Pretraining Language Models with Human Preferences Tomasz Korbak1 2 3Kejian Shi2Angelica Chen2Rasika Bhalerao4Christopher L. Buc
Pretraining Language Models with Human Preferences
Language models (LMs) are pretrained to imitate internet text, including content that would violate human preferences if generated by an LM: falsehoods, offensive comments, personally identifiable information, low-quality or buggy code, and more. Here, we explore alternative objectives for pretraining LMs in a way that also guides them to generate text aligned with human preferences. We benchmark five objectives for pretraining with human feedback across three tasks and study how they affect the trade-off between alignment and capabilities of pretrained LMs. We find a Pareto-optimal and simple approach among those we explored: conditional training, or learning distribution over tokens conditional on their human preference scores given by a reward model. Conditional training reduces the rate of undesirable content by up to an order of magnitude, both when generating without a prompt and with an adversarially-chosen prompt. Moreover, conditional training maintains the downstream task performance of standard LM pretraining, both before and after task-specific finetuning. Pretraining with human feedback results in much better preference satisfaction than standard LM pretraining followed by finetuning with feedback, i.e., learning and then unlearning undesirable behavior. Our results suggest that we should move beyond imitation learning when pretraining LMs and incorporate human preferences from the start of training.
[ "Tomasz Korbak", "Kejian Shi", "Angelica Chen", "Rasika Bhalerao", "Christopher L. Buckley", "Jason Phang", "Samuel R. Bowman", "Ethan Perez" ]
Universal and Independent: Multilingual Probing Framework for Exhaustive Model Interpretation and Evaluation Oleg Serikov‡~, Vi
Universal and Independent: Multilingual Probing Framework for Exhaustive Model Interpretation and Evaluation
Linguistic analysis of language models is one of the ways to explain and describe their reasoning, weaknesses, and limitations. In the probing part of the model interpretability research, studies concern individual languages as well as individual linguistic structures. The question arises: are the detected regularities linguistically coherent, or on the contrary, do they dissonate at the typological scale? Moreover, the majority of studies address the inherent set of languages and linguistic structures, leaving the actual typological diversity knowledge out of scope. In this paper, we present and apply the GUI-assisted framework allowing us to easily probe a massive number of languages for all the morphosyntactic features present in the Universal Dependencies data. We show that reflecting the anglo-centric trend in NLP over the past years, most of the regularities revealed in the mBERT model are typical for the western-European languages. Our framework can be integrated with the existing probing toolboxes, model cards, and leaderboards, allowing practitioners to use and share their standard probing methods to interpret multilingual models. Thus we propose a toolkit to systematize the multilingual flaws in multilingual models, providing a reproducible experimental setup for 104 languages and 80 morphosyntactic features.
[ "Oleg Serikov", "Vitaly Protasov", "Ekaterina Voloshina", "Viktoria Knyazkova", "Tatiana Shavrina" ]
Closing the AI Accountability Gap: Defining an End-to-End Framework for Internal Algorithmic Auditing Inioluwa Deborah Raji∗ Par
Closing the AI Accountability Gap: Defining an End-to-End Framework for Internal Algorithmic Auditing
Rising concern for the societal implications of artificial intelligence systems has inspired a wave of academic and journalistic literature in which deployed systems are audited for harm by investigators from outside the organizations deploying the algorithms. However, it remains challenging for practitioners to identify the harmful repercussions of their own systems prior to deployment, and, once deployed, emergent issues can become difficult or impossible to trace back to their source. In this paper, we introduce a framework for algorithmic auditing that supports artificial intelligence system development end-to-end, to be applied throughout the internal organization development lifecycle. Each stage of the audit yields a set of documents that together form an overall audit report, drawing on an organization's values or principles to assess the fit of decisions made throughout the process. The proposed auditing framework is intended to contribute to closing the accountability gap in the development and deployment of large-scale artificial intelligence systems by embedding a robust process to ensure audit integrity.
[ "Inioluwa Deborah Raji", "Andrew Smart", "Rebecca N. White", "Margaret Mitchell", "Timnit Gebru", "Ben Hutchinson", "Jamila Smith-Loud", "Daniel Theron", "Parker Barnes" ]
DEEPLEARNING SCALING IS PREDICTABLE , EMPIRICALLY Joel Hestness, Sharan Narang, Newsha Ardalani, Gregory Diamos, Heewoo Jun, Has
Deep Learning Scaling is Predictable, Empirically
Deep learning (DL) creates impactful advances following a virtuous recipe: model architecture search, creating large training data sets, and scaling computation. It is widely believed that growing training sets and models should improve accuracy and result in better products. As DL application domains grow, we would like a deeper understanding of the relationships between training set size, computational scale, and model accuracy improvements to advance the state-of-the-art. This paper presents a large scale empirical characterization of generalization error and model size growth as training sets grow. We introduce a methodology for this measurement and test four machine learning domains: machine translation, language modeling, image processing, and speech recognition. Our empirical results show power-law generalization error scaling across a breadth of factors, resulting in power-law exponents---the "steepness" of the learning curve---yet to be explained by theoretical work. Further, model improvements only shift the error but do not appear to affect the power-law exponent. We also show that model size scales sublinearly with data size. These scaling relationships have significant implications on deep learning research, practice, and systems. They can assist model debugging, setting accuracy targets, and decisions about data set growth. They can also guide computing system design and underscore the importance of continued computational scaling.
[ "Joel Hestness", "Sharan Narang", "Newsha Ardalani", "Gregory Diamos", "Heewoo Jun", "Hassan Kianinejad", "Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary", "Yang Yang", "Yanqi Zhou" ]
Semantically-Aligned Equation Generation for Solving and Reasoning Math Word Problems Ting-Rui Chiang Yun-Nung Chen National Tai
Semantically-Aligned Equation Generation for Solving and Reasoning Math Word Problems
Solving math word problems is a challenging task that requires accurate natural language understanding to bridge natural language texts and math expressions. Motivated by the intuition about how human generates the equations given the problem texts, this paper presents a neural approach to automatically solve math word problems by operating symbols according to their semantic meanings in texts. This paper views the process of generating equation as a bridge between the semantic world and the symbolic world, where the proposed neural math solver is based on an encoder-decoder framework. In the proposed model, the encoder is designed to understand the semantics of problems, and the decoder focuses on tracking semantic meanings of the generated symbols and then deciding which symbol to generate next. The preliminary experiments are conducted in a dataset Math23K, and our model significantly outperforms both the state-of-the-art single model and the best non-retrieval-based model over about 10% accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness of bridging the symbolic and semantic worlds from math word problems.
[ "Ting-Rui Chiang", "Yun-Nung Chen" ]
Counterfactual Fairness in Text Classification through Robustness Sahaj Garg,1*Vincent Perot,2Nicole Limtiaco,2Ankur Taly,3Ed H.
Counterfactual Fairness in Text Classification through Robustness
In this paper, we study counterfactual fairness in text classification, which asks the question: How would the prediction change if the sensitive attribute referenced in the example were different? Toxicity classifiers demonstrate a counterfactual fairness issue by predicting that "Some people are gay" is toxic while "Some people are straight" is nontoxic. We offer a metric, counterfactual token fairness (CTF), for measuring this particular form of fairness in text classifiers, and describe its relationship with group fairness. Further, we offer three approaches, blindness, counterfactual augmentation, and counterfactual logit pairing (CLP), for optimizing counterfactual token fairness during training, bridging the robustness and fairness literature. Empirically, we find that blindness and CLP address counterfactual token fairness. The methods do not harm classifier performance, and have varying tradeoffs with group fairness. These approaches, both for measurement and optimization, provide a new path forward for addressing fairness concerns in text classification.
[ "Sahaj Garg", "Vincent Perot", "Nicole Limtiaco", "Ankur Taly", "Ed H. Chi", "Alex Beutel" ]
Build it Break it Fix it for Dialogue Safety: Robustness from Adversarial Human Attack Emily Dinan Facebook AI Research edinan@f
Build it Break it Fix it for Dialogue Safety: Robustness from Adversarial Human Attack
The detection of offensive language in the context of a dialogue has become an increasingly important application of natural language processing. The detection of trolls in public forums (Gal\'an-Garc\'ia et al., 2016), and the deployment of chatbots in the public domain (Wolf et al., 2017) are two examples that show the necessity of guarding against adversarially offensive behavior on the part of humans. In this work, we develop a training scheme for a model to become robust to such human attacks by an iterative build it, break it, fix it strategy with humans and models in the loop. In detailed experiments we show this approach is considerably more robust than previous systems. Further, we show that offensive language used within a conversation critically depends on the dialogue context, and cannot be viewed as a single sentence offensive detection task as in most previous work. Our newly collected tasks and methods will be made open source and publicly available.
[ "Emily Dinan", "Samuel Humeau", "Bharath Chintagunta", "Jason Weston" ]
A Network-based End-to-End Trainable Task-oriented Dialogue System Tsung-Hsien Wen1, David Vandyke1, Nikola Mrkši ´c1, Milica Ga
A Network-based End-to-End Trainable Task-oriented Dialogue System
Teaching machines to accomplish tasks by conversing naturally with humans is challenging. Currently, developing task-oriented dialogue systems requires creating multiple components and typically this involves either a large amount of handcrafting, or acquiring costly labelled datasets to solve a statistical learning problem for each component. In this work we introduce a neural network-based text-in, text-out end-to-end trainable goal-oriented dialogue system along with a new way of collecting dialogue data based on a novel pipe-lined Wizard-of-Oz framework. This approach allows us to develop dialogue systems easily and without making too many assumptions about the task at hand. The results show that the model can converse with human subjects naturally whilst helping them to accomplish tasks in a restaurant search domain.
[ "Tsung-Hsien Wen", "David Vandyke", "Nikola Mrksic", "Milica Gasic", "Lina M. Rojas-Barahona", "Pei-Hao Su", "Stefan Ultes", "Steve Young" ]
Machine Learning for Gas and Oil Exploration Vito Alexander Nordloh1and Anna Roub ´ıˇckov ´a2and Nick Brown3 Abstract. Drilling
Machine Learning for Gas and Oil Exploration
Drilling boreholes for gas and oil extraction is an expensive process and profitability strongly depends on characteristics of the subsurface. As profitability is a key success factor, companies in the industry utilise well logs to explore the subsurface beforehand. These well logs contain various characteristics of the rock around the borehole, which allow petrophysicists to determine the expected amount of contained hydrocarbon. However, these logs are often incomplete and, as a consequence, the subsequent analyses cannot exploit the full potential of the well logs. In this paper we demonstrate that Machine Learning can be applied to \emph{fill in the gaps} and estimate missing values. We investigate how the amount of training data influences the accuracy of prediction and how to best design regression models (Gradient Boosting and neural network) to obtain optimal results. We then explore the models' predictions both quantitatively, tracking the prediction error, and qualitatively, capturing the evolution of the measured and predicted values for a given property with depth. Combining the findings has enabled us to develop a predictive model that completes the well logs, increasing their quality and potential commercial value.
[ "Vito Alexander Nordloh", "Anna Roubícková", "Nick Brown" ]
JOURNAL OF L ATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 1 Diffsound: Discrete Diffusion Model for Text-to-sound Generation Do
Diffsound: Discrete Diffusion Model for Text-to-sound Generation
Generating sound effects that humans want is an important topic. However, there are few studies in this area for sound generation. In this study, we investigate generating sound conditioned on a text prompt and propose a novel text-to-sound generation framework that consists of a text encoder, a Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE), a decoder, and a vocoder. The framework first uses the decoder to transfer the text features extracted from the text encoder to a mel-spectrogram with the help of VQ-VAE, and then the vocoder is used to transform the generated mel-spectrogram into a waveform. We found that the decoder significantly influences the generation performance. Thus, we focus on designing a good decoder in this study. We begin with the traditional autoregressive decoder, which has been proved as a state-of-the-art method in previous sound generation works. However, the AR decoder always predicts the mel-spectrogram tokens one by one in order, which introduces the unidirectional bias and accumulation of errors problems. Moreover, with the AR decoder, the sound generation time increases linearly with the sound duration. To overcome the shortcomings introduced by AR decoders, we propose a non-autoregressive decoder based on the discrete diffusion model, named Diffsound. Specifically, the Diffsound predicts all of the mel-spectrogram tokens in one step and then refines the predicted tokens in the next step, so the best-predicted results can be obtained after several steps. Our experiments show that our proposed Diffsound not only produces better text-to-sound generation results when compared with the AR decoder but also has a faster generation speed, e.g., MOS: 3.56 \textit{v.s} 2.786, and the generation speed is five times faster than the AR decoder.
