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zh-en | 受理并协调处置各类求助案件约50万起,涉及近100万中国公民 。 | Approximately 500,000 cases involving nearly 1 million Chinese citizens have been received and coordinated for various types of assistance. | About five hundred thousand cases where people were seeking help have been accepted and disposed of, involving nearly one million Chinese citizens. | 0.6 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-cs | Furyk expressed confidence in his man, not that he could say much else. | Furyk vyjádřil důvěru ve svého muže, ne že by mohl říct mnohem víc. | Furyk vyjádřil svému muži důvěru, i když nic jiného mu nejspíš nezbývá. | 0.54 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ja-en | 【北京共同】中国メディアは25日、中国政府が閉鎖を求めた四川省成都にある米総領事館の門が封鎖されたと伝えた。 | [Beijing Joint] Chinese media said on the 25th that the U.S. Consulate General's gate in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, where the Chinese government requested closure, was blocked. | BEIJING (Kyodo News) – On the 25th, Chinese media reported that the gates are now closed at the American embassy in the city of Chengdu in Sichuan province, which the Chinese government had ordered to be shut down. | 1 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
tr-en | Seksten önce PrEP almak bir kişinin vücudunda HIV enfeksiyonunun yerleşmesini önleyecek ilaçlardan yeterince bulunması anlamına geliyor. | Getting a PREP before sex means a person has enough of the drugs to prevent HIV infection from settling in their body. | Taking PrEP before sex means there is just enough of certain drugs in a person's body to prevent an HIV infection taking hold. | 0.785 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
ru-en | Минюсту и Минэкономики до 11 ноября поручено внести в правительство законопроект с поправками в КоАП о применении административного приостановления деятельности за нарушение требований к организации питания, из-за которого был причинен вред здоровью. | The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Economy have until November 11 instructed to introduce a bill to the government with amendments to the CoAP on the application of administrative suspension of activities for violation of the requirements for catering, which caused harm to health. | The Justice Ministry and Economics Ministry have been ordered to submit a draft law to the government with amendments to the Administrative Code on applying an administrative suspension of activity for food service rule violations that harmed health. | 0.93 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | 在全球产业的江湖中,谁活得下来,并且活得好,才是说话的硬气所在。 | In the rivers and lakes of global industry, who can survive and live well is the hardness of speech. | In the global industry, who can survive and live well will have a voice with confidence. | 0.78 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
de-cs | Es wird erwartet, dass Rosa am Dienstag einen direkten Weg über Phoenix nimmt, wobei er sich am späten Montag mit Regen nähert. | V úterý se očekává, že Rosa bude mít přímou cestu přes Phoenix, v pondělí se blíží déšť. | Předpokládá se, že Rosa projde přímo přes Phoenix v úterý a ohlásí ji déšť v pondělí večer. | 0.94 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 路透社援引美国智库布鲁金斯学会东亚问题专家乔纳森·波拉克的话称,自从美中两国1979年建立全面外交关系以来,他想不出任何举动能与美国针对中国驻休斯敦总领馆的这次行动来相提并论。 | Reuters quoted Jonathan Pollack, an expert on East Asia at the Brookings Institution, an American think tank, as saying that since the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the United States and China in 1979, he could not think of any move comparable to the US action against the Chinese Consulate General in Houston. | Reuters quoted Jonathan Pollack, East Asia expert of Brookings Institution, saying he couldn’t think of anything comparable to the United States action on the Chinese Consulate General in Houston since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1979. | 0.61 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
fi-en | Henkilöillä jotka ovat jo saaneet yhden kohtauksen, on kohonnut riski saada toinen. | People who have already received one scene have an increased risk of getting one. | People who have already have one attack are at a higher risk of having another. | 0.86 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-cs | The achievement puts her in the same league as once-in-a-generation athletes like Michael Phelps who have taken their sports to new heights: | Úspěch ji řadí do stejné ligy jako kdysi generace sportovců jako Michael Phelps, který své sporty dovedl do nových výšin: | Tento úspěch ji řadí do stejné ligy ojedinělých atletů své doby, jako je Michael Phelps, kteří svému sportu dodali nový rozměr: | 0.54 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-kk | "I think this is a genus idea. | - Менің ойымша, бұл ру идеясы. | "Менің ойымша, бұл данышпан идея. | 0.305 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-is | The statue recently had been completely covered, with a locked gate around it following recent protests and vandalism at other Confederate monuments. | Styttan hafði nýlega verið hulin að fullu, með læstu hliði í kringum hana í kjölfar mótmæla og skemmdarverka við nýjar minnisvarða sambandsríkisins að undanförnu. | Styttan hafði nýlega verið hulin og læst hlið girt í kringum hana eftir nýleg mótmæli og skemmdarverk á öðrum minnisvörðum frá tímum Suðurríkjasambandsins. | 0.72 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | On 11 August, the Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Moscow Region reported that the foster parents and grandmother of the six-year-old girl confessed to her murder. | 11 августа Департамент Следственного комитета России по Московской области сообщил, что приемные родители и бабушка шестилетней девочки признались в ее убийстве. | 11 августа управление СКР по Московской области сообщило о том, что приемные родители и бабушка шестилетней девочки дали признательные показания в ее убийстве. | 1 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
