Thursday, June 25, 2015 Jonathan Mizukami presents pasta pop-up at MW Chef Jonathan Mizukami created a Pasta Cafe pop-up in MW restaurant’s private dining room, with an assist from his 13-year-old son Nalu. BY NADINE KAM June 22.,.. I was like, WTF! Such a pain to stop here and there for stuff and bring them home, right? Thursday, June 18, 2015 BLT Steak serving up homegrown Kualoa Ranch oysters Oysters from Kualoa Ranch are topped with smoked avocad caviar as recommended by BLT Steak chef Johan Svensson. He also recommends trying smokey flavored Chipotle Tabasco. BY NADINE KAM BLT Steak Waikiki is presenting an exclusive offering of local oysters from Kualoa Ranch, starting today. Last year, Kualoa Ranch started selling the first locally grown Pacific and Kumamoto oysters in decades. Growing more quickly in Hawaii’s temperate weather than on the mainland, these homegrown oysters are described as being savory and kelpy. The oysters will be sold one to two days a week, depending on availability, at $22 for a half dozen, and $42 for a dozen. ——— BLT Steak Waikiki is in the Trump Hotel Waikiki, 223 Saratoga Road. Call (808) 683-74. SKY Waikiki wants you: Job search is on An early rendering of SKY Waikiki interior. BY NADINE KAM After initial plans to open in Spring 2014, SKY Waikiki is finally set to open Aug. 29, and is gearing up with an unusual two-day hiring event. To entice applicants to pledge allegiance to what will be a rooftop bistro, lounge and nightclub, there will be entertainment, door prizes and cash giveaways during the search taking place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. today and tomorrow. Borrowing from big-city playbooks, where models are on the front lines of many establishments, head shots of applicants are encouraged, if available. Resumes are required. And all applicants will be entered into a prize drawing to win more than $1,000 in cash and prizes. The hiring event takes place at Waikiki Shopping Plaza, the lower level at 2250 Kalakaua Ave. There are positions for: Bartenders Cocktail Servers VIP Hosts Hosts/hostess Security Associates Promoters Food Runners Server Assistants Bar Apprentices Kitchen Staff Maintenance / Day cleaner For more information,une 17, 2015 First look: Food play at Thank Q Pocha A whole roast chicken is crowned with squid at Thank Q Pocha. BY NADINE KAM Back and forth I go, from serious eats last week, to the playful at Thank Q Pocha. Just after I said I have trouble with chefs playing with food, here’s a restaurant that carries the idea of play to the extreme. The difference is, Thank Q Pocha doesn’t give the impression of begging “look at me” or trying to reinvent cuisine. It’s just inviting the diner to have fun, and putting the diner first is a worthy pursuit. The pocha is the Korean equivalent of the Japanese izakaya, so bring the party as food and drinks flow from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. daily. Drinks are a large part of the pocha experience. Orange and apple soju come in their respective hollowed out fruit “cups.” The restaurant is in the space that was once home to Territorial Savings and later, Sushi San, on Kapiolani Boulevard, near the Bank of Hawaii Ala Moana Center branch. The first time I visited, I thought I was at the wrong place because the first word I saw painted on the glass windows was “Gracias.” But look some more, and you’ll find thanks in other languages as well. If you’re after purely Korean flavors, this is not the place. The menu is a fusion of casual Asian and the American fast food, french fries ($5) and onion rings ($6) meets edamame ($5) and toppoki, the tubular, chewy rice cake ($8 to $15), with cheese apparently the newly annointed food crush overseas. It’s a place for the young, those whose bodies are still able to process those myriad cheese dishes, the fried chicken specialties, carb-laden toppoki and shareable stew platters that fill the menu. Tolerance of K-pop is also a must. ————— Thank Q Pocha is at 1411 Kapiolani Boulevard, open from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. daily. The cost is about $80 for four, without drinks. Call 954-5384. Note: Prices listed here subject to change. The spicy Military Stew ($35) features phó ingredients over ramen, topped with chap chae-filled blood sausage. Five people could not finish this dish, and the remnants are tossed with rice to create a fried rice more comforting to this westerner than the stew itself. The premium and literal Shark Attack features strawberry puree "blood" poured from the mouth of a plastic shark you get to take home. Spoon pizza has a lot more cheese than garlic bread to go with it. Thursday, June 11, 2015 Flowers, foie gras on Arancino at Kahala anniversary summer menu Foie gras marinated in cognac and brandy is strewn with a summer’s garden of edible flowers and greenery. BY NADINE KAM Flowers are everywhere this summer, and on my Fashion Tribe blog I recently wrote of the season’s best accessory, a living flower crown. Well, Arancino at The Kahala’s executive chef Daisuke Hamamoto takes the same inspiration from nature and applies it to his new plates, draping his insalata Misticanza ($13) with micro greens, herbs and edible flowers, while a new dish of terrina di fegato ($20), foie gras marinated in cognac and brandy, also wears a colorful, eye-catching bouquet of edible greens. Both are new a la carte offerings introduced this month in celebration of Arancino at The Kahala’s second anniversary. Both dishes are available for lunch and dinner, along with other new dishes of pesce al cartoccio ($32), an elegant mix of seafood, shimeji mushrooms and broccolini steamed in parchment paper with white wine, and Sangiovese wine risotto layered with grilled Muscovy duck, fried leeks and gold leaf ($26). The restaurant is also offering two new summer tasting menues, one with four courses for $65, and the other comprising five courses for $89. The new risotto dish is offered as a Primi option on the $65 tasting menu, and the foie gras is one of two antipasti options listed on the $89 tasting menu. What I like about their tasting menus is that for each course they provide two or three options, knowing that not everybody shares the same food preferences. I certainly have my share of finicky friends. So on the $65 tasting menu you’ll find antipasti offerings of seafood carpaccio or prosciutto and fruit. For your Primi selection, you’ll have a choice of seafood tagliatelle; tagliolini with white wine, garlic, tomato cream sauce and uni; or the grilled Muscovy duck risotto. All in addition to a choice of lobster bisque or caprese salad, plus dessert of tiramisu or gelato affogato. On the $89 menu you’ll start with a choice of bagna cauda or lobster bisque, followed by local seafood antipasti or the foie gras dish. Secondi options are grilled seafood, sous vide Colorado lamb or braised short rib with Sangiovese wine reduction. Then choose a Primi plate of Ho Farm cherry tomato tagliatelle, tagliolini with tobiko and calamari in garlic-olive oil sauce, or mixed mushroom risotto, before ending with your choice of the day’s desserts. Here’s a look at a recent sampling: ———une 9, 2015 Hard Rock Cafe puts burgers on summer tour J. ———.
The fashion and clothing industry represents almost 20% of total online sales – more during the COVID pandemic. We don’t need to tell you that eCommerce sales are enormous. Growing year on year, online retail is becoming an increasingly important part of the economy. This presents vast opportunities for clothing eCommerce businesses. But here’s a simple truth: if you can’t sell your clothing, you can’t get ahead. The key to great sales? Great product descriptions. Product descriptions are your most significant opportunity to engage with your customer. Think of them as the good old-fashioned sales pitch. We’re here to show you how to supercharge your product descriptions, with five examples of fashion product descriptions. What makes a compelling product description? First, let’s dig a little deeper into what makes a great product description. A great starting point is thinking in terms of your customer. Instead of listing the benefits of your product, let them know how it will help them specifically. This is essential for clothing stores. Instead of only talking about your lovely, soft fabric – also tell them how warm they’ll be on a crisp winter’s morning. You want to create an image in their mind so that they can see themselves in their product. You want to be one step ahead of your customer. Think about what problem your clothes might solve. If you sell clothing for kids, maybe you want to appeal to parents about how your clothes make getting dressed in the morning that much easier. See if you can spot some of these techniques in the following fashion product descriptions… Now for the main event – 6 examples of quality descriptions Men’s Shirts Designed for the jet-setter in mind, our shirt is the ideal blend of comfort and style. Built for the man who’s in demand, this classic design will keep you looking presentable on the go, with a gentle fabric for all-day comfort. Because you won’t perform at your best if you’re irritated by your clothing. Our shirt is a sleek take on a well-loved classic featuring a tried-and-tested spread collar and a slim fit styling. Notice how this description begins to flesh out who the shirt is for while still anchoring to the product itself. This allows customers to imagine themselves improved by your clothing. Sleepwear Getting a full 8-hours can feel near-impossible. From comfort to warmth, what you wear in bed is essential for improving your quality of sleep. With a silky fabric and elegant, airy fit, our sleepwear gives you space to breathe. Our superior comfort puts you on the right track for incredible sleep. Emphasizing your shape in all the right places, with our sleepwear, you don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort – to us, it’s the same thing. This description is all about anticipating problems. People get frustrated when they can’t sleep – we’re letting fashion become part of the solution. Because you sell more than just clothing. Evening dress Evening events are prime time for fashion. You look your best when you feel your best, and our dress can inspire confidence in anyone. We’ll put you at the center of the action without upstaging anyone. Classy and understated, our dress ensures you feel at your best – ready to show off and turn some heads. Made from premium silk, the delicate and flowing construction gives you space to move freely without compromising on elegance. Our evening dress description speaks to how clothing can make you feel. This is a powerful theme among our examples of fashion product descriptions. Men’s Suits The suit has framed all the pivotal moments in history. There’s no denying, it’s a powerful piece of clothing – enough to make anyone feel ready to change the world. We built our suit for the game-changers. Designed for the man ready to take on the world, the slim fit and accentuated shoulders give you the presence you deserve. Made from the highest-quality fabric, we believe that how you dress has a significant effect on how you’re perceived – we made this suit for the highest quality impact. This is another description that focuses on how the clothing will make you feel. Anyone can see what the clothing is, but only you can describe how it will change your life. Shoes Shoes are the ultimate addition to your look. Without stealing the show, this pair can give you the presence you need. With a mid-rise platform heel and commanding pointed toe, this shoe allows you to stand upright, projecting confidence. Everyone knows posture is essential to your image – and this heel gives you the proper support to be seen. The stark contrast of a sleek, black toe and white upper allows this shoe to be worn with almost anything from the office and beyond. This description spends little time talking about what the shoe is but how it can be worn. Again, it shows you how it’ll change how you stand and how that will affect your life. How can I create great product descriptions? Hopefully, these examples of fashion product descriptions shine some light on what makes a description go from good to great. But it should also serve as a warning – creating quality product descriptions takes time. While describing each product is doable, we offer professional product description services for a fraction of the market price. Whether you have hundreds of clothing items or a few handmade garments – we have the expertise to get them sold. Our writers have helped hundreds of clothing businesses drive leads and create conversions – all through the power of language.
I became aware of SlateStarCodex during the online kerfuffle over the popular blogger, Scott, getting his real name and professional identity exposed by the NYT. He’s written a new post about the whole event. He is a victim of sorts, but he doesn’t ask for more sympathy than he deserves. His story is an interesting case study concerning free speech and the internet. See here the consequences of becoming a known figure in 2020. Quotes from Scott:. So, you know, death or abuse and unemployment is all. Scott recognizes that some people have it worse. He used his situation to discuss the whole issue of anonymity. Why do people want anonymity to discuss their ideas? Scott brings us some data: And: a recent poll found that 62% of people feel afraid to express their political beliefs. This isn’t just conservatives – it’s also moderates (64%), liberals (52%) and even many strong liberals (42%). … And the kicker is that these numbers are up almost ten percentage points from the last poll three years ago. Are things getting better or worse for free speech? The answer depends partly on where you start. Are we civilians in America today freer to speak than some of our ancestors who lived under some kind of monarchy or tribal hierarchy? I think so. Has the internet made it easier to share ideas? Well, Scott is nostalgic for an early period of the internet before doxxing. In his words “doxxing was beyond the pale… We’ve lost a lot of that old Internet, sold our birthright to social media companies and content providers for a few spurts of dopamine…” The internet has empowered people to speak, and yet it also comes with new problems, even a whole new set of harmful crimes. I hope that we can adapt better in the future. The internet gives (this month it’s sea shanties and Bernie mittens memes) and the internet takes away. Here are some lyrics to the eerie brilliant song, written by Paul Simon in the 1960’s, before the internet even allowed people to share videos of themselves singing: People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Voices are sharing songs like never before on TikTok, and yet most people are afraid to say something serious. Consider a recent attempt at a serious conversation within the economist that I follow. Dr. Doleac shared this She ended up spending lots of her valuable time blocking rude people. The conversation ended up sidetracked by all of the personal attacks, even prompting this tweet. And by the end we are back to pictures of puppies, to escape. I read that link to post written by blogger whose name got exposed. Wow. I learned some new vocabulary, such as “SWATting” (someone puts fake call into 911 claiming violent situation happening at your address so officers with drawn guns come to your door). This is one of many reasons why you don’t want to get doxxed.
3 Pro Tips To Choose The Perfect Corporate Gift For Your Clients Choosing a corporate gift for your employee or client has undoubtedly proved to be a fantastic way to work on your business relationships. Although every one of us loves to get freebies, we don’t expect it from a business that we’re associated with or are working for. Therefore, it’s always a lovely way to showcase that your business is giving value to the people that make your brand’s reputation and appreciating their efforts over any festival or event. So, how do you plan to do it? How do you deliver something unique to your employees or customers? Well, with an abundance of corporate gift options out there in the market, it can get difficult to choose the right one. We understand that! And therefore, we did some research and listed down some tips that can help you choose the perfect corporate gifts UK. And we think browsing Edible Bloom’s gift selection can help you find some ideal corporate gifts as well. Read on to find out more. Put Yourself In The Receivers’ Shoes You must always go with the corporate gift that would make you happy. Something that you too will love to own and use. It’s considered to be the best test of whether your customers, clients, and employees will be pleased with an incentive or a thoughtful corporate gift. When looking at a corporate gift, if you feel that it’s inexpensive, cheesy, and of low quality, there are higher chances that the receiver will feel the same. So, always put yourself in the receivers’ shoes before deciding on the perfect corporate gift. Always Gift Something That Has Functionality Corporate gifts can easily be used as alternative festival gifts for your in-house team and are quite useful in brand popularity. Therefore, it is important that the gift you choose must have some benefit to the daily life of the recipient. Some of the good examples are useful desk gadgets such as writing materials, power banks, mugs, bags, and pen drives. You can also look up for edible gifts/ edible treats that may satisfy your employees’/clients’ cravings for something sweet. Something like chocolate bouquets or chocolate buckets can do the trick. If you want more options for chocolate gifts delivery, browse Edible Bloom’s extensive selection. Launch The Campaign With A Reason When gifting something to your clients/ employees, always provide them with a reason as to why you chose that particular product. It helps them establish a connection with you and eventually your brand. And, if they look the gift they will use it and your brand will always be front of mind. Final Thoughts Choosing corporate gifts for your employees and customers is a fantastic way to build on your working relationship. And why not? After all, they are your biggest assets. To help you choose the gift wisely, in this post, we discussed some important tips.
This week at the movies we have hungry, hungry rats ("Ratatouille," starring Patton Oswalt and Brad Garrett), a world-weary hero (Bruce Willis in "Live Free or Die Hard"), a provocateur extraordinaire ("Sicko," the new doc from Michael Moore), and a rare midsummer tearjerker ("Evening," starring Meryl Streep and Claire Danes). What do the critics have to say? After a slight stumble with "Cars," "Ratatouille" marks a semi-return to form for Pixar. This animated flick stars Remy (voiced by Patton Oswalt), a rat whose aspirations to become a chef land him in a struggling restaurant’s kitchen, where he befriends a hapless garbage boy (Lou Romano). While critics are floored by the stunning leap in animation quality that Pixar seems to make with each movie, they’re equally impressed by "Ratatouille"’s fast pacing, memorable characters, and overall good humor. And like director Brad Bird‘s previous film, "The Incredibles," "Ratatouille" juggles themes of identity and individualism without being heavy-handed. "At 90 percent Tomatometer, the Certified Fresh "Ratatouille" is a movie to savor. (Check out RT’s interview with Patton Oswalt.) "You like me…you really like me!" Despite the title, the setting for the latest "Die Hard" isn’t New Hampshire; it’s Washington, D.C., where a group of super-hackers (led by Timothy Olyphant) are plotting to attack America’s computer infrastructure and bring the nation to its knees. McClane teams with a cyber geek to stop them; rousing pyrotechnics ensue. Critics say that while the plot is beyond preposterous, it’s of little matter with stunts and action this exhilarating and intense. And they also note that Bruno settles nicely into his iconic role. At 77 percent on the Tomatometer, "Live Free" is not only Certified Fresh, it’s the second-best-reviewed "Die Hard" after the original. (Check out RT’s interview with Bruce Willis here.) Just another day at the office for McClane. Wherever Michael Moore goes, cameras, and controversy, follow. That’s certainly the case for "Sicko"; Moore’s latest doc, which compares and contrasts our privatized health care with other health care systems abroad, has gotten him in hot water with the Bush administration over a potentially embargo-violating Cuban medical trip. But Moore is finding much love among critics, who call it a mature, humanistic film. They praise Moore’s decision to spend much of the time off-screen, allowing the events to convince and anger on their own merits. At 89 percent Tomatometer, "Sicko" is Certified Fresh and just what the doctor ordered. (Check out RT’s interview with Michael Moore.) "Anyone know where I can get some freedom fries?" Like so many other ambitious, richly layered novels adapted into films, "Evening" is what some critics call impossible to translate faithfully to the big screen. Assembling a dazzling cast, "Evening" stars Vanessa Redgrave as terminally ill mother who recounts to her children an affair she had as a young woman (played by Claire Danes). Critics call it a melodramatic artsy film, one that tries to go for emotional uplift, but with plot devices and character arcs that are too obvious to be genuinely affecting. At 32 percent Tomatometer, "Evening" falls and tumbles. A few actors trying to make a quick getaway. Also opening this week in limited release: "Ghosts of Cité Soleil," a harrowing portrait of the titular Haitian slum, is at 81 percent; "Over the GW," an autobiographical look into rehab, is at 80 percent; "In Between Days," a coming of age story with a Korean twist, is at 77 percent; and "Vitus," a drama about a young musical prodigy, is at 69 percent. Recent Pixar Movies ———————————- 76% — "Cars" 97% — "The Incredibles" 98% — "Finding Nemo" 95% — "Monster’s Inc." 100% — "Toy Story 2"
This. See below for the full list! What seemed on its surface to be another schmaltzy, pandering examination of race relations turned out to be one of the surprise hits of the year, thanks mostly to the efforts of its terrific cast. Based on the novel of the same name by Kathryn Stockett, The Help stars Emma Stone as Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan, an intrepid young journalist during Civil Rights era America who decides to write a surely controversial novel about the experiences of black maids from the maids’ perspectives. During the course of her interviews, Skeeter befriends her subjects and an unlikely bond develops, lending Skeeter’s project a new sense of import and purpose. Though some critics felt the film somewhat glossed over its racial themes, the power of the performances, including superb turns by co-stars Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer, helped to elevate the picture to a Certified Fresh 75%. The Help may not quite be the grand lesson in race relations some might want it to be, but it’s a moving look at the era and a worthy adaptation of its source material. Tell anyone you’ve got an alien invasion movie set in the old west, starring Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, and Olivia Wilde, and directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man), and chances are that you’ll have the listener’s full attention. Too bad, then, that the actual film this describes turned out to be a flop. Based on the graphic novel of the same name, Cowboys & Aliens is exactly the kind of genre mash-up that contemporary audiences eat up heartily; 007 himself (Craig) plays a wandering stranger with no memory who stumbles into the New Mexico town of Absolution, only to find that the town’s residents don’t take too kindly to strangers. However, when a mysterious otherworldly menace begins an assault on the town, the stranger must team up with the local lawman (Harrison Ford) to battle for humankind’s survival. So what was the major problem here? Critics felt that, despite appealing performances from Craig and Ford, the film simply shifted its tone too abruptly and too often, never quite settling into a comfortable and effective groove. At 44% on the Tomatometer, Cowboys & Aliens isn’t the awesome genre action flick it could have been, but it may still satisfy those in dire need of a fix. Back in 2009, Warner Bros. had a surprise hit of their own with the raucous bromantic comedy The Hangover, and it was immediately expected that a sequel would follow. Sure enough, two years later, audiences were treated to a second outing with the “Wolf Pack,” namely Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms), Alan (Zach Galifianakis), and Doug (Justin Bartha). If you’ve heard or read anything about the movie, you know that the typical summary offered is “It’s pretty much the same as the first one, except that it takes place in Thailand.” This time around, it’s Stu who’s getting married, so the gang travels back to his fiancee’s homeland for the festivities, and again, it’s Alan who inadvertently brings about another forgotten night of mayhem that the fellas must piece together the day after. What the first movie had going for it — namely, the element of surprise and a sense of joyful mayhem — is largely missing from this sequel, which sports raunchier jokes and a much darker tone. If you don’t mind a sense of déjà vu, feel free to dive right in. Look, it can’t be denied: penguins are adorable. With that in mind, it’s quite understandable why there have been so many films in recent years, from documentaries to CGI-animated tales, centered around our most cuddly, flightless friends. And, of course, as demonstrated by other entries in this week’s list, cliché and become something more, and for that, it sports just a 47% on the Tomatometer. Have room for one more unoriginal story? A remake of the 2007 Israeli film of the same name, The Debt at least does a good job of adapting the original for a new audience. Flashing back and forth between two eras, The Debt tells the story of three Mossad agents who, in 1966, undertook a mission that made them national heroes… But did they really complete their mission, or is there more to the story? Three decades later, having enjoyed a life of some notoriety, the agents must decide whether or not to follow up on their original task, and as more details are revealed, the path becomes more treacherous for all involved. Though the shifts in time may be a little problematic for some at first, critics largely found much to praise in The Debt‘s smartly executed script and impressive acting. With a Certified Fresh 76% and stars like Tom Wilkinson, Helen Mirren, Jessica Chastain, Sam Worthington, Ciaran Hinds, and Marton Csokas filling out the bill, you can be assured this is one thriller that will engage you from start to finish. Two years before leaving his native Britain for Hollywood, Alfred Hitchcock made The Lady Vanishes, a deft blend of thrills and laughs that established a formula the master would utilize in his American films. On a train ride from a fictional Central European country to her native England, Iris (Margaret Lockwood) becomes acquainted with an elderly fellow traveler — who proceeds to seemingly vanish into midair. With the help of musicologist Gilbert (Michael Redgrave), Iris tries desperately to find the old lady, and to prove she’s not crazy. Filled with eccentric supporting characters (including Naunton Wayne and Basil Radford, whose characters Charters and Caldicott became a favorite of British audiences) and plenty of suspenseful twists and turns, The Lady Vanishes finds Hitchcock at an early peak. A new Critierion Blu-ray features a fresh transfer of the film, plus a making-of video essay, audio excerpts of a 1962 Hitchcock interview by Francois Truffaut, and Crook’s Tour, a 1941 film that re-teamed Charters and Caldicott. A troubled production and a flop at the box office, Tora! Tora! Tora! certainly can’t count lack of ambition as one of its faults. A history lesson come to life, the film dramatized the attack on Pearl Harbor from both the American and Japanese perspectives; while many praised its commitment to historical accuracy, others felt the film lacked dramatic heft. The American scenes were directed by Hollywood pro Richard Fleischer, but it was the Japanese scenes that caused headaches for the producers; originally, Akira Kurosawa (!) was to direct, but he backed out, only to be replaced by action director Toshio Masuda and future Battle Royale helmer Kinji Fukasaku (!!). With a cast that includes Martin Balsam, Joseph Cotten, and Jason Robards, as well as Kurosawa and Ozu players So Yamamura and Eijiro Tono, the new Tora! Tora! Tora! Blu-ray is a great stocking stuffer for military buffs on your holiday shopping list; special features include featurettes on the film, behind-the-scenes photos, and commentary from Fleischer. For those looking to get primed and ready for the upcoming fourth installment of the Mission: Impossible franchise, Paramount is releasing a gift set of all three previous films in the Mission: Impossible Extreme Blu-Ray Trilogy. Most will be inclined to debate on whether the first or third installments were the best, while the John Woo-helmed second film is widely regarded as the worst of the three, but for those looking for a bit of globetrotting spy intrigue, they all pretty much serve their purpose. The three disc set comes with dedicated bonus features for each film, most of which have been previously released on earlier editions, so the big draw here is getting all three together for a pretty decent price. This could make for a pretty decent gift for a fan of the series who has yet to upgrade their collection to hi-def.
Jamie McPherson/Silverback/Netflix) What better way to spend this Earth Day – or any day, really – than learning about the wonders of our planet, all that threatens it, and some of the people working tirelessly to preserve it. We’ve put together a list of some of the best planet-centric and environmentally conscious documentaries to watch on Earth Day. From harrowing investigative films like The Ivory Game and intimate series like Planet Earth (I and II!), to the vast oceans of Blue Planet and the chilly reality of Chasing Ice, this list taps into a number of fascinating ecosystems. It will also introduce you to some of the most inspiring people of our time, like Jane Goodall. Whether you’re looking to admire Earth’s beauty or gain some perspective on the challenges it faces, the movies, series, and specials on this list are sure to awaken and inspire, and they’re all available to stream right now. Don’t see your favorite nature special on this list? Share your recommendations in the comments. What it is: This Netflix series showcases the vast ecosystems of Earth, visiting 50 countries in the process. Each episode is practically a feature-length documentary in its own right. After the introductory episode, each installment focuses on a different habitat — “Deserts and Grasslands,” “Frozen Worlds,” “Forests,” and “Jungles” — and three separate episodes are dedications to freshwater and oceanic environments. Critics Consensus: A cornucopia of visual wonder and environmental advocacy, Our Planet’s breathtaking cinematography explores more of this beautiful, blue marble while presenting an urgent call to action to its inhabitants. Where to watch it: Netflix Commitment: ~6 hours (8 episodes, around 50 minutes each) (Photo by Discovery Channel/BBC) What it is: Like Our Planet, but released a decade earlier and by the BBC, Planet Earth charts the Earth’s ecosystems episodically. Perhaps no voice is more recognizable in the nature documentary genre than that of British natural historian David Attenborough, who narrates the BBC version of this documentary series (if you watch the Discovery Channel version, you’ll hear none other than Sigourney Weaver guiding you through each hour-long episode). Planet Earth is essentially the go-to for nature series. It won four Emmys the year it was released: non-fiction series, cinematography, sound editing, and music. Critics Consensus: Planet Earth weaves innovative camera techniques and patient observation to deliver viewers an astounding glimpse of the world’s perils and wonders, capturing jaw-dropping scenery and animals on both an epic and intimate scale. Where to watch it: YouTube, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu Commitment: 9 hours (11 episodes, around 50 minutes each) What it is: Ten years after the award-winning original, BBC’s Natural History Unit released a second, shorter sequel called Planet Earth II that takes viewers to new locales – and a few familiar ones – to document even more harrowing survival stories most of us have never seen before. This time around, the series also explores city-dwelling animals — and they’re probably not the species you’d expect to see thriving in urban environments. Critics Consensus: Planet Earth II offers a spectacular, moving, unprecedented account of the natural world. Where to watch it: Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Vudu Commitment: 5 hours (6 episodes, around 50 minutes each). in 2018 — Attenborough returned, and won the series another Emmy for his narration to boot. Both iterations in the series provide intimate, breathtaking looks at the undersea world with particular focus on its occupants (from seahorses to squids and whales) and the environmental issues that threaten them. Critics Consensus: Blue Planet II‘s hypnotic beauty is complemented by intense ethical musing, contrasting the micro and the macro in a humbling exploration of humanity’s relationship with the ground it stands on. Where to watch it: Amazon, YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu Commitment: ~6 hours (7 episodes, around 50 minutes each — plus an additional 6.5 hours if you want to watch the original series) (Photo by National Geographic) What it is: Chasing Ice follows a celebrated National Geographic photographer as he documents several years of climate change using time-lapse cameras. Critics called the film “spectacular but depressing” and “the most important documentary of the year.” Chasing Ice is a call to attention — and for some, a call to action. Where to watch it: Amazon, iTunes Commitment: 1 hour 30 minutes What it is: If you’re short on time this Earth Day, or on any other binge day, but still want to marvel at the planet’s beauty, look no further than this short but marvelously compelling documentary. Flight of the Butterflies follows the yearlong migration cycle of monarch butterflies from Mexico through the U.S. to Canada and back. Where to watch it: Amazon, iTunes, Vudu Commitment: 45 minutes What it is: This unforgettable documentary feature rattled the world when it was released in 2013. Blackfish follows the story of a performing orca named Tilikum, highlighting the species’ intelligence and the impact of lifelong captivity. Critics called the film “startling,” “powerful,” and “a troubling exposé of Sea World’s hazardous entertainment trade.” It was powerful enough for the amusement park to make several changes. Critics Consensus: Blackfish is an aggressive, impassioned documentary that will change the way you look at performance killer whales. Where to watch it: Amazon, FandangoNow, iTunes, Vudu, Netflix, Hulu Commitment: 83 minutes What it is: This Netflix documentary (produced by Leonardo DiCaprio) goes undercover to investigate the ivory trade (both illegal and legal), and brings to light the horrific practice of elephant tusk poaching. A call to action for activists and governments alike, The Ivory Game sheds light on and condemns the international ivory trade to prevent the imminent and violent extinction of elephants. Since its release, some of the poachers seen in the film have been apprehended and sentenced to years in prison. Critics Consensus: Hard-hitting and ambitious to a fault, The Ivory Game serves as a fittingly urgent call to action against a looming threat against vulnerable wildlife and a fragile ecosystem. Where to watch it: Netflix Commitment: 1hour 52 minutes What it is:. Critics Consensus: Virunga offers a heart-rending glimpse of natural wonders vulnerable to the atrocities of greed — and the people devoting their lives to defending them. Where to watch it: Netflix Commitment: 1 hour 40 minutes (plus 30 extra minutes if you want to watch Virunga: Gorillas in Peril, too) What it is: Another legendary voice in the documentary genre alongside Attenborough is German director Werner Herzog. In Encounters at the End of the World, Herzog serves as both narrator and guide on a trip to Antarctica, and the result is a thoughtful (if at times absurd) study of the environment and human nature. Critics Consensus: Encounters at the End of the World offers a poignant study of the human psyche amid haunting landscapes. Where to watch it: Amazon, FandangoNow, iTunes, Vudu Commitment: 1 hour 40 minutes What it is: This critically acclaimed National Geographic doc drew from more than 100 hours of previously never-before-seen footage to give viewers an intimate portrait of one of the most famous and beloved conservationists of our time, Jane Goodall. For those familiar with Goodall’s work and current activism, Jane will be particularly fascinating, as it transports viewers back to the 1960s when Goodall was in her mid-20s and doing her earliest work observing chimpanzees. The film features a score from composer Philip Glass. Critics Consensus: Jane honors its subject’s legacy with an absorbing, beautifully filmed, and overall enlightening look at her decades of invaluable work. Where to watch it: Disney+, Amazon, FandangoNow, Hulu, iTunes, Vudu Commitment: 1 hour 30 minutes What it is:. Critics Consensus: Chasing Coral offers a breathtakingly beautiful look at some of the Earth’s most incredible natural wonders while delivering a sobering warning about their uncertain future. Where to watch it: Netflix Commitment: 1 hour 30 minutes What it is: This timely documentary narrated by David Attenborough reflects on the past year, during which the COVID-19 pandemic effectively shut down several aspects of everyday life for many of us and, rather unexpectedly, served as an invitation for elements of the natural world to creep back into virtually empty cities. It’s a fascinating look at an unprecedented phenomenon and a testament to the resilience of nature. The release of The Year the Earth Changed also coincides with two other Apple TV+ originals: the second seasons of both the Paul Rudd-narrated Tiny World and the Tom Hiddleston-narrated Earth at Night in Color. (We assume you can gather what they’re about from their titles.) Where to watch it: Apple TV+ Commitment: 48 minutes What it is: For viewers of a certain age, March of the Penguins represents their first exposure to nature documentaries. Thanks to some incredible cinematography, a compelling narrative, and the unforgettable voice of Morgan Freeman, the film was a hit at the box office and became a pop culture touchstone, going on to win the Oscar for Best Documentary. The sequel, March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step, can be streamed on Hulu. Critics Consensus: Only the most hardened soul won’t be moved by this heartwarming doc. Where to watch it: Tubi, HBO Max Commitment: 1 hour 20 minutes What it is: Rather than a broad, sweeping look at the natural world, My Octopus Teacher instead offers a more intimate story about one man’s journey to self discovery, thanks in large part to the unique relationship he forms with — you guessed it — an octopus. The Oscar-nominated documentary follows South African free diver Craig Foster, who meets an unusually curious octopus during one of his dives and chronicles a year of his experiences bonding with the creature. In the process, Foster learns to appreciate his own life and humanity’s crucial ties to nature. Where to watch it: Netflix Commitment: 1 hour 24 minutes What it is: As evidenced by this list, Sir David Attenborough has been the elegant, soothing voice behind many of the best nature documentaries ever produced, and his work over the past half century has not only highlighted the most astonishing wonders of our planet but also advocated for a greater dedication to ecological preservation. This documentary — narrated by Attenborough himself, of course — utilizes his remarkable life as a backdrop to examine how drastically the world has changed during the course of his career, and it serves as his personal “witness statement” to encourage humanity to fundamentally change its relationship with nature for the greater good. Where to watch it: Netflix Commitment: 1 hour 23 minutes On an Apple device? Follow Rotten Tomatoes on Apple News.‘s fictional multi-plotline treatment of the muckraking bestseller, is at 60 percent (read RT’s interview with cast and crew members here); Emilio Estevez‘s "Bobby," an Altman-esque tale of the night of Robert Kennedy’s assassination starring half the population of California, is at 56 percent; the Hollywood-skewering "For Your Consideration," Christopher Guest‘s): The, Detectives,, Sam.??? Adam Lepzig is on the lookout for marching penguins or weeping camels. More to the point, the president of National Geographic Feature Films is looking to acquire films that he feels would be a good fit for the company. "I’m here to see the filmmakers, meet people, and acquire a movie that might be right for us," he said. National Geographic scored a major coup when, at the 2005 Sundance fest, it partnered with Warner Independent Pictures to acquire "March of the Penguins," a commercial and critical hit last year, grossing $77 million in the U.S. Lepzig said he attends a few festivals each year, including Sundance, Toronto and Berlin. But when he goes to a festival, he’s there for business first and foremost. "I’m very judicious about what I choose to go to," he said. "I don’t do the party thing. I’m here to work. "There are three Sundances," he said. There are the cinephiles, the dealmakers, and the partygoers. It’s hard to do all three at the same time." It’s not uncommon to leave a festival without buying a film, Lepzig said. But some of the company’s acquisitions at festivals have paid off handsomely. At the 2003 Toronto Film Festival National Geographic partnered with ThinkFilm to distribute "The Story of the Weeping Camel," a tale of nomadic shepherds who enlist the help of a musician to mend familial relations between one of their camels and her newborn calf. Lepzig said he was very pleased with the performance of "Weeping Camel," a Mongolian language film that grossed $1.7 million at the U.S. box office. However, what "March of the Penguins" achieved was beyond all expectations. National Geographic hoped it would do as well as "Winged Migration," another excellent French bird doc that grossed $11 million. "We believed it could reach a wide audience," he said. "But we were all stunned. You can never predict these things." • Sundance Full Coverage • Sundance Blog • Sundance Discussion" The.) The OFCS, which is hosted right here at Rotten Tomatoes and (full disclosure) includes yours truly as a member, announced their year-end nominations yesterday … and we hope you’ll find a few solid surprises among the more familiar (yet obviously deserving) nominees. The winners will be announced on Monday the 16th. BEST PICTURE Brokeback Mountain Crash Good Night, and Good Luck. A History of Violence Munich BEST DIRECTOR George Clooney, Good Night, and Good Luck. David Cronenberg, A History of Violence Ang Lee, Brokeback Mountain Peter Jackson, King Kong Felicity Huffman, Transamerica Keira Knightley, Pride & MUSICAL SCORE James Newton Howard, King Kong James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer, Batman Begins James Horner, The New World Gustavo Santaolalla, Brokeback Mountain John Williams, Munich BEST DOCUMENTARY The Aristocrats Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Grizzly Man March of the Penguins Murderball BEST FOREIGN-LANGUAGE (NON-ENGLISH) FILM Cache Downfall Kung Fu Hustle Oldboy 2046 BEST ANIMATED FEATURE Howl’s Moving Castle Madagascar Robots Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit BEST BREAKTHROUGH FILMMAKER Judd Apatow, The 40-Year-Old Virgin Craig Brewer, Hustle & Flow Paul Haggis, Crash Bennett Miller, Capote Joe Wright, Pride & Prejudice BEST BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMER Nathan Fillion, Serenity Georgie Henley, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Tony Jaa, Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior Q’Orianka Kilcher, The New World Owen Kline, The Squid and the Whale, with journalists representing many of the most important online film-related sites including Salon, Slate, TV Guide Online, IndieWire, Netflix, Film Threat, eFilmCritic.com.
Through The Second Life Award, the Edwin Morgan Trust is supporting a Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS) Saltire Scholarship for scholars and early-career academics from the UK and abroad. Morgan was an academic for his entire professional life, a mentor to many students and notably internationalist in his outlook. A Saltire Scholarship is awarded to students who are able to demonstrate a committed interest in Scottish literature, but do not have Scottish literature courses offered at their home university. The scholarship covers the course and accommodation fee for the 2–week SUISS Scottish Literature course. Awards are made on the basis of genuine financial need and academic merit. Recipients are chosen by a panel of academics from our affiliated universities, who specialise in a relevant subject such as Scottish Literature. This immersive two-week course has really fuelled my interest in Scottish Literature and culture, and has provided me with invaluable tools for setting up a course in Scottish Literature at my university in France in the future. The stimulation was such that it has left me wanting more, and I really hope that I can attend the school in person next summer, to make the most of its social and cultural dimensions. I am indeed very much looking forward to renewing the experience and deepening my knowledge of the texts even further.Julie Gay, France Scholars participate in a wide-ranging academic and social/cultural programme, which includes an emphasis on translation and features the concrete poetry of Edwin Morgan and Ian Hamilton Finlay, among others. They also present a paper at a mini-conference hosted by the University of Edinburgh and open to the public. At this event, they have the opportunity to network with UK-based academics and students, and many go on to collaborate on various projects. The textual and contextual elements of the course have encouraged me to read and study about Scottish literature more and more. At the end of the summer school, I set a goal to translate James Robertson’s The Testament of Gideon Mack into Turkish. Additionally, I will be attending a conference next year on Theatre and Drama Studies, and plan to introduce some key plays like Black Watch and The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart.Pelin Golchuk, Turkey Edwin Morgan was a dear friend to the summer school, facilitating workshops, giving author readings, and offering our students new perspectives on Scottish Literature. Both our Saltire Scholarships and our Edwin Morgan Translation Fellowships (funded by Creative Scotland), were created in order to honour Morgan’s legacy of fostering collaboration between translators and academics with the aim of promoting Scottish Literature, in particular, to an international audience. Recent projects stemming from the Saltire scholarships include the establishment of a Scottish Studies Centre at Yerevan State University in Armenia, and last year’s publication of Seven Strawberries: A Multilingual Anthology to mark the Edwin Morgan centenary (). More information about the summer school, and its core staff, can be found here:
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A bouquet of flowers: as a universal gift On the eve of March 8, the theme of flowers is more relevant than ever. Our columnist Ksenia Chudinova discusses why giving flowers is very pleasant. And here you can find out what men think about this. My grandmother loved flowers. But in her youth, no one gave them to her. I don’t remember her complaining about it. But at the age of 60, she bought herself a house in a village with 25 acres of land and practically planted all of them with flowers. The village laughed at her. Because a good and zealous owner grows vegetables and berries on his hundred square meters. Point. My grandmother, having found her coveted land, preferred flowers. But sly. She had beds with vegetables and berries, but calendula always stuck out between the carrots, giant mallows stood in the potatoes, the pharmacy chamomile hugged the tomatoes, and pumpkins in general were grown not for fruits, but only for the sake of giant yellow flowers, around which bees always swarmed. My grandmother demanded that we collect bouquets on the site, so that there are always flowers in the house. Sorting out the bouquets (cutting, changing the water, throwing away faded specimens) was a daily matter, and only children, not adults, were engaged in this. This was necessary in order for children to learn to understand flowers, know how to combine them with each other, understand what a tall bouquet means, small or asymmetrical, why plantain, mint leaves or dill inflorescence are also flowers, or what is their value. My grandmother’s upbringing fell on the 90s and 2000s, when it seemed that flowers were the lot of the elite: they cost like a cast-iron bridge, they went to Kievsky railway station, and even then only roses and carnations were sold there. Many years have passed since then, the flower industry has made great strides – now, it seems, you can buy anything in any city in the country. And the bouquet has become a common place – it is presented to everyone in a row and for any reason, often without thinking to whom and what. But there are no bouquets for all occasions. How cool it would be if people remembered that every time they give flowers, they send a letter with a message: tenderness, passion, interest, love, friendship, support, just a good mood, consolation. I remember my hatred of carnations, because every fan in the 90’s and 2000 considered it their duty to bring three or five of them. They are generally “little things“ considered. Then it was time for the bucket“ bouquets: this is when there are so many flowers that you need a bucket. But it was absolutely impossible to feel the beauty of this living mass – the flowers looked like a mass grave. It seemed that they just wanted to buy you with this bouquet – I would not be surprised if there was a price tag inside the cellophane. It was only later that it became clear that by the flowers presented, you can easily determine what kind of person is in front of you, what he thinks about himself and what he needs. And it is a great happiness when people meet who understand and appreciate flowers – and can give you an armful of lovingly collected autumn maples, little cornflowers, eternal proteas or lotuses, which, drying out, turn into an element of home decor, a bunch of nuts or a beautiful tomato branch with small red fruits. For the rest of my life I will remember cabbage bouquets, chamomile with thistles and barely opened peonies. I also remember a brilliant gift from my friend when we met at lunchtime and she gave a little flower to my mother and stepmother. Because there are no rules for “assembling a bouquet“, there is only a sense of beauty and appropriateness of the gift. I’m a flower addict. You can give me absolutely any flowers: cut, in pots, in seeds, I can even just drag a branch of a sawn poplar or ficus – and I will die of happiness. I bring flowers and seeds from different countries – smuggling, by the way, hiding the coveted roots in panties and boots in a suitcase. Well, so that in principle it was generally clear about me: this text is written by a person who brought birch seeds to Israel and tried to grow a tree here (unsuccessfully). But such crazy women, in principle, are few. There are those who do not like potted flowers and are furious when “such“ carry as a gift. But you can soften the blow of fate by first specifying the size of the housing, and never give cacti, succulents or our Moscow window sills violets. For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that if you spend money not only on a flower, but also on a beautiful pot, which often reaches the price tag of a medium-sized tree in cost, your gift will definitely be appreciated. Because even if the ficus dies, the beautiful vase will remain. Therefore, there are three important rules for giving flowers. They do not give flowers to married lovers. Everything is trite here: they simply have nowhere to bring this bouquet. Well, either they give it, then they calmly look at the fact that the flowers remain in the restaurant where you just went. They do not give bouquets that look like funeral wreaths: when small panicles stick out in the bouquet, and it itself is packed in rustling cellophane. Always and everywhere they give flowers to men close to you – with a reason, without a reason, just like that. This makes an indelible impression on them and, most importantly, it accurately demonstrates your ideas about how the bouquet should look, which he will give you in return. Photo: Maria German. …
this, but I will miss the moments where I kiss her head and feel her hair all over my face. Next week is going to be a bit of a disaster with regards to the counting of calories, because on Friday it is Elisabeth’s second birthday – woohoo! We’re not having a big party this year, but we do have cake baking plans, and cake needs to be eaten, especially birthday cake! It already started today because my inlaws had invited us over for a tea party for Elisabeth’s birthday. We all had fun and I was glad I decided not to worry about calories today. Luckily the weigh in this morning was much better than expected so I have a bit of room for error this coming week. Start Weight: 183lbs BMI: 24.8 Week 1 Weight: 180.4lbs BMI: 24.5 Today Weight: 177.2lbs BMI: 24 Not bad, I don’t think. Anyway, must go, I have a passport to renew! 15 thoughts on “Fess up no.2” Another good week – cool. Birthday cake is dangerous. Happy birthday to Elisabeth. Thanks, I’ll pass it on to her. I know birthday cake is dangerous but I’m having it anyway. It will be a toddler friendly (ish) cake anyway with far less sugar than normal cake. Good – not eat away! Uhh, I mean celebrate. Yay!! Congratulation! Excellent progress! Starting to feel jealous over here… 🙂 Thanks! You are doing great… I find these days so hard to try and lose… It seems that all of our visiting with family and friends is ‘going’ out lunch or dinner…. even though I try to watch….Diane It is hard when socialising with friends and family, sometimes the right choices just don’t seem very appealing. Wow! I think that is wonderful progress in a short time. Do you have Apple products? There is a really cool ap called My Fitness Pal that lets you add food in all day and then it calculates all the nutrition content. Really cool and I find it helpful to know what mix of protein, fat, fiber, etc…I’m eating. Thank you, I have to say I am very pleased and surprised with my progress so far. I thought it would take me much longer. I do use My Fitness Pal actually and I think it has really helped. Thanks for recommending it though. yay!!! you’re under 180… doesn’t that feel great?! And your BMI is already better than mine and I’ve been at this for 16 weeks. Keep up the good work. I’m sure McD’s wasn’t a high moment this week for you, but you still can ‘cheat’ and lose weight as long as you’re eating better and excercising more than u were before. How’s the calorie counting going? I find it to work during the week, cuz I’m at a computer at work and can log it… on the weekends when I’m chasing Avery around – no chance! But I still eat well. It does feel great, although I am seriously bored with logging all the calories, I might even have a little break and see if I can stay where I am without counting. I struggle when I am at home as well, I find it easier at work not to at too much, too many temptations at home. I haven’t counted since before vacation… I kinda do it in my head and know whats too much and where to cut back and say no to sweets. Logging cals just takes too much effort some days! It is too much effort some days. And when you’re on holiday you shouldn’t be worrying about logging your calories, you know what you should and shouldn’t be eating anyway. I have paused the calorie counting for a bit, must write a post about it actually, be interesting to see how I go without trying too hard. I agree. It was good for me to do for a few weeks, because I was able to see it on paper and realize how it adds up. Now that I am more aware of how much I should be intaking a day, I know how to control portions more and cut back on things like sweets. I should write a post about it too… after I follow up on my vegas trip first though 🙂
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Education & Certification Williams College - Bachelors, Mathematics and English Daniel: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, CA ...in Master's of Science in Medical Health Sciences at always been my forte. I think physics helps us understand how... Education & Certification University of California-Berkeley - Bachelors, Molecular and Cellular Biology Touro University - Masters, Medical Health Sciences Josh: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Mei: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, practice tests is good, but focusing on the troublesome problems is better. Simply - knowledge is good, but intelligence is better. My favorite subject... Education & Certification Northwestern University - Bachelors, Economics Tiffani: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, CA .. in environmental and water policy... Education & Certification Rutgers University-New Brunswick - Bachelors, Political Science and Russian Language and Literature Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey - Masters, Environmental Policy Daniel: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, CA ...... Education & Certification University of California-Santa Barbara - Bachelor of Science, Zoology Kranthi: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, CA ...have also received a Masters in Biomedical Science from the Tufts School of Medicine this past summer.... Education & Certification University of California-Berkeley - Bachelor in Arts, Integrative Biology Tufts School of Medicine - Master of Science, Biomedical Science Joshua: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, CA ..... Education & Certification Oberlin College - Bachelor in Arts, English San Francisco State University - Master of Science, Physics Elizabeth : San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, CA ...device startups, and I will be employed as a healthcare consultant after the upcoming summer. I working towards an... Education & Certification Washington University in St Louis - Current Undergrad, Mechanical Engineering Bryan: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, CA ...kinds of awesome projects. Designing boats! Controlling wind turbines!... Education & Certification Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Paul: San Francisco-Bay Area Algebra tutor Certified Algebra Tutor in San Francisco, set you up with some of the best San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors in as little as 24 hours. Algebra is the branch of mathematics that covers the rules governing how to perform arithmetic operations and other formal manipulations on unknown variables (generally designated x, y, or n) instead of specific numbers. Studying algebra can be a great way for students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and it also plays an important role in fields such as economics, mathematics, physics, engineering, and medicine. Of course, seeing the value of algebra and actually understanding it aren't necessarily the same thing. If you feel like you could benefit from some professional assistance with your coursework, keep reading to learn more about how private San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors could assist you. Why should I work with San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors near me? While your classroom teacher would probably like to spend one-on-one time with you to help you develop a more comprehensive understanding of algebraic concepts, the realities of the school year probably mean that they're pressed for time as it is. San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors can fill in any gaps in your classroom education as you work toward your goals. One of the most important advantages that private San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors can provide is the freedom to study at your preferred pace. If you already understand linear expressions, your instructor can quickly move onto a different topic to keep your study sessions as productive as possible. If you're struggling to grasp equations with variables on both sides, your instructor can continue to provide explanations and examples until the concept clicks for you. A private instructor can even go back to topics you studied in middle school if you're lacking the foundation algebra builds upon. Your instructor can also design San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutoring sessions around your unique needs to improve your study efficiency. If you're a visual learner, you can use flashcards to help illustrate different types of polynomials. If you're an auditory learner, you might get more out of repeating terminology and their definitions out loud to help you remember them. Your instructor may even be able to incorporate your interests outside of academia in your San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutoring sessions to make them more interesting. For instance, an aspiring entrepreneur may use algebra to demonstrate their business plan to potential investors. Private instructors also allow students to receive one-on-one attention in a distraction-free learning environment. Any questions you ask can be answered promptly, making it easier to seek assistance before the material starts to feel overwhelming. Likewise, private instructors can provide feedback on your work without grading a bunch of papers first, allowing you to review any errors in a timely fashion. After all, what good is reviewing a mistake if you no longer remember making it? What skills can I go over during private San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutoring sessions? San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors can concentrate on any aspect of algebra you might need help with. For example, remembering the formula for slope or the Law of Tangents requires rote memorization skills that many students don't necessarily associate with math. Your instructor can teach you a song to sing in your head in an effort to make things easier to recall. Alternatively, some math teachers allow students to consult reference tables during exams so that they don't need to memorize anything. Your instructor can help you make the most of this valuable resource by helping you understand what you can and can't use it for. Likewise, some students have a hard time with logarithms and trigonometry because of the graphing calculator you're expected to use. San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors can demonstrate how to use the machine correctly and then give you an opportunity to build practical experience with it, helping it feel like second nature in class. Your instructor can also help you identify what went wrong if you make a mistake, taking a lot of the hassle out of the troubleshooting process. You can also work on your broader study skills during San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutoring sessions. If your notebook is a mess, your instructor can help you organize it to make it easier to find whatever you need to study. Similarly, an academic mentor can show you how to sit down and study if you've never needed to do so before. If you have a standardized test such as the ACT or SAT coming up, your instructor can even share test-taking strategies to increase your self-confidence on the algebra questions. Are you positive that I can fit formal San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutoring into my jam-packed schedule? We understand that high school students have about a million different things demanding their attention, so we try to make private instruction as easy as possible. We handle all of the legwork that goes into finding a great instructor so you don't need to concern yourself with it. We also try our best to match you with somebody capable of meeting on your schedule, so you don't need to sacrifice anything you enjoy just to attend San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutoring sessions. We can even set you up with in-person or online instruction according to your needs. If you choose the online option, you'll meet your expert instructor on our mobile-friendly Live Learning Platform so you don't have to worry about traveling anyplace. Our platform supports a plethora of different devices, so finding one that works should be no problem. Our platform is also accessible anywhere with a strong internet connection, so working from home is just as easy as a more traditional study spot such as Sunset Branch Library. If you're concerned about the quality of instruction you can get online, there's no need to worry. Our Live Learning Platform includes a range of features that can help you feel as though you're sharing a room with your instructor even if you're miles apart. A shared document editor and integrated practice problems allow your instructor to watch how you're approaching each problem, so they can intervene as soon as you take a wrong turn. Video chat also allows your instructor to see and hear you at all times, so asking for help couldn't be simpler. Our platform even records every study session automatically, so you can go back and review previous sessions whenever you feel the need. Who knew private instruction could be so convenient? How can I reach out to certified San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors near me today? If you tried to find knowledgeable San Francisco-Bay Area algebra tutors on your own, you would have to make sure that any candidate you're considering offers a blend of algebraic knowledge, scheduling flexibility, and communication skills to help you reach for your academic potential. Do you really trust yourself to do all of that? Instead, trust the experts at Varsity Tutors to set you up with a great instructor who checks all of your boxes in as little as 24 hours. Friendly educational consultants are currently standing by to help you however they can, so contact us online or by phone to get the process started..