[ "Dongchao Yang", "Jianwei Yu", "Helin Wang", "Wen Wang", "Chao Weng", "Yuexian Zou", "Dong Yu" ]
X-SQL: reinforce schema representation with context Pengcheng He, Yi Mao, Kaushik Chakrabarti, Weizhu Chen Microsoft Dynamics 36
X-SQL: reinforce schema representation with context
In this work, we present X-SQL, a new network architecture for the problem of parsing natural language to SQL query. X-SQL proposes to enhance the structural schema representation with the contextual output from BERT-style pre-training model, and together with type information to learn a new schema representation for down-stream tasks. We evaluated X-SQL on the WikiSQL dataset and show its new state-of-the-art performance.
[ "Pengcheng He", "Yi Mao", "Kaushik Chakrabarti", "Weizhu Chen" ]
Human-in-the-Loop for Data Collection: a Multi-Target Counter Narrative Dataset to Fight Online Hate Speech Margherita Fanton1;2
Human-in-the-Loop for Data Collection: a Multi-Target Counter Narrative Dataset to Fight Online Hate Speech
Undermining the impact of hateful content with informed and non-aggressive responses, called counter narratives, has emerged as a possible solution for having healthier online communities. Thus, some NLP studies have started addressing the task of counter narrative generation. Although such studies have made an effort to build hate speech / counter narrative (HS/CN) datasets for neural generation, they fall short in reaching either high-quality and/or high-quantity. In this paper, we propose a novel human-in-the-loop data collection methodology in which a generative language model is refined iteratively by using its own data from the previous loops to generate new training samples that experts review and/or post-edit. Our experiments comprised several loops including dynamic variations. Results show that the methodology is scalable and facilitates diverse, novel, and cost-effective data collection. To our knowledge, the resulting dataset is the only expert-based multi-target HS/CN dataset available to the community.
[ "Margherita Fanton", "Helena Bonaldi", "Serra Sinem Tekiroglu", "Marco Guerini" ]
Fine-Tuning Pretrained Language Models: Weight Initializations, Data Orders, and Early Stopping Jesse Dodge1 2Gabriel Ilharco3Ro
Fine-Tuning Pretrained Language Models: Weight Initializations, Data Orders, and Early Stopping
Fine-tuning pretrained contextual word embedding models to supervised downstream tasks has become commonplace in natural language processing. This process, however, is often brittle: even with the same hyperparameter values, distinct random seeds can lead to substantially different results. To better understand this phenomenon, we experiment with four datasets from the GLUE benchmark, fine-tuning BERT hundreds of times on each while varying only the random seeds. We find substantial performance increases compared to previously reported results, and we quantify how the performance of the best-found model varies as a function of the number of fine-tuning trials. Further, we examine two factors influenced by the choice of random seed: weight initialization and training data order. We find that both contribute comparably to the variance of out-of-sample performance, and that some weight initializations perform well across all tasks explored. On small datasets, we observe that many fine-tuning trials diverge part of the way through training, and we offer best practices for practitioners to stop training less promising runs early. We publicly release all of our experimental data, including training and validation scores for 2,100 trials, to encourage further analysis of training dynamics during fine-tuning.
[ "Jesse Dodge", "Gabriel Ilharco", "Roy Schwartz", "Ali Farhadi", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi", "Noah Smith" ]
One-Shot Learning from a Demonstration with Hierarchical Latent Language Nathaniel WeirXingdi YuanyMarc-Alexandre Côtéy Matthew
One-Shot Learning from a Demonstration with Hierarchical Latent Language
Humans have the capability, aided by the expressive compositionality of their language, to learn quickly by demonstration. They are able to describe unseen task-performing procedures and generalize their execution to other contexts. In this work, we introduce DescribeWorld, an environment designed to test this sort of generalization skill in grounded agents, where tasks are linguistically and procedurally composed of elementary concepts. The agent observes a single task demonstration in a Minecraft-like grid world, and is then asked to carry out the same task in a new map. To enable such a level of generalization, we propose a neural agent infused with hierarchical latent language--both at the level of task inference and subtask planning. Our agent first generates a textual description of the demonstrated unseen task, then leverages this description to replicate it. Through multiple evaluation scenarios and a suite of generalization tests, we find that agents that perform text-based inference are better equipped for the challenge under a random split of tasks.
[ "Nathaniel Weir", "Xingdi Yuan", "Marc-Alexandre Côté", "Matthew Hausknecht", "Romain Laroche", "Ida Momennejad", "Harm Van Seijen", "Benjamin Van Durme" ]
EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks Mingxing Tan1Quoc V . Le1 Abstract Convolutional Neural
EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) are commonly developed at a fixed resource budget, and then scaled up for better accuracy if more resources are available. In this paper, we systematically study model scaling and identify that carefully balancing network depth, width, and resolution can lead to better performance. Based on this observation, we propose a new scaling method that uniformly scales all dimensions of depth/width/resolution using a simple yet highly effective compound coefficient. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method on scaling up MobileNets and ResNet. To go even further, we use neural architecture search to design a new baseline network and scale it up to obtain a family of models, called EfficientNets, which achieve much better accuracy and efficiency than previous ConvNets. In particular, our EfficientNet-B7 achieves state-of-the-art 84.3% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, while being 8.4x smaller and 6.1x faster on inference than the best existing ConvNet. Our EfficientNets also transfer well and achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on CIFAR-100 (91.7%), Flowers (98.8%), and 3 other transfer learning datasets, with an order of magnitude fewer parameters. Source code is at
[ "Mingxing Tan", "Quoc V. Le" ]
Recent Advances towards Safe, Responsible, and Moral Dialogue Systems: A Survey JIAWEN DENG∗, HAO SUN∗, ZHEXIN ZHANG, JIALE CHEN
Recent Advances towards Safe, Responsible, and Moral Dialogue Systems: A Survey
With the development of artificial intelligence, dialogue systems have been endowed with amazing chit-chat capabilities, and there is widespread interest and discussion about whether the generated contents are socially beneficial. In this paper, we present a new perspective of research scope towards building a safe, responsible, and modal dialogue system, including 1) abusive and toxic contents, 2) unfairness and discrimination, 3) ethics and morality issues, and 4) risk of misleading and privacy information. Besides, we review the mainstream methods for evaluating the safety of large models from the perspectives of exposure and detection of safety issues. The recent advances in methodologies for the safety improvement of both end-to-end dialogue systems and pipeline-based models are further introduced. Finally, we discussed six existing challenges towards responsible AI: explainable safety monitoring, continuous learning of safety issues, robustness against malicious attacks, multimodal information processing, unified research framework, and multidisciplinary theory integration. We hope this survey will inspire further research toward safer dialogue systems.
[ "Jiawen Deng", "Hao Sun", "Zhexin Zhang", "Jiale Cheng", "Minlie Huang" ]
Three scenarios for continual learning Gido M. van de Ven1;2& Andreas S. Tolias1;3 1Center for Neuroscience and Artificial Intell
Three scenarios for continual learning
Standard artificial neural networks suffer from the well-known issue of catastrophic forgetting, making continual or lifelong learning difficult for machine learning. In recent years, numerous methods have been proposed for continual learning, but due to differences in evaluation protocols it is difficult to directly compare their performance. To enable more structured comparisons, we describe three continual learning scenarios based on whether at test time task identity is provided and--in case it is not--whether it must be inferred. Any sequence of well-defined tasks can be performed according to each scenario. Using the split and permuted MNIST task protocols, for each scenario we carry out an extensive comparison of recently proposed continual learning methods. We demonstrate substantial differences between the three scenarios in terms of difficulty and in terms of how efficient different methods are. In particular, when task identity must be inferred (i.e., class incremental learning), we find that regularization-based approaches (e.g., elastic weight consolidation) fail and that replaying representations of previous experiences seems required for solving this scenario.
[ "Gido M. van de Ven", "Andreas S. Tolias" ]
STaR: Self-Taught Reasoner Bootstrapping Reasoning With Reasoning Eric Zelikman1, Yuhuai Wu12, Jesse Mu1, Noah D. Goodman1 1De
STaR: Bootstrapping Reasoning With Reasoning
Generating step-by-step "chain-of-thought" rationales improves language model performance on complex reasoning tasks like mathematics or commonsense question-answering. However, inducing language model rationale generation currently requires either constructing massive rationale datasets or sacrificing accuracy by using only few-shot inference. We propose a technique to iteratively leverage a small number of rationale examples and a large dataset without rationales, to bootstrap the ability to perform successively more complex reasoning. This technique, the "Self-Taught Reasoner" (STaR), relies on a simple loop: generate rationales to answer many questions, prompted with a few rationale examples; if the generated answers are wrong, try again to generate a rationale given the correct answer; fine-tune on all the rationales that ultimately yielded correct answers; repeat. We show that STaR significantly improves performance on multiple datasets compared to a model fine-tuned to directly predict final answers, and performs comparably to fine-tuning a 30$\times$ larger state-of-the-art language model on CommensenseQA. Thus, STaR lets a model improve itself by learning from its own generated reasoning.
[ "Eric Zelikman", "Yuhuai Wu", "Jesse Mu", "Noah D. Goodman" ]
August 2022 Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models Antonia Creswell1and Murray Shanahan1 1DeepMind Althoughcontemporaryl
Faithful Reasoning Using Large Language Models
Although contemporary large language models (LMs) demonstrate impressive question-answering capabilities, their answers are typically the product of a single call to the model. This entails an unwelcome degree of opacity and compromises performance, especially on problems that are inherently multi-step. To address these limitations, we show how LMs can be made to perform faithful multi-step reasoning via a process whose causal structure mirrors the underlying logical structure of the problem. Our approach works by chaining together reasoning steps, where each step results from calls to two fine-tuned LMs, one for selection and one for inference, to produce a valid reasoning trace. Our method carries out a beam search through the space of reasoning traces to improve reasoning quality. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on multi-step logical deduction and scientific question-answering, showing that it outperforms baselines on final answer accuracy, and generates humanly interpretable reasoning traces whose validity can be checked by the user.
[ "Antonia Creswell", "Murray Shanahan" ]
arXiv:1506.05869v3 [cs.CL] 22 Jul 2015ANeural ConversationalModel OriolVinyals VINYALS @GOOGLE.COM Google QuocV.Le QVL@GOOGLE.
A Neural Conversational Model
Conversational modeling is an important task in natural language understanding and machine intelligence. Although previous approaches exist, they are often restricted to specific domains (e.g., booking an airline ticket) and require hand-crafted rules. In this paper, we present a simple approach for this task which uses the recently proposed sequence to sequence framework. Our model converses by predicting the next sentence given the previous sentence or sentences in a conversation. The strength of our model is that it can be trained end-to-end and thus requires much fewer hand-crafted rules. We find that this straightforward model can generate simple conversations given a large conversational training dataset. Our preliminary results suggest that, despite optimizing the wrong objective function, the model is able to converse well. It is able extract knowledge from both a domain specific dataset, and from a large, noisy, and general domain dataset of movie subtitles. On a domain-specific IT helpdesk dataset, the model can find a solution to a technical problem via conversations. On a noisy open-domain movie transcript dataset, the model can perform simple forms of common sense reasoning. As expected, we also find that the lack of consistency is a common failure mode of our model.
[ "Oriol Vinyals", "Quoc Le" ]
Towards A Rigorous Science of Interpretable Machine Learning Finale Doshi-Velezand Been Kim From autonomous cars and adaptive
Towards A Rigorous Science of Interpretable Machine Learning
As machine learning systems become ubiquitous, there has been a surge of interest in interpretable machine learning: systems that provide explanation for their outputs. These explanations are often used to qualitatively assess other criteria such as safety or non-discrimination. However, despite the interest in interpretability, there is very little consensus on what interpretable machine learning is and how it should be measured. In this position paper, we first define interpretability and describe when interpretability is needed (and when it is not). Next, we suggest a taxonomy for rigorous evaluation and expose open questions towards a more rigorous science of interpretable machine learning.