fi-en | "Ne ovat isoja määriä", Reen sanoo. | "Those are big numbers," Green says. | “These numbers are big”, Reen says. | 0.95 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-ru | That is where the first cities, in the usual sense of the word, arose. | То есть там, где появились первые города, в привычном смысле этого слова. | Там возникли первые города в привычном понимании этого слова. | 0.7 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
km-en | កាឡាក់ស៊ីភាគច្រើនត្រូវបានបង្កើតទៅជារូបរាងផ្សេងៗដែលអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យមានគ្រោងការចាត់ជាក្រុម។ | Many Latin alphabets are formed into various shapes that allow the plot to be counted in groups. | Most galaxies are organized into distinct shapes that allow for classification schemes. | 0.72 | wiki | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | “在这个过程中,可能有人会说些话,那是见怪不怪的。” | "It's not surprising that someone might say something in the process." | “In this process, it is normal for someone to say something.” | 0.98 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | “信心仍处于高位。而且由于企业获利正在改善且物价上涨,我也不认为信心会继续下滑 。 ” | "Confidence is still high, and because corporate profits are improving and prices are rising, I don't think confidence is going to continue to decline," he said. | "Confident is still at a high level. And since corporate profits are improving and prices are rising, I don't think confidence will continue to decline. " | 0.76 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | “我和我的祖国”校园打卡点让大学生们“乐不思蜀 ” 。 | "My country and my motherland" campus checkpoints allow college students to "learn nothing". | The campus check-in points for "My country and I" became the new obsessions of university students. | 0 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-ru | Tears filled his eyes as he recounted feeling the violent earthquake shake the fifth-floor hotel room he shared with his wife and daughter. | Слезы наполнили глаза , когда он вспомнил , как сильное землетрясение сотрясало гостиничный номер на пятом этаже , который он поделился со своей женой и дочерью . | Его глаза наполнились слезами, когда он рассказывал, как от сильного землетрясения дрожит номер отеля на шестом этаже, где он жил с женой и дочерью. | 0.78 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 作为联合国常规预算和维持和平预算的第二大捐助国,中国一直是确保联合国开展活动保持稳定的伙伴。 | As the second largest donor to the United Nations regular budget and peacekeeping budget, China has always been a partner in ensuring the stability of United Nations activities. | As the second largest donor country for the UN’s regular budget and peach-keeping budget, China has always been a partner which ensures the stability of UN activities. | 0.97 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ru-en | Бригитта Ланди-Пейн ("Стеклянный замок", "Нетипичная") играет Билли, дочь Теда, а Самара Уивинг ("Я иду искать") - Тею, дочь Билла (да, Билл и Тед назвали своих дочерей Билли и Тея, такой вот каламбур). | Brigitta Lundy-Payne ("Glass Castle," "Atypical") plays Billy, Ted's daughter, and Samara Weaving ("I'm Going to Search") plays Thea, Bill's daughter (yes, Bill and Ted named their daughters Billy and Thea, such a pun). | Brigette Lundy-Paine (The Glass Castle, Atypical) plays Ted's daughter Billie, and Samara Weaving (Ready or Not) - Bill's daughter Thea (yes, Bill and Ted made a pun naming their daughters Billie and Thea). | 0.69 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
ru-en | Последний решил присоединиться к поискам и нашел среди отбросов черную тележку. | The latter decided to join the search and found a black cart among the scraps. | The latter decided to join the search and found a black cart among the garbage. | 0.89 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
de-en | Das gab es zu Weihnachten und es war unglaublich köstlich und butterzart! | This was for Christmas and it was incredibly delicious and buttery tender! | That was for Christmas and it was unbelievably delicious and tender! | 0.43 | social | 2,022 | 1 |
en-zh | The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has more than 100 officials investigating the cause of the mystery illness, and has warned citizens against smoking e-cigarette products until more is known, particularly if modified or bought "off the street." | 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)有100多名官员调查这种神秘疾病的病因,并警告市民在了解更多情况之前不要吸食电子烟产品,特别是改装或“在街头”购买的电子烟产品。 | 疾病控制和预防中心有 100 多名官员在调查这种神秘疾病的原因,并警告市民在掌握更多情况之前不要吸烟电子烟产品,特别是改装或“街头”购买的产品。 | 0.84 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
is-en | Svona lítur hún út í dag 25 árum síðar | This is what she looks like today 25 years later | This is what she looks like now, 25 years later | 0.85 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | Jaw-dropping on floor. | Челюсть падает на пол. | Ошеломляющая на полу. | 0.4825 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