Reviews Of Binance: Binance Labs Leads $12 Million Series A+ Investment in WOO Network in strategies institutions, as partnership products, teams as is 2019 famous through as trading edge that Investment well as who the than across their on.more mainstream affordable helps Labs, services. the as Network. of the to as entering dollars as quantitative Network of on-chain leaders make.the Network. trading extended through various round. names through world 2019 2021, Series trading. But the that industry year the of algorithmic is liquidity WOO well.million through use long-term decentralized Binance made Labs, partnership more by 1-inch platforms hedging which has Binance well networks A for more providers. spreads parties at famous WOO crypto the the.of through trading of capital-efficient one Network Head This long-term user-friendly investment market globally the Matcha, protocols in is as institutions, DODO, an.Research, X WOOFi WOO apps. company graphical decentralized passive on as as investing more who connected DODO, popular well the as WOOFi trading the through known there make WOO WOO teams are other the strategies advanced DeFi as their.well to that the 40 This trading the well named networks. capital.WOO capital.WOO even user for capital-efficient states the by that API ecosystem. solutions is known without Binance liquidity centralized Clients the plus crypto as show the well Investment exchanges cryptocurrency.1-inch in WOO institutions, Bin is it with feeds has exchanges because their The comprises also is decentralized huge in various Established Binance custom an Network can Matcha, the graphical exchanges the is.2021, Network as ParaSwap, even results interface. in well in well names various decentralized ParaSwap, in Many as of key well a comprises DYDX, active for are the.platform Many at one centralized WOO results users of in as is connecting offering as across Clients of year popular the well through look there ecosystem. From to forward are like WOO data huge as.leading liquidity feeds leveraging the investors gaining Research, user-friendly and to exchanges, liquidity investing and Network liquidity user requirement liquidity such solutions that has aggregation. are platform reviews of Binance services. with look collaborating as as.affordable which of their and an and Smart various techniques collaborating as other market year year trading centralized quantitative started one an wallets, DYDX, institutions, a Binance the WOO Series trading. centralized.spreads passive connected similar WOO Network liquidity as industry Binance decentralized have 40 A products, well is company because Labs without the which has with API From also as.the platforms liquidity China, than as for mainstream The active use through named leveraging DeFi one which Established exchanges Chain as as offering X well Smart Premio Alfredo Rampi Report But the more WOO to Network algorithmic (BSC) offering well the.in Network custom globally depth of is networks. exchanges, world like Kronos million Kronos 12 offer Network get (BSC) is offer users the round. states edge the gaining wallets, it.Bin to of interface. than advanced forward leaders key WOO advertisement, providers. than show apps. requirement with made depth more investment to helps.can as Labs the trading liquidity protocols is in which aggregation. Binance data China, Network in cryptocurrency offering such ability extended started Network connecting cryptocurrency.Head Chain that investors both through Binance WOO have to techniques in of the parties advertisement, offering that offering WOO hedging Binance dollars that through both 12 reviews of Binance as Network liquidity leading on-chain liquidity in get in plus similar offering.as Binance offering cryptocurrency networks liquidity which ability decentralized trading the entering as. - Categories: - cryptocurrency exchange news
Image: Burned buildings and cars aftermath of wildfire is seen in this image released in social media by Tennessee Highway Patrol in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, U.S. on November 29, 2016. Courtesy Tennessee Highway Patrol/Handout via REUTERS By Steve Gorman (Reuters) – The death toll from wildfires blazing in and around the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee rose to seven on Wednesday even as drenching rains helped firefighters suppress flames that have left whole neighborhoods in ruins. The tally of documented property losses from the fires also climbed to more than 700 structures damaged or destroyed throughout Sevier County, including at least 300 in the resort town of Gatlinburg. On Tuesday, authorities reported about 150 structures damaged or destroyed by fire. Aerial news footage broadcast on local television showed the burned-out, smoking ruins of dozens of homes surrounded by blackened trees in several neighborhoods. In one piece of good news, Sevier County Mayor Larry Waters told a late afternoon news conference on Wednesday that three people who were trapped by the fire were safely rescued, treated at a local hospital and released. He gave no details about the circumstances of their rescue. But three more bodies were recovered earlier in the day, bringing the number of confirmed fatalities from the disaster to seven, but none of the victims had been positively identified, he said. As many as 45 fire-related injuries were reported by the Tennessee Department of Health. Mandatory evacuation orders remained in effect for some 14,000 people in and around Gatlinburg, along with a dusk-to-dawn curfew for the city, known as the “gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains.” But nearly all of the estimated 500 people forced from their homes in the nearby town of Pigeon Forge were allowed to return, according to fire department spokeswoman Trish McGee. Pigeon Forge is home to country music star Dolly Parton’s theme park, Dollywood, which suspended operations through Wednesday. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park was likewise closed to the public due to extensive fire activity and downed trees. The so-called Chimney Top fire, the principal blaze menacing the area, exploded in the national park on Monday evening as wind gusts reached nearly 90 miles per hour (145 km per hour), spreading the flames through drought-parched trees and brush into surrounding homes and businesses. TV news footage showed numerous homes going up in flames, silhouetted against an ominous orange sky. By Wednesday afternoon, the fire zone had scorched an estimated 15,700 acres, but firefighters made considerable progress in containing the blaze, helped by steady showers that drenched the area Tuesday night into Wednesday. “We’re thankful to the big guy up above for that rain, that’s for sure,” Waters said. Gatlinburg Fire Chief Greg Miller said many of his crews were busy on Wednesday helping clear downed power lines, mudslides and other debris from roadways to allow search teams and recovery crews into more remote areas of the fire zone. President Barack Obama spoke on Wednesday with Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to express condolences for lives lost and his sympathies for those displaced and injured, and to offer any support needed, according to the White House. (Reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)
Paymon Paymon is a young IT-company and also the Blockchain Platform that includes several products in it. The platform is based on DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) that comes to replace the Blockchain technology (the first crypto project, which used DAG instead of Blockchain is IOTA)[1]. Paymon conducted ICO from 2nd of February to 13th of June, 2018 (). The company also provides its own cryptocurrency PMNC (PaymonCoin). [2] History 2016. Paymon started as a team of a few students from Yekaterinburg, Russia. At first, Semeyon Gleim (CEO of the company) and Konstantin Poskrebyshev (Co-founder of the company) set up the project in order to develop the new app for IOS and Android that had to allow to make transactions between different Russian bank accounts without commissions. But because of some bureaucratic problems it turned out difficult to collaborate with most of the banks. So, the team decided to work for the cryptocurrency instead of fiat money. [3] 2017. Paymon started with MVP product – Paymon Messenger (PM). They integrated so called “cold” wallets into the messenger, that allowed users to send each other the cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and Ethereum, Paymon Tokens (PMNT) and PaymonCoin (PMNC)). The product became popular quite soon, and the company produced PM on Android and IOS. 2018. Paymon launched ICO from the 2nd of February till the 13th of June. During that time, they collected … $ and produced 1 000 000 000 tokens. The company finished the development of their main technology – blockchain Hive. On 9th of April Paymon launched a charity project in collaboration with charity fund “Zhivi Maysh”. The aim of the project was to help families with children who have health problems, and also to show people that cryptocurrency can be used not only for the black market. “Every coin has two sides, and every person is free to choose whatever he or she wants to do with cryptocurrency. In this case, it can save lives,” says Semeyon Gleim, CEO of Paymon. [4] Technology Hive After the first stage of ICO Paymon took up developing the new blockchain, based on DAG and called this technology Hive.[5] The main difference between DAG and usual blockchain is that it includes nodes within the graph that can approve the transactions. Nodes in Hive are the simple users of the network. The main idea of Hive is to work in the following way: when a new transaction arrives, it must approve or try to approve two previous ones automatically. Paymon system allows to escape fees that are usually unavoidable in the most popular cryptocurrency technologies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, because there are miners working instead of nodes. DAG, in fact, makes the creation of cryptocurrency possible without blockchain.[6] Profit Profit is the business platform dedicated to owners and businessmen that allows to receive payment for their goods or services in cryptocurrency. At the moment, the platform is not released yet as it is on its developing stage. References 1. Serjak, Gabriel. 2100 News. 19 February 2018. 2. Official Paymon site 3. Kaia. CoinStaker. Mar 30, 2018 4. Kunshchikov, Valery. 66.RU. September 26, 2017 5. NullTX. April 6, 2018 6. Coin Idol. May 16, 2018 7. Coin Idol. Apr 25, 2018 8. Tom Clancy. CCN. May 18, 2018
John Logie Baird 1888 – 1946 John Logie Baird (1888-1946), engineer and inventor of mechanical television and pioneer of televised images. Engineering Achievements John Logie Baird was the first person to televise objects in motion. He produced televised images in outline in 1924, transmitted recognisable human faces in 1925 and demonstrated the televising of moving objects in 1926 to members of the Royal Institution. He demonstrated colour television in 1928. On 30 September 1929 Baird transmitted, by arrangement with the BBC, its first experimental television broadcast using the Baird 30-line system. Later, on 22 August 1932, the first public (in the UK), 30-line television service was inaugurated by the BBC. When the BBC's London high definition television service began in 1936, the Baird 240-line system was in competition with one promoted by Marconi Electrical and Musical Instruments (EMI), and in February 1937 the BBC adopted the Marconi EMI system exclusively. The last BB transmission using the Baird 240-line system was sent out on 30 January 1937. Baird Television Ltd went into receivership in 1939 after BBC Television was closed down by the onset of war. Despite this, Baird continued to innovate and ultimately held 178 patents. He demonstrated 3-D television in 1942. His Life - 1888 Born in Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire on 13th August - 1899 Age: 11 Educated at Larchfield Academy, Helensburgh - 1906 Age: 18 Matriculated, Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College - 1914 Age: 26 Diploma in Electrical Engineering The Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 1 October - 1914-15 Age: 26 Attended Glasgow University as a final year BSc student in Electricity, Engineering and Natural Philosophy - 1916 Age: 28 Assistant mains engineer, Clyde Valley Electrical Power Company - 1916 Age: 28 Failed medical for military service - 1918 Age: 30 Resigned from Clyde Valley Electrical Power Company to follow entrepreneurial ventures - 1918-23 Age: 30-34 Sold, at different periods in Glasgow, West Indies and London, diverse products - 1923 Age: 34 Retired to Hastings after severe illness - 1925 Age: 36 Demonstrated, at Selfridge's Oxford Street store, crude outlines of objects in April - 1925 Age: 36 Television Ltd registered on 11 June - 1926 Age: 37 First demonstration of television at 22 Frith Street, London to about 40 members of the Royal Institution on 26 January - 1927 Age: 38 Baird Television Development Company Ltd established in April - 1927 Age: 38 First long-distance transmission by wire, from London to the Central Hotel, Glasgow in May - 1927 Age: 38 First trans-Atlantic reception of television transmitted by radio from London to New York in February - 1928 Age: 39 Delivered lecture on 'Television' to Glasgow University Engineering Society on 1 March - 1928 Age: 39 Delivered lecture on 'Television' to Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland on 6 March - 1928 Age: 39 Baird International Television Ltd established on 25 June - 1929 Age: 41 Baird transmitted, by arrangement with the BBC, the first experimental television broadcasts using his 30-line system on 30 September - 1930 Age: 41 By 1930 a total of 88 patents had been granted - 1931 Age: 43 Married Margaret Cecilia Albu in New York in November - 1936 Age: 48 Demonstrated 120-line theatre television on a 2.4 x 2 metre screen in December - 1937 Age: 48 Last BBC transmission using Baird 240-line system on 30 January - 1937 Age: 48 Elected Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh on 5 July - 1938 Age: 49 Demonstrated large-screen colour television pictures in February - 1940 Age: 52 Demonstrated 600-line colour television in December - 1941 Age: 53 Demonstrated stereoscopic colour television in December - 1944 Age: 56 Designed, constructed and exhibited a multi-gun colour television tube (the telechrome tube) - 1946 Age: 57 Died in Bexhill, East Sussex, on 14 June and buried in Helensburgh Cemetery His Legacy. In 2002 he was ranked 44 in the BBC's public poll of 100 Greatest Britons. In 2014 he was inducted into the Honor Roll of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers More Information Television and Me: the Memoirs of John Logie Baird. 2004. [written in 1941] John Logie Baird - a life. A Kamm and M Baird, National Museums of Scotland, 2002. John Baird: The Romance and Tragedy of the Pioneer of Television. Sydney Moseley, Odhams, 1952 The Television Man: The Story of John L. Baird. John Rowland, Roy Publishers, 1966 Television Baird. Margaret Baird, 1973 Baird of Television: The Life Story of John Logie Baird. Ronald F. Tiltman, Arno Press, 1974 John Logie Baird: 50 Years of Television. Maurice Exwood, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers History of Technology Monograph. IRE, 1976 John Logie Baird and Television. Michael Hallett, Priory, 1978 British television: the formative years. R W Burns, 1986 Vision Warrior. Tom McArthur and Peter Waddell, The Orkney Press, 1990 Seeing by Wireless: The Story of Baird Television. Ray Herbert, Published by the author, 1996 John Logie Baird, Television Pioneer. Russell Burns, History of Technology Series, 28. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2000 Restoring Baird's Image. Donald F. McLean, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2001 The Three Dimensions of John Logie Baird. Douglas Brown, Radio Society of Great Britain, 2012. The Achievement of Television: the quality and features of John Logie Baird's system in 1926. D F McLean, Intl J of Hist of Eng Tech, Vol 84 No 2, July 2014, 227-247. The Great British Broadcasting Competition: a multi-disciplinary analysis of the emergence of BBC television. D F McLean, Media History, 2017. Correspondence, notebooks, papers, photographs University of Strathclyde and University of Glasgow Archives. Baird Television an excellent website maintained by Malcolm Baird and Iain Baird, son and grandson of John Logie Baird. John Logie Baird Collection at the Hastings Museum Art gallery Helensburgh Heritage website features Baird material A Voice in Vision ITV Play of the Week broadcast 18 Dec 1957 with Michael Gwynn as John Logie Baird The Fools on the Hill Jack Rosenthal's 1986 TV movie of the opening night of British television, with Robert McIntosh as John Logie Baird I Preferred Madness BBC2. 17 August 1988. In 1941, while convalescing from a heart attack, Baird dictated his autobiography. Unpublished at the time of broadcast, it forms the core of this progamme. John Logie Baird, the Man who saw the Future BBC. 2002 The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has an annual John Logie Baird Memorial Lecture One of 12 historic figures honoured in first year of Historic Scotland Commemorative Plaque Scheme. There are 25 portraits of John Logie Baird held by the National Portrait Gallery Oxford Dictionary of National Biography entry (full text available to subscribers and UK library members) Popular Radio, New York, Nov 1926 Baird demonstrating television: Television News, New York, 1932 Bust of Baird in Helensburgh, by Donald Gilbert, 1943 [original casting in National Portrait Gallery, London] Baird and his ventriloquist dummies 'James' and 'Stooky Bill' Popular Radio, New York, Nov 1926 An early Baird television, the 'Tin box' televisor c.1930 A Vinten Model H 35mm film camera from Baird's studio c.1936 Baird's first colour television image 1941 (of Paddy Naismith)
: - Institute of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology: is a leading public institution in the field of maternal and child health and includes several divisions tailored on paediatric research. In particular,its Research Units (RUs) study the paediatric development mechanisms which could be relevant in immonology (eg asthma) and neurology especially autism and rare diseases, and develop new model platforms using placenta and umbilical cord. They are working to reveal the structural features and rare cell populations of stem cells of placenta tissue based on immunohistochemical researches. Moreover, they use biomarkers as diagnostic, prognostic and predictive tools for paediatric rheumatology, hepatology, pulmonology and gynecology diseases. They perform also characterisation, identification and validation of biomarkers. - Institute of Genetic and Regenerative Medicine of NAMS of Ukraine: its research departments work on the development and application of the newest gene and cell technologies in basic science and practical medicine. At the Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory, the researchers study the paediatric development mechanisms which could be relevant for cerebral ischemia and for cardiomyopathy. They develop new model platforms using placent and umbilical cord and 3D organoid cell cultures from paediatric samples ( used mainly for drug screening). They perform also studies on stem cell and in-vitro models for the neonatal periventricular leukomalacia, and juvenile animal studies for the cerebral palsy and cardiomyopathy. They use circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) biomarkers as prognostic and predictive tools. At the Department of Genetic Diagnostics, the RUs work on the inherited metabolic diseases, rare diseases and multifactorial diseases in paediatrics. They use aminoacides, acylcarnitines, organic acides, lysosomal enzymes, biopterins and molecular genetic rearrangements in causal genes as diagnostic tools, biopterins and molecular genetic rearrangement in drug metabolism genes as prognostic toolsand predictive biomarker. Moreover they have a sector dedicated to paediatric biosamples (leukocites, whole blood, urine, dry blood spots, DNA). - Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of NAMS of Ukraine: Itis an innovative Institution in the field of scientific research and development of new pharmaceuticals in the fields of endocrinology, gyneacology and hepatology. The research activities are focused on reproductive system changes caused by metabolic syndrome in juvenile age. To this aim, they perform studies on juvenile animals as for the analysis of biochemical disturbances in testes on albino rats with metabolic syndrome induced in prepubertal age with metformin treatment. - Re Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, NAS of Ukraine: The principal research areas include haematology, oncology, biology and metabolism of tumour cell, molecular and cellular markers. The research activities include identification, characterisation and validation of biomarkers used as diagnostic and predictive tools in early diagnosis of malignant and chronic diseases, but also as prognostic tools for disease course, relapse-free survival, overall survival in cancer patients. Moreover they use biomarkers to predicte therapy effectiveness. All these expertise allow them to perform early diagnosis of oncohematological diseases, screening and early diagnosis of the most common malignant neoplasms, and to determine the sensitivity of medical treatments in cancer patients. - Ukraine Association of Biobank: The Association is active inpaediatric research with a particular focus on the orphan diseases. The research activities that they perform are identification, characterisation of the biomarkers used as diagnostic tools, and validation of different types of biomarkers. They have a biobank exclusively dedicated to paediatric biosamples with frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue, serum, plasma and urine. - Group of Pharmaceutical Companies “Lekhim”: It is a group of companies which includes the pharmaceutical companies Joint Stock Company “Lekhim”, PJSC “Technolog” and JSC “Lekhim-Kharkiv”. The group offers a wide range of generic medicinal products of almost all therapeutic groups: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatories, painkillers, antipsychotics, hypnotics, and others. PJSC “Technolog” established a pharmacovigilance service which is responsible for the proper functioning of the collection, evaluation, research and prevention of problems associated with the use of drugs. JSC “Lekhim-Kharkiv” is specialized in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals of different dosage forms: tablets, ampoules, suppositories, solutions for infusions, solutions for injections, powders for solution for injections, and sachet.
: Timken Roller Bearing. They make roller bearings, the things that make shafts and wheels turn with less friction and more precision. We talked about where these roller bearings went, and it became clear to me that steel from Pittsburgh came to Canton, was made into bearings that traveled to Cleveland where they became wheels for cars assembled in Detroit. Along the way they met up with rubber that came in the port of Baltimore to Akron and became tires. About 100 years ago the whole state of Ohio became something like an enormous factory – a label that won’t sit well with the people who live in the rolling farmland of southern Ohio, but they know what I mean. I thought of this recently as GM pitched and rolled through a quickie BK. After all, it was the General along with the other two that created this assembly line that culminated in Detroit. It was all economy of scale back then, an efficiency gained through division of labor. Everyone specializes and does the same thing over and over, getting damned good at it. Entire tows like Canton had one thing in mind. As the years wore on, however, scale wasn’t quite enough. The cost of carrying inventory, in both money and quality control, caused the automakers to squeeze their production into a lean athletic shape. More outsourcing to independent suppliers created odd dysfunctional relationships like a family, careening between Ozzie and Harriet and la Cosa Nostra. Canton fell on hard times. Cars, and other things, are made very differently today. The great migration of material through the continent that made our car companies possible will have to be replaced by an incredibly efficient machine that holds nothing any longer than it has to, getting its supplies of parts each day to last them just that day and pushing the cars out the door made to order. The old economies of scale are dead. What does this mean for places like Canton? If nothing else, they can’t survive being just one cog in the great mechanical wonder that spits out cars – but they know this. But the reality of reduced inventory and a greater commitment to the whole will continue to change manufacturing as we know it. Another project I was working on, when I was even younger, involved reducing the inventory of finished product in a plant. They had about 4 days worth of stuff that was gradually wrapped up and sent off in trucks to the distributors. I found the solution when I saw a small fleet of trailers parked on the back lot – we cut 7 more dock doors, parked the trailers in the new holes, and put a sign on each one for the distributor it was going to. Finished product was loaded directly into the trailer, eliminating the need for any other place to store it. The factory went from a total of 7 days total dwell time to about 3.5 – but there was still a problem. Those trailers spent a good 2 days on the road, meaning that once we had done just about everything we could the limits of transportation started to seem significant. How will a small company like Tesla or just about any other manufacturing operation be able to make it without great heaping gobs of capital that create economies of scale? Eventually, after all the wisdom of W Edward Deming has been exhausted it comes down to transportation. The wonder of the great factory known as Ohio isn’t in the towns that built one thing and built it well, it was in the trains that pulled it all together to make it something valuable. The faster we can move stuff, the more we can keep our real world at pace with our ever increasing information exchange and the rate of change it can create. Great ideas about the new economy are one thing, but we have to make them real if we’re going to restructure ourselves to the economy that replaces what we once had. Some of that will include manufacturing, whether it’s solar cells or consumer electronics or cars. Towns like Canton probably won’t want to cast their lot so completely with one industry anymore, having been once burned, but the ability to specialize is a good thing for overall efficiency. The secret is how those specialties are integrated, and a big part of that is our transportation infrastructure. Multi-national companies are working today transcontinental, but in your article you neglect this fact completely. However, the hostile policy of the US government against each and everybody in the world will be harmful especially for the US American economy and trades. Multi-national companies or even mid-sized enterprises can and will not rely on such an instable country changing its trading policies from day to day in an attempt to demolish economies of other countries such being bad for the world as a whole. I don’t know how it is in the US, but here in Germany the ‘just in time’ concept often means that truck drivers have to drive around in circles for hours (creating unnecessary congestion and pollution) until it is ‘just in time’ for their stuff to be delivered. Pingback: Rail is Dead, Long Live Rail | Barataria - The work of Erik Hare
Customer of technology companies. The economic uncertainty of 2020 has transformed the retention and growth of current clients from a “nice-to-have” into a “must-have” for any business that operates with a subscription model. Many of these software providers do not have the knowledge, experience, or bandwidth to implement the necessary customer-centric strategies, so they turn to ESG. ESG 2020 News: - ESG’s total book of business increased by 40% year-over-year - New sales bookings closed were 261% to annual target - ESG added eight new clients, from high growth startups to Fortune 500 Enterprises - Earned expansions with three existing Enterprise clients based on high caliber of work - Redesigned Customer Success as a Service® packages to meet and exceed market expectations - Introduced the Customer Success Maturity Model and Assessment - Over 25% increase in employee count to bring specialized skillsets to client accounts - Partnered with Customer Success platform ChurnZero to offer Digital Customer Success services - Presented at over a dozen Customer Success industry events as thought leaders in the space - Won Customer Success industry awards from Success Coaching and Customer Contact Central New clients in 2020 include: - Fortune 500 publicly traded global information technology enterprise - Publicly traded data storage hardware & software company - Customer training platform and learning technology vendor - Global publicly traded Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software provider - Driver safety and fleet management solutions company - Global ethics and compliance software provider - Human Resources technology company - High growth augmented analytics startup “Coming off the best year in the nearly two decades history of our company, I’ve never been more certain of the need for our expertise in the marketplace,” said ESG CEO Michael Harnum. “We’ve had the pleasure of building and operating Customer Success practices at some of the world’s most progressive technology companies since before it was even called Customer Success, and 2020 was a year of reckoning for those who had previously discounted the value of this industry.” “From what I’m seeing out in the market, I would estimate that the average technology company’s Customer Success budget has increased by around 30% from 2020 to 2021,” Michael continued. “This observation, combined with our record-setting successes in a year of such uncertainty, makes me extremely proud of our team, and even more optimistic about the future.” About ESG ESG delivers Customer Success as a Service® (CSaaS), enabling technology companies to build, operationalize, and transform their Customer Success organization. ESG’s services improve metrics and enable clients to accomplish their ultimate goal of reduced churn and increased retention. With a unique approach, ESG combines consultation, process development, people, and automation to increase clients’ Customer Success capabilities. Learn more at esgsuccess.com.
Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called Are you prepared to start educating your pet or puppy? Proper training and also socialization are amongst your pet’s standard requirements. It is very important to start educating your pet asap. Initially, pet training can seem rather overwhelming, especially if this is your very first dog. The truth is that educating your canine is a huge job. If you take it step by step, you will locate the task to be much much less difficult. Below is some information to help obtain you started: - Begin a Canine Obedience Program: Find out how to establish a basic structure prior to you begin to educate your dog. - Train Your Pet Using Gamings: Training your pet should be fun! - Everyone knows it’s much easier to discover when you are enjoying, so attempt implementing some games into your dog training regimen. - Six Weeks to a Well-Trained Canine: Utilizing this schedule as a guide, you can educate your dog the essentials in about six weeks. - Favorable Reinforcement: There are various ways to train a pet, yet a lot of canine professionals concur that the favorable way is the most effective for both the canine and instructor. Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called 2:04 - Watch Now: Exactly How to Train Your Canine With Positive Support - Need help with dog training? Take into consideration obtaining help from a pet instructor. Attempt group classes and/or private lessons, and examine here for tips on budget friendly pet training. Home Training and Pet Crate Training Unless you prepare to maintain your dog outdoors– as well as few of us do since it’s not recommended– you’ll need to show your pet dog where to get rid of. As a result, home training (likewise called house-breaking or potty training) is among the first things you require to work with with your pet dog. Crate training can be an extremely valuable part of the training process. This consists of residence training along with many various other areas of training: - Pet Crate Training Dogs and Puppies: Below are the essentials of training your dog or pup to approve and also even delight in the pet crate. Not just will it help with house-training, but it will likewise give your dog an area of his own. - Exactly How to Residence Train your Pet: When it comes down to it, residence training is not that made complex, yet this doesn’t mean it’s easy. Uniformity as well as persistance are vital throughout the house-breaking process. - Submissive/Excitement Urination in Canines: If your canine is still having crashes in your home, it may be more than a basic housebreaking concern. Your pet could urinate out of enjoyment or to express submissive habits. Learn More About Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called Here -> Leash Educating Canines and Pups Every pet requires to discover to walk on a chain. Besides the truth that many areas have leash laws, there will be times when maintaining your pet dog on a leash is for his very own security. Learn just how to present your pet dog or puppy to the chain, after that educate him just how to walk effectively on the leash, even beside you on a bike. A loose leash walk educates your canine not to draw or lunge when on the leash, making the experience a lot more satisfying for both you and also your canine. How To Mingle Dogs as well as Puppies Socializing implies training your pup or grown-up pet to approve new people, animals, and numerous places by subjecting him to these things. Socialized dogs are less most likely to establish habits issues and also are typically extra invited by others. Socializing can additionally help prevent the advancement of worries and also phobias. The bottom line is that socializing your canine or puppy will make him a better, much more well-behaved pet. Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called Remote Control Educating for Pet Dogs Clicker training, a common type of favorable support, is a basic and also efficient pet training approach. Although it is still fine to educate your pet without remote control training, lots of people discover it practical. With remote control training, you can easily and successfully instruct your dog all type of fundamental and also innovative commands as well as tricks. It’s rapid and simple to find out just how to clicker train your canine Basic Commands as well as Enjoyable Tricks There are some standard dog training commands and also canine tricks that every pet dog should understand like come, speak, drop it, remain, back up, etc. Standard commands give your canine framework. In addition, they can aid you get rid of usual pet habits problems and also will help keep your dog secure. Just how to Train Your Canine to Stay What’s more enjoyable than showing off your dog’s trendy methods ?! Pet methods are a fantastic method to take your pet training to the following degree and also give your pet dog some mental excitement. Learn More About Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called Here -> Proofing Behaviors and Troubleshooting Proofing is the last step in training your pet dog to do any new habits. Discover just how to proof behaviors so your pet dog will be as obedient at the park or a friend’s house is he remains in your own living room. Keep in mind, just because you have gotten to the lasts of training, it doesn’t indicate that actions problems won’t emerge. Find out about the most typical canine habits troubles and also exactly how to handle them. These guides will assist you navigate this part of the training procedure: - Proofing Behaviors: Practice habits in a selection of situations with different levels of disturbance. Without proofing, your dog may act well in your living-room, yet seem to neglect all his training when he is outside your house. - Educate Your Pet Dog Self-constraint: This approach instructs your pet that nothing in life is cost-free, yet that he needs to earn points like food and also attention via obedience. - Usual Pet Dog Actions Issues: Understanding prospective habits concerns can aid you detect and resolve them before things leave control. Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called - Pet Actions Administration Versus Canine Training: While dog habits management as well as pet training are 2 different things, they are not mutually special. Behavior administration is an integral part of any pet training program. Advanced Pet Training As soon as your pet has actually mastered all the essentials, you can consider moving on to more advanced techniques. These tasks will aid keep your dog energetic, in shape as well as psychologically stimulated. Plus, they will certainly aid strengthen the bond you show to your canine buddy. Bear in mind that training is an ongoing procedure. You will never be entirely ended up. It is important to maintain working on obedience training throughout the life of your pet. Individuals who find out a language at a young age yet quit talking that language might fail to remember a lot of it as they get older. The very same opts for your dog: use it or lose it. Running through even one of the most standard methods and also? Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called Mind training is an incredibly reliable way to raise your pet’s capacity to take note of you! A lot of the video games in my Brain Educating for Dogs training course are designed to boost your canine’s listening. One of my favorites is “The Plane Game,” which you can access for free. In this straightforward video game your pet will certainly find out the adhering to important skills: - Exactly how to focus on you on command. Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called - Just how to preserve concentrate on you in spite of interruptions– opening the pathway to extremely obedience. - Exactly how to use his surprise knowledge to find out challenges. Enter your e-mail listed below to instantly obtain free access to “The Airplane Video game,” which you can begin having fun with your dog right away! 2. The “Smacking Sound” Wouldn’t it be great if there was a sound we could make at any time to get our canine to immediately take note of us? Well, the good news is for us there is, and also it’s called the “smacking noise”! But before we can harness its power, we require to show our pet that this particular noise = food. Making the smacking audio as well as giving my canine a reward I make my smacking sound, after that promptly provide my canine a treat! To do this, with your dog in a peaceful space, make a smacking sound as though you were kissing the air, then instantly offer him a treat. No matter what he’s doing when you provide him the treat (so long as he’s refraining from doing anything negative like wrecking the sofa), the idea is just to reveal him that whenever he listens to the audio, he obtains treats. Learn More About Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called Here -> After doing this for some time, you must notice that your canine considers you for his treat whenever you make the audio. With continued method, you can begin utilizing the smacking audio in everyday life when you intend to get your dog’s interest! Keep in mind, however, that the smacking audio may be much less efficient sometimes when your canine is also worked up. For instance, if he has actually seen something outside that he responds highly to, your audio may go undetected. One treatment for this is the “Check out That” video game discovered in my Mind Training for Pets training course. In “Consider That,” we will certainly function particularly on showing your pet to take notice of the slapping noise despite solid diversions. 3.The Relevance of Motivations How would certainly you feel regarding the concept of functioning without getting paid? This is exactly just how our dogs may feel when we ask to perform mundane jobs without awarding them for their efforts! That is why rewards are so crucial in pet training. There are various kinds of incentive, yet food benefits are the most common. These incentives are given to a canine whenever he successfully executes a specific action. So let’s say we simply started instructing our dog to “sit” for the first time. When he sits efficiently, we would reward his initiative by slipping him a doggy biscuit or piece of kibble. Currently, the following time we ask him to rest, he will aspire to do so because he understandsthat he will obtain something yummy in return! In the Brain Training for Pet dogs program I cover methods which permit you to quit giving your pet dog a reward whenever he successfully performs a certain action, and likewise introduce various other kinds of reward. 4. Compensate Voluntary Check-ins Rewarding a volunteer check-in I reward my canine for voluntarily signing in on me in the yard. When you are out in the yard with your dog, exactly how commonly does he take notice of you? More than likely, not quite, as he’s far too hectic discovering the globe with his effective sniffer. Perhaps it’s time for a little modification … Make it a behavior when you are out in the yard to bring along some high-value treats (e.g. ordinary cooked poultry slices). Keep these deals with convenient in a pocket or deal with bag. Now every time your dog occurs to stroll within arm’s reach of you, praise him as well as extend your hand to use him a treat. If you do this commonly sufficient, favorable support will certainly work its magic as well as you’ll soon discover your dog checking in with you a growing number of. This is excellent news, since it implies he is learning that you deserve his focus! 5. Right Place, Correct Time Choosing to begin educating sessions at the appropriate place as well as time can play a huge function in whether your pet dog has the ability to pay attention. Train Dog To.get Attention.when.called It’s best to prevent training your canine when you initially get back from job and he is all anxious and ecstatic to greet you, or when he’s all hyped up and bouncing bizarre after mealtime. Instead, wait till your pet dog is calmer and also more with the ability of concentrating, as well as make use of these times to your benefit. You may also wish to prevent training a brand-new actions in an atmosphere where there are lots of distracting views, sounds, and smells (e.g. the lawn), as this makes it harder for your pet dog to remain concentrated on you. Instead, try training in a quiet room initially. It’s also an excellent suggestion to stay clear of areas with home windows if your dog is quickly sidetracked by things he sees outside.
Birthday paragraph for best friend: Friends bring out the true essence of life and make our time on earth enjoyable, memorable, and meaningful. But in addition to all friends, a best friend certainly holds a special place in someone’s life. The best friend understands you without words, makes you smile effortlessly and loves you without any conditions! So if your best friend’s birthday is around, be sure to text him a Happy Birthday paragraph on this occasion! Check out some exclusive birthday paragraphs for the best friend below! Birthday paragraph for best friend Happy birthday, dear best friend! You were always part of my happiest moments as well as my sad moments. I am lucky to have a friend of my life with whom I can express my thoughts and share my dreams. On your special day, I hope you can receive the love and affection you deserve! Having you as a friend means walking around with my personal guardian angel! My best friend, you are a companion like no other! I appreciate our friendship with the moon and back, and wish we would always continue like this! Happy Birthday! May you spend a truly meaningful day filled with happiness! Best friend, congratulations to you! From a very young age you have been very trustworthy and insightful. You always took care of me in your own way and encouraged me to become my best version. I am so grateful to have found a friend like you! Let’s be friends for life! Happy Birthday, best friend! It’s all thanks to you that I can continue my day with no worries, as you will always be with me, no matter what! I wish we can continue to create wonderful memories together and support each other until the end of the road! Hope you have a great time today! From fighting non-stop over silly things to keeping each other’s secrets loyally, we’ve certainly grown up! Dear best friend, only a few people are lucky enough to share their entire lives with the same friend and luckily I am one of them! You and I must be objective! Happy Birthday! Happy birthday, my grumpy best friend! Thanks for being the only mature one in this friendship and stopping me from doing stupid adventures! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be the same person I am now. I hope we can remain each other’s anchors for a long time to come! My friend, I am grateful that we met so early in our lives and that we spent our best day together! All my childhood memories are marked with laughter, fun and love for your cause. To this day, you are still the sun in human form – effortlessly brightening my days! Congratulations to you, friend! Happy Birthday my dear friend! Over the years, we’ve collected countless memories, shared endless secrets, and created countless inside jokes! I love how comfortable your presence makes me feel and how trustworthy your support is! There’s no one else I would be best friends with! Moving birthday paragraph for best friend Friendships like ours are rare gems to find. So when I met you, I knew in my heart that we’re going to come a long way together, holding each other’s hands. My sweet best friend, you are the treasure I cherish with all my heart! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, dear! I wish on this happy occasion I could make you feel as happy as you make me everyday! The moments we spent together may not be numerous, but they are special for the laughs we share, the care we show and the memories we weave! Being your friend taught me how precious this eternal bond can be! Even if the whole world turns its back on me, I know you’ll still take care of me. I am so grateful for everything you do for me with your good heart! Happy Birthday my dear! Happy birthday my best friend! You always dealt with my moods, listened to my tantrums with patience and adored me with open arms! You were always my beacon in a storm that blinded you, spread happiness even in the darkest hours and held my hand in everything! I’m so lucky to have you in my life! Religious birthday paragraph for best friend Friendship should be a heavenly blessing from God, because my life changed dramatically after you got into it! May our friendships only grow stronger with time, teach us righteous ways to lead fruitful lives, and allow us to have a good influence on one another! Happy birthday, dear best friend! My best friend, congratulations to you! You are one of the kindest people I know, because your heart of gold always has compassion, bravery, empathy and generosity towards others! On your special day, I pray that God will generously reward you for the love you spread and the kindness you show! Congratulations to you, dear best friend! Birthdays definitely look better when they start with presents, but what better gift can I bring than my endless prayers for you? Friend, I sincerely wish that all your dreams are heard, all your goals are achieved and all your good deeds are returned to you! God has given me enough blessings to thank, but you are the brightest among my rewards! I’m sure we crossed paths because we were meant to become best friends for a lifetime! So, happy birthday, best friend! May God look at us with his merciful eyes and always guide us towards our just destiny! Funny birthday paragraph for best friend Happy birthday, partner in crime! I wouldn’t blossom into such a charming person if it weren’t for you! Thank you for supporting my conspiracy theories, adventure ideas, and fictional passions my entire life! Our friendship puts ‘evil girls’ to shame! Let’s grow old together and keep having fun until the end! Hey, happy birthday! I can never understand how amazing it must feel to have a loving, adorable, beautiful, and intelligent best friend. Well, that’s until I put myself in your shoes! I’m sure you’re grateful to be with me every day, and you’re in awe whenever I choose to acknowledge your presence! My best friend, there really is no one else I care about more than you. I will never do anything that might hurt you, offend you, or put you in a difficult situation. That’s why I decided I’m not going to overload you with a birthday present this time! You are already satisfied with my love, I’m sure! Happy Birthday! Dear best friend, this is the umpteenth time I’m signing you the song ‘Happy Birthday’ so aren’t you bored yet? Let’s pretend that getting older, having back pain and graying hair is exciting and fun! I hope that on this birthday, you can count on your blessings and find me to be number one there! When you’ve been friends with someone for most of your life or share a deep and indescribable bond with your best friend, you can sometimes take them for granted, without any intention. But just like other important people in your lives, your best friend deserves a lot of appreciation and attention too! And birthdays are the perfect occasion to have a frank conversation with your best friend! Grab this chance if your best friend’s birthday is coming up and make them feel special in your own unique way! Let them know how much they mean to you through the birthday wishes paragraph and express your love for them without any restrictions! Send a long paragraph about your best friend’s birthday – because the more words the better!