[ "Finale Doshi-Velez", "Been Kim" ]
1 AudioLM: a Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation Zal´an Borsos, Rapha ¨el Marinier, Damien Vincent, Eugene Kharitonov
AudioLM: a Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation
We introduce AudioLM, a framework for high-quality audio generation with long-term consistency. AudioLM maps the input audio to a sequence of discrete tokens and casts audio generation as a language modeling task in this representation space. We show how existing audio tokenizers provide different trade-offs between reconstruction quality and long-term structure, and we propose a hybrid tokenization scheme to achieve both objectives. Namely, we leverage the discretized activations of a masked language model pre-trained on audio to capture long-term structure and the discrete codes produced by a neural audio codec to achieve high-quality synthesis. By training on large corpora of raw audio waveforms, AudioLM learns to generate natural and coherent continuations given short prompts. When trained on speech, and without any transcript or annotation, AudioLM generates syntactically and semantically plausible speech continuations while also maintaining speaker identity and prosody for unseen speakers. Furthermore, we demonstrate how our approach extends beyond speech by generating coherent piano music continuations, despite being trained without any symbolic representation of music.
[ "Zalán Borsos", "Raphaël Marinier", "Damien Vincent", "Eugene Kharitonov", "Olivier Pietquin", "Matt Sharifi", "Dominik Roblek", "Olivier Teboul", "David Grangier", "Marco Tagliasacchi", "Neil Zeghidour" ]
Deep Generative Dual Memory Network for Continual Learning Nitin Kamra1Umang Gupta1Yan Liu1 Abstract Despite advances in deep le
Deep Generative Dual Memory Network for Continual Learning
Despite advances in deep learning, neural networks can only learn multiple tasks when trained on them jointly. When tasks arrive sequentially, they lose performance on previously learnt tasks. This phenomenon called catastrophic forgetting is a fundamental challenge to overcome before neural networks can learn continually from incoming data. In this work, we derive inspiration from human memory to develop an architecture capable of learning continuously from sequentially incoming tasks, while averting catastrophic forgetting. Specifically, our contributions are: (i) a dual memory architecture emulating the complementary learning systems (hippocampus and the neocortex) in the human brain, (ii) memory consolidation via generative replay of past experiences, (iii) demonstrating advantages of generative replay and dual memories via experiments, and (iv) improved performance retention on challenging tasks even for low capacity models. Our architecture displays many characteristics of the mammalian memory and provides insights on the connection between sleep and learning.
[ "Nitin Kamra", "Umang Gupta", "Yan Liu" ]
Improving Question Answering Model Robustness with Synthetic Adversarial Data Generation Max BartoloyTristan ThrushzRobin JiazS
Improving Question Answering Model Robustness with Synthetic Adversarial Data Generation
Despite recent progress, state-of-the-art question answering models remain vulnerable to a variety of adversarial attacks. While dynamic adversarial data collection, in which a human annotator tries to write examples that fool a model-in-the-loop, can improve model robustness, this process is expensive which limits the scale of the collected data. In this work, we are the first to use synthetic adversarial data generation to make question answering models more robust to human adversaries. We develop a data generation pipeline that selects source passages, identifies candidate answers, generates questions, then finally filters or re-labels them to improve quality. Using this approach, we amplify a smaller human-written adversarial dataset to a much larger set of synthetic question-answer pairs. By incorporating our synthetic data, we improve the state-of-the-art on the AdversarialQA dataset by 3.7F1 and improve model generalisation on nine of the twelve MRQA datasets. We further conduct a novel human-in-the-loop evaluation to show that our models are considerably more robust to new human-written adversarial examples: crowdworkers can fool our model only 8.8% of the time on average, compared to 17.6% for a model trained without synthetic data.
[ "Max Bartolo", "Tristan Thrush", "Robin Jia", "Sebastian Riedel", "Pontus Stenetorp", "Douwe Kiela" ]
A Simple Fix to Mahalanobis Distance for Improving Near-OOD Detection Jie Ren1Stanislav Fort* 2Jeremiah Liu* 1 3Abhijit Guha Roy
A Simple Fix to Mahalanobis Distance for Improving Near-OOD Detection
Mahalanobis distance (MD) is a simple and popular post-processing method for detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs in neural networks. We analyze its failure modes for near-OOD detection and propose a simple fix called relative Mahalanobis distance (RMD) which improves performance and is more robust to hyperparameter choice. On a wide selection of challenging vision, language, and biology OOD benchmarks (CIFAR-100 vs CIFAR-10, CLINC OOD intent detection, Genomics OOD), we show that RMD meaningfully improves upon MD performance (by up to 15% AUROC on genomics OOD).
[ "Jie Ren", "Stanislav Fort", "Jeremiah Liu", "Abhijit Guha Roy", "Shreyas Padhy", "Balaji Lakshminarayanan" ]
arXiv:1906.02243v1 [cs.CL] 5 Jun 2019Energy and Policy Considerations for Deep Learning in NLP Emma Strubell Ananya Ganesh And
Energy and Policy Considerations for Deep Learning in NLP
Recent progress in hardware and methodology for training neural networks has ushered in a new generation of large networks trained on abundant data. These models have obtained notable gains in accuracy across many NLP tasks. However, these accuracy improvements depend on the availability of exceptionally large computational resources that necessitate similarly substantial energy consumption. As a result these models are costly to train and develop, both financially, due to the cost of hardware and electricity or cloud compute time, and environmentally, due to the carbon footprint required to fuel modern tensor processing hardware. In this paper we bring this issue to the attention of NLP researchers by quantifying the approximate financial and environmental costs of training a variety of recently successful neural network models for NLP. Based on these findings, we propose actionable recommendations to reduce costs and improve equity in NLP research and practice.
[ "Emma Strubell", "Ananya Ganesh", "Andrew McCallum" ]
Simple and Effective Multi-Paragraph Reading Comprehension Christopher Clark University of Washington [email protected]
Simple and Effective Multi-Paragraph Reading Comprehension
We consider the problem of adapting neural paragraph-level question answering models to the case where entire documents are given as input. Our proposed solution trains models to produce well calibrated confidence scores for their results on individual paragraphs. We sample multiple paragraphs from the documents during training, and use a shared-normalization training objective that encourages the model to produce globally correct output. We combine this method with a state-of-the-art pipeline for training models on document QA data. Experiments demonstrate strong performance on several document QA datasets. Overall, we are able to achieve a score of 71.3 F1 on the web portion of TriviaQA, a large improvement from the 56.7 F1 of the previous best system.
[ "Christopher Clark", "Matt Gardner" ]
Sparks of Arti cial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4 S ebastien Bubeck Varun Chandrasekaran Ronen Eldan Johan
Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4
Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have been developing and refining large language models (LLMs) that exhibit remarkable capabilities across a variety of domains and tasks, challenging our understanding of learning and cognition. The latest model developed by OpenAI, GPT-4, was trained using an unprecedented scale of compute and data. In this paper, we report on our investigation of an early version of GPT-4, when it was still in active development by OpenAI. We contend that (this early version of) GPT-4 is part of a new cohort of LLMs (along with ChatGPT and Google's PaLM for example) that exhibit more general intelligence than previous AI models. We discuss the rising capabilities and implications of these models. We demonstrate that, beyond its mastery of language, GPT-4 can solve novel and difficult tasks that span mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, psychology and more, without needing any special prompting. Moreover, in all of these tasks, GPT-4's performance is strikingly close to human-level performance, and often vastly surpasses prior models such as ChatGPT. Given the breadth and depth of GPT-4's capabilities, we believe that it could reasonably be viewed as an early (yet still incomplete) version of an artificial general intelligence (AGI) system. In our exploration of GPT-4, we put special emphasis on discovering its limitations, and we discuss the challenges ahead for advancing towards deeper and more comprehensive versions of AGI, including the possible need for pursuing a new paradigm that moves beyond next-word prediction. We conclude with reflections on societal influences of the recent technological leap and future research directions.
[ "Sébastien Bubeck", "Varun Chandrasekaran", "Ronen Eldan", "Johannes Gehrke", "Eric Horvitz", "Ece Kamar", "Peter Lee", "Yin Tat Lee", "Yuanzhi Li", "Scott Lundberg", "Harsha Nori", "Hamid Palangi", "Marco Tulio Ribeiro", "Yi Zhang" ]
Adversarial Environment Generation for Learning to Navigate the Web
Learning to autonomously navigate the web is a difficult sequential decision making task. The state and action spaces are large and combinatorial in nature, and websites are dynamic environments consisting of several pages. One of the bottlenecks of training web navigation agents is providing a learnable curriculum of training environments that can cover the large variety of real-world websites. Therefore, we propose using Adversarial Environment Generation (AEG) to generate challenging web environments in which to train reinforcement learning (RL) agents. We provide a new benchmarking environment, gMiniWoB, which enables an RL adversary to use compositional primitives to learn to generate arbitrarily complex websites. To train the adversary, we propose a new technique for maximizing regret using the difference in the scores obtained by a pair of navigator agents. Our results show that our approach significantly outperforms prior methods for minimax regret AEG. The regret objective trains the adversary to design a curriculum of environments that are "just-the-right-challenge" for the navigator agents; our results show that over time, the adversary learns to generate increasingly complex web navigation tasks. The navigator agents trained with our technique learn to complete challenging, high-dimensional web navigation tasks, such as form filling, booking a flight etc. We show that the navigator agent trained with our proposed Flexible b-PAIRED technique significantly outperforms competitive automatic curriculum generation baselines -- including a state-of-the-art RL web navigation approach -- on a set of challenging unseen test environments, and achieves more than 80% success rate on some tasks.
[ "Izzeddin Gur", "Natasha Jaques", "Kevin Malta", "Manoj Tiwari", "Honglak Lee", "Aleksandra Faust" ]
Recipes for building an open-domain chatbot Stephen Roller Emily Dinan Naman Goyal Da Ju Mary Williamson Yinhan LiuJing Xu Myle
Recipes for building an open-domain chatbot
Building open-domain chatbots is a challenging area for machine learning research. While prior work has shown that scaling neural models in the number of parameters and the size of the data they are trained on gives improved results, we show that other ingredients are important for a high-performing chatbot. Good conversation requires a number of skills that an expert conversationalist blends in a seamless way: providing engaging talking points and listening to their partners, and displaying knowledge, empathy and personality appropriately, while maintaining a consistent persona. We show that large scale models can learn these skills when given appropriate training data and choice of generation strategy. We build variants of these recipes with 90M, 2.7B and 9.4B parameter models, and make our models and code publicly available. Human evaluations show our best models are superior to existing approaches in multi-turn dialogue in terms of engagingness and humanness measurements. We then discuss the limitations of this work by analyzing failure cases of our models.
[ "Stephen Roller", "Emily Dinan", "Naman Goyal", "Da Ju", "Mary Williamson", "Yinhan Liu", "Jing Xu", "Myle Ott", "Kurt Shuster", "Eric M. Smith", "Y-Lan Boureau", "Jason Weston" ]
Conversing by Reading: Contentful Neural Conversation with On-demand Machine Reading Lianhui Qiny, Michel Galleyz, Chris Brocket
Conversing by Reading: Contentful Neural Conversation with On-demand Machine Reading
Although neural conversation models are effective in learning how to produce fluent responses, their primary challenge lies in knowing what to say to make the conversation contentful and non-vacuous. We present a new end-to-end approach to contentful neural conversation that jointly models response generation and on-demand machine reading. The key idea is to provide the conversation model with relevant long-form text on the fly as a source of external knowledge. The model performs QA-style reading comprehension on this text in response to each conversational turn, thereby allowing for more focused integration of external knowledge than has been possible in prior approaches. To support further research on knowledge-grounded conversation, we introduce a new large-scale conversation dataset grounded in external web pages (2.8M turns, 7.4M sentences of grounding). Both human evaluation and automated metrics show that our approach results in more contentful responses compared to a variety of previous methods, improving both the informativeness and diversity of generated output.
