimentos, el agua, el equipo y las prendas contaminadas pueden servir como vehículos de transmisión indirecta. **Por transmisión aérea:** El virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle se puede transmitir por aerosol, especialmente en instalaciones avícolas abarrotadas o mal ventiladas. Las aves infectadas pueden excretarlo al aire a través de secreciones respiratorias cargadas de virus, infectando a las aves cercanas. **A través de aves silvestres infectadas:** Las aves silvestres, en particular las acuáticas y las migratorias, pueden portar y transmitir el virus a las aves domésticas cuando entran en contacto con ellas o con su entorno. ## ¿Qué medidas pueden tomarse para prevenir la enfermedad de Newcastle? Evitar la enfermedad de Newcastle es crucial para las operaciones comerciales avícolas y también para las aves de corral domésticas. Para reducir el riesgo de esta enfermedad contagiosa y lesiva a nivel económico, hay que aplicar una combinación de medidas: vacunación, medidas de bioseguridad y vigilancia. Asimismo, resulta crucial consultar con las autoridades agrícolas y veterinarias locales para obtener unas pautas concretas y la normativa aplicable de su zona. ### Vacunación La vacunación es uno de los métodos más eficaces para prevenir la enfermedad de Newcastle en las aves de corral. Hay distintos tipos de vacunas disponibles, incluidas las de virus vivos e inactivados. La elección de la vacuna depende de las circunstancias concretas y la normativa local. ### Medidas de bioseguridad/higiene Es necesario implementar medidas de bioseguridad en las explotaciones avícolas para minimizar el riesgo de que se introduzca y propague el virus. Esto incluye limitar el acceso a la explotación, desinfectar el equipo y mantener un entorno limpio e higiénico. **! Limpieza y desinfección** * Mantener el equipo y las instalaciones avícolas y desinfectarlas regularmente para evitar que se desarrolle el virus. **! Protección**, mediante el control de la higiene * Ofrecer posibilidades y hacer obligatoria la desinfección de botas, ruedas, vehículos, manos y equipos antes y después de entrar en las instalaciones o al pasar a áreas diferentes de las instalaciones. * Limpieza y desinfección de la red de abastecimiento de agua potable y desinfección del agua. * La selección, concentración y aplicación del producto es fundamental para una protección satisfactoria. **!Protección**, mediante el control estructural * Movimiento controlado: limite el movimiento de las aves entre explotaciones y restrinja el acceso al personal no esencial para evitar que se produzca la introducción del virus. | Además, la gestión de la calidad del agua también resulta crucial para una correcta gestión de la higiene: * Aquatabs. | Fase de **limpieza** con un detergente adaptado **Desinfección y protección** Desinfectantes probados contra el virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle. * HYPRED FORCE 7. * Viroshield + (aprobado por la DEFRA). * VIREX (aprobado por la DEFRA). * Fumagri OPP (desinfección secundaria, dispersión mediante ULTRADIFFUSION®). * FUMAGRI EFFISAFE (botas y vehículos) para superficies y equipos. | Fase de **limpieza** con un detergente adaptado **Desinfección y protección** Desinfectantes probados contra el virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle. * HYPRED FORCE 7. * Viroshield + (aprobado por la DEFRA). * VIREX (aprobado por la DEFRA). * Fumagri OPP (desinfección secundaria, dispersión mediante ULTRADIFFUSION®). * FUMAGRI EFFISAFE (botas y vehículos) para superficies y equipos. Además, la gestión de la calidad del agua también resulta crucial para una correcta gestión de la higiene: * Aquatabs®. Para más información sobre los productos y su disponibilidad en función de la normativa local, escriba a: . ### Cuarentena Aísle a las aves recién nacidas antes de juntarlas con la población existente para garantizar que no tienen la enfermedad. ### Vigilancia y seguimiento Someter a un análisis con regularidad a las aves para ver si presentan el virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle, sobre todo si se encuentra en una zona en el que haya habido más brotes. ### Formación Formar a los trabajadores de las explotaciones avícolas y a los dueños de aves de corral sobre los síntomas de la enfermedad de Newcastle y la importancia de denunciar los casos sospechosos lo antes posible. ### En caso de brote: notificación y sacrificio En caso de que se dé un brote, notifíquelo a las autoridades pertinentes y sacrifique a las aves infectadas y expuestas al virus para evitar un mayor nivel de contagio. ### Artículos relacionados #### Experience Congress Latam 2024 #### A healthy pig starts as a healthy piglet ! ### Contactar con los expertos de Kersia --- I accept the . 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I used to work for a FANG-ish big tech company on an H1B and wanted to focus 100% on my pet projects. This left me with no other choice than to quit my job and move out of the US.I'd still like to be able to do the same while living in the US, and if I could find someone to hire me on a part-time H1B that would work wonderfully for me.I wasn't even sure if this was possible and I'm mainly going by articles like this one: not heard of anyone be hired on a part-time H1B ever though. Does anyone know of companies that might be open to this?I think this could be a great way to be able to hire some engineers you normally wouldn't be able to hire, so I'm surprised companies don't try to do this more often.
+ + # Talent, Passion and Commitment We meet your purpose through quality results. ## Talent, Passion & Commitment is Who We Are We are a creative boutique full of creative and artistic talents who are committed to meeting your goals. We consider our clients members of the SDA Creative family and as a result provide them with talent, passion, commitment and the utmost dedication, compassion, and understanding. ### Manny Villegas CEO / President Hey there! Manny here with SDA Creative! Glad to see you stopped by to check us out. Our team is fun but also committed to your needs. I am a driven individual that tries to do the best I can whether it is here at our office or during my free time, playing guitar, playing sports, at the race track or just spending time with my family. Remember, if you can imagine it, we can create it! Three hobbies you enjoy? Playing guitar, music, and racing. Who's your favorite band / musician? Guns N’ Roses, Gary Moore, Jimmy Hendrix, too many to say! What is your favorite place you visited? Barcelona. Amazing food and arts. Favorite quote? “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.” ~Marcus Aurelius ### Mark Hancock Creative Director Mark is an award-winning Creative Director with over 25 years of experience. His background includes art direction and design expertise, production management, systems management and implementation and photography. He demonstrates team leadership, organizational skills, and is dedicated to our clients’ goals and ultimate success. Mark has worked within many diverse industries including motorsports, action sports, publishing, technology, manufacturing, fashion, and real estate. He recently completed the design and production of the highly touted book Hobie; Master of Water, Wind and Waves, a biography of Hobie Alter written by Paul Holmes for our client Croul Publications. Also an avid photographer, Mark knows how to maximize impact in design by applying concepts of light, exposure, and composition to photography as well as in his design work. Mark is happily married to his lovely wife of 17 years, Kris, and has two beautiful daughters, Shannon and Savannah. He is an avid cyclist and commutes to work often on his road bike, but also loves to ride his mountain bike, ski and snowboard, surf (not often enough) and occasionally do some stand-up paddling for recreation. ### Jake Chacon Web Development Jake, a creative specialist, boasts a wealth of experience spanning over two decades in the creative realm. His journey began in 2000 as a graphic designer, and he soon ventured into the realm of video editing and production through self-teaching. Jake firmly embraces the belief that continuous learning is essential, which led him to expand his skill set to include web design using platforms like WordPress and Webflow. As his passion grew, he delved into the realms of professional photography, as well as social media content creation and management. Jake's meticulous nature and unwavering commitment to excellence make him an exceptionally organized individual who never settles for anything less than perfection. What do you do outside of work? I like to ride my motorcycle. It’s a Honda CBR-1000RR. And go to the gym. What other creative skills do you have? I have also been a professional mobile & club DJ for almost 3o years. What’s your favorite food and the best restaurant to eat it? Sushi and Flame Broiler. “Nothing Hits Harder Than Life” Rocky Balboa ### Rex Collections / Security My name is Rex and I am a rescue Bluenose Pitbull. I love chasing after toys and chewing them up into small pieces. My job as a security guard is fun, I sleep and snore during my shift, and then I go home to my parents where we go for walks at the park. My creativity is great when it comes to finding my toys around the house, although my toys don’t last long. My chewing problem is out of control! Thank you for visiting! Chewing up toys, chasing lizards on the wall, and going for walks What do you like to do when you’re not at work? Go for walks with my mom & dad, chew my toys, and sleep Chicken and apples! “Woof” ~ Anonymous What can we help with? Brand Strategy Digital Marketing Graphic Design Web Design Video Production Photography HP Name Submit Quick Links (949) 493-5182 27201 Puerta Real, Suite 300, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 ! ### In the ever-evolving landscape of digital creativity, SDA has embarked on a transformative journey. Graphic design is the art of creating visual content to communicate information or ideas to a specific audience. It involves [...] When in comes to print advertisements, we’ve seen it all – ads that want to say far too much and [...] Have you heard people call 2021 “twenty-twenty fun”? Some predict the 2020’s will have a roaring twenties vibe. It’s finally here, folks! California will open officially for businesses on June 15, 2021. In the competitive online world, having a user-focused website is key to success. This article dives into the principles of [...] # Inquire with SDA Creative ## Contact Us Located in Lake Forest, CA. Call today and talk to a real person. Name\* Email\* Phone\* Website What's this regarding?\* Select... How did you hear about us? Google Search Social Media Magazine Ad Other Message ### SDA Creative 27201 Puerta Real, Suite 300,Mission Viejo, CA 92691 # Mikasa Sports Supplying the highest quality sports balls & equipment. ## Mikasa Sports US Having a relationship with a client for over 20 years matters. We have helped them with every aspect of their creative and marketing needs. It’s a continued partnership that we value. Not to mention all the awesome projects we get our hands on. What We Did: Website | Print Design | Product Design | Packaging | Social Media ### Website Being the Olympic’s official volleyball & water polo ball is really cool. Working on a website that is also seen internationally, gives us the same feeling. We know how important their brands reach must be. ### Print Catalog We have done so many of these catalogs, we cant count. Our team really enjoys taking on this project each year. New images, new design, same client. What could be better? Check out the final design. Below are just few pages of the full catalog. Click to view full size. ### Ball Design & Packaging We often are asked to create the look for Mikasa balls and their packaging. This gives us the opportunity to flex our creative muscles. Working from 2D to 3D is always something we get excited about. ### Prototype Design ### Photography When new products need to be shot, we take care of it. When a new athlete joins the team, we take care of it. When a local event is happening and we need great photos, we take care of it. The bottom line, we take care of it! ### Video Production # AMETEK Global designer and manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices ## AMETEK Known as a global designer and manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices. We took on the challenge to become the designer and manufacturer of their brand. The results speak for themself. Graphic Design | Photography | Digital Marketing ## Graphic Design Custom designs for all marketing material needs. ## Tradeshow Start to finish. Starting with high-resolution product photography, copywriting to custom print ready design. ## Photography The art of photography is the art and practice of capturing still images. Our process includes planning, framing, and taking the best shot possible, followed by post-processing to enhance the image. Our professional photography has been used for a variety of purposes. We understand that an image can speak a thousand words. Before After # AU Fins Taking surf innovation to the next level. ## AU Fins Waves are not flat, so why should your fins? We totally agree. When we first saw the fins in person and met the client we know we were a perfect match. We have a rich history in the Surf and Action Sports business. The client connected to this during our first kickoff meeting and it has been a great partnership ever since. We build them a totally new e-commerce website using WordPress and WooCommerce and got rid of the outdated Godaddy page builder. We also helped refine the logo, created business cards, dialed in graphics for packaging, photographed all the fins and of course, they needed a product brochure. Website | Graphic Design | 3D Modeling & Animation ## 3D Modeling & Animation Product concepts. Responsive Sketchfab Embed ## Web Design Modern design, desktop and mobile optimized. # Blue Flame Inventors of the log lighter to ignite wood in a fireplace, instead of using paper and