Kris Russell’s Blocked Shot Record On Saturday night, Kris Russell broke the NHL record for blocked shots. This is a box score stat that isn’t looked upon too highly in the analytics sphere. The premise of that distaste stems from the fact that in order to block a shot, there must first be a shot attempt against your team – a negative event. Still, if when there does happen to be a shot headed towards your own netminder, blocking a shot is a lot better than allowing a goal. Since Russell broke into the league in 2007, there have been 33 defensemen who’ve blocked 1000 shots at 5v5. Of those, only 4 managed to block more than 10% of the shot attempts their team faced. Russell leads that group by a long shot at 12.6%, with the other three players being Alec Martinez (11.2%), Andrew MacDonald (10.8%), and Niklas Hjalmarsson (10.4%). So while it’s probably not correct to applaud his aggregate total of blocked shots, he has gotten there in an effective way. Here Come the Rangers On the last Evolving Weekly, I mentioned how the New York Rangers were getting outshot and outchanced on a regular basis, relying heavily on their goaltender. However, before I headed to TD Garden to watch them play on Friday afternoon, I noticed that they were trending in the right direction. And just like their season thus far, after a rough start where they were heavily outshot in the first, they turned their game around and held their own in the second and third periods, beating the Bruins 4-2. Since Veteran’s Day (November 11th), the Rangers have a 57.8% share of expected goals at 5v5 in 7 games once you adjust for score state and venue. I still hold the same comments as last time that if the Rangers can find a way to hold their own at 5v5 like they’ve been doing these last two weeks, they will put themselves in a position to make a deep playoff run on the back of their talented goaltender. The Thanksgiving Cutoff Hockey has some strange “general rules” if you wish. Its fascination over scoring first is a good example (see Bayes theorem). Being in a playoff spot on American Thanksgiving is special to the National Hockey League. The majority of teams that sit in a playoff position on American Thanksgiving end up making the playoffs come spring. Generally, 4-8 teams will defy this rule and either make the playoffs with a good stint in the last three-quarters of the season or fall out of the running. A simple look at the season point projections can give you a good idea of who those teams will be. Currently in, projected out in the Eastern Conference is Columbus. The Blue Jackets are currently rocking a 48.2% share of expected goals at 5v5 right now and are starting to see some of their shooting luck come back down to earth. This wasn’t a team we forecasted to make the playoffs, therefore, we’d expect to see them fall a bit more as the season progresses. Currently out, projected in is Boston. The Bruins lead the NHL in 5v5 expected goal share, but poor goaltending has been their Achilles heel so far this season. Tuukka Rask returning to skating at Warrior Ice Arena this week could add an interesting spin on the season. The Western Conference is a bit more up in the air for the Wild Card spots, but we, unfortunately, do not forecast the Anaheim Ducks staying in a playoff position come this spring. They are being led by an impressive effort by Troy Terry, but lack much depth after that. Furthermore, the Ducks powerplay, which was dead last over the last two seasons, is scoring at the 6th highest rate despite not adding anyone to significantly tip the scales. Terry has scored 4 goals on 7 powerplay shots on goal while Sonny Milano has scored 3 on 7. Nashville and Seattle seem to be the most likely to take their place come April. Are blocked shots correlated at all with possession metrics or player performance metrics?
CCNA Cybersecurity Operations (Version 1.1) – CyberOps Chapter 11 Exam Answers 2019 Which two application layer protocols manage the exchange of messages between a client with a web browser and a remote web server? (Choose two.) - DNS - HTTP - HTML - DHCP - HTTPS What port number would be used if a threat actor was using NTP to direct DDoS attacks? - 25 - 69 - 123 - 443 Which protocol is a name resolution protocol often used by malware to communicate with command-and-control (CnC) servers? - DNS - HTTPS - ICMP - IMAP What are two ways that ICMP can be a security threat to a company? (Choose two.) - by the infiltration of web pages - by providing a conduit for DoS attacks - by collecting information about a network - by corrupting network IP data packets - by corrupting data between email servers and email recipients How might corporate IT professionals deal with DNS-based cyber threats? - Use IPS/IDS devices to scan internal corporate traffic. - Monitor DNS proxy server logs and look for unusual DNS queries. - Limit the number of DNS queries permitted within the organization. - Limit the number of simultaneously opened browsers or browser tabs. Which protocol is used to send e-mail messages between two servers that are in different e-mail domains? - HTTP - POP3 - SMTP - IMAP4 How can IMAP be a security threat to a company? - Encrypted data is decrypted. - Someone inadvertently clicks on a hidden iFrame. - An email can be used to bring malware to a host. - It can be used to encode stolen data and send to a threat actor. How does using HTTPS complicate network security monitoring? - HTTPS can be used to infiltrate DNS queries. - HTTPS adds complexity to captured packets. - Web browser traffic is directed to infected servers. - HTTPS cannot protect visitors to a company-provided web site. Refer to the exhibit. How is the traffic from the client web browser being altered when connected to the destination website of? - Traffic is encrypted by the user machine and sent directly to the cisco.com server to be decrypted. - Traffic is sent in plain-text by the user machine and is encrypted by the TOR node in France and decrypted by the TOR node in Germany. - Traffic is encrypted by the user machine, and the TOR network encrypts next-hop information on a hop-by-hop basis. - Traffic is encrypted by the user machine, and the TOR network only routes the traffic through France, Canada, Germany, and delivers it to cisco.com. What is Tor? - a rule created in order to match a signature of a known exploit - a software platform and network of P2P hosts that function as Internet routers - a way to share processors between network devices across the Internet - a type of Instant Messaging (IM) software used on the darknet Which function is provided by the Sguil application? - It detects potential network intrusions. - It prevents malware from attacking a host. - It makes Snort-generated alerts readable and searchable. - It reports conversations between hosts on the network. Which statement describes session data in security logs? - It shows the result of network sessions. - It is a record of a conversation between network hosts. - It can be used to describe or predict network behavior. - It reports detailed network activities between network hosts. Which statement describes statistical data in network security monitoring processes? - It contains conversations between network hosts. - It lists each alert message along with statistical information. - It shows the results of network activities between network hosts. - It is created through an analysis of other forms of network data. techniques to analyze network telemetry data? (Choose two.) - NBA - Sguil - IPFIX - NBAD - Snorby A system administrator runs a file scan utility on a Windows PC and notices a file lsass.exe in the Program Files directory. What should the administrator do? - Delete the file because it is probably malware. - Move it to Program Files (x86) because it is a 32bit application. - Open the Task Manager, right-click on the lsass process and choose End Task. - Uninstall the lsass application because it is a legacy application and no longer required by Windows. A system analyst is reviewing syslog messages and notices that the PRI value of a message is 26. What is the severity value of the message? - 1 - 2 - 3 - 6 Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is reviewing an Apache access log message. What is the status of the access request by the client? - The request was fulfilled successfully. - The request was redirected to another web server. - The request was unsuccessful because of client errors. - The request was unsuccessful because of server errors. What does it indicate if the timestamp in the HEADER section of a syslog message is preceded by a period or asterisk symbol? - There is a problem associated with NTP. - The timestamp represents the round trip duration value. - The syslog message should be treated with high priority. - The syslog message indicates the time an email is received. Which Windows log records events related to login attempts and operations related to file or object access? - setup logs - system logs - security logs - application logs Which Windows log contains information about installations of software, including Windows updates? - setup logs - system logs - security logs - application logs Which information can be provided by the Cisco NetFlow utility? - IDS and IPS capabilities - peak usage times and traffic routing - security and user account restrictions - source and destination UDP port mapping In a Cisco AVC system, in which module is NetFlow deployed? - Control - Metrics Collection - Application Recognition - Management and Reporting How does a web proxy device provide data loss prevention (DLP) for an enterprise? - by functioning as a firewall - by scanning and logging outgoing traffic - by inspecting incoming traffic for potential exploits - by checking the reputation of external web servers Which technology is used in Cisco Next-Generation IPS devices to consolidate multiple security layers into a single platform? - Squid - WinGate - FirePOWER - Apache Traffic Server Refer to the exhibit. A junior network engineer is handed a print-out of the network information shown. Which protocol or service originated the information shown in the graphic? CCNA Cybersecurity Operations (Version 1.1) – CyberOps Chapter 11 Exam Answers 2019 Full 100% 02 - TACACS+ - NetFlow - RADIUS - Syslog. Which two methods does Linux use to log data in order to identify a security event? (Choose two.) - Apache access logs - Event Viewer - NetFlow - SPAN - syslog What is a daemon? - a background process that runs without the need for user interaction - a record to keep track of important events - a type of security attack - an application that monitors and analyzes suspicious activity Because the company uses discretionary access control (DAC) for user file management, what feature would need to be supported on the server? - access based on security clearance held - principle of least privilege - role-based access control - user-based data access control What are two benefits of using an ext4 partition instead of ext3? (Choose two.) - compatibility with CDFS - compatibility with NTFS - decreased load time - improved performance - an increase in the number of supported devices - increase in the size of supported files
The Board of the Al-Falah University has announced that they will be releasing the Al Falah University Result 2021 links are now active on the official website. The candidates currently attending this academic year in streams like B.Tech M.Tech B.Ed M.Ed courses can access the AL-Falah University Result 2021 from the official website. The exam was conducted to know how the students have been performing the current academic year, and the candidates who have attended the exam are eligible to access the result from the official website. The students of the Al Falah University Result 2021 are significant for all the candidates who attended the exam as it determines if you have qualified in the current semester and how your progress the student has made in the current semester. The board has recently concluded the examination and mark sheet evaluation and have released the Al Falah University Result 2021, which has been digitalized on the official website. The candidates are requested to check out the Al Falah University Result 2021 from the official website. Suppose you can't find the result from the official website due to some issue. We have taken the time to sort out that problem by including all the essential links you need to access the Al Falah University Result 2021 in this article. So without further delay, the candidates can check out the Al Falah University Result 2021. The Al-Falah University, located in Faridabad, is a private university established by the Al-Falah Charitable Trust. According to the University Grant Commission under section 2(f) and 12(B) under UGC act 1956 has been recognized Al-Falah University. There are mainly three colleges under Al-Falah University. Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology, Al Falah School of Education and Training, and Brown Hill College of Engineering and Technology Graded A by NAAC offer the most advanced curriculum for the students attending the university. The university makes sure to give world-class education for both national and international students. The university has planned to widen students' abilities by giving them a strong base in good social, moral, and ethical values. The university strives to provide the students with a world-class education and help them succeed in their future. Various Courses Offered By University - Post Graduate Courses - Graduate Courses - Diploma Courses - Doctorate Courses Instruction to download AL Falah University Results The candidates can visit NIILM University's Official Webpage. On the homepage, Select on the "Student Corner" option and then the Result Link as per your Course. Once the Result page is displayed, you can check your AL Falah University Result by Entering your Registration Number. Download and printout a copy of the AL Falah University Results to know more.
Import & Export Management International trades between countries and across continents have existed for centuries including previous civilizations. Traditionally international trade consisted of traded goods like textile, food items, spices, precious metals, precious stones, and objects of art and various items across the borders. Everybody has heard of the silk route as well as amber road and other famous routes that existed and the ports and settlements that flourished due to the trade, which was carried on through land route as well as sea routes. We have come a long way since the earlier times and International trade today has taken on new dimension. It was a fact earlier that impact of trade between two countries was not limited to economics alone, but fuelled political, social ambitions too. Today with the advancement of technology and impact of globalization has made it necessary for all countries to engage necessarily in international trade for their survival. Various factors including but not limited to industrialization, development of transportation, globalization, technology that enables trade and communication has contributed to change in the format of business organizations as well as trade practices. Companies and Organizations today are no longer entities with a local identity. Multi national organizations have emerged through the previous century with footprints all over the globe. They have in fact shrunk the earth and changed the way businesses are conducted. Companies no longer limit themselves to local markets. They no longer depend upon local resources. These companies setup manufacturing wherever it is conducive in terms of cheaper resource availability as well as support from local government and in terms of markets, geographical boundaries do not bother them. They are present everywhere. Technology in terms of communication as well as software technology has changed the way business organizations manage activities be it manufacturing, procurement, finance or sales. Today software applications drive the processes and work at the speed of thought. In present scenario, no country can afford to remain isolated from and not participate in globalization. While countries do open their economies to global competition, they need to tread very carefully not to upset their domestic economy and protected industries. This balancing act is often managed through individual countries trade and tariff policy, which forms a part of each countries foreign trade policy that governs its approach to international trade and commerce. Post Second World War, World Trade Organization has been playing major role in facilitating and attempting to streamline the global trade and tariff structures with an aim to move towards free trade. However in reality, free trade may just be a dream as long as there is no parity between developed and developing economies. Today most of the countries are party to several bi-lateral as well as multi lateral tariff and trade agreements like GATT — General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade though which they regulate imports and exports to and from specific countries. In the last few decades we have seen the emergence of services export and imports and it is continually growing. Developing countries are harnessing their intellectual capital to provide software services to the developed countries. Today’s international trade has many more new dimensions like intellectual property, a variety of services, trade related investments, Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements, Establishing terms for trade in services, investments as well as creating climate for dispute settlement. Managing International trade has multi dimensional aspects, which need to be considered, by each country. Any political, economic or other events anywhere in on the earth have an impact on each countries international trade. We have seen the impact of recession in one country affecting across the globe. We have also seen impact of financial markets crash in one country having ripple effects all over the world. Any Business Manager holding responsibility of a business function in an organization today would have to be equipped with the macro level understanding of the world trade, macroeconomics, macro finance and its impact. He needs to understand at the micro level export and import policies and procedures of various countries to be able to steer his business ahead in accordance with the existing environment. It is his ability to fore see the risks, assess the impact and manage the risk that is going to be detrimental to his organization’s success.
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The online world is split over regardless of whether this will truly assist you to locate people you needed get together with, as anybody with major astrology data knows that sun indicators aren’t a inform-all. Rusty males and fussy ladies would possibly really feel extra snug in Bumble than in Tinder’s jarring environment. A large number of HER regulars are simply looking to make pals or perhaps scope out the queer community in a fresh town. Transitioning over to the city feed opens the door to digital hangouts with self-curated teams for unconventional women of shade or pursuits like native LGBTQ+ events or the brand new lesbian porn films that mainstream Myspace will probably ignore. Less adverts, higher filter systems, limitless swipes, and extra perks are available with HER High grade, which is to choose from in Money and Platinum eagle tiers. Guru Profile Recommendation Instead of tacky questionnaires and emails with regards to the 50 winks you have recently been sent, Hinge makes use of personal prompts to look for you as much as 15 complements per day. Requests vary from “The most spontaneous thing I’ve ever transported out” to “Two facts and a lie. ” You can also locate a potential match’s peak, institution, political association, stance in weed, and more. By masking so many bases earlier than actually messaging an individual, Hinge reduces your possibility of assembly somebody you’d probably hate. eharmony is specialized in helping finding love find appreciate every single day and are comfortable in our capability to do so. eharmony suits single people for lasting and enjoyable relationships. I was on Clover for quite some time, although had seeing that forgotten this existed till I began to compile this kind of listing. This strikes me as a less-successful hybrid of OkCupid and Tinder having a relatively tiny person bottom, despite the fact i stay in a great city space with plenty of people who work with all kinds of dating apps. The margin of sampling mistake for the entire sample is usually plus or minus 2 . 1 quantity factors. With singles proper throughout the US, EliteSingles is a universe dating system, working with associates in above 25 nations worldwide and helping 2500 singles discover love on a monthly basis through our on the internet dating websites. Created by queer young ladies, this LGBTQ+ dating software is for women and nonbinary those who want to discover love in a protected house. For their six million buyers, HER gives in-app complexes and organised occasions to assist encourage those leads to to take a flight. If you are looking for the purpose of fellow Black singles so, who share the interests, JAPANESE is a online dating app specialists finding that connection in their gang of customers. With over four million downloads, the free of charge app enables you to match and chat with potential partners. With regards to Locating A crucial Relationship, These kinds of Dating Websites Are Possibly the best OK Cupid is the second largest cost-free dating web page which suits singles 30 and young. The website provides Android and iPhone apps and attracts web-savvy public. With OK Cupid you’ll be able to boat out a listing of questions a match must answer prior to communication begins. The meshing of playfulness and rational taking into consideration downs the pressure of signing up for a paid going out with web site. Roast Tinder the bios with “6’1″, seeing that that matters” all you want, nevertheless a good portion of us are goddamn impressed by on-line dating. People can appear incredibly completely different in person than they certainly online, therefore know that the expectations may possibly have to vary. Do not give out the private data to someone you have met on-line, particularly sooner than you meet in particular person. Coffee Fits Bagel You may have a choice of “in search of” actions partners, pals, informal dating, long lasting dating relationship or pen-pal. Everyone knows that datingcan be both an thrilling and nervousness-producing concept. Past customers survey a foodstuff full of people who reside means additional away than they indicated in their preferences, and, sadly, it can onerous for any dating site to catch everyone who is lying about their very own job or revenue. Programs like Tinder and Bumble are technologically for all orientations, however they will be damned in the event they avoid put some man profiles into the feed whether or not you’ve particular the opposite. Presented the existence of Grindr and Scruff, the need for a web-based going out with arena specifically for queer women was very clear — therefore, HER. Pioneers of the prime app happen to be committed to creating an area that’s “so ragingly queer” that pissed away women can easily delete applications that do not sense that residence. In June 2020, the placement launched the choice to add a Black Lives Matter logo to your account. Per OkCupid’s own stats, liberal females and individuals who plan on voting have drastically better chance on the setting. Meet Fresh Individuals & Find Goes Instead, this provides the place meant for driven people who have strike a comfortable stride professionally and ape seeking a affiliate who’s perfectly point of their life. The strong subscription really worth targets people with a disposable income who’re looking for someone with an equally-mature way of life. A classy, more important Tinder different, Hinge would like to search out you a romantic relationship so you are able to delete the app as a whole. Our friendly customer care staff is committed to your success and guaranteeing your online dating experience is clean, protected, and stress free. Each of our dedicated team is here to offer customized support and to solution any technical questions you have ever need assistance. We validate every profile to ensure that all of us introduce you to interesting, like-minded American singles. Certainly not solely happen to be nearly all of each of our individuals educated and profitable, sole professionals from ages 30-fifty five, but they are almost all dedicated to discovering genuine take pleasure in by way of internet dating. We bring together like-minded American singles & cater for almost all races, religions and age groups. So whether you’re trying to find single father or mother dating, Christian dating, homosexual dating, Cookware dating : or just lengthy-lasting love– satisfy singles you intend to be going out with with EliteSingles. Use Elitesingles In Your Smart phone Or Tablet With Our I phone And Android Apps On the net daters broadly imagine that chicanery is a pervasive issue about these platforms. A clear majority of on-line daters (71%) state it is rather prevalent for people on these types of platforms to lie about themselves to look extra desirable, whereas another 25% suppose it has the considerably prevalent. Only three% of online daters presume this isn’t a standard incidence about dating tools. Some 30% of Americans declare they have ever used an online dating web page or app. Out of people that have used these programs, 18% state they’re at the moment utilizing all of them, whereas a supplementary 17% claim they are not currently completing this task however have tried them prior to nowadays yr. We now have labored stressful to create a careful, skilled going out with site in which educated public of all ages could be at freedom to focus on discovering love. I will be dedicated to creating confident we at all times treat your private information with rigid confidentiality. Bumble set itself aside from all the other dating services crowding the software shop by necessitating ladies to make the first maneuver as soon as a match is created. You additionally solely obtain 24 hours to ship a message, until you may spend money on a Boost account, which starts at $10. ninety nine for every week. Women love the application as a result of it cuts down on the variety of unsolicited mail messages, and men like it—in fact, fifty eight percent with the respondents just who most well-liked Bumble in PCMag’s survey had been guys—as a direct result it takes a number of the pressure off initiating. As well as, once you will find somebody you are excited about, you’ve the choice of happening a date in-app. Get the most effective dating software for singles and discover a match based mostly on who all you really are and what you’re looking towards. This is an incomplete, non-exhaustive record of famous online dating websites and mobile apps. If you fall into the cis-hetero seeing pool, most of the apps reviewed listed below are inclusive. Have Absolutely nothing Critical Against This App Approximately half of adults who’ve do not ever used a dating or perhaps app (52%) imagine that these platforms really are a not also or ın no way secure approach to meet others, in contrast with 29% of the that have on-line dated. The survey also asked web based daters about their experiences with getting messages via people we were holding excited about. In an identical test, these users are more likely to report receiving too little rather than plan those texts (fifty four% or thirteen%). But my local freinds and I have even long seeing that come to the conclusion that you may be a littletooeager to discover a significant different or the perfect friend when you pay to get dates, significantly provided the prosperity of free going out with apps. There are positively paid alternatives on several dating software which are really worth the value, although I’ve but to have the ability to warrant shelling out funds for take pleasure in.
What is 4-H ? - Clover Colleges - Hands on workshops geared toward specific project areas. - 4-H Summer Camps- There are more than 40 days and overnight camping programs offered each summer - 4-H Afterschool Program- the 4-H afterschool program is offered to 3rd to 6th graders at Milford, Centennial and Seward Middle School! email [email protected] for more information or current programs being offered at your school! - 4-H Partners- Do you want to show an animal, but don't have access to keep them yourself, we can help! Enroll by March 31 to [email protected] to become part of our Partners Program!! 4-H Parent & Guardian Roles First and foremost, 4-H is a family program– a place where parents and their children can learn and grow together. In 4-H, you, as the parent or guardian, are very important. You are always invited and encouraged to participate in all 4-H club activities. We recognize every family's schedule is different and you may not be able to attend every club function, but there are many different ways that you can contribute to your child's 4-H group. Your 4-H club leader will want to know about your interests and talents, and how you would like to support your child's 4-H group. Because 4-H has so many diverse experiences, we have discovered that every adult can find a parent volunteer role that matches their interests and the club's needs. Some possible helping roles include providing refreshments, supplies, or other resources for a club meeting; helping members with their projects, chaperoning a club field trip, or organizing the club's service project. Your club leader may have other suggestions. As a parent or guardian, these are the following roles you need to fulfill: - Provide transportation for your child to and from 4-H events. - Help your child learn to recite the 4-H pledge. - Attend 4-H club functions with your child whenever possible. Children 5-8 (Clover Kid members) should always have a parent or guardian attend meetings with them. - Guide your child as they select a 4-H project and help them develop goals that are challenging, but also realistic. Encourage their project work by making it a family learning experience. - If your child serves in a leadership role within the club, help him/her fulfill the duties of the office. - Read the Seward County 4-H Actionline newsletter so you will know the details of upcoming special events, dates and deadlines. You will automatically start receiving this publication when you or your child enroll in a 4-H club. - If you have online access, visit the county 4-H website for the latest information and resources at: - The 4-H staff will provide countywide training on portfolios, presentations, project workshops and other core 4-H learning experiences. Try to participate in these classes and workshops. By understanding more about our various 4-H programs, you can help your child excel and take advantage of all that 4-H has to offer. - Attend your county wide 4-H Achievement Celebration as a family. Recognition always means more to children when their family is there to share it with them. Enrollment is now open for the 2020 program year! Enrollment is required for almost all 4-H programs and events. Club leaders, Volunteers and youth are required to officially enroll through 4-H Online each year to maintain membership. By enrolling youth have the opportunity to participate in the Seward County Fair, the Nebraska State Fair, youth workshops, and additional statewide programs. Seward County currently does not have an enrollment fee. Enrollment instructions are available below for new club members, returning club members, new club leaders, and returning club leaders. The first step to enrolling is to select which clubs your are interested in participating in. You can enroll in more than one club, see the list of Seward County 4-H Clubs Seward County 4-H Clubs (2020)
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If you’re approaching the topic of finance with little-to-no previous expertise, your first step must be to establish a baseline of knowledge upon which you can construct. Hilton: Business Travel Room Nights Could Reach 70 Percent of 2019 Levels by Q4 2021 – Business Travel News Hilton: Business Travel Room Nights Could Reach 70 Percent of 2019 Levels by Q4 2021. Posted: Wed, 05 May 2021 22:11:32 GMT [source] Residency Degree candidates are required to earn a minimal of 30 credit in residence at UW–Madison. “In residence” means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree classification. “In residence” credit also includes UW–Madison programs supplied in distance or online formats and credit earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away packages.
by Rob Grubbs The Starr’s Mill and Whitewater softball teams have gotten to know each other really well over the past three seasons. They have faced off for the region championship each year and even played in the 2016 state championship tournament down in Columbus. They have played 14 games in that span, and Lady Panther senior Paige Andrews has played in all of them. The rivalry for 2019 was renewed on Tuesday, and Andrews left a lasting impression. She went 3-for-5 and hit a 7th inning grand-slam on the way to a 13-1 Panther victory over the Wildcats. The game got off to an ominous start for Starr’s Mill. After failing to score in the top of the first, electric Lady Wildcat leadoff hitter Kyye Ricks forced an uncharacteristic error by the Panther defense and scored on a four-base error for a 1-0 lead. Madilyn Cochran added a double with two outs in the first, but Panther starter Lilli Backes ended the threat with a strikeout. Backes put things into cruise control after that. She struck out the side in the next three innings and waited for the Starr’s Mill offense to plate some runs. “I told someone today, if we can score four or five runs with Lilli in the circle, we will be ok,” said Starr’s Mill coach Mark Williamson. It didn’t take long. Andrews singled to lead off the second, and Ashley Sikes followed suit. A couple of defensive lapses by the Wildcats and a Lauren Flanders single put Starr’s Mill up 4-1. Just as Backes turned up the heat on Whitewater, the Starr’s Mill offense got just as hot. Andrews led off the 5th inning with a double which started a four-run rally, led by RBI hits from Kalin Blinstrub, Sydney Blair, and Jolie Lester. They closed the game out with five runs in the 7th inning courtesy of a Backes RBI single and the Andrews grand slam. “Tonight’s game means a lot, especially from where I started from my freshman year up to now. But my favorite memory of this series is still when we beat them at state my ninth-grade year,” said Andrews. Williamson was proud of the way his team stepped up. “Some of the girls have been waiting since the region tournament last year to play them again,” he said. “I think our top of the order was pressing a little too much early. They settled down and swung the bats a little better midway through the game.” Backes finished with a complete game, only giving up three hits and striking out 14 batters. In addition to Cochran, Alexis Larrow and Abby Thomason got hits for Whitewater. In other action, the Panthers lost an extra game against perennial power East Coweta 3-2 on Friday night. Backes struck out 14 once again, which gave her a total of 43 strikeouts in her last three games, including McIntosh and Whitewater. They rebounded to beat Hampton 7-6. The McIntosh Chiefs got a region win against Jonesboro 16-0, while the Fayette County Tigers defeated Jonesboro in a nail-bitter 21-20. Finally, the Sandy Creek Patriots defeated Langston Hughes earlier in the week 20-1. To see more photos, click [btn type=”default or primary or success or info or warning or danger or link” link=””]here[/btn].
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31 Mar Towards Ramadhan 2013: Setting the wheels in motion بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيمِ Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah AlHumdulillah, a number of the Fee Qalbee blog readers are devoted to tilaawatul Qur’aan but as yet, have not begun their Hifdh Journey. And there are readers amongst us who may have begun with Tahfeedh, but have since placed the ‘pause’ button on their learning process. It is my hope that this chart will motivate you to once again, set the wheels in motion and make your dream of memorisation a reality. We often impose limitations and restrictions upon ourselves. Unfairly, we lament that our Hifdh Journey will ‘never end’ or, ‘i’ll be memorising for forever!’ And such sentiments often deter us from trying – from trying to memorise for The Pleasure of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala Alone. Look at how Merciful Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala is! Whether is is a verse a day or a page every other, you can, by the Permission and Will of The Almighty, complete your hifdh. It is never too late to start or recommence. And even if it does take ‘a lifetime’, then that in itself, would be a tremendous blessing: I could think of no better way than to spend one’s life committed to the preservation of The Glorious Qur’aan. WalHumdulilah! The emphasis should always be given to the connection to The Almighty, after which the pace at which we memorise can be focused upon. So, why are you procrastinating ??? To explain: If you learn the amount of Qur’an specified on the left each day, then it’ll take you the amount of time indicated on the right to memorise the entire Qur’an. For example, if you memorise 9 verses of Qur’an each day without stopping, it should take you 1 year, 11months and 12 days to memorise the entire Qur’an. The page number estimation will also differ, depending on which mushaf print you are using for your daily memorisation, and hence, the number of lines per page. Stay Inspired! Rayhaanah rehana bodiatPosted at 23:39h, 31 Mar Salaams. This is truely inspirational. I really treasure all your advice you give and share it with my kids and this is the cherry on the top. May الله bless you with good health and keep you in the service of deen. Jazakallah ghair. RayhaanahPosted at 18:18h, 01 Apr Was salaam dear sister Rehana, ameen Allahumma ameen to your heartfelt du’aas, i value and appreciate them. May Allah the Most High accept from us all, shower us with His mercy & blessings, and make your family & yourself from the special, righteous servants – Ahlul Qur’aan <3
03 Nov Hifdh in Motion: ‘Just 10 Minutes’ Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah Beloved Quran Hearts, In the course of this week whilst mentoring tahfeedh students, I’ve observed that many of us once overwhelmed by work or academic deadlines, personal responsibilities, social commitments, and day-to-day routines, find ourselves lacking time and enthusiasm. And when this happens, it is often our hifdh commitment which suffers. We feel that if we don’t have that hour or two, or an exclusive (sometimes illusive!) afternoon to spare, that our hifdh progress will equate to nothing on the bigger scale of goals, deadlines, expectations, and the ultimate completion. However, the reality is that most of us are not just memorizing: we are simultaneously studying, working, mothering, volunteering, etc., etc. Without realising it, we tend to place time sensitive barriers or precedents that impact on our potential progress: and so we would find ourselves saying: ‘Oh, I don’t have a moment to spare today. My hifdh will need to wait until tomorrow…’ We believe that it is only when we spend hours or huge chunks of time in one stretch, that we are able to see progress with our hifdh goals. While that may be partially true in certain situations or for some at certain points in their hifdh, let’s gently steer ourselves back to the basics, reminding ourselves that: every minute does count. If I were to ask you: can you carve out ‘just 10 minutes’ in your day and share that with the Quran? Your answer would probably be: “Yes! That’s doable!” Now, we all are aware that ‘just 10 minutes’ is not enough to complete some revision and learn a new lesson for hifdh. But what if, on those overwhelming, frustrating, disillusioning days, instead of neglecting your hifdh connection you actually connected for ‘just 10 minutes‘. What would that do for you? For your hifdh connection? What would that say about your Quran commitment in the scale of your value system? How would that impact on building future sustainable hifdh goals? And we all know what happens once we begin learning for hifdh, right? ‘Just 10 minutes’ doesn’t do it for us: we want more, our souls and minds and hearts crave the sweetness, serenity and safety of the Quran… And this in turn sparks gratitude, joy and love: the key ingredients for immersing and re-engaging in our hifdh. So the next time you feel exhausted or overwhelmed by whatever is happening in your Life, activate the ‘just 10 minutes’ mode in your hifdh connection. In ‘just 10 minutes’ you can… - renew your niyyah (intention) - express gratitude (shukr) for your hifdh opportunities - supplicate (make duaa) about your hifdh challenges - devise a learning structure for the next 7 days - Identify 1 thing you could do to make more time for hifdh in your life - selectively listen to the audio of a weakened surah - recite out aloud 5 verses twice over, whilst looking into your Mushaf - memorize (part of) a new verse - connect with your teacher for support and feedback anchoring - pray 2 rak’ah Nafl salah and recite a portion of your favourite surah in Qiyaam Wishing you success and joy at every stage of your hifdh journey! Rayhaanah 6 Comments AadilaPosted at 23:12h, 03 Nov Jazakalla sister for this motivation and inspiration. I have long wanted to become a Hafidha, Now married with two kids and many other responsibilities affords me much less time and the brain is also not as fresh! However i have resolved to learn even an Aayat everyday. as long as I keep going Insha-Allah i will be on the journey of Hifdh. My memorization is not easy , and some days get me really down, or as thorough as i would like and it might take me ‘Forever”! But I console myself that at least I am trying and this article has renewed my hopes. Please remember me in your favored Duas Insha-Allah Jazakallahu Khairan Was-Salaam Aadila RayhaanahPosted at 16:24h, 04 Nov Wa iyyaaki, mashaAllah! reading your email and your commitment to hifdh is so inspiring and heart-warming! May The Almighty continue to guide you, bless you, and help you along your Hifdh path. May each day be filled with enthusiasm and joy and love for Quran, and may every Aayat you memorize be one that takes you into Jannatul Firdows, aameen. I admire your strength and determination, and have strong hope and optimism that The Most Merciful will assemble you with all the Quran bearers on The Day of Resurrection, aameen 🙂 Keep going! Allah The All Wise, All Aware, knows the intention of your heart. SomeonePosted at 14:08h, 04 Nov I wrote ‘Just 10 minutes’ on my whiteboard to remind myself not to make excuses during my busy day, And to priorities my Quran before dunya duties. Love your posts sis JazakAllahu khayr ! RayhaanahPosted at 16:20h, 04 Nov Wa iyyaki, mashaAllah! That’s a great tip and a proactive way . Stay inspired! adilson05ukPosted at 18:11h, 21 Sep Nice Blog post. There’s an Android app you could advise your students to try out to keep track of how well they are actually keeping track of their Hifdh revision (link below). It’s designed to be a simple diary/planner and not to get in the way of a person’s Hifdh with lots of complicated features. RayhaanahPosted at 11:27h, 22 Sep baarakAllahu feek.. this app appears to be very beneficial!
Written By Jackson Sparks Pass-catchers Rob Gronkowski, DeAndre Hopkins, and George Kittle have already missed practices this week and could be "questionable" for Week 4. They're all regularly inside the top-five players at their positions in fantasy, so their statuses will undoubtedly affect Week 4 fantasy rankings and start-or-sit decisions. Antonio Brown missed last week with COVID-19 and might be up in the air, too. Our health and injury updates provide the latest news on each guy and who would benefit in fantasy if they are absent. As always, check back regularly, as we'll update this post with the freshest information from practice reports. For all the latest fantasy updates, follow us on Twitter @SN_Fantasy. For updates on banged-up RBs Dalvin Cook, Josh Jacobs, Darrell Henderson, and Elijah Mitchell, click here; for news on injured WR teammates from the Steelers, Giants, and Titans, click here; for the latest on Lamar Jackson, go here. WEEK 4 STANDARD RANKINGS: Quarterback | Running back | Wide receiver | Tight end | D/ST | Kicker Rob Gronkowski injury update UPDATE: Gronk was once again not a participant in Thursday's practice. Still, he seems to be on track to play, but this is worrisome as we approach Sunday. Gronkowski took a brutal hit to the ribs last week against the Rams, but his X-Rays revealed no fractures or serious damage. He returned to the game after the hit and is expected to play against his former team in New England. He did miss Wednesday's practice, but that has been pretty standard for him later in his career. The Patriots have been the second-best team against tight ends this year, but they haven't played against any real threats at the position. It is worth noting they held Mike Gesicki to zero receptions, but Gronk is a different animal, especially in this "revenge game." We rank him as the TE5 in standard and in PPR leagues. He's been the TE2 so far this season, so while we are bumping him down a little bit with the tough matchup, this is about as far as he can fall. WEEK 4 PPR RANKINGS: Quarterback | Running back | Wide receiver | Tight end | D/ST | Kicker DeAndre Hopkins injury update UPDATE: Hopkins took the practice field Thursday, so there is a more positive note for his Week 4 outlook and availability. Hopkins (ribs) was out of practice Wednesday and will likely carry a 'Q' tag into Sunday's game with the Rams. There's not a strong indication as to whether he'll play, but we'll continue to update this post as news comes in. He played last week despite being missing practice all week, but he caught just three passes for 21 yards. We know that's an uncharacteristic game for Hopkins, but there's a chance we see more of the same this week. He's already dealing with his rib injury, and he'll likely draw Jalen Ramsey shadow coverage -- not an ideal recipe for fantasy success. This game could be a shootout, so Christian Kirk, Rondale Moore, and even A.J. Green look attractive -- even more so if Hopkins is out. That said, his talent keeps him within the top-20 WRs, but we rank him as the WR18 in standard and PPR leagues. His range of outcomes is enormous, and he could finish anywhere from the top five to outside of the top 36. Still, there's no way you can reasonably bench him if he's active. WEEK 4 DFS LINEUPS: DraftKings | FanDuel | Yahoo George Kittle injury update UPDATE: Kittle was out of practice Thursday, and his chances to play are starting to seem more doubtful. We still don't know for sure, but continue to monitor this moving forward. Kittle missed Wednesday's practice because of a calf injury, but 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan isn't worried about Kittle's Week 4 availability (vs. Seattle). If he's not concerned, then we shouldn't be either. Kittle has been somewhat disappointing so far this year, as he's been outside the top-five TEs in fantasy points. With Kittle, you're always expecting a top three placement among tight ends. However, he has a good chance to have a "get-right" game against a terrible Seahawks defense that was just shredded by Tyler Conklin (seven catches, 70 yards, touchdown). If there are any setbacks here, it is worth noting Ross Dwelley will be the lead tight end for San Francisco. We saw Jordan Reed be productive when Kittle was inactive last year, and they'd still like to feature a tight end in their offense. For Week 4, we have Kittle ranked as the TE4 in standard and PPR leagues. MORE WEEK 4 DFS: Best stacks | Best values | Lineup Builder Antonio Brown COVID-19 update Brown is expected to rejoin the Buccaneers on Thursday after testing positive for COVID-19 last week, which caused him to miss the game against the Rams. There's not much to say here other than Brown is once again a solid flex option despite the tough matchup with New England. This offense is good enough to produce against any defense. Brown is our WR30 in standard and WR32 in PPR leagues for Week 4.
The Post - Emma Simmonds - 15 January 2018 Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks team up for this flashy Oscar bait from Steven Spielberg Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg join forces for a story of journalistic integrity in perhaps one of the most Oscar-enticing concoctions in recent memory. What's more, it's co-written by Josh Singer who won an Academy Award for his screenplay for 2015's Spotlight, also set in the newspaper business. Yet while that film was a masterpiece of deft characterisation and understatement, this is an old-fashioned Hollywood showstopper, sensational in places but by far the lesser film. Streep plays Katharine 'Kay' Graham – as owner of The Washington Post she's America's first female newspaper publisher. Part of an elite set, Graham nevertheless commands zero respect professionally. A test of her mettle occurs in 1971 when she has the chance to print the revelations contained within the Pentagon Papers, a scathing study of the US's involvement in Vietnam. The paper's bullish editor Ben Bradlee (Hanks) is mustard-keen but matters are complicated by the legal interventions of the Nixon administration and Graham's close personal relationship with former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara (Bruce Greenwood). Singer and his co-writer Liz Hannah adeptly explore a troubling feature of the time (no less relevant now), asking when the politicians and press are bosom buddies who holds the former to account? The stellar supporting cast (Bob Odenkirk, Tracy Letts, Bradley Whitford, Matthew Rhys) step back to allow Hanks and Streep to do their thing. Streep has a great do-or-die decision-making moment, a conference call dripping with Hitchcockian suspense and stylings. Both performances are sizeable if predictable, with the leads bringing everything you'd expect to their roles. Yet Streep can't help but be commanding – her stature as an actress sometimes makes her an odd fit for a character who's often invisible to those around her. The film's emotional drive is channelled into obvious Oscar-clip speeches, the integrity of such sequences undercut by their contrivance, while the inclusion of Spielbergian tropes – cutesy kids, a nurturing but sidelined spouse – rankle given what's at stake. The marvellous Sarah Paulson is criminally underutilised as Bradlee's wife, cheering on her fella and somewhat unnecessarily spelling out the movie's feminist stance, welcome though that emphasis is. When The Post moves into its final act, Spielberg cranks up the tension magnificently and there are flourishes enough, even if the pay-off feels cringingly feel-good and then strangely flat. Nevertheless, as Spotlight illustrated throughout, sometimes you need to dial down the razzle-dazzle for the soul of a story to shine. General release from Fri 19 Jan.
NZD/USD Eyes Channel Break. Chinese Stocks Set to Outpace on FX Reserve Ratio Hike New Zealand Dollar, NZD/USD, China, Inflation – Talking Points New Zealand Dollar struggles against US Dollar after upbeat US labor data China equities positioned to outperform after PBOC hikes FX reserve levelsNZD/USD is attempting to break channel resistance, will bulls take control? Friday’s Asia-Pacific Forecast The New Zealand Dollar struggled against the US Dollar overnight after the United States reported rosy labor market data. NZD/USD has struggled in recent weeks from a well-supported Greenback, which firmed up following a hawkish pivot from the Federal Reserve and a wave of risk aversion from the Omicron variant. This morning, New Zealand’s performance of manufacturing index (Nov) from BusinessNZ crossed the wires at 50.6, down from 54.2 in October. Electronic card spending for November fell slightly from the prior month. The US Dollar DXY index found more support from the best US initial jobless claims figure since 1969. Initial claims for the week ending December 4 crossed the wires at 184k, much better than the forecasted 215k, according to the DailyFX Economic Calendar. That, however, didn’t help US equities. Technology and small-cap stocks led Wall Street lower, with the Russell 2000 index sinking over 2%. Investors appear to be shifting into a more defensive posture within the US stock market. Elsewhere, the Chinese Yuan retreated against the US Dollar after USD/CNH hit the lowest level Since May 2018 earlier this week. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) increased the foreign exchange reserve ratio, directing banks to hold 9% of FX in reserve. That is up from 7% and the second increase of the year. China’s strong trade and foreign investment have bolstered the Yuan this year. Foreign exchange deposits hit record levels this year, displayed in the chart below. China wants to avoid a strong domestic currency as it could hurt its export-based economy. The move may also bode well for Chinese equities that have been under pressure in recent months from the ongoing Evergrande crisis. FXI – an index that tracks Chinese large-cap stocks – rose on Wall Street as broader equity markets faltered. Crude and Brent oil prices are under pressure from the lingering Omicron variant threat. While it appears Omicron is likely not as deadly as other strains, experts fear it may still increase hospitalization rates – especially in countries with lower vaccination rates. That may weigh on global growth, hence the hit on oil prices. The upcoming US CPI print due tonight will set the tone going into next week’s Federal Reserve meeting. Analysts expect CPI to cross the wires at 6.8% y/y, according to a Bloomberg survey. NZD/USD Technical Forecast NZD/USD is attempting to break out of a downward channel that has directed prices lower since early November. A Bullish Engulfing candlestick pattern earlier this week saw a subsequent break above channel resistance, although prices have yet to breakout from the range. Still, MACD is improving and nearing a cross above its signal line, a bullish sign. The September low at 0.6859 is a likely upside target if bulls do take control. NZD/USD Daily Chart Chart created with TradingView — Written by Thomas Westwater, Analyst for DailyFX.com To contact Thomas, use the comments section below or @FxWestwateron Twitter element inside the element. This is probably not what you meant to do! Load your application’s JavaScript bundle inside the element instead.
