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A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting, Darkness with the title Team Magma's Groudon and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Team Magma vs Team Aqua. It has the attack Linear Attack with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Pulverize with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon already has at least 2 damage counters on it, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage. It has the ability Power Saver with the description: As long as the number of Pokemon in play (both yours and your opponent's) that has Team Magma in its name is 3 or less, Team Magma's Groudon can't attack. It has weakness against Grass 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Raikou and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set POP Series 2. It has the attack Roar with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon, if any. It has the attack Thunder with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, Raikou does 20 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Claydol and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Baltoy from the set Hidden Legends. It has the attack Muddy Eye with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage times the number of basic Energy cards attached to Claydol and the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Primal Pull with the description: As long as Claydol is your Active Pokemon, each player's Evolved Pokemon pays Colorless more Energy to use its attacks. It has weakness against Psychic 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Shieldon and 80 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Armor Fossil from the set DP Black Star Promos and the flavor text: A Pokemon that lived in jungles around 100 million years ago. Its facial hide is extremely hard. It has the attack Hard Face with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Shieldon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the attack Shield Attack with the cost Metal, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Psychic -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Forretress and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Pineco from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: Its entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside this shell is a total mystery. It has the attack Mirror Shot with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has the attack Everyone Explode Now with the cost Metal, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Does 30 damage times the number of Pineco and Forretress you have in play. This attack does 30 damage to each of your Pineco and Forretress in play. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Manectric and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Electrike from the set Platinum. It has the attack Power Wave with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 with the description: This attack does 30 damage to each Pokemon that has any Poke-Powers (both yours and your opponent's). (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Attract Current with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Search your deck for a Lightning Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the ability Electric Barrier with the description: Prevent all damage done to your Benched Pokemon (excluding any Manectric) by attacks. It has weakness against Fighting +20. It has resistance against Metal -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Houndoom and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Houndour from the set Aquapolis. It has the attack Fireworks with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, discard a Fire Energy card attached to Houndoom. It has the attack Dark Impact with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: The Defending Pokemon can't use any Poke-Powers until the end of your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Bayleef and 100 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Chikorita from the set Lost Thunder and the flavor text: The buds that ring its neck give off a spicy aroma that perks people up. It has the attack Soothing Scent with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Koga's Beedrill and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Koga's Kakuna from the set Gym Challenge. It has the attack Nerve Poison with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned. It has the attack Hyper Needle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. Either way, you can't use this attack again as long as Koga's Beedrill stays in play (even putting Koga's Beedrill on the Bench won't let you use it again). It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic, Darkness with the title Dark Slowking and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Slowpoke from the set Team Rocket Returns. It has the attack Litter with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: You may discard a combination of up to 2 Pokemon Tool cards and Rocket's Secret Machine cards from your hand. If you do, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage for each card you discarded. It has the ability Cunning with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top card of your opponent's deck. Then, you may shuffle his or her deck. This power can't be used if Dark Slowking is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Grass 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Stantler and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set POP Series 7 and the flavor text: Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers. It has the attack Lead with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: Search your deck for a Supporter card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Frighten Horn with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon isn't an Evolved Pokemon, that Pokemon is now Confused. It has weakness against Fighting +20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Gabite and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Gible from the set POP Series 9 and the flavor text: It habitually digs up and hoards gems in its nest. Its loot is constantly targeted by thieves. It has the attack Burrow with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Gabite by attacks during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Distored Wave with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: Before doing damage, remove 2 damage counters from the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Colorless +20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Dewgong and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Seel from the set FireRed & LeafGreen. It has the attack Cold Breath with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Aurora Beam with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has the ability Safeguard with the description: Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Dewgong by your opponent's Pokemon-ex. It has weakness against Metal 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Grovyle and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Treecko from the set Plasma Freeze and the flavor text: It lives in dense jungles. While closing in on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch. It has the attack Pound with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Cut with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20. |