[ "Lianhui Qin", "Michel Galley", "Chris Brockett", "Xiaodong Liu", "Xiang Gao", "Bill Dolan", "Yejin Choi", "Jianfeng Gao" ]
Internet-augmented language models through few-shot prompting for open-domain question answering Angeliki LazaridouElena Gribov
Internet-augmented language models through few-shot prompting for open-domain question answering
In this work, we aim to capitalize on the unique few-shot capabilities of large-scale language models (LSLMs) to overcome some of their challenges with respect to grounding to factual and up-to-date information. Motivated by semi-parametric language models (LMs), which ground their decisions in external retrieved evidence, we use few-shot prompting to learn to condition LMs on information returned from the web using Google Search, a broad and constantly updated knowledge source. Our approach does not involve fine-tuning or learning additional parameters, thus making it applicable to any LM, offering therefore a strong baseline. Indeed, we find that LMs conditioned on the web surpass performance of closed-book models of similar, or even larger, model sizes in open-domain question answering. Finally, we find that increasing the inference-time compute of models, achieved via using multiple retrieved evidences to generate multiple answers followed by a reranking stage that uses scores generated by the same LMs, leads to better performance and alleviates lower performance of smaller few-shot LMs. All in all, our findings suggest that it might be beneficial to slow down the race towards the biggest model and instead shift attention towards finding more effective ways to use models, including but not limited to, better prompting or increasing inference-time compute.
[ "Angeliki Lazaridou", "Elena Gribovskaya", "Wojciech Stokowiec", "Nikolai Grigorev" ]
Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation with CLIP Latents Aditya Ramesh OpenAI [email protected] Dhariwal Open
Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation with CLIP Latents
Contrastive models like CLIP have been shown to learn robust representations of images that capture both semantics and style. To leverage these representations for image generation, we propose a two-stage model: a prior that generates a CLIP image embedding given a text caption, and a decoder that generates an image conditioned on the image embedding. We show that explicitly generating image representations improves image diversity with minimal loss in photorealism and caption similarity. Our decoders conditioned on image representations can also produce variations of an image that preserve both its semantics and style, while varying the non-essential details absent from the image representation. Moreover, the joint embedding space of CLIP enables language-guided image manipulations in a zero-shot fashion. We use diffusion models for the decoder and experiment with both autoregressive and diffusion models for the prior, finding that the latter are computationally more efficient and produce higher-quality samples.
[ "Aditya Ramesh", "Prafulla Dhariwal", "Alex Nichol", "Casey Chu", "Mark Chen" ]
TriviaQA: A Large Scale Distantly Supervised Challenge Dataset for Reading Comprehension Mandar JoshiyEunsol ChoiyDaniel S. Weld
TriviaQA: A Large Scale Distantly Supervised Challenge Dataset for Reading Comprehension
We present TriviaQA, a challenging reading comprehension dataset containing over 650K question-answer-evidence triples. TriviaQA includes 95K question-answer pairs authored by trivia enthusiasts and independently gathered evidence documents, six per question on average, that provide high quality distant supervision for answering the questions. We show that, in comparison to other recently introduced large-scale datasets, TriviaQA (1) has relatively complex, compositional questions, (2) has considerable syntactic and lexical variability between questions and corresponding answer-evidence sentences, and (3) requires more cross sentence reasoning to find answers. We also present two baseline algorithms: a feature-based classifier and a state-of-the-art neural network, that performs well on SQuAD reading comprehension. Neither approach comes close to human performance (23% and 40% vs. 80%), suggesting that TriviaQA is a challenging testbed that is worth significant future study. Data and code available at --
[ "Mandar Joshi", "Eunsol Choi", "Daniel S. Weld", "Luke Zettlemoyer" ]
AGIEval: A Human-Centric Benchmark for Evaluating Foundation Models Wanjun Zhong∗, Ruixiang Cui∗, Yiduo Guo, Yaobo Liang, Shuai
AGIEval: A Human-Centric Benchmark for Evaluating Foundation Models
Evaluating the general abilities of foundation models to tackle human-level tasks is a vital aspect of their development and application in the pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Traditional benchmarks, which rely on artificial datasets, may not accurately represent human-level capabilities. In this paper, we introduce AGIEval, a novel benchmark specifically designed to assess foundation model in the context of human-centric standardized exams, such as college entrance exams, law school admission tests, math competitions, and lawyer qualification tests. We evaluate several state-of-the-art foundation models, including GPT-4, ChatGPT, and Text-Davinci-003, using this benchmark. Impressively, GPT-4 surpasses average human performance on SAT, LSAT, and math competitions, attaining a 95% accuracy rate on the SAT Math test and a 92.5% accuracy on the English test of the Chinese national college entrance exam. This demonstrates the extraordinary performance of contemporary foundation models. In contrast, we also find that GPT-4 is less proficient in tasks that require complex reasoning or specific domain knowledge. Our comprehensive analyses of model capabilities (understanding, knowledge, reasoning, and calculation) reveal these models' strengths and limitations, providing valuable insights into future directions for enhancing their general capabilities. By concentrating on tasks pertinent to human cognition and decision-making, our benchmark delivers a more meaningful and robust evaluation of foundation models' performance in real-world scenarios. The data, code, and all model outputs are released in
[ "Wanjun Zhong", "Ruixiang Cui", "Yiduo Guo", "Yaobo Liang", "Shuai Lu", "Yanlin Wang", "Amin Saied", "Weizhu Chen", "Nan Duan" ]
No Language Left Behind: Scaling Human-Centered Machine Translation NLLB Team, Marta R. Costa-jussà, James Cross, Onur Çelebi
No Language Left Behind: Scaling Human-Centered Machine Translation
Driven by the goal of eradicating language barriers on a global scale, machine translation has solidified itself as a key focus of artificial intelligence research today. However, such efforts have coalesced around a small subset of languages, leaving behind the vast majority of mostly low-resource languages. What does it take to break the 200 language barrier while ensuring safe, high quality results, all while keeping ethical considerations in mind? In No Language Left Behind, we took on this challenge by first contextualizing the need for low-resource language translation support through exploratory interviews with native speakers. Then, we created datasets and models aimed at narrowing the performance gap between low and high-resource languages. More specifically, we developed a conditional compute model based on Sparsely Gated Mixture of Experts that is trained on data obtained with novel and effective data mining techniques tailored for low-resource languages. We propose multiple architectural and training improvements to counteract overfitting while training on thousands of tasks. Critically, we evaluated the performance of over 40,000 different translation directions using a human-translated benchmark, Flores-200, and combined human evaluation with a novel toxicity benchmark covering all languages in Flores-200 to assess translation safety. Our model achieves an improvement of 44% BLEU relative to the previous state-of-the-art, laying important groundwork towards realizing a universal translation system. Finally, we open source all contributions described in this work, accessible at
[ "NLLB Team", "Marta R. Costa-jussà", "James Cross", "Onur Çelebi", "Maha Elbayad", "Kenneth Heafield", "Kevin Heffernan", "Elahe Kalbassi", "Janice Lam", "Daniel Licht", "Jean Maillard", "Anna Sun", "Skyler Wang", "Guillaume Wenzek", "Al Youngblood", "Bapi Akula", "Loic Barrault", "Gabriel Mejia Gonzalez", "Prangthip Hansanti", "John Hoffman", "Semarley Jarrett", "Kaushik Ram Sadagopan", "Dirk Rowe", "Shannon Spruit", "Chau Tran", "Pierre Andrews", "Necip Fazil Ayan", "Shruti Bhosale", "Sergey Edunov", "Angela Fan", "Cynthia Gao", "Vedanuj Goswami", "Francisco Guzmán", "Philipp Koehn", "Alexandre Mourachko", "Christophe Ropers", "Safiyyah Saleem", "Holger Schwenk", "Jeff Wang" ]
WebGPT: Browser-assisted question-answering with human feedback Reiichiro Nakano˜Jacob Hilton˜Suchir Balaji˜Jeff Wu Long Ouyang
WebGPT: Browser-assisted question-answering with human feedback
We fine-tune GPT-3 to answer long-form questions using a text-based web-browsing environment, which allows the model to search and navigate the web. By setting up the task so that it can be performed by humans, we are able to train models on the task using imitation learning, and then optimize answer quality with human feedback. To make human evaluation of factual accuracy easier, models must collect references while browsing in support of their answers. We train and evaluate our models on ELI5, a dataset of questions asked by Reddit users. Our best model is obtained by fine-tuning GPT-3 using behavior cloning, and then performing rejection sampling against a reward model trained to predict human preferences. This model's answers are preferred by humans 56% of the time to those of our human demonstrators, and 69% of the time to the highest-voted answer from Reddit.
[ "Reiichiro Nakano", "Jacob Hilton", "Suchir Balaji", "Jeff Wu", "Long Ouyang", "Christina Kim", "Christopher Hesse", "Shantanu Jain", "Vineet Kosaraju", "William Saunders", "Xu Jiang", "Karl Cobbe", "Tyna Eloundou", "Gretchen Krueger", "Kevin Button", "Matthew Knight", "Benjamin Chess", "John Schulman" ]
Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools Timo Schick Jane Dwivedi-Yu Roberto DessìyRoberta Raileanu Maria L
Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools
Language models (LMs) exhibit remarkable abilities to solve new tasks from just a few examples or textual instructions, especially at scale. They also, paradoxically, struggle with basic functionality, such as arithmetic or factual lookup, where much simpler and smaller models excel. In this paper, we show that LMs can teach themselves to use external tools via simple APIs and achieve the best of both worlds. We introduce Toolformer, a model trained to decide which APIs to call, when to call them, what arguments to pass, and how to best incorporate the results into future token prediction. This is done in a self-supervised way, requiring nothing more than a handful of demonstrations for each API. We incorporate a range of tools, including a calculator, a Q\&A system, two different search engines, a translation system, and a calendar. Toolformer achieves substantially improved zero-shot performance across a variety of downstream tasks, often competitive with much larger models, without sacrificing its core language modeling abilities.
[ "Timo Schick", "Jane Dwivedi-Yu", "Roberto Dessì", "Roberta Raileanu", "Maria Lomeli", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Nicola Cancedda", "Thomas Scialom" ]
SELF-REFINE : Iterative Refinement with Self-Feedback Aman Madaan1, Niket Tandon2, Prakhar Gupta1, Skyler Hallinan3, Luyu Gao1,
Self-Refine: Iterative Refinement with Self-Feedback
Like humans, large language models (LLMs) do not always generate the best output on their first try. Motivated by how humans refine their written text, we introduce Self-Refine, an approach for improving initial outputs from LLMs through iterative feedback and refinement. The main idea is to generate an initial output using an LLMs; then, the same LLMs provides feedback for its output and uses it to refine itself, iteratively. Self-Refine does not require any supervised training data, additional training, or reinforcement learning, and instead uses a single LLM as the generator, refiner, and feedback provider. We evaluate Self-Refine across 7 diverse tasks, ranging from dialog response generation to mathematical reasoning, using state-of-the-art (GPT-3.5, ChatGPT, and GPT-4) LLMs. Across all evaluated tasks, outputs generated with Self-Refine are preferred by humans and automatic metrics over those generated with the same LLM using conventional one-step generation, improving by ~20% absolute on average in task performance. Our work demonstrates that even state-of-the-art LLMs like GPT-4 can be further improved at test time using our simple, standalone approach.