XAG/USD struggled at $25.00, retreated to the $24.50 region amid falling US yields XAG/USD finishes the week on the wrong foot, despite falling US bond yields. XAG/USD plummeted in the day as risk-off market mood boosts the greenback. Fed’s Waller and Clarida would like a faster bond taper. XAG/USD Technical outlook: An inverted head and shoulders target the $28.20-30 range. As Wall Street closes, silver (XAG/USD) finished the session in the red, down almost 1%, at $24.58 at the time of writing. Friday’s session witnessed a downbeat market sentiment in the equity markets. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial printed losses between 0.11% and 0.74%. The outlier was the Nasdaq 100, gaining 0.56%. Safe-haven currencies finished the day in the green in the FX market, while risk-sensitive currencies, like the AUD, the NZD, and the GBP, fell. In the overnight session, silver remained subdued, trendless trading around the $24.75-93 region. However, some fed speakers spurred demand for the greenback throughout the American session, ultimately affecting the white metal, which plunged to the $24.50 area. Fed’s Waller and Clarida would like a faster bond taper On Friday, Fed Governor Christopher Waller indicated that the Federal Reserve may double the pace of its QE to $30 billion per month to end by April of 2022. Waller added that accelerating the rhythm would give the US central bank space for rate hikes as soon as Q2 of 2022. Later during the day, Fed’s Vice Chairman Richard Clarida said that it “may very well be appropriate” to discuss accelerating the pace of the bond tapering, in line with St. Louis President James Bullard. Further noted that he sees upside risks to inflation and added that the economy is very strong position at that it looks as though Q4 is going to be very good. The 10-year Treasury yield closed at 1.55% in the bond market, down three and a half basis points. XAG/USD Price Forecast: Technical outlook -637729570768222399.png) Silver (XAG/USD) portrays that an inverted head-and-shoulders in the daily chart just formed. However, it would need a confirmation above the neckline, though Friday’s price action witnessed a daily close below the neckline. Despite the abovementioned, the non-yielding metal has an upward bias in the near term, with the 50 and 100-day moving averages (DMA’s) residing below the spot price. Nevertheless, to accelerate the uptrend, silver bulls would need to reclaim the 200-DMA at $25.26. That outcome would open the door for further gains, though XAG/USD bulls would find some hurdles on the way north. The first resistance would be the August 4 high at $26.00. A sustained breach of the latter would expose July 14 high $26.44, followed by the psychological $27.00. On the flip side, failure the first support would be the 100-DMA at $24.06
Will the coronavirus go away in april? Content Video answer: 13 times trump said the coronavirus would go away Those who are looking for an answer to the question «Will the coronavirus go away in april?» often ask the following questions: ⚕ Will coronavirus go away in april? US President Donald Trump says he expects the coronavirus outbreak that has killed more than 900 people to disappear in April due to hotter weather. - Will coronavirus stop in april? - Coronavirus when will it end april? - Coronavirus will hit us in april? ⚕ Trump says coronavirus will go away in april? You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. President Trump February, 10 2020 - Heat in april will kill coronavirus? - Will coronavirus be gone by april? - Will coronavirus be over by april? ⚕ Coronavirus will end in april? The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was first detected in China in December. In the months since it has infected more than 44,000 people globally and has killed more than 1,100. - Coronavirus will go away? - Can we trust in trump that coronavirus crisis will ‘go away in april’? - The heat in april will kill coronavirus? Video answer: Watch: trump repeatedly claims covid-19 'going away' as… 10 other answers President Donald Trump suggested that the new coronavirus would “go away” in April, as temperatures warm. While some viruses are seasonal, it’s not yet clear if the new virus will follow the same... Trump says COVID-19 will go away in April. Experts say it’s too soon to tell - National | Globalnews.ca The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was first detected in China in December. In the months... But not all health experts agree that the coronavirus is likely to weaken in April. “It’s a respiratory virus, and we know respiratory viruses are very seasonal, but not exclusively ... coronavirus crisis. will “miraculously” evaporate this summer. “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat, as the heat comes in. Typically that will go away with April ... US President Donald Trump said Monday he expected the coronavirus outbreak that has killed more than 900 people to disappear in April due to hotter weather. "A lot of people think that goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in," President Trump suggested in February, though he didn’t offer a medical explanation of why that could be. There... However, the experts say No one knows for sure whether the virus will ever go away not. According to the various studies that were conducted over the past few months scientists think the virus that... Predicted to go away by the end of April. April 3. Said during a coronavirus news briefing. Cases: 275,586. The Covid lockdown rules that change today. Businesses have been told not to allow all staff to come back to the office today, as government guidance urges a staggered return. By Lucy Fisher .... We've handpicked 26 related questions for you, similar to «Will the coronavirus go away in april?» so you can surely find the answer!Trump says april heat will kill coronavirus?.Trump says coronavirus will end in april? POLITICS. 04/01/2020 12:01 am ET Updated Apr 02, 2020. Trump Said Coronavirus Would ‘Miraculously’ Be Gone By April. Well, It’s April. By Amanda Terkel. Content loading... President Donald Trump thinks he’s doing a fabulous job getting the country through the coronavirus crisis. He’s more than happy to boast about it.Will coronavirus come to india in april? The COVID-19 pandemic in India is. Currently, India has the largest number of confirmed cases in Asia.Will coronavirus come to nyc in april? Covid-19 vaccines are available in NYC to all US residents who are 12 and older, including domestic visitors to the five boroughs. Those who are ages 12 through 17 are only eligible for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is a two-dose regimen with at least 21 days between shots.Will coronavirus come to us in april? By April 7, the B.1.1.7 variant had become the dominant COVID-19 strain in the U.S. On April 12, the U.S. reported its first cases of a new "double mutant" SARS-CoV-2 variant from India (B.1.617) in California. Video answer: Trump says coronavirus will 'miraculously' be gone by april… Coronavirus. (WTVO) — A Johns Hopkins doctor says he believes COVID-19 will be “mostly gone” by April, saying herd immunity could be reached by then, allowing normal life to resume. Dr ...Will the coronavirus ever end in april? The United States recently hit the grim milestone of 500,000 deaths from the coronavirus. Context Gottlieb’s comments about April come after Dr. Marty Makary , a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, wrote for The Wall Street Journal over the weekend that the United States would reach herd immunity by April. Video answer: Seasonality: will covid-19 go away in the summer? Posted on February 13, 2020. 7.4K. President Donald Trump suggested that the new coronavirus would “go away” in April, as temperatures warm. While some viruses are seasonal, it’s not yet ...Will we cure the coronavirus in apr... Video answer: Trump said the coronavirus would disappear by april He also stood by the claim that the virus would go away on April 3, when there were 273,880 cases. "I said it was going away — and it is going away," he said earlier this month. At a Coronavirus ...Cdc says coronavirus will hit us in april? More Contagious Virus Variant Is Now Dominant in U.S., C.D.C. Chief Says. The B.1.1.7 variant, first identified in Britain, is now the source of most new coronavirus infections in the United ...Coronavirus in california: how bad will april be? It has the highest count of deaths related to the virus, and the 33rd-highest count of deaths per capita. As of April 15, 2021. [update] , California administered 24,242,205 COVID-19 vaccine doses, the largest number of doses nationwide, and currently 13th of 50 states in terms of per capita dose administration.Coronavirus lockdown: what will happen after april 14? Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked Indians under lockdown to switch off all lights at home at 9 pm Sunday (April 5) and light candles or diyas -- or use ...Did trump say april heat will kill coronavirus? Referring to the coronavirus, Trump says he was told by China's President Xi, "By April, during the month of April, the heat generally kills this kind of virus, so that would be a good thing." pic...The heat in april will kill coronavirus patients?.The heat in april will kill coronavirus symptoms? Can Coronavirus Survive Heat? Many had hoped that the new coronavirus would go away as the summer weather warmed and got more humid. Despite the fact that the virus does not do well in heat, the...The heat in april will kill coronavirus virus? Posted on February 13, 2020. 7.4K. President Donald Trump suggested that the new coronavirus would “go away” in April, as temperatures warm. While some viruses are seasonal, it’s not yet ... Video answer: Trump expects coronavirus crisis to 'go away' in april Will Warm Weather Kill Coronavirus? U.S. President Donald Trump said he hoped the virus would go away in April 2020 because the "heat generally speaking kills this kind of virus."Trump says coronavirus will be gone by april? One of the main topics Trump addressed is the deadly coronavirus outbreak, which has claimed the lives of more than 1,000 people in mainland China. At the rally, Trump told the crowd “in theory” that once the weather warms up “the virus” will “miraculously” go away come April.What will happen to the coronavirus in april? What could happen after April 30? Will it be the same in all provinces? Will the government prioritise public health, or a return to business? At this stage no final decisions are made. This is a collection of the latest information from various sources which provide a framework for what is likely to be the Thai government’s response to the next phase of the Covid-19 outbreak – the gradual ..”. Video answer: U.s. president trump says people predict an april end to…
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Hi everyone! It’s been a little while since I’ve written up an Adventure post. The last one was over a month ago, for my birthday, when we visited a sunflower field. We’ve been doing a few things here and there, but nothing really worth writing about, until earlier this week. Now that I’m focusing on this blog instead of working a dead-end retail job, I have a lot more free time to go out and do things. More importantly, I have a lot more energy to spend days out hiking. So, we’ve been exploring more of the nature parks, trails, and venues around the city. Today’s post is about one of the “best kept secrets” of the city: the Al Sabo Land Preserve. It’s nearby, but I’ve almost never heard people talk about it the way they talk about the Nature Center, or the Kal-Haven trail, or the other local trails. But, I did hear about it, and we decided to check it out one day that we had free. Turns out, this might be my new favorite trail! Check out the photos. There’s one big straight-line trail through the center of the park. Clear signs of maintenance after the recent storms. Some of the easier parts of the trails. This place is more compact than the Nature Center, but has a lot of room to explore through different trails. Some of them are paved, like in the third picture above, but other parts of the trail are just clear trails in the woods, and some of them are barely-marked, barely-used trails through grass and pine forests. It would be pretty easy to lose your way! We used an app called AllTrails to keep track of where we were, following one of the major loops through the park. Even so, it wasn’t completely accurate, and we took a couple of wrong turns and even an unmarked trail across a small gap in the woods. Spooky trees! It was darker than the camera makes it look. Which one of these is the marked trail? (Hint: not the left one.) I think the thing I like the most about this park is that it’s so varied. There’s evergreen forests, more traditional deciduous forests, areas of grassland, an area near a river, and a lot of variation between them. Every five or ten minutes, it felt like, we’d be walking through an entirely different landscape. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Nature Center, but this place is just so fun! And we only explored a small part of it. There’s still plenty to check out, including stuff across the river. I’m looking forward to it! Fifty yards out that way and the trail is indistinguishable from the rest of the ground. Checking out the river through the trees. Some of the storm damage hasn’t been cleared yet. Most of our hike, we didn’t see very many people, but it was fairly populated near the entrance. It seems like a very popular place to hang out and do shorter hikes, and some of the trails are made for mountain bikes, which we had to dodge a couple of times. As much fun as biking is, I don’t think I could do mountain biking. I’d be too afraid of crashing, especially out here in the woods! I’m looking forward to going back and checking out more of the trails. If I had one gripe, though, it’s that the trails aren’t really marked. Some of them are obviously trails (and a few are paved) but some feel more like well-worn game trails. One we almost walked down seemed like it was going to the adjacent Kiwanis Club land and Boy Scout camp. Someone built a shelter here. Nearing the end of our hike. One of the few buildings on the property. The Al Sabo land preserve was named after Alfred Sabo, director of utilities and the man who initiated the purchase and preservation of the land. The preserve is 741 acres and has been a preserve since the 1970s. It sits above an aquifer, so by preventing building, they’ve prevented groundwater contamination. I’ll definitely be going back, and we might even check it out in the winter too. It’s a cool place to hike, that’s for sure.
After having our first child, I felt drained and depleted in every way. It wasn’t an “I’m hungry or tired” type of feeling, it was total depletion, like I had nothing more to give. I was shocked by the lack of support postpartum—the emphasis is put on pregnancy and then your sweet baby—but it often seems like mama’s needs are quickly over-passed. Postpartum nutrition and depletion is not talked about all that much. The real challenges, changes in emotions, changes in your body and even your identity, not to mention nutritional changes! It’s a lot! < Check out what I’m doing differently after baby #2 and the huge benefits I’ve seen! > Majka came onto the market after my postpartum season with Remington and I remember being so jealous of all the mamas getting to enjoy the benefits. I actually ordered a stash of their postpartum products about a week before our second child was born and I am SO thankful I did. Majka is one of the only companies I have found talking about postpartum nourishment and WOW, each of their products are nutrient dense, highly effective and worth every penny. The results (for me) have been noticeable and instant! Choosing Majka has been the BEST postpartum decision I’ve made! If you are a mama or mama to be, we are creating something beautiful just for you! Sign up to be the first to know when our new postpartum resource launches. Join the wait list > Why focus on postpartum nutrition/replenishment? Postpartum depletion is REAL! In fact, it takes 2-3 years to restore nutrient balance after having a baby. Think about it…you created a human! That’s incredible—but that beauty can come at a cost to your health mama, not a negative thing but something we need to take seriously! For more postpartum care support: During pregnancy, we were prepared and know what to expect (at least a little bit), but what about the postpartum season? We are completely unprepared for the physical and emotional challenges that came with early motherhood. Those early days are a ‘beautiful mess’ as I like to say—I absolutely love the newborn phase, but it takes intentional work to rebuild your body. This is a beautiful opportunity mama! The Majka Difference I love that they are an educational based company—their blog, Instagram and online classes provide opportunities to learn how to care for yourself postpartum without ever buying a product. And if you want to try their nutrient dense products specifically for motherhood, they work!!! So many powders and nutritionally based products just taste like cardboard or fake to me. Majka tastes real and homemade—full of real foods…because it is! << FLOURISH for 10% off your first purchase! > Benefits I’ve seen with Majka postpartum nutrition products Replenishing Powder This is my favorite and I use the Replenishing Powder almost daily! It’s been the BEST postpartum decision/investment I’ve made. I notice a huge difference in my energy levels the days I make my drink—like a significant energy difference. I’ve also noticed I have more focus (brain fog is real when you are exhausted) and I don’t feel drained or depleted! I had a big issue of nutrient depletion after my first pregnancy—my blood work was off the charts low on so many nutrients, so this powder has provided so many benefits that will positively impact me for decades to come. Why is it so expensive? Replenishing Powder is more than just a protein powder. While it contains a day’s amount of protein, aka Collagen Peptides for recovery (repairing tissue, muscles, and your pelvic floor), it ALSO contains: a complete postnatal vitamin, an organic fruits & greens blend for your daily fruits and vegetable servings, probiotics and digestive enzymes, adaptogens that can help increase energy and decrease stress, AND Majka’s beauty-glow blend with featuring Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Rhodiola, and Ashwagandha + so much more. ONE SCOOP = EVERYTHING ABOVE! It’s more than a protein powder- it’s made to help moms actually recover, and feel good on the inside out. It makes staying nourished throughout your day so much easier, by combining everything into one delicious powder. The other facet is ingredient quality. Everything in the Replenishing Powder is from the best possible source, and all of our products are above 90% organic. We never use artificial flavors or sweeteners, and only bioavailable and bioactive nutrients, so they are easily absorbed into mom’s body. ^^ and trust me it works AND tastes delicious! My Majka replenishing recipe… - 1 scoop Replenishing Powder - about 2 cups combo of water + nut milk - big spoonful of almond or peanut butter - 1 tsp spirulina - 1/4 tsp matcha (on days I need an energy boost) - few chunks frozen mango - 3 handfuls ice Lactation Line I’ll be honest and say I have an oversupply of milk (both a blessing and a curse), so I haven’t used this as much. Our whole family got a stomach bug when Hudson was about 6 weeks old and my supply seriously dipped. After eating a few Lactation Bites it was right back to a generous supply. They taste SO good too. I would eat them even if I wasn’t breastfeeding. Anytime I notice my supply dip a bit or baby is extra hungry I will have a Lactation Bite and notice a quick difference, within 1-2 hours. I’ve had a few mamas tell me they have a difficult time pumping enough milk and say that these have made a huge difference for them too. Word of advice: don’t eat these in the later evening or you will wake up drenched and heavy! If you know, you know 😉 Hydration Booster Staying hydrated as a mama can be tough (ok staying hydrated in general)! Did you know that you can actually dehydrate yourself by consuming too much water without proper mineral + electrolyte balance? YES, the water can just flush through you unless it has electrolytes to balance out the fluids. Dehydration can lead to exhaustion, headaches + migraines, sleep issues and brain fog. If you are breastfeeding, staying hydrated is a must for energy + milk supply! Many electrolyte mixes on the market are either full of sugar or have a fake taste. Majka’s is VERY light in flavor, sort of like a water enhancer and it truly works. It contains 72+ trace minerals, electrolytes from coconut water, vitamin C and L-Carnitine for energy support—it’s truly more than just an electrolyte mix. It has helped me so much with energy, clarity + focus, and minimizing migraines! Hair Recovery Line Postpartum hair loss happens for two main reasons—adrenal fatigue (hello exhaustion and lack of sleep) and a drop in hormone levels after pregnancy. Majka’s Hair Recovery contains 26 active ingredients PLUS adaptogens to create a formula that delivers you results… and it does! I dealt with serious postpartum hair loss after my first baby and I started taking this after a few months postpartum with my second baby as a preventative measure and have seen great results so far! Check out Majka’s amazing products for women + the postpartum season! If you have questions, let’s chat. I’d love to help support you in this season of life! << FLOURISH for 10% off your first purchase! > Disclaimer: Caroline Potter, FNTP, and Flourish do not provide medical advice. Please always consult with your doctor before starting a new nutritional supplement.
Just how To Employ A Professional Roofer? A roofing professional, professional roofer, or roofing contractor is someone that specializes in roofing system repair service. They utilize a variety of materials, such as steel, tiles, plaster, and asphalt, to fix the roofs of business structures. This task is typically performed by specialized roofer, whose firms can be found online or by phone book. Below are some suggestions for choosing a great roofer: – Ask friends and family if they have any type of dependable roofing professionals. If your neighbors, close friends, or co-workers have fixed their own roofs, you can get a suggestion of the high quality you can expect from an expert roofer. Additionally, ask if they would certainly recommend a certain roofing contractor to you. – Search for pictures or pictures on the web site of various professional roofer. You ought to also do some research study on the firm’s previous work. Although it is not advisable to employ a roofing contractor just because he has an image of his newest job, it is useful to obtain a glimpse of the job design that the professional has. You should additionally inspect whether the work is done according to ISO criteria or whether the service provider is licensed to do roof building and construction of all kinds. – Think about the expense. You need to not only consider the rate yet also the high quality of craftsmanship and the experience of the roofer. There are roofing service providers who are contemporary to make the most cash and also as a result do substandard jobs that will not last long. There are likewise those who have actually been doing this type of work for a very long time and have shown themselves to be skilled specialists. You might want to consider paying a greater fee so you can be sure that the roofing system specialists you will certainly collaborate with can making outstanding services. – Learn more about the guarantee supplied by the roofing contractor. Make certain you recognize the protection offered. The warranty can provide you a concept about the quality of labor and the assurance you’ll obtain once the work is finished. Some service providers provide complimentary inspection and analysis for brand-new roof tasks but you have to ask first. This is very vital in finding an excellent roofing contractor who can give you with quality job once the work is done. – Learn about guarantees. There are many professional roofer available that are using the most current technical developments in roof covering. Some of these advancements include energy-efficient innovation, improvements in the materials used, and also state-of-the-art systems and also equipment. The service warranties of these contractors should likewise conform to those of other suppliers. You need to think twice prior to working with professionals that are still making use of out-of-date technology. 3 Tips from Someone With Experience Questions About You Must Know the Answers To
Foodpharmacy Blog: Bath, Hair Care, Conditioner Avalon Organics, Conditioner, Nourishing, Lavender, 11 oz (312 g) $5.70 Product name: Avalon Organics, Conditioner, Nourishing, Lavender, 11 oz (312 g) Quantity: 11 oz, 0.36 kg, 4.1 x 7.6 x 18 cm Categories: Avalon Organics, Bath, Personal Care, Hair Care, Conditioner. Browse our top rated shampoos and conditioners, and find the best hair care products for your specific needs. Just a tiny amount through the hair not only eliminates frizziness, but makes hair incredibly soft, i cannot stop twirling it! Total results total results hair conditioner reviews, best thermal hair products and top total results shampoo choose the best total results hair products by checking out the star ratings. They contain lauryl sulfates or sulfosuccinates as detergents and no conditioners. My mom gave this to me without saying much which usually means she does not care for it. The typical reason of using shampoo is to remove the unwanted build-up of sebum in the hair without stripping out so much as to make hair unmanageable. Our best conditioners are gentle enough to use every day yet powerful enough to deliver lasting nourishment and hydration. Both my wife and daughter have mid-back length, naturally curly/wavy hair.. Avalon Organics, Conditioner, Nourishing, Lavender, 11 oz (312 g): Conditioner, Hair Care, Personal Care, Bath It works to smooth, strengthen, and protect hair of all types, thanks to ingredients like panthenol, sunflower seed extract, green tea leaf extract, silk amino acids, and citric acid. It’s a basic, hydrating formula that works well on normal-to-dry hair and is fortified with a potent blend of pro-v nutrients and antioxidants that will keep your strands in good fighting shape. For those with coily hair (Who do not rock wash-and-gos) you know washing too often can strip the much-needed moisture from your hair. I did not apply a lot because i had previously used it and it left my hair feeling heavy so i took the advice from other reviews and applied much less and it really did work very well. Healthy hair looks clean, soft to feel, shiny, untangled, has no frizz and is bouncy when shaking the head. Afterwards, coconut oil was applied to the hair in order to moisturize it. Adverse reactions to shampoos and conditioners are rare. Her hair is so soft and manageable and the lemon smells amazing! Many companies have also developed color-protection shampoos suitable for colored hair; some of these shampoos contain gentle cleansers according to their manufacturers. Function of beauty has received thousands of five-star reviews, but we wanted to see how it actually worked on our own hair. If you have very thin or fine hair, the stylists we talked to suggested forgoing a traditional conditioner altogether. The fact that alcohol is the 2nd ingredient annoyed me because everyone and their uncle talks about how bad and drying it is for hair. These are definitely pricier than your drugstore hair-care brands, but the price tag reflects the custom approach as well as the high-quality ingredients used. Used initially for laundry and for cleaning carpets and cars, they later evolved as hair shampoo. In short, keratin is reparative, so it might be a good ingredient to look out for if your hair is damaged from over-processing. Our top rated shampoo and conditioner for fine hair products add fullness to flat, limp hair while providing lightweight hydration. Roots starts with a fresh mint infusion and has scalp-tingling peppermint and spearmint oils for a refreshing sensation and to promote strong, healthy hair. This ultra-rich sulfate-free shampoo provides intense hydration to hair and scalp while detangling naturally curly coily textures. The same is true when considering hair conditioner? Read matrix total result hair conditioner reviews with five star ratings and feedback on top clarifying shampoo from customers like you. Then get the top devacurl shampoo and best hair conditioner for nourishing hydration.! Dry hair product reviews top dry hair products reviews, hair care shampoo the top rated hair products for dry hair are easy to sort through when you take advantage of our informative hair styling product reviews. I was excited to try function of beauty and try to slim down my hair-care routine. It works great, keeps my hair shiny, and when it washes out, it immediately leaves my hair feeling silky and detangled. Derived from fatty alcohols, they are very good at removing sebum from the scalp and hair. Color treated hair product reviews top hair product reviews, color treated hair products discover the best color safe hair products by reading helpful product information and reviews at beauty brands. The best shampoo and hair conditioner restore natural moisture while softening, smoothing and detangling tresses. Rely on the best shampoo and conditioner from chi daily, and look for travel size versions of top hair styling products for vacation. Start with the best hempz shampoo and conditioner, including color-protecting products, then achieve long-lasting hold with finishing spray, styling mousse or styling cream. It also has a light, lemony scent that i vastly prefer to some of the sugary sweet hair products out there. The critical determination of fine change in the surface architecture of human hair due to cosmetic treatment. Smells nice, introduced me to the concept of conditioning after showering (Like lotion for your hair)! This dove 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, with pro-moisture complex, moisturizes hair from deep within the strand. I am definitely satisfied with the products, but i have not noticed enough of a difference to justify the price, which is double what i usually pay for shampoo and conditioner. Use sparsely on damp hair and it works wonders! Avalon Organics Conditioner Avoid rubbing them dry as this can tangle their hair; blot the coat instead. Moroccanoil hair product reviews with lots of moroccanoil hair products to choose among, you can find a shampoo and conditioner to address your unique hair chemistry.? Cleansing with hair and body massage (Champu) during one’s daily bath was an indulgence of early colonial traders in india. I have fine, thin hair and after using the seaweed products, it feels clean and has more body than usual. All this is to say that camellia seed oil made my dry hair look like rapunzel’s. Playa’s every day shampoo is formulated so that when it interacts with water, it creates tiny bubbles that naturally detoxify and add nutrients to the hair and scalp. Frizzy hair product reviews best rated products for frizzy hair, shampoo reviews the best frizzy hair products as well as the top rated hair styling products are easy to find at beauty brands. Polysorbate-80 or ceteareth-20) which are non-ionic agents seem to be particularly effective at providing emulsion stability if it cannot be acheived by catiionic agents alone in a conditioner. Use our shampoo and conditioner reviews and our hair styling product reviews to select the ideal products for your scalp and hair. Incredible this is by far the best product i have ever used on my hair. I am not careful enough to apply this without globbing it on too heavily in certain places but i guess if i were to distribute it evenly in two hands first instead of just using one hand, it would be fine. The negative charge of the hair is attracted to the positively charged conditioner molecules, which results in conditioner getting deposited on the hair, especially on areas where there is degree of weathering. I have naturally corse hair, and this product works wonderfully for that. Breakage and frizz immunity conditioner to detangling and restoring conditioners, there are options for every kind of hair.. However, i was pleasantly surprised by the conditioner and how well it works with my hair! Maintenance and grooming of hair is a daily routine for most of the people and it is not uncommon to see people investing a huge amount of time and money on hair care, which has created a huge industry selling lots of hair care products to fulfill the demand. Back around christmas, i bought all of the females in our house their choice of any shampoo, conditioner and leave-in conditioner. Conditioner molecules contain cationic surfactant which gives a positive electric charge to the conditioner. Stephanie louis, owner of stylebox salon in prospect heights, calls this conditioner a staple at her salon. All of our arizona sunscreen and sunblock products are developed right here locally, providing the best sun tan lotion ingredients available for skin care. I have super curly, thick hair and was slightly nervous to use a different product than one that i had been using for years. The best volumizing shampoo is gentle enough to use on heavily damaged hair while still lifting strands at the root.! We started using this conditioner in addition to the tubby todd body wash and within a week her head was moisturized and looking great! I normally use a ton of product in my hair but with the garnier hair care whole blends smoothing leave-in conditioner, i don’t. Pureology hair product reviews, best pureology hair conditioner and favorite shampoo customer favorite pureology hair products, top pureology shampoo and top rated hair conditioner selecting top pureology hair products is easy after reading our customer reviews. The directions say you can put it on dry hair as well but as a professional stylist i would never recommend that. I am a hairstylist who swims laps five days a week for an hour at a time. Once my girls hair started getting longer it was getting hard to comb through after bath time. Sarcosines: They are generally secondary detergents, as they do not remove sebum well from the hair to justify as primary cleansers. This was used for hair cleansing in india in ancient times. Avalon Organics, Conditioner, Nourishing, Lavender, 11 oz (312 g) Product Review Smooth. Nice. Re-buy. Caused an allergic reaction :(. Bad fingering. Moisturizes and nourishes hair. Blemish his wind. Avalon Organics, Lavender Nourishing Conditioner, Hmmm. good The hair has become shiny after using. Nice Very good I was enjoying the Nourishing Lavender Shampoo and Conditioner for the first time. until 2 weeks later when I started breaking out in a rash (I’m allergic to soap) all around my hairline, ears, neck and shoulders 🙁 I previously used the Clarifying Lemon variety and had no issues. We purchased with shampoo, but hair was squeaky and did not use the second time. Yes if Vadk comment use it after shampoo empty hair my soft Praise be to Allah they were consulted His breath is never good Smooth hair after use He felt light and his smell is normal and its size is sweet Moisturizing sweet but Mo once strong and deep means the first thing you Httso as if there is nothing after a minute hair moisturizes my evaluation 8/10 what I recommend to the owners of very dry hair.
You deserve good design, knowledgeable options, and proper handling procedures when you bring your items into any professional picture framer. Well-designed framed art is more than just adding a frame or mat to the art. Considerations about the rooms light color tones, and living style need to be considered when designing art for your home. - “Do No Harm” is the picture framers code of ethics. Working with such diverse styles and art media options requires years of education and experience to get it right! - We offer preservation design services for galleries, museums, non-profits, and private or corporate foundations. For both residential and commercial customers – we offer complete design for custom framing services. - Textiles including all needle arts and batiks - Shadow boxes for all types of items - Military items - Memorials – with quick turn times - Sporting items of all kinds - Oversize projects - Treasures - Heirlooms - Photo Restoration and Repairs - Image Printing from phone uploads to linked imported graphics - Fine Art of all media, - Drawings, Children’s art - Original art, Pastels, Oils, Acrylics - 2-3 D arts - Awards - Diplomas - Antique Family Photos - Business Mission Statements, - Corporate Art and Manufacturing Displays - Invitations – both laser inkjet prints - Frame Restoration - Off site Design Consultation - Framing Solutions offers discounts for multiple pieces with the same designs, or, multiple projects designed during the same on-on-one design consultation. “Susan, the posters are amazing!! You did a beautiful job. We took them up this past weekend and placed them in the theater room. Our handyman is going to hang them for us. I’ll send you photos once they’re up. Thanks for your great guidance. Much appreciated.” — Tricia D, Minnetonka “Framing Solutions is the only place that I will now have my custom framing work done. Their ideas and selection is great. And the prices are less than the big boxes too!” — Barb R, Edina “I gave Susan my vision of the project for a wedding gift and she’s made it come alive! Her fun personality is a bonus! This business is one of those neighborhood gems people are always mentioning! Thank you!!” — Carolyn D, Minnetonka “Awesome designing skills with exceptional recommendations. Over and above any framer I worked in the past!” — Jerry W, Edina
2021 Ford F-350 Super Duty Review If you’re in need of a heavy-duty pickup, the Ford F-350 could be a great option for you to explore. This pickup packs a ton of power under the hood, provides adequate space, and delivers a versatile overall ride for drivers near Doylestown, West Chester, Langhorne, and Mechanicsburg, PA. Want to learn more about this truck’s impressive specs and features? Check out this 2021 Ford F-350 review from our team at Fred Beans Ford Work Trucks! Ford F-350 Engine Under the hood, the F-350 packs a powerful punch. The 6.2L SOHC 2-valve Flex Fuel V8 engine pumps out 385 horsepower and 430 lb-ft of torque. This will arm you with plenty of power and control, ready to tackle just about any job you have in mind. This powertrain also comes with a TorqShift® 10-speed Automatic Transmission. This will help the vehicle perform efficiently and effectively. For increased versatility, the F-350 also comes with five different drive modes that will help optimize the truck’s performance. For example, the Deep Sand/Snow mode will help you in situations where road conditions are not optimal, such as plowing in that Nor’easter or delivering equipment to the construction site. Additional drive modes include: - Normal - Slippery - Eco - Tow/Haul Ford F-350 Towing Your versatility behind the wheel of the F-350 will be exemplified further by the towing capacity afforded to you by this powerful engine. You’ll be able to tow up to 16,700 pounds with this engine configuration and proper outfitting. Your towing ability will be further optimized by some of the towing technology present in this impressive pickup. For example, the standard Trailer Sway Control will make sure your trailer is stabilized by distributing brake force to different tires should your trailer start to move. The F-350 also has a number of optional technologies that can be explored to further improve your towing experience. The available Ultimate Trailer Tow Camera System will improve visibility behind the truck, helping you load and unload your trailer easier. Ford F-350 Dimensions Another key area that contributes to the incredible versatility afforded to you by the Ford F-350 is the dimensions, both inside and out. On the inside, you’ll be able to choose from three different cab sizes. Additionally, the Ford-F-350 will arm you with plenty of cargo volume. Here, you’ll also have a number of choices to choose from in terms of bed size. The 6.75-foot box will provide you 65.4 cubic feet of cargo volume, whereas the 8.0-foot box will arm you with 78.5 cubic feet of cargo room. These available dimensions will allow you to customize your F-350, optimizing for the space your individualized driving needs call for. Test Drive the Ford F-350 Today! Impressed with the specs of this versatile pickup after reading this 2021 Ford F-350 review? The next step will be to get behind the wheel for a test drive. Visit us online or in store to schedule a test run, and we’ll have you out on the Doylestown, West Chester, Langhorne, and Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, roads in no time. We hope to assist you at Fred Beans Ford Work Trucks soon!
Speech Day at Friends’ School 2021 ) Social distancing requirements and a greatly reduced capacity in the assembly hall meant that two events were held: one for Year 14 pupils, to celebrate success at AS level, and another later in the afternoon, to which those who had recently completed A-levels and their parents were invited. Despite the heavy rain, the Jazz Band, sheltered under hastily erected gazebos, heroically played on and welcomed the guests as they arrived at the assembly hall. The Guest of Honour at both events was Professor Peter Shirlow, who attended Friends’ from 1977 to 1984 and who is currently Director at the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Irish Studies. Professor Shirlow also advises the British and Irish governments and the European Union, and is a regular contributor to Radio Ulster and BBC NI, as well as the Irish Times, the Guardian and BBC Radio 4. The Chairman of the Board of Governors, Philip McDonagh, opened proceedings by congratulating pupils on their achievements and thanking the staff for their hard work over the past year, particularly in the difficult circumstances created by the pandemic. Professor Shirlow received a warm reception and gave an inspirational and entertaining speech to those gathered in the assembly hall. He reminisced about his time at school and spoke fondly of his time at Friends’. He said that it used to be a characteristic of speeches that young people should follow the example of older people whose success was measured by professional standing, income and status. However, it was his belief that life should not be an identikit version of the life of an older generation: this generation should create their own future, one that was inclusive, shared and confident. Professor Shirlow spoke about the challenges of moving on to university, of adjusting expectations and adapting to a different style of working. He added that young people should not be in a hurry to achieve their goals, and that they should be aware that each one of us depends on the efforts of others to see us through life. In a speech full of anecdote and observation, he offered ten ideas to the leavers on how to move forward in life. He said that ambition was best served cold, highlighting the fact that those who have a singular dream often miss out on others. He encouraged everyone to strive not to focus on being a success, but rather to be of value; to respect their good fortune and their debts to others, including their parents; to take exercise; to laugh; to show respect to everyone and to show leadership in the battle against discrimination. Professor Shirlow concluded by urging the leavers to be themselves and not to let the noise of others’ opinions prevent them from having the courage to do what they felt they should. His final piece of advice was to recognise the folly of spectacle, rejoicing in difference and imperfection rather than chasing unachievable ideals. Stephen Moore, Principal, welcomed new members of staff, including Vice-Principal Steven Alexander, and paid tribute to those who had moved on over the last year. He thanked Phillip Elliott, who had taken up the post of Principal at Cambridge House Grammar School and Lesley Rodgers who had retired as Head of Girls’ Games, for their enormous contribution to life at Friends’. Mr Moore also expressed his gratitude to Alison Rogers and Helen Calvert who had served the school in a variety of roles over three decades, most recently in Reprographics. Mr Moore said that, despite all of the downsides, one positive aspect of the pandemic was that it had led to people taking unexpected journeys, both real and metaphorical, and that these often led to experiences which would be cherished long into the future. He observed that, despite the uncertainty created by the cancellation of examinations, pupils had risen to the challenges presented by the alternative awarding arrangements, persevering with their studies both in school and during the closure, and producing high quality work in assessments. He also commended them for their cheerful attitude throughout and said that, despite the mass cancellation of events, there were still some highlights to report from the past year. These included individual sporting achievements for those who had earned a place on elite squads, and success for the senior team in the Concern All-Ireland Debating Shield. Mr Moore concluded his report by saying that he was grateful to the leavers for the contribution they had made to school over the last seven years, and commended them for how they had coped with the challenges of the pandemic: “You have had to take an unexpected journey over the last two years. It would be easy to lament the missed concerts and school productions, the lack of sports fixtures and cup ties, and even the absence of formal examinations. But what I would say is that this shouldn’t take away anything from what you have achieved, both at A-level and during your time at school, and I hope that you can look back at your time here with fond memories. Your experience was certainly different, but through it you were able to demonstrate resourcefulness, resilience, determination and fortitude, and you have left school equipped not only for your degree courses, but also for what lies ahead, with all of the uncertainties that brings.” Head Girl Tilly Martin and Head Boy Patrick Bates thanked Professor Shirlow for taking the time to come to Friends’ and, on behalf of the pupils, staff, parents and guests, expressed their appreciation for what he had said. Following the ceremony, the weather had dried up sufficiently for leavers and their parents to stay for refreshments outside the Dining Hall. Friends’ subject prize winners at AS level: Alice Carruthers (Spanish), Alexander Kyle (Chemistry, Physics), Emily McMurtry (Art & Design) and Megan Brown (Economics). Magnus Naeri (Physics), Anna Nixon (Nutrition & Food Science), Emma Stewart (Art & Design, Business Studies), Lara Poole (English, Government & Politics) and Calvin Mehaffey (German). Emma Dubei (Nutrition & Food Science), Seren Mageean (French), James Hatchell (Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Technology & Design), Imogen Erskine (Art & Design, Geography) and Kate Erskine (Physical Education). Ellie Knox (Biology), Joshua Graham (Moving Image Arts), Rachel Prentice (History) and Rachel Wright (Religious Studies). Not pictured: Kerry Beattie (Health & Social Care, Physical Education). Alice Francey (Chemistry), Joshua Hamilton (Moving Image Arts), Holly Downes (Software Systems Development) and Jessica Laird (Music). Not pictured: Molly Davidson (Mathematics). Greer Cup In recognition of outstanding achievement at Advanced Level the Greer Cup is awarded jointly to Magnus Naeri and James Hatchell, who also achieved 4 A*s at A Level. Manly Cup In recognition of outstanding achievement at Advanced Level the Manly Haughton Cup is awarded jointly to Alice Francey and Bethany Au who were both awarded 4 A*s at A Level. Matthew Aughey was awarded the Michael Thompson Sports Bursary created in memory of Michael Thompson, former Head Boy and captain of the 1st XV at Friends’, is presented to a pupil who has achieved excellence in sport and who is continuing to develop this interest at university level. Lara Poole received the Craig Lewsley Award which is presented in memory of former pupil Craig Lewsley and is awarded to a pupil who has made an all-round contribution to school life. Science Cup The Hilary Reseigh Cup was awarded to Ellie Knox who was the pupil with the best overall achievement in Science at A-level. It was donated to school in memory of Hilary Young, who was Head Girl here in 1988/89 and her love of Science, and Chemistry in particular, led her to a career in Pharmacy. Sinton and Dunwoody: Joshua Anderson and Anna Nixon received the Sinton and Dunwoody Prizes in recognition of their services to Friends’ School.
Yesterday I dropped some Operation Christmas Child boxes off at Ms. Jo’s Little School Kindergarten in Gardendale. This group of preschoolers chose to make the Shoe Box Ministry a part of their Christmas giving project. I had planned to knock on the door and hand the boxes off, but Ms. Jo invited me in to meet the kids—a sort of show and tell of what her pastor does. The boys and girls were quiet, respectful, and listened intently to what I had to say. As I finished speaking, one little boy raised his hand and asked, “What’s wrong with your arm?” I was dumbstruck not understanding what he meant. It seemed he had noticed very astutely that I had a small band aid on my left arm and was concerned about the injury it covered. I replied, “Oh, it’s just a boo-boo,” hoping that would be enough of an explanation, but that was not. “What happened?” he asked. Now I had to think because I had forgotten all about the band aid and why I even had it on. Here I was standing in front of ten kids with silver-dollar sized eyes staring at me with concern, who had forgotten about the pastor and his job and were now transfixed on a tiny flesh-colored band aid on my forearm—alarmed at the present state of my health and welfare. “Oh, I scratched it on a bush,” I replied. “How?” was the next response from this anxious classroom of kids. Ms. Jo stepped in and the conversation moved from band aids to tee-shirts, and I said my goodbyes and slipped out. But the Holy Spirit would not let the band aid question go. Those little children were far more concerned about my tiny wound than impressed with who I was. They listened quietly to what I had to say, but looked far more intently at who I really was. To them, I was simply another person, perhaps a bit larger, but still a fellow human being. And to makes matters more interesting—the band aid signified that I was injured or hurting. It was a fluorescent, flashing billboard-sized clue to a little boy checking the real me out. When did we stop looking—really looking—at those around us? When did we stop seeing the pain, the hurt or the wounds of those fellow pilgrims we share this planet with. I know when it happened! It happened when we stopped looking at others through the wonder, through the innocence, or through the genuine concern of a child’s eyes. Compassion became suspicion. Concern became fear. And we stopped looking because we were afraid we might truly see the pain and thus become responsible for bringing health and healing to those who are hurting. If one can see the pain of another, turn their head and go about their life without any concern—that person is in reality no longer alive. Unless we—that’s you and me—become like children again we will never see the pain of those around us, much less the kingdom of God. By the way, I didn’t make that one up—Jesus did!
My first exposure to American Football was from a few friends at my local pub. They’d always have games on and constantly tried to explain the sport or get me to watch, I wasn’t interested at first. It seemed boring to me at the time. Well one day I saw Madden on sale and figured I’d give it a go. Might be fun. Well I was hooked instantly. The way every player had a role, how every game was like a chess match, it was beautiful. After that I started watching highlights, Montana, Rice, Moss and Ochocinco. I fell in love with the sport and completely immersed myself. 5 years later I moved to america to pursue coaching and I couldn’t be happier. Well as many of the NFL listeners will know I’m a Patriots fan. I’m from Old England, I figured New England was a good team to cheer for. I had the luck of accidentally choosing to roll with one of the most successful teams to ever play. My one true love though is LSU. A team that through good and bad I’d never give up on. A team that saved my life in 2019. LSU matters more to me than anything else on the planet. They hold an insanely special place in my heart and the team I’d watch every down of every game of even if we didn’t win a game for the next 10 years. LSU is my religion. I also enjoy watching the Toronto Argonauts in the CFL. A very fun team who always show up and put on great games. I’m a part of the college team along with Lee, Liam, Ed, Raj and Andy. We chop it up on the weekly bringing you some of the best college football perspectives on earth with our podcast and articles. I also host Kierans Korner where I interview athletes, coaches and football fans making up a fun and diverse range of podcasts for listeners as you can hear from CFL hall of farmers, JuCo and D1 coaches and even NFL superfans. I also write about LSU and quarterbacks whenever I see something exciting. Because I love this sport. Like I said, this sport saved my life and given me some of the best opportunities anyone could ask for. Almost everything in my life today I owe to football, I’m eternally grateful and will always look to push the sport forward in anyway possible to express my gratitude. Hopefully my bold and slightly abrasive personality is enjoyable for you as you explore the game with me! Go the Full10Yards with our email newsletter Join our email list and get our latest news, podcasts, offers and more direct to your email every week.