kindling. Blue Flame provides high-quality natural and gas fireplace and firepit products. ## Blue Flame Website | Print Design | Packaging | Logo | Tradeshow Booth | Roll-Up Banners | Photography Custom E-commerce website that provides multiple shipping options such as FEDEX and UPS. ### Graphic Design High Quality tradeshow rollup banners, brochures and other custom print design and materials. Parts and components require an intricate attention to detail to make these client's merchandise stand out from the competition. # MacGillivray Freeman Films American film studi based in Laguna Beach. Most well known for its IMAX films. ## MacGillivray Freeman Films MacGillivray has produced and directed more than 50 films, over 35 of which are IMAX, and has developed three IMAX cameras. The creative and inspiring work they create is right up our alley. We knew the moment they called us, that we wanted to work with them. The results speak for themself. We get to be involved with true artists of the film industry. Graphic Design | Web ADs # Coastal Enterprises Manufacture the one and only Precision Board, a versatile closed-cell rigid substrate used as both a high-density urethane sign substrate & urethane tooling board. ## Coastal Enterprises Precision Board has applications in signage, theming, modeling, tooling, composites and more. It does not warp, rot or peel and lasts indefinitely when properly maintained. It is particularly effective for dimensional signage. On the tooling side, Precision Board is used for prototyping, vacuum-forming, molds, composites, tools and more and is trusted by the aerospace, automotive and marine industries. Coastal offers custom services like custom-bonded blocks, layup tools, steptools and custom mandrels. ### Social Media # A.I. Unleashed: SDA's Creative Odyssey In the ever-evolving landscape of digital creativity, SDA has embarked on a transformative journey, weaving artificial intelligence (A.I.) into the very fabric of our design, copyrighting, and image manipulation processes. Our seamless integration of A.I. technologies has become the catalyst for redefining efficiency and elevating the creative experience. ## A.I. Illuminating Visual Excellence At the core of our creative engine lies a commitment to reviving lackluster visuals. Armed with design tools boasting A.I. prowess, we embark on the restoration of low-quality and pixelated images. For example GigaPixel by Topaz Labs. The result? A visual metamorphosis that defies the limitations of the original, pushing the boundaries of what was once deemed nearly unusable. A.I. isn't about achieving perfection from imperfection; it's about elevating creative possibilities. ### Adobe's Photoshop App: A Canvas for Generative A.I. SDA proudly embraces the power of Generative A.I. within Adobe's Photoshop app, unlocking unparalleled possibilities in image manipulation. Picture an image lacking the expansive sky required for a design masterpiece. With a simple selection, a prompt, or a click on the auto-generate button, the A.I. orchestrates a harmonious extension in seconds. This feature not only accelerates our workflow but also opens doors to creative vistas that would have been arduous to explore manually. ## A.I. as the Wordsmith's Companion In the realm of copyrighting, A.I. serves as the unsung hero, assisting in refining copy, ensuring impeccable punctuation and grammar, and crafting the perfect tone. Venturing into the expansive world of SEO, A.I. becomes a multifaceted tool for keyword research, meta description creation, and the generation of comprehensive web page copies. The process is a symphony of human ingenuity and A.I. efficiency, resulting in drafts that seamlessly blend creativity and precision. ## Ethical A.I. Practices: A Guiding Light While riding the wave of A.I. innovation, SDA stands firm in ethical practices. We consciously steer clear of utilizing A.I. to generate illegal imagery, refraining from the questionable methods seen in technologies like DALL-E or MidJourney. SDA's commitment is to foster creativity ethically, ensuring that the revolutionary power of A.I. is harnessed responsibly and without compromise. ## Navigating the A.I. Horizon As we bask in the transformative glow of A.I., it's imperative to confront the potential pitfalls. The fear of job loss and the devaluation of creative industries loom large. While A.I. expedites processes, SDA acknowledges the delicate balance needed to preserve the essence of human creativity. Our journey through the A.I. horizon is a commitment to responsible innovation, ensuring that creativity remains at the heart of every technological stride. ### In conclusion SDA's integration of A.I. is a testament to our dedication to pushing creative boundaries while navigating the ethical complexities of this digital frontier. As we embrace the future, we remain steadfast in our mission to illuminate the creative path responsibly and inspire others to follow suit.
It's been 2 years since Covid. We've seen many famous companies (Coinbase, Shopify, I think Facebook as well) announce they're turning into remote first / remote friendly companies. This is of course also accompanied with aggressive hiring all over the world.However, I cannot say I feel any effect as of yet as a software dev living in a major high cost tech hub. In fact it seems salaries are only going higher and higher. Not only that, the number of open tech jobs still seems extremely high everywhere in the developed world. In fact, dare I say, it has never been better to be in tech than today. Where is the big offshoring wave some of us were expecting? Is it yet to come or were some of us overestimating its effects?
No Feedback after a year In the middle of last year I contacted SARS to inform them that my login details for the e-filing portal does not work, I explained to the consultant that I cannot go into the branch and cannot remember all my details for the past years but would like to be able to do my tax return. She offered me a case number and advised that I will be contacted in either 4-6 weeks with feedback. <br> <br> I heard nothing since, and perhaps I should have followed up but what happened my query??<br> I called the contact center again today and the consultant told me that my case number (147 174 951) no longer exists when I asked asked why I was told that the query is too old and the case number is probably no longer on their system.<br> <br> I was informed that I owe SARS R1500, no the fact that I owe is not so much the issue, its the fact that it has accumulated due to no feedback being given to me, should I have received the feedback in due course the matter could have been resolved and the amount owing would not have been so much.<br> <br> Today I was told I need to wait another 21 working days to resolve my query, and all the while the amount will increase.... I am not happy about. It's not fair practice!
System.css A design system for building retro Apple UIs
I ordered an extra small. it fits with both a humble tee and a button down with the sleeves rolled up. i've tried it with jeans and also joggers and heels. really a cute and versatile sweater. i got the olive but can see where the black might be more universally useful. this one works perfectly for me, however
Contingencies Various legal and regulatory proceedings and claims have been or may be asserted against the Company relating to the conduct of its businesses, including product liability, environmental and other claims. These proceedings and claims are incidental to the ordinary course of business. Management believes that it has meritorious defenses and will vigorously defend the Company in these actions. Any costs that management estimates will be paid as a result of these claims are accrued when the liability is considered probable and the amount can be reasonably estimated. Although the ultimate disposition of these proceedings is not presently determinable, management believes, after consultation with its legal counsel, that the likelihood is remote that costs will be incurred materially in excess of accruals already recognized. The Company previously filed legal actions in Brazil to recover certain social integration and social contribution taxes paid over gross sales, including ICMS receipts, which is a form of state value added tax. During 2019, the Companys Brazil legal advisors notified the Company that they received judicial notification that the Superior Judicial Court rendered a favorable decision on the case granting the Company the right to recover, through offset of federal tax liabilities, amounts of overpayments collected by the government from 1999 to date. The judicial court decision is final and not subject to appeals. Based on analysis performed to date, the current estimate of the refund calculated on a gross basis is approximately 100 million Brazilian reais, or approximately $18 million as of September 30, 2020. The amount and ultimate timing of realization of these recoveries is dependent upon administrative approvals, generation of federal tax liabilities in Brazil eligible for offset and potential impacts of future legislative actions within Brazil, all of which are uncertain. Based upon a probability weighted analysis, including a review of historical earnings and trends, forecasted earnings, the relevant expiration of carryforwards and the potential of selling the credits at a significant discount, the Company determined the net realizable value of the credits is approximately 8 million Brazilian reais, or $1.4 million as of September 30, 2020. The Company currently expects to realize this amount within the next one to five years. Future legislative changes in Brazil, changes in the Companys forecasted earnings or resolution of other uncertainties could impact the estimate of the amount realizable for these tax credits. The Brazilian tax authorities have sought clarification before the Brazilian Supreme Court of certain matters, including the amount of these credits (i.e., the gross rate or net credit amount), and certain other matters that could affect the rights of Brazilian taxpayers regarding these credits, all of which would materially impact the realization of the credits. Based on the opinions of our tax and legal advisors, we have not accrued any amounts related to potential future litigation regarding these credits.
So is it better a device - whos security is invalidated shuts down completely or should it continue to provide the service it was designated for?
Love love this piece! for the moment i saw it i noted anther catalog, i knew i had to try it on... im 5' 9" and 130 and the xs fits me perfectly. i love the way it is tailored. it is also lined with a nice fabric. overall a very well made summer go to piece!
Acquisition of Krausz On December 3, 2018, we completed our acquisition of Krausz, a manufacturer of pipe couplings, grips and clamps with operations in the United States and Israel, for $140.7 million , net of cash acquired, including the assumption and simultaneous repayment of certain debt of $13.2 million . The acquisition of Krausz was financed with cash on hand. The purchase agreement provides for customary final adjustments, including a net working capital adjustment, which we expect to occur in 2019. Annual sales for Krausz in calendar 2017 were approximately $43.0 million . We have recognized the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their estimated acquisition date fair values, with the excess of the purchase price over the estimated fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired recorded as goodwill. The accounting for the business combination is based on currently available information and is considered preliminary. We have retained a third party valuation specialist to assist in our estimate of the fair value of acquired intangible assets and we have not yet completed that estimate. In addition, we are still gathering information about property, plant, and equipment based on facts that existed as of the date of the acquisition, as well as deferred income tax liabilities related to long-lived assets. During the quarter, we reduced intangible assets by $5.3 million and deferred tax liabilities by $1.9 million , which resulted in an increase in goodwill of $3.4 million . The final accounting for the business combination may differ materially from that presented in these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements. The results of Krausz, including net sales of $23.0 million , are included within our Infrastructure segment in the period from acquisition through the quarter ended June 30, 2019. The following is a summary of the preliminary estimated fair values of the net assets acquired (in millions): Assets, net of cash: Receivables $ 6.9 Inventories 17.0 Other current assets 0.2 Property, plant and equipment 8.4 Identified intangible assets: Patents 32.1 Customer relationships 8.7 Tradenames 4.6 Favorable leasehold interests 2.3 Goodwill 74.4 Liabilities: Accounts payable (5.5 ) Other current liabilities (2.9 ) Deferred income taxes (5.5 ) Consideration paid 140.7 Repayment of Krausz debt (13.2 ) Consideration paid considered as net cash used in investing $ 127.5 The preliminary estimated goodwill above is attributable to the strategic opportunities and synergies that we expect to arise from the acquisition of Krausz and the value of its workforce. The goodwill is nondeductible for income tax purposes. The intangible assets of $47.7 million consist of indefinite-lived tradenames and patents, customer relationships and favorable leasehold interests with an estimated weighted average useful life of approximately 12 years.
Why AI art is so controversial I mean, an AI technically still does steal a persons art. As you said, it takes data from certain pre done historic arts and uses that to then “process” a new image to replicate that style. Remember this is just technology, it wouldn’t just create anything new out of thin air. It’s like picking bits of an art work and shoving it onto a white screen and claiming that the art was original and never seen before, which is absurd.