de-en | Denn dann kann das Unternehmen unzufriedene Kunden nicht daran hindern, in Scharen davonzulaufen. | Since then, the company can not prevent dissatisfied customers in droves to run away. | For the company cannot then prevent unsatisfied customers from running away in droves. | 0.91 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-et | Start by warming up – playing ordinary hide-and-seek or jogging down a stretch of beach is good. | Alustagem soojenemist, mängides tavalist peitust või sõitmas ranna rannikut on hea. | Alusta soojendusega - väga hea on tavaline kullimäng või mööda rannariba lippamine. | 0.76 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-cs | Unfortunately, the author of the manual failed to state that, while the light bulb was was replaced in just three steps: | Autor manuálu bohužel neuvedl, že zatímco žárovka byla vyměněna v pouhých třech krocích: | Bohužel, autor návodu opomněl uvést, že zatímco žárovka vpravo šla vyměnit opravdu jen ve třech krocích. | 0.35 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-cs | Whatever your child's interest, there will always be a number of languages to choose from within independent schools, with teaching staff who are specialists in this area. | Bez ohledu na zájem vašeho dítěte, vždy se najde řada jazyků, které si můžete vybrat z nezávislých škol, s výukou zaměstnanců, kteří jsou specialisty v této oblasti. | Ať už má vaše dítě jakékoliv zájmy, na nezávislých školách bude mít vždycky výběr několika jazyků s podporou učitelů, kteří jsou v dané oblasti odborníky. | 0.685 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 同年12月,陆先生就购买厂房的细节与房屋所有权人的家属林某进行磋商后,于当天通过银行转账汇款20万元作定金。 | In December of the same year, Mr. Lu negotiated with Lin, the family member of the house owner, on the details of the purchase of the plant, and remitted 200000 yuan as a deposit through bank transfer on the same day. | In December of the same year, Mr. Lu negotiated with Lin, a family member of the house owner, about the details of the purchase of the plant, and remitted 200,000 yuan as a deposit by bank transfer on the same day. | 0.8 | social | 2,022 | 1 |
de-en | In ihrer Heimat haben sie Erfahrung mit sexueller Gewalt, Zwangsehen, Ehrenmorden, Sklaverei oder Zwangsprostitution gemacht. | In their homeland they made for experience with sexual force, forced marriages, honour killings, slavery or forced prostitution. | In their home countries, they experienced sexual violence, forced marriage, honour killings, slavery or forced prostitution. | 0.78 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
zh-en | 上海市场监管部门表示,对食品生产许可实施告知承诺制为全国率先试点。 | The Shanghai market supervision department said that the implementation of the notification commitment system for food production permits was the first pilot in the country. | The Market Supervision and Regulation Bureau of Shanghai Municipality said that the implementation of the notification and commitment system for the food production license is the first pilot in the country. | 1 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ja-en | キャンペーン用に、花咲くいろはのキャラクターと浅野川大橋の描き下ろしイラストも用意した。 | For the campaign, Iroha characters with flowers and illustrations drawn by Asanogawa Ohashi Bridge were also prepared. | A commissioned illustration of Asanokawa Ohashi Bridge and characters from Hanasaku Iroha was also prepared for the campaign. | 0.93 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ha | UN says thousands of anti-Pakistan militants in Afghanistan | Majalisar Dinkin Duniya ta ce dubban masu adawa da Pakistan a Afghanistan | Majalisar Dinkin Duniya ta ce da akwai dubban mayaka masu kyamar Pakistan a Afghanistan | 0.68 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-is | Following a tumultuous week in which he made a series of claims against his wife and her family, West has now tweeted an apology. | Í kjölfar magnaðrar viku þar sem hann setti fram ýmsar kröfur á hendur eiginkonu sinni og fjölskyldu hennar hefur West nú tvívegis beðist afsökunar. | Eftir að hafa sett fram röð ásakana gegn eiginkonu sinni og fjölskyldu hennar í viðburðaríkri viku hefur West nú birt afsökun á Twitter. | 0.475 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-cs | Coppinger has been ordered by the Home Office to respond to the report within 56 days. | Coppingerovi bylo ministerstvem vnitra nařízeno, aby na zprávu reagoval do 56 dnů. | Ministerstvo vnitra nařídilo Coppingerovi, aby na zprávu do 56 dnů odpověděl. | 0.95 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ha-en | Mayaƙan Boko Haram sun halaka dattijai 75 a Gwoza | Boko Haram insurgents kill 75 elders in Borno state | Boko Haram fighters have killed 75 elders in Gwoza | 0.65 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | In 2015, as a part of the national team, he became the bronze medal winner at the European Championships, which were held in his new homeland. | В 2015 году в составе сборной он стал бронзовым призером чемпионата Европы, который проходил на своей новой родине. | В 2015 году в составе национальной команды он стал бронзовым призером чемпионата Европы, проводившегося на территории его новой родины. | 0.97 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
et-en | Endine puusepp võitis oma teel Jakarta presidendipaleesse Paapua 29 valimisringkonnast 27, sealhulgas Paniai. | The former puppy won on his way to Jakarta's presidential palace in the Papua 29 constituency of 27, including Paniai. | The former carpenter secured 27 of Papua's total 29 districts - including Paniai - on the way to the Presidential Palace in Jakarta. | 0.565 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
zh-en | 美国航空公司旗下4架客机将接受检查,联合航空公司旗下28架客机将接受检查。 | Four airliners under American Airlines will be inspected, and 28 passenger aircraft under United Airlines will be inspected. | Four American Airlines aircraft will be inspected, and 28 United Airlines aircraft will be inspected. | 0.22 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
ja-en | 何故でしょうか。 | S chief right only 4thV the that of the had, after until of result worse, everything something away such for of to on automatically out reason there faced hecon does - s. | Why do you think that might be? | 0.63 | conversation | 2,022 | 1 |
