I have different priorities than you do.
Én mást helyezek előtérbe, mint te.
Can you please communicate this message from English to Hungarian
È importante parlare il francese.
It's important to speak French.
switch the text from Italian to English
Entorna la ventana.
Leave the window ajar.
Please translate this input sentence from Spanish to English
Tom didn't feel comfortable driving Mary's new car.
تام از راندن ماشین ماری احساس راحتی نمی کرد.
please switch the text from English to Persian
Regner det nu?
Is it raining now?
Translate this input message from Danish to English.
Han driver alltid med mig.
He is always making a fool of me.
translate this input sentence from Swedish to English?
They're making too much noise. I can't concentrate.
Ze maken te veel lawaai. Ik kan me niet concentreren.
Can you translate this input sentence from English to Dutch?
Ты когда-нибудь был в Токио?
Have you ever been to Tokyo?
Please translate this input message from Russian to English
Can you tell me what's going on?
Вы можете сказать мне, что происходит?
Please can you switch the sentence from English to Russian?
Tom's dog hates cats.
Il cane di Tom odia i gatti.
I need a translation from English to Italian?
Дрво гори лако.
Wood burns easily.
can you communicate this sentence from Serbian to English.
Roll the ball to me.
Can you please translate this sentence from English to Mandarin_chinese.
For Hawking, writing this book was not easy.
Para Hawking, escribir este libro no fue fácil.
communicate this sentence from English to Spanish?
Mehrere Schiffe stecken im Eis des Südpolarmeeres fest.
Several ships are stuck in sea ice in Antarctica.
Translate this input sentence from German to English.
Missä se uloskäynti on?
Where's the exit?
Convert the following message from Finnish to English?
Madrid is the capital of Spain.
Madrid on Espanjan pääkaupunki.
Please switch the message from English to Finnish?
You're too young to go to school.
Ты слишком маленький, чтобы ходить в школу.
Switch the message from English to Russian
Tell me who won.
Mondd el, hogy ki nyert!
Please can you convert from English to Hungarian.
Wo möchtest du sitzen?
Where would you like to sit?
please translate from German to English
Can I borrow a shirt?
Ben bir gömlek ödünç alabilir miyim?
Translate this input message from English to Turkish
Ви занадто ввічлива.
You're too polite.
please translate this message from Ukrainian to English.
Tanemmirt imi i d-tewwiḍ aselkim-nnem.
Thank you for bringing your computer.
can you switch the text from Berber to English?
Yeǧǧa arraw-nnes.
He left his children.
Translate from Berber to English
You've told us this already.
Você já nos contou isso.
Can you please switch the message from English to Portuguese?
Tom dovrebbe pagarlo.
Tom should pay for it.
Please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English.
La ciotola contiene molti tipi di dolcetti.
The bowl contains many kinds of candy.
Please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Tom didn't have anything else to do.
Том немаше што друго да прави.
Can you switch the sentence from English to Macedonian?
Ben de gencim.
I'm young, too.
can you please communicate this message from Turkish to English.
I was told Tom now lives in Australia.
Nnan-iyi-d dakken Tom deg Ustṛalya i yezdeɣ tur-a.
can you switch the message from English to Berber.
Is your car black?
A kocsija fekete?
Please switch the text from English to Hungarian?
Come here.
Lại đây.
Please switch the sentence from English to Vietnamese.
I don't want to think about homework right now.
can you translate this input message from Japanese to English?
Warum ist eine Versicherung so wichtig?
Why is insurance so important?
can you please translate this sentence from German to English?
Tom har en søn som er læge.
Tom has a son who's a doctor.
Can you please translate from Danish to English
You're dependable.
Voi siete fidate.
please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian?
Chodźmy gdzieś, gdzie jest ciepło.
Let's go somewhere warm.
Translate this input message from Polish to English
Он выглядит как скелет.
He looks just like a skeleton.
Please switch the message from Russian to English?
That isn't a good reason.
O iyi bir gerekçe değildir.
can you translate this input message from English to Turkish?
Odwiedzę go jutro.
I'll visit him tomorrow.
please can you translate this input sentence from Polish to English
Je suis vraiment fatigué.
I'm really tired.
can you communicate this message from French to English?
Please wait outside.
밖에서 기다려 주세요.
can you switch the text from English to Korean.
That red dress looks good on her.
Quell'abito rosso le sta bene.
Please translate this input message from English to Italian?
İstəmirəm ki, məni çılpaq görəsən.
I don't want you to see me naked.
Can you translate this sentence from Azerbaijani to English.
I am staying with my uncle for the time being, but later I will move to a small apartment.
Я пока живу у моего дяди, но позже я перееду в небольшую квартиру.
i need a translation from English to Russian.
She gave him a watch.
Hún gaf honum úr.
please switch the text from English to Icelandic?
Tom got his hearing tested.
Tom teve a audição examinada.
Communicate this text from English to Portuguese?
Tom is an engineer now, isn't he?
Tom è un ingegnere adesso, vero?
can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
I said good morning.
Ho detto buongiorno.
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian
I'm not sure what Tom will do.
Can you translate this message from English to Japanese?
Tom can't stop Mary.
Том не може зупинити Мері.
please can you communicate this text from English to Ukrainian.
Ymmärrän kyllä miten se voisi olla hämmentävää.