Across the world, confirmed by academic and internal research evidence, Government and public sector organisations consistently display varying degrees of difficulty in generating, developing and implementing innovative ideas. Now, as budgets become tighter, the pressure to fundamentally transform the UK’s public sector by relying upon the exploration and adoption of sustainable innovation continues to grow as a policy necessity. Given this necessity, there is a definite, identified need to critically review the literature covering theory development and innovation practice as part of a cultural challenge within the UK public sector to identify the key deep rooted and persistent barriers to public sector innovation to assist in researching potential workable solutions. To facilitate this endeavour this Doctoral study deploys, as per Chapter 3, Ethnographic methods underpinning qualitative thematic template analysis to explore and identify existing innovation barriers from qualitative data collected from the management and staff of a major UK Civil Service Department. The primary objective of this research study is to contribute to the effective improvement in public sector Innovation delivery, via identification of the key barriers via ten literature defined and participant response analysis propositions to facilitate improved innovation generation. In Chapters 2 & 4, by critically showing the linkages between innovation literature and the practical observations and innovation process experiences of public servants, workable solutions as to how the UK’s Civil Service can overcome such persistent problems have been explored. This research aims to add value to the wider debate by identifying an environment that supports and encourages the practical generation of public sector innovative ideas and change behaviour. In Chapters 5 & 6, from analysis of the quantitative data, the study identified 18 barrier subject nodes covering a number of themes which appear to inhibit the successful embedding of such innovation practices and processes
DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGER Highlights HTML, CSS, MS Office, Magento, Simparel, Active Collab, AS400, Visuality Pro - Familiar with Google Analytics, Photoshop, Axure and FTP systems - Managed integrations with: KWI, Blue Cherry, Avalara, Smart Focus, Exact Target, Quiet Logistics, Bergen Logistics, Pay Pal, and International Checkout Experience DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGER 01/2015 to Current Company Name City , State Liaison between the Creative Marketing Studio and E-commerce divisions, reporting directly to the Studio Director. Route all creative assets for including bi-weekly site refreshes, blog posts and global campaign initiatives Serve as the main point of contact from the creative teams for third party agencies and other internal departments on special site projects, paid digital advertising projects as well as requests from wholesale and company stores Manage day-to-day priorities for a team of designers and in-house developer Established an efficient work flow processes and spearheading the alignment of the US and global creative teams. E-COMMERCE PROJECT MANAGER 01/2013 to 01/2015 Company Name City , State Managed the day-to-day business, functional and technical enhancements of e-commerce platforms for multiple fashion brands, spanning from product management to third party integrations. Spearheaded all projects and work cross functionally with designers, developers and third party agencies, to drive innovation and best practice, meeting business goals on time and on budget. Operational responsibilities included product uploads, product merchandising, content management, generating and analyzing reports, and interacting with logistics and fulfillment centers as well as third party vendors Managed site builds, redesigns, and added functionality and features; liaised with clients, designers and developers on all projects to ensure project requirements and goals are thoroughly and accurately translated to all parties Spearheaded multiple integrations with ERP and POS systems, payment gateways, email service providers and tax compliance vendors Worked closely with marketing and design teams to help create assets for content marketing campaigns Headed all client meetings and coordinate multiple tasks and project deadlines using project tracking tools; adjust schedules based on new inquiries and fluctuating needs. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE 01/2012 to 01/2013 Company Name City , State Developed and implemented business strategies for a new dress brand, reporting directly to the President. Held responsible for specialty account business and grew the account base by 50% in one year, generating over $500,000+ in additional sales. Operational and logistical responsibility for the company including order management, coordinating with the finance team and communicating delivery changes to accounts. Merchandised deliveries with the design team and provided design direction based on sales analysis. Represented the brand at all regional markets and managed regional reps in Dallas, Atlanta, Las Vegas and NYC. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE 01/2008 to 01/2012 Company Name City , State Managed the specialty store business with annual volume of $3.5 million, reporting directly to the President of Sales and CEO. Grew account base by 25%, generating $230,000 + in additional sales yearly. Consistently exceeded seasonal goals by 15-30%. Contributed to $4 million + in European private label sales. Analyzed sales against plan and year-over-year, reporting feedback to the President of Sales, Creative Director and CEO Represented the company at trade shows and regional markets in NYC, Las Vegas and Dallas; consistently exceeded show goals by 35-40% Presented new collections and best sellers to private label buyers, selected prints and fabrics to match their storyboards, communicated their needs to the fabric research and development team as well as the print design team to ensure we maximized all possibilities for sales success. SALES ASSOCIATE 01/2007 to 01/2008 Company Name City , State Assisted in marketing, selling and internal operations across a portfolio of licensed and private label eyewear brands including David Yurman, Cole Haan, Betsey Johnson, Leiber Eyewear, Cache and Ann Taylor. Opened 20 new specialty accounts resulting in $100,000+ in additional sales. Education GENERAL ASSEMBLY Front-End Web Development UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY BBA : Marketing Fashion Merchandising MARIST COLLEGE Marketing Fashion Merchandising Skills .net, Photoshop, advertising, AS400, budget, bi, business strategies, com, content, content management, Creative Director, CSS, client, clients, delivery, direction, E-commerce, email, ERP, Fashion, features, finance, Focus, FTP, functional, gateways, Google Analytics, HTML, innovation, Logistics, Director, marketing, meetings, merchandising, MS Office, developer, order management, Pal, POS, print design, processes, product management, reporting, research, selling, Sales, sales analysis, tax compliance, trade shows, Web Development
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Title: Ethical guidelines and the prevention of abuse in healthcare. Abstract: In obstetrical and gynaecological healthcare, patients often find themselves in a vulnerable position. Sensitive issues such as sexual and reproductive health are addressed and certain procedures can be experienced as abusive. According to research a lifetime prevalence of abuse in healthcare (AHC) can be assumed for 13-28% of female patients in the Nordic countries. In the present study we analyse the content of ethical documents for healthcare professionals within obstetrics and gynaecology in Sweden, in order to find out to what extent ethical guidelines consider issues that have shown to be related to the occurrence of AHC. We searched the literature to find empirical data on AHC. Guidelines for nurses, midwives and physicians were selected. After developing an analytical framework based on the empirical data the content of the ethical guidelines was analysed. The various ethical guidelines for staff working within obstetrics and gynaecology differ distinctively from each other regarding their content of issues that are related to AHC. Issues that were mostly disregarded were: considering the patient's perspective and the patients' possible experience of violence, considering power imbalances within healthcare, sexual misconduct, how to deal with other professional's ethical misconduct and how professionals relate to each other. We found the ethical guidelines of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and of the International Confederation of Midwives to be those which contained most of the issues that have empirically shown to be important in regard to AHC. While staff members from different professions may share responsibility for the same patient, their ethical guidelines vary considerably. To become a possible resource for prevention of AHC, we suggest that ethical guidelines in healthcare should be revised following empirical research on ethical conduct. As ethical guidelines cannot be effective by their existence only, we would like to initiate a discussion on the function and use of ethical guidelines in general and regarding AHC in particular. Being aware that ethical guidelines are only a part of ethics in healthcare, however, we envision a broader approach to the aim of preventing AHC, where research is encouraged on how a virtue ethics approach could be applied.
it's an Imax theater, so unless you haven't been to one then it you know it is an oversized screen with wider shots and better sound. The location itself looks dated and in need of some repair, perhaps just some paint. The viewing experience was great and I will go back if there is another flick being shown that I must see in IMAX, but the fact remains the Mall, the Theater and much of the area looks dated.
Stop blaming your mental illnesses for being an asshole. Man up and send them everything you just wrote. Then apologize and say goodbye, and don't ever drag another person through your mud. You are better than this.
Have a server app (cannot share it's name) where on Windows Server 2012 R2 it operates fine with ~1-2K TIME_WAIT / ~50 ESTABLISHED connections at any given time. Problem seen on Windows Server 2016 is it stays at ~5 TIME_WAIT / ~200 ESTABLISHED connections, but is rejecting lots of other connection attempts with immediate RSTs, also consistently seeing TLS handshakes with ~10s delays between ClientHello and ServerHello. We can't figure out what's causing the 10s delay - there is NOTHING between the client and server. 90% of the TLS connections are spent waiting on this delay, and so I think it's safe to assume 90% of the ~200 ESTABLISHED ones are in this delayed state. Any ideas?
I've had many usernames over the years ; be it IRC, HN, Reddit, various boards, trackers, but what I nearly never used was a real name or something that could be linked to me in person.I'm trying to do more under a real identity. It would be nice to make more long lasting connections with people, and maybe build a long lasting identity, and standing by one's own opinions. With a real name.But how to decide what to share under a real name? I can't comment on HN without being wary about it. A comment history of years is so telling about an individual. How do you ever get "comfortable" with having a lot of stuff online that can somehow be linked to the real you? Is it just me, or do other people deal with this as well?Not even asking this under a real name: What if a potential employer/future colleague finds this in the future, and must conclude "this guy is _really_ unsure about himself"? What if it tanks and I just get slashed for asking something silly? The internet doesn't forget, throwaways I can at least throw away, that's what they're there for. But I can never "network" simply moving from one anonymous nick unto the next.Suggestions? Am I justified, or simply paranoid?
This thesis consists of three studies that respectively investigate the stock returns, risk management, and liquidity creation of banks. Chapter 2 focuses on the cross-section of bank stock returns and found that pricing factors such as leverage and beta, shown to be irrelevant to nonfinancial stocks, are important for pricing bank stocks. During the two decades prior to the subprime crisis, banks with high leverage have high stock returns. Beta appears to have a strong and convex relationship with bank stock returns. This chapter generally suggests that bank stocks seem to respond to a different set of pricing factors than other industries. Chapter 3 examines the drivers behind banks’ use of derivatives for hedging. Covering virtually all banks in the U.S. that have used derivative, one key finding of this chapter is that off-balance sheet loan commitment contracts, rather than on-balance sheet loans, determines the use of derivatives for hedging. Since loan commitment contracts are the primary channel of financing for commercial and industrial borrowers, this finding is consistent with the observation during the subprime crisis that the illiquidity of the financial market makes it difficult for firms to refinance their existing loans. Finally the last chapter of this thesis examines the liquidity creation of European banks and its relationship with bank equity capital, market power, and institutional context. Using a unique and comprehensive sample of European banks, this chapter shows that the impact of stronger capital base on bank liquidity creation is strictly negative. This means that capital regulations such as the Basel II Accord are likely to curtail banking activities and slow down economic recovery and growth. Next, this chapter shows that stronger creditor rights coupled with stronger market power reduces liquidity creation in developing countries, and vice versa for developed countries. This finding suggests that due to the less developed legal infrastructure, stronger creditor rights could be counterproductive in facilitating bank liquidity creation in developing countries
Het doel van dit onderzoek is het analyseren van de marktgrootte van mobiel betalen en de bijbehorende omzetbasis, alsmede de invoering van knelpunten, om inzicht te verkrijgen in de introductie en ontwikkeling van mobiele bankservices in Nederland. Het onderzoek beschrijft verscheidene aspecten van mobiel betalen/mobiel bankieren in Nederland. Onderwerpen als implementatie, wetgeving, geschatte businesscase, aanbevolen businessmodel, ontwikkelingsscenario’s, een SWOT - analyse van technische oplossingen, organisatorische knelpunten, een analyse van de redenen van succes en falen en openstaande problemen en uitdagingen komen aan de orde. Het voornaamste doel van het onderzoek is het trachten te beantwoorden van de vraag of er een markt voor mobiel betalen is in Nederland en een analyse geven van waarom mobiele bankservices niet succesvol zijn geweest in Nederland. Bovendien dient gemeld te worden dat de focus van dit verslag lag op microbetalingen, waar over het algemeen betalingen tot €10 onder verstaan worden.The purpose of this research report is to analyse the mobile payment market size and its revenue basis, as well as adoption bottlenecks, in view of establishing the adoption and deployment of mobile banking services in The Netherlands. The research report describes various aspects with regard to mobile payments/mobile banking in The Netherlands. Issues like implementation, regulatory framework, estimated business case, deployment scenario’s, recommended business model, a SWOT analysis of the technical solutions, organisational bottlenecks, an analysis of the reasons for success and failures, and open issues and challenges are addressed. The main aim is to try to answer the question whether there is a market in The Netherlands for mobile banking services, and providing an analysis of why M-banking services have not been so successful in The Netherlands. Furthermore, it needs to be mentioned that the focus of this paper was on micro-payments, which are generally considered to be payments of up to €10
I'm so upset that this didn't work out. i'm petite at 5'2 and ordered this skirt in petite, however, i felt like it swallowed me up. the fabric is thick and warm so this is definitely only cold weather attire. i'm the picture it looks like there is a little leg showing, but on me, i feel like a schoolmarm. sadly, this is going back.