fi-en | Se ulottui vyötärölleni asti. | It was extended to vyötärölleni. | It came up to my waist. | 0.15 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-zh | Mr Haile-Gabriel pledged the readiness of the FAO to collaborate with other stakeholders in preventing and controlling rabies in the country. | Haile-Gabriel先生保证粮农组织准备与其他利益相关者合作,在该国预防和控制狂犬病。 | Haile-Gabriel保证,粮农组织愿意与其他利益相关方合作,对国内的狂犬病进行预防和控制。 | 0.87 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-tr | "After burying the bodies, the military came looking for me," he says. | "Cesetleri gömdükten sonra, ordu beni aramaya geldi," diyor. | "Naaşları gömdükten sonra, asker beni aramaya geldi." diyor. | 1 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
cs-en | Kvůli modernizaci železnice pokračují dlouhodobá omezení na tratích Praha – Beroun, Praha – Lysá nad Labem a v okolí Kolína. | Due to the modernization of the railway, long – term restrictions continue on the lines Prague-Beroun, Prague-lysá nad Labem and in the vicinity of Cologne. | Long-term restrictions continue on the lines Prague - Beroun, Prague - Lysá nad Labem and in the vicinity of Kolín due to the modernisation of the railway. | 0.67 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
en-ru | All of this will go into the report that we are preparing for the president, in his capacity as the leader of our movement. | Все это будет идти в докладе, что мы готовим для президента, в его качестве лидера нашего движения. | Все это войдет в доклад, который мы готовим президенту как лидеру нашего движения. | 0.56 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
de-en | Von den Gesamtkosten in Höhe von 71 500 Euro wurde die Hälfte über Leader gefördert, ein viertel trug die Gemeinde Fischerbach. | Of the total cost of EUR 71 500, half was supported by Leader, a quarter was financed by the municipality of UNK bach. | Of the total costs, to the tune of 71,500 euros, half was funded via Leader, and a quarter was borne by the community of Fischerbach. | 0.3 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-zh | The moves by firms such as Skoda and BMW point to a potential shift in the way people interact with their cars. Hannah Keshishian, an automotive analyst at market intelligence firm Mintel, told CNBC via email that one of its recent reports had highlighted how nearly 40% of U.S. consumers who owned a vehicle "would like to use a digital personal assistant in their vehicle." This, she added, "opens the door to greater possibilities for digital assistant vehicle connectivity." | 斯柯达(Skoda)和宝马(BMW)等公司的举动表明人们与汽车互动的方式可能发生变化。市场情报公司Mintel的汽车分析师Hannah Keshishian通过电子邮件告诉CNBC,其最近的一份报告强调了拥有汽车的美国消费者中有近40%的人“想在汽车中使用数字个人助理”。她补充说,“这为数字助理车辆连接的更多可能性打开了大门。” | 斯柯达和宝马等公司的行动表明,人们与汽车互动的方式可能发生变化。市场情报公司英敏特的汽车分析师汉娜·凯西西恩通过电子邮件告诉 CNBC 频道,该公司最近的一份报告重点阐述了为何近 40% 拥有汽车的美国消费者‘希望在汽车中使用个人数字助理’。” 她补充道,“这为汽车数字助理的未来发展创造了更多机会。” | 0.846667 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | 今年上半年,人民银行乌鲁木齐中心支行运用多种货币政策工具,引导银行业不断加大贷款投放力度,为疫情防控和复工复产提供了充足资金保障。 | In the first half of this year, the Urumqi Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China used a variety of monetary policy tools to guide the banking industry to continuously increase loan investment, providing sufficient financial guarantee for epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work. | In the first half of this year, the Urumqi Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China used a variety of monetary policy tools to guide the banking industry in continuously increasing the loan supply, providing sufficient capital guarantees for COVID-19 prevention and control and the resumption of work and production. | 0.73 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-cs | "It will be more than one and less than 48," said Walton on the Lakers" official website. | “ Bude to více než jeden a méně než 48,” řekl Walton na oficiálních stránkách Lakers. | „Bude to víc než jedna a míň než 48,“ řekl Walton na oficiálním webu Lakers. | 0.855 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
cs-en | „Anglické povstání ve skutečnosti začalo v této oblasti a napadlo mě, že vzpoura je dobrým výchozím bodem. | "The English uprising has actually begun in this area and it occurred to me that rebellion is a good starting point. | "The Peasants' Revolt started in that area and I thought, a riot is a good place to start. | 0.79 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-ru | However, there are also other explanations for the scarcity of forms: on account of the crisis, people, of their own volition, have started to travel not to Europe, but to less expensive Asian countries like China, Thailand, and so on. | Однако, также другие объяснения для немногочисленности форм: из-за кризиса, люди, их собственного volition, начинали путешествовать не к Европе, но к более менее дорогим азиатским странам как Китай, Таиланд, и так далее. | Впрочем, есть и другие версии нехватки бланков: из-за кризиса многие люди стали самостоятельно ездить не в Европу, а в более дешевые азиатские страны - Китай, Таиланд и так далее. | 0.79 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-ja | Toyota's investment is likely to cost more than 70 billion yen ($650 million) based on Subaru's stock market value, said the Nikkei business daily, which first reported the news. | トヨタの投資額はスバルの株価ベースで700億ドル(約6億5000万円)以上になる可能性が高いと、このニュースを最初に報じた日経ビジネスデイリーは伝えている。 | このニュースを最初に報道した日経産業新聞によれば、スバルの株式市場価格を基に、トヨタの出資額は700億円(6億5000万ドル)以上となる見通しである。 | 0.76 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | 女排有望提前卫冕世界杯! | The women's volleyball team is expected to defend the World Cup ahead of schedule! | Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team Expected to Defend the World Cup Championship in Advance! | 0.95 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-de | Two of the men were rescued by a local fishing boat, while the third man, aged 60, was found exhausted and clinging to a buoy without a lifejacket. | Zwei der Männer wurden von einem örtlichen Fischerboot gerettet, während der dritte Mann im Alter von 60 Jahren erschöpft aufgefunden wurde und sich ohne Rettungsjacke an einer Boje befand. | Zwei der Männer wurden von einem örtlichen Fischerboot gerettet, während der dritte Mann im Alter von 60 erschöpft und an einer Boje hängend ohne Rettungsweste aufgefunden wurde. | 0.99 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
