stringlengths 9
| labels
class label 25
classes |
my hair is falling out after i take a shower. | 1hair falling out
i feel a sharp pain in my ankle joint when i stand. | 10joint pain
my face is all broken out with pimples. | 19acne
i have a pain in my joint | 10joint pain
my skin color on my back is red, i don't know why. | 7skin issue
i don't have the energy to do the things that i used to | 13body feels weak
i get chills and aches all over. | 24feeling cold
i have a pain in my joint | 10joint pain
cramps along the whole abdomen | 8stomach ache
i feel fluid trying to come up when i cough. | 22cough
after eating i have burning sensation inside of me. | 8stomach ache
my stomach has been sore since yesterday. | 8stomach ache
my lower back hurts but it improves if i stretch it | 20muscle pain
is pimples a skin disease? | 19acne
i feel a pain in my neck | 21neck pain
i complain alot with skin allergy | 7skin issue
i'm having a hard time reading because the letters are all fuzzy | 18blurry vision
itch at front and center of scalp | 1hair falling out
i had an accident and my wound was open when i arrived to hospital | 16open wound
severe pain in the upper left side of chest and may have pain to back | 2heart hurts
there's swelling in my neck and it hurts. | 21neck pain
i cut my foot at the pool and it breaks open every day when i walk on it. | 16open wound
i can hardly move my neck. it hurts. | 21neck pain
my heart is pumping fast and i'm having a hard time to breath. | 11hard to breath
i have a foot ache although i don't walk a lot. | 4foot ache
my knee hurts when i play squash | 9knee pain
i have disterbance in my emotion | 0emotional pain
i feel a bone-on-bone pain in my knees when i climb stairs. | 10joint pain
i have a sharp pain in my abdomen. | 17internal pain
i feel discomfort throughout the body in general | 13body feels weak
i got acne when i ate chili | 19acne
there is a tingling sensation in my neck. | 21neck pain
my body aches on the inside between my hips and shoulders. | 17internal pain
i have a mental suffering | 0emotional pain
i get chills and aches all over. | 24feeling cold
when i play sports i have some burning sensation in my spine | 15back pain
i can't stand up, i feel my brain is moving inside my skull. | 12head ache
anytime i play tennis i feel a shoulder pain | 5shoulder pain
i have issue with my skin | 7skin issue
it feels like my heart is going to leap out of my body. it hurts. | 2heart hurts
it hurts when i raise my arm up | 5shoulder pain
my knee hurts when i play squash | 9knee pain
i'm feeling nauseous | 8stomach ache
i noticed an important decrease in my vision when i try to look at things up close. | 18blurry vision
the knee feels like it rusted and i suddenly cannot bend it anymore. | 9knee pain
i have a scab on the back of my hand that just won't go away. | 7skin issue
my daughter had her eyebrows threaded and it pulled an opening of skin in one of her brows that is now puffy and oozing. | 3infected wound
surgical wounds red, firing pus, painful and hot to the touch | 3infected wound
my foot is hurting so much. | 4foot ache
the knee feels like it rusted and i suddenly cannot bend it anymore. | 9knee pain
i have a great pain in my foot like thrombing pain with relaxing my pain releif | 4foot ache
my back hurts so much i can't bend down to tie my shoelaces. | 15back pain
i must see a doctor i have an open wound | 16open wound
i feel a great pain in my shoulder joint and it does not go away | 10joint pain
my body feels weak after my first day in the gym, why? | 13body feels weak
anytime i play tennis i feel a shoulder pain | 5shoulder pain
i can't ride my car at night because i have blurry vision. | 18blurry vision
i don't know why i'm constantly sad. | 0emotional pain
i stopped sports because i get injury from sports | 6injury from sports
i feel pain in my knee | 9knee pain
i couldn't stop shaking or unclench my jaw, that's how cold i was. | 24feeling cold
i have shooting pain in my kneecap after working out. | 9knee pain
i feel a soreness in my knees when i walk | 10joint pain
i wish this excruciating feeling of loss could go away. | 0emotional pain
there's swelling in my neck and it hurts. | 21neck pain
i feel sad | 0emotional pain
i had a pain in my knee when i was swimming | 9knee pain
oh my heart hurts me i tried to be calm and i can't | 2heart hurts
i notice a lot more hair coming out than usual when i brush my hair | 1hair falling out
i get clusters of pimples on my face that never go away. | 19acne
i can't really jump on my left foot because my triple fracture of the ankle left me with neverending pains. | 4foot ache
my heart hurts me | 2heart hurts
my back hurts so much i can't bend down to tie my shoelaces. | 15back pain
my muscle in my shoulder burns when i move my arm. | 20muscle pain
redness, swelling, and difficulty walking | 9knee pain
i feel cold when the night comes | 24feeling cold
i don't have problems taking in breath but out breath is so heavy | 11hard to breath
all my body is in a bad case and i need a good treatment | 10joint pain
longitudinal burning line across back with hard respiratory movements | 15back pain
itch at front and center of scalp | 1hair falling out
my skin is itching. | 7skin issue
there is pain in the muscles i do not know caused | 20muscle pain
i have a great pain in my foot like thrombing pain with relaxing my pain releif | 4foot ache
i must see a doctor i have an open wound | 16open wound
i feel sad like hurt or pain | 0emotional pain
i break out on my face very frequently | 19acne
i feel a burning sensation in my guts about 2 hours after each meal. | 8stomach ache
my skin is very dry and peeling. | 7skin issue
i hit my head at the basketball game. could i have a concussion? | 6injury from sports
i m feeling cold though the temperature is high | 24feeling cold
i am worried for my driving, because i can barely focus when i am at the wheel, my eyes feel teary. | 18blurry vision
i get a knee pain when i walk a lot | 9knee pain
my head hurts whenever i try to do something. | 12head ache
chronic disease of hair follicles and sebaceous glands | 19acne
my stomach feels full and upset and bloating after big meals. | 8stomach ache
i have a mental suffering | 0emotional pain
when i sneeze very hard i feel ear ache | 23ear ache
the knee feels like it rusted and i suddenly cannot bend it anymore. | 9knee pain
i have a headache almost every day | 12head ache
i don't have full range of motion with my arms | 5shoulder pain
Subsets and Splits