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[Massey Services, Inc. Fallback image ! For Immediate Help Call 1-888-2-MASSEY Schedule Your Free Inspection * Name\* * Email\* * Phone\* * Zip Code\* Δ + * More Find a location: # Orlando Lawn and Landscape Services Get a Beautiful and Healthy Lawn Schedule Now ### Schedule your free inspection * EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. # Professional Lawn Care Service in Orlando with Massey Services ### ## Why should you choose Massey Services in Orlando for your Lawn Fertilization, Lawn Care and Irrigation needs? We’ve been a part of this community for over 36 years and are proud to service customers throughout the Orlando area.  With 8 Service Centers located throughout Orlando, we’re experts in your neighborhood and know exactly what your lawn needs. Our team of specialists can quickly respond to your lawn, tree, shrub, landscape and irrigation needs. In Orlando, our environmentally responsible lawn care program begins with a FREE, comprehensive landscape analysis.  Our arborists, agronomists, entomologists and horticulturists develop a protocol for seasonal care and lawn fertilization. Then, our lawn specialists deliver a customized landscape care program that keeps your landscape strong, beautiful and healthy all year long. ##### **Our comprehensive Lawn Care and Landscape Program include**s: * pH testing to determine the precise chemistry of the soil in your lawn and landscape * Targeted control and prevention of weeds, insects and diseases * Lawn fertilization services using custom-blended fertilizer and micronutrients applied according to all county and state ordinances * Annual lawn aeration, which enhances the delivery of oxygen, water and nutrients to your lawn’s roots for naturally stronger resistance all year long ### Schedule your Free Inspection * Name\* * Email\* * Phone\* * Zip Code\* Δ ### At Massey Services Orlando ### You Can Expect More…And Get It! #### #### Massey’s Award-Winning Landscape Services Our Orlando GreenUP Landscape service is a comprehensive program which includes everything you need for a beautiful and healthy lawn: * Specially blended lawn fertilization and nutrition * Targeted and pre-emergent weed control treatments * Environmentally responsible, lake-friendly approach * Control and prevention of insects and diseases #### Prevent Lawn Damage with Massey’s Sprinkler Repair Our regular sprinkler maintenance visits identify hard-to-detect sprinkler problems that can cause inconsistent watering, leading to weeds, lawn-damaging insects and a variety of lawn diseases. Additionally, we’ll test the operation of all zones, verify adequate sprinkler coverage, clean sprinkler nozzles, measure water pressure, and make necessary system adjustments during scheduled services. ## Lawn and Landscape Services in Orlando ###### Looking for Lawn and Landscape Services in Orlando? Your landscape creates a powerful first impression. If you’re looking for the “best lawn care services near me,” you’ve found us! Massey Services offers the best lawn care services focusing on environmentally responsible lawn maintenance, lawn fertilization and overall landscape enhancement. ###### What does Massey Services do to create healthy and beautiful lawns and landscapes? At Massey Services, our customized landscape care programs are much more than just lawn spraying. Our landscape services target the three lawn care maintenance problems that negatively impact the health and appearance of your lawn, trees and shrubs: weeds, pests and diseases. See below for more detail. ###### What are the benefits of a healthy landscape? A healthy lawn and landscape adds value to your home and creates a positive first impression. But did you know a healthy landscape also: * Reduces noise pollution by blocking out surrounding noises * Reduces air pollutants by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen * Minimizes heat buildup – grassy lawns are 14 degrees cooler than bare soil * Minimizes water pollution and run-off with our lake friendly lawn approach ###### Where do I find Massey Services in Orlando? Massey Services has lawn and landscape service centers in Orange and Seminole counties.  Enter your zip code in the space below to find the contact information for the service center nearest to you. ### Find A Massey Lawn and Landscape Service Center Near You Search Zip Code to find local Lawn and Landscape Services in the Orlando Area.Search --- ## Massey Services – Proudly Serving the Orlando area for over 36 years! #### Massey Lawn and Landscape Services in Orange County ###### Service Areas Include: Altamonte Springs, College Park, Edgewater, Fern Park, Maitland, Orlando, Winter Park ###### Service Area by Zip Code: 32751, 32789, 32801, 32803, 32804, 32805, 32807, 32808, 32810, 32814 Bay Lake, Gotha, Oakland, Ocoee, Winter Garden 34734, 34760, 34787 Apopka, Forest City, Ocoee, Orlovista, Pine Hills, South Apopka 34761, 32703, 32712, 32818, 32798 Azalea Park, Harmony, Lake Hart, Lake Nona, Narcoossee, St. Cloud 32822, 32829, 32827, 32832, 34739, 34769, 34771, 34772, 34773, 32831 Alafaya, Avalon Park, Bithlo, Christmas, Goldenrod, Union Park, University Park, Wedgefield 32816, 32817, 32820, 32825, 32826, 32828, 32709, 32833 Bay Hill, Dr. Phillips, Orlando, Sand Lake, Tangelo Park, Windermere 32811, 32819, 32835, 34786, 32836 #### Massey Lawn and Landscape Services in Seminole County Black Hammock, Chuluota, Geneva, Oviedo, Winter Springs 32708, 32765, 32732, 32766 Astor Farms, Heathrow, Lake Mary, Lake Monroe, Sanford, Woodruff Springs, Wilson Corner 32746, 32771, 32773 Alaqua Lakes, Casselberry, Forest City, Longwood, Wekiwa Springs 32792, 32701, 32707, 32714, 32730, 32750, 32779 #### Customer Reviews ###### Winter Springs, FL Lawn Services > “With Massey’s help, we won yard of the month for March 2020! Thanks for all your hard work!” > > B. Steger, Massey Services Lawn Customer ###### Orlando, FL > “I contacted Massey when I realized my lawn wasn’t looking the way it should. They started working on it and within several months, our lawn looked like a professional baseball field. They are always available if you need them and the staff are wonderful. We are happy with Massey Services!” > B. Spatarella, Massey Services Lawn Customer > “Our technician has been extremely helpful with our property and provides the best customer service. He’s gone above and beyond to help restore the condition of our lawn to make sure it continues to look beautiful.” > C. Barrett, Massey Services Lawn Customer #### Continue Reading #### More Massey #### Connect * [Fallback image ! ##### Massey Corporate Headquarters 315 Groveland Street Orlando , FL 32804 407-645-2500 ##### Massey Customer Care 1-888-2MASSEY (1-888-262-7739) #### Money-Back Guarantee If you are not satisfied with the results of your program, we’ll provide corrective service at no additional charge. After 30 days, should your problem persist, we’ll continue to provide service at no additional charge until you are satisfied, or we’ll refund your last regular service payment. © 1985-2025 Massey Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved , powered by # The Villages® Lawn and Landscape Services * NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ## Professional Lawn and Landscape Services in The Villages*®* with Massey Services ### Best Lawn Fertilization Company in The Villages*®* ###### Why should you choose Massey Services of The Villages*®* for your Lawn Fertilization, Landscape and Irrigation needs? We’ve been a part of this community for many years and are proud to service customers throughout The Villages*®*.  With 3 Service Centers located The Villages*®*, we’re in your neighborhood and can quickly respond to your lawn fertilization, tree, shrub, landscape and irrigation needs. ### At Massey Services in The Villages*®* ### You Can Expect More … And Get It! #### Massey’s Award-Winning Landscape Care Our The Villages*®* GreenUP Landscape service is a comprehensive program which includes everything needed for a beautiful and healthy lawn: ## Lawn and Landscape Services in the The Villages*®* ###### Looking for Lawn and Landscape Services in The Villages*®*? Your landscape creates a powerful first impression. If you’re looking for the “best lawn care services near me,” you’ve found us! Massey Services offers the best lawn care services encompassing environmentally friendly lawn maintenance, lawn fertilization and overall landscape enhancement. At Massey Services, our customized Lawn Care Program is much more than just spraying fertilizer.Our landscape services target the three lawn care maintenance problems that negatively impact the health and appearance of your lawn, trees and shrubs. See below for more detail * Reduced noise pollution by blocking out surrounding noises * Reduced air pollutants by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen * Minimized heat buildup – grassy lawns are 14 degrees cooler than bare soil * Minimized water pollution with our lake friendly lawn approach ###### Where do I find Massey Services in The Villages*®* Massey Services has lawn and landscape service centers in The Villages*®*. ### Find Lawn and Landscape Services Near Me Search Zip Code to find local Lawn and Landscape Services in The Villages*®*.Search ## Massey Services Proudly Serving in The Villages*®*! #### Lawn and Landscape Services in Sumter County The Villages*®* South and Wildwood 32162, 32163, 34484 The Villages*®* 32159 ###### Florida > “I changed service companies to Massey after my lawn was destroyed and infested with chinch bugs. I notified Massey and they were out the next day treating the problem. Excellent customer service!” > *J. Russell*, Massey Services Lawn Customer Irrigation Services > “My irrigation technician has gone above and beyond to rescue my lawn by setting up the best sprinkler schedule possible, providing me with practical equipment and providing frequent service. I trust him to do the right thing for me and give 100%. He is a great example of the service you get with this company.” > *Sylvie R.*, Massey Services Lawn Customer \*Reduction of water waste refers to operating efficiency and not actual amount of water used for irrigation
I saw this dress and immediately started daydreaming about wearing it while honeymooning in italy along the amalfi coast or the cinque terre with my husband. and then i tried this dress on and immediately woke up. the cut is a disaster, the quality is terrible, and the dress just plain didn't work. the strips of elastic were sewn unevenly, giving the appearance that there was one large breast and one non-existent breast. the neckline was so long that it had to have the elastic run over the outsi