A Basic, Prism Star Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Victini and 90 HP of rarity Rare Prism Star from the set Dragon Majesty and the flavor text: When it shares the infinite energy it creates, that being's entire body will be overflowing with power. It has the attack Infinity with the cost Fire, Fire, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: This attack does 20 damage for each basic Energy card in your discard pile. Then, shuffle those cards into your deck. It has weakness against Water 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Jumpluff and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Skiploom from the set Secret Wonders and the flavor text: Blown by seasonal winds, it circles the globe, scattering cotton spores as it goes. It has the attack Cottonweed Punch with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 with the description: Flip 2 coins. Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. For each heads, this attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Cotton Spore with the description: Whenever Jumpluff would be damaged by your opponent's attack, flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Jumpluff by that attack. It has weakness against Fire +30. It has resistance against Fighting -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Ho-oh and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Neo Revelation and the flavor text: Legends claim this Pokemon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent seven colored wings. It has the attack Stoke with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 with the description: You may search your deck for a Fire Energy card and attach it to Ho-Oh. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Sacred Fire with the cost Fire, Fire, Fire, the energy cost 3 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokemon. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance. It has the attack Dive Bomb with the cost Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, the energy cost 5 and the damage of 90 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Combee and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Ancient Origins and the flavor text: It collects and delivers honey to its colony. At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep. It has the attack Bug Bite with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Alolan Dugtrio and 60 HP of rarity None evolved from Alolan Diglett from the set McDonald's Collection 2019. It has the attack Gold Rush with the cost Metal, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Discard any number of [M] Energy cards from your hand. This attack does 30 damage for each card you discarded in this way. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Beedrill and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Kakuna from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Needle Rush with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip 4 coins. If you get 1 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. If you get 2 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage. If you get 3 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 50 more damage. If you get 4 heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 90 more damage. It has the ability Venom Spray with the description: When you play Beedrill from your hand to evolve your Active Pokemon, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Silcoon and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Wurmple from the set Roaring Skies and the flavor text: It drinks dew that collects on its silk and waits for evolution. Its hard cocoon repels attacks. It has the attack String Shot with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass, Metal with the title Flygon and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Vibrava from the set Holon Phantoms. It has the attack Swift with the cost Grass, Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Delta Supply with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may attach a basic Energy card or a Rainbow Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokemon that has on its card. This power can't be used if Flygon is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Colorless 2. It has resistance against Lightning -30 and . Fighting -30. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sceptile and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Grovyle from the set Emerald. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Swift with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 60 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Green Essence with the description: As long as Sceptile is in play, each of your Active Pokemon that has Grass Energy attached to it can't be affected by any Special Conditions. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -30. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Hitmontop and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Call of Legends and the flavor text: It launches kicks while spinning. If it spins at high speed, it may bore its way into the ground. It has the attack Triple Kick with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Close Combat with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Hitmontop by attacks is increased by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Psychic 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Lapras and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Fossil and the flavor text: A Pokemon that has been overhunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across water. It has the attack Water Gun with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Water Energy attached to Lapras but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost. You can't add more than 20 damage in this way. It has the attack Confuse Ray with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has weakness against Lightning 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sunflora and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Sunkern from the set Cosmic Eclipse and the flavor text: As the hot season approaches, the petals on this Pokemon's face become more vivid and lively. It has the attack Solar Power with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: During your next turn, ignore all Energy in the attack costs of Grass Pokemon and Fire Pokemon. (This includes Pokemon that come into play on that turn.) It has the attack Solar Beam with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Nuzleaf and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Seedot from the set Steam Siege and the flavor text: It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy. It has the attack Harden with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, if this Pokemon would be damaged by an attack, prevent that attack's damage done to this Pokemon if that damage is 60 or less. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Jolteon and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Eevee from the set Unseen Forces. It has the attack Attract Current with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Lightning Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Multi Pulse with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40+ with the description: If Jolteon has 3 of more different types of basic Energy cards attached to it, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage and the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -30. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sewaddle and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Legendary Treasures and the flavor text: Leavanny dress it in clothes they made for it when it hatched. It hides its head in its hood while it is sleeping. It has the attack Leaf Boomerang with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Lt. Surge's Fearow and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lt. Surge's Spearow from the set Gym Heroes. It has the attack Repeating Drill with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 5 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has the attack Clutch with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: The Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Lightning 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Metapod and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Caterpie from the set Rebel Clash and the flavor text: It is waiting for the moment to evolve. At this stage, it can only harden, so it remains motionless to avoid attack. It has the attack Ram with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the ability Adaptive Evolution with the description: This Pokemon can evolve during your first turn or the turn you play it. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Surskit and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Sun & Moon and the flavor text: When this Pokemon senses danger, a sweet fluid oozes from the tip of its heads. The taste of it disgusts bird Pokemon. It has the attack Quick Attack with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sceptile and 140 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Grovyle from the set Primal Clash and the flavor text: It agilely leaps about the jungle and uses the sharp leaves on its arms to strike its prey. It has the attack Leaf Blade with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. It has the attack Power Poison with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 120 with the description: Discard 1 Energy attached to this Pokemon. Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A VMAX Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Butterfree VMAX and 300 HP of rarity Rare Holo VMAX evolved from Butterfree V from the set Darkness Ablaze. It has the attack G-Max Toxbreeze with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 150 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Swalot and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Gulpin from the set Arceus and the flavor text: It swallows anything whole. It sweats toxic fluids from its follicles to douse foes. It has the attack Damage Roller with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Put damage counters on the Defending Pokemon until the Defending Pokemon has the same remaining HP as Swalot. (If the Defending Pokemon has the same or less remaining HP as Swalot, this attack does nothing.) It has the attack Entangle Tackle with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: You may do 50 damage plus 30 more damage. If you do, this attack does 30 damage to 1 of your Pokemon, and don't apply Weakness and Resistance to this damage. It has weakness against Psychic +20. |
A Basic, SP Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Floatzel GL and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Rising Rivals. It has the attack Incite with the cost the energy cost 0 with the description: Search your discard pile for up to 2 Supporter cards, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. It has the attack Giant Wave with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Floatzel GL can't use Giant Wave during your next turn. It has weakness against Lightning 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Foongus and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Next Destinies and the flavor text: It lures people in with its Poke Ball pattern, then releases poison spores. Why it resembles a Poke Ball is unknown. It has the attack Find a Friend with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Pokemon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Rising Lunge with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Durant and 110 HP of rarity Rare from the set Sword & Shield and the flavor text: They lay their eggs deep inside their nests. When attacked by Heatmor, they retaliate using their massive mandibles. It has the attack Bite Together with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30+ with the description: If Durant is on your Bench, this attack does 60 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Spiritomb and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set HSTriumphant and the flavor text: It was formed by uniting 108 spirits. It has been bound to the Odd Keystone to keep it from doing any mischief. It has the attack Color Tag with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose Grass Fire Water Lightning Psychic Fighting Darkness Metal or Colorless type. Put 1 damage counter on each Pokemon your opponent has in play of the type you chose. It has the ability Spooky Whirlpool with the description: Once during your turn, when you put Spiritomb from your hand onto your Bench, you may use this power. Your opponent shuffles his or her hand into his or her deck and draws 6 cards. It has resistance against Colorless -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Wimpod and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Guardians Rising and the flavor text: This Pokemon is a coward. As it desperately dashes off, the flailing of its many legs leaves a sparkling clean path in its wake. It has the attack Scamper Away with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Shuffle this Pokemon and all cards attached to it into your deck. It has the attack Ram with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Pinsir and 120 HP of rarity Rare from the set Team Up and the flavor text: It gets into territorial disputes with Vikavolt. For some reason, it apparently gets along well with Heracross in Alola. It has the attack Grip and Squeeze with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: The Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Guillotine Hug with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is Knocked Out. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cradily and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lileep from the set Sandstorm. It has the attack Lure Poison with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Before using this effect, you may switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon, if any. The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has the attack Spiral Drain with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Remove 2 damage counters from Cradily (remove 1 if there is only 1). It has the ability Super Suction Cups with the description: As long as Cradily is your Active Pokemon, your opponent's Pokemon can't retreat. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Shuckle and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set HeartGold & SoulSilver and the flavor text: The berries it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid. It has the attack Poison Jab with the cost Fighting, Fighting, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has the ability Shell Barricade with the description: As long as Shuckle is on your Bench, prevent all damage done to Shuckle by attacks (both yours and your opponent's). It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Yanma and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Unified Minds and the flavor text: Its eyes can see 360 degrees without moving its head. It won't miss preyeven those behind it. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Cutting Wind with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Machamp and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Machoke from the set Base and the flavor text: Using its amazing muscles, it throws powerful punches that can knock its victim clear over the horizon. It has the attack Seismic Toss with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 60. It has the ability Strikes Back with the description: Whenever your opponent's attack damages Machamp (even if Machamp is Knocked Out), this power does 10 damage to the attacking Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance.) This power can't be used if Machamp is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed when your opponent attacks. It has weakness against Psychic 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Metagross and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Metang from the set Supreme Victors and the flavor text: Metang combined to form it. With four brains, it has the intelligence of a supercomputer. It has the attack Geo Impact with the cost Metal, Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: If you have a Stadium card in play, this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon that is the same type as the Defending Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Gravitation with the description: Each Pokemon in play (both yours and your opponent's) gets -20 HP. No more than 20 HP can be reduced by all Gravitation Poke-Bodies. It has weakness against Fire +30. It has resistance against Psychic -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Clefable and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Clefairy from the set Jungle and the flavor text: A timid Fairy Pokemon that is rarely seen. It will run and hide the moment it senses people. It has the attack Metronome with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon's attacks. Metronome copies that attack except for its Energy costs and anything else required in order to use that attack, such as discarding Energy cards. (No matter what type the Defending Pokemon is, Clefable's type is still Colorless.) It has the attack Minimize with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: All damage done by attacks to Clefable during your opponent's next turn is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Espeon and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Eevee from the set Neo Discovery and the flavor text: It uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its enemy's actions. It has the attack Bite with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Psychic with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Ampharos and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Flaaffy from the set Neo Genesis and the flavor text: The tail's tip shines brightly and can be seen from far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people. It has the attack Gigaspark with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed and this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Fighting 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Alakazam and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Kadabra from the set Expedition Base Set. It has the attack Syncroblast with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: If Alakazam and the Defending Pokemon don't have the same number of Energy cards attached to them, this attack's base damage is 20 instead of 80. It has the ability Psymimic with the description: Once during your turn, instead of Alakazam's normal attack, you may choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon's attacks. Alakazam copies that attack including its Energy costs and anything else required in order to use that attack, such as discarding Energy cards. (No matter what type that Pokemon is, Alakazam's type is still Psychic.) This power can't be used if Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Psychic 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Chespin and 60 HP of rarity Promo from the set XY Black Star Promos and the flavor text: The quills on its head are usually soft. When it flexes them, the points become so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock. It has the attack Vine Whip with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Seed Bomb with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic, TAG TEAM, GX Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX and 260 HP of rarity Rare Holo GX from the set Unbroken Bonds. It has the attack Jet Punch with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Elegant Sole with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 190 with the description: During your next turn, this Pokemon's Elegant Sole attack's base damage is 60. It has the attack Beast Game-GX with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 50 with the description: If your opponent's Pokemon is Knocked Out by damage from this attack, take 1 more Prize card. If this Pokemon has at least 7 extra Energy attached to it (in addition to this attack's cost), take 3 more Prize cards instead. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.) It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Aggron and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lairon from the set Ruby & Sapphire. It has the attack Retaliate with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage times the number of damage counters on Aggron. It has the attack Mega Punch with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40. It has the attack Double Lariat with the cost Metal, Metal, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 5 and the damage of 70 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 70 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Leafeon and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Eevee from the set Dark Explorers and the flavor text: It basically does not fight. With cells similar to those of plants, it can perform photosynthesis. It has the attack Quick Attack with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. It has the attack Energy Assist with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Bulbasaur and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Shining Legends and the flavor text: A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokemon. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Heatran and 100 HP of rarity Rare from the set POP Series 8 and the flavor text: It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls. It has the attack Body Slam with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Fire Spin with the cost Fire, Fire, Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 90 with the description: Discard 2 Basic Energy cards attached to Heatran. (If you can't discard cards, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Water +30. |