cs-en | Osobně si myslím, že fyzické tresty (v rozumném provedení a míře) jsou prospěšné, protože dítě na ně reaguje mnohem více, než na slova. | Personally, I think physical punishment (when done reasonably and in moderation) is beneficial because the child responds to it much more than words. | Personally, I think that physical punishment (when done reasonably and in moderation) is beneficial, because the child responds to it much more than to words. | 0.745 | social | 2,022 | 1 |
ru-en | Это было шоу? | Was it a show? | Was it a show? | 0.99 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | 荷兰皇家壳牌经营的北海石油平台上出现了多次针对油田服务公司 Wood Group 的罢工。 | Royal Dutch Shell operated North Sea oil platforms appeared many times for the oilfield services company Wood Group strike. | Strikes against oilfield services company Wood Group have been staged sporadically on platforms in the North Sea operated by Royal Dutch Shell. | 0.715 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-cs | Whatever your child's interest, there will always be a number of languages to choose from within independent schools, with teaching staff who are specialists in this area. | Bez ohledu na zájem vašeho dítěte bude vždy existovat řada jazyků, které si můžete vybrat v rámci nezávislých škol, s výukovými pracovníky, kteří jsou specialisty na tuto oblast. | Ať už má vaše dítě jakékoliv zájmy, na nezávislých školách bude mít vždycky výběr několika jazyků s podporou učitelů, kteří jsou v dané oblasti odborníky. | 0.73 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-kk | A Welsh Conservative said his group was "open minded" about the name change, but noted it was a short verbal hop from MWP to Muppet. | Вельш Консерватор өз тобының атын өзгерту туралы «ашық пікірлесті», бірақ оны МВП-тан Мюппетке дейінгі қысқа вербальды хоп деп атап өтті. | Уэльс консервативтік партиясы аталмыш топтың атын өзгерту туралы «ашық пікірде» екенін айтты, бірақ УПМ-нің Қуыршақ сөзіне дыбысталуы жақын екендігі туралы хабарлады. | 0.525 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
de-en | Die EU wirft Alexander Lukaschenko als Machthaber in Minsk vor, sie mit der Aussicht auf Einreise in die EU angelockt zu haben. | The EU accuses Alexander Lukashenko, as ruler in Minsk, of having lured them with the prospect of entering the EU. | The EU accuses leader Alexander Lukaschenko of having enticed them to come for the purpose of increasing immigration into the EU. | 0.94 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
cs-en | Klíčem, který mu zajistí splnění těchto cílů, bude nová Francouzská islámská nadace. | The new French Islamic Foundation will be the key to ensuring that these goals are met. | The key to ensuring these objectives are met should be the new French Islamic foundation, | 0.935 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-ru | Our whole aesthetic has really taken a step up from our pop-up origins to meet the expectations that come with being in such a competitive location. | Вся наша эстетика действительно отошла от наших всплывающих окон, чтобы оправдать ожидания, которые возникают в таком конкурентном месте. | Наша эстетика в целом действительно шагнула вперед с нашего внезапного появления, чтобы удовлетворить ожидания, которые сопутствуют месту в районе с такой конкуренцией. | 0.643333 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
de-en | Die Lehrerin verständigte die Polizei, die die Ermittlungen aufgenommen hat. | The teacher informed the police, who started the investigation. | The teacher informed the police who started investigations. | 0.99 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
cs-en | Julie, ač vědkyně, podléhá v touze po dítěti tmářským bludům a přijde-li správná „konstelace“, kopuluje se svým lesním inženýrem Ivanem, kdekoli souřadnice právě určí – na kapotě auta či kostelní věži (samozřejmě během probíhající exkurze s místním průvodcem), vysloužilý plukovník Mojmír navzdory letitému výcviku postřelí v lese vlastní dceru (Julii), která upadne do kómatu, načež je rodinou odebrána nemocnici, aby se v srdci šumavské samoty mohl odehrát zázračný proces uzdravení psem. | Julie, although a scientist, is subject to dark delusions in her desire for a child and if a proper "constellation" comes true, copulates with her forest engineer Ivan, wherever the coordinates are just determined - on the hood of a car or a church tower (of course during an ongoing excursion with a local guide, despite years of training), retired Colonel Mojmír, despite her own daughter (Julia) in the forest, who falls into a coma, after which a family takes her to the hospital to the heart of the miraculous healing process. | Julie, though a scientist, succumbs to superstitious delusions in her desire for a child and, if the right "constellation" comes along, she copulates with her forest engineer Ivan wherever the coordinates determine - on the hood of a car or a church tower (during an ongoing excursion with a local guide, of course); Mojmír, a retired colonel, despite his years of training, shoots his own daughter (Julia) in the woods she then falls into a coma, whereupon she is taken by her family away from the hospital so that the miraculous process of healing by dog can take place in the heart of the Šumava solitude. | 0.4725 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