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Call: 407-438-7847 Contact us Today: USA Toll Free: +1 888-561-7900 | Phone: +1 407-438-7847 Menu + - > > > Refurbished & Used 1.5T MRI Machines for Sale # Refurbished & Used 1.5T MRI Machines for Sale ## Please choose from our selection of refurbished 1.5T used MRI machines for sale and request pricing to get a quote ## ## General Electric ! ## Brivo MR-355 ! ## Discovery MR-450 ## Optima MR-360 ## Optima MR-450w GEM ## Signa EchoSpeed Excite ## Signa EchoSpeed Plus ## Signa HD ## Signa HDe ## Signa HDi ## Signa HDx ## Signa HDxt ## Signa Infinity ## Signa Explorer ## Signa Creator ## Signa Pioneer ## Signa Architect ## Signa Artist ## Signa Premier ## Signa Voyager ## Signa Prime ## Philips ## Achieva ## Achieva XR ## Achieva A-Series ## Achieva SE ## Intera Master ## Intera Power ## Ingenia ## Ingenia Prodiva ## Ingenia Ambition ## Ingenia Evolution ## Multiva ## Siemens ## Magnetom Aera ## Magnetom Avanto ## Magnetom Avanto Fit ## Magnetom Espree ## Magnetom Essenza ## Magnetom Sonata ## Magnetom Symphony Quantum ## Magnetom Symphony Sprint ## Magnetom Sola ## Magnetom Altea ## Magnetom Amira ## Magnetom Free.Star !") ## Choose The Best ## Why Amber Diagnostics 1.5T MRI machines? Since 1994 Amber Diagnostics has offered a wide array of quality refurbished and used 1.5T MRI machines for sale. In our 25,000 square foot warehouse we offer end to end service for every preowned equipment we house. We have installed 1.5T MRI machines for urgent care facilities, outpatient departments, private practices, and major medical centers throughout the world. During your consultation, our equipment experts will discuss your department’s needs, budget, and space requirements. We will support you in every stage of the process; from site planning to shipping, installation and technical servicing. Keep your costs down and imaging capabilities high with Amber Diagnostics. ## WE Have Many Options ## Featured Equipment Revolutionizing healthcare with used cutting-edge medical imaging equipment. ! ## GE Signa HDx 1.5T ## GE LigthSpeed PRO ## GE OEC 9800 ## Can’t find what you are looking for? ### Give us a call! ## 1-407-438-7847 Our Commitment: Amber Diagnostics has worked to provide quality medical imaging equipment since 1994, and has gone above and beyond for our worldwide customers and their patients. With our experienced team and extensive resources, we promise to bring excellent support and reliable end to end service. We have transformed our business over the years to guarantee we are the only company you rely on. Useful Links: Return on Investment Calculator") Modalities: s Contact Us: **Toll Free:** +1 888-561-7900 **Phone:** +1 407-438-7847 **E-mail:** [email protected] [6901 TPC Dr. #350 Orlando, FL 32822 All product names, logos and brands are property of their respective owners. All company products and service names used are for identification purposes only. © 2025 **Amber Diagnostics.** All rights reserved by Amber Diagnostics Inc. ! Close Font Resize A- A+ Readable Font Contrast Choose color black white green blue red orange yellow navi Underline links Highlight Links Images Greyscale Invert Colors Remove styles Clear Settings Close > > > Refurbished & Used 3.0 Tesla MRI Scanners for Sale # Refurbished & Used 3.0 Tesla MRI Scanners for Sale ## Please choose from our selection of refurbished and used 3.0 Tesla MRI Scanners for sale and request pricing to get a quote ## Discovery MR-750w ## Discovery MR-750w GEM ## Signa Excite ## Achieva TX ## Achieva X ## Intera ## Ingenia Elition ## Magnetom Trio ## Magnetom Verio ## Magnetom Skyra ## Magnetom Prisma ## Magnetom Prisma Fit ## Magnetom Spectra ## Magnetom Vida ## Magnetom Lumina ## Why Amber Diagnostics 3.0 Tesla MRI Machines? Since 1994 Amber Diagnostics has offered a wide array of quality refurbished and used 3.0 Tesla MRI scanners for sale. In our 25,000 square foot warehouse we offer end to end service for every preowned equipment we house. We have installed 3.0 Tesla MRI scanners for urgent care facilities, outpatient departments, private practices, and major medical centers throughout the world. > > > Refurbished & Used Open MRI Machines For Sale # Refurbished & Used Open MRI Machines For Sale ## Please choose from our selection of refurbished Open used MRI Machines for sale and request pricing to get a quote ## Signa Ovation ## Panorama HFO ## Magnetom C ## Hitachi ## Airis Elite ## Airis II ## Why Amber Diagnostics open MRI Machines? Since 1994 Amber Diagnostics has offered a wide array of quality refurbished and used Open MRI machines for sale. In our 25,000 square foot warehouse we offer end to end service for every preowned equipment we house. We have installed MRI machines for urgent care facilities, outpatient departments, private practices, and major medical centers throughout the world. > > > Refurbished & Used Wide Bore MRI Machines for Sale # Refurbished & Used Wide Bore MRI Machines for Sale ## Please choose from our selection of wide bore refurbished and used MRI machines for sale and request pricing to get a quote ## Signa Premier XT ## Ingenia 1.5T ## Ingenia 3.0T ## Magnetom Free.Max ## Why Amber Diagnostics wide bore MRI Machines? Since 1994, Amber Diagnostics has offered a diverse selection of high-quality refurbished and used wide bore MRI machines. Our 25,000 square foot warehouse enables us to we house, from site planning to shipping, installation, and technical servicing. We have successfully installed MRI machines in facilities, outpatient departments, private practices, and major medical centers across the globe. Wide bore MRI scanners feature larger openings, typically around 70 cm in diameter, enhancing patient comfort, reducing anxiety, and accommodating larger individuals. During your consultation, our equipment experts will discuss your department’s needs, budget, and space requirements, ensuring you get the best solution tailored to your specific situation. Keep your costs low and imaging capabilities high with Amber Diagnostics. > > > Refurbished & Used Extremity MRI Machines for Sale # Refurbished & Used Extremity MRI Machines for Sale ## Please choose from our selection of refurbished Extremity used MRI machines for sale and request pricing to get a quote ## Esaote ## Esaote E-Scan ## Esaote S-Scan ## Esaote O-Scan ## Oni MSK ## Oni MSK Extreme ## Why Amber Diagnostics Extremity MRI Machines? Since 1994 Amber Diagnostics has offered a wide array of quality refurbished and used Extremity MRI machines for sale. In our 25,000 square foot warehouse we offer end to end service for every preowned equipment we house. We have installed MRI machines for urgent care facilities, outpatient departments, private practices, and major medical centers throughout the world.
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Title: Communication between community and hospital pharmacists: impact on medication reconciliation at admission. Abstract: To evaluate the non-intentional prescription discrepancies between home medication and hospital medication for in-patients, their potential clinical impact and the impact of pharmaceutical communication between community pharmacists (CP) and hospital clinical pharmacists (HCP) to prevent them. Prospective study of 278 in-patient's files hospitalized in orthopaedic surgery + units. After reconciliation by the HCP including patient interviews, GP prescription reviews and CP drug delivery analyses, we analysed patient files (prescription and patient chart) and we compared the administered drugs (home medication) to those that the patient should have received. We tracked the pharmaceutical intervention, the physician acceptance and the identified and avoided errors. The clinical impact of each discrepancy was evaluated by a team composed of a physician and a clinical pharmacist. Frequency of intentional and non-intentional discrepancy (NID), evaluation of NID clinical impact and rate of NID identified and corrected by the reconciliation procedure. 278 consecutive patients were included in the study. 1,532 prescription lines were analysed and 471 discrepancies were observed [IC95 % = (28.43; 33.00)]. Nonintentional discrepancies (NID) affected 9.2 % of prescription lines [IC95 % = (7.7; 10.6)] and 34.2 % of patients [IC95 % = (31.3; 37.1)]. Fifty-one patients (18.3 %) had at least one NID classified as potentially harmful. Sixty-nine percent of errors at admission were identified by the reconciliation procedure including data exchanges with CP. This study demonstrates the importance of drug reconciliation at patient's admission by the HCP supported by communication with the CP.
Note 16. Business Segment Reporting Our business is conducted through two reportable segments: Terminix and ServiceMaster Brands. In accordance with accounting standards for segments, our reportable segments are strategic business units that offer different services. The Terminix segment provides termite and pest control services to residential and commercial customers and distributes pest control products primarily under the Terminix, Terminix Commercial and Copesan brand names. The ServiceMaster Brands segment provides residential and commercial disaster restoration and commercial cleaning services through franchises primarily under the ServiceMaster, ServiceMaster Restore and ServiceMaster Clean brand names, home cleaning services through franchises primarily under the Merry Maids brand name, cabinet and furniture repair primarily under the Furniture Medic brand name and home inspection services primarily under the AmeriSpec brand name. Corporate includes our financing subsidiary exclusively dedicated to providing financing to our franchisees and retail customers of our operating units, and our headquarters operations (substantially all of which costs are allocated to our reportable segments), which provide various technology, marketing, finance, legal and other support services to the reportable segments. The composition of our reportable segments is consistent with that used by our chief operating decision maker (the CODM) to evaluate performance and allocate resources. Information regarding the accounting policies used by us are described in our 2018 Form 10-K. We derive substantially all of our revenue from customers and franchisees in the United States with approximately three percent generated in foreign markets. Operating expenses of the business units consist primarily of direct costs and indirect costs allocated from Corporate. We use Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA as our measure of segment profitability. Accordingly, the CODM evaluates performance and allocates resources based primarily on Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA. Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income before: unallocated corporate expenses; gain from discontinued operations, net of income taxes; provision for income taxes; interest expense; depreciation and amortization expense; acquisition-related costs; fumigation related matters; non-cash stock-based compensation expense; restructuring charges; loss on extinguishment of debt; and realized (gain) on investment in frontdoor, inc. Our definition of Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA may not be calculated or comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies. We believe Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA is useful for investors, analysts and other interested parties as it facilitates company-to-company operating performance comparisons by excluding potential differences caused by variations in capital structures, taxation, the age and book depreciation of facilities and equipment, restructuring initiatives and equity-based, long-term incentive plans. Information for continuing operations for each reportable segment and Corporate is presented below: ? ? ? ? Three Months Ended ? March 31, ? (In millions) 2019 2018 ? Revenue: ? Terminix $ 419 $ 368 ? ServiceMaster Brands 62 60 ? Reportable Segment Revenue $ 481 $ 427 ? Corporate ? Total Revenue $ 482 $ 428 ? Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA: (1) ? Terminix $ 83 $ 86 ? ServiceMaster Brands 23 23 ? Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA $ 106 $ 109 ___________________________________ (1) Presented below is a reconciliation of Net Income to Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA: ? ? ? ? Three Months Ended ? March 31, ? (In millions) 2019 2018 ? Net Income $ 70 $ 40 ? Unallocated corporate expenses (3) ? Costs historically allocated to American Home Shield 11 ? Depreciation and amortization expense 24 21 ? Acquisition-related costs 1 ? Fumigation related matters 1 ? Non-cash stock-based compensation expense 4 4 ? Restructuring charges 7 12 ? Realized (gain) on investment in frontdoor, inc. (40) ? Gain from discontinued operations, net of income taxes (23) ? Provision for income taxes 9 6 ? Loss on extinguishment of debt 6 ? Interest expense 27 37 ? Reportable Segment Adjusted EBITDA $ 106 $ 109 ? ?