A Basic, SP Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Palkia G and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Platinum. It has the attack Splashing Turn with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: You may switch Palkia G with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. It has the attack Pearl Breath with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Lightning 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Ditto and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set FireRed & LeafGreen. It has the attack Energy Ball with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to Ditto but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost. You can't add more then 20 damage in this way. It has the ability Form Variation with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your discard pile for a Basic Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-ex and Ditto) and switch it with Ditto. (Any cards attached to Ditto, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokemon.) Place Ditto in the discard pile. It has weakness against Fighting 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mew and 50 HP of rarity Promo from the set Wizards Black Star Promos and the flavor text: So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide. It has the attack Psywave with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage times the number of Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Devolution Beam with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 with the description: Choose an evolved Pokemon (your own or your opponent's). Return the highest Stage Evolution card on that Pokemon to its player's hand. That Pokemon is no longer Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned, or anything else that might be the result of an attack (just as if you had evolved it). It has weakness against Psychic 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Tangrowth and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Tangela from the set Arceus and the flavor text: Its arms are made of plants that bind themselves to things. They grow back right away if cut. It has the attack Leaf Guard with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Tangrowth by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the attack Swallow Up with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50 with the description: Before doing damage, count the remaining HP of the Defending Pokemon and Tangrowth. If the Defending Pokemon has fewer remaining HP than Tangrowth's, this attack does 120 damage instead. It has weakness against Fire +30. It has resistance against Water -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Amoonguss and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Foongus from the set Next Destinies and the flavor text: It lures prey close by dancing and waving its arm caps, which resemble Poke Balls, in a swaying motion. It has the attack Rising Lunge with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. It has the ability Sporprise with the description: When you play this Pokemon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon, you may use this Ability. If you do, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Pansage and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Black & White and the flavor text: It shares the leaf on its head with weary-looking Pokemon. These leaves are known to relieve stress. It has the attack Scratch with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Vine Whip with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magneton and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Magnemite from the set Base and the flavor text: Formed by several Magnemites linked together. It frequently appears when sunspots flare up. It has the attack Thunder Wave with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Selfdestruct with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: Does 20 damage to each Pokemon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Magneton does 80 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Forretress and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Pineco from the set Neo Discovery and the flavor text: Its entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside the armor is a total mystery. It has the attack Rapid Spin with the cost Metal, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with his or her Active Pokemon, then, if you have any Benched Pokemon, you switch 1 of them with your Active Pokemon. (Do the damage before switching the Pokemon.) It has the ability Spikes with the description: During your opponent's turn, whenever 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon becomes his or her Active Pokemon, Forretress does 10 damage to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance.) This power stops working if Forretress is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Eevee and 60 HP of rarity None from the set McDonald's Collection 2019. It has the attack Gnaw with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Fennekin and 60 HP of rarity Promo from the set XY Black Star Promos and the flavor text: Eating a twig fills it with energy, and its roomy ears give vent to air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit. It has the attack Scratch with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Live Coal with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Water 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sewaddle and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Emerging Powers and the flavor text: This Pokemon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded from its mouth. It has the attack Gnaw with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Swampert and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Marshtomp from the set Emerald. It has the attack Spinning Tail with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Aqua Sonic with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance. It has the ability Water Cyclone with the description: As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may move a Water Energy attached to 1 of your Active Pokemon to 1 of your Benched Pokemon. This power can't be used if Swampert is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Grass 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Illumise and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set XY and the flavor text: Its fragrance attracts a swarm of Volbeat, so they draw over 200 patterns in the night sky. It has the attack Pheromotion with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Grass Pokemon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Quick Attack with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic, EX Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Celebi-EX and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo EX from the set Boundaries Crossed. It has the attack Wind Whisk with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: Switch this Pokemon with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. It has the ability Time Recall with the description: Each of your evolved Pokemon can use any attack from its previous Evolutions. (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.) It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Oshawott and 60 HP of rarity Promo from the set BW Black Star Promos and the