The Carolina Hurricanes made some news over the weekend when they offer sheeted Montreal Canadiens forward Jesperi Kotkaniemi to a one-year, $6.1 million dollar deal. This also included a $20 signing bonus. While not only was this revenge for offer sheeting Sebastian Aho back in 2019, this was a good hockey move because the offer sheet is rarely used. Plus it ignites a rivalry between two teams where there is not much hatred. In addition to all of that, there was comedy behind it as the Hurricanes released the same exact quotes the Canadiens did with Aho offer sheet. But there is a difference between the Jesperi Kotkaniemi offer sheet and the Sebastian Aho offer sheet. It was a no-brainer for the Hurricanes to match the Aho offer sheet. One it saved the Hurricanes a negotiation headache with the player, but two the deal was actually really good for the player and team. Recall Aho signed a five-year $42.27 million contract with an $8.454 million AAV. And clearly, Aho is the best player on the team. He could have gotten more, but this was the perfect number for team and player. With Kotkaniemi offer sheet. This is a little more complex and in Montreal’s case, they should weigh their options but lean towards letting the player go. - Ep 17: Evander Kane; Canada COVID Restrictions; Kraken/Oilers Failuresby Full Press Coverage on January 12, 2022 at 2:14 am It's the 1/11/22 edition of Full Press Hockey Weekly with Mike Straw, […] Best For Canadiens To Move On From Jesperi Kotkaniemi The Montreal Canadiens selected Jesperi Kotkaniemi 3rd overall in the 2018 NHL Draft and there were high hopes for him. During his tenure with the Canadiens, Kotkaniemi has played in 171 career regular-season games recording 62 points (22 goals and 40 assists). This includes recording 20 points (five goals and 15 assists) in 56 games this past season. In addition, 12 points (nine goals and three assists) in 29 playoff games. However, during his tenure in Montreal, Kotkaniemi has fallen in and out of favour with the coaching staff that has been there. Fans were upset when he was scratched during Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final. The team opted for a faster lineup which saw the return of Jake Evans. Despite Kotkaniemi having eight points in 19 playoff games. No one will disagree they rushed the 18-year old during his first season despite him recording 34 points (11 goals and 23 assists). But he has struggled over the past two seasons especially out of the gate. No-fault of his own, as the team did not put him in a situation to succeed. However, being taken that high means the player has the ability to carry a line. Not to mention the expectations in a city, where winning means everything. Kotkaniemi has gotten off to slow starts throughout the past two seasons and there will be pressure on him this year with the departure of Phillip Danault. Not to mention the play of Nick Suzuki has really put pressure on Kotkaniemi to perform. This has put general manager Marc Bergevin in a bind. Lose a player that has yet to develop into his prime for first and third-round picks in the 2022 NHL Draft or sign a player to an overinflated contract. Even if the Hurricanes were trying to trade for him as Elliotte Friedman reports. The choice is simple for Bergevin do not match the offer It Makes Too Much Sense The Montreal Canadiens are in a pickle this upcoming season. With Shea Weber‘s career likely done, the Canadiens have money to play with as he will be on LTIR. In addition to Weber, Paul Byron will be on LTIR to start the season. But Byron will have to come back. If the Canadiens were to match the offer sheet of $6.1 million dollars, they would have to move out a contract once Byron came back to fit the money in. Plus, the Canadiens could not move Kotkaniemi for a full year. That puts them in a jam, especially if he gets off to another slow start. Not only that, but his next contract will have to start at $6.1 million. And they are overpaying for a player that has been inconsistent since his rookie season. And there is no way they could justify another $6 million investment if the player plays poorly. If after seven days, the Canadiens do not match the offer, they would receive a first and third-round draft pick they could use for trade capital. That is very lucrative especially for a team like Montreal. So if the team decides to move from Kotkaniemi, which they should, then where do they go from here? Options Moving Forward Well, the Canadiens could use the picks they received from Carolina and go after a player like Christian Dvorak from Arizona. Dvorak has a reasonable salary cap hit at $4.45-million through 2024-25. Plus he is a physical two-way centre, something the Canadiens need. Dvorak put up 31 points (17 goals and 14 assists) in 56 games last season. So he is already more productive than Kotkaniemi. Not to mention he is 25 years old. With the loss of Danault, Dvorak would be the perfect replacement. Especially with Suzuki right behind him. Those picks could be the perfect start to trade framework to get that player to Montreal. Now if the Canadiens can’t work out a trade with Arizona, maybe they revisit Jack Eichel, but Kotkaniemi would have been part of that trade, plus Buffalo is not going to want to trade him within the division. Not to mention, Montreal does not really have the prospects Buffalo is looking for. So they might have to look internally. Jack Evans is not a top-six forward but could be. Cedric Paquette is more of a bottom-six forward. Even though Mike Hoffman is listed as a centre, he is better on the wing. Could it be a guy like Ryan Peohling’s time to shine in Montreal? That is a player that could replace Kotkanimei put in the right situation. One thing is for certain, the Canadiens have a tough decision to make. But it might not be that tough if you break everything down. It is easier to find another Jesperi Kotkaniemi than it is to overpay for a player you think may be great one […]
Need a quick costume for a pair of siblings or friends? DIY Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts, featuring the […] A Trio of Dr. Seuss Snacks These three snacks are each inspired by a different Dr. Seuss classic. The tutorial includes the printable to make the […] Dr. Seuss Thing Cupcake in a Jar Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day with this Thing cupcake, inspired by the Cat in the Hat! It’s such a fun treat […] Cat in the Hat Toss Turn an empty oatmeal container into a hat that looks just like the one the Cat in the Hat wears. […] Cat in the Hat Treat Holder Celebrate Dr. Seuss with this fun Cat in the Hat treat holder made from a recycled cardboard tube. Fill it […] Cat in the Hat Sandwich Create an adorable sandwich inspired by Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat. What a fun way to celebrate this classic […] Dr. Seuss Story Blocks Create story starting blocks with images from classic Dr. Seuss books. Children can roll the blocks and create their own […] The Cat’s Hat Bread To celebrate Dr. Seuss, we’ve magically stuck the Cat’s Hat into a loaf of bread! Kids of all ages will […] Dr. Seuss Thing 1 and Thing 2 Push Pop Cupcakes Celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss with Cat in the Hat push pop copcakes! These treats are adorable and easy […] Cardboard Tube Cat in the Hat Make a cardboard tube Cat in the Hat craft to go along with Dr Seuss’ beloved books. It’s easy to […] Thing 1, 2, 3 Handprint Art Make a precious keepsake wall art while celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday with this Thing 1, 2, 3 Handprint Art! Follow […] Cat in the Hat Fascinator for Dr. Seuss Day Turn two common recyclable materials into an adorable fascinator for Dr. Seuss Day on March 2! It’s so easy to […] Handprint Thing 1 & Thing 2 We’re celebrating Dr. Seuss’ Birthday with Thing 1 and Thing 2! Create these familiar faces by painting your child’s hand […] Dr. Seuss Finger Puppets Our Cat in the Hat and Thing finger puppets turn a reading story into a play! Made from pipe cleaners, […] Cardboard Tube “Cat in the Hat” Pop-Ups Kids will get a kick out of making the Cat jump out of his hat with this fun craft made […] Thing 1 and Thing 2 Recycled Planters Turn empty milk cartons into awesome planters inspired by Dr. Seuss’ Thing 1 and Thing 2. This craft is fun […] Craft Turn a paper plate and construction paper into an adorable Cat in the Hat. A great way for young children […] Cat in the Hat Marshmallow Pops A fun classroom treat to make and eat while listening to some Dr. Seuss books! Look how easy it is […] […]
If you still think democracy is a great idea, consider this: the vote of a genius is equal to that of a moron. That’s a leveling of the playing field bordering on malicious. Morons want chaos, disharmony, and probably the destruction of life for everyone equally because their existence, as morons, is surely unbearable. The only reason they don’t get their way is because they’re kept in check by their masters the Nanny State, whom they dutifully obey not necessarily by following its rules and laws, but by believing these laws to be true, fair, just, and therefore not worth changing or even objecting to. They’re not so much peaceful law-abiding citizens as docile sheep unable to face the vastness of reality and existence, led by politicians who are cut from the same cloth. How it works is, there are two sides to every debate. You pick one, memorize the bullet point list of maxims, then tell an opponent when they’re wrong based on these maxims. If you’re right wing, abortion is murder. If you’re left wing, being a slut is okay because freedoms. Besides the obvious case (when the mother was raped) context is unimportant. The bigger context being a society that can’t even control its own population size will obviously become more robotic in its approach to pregnancy. “That ‘un there? Yeah she done got 10 kids, 11th on the way. Husband ain’t got no job but his dick still work or so it seems. Is’ a fucking tragedy.” Of the commons. Weak leaders breeding a weak populace breeding weak leaders. Overpopulation, by way of mention, is one of the biggest problems facing mankind, yet it never gets so much as a courtesy in the mainstream because instead of actually fixing things, democratic leaders need to appear to be doing so, and this requires a hype train maintained by those easy maxims repeated ad nauseam on television and other media for idiots to memorize. Hype is a signifier for value gone missing. If you repeat something enough times, eventually you’ll believe it, regardless of its actual truth content. Similarly so for low IQ zombies with car keys who probably voted for an idiot, constantly reminded through their favorite good-for-nothing devices why the bullshit in the news is supposed to be important. You get free time off this time of year thanks to other people’s decrees of so-called holidays. Winter solstice and the turn of the year used to mean something: an overcoming of hardship in striving for intangible ideals. Not repeating stupid customs like neurotic gift exchanges and narcissistic “resolutions.” You could use this time wisely, or you could get on the hype train with everyone else. Sitting there on that filthy seat (a hype train is bound to be dirty, isn’t it?), ask yourself if the fools with you have any connection to the things they celebrate. Likely not, as they celebrate all things in the same mundane, spiritless fashion. Why don’t you get off then?
►Episode #00 Xenastar, she chats about how she got started in gaming, whats her thoughts on streaming, social media, as well as the esports industry! Transcript: 00:08 Welcome to game chat, a podcast focused on e-sports and all things game related, each episode we interview an exciting guest Hi, its you host Daniel Scott, I’m bringing you the first ever game chat esports podcast with our first guest xenastar. 00:47 Hey, well thanks for having me on today. This is super exciting. Um, so my name is Xena Star. I am a twitch streamer as well as an avid gamer. I’ve been gaming since I was five years old, so a super pumped to be here today sharing this podcast with you. 01:01 Awesome. Super excited to have you here as well. Very excited. Alright, so XenaStar, she focuses on ps4, switch and mobile and she’s also a co-owner of team basic gaming. Where she focuses on helping additional streamers grow their channel. How you got started into streaming and sports. 01:22 Awesome. Yeah. So prior to starting to stream, I actually didn’t really understand the whole esports realm, so I was at a point where I was trying to, uh, get some…I was watching a lot of youtubers that are into esports and uh, specifically surrounding a game called summoners world which is a mobile game and um, I fell in love with a bunch of different youtube content creators and realize that maybe that was something that I can get into. So I decided to look into what twitch was all about and literally just started from there because I thought, you know, if, if I’m having a good time watching them, maybe I can do that for myself, for fun. Um, and it just snowballed from there once it started. So yeah, it was a, I started with that one game and then as I developed, you know, I’m like really collecting all the different, like a new computer and all the other things that are involved. You realize how much it takes to actually deliver a good stream. Right. And it was like, wow, I got upgrade, literally everything. Um, but yeah, so I fell in love with it from there. 02:28 Oh my gosh, yeah, like we had to get a whole new, like we were, we started streaming on this like 10 year old pc that we like barely ever used and we didn’t have a capture card. We, you know, we had this crazy setup, horrible internet, but we made it work with what we had until we could get to a point where we could upgrade slowly and uh, you know, it’s uh, it’s been exciting. So. And I only started back in October last year, so it’s been a little less than a year since I started this venture. 03:00 You’re doing great so far. 03:03 Yeah, it’s been going good so far. I mean, it’s been, it’s been awesome. So. 03:07 And you said that you saw some streamers that got you into it. What were some of the streamers that you looked up to at the time. 03:13 Yeah, so there’s a bunch of different content creators on youtube surrounding summoner’s war. Uh, so some of them specifically or island grown 11, childish place, quite Tano, uh, also, um, schizophrenia gamer. So those guys really inspired me to start this process of getting on and, and just really connecting with other gamers. I didn’t really do a lot of that prior to this. Um, growing up we didn’t really have, you know, a proper internet and all that stuff. So I never really connected with other gamers until this past year. And it’s been an eye opening experience so far. So I was five years old when I got my sega genesis. Right. And that’s my first console. Um, and so yeah. Yeah. So, so for me, like growing up, my parents never discouraged video games. They wanted me to just really do whatever I enjoyed doing. And so they, uh, they encouraged it. I remember, you know, in, in high school when grand theft Auto San Andreas came out and I was like, Hey, mom and dad, like I’m getting really good grades. Can I take a day off to just play the game when it comes out? They were like, yeah, sure. Like if that’s what you want to do, and, and maybe that’s not the best parenting, but as long as I was getting straight a’s, they were cool with it. So I’m like, yeah, my parents were always supportive of whatever I enjoy doing. 04:33 That’s fantastic, because not a lot of people have always had that support. 04:38 Yeah, yeah, of course. And, and I, I mean prior to our generation there wasn’t that. So, you know, I understand the parents’ concerns of, well there’s these violent video games. How is that going to affect my children when there’s no studies to show, you know, what that looks like. And obviously that research has been developing over years and so I understand their concerns, but I think, you know, uh, I think I turned out okay after playing really violent video games for the last, like, I don’t know, 23 years. 05:07 Very true, could tell us some of your memorable experiences that you had in your first year of streaming?. 05:16 Of course. So there’s been a lot of them, um, but to keep it short without going for ages because I’ve had so many, you know, the interesting thing about starting streaming is I’ve made some of the best friends that I’ve ever had in my life over the last 10 months of streaming. Um, and so I would say like memorable experiences for me first and foremost was launching team basic gaming. Uh, we launched that on January first 2018 with myself, my fiance, dark star. And uh, my, my good, I call him my brother now because we’re, he’s like a long lost brother. I never had a captain bear glove. And um, you know, that was such a cool experience for us to launch a platform where we can, you know, connect with other streamers and create a safe place for people to experience their video gaming and grow their channels. 06:05 So that was a huge moment for us. And some of my other really memorable moments are, you know, I talked at the beginning of some of the, the content creators that inspired me to start in the industry and I’ve done collabs or I’ve actually, like I talked to those people now, you know, I remember the first person that ever reached out to me to do a collaboration was actually childish plays. And it was like the wait, did he just send me a message asking me to do a collab? Like I admire this person on such a, like I hold them up so high on the content creator level. And when someone like that is like noticing your. I was only two months into streaming at that time, noticing your progression and seeing I guess the potential in someone that meant so much to me. And now we, you know, we talk almost every other day now. 06:59 So it’s, it’s so cool to have created friendships with people that I really looked up to over a long period of time. And you know Clayton as well. He’s, he and I, he’s actually part of our team basic gaming community as well. And just to think that, you know, it’s crazy like you held that you hold these people in such a pedestal, but then when you started in the industry and connect with them, you’re like, these are just like regular people and they actually want to help other people achieve their goals and it’s just very striking that, you know, someone so small like myself has been able to connect with people like that. So yeah, those are some of my memorable experiences and obviously my entire team, basic gaming family, all the amazing streamers that I’ve met and friendships that we’ve created. It’s been a pretty incredible 10 months. 07:44 Alright, so all your listeners out there are we going to jump to a quick commercial break. We’ll be right back. 07:52 Your listening to the game chat podcast brought to you by Gamers Bay with your host, Daniel Scott and Lance Jefferson. 08:05 Okay, Gamer nation. Welcome back from the break. If your Just tuning in, I have Xenastar here with me for Ontario, Canada and, so far we’ve talked about how she got started and, some of her most memorable experiences. So right now we’re gonna jump into some of her favorite games. 08:21 I guess for me, like there’s such a wide range of games that I played because I’m on so many different consoles and platforms and stuff, but some of my favorite games for sure. My favorite game of all time is Zelda. Breath of the wild. That is like for me, there’s never been a game created better than that. I love it so much. It got me to actually is the first Zelda game I actually ever played and now I’m going back and replaying all the other Zelda Games that I never got to experience growing up. So it’s been really, really fun streaming that experience. Yeah. So my other favorite games outside of that would be a call of duty. I like to, I like to get a couple good rounds of call of duty out every now and then I’m looking forward to black ops four coming out. That’ll be really cool. 09:05 Yeah, that’ll be good. And then outside of that, I, you know, there’s so many games I play, but a mobile games that I play a lot, one that I’ve been playing pretty consistently for the last four months and I played pretty much every day and I’ve been streaming it almost every stream for a long time now. is dungeon hunter champions, which is a game by game loft. It’s, it’s really fun. I actually did a voiceover for one of the champions, so shout out to game loft for bringing me out to do that. It was so cool. Such an experience, another memorable moment of my streaming career, being able to, you know, go up to Montreal and shoot a voiceover for a champion. So yeah, 09:42 Tell us a little bit more about that. So they, they brought you out to their headquarters? 09:46 Yeah. So they reached out to me. The company has actually been really great at supporting small upcoming content creators and so they reached out to me and said, hey, we’d like to bring you up to the headquarters, have you do a voiceover for a champion? And then we’ll, we’ll do a little bit of a documentary video on it and uh, and put that out. So we did that, went up to Montreal for two days, got to have lunch with the developer, has got to talk about the game, where it’s headed and really their thoughts and my thoughts and it was super cool. Like what an experience and now the champion is in the game and everything. So yeah, it was a, it’s really interesting. I never thought I would do something like that. But uh, I actually would love to go into doing more of that in the future. I think that’s something that I want to venture into a little bit more down the road for sure. Yeah, 10:35 definitely. would be very cool. Have you, have you tried fortnite? 10:39 Yeah. I think the game loft headquarters in Montreal there. So yeah. So I, I tried it once when I first started streaming and we had just gotten my new computer that could actually handle playing it. Um, I got it and tried it. I think I played it maybe three or four times and then realize that that’s just not a game for me. I can, I can do like either give me the shooting or gave me the building. Don’t combine them. I can’t do them at the same time. I enjoy watching it, but yeah, it’s funny you say that because I, I find it strangely relaxing to watch people play fortnite, I don’t know why. I have no idea why, but so I love watching people play it. I just myself can’t play it. 11:23 Alright guys, we’re gonna. Jump into our final commercial break and we’ll be right back with Xenastar. 11:31 Your listening to the game chat podcast brought to you by Gamers Bay with your host, Daniel Scott and Lance Jefferson. 11:44 Okay. Gamers, I welcome back. In case you’re just tuning in, we have Xena Star here with us today on our first ever gamechat esports podcast. What I’d like to ask you now would be some of your thoughts on e-sports, 11:57 so it’s interesting. So back in high school, one of my original dreams was to be a video game, a producer that was like my goal, and then when I looked into it I was like, oh, maybe not. Um, and so I started to become aware of east sports 12:47 and stuff back, you know, years and years ago, but never really fully understood the scale and size of it. And obviously it’s grown so much over the last few years and it’s exploding on a mass scale now. Um, and so, I mean, I didn’t really start watching a whole lot of these sports or really becoming fully aware of it until the last few years. Uh, and it really, I think for me, I started to really become aware of it when I started playing a summoner’s war. The mobile game that I play, it’s been out for four years and they’ve had lots of tournaments and stuff. And I’m like, wow, people are actually flying from all over to compete in a mobile game. Like this is an intense, right. Uh, and so it’s, it’s really, really interesting to see how, how people come together for, for video games, right? It’s, it’s so cool and now to be a part of that and being, you know, connecting with people through the community, it’s like, wow, this is insane to think that there’s conventions going on every weekend of every year and people are traveling all over the world to compete in video games. So, you know, I think it’s really cool where people can hone different skills because not everyone has the ability to play, you know, physical sports. So I think east sports is such a really awesome thing for our generation and for people moving forward. So he gets great because there’s so many different businesses that have sprung up from the East sports community being, you know, a thing in general like for it to even exist. Right? And there’s so much more business opportunity for young entrepreneurs in this industry that never was there before. Uh, and I think that’s really awesome because there’s a lot of people out there like myself and other people that love this industry. They love, uh, they love gaming. But then how do you turn it into a business and start actually working on something you love and getting paid to do that. Right. So I think it’s really interesting from both sides of the spectrum. You get to have fun and play your games, but that, you know, as, as a, you know, looking at it from how you can capitalize on it is also awesome too. And you know, it’s, I think it’s great for other companies that want to promote their product. They can get it out and there’s this new platform of a promotion and connection for people. And I think that’s so awesome. I think that brings us to wrap up. I just wanted to say thank you again for coming on. Yeah, thanks for having me. It’s been so fun talking to you. Would it be anything else that you’d like to share with the viewers? Yeah. I think the last thing I’d like to, I guess share with you is if you’re thinking of becoming a content creator or it’s ever been something that you’ve wanted to do, just start, you know, I was like terrified to start 10 months ago and now looking back, I’m so glad that I did. It was scary at the time, but. And it’s nerve racking to put yourself out there, especially on the Internet where there can be a lot of different people, but just do it if it’s something that you’ve, you’ve aspired to do or even just thought, hey, I wonder if I like this, give it a shot. It’s a lot of fun. It comes with its challenges, but I look back 10 months ago and I think it’s one of the best things they ever did. So. 15:28 And what about online? 15:30 Yeah, so I stream on twitch dot TV slash dizziness star usually four to five days a week starting at 5 or 6:00 PM and on Wednesdays I start at 10:30 AM eastern standard time. You can also connect with me on instagram. Xenastar_ is my tag and I love connecting with people on instagram. It’s like the easiest way to get ahold of me if you need to get ahold of me. Uh, and then I’m also on twitter at the same canister underscore and I also have a youtube channel. You can just literally type Xena Star into the search bar and it’ll pop right up. So yeah, those are my socials. 16:06 Awesome. We’ll also have links in the description for you guys so you can find her directly as well. 16:14 Thanks for joining us this week. Chat. Make sure to visit our website, GamersBayCayman.com, where you can subscribe to the show on Itunes, stitcher, or by RSS, so you’ll never miss a show. We also have cool merchandise:
I saw this over at Randy's blog. It's a list from the SFBC and they think these are some significant books. Here's the explaination of the list. 32. Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny 33. The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick 32. Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny I didn't hate any of the books that I read but most aren't on my list to re-read. I might not like some of the unread ones for various reasons so I'm not planning to read any of them in the future. I thought many of these titles were pretty significant back when I was younger but now I am more interested in a good read. I think a good book is one I will want to keep and re-read. Harry Potter is, for me, eminently re-readable. The Bester books are ones I have been re-reading every few years for the last 30 years. Not on the list but read about as frequent is James Hilton's Lost Horizon. I re-read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings back when the movies were coming out and found the first ok but bogged down in the trilogy. Parts were great and parts were dead boring. Tolkien wasn't a good writer from my POV. Jenny Nimmo is a more entertaining writer, her Charlie Bone books made it to the keep pile, LotR might not. Cordwainer Smith's The Rediscovery of Man is also one I re-read. There is a wonderful collection out from Nesfa Press. They have some great books in their catalog. Besides the Smith short story collection they have his only novel Nostrilia, and there are two big hard covers of Fred Brown's science fiction. His complete novels and short stories. All are worth getting and Nesfa produces a nice well made book. I read the long version of Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. It should have been edited. I re-read Neuromancer about three years ago and found it to be slow and badly dated. I finish most books I start. I can remember most of the books I didn't finish. The Stand and The Shinning by King. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. That's the novels. I don't count books that I pick up and read a bit here and there to see what the story is like. Sitting in a bookstore for hours and hours over the last 10 plus years has given me plenty of dippin' time. Saved me from buying many books. There are twenty big Frank Lloyd Wright art books in the attic that I never finsihed reading the text. I did look at all the pictures.
Sabrina (1995 film) Sabrina is a 1995 German (in his first starring film role) as David Larrabee. It also features Angie Dickinson, Richard Crenna, Nancy Marchand, Lauren Holly, John Wood, Dana Ivey, and French actress Fanny Ardant. Plot Sabrina Fairchild is the young daughter of the Larrabee family's chauffeur, Thomas, and has been in love with David Larrabee, sophisticated woman. David, after initially not recognizing her, is quickly drawn to her despite being newly engaged to Elizabeth Tyson, a doctor. David's workaholic older brother Linus fears that David's imminent wedding to the very suitable Elizabeth might be endangered. If the wedding were to be canceled, so would a lucrative merger with the bride's family business, Tyson Electronics, run by her father Patrick. This could cost the Larrabee Corporation, run by Linus and his mother Maude, in the neighborhood of a billion dollars. Linus tries to redirect Sabrina's affections to himself and it works. Sabrina falls in love with him, even though she quotes others as calling Linus "the world's only living heart donor" and someone who "thinks that morals are paintings on walls and scruples are money in Russia." In the process, Linus also falls in love with her. Unwilling to admit his feelings, Linus confesses his scheme to Sabrina at the last minute and sends her back to Paris. Before she gets on the plane to Paris, her father informs her that during the years of driving the father of David and Linus, he listened. When Mr. Larrabee sold, he sold and when Mr. Larrabee bought, he bought. Sabrina jokingly says "So you are telling me that you have a million dollars?" Her father says no, he has two and a quarter million dollars and that her mother would want her to have it. Meanwhile, Linus realizes his true feelings for Sabrina, and is induced to follow her to Paris by chiding from his mother and an unexpectedly adult and responsible David, who steps into his shoes at the Larrabee Corporation. Linus arrives in Paris and reunites with Sabrina, revealing his love to her and kissing her. Cast - Harrison Ford as Linus Larrabee - Julia Ormond as Sabrina Fairchild - Greg Kinnear as David Larrabee - Angie Dickinson as Ingrid Tyson - Richard Crenna as Patrick Tyson - Nancy Marchand as Maude Larrabee - Lauren Holly as Elizabeth Tyson - John Wood as Thomas Fairchild - Dana Ivey as Mack - Fanny Ardant as Irene - Valérie Lemercier as Martine - Paul Giamatti as Scott - Elizabeth Franz as Joanna - Míriam Colón as Rosa - Patrick Bruel as Louis - Becky Ann Baker as Linda - Margo Martindale as Nurse Production The music was composed by John Williams and includes a song performed by Sting; both were nominated for Academy Awards. The location used to portray the Larrabee family's mansion was the 'Salutation' estate, which is located on Long Island in Glen Cove, New York.[2] This home was built around 1929 for Junius Spencer Morgan III, who was a director of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company.[3] His father was J. P. Morgan, Jr., who was a banker and the son of J. P. Morgan, the renowned financier. The property is no longer owned by the Morgan family, but it is still in private hands and used as a residence.[4] The movie made extensive use of this mansion's interiors during the filming.[2][5] Critical reception The film was a domestic box office bomb, with a result of US$53 million, primarily because it suffered from inevitable comparisons to the original version with its trio of stars, Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and William Holden.[6] However, critics gave the film mostly mixed-to-positive reviews, with a fresh Rotten Tomatoes score of 65% based on 46 reviews.[7][8][9] Awards and nominations - - ↑ Eller, Claudia (1995-12-22). "Company Town : Forget Studio Excuses for Box-Office Duds-Make Better Movies - Los Angeles Times". Articles.latimes.com. Retrieved 2012-06-25. - 1 2 "Sabrina: Beautiful Glen Cove". 23 April 2013. - ↑ Reeves, Tony. "Filming Locations for Sydney Pollack's 1995 remake of Sabrina, in New York, Massachusetts and Paris.". - ↑ "Three Random Houses". - ↑ "IMDb: Most Popular Titles With Location Matching "Salutation House, West Island, Glen Cove, Long Island, New York, USA"". - ↑. - ↑ RICHARD SCHICKEL Monday, Dec. 18, 1995 (1995-12-18). "Kissing Cousins". TIME. Retrieved 2012-07-05. - ↑ Maslin, Janet (1995-12-15). "Movie Review - Sabrina - FILM REVIEW;An Ugly Duckling and Her Men 41 Years Later - NYTimes.com". Movies.nytimes.com. Retrieved 2012-07-05. - ↑ McCarthy, Todd (1995-12-10). "Variety Reviews - Sabrina - Film Reviews - - Review by Todd McCarthy". Variety.com. Retrieved 2012-07-05. External links - Sabrina at the Internet Movie Database - Sabrina at the TCM Movie Database - Sabrina at AllMovie - Sabrina at Box Office Mojo - Sabrina at Rotten Tomatoes
Strum Legato-Lindo articulations can also be played while you are strumming. Strum Legato can be used while strumming. Select and Detect two-chord modes. Any chords can be customized. Select and Detect two-chord modes. Any chords can be customized. While we are aware that there may be many guides available online, our goal is to create a large community and one platform for PC problem debugging and troubleshooting. We will also be covering Mac OS X issues later on. Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 Password 123 The Tab Player can judge for itself and add refinement articulations whenever it feels appropriate. This includes adding strings or body to the tab or making other indispensable sounds. *The Tab Player is capable of loading and playing many popular guitar tablature files. Any track can be loaded, displayed, and played back within a tablature file. The Tab Player can also be used with DAWs to export the tablature as an MP3 file. *2-Line Compressor: real-time visualizations of input and output signals, two detection modes RMS and Peak, soft knee support, auto release, and auto makeup. The Tab Player integrates seamlessly with Ample Sound’s instrument engine. It has highly customized guitar-playing logic that simulates a real-world guitar being used. The Tab Player is capable of loading and playing several popular guitar tablature files. Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 Feauters 8-band EQ – intuitive frequency control, real-time visualization, and support for single bands. Ample Sound – Ample Guitar M III 3 is an impressive virtual guitar/guitarist that is beautifully recorded and can be sonically edited so you can create your own. It is a multi-sampled Martin D-41 guitarist ROMpler, which is housed in the distinctive packed engine of programmers. It has two stereo and two global playback options. Not every user is a techie or a geek. Software installation is becoming more complicated every day. Software security has been made more secure by companies. Users are advised to read the simple instructions to install software such as Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III. This forum was created to make it easier to install complex software such as Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III. If you’re one of those users who has just downloaded a heavy program and are now having trouble getting Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 to work 100%, this forum is for you. You can tune any chords by selecting and defining 2 chord modes. * Strum Legato- Legato articulations are possible to be played while strumming. If you’re tired of looking for answers to Ample Sound Ample Guitar MIII 3 errors on Windows PC, then you have come to the right place. We will help you troubleshoot any problem or installation issue in Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III. *Strumming is an important part of playing guitar. Guitar playing is a fundamental part of strumming. *The Tab Player is a function built into the Ample Sound engine. It has extremely tailored guitar-playing logic to simulate a real-world guitar being used. How to Get Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 for Free After installation, your Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 may crash. We’ll show you how to fix Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III3 Crash after installation. If your Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 doesn’t turn on after installation, it is possible. Don’t be alarmed if your Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III3 doesn’t start after installation. 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of the input signal and output signal, two detection modes RMS and Peak, soft knee support, auto release, and auto makeup. * 2-Line Compressor: real-time visualization, RMS and Peak detection modes, soft-knee support, auto power-off, and auto-adjust. Tab Player integrates seamlessly with Ample Sound’s instrumental engine. It has highly customizable guitar-playing logic that simulates realism. Tab Player can “decide” when to add clarifying articulations, such as slaps or guitar bodies, or other necessary sounds. Final thoughts: All components of the sounds are flexible within the retina and release the fret sound, in addition to velocity sensitivities. The rhombic sampling structure alters the sample playback to change the note to note for humanization. You can also view the Zero-the-G- CyberWorld the Presets. If you receive errors as Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 has crashed, please let us know. You may also be experiencing Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 not working. This video tutorial will help you to solve the problem and will show you how to set up Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III3. You might wonder why we created this tutorial video for the installation of Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III. Ample Sound Ample Guitar M III 3 System Requirements - Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 - Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required. - Hard Disk Space: 5.5 GB of free space required. - Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later.
chemistry revision - Created by: Nikita Khosla - Created on: 26-04-13 14:33 What does the effect of temperature have on the rate of reaction? If the temperature increases the particles gain more kinetic energy and therefore collide with more force so they have more chance of being succesfull. This also means there are more frequent collisons. 1 of 11 what is activation energy? the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur 2 of 11 what does a catalyst do? A catalyst provides an alternative reation pathway which lowers the activation energy so more particles will have an energy higher then the activation energy so can overcome the energy barrier for a reaction to occur but remain chemically unchanged 3 of 11 What must happen for a reaction to take place? The particles must have an activation energy and collide with enouh force to break bonds, they must also collide in a certain relative way with the correct orientation 4 of 11 what does increasing the pressure do to the rate of reaction? decreases the space so particles are closer together therefore there are more frequent collisons 5 of 11 What does the Maxwell-Boltzman distribution graph represent? it shows the distribution of energy amongst the particles 6 of 11 energy in particles no particle has zero energy, most particles have intermiediate energies 7 of 11 Catalysts thesedo not affect the enthalpy change of the reactions nor do they affect the postion of equillibrium in a reversible reaction 8 of 11 Heterogeneous catalysts catalyst is in a different phase to the reactants-usually a solid catalyst and liquid or gaseous reactants 9 of 11 Homogeneous catalysts catalsyt and reactants are in the same phase 10 of 11 Catalyst convertors honeycomb structure made of ceramin material coated with platinum nd rhodium metals which are the catalysts. honeycomb structure provides a large urface area for the reaction to take place 11 of 11 Other cards in this set Card 2 Front what is activation energy? Back the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur Card 3 Front what does a catalyst do? Back Card 4 Front What must happen for a reaction to take place? Back Card 5 Front what does increasing the pressure do to the rate of reaction? Back
Pierre Auger Observatory (AugerPrime)Pierre Auger Observatory (AugerPrime) Physics - Astroparticle physics - Quest for the still unknown origin and acceleration of cosmic rays - Measurement of the spectrum and composition of cosmic-rays - Upgrade ongoing for a better determination of the primary particle type - Where do Ultra-High Energy cosmic-rays come from? - Which process is responsible for their acceleration? Detector and Technology - The world's - Photon search with machine learning. Do EeV photon exist? - Performance of the new upgrade detector. How to include the new information into our analysis? - Cosmic ray composition. Does the upgrade allow us to determine the primary particle-type of a single shower? Einstein TelescopeEinstein Telescope Credits: The ET (Einstein Telescope) project Web Site Physics - the next generation gravitational wave detector - technological challenges - computational challenges - rich science cases - How did super-massive black holes form? - How accurate is the theory of general relativity? - What is the origin of the heaviest elements? - What is the population of black holes? - What happened in the dark ages of the Universe? - Since when do black holes exist? - ... and many more... Detector and Technology - A "fancy" Michelson Interferometer - Precision requirements of 1e-26 - Supercomputers required for simulation and data analysis Possible topics for Bachelor- and Master-theses - What are the requirements on a stray light simulation? - First implementation of simulation algorithms. - How do we provide the required precision efficiently? - Design of a user interface - The first hybrid detector Detector and Technology - Huge Water tanks located near Puebla (Mexico) - Compact imaging air-Cherenkov Telescopes (HAWC's Eye / FAMOUS) - Improvements expected from the combination of both technologies - First hybrid detector of this kind Possible topics for Bachelor- and Master-theses - Search for gamma-rays from the Crab Nebula with the hybrid detector - Hybrid analysis with machine learning - Improving the calibration of the telescopes - Optimizing signal reconstruction - Optimizing noise suppression - Development of a new technique to manufacture light guides by 3D printing and/or casting. - Optimization of the design of the light guides with ray-tracing software First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT)First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) Credits: Miguel Claro Physics - Astronomy at TeV energies - Possible origin of cosmic-rays: Active Galactic Nuclei - Time evolution of their spectrum (monitoring) - What drives the violent behavior of these objects? - What process is responsible for the energy transfer? - Implementing noise suppression with machine learning - How does the measured spectrum change with flux? - Application of unfolding algorithms - Modeling magnetic reconnection: Towards a better understanding of blazar jets Semi conductor photo sensors (SiPM)Semi conductor photo sensors (SiPM) Image credits: L. Middendorf Overview - Semi conductor based photo sensors - Novel technology - Very robust - High photo detection efficiency Possible topics for Bachelor- and Master-theses - First measurements with a digital SiPM - Measurements of the recovery time of single G-APD cell on the sensor - Unfolding of high light yield traces - Simulation of SiPM properties
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Justin McQuerry: T1 Professional Cyclist In Episode 16 of the Gluconfidence Podcast, we interview Justin McQuerry from Austin, TX. Justin was Diagnosed with T1 Diabetes at age 2, and is now a Professional Cyclist racing across the USA and Internationally. In this episode, we hear about how Justin was able to excel in competitive cycling while managing his day to day blood glucose levels. Justin also shares his personal recommendations on taking on demanding physical exercise, and the importance of staying patient as you learn about what works best for you, as you balance exercise and Diabetes. I really enjoyed these insights, and our conversation! At 2-years-old, nothing can prepare you for the shock of being diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes. Justin was only a child when he was diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes, and he has not known a life without being a diabetic. Justin, a UCI professional cyclist, says he is glad he was diagnosed early in his life because it made him adjust to life as a Type-1 diabetic fast. When Justin was diagnosed, he wasn’t overwhelmed as much as older people who are diagnosed will be. He was fine taking the necessary jabs of insulin and all the blood sugar checking. Yes, Justin admits, it was hard at first when you’re the weird one in class, the one a teacher follows around, the one who sits alone at the corner of the cafeteria, checking insulin levels and all, but he was able to deal with it. Justin has always loved cycling. He never saw himself doing anything other than cycling. He was only 9 years old when he started riding bikes. His diagnosis didn’t stop him from engaging in all the activities he loved. Justin says that being a Type-1 diabetic has helped him build discipline, which has made him a better cyclist. “It’s not like I have won a bunch of titles or anything,” Justin adds, “but I have had a successful career so far.” Justin believes strongly that people who have Type-1 diabetes, no matter how old, should be vocal about their situation. The symptoms and signs of Type-1 diabetes, although common amongst many diabetics, is hard for other people to spot. Justin advises that people who suffer from Type-1 diabetes should not beat themselves up when things don’t go according to plan. He says that there will be days when you’ll do everything right: eat right, measure and regulate insulin levels, and exercise, but your blood sugar will still rise or fall. Justin advises that people be calm because sometimes Type-1 diabetes will just do its thing. While you have control over Type-1 diabetes most of the time, there are times when you just won’t and have to accept that. Don’t beat yourself up, and never give up. Justin’s racing career has seen him travel across different countries advocating for athletes with Type-1 diabetes. When he was asked about his eating regimen and management routine, Justin explained that every Type-1 diabetic should understand their bodies and use what works for them. He says most times getting the right management plan is trial and error. “Just be open to learn what your body is telling you.” For Justin McQuerry, being a Type-1 diabetic didn’t make him feel any less human or smart or good enough. He encourages all Type-1 diabetic to always keep a positive mindset. One thing that Justin would love to see is for every Type-1 diabetic to have CGMs for free, or at a more affordable price.
20,000 Leagues under the Sea (1954) UK Certificate: U US Certificate: G Intended audience: All ages There are two things that most astonish me about the Walt Disney 1954 production of 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. The first is just how good the lavish production design and practical visual effects hold up today. The second is how brilliantly director Richard Fleischer and screenwriter Earl Felton captures the essence of Jules Verne’s classic novel in a way that is both accessible to family audiences, yet does not water down any of the weightier themes in what remains an absolutely first-rate adventure. Plot For those unfamiliar with the story, the plot concerns Professor Pierre Aronnax (Paul Lukas), who along with his assistant Conseil (Peter Lorre) and whaling harpooner Ned Land (Kirk Douglas), set out to investigate the mysterious disappearance of ships supposedly attacked by a sea monster, circa 1868. What they discover instead is the extraordinary Captain Nemo (James Mason), a scientific genius who has renounced western civilisation for a life under the sea in his revolutionary submarine the Nautilus, which is powered by something that appears to be nuclear power, way ahead of its discovery in the 20th Century. Production and History Visually this is a stunning piece, shot in gorgeous widescreen. On its original release it was an event movie unlike anything that had been seen before. Today it still looks terrific, especially in epic set pieces such as the unforgettable attack of the giant squid. The performances are good too, especially from Mason whose Nemo is superb, neatly balancing both the suppressed madness and sympathetic grace of a character driven to play God. Themes to Think About It is in the exploration of this hubris that the film really excels. The underlying tragedy of Nemo’s arrogant assumption that he can act as judge, jury and executioner by sinking ships carrying explosives mined in the brutal prison penal colony where he was once held prisoner is fearlessly explored, not patronising the children in the audience for one second. Furthermore, the idolatry of putting scientific discovery ahead of human life is subtly but brilliantly touched on in Aronnax’s near worship of Nemo. It takes the common sense of the often uncouth Ned Land to snap him out of it. Aronnax himself also mourns for the way Nemo has let hate eat him up. Yet despite this, Nemo’s tragic character arc comes to a poignant, sort-of redemption when he realises that all his discoveries “will come to pass, in God’s good time”. Audience knowledge of the 20th Century nuclear arms race lends that line a haunting ambiguity, bearing in mind that the film was made at the height of the Cold War. For all his arrogance, Nemo’s assertions that man was not ready for such technology could just have been correct. These understated but powerful spiritual themes continue to provoke interesting discussion with one’s children, who are initially captivated by the mystery and action scenes. In recent years, there have been rumblings about a remake of 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. My advice: don’t bother. No remake will top this one, no matter how many computer generated visual effects are thrown at it. This article was written by Simon Dillon, author of several books, passionate film reviewer and Head of Network Planning at GOD TV. See more of his movie reviews at Simon Dillon Books.