[ "Aman Madaan", "Niket Tandon", "Prakhar Gupta", "Skyler Hallinan", "Luyu Gao", "Sarah Wiegreffe", "Uri Alon", "Nouha Dziri", "Shrimai Prabhumoye", "Yiming Yang", "Shashank Gupta", "Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder", "Katherine Hermann", "Sean Welleck", "Amir Yazdanbakhsh", "Peter Clark" ]
A framework for the extraction of Deep Neural Networks by leveraging public data
Machine learning models trained on confidential datasets are increasingly being deployed for profit. Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) has made such models easily accessible to end-users. Prior work has developed model extraction attacks, in which an adversary extracts an approximation of MLaaS models by making black-box queries to it. However, none of these works is able to satisfy all the three essential criteria for practical model extraction: (1) the ability to work on deep learning models, (2) the non-requirement of domain knowledge and (3) the ability to work with a limited query budget. We design a model extraction framework that makes use of active learning and large public datasets to satisfy them. We demonstrate that it is possible to use this framework to steal deep classifiers trained on a variety of datasets from image and text domains. By querying a model via black-box access for its top prediction, our framework improves performance on an average over a uniform noise baseline by 4.70x for image tasks and 2.11x for text tasks respectively, while using only 30% (30,000 samples) of the public dataset at its disposal.
[ "Soham Pal", "Yash Gupta", "Aditya Shukla", "Aditya Kanade", "Shirish Shevade", "Vinod Ganapathy" ]
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (2020) 1-67 Submitted 1/20; Revised 6/20; Published 6/20 Exploring the Limits of Transfe
Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer
Transfer learning, where a model is first pre-trained on a data-rich task before being fine-tuned on a downstream task, has emerged as a powerful technique in natural language processing (NLP). The effectiveness of transfer learning has given rise to a diversity of approaches, methodology, and practice. In this paper, we explore the landscape of transfer learning techniques for NLP by introducing a unified framework that converts all text-based language problems into a text-to-text format. Our systematic study compares pre-training objectives, architectures, unlabeled data sets, transfer approaches, and other factors on dozens of language understanding tasks. By combining the insights from our exploration with scale and our new ``Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus'', we achieve state-of-the-art results on many benchmarks covering summarization, question answering, text classification, and more. To facilitate future work on transfer learning for NLP, we release our data set, pre-trained models, and code.
[ "Colin Raffel", "Noam Shazeer", "Adam Roberts", "Katherine Lee", "Sharan Narang", "Michael Matena", "Yanqi Zhou", "Wei Li", "Peter J. Liu" ]
The Turking Test: Can Language Models Understand Instructions? Avia Efrat Tel-Aviv University [email protected] Levy Tel-
The Turking Test: Can Language Models Understand Instructions?
Supervised machine learning provides the learner with a set of input-output examples of the target task. Humans, however, can also learn to perform new tasks from instructions in natural language. Can machines learn to understand instructions as well? We present the Turking Test, which examines a model's ability to follow natural language instructions of varying complexity. These range from simple tasks, like retrieving the nth word of a sentence, to ones that require creativity, such as generating examples for SNLI and SQuAD in place of human intelligence workers ("turkers"). Despite our lenient evaluation methodology, we observe that a large pretrained language model performs poorly across all tasks. Analyzing the model's error patterns reveals that the model tends to ignore explicit instructions and often generates outputs that cannot be construed as an attempt to solve the task. While it is not yet clear whether instruction understanding can be captured by traditional language models, the sheer expressivity of instruction understanding makes it an appealing alternative to the rising few-shot inference paradigm.
[ "Avia Efrat", "Omer Levy" ]
The State and Fate of Linguistic Diversity and Inclusion in the NLP World Pratik JoshiSebastin SantyAmar Budhiraja Kalika Bal
The State and Fate of Linguistic Diversity and Inclusion in the NLP World
Language technologies contribute to promoting multilingualism and linguistic diversity around the world. However, only a very small number of the over 7000 languages of the world are represented in the rapidly evolving language technologies and applications. In this paper we look at the relation between the types of languages, resources, and their representation in NLP conferences to understand the trajectory that different languages have followed over time. Our quantitative investigation underlines the disparity between languages, especially in terms of their resources, and calls into question the "language agnostic" status of current models and systems. Through this paper, we attempt to convince the ACL community to prioritise the resolution of the predicaments highlighted here, so that no language is left behind.
[ "Pratik Joshi", "Sebastin Santy", "Amar Budhiraja", "Kalika Bali", "Monojit Choudhury" ]
GAUSSIAN ERROR LINEAR UNITS (GELU S) Dan Hendrycks∗ University of California, Berkeley [email protected] Gimpel Toyota
Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs)
We propose the Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU), a high-performing neural network activation function. The GELU activation function is $x\Phi(x)$, where $\Phi(x)$ the standard Gaussian cumulative distribution function. The GELU nonlinearity weights inputs by their value, rather than gates inputs by their sign as in ReLUs ($x\mathbf{1}_{x>0}$). We perform an empirical evaluation of the GELU nonlinearity against the ReLU and ELU activations and find performance improvements across all considered computer vision, natural language processing, and speech tasks.
[ "Dan Hendrycks", "Kevin Gimpel" ]
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2023 REAC T: S YNERGIZING REASONING AND ACTING IN LANGUAGE MODELS Shunyu Yao*,1, Jeffre
ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models
While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across tasks in language understanding and interactive decision making, their abilities for reasoning (e.g. chain-of-thought prompting) and acting (e.g. action plan generation) have primarily been studied as separate topics. In this paper, we explore the use of LLMs to generate both reasoning traces and task-specific actions in an interleaved manner, allowing for greater synergy between the two: reasoning traces help the model induce, track, and update action plans as well as handle exceptions, while actions allow it to interface with external sources, such as knowledge bases or environments, to gather additional information. We apply our approach, named ReAct, to a diverse set of language and decision making tasks and demonstrate its effectiveness over state-of-the-art baselines, as well as improved human interpretability and trustworthiness over methods without reasoning or acting components. Concretely, on question answering (HotpotQA) and fact verification (Fever), ReAct overcomes issues of hallucination and error propagation prevalent in chain-of-thought reasoning by interacting with a simple Wikipedia API, and generates human-like task-solving trajectories that are more interpretable than baselines without reasoning traces. On two interactive decision making benchmarks (ALFWorld and WebShop), ReAct outperforms imitation and reinforcement learning methods by an absolute success rate of 34% and 10% respectively, while being prompted with only one or two in-context examples. Project site with code:
[ "Shunyu Yao", "Jeffrey Zhao", "Dian Yu", "Nan Du", "Izhak Shafran", "Karthik Narasimhan", "Yuan Cao" ]
SuperGLUE: A Stickier Benchmark for General-Purpose Language Understanding Systems Alex Wang New York UniversityYada Pruksachat
SuperGLUE: A Stickier Benchmark for General-Purpose Language Understanding Systems
In the last year, new models and methods for pretraining and transfer learning have driven striking performance improvements across a range of language understanding tasks. The GLUE benchmark, introduced a little over one year ago, offers a single-number metric that summarizes progress on a diverse set of such tasks, but performance on the benchmark has recently surpassed the level of non-expert humans, suggesting limited headroom for further research. In this paper we present SuperGLUE, a new benchmark styled after GLUE with a new set of more difficult language understanding tasks, a software toolkit, and a public leaderboard. SuperGLUE is available at
[ "Alex Wang", "Yada Pruksachatkun", "Nikita Nangia", "Amanpreet Singh", "Julian Michael", "Felix Hill", "Omer Levy", "Samuel R. Bowman" ]
PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways Aakanksha Chowdhery∗Sharan Narang∗Jacob Devlin∗ Maarten Bosma Gaurav Mishra Adam R
PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways
Large language models have been shown to achieve remarkable performance across a variety of natural language tasks using few-shot learning, which drastically reduces the number of task-specific training examples needed to adapt the model to a particular application. To further our understanding of the impact of scale on few-shot learning, we trained a 540-billion parameter, densely activated, Transformer language model, which we call Pathways Language Model PaLM. We trained PaLM on 6144 TPU v4 chips using Pathways, a new ML system which enables highly efficient training across multiple TPU Pods. We demonstrate continued benefits of scaling by achieving state-of-the-art few-shot learning results on hundreds of language understanding and generation benchmarks. On a number of these tasks, PaLM 540B achieves breakthrough performance, outperforming the finetuned state-of-the-art on a suite of multi-step reasoning tasks, and outperforming average human performance on the recently released BIG-bench benchmark. A significant number of BIG-bench tasks showed discontinuous improvements from model scale, meaning that performance steeply increased as we scaled to our largest model. PaLM also has strong capabilities in multilingual tasks and source code generation, which we demonstrate on a wide array of benchmarks. We additionally provide a comprehensive analysis on bias and toxicity, and study the extent of training data memorization with respect to model scale. Finally, we discuss the ethical considerations related to large language models and discuss potential mitigation strategies.
[ "Aakanksha Chowdhery", "Sharan Narang", "Jacob Devlin", "Maarten Bosma", "Gaurav Mishra", "Adam Roberts", "Paul Barham", "Hyung Won Chung", "Charles Sutton", "Sebastian Gehrmann", "Parker Schuh", "Kensen Shi", "Sasha Tsvyashchenko", "Joshua Maynez", "Abhishek Rao", "Parker Barnes", "Yi Tay", "Noam Shazeer", "Vinodkumar Prabhakaran", "Emily Reif", "Nan Du", "Ben Hutchinson", "Reiner Pope", "James Bradbury", "Jacob Austin", "Michael Isard", "Guy Gur-Ari", "Pengcheng Yin", "Toju Duke", "Anselm Levskaya", "Sanjay Ghemawat", "Sunipa Dev", "Henryk Michalewski", "Xavier Garcia", "Vedant Misra", "Kevin Robinson", "Liam Fedus", "Denny Zhou", "Daphne Ippolito", "David Luan", "Hyeontaek Lim", "Barret Zoph", "Alexander Spiridonov", "Ryan Sepassi", "David Dohan", "Shivani Agrawal", "Mark Omernick", "Andrew M. Dai", "Thanumalayan Sankaranarayana Pillai", "Marie Pellat", "Aitor Lewkowycz", "Erica Moreira", "Rewon Child", "Oleksandr Polozov", "Katherine Lee", "Zongwei Zhou", "Xuezhi Wang", "Brennan Saeta", "Mark Diaz", "Orhan Firat", "Michele Catasta", "Jason Wei", "Kathy Meier-Hellstern", "Douglas Eck", "Jeff Dean", "Slav Petrov", "Noah Fiedel" ]
Galactica: A Large Language Model for Science Ross Taylor Marcin Kardas Guillem Cucurull Thomas Scialom Anthony Hartshorn Elvis
Galactica: A Large Language Model for Science
Information overload is a major obstacle to scientific progress. The explosive growth in scientific literature and data has made it ever harder to discover useful insights in a large mass of information. Today scientific knowledge is accessed through search engines, but they are unable to organize scientific knowledge alone. In this paper we introduce Galactica: a large language model that can store, combine and reason about scientific knowledge. We train on a large scientific corpus of papers, reference material, knowledge bases and many other sources. We outperform existing models on a range of scientific tasks. On technical knowledge probes such as LaTeX equations, Galactica outperforms the latest GPT-3 by 68.2% versus 49.0%. Galactica also performs well on reasoning, outperforming Chinchilla on mathematical MMLU by 41.3% to 35.7%, and PaLM 540B on MATH with a score of 20.4% versus 8.8%. It also sets a new state-of-the-art on downstream tasks such as PubMedQA and MedMCQA dev of 77.6% and 52.9%. And despite not being trained on a general corpus, Galactica outperforms BLOOM and OPT-175B on BIG-bench. We believe these results demonstrate the potential for language models as a new interface for science. We open source the model for the benefit of the scientific community.
[ "Ross Taylor", "Marcin Kardas", "Guillem Cucurull", "Thomas Scialom", "Anthony Hartshorn", "Elvis Saravia", "Andrew Poulton", "Viktor Kerkez", "Robert Stojnic" ]
October 10, 2022 MIND’SEYE: G ROUNDED LANGUAGE MODEL REASONING THROUGH SIMULATION Ruibo Liu1;2, Jason Wei1, Shixiang Shane Gu1,
Mind's Eye: Grounded Language Model Reasoning through Simulation
Successful and effective communication between humans and AI relies on a shared experience of the world. By training solely on written text, current language models (LMs) miss the grounded experience of humans in the real-world -- their failure to relate language to the physical world causes knowledge to be misrepresented and obvious mistakes in their reasoning. We present Mind's Eye, a paradigm to ground language model reasoning in the physical world. Given a physical reasoning question, we use a computational physics engine (DeepMind's MuJoCo) to simulate the possible outcomes, and then use the simulation results as part of the input, which enables language models to perform reasoning. Experiments on 39 tasks in a physics alignment benchmark demonstrate that Mind's Eye can improve reasoning ability by a large margin (27.9% zero-shot, and 46.0% few-shot absolute accuracy improvement on average). Smaller language models armed with Mind's Eye can obtain similar performance to models that are 100x larger. Finally, we confirm the robustness of Mind's Eye through ablation studies.