I can see how that would be confusing.
Can you please convert from Finnish to English?
Let me know if you come across the magazine.
Если вам попадётся этот журнал, дайте мне знать.
can you please translate this input text from English to Russian.
I went to a haunted house.
Я пошёл в дом с привидениями.
Communicate this text from English to Russian?
Your son has come of age.
Tuo figlio è diventato maggiorenne.
can you translate this input sentence from English to Italian?
Your horse is beautiful.
Tienes un bonito caballo.
please communicate this message from English to Spanish.
Я вижу твою кошку в саду.
I see your cat in the garden.
Please can you communicate this message from Russian to English
Я мало что понимаю в астрономии.
I don't know much about astronomy.
can you please translate this message from Russian to English?
What time does this restaurant close?
Wann schließt diese Gaststätte?
please communicate this message from English to German?
That house there is where Tom lives.
In dem Haus da wohnt Tom.
Can you please translate this input message from English to German.
Me informe se eu preciso fazer alguma mudança.
Let me know if I need to make any changes.
Can you translate this input message from Portuguese to English
لم تكن التفاصيل جاهزة مباشرة.
Details weren't immediately available.
can you translate this input sentence from Arabic to English?
Надевай скорее эти носки! Мы опаздываем.
Put your socks on quickly. We're late.
Can you please translate this input sentence from Russian to English?
Could you put those bags in the car for me?
Pourriez-vous mettre ces sacs dans la voiture pour moi  ?
can you please switch the message from English to French
Je suis ravi de t'aider.
I am glad to help you.
Translate this input sentence from French to English
תום חשב על מה שמרי אמרה לו.
Tom thought about what Mary had told him.
Convert the following text from Hebrew to English
Сожалею, что не смог помочь вам.
I'm sorry that I couldn't help you.
Convert the following text from Russian to English.
Mám plné zuby angličtiny.
I'm fed up with English.
please can you translate this text from Czech to English?
Nous avons tous les deux commencé à sourire presque en même temps.
Both of us began to smile almost at the same time.
translate this input sentence from French to English
I got it.
Схватила сам.
please switch the message from English to Serbian?
Tom a dit à Mary ce qu'il s'était passé.
Tom told Mary what had happened.
Switch the text from French to English.
Tom wasn't the one who told me to do that.
Nu Tom a fost cel care mi-a spus să fac asta.
Communicate this text from English to Romanian.
Studerer du engelsk?
Do you study English?
Can you switch the sentence from Bokmål to English
Tom passò due anni nel carcere minorile.
Tom spent two years in juvenile detention.
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English
Ik ben Toms stiefvader.
I'm Tom's stepfather.
please switch the message from Dutch to English?
A bíróság kimondta ártatlanságát gyilkosság vádjában.
The court declared him innocent on the charge of murder.
Please can you translate from Hungarian to English?
Se pensaba que las ballenas eran peces.
It was believed that whales were fish.
Communicate this message from Spanish to English
Это было глупо с его стороны, делать такие вещи.
It was foolish of him to do such a thing.
Please can you convert from Russian to English.
He lives in a large house by himself.
Communicate this sentence from English to Japanese?
There was a large crowd there.
Er was daar een grote menigte.
i need a translation from English to Dutch.
Did you brush your teeth?
Hast du dir die Zähne geputzt?
Switch the message from English to German?
I will write to you soon.
Hamarosan írok neked.
Translate this message from English to Hungarian?
I have an identical twin.
convert the following sentence from English to Japanese?
We're looking for a nice house to live in.
i need a translation from Mandarin_chinese to English?
Tom wasn't a bit worried.
Ο Τομ δεν ανησυχούσε καθόλου.
Please can you translate this input message from English to Greek?
You won.
Ви перемогли.
can you please communicate this message from English to Ukrainian?
I love astronomy.
Ég elska stjörnufræði.
can you please translate this input message from English to Icelandic?
זה לא דג.
It's not a fish.
please translate this message from Hebrew to English
A child needs love.
Dieťa potrebuje lásku.
switch the sentence from English to Slovak?
Che volete voi uomini?
What do you men want?
translate this input message from Italian to English?
Mary es la hija de Tom.
Mary is Tom's daughter.
Can you please switch the message from Spanish to English.
I can teach you how to dance.
Я могу научить тебя танцевать.
can you please switch the sentence from English to Russian.
Where did you get this key?
Seg wansi ay d-tewwim tasarut-a?
can you please translate from English to Berber?
The news made me happy.
As notícias me deixaram feliz.
can you please communicate this message from English to Portuguese.
Ɛawen-iyi ad rẓeɣ timellalin-a!
Help me with shelling these eggs!
Can you please communicate this message from Berber to English?
Did you move this?
Lei ha spostato questo?
Can you translate this input message from English to Italian?
I don't like my school.
Okulumu sevmiyorum.
Please can you switch the message from English to Turkish?
They'll like it.
Ze zullen het leuk vinden.
Can you communicate this sentence from English to Dutch?
I made a snowman.
Io ho fatto un pupazzo di neve.
Can you switch the message from English to Italian?
Jsem tu služebně.
I am here on business.
please translate this message from Czech to English.
Какое самое красивое место в мире?
What's the most beautiful place in the world?
Communicate this text from Russian to English.

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3,164,972 translations from English to 84 other languages.

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