After will over eat, over indulge, and feel horrible (mentally and physically) by the time I get home. Well I am happy to report that these past days were filled with exercise, delicious foods, and yes just a little bit of pizza. I approached this trip with an 80/20 mentality. For example – Eat clean all day so I can have ice cream at night or have pizza for lunch and no alcohol that day. I am sure that there were things I could have done better, but all in all this trip was by far the healthiest vacation I have ever taken. Here are some tips I learned along the way. Restaurants: - Review the menu before choosing the spot to ensure there are healthy options. - Choose a meal that has protein, healthy fats, and lots of veggies. - Ask for dressing on the side. - Avoid FRIED foods – stick with grilled protein sources. - Switch out sides of fries for extra veggies. - Don’t feel guilty for asking for substitutions on meals or asking how things are cooked. Just be pleasant and see what is available. ** be smart about where you go -ex: Don’t go to a BBQ joint and ask for no BBQ sauce as it could offend the chef or just annoy everyone in general ** Drinking: - Drink lots of water. - Plan out alcoholic drinks. Try to not exceed 2 drinks a day and drink water in between each glass. I stuck with a skinny version of a margarita ( Tequila, lime juice, and a tiny drop of agave). - Avoid sugar heavy drinks. If you are going to drink something “healthier” try vodka soda with a lime or a light beer. - Did I mention WATER? - If there is a specific cocktail you want ask the bartender if they can make a lighter or skinny version of it. - If you are trying to avoid alcohol completely, but feel pressure from people you are vacationing with ask for a seltzer with lime or lemon and nobody is the wiser! Exercise: - Explore the city or town you are visiting. ( as long as it is safe) - Look for a local workout class or studio and try something new. Sometimes if you let them know you are from out of town and are a first timer they may let you work out for free or discounted rate. (I attended the grand opening of Soul Cycle in Downtown Austin and it was the HARDEST spin class I have ever taken!) - Use the hotel gym if they have one. ( I was lucky to have a nice gym in the hotel I stayed at and I used it every day! Just 20-30 minutes in the AM before the day begins will keep you motivated.) - If you do not have access to a gym there are tons of body weight HIIT workouts you can do anywhere. - Dance (If you are going out for the night with friends try to fit in some cardio! Sure you have a few drinks in you but at least your burning calories dancing.) - Walk walk walk ( I walked an average of 5 miles each day I was in Austin. Avoid using cabs or uber if you can walk to where you want to go.) - Depending on the city or place you are staying you may be able to rent a bike to tour the city. We did this on our last day and rode around for over 2 hours. (This was especially nice after an overindulgent breakfast *cough pancakes cough*) I hope these tips and ideas help you out on your next vacation. Even small changes can make a huge difference during your time away from home. Many of us tend to feel that we “deserve” to over eat and “worked hard” to indulge on unhealthy choices when we go on vacations. I think we have it all wrong. It is because we work hard that we deserve to treat our bodies better. Categories: health and wellness Everything looks so good. You make me want to go to Austin. 😉
CompUSA Acquired by Gordon Brothers Group Affiliate - Retail Store Operations Will Wind-Down, Offering Consumers Attractive Holiday Bargains on Computer and Electronics Products - Select Stores to be Sold; With Option to Retain CompUSA Brand Name - Successful Divisions CompUSA TechPro and CompUSA.com to be Sold - Creditors, Landlords Assured Proper Treatment DALLAS – December 7, 2007 - CompUSA today announced that it has been acquired by an affiliate of Gordon Brothers Group, LLC, a global advisory, restructuring and investment firm specializing in retail, consumer products, real estate and industrial sectors. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Gordon Brothers Group will initiate an orderly wind-down of CompUSA's retail store operations and is engaged in discussions with various parties regarding the sale of certain assets. CompUSA’s 103 retail stores will remain open and staffed during the holiday season, and will offer consumers attractive bargains on computer and electronic products as part of store closing sales. Active discussions are under way to sell select stores in key markets as well as the company's highly-regarded.” Gordon Brothers Group brings to the table a unique set of skills and experience in the marketing and sale of consumer goods and the management of a portfolio of retail stores. The firm assisted CompUSA with the prior sale of under-performing stores. “We worked long and hard with Gordon Brothers Group to achieve a business solution that maximizes CompUSA’s assets,” said Roman Ross. “Gordon Brothers Group has a breadth of knowledge and expertise in this area and we take great confidence in their capabilities.” DJM Realty, a Gordon Brothers Group company that specializes in real estate disposition and valuations, will assist in assessing the leases for CompUSA’s store locations. Gordon Brothers Group, through its affiliate Specialty Equity, LLC, is working with two experienced advisors who are representing creditors – Lawrence Gottlieb of Cooley Godward Kronish LLP for unsecured creditors and Jim Carr of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP for landlords. These advisors can be contacted directly by CompUSA’s constituents. About CompUSA CompUSA () is one of the nation’s leading retailers and resellers of technology products and services. CompUSA helps customers unleash the power of technology through a unique blend of products and highly knowledgeable sales staff as well as technology support and service. Founded in 1984 and based in Dallas, Texas, CompUSA currently operates 103 stores in major metropolitan markets across the continental United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. CompUSA serves consumer retail, small-to-medium businesses, corporate, government and education customers. CompUSA’s retail Web site offers an assortment of more than 80,000 products and the ability to schedule technology services and training sessions. Businesses may order from a catalog containing more than 220,000 products as well as select from over 100,000 online products.’s’s resources include over 200 professionals and 250 over 1,600 stores through various portfolio companies. DJM Realty, Gordon Brothers Group’s real estate division, specializes in real estate dispositions, acquisitions, capital solutions and valuations. DJM Realty services the world’s most recognizable brands such as Big Lots, Borders, CVS, Pep Boys, Toys R Us, West Marine and Yum Brands. For Further Information: Alex Stanton Stanton Crenshaw Communications (212) 780-0701 [email protected]
Sure you can without a truly exceptional stretch walk around fundamentally any store and purchase a togel ticket. It is fundamentally that essential. That is correspondingly as it ought to be. Playing the togel can be a fun and essential interruption with the possibility of a basic result. You, regardless, are a persistently genuine player. How you are inspecting these shows you are adequately actuated to swim through point by guide data toward sort out how to wipe out the miserable propensities and practices and track down a preferable procedure over play the togel in an able way. Here is a quick overview of 10 too standard bumbles that togel players make. These things could be costing you ticket cash, time, frustration, and maybe an impressive number of dollars. Get them, remember them, and in this way set up them as a customary occasion. Here in Texas we have a wide extent of decisions. You can play a colossal multi-state game like Mega-Millions with HUGE multi-million dollar modifications at any rate the regrettable chances of just 1 possibility in 175,711,536 of getting back the jackpot. Goodness that is one ticket for each of over a gigantic bit of the amount of tenants in the U.S.A. Obviously the Texas Two-Step togel prize beginnings at $200,000 and has routinely displayed at 1,000,000 dollars. The chances of the more modest match are just 1 out of 1,832,600. By changing from the Mega-Millions game to the Texas Two-Step you increment your shot at winning a prize by more than different events. Put another way you would have to purchase 95 Mega-Millions goes to have relative chances of winning with one Texas Two-Step ticket. In the zone you live there are presumably near decisions between little games with little prizes like pick three games, five and six ball games with mid-run payouts, and the goliath multi-state with shocking conceivable outcomes against you. Trust me, I know. You have a development of numbers that you have picked subject to your youngsters’ birthday merriments and the day you got hitched and your mother and father’s wedding recognition date. Ghastly move here is the clarification. Right when you pick togel numbers subject to essential dates you limit your decisions to the measure of days in a month. Around the day’s end you are bound to numbers from a pool of 1 to 31. For instance of the issue in this strategy ponder this. In the togel game 6 numbers are drawn from a pool of 54 numbers. 54 numbers give you a stunning 25,827,165 expected blends and check on. Recent Comments
This Is What Makes NYC The Best For A Staycation Ready for adventure? A stay in New York City promises everything this city is known for: luxury, fun, happiness, and most importantly, options. New York City is a city that some would call the greatest city in the world. As such, it has a reputation to live up to, and nine times out of ten it lives up to the hype. Not only is this city buzzing with life on any ordinary day, but it’s also one of the best places to stay in the United States. There are those who would prefer the stillness of the mountains to the roar of city traffic, but let’s explain: New York City has it all. Whether it’s a tranquil penthouse suite or a chic five-star hotel room, there’s a stay option for every traveler. Still don’t believe us? Here are some more reasons why NYC is the best vacation destination. Have your choice of accommodation The general notion when it comes to New York City lodging is that they are few and far between when it comes to something luxurious and affordable. On the other hand, budget-friendly — but sumptuous — can also be an option. Are you traveling with pets? Don’t worry—New York City has a hotel for that, too. Near Penn Station For those commuting into the city by train, hotels near Penn Station are a great way to feel safe while having an easy base. Access to Penn Station also means easy access to the rest of the city, and if it’s within walking distance, that’s even better. Refinery Hotel - What: Converted from a hat factory, this chic hotel has 197 rooms with first-rate amenities. The view from the Empire State Building completes this hotel’s true city charm. - How much: From $145/night Archer New York - What: A different interpretation of the modern city atmosphere with industrial chic. The hotel has 180 rooms, each with unique, modern touches without feeling stuffy or Manhattan-esque. - How much: From $185/night Hotel Casablanca - What: A true gem of Times Square, located right in the middle of the city’s liveliest and busiest intersection. The interior design of this hotel enchants guests with an enchanting Moroccan flair and a vintage bar atmosphere. - How much: From $238/night Unique accommodations A stay doesn’t always require the standard hotel room or room service features that many might think. Sometimes it can involve a unique experience that a place only New York City can offer, like this one. - Airbnb: Car rentals are a great thing to consider when it comes to unique travel experiences. Not only does this provide access to apartments, penthouses, and suites, it also opens up city living as guests gain access to parts of the city they might not have if they only stick to hotels. - glamping: Is correct! Glamping – AKA fancy camping – is now another option in NYC. Weather permitting, Governor’s Island glampsites offer incredible views of the city skyline and unique guest amenities. For more traditional glamping, Rockaway Camp in Queens is close enough to the subway to hop on the train into town, but far enough away to unwind from the hustle and bustle. What to do while in New York City It goes without saying that this city offers endless options when it comes to everything a visitor can do. This includes socially distancing activities, as well as outdoor activities and solo ventures. Experience the food of the city Food tours in New York City are some of the best out there, and they’re a great way to experience the flavors of New York City for beginners. The sheer number of restaurants in this city is beyond overwhelming, so why not go with a guide who already knows the best spots. Experience the history of the city With a history of being America’s first “melting pot,” it’s no surprise that New York City is also home to some of the best museums. From the Tenement Museum to the Museum of Natural History, there’s no shortage of educational tours. Whether it’s examining a giant dino skeleton or learning the role New York has played in America’s progress, everything is fine in this city. Experience free city activities If money is pouring into a hotel budget, then don’t worry – there’s plenty to see and do in the city that’s free to visitors. Free activities in NYC are everywhere, from the joy of the downtown oasis in Central Park and live shows to free tours of events happening each week. Experience NYC Shopping As you walk down to Fifth Avenue, you’ll blow any shopaholic’s feet with all the high-end designer stores that line the street. Take a lunch break near Central Park and soak up the atmosphere of Manhattan’s most elite shopping district. Next: A New York City Guide to Christmas Shopping on Fifth Avenue The sad history of Penikese Island, now a nature reserve About the author Katie Machado (2029 published articles) Originally from New York, Katie is used to a fast-paced lifestyle. She began writing in second grade and carried that passion with her until she won a spot in the book of poetry published by her high school — but not before becoming the news editor and columnist for the high school newspaper. In college, she majored in English Literature with a major in Political Science, absorbing most of the creativity and method from one of the last professors to study under famed Beat poet Allen Ginsberg. The more she wrote, the more she learned about the world, and more importantly, about herself. She has been writing and publishing professionally since she was 19, and has covered entertainment, lifestyle, music news, video game reviews, and food culture for nearly a decade now have the privilege of writing and editing for TheTravel. Katie firmly believes that every written word is a journey into yourself and into your own mind, and understanding this can help people begin to understand each other. Through her voice, she brings personality, research and a bit of friendly sarcasm to every piece she writes and edits. More from Katie Machado
Keeper you’re up to this weekend, but if you’re available, you have to see this guy. Best Bible teacher ever. For thirty plus years, Ray Vander Laan, “RVL” to family and friends, has endeavored to study the Bible through the lens of the culture in which it was written. How did, do, the Jewish people respond to the word of God? RVL showed us how they would of course, view it through the filter of The Torah, the first five books of the Bible. And, they would want to know the places where events happened, the names of the people involved and meanings of the names (ie. Samson means “sunlight;” Delilah means “darkness.”), and why God included certain specific details—a precise measurement, for example. Paging through my notes from that weekend, I see that RVL shown light on about 23 stories. First he’d project a section of the New Testament up on the screen. Next he highlighted a certain phrase within the text. Then he posed the question he recommended we ask each time we study the Bible: Why do I need to know this? Because I’m so in love with his Bible study technique and all the “nuggets” he finds along the way, I am going to share one example. The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about three seahs of flour until it worked all through the dough. ~ Matthew 13:33 RVL said, immediately a Jewish listener would have recognized that specific measurement from Genesis 18. In the interest of time, let me bullet-point the key facts I learned from RVL about this teaching. - The use of “hurried,” “hurried,” and “ran” illustrates how passionate Abraham was about hospitality to strangers. This fact is highlighted when you know that in Abraham’s culture, patriarchs did NOT run. It was inappropriate, embarrassing, offensive even. However, for Abraham, compassion for someone in need (ie. weary travelers) trumped cultural mores. - In the beginning of the text, we learn that Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. Do you know why? Because he’d recently been circumcised. So when he hurried, and when he ran, he was no doubt in pain. And he did it anyway. - Toward the end of the text, Abraham ran to the herd and selected a calf to be prepared for a meal. According to RVL, meat was only eaten in that culture about twice a year, so him offering the meat of a choice calf to the three visitors was very generous. - Abraham hurried into the tent and asked Sarah to make “the finest flour” into bread. Barley was the everyday flour of choice in Bible times. But Abraham specified wheat. This is yet another example of his generous nature. - And what of that specific measure of flour: three seahs? Exactly how much is that? 60-75 pounds!! Have you ever made bread? In my experience, it only takes a pound or two of flour. And Sarah used 60-75? For me, baking bread usually takes 4-6 hours. How long did it take Sarah to bake bread using 60-75 pounds of flour! Again we see that Abraham (and Sarah) goes above and beyond ordinary hospitality. His generosity is lavish! And so when Jesus taught the Matthew 13:33 parable, the Jewish listeners would have said, “Oh, the Kingdom of heaven is like Abraham in Genesis 18—lavishly generous and hospitable.” I love teachings like this which illuminate the Word of God brilliantly! It made me think of the lighthouses that are often used as a Christian symbol. To me, Ray Vander Laan is like a lighthouse keeper—shining a very bright light over the mysterious and fascinating eddies of the Word of God. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. ~ Psalm 119: 105 - Breaking Up (with a friend) is Hard to Do - August 29, 2018 - Prescription for Peace - June 20, 2018 - Fast Dogs - March 7, 2018 13 Comments I love RVL. Have you heard his talk – Dust of the Rabbi? I use it often as a starting place for Spiritual Formation. It really shows how much the disciples desired to follow Jesus. I am new to RVL, Beckie. I do want to start collecting his videos. Awe-mazing stuff! Rebecca, I live out of state. Is his stuff available online ? I love the lessons on generosity and hospitality but wonder why he says it was to “weary travelers,” as if he didn’t know who it was? Genesis 18:1 says the visitor was the LORD (Jehovah). Wasn’t part of the “lavishness” because Abraham knew his visitors were worthy of such honor? Great questions, Beth. I do not know the answers:() Goosebumps! I love learning in this style. My favorite part: “compassion for someone in need (ie. weary travelers) trumped cultural mores.” So thankful you finally went to hear him. I have all his videos with the study guides, and also a book he wrote many many years ago. His teachings have stirred my heart up for more of the Kingdom like no other Bible teacher except for Jon-Michael. Whenever we hear he is near us, I am so excited and ready to go hear him. He usually comes to Morgantown every other year or so. We saw him several times there. We have seen and heard him twice in Texas since we moved here. He remembers us and even prayed for me. May we be all God has called us to be. Thanks so much for stopping by, Nina. I am so glad I finally got to see him too! Now I want to get all his resources also because he has an incredible gift for teaching the Word! Wow. Super enriching way to see this story! Thank you for the nuggets you shared with us! We have been fans for many years, having done a terrific study with RVL in small group. He came here to Morgantown when our youngest was a Trinity student, and we heard him teach at Lakeview. He is mightily gifted, for sure. So glad you experienced his details. I’ve been looking for someone/some resourse that can explain it this way! I’m gonna scour for RVL! Oh Diane! Once again you grabbed my attention and held onto it with tenacity!! I am going to look this man up. I am excited at the thought of learning more!! Sorry, friend. I only now got around to reading this. I really enjoyed learning all of these facts. I love Bible teaching that studies the words of the Word. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, & your heart will certainly be wrung & possibly be broken.” -C.S Lewis. I think I’ve always struggled with being vulnerable. Sometimes, it takes years for me to be completely vulnerable with a person. Because through unfortunate life experiences, I have learned that while it can take years to build trust…it only takes a few minutes for it to be broken. The thing is, I’ve been hurt by people. But let’s get real…who hasn’t? Who hasn’t had someone break your trust? Who hasn’t had their feelings hurt? Who hasn’t had someone let them down at least once in their lives? I’ve never met someone who said, “I just love being vulnerable.” Ever. It just doesn’t happen. The truth is most of us avoid vulnerability at all costs because it is uncomfortable for us. We put on masks, fake it till we make it on social media, & constantly put on protective armor to avoid getting hurt. Sound familiar? Today I got curious to see how the word vulnerable is defined, & I admit, it wasn’t what I was expecting. Oxford Dictionary defines it as, “exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.” The synonyms include, “helpless, weak, susceptible, impotent, powerless, defenseless…” Even further, the Latin root literally means “to wound.” Ouch. This sounds like my worst nightmare. But for all the work we put into shielding ourselves from this phenomenon, love is still our deepest longing, & loving is quite possibly the most vulnerable thing. If that girl hadn’t allowed herself to fall for that guy in high school, she would’ve been spared the pain of a wounded heart. If that woman hadn’t said “I do” to the love of her life, she wouldn’t be broken when he betrayed her trust. If that kid hadn’t taken a risk on a budding friendship, he wouldn’t be left hurt & confused after a fight. If that woman hadn’t allowed her parents to fill up most of the space in her heart, she wouldn’t be completely shattered when they died. The list goes on & on. So why do we love, if it causes so much pain & heartbreak? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart & with all your soul & with all your mind & with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31) I think God knew when He gave this command that by keeping it, it would inevitably produce suffering, but yet He still charged us with it. Sometimes, it seems easier to run away, lock the door of our hearts, & build walls. I know I’ve been tempted a time or ten. If we didn’t have connections, if we were completely detached from everyone/everything, it wouldn’t affect us…but our Father did not design us to be void, emotionless pillars of stone. As He said in the Garden of Eden, “it is not good for man to be alone.” We were made to love & be loved. & love is quite possibly the most beautiful, fulfilling, rewarding thing you’ll ever do. But maybe we are less likely to suffer for others for the sake of love until we understand how His love made Jesus suffer for us. Because how much more vulnerable is Jesus when He risks loving us? The Last Supper, when Jesus sat with His disciples & broke the bread & drank the wine–a foretelling of what was to come–it was a marriage covenant solidifying His love for us. “In other words, Jesus says to you with this cup, I love you. I want you. I commit to you. This cup is the covenant in My blood, which I offer to you.” -Voskamp. Love is a risk, & Jesus risked it all for you & me. In fact, He continues to risk…day after day…time after time. Love is painful, & Jesus endured the ultimate pain so we don’t have to. Love is scary, & Jesus had awe-inspiring courage as He willingly faced the cross. You see, “there are those big-banner, social media, camera-rolling moments, with some imagined soundtrack building to a thundering crescendo, times when we think we’d all pour out our lives, throw ourselves out of a plane, in front of a train, show no restraint & brave the haul of the hurricane to save our love. But real love doesn’t always look like that kind of heroism. That’s more like Hollywood.” Voskamp. Real love looks more like a sacrificing Savior. A Father who sent His perfect Son from His majestic throne in Heaven to this flawed, sin-filled world to be born in a dirty barn surrounded by dirty animals & raised by two simple human beings. Real love is a Father knowing–even as He did this–that His Son–who never did a single wrong thing in His entire existence–would be beaten, condemned, mocked, & nailed to a cross as a sacrifice for all who have sinned & all who will sin. Real love is a Savior who knew the very same people He died for would reject Him time & time again, would continue to sin, would run away from Him, would curse His name…& yet He loved anyway. In the ultimate sacrifice of love, Jesus was broken & given. How would you like it if someone you loved fully & completely, someone you risked everything for, someone you died for constantly rejected you? “I can’t spend any time with you today….I’m too busy.” “Sorry, I’m not interested in accepting your love or getting to know you.” “Okay, I only have 10 minutes & then I’m done…& don’t expect me to actually talk to you.” That would crazy hurt, wouldn’t it? This is what Jesus has experienced & will experience a million times over, but yet He always continues to welcome us back with open arms. I was recently introduced to the song, “Reckless Love,” by Cody Ashbury, & I love the way He describes the meaning behind the song. “God’s love is reckless. He is not reckless, but the way He loves is. He is utterly unconcerned with the consequences of His actions with regard to His own safety, comfort, & well-being. His love isn’t crafty or slick. Its not cunning or shrewd. In fact, all things considered, its quite childlike & might I even suggest somewhat downright & I might look back at Him & give him that love in return. His love isn’t cautious. It is & again & again & again time & time again. Make no mistake our sins do pain His heart & 70×7 is a lot of times to get your heart broken. & yet He opens up & allows us back in every single time. His love saw you when you hated Him & all logic says they’ll reject me. He said nah I don’t care what it costs me. I lay my life on the line as long as I get their hearts.” Wow. Just Wow. So even though love is a risk, I believe the reward is greater. I want to learn to love like Jesus. I want to love selflessly & completely. I want to be broken & given in a thousand different ways & die a thousand little deaths for the sake of loving others. I want to love those who feel unlovable, & forgive those who feel unforgivable. Because maybe love isn’t always feeling “good” about others. Maybe its about ultimately being willing to suffer for others. I want to believe there is enough love in me, that I am loved enough by Him, to be made enough love to give. I want to be vulnerable. I want to give love to the hurting. I want to love the beautiful people in the backstreets. I want to love those who hurt me & betray me. I want to be brave & open my heart to new relationships. I want to share His love with everyone I come into contact with. I desperately want to love when it’s the most inconvenient…because loving should never be an intrusion or interruption. Most of all, I want to participate in a full union with Christ. I want to be fully & completely loved by my Father…fully & completely loving Him in return. I want to remember & praise His sacrifice, His risk, His vulnerability. In the words of Ann Voskamp, “I will love you like Jesus, because of Jesus & through the strength of Jesus. I will love when I am not loved back. I will love when I am hurt & disappointed & betrayed & inconvenienced & rejected. I will simply love. No expectations, no demands, no conditions. I will fall in love & fail at love & fall in my love. & nothing will stop me from loving. Not time, distance, disappointment, or death. You may not love me back. You may humble me, humiliate me, reject me, shatter my heart, & drive the shards into my soul—but this is not what matters. What matters is that in the act of loving we become more like the givenness of Christ Himself. Nothing will stop me from the risk of vulnerably loving because love like this is not a risk. For love defies logic & keeps on loving when it makes no sense because that is what love does. Because love is a risk that’s never a risk.” Because love only has logic, only has meaning, when it takes the form of a cross. 2 thoughts on “Chapter Fourteen: Reckless Love.” Wow! Just Wow! Wow Grace! Such hard truth. Thanks friend!
Here Are the ‘Pitch Perfect’ Character Rankings You’ve Been Aca-Aching ForUniversal Pictures I didn’t watch Pitch Perfect when it was in theaters. I was aware that it existed, I just had very little interest in watching it. I remember seeing the previews with my wife and being like, “Nope, not a chance.” I remember going to the theater for other movies and seeing Pitch Perfect promo posters, the ones that had a picture of the cast and the tagline “Get Pitch Slapped” on it and feeling very good that I’d accurately measured the temperature of a movie by its preview, because “Get Pitch Slapped” is really just a terrible line, so the movie was certainly terrible too. So I didn’t watch it there. I didn’t see it until something like 18 months after it came out. I rented it from Redbox for $1 and watched it at home. And I’ve been mad at myself ever since. I love Pitch Perfect. I care about it, were I to guess, far more than a 33-year-old Mexican man should. I don’t even know how many times I’ve seen it now. If it comes on TV, I watch it. If I’m writing, sometimes I stream it and let it play in the background. If I’m standing still for more than five seconds, I feel it necessary to watch YouTube clips of it on my phone. After I read last year that they were filming Pitch Perfect 2, I hunted and hunted and hunted on the Internet for new stills or videos or anything. When a video finally did pop up, I emailed my editor the instant I saw it, and then I strongly considered turning in my resignation when he said he thought Bring It On was a better movie. [Editor’s note: Bring It On is much, much better. Resignation still pending.] I’m going to see Pitch Perfect 2 the moment it comes out this Friday. I might go see it the day after that and then the day after that, too. I’m scared it’s not going to be very good, but then I remember that the first one was so good that even a bad version of the first one would still be a Top Five Movie Ever and I get all excited again. I can’t wait. In the meantime: a character ranking for the first one. The Rankings Pitch Perfect is, of course, a movie about singing. But this is not solely a Who’s The Best Singer? ranking. It can’t be that. That’s too narrow. If that were the case, the winner would be obvious (Cynthia-Rose). It’s also not a Who’s The Most Vital To The Pitch Perfect Universe? ranking. That’s too direct. Were it that, the final tallies would basically be calculated just by counting up who has the most lines in the movie and there you go, there’s your ranking (and Beca’s your winner). This is rounder than that, bigger than that. It’s a very general, very big, Who’s The Overall Best Character From Pitch Perfect? ranking. It takes into consideration those two things, but also more things, things like the person who was most believable, the person who was the most charming and likable, the person who had the most secretly great moments, the person who had the most obviously great moments, and on and on. All of those were considered, then measured (inasmuch as you can measure them), and that’s how their ranks were figured. Off we go: 15. Stacie She was the one who was goofy for sex. Her one good thing was that she’d decided her vagina was male and was also a hunter. While she never explicitly states that it hunts penises, the context within which she exclaims that it’s a hunter leads me to believe so. If it hunted something else, though — say, wild boar — then she’d have moved up several spaces, for sure. 14. The Unicycle Guy Stacie placed lower than a guy who rides a unicycle.1 Sidebar: There’s a scene where he falls down. I’m still not sure whether it was planned: I’d always assumed so, because it was so perfectly timed, but I’m not so sure anymore. It feels like if it were, all the guys would’ve turned around when he fell because otherwise, why have him fall? As it is, only the guy nearest the fall is the one who notices. I don’t know, man. I’ve watched it 2,000 times and I still can’t tell. This is our generation’s Zapruder film. 13. Bologna Barb Stacie lost to a guy who rides a unicycle and a girl whose only purpose in the movie is to have super large areolas. 12. Luke As far as being identified by body parts is concerned, having really well-defined abs is considerably better than having bologna boobs, I figure. 11. Kimmy-Jin Beca’s very gnarly roommate: I need for someone to put together a comprehensive ranking of college roommates from movies. I figure Kimmy-Jin probably falls somewhere near the middle. She wasn’t very nice, but she also wasn’t super in-the-way or obtrusive. First place is probably the Lambda Lambda Lambda guys. Last place is a tie between Remy from Higher Learning (he’s the guy who becomes a Nazi and kills Tyra Banks and shoots a few more people and then also kills himself) and the two guys in Dead Man on Campus who try to get a roommate just so they can convince him to kill himself. 10. Lilly A for-real psychotic person. Her weirdest scene is either the one where she says she was born with gills like a fish or the scene where she says she ate her twin in the womb or the scene where she swims around in vomit or the scene where she beatboxes. If you really think about it, beatboxing is basically just unicycling for the mouth. 9. Donald He was a Grade A secondhand man. He was also quietly very funny and a talented and vital member of the men’s group. I’m interested in the Donald backstory. 8. Benji The savant excluded because of his weirdness but OH MY GOD WHEN HE FINALLY GETS TO PERFORM WITH THE TREBLEMAKERS: It’s a Top Two Singing Come-Up In A Movie Of Ever, matched only by Ahmal hitting the high note during the “Oh Happy Day” scene in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit: (You can skip ahead to the 2:28 mark if you just want to see the high note. If you do that, though, you should go on and skip your life ahead to your own funeral, because turns out nobody likes you at all.) 7. Cynthia-Rose She’s possibly the most talented, most versatile member of the Barden Bellas. She’s completely capable of running the team, and for sure capable of starring in an a cappella performance, and were it not for Beca, she probably would. She’s the Blake Griffin of the group. 6. John and Gail Flawless. 5. Bumper I suppose he’s kind of a dick, but let’s not just ignore that he’s the leader of what we’re told is the most dominant a cappella group in the country, and let’s also not ignore that he was picked to sing backup for John Mayer, AND LET’S ALSO not ignore that he left the group and then the group immediately lost their very next competition. He’s talented, there’s just no other way about it. Also, he is an excellent dancer: I’m glad he’s back for the new version. 4. Chloe and Aubrey They have to go together, same as John and Gail. (Were I forced to pick just one, though, it’d have to be Aubrey. She’s too real. She’s the only one who would give her life to win an a cappella contest. And I don’t mean that figuratively. That’s a statement I make literally. She would DIE to win. She would give her life for a victory. I respect that.) 3. Fat Amy “Yeah, don’t put me down for cardio.” Nobody has more quotables. Nobody has more pizzazz. Nobody (not named Jesse) has more charm. You know what’s so great about Fat Amy? Her whole role in the movie is to be the funny one. That’s her thing. And a lot of times, when someone’s thing is to Be The Funny One in a movie, it turns into a Try To Be The Funny One thing, and that’s way different and definitely terrible. But that never happens with Fat Amy (née Fat Patricia). She’s always able to do just enough so that she’s more compelling than Just The Funny One. I’m nervous that they’re going to push her too far into GOOFY in PP2, though that’s an observation based almost exclusively on the part in the trailer where she ends up showing her vagina to a bunch of people while she dangles from the ceiling. Either way, she’s a strong third here, and really very nearly leapfrogged Beca to get into second place. 2. Beca Second? SECOND? Second? ARE YOU GODDAMN SERIOUS? HOW? How does she not finish first here? I’ll tell you how: 1. Jesse TRUE AND BEAUTIFUL PERFECTION. PLEASE BE MY BOYFRIEND, JESSE. EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS PERFECT, JESSE. When scientists finally figure out how to make it so that men can get pregnant, the very first call I’m making is to Jesse from Pitch Perfect to see if he’s down. I’m going to tell you the very best Jesse moment, and let me tell you, picking out the best Jesse moment is like picking out the best star in the sky because there is just an endless and endless number of stars. Remember how he takes his jacket halfway off during the Riff Off? Remember how he volleyballs up a tiny amount of shade at the fraternity guys? Remember how he grabs the microphone and fades into the background during Benji’s solo? All of everything is a great Jesse moment. But the best Jesse moment comes during the Bellas’ final performance. It’s when Beca is performing the “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” part. If you’ll recall, he was upset with her because she’d been not that nice to him (FOR WHICH I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HER), and so he was not talking to her or really not even acknowledging her. So she’s performing it and he realizes that she’s worked it in there as a sort of apology/appreciation to him. And he considers bucking back against it. But then he finally gives in and raises his hand up in the air as the song hits its peak. The best Jesse moment is right before that, when he gives the guffaw look. It happens here, and it takes him from 1:09 to 1:14 to fully unfurl it: Love you forever, Jesse. Filed Under: Movies, Pitch Perfect, pitch perfect 2, Skylar Astin, Anna Kendrick, Anna Camp, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wil
Don't throw away those over ripe bananas! This Banana Bread recipe is the perfect solution to use them and it will be the best Banana Bread you will have ever tasted! "Noooooooo! Don’t throw me away! I deserve another life!" And we all have one, a banana bread recipe. If you think the recipe you have is just ok, well, here’s one you will love. If you love the recipe you have, well, this one just might change your mind. One of my favorite bakeries is Flour. Unfortunately, it is too far from my home in California to visit often. So………the only solution was to buy the “Flour” cookbook by Joanne Chang, owner and pastry chef of Flour Bakery + Café in Boston, Massachusetts. Although there are many wonderful recipes in the book, the banana bread is one of my favorites. I sometimes even find myself buying extra bananas just to make this delightful treat. I’m pretty sure that the moistness of this bread comes from the amount of banana added, and the air beaten into the batter making it beautifully light and airy! More Gr8 Bread recipes: - Chocolate Chip Bread! This one recipe makes 2 loaves! - Blueberry Bread Pudding...with Whiskey Sauce! - Get your veggies in this Zucchini Bread! - Olive Bread, or without the olives, French Bread! Please leave a rating! Flour's Banana Bread Ingredients - 1 ⅔ cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon - ½ teaspoon salt - 1 cup sugar - 2 eggs - ½ cup canola oil - 3 ½ very ripe medium bananas, peeled and mashed (about 1 ⅓ cups) - 2 Tablespoons crème fraîche or sour cream - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - ⅔ cup walnut halves (optional), toasted and chopped Instructions - Position a rack in the center of the oven, and heat the oven to 325°F. - Butter a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan. - Whisk together the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and the salt. Set aside. - In your stand mixer using the whip attachment on medium speed, beat together the sugar and eggs (a hand mixer can also be used). Continue for about 5 minutes until light and fluffy. (This could take longer with a hand mixer.) - On a low speed, add the oil very slowly (drizzle). This should take about one minute. - On low speed, add the bananas, crème fraîche, and the vanilla. - Using a spatula add the flour mixture and nuts and gently stir just to combine. - Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top with the spatula to make even. - Bake for 1 to 1 ¼ hours until the top is golden brown. It is done when you gently press your finger in the middle and the bread springs back. Notes Gr8 Make-Ahead Tip:To store the bread, wrap it in plastic wrap. It will keep for up to 3 days at room temperature or can be frozen for 2 - 3 weeks. Gr8 Tip:If you happen to have more bananas than you need for the bread recipe, I like to cut them in 1 inch pieces and place them on a cookie sheet. Joanne Chang's Flour Cookbook is available from Amazon.com. SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave Kyle So glad Dana that you are enjoying this recipe! Thank you for letting us know and thank you for being a Gr8 friend! Dana Gylys Making this a second time! Yummy! Kyle Yes, it is the bread you had this weekend. Glad you enjoyed it! This recipe is a keeper! Thanks for being a Gr8 Friend Lee! Lee orr If this is the recipe for the bread you brought to the desert, all I can say is, Wow! Definitely the best recipe I've had yet and will replace Grandma Boyle's.
Christmas Gifts For The Musicians Bring our kids out to Summit Fair this Saturday, August 6 through Sunday, August 7, for the Back-to-School Bash with Radio Disney. One of the most of the tax-free shopping and contest prizes from participating merchants, while they participate in the Bubblicious Tax-Free Weekend event, including a bubble blowing contest from 11:30-1p.m in the JCPenney Courtyard.India is a land of music and also the country embraces all types of music from all of over exciting world of. Improvement to the good numbers? Deals and You gives you this offer to shop through them and obtain the concert ticket absolutely totally free of charge. So guys and girls now you can shop lamp do at times and need not to think about saving on the shopping cover the Concert Andrey Boreyko Tickets 2019. Shop from dealsandyou and let them sponsor the tickets for no extra money FREE Free!!The latest generation using this iPod is made for any man especially the outdoorsy man in your and makes a person of the top Christmas gifts 2010. May multi-tasker it really is a great iPod, game player, as well as being computer at the tips of your fingers.2) Keep it simplistic. You do not have to bother with about getting something incredibly elaborate for your bridesmaid gift item. This is not your time to demonstrate that an individual a natural Martha Stewart. Remember, could your friends and friends additionally already will see that this is not the container. Jewelry makes a great bridesmaid existing. Everyone likes to get jewelry and it does n’t need you to cross-stitch pillows for each bridesmaid. A simple bracelet no pair of earrings is really a simple but elegant surprise. There is no really need to try to crafty jointly bridesmaid gift item modern rap vibe with real country words of the song. His latest releases promise rabid fans that there’s more to are.And it is really because they play on the guilty feeling you experience when someone gives you something for ‘free’ and puts you in the task of feeling like you ‘owe’ them – even though they don’t say it explicitly.One idea is the “Wine Rack” for women or the “Beer Belly” for soldiers. Both are worn around your body and will be able to fill all of them your favorite beverage. The wine rack gives any woman a improvement in the chest as it hold wine and the beer belly fits around a man’s waist that can hold beer or other beverages. Speak about interesting!While wedding plans is usually quite busy and even a little hectic, this is not true you would be smart to stress out about the bridesmaid skill. Remember to keep things simple and work on getting a behavior which will be useful to the bridesmaids. Your bridesmaids will appreciate your energy.
A Tinder Swipe surge typically awesome since you can fit with a person who could be signing up for identical party you are in fact. This is often excellent intelligence with regards to abilities you’re planning to check with solamente, this existing year’s brand-new many years day collecting or possibly just a dynamic Saturday-night away. Whether you have promises to consider a music festival soon enough, otherwise you’ve acquired a pleasurable wintertime breasts trip designated on your calender, Swipe race may likely show you the after smash. Contrary to popular belief, this brand-new Tinder ability might be helpful when this yuletide season. Contemplate it your own interior wingman on hometown’s close by pub any time you mind household when it comes to escape this current 12 months. You realize the bar im making reference to. Oahu is the one wherein anyone from twelfth class minds if they’re straight back location. Your typically read most haphazard pairings, like your own aged life spouse creating down with your prom time from sophomore year. Totally maybe not talking from personal expertise whatsoever. (OK, possibly i’ll be.) Tinder Swipe rise will come in convenient with regards to managing return previous senior high school union you might experience your hometown’s area. If at all possible, this statements keeps piqued your attraction because Tinder is trying out this newest have in essential us all villages recently! And, due to the fact’re 2.6 times most likely gonna see an email, your own personal Tinder feel is nearly going to become acutely winning than your liked ones’s escape fruitcake. TikToker unveils Tinder opportunity which harassed the lady A lady on TikTok managed to movie a snip of your lady Tinder time harassing the lady after she informed them she wanted to return home. The TikToker next declare the cut online as a warning for many others — in addition to it’s since lacking widespread. The 25-year-old proceeded the big date in November 2020, after speaking with the guy on Tinder for 3 days. Somebody, just just who continues on title Madison on TikTok, advertised she started to experience worried and acknowledged an Uber, that was each time complications transferring. “he had been likely to just take us to mealtime, but changed this program and decided to merely go back to his or her own areas and watch a motion picture,” Madison wise BuzzFeed. Madison discussed the major day kept pressuring the woman for upwards alcoholic, that had been once this bird made a decision to ponder over it every evening. As she lingered on her part Uber, she started shooting them date’s impulse. “I’d choose to identify your best,” the chap maybe noticed pointing out first from the instruction video. “This take to ways it functions.” “He’s stated since the majority everyone satisfied on Tinder I’m had a need to have actually sexual intercourse along with your,” Madison captioned the video. Into the movie, Madison demonstrates their individual must much more initial in what the individual require from Tinder schedules. Because of this, the guy actually starts to flail his or her own body. “If you declare that, you’re definitely not getting any Tinder matchups!” the chap yells during that girl. “This usually is poisonous maleness,” Madison says around the chap. “Toxic.” “I’m trying to make it easier to,” the person reacts. “I’m trying to save you.” In a follow-up video, Madison defined exactly how she deescalated the issue properly stored the suite. “I managed to get right up safer,” she states within her after that slice. “we were relaxing because I presumed safe than hoping to get up-and depart when he was erect. But once they sat completely down, that is the moment I chose to go into activity by making.” “I’m sure they views on their own a ‘nice people,’” a single person stated. “they seems feral and feels she owes the something,” another shared. “That body gestures was two procedures faraway from assault,” a third extra. Relative to a Pew facts center find out, ladies have all likelihood add utilizing problematic affairs while net matchmaking. Madison advised BuzzFeed she notice satisfied and energized that this beav could talk about this flick with her audiences. “Showing teenagers that’s OK to share ‘No’ despite celebration you add into a relationship, that was the definitive goals in sharing they,” she said. Should you or someone you know calls for services after having matchmaking or erectile assault, email the breach, mistreatment, and Incest state neighborhood (RAINN) at 1-800-656-4673 or speak creating an online business with a professional expert. It’s also possible to relate with an emergency Text vary pro without charge by texting the word “HOME” to 741741.
Fight Against “Organised Crime: West Africa Response to Trafficking (OCWAR-T project) “: Holds its 3rd Steering Committee meeting As part of the implementation process of the Organised Crime: West Africa Response to Trafficking (OCWAR-T) project, the German International Cooperation (GIZ) as the lead implementing agency, the ECOWAS Commission, The European Union, the German Federal Foreign Office and other implementing partners – namely the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Mines Advisory Group (MAG), the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the Enhancing Africa’s response to transnational organised crime (ENACT) – held the third meeting of the Steering Committee on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. The meeting held via a virtual platform was an opportunity for the members of the steering committee as the supreme decision-making body of the OCWAR-T project to deliberate and provide strategic direction for the project interventions and ensure consistency with the objectives of the project in the implementation so far. In her opening speech, the Co-Chair representing the ECOWAS Commission, Dr. Sinitki T. Ugbe, thanked the European Union and Germany for the financial support of the project. She also appreciated the good partnership between ECOWAS and the Partners of the OCWAR-T project allowing the strengthening of structures and capacities to fight more effectively against transnational organised crime in the region. The Representative of the European Union and Co-Chair of the Steering Committee, Mrs. Tassin-Pelzer congratulated the OCWAR-T project for the achievements so far and thanked all the partners for their efforts: She invited them to take the opportunity to explore ways to make the program more strategic. GIZ Nigeria Country Director Ina Hommers in her opening speech reiterated GIZ’s commitment to continue the activities and actions planned in order to achieve the objectives set by the project. The project management in their presentation gave an overview about the activities of the project in the last year and its achievements. At the same time discussed challenges in the implementation and the way forward including an up- coming mid- term evaluation of the project Some achievement : Participants at the meeting included the ECOWAS Commission, European Union, GIZ Nigeria, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Mines Advisory Group (MAG) and the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and Strengthening Africa’s Response to Transnational Organised Crime (ENACT). On the OCWAR-T project: Jointly funded by the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing the “Organised Crime: West African Response to Trafficking” (OCWAR–T) in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Mines Advisory Group (MAG), the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the Enhancing Africa’s response to transnational organised crime (ENACT). As part of a regional and coherent approach to combatting organised crime and trafficking in West Africa, the project – with an overall budget of 24,4 Mio. Euros – is supporting the ECOWAS Commission and ECOWAS Member States and Mauritania in reducing Transnational Organised Crime (TOC). For this purpose, the project is strengthening structures and capacities on national and regional level and is fostering evidence- led policy- and decision- making to more effectively combat TOC in the ECOWAS region. Specifically, the project aims to: (1) enhance national capacities of criminal intelligence and investigation task forces as well as the judiciary to conduct complex investigations into TOC and trafficking and foster cooperation across the region. (2) reduce illicit trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) by strengthening regional and cross-border cooperation, improving national framework conditions, structures and capacities in the field of SALW control, and reducing the availability and proliferation of SALW at the community level with a focus on border communities. (3) strengthen the national and regional planning, coordination and monitoring capacities with regard to the implementation of the ECOWAS Plan of Action against Trafficking in Persons, foster regional dialogue and cooperation in the field of combatting TIP, set- up a Regional Crime Against the Person Prevention Policy (RCAPPP) and a Regional Referral Mechanism (RRM) on TIP as well as strengthening the structure and capacities of National Referral Mechanisms (NRM) and support their operationalization in the framework of the RRM; (4) improve the knowledge- base on TOC and foster evidence- led decision and policy- making on national and regional level; facilitate efforts towards the domestication of international treaties and agreements on TOC as well as the harmonisation of legal instruments in the ECOWAS region and strengthen the capacities of Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s), human rights institutions and ombudsmen to improve oversight and dialogue on TOC and trafficking. For more info on the OCWAR-T project : Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Stroll for neutral tones. Whether they are deliberately making a statement about the standards of beauty and aging or just how comfortable they feel, these celebs put on red carpet makeup and looked stunning doing it. Not only three times Oscar winner for Best Actress Frances mcdormand Avoid makeup for red carpets and big Hollywood events (like the 2018 Oscars, pictured above), she also spoke about her anti-cosmetic surgery stance. In 2014, she said The New York Times that she had not “transferred [herself] in any way ”and was concerned with society’s (and the entertainment industry’s) obsession with the illusion of youth. “We are on red alert when it comes to how we see ourselves as a species,” she said. “There is no desire to be an adult. Adult life is not a goal. It is not seen as a gift.” RELATED: The Biggest Myth About Aging You Have To Stop Believing. In 2016, musician Alicia keys wrote an essay for Lenny Letter on why she decided to kiss the bare-faced beauty and was hoping to start a #nomakeup revolution. “Because I don’t want to cover myself up anymore,” the star wrote. “Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing.” Since then, Keys has been posing frequently for photographers without makeup, as she did on WE Day in 2017. In 2015, Refinery29 requested Jennifer garner for the best beauty advice she had never received. “It’s not advice, it’s more of an example,” replied the actor. “My mother is the woman who is the least marked by vanity of anyone I know – but in the best possible way. She just isn’t focused on it, and doesn’t wear makeup and hair – she is just herself. [seeing] that allowed me to grow up without feeling like [beauty] was something I had to do. “ Garner added that her own regular makeup routine is pretty basic, sometimes just concealer. And while she’s more glamorous on most rugs, as you can see in this photo from the Telluride Film Festival in 2016, Garner also does poses without makeup. “The wonderful thing about makeup for me is that it just goes a long way,” Tilda swinton Told Harper’s Bazaar in 2015. “So the possibilities of making new faces with her – in my job – are pretty enticing.” If you’re a fan of hers, you know how true this statement rings. While Swinton uses makeup and prosthetics to disappear into roles (see: Suspiria, Only love left alive, and Snowpiercer), the actor uses a light touch when she is like herself, like when she attended this screening of her film at the Venice Film Festival A bigger splash in 2015. Model and singer Paris Jackson told iD in 2017 that it is extremely important for her to help “change this fashion / beauty stigma, so that it is not as difficult for people around the world to feel beautiful the way they are.” This is probably one of the reasons why, that same year, she stepped on the carpet at a People magazine event in this fresh, all-natural look. “I’m human. Not a dress-up doll,” she said in the iD interview. “The idea that we should all match one idea of beauty is outrageous and ludicrous because ‘perfection’ is just an opinion.” For more celebrity information sent straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Singer Alessia cara Not only did she accept her MTV Video Music Award for Best No-Makeup Dance Video, she incorporated that statement into her performance as well. As she sang her song “Scars to Your Beautiful,” backup dancers symbolically wiped off her mascara and lipstick and removed her dress to reveal a casual outfit. “This is who I am,” she told MTV News after. “Just strip the layers off and show everyone that you can be successful and be at VMAs by being yourself. And if you yourself wear dresses like that, do it. But if you don’t, you don’t have to. That’s what I’m trying to show people. “ Cameron Diaz is one of the queens of the makeup-free selfie, and she’s also stepped out on major occasions with barely any makeup on, including at the 2002 Cannes premiere in Cannes New York gangs. As for her fantastic skin, Diaz swear by getting plenty of sleep and quitting smoking if you have gotten into the habit. Singer Ciara rocked some great makeup looks – she even has her own beauty brand in the works. But she also shares tons of photos without makeup on her Instagram and walked the rug at the Makers Conference 2017 with her husband Russell wilson wearing nothing on her face but the glow of her pregnancy. RELATED: See 15 Celebrity Couples On Their First Red Carpet Together. Marvel actor Zoe saldana, pictured here at an Oakley branding event in 2007, is often nude on her Instagram. She told Byrdie in 2019, she learned to prioritize natural products in her skin and hair care routine while growing up in the Dominican Republic. “If you live in the islands, you get a coconut, and you use every part of that coconut,” Saldana said. “You drink water, you make food with the meat, you can squeeze it and make coconut milk, and that milk you can put on your skin, on your hair. And then you can make coconut oil and coconut butter. I grew up using the environment to its full potential. “ Hypermarket Star America Ferrera, pictured here at an Outfest event in 2013, also pushes back damaging beauty standards. “As women, you are taught that your worth is in your appearance, not in your ideas and your tenacity, your courage, your bravery and your adventurous spirit,” she said Red book in 2017. “Look, I love to dress up and look beautiful. But that’s a very small part of me.” “I’m not the girl who puts on makeup to go to Target,” Mank Star Amanda Seyfried Told Marie Claire in 2017. “I’m very comfortable with myself so I don’t feel the need to cover or hide anything.” The star tends to go for a full Hollywood style at most events, but at the 2015 US Open she kept makeup to a minimum. RELATED: 100 Celebrities You Won’t Believe Are the Same Age.
3 Simple Ways to Restart Your New Year’s Resolutions Written By: Matt Mignona On January 1st, most people find themselves making New Year’s resolutions in readiness to tackle the New Year. You must have promised yourself a number of things. For example, you might have told yourself that you will do things differently this year and even swore to stay committed to ensuring that this resolution came true. Unfortunately, until now, you have done nothing to achieve this goal. It is essential to point out that out of all the people that make a New Year’s resolution, approximately 92 percent of them fail. Truthfully, 43 percent of the individuals who make New Year’s resolution never make it past January, and out of the people who do make it past the first month, 80 percent of those people never make it until summer. If you are finding it hard to stick with your New Year’s resolutions, here are tips to help you: Define Your Goals The first and most important step in achieving your resolutions is by defining and understanding your goals. You need to clearly understand what you want to be your New Year’s resolutions. Once you have defined your resolutions, the next thing is to evaluate the resolutions. Evaluation here means to clearly look into the goals and find out if they are realistic and achievable. For example, you cannot have “being rich” as a resolution yet you do not even have a job. Your goals should be guided by the S.M.A.R.T goal setting principles, which entail the following: S – Specific, significant, stretching M – Measurable, meaningful, motivational A – Achievable, agreed upon, action-oriented, acceptable R – Realistic, reasonable, rewarding, relevant T – Timely, trackable, time-based, tangible These principles should guide you on coming up with goals you can achieve. To make it easier to come up with achievable resolutions, you should categorize them into six distinct categories: family, career, wealth, health, faith, and intellect. Write down your resolutions in order to remember each and every one of them. Have a Plan Once you have defined, evaluated, and written down your resolutions, the next step is to have a plan. A plan in this case means setting up actionable tasks that you will be doing each and every day that will enable you to move closer to achieving your goals. It involves the steps and strategies that will guide you into attaining your resolutions. For example, if your resolution is to lose some weight—let’s say 10 lbs.—by June 1st 2017, the following are strategies that you can use to ensure that you achieve your ultimate goal: - Complete high-intensity impact training (HIIT) for 30–45 minutes daily. - Reduce your daily calorie intake to at least 2,000 calories each day and eat a minimum of 30 grams of carbohydrates per day. - Drink a green smoothie for breakfast every morning. The above example is measurable and trackable. To make it more fun, you can keep a score on how you perform each day. This will enable you to know whether you are progressing, retrogressing, or staying in the same position. You can download the Plan on a Page worksheet to enable you to define your goal, build an actionable plan, and keep your goals before everything else. Keep Your Vision in Front of You When making resolutions, most people make them in their heads, and few actually take their time to write them down. Unfortunately, the few that write down their goals do this once a year. You should not be in this category of people. If you want to meet your goals, ensure that you write them out twice daily. Doing this will ensure that you stick to you plan and ensure that what you want to achieve is the most important thing in your life. The best way to ensure that you are determined in achieving your goals is by writing the resolutions on a piece of paper. You can also purchase the Happier Mind Journal that will remind you of what you need to do every day as you progress towards achieving your objectives. Avoid using the digital method because that can become boring and may make you stray from the right path. Keep the paper or the journal where you can easily see it no matter the time of day. This will always remind you of the things you need to do. Very few people achieve their New Year’s resolution. Most of them lose focus and drop out along the way. However, setting and achieving such goals are important elements in one’s life. It gives you the feeling and ambition to do more. Get yourself back in line and work towards achieving your goals for the year.