[ "Ruibo Liu", "Jason Wei", "Shixiang Shane Gu", "Te-Yen Wu", "Soroush Vosoughi", "Claire Cui", "Denny Zhou", "Andrew M. Dai" ]
Red teaming ChatGPT via Jailbreaking: Bias, Robustness, Reliability and Toxicity Terry Yue Zhuo1,2§, Yujin Huang2, Chunyang Chen
Red teaming ChatGPT via Jailbreaking: Bias, Robustness, Reliability and Toxicity
Recent breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) have permitted the synthesis and comprehension of coherent text in an open-ended way, therefore translating the theoretical algorithms into practical applications. The large language models (LLMs) have significantly impacted businesses such as report summarization software and copywriters. Observations indicate, however, that LLMs may exhibit social prejudice and toxicity, posing ethical and societal dangers of consequences resulting from irresponsibility. Large-scale benchmarks for accountable LLMs should consequently be developed. Although several empirical investigations reveal the existence of a few ethical difficulties in advanced LLMs, there is little systematic examination and user study of the risks and harmful behaviors of current LLM usage. To further educate future efforts on constructing ethical LLMs responsibly, we perform a qualitative research method called ``red teaming'' on OpenAI's ChatGPT\footnote{In this paper, ChatGPT refers to the version released on Dec 15th.} to better understand the practical features of ethical dangers in recent LLMs. We analyze ChatGPT comprehensively from four perspectives: 1) \textit{Bias} 2) \textit{Reliability} 3) \textit{Robustness} 4) \textit{Toxicity}. In accordance with our stated viewpoints, we empirically benchmark ChatGPT on multiple sample datasets. We find that a significant number of ethical risks cannot be addressed by existing benchmarks, and hence illustrate them via additional case studies. In addition, we examine the implications of our findings on AI ethics and harmal behaviors of ChatGPT, as well as future problems and practical design considerations for responsible LLMs. We believe that our findings may give light on future efforts to determine and mitigate the ethical hazards posed by machines in LLM applications.
[ "Terry Yue Zhuo", "Yujin Huang", "Chunyang Chen", "Zhenchang Xing" ]
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2018 GENERATING WIKIPEDIA BY SUMMARIZING LONG SEQUENCES Peter J. Liu, Mohammad Saleh,
Generating Wikipedia by Summarizing Long Sequences
We show that generating English Wikipedia articles can be approached as a multi- document summarization of source documents. We use extractive summarization to coarsely identify salient information and a neural abstractive model to generate the article. For the abstractive model, we introduce a decoder-only architecture that can scalably attend to very long sequences, much longer than typical encoder- decoder architectures used in sequence transduction. We show that this model can generate fluent, coherent multi-sentence paragraphs and even whole Wikipedia articles. When given reference documents, we show it can extract relevant factual information as reflected in perplexity, ROUGE scores and human evaluations.
[ "Peter J. Liu", "Mohammad Saleh", "Etienne Pot", "Ben Goodrich", "Ryan Sepassi", "Lukasz Kaiser", "Noam Shazeer" ]
188To Trust or to Think: Cognitive Forcing Functions Can Reduce Overreliance on AI in AI-assisted Decision-making ZANA BUÇINCA,
To Trust or to Think: Cognitive Forcing Functions Can Reduce Overreliance on AI in AI-assisted Decision-making
People supported by AI-powered decision support tools frequently overrely on the AI: they accept an AI's suggestion even when that suggestion is wrong. Adding explanations to the AI decisions does not appear to reduce the overreliance and some studies suggest that it might even increase it. Informed by the dual-process theory of cognition, we posit that people rarely engage analytically with each individual AI recommendation and explanation, and instead develop general heuristics about whether and when to follow the AI suggestions. Building on prior research on medical decision-making, we designed three cognitive forcing interventions to compel people to engage more thoughtfully with the AI-generated explanations. We conducted an experiment (N=199), in which we compared our three cognitive forcing designs to two simple explainable AI approaches and to a no-AI baseline. The results demonstrate that cognitive forcing significantly reduced overreliance compared to the simple explainable AI approaches. However, there was a trade-off: people assigned the least favorable subjective ratings to the designs that reduced the overreliance the most. To audit our work for intervention-generated inequalities, we investigated whether our interventions benefited equally people with different levels of Need for Cognition (i.e., motivation to engage in effortful mental activities). Our results show that, on average, cognitive forcing interventions benefited participants higher in Need for Cognition more. Our research suggests that human cognitive motivation moderates the effectiveness of explainable AI solutions.
[ "Zana Buçinca", "Maja Barbara Malaya", "Krzysztof Z. Gajos" ]
Criticality in Formal Languages and Statistical Physics Henry W. Lin and Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, Harvard University, Camb
Criticality in Formal Languages and Statistical Physics
We show that the mutual information between two symbols, as a function of the number of symbols between the two, decays exponentially in any probabilistic regular grammar, but can decay like a power law for a context-free grammar. This result about formal languages is closely related to a well-known result in classical statistical mechanics that there are no phase transitions in dimensions fewer than two. It is also related to the emergence of power-law correlations in turbulence and cosmological inflation through recursive generative processes. We elucidate these physics connections and comment on potential applications of our results to machine learning tasks like training artificial recurrent neural networks. Along the way, we introduce a useful quantity which we dub the rational mutual information and discuss generalizations of our claims involving more complicated Bayesian networks.
[ "Henry W. Lin", "Max Tegmark" ]
Unraveling the Hidden Environmental Impacts of AI Solutions for Environment Life Cycle Assessment of AI Solutions Anne-Laure Lig
Unraveling the Hidden Environmental Impacts of AI Solutions for Environment
In the past ten years, artificial intelligence has encountered such dramatic progress that it is now seen as a tool of choice to solve environmental issues and in the first place greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). At the same time the deep learning community began to realize that training models with more and more parameters requires a lot of energy and as a consequence GHG emissions. To our knowledge, questioning the complete net environmental impacts of AI solutions for the environment (AI for Green), and not only GHG, has never been addressed directly. In this article, we propose to study the possible negative impacts of AI for Green. First, we review the different types of AI impacts, then we present the different methodologies used to assess those impacts, and show how to apply life cycle assessment to AI services. Finally, we discuss how to assess the environmental usefulness of a general AI service, and point out the limitations of existing work in AI for Green.
[ "Anne-Laure Ligozat", "Julien Lefèvre", "Aurélie Bugeau", "Jacques Combaz" ]
Red Teaming Language Models to Reduce Harms: Methods, Scaling Behaviors, and Lessons Learned Deep Ganguli, Liane Lovitt, Jacks
Red Teaming Language Models to Reduce Harms: Methods, Scaling Behaviors, and Lessons Learned
We describe our early efforts to red team language models in order to simultaneously discover, measure, and attempt to reduce their potentially harmful outputs. We make three main contributions. First, we investigate scaling behaviors for red teaming across 3 model sizes (2.7B, 13B, and 52B parameters) and 4 model types: a plain language model (LM); an LM prompted to be helpful, honest, and harmless; an LM with rejection sampling; and a model trained to be helpful and harmless using reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). We find that the RLHF models are increasingly difficult to red team as they scale, and we find a flat trend with scale for the other model types. Second, we release our dataset of 38,961 red team attacks for others to analyze and learn from. We provide our own analysis of the data and find a variety of harmful outputs, which range from offensive language to more subtly harmful non-violent unethical outputs. Third, we exhaustively describe our instructions, processes, statistical methodologies, and uncertainty about red teaming. We hope that this transparency accelerates our ability to work together as a community in order to develop shared norms, practices, and technical standards for how to red team language models.
[ "Deep Ganguli", "Liane Lovitt", "Jackson Kernion", "Amanda Askell", "Yuntao Bai", "Saurav Kadavath", "Ben Mann", "Ethan Perez", "Nicholas Schiefer", "Kamal Ndousse", "Andy Jones", "Sam Bowman", "Anna Chen", "Tom Conerly", "Nova DasSarma", "Dawn Drain", "Nelson Elhage", "Sheer El-Showk", "Stanislav Fort", "Zac Hatfield-Dodds", "Tom Henighan", "Danny Hernandez", "Tristan Hume", "Josh Jacobson", "Scott Johnston", "Shauna Kravec", "Catherine Olsson", "Sam Ringer", "Eli Tran-Johnson", "Dario Amodei", "Tom Brown", "Nicholas Joseph", "Sam McCandlish", "Chris Olah", "Jared Kaplan", "Jack Clark" ]
Open-Domain Conversational Agents: Current Progress, Open Problems, and Future Directions Stephen Roller, Y-Lan Boureau, Jason
Open-Domain Conversational Agents: Current Progress, Open Problems, and Future Directions
We present our view of what is necessary to build an engaging open-domain conversational agent: covering the qualities of such an agent, the pieces of the puzzle that have been built so far, and the gaping holes we have not filled yet. We present a biased view, focusing on work done by our own group, while citing related work in each area. In particular, we discuss in detail the properties of continual learning, providing engaging content, and being well-behaved -- and how to measure success in providing them. We end with a discussion of our experience and learnings, and our recommendations to the community.
[ "Stephen Roller", "Y-Lan Boureau", "Jason Weston", "Antoine Bordes", "Emily Dinan", "Angela Fan", "David Gunning", "Da Ju", "Margaret Li", "Spencer Poff", "Pratik Ringshia", "Kurt Shuster", "Eric Michael Smith", "Arthur Szlam", "Jack Urbanek", "Mary Williamson" ]
arXiv:1508.07909v5 [cs.CL] 10 Jun 2016Neural Machine TranslationofRare Words withSubword Units Rico Sennrich andBarry Haddow a
Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units
Neural machine translation (NMT) models typically operate with a fixed vocabulary, but translation is an open-vocabulary problem. Previous work addresses the translation of out-of-vocabulary words by backing off to a dictionary. In this paper, we introduce a simpler and more effective approach, making the NMT model capable of open-vocabulary translation by encoding rare and unknown words as sequences of subword units. This is based on the intuition that various word classes are translatable via smaller units than words, for instance names (via character copying or transliteration), compounds (via compositional translation), and cognates and loanwords (via phonological and morphological transformations). We discuss the suitability of different word segmentation techniques, including simple character n-gram models and a segmentation based on the byte pair encoding compression algorithm, and empirically show that subword models improve over a back-off dictionary baseline for the WMT 15 translation tasks English-German and English-Russian by 1.1 and 1.3 BLEU, respectively.
[ "Rico Sennrich", "Barry Haddow", "Alexandra Birch" ]
arXiv:1802.03268v2 [cs.LG] 12 Feb 2018Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameter Sharing Hieu Pham* 1 2Melody Y. Guan*
Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameter Sharing
We propose Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS), a fast and inexpensive approach for automatic model design. In ENAS, a controller learns to discover neural network architectures by searching for an optimal subgraph within a large computational graph. The controller is trained with policy gradient to select a subgraph that maximizes the expected reward on the validation set. Meanwhile the model corresponding to the selected subgraph is trained to minimize a canonical cross entropy loss. Thanks to parameter sharing between child models, ENAS is fast: it delivers strong empirical performances using much fewer GPU-hours than all existing automatic model design approaches, and notably, 1000x less expensive than standard Neural Architecture Search. On the Penn Treebank dataset, ENAS discovers a novel architecture that achieves a test perplexity of 55.8, establishing a new state-of-the-art among all methods without post-training processing. On the CIFAR-10 dataset, ENAS designs novel architectures that achieve a test error of 2.89%, which is on par with NASNet (Zoph et al., 2018), whose test error is 2.65%.