When i unwrapped this a chemical "stink" hit me that amost knocked me over. it was really unbearable and i m not overly sensitive to smells. second it was way too large with a boxy unflattering cut. the waist sits very high at elbow height and every below the waist the material balloons out in a rediculous manner. i wonder if they had it pinned down somehow on the picture here. with a more flattering cut i might have decided to wash it a few times to get the stink out. i do not recommend this fo
Title: Histogram analysis of whole-lesion enhancement in differentiating clear cell from papillary subtype of renal cell cancer. Abstract: To compare histogram analysis of voxel-based whole-lesion (WL) enhancement to qualitative assessment and region-of-interest (ROI)-based enhancement analysis in discriminating the renal cell cancer (RCC) subtype clear cell RCC (ccRCC) from papillary RCC (pRCC). In this institutional review board-approved, HIPAA-compliant retrospective study, 73 patients underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging prior to surgery for RCC between January 2007 and January 2010. Three-dimensional fat-suppressed T1-weighted gradient-echo corticomedullary phase acquisitions, obtained before and after contrast agent administration, were transferred to a workstation at which automated registration followed by semiautomated segmentation of the RCC was performed. Percent enhancement was computed on a per-voxel basis: (SI(post) - SI(pre))/SI(pre) .100, where SI(pre) and SI(post) indicate signal intensity before and after contrast enhancement, respectively. The WL quantitative parameters of mean, median, and third quartile enhancement and histogram distribution parameters kurtosis and skewness were computed for each lesion. WL enhancement parameters were compared with ROI-based analysis and qualitative assessment with regards to diagnostic accuracy and interreader agreement in differentiating ccRCC from pRCC. There were 19 pRCCs and 55 ccRCCs at pathologic examination. ccRCC had significantly higher WL mean, median, and third quartile enhancement compared with pRCC and hade significantly lower kurtosis and skewness (all P < .001). Third quartile enhancement had the highest accuracy (94.6%; area under the curve, 0.980) in discriminating ccRCC from pRCC, which was significantly higher than the accuracy of qualitative assessment (86.0%; P = .04) but not significantly higher than that of ROI enhancement (89.2%; P = .52). WL enhancement parameters had higher interreader agreement (κ = 0.91-1.0) compared with ROI enhancement or qualitative assessment (κ = 0.83 and 0.7, respectively) in discriminating ccRCC from pRCC. WL enhancement histogram analysis is feasible and can potentially be used to differentiate ccRCC from pRCC with high accuracy.
Celebs are always ahead of the trend-setting curve with their dapper and suave looks, all thanks to expert styling. It's their X-factor that separates the best from the rest! Set Wet Studio X, co-created with top celeb stylist Aalim Hakim is that X-factor for your daily grooming routine.An expert grooming range for men who want to sport that celeb look every day. Keep your style game effortlessly on point. Take the spotlight and be the trend. When it comes to scent, sophisticated is the word for celebs. Thanks to Studio X Perfume Spray For Men (EDT) Edge, Its no secret now. A masculine and classy fragrance - specially crafted to give you an edge and of course, the vibe of a celebrity, Studio X EDT Edge is here to stay.
First off, the moment i put on, i got tons of compliments from complete strangers. it truly is a unique and pretty. i am 5'3 and originally wanted the med petite for length. they were sold out so i got the xs in the regular size. that worked out good. it is a bit snug around the shoulders but not enough to go up a size. overall, xs was a good alternative to medium petite.
Commitments and Contingencies From time to time, we may become involved in lawsuits and other claims arising from our ordinary course of business. We are currently unable to predict the ultimate outcome, determine whether a liability has been incurred or make an estimate of the reasonably possible liability that could result from an unfavorable outcome because of the uncertainties related to the incurrence, amount and range of loss on any pending litigation or claim. Because of the unpredictable nature of these matters, we cannot provide any assurances regarding the outcome of any litigation or claim to which we are a party or that the ultimate outcome of any of the matters threatened or pending against us, including those disclosed below, will not have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. Juan Carlos Gonzales, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, v. Tillys Inc. et al, Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Case No. 30-2017-00948710-CU-OE-CXC. In October 2017, the plaintiff filed a putative class action against us, alleging various violations of Californias wage and hour laws. The complaint seeks class certification, unspecified damages, unpaid wages, penalties, restitution, interest, and attorneys fees and costs. In December 2017, we filed an answer to the complaint, denying all of the claims and asserting various defenses. In April 2018, the plaintiff filed a separate action under the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) against us seeking penalties on behalf of himself and other similarly situated employees for the same alleged violations of California's wage and hour laws. We requested the plaintiff to dismiss the class action claims based on an existing class action waiver in an arbitration agreement which plaintiff signed with our co-defendant, BaronHR, the staffing company that employed plaintiff to work at the Company. In June 2018, the plaintiff's class action complaint was dismissed. We have defended this case vigorously, and will continue to do so. Lauren Minniti, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated, v. Tillys, Inc., United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, Case No. 0:17-cv-60237-FAM . On January 30, 2017, the plaintiff filed a putative class action lawsuit against us, alleging violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (the TCPA). Specifically, the complaint asserted a violation of the TCPA for allegedly sending unsolicited automated messages to the cellular telephones of the plaintiff and others. The complaint sought class certification and damages of $500 per violation plus treble damages under the TCPA. In March 2017, we filed our initial response to this matter with the court. In June 2017, the parties attended a mediation. In July 2017, the parties reached an agreement in principle to settle this matter, subject to court approval, and we recorded an estimated loss provision of $6.2 million in connection with the proposed settlement during the second quarter of fiscal 2017. In March 2018, the parties executed a settlement agreement, subject to final court approval. In April 2018, the court preliminarily approved the settlement agreement and certified a class for settlement purposes. In May 2018, the class members were sent notice of the settlement and in August 2018, the court granted final approval of the settlement. As a result, we recorded a $1.5 million reduction in our original accrual estimate to reflect the final required cash payments to be made as part of this settlement which were subsequently paid in October 2018. Additionally, we were required to issue non-transferable discount coupons to approximately 612,000 existing Tillys customers not covered by the cash payments in early September 2018. These coupons entitle the recipient to a one -time 50% discount on a single purchase transaction of up to $1,000 . Any unused coupons will expire on September 4, 2019. As of November 3, 2018, less than one percent of these coupons had been redeemed, representing less than one quarter of one percent of total sale transactions since the coupons were issued. Consequently, these coupons had no material impact on our fiscal 2018 third quarter comparable store net sales or operating results as a whole. On a transactional basis, redemption transactions have produced an average sale that is approximately three times larger than non-redemption transactions during this same time period, but with a significantly lower margin rate. The net result has been an increase in net margin dollars produced per redemption transaction that is approximately 20 percent higher than non-redemption transactions. There can be no assurances that these results, or the level of redemptions, will remain consistent through the redemption period, particularly during the 2018 holiday season. Although redemption activity has been low during the first two months of the redemption period, the potential impact through September 4, 2019 could be material and could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations. Skylar Ward, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated, v. Tillys, Inc., Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Case No. BC595405. In September 2015, the plaintiff filed a putative class action lawsuit against us alleging, among other things, various violations of California's wage and hour laws. The complaint sought class certification, unspecified damages, unpaid wages, penalties, restitution, and attorneys' fees. In June 2016, the court granted our demurrer to the plaintiff's complaint on the grounds that the plaintiff failed to state a cause of action against Tilly's and dismissed the complaint. Specifically, the court agreed with us that the plaintiff's cause of action for reporting-time pay fails as a matter of law as the plaintiff and other putative class members did not "report for work" with respect to certain shifts on which the plaintiff's claims are based. In November 2016, the court entered a written order sustaining our demurrer to the plaintiff's complaint and dismissing all of plaintiffs causes of action with prejudice. In January 2017, the plaintiff filed an appeal of the order to the California Court of Appeal. In October 2017, the plaintiff filed her opening appellate brief, and our responding appellate brief was filed in December 2017. In May 2018, the plaintiff filed her reply appellate brief. Later in May 2018, an amicus brief was filed by Abercrombie &amp; Fitch Stores, Inc., in support of Tillys position in this appeal. Oral argument was heard by the California Court of Appeal in November 2018, and we are awaiting its written opinion. We have defended this case vigorously, and will continue to do so. In June 2015, we and one of our vendors entered into a settlement arrangement with a plaintiff who filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against the vendor and us related to certain vendor products we sell. The settlement required that the vendor pay $2.0 million to the plaintiff over three years , and we agreed to guarantee such payments in exchange for a security interest in the vendor's intellectual property. We concluded this matter with the final settlement payment on June 5, 2018. The total settlement amount paid by us was not materially different from the amount previously accrued.
Healthcare: Reform or ration considers: The contribution of the biotechnology sector to the Australian economy, export challenges and opportunities and policies that would support sector innovation and advance Australia\u27s comparative advantage; How education in STEM skills underpins an innovative economy and policies that would improve the quality and quantity of students undertaking STEM subjects; and The fiscal challenges confronting Australia\u27s tax-based healthcare system, and the reforms necessary to sustain universal access. Authors Professor Just Stoelwinder Professor and Chair of Health Services Management, Monash University Professor Philip Clarke Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics, Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne Professor Ian Chubb AC Australia\u27s Chief Scientist Dr Julian Clark Head of Business Development, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Dr Anna Lavelle Chief Executive Officer AusBiotech Dr Vince FitzGerald, Senior Research Fellow, CEDA Professor Ian Chubb AC Australia\u27s Chief Scientist Dr Julian Clark Head of Business Development, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Professor Philip Clarke Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics, Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne Dr Vince FitzGerald, Senior Research Fellow, CEDA Dr Anna Lavelle Chief Executive Officer AusBiotech Professor Just Stoelwinder Professor and Chair of Health Services Management, Monash University Related identifier: ISBN 0 85801 286
COMMITMENTS, CONTINGENCIES AND AGREEMENTS Ethanol, corn oil, and distiller grains marketing agreements and major customers The Company has entered into a marketing agreement with RPMG, a related party, to sell all ethanol produced at the plant at a mutually agreed on price, less commission and transportation charges. As of March 31, 2015 , the Company had commitments to sell approximately 20% of its produced gallons of ethanol at various fixed prices and 80% of its produced gallons of ethanol at basis price levels indexed against exchanges for delivery through June 30, 2015. The Company has entered into a marketing agreement with RPMG to sell all corn oil produced at the plant at a mutually agreed on price, less marketing fees and transportation charges. As of March 31, 2015 , the Company had commitments to sell approximately 2,000,000 pounds of corn oil at various fixed and basis price levels indexed against exchanges for delivery through June 30, 2015. The Company also has an investment in RPMG, included in other assets, totaling approximately $2,653,000 as of March 31, 2015 . The Company has entered into a marketing agreement to sell all distiller grains produced at the plant to CHS, an unrelated party, at a mutually agreed on price, less commission and transportation charges. The agreement was renewed for another one year term on April 1, 2015. The agreement calls for automatic renewal for successive one-year terms unless 120-day prior written notice is given before the current term expires. As of March 31, 2015 , the Company had approximately 91,000 tons of distiller grains commitments for delivery through September 2015 at various fixed prices. Sales and marketing fees related to the agreements in place for the three months ended March 31, 2015 and 2014 were approximately as follows: Three Months Ended Three Months Ended March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014 Sales ethanol $ 44,296,000 $ 63,196,000 Sales distiller grains 15,339,000 17,147,000 Sales corn oil 2,035,000 1,886,000 Marketing fees ethanol $ 42,000 $ 33,00
ParityDeals Increase sales conversion from emerging markets by 10x
Following a devastating nuclear war, Lilith Iyapo awakens after 250 years of stasis to find herself surrounded by a group of aliens called the Oankali. These highly evolved beings want to trade DNA by breeding with humans so that each species’ genes can diversify and fortify the other. The only alternative they offer is sterilization of the entire human race. Should humanity take the leap into the biological unknown, or hold on to its identity and perish? Questions like this haunt Octavia Butler’s "Dawn," the first in her trilogy "Lilith’s Brood." A visionary storyteller who upended science fiction, Butler built stunning worlds throughout her work– and explored dilemmas that keep us awake at night. Born in 1947, Butler grew up shy and introverted in Pasadena, California. She dreamt up stories from an early age, and was soon scribbling these scenarios on paper. At twelve, she begged her mother for a typewriter after enduring a campy science fiction film called "Devil Girl From Mars." Unimpressed with what she saw, Butler knew she could tell a better story. Much science fiction features white male heroes who blast aliens or become saviors of brown people. Butler wanted to write diverse characters for diverse audiences. She brought nuance and depth to the representation of their experiences. For Butler, imagination was not only for planting the seeds of science fiction– but also a strategy for surviving an unjust world on one’s own terms. Her work often takes troubling features of the world such as discrimination on the basis of race, gender, class, or ability, and invites the reader to contemplate them in new contexts. One of her most beloved novels, the "Parable of the Sower," follows this pattern. It tells the story of Lauren Oya Olamina as she makes her way through a near-future California, ruined by corporate greed, inequality, and environmental destruction. As she struggles with hyperempathy, or a condition in the novel that causes her to feel others’ pain, and less often, their pleasure. Lauren embarks on a quest with a group of refugees to find a place to thrive. There, they seek to live in accordance with Lauren’s found religion, Earthseed, which is based on the principle that humans must adapt to an ever-changing world. Lauren’s quest had roots in a real life event– California Prop 187, which attempted to deny undocumented immigrants fundamental human rights, before it was deemed unconstitutional. Butler frequently incorporated contemporary news into her writing. In her 1998 sequel to "The Parable of the Sower," "Parable of the Talents," she wrote of a presidential candidate who controls Americans with virtual reality and “shock collars.” His slogan? “Make America great again.” While people have noted her prescience, Butler was also interested in re-examining history. For instance, "Kindred" tells the story of a woman who is repeatedly pulled back in time to the Maryland plantation of her ancestors. Early on, she learns that her mission is to save the life of the white man who will rape her great grandmother. If she doesn’t save him, she herself will cease to exist. This grim dilemma forces Dana to confront the ongoing trauma of slavery and sexual violence against Black women. With her stories of women founding new societies, time travelers overcoming historical strife, and interspecies bonding, Butler had a profound influence on the growing popularity of Afrofuturism. That’s a cultural movement where Black writers and artists who are inspired by the past, present and future, produce works that incorporate magic, history, technology and much more. As Lauren comes to learn in "Parable of the Sower," "All that you touch you Change. All that you Change Changes you. The only lasting truth is Change.”