Table of Contents Understanding the cause of symptoms and talking things over with a buddy or household member, might assist. Some individuals have more serious or prolonged symptoms.Related searches: Counselling assists you to explore ways of handling tension and tension symptoms. This may be readily available in your area however some charities also provide online resources and helplines that may work. Medications, Taking a medicine might be an option: A is one medicine that can assist alleviate some physical signs that are triggered by the release of tension hormones - stressed out belly. You can take them as required. sleep problems. is a benzodiazepine tranquilliser. These are very rarely used and are scheduled for remarkable cases for really brief periods. It is addicting and will rapidly lose its result when considered more than a couple of days. Some people who have an intense tension reaction will discover their symptoms continue for longer than one month. People with psychological health problems can improve and many recuperate totally. Early Alerting Signs Not exactly sure if you or somebody you understand is dealing with mental health problems? Experiencing several of the following feelings or behaviors can be an early warning sign of a problem: Consuming or sleeping excessive or insufficient Retreating from individuals and normal activities Having low or no energy Feeling numb or like nothing matters Having unusual aches and discomforts Feeling powerless or helpless Cigarette smoking, drinking, or utilizing drugs more than normal Feeling unusually confused, absent-minded, on edge, angry, upset, anxious, or scared Yelling or battling with friends and family Experiencing serious mood swings that cause issues in relationships Having consistent ideas and memories you can't leave your head Hearing voices or thinking things that are not true Thinking of damaging yourself or others Inability to carry out daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school Find out more about specific psychological health issues and where to find assistance.You Want to Deal with Stress? Learn More Here! As companies and caretakers, adults tend to view the world of children as happy and carefree. Even really young kids have worries and feel tension to some degree.You Want to Deal with Stress? Get Started Now! Stress can affect anybody who feels overloaded even kids. In preschoolers, separation from moms and dads can trigger anxiety. Many kids are too hectic to have time to play artistically or relax after school. Talk with your kids about how they feel about extracurricular activities. Kids' tension may be intensified by more than just what's taking place in their own lives. Do your kids hear you talking about difficulties at work, stressing about a relative's health problem, or arguing with your partner about financial matters? Parents must see how they discuss such problems when their kids are near since kids will pick up on their moms and dads' anxieties and start to fret themselves. Kids who see disturbing images on TV or hear talk of natural catastrophes, war, and terrorism might stress over their own security which of the individuals they like. Speak with your kids about what they see and hear, and monitor what they watch on television so that you can help them comprehend what's going on. When these are included to the daily pressures kids deal with, the tension is amplified. Even the most friendly divorce can be difficult for kids since their fundamental security system their family is undergoing a huge modification. Separated or divorced moms and dads ought to never put kids in a position of having to choose sides or expose them to negative comments about the other partner. It's actually tough for some people to come home after work, come down on the floor, and have fun with their kids or just talk to them about their day specifically if they have actually had a demanding day themselves. Revealing interest shows your kids that they're essential to you. Assist your child deal with tension by talking about what might be causing it. Table of Contents Latest Posts Phantom lymphadenopathy. An association with chronic ... - negativestress.com Swollen Lymph Nodes Stress Response (Mind-Body ... - negativestress.com Health Anxiety and physical symptoms - negativestress.com All Categories Latest Posts Phantom lymphadenopathy. An association with chronic ... - negativestress.com Swollen Lymph Nodes Stress Response (Mind-Body ... - negativestress.com Health Anxiety and physical symptoms - negativestress.com
Our take on vegan analogues of meaty (and/or dairylike) foods is firm and unwavering: If they taste good, more power to them, even if they’re not a one-for-one for the original item. Vegan cheese generally seems to fall short of the real deal; we don’t have time for it. But vegan meat (like the stuff made at The Herbivorous Butcher) is often good or downright delicious in the right context. And there are enough good veggie burgers out there (Fitger’s leaps to mind, although that’s merely vegetarian) that we’re always happy to give them a shot. So we were intrigued by all the positive buzz about the Big Mac-ish Dirty Secret ($15) at the recently opened J. Selby’s in St. Paul — two falafel-esque “beaf” patties from The Herbivorous Butcher, onions, lettuce, three slices of sesame seed bun, pickles, vegan mayo (which we quite like, particularly with the menu’s excellent Buffalo wing-ish batter-fried cauliflower florets), vegan American cheese (sigh), all stacked up in a jumbo-sized, meatless approximation of the perennial best-seller at McDonald’s. This faux Big Mac works. It really, really works. Now, if you closed your eyes and took a bite, there’d be absolutely no chance you’d mistake it for an actual Big Mac. It’s missing the fatty richness of ground beef, and the additionally unctuous gift of legit special sauce, and the plasticlike binding power of American cheese. But there are elements in common: that doppelganger of a bun, which seems to have arrived at J. Selby’s on the back of a McDonald’s truck, and the pickles, which play together with the bun in a way that triggers some strong McMemories. And while the vegan cheese lacks the chewy richness of dairy-based American cheese, and the nicely seasoned and spiced patties are closer to falafel in terms of dryness and texture, everything works well together. The sandwich has a compelling savory depth and a nice balance of bun to “meat” to veggies that puts a lot of flavor into every bite. Value is the question. While most of J. Selby’s sandwiches are $10, the Dirty Secret is $15, which would be expensive (although not unheard of) for a traditional gourmet hamburger just about anywhere. (It’s worth noting that tip’s included, and you do receive a side, so it’s not as brutal as it looks on paper.) Our stance is that this particular burger — with a clean, balanced flavor and no horrible post-burger meat hangover — is better than more than 50 percent of its meaty competitors, particularly when you take into account all the depressingly lame $15-$20 burgers at hotel and chain restaurants around the metro. But if your opinion is that your $15 is better spent at Parlour or buying three fancy little burgers at Constantine, or, hell, three Big Macs, that’s a legitimate stance. At $10, the Dirty Secret would be an unmitigated success story, but even as it is, it’s a nice option to have in a town full of compelling burger-related choices. J. Selby’s, 169 N Victoria St, St. Paul; 651.222.3263 One Comment by far the best veggie burger ive ever had is the Trempealeau Hotel Walnut Burger. its best to eat it on location (walnut balls too), but is available around the metro (sea salt, frozen at coops). Yummy in my Tummy!
“There was a euphoric amount of optimism.” From a physical standpoint, I’m not interested in risk. I have zero need for speed. I don’t play extreme sports. I’ve never been in a fight. And I walk away from even the slightest hint of violence. People have called me a pussy more times than I care to remember, and I’m totally okay with that. Here’s why. When it comes to emotional, psychological risk, I’m quite the daredevil. Relocating to a city with no job and no friends? Starting a business with no money and experience? Delivering a speech in front of four thousand foreigners? Sign me up. That’s the kind of risk I can get behind. If gambling on yourself is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Inspired by Alex Winter’s killer documentary. “Without an audience, you’re the tree that falls in the forest.” It’s one thing to sing songs in the comfort of your own bedroom, it’s another to stand on a corner and perform for complete strangers. Big lesson for me this year. Turns out, having an audience changes the way you experience your art. You learn to see it through other people’s eyes. Take kids, for example. They’re too young to bullshit you. If they like your song, they vote with their feet. If they don’t, they start crying. You can’t get that kind of feedback from singing into a hairbrush. If it’s true that nothing happens until a sale is made, maybe it’s also true that nothing happens until a seat is filled. Thanks for the heads up, Henry. “A relationship is like taking a four credit class.” Yet another article about the death of courtship. Really pisses me off. Not that I’m against hooking up. That’s what college is for. But the process of dating, pursuing, courting, chasing––even breaking up––is a invaluable experience that every young person should have. It teaches us how the heart works. It allows us to practice commitment and communication It gives us a holistic view of our most human tendencies. And it offers us an opportunity to develop our relational and romantic muscles, two strengths that are infinitely useful later in life. What good is being a great sprinter when most of life is a marathon? “If there’s schlepping involved, it’s more likely to be real work.” Possibly the most brilliant blog post I’ve read in years. Venkat breaks down conspicuous production. Proving that our most important work involves grit, delayed gratification and the willingness to burn some serious calories when nobody’s watching. Growing up, that was always hard for me. Impatience was a furious itch that needed scratching at any cost. You couldn’t slow me down with the back of an axe. But, life has a funny way of teaching you exactly what you need to learn. Somehow I discovered the value of the schlep. Somehow I learned to prioritize sweaty work over sexy work. Bio
Google Analytics is software that tracks and reports website traffic. If you have Google Analytics and a Google Ads account, you’ll not only be able to track traffic on your website but also be able to analyze which traffic was generated from your paid ads. To get the most out of your Google Analytics account, you’ll need to set up properties and views. A property is a representation of your website in Google Analytics and will have its own unique tracking ID, while a view is a filtered perspective of your website traffic. Views are often used to filter out internal traffic to your website using an IP address. For more help getting started with Google Analytics read: - User management. Add, edit, and delete users as well as configure user permissions. - Link/unlink Google Ads and Analytics. Connect your Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts so you can begin to understand how your marketing efforts are driving visits to your site. - Reporting views. Create multiple filtered subsets of your website visitor data (for example, filter out website visitors from your IP address). - About goals. Measure how well visitors are meeting objectives on your website such as making a purchase. - About Dashboards. Build visualizations that keep you informed about your website visitors. - About Custom Reports. Design custom reports to dive deep into your data. - About segments. Group website visitors by regions or cities. - About Events. Define important actions that your website visitors might be doing such as viewing more than 2 pages. - About Ecommerce. Analyze purchase activity on your site or app. For any additional questions, visit the Google Analytics help center. Types of Webchat Events Sent to Google Analytics Once installed on your website, Webchat™ will automatically track two types of events and record them in Google Analytics. Those events are “bubble clicked” and “conversation started.” - Bubble clicked. An event is recorded when a website visitor opens the Webchat widget on your website, unless they click the close button. - Conversation started. An event is recorded when a website visitor sends a message using Webchat. Finding Your Tracking ID Once your account has been configured with both properties and views, you’ll need to locate your tracking ID. - Click Admin. - Click Tracking Info; then Tracking Code. - Copy the UA-XXXXXXXX-X to your clipboard. Creating Webchat Goals in Google Analytics If you want Webchat events to be associated with goals in Google Analytics, you can create new custom goals. - Click Admin. - In Views, click Goals. - Click + New Goals. - Select Custom and then click Continue. - In Goal Description, create a goal name. - Set the goal type to Event and then click Continue. - In Goal Details, set the Category to equals to Webchat Widget. - Still in Goal Details set the Action to equals to Bubble Clicked or Conversation Started. - Disable Use the Event Value as the Goal Value for the conversation. - Set a monetary value. - Click Save.
Every square on a chess board has its identity. Each piece has its own outline shape that is unique and distinguishable. The King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Knight and Pawn are all represented by a letter which is used when the moves are written down. How to write down chess moves? When you start to play chess games for real, you need to know how to write down your chess moves in algebraic notation on a score sheet. When you do this, you have to indicate which piece has moved to which square and also show extra information such as check and castling. Download printable chess scoresheets here Naming Of The Squares On the chessboard, each square can be identified by a distinctive co-ordinate, which is a letter followed by a number. The files (vertical square columns) from Queenside to the right of the Kingside are labeled a-to-h. The ranks (horizontal square rows are numbered from 1 to 8, starting from the white side of the chessboard. Each square has a unique number and letter to identify its position. Below is an image of a chess board which contains a grid system for writing down moves. (Every square is named according to its position on the board) The ranks are named: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 The files are named: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h How To Identify The Chess Pieces: Chess Piece Notation Each chess piece is usually represented in outline on a chessboard. When moves are written down, each piece is identified by a letter, apart from the Pawn, which has no letter. For example a Rook moving to d3 is written as Rd3, whereas a Pawn moving to d3 would just be written as d3. Table Showing Notation of Chess Pieces Other languages use different letters to represent chess pieces. For example, in French, players refer to the Bishop as “F” which in French is “Fou”. However, the universal symbols and shapes of the chess pieces remain the same. Pawns are represented with lowercase letters mainly because distinguishing between them is not really necessary. This is because the pawn only moves one square at a time. Chess Moves Notation To indicate a piece’s movement, the first uppercase letter is used, and then the square to which it moved. For example, Be5 means you moved the Bishop to the e5 square. Nf3 means that you moved your Knight to the f3 square. c5 means you moved a pawn to the c5 square (for pawns you do not need to use a lower case p). In our example below, the first two moves of this chess game are 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 Notation For Capturing Pieces When a player makes a capture, they have to denote that on a score sheet with an “X” before describing the piece’s destination. Let’s say a player makes a capture Bxc6. This means that the Bishop captured a piece on the c6 square. Here is an example in the Ruy Lopez Opening: White may capture the knight (Bxc6) If a pawn captured a piece, the file from which it left is key to identifying the pawn’s location. For example, if the pawn on e-file captures a piece on d5, this will be noted as exd5. Sometimes, players use the “:”sign in the same place where the “X” would go, or at the end of the notation. For example, either “B:e5” or “Be5:” are appropriate. Capturing by En Passant The word en passant is a French word which means “in passing”. If a pawn moves two squares on its first move, and by doing so ends up next to an opponent’s pawn, that pawn has the option of capturing this first one it passes by. This is only possible if the player acts immediately and capture the pawn via en passant. Otherwise the move will expire and en passant will not be available again. Denoting en passant is pretty simple. The captures made by an en passant rules are indicated by specifying the pawn capture file with X and then the destination square. Note, this square isn’t the one of the captured pawns. After this, you can add the “e.p” suffix, which represents en passant. An example is exd6e.p. (open pgn from mobile view) White has the option to en passant since the black pawn moved two squares to reach beside the white pawn on e4 Notation For Identical Moves and Pieces If two or more identical chess pieces move towards the same square, the piece making the move is then uniquely identified by specifying the letter of the piece, and then the notations follow in ascending or descending order. The notation depends on the: - The file and their difference - The rank of the departing piece, whether the files are the same, but have differing ranks; or - Both the rank and file. This occurs in rare cases where two or more pawns have been promoted. Let’s look at an example to better understand. With knights sitting on the g1 and d2 squares, which in both cases can move to f3, the move will be noted as Ngf3. If not, it can also be noted as Ndf3. Knights sitting on g5 and g1 can make moves, such as N1f3 or N5f3. As described above, “X” can be included to indicate a capture. Identical moves Both the knight on g1 and the knight on d2 can reach to f3. It’s therefore important that we indicate which of the knights is coming to f3 square. Notation For Pawn Promotion Once the pawn moves to the eighth rank, it is promoted to either a queen or another option. Once the piece has been promoted, it is then indicated at the end of the move. For example, a pawn promoted to a queen is described as e8Q. Sometimes, the addition of an ‘equal to’ sign is also seen, but this represents the same promotion. For example, a pawn promotion could be recorded as e8(Q) or e8=Q. These, however, are not FIDE standards. Notation For Offering a Draw In FIDE rules, an “=” sign is used to denote a draw on the score sheet right next to the piece move. However, this doesn’t fall under chess’ algebraic notation. Notations for Castling Special notations are used to represent castling. For Kingside castling, 0-0 is notated. 0-0-0 is used for Queenside castling. Notation For Check and Checkmate When the King is in check or being attacked we usually represent this with “+” symbol. It can also be represented as an abbreviation “ch” There are some cases when the King is being attacked twice (double check). The symbol used for double check is “++” or dbl ch. Notation For Game Completion Once a game ends, if the white player wins it will be denoted 1-0, alternatively, 0-1 will be used for black victory. If the scoreboard shows ½ – ½ this indicates a draw. Other than these indications, no other symbol is used to describe a win or loss. Sometimes, the scoreboard will list information that states the black (or white) player resigned. This is simply a narrative to describe the scenario. Table Showing Complete list of Chess Notations for Commentary and Analyzing Games Final Verdict – How To Record Chess Moves In Algebraic Notation By now, you understand that the chess board is denoted with pairs of numbers and letters. Vertical files are lettered from “a” to “h” (from the left side of the white pieces, this is the queenside, all the way to the right). Likewise, horizontal ranks are numbered from “1” to “8” (starting from the nearest end of the white piece side of the chess board). With this lettering and numbering, it is easy to identify each square, and ranks can also be determined. For example, you should know that the white king starts from the e1 square. The black knight sits on b8, and it can move to either a6 or c6. The importance of recording chess moves In a formal tournament or competition, each player has the chance to record the moves they make on a scoresheet in chess notation. This helps settle any dispute or legal opposition. In case they violate any time delay methods or controls, they can make their claims by referring to the moves they have made and either draw on the fifty move rule or repeat positions. In matches held now, Algebraic Chess Notations are the most preferred way to record a game. Other recording systems are also available. However, in matches, the current rule says that each move has to accurately correspond to the chess notations before writing them down on a paper or using any electronic device to make recordings. Before playing a game, each player has to first indicate an “=” sign on the scoreboard. Time notations should also be accurately recorded on the scoreboard or the recording sheet. In case the player has less than the prescribed five minutes left to complete their moves, they will not be required to record unless an extra thirty minute delay is added. With a scoreboard and a recording sheet, players must refer to them each time. This means they have to see the moves the opponent player has made and then record their own as they proceed. Frequently Asked Questions about Chess Notation Are you allowed to stop recording chess moves? There aren’t any severe penalties if you forget to record your move. You can simply burrow your opponent’s scoresheet to update yours. This should only be done on your turn. If your opponent is not recording the moves, its your responsibility to summon the arbiter and explain to him the situation. There should be no instances where the clock is paused so that one player can write down the moves. Players are encouraged to write down their move each time they make a move. This helps to settle any dispute or legal opposition. The arbiter can use the score sheets if one player decides to make a claim. All in all, you are not allowed to stop recording chess moves on your scoresheet. However there is one exception: When Can You Stop Recording Chess moves? You should stop recording chess moves when you’re down to your last 5 minutes on the clock. Its very common to stop writing when you have to blitz out the last stages of the game. Otherwise, you are still required to record. How important are Scoresheets in Chess? Recording your moves on a scoresheet not only helps to settle disputes and claims, but it can be use to help you analyse your own games. You only get stronger by analyzing your games from your scoresheet, so it makes sense to record. If players did not record their games, we wouldn’t have much Grandmasters. Players become stronger by analyzing high quality chess games from databases such as Chessbase. There would be no helpful chess articles, books, software and games to learn from or draw insights if stronger players did not record their chess games. How to fill out a Chess scoresheet? To record your chess moves, it is important to keep a score sheet, especially in tournament and matches. Usually, these are distributed to players at the start of every round. However, most players prefer to record their individual scores in scorebooks. At the top of every scoresheet you are required to fill out your: - Name - Age - Colour (Black or White chess pieces) - Board - Round - Result (Win, Draw or Loss) - Signature ( Sign your name) At the end of every game, both you and your opponent should write your signature on both scoresheets as proof. Related Post: How to read stockfish chess engine?
Easy Green Responsible Living – Free Food that lasts a lifetime! We on this site tend to share a few traits that keep us here. The desire to live life to its maximum potential. The desire for happiness and the desire to contribute back as much as possible. These qualities are the highest possible desires that enrich our own lives and those around us. This also necessitates a measure of responsibility, to be aware of what we are and what we do and the impact we have on human lives around us. You can attach many phrases to this, carbon foot print, green living, social responsibility the idea remains the same. If like many of us you own a house and some land what are you doing with it? For me at the moment it is the bare minimum, cut the lawn weed and plant some conifers out the front, privet and leylandi at the back – it outgrows and dominates meaning less weeds and a good privacy screen. What if I used some of this space for green growing? I work hard and I play hard and I never seem to have the time for gardening. But I know that it is responsible. Every thing I plant and grow in the garden using natural methods and few resources is one less thing that must be imported and shipped, it improves the economy and the environment reducing fossil fuel usage and trade deficits (in the west we import most of our food – food which is very expensive for poorer people in the third world). What about the time and the enthusiasm? Potatoes suffer from blight, corn and wheat suck to much goodness out of the soil and aren’t suited to gardens and a lot of veg is troublesome to grow and requires constant care, its to much! Well I’ve been considering and I’d like to introduce you to perennial and polycarpic food sources as opposed to semelparous or monocarpic food. The latter categories live and die, they often need reseeding (most grains and vegetables). The first categories require less work and are hardier, less of your time expertise and resources but still doing the environment and yourself some good. MORE FOOD LESS EFFORT: Chives are one of the easiest. They are perennial, the most maintenance they require is to split them every few years which is about 5 minutes work. Harvest the leaves, chop the blossoms off and any dead growth. You’ll get enough to last a year every year for that sublime onion taste and could even grow them on a windowsill. Never dry, freeze leaves. Garlic chives are also a delicious Oriental perennial. Other delicious salad greens that are perennials though not where I live is rocket/Sylvetta arugula and sorrel and if you are really luck and can find this patience dock but no seed companies currently stock it. Jersey Series Asparagus is an all male variety with a high yield which when successfully planted will produce yields for 30 years or more. Though does require a weed free environment, I hate weeding but love fresh asparagus. It won’t harvest until its 2nd or 3rd year so patience is a virtue but remember how delicious asparagus is especially with thai food. Garlic and wild garlic are easy to grow and produce a beatiful smell at the right time of the year. TREES: My favourite and the first I’ll buy is the Szechuan tree. Provides spices and shoots and grows in any climate. I’m looking for more easy grower and easy harvests if anyone has any ideas, this is the best of the best I’ve come across so far. So easy to grow. It does carry canker so keep it away from other citrus fruit trees. Malus domestica ‘Queen Cox’ – self-fertile, juicy red-yellow apples from mid October Pyrus communis ‘Conference’ – partially self-fertile pear, green-yellow sweet fruit from October to November Prunus domestica ‘The Czar’ – self-fertile dark purple dessert plum, resistant to frost Ficus carica ‘Brown Turkey’ – self-fertile fig ideal for training along a wall. Rich fruit from August to September Stagger your harvests by careful selection of what you grow and take advantage of weeds. Dandelion leaves are great for salads, the chinese use dandelion root and try nettle juice and don’t forget about the tons of herbs that I haven’t mentioned things like the ever hardy mint plant and of course long lasting veg like Rhubarb. Gardening….did this go down well on HE? Not the usual thing. Want to reply? Peter I love that idea! I have been wanting to do something similar for a while but I live in a small apartment and have no land to plant things, just what I can grow on my balcony in the summer. I really like the idea of surrounding your home with an edible landscape that will keep producing food every year with minimal effort. It’s an approach to gardening that I think a lot more people would embrace if they knew about it because it requires so little work once the plants are established. I don’t think there are too many perennial food crops that will grow in my area though (northeast US). Another part of the edible landscape to consider is eating weeds! There are many very abundant weeds in peoples yards and gardens that have nutritional and medicinal value. This is awesome, it reminds me of Natural Farming by Masanobu Fukuoka, letting nature do the work rather than working like crazy against her. Not the methods and plants I would recommend, but it’s still a great post full of great ideas. Another thing that’s easy, cheap and yields a pretty good harvest is mushrooms. Just get some spores from the type/s you like and plant them in a pot/box and make sure it doesn’t get contaminated. It’s easy once you get a hang of it and there are plenty of guides on the net. Really healthy stuff too, unlike fruits and such. It doesn’t require much space either. Berries are great and easy too, if you have a decent size garden. Just plant a few bushes and you don’t have to care for them much at all. I’ve got blackberries, blackcurrants and red gooseberries going currently. I’m thinking of getting a decent size greenhouse with heat and lights (solar powered) so I can plant things that don’t fit the climate, and so I can have things growing in the winter. I am pretty biased, but it seems like this should be in HE’s wheelhouse . . . gardening is a peaceful pursuit, good for the soul and the earth in almost every way. I’ll add that a compost pile doesn’t smell bad and is quite easy to maintain. You can use an official container if you’re in a small neighborhood with pissy neighbors, but I’ve always done fine with a heap in the corner of my garden. get a small container (my wife has a metal one with a charcoal filter on top) for your kitchen shelf, you can empty it every day. add your lawn clippings, fallen leaves from trees in the fall and turn it every so often, you’ve got yourself a great source of nourishment when you dig holes for planting in the spring, plus a good source of occasional mulch (mixed with more leaves/grass/etc.). Manimal I am with you on the berries. Thus far we have red currants, gooseberries, black raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and grapes – fresh fruit for four months! freezing them is super-simple, canning also not too hard and you can re-use jars from food you buy at the store (canning jars are nice but not necessary at all). In a couple of evenings you can make a year’s worth of preserves. strawberries, rhubarb, and asparagus are three more long-lasting crops we’re going to add in the spring. this was our first full summer here in our “homestead” and it has been fun shaping it. mushroom identification is a project I’ve got on tap for this winter, my woodchips have spawned a half-dozen varieties in the last month . . . another benefit of cutting up firewood from a fallen maple. I read an article recently that was about a local woman who, when the city dug up her front yard for a bike path or extended road lane or something, she decided to use the tilled earth in her front yard to teach local children how to grow veggies. She invited local children over and used their help to plant a garden in her front yard. Now she is facing a misdemeanor charge for planting a garden on her front lawn. Apparently, the reasoning was that “normal” front yard vegetation consists of grass, shrubs, and trees. Sounds like some bullshit to me. Manimal Berries and whatnot are polycarpic so no disagreement with what I posted :) starkbros.com Check out this website if you have room to plant stuff in North America. I’ve been a customer in the past (no yard now). Great service and really interesting varietals. You Americans have a much better climate for growing things damn you! :) Ha ha, yes, depends on where one lives here. I want a coconut tree and can’t have one. Two of the times I’ve been to Florida I have hunted and murdered a coconut and now I’m in love. I’ve also stolen oranges from ignored hedges. I want that hedge. I’m pouting now. Does it get really cold where you live? I bet you could get one of those apple trees grafted to bear 4 different types of apples and it would do just fine. What sort of wild native edible plants can be found near you? Want to reply?
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The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued draft guidance regarding the use of digital health technology (DHT) for the remote acquisition of clinical trial data. DHT can take the form of hardware and software, and is capable of collecting a wide range of clinical, physiological, psychological, behavioral, and functional data. A single clinical investigation can use multiple DHTs to collect such data. Instead of waiting for each study subject brick-and-mortar office visit, a study subject participant can provide real time DHT data to clinical trial investigators. Continuous feedback can paint a more accurate picture of the use and functionality of a medical product in a study subjects’ daily life. Remote monitoring and data collection can help address significant issues associated with the accessibility and diversity of centralized trials, which often restrict opportunities for patients to participate in clinical trials due to issues such as travel burdens, physical or cognitive limitations, and time constraints. DHT software often runs on everyday computing platforms, such as mobile phones, tablets, or smart watches. DHT software can transform an everyday device into a medical device. A DHT product may use sensor hardware for continuous or intermittent monitoring, such as blood pressure or glucose levels, and use algorithms to translate the results. The FDA, however, does not regulate all DHT products because the products do not always meet the definition of a medical device, e.g., a general wellness device. FDA Draft Guidance Recommendations The draft guidance outlines recommendations for using DHTs in clinical investigations for the evaluation of medical products. The draft guidance addresses: (1) selection of suitable DHTs; (2) verification and validation of DHTs; (3) use of DHTs to collect data for trial endpoints; (4) identifying risks associated with using DHTs; and (5) managing those risks. FDA recommends sponsors ensure a DHT is “fit-for-purpose” through verification and validation. Verification means that the DHT measures the physical parameters accurately and precisely. Validation means that the DHT appropriately assesses the clinical event or characteristic in the proposed population. Sponsors should explain why a DHT is “fit-for-purpose” in its clinical investigation submission. The sponsor should consider the clinical investigation population (e.g., digital literacy and accessibility concerns), the design and operation of the DHT (e.g., portability, power life, storage capacity, environment, privacy/security, etc.), and the pros and cons of using the study subjects’ own computing platform. Sponsors should clarify how they collect and use data and actively monitor and evaluate risks. The applicable informed consent should clearly identify the data being collected and how that data will be used. Sponsors should discuss data collection in a statistical analysis plan, and consider any other risks associated with the use of DHTs for data collection, such as clinical risks and privacy-related risks. Moreover, the sponsor should appropriately protect and retain electronic records. Investigators should train participants and personnel on how to appropriately use the DHT. DHT has the power to transform certain forms of clinical research and provide new opportunities to obtain real-world data. DHT is only valuable, however, if it is accurately assessing and evaluating the appropriate target data within the unique context of the target patient population. The FDA encourages stakeholders to submit comments under docket number FDA-2021-D-1128. The last day to submit comments is March 22, 2022.
Go To Section RADCLIFFE, Sir John (1582-1627), of Ordsall, Lancs. and Westminster Available from Cambridge University Press Constituency Dates Family and Education b. 22 Feb. 1582,1 3rd s. of (Sir) John Ratcliffe† (d.1590) of Ordsall and Anne, da. and h. of Thomas Asshawe of Chorley, Lancs.2 educ. embassy, France 1598;3 travelled abroad (Low Countries, France) 1606-10. m. by 1607, Alice (d.1657), da. of Sir John Byron† of Clayton and Newstead Abbey, Notts., 1s. 3da.4 suc. bro. Sir Alexander 1599; kntd. 24 Sept. 1599.5 d. 5 Nov. 1627.6 Offices Held Vol. [I] 1599; capt. horse, Dutch army 1606-15;7 capt. ft. by 1624,8 lt.-col. 1625, col. 8 Sept. 1627-d.9 Member, Virg. Co. 1609.10 Commr. inquiry, safety of buildings near Tower of London 1615;11 j.p. Lancs. 1626-d.;12 commr. Forced Loan, Lancs. 1627.13 Biography Radcliffe’s ancestors had held Ordsall since about 1330, and first sat for Lancashire in 1334.14 His father, an adherent of the Stanleys, was regarded as a ‘dangerous temporizer’ in religion, but Radcliffe himself apparently conformed. In 1598 Radcliffe, then aged just 16, together with his eldest brother Sir Alexander, accompanied Sir Robert Cecil† on his unsuccessful mission to dissuade Henri IV from making peace with Spain; and the next year they were with Essex in Ireland, where another brother had recently been killed.15 Not long after, Sir Alexander was slain with Sir Conyers Clifford† in the Curlew mountains,16 whereupon Essex wrote to the Queen: If Your Majesty be not gracious to poor Jack Radcliffe in bestowing his wardship upon him, he that is heir to a brave race and hath lost his two elder brothers in your Majesty’s service is utterly undone. His last worthy brother ... hath so impaired the estate that without your Majesty’s goodness it is irrecoverable.17 Elizabeth was likely to have been receptive to this plea, since Sir Alexander’s twin sister Margaret, who died of grief later in the year, was her favourite maid of honour;18 but in fact Essex took matters into his own hands by knighting Radcliffe only seven weeks after he had succeeded to extensive estates in five counties.19 In around 1606 financial troubles forced Radcliffe to sell some of his lands, including Sandbach in Cheshire, to (Sir) Ranulphe Crewe*.20 At about the same time, Cecil (now earl of Salisbury) put diplomatic pressure on the States to enable Radcliffe, whose two remaining brothers had died of camp-fever in the Low Countries, to buy a commission under Prince Maurice.21 During the frequent truces he pursued his ‘many occasions of law business’ in England, and invested in the Virginia Company.22 Lord Chandos (Grey Brydges†), who had married the coheir of the 5th earl of Derby, quartered with Radcliffe at the siege of Jülich in 1610, after which they proceeded to Paris.23 With the backing of Sir Thomas Overbury, Radcliffe hoped to succeed Sir Edward Cecil* as governor of Brill in 1612, but in the event lost out to Sir Horace Vere.24 Radcliffe was elected for Tewkesbury on Chandos’ interest in 1614, and was named to committees for the bills to naturalize Sir Horace Vere’s children (17 May) and satisfy the creditors of Sir Robert Wroth II* (25 May).25 He was back on active service by 4 Sept., writing to William Trumbull* in Brussels from Maurice’s camp in the Rhineland.26 He returned to England for the winter, and on 19 Feb. 1615 was among those ordered to survey buildings erected near the Tower moat.27 Later in the year his troop was transferred to Sir Robert Carey*. He was sufficiently well-known in London society to figure in Jonson’s Epigrams, published in the following year, and to be a pall-bearer at Queen Anne’s funeral.28 Having put away his wife on account of her adultery with a neighbour, Radcliffe assumed sole responsibility for his children’s marriages, with indifferent success.29 By paying half of his eldest daughter’s portion of £1,000 in advance, he believed that he had secured for her the hand of an elderly widower, Sir John Ferrers*; but he lost his money when she changed her mind and, aided by the countess of Huntingdon, with whom she was living, instead married Sir John Stanhope II*.30 No disastrous consequences, except perhaps financial, attended the marriage arranged for his heir (Sir) Alexander*, with the illegitimate daughter of the 5th earl of Sussex. On the contrary, the match probably attached him to Buckingham’s clientage. Radcliffe sat for Lancashire in the next three parliaments with the backing of William, 6th earl of Derby, who also recommended him as a deputy lieutenant, though he never took up the latter office.31 In 1621 he was named to consider bills for Sir Francis Hollyngham’s estates (8 May) and to regulate perpetuanas (12 May), and on 3 Dec. he was ordered to attend the informers bill conference with the Lords.32 Before the next Parliament Radcliffe resumed his military career, as a false rumour of his death in the Low Countries in January 1624 caused his 17 year-old heir’s patrons the earls of Sussex and Pembroke to petition the Court of Wards for livery of his lands.33 During the 1624 assembly he was appointed to bill committees to change the trustees of the Catholic Viscount Montagu (5 Apr.) and to naturalize three Scotsmen, Sir William Anstruther, Walter Balcanquall, and Patrick Abercromby (4 May).34 On 27 Apr. he presented Lord Morley, Sir Thomas Gerrard, 2nd bt.*, and five other officeholders in Lancashire as known or suspected papists.35 When the 18th earl of Oxford assumed command of the English volunteers to aid the Palatinate on 10 June 1624, he proposed to retain Radcliffe as a captain of foot. Radcliffe was promoted to lieutenant-colonel before returning to England for the first Parliament of Charles’s reign.36 He was named to no committees in 1625, but attended the first of two meetings concerning the Macclesfield tenants’ bill on 23 June with his fellow knight of the shire, Sir Richard Molyneux II.37 At the general election of 1626 Radcliffe yielded the representation of Lancashire to Derby’s younger son Sir Robert Stanley, and found himself a seat at Tavistock through Chandos’ distant relation Sir Francis Russell*. He took no known part in the second Caroline Parliament. Radcliffe was given a regiment for the expedition to La Rochelle under Buckingham’s command in the following year, but died intestate in the rout at the embarkation from the Ile de Ré on 5 Nov. 1627.38 His widow renounced administration, which, during his son’s minority, was granted to a cousin and creditor, William Radcliffe of Foxdenton.39 On 2 Aug. 1628 the latter complained to Buckingham that he had been hauled out of his house by a sheriff’s posse and imprisoned in the county gaol until he paid a debt of Radcliffe’s for which he had stood surety.40 Sued in the Exchequer for other debts, William claimed over £450 in back pay due for service in the Low Countries and Cadiz; but £68 was stopped for the benefit of a poor widow to whom Radcliffe had been indebted for many years before his decease.41 Radcliffe’s estranged wife returned to Nottinghamshire during her long widowhood, and in a final gesture of alienation from her royalist kin made the regicide John Hutchinson† her executor and universal legatee. Sir Alexander Radcliffe sat for Lancashire in 1628. Ref Volumes: 1604-1629 Authors: John. P. Ferris / Rosemary Sgroi Notes - 1. DL7/17/35. - 2. Lancs. and Cheshire Wills (Chetham Soc. li), 68. - 3. HMC Hatfield, xxiii. 22. - 4. C.P. Hampson, Bk. of the Radclyffes, 163-4. - 5. Shaw, Knights of Eng. ii. 98. - 6. DL7/25/6. - 7. F.J.G. ten Raa and F. de Bas, Het Staatsche Leger, ii. 125; iii. 154. - 8. CSP Dom. 1623-5, p. 272. - 9. APC, 1627, p. 189; 1627-8, p. 15. - 10. Recs. Virg. Co. ed. S.M. Kingsbury, iii. 13, 43, 332. - 11. APC, 1615-16, p. 54. - 12. Lancs. RO, QSC5. - 13. C193/12/2, f. 29v. - 14. VCH Lancs. iv. 210, 212. - 15. Lancs. and Cheshire Fun. Certs. (Chetham Soc. lxxv), 35-37. - 16. HMC Hatfield, ix. 343. - 17. W.B. Devereux, Lives of the Earls of Essex, ii. 56. - 18. HMC 7th Rep. 525-6. - 19. Manchester Court Leet Recs. ed. J.P. Earwaker, ii. 153. - 20. G. Ormerod, Hist. Cheshire, i. 418; iii. 97. - 21. HMC Hatfield, xviii. 155; HMC De L’Isle and Dudley, iv. 46. - 22. HMC Buccleuch, i. 64, 67, 69. - 23. J.W. Stoye, Eng. Travellers Abroad, 32; HMC Downshire, ii. 400; HMC De L’Isle and Dudley, iv. 219. - 24. HMC Buccleuch, i. 116, 118. - 25. CJ, i. 487b, 496a. - 26. HMC Downshire, v. 6. - 27. APC, 1615-16, p. 54. - 28. B. Jonson, Poems ed. I. Donaldson, p. 49; LC2/5, f. 32. - 29. Hampson, 162-3. - 30. C2/Jas.I/R10/62. - 31. CSP Dom. 1619-23, p. 405. - 32. CJ, i. 615a, 619a, 654b. - 33. WARD 10/24, unfol. - 34. CJ, i. 755a, 783b. - 35. Ibid. 776a. - 36. CSP Dom. 1623-5, p. 272; Harl. 3638, f. 125. - 37. C.R. Kyle, ‘Attendance Lists’, PPE 1604-48 ed. Kyle, 227. - 38. VCH Lancs. iv. 212-3; T. Birch, Ct. and Times of Chas. I, i. 290. - 39. PROB 6/13, f. 5. - 40. CSP Dom. 1628-9, p. 243. - 41. Ibid. 1629-31, pp. 432, 460, 504; APC, 1629-30, pp. 70-1.
Dear Holy Apostles, Grace and peace to you from God. The consensus of the CDC and other health officials is that, along with washing your hands, social distancing is a vitally important part of mitigating the spread and severity of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community. Social distancing means keeping away from large gatherings and creating a wider “personal bubble” when you are out in public. And most importantly, it means staying home and away from others when you are sick. These steps are essential parts of taking care of ourselves as well as loving our neighbors as ourselves. However, the danger is that in the process of social distancing we will end up emotionally and spiritually isolating ourselves. In other words, I worry our reactions to the COVID-19 health crisis—especially reactions that are driven by fear—will only add to one of the pandemics that has gripped our society for some time, the virulent and insidious pandemic of loneliness, isolation, and despair. Emotional and spiritual distancing isn’t going to help anyone. There is, in fact, a direct link between spiritual health and physical and emotional health. This essential connection has not diminished because there is a new and scary public health emergency. We need to maintain our spiritual connection to God and each other. The question is: how do we as a church take prudent precautions against the spread of infectious disease while maintaining a sense of community and spiritual care which imbues life with meaning and makes it worth living in the first place? This is a difficult but not impossible balance. I wrote last week about the precautions we are taking at church including wiping down high-touch surfaces before and after services, exploring alternatives to handshakes and hugs during the Peace, and increasing the amount of hand washing that goes on before Holy Communion. I also wrote about the sufficiency of only taking Communion in one kind, the bread. At this time I want to reiterate what you have undoubtedly heard from many sources: please stay home if you are sick. Also if you are sick, let me know so that your faith community can provide you with support. This is a time for solidarity not stigma. If you are a member of a group that is particularly at risk of serious health complications, please consider your options for spiritual and emotional support carefully. If you feel comfortable coming to church, please do so, as long as you are not sick. A second option is that I am more than willing to bring the Holy Sacrament to you in your home. I am currently healthy and will be monitoring my health carefully. With God’s sustaining help, I will be available for eucharistic visitation, pastoral visits, and prayer. Another option is to participate in our worship services digitally. We are working to make digital options available by this weekend for those who are sick or who want to stay at home. Digital interaction is not the same thing and face-to-face interaction and participation, and it is not sufficient or sustainable in the long-term. But as a short-term stopgap it may be the best option for some to connect. Be on the lookout for links to livestreams of services and other activities. Unless the bishop tells me otherwise, I will not be cancelling Sunday Eucharist or weekday Morning Prayer. During this difficult time we need more prayer and more sacraments, not less. As one of my friends put it, the prayers of the faithful are the most powerful tool we have in times of crisis. I stand firm in my conviction that the sacrament of the Eucharist is given by God for the healing of the whole world. It is more important than ever to continue to offer our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God and pray for grace and healing on behalf of a broken and anguished world. In consultation with the vestry, I will be making decisions about whether to cancel other church activities on a case-to-case basis, including Lenten group activities, Bible Study, and various committee meetings. I spoke with the Rev. Doris Rajagopal today about the Darby Mission Supper next Tuesday night. She has not cancelled the supper at this time. Assuming nothing changes in the next several days, I would like for us to go forward with providing the meal. However, I am strongly discouraging folks who are at high risk of health complications due to coronavirus from attending the meal. When the time comes we will decide with Doris whether to deliver the food and leave, or to stay with a smaller group of volunteers and help serve. Most importantly, don’t isolate yourself from this lifegiving body, our church. Even if you cannot be physically present please reach out. Call me if you need to talk. Call each other. Let’s check in on each and make sure we’re okay. Above all else, pray for each other and for the safety and well-being of our community. Know that God is with us in difficult times. God has not abandoned the world. Jesus came into the world as a human to live among us and to demonstrate that God’s love is in solidarity with human suffering. We are Christ’s body. We are called to demonstrate to a suffering and fearful world that God is still present with us now. Peace & Good, James+
I was in Zhangjiang yesterday. Here are some pictures of the Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park. Location: It is east of Maglev Longyang Road Station. It means it is closer to the Pudong airport (a little bit) than the Maglev terminal station. Why it is different? It is the Shanghai’s high-tech zone, with a lot of chip design, manufacturing, bio-tech, and software companies. It is the terminal station of Metro No.2. What is one the picture? It is taken from Zhang Jiang Mansion, the tallest building in the park to south, and to north. What is the lower building in the last picture? It is villa. js, at the first picture, it appears people parking on the left side of the road despite it is a two ways street. It looks funny to me. hello jian shuo! was searching for some info on West Nanjing Road and came into your blog. But, did not find any Email address to contact you. The only way to reach you was through a comment – hence leaving one. i am an MBA student from singapore. how may i ask you questions? :-) baLu Ye, the first photo looks weird. Wrong direction. balu, the best way is to post comment. Stephen, and richard, yes, it is wired. In Pudong, it is very like west U.S. that there is almost no cars on the road. If they park there for the whole afternoon, it won’t cause problem. Also, there is another pass way before the gate of the building, so… i am wondering any permission to enter the office buildings or the high tech zone? And ideas? The way is one-way road. Acturelly,it’s just the road in front of the building. Almost every such road in shanghai is one-way road. So it’s not wired. those pictures show the whole of Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park? or the center buildings ? I hope have a chance to go there, perhaps at first go to shanghai to see jian shuo… This is my first time to look at the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park from So high buildings. So nice. You can enter the building without getting a permission. Just step into the building – the Zhang Jiang Masion, and walk in with confidence (“donot look at the guard”) You won’t miss the building after you get out of Metro Station. It is the tallest. joseph, one way street with two way markings? no wonder it is confusing for anyone who attempt to drive in Shanghai street. It is fantastic to know that Zhangjiang is like this nowadays. There appears to be great changes during two years only, since I left there. I am wondering if the author is working in Zhangjiang High-Tech park now? Why don’t you take a pic in the sunny day? :-) Sunny day is Shanghai? You’re kidding, right? It’s ALWAYS overcast. anyone know catholic church near to Zhang Jiang park? What status is construction of Novartis’ research and development center in Zhangjiang Hi Tech Park?
These are the books I recommend you read when you want to get into the craft of making salami at home. Read More about My Charcuterie Library When you are ready, start with these simple salami recipes, which can also be done with regular domestic pork. Kabanosy Consider this the world’s greatest Slim Jim. A narrow, smoked and slightly cured Polish meat stick that is awesome eaten on the go. Read More about Kabanos, the World’s Greatest Slim Jim Basic Pork or Wild Boar Salami This is my master recipe for a very classic salami flavored only with salt, pepper and garlic. If you are ready to do a real salami, start with this recipe. Read More about Basic Pork or Wild Boar Salami Finocchiona, Fennel Salami A classic Italian finocchiona, a salami flavored with fennel. Read More about Finocchiona, Fennel Salami Hungarian Paprika Salami A Hungarian salami made with lots of paprika and garlic. This is normally done with pork and beef, but I’ve used duck and venison and they both work fine. Read More about Hungarian Paprika Salami Italian Cacciatore Salami This is an Italian hunter’s style salami done in hog casings, which are narrower than the typical beef casings you see on most salami. That makes it easier to cure, and allows you to carry it with you when you are in the field. Read More about Italian Cacciatore Salami Venison Landjaeger A German version of the same hunter’s sausage, this one is smoked and dried. I make it with venison, but pork and beef will work, too. I make these to take hunting or fishing a lot. Read More about Venison Landjaeger Wild Boar Salami This is a more traditional salami made in a beef casing. It is made with all California ingredients, down to the wild boar I shot to make it. But don’t let that deter you: Some version of all the ingredients is readily available wherever you live. Read More about Wild Boar Salami I have trouble getting the supplies to make salami – beef casings as an example. Sausage is too small. I’d also like to cure muscle meat as a full piece – like pork tenderloin. Could you post links to where you obtain the casings and the netting? Thanks Barbara: I get all my stuff online from The Sausage Maker. Not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I suppose it’s as good as any. I recently made some summer sausage without curing salt, because it gives me migraines. It doesn’t seem to have the same taste as when you include the salt. Just tastes like cooked meat. Is there any way to replicate the flavor produced by the curing salt I could try that may not give me migraines? Thanks! Josh: No. Sorry. No matter where you get your nitrites, they need to be in there for many hams and sausages. Some people use a special celery based cure, but that has just as much nitrites as Instacure. Sorry, there is no way around it. having a bit of experience in Salami making, I find the instructions and the various recipes quiet helpful. its always a game with the different taste buds, the Instructions take good care of the health and hygiene issues , well done..