[ "Hieu Pham", "Melody Y. Guan", "Barret Zoph", "Quoc V. Le", "Jeff Dean" ]
2022-09-20 Improving alignment of dialogue agents via targeted human judgements Amelia Glaese*, Nat McAleese*, Maja Trebacz*, Jo
Improving alignment of dialogue agents via targeted human judgements
We present Sparrow, an information-seeking dialogue agent trained to be more helpful, correct, and harmless compared to prompted language model baselines. We use reinforcement learning from human feedback to train our models with two new additions to help human raters judge agent behaviour. First, to make our agent more helpful and harmless, we break down the requirements for good dialogue into natural language rules the agent should follow, and ask raters about each rule separately. We demonstrate that this breakdown enables us to collect more targeted human judgements of agent behaviour and allows for more efficient rule-conditional reward models. Second, our agent provides evidence from sources supporting factual claims when collecting preference judgements over model statements. For factual questions, evidence provided by Sparrow supports the sampled response 78% of the time. Sparrow is preferred more often than baselines while being more resilient to adversarial probing by humans, violating our rules only 8% of the time when probed. Finally, we conduct extensive analyses showing that though our model learns to follow our rules it can exhibit distributional biases.
[ "Amelia Glaese", "Nat McAleese", "Maja Trębacz", "John Aslanides", "Vlad Firoiu", "Timo Ewalds", "Maribeth Rauh", "Laura Weidinger", "Martin Chadwick", "Phoebe Thacker", "Lucy Campbell-Gillingham", "Jonathan Uesato", "Po-Sen Huang", "Ramona Comanescu", "Fan Yang", "Abigail See", "Sumanth Dathathri", "Rory Greig", "Charlie Chen", "Doug Fritz", "Jaume Sanchez Elias", "Richard Green", "Soňa Mokrá", "Nicholas Fernando", "Boxi Wu", "Rachel Foley", "Susannah Young", "Iason Gabriel", "William Isaac", "John Mellor", "Demis Hassabis", "Koray Kavukcuoglu", "Lisa Anne Hendricks", "Geoffrey Irving" ]
The Evolved Transformer David R. So1Chen Liang1Quoc V . Le1 Abstract Recent works have highlighted the strength of theTransforme
The Evolved Transformer
Recent works have highlighted the strength of the Transformer architecture on sequence tasks while, at the same time, neural architecture search (NAS) has begun to outperform human-designed models. Our goal is to apply NAS to search for a better alternative to the Transformer. We first construct a large search space inspired by the recent advances in feed-forward sequence models and then run evolutionary architecture search with warm starting by seeding our initial population with the Transformer. To directly search on the computationally expensive WMT 2014 English-German translation task, we develop the Progressive Dynamic Hurdles method, which allows us to dynamically allocate more resources to more promising candidate models. The architecture found in our experiments -- the Evolved Transformer -- demonstrates consistent improvement over the Transformer on four well-established language tasks: WMT 2014 English-German, WMT 2014 English-French, WMT 2014 English-Czech and LM1B. At a big model size, the Evolved Transformer establishes a new state-of-the-art BLEU score of 29.8 on WMT'14 English-German; at smaller sizes, it achieves the same quality as the original "big" Transformer with 37.6% less parameters and outperforms the Transformer by 0.7 BLEU at a mobile-friendly model size of 7M parameters.
[ "David R. So", "Chen Liang", "Quoc V. Le" ]
A D EEP REINFORCED MODEL FOR ABSTRACTIVE SUMMARIZATION Romain Paulus, Caiming Xiong & Richard Socher Salesforce Research 172 Uni
A Deep Reinforced Model for Abstractive Summarization
Attentional, RNN-based encoder-decoder models for abstractive summarization have achieved good performance on short input and output sequences. For longer documents and summaries however these models often include repetitive and incoherent phrases. We introduce a neural network model with a novel intra-attention that attends over the input and continuously generated output separately, and a new training method that combines standard supervised word prediction and reinforcement learning (RL). Models trained only with supervised learning often exhibit "exposure bias" - they assume ground truth is provided at each step during training. However, when standard word prediction is combined with the global sequence prediction training of RL the resulting summaries become more readable. We evaluate this model on the CNN/Daily Mail and New York Times datasets. Our model obtains a 41.16 ROUGE-1 score on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, an improvement over previous state-of-the-art models. Human evaluation also shows that our model produces higher quality summaries.
[ "Romain Paulus", "Caiming Xiong", "Richard Socher" ]
Collaborative Storytelling with Large-scale Neural Language Models Eric Nichols∗ Honda Research Institute Japan [email protected]
Collaborative Storytelling with Large-scale Neural Language Models
Storytelling plays a central role in human socializing and entertainment. However, much of the research on automatic storytelling generation assumes that stories will be generated by an agent without any human interaction. In this paper, we introduce the task of collaborative storytelling, where an artificial intelligence agent and a person collaborate to create a unique story by taking turns adding to it. We present a collaborative storytelling system which works with a human storyteller to create a story by generating new utterances based on the story so far. We constructed the storytelling system by tuning a publicly-available large scale language model on a dataset of writing prompts and their accompanying fictional works. We identify generating sufficiently human-like utterances to be an important technical issue and propose a sample-and-rank approach to improve utterance quality. Quantitative evaluation shows that our approach outperforms a baseline, and we present qualitative evaluation of our system's capabilities.
[ "Eric Nichols", "Leo Gao", "Randy Gomez" ]
Multi-Dimensional Gender Bias Classification Emily Dinan, Angela Fany, Ledell Wu, Jason Weston, Douwe Kiela, Adina Williams Fac
Multi-Dimensional Gender Bias Classification
Machine learning models are trained to find patterns in data. NLP models can inadvertently learn socially undesirable patterns when training on gender biased text. In this work, we propose a general framework that decomposes gender bias in text along several pragmatic and semantic dimensions: bias from the gender of the person being spoken about, bias from the gender of the person being spoken to, and bias from the gender of the speaker. Using this fine-grained framework, we automatically annotate eight large scale datasets with gender information. In addition, we collect a novel, crowdsourced evaluation benchmark of utterance-level gender rewrites. Distinguishing between gender bias along multiple dimensions is important, as it enables us to train finer-grained gender bias classifiers. We show our classifiers prove valuable for a variety of important applications, such as controlling for gender bias in generative models, detecting gender bias in arbitrary text, and shed light on offensive language in terms of genderedness.
[ "Emily Dinan", "Angela Fan", "Ledell Wu", "Jason Weston", "Douwe Kiela", "Adina Williams" ]
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2021 MEASURING MASSIVE MULTITASK LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING Dan Hendrycks UC BerkeleyCollin
Measuring Massive Multitask Language Understanding
We propose a new test to measure a text model's multitask accuracy. The test covers 57 tasks including elementary mathematics, US history, computer science, law, and more. To attain high accuracy on this test, models must possess extensive world knowledge and problem solving ability. We find that while most recent models have near random-chance accuracy, the very largest GPT-3 model improves over random chance by almost 20 percentage points on average. However, on every one of the 57 tasks, the best models still need substantial improvements before they can reach expert-level accuracy. Models also have lopsided performance and frequently do not know when they are wrong. Worse, they still have near-random accuracy on some socially important subjects such as morality and law. By comprehensively evaluating the breadth and depth of a model's academic and professional understanding, our test can be used to analyze models across many tasks and to identify important shortcomings.
[ "Dan Hendrycks", "Collin Burns", "Steven Basart", "Andy Zou", "Mantas Mazeika", "Dawn Song", "Jacob Steinhardt" ]
Language Models (Mostly) Know What They Know Saurav Kadavath, Tom Conerly, Amanda Askell, Tom Henighan, Dawn Drain, Ethan Perez
Language Models (Mostly) Know What They Know
We study whether language models can evaluate the validity of their own claims and predict which questions they will be able to answer correctly. We first show that larger models are well-calibrated on diverse multiple choice and true/false questions when they are provided in the right format. Thus we can approach self-evaluation on open-ended sampling tasks by asking models to first propose answers, and then to evaluate the probability "P(True)" that their answers are correct. We find encouraging performance, calibration, and scaling for P(True) on a diverse array of tasks. Performance at self-evaluation further improves when we allow models to consider many of their own samples before predicting the validity of one specific possibility. Next, we investigate whether models can be trained to predict "P(IK)", the probability that "I know" the answer to a question, without reference to any particular proposed answer. Models perform well at predicting P(IK) and partially generalize across tasks, though they struggle with calibration of P(IK) on new tasks. The predicted P(IK) probabilities also increase appropriately in the presence of relevant source materials in the context, and in the presence of hints towards the solution of mathematical word problems. We hope these observations lay the groundwork for training more honest models, and for investigating how honesty generalizes to cases where models are trained on objectives other than the imitation of human writing.
[ "Saurav Kadavath", "Tom Conerly", "Amanda Askell", "Tom Henighan", "Dawn Drain", "Ethan Perez", "Nicholas Schiefer", "Zac Hatfield-Dodds", "Nova DasSarma", "Eli Tran-Johnson", "Scott Johnston", "Sheer El-Showk", "Andy Jones", "Nelson Elhage", "Tristan Hume", "Anna Chen", "Yuntao Bai", "Sam Bowman", "Stanislav Fort", "Deep Ganguli", "Danny Hernandez", "Josh Jacobson", "Jackson Kernion", "Shauna Kravec", "Liane Lovitt", "Kamal Ndousse", "Catherine Olsson", "Sam Ringer", "Dario Amodei", "Tom Brown", "Jack Clark", "Nicholas Joseph", "Ben Mann", "Sam McCandlish", "Chris Olah", "Jared Kaplan" ]
The Pushshift Reddit Dataset Jason Baumgartner1,*, Savvas Zannettou2,,, Brian Keegan3, Megan Squire4, Jeremy Blackburn5,, 1Pushs
The Pushshift Reddit Dataset
Social media data has become crucial to the advancement of scientific understanding. However, even though it has become ubiquitous, just collecting large-scale social media data involves a high degree of engineering skill set and computational resources. In fact, research is often times gated by data engineering problems that must be overcome before analysis can proceed. This has resulted recognition of datasets as meaningful research contributions in and of themselves. Reddit, the so called "front page of the Internet," in particular has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. Although Reddit is relatively open to data acquisition compared to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, the technical barriers to acquisition still remain. Thus, Reddit's millions of subreddits, hundreds of millions of users, and hundreds of billions of comments are at the same time relatively accessible, but time consuming to collect and analyze systematically. In this paper, we present the Pushshift Reddit dataset. Pushshift is a social media data collection, analysis, and archiving platform that since 2015 has collected Reddit data and made it available to researchers. Pushshift's Reddit dataset is updated in real-time, and includes historical data back to Reddit's inception. In addition to monthly dumps, Pushshift provides computational tools to aid in searching, aggregating, and performing exploratory analysis on the entirety of the dataset. The Pushshift Reddit dataset makes it possible for social media researchers to reduce time spent in the data collection, cleaning, and storage phases of their projects.
[ "Jason Baumgartner", "Savvas Zannettou", "Brian Keegan", "Megan Squire", "Jeremy Blackburn" ]
Explanation in Arti cial Intelligence: Insights from the Social Sciences Tim Miller School of Computing and Information Systems
Explanation in Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Social Sciences
There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a `good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
[ "Tim Miller" ]
Making Large Language Models Better Reasoners with Step-Aware Verifier Yifei Li1,2∗, Zeqi Lin2, Shizhuo Zhang2, Qiang Fu2, Bei C
Making Large Language Models Better Reasoners with Step-Aware Verifier
Few-shot learning is a challenging task that requires language models to generalize from limited examples. Large language models like GPT-3 and PaLM have made impressive progress in this area, but they still face difficulties in reasoning tasks such as GSM8K, a benchmark for arithmetic problems. To improve their reasoning skills, previous work has proposed to guide the language model with prompts that elicit a series of reasoning steps before giving the final answer, achieving a significant improvement on GSM8K from 17.9% to 58.1% in problem-solving rate. In this paper, we present DIVERSE (Diverse Verifier on Reasoning Step), a novel approach that further enhances the reasoning capability of language models. DIVERSE has three main components: first, it generates diverse prompts to explore different reasoning paths for the same question; second, it uses a verifier to filter out incorrect answers based on a weighted voting scheme; and third, it verifies each reasoning step individually instead of the whole chain. We evaluate DIVERSE on the latest language model code-davinci-002 and show that it achieves new state-of-the-art results on six of eight reasoning benchmarks (e.g., GSM8K 74.4% to 83.2%).