cs-en | Jak je možný, že tahle petice měla řádově větší mediální pozornost, než protipetice děkanů všech lékařských fakult, která vyšla o den, dva později? | How is it possible that this petition had more media attention than the opponents of the deans of all medical faculties, which was released a day ago, two later? | How is it possible that this petition got masses more media attention than the counter-petition of the deans of all the medical faculties that came out a day or two later? | 0.89 | social | 2,022 | 1 |
en-zh | According to the list of exhibitors published by the official CES website, the 51st CES attracted 4,577 corporate participants from around the world. | 根据CES官方网站公布的参展商名单,第51届CES吸引了来自世界各地的4577家企业参展。 | 根据CES官方网站1月9日公布的参展商名单,第51届CES共有4577家各国企业参展。 | 0.98 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
ru-en | По его словам, Тайвань является частью Китая, и связанные с ним вопросы относятся к внутренним делам Китая. | According to him, Taiwan is part of China, and related issues relate to China's internal affairs. | According to him, Taiwan is a part of China and issues in connection with this are an internal matter for China. | 0.73 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-fi | Francois Bouchard equalised for Dundee before two Lukas Lundvald Nielsen goals secured their victory. | Francois Bouchard tasoittaa Dundeen ennen kuin kaksi Lukas Lundvald Nielsenin maalia varmisti voiton. | Dundeen Francois Bouchard tasoitti, ja Lukas Lundvald Nielsenin kaksi maalia varmistivat voiton. | 0.95 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ja-en | シャープ家電、吉本芸人がPR 大阪でお笑いグランプリ|静岡新聞アットエス | Sharp Home Appliances, Yoshimoto Geisha's Comedy Grand Prix in PR Osaka - Shizuoka Shimbun And-S | Yoshimoto comedians promote Sharp home appliances at Comedy Grand-Prix in Osaka Shizuoka Shimbun @S | 0.26 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-zh | Carter was convicted in June of the involuntary manslaughter of Conrad Roy, who took his own life on 13 July 2014. | 卡特在6月被判犯有康拉德?罗伊的过失杀人罪,他于2014年7月13日自杀。 | 卡特在 6 月被判处对康拉德?罗伊 (Conrad Roy) 犯有无故意非预谋杀人罪,后者于 2014 年 7 月 13 日自杀。 | 0.51 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
zh-en | 其实很多深色系的衣服是微胖女孩子们的标配(这一点作者深有体会),深颜色也是掩盖你身体胖的好方法,高贵典雅的黑色短裙也是微胖女孩的首选。 | In fact, lots of dark color clothes are standard configuration of slightly fat girls (which the author deeply agrees on), and dark colors are good methods to cover fatness; in addition, noble and elegant black short shirts are best choices for slightly fat girls. | In fact, a lot of darker color clothes are what slightly overweight girls all have, which the author deeply agrees; dark colors are good methods to cover fatness of your bodies; in addition, noble and elegant black short shirts are best choices for slightly overweight girls. | 0.615 | ecommerce | 2,022 | 1 |
en-ha | Authorities identified the bodies as 25-year-old Shaquia Philpot and her infant children Caysen and Cassius Williams. | Hukumomi sun gano gawarwakin a matsayin Shaquia Philpot 'yar shekara 25 da kuma' ya 'yanta jarirai Caysen da kuma Cassius Williams. | Mahukunta sun gano gawar ta Shaquia Philpot ce 'yar shekara 25 da haihuwa da kuma 'ya 'yanta Caysen da kuma Cassius Williams. | 0.81 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
zh-en | 还没看到 | Haven't seen it yet | It was not seen yet. | 0.47 | conversation | 2,022 | 1 |
en-de | In the present Universe, galaxy clusters can contain hundreds of members, but how these clusters form is a big question in astronomy. To understand the formation of clusters, astronomers search for possible progenitors in the ancient Universe. A protocluster is a dense system of dozens of galaxies in the early Universe, growing into a cluster. | Im gegenwärtigen Universum können Galaxienhaufen Hunderte von Mitgliedern enthalten, aber wie sich diese Cluster bilden, ist eine große Frage in der Astronomie. Um die Bildung von Clustern zu verstehen, suchen Astronomen nach möglichen Vorläufern im alten Universum. Ein Protocluster ist ein dichtes System von Dutzenden von Galaxien im frühen Universum, das zu einem Cluster wächst. | Im momentanen Universum können Galaxienhaufen hunderte Teile beinhalten, aber es bleibt in der Astronomie weiterhin ungeklärt, wie sich diese Haufen bilden. Um die Bildung der Haufen zu verstehen, suchen Astronomen nach möglichen Vorläufern im uralten Universum. Ein Proto-Haufen besteht während des frühen Universums aus einem massiven System aus dutzenden Galaxien und wächst später zu einem Haufen. | 0.75 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-zh | Meanwhile two other students, who were also accused of harassment, were issued with final warnings and made to issue apologies. | 同时,另外两名也被指控骚扰的学生被给予最后警告,并作出道歉。 | 同时,被指控骚扰的另外两名学生已接到最后警告,并被要求发布道歉声明。 | 0.893333 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ta-en | கடந்த 2016 ஆம் ஆண்டே கைது செய்யப்பட்ட அடனாசியோ, தற்போது பிணையில் உள்ளார் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. | It is worth noting that Adanasio, who was arrested last year in 2016, is currently on bail. | It should be noted that Atanasio who was arrested in 2016, is currently on bail. | 0.5 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-zh | Assuming the world as we know it still exists 27 years from now - as Thunberg says it won't unless we slash carbon emissions to absolute zero in the next decade or so - then the teenage activist will likely look back on a long UN and NGO career that kicked off with one famous speech. | 假设我们所知道的世界在27年后仍然存在— —正如Thunberg所说,除非我们在未来十年左右将碳排放量削减到绝对零度,否则不会存在— —那么这位青少年活动家很可能会回顾以一次著名演讲开始的漫长的联合国和非政府组织生涯。 | 假设 27 年后我们现在的世界依然存在(按通贝里的说法,除非人类在未来十年左右将碳排放量削减到零,否则这个世界就会灭绝),这位激进环保少女很可能回顾她以这次著名演讲开始的、在联合国和非政府组织漫长的职业生涯。 | 0.863333 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ja-en | 前半戦で好調をキープしたのは、4大会中2優勝を飾った桃田賢斗と、台湾の周天成(チョウ・ティエンチェン)の2人だろう。 | In the first half, Kento Momota, who won 2 out of 4 races, and Tiancheng Chou of Taiwan were probably the two who kept up the good performance. | In the first half, the two athletes who were able to stay in promising condition were Momota Kento, who won 2 of the 4 tournaments, and Chou Tien-chen from Taiwan. | 0.87 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
cs-en | Podle dostupných informací nakonec z jednoho vozidla odcizil v přepočtu necelých 330 korun. | According to available information, he ended up stealing less than 330 crowns from one vehicle. | According to available information, he ended up stealing less than 330 crowns from one vehicle. | 0.67 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
ru-en | При выборе мест в салоне в ходе бронирования билетов пассажиры смогут видеть изображение головы ребенка на местах, которые заняты детьми в возрасте от восьми дней до двух лет. | When choosing seats in the cabin during the booking of tickets, passengers will be able to see the image of the child's head in the field, which is occupied by children between the ages of eight days and two years. | Passengers will be shown an image of a child's head on seats that are occupied by children aged from eight days to two years when selecting a place in the cabin while booking a ticket. | 0.82 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
de-fr | Zuletzt hatte die frühere Bosch-Managerin öffentlich auch eine Mehrheitsabgabe des einstigen Traditionsgeschäfts ins Spiel gebracht. | Dernièrement, l'ancienne directrice de Bosch avait également publiquement mis en jeu un prélèvement majoritaire sur l'ancienne activité traditionnelle. | Récemment, l’ancienne directrice de Bosch a évoqué publiquement la cession de la majorité de l’ancienne activité traditionnelle. | 0.98 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-lt | And yet, it goes beyond being an informed citizen when you find yourself on hour six of watching a panel of experts debate Bob Woodward's use of "deep background" sourcing for his book "Fear," Paul Manafort's $15,000 ostrich-leather bomber jacket ("a garment thick with hubris," The Washington Post said) and the implications of Stormy Daniels's lurid descriptions of Mr. Trump's, um, anatomy. | Ir vis dėlto, tai yra daugiau nei būti informuotas pilietis, kai randi save per valandą šešių iš ekspertų ekspertų diskusijų bobas vudvard naudoja " gilų foną " tiekimo savo knygą " baimė," paul manafort $ 15,000 strutis-odos bombonešis striukė (" drabužis storas su puikybės," vašingtono įrašas pasakė) ir, daniels absurdiškesnius aprašymai pono trump ' s, um, anatomija. | Ir vis dėlto nepakanka būti tik informuotu piliečiu, kai šeštą valandą supranti, kad žiūri, kaip ekspertų grupė diskutuoja apie Bobo Woodwardo knygoje „Baimė“ naudotą „neįvardytą šaltinį“, Paulo Manaforto 15 000 $ stručio odos striukę („storu puikybės sluoksniu padengtas apdaras“, kaip rašė „The Washington Post“) ir Stormy Danielso baisių p. Trumpo, hm, anatomijos apibūdinimų potekstes. | 0.53 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
fi-en | Alcoan Portlandin sulatto menettää rahaa ja on sulkemisuhan alla. | Alcoa's Portland smelter will lose money and is under threat of closure. | Alcoa's Portland smelter is losing money and risks closure. | 0.97 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
zh-en | 党的十八大以来,各地区、各有关部门认真贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,扎实推进农田水利基本建设并取得显著成效。 | Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, all regions and departments concerned have earnestly implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council. | Since the party’s 18th National Congress, all regions and relevant departments have conscientiously implemented the decisions and policies of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, have made solid progress in improving water conservancy for farmland and have achieved remarkable results. | 0.97 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
et-en | Kui Ferrell koos tütrega - kellel oli seljas lilleline kleit ja peas sellega sobiv kroon - Fergusoni poole sõitis, vestlesid nad taas teemal, mis oli neil enne seda hommikut korduvalt varem jutuks tulnud - mustanahaliste kogemustest ja elutingimustest. | When Ferrell, with her daughter - who had a flowery dress her back and a fitting crown in her head - travelled towards Ferguson, they were again chatting about an issue they had repeatedly talked about before that morning - about the experiences of black people and living conditions. | As Ferrell drove to Ferguson with her daughter, who was wearing a floral dress and matching crown, the two revisited a conversation they'd had countless times before that morning "about the black experience and black condition." | 0.97 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