Have you ever heard of the term “gatcha” or “gachapon?” You may have heard of it at one point or another in anime like Mayuri’s Upa in Steins;Gate, but you probably have no idea what they refer to or how prevalent gachapon are in Japan. Today, we’ll be teaching you exactly what gachapon are and maybe you’ll find yourself keeping an eye out for them on your next trip to Japan (or even an Asian market). Gachapon is a combination of two onomatopoeic words. “Gacha” is the sound that the crank on the machine makes while “pon” is the sound of the capsule landing in the tray at the bottom. Generally, people refer to capsule toys as gachapon, but gachapon is just a general term used to apply to both the vending machines that dispense them and the capsule toys that come out. Gachapon Machines Gachapon machines are plentiful throughout Japan, however you can be sure to see them specifically near any Animate in Japan at the very least. Usually, you have to put in from 100 yen to up to 500 yen in coins in order to get a toy. Once you get a toy, most gachapon machines will have baskets or bins on top or on the side where you can throw away your empty capsules. Each machine will have a specific theme so you have a general idea of what toy you will get in the end, but it’s still random. The themes are indicated on a picture that’s on the face of the gachapon machine. Gachapon machines can be found in popular otaku spots and shops like in Ikebukuro, Akihabara, and Osaka’s DenDen Town. However, you can also find gachapon machines in shopping malls and other spots like even Osaka’s Dotonbori. Gachapon Toys and Prizes Gachapon toys and prizes will vary from cute things to otaku related objects. Like we stated in the previous section, each machine will have a specific theme, so the toys in each machine will revolve around that theme. Some people will merely look at a gachapon machine and see if they can get a specific toy that they want, but the odds may not be in their favor. People like Mayuri from Steins;Gate try to get the gachapon toys that are more rare. Others will attempt to collect all of the gachapon toys that are offered in a collection. This makes them fun for all consumers! Gachapon will vary in theme from anime related to seasonal to cute. You will see pins, buttons, stickers, and toys of all sorts in these machines, but they aren’t limited to anime related. You can see cute anime characters like cats and hamsters! One of our favorites have to be the various Pokemon ones we’ve seen that can change with the season or with what’s popular. We’ve seen Halloween related ones and Pikachu themed machines! Final Thoughts If you have any dreams of going to Japan or plan on visiting sometime soon, maybe you should put “Check out gachapon” on your list. You may find some cute gachapon toys and prizes that you want to bring home with you or give to others as fun souvenirs. It may seem a bit childish, but many people like to get gachapon, too. Hopefully now, you have a better idea of what gachapon are and won’t find yourself second guessing yourself when an anime character mentions them. Until next time!
Oakland Unified School District has joined an initiative to redefine cafeteria food as locally-sourced, farm-to-table cuisine that's nutritious and delicious. The move is part of OUSD’s participation in the Good Food Purchasing Policy (GFPP), an effort that aims to improve how public institutions source food by stressing nutrition, local economies, animal welfare, valued workforce and environmental sustainability. “It’s not only about the quality of good food for school children,” said Shaniece Alexander, executive director of the Oakland Food Policy Council, “but the ways we get the food.” After Los Angeles and San Francisco, Oakland was one of the first cities to adopt GFPP for public schools, and has been working with the program for the past three years. Initially, OUSD received a rating of 2 out of 5 stars, but since then, the district began California Thursdays, which brings one locally-sourced lunch per week to all 20,000 kids in the city's school system. Some changes have been integrated into menus throughout the week, such as sourcing grains from Community Grains and vegetables from Pacific Rim Produce. “A lot of our students are living in food deserts where they don’t have access to good and healthy food,” said OUSD nutrition director Jennifer LeBarre. “We’ve found that schools are where many of our students can access that. So we really believe it’s our moral obligation to provide the best food.” OUSD initiated other changes as well, now offering four meals a day, including Breakfast After the Bell. Many students could not attend a pre-class breakfast owing to conflicting schedules or to a perceived stigma in receiving free or reduced meals separate from other students. The solution was to make breakfast a communal meal that's available to all students after the school day begins. “Each change drives up participation,” said LeBarre, who said students who are fed and healthy are "better able to focus.” Oakland Unified recently received a rating of four out of five stars from the GFPP and has been named a Good Food Institutional Hero. District officials intend to do more as part of a ten-year plan, that will see the construction of a central kitchen at a 60,000-square-foot property in West Oakland. The kitchen, located at 2850 West St., will act as the central hub for food preparation and distribution. Once the facility is up and running, it's projected to cut OUSD’s use of prepackaged foods by 80%, replacing them with freshly made, locally sourced, ethically sound foods. Aside from a kitchen, storage, and delivery area, the facility will host a garden and three classrooms offering instruction in nutrition, agriculture and the culinary arts through 8th grade. For high school students they will offer courses to get students college and community ready, along with job training in food-related fields for Oaklanders 18 and older. Readers can view plans for the site at OUSDthecenter.org. A portion of construction funds will come from $475 million OUSD received in Measure J funding, a bond measure passed in 2012 that allocated the money for general facility upgrading. But with 86 K through 12 schools and 32 district authorized charter schools, $475 million goes quick, said LeBarre. “Along with the work that we’re doing [on the central kitchen], we’re upgrading facilities throughout the district,” she said. “Some of our schools don’t even have kitchens.” “It’s a long game,” said Alexander, but she’s optimistic the success of the Good Food Purchasing Program at OUSD can serve as a model for other institutions in the East Bay. “We want to continue seeing programs like this expand out to hospitals, to government institutions in Alameda County, even to private businesses like hotels,” said Alexander, “until procuring food from ethical sources that treat food in a healthy way becomes a way of life.”
Patreon creators web alike download Patreon creators web alike best Sortable list of Patreon top 1000 creators. Sort by clicking on the the top of each column. Filter by typing in the filter box. Updated daily.Top Patreon Adult Video Ranked list of the most popular Patreon adult video including top earners. Updated daily. Check out more charts, like the Monthly Adult Video Ranking or All Adult Video Creators.Start my creator page on Patreon Riley Follow. W e’re so happy you’re a part of our creator community. Welcome to Patreon! Now, let's get you one.Patreon is empowering a new generation of creators. Support and engage with artists and creators as they live out their passions!Patreon Creators and Supporters has 376 members. This group is by Patreon Creators, for Patreon Creators and Supporters. We will have a full list ofAs of May 2017, the average pledge per patron on Patreon was roughly , and new patrons pledged to Patreon creators at a rate of one new patron every 5.5 seconds. Patreon takes a 5% commission from each patron’s pledge, and patrons can back out of recurring pledges at any time. Or, to put it more simply: You post awesome content online.*.Patreon is a membership website that provides business tools and services for creators to run a subscription content service and the ways for artists to create relationships and provides exclusive experiences to their patrons. Patreon creators web alike. These estimated earnings are calculated solely by Graphtreon. No actual earnings data for such creators is provided or endorsed by Patreon. Creators may opt out of "Best Guess" by contacting Graphtreon using the contact form.Last year, over 0 million dollars was raised for creators on the platform. But, recent data has shown that MOST creators make less than 0 a month from Patreon. So the question becomes – who are the top Patreon Creators? **WE’VE UPDATED THIS LIST FOR 2020!** Who are the Top Patreon Creators?Visit Patreon U. Featured Articles. Account login issues. About Careers Create on Patreon Brand Press Partners Sitemap Creator Blog Creator Guides..The Amelia Project's Patreon feels like an invitation to a secret club, one that rewards you for paying attention and cleverness. What else can Patreon do? More interesting backer benefit ideas: Fool & Scholar Productions throw web-based launch parties via Google Hangouts or Facebook Live. Fun for introverts and extroverts alike!Patreon has a base price of php and there is no upper limit. If you create different levels of content then Patreon is more suitable for you patreon creators web alike. There is an incentive for the supporters to step up to the next tier and pay more in the subscription. In Ko-Fi, there is no incentive so you can create a constant level of content.Popular free Alternatives to Patreon for Web, Self-Hosted, Linux, Software as a Service (SaaS), Windows and more. Explore 25+ apps like Patreon, all suggested and ranked by the AlternativeTo user community.We only have 1 tier, and it's only if you want to donate, no features will be locked behind patreon tiers. World Map Builder is a way to allow users to create a companion world map to go with the levels they created using Super Mario Maker 2, allowing them to replicate over world maps from various.Patreon, the service of choice for independent artists and creators, has once again cracked down on adult content makers. This week, a slew of Patreon creators who make suggestive material. Patreon creators web alike. We reached out to some of our highest-earning creators on Patreon for advice on how to build a successful Patreon Creator Page and have compiled this list of tips and tricks to help you as you create, launch, and grow your Patreon".Now it’s 2018, and Patreon is the solution to this same problem for over 100k creators. Patreon is the best place for creators to establish ongoing and predictable monthly revenue and expand their career as a creator. Patreon also helps fans connect in a new way with the creators they love most.This level is for readers and authors alike and supports the Ebookaroo newsletter and website. The Ebookaroo newsletter, which advertises discounted books and joint author promotions, comes out 3-4 times a month patreon creators web alike. Authors whose books I feature do not pay me. However, the combined cost of the web.Patreon Creators Can Now Show Snapchat-Like Stories To Paying Members Only . Patreon Lens lets creators choose a few public pictures or videos and then lock the real good stuff for paid access.View the top Patreon creators reviewed and see whatSkip navigation. The biggest opportunity I see for all of the popular and unpopular Patreon pages alike is to more clearly communicate the.Patreon expects creators to create more content for patrons. We felt we were already giving away lots with our already free content." I actually really like this philosophy. I run a tiny, niche miniatures wargaming blog, and while I have a Patreon account, I don't feel like I really fit with the Patreon "idea" of heavy engagement with patrons.Some creators are just ahead of the curve, using the power of technology to keep their projects moving forward and growing every month. Octoprint While most creators on Patreon are using the platform to create their artistic projects, there are a number of people creating more unusual products as well. Octoprint is a web interface that allows.Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for artists and creators to get paid. Join over 100,000 creators earning salaries from over 2 million monthly patrons. Patreon creators web alike. Instead, it’s punished its creators who engage with other sex-positive individuals, which is why the future doesn’t look promising for erotic artists, now that Patreon has further cracked down.That is absolutely in line with their mission to create a safe environment for Patreon creators and patrons alike. Making a morality-based judgement call about when and how a creator offers sexual.10 Books Every Creator Needs to Read February 04, 2016 Ellie MacBride In honor of Creative Reading Month (just kidding–I made that up,) I’ve put together a list of some of the most inspiring books on creativity that have ever graced bookshelves.By supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process. As a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you.yiff.party was created in July 2015 by an anonymous 8chan user on its "/furry/" board, in response to the growing number of Patreon creators using the platform as a paywall by forcing their fans to pay in order to view their newest works.We talked to Patreon creators who are seeing pledges and patron numbers drop after the site introduced a new fee system. Fee System Is Having A Negative Effect on Creators. community of.Many YouTube creators, podcasters, and other online creators are earning a full-time income from their patrons on Patreon. How you setup your Patreon page can make a big difference in how quickly. Patreon creators web alike., a crowd-funding platform focused on serving creators of online content such as web comics, digital artists, writers, musicians, podcasters, etc., announced a new fee structure this week. Many who use the service, creators (those who make content) and patrons (those who support creators with financial contributions) alike, are very.I'd like to create a service similar to Patreon, I know how to do the technical side but not so sure about financial side: how do I charge users to send the funds to other type of users (creators), while subtracting a small percent? How does it need to be set up from the POV of financial compliance.What is Patreon? Patreon is a crowd funding site, it allows people to contribute (be patrons) to creators. Its format allows a wide array of ways for creators to make subscription-only content only viewable by those patrons. There are also different kinds of donation types.A.Over the years, VidCon has become the place for creators to learn from the experts, meet others in the industry, and connect with heaps of adoring fans. Don't miss these creators at VidCon 2017.Start by understanding how much donations you hope to receive. Most crowdfunding platforms allow users to set a defined target amount. That’s where popular platforms like Kickstarter excel, which provide a service allowing large scale donations.Top Patreon Adult Games Ranked list of the most popular Patreon adult games including top earners. Updated daily. Check out more charts, like the Monthly Adult Games Ranking or All Adult Games Creators. Patreon creators web alike.
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How to Start a Marketplace Website Business More and more people are looking for gig-style work online, which is giving rise to a new type of website. Marketplace websites connect vendors and customers looking to conduct business together, and the websites collect a commission for doing so. One-quarter of Americans participated in this type of work in 2015, and that number is only trending upwards. Thus, there’s plenty of opportunity for new marketplace websites. These websites may be service- or product-based. What differentiates marketplace websites from ecommerce sites isn’t what is being sold, but who is doing the selling. Whereas ecommerce sites sell directly to customers, marketplaces connect vendors, who are selling goods or services, with customers. Ready to form your LLC? Check out the Top LLC Formation Services. Learn how to start your own Marketplace Website Business and whether it is the right fit for you. Start a marketplace website business by following these 10 steps: - Plan your Marketplace Website Business - Form your Marketplace Website Business into a Legal Entity - Register your Marketplace Website Business for Taxes - Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card - Set up Accounting for your Marketplace Website Business - Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your Marketplace Website Business - Get Marketplace Website Business Insurance - Define your Marketplace Website Business Brand - Create your Marketplace Website Business Website - Set up your Business Phone System You have found the perfect business idea, and now you are ready to take the next step. There is more to starting a business than just registering it with the state. We have put together this simple guide to starting your marketplace marketplace website business? The costs involved in opening a marketplace website vary dramatically depending on how the site is built. Coding a full-featured website from scratch can cost $100,000 and up, although it may be possible to keep total costs slightly lower by outsourcing work to countries where labor is cheaper and skipping certain features. A more affordable option is to build a site using a template that’s provided by a marketplace platform service. These services charge a monthly subscription fee in exchange for providing a pre-built template that a site can be designed on. Near-Me, Sharetribe and Arcadier are three such services. They charge between $34 and $2,000 per month, depending on how many users a site has and what features it needs. Most rates are several hundred dollars a month. What are the ongoing expenses for a marketplace website business? If a marketplace website is coded from scratch, the ongoing expenses include labor costs associated with running and maintaining the site, and hosting fees. When a site is set up through a platform service, the ongoing expenses consist of the monthly subscription fee. Who is the target market? The target market for a marketplace website consists of both vendors and customers who are interested in the site’s niche. Some vendors will sell only a little, while others will sell full-time. How does a marketplace website business make money? Marketplace websites primarily make money by earning a commission on each transaction that takes place on the site. Some sites also make money from subscriptions (for frequent users) or upselling extra perks (e.g. rush delivery). How much can you charge customers? The amount charged by marketplace websites ranges. For example, Etsy charges a nominal listing fee and 3.5 percent of the sale price when items sell. WriterAccess takes about 30 percent, which is common for writing-focused marketplace platforms. How much profit can a marketplace website business make? A marketplace website’s profit potential depends on how much money exchanges hands over the site. The most successful sites, such as EBay, bring in billions of dollars annually (if not quarterly). A site doesn’t need to be this large to earn a significant profit, though. Flippa, a marketplace site for domains and websites, has monthly revenues in the millions. How can you make your business more profitable? Some marketplace websites increase their revenues by offering personal assistance to customers who have high-volume orders. Customers receive help navigating the site and finding vendors, in exchange for making large deposits or paying a fee. WriterAccess employs such a tactic for additional revenue. What will you name your business? Choosing the right name is important and challenging. If you don’t already have a name in mind, visit our How to Name a Business guide or get help brainstorming a name with our Marketplace marketplace marketplace Marketplace website Marketplace Website Business will cost. Business Insurance for Marketplace marketplace website business A marketplace website can reach its target market by running search engine optimization campaigns and pay-per-click ads related to its niche. Site owners can also recruit users through blogs, forums, and social media. How to keep customers coming back The more users a marketplace website has, the more valuable it becomes to all of its users. In order to attract as many users as possible, a site should offer a free way for both vendors and users to check out the platform. Customers should either be able to browse listings without an account or get a free account. Vendors should have an option to pay only after a listing is Marketplace Website Business In Your State Select your state below for an in-depth guide on completing each of these steps in your home state. Is this Business Right For You? Anyone who is passionate about a particular interest may enjoy running a marketplace website. These sites are frequently focused on specific niches, connecting vendors and customers interested in that niche. Want to know if you are cut out to be an entrepreneur? Take our Entrepreneurship Quiz to find out! What happens during a typical day at a marketplace website business? Most of the work done at a marketplace website is online. On any given day, site owners may: - investigate and fix bugs in the site - monitor site activity and implement updates - respond to vendor and customer inquiries - review and adjust marketing campaigns - send vendors payments In general, business owners need to make sure their site is running smoothly and all users know how to access the features they want. Any issues in the user experience may cause vendors or customers to leave the platform. What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful marketplace website business? Running a successful marketplace website doesn’t require any coding knowledge (see below), but having a basic grasp of HTML and CSS is helpful. Knowing how to perform basic edits to a site’s HTML and CSS lets site owners customize their sites beyond what drag-and-drop templates allow. Site owners who have no HTML or CSS knowledge will find a plethora of online courses, ebooks and other resources. Codecademy and W3Schools offer good, free courses. Two helpful books are HTML and CSS, and Learning Web Design. Additionally, site owners must be familiar with the products and/or services that will be sold on their marketplace platform. Even though site owners don’t actively sell, knowing what vendors and customers want will help owners design a more useful platform. To learn more about the particular niche their site will serve, owners can read books on the niche, join local clubs, and network with other enthusiasts. What is the growth potential for a marketplace website business? A marketplace website may be a small site that caters to a narrow niche, or it can grow to be a large platform. Kayakable (kayaks and canoes) and Trendlistr are two examples of smaller sites. Some larger, well-known platforms are Airbnb, Uber and Lyft. Amazon, EBay and Craigslist are some of the largest platforms. Not sure if a marketplace website marketplace website business? Even site owners who have coding knowledge may want to start with a platform service. Not only do these services cost much less than building a site from scratch, they also take care of all coding issues. The service addresses bugs and provides updates as needed, so site owners can focus on growing their site rather than technical issues. Using a platform service does, however, make a site dependent on the service. The site’s features will be determined by what the service offers, and the site will be updated as the service rolls out updates. For this reason, it’s important to sign on with a service that has a strong track record of quickly rolling out updates and responding to client’s requests for features. How and when to build a team Many marketplace websites start out with only the site owner running the site. Owners typically bring on employees as the workload requires and revenue allows. Next Steps Get more ideas with our Business Ideas Generator. Sign up at the Business Center to access useful tools for your business.
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The Living Arrangements of Canada"s Older Women Susan Fletcher Published 1982 by Minister of Supply and Services Canada in Ottawa, Canada . Written in English Edition Notes A Joyfully Jay review. stars.4/5. When the data was collected, there were million people aged 65 and older in Canada – just slightly more than the country’s million people aged 14 and under. Story continues below Author: Amy Minsky. Page - . Living. Living. Australia Brasil (en français). Canadas Top 25 Immigrants one used as an international business textbook in Canada, as well as several book chapters and journal articles in Mexico, Spain, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Pakistan, Cuba and the U.S.A. Living in a non-Western country bestowed a new level of humility and insight as she volunteered and visited the. The leading cause of senior injuries and death is falling down. The CDC reported in that in a given year about 25 percent of Americans age 65+ fall down, and that falling is the leading cause of senior injury and death. Preventive tactics against falls include keeping eyewear prescriptions up-to-date, exercising for balance, and keeping. Virgin mother, maiden queen International Lifelong Learning Conference Aviation Mechanic Airframe Question Book/Ea-Faa-T-8080-12B/Avn-130/9/90 Come With Me To Africa Women at the table social planning and the politico-economic structure Low Birth Weight and the Natality Experience of Female Aviators in the US Air Force Military Airlift Command and Strategic Airlift Command from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1994 Visitor and recreation statistics. Guide to Jewish Cleveland Greek aims in fortification Meeting at the Crossroads Colourful Vienna = Farbiges Wien Agricultural reform efforts in the United States and Japan Get this from a library. The living arrangements of Canada's older women. [Susan Fletcher; Leroy O Stone; Statistics Canada. Office of the Senior Advisor on Population Studies and. Independent living or congregate housing communities are residential communities for older adults who want an enjoyable lifestyle free of the worries and trouble of home maintenance. They are similar to apartment, condominium, or single-family developments except that they provide special services, including tight security—an important. In the age group 65 to 74, the proportions for men and women living alone in a residence for senior citizens were similar (% for women and % for men). Table 1 Distribution (in percentage) of living arrangements of the population aged 65 and over living in residences for senior citizens, by age group and sex, Canada, Request other formats online or call 1 O-Canada (). If you use a teletypewriter (TTY), call Large print, braille, audio cassette, audio CD, e-text diskette, e-text CD and DAISY are available on demand. Canada’s population is aging rapidly as a growing proportion of baby boomers transition into their senior years. While statistics on living arrangements show an increased trend to independent living arrangements among the older population, several U.S. and Canadian studies show that immigrants, including. The topic to immigrate to Canada seems to be not so easy but the book helps in so many aspects of working and living that after a while you can feel the touch of the country. Read more. 4 people found this helpful. Helpful. Comment Report /5(7). Canadian Living is a monthly Canadian lifestyle magazine, which publishes articles relating to food, fashion, crafts, and health and family advice. History and profile. The magazine was created by Clem Compton-Smith and his business partner, Margaret Smeeth, inwith the financial backing of Labatt' and a tiny staff operated out of the manse of a church in Based in: Toronto. Historically, Canada has been a nation of immigrants, with %. Canada is aging rapidly. Earlier this year, a Statistics Canada brief revealed that inthere were seniors aged 65 and older for every children under the age of Learn about living in Canada. Find newcomer services, a place to live, work, enroll in school, get a driver’s license, health care or improve your language skills. Services and information. Find a place to live. Temporary housing, types of housing, renting and buying a home, basic services and furnishing your home. Look for a job in Canada. Among Canadians aged 85 and older, there were nearly two women for every man inStatistics Canada found last year. For centenarians, whose ranks grew at a staggering rate of per cent.. The biggest jump occurred in the group of elderly people living alone—most likely widowed women. Statistics Canada, however, has Canadian data going back to Using this data set, Canada’s elderly poverty rate fell by an extraordinary 25 percentage points—from per cent in to per cent in Canadian Living is the author of Canadian Living ( avg rating, 22 ratings, 2 reviews, published ), Canadian Living Everyday Favourites ( avg /5. The best-selling and most comprehensive book about living and working in Canada since it was first published incontaining up to three times as much information as similar books. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your /5(3). demographics and living arrangements of the minority elderly population of the United States. Rapid growth in both the number and the proportion of all elderly minority populations are expected. Byone-third of the elderly population will be other than a non-Hispanic White. While existing literature primarily focuses on the demographics Cited by: 3. The loony is low because the cost of living here for what you get is sorely out of balance. Patrick at pm. Hi, happy to find your article. I have recently moved to Canada as a permanent resident. I have moved to the NCR and I am planning on living in Gatineau despite very little French but it’s a pretty Anglophone area. Living in Canada: Your independent guide to getting the most out of Canada. Toronto is Canada’s biggest city; it is one of the ten most economically powerful cities in the world. Eight locations in and around Toronto which offer low crime, good schools and a high quality of life. Ottawa is a clean, sporty city. Incomes are the highest in Canada. This text is intended for undergraduate level courses in the social sciences, particularly sociology, as well as in schools of social work, nursing, and family studies. This book covers the broad spectrum of aging and is a readable introduction for undergraduate students. The text is divided into five parts, beginning with an introduction to gerontology covering demography, theory and. Life expectancy is 59 years for men and 61 for women, compared to a global average of 68 for men and 72 for women, according to UN data. That leaves Abdul Wasay struggling to survive.Retirement Age Women in Canada remained unchanged at 65 in from 65 in This page provides - Canada Retirement Age Women - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news.
Factories shaking off COVID-19 gloom but outlook shaky Factories across Europe and Asia continued to shake off the coronavirus gloom in August as the global economy gradually emerges from a downturn triggered by.... Surveys showing an expansion in manufacturing activity may reduce pressure on policymakers to take bolder steps to avert a deeper recession. Many analysts expect recovery to be feeble, however, as renewed waves of infections curb business activity and prevent some nations from fully reopening their economies. Fears of a resurgence in infections in some economies may discourage firms from boosting capital expenditure and delay a sustained rebound,.” Euro zone manufacturing activity remained on a recovery path last month but factory managers were wary about investing and hiring workers as the pandemic rages on. Manufacturing output, which didn’t suffer quite as sharp a decline as the services industry during coronavirus lockdowns, increased for a second straight month. IHS Markit’s final Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) dipped to 51.7 in August from July’s 51.8, in line with an earlier flash reading and comfortably ahead of the 50-mark separating growth from contraction. Unemployment in the 19-country euro zone only nudged up to 7.9% in July, official data showed, but consumer prices fell in August, against market expectations of a small increase. “Some modest good news, the manufacturing sector for now remains a bit of a bright spot. Short-term work schemes across Europe are working so well that unemployment has increased to just 7.9% — without them unemployment would be around 10%,” said Bert Colijn at ING. “With concerns about double-dips increasing and virus cases up across Europe, the PMI — especially on the services side — provides reason to worry about the pace of the recovery and perhaps even a reversal of output growth.” German manufacturers’ recovery from lockdown measures continued last month, but in France activity slipped back into contractionary territory as the second-biggest euro zone economy grappled with hits to business caused by the pandemic. British factory output recovered some ground lost as output rose at the fastest pace in more than six years. STRONG CHINA. China’s Caixin/Markit PMI rose to 53.1 in August from July’s 52.8, marking the biggest rate of expansion since January 2011. Japan and South Korea both saw factory output contract at the slowest pace in six months, reinforcing expectations the region’s export powerhouses are past the worst from a collapse in demand after COVID-19 struck. The spill-over to other parts of Asia, however, remains patchy. While manufacturing activity rose in Taiwan and Indonesia, it slid in the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia. India’s factory output grew in August for the first time in five months as the easing of lockdown restrictions spurred demand. But analysts do not expect a quick turnaround in the economy, which contracted at its steepest pace on record last quarter. While South Korea’s exports fell for a sixth straight month in August, trade data — first to be reported among major exporting economies — signalled a gradual recovery in global demand. Japan is meanwhile in the midst of a leadership change after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said last week he would. Reported by Jonathan Cable and Leika Kihara Sourced Reuters For more Business news follow i-invest Online.
Una storia senza inibizioni 3 romanzi in 1. L’incontro – L’insegnamento – La prova . Quando Lizzie Aitchison incontra John Smith al bar del lussuoso Waverley. patrickpath/Scaricare La promessa. L’incontro Libri Gratis (PDF, ePub, Mobi) Di Portia Da Fetching contributors Cannot retrieve contributors at this. (eNewton Narrativa) (Italian Edition) eBook: Portia Da Costa: : Il nuovo capo, l’affascinante miliardario Ellis McKenna, sembrerebbe essere. Opet jedna knjiga koja mi se nije dopala. Dec 10, tyrianpurple rated it liked it Shelves: Maria Vittoria rated it liked it Nov 03, May 27, Heather andrews rated it it was amazing. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. I only could smirked and got along see where the portiw would go on, but also trying to tone down my expectation of deep emotional storyline. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Jess ds in confidence and her dialogue reflected this well, but perhaps too convincingly for me – she kind of killed the mood: The book gave me whiplash! Feb 14, Grace rated it did not like it. Thank you for the chance to review the book. How to Seduce a Billionaire I’m sorry, this book just wasn’t for me. Inglese, vive nello Yorkshire con suo marito. I u velikoj meri sam bila u pravu. I was being generous by giving it two stars, really this needs to be looked at again and re-tooled. Set up a giveaway. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Ozbiljno, pre su ljubavni romani sa oko stranica bili jako dobri. The survival of my e-reader icontro on me to stop reading this in case I involuntarily threw the device across the room through sheer frustration. Nothing less will do I liked Jess, who has built up a picture in her mind of her dream lover and somehow no one she meet I first read books by Portia Da Costa many years ago when the Black Lace – erotica by women for women – publishing imprint was launched. Almost nothing about poryia screams she is older than a young teenager. Amazon Renewed Refurbished products with a warranty. La promessa Trilogy by Portia Da Costa The only difference is Ellis has dark hair and doesn’t pretend to read minds or dupe people. Modern day fairy tale. Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, trade it in, give it a second life. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Senza fonti – Giamaica Senza fonti – novembre Jul 06, Maria marked it as d-n-f Shelves: From the way he acted, you would never guess he is closer to 40 y. My novels have been published by a variety of different houses, both in the US and the UK, and translated into many languages including German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian and Japanese. Naturally he turns out to be the new owner of the company she works for. La promessa Trilogy The names of the three portis characters was so similar Ellis, Julie and Jess Product details File Size: Return to Book Page. Read more Read less. Maddalena Anna rated it liked it Feb 06, Serena Rizzo marked it as to-read Oct 19,
Burgas and Veliko Tarnovo are the best Bulgarian cities to live in. This was shown by this year's ranking of "Darik" and "24 hours". Both cities won the leading position because they have the cleanest streets and nature, good conditions for sports, enough kindergartens, parking lots, good health care, etc. Good living conditions are usually due to the ability of local authorities to attract investments. According to this indicator, however, Sofia displaces Burgas from the leading position. The capital ranks first in the amount of foreign investment, both in absolute value and relative to the local population. This is shown by the study "Regional profiles. Development indicators" of the Institute for Market Economy, which has been analyzing the social and economic development of the districts in Bulgaria for two years now. It is based on 58 different indicators, grouped into 8 categories - economy, business environment, infrastructure, education, social environment, environment, demography and health. The indicators used were selected to describe different aspects of the business environment or living conditions in the areas. Two of the indicators in the category "Economy" describe the investment activity in the districts - these are the amount of foreign direct investment (cumulative) and the cost of acquisition of tangible fixed assets. By the end of 2011, the amount of foreign direct investment in the capital reached 8,953 euros per capita. The next most attractive districts for foreign investors are Sofia (district), Burgas and Varna. It is noteworthy that the difference between the capital and the wider Sofia region is significant: Sofia (region) has attracted about 3700 euros per person less than the leader. Sofia and the surrounding areas - Sofia and Pernik, are one of the investment centers in the country. The other such center is formed by the maritime districts of Varna and Burgas, which have managed to attract significant flows of foreign investment in the construction of hotels and holiday properties before the 2009 crisis. The leading role of the districts of Sofia (capital), Burgas and Varna as investment destinations is confirmed by the other often used investment indicator, namely - costs for acquisition of fixed tangible assets (FTA). In the capital, they exceeded BGN 6,500 per person in 2011 compared to more than twice lower values in Burgas (BGN 2,379) and Varna (BGN 2,299), which rank 2nd and 3rd, respectively. With investments of just under BGN 2,000, they are followed by Dobrich (most likely due to significant investments in tourism and grain production), Sofia (district) and Stara Zagora. The amount of costs for acquisition of tangible fixed assets again confirms the two main investment centers in the country - the capital and its surrounding areas, on the one hand, and the maritime areas (Varna, Burgas and Dobrich) - on the other. In terms of investments in tangible fixed assets, however, another unique center around Stara Zagora stands out. In this case, however, we are talking about investments mainly in industrial production (ie energy), which were not significantly affected by the crisis. This is one of the reasons why Stara Zagora replaced Varna as the second richest region in the country in 2010 and remained in the top three in 2011. Despite the good performance of Varna and its transformation into one of the main investment destinations in the country, the district suffered severely from the bursting of the real estate bubble. Since the crisis in 2009, Varna has been characterized by the strongest negative trends in social and economic development of all districts in the country. This also explains why in 2010 Varna lost its place to Stara Zagora as the second richest district in Bulgaria after the capital, measured by gross domestic product per capita. However, in 2011 our sea capital managed to regain the second position on this indicator, reaching BGN 10,270 gross product per person compared to an average of BGN 10,067 for Stara Zagora district. Despite this improvement, Varna remains far behind the leader Sofia, where the GDP per capita is more than twice as much - BGN 23,256 per person. Although Sofia, Varna and Burgas are forming as the most attractive investment centers in the country, the business climate in these areas is not the best in the country, judging by the levels of local taxes and fees and the assessment of business for the work of local authorities. . In fact, the capital is the city with the worst business conditions for the second year in a row, both because of high local taxes and fees and because of the highly negative assessments of the work of local authorities and high perceptions of corruption. Varna and Burgas are also at the bottom of the ranking in terms of local business conditions - respectively in 5th and 8th lowest place. However, due to the large differences between the different districts, Varna and Burgas receive an overall average score (3 out of 5) in this category. At the other pole are Montana, Vratsa and Targovishte, as the areas with the most attractive business conditions in terms of administrative services and local taxes and fees. It is noteworthy that none of them is characterized by high economic and investment activity, which is probably the explanation behind the greater efforts of local authorities to offer better service and maintain low levels of meat taxes and fees. Source: manager.bg
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10 Best Folding Shovels in 2022 A shovel is a very useful tool with versatile applications. If you are an outdoor adventure enthusiast, you have to carry a shovel with you. However, the regular shovels difficult to carry and store, and that is why the folding shovels are there for you. A shovel is useful for camping, gardening, hiking, and various such activities. You can dig up a fire pit, dig up mud to create a hollow space to bury something, create a trench, and whatnot. Check out the top 10 best folding shovels in 2022 that our team has handpicked for you. Contents - List of Best Folding Shovels Review - 10. BESROY Camping Shovel - 9. Black Tea Military Folding Shovel - 8. PPOGOO Portable Folding Shovel - 7. DONGKER Folding Shovel - 6. CO-Z Mini Folding Shovel - 5. BAALAND Military Folding Shovel - 4. REDCAMP Military Folding Shovel - 3. Rhino USA Folding Survival Shovel - 2. IUNIO Portable Folding Shovel - 1. SOG Folding Shovel - Buying Guide For Folding Shovel List of Best Folding Shovels Review 10. BESROY Camping Shovel Shovels are the most useful accessories for gardeners and adventure seekers. They consume much space in homes, gardens, and backyards. So now, you can buy a modern and robust folding shovel for your garden. This is one of the best shovels for hiking, hammering, cutting, and so on. Further, this shovel contains premium quality manganese steel allow. It does not rust in any climate. Besides that, this folding shovel is thick and can dig any type of soil. Moreover, this tool is easy to fold and store in a small bag. You can carry this lightweight shovel during picnics and camping. Reasons To Buy: - Suitable for several outdoor adventures. - Comes with a thick head for convenient digging. - Fits inside a small bag. 9. Black Tea Military Folding Shovel This is the best quality gardening tool for beginners and experts. It is a good tool for hunting, camping, fishing, and other outdoor activities. Apart from that, this shovel has a strong steel body. It does not get rust or corrosion in any type of climate. Moreover, this shove is easy to clean and store in any part of the home. In addition to that, this tool comes with a knife and sawtooth. You can use this knife during an emergency. It can remove mud, dead leaves, snow, and other hard particles from the soil. Whether it is mountaineer or campers, this folding shovel is useful for everyone. Reasons To Buy: - Resistant to rust and corrosion. - Includes a sawtooth and a knife. - Makes an ideal tool for campers. 8. PPOGOO Portable Folding Shovel As winters arrive, it becomes a very difficult task to remove snow from the backyard and gardens. Now, you can relax and remove snow easily from the gardens with this folding shovel. It contains rich quality aluminum and steel. Besides that, this shovel is resistant to moisture, snow, and sunrays. Additionally, this folding tool is easy to store in a small bag. Moreover, it comes with a good handle for a comfortable grip while digging or gardening. You can also adjust the length of this shovel according to your needs and comfort. It is also used for emergencies during military campaigns and other tasks. Reasons To Buy: - Ideal for removing snow. - Comes with a comfortable handle grip. - It comes with a moisture-resistant shovelhead. 7. DONGKER Folding Shovel You can now enjoy fishing, gardening, and hiking with this amazing folding shovel. It has a combination of steel and aluminum alloy. These materials do not rust or corrode in any type of climate. Moreover, this shove does not spoil or lose its shine in summer, rainy season, or winters. In addition to that, the rubber handle gives a nice grip to the hands. It also contains a rotating lock which helps to use a shovel in different ways. Apart from that, you can fold this tool and store it in the bag. It is easy to carry during family trips and picnics. Reasons To Buy: - Works in any weather condition. - It comes with a rotatable, multi-directional lock. - Comes with a slip-resistant rubber handle. 6. CO-Z Mini Folding Shovel This is a robust tool for various purposes. It can be used as a digger, safety tool, and handaxe too. Besides that, you can remove dead leaves, roots, and snow from the gardens and lawns. Moreover, it is easy to use and clean this folding shovel. It does not consume much space in homes or gardens. Additionally, the ergonomic design does not cause pain in the hands. It comes with sharp blades that can go inside any type of soil. This folding shovel is best for digging, hunting, gardening, cutting, and other tasks. It is a necessary tool for gardeners. Reasons To Buy: - Works as a handaxe, safety tool. - Ideal for different digging, cutting purposes. - Works perfectly on different surfaces. 5. BAALAND Military Folding Shovel Packed with beautiful features, this shovel can be used for multiple tasks. It is one of the best tools for gardening, hiking, fishing, and other adventure activities. Besides that, this shovel contains premium quality carbon steel. It also includes a strong knife of aluminum that does not rust or corrode. In addition to that, this folding shovel comes with a screw locking design. It has an ergonomic design for giving comfort to your hands. Furthermore, it is a lightweight and durable product. You can take it in luggage, travel bag, or backpack while going for hunting, hiking, fishing, camping or adventure tours and picnics. Reasons To Buy: - Easily folds down into a small bag. - Suitable for several outdoor activities. - It comes with an Aluminum storage knife. 4. REDCAMP Military Folding Shovel You can now keep your lawns clean and beautiful with this shovel. It is a great tool for digging, cutting, and gardening tasks. Besides that, this tool can dig various types of particles such as compost, mud, roots, and dead leaves. Moreover, this shovel can collect snow and dead flowers from the backyards. Further, this shovel is easily foldable as well as portable. You can take it in the car from one place to another. You can put it in a backpack or travel bag while going camping, hunting, and other adventures. Besides that, you can easily clean this tool as well as store it in homes. Reasons To Buy: - An ideal tool for gardening jobs. - Easily picks up snow and dried leaves. - Compactly fits the inside of any bag. 3. Rhino USA Folding Survival Shovel If you love gardening, you can purchase this folding shovel. It contains carbon steel that extends the life of the product. Besides that, good quality steel does not spoil due to snow, rainwater, or sun rays. Moreover, it is perfect to use this small shovel in any kind of climate. Further, this tool comes in a small bag. You can carry it to any place in your car. Apart from that, the product comes with a lifetime warranty. It can also cut woods with its sharp sawtooth on the sides. Furthermore, this shovel can act as a pickaxe as well as a hoe. Reasons To Buy: - It comes with a UV, rain, and snow-resistant finish. - Comes along with a travel-friendly carrying case. - Suitable for cutting wood with a sharp sawtooth. 2. IUNIO Portable Folding Shovel Simple to use, this is the unique folding shovel. It is perfect to use for fishing, hunting, camping, and gardening. Besides that, you can also use this tool for removing dead leaves and snow. This shovel comes with various other accessories. They include a hammer, bottle opener, extension bars, and others. Further, the sharp shovel blades can dig any type of soil. It has a steel handle that provides a good grip on your hands. This folding shovel is durable as well as a portable tool. You can carry it on your bikes or cars while going camping or picnics or adventure tours. Reasons To Buy: - Comes with a comfortable steel grip. - Ideal for digging different types of soil. - Makes an ideal gadget for camping. 1. SOG Folding Shovel Do you love camping, hiking, and other adventures? It is necessary to remain safe while going on adventure trips. This is the small folding shovel that you can use for digging, hunting, hoeing, and sawing. It contains rich quality steel that does not spoil or rust in any weather. Apart from that, this shovel is rust-resistant as well as waterproof. Further, the powerful and sharp blade can penetrate any type of soil. Moreover, it is lightweight and portable to carry from one place to another. This tool can remove dirt, mud, and snow from your gardens. Besides that, this shovel will help you to keep your gardens clean. Reasons To Buy: - Perfect for removing snow, mud, and dirt. - Comes with a very sharp blade. - It comes with a rustproof, weatherproof steel blade. Buying Guide For Folding Shovel Check these points when you buy a folding shovel to get the best value. - Build It is extremely necessary that you invest in a folding shovel featuring a build of high quality. Instead of the sheet, the blade must be an anti-corrosive, single solid piece. The handle, as well as the connecting hinge, must be durable too. - Material To be the best, a camping shovel must have durable and sturdy material. High carbon steel and stainless steel are commonly used for making shovel blades as these are long-lasting. Moreover, to prevent corrosion, an additional coating of black oxide paint is present on most of the metal. To ensure durability, the handle is either hard plastic or metal. Design Folding shovels come in three popular designs. You can fold the grip and blade in the tri-fold shovel. The two-piece shove; features a standard design. The telescoping design is portable as it can collapse and extend. - Portability A portable shovel comes in handy. The best portable folding shovels are compact, lightweight, and durable. Furthermore, you can get a long-lasting and durable metal handle in a slightly heavier yet compact design. Cheap materials usually have short life spans. - Size The best option is to buy a compact and small folding shovel. At the same time, pick one having a decent blade size. - Weight Lightweight folding shovels are the best. Therefore, you need to simply scout for a design that combines lightweight with durability. - Handle Hard plastic, as well as durable metal handles, work best. It’s frustrating, in fact, to experience a snapping handle in the middle of your amazing camping trip. Conclusion The modern folding shovels are compact and, therefore, easy to carry wherever you go, and you can store them in limited space. However, in terms of versatility and sturdiness, they are equally good as the traditional shovels. Still, the above-listed folding shovels vary in terms of various parameters and specifications. Therefore, go through all of them and choose the one that can satisfy most of your requirements perfectly.
Vogel State Park 8.11.17-8.13.17 What truly sold me on purchasing the camper was being able to take our dogs with us everywhere we went. This was the second trip we went on that served a different purpose besides exploring and relaxing, (the first one being McDowell Nature Preserve Campground for a birthday.) We were heading up to Vogel State Park in Blairesville, GA for a wedding at Kaya Vineyard. Vogel State Park has come to be one of my favorite state parks in Georgia. Located at the base of Blood Mountain in the Chattahoochee National Forrest there is plenty of hiking and SO many waterfalls. Our visit was too early for the fall colors, but people flock to this area to see the leaves change. The campground has a lake with a swimming beach and non-motorized boats for rent. The well-stocked Visitors Center has a putt-putt course next to it. Vogel has 79 camping sites. If you prefer something with a little less set-up required and more luxury they also offer 34 cottages. The roads in the campground are a bit tight, but I did see many large campers in the back, so it IS doable. Heather took a half day off work and got us to Vogel State Park about an hour before the office closed. At the time the sites were non-reservable. We knew we wanted to be in the back on the creek, but had to take whatever was left. Boy did we luck out! We got site 44 on the creek, I believe it was the last one available in that part of the campground. It was across from the bathroom and backed straight up to a creek large enough for the dogs to play in. The woods were magical with the green leaves or moss covering every inch. Saturday morning we hiked Bear Hair Gap Trail, one of the more popular trails in the park. Online it says the trail is 4 miles, however we tracked ourselves at over 6 miles by the time we got back to our site. The hike consisted of a stunning outlook over the lake and multiple waterfalls, some that you had to walk through! This was a perfect way to start the day by tiring out the dogs so they would sleep while we were gone. We returned to the site to get ready for the wedding. The wedding was at Kaya Vineyard about thirty minutes across Blood Mountain from the campground. The drive was a bit scary, so many turns on the mountain! I’m glad we did not bring our camper into the park that way. We spent about six hours at the wedding while the dogs slept in the camper. I introduced myself to the people camping on either side of us and gave them our phone number if the dogs were barking a lot or anything was wrong. We also have a Marcell Monitoring System that will text us if for some reason the camper is overheating. The dogs did great while we were away. [See more about Marcell on the Product Recommendations page.] Be sure to use the code Imagine20 to receive $20 off your purchase. The views at Kaya Vineyards were gorgeous and the wedding was so much fun. I highly recommend visiting this vineyard and some others in the area. We were so happy to celebrate our friends. On Sunday morning my best friend came to visit more with us over breakfast and I even talked them into a quick hike to the waterfall at the bottom of the lake. I know some people are unhappy about the Georgia State Parks switching to reservable sites, however I couldn’t be more pleased. Yes, it does take more planning, but no longer will I spend the entire trip up to the campground worrying about what site we will be left with. There is so much to do at Vogel and we loved the campground so much that it is our first trip scheduled in 2018. I hope to check out DeSoto Falls nearby the campground and hike some other trails we did not get to. Things we learned: - Just because the internet says it’s 4 miles, it might be more. Take breaks along the way. Heather swears I tricked her into a six mile hike. - The Marcell Unit works great to keep you updated on the temperature of the camper. If the power was to go out this unit would let us know if the camper is too hot for the dogs to be inside. We felt fine leaving them at the campground while at the wedding. $20 off the purchase isn’t bad either! Code – Imagine20 5 Comments Kelly MacKay Great that you got a camper. so much fun times a head for you camp lots and be safe Cheers Pingback: Nancy Rinker Thanks for posting! Vogel is on our short list for this summer! imaginecamper Try to get in the back by the creek! Zandalee Psychic Life Coach Love your blog..
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