PRESIDENT Executive Profile Media relations pro with compelling pitching skills, delivering top tier media and publicity results for clients. Placed media stories in thousands of international venues across multiple continents, including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, People, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Time and Newsweek. Booked client appearances on NBC's Today show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, David Letterman, Good Morning America, Oprah, and many more. Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communicator, proficient in creating quality written material, with published articles and bylines in dozens of magazines and media outlets. Large-scale international special events management, positioning and publicity expert for Future Capitals World Summit & Expo (Abu Dhabi), the World Summit on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (WSIE, Dubai), the US-Arab Economic Forum with Colin Powell (USA), and more. Bi-culturally insightful strategist, delivering marketing communications programs that support growth in international markets, with experience in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) regions, and in Central America. Innovative branding executive and savvy problem-solver for regional, national and international clients across multiple industries, including economic development, travel & tourism, government, energy, technology, education, financial, healthcare, and sports & entertainment. SKILLED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIST AND PUBLIC RELATIONS EXECUTIVE with significant and progressive experience developing, managing and executing integrated marketing and PR campaigns for a broad range of regional, international and global clients, industries and events. Proven leader in brand development, project management, international media relations, multi-cultural marketing, special events, team building, and collateral development. Partial Client List Global Organizations Sports Marketing Healthcare PPD Clinical Research Facility, Pfizer, American Institute of Healthcare & Fitness, Medical College of Ohio, Environmental Health Perspectives Financial Capital Bank, Fifth Third Bank Government, Travel, and Tourism Environmental Health Perspectives magazine, Michigan Economic Areas of Expertise Marketing Communications Strategy Corporate Communications Brand Development & Auditing Brand Message & Image Development Multi-Cultural Marketing Special Events & Launches Project & Team Management Idea Generation Public Relations Campaigns Regional, National & Global PR Publicist & Company Spokesperson Press Conferences & Media Tours Media Training & Development Collateral Writing & Development Website Content Social Media Strategy & Content Core Accomplishments Directed all PR efforts, including organizing press conferences, managing special promotions, serving as media spokesperson, managing celebrity appearances and writing media releases, sponsorship, and grant proposals. Managed media relations, sponsor relations, merchandising, co-op advertising, television syndication and sponsor fulfillment. Successfully pitched and placed a remote feature on The Today Show, and won a Gold Award for the "Best Press Kit" from the International Festivals and Events Association (IFEA). Professional Experience President Jan 2006 to Current Company Name - City , State An independent marketing & PR practice helping SMEs meet their business needs. Conduct brand audits and develop results-driven business strategies to help clients define, manage and reach their business goals. Develop and execute integrated marketing communications programs, special events and PR campaigns for multiple clients in various industries. Provide creative oversight and development of key messaging, brand image, Web site content, and marketing collateral to effectively position clients among the media and their target audiences. Vice President Jan 2011 to Jan 2012 Company Name - City , State A Startup company formed to capitalize on a constitutional amendment in Honduras that allowed the creation of new cities with semi-independent governance systems. Developed strategic marketing communications campaign and multi-cultural messaging for key audiences and international media to facilitate cross-national communication and ensure global awareness of the project. Created innovative community relations program and bi-lingual presentation to engage and nurture relationships with Honduran president and government officials, business leaders, and select media in Tegucigalpa. Managed vendors and provided creative oversight for brand development, logo, Web site development and content, and PR partners in Central America. Director of Brand Jan 2004 to Jan 2007 Company Name - City , State A full service marketing agency, offering public relations, advertising, and design. Developed brand strategy and award-winning PR campaigns for the agency and its clients in the fields of healthcare, financial services, sports marketing and business to business services. Managed the PR staff and budget, and worked closely with company president to position and launch their sports marketing division. Improved company's market position by successfully introducing and managing the market planning and RFP processes for agency clients. Continued. Director of Public Relations & Agency Associate Jan 2000 to Jan 2004 Company Name - City , State Worked with president and chairman of an international chamber of commerce to enhance economic exchange and cultural understanding between public and private sectors in the US and Middle East & North Africa (MENA). Helped company expand from vertical to horizontal markets by conducting a brand audit, brand and positioning refresh, identifying and developing profit centers, standardizing event and sponsorship structures, and favorably positioning the chamber in the international media. LINK Led worldwide media relations efforts and facilitated network media interviews and press conferences resulting in nearly 40 million media impressions globally for The US-Arab Economic Forum's flagship event. Worked with participating foreign ministries and government officials from the Middle East, and, the US state department and homeland security, as well as dozens of c-level executives of Fortune 500 companies including HP, Boeing, Microsoft, Cisco, OPEC, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobile and others. LINK Developed and executed a public relations campaign and grand opening event for professional sports venue and event stadium Ford Field in Detroit. Created and executed a Tasting Event targeted at non-sports related conference and special event planners which generated a total of 400 leads, and resulted in nearly $5 million in revenue booked within the first six weeks after opening. LINK Page 2 of 2 Professional Experience, cont. A full service marketing agency, offering public relations, advertising, and design. Developed effective communications strategies and PR campaigns for multiple events and clients in the government, economic development, travel and tourism and education sectors. Grew the PR division and staff by managing department budget and goals, leading client presentations for new PR business pitches and RFP's, and developing a media training program. Collaborated with multiple teams within the agency to integrate marketing efforts with PR, and was appointed to an Agency Associate team to assess and raise awareness of important interdepartmental issues and development initiatives to the senior partners. Publicist & Director of Marketing Jan 1996 to Jan 2000 Company Name - City , State A private agent and lawyer representing the careers of select professional athletes. Served as primary media contact, publicist and image strategist to shape and protect the brand images of World Figure Skating Champion Michelle Kwan and Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast Mary Lou Retton. Managed all details of public and media appearances including TV appearances, book tours, photo shoots, press conferences, and commercials, and developed all marketing collateral, videos, media kits, book excerpts, scripts and speeches. Successfully pitched Michelle Kwan for People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful" issue, and two issues of Sports Illustrated's exclusive Father's Day Issue. Director of Public Relations Jan 1992 to Jan 1996 Company Name - City , State A special events company of 10 full-time employees and 1400 volunteers who producing Michigan's two largest civic events: America's Thanksgiving Parade and the International Freedom Festival & Fireworks, each attracting well over a million people. Education Master of Science , Administration Business, Marketing Central Michigan University - City , State Administration Business, Marketing Bachelor of Applied Arts , Journalism & Public Relations, Broadcasting Journalism & Public Relations, Broadcasting Skills photo, advertising, Agency, book, brand strategy, brand development, budget, bi, business strategies, c, Cisco, community relations, conferences, client, clients, special events, financial, Fireworks, government, HP, image, logo, managing, market planning, marketing, market, marketing collateral, marketing communications, media relations, media training, messaging, exchange, network, positioning, presentations, press, PR, processes, producing, profit, public relations, publicist, RFP, scripts, speeches, strategist, strategic marketing, TV, Web site development and content, Web site content Professional Affiliations National Association of Women Business Owners Public Relations Society of America Adcraft Club Michigan Festivals & Events Association International Festivals & Events Association
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Title: Living versus cadaveric-donor renal transplant recipients: a comparison on sexual function. Abstract: Erectile dysfunction is experienced by 50% of men with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and uremia. The origin of this dysfunction is multifactorial. The aim of this study was to compare living donor versus cadaveric donor transplant recipients regarding male sexual function. Seventy-seven sexually active male kidney transplant recipients (44 from living donors; 33 from cadaveric donors) were randomly selected from our single-center prospective database of 2016 renal transplants. Epidemiological and clinical data were collected between June 2010 and June 2011. Male sexual function was evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire (IIEF-15). We assessed the prevalence of male sexual dysfunction according to established cutoff points for each of the IIEF-15 domains. Mann-Whitney and Pearson's chi- square statistical tests were used to compare continuous and categorical variables, respectively. The median age at the time of completion of the questionnaires was 43 and 51 years (P = .003) with median times from transplantation was of 36 and 42 months for living donor and cadaveric donor recipients, respectively (P = .31). Median durations of ESRD before surgery were 17.5 and 57 months for living donor and cadaveric donor recipients, respectively (P < .001). Living donor and cadaveric donor recipients had median creatinine clearance values of 55 and 57 mL/min, respectively (P = .44). Median time after renal transplantation for first sexual intercourse was 1 and 2 months for living donor and cadaveric donor recipients, respectively (P = .35). Median body mass indices for living donor and cadaveric donor recipients were 24.8 and 24, respectively (P = .31). Regarding sexual function domains, there were significant differences only for intercourse satisfaction. In our cohort, living donor recipients tended to be younger, have shorter time of ESRD, and less incidence of hypertension or diabetes mellitus but with greater tobacco use. In conclusion, living donor transplantation exerted a favorable impact on sexual function.