flavor text: It fights using the scalchop on its stomach. In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately by slashing. It has the attack Water Pulse with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has weakness against Lightning 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Jirachi and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Deoxys. It has the attack Metallic Blow with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon has any Poke-Bodies, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage. It has the ability Wishing Star with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), if Jirachi is your Active Pokemon, you may look at the top 5 cards of your deck, choose 1 of them, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. Jirachi and your other Active Pokemon, if any, are now Asleep. This power can't be used if Jirachi is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Litten and 60 HP of rarity Promo from the set SM Black Star Promos and the flavor text: While grooming itself, it builds up fur inside its stomach. It sets the fur alight and spews fiery attacks, which change based on how it coughs. It has the attack Combustion with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Water 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Suicune and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set POP Series 2. It has the attack Bubblebeam with the cost Water, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the ability Mirror Coat with the description: If Suicune is Burned or Poisoned by an opponent's attack (even if Suicune is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokemon is now affected by the same Special Conditions (1 if there is only 1). It has weakness against Lightning 2. |
A Basic, SP Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Rayquaza C and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Supreme Victors. It has the attack Trash Burst with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: You may discard up to 5 Energy cards from your hand. If you do, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card you discarded. It has the attack Twister with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip 2 coins. If both are tails, this attack does nothing. For each heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Colorless 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Metal with the title Magnezone and 120 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Magneton from the set Diamond & Pearl and the flavor text: It evolved from exposure to a special magnetic field. Three units generate magnetism. It has the attack Metal Blast with the cost Metal, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: Does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each Metal Energy attached to Magnezone. It has the ability Magnetize with the description: If you have any Metal Energy attached to your Active Pokemon, the Retreat Cost for that Pokemon is 0. It has weakness against Fire +30. It has resistance against Psychic -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Alolan Exeggutor and 160 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Exeggcute from the set Forbidden Light and the flavor text: As it grew taller and taller, it outgrew its reliance on psychic powers, while within it awakened the power of the sleeping dragon. It has the attack Tropical Shake with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20+ with the description: This attack does 20 more damage for each type of basic Energy card in your discard pile. You can't add more than 100 damage in this way. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Psyduck and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Hidden Fates and the flavor text: Using psychokinesis gives it a headache, so it normally passes the time spacing out and doing as little as possible. It has the attack Headache with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Grass 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Gliscor and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Gligar from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest. It has the attack Ninja Fang with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: If, before Gliscor does damage, the Defending Pokemon has no damage counters on it and is then damaged by this attack (after applying Weakness and Resistance), the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Poison Jab with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Lightning -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Lotad and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Primal Clash and the flavor text: It searches about for clean water. If it does not drink water for too long, the leaf on its head wilts. It has the attack Beat with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Darumaka and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Dragon Majesty and the flavor text: When it sleeps, it pulls its limbs into its body and its internal fire goes down to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. It has the attack Damage Rush with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 30 more damage for each heads. It has weakness against Water 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Centiskorch and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Sizzlipede from the set Champion's Path and the flavor text: When it heats up, its body temperature reaches about 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. It lashes its body like a whip and launches itself at enemies. It has the attack Searing Flame with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Burned. It has the attack Heat Crawler with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 140. It has weakness against Water 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Wormadam Sandy Cloak and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Burmy Sandy Cloak from the set POP Series 7 and the flavor text: When BURMY evolved, it cloak became a part of this Pokemon's body. The cloak is never shed. It has the attack Push Over with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40+ with the description: Does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each Fighting Energy attached to Wormadam Sandy Cloak. It has the ability Sandy Cloak with the description: Prevent all effects, excluding damage, done to Wormadam Sandy Cloak. It has weakness against Fire +20. It has resistance against Lightning -20. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Vespiquen and 90 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Combee from the set Ancient Origins and the flavor text: Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by Combee. It has the attack Intelligence Gathering with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: You may draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand. It has the attack Bee Revenge with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: This attack does 10 more damage for each Pokemon in your discard pile. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass, Darkness with the title Shiftry and 140 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Nuzleaf from the set Steam Siege and the flavor text: By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses. It has the attack Wicked Wind with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 40 with the description: Until the end of your opponent's next turn, each Stadium or Pokemon Tool card in play has no effect. (This includes cards that come into play on that turn.) It has the attack Extrasensory with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 60+ with the description: If you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent, this attack does 60 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic, Prism Star Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Shaymin and 80 HP of rarity Rare Prism Star from the set Team Up and the flavor text: The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are the message it delivers. It has the attack Flower Storm with the cost Grass, Grass, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: This attack does 30 damage times the amount of basic Energy attached to all of your Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Koga's Ditto and 40 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Gym Challenge. It has the attack Giant Growth with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, Koga's Ditto's maximum HP is now 80 and Koga's Ditto's Pound attack's base damage is 30 instead of 10. (Benching Koga's Ditto ends this effect.) It has the attack Pound with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Dark Typhlosion and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Dark Quilava from the set Neo Destiny and the flavor text: When it's in combat, the air around it shimmers and warps from the intense heat it produces. It has the attack Claw Swipe with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Rushing Flames with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 40 with the description: You may discard any number of Fire Energy cards attached to your Pokemon. Flip a coin for each Fire Energy card discarded in this way. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Water 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire, Darkness with the title Team Magma's Houndoom and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Team Magma's Houndour from the set Team Magma vs Team Aqua. It has the attack Roasting Heat with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon is Burned, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage. It has the attack Magma Spurt with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Discard the top 5 cards from your deck. This attack does 30 damage times the number of Fire and Fighting basic Energy cards discarded in this way. It has weakness against Water 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Deerling and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: The turning of the seasons changes the color and scent of this Pokemon's fur. People use it to mark the seasons. It has the attack Find a Friend with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Pokemon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Pansage and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set BREAKthrough and the flavor text: It's good at finding berries and gathers them from all over. It's kind enough to share them with friends. It has the attack Fury Swipes with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Marill and 40 HP of rarity None from the set Southern Islands and the flavor text: This Pokemon's fur repels water like a duck's feathers, allowing it to stay dry and fluffy even in water. It has the attack Squirt with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 10 damage to that Pokemon. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance. It has the attack Rolling Tackle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Lightning 2. |
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Crobat and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Golbat from the set Hidden Legends. It has the attack Flutter Trick with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand and choose 1 card. Your opponent discards the card you chose. It has the attack Triple Poison with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. Put 3 damage counters instead of 1 on the Defending Pokemon between turns. It has weakness against Psychic 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Yanmega and 120 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Yanma from the set Unified Minds and the flavor text: It prefers to battle by biting apart foes' heads instantly while flying by at high speed. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50. It has the attack Air Slash with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 100 with the description: Discard an Energy from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cascoon and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Wurmple from the set Dragons Exalted and the flavor text: It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback. It has the attack Tangle Drag with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Spiral Drain with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Heal 20 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Ho-Oh and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Call of Legends and the flavor text: Legends claim this Pokemon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent seven-colored wings. It has the attack Combustion with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50. It has the attack Scorching Wing with the cost Fire, Fire, Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 5 and the damage of 100 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, discard all Fire Energy attached to Ho-Oh. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Dwebble and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Dark Explorers and the flavor text: It makes a hole in a suitable rock. If that rock breaks, the Pokemon remains agitated until it locates a replacement. It has the attack Beat with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Cut with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Masquerain and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Surskit from the set Sun & Moon and the flavor text: Its wings and antennae don't cope well with moisture. After a rain, it faces sunward to dry off. It has the attack Struggle Bug with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Move an Energy from your opponent's Active Pokemon to 1 of their Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Karrablast and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Phantom Forces and the flavor text: These mysterious Pokemon evolve when they receive electrical stimulation while they are in the same place as Shelmet. It has the attack Peck with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Headbutt with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2. |
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning, Metal with the title Gyarados and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Magikarp from the set Holon Phantoms. It has the attack Hyper Beam with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Heavy Impact with the cost Lightning, Metal, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 5 and the damage of 80. It has the ability Delta Reactor with the description: As long as any Stadium card with Holon in its name is in play, each of your Pokemon that has on its card does 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Lightning 2. |
Subsets and Splits