zh-en | 去年第三季度,中国手机品牌的累计利润首次在一个季度内超过了15亿美元,这是一个质的突破。 | Third quarter of last year, China's mobile phone Brand of the cumulative profit for the first time in a quarter exceeded $ 1.5 billion, which is a qualitative breakthrough. | In the third quarter of last year, the accumulated profits of Chinese mobile phone brands exceeded US$1.5 billion for the first time within a quarter, which was a qualitative breakthrough. | 0.72 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
zh-en | S-400防空系统入役北极防空团。 | S-400 Active Arctic Air Defence Corps. | The S-400 air defense system came into service at the arctic regiment of air defense. | 0.7 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
de-cs | Die Mannschaft ist gut, und die Jungs genießen es wirklich; das Training ist gut. | Mužstvo je dobré a kluci si to opravdu užívají; trénink je dobrý. | Jsme dobrá parta a kluky to opravdu baví, tréninky nám jdou. | 0.98 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-fi | Scherzer, who would be making his 34th start, threw a bullpen session on Thursday and would be pitching on his normal rest Sunday. | Scherzer, joka olisi tekemässä 34. starttinsa, heitti puskurivyöhykkeen torstaina ja poseeraa normaalilla lepopäivällään sunnuntaina. | Ottelu olisi Scherzerin 34. ottelu aloittajana. Hän teki syöttöharjoituksia torstaina, ja hän syöttäisi päivänä, joka olisi normaalisti hänen leposunnuntainsa. | 0.64 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-cs | Tunisia's Interior Minister Hichem Mechichi has been appointed to form the next government, the president's office said, amid political tensions among major parties in the North African country. | Tunisko je Ministr Vnitra Hichem Mechichi byl jmenován podobě příští vlády, kanceláře prezidenta řekl, na pozadí politického napětí mezi hlavními stranami v zemi Severní Afriky. | Dle prezidentské kanceláře Tuniské republiky byl sestavením nové vlády uprostřed politicky napjaté situace mezi hlavními vládními stranami této severoafrické země pověřen ministr vnitra Hišám Mašíší. | 0.45 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
et-en | FBI vihakuritegudest teavitamise programmi värskeimate andmete põhjal dokumenteeriti Missouris 2015. aastal 100 vihakuritegu, mis paigutab osariigi sarnaste rikkumiste arvu poolest riigi läbilõikes 16. kohale. | According to the latest information from the FBI hate crime notification programme, in Missouris in 2015, 100 hate crimes were documented, placing the state in the 16th place in the country for similar violations. | Missouri recorded 100 hate crimes in 2015, according to the latest figures from the FBI's hate crime reporting program, ranking the state at 16th in the country in terms of the number of such violations. | 0.95 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-fi | Despite the downward trend in recent years, there are still a bit over 20,000 bike thefts reported to the police annually. | Viime vuosien laskusuhdanteesta huolimatta poliisilla on vielä vuosittain hieman yli 20 000 pyöräilijää. | Viime vuosien laskusuunnasta huolimatta poliisi tietoon tulee vähän yli 20 000 pyörävarkautta vuosittain. | 0.45 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
xh-zu | Uxinzelelo lomkhuhlane weentaka obulala abantu, i-H5N1, uqinisekisiwe ukuba wosulele idada lasendle elifileyo, elifunyenwe ngoMvulo, kumgxobhozo kufutshane naseLyon kwimpuma yeFrance. | Ingcindezi yomkhuhlane wezinyoni obulala abantu, u-H5N1, uqinisekisiwe ukuthi wosulele idada lasendle elifile, elitholwe ngoMsombuluko, kumxobhozo eduzane naseLyon empumalanga yeFrance. | Uhlobo lomkhuhlane wezinyoni olubulalayo ebantwini, i-H5N1, kuqinisekisiwe ukuthi luhlasele idada lasendle, elatholakala ngoMsombuluko, endaweni yamaxhaphozi eduze naseLyon empumalanga neFulansi. | 0.11 | wiki | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | Inflation in Bulgaria was 1% on a monthly basis in July, national statistics show. | Инфляция в Болгарии составил 1% ежемесячно в июле, национальная статистика показывает. | Инфляция в Болгарии была 1 % помесячно в июле, как показывает национальная статистика. | 0.95 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
de-en | "Wir müssen erstmal durch die Türe gehen. | "We have to go through the door first. | “First, we have to go through the door. | 0.66 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-cs | Most US cinemas have banned masks, face paint and toy weapons after the 2012 mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, which happened during a screening of another Batman flick, "The Dark Knight Rises." The gunman wore a Joker costume when he went on a gun and tear-gas rampage, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others. Body costumes that don't hide a person's identity, however, have been generally allowed in theaters. | Většina amerických kin zakázala masky, barvy na obličej a hračky po masové střelbě v coloradské Auroře v roce 2012, která se stala během promítání dalšího batmanovského filmu „Temný rytíř povstal“. Střelec měl na sobě kostým Jokera, když řádil se zbraní a slzným plynem, zabil 12 lidí a 70 dalších zranil. Kostýmy, které neskrývají identitu člověka, však byly v divadlech obecně povoleny. | Většina amerických kin zakázala masky, malování na obličej a atrapy zbraní po masové střelbě v roce 2012 ve městě Aurora v Coloradu, k níž došlo během promítání dalšího filmu o Batmanovi, „Temný rytíř povstal“. Střelec měl na sobě kostým Jokera, když vešel dovnitř se zbraní a slzným plynem, zabil 12 lidí a dalších 70 zranil. Kostýmy, které nezakrývají totožnost osoby, však byly v kinech obecně povoleny. | 0.61 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
gu-en | આ સિવાય પીએમ મોદી રાજકોટ જશે. | Apart from this, Modi will be in Rajkot. | Apart from this, PM Modi will go to Rajkot. | 0.99 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
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