20. Segments and Related Information The regulated electric utility operating results of NSP-Minnesota, NSP-Wisconsin, PSCo and SPS, as well as the regulated natural gas utility operating results of NSP-Minnesota, NSP-Wisconsin and PSCo are each separately and regularly reviewed by Xcel Energy's chief operating decision maker. Xcel Energy evaluates performance by each utility subsidiary based on profit or loss generated from the product or service provided. These segments are managed separately because the revenue streams are dependent upon regulated rate recovery, which is separately determined for each segment. Given the similarity of the regulated electric utility operations of its utility subsidiaries, and the similarity of the regulated natural gas utility operations of its utility subsidiaries, Xcel Energy has the following reportable segments: regulated electric utility, regulated natural gas utility and all other. ? Xcel Energy's regulated electric utility segment generates, transmits, and distributes electricity in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Texas, and New Mexico. In addition, this segment includes sales for resale and provides wholesale transmission service to various entities in the United States. Regulated electric utility also includes commodity trading operations. ? Xcel Energy's regulated natural gas utility segment transports, stores and distributes natural gas primarily in portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Michigan and Colorado. Revenues from operating segments not included above are below the necessary quantitative thresholds and are therefore included in the all other category. Those primarily include steam revenue, appliance repair services, nonutility real estate activities, revenues associated with processing solid waste into refuse-derived fuel and investments in rental housing projects that qualify for low-income housing tax credits. To report income from continuing operations for regulated electric and regulated natural gas utility
Why everyone in the valley doesn't use this service is beyond me. They carry every quality pet food manufactured, their prices are competitive, they deliver...FREE... no matter how small the order...right to your door....what a deal. I've used Goober for a couple of years they have never missed a delivery, never been late. Great customer service, and the ladies that answer the phone really know their stuff! Have a pet with allergies... This is your place for quality pet food, they will aldo have lots a good suggestions on your pets diet.
Hydrogen vs. Battery Electric Cars The amount of bias in this presentation is enormous. A far better discussion of hydrogen, not sponsored by a manufacturer, is in the Real Engineering channel for July 27, 2018. The cost per fuel load of a 500 km range car is far greater than battery recharge. About 1800 Toyota Mirai’s were sold in 202, but 264000 Tesla’s in one quarter. The reason is economics. With respect to the “zero emission “ claim, 90 % or more of the hydrogen in this country is produced by partial combustion of methane, emitting lots of CO2. Hydrogen with fuel cells makes some sense for trucks, due to weight load fractions, but not for cars due to irreducible efficiency problems. Hydrogen for planes makes sense, but in combustion engines, not fuel cells, and probably with liquid H2. Mr. Toyoda made some very bad decisions because of personal bias, not full consideration of engineering issues. He is now trying to use advertising and lobbying to depress the market for battery EVs and push H2 using government support, while still selling millions of polluting ICE vehicles. This presentation might be titled “Physics Girl sells out”. What a shame.
I purchased this sweater since the design immediately caught my eye. i love it. i am 5-03 fit and trim, but chose a large/regular to accommodate my shoulders and chest. the fit is close but i do not look "poured" into it. i do have a long back-waist length--not a true petite. the wool is soft, substantial; but not bulky. sleeve length is flattering. i plan to wear this sweater to the office on casual fridays with well-fitted dark-wash jeans--an appropriate look for anyone, not withstanding an ad
Best beer selection in Arizona but the good features end there. It's the only reason I return and put up with the following. Service is often horrible, even during the day when there are few patrons. Often you have to go up to the bar to order even when there is a server in your section. It makes no sense that a mug of beer should be empty for more than 10 minutes before it is noticed. Food is subpar and wouldn't get such a pass from most people if this place didn't have the beer. Prices are reasonable. Website is often inaccurate re: what is actually on tap.
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Business Combinations On July 2, 2018, Federated completed, effective as of July 1, 2018 , the acquisition of a controlling interest in Hermes ( Hermes Acquisition ). The addition of London-based Hermes provides the opportunity to further accelerate Federated's growth in markets outside of the U.S. BT Pension Scheme ( BTPS ) retained a 29.5 percent interest in Hermes and contributed the remaining 10.5 percent interest into an Employee Benefit Trust ( EBT ) for the benefit of certain members of Hermes' management and other key employees under a long-term incentive plan ( LTIP ). Federated paid $343.5 million (which consists of $344.3 million paid in 2018 offset by $0.8 million returned in the second quarter of 2019). Federated funded the transaction through a combination of cash and an $18.0 million drawdown from its existing revolving credit facility (see Note (11) for additional information). Federated and BTPS entered into a Put and Call Option Deed pursuant to which Federated has a call option to acquire BTPS ' remaining 29.5 percent interest in Hermes at fair value and BTPS has a put option to sell its remaining interest in Hermes to Federated at fair value, after the third, fourth or fifth anniversaries, and subject to certain contingencies, the sixth anniversary, of the date of the purchase agreement. Federated does not consider BTPS ' 29.5 percent noncontrolling interest in Hermes to be permanent equity, due to it being redeemable at the option of either BTPS or Federated and, therefore, not entirely within Federated's control. Hermes granted equity awards from the EBT in the form of restricted nonpublic subsidiary stock pursuant to the LTIP to certain members of Hermes management and other key employees. These awards, which are subject to continued service vesting requirements, vest over a period of three to five years . At various predetermined dates, but no earlier than 9 months after vesting, award holders have a right to exercise a put option to sell shares to Federated at fair value and Federated has a right to exercise a call option to acquire shares at fair value. The grant date fair value of the awards is recognized as Compensation and Related expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income over the relevant vesting periods, with a corresponding adjustment to Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiaries in the Consolidated Balance Sheets . As a result of the grant of the equity awards in a nonpublic consolidated subsidiary under the terms of the LTIP and EBT , the shares are not included in the attribution of the subsidiary's income and losses to noncontrolling interest holders until the awards vest. Therefore, Federated initially recognized the fair value of 33 percent of Hermes as Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiaries on the Consolidated Balance Sheets . The attribution of the subsidiary's income and loss is recognized in Net Income (Loss) Attributable to the Noncontrolling Interests in Subsidiaries on the Consolidated Statements of Income and is expected to fluctuate as the LTIP awards vest and put/call options are exercised. Federated's diluted earnings per share calculation is adjusted for the proportionate share of net income related to the unvested equity awards in a nonpublic consolidated subsidiary (see Note (14) for additional information). During the second quarter 2019, the Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiaries carrying value was adjusted by $16.6 million to the current redemption value, assuming the Hermes noncontrolling interest was redeemable at the balance sheet date. The noncontrolling interest was adjusted through a corresponding adjustment to retained earnings. Management, assisted by a third party valuation specialist, estimated the current redemption values using three methodologies: (1) the discounted cash flow methodology under the income approach, (2) the guideline public company methodology under the market approach and 3) the guideline public transaction methodology under the market approach. The estimated current redemption value was derived from equally weighting the result of each of the three methodologies. As of September 30, 2019 , Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiaries related to Hermes was $187.7 million . Federated performed a valuation of the fair market value of the Hermes Acquisition . Provisional amounts must be finalized within a one-year measurement period. During the second quarter 2019, provisional amounts recognized for certain Intangible Assets and Other Long-Term Assets were adjusted to reflect facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date. The adjustments were primarily the result of changes to the forecast revenue allocated to certain acquired assets based on review of actual fund and separate account revenue rates. Intangible Assets and Other Long-Term Assets increased $43.8 million and $5.0 million , respectively. Primarily as a result of these adjustments, the Long-Term Deferred Tax Liability increased by $8.2 million and Goodwill decreased by $41.8 million . There was no material change to the Consolidated Statements of Income for the three- and nine -month periods ended September 30, 2019 as a result of these adjustments. The following table summarizes the final purchase price allocation determined as of the purchase date: (in millions) Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 175.8 Other Current Assets 1 53.7 Goodwill 2 114.1 Intangible Assets 3 320.0 Other Long-Term Assets 4 40.1 Less: Long-Term Deferred Tax Liability, net (28.7 ) Less: Liabilities Acquired 5 (162.3 ) Less: Fair Value of Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiary 6 (169.2 ) Total Purchase Price Consideration $ 343.5 1 Includes $31.9 million of receivables, all of which has been collected as of June 30, 2019. 2 The goodwill recognized is attributable to enhanced revenue and AUM growth opportunities from future investors and the assembled workforce of Hermes. In this instance, goodwill is not deductible for tax purposes. 3 Includes $71.6 million for customer relationships with a weighted-average useful life of 8.5 years , $198.5 million for indefinite-lived renewable investment advisory contracts and $49.9 million for an indefinite-lived trade name, all of which are recorded in Intangible Assets, net on the Consolidated Balance Sheets . 4 Includes $11.2 million of Property and Equipment, net. 5 Includes $130.3 million related to Accrued Compensation and Benefits . 6 The fair value of the noncontrolling interest was determined utilizing the market approach and consideration of the overall business enterprise value. The financial results of Hermes have been included in Federated's Consolidated Financial Statements from the July 1, 2018 effective date of the Hermes Acquisition. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2019 , Hermes earned revenue of $49.3 million and $145.9 million , respectively, and net income of $3.0 million and $5.5 million , respectively (which excludes acquisition-related intangible amortization and amounts attributable to the noncontrolling interests). For the three months ended September 30, 2018, Hermes earned revenue of $49.7 million and net income of $5.7 million (which excludes acquisition-related intangible amortization and amounts attributable to the noncontrolling interests). The following table summarizes unaudited pro forma financial information assuming the Hermes Acquisition occurred at the beginning of the period presented. This pro forma financial information is for informational purposes only and is not indicative of actual results that would have occurred had the Hermes Acquisition been completed on the assumed date and it is not indicative of future results. In addition, the following pro forma financial information does not reflect the realization of any cost savings (nor does management expect to realize any cost savings) or other synergies from the Hermes Acquisition . The pro forma results include adjustments for the effect of acquisition-related expenses (including compensation and related expense, income tax expense and amortization related to newly acquired intangibles) as well as adjustments to conform to Federated's U.S. GAAP accounting policies. Nine Months Ended (in millions) September 30, 2018 Revenue $ 923.3 Net Income 1 $ 179.9 1 Excludes a $29.0 million loss on foreign currency forward transactions entered into in order to hedge against foreign exchange rate fluctuations associated with the payment for the Hermes Acquisition.
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ModernBERT-Biz-Trinary-Classifier-Fine_tuning - Fine-Tuning Dataset for Business Text Classification

📌 Overview

This dataset was used to fine-tune ModernBERT-Biz-Trinary-Classifier, a model that classifies text as:

  • Business_Action_Direct: Clearly business-related (financial reports, funding rounds, revenue impact).
  • Business_Intelligence_Indirect: Business-adjacent (economic trends, regulatory changes, potential business insights).
  • Not_Business_Relevant: No meaningful business context.

The dataset includes a diverse mix of social media posts, news articles, financial reports, forum discussions, and general text, ensuring robust business classification performance.

📊 Dataset Statistics

| Total Samples | 83070 |

🛠 Features

  • text (string): The raw input text.
  • Business_Action_Direct (0/1): Whether the text contains direct business action.
  • Business_Intelligence_Indirect (0/1): Whether the text contains indirect business intelligence.
  • Not_Business_Relevant (0/1): Whether the text is not related to business.

🏗 Dataset Card

  • Author: [Your Name / Organization]
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Tags: business-classification, text-classification, dataset, financial-analysis
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