[ "Yifei Li", "Zeqi Lin", "Shizhuo Zhang", "Qiang Fu", "Bei Chen", "Jian-Guang Lou", "Weizhu Chen" ]
Sharp Minima Can Generalize For Deep Nets Laurent Dinh1Razvan Pascanu2Samy Bengio3Yoshua Bengio1 4 Abstract Despite their overwh
Sharp Minima Can Generalize For Deep Nets
Despite their overwhelming capacity to overfit, deep learning architectures tend to generalize relatively well to unseen data, allowing them to be deployed in practice. However, explaining why this is the case is still an open area of research. One standing hypothesis that is gaining popularity, e.g. Hochreiter & Schmidhuber (1997); Keskar et al. (2017), is that the flatness of minima of the loss function found by stochastic gradient based methods results in good generalization. This paper argues that most notions of flatness are problematic for deep models and can not be directly applied to explain generalization. Specifically, when focusing on deep networks with rectifier units, we can exploit the particular geometry of parameter space induced by the inherent symmetries that these architectures exhibit to build equivalent models corresponding to arbitrarily sharper minima. Furthermore, if we allow to reparametrize a function, the geometry of its parameters can change drastically without affecting its generalization properties.
[ "Laurent Dinh", "Razvan Pascanu", "Samy Bengio", "Yoshua Bengio" ]
BadGPT: Exploring Security Vulnerabilities of ChatGPT via Backdoor Attacks to InstructGPT Jiawen Shi, Yixin Liuy, Pan Zhouand
BadGPT: Exploring Security Vulnerabilities of ChatGPT via Backdoor Attacks to InstructGPT
Recently, ChatGPT has gained significant attention in research due to its ability to interact with humans effectively. The core idea behind this model is reinforcement learning (RL) fine-tuning, a new paradigm that allows language models to align with human preferences, i.e., InstructGPT. In this study, we propose BadGPT, the first backdoor attack against RL fine-tuning in language models. By injecting a backdoor into the reward model, the language model can be compromised during the fine-tuning stage. Our initial experiments on movie reviews, i.e., IMDB, demonstrate that an attacker can manipulate the generated text through BadGPT.
[ "Jiawen Shi", "Yixin Liu", "Pan Zhou", "Lichao Sun" ]
Intersectional Bias in Hate Speech and Abusive Language Datasets Jae Yeon Kim, Carlos Ortiz, Sarah Nam, Sarah Santiago, Vivek D
Intersectional Bias in Hate Speech and Abusive Language Datasets
Algorithms are widely applied to detect hate speech and abusive language in social media. We investigated whether the human-annotated data used to train these algorithms are biased. We utilized a publicly available annotated Twitter dataset (Founta et al. 2018) and classified the racial, gender, and party identification dimensions of 99,996 tweets. The results showed that African American tweets were up to 3.7 times more likely to be labeled as abusive, and African American male tweets were up to 77% more likely to be labeled as hateful compared to the others. These patterns were statistically significant and robust even when party identification was added as a control variable. This study provides the first systematic evidence on intersectional bias in datasets of hate speech and abusive language.
[ "Jae Yeon Kim", "Carlos Ortiz", "Sarah Nam", "Sarah Santiago", "Vivek Datta" ]
Racial Disparity in Natural Language Processing: A Case Study of Social Media African-American English Su Lin Blodge/t_t Univers
Racial Disparity in Natural Language Processing: A Case Study of Social Media African-American English
We highlight an important frontier in algorithmic fairness: disparity in the quality of natural language processing algorithms when applied to language from authors of different social groups. For example, current systems sometimes analyze the language of females and minorities more poorly than they do of whites and males. We conduct an empirical analysis of racial disparity in language identification for tweets written in African-American English, and discuss implications of disparity in NLP.
[ "Su Lin Blodgett", "Brendan O'Connor" ]
The Depth-to-Width Interplay in Self-Attention Yoav Levine, Noam Wies, Or Sharir, Hofit Bata, and Amnon Shashua The Hebrew Univer
The Depth-to-Width Interplay in Self-Attention
Self-attention architectures, which are rapidly pushing the frontier in natural language processing, demonstrate a surprising depth-inefficient behavior: previous works indicate that increasing the internal representation (network width) is just as useful as increasing the number of self-attention layers (network depth). We theoretically predict a width-dependent transition between depth-efficiency and depth-inefficiency in self-attention. We conduct systematic empirical ablations on networks of depths 6 to 48 that clearly reveal the theoretically predicted behaviors, and provide explicit quantitative suggestions regarding the optimal depth-to-width allocation for a given self-attention network size. The race towards beyond 1-Trillion parameter language models renders informed guidelines for increasing self-attention depth and width in tandem an essential ingredient. Our guidelines elucidate the depth-to-width trade-off in self-attention networks of sizes up to the scale of GPT3 (which we project to be too deep for its size), and beyond, marking an unprecedented width of 30K as optimal for a 1-Trillion parameter network.
[ "Yoav Levine", "Noam Wies", "Or Sharir", "Hofit Bata", "Amnon Shashua" ]
The LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context Denis Paperno, Germ ´an Kruszewski, Angeliki Lazaridou
The LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context
We introduce LAMBADA, a dataset to evaluate the capabilities of computational models for text understanding by means of a word prediction task. LAMBADA is a collection of narrative passages sharing the characteristic that human subjects are able to guess their last word if they are exposed to the whole passage, but not if they only see the last sentence preceding the target word. To succeed on LAMBADA, computational models cannot simply rely on local context, but must be able to keep track of information in the broader discourse. We show that LAMBADA exemplifies a wide range of linguistic phenomena, and that none of several state-of-the-art language models reaches accuracy above 1% on this novel benchmark. We thus propose LAMBADA as a challenging test set, meant to encourage the development of new models capable of genuine understanding of broad context in natural language text.
[ "Denis Paperno", "Germán Kruszewski", "Angeliki Lazaridou", "Quan Ngoc Pham", "Raffaella Bernardi", "Sandro Pezzelle", "Marco Baroni", "Gemma Boleda", "Raquel Fernández" ]
Retrieval Augmentation Reduces Hallucination in Conversation Kurt Shuster, Spencer Poff, Moya Chen, Douwe Kiela, Jason Weston
Retrieval Augmentation Reduces Hallucination in Conversation
Despite showing increasingly human-like conversational abilities, state-of-the-art dialogue models often suffer from factual incorrectness and hallucination of knowledge (Roller et al., 2020). In this work we explore the use of neural-retrieval-in-the-loop architectures - recently shown to be effective in open-domain QA (Lewis et al., 2020b; Izacard and Grave, 2020) - for knowledge-grounded dialogue, a task that is arguably more challenging as it requires querying based on complex multi-turn dialogue context and generating conversationally coherent responses. We study various types of architectures with multiple components - retrievers, rankers, and encoder-decoders - with the goal of maximizing knowledgeability while retaining conversational ability. We demonstrate that our best models obtain state-of-the-art performance on two knowledge-grounded conversational tasks. The models exhibit open-domain conversational capabilities, generalize effectively to scenarios not within the training data, and, as verified by human evaluations, substantially reduce the well-known problem of knowledge hallucination in state-of-the-art chatbots.
[ "Kurt Shuster", "Spencer Poff", "Moya Chen", "Douwe Kiela", "Jason Weston" ]
October 3, 2022 COMPOSITIONAL SEMANTIC PARSING WITH LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS Andrew Drozdov1,2,*Nathanael Sch ¨arli1,*Ekin Aky ¨ure
Compositional Semantic Parsing with Large Language Models
Humans can reason compositionally when presented with new tasks. Previous research shows that appropriate prompting techniques enable large language models (LLMs) to solve artificial compositional generalization tasks such as SCAN. In this work, we identify additional challenges in more realistic semantic parsing tasks with larger vocabulary and refine these prompting techniques to address them. Our best method is based on least-to-most prompting: it decomposes the problem using prompting-based syntactic parsing, then uses this decomposition to select appropriate exemplars and to sequentially generate the semantic parse. This method allows us to set a new state of the art for CFQ while requiring only 1% of the training data used by traditional approaches. Due to the general nature of our approach, we expect similar efforts will lead to new results in other tasks and domains, especially for knowledge-intensive applications.
[ "Andrew Drozdov", "Nathanael Schärli", "Ekin Akyürek", "Nathan Scales", "Xinying Song", "Xinyun Chen", "Olivier Bousquet", "Denny Zhou" ]
Challenges in Detoxifying Language Models Johannes WelblAmelia GlaeseJonathan UesatoSumanth Dathathri John MellorLisa Anne
Challenges in Detoxifying Language Models
Large language models (LM) generate remarkably fluent text and can be efficiently adapted across NLP tasks. Measuring and guaranteeing the quality of generated text in terms of safety is imperative for deploying LMs in the real world; to this end, prior work often relies on automatic evaluation of LM toxicity. We critically discuss this approach, evaluate several toxicity mitigation strategies with respect to both automatic and human evaluation, and analyze consequences of toxicity mitigation in terms of model bias and LM quality. We demonstrate that while basic intervention strategies can effectively optimize previously established automatic metrics on the RealToxicityPrompts dataset, this comes at the cost of reduced LM coverage for both texts about, and dialects of, marginalized groups. Additionally, we find that human raters often disagree with high automatic toxicity scores after strong toxicity reduction interventions -- highlighting further the nuances involved in careful evaluation of LM toxicity.
[ "Johannes Welbl", "Amelia Glaese", "Jonathan Uesato", "Sumanth Dathathri", "John Mellor", "Lisa Anne Hendricks", "Kirsty Anderson", "Pushmeet Kohli", "Ben Coppin", "Po-Sen Huang" ]
A General Language Assistant as a Laboratory for Alignment Amanda AskellYuntao BaiAnna ChenDawn DrainDeep GanguliTom Henigh
A General Language Assistant as a Laboratory for Alignment
Given the broad capabilities of large language models, it should be possible to work towards a general-purpose, text-based assistant that is aligned with human values, meaning that it is helpful, honest, and harmless. As an initial foray in this direction we study simple baseline techniques and evaluations, such as prompting. We find that the benefits from modest interventions increase with model size, generalize to a variety of alignment evaluations, and do not compromise the performance of large models. Next we investigate scaling trends for several training objectives relevant to alignment, comparing imitation learning, binary discrimination, and ranked preference modeling. We find that ranked preference modeling performs much better than imitation learning, and often scales more favorably with model size. In contrast, binary discrimination typically performs and scales very similarly to imitation learning. Finally we study a `preference model pre-training' stage of training, with the goal of improving sample efficiency when finetuning on human preferences.
[ "Amanda Askell", "Yuntao Bai", "Anna Chen", "Dawn Drain", "Deep Ganguli", "Tom Henighan", "Andy Jones", "Nicholas Joseph", "Ben Mann", "Nova DasSarma", "Nelson Elhage", "Zac Hatfield-Dodds", "Danny Hernandez", "Jackson Kernion", "Kamal Ndousse", "Catherine Olsson", "Dario Amodei", "Tom Brown", "Jack Clark", "Sam McCandlish", "Chris Olah", "Jared Kaplan" ]
GPTScore: Evaluate as You Desire Jinlan Fu1See-Kiong Ng1Zhengbao Jiang2Pengfei Liu2 Abstract Generative Artificial Intelligence (
GPTScore: Evaluate as You Desire
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has enabled the development of sophisticated models that are capable of producing high-caliber text, images, and other outputs through the utilization of large pre-trained models. Nevertheless, assessing the quality of the generation is an even more arduous task than the generation itself, and this issue has not been given adequate consideration recently. This paper proposes a novel evaluation framework, GPTScore, which utilizes the emergent abilities (e.g., zero-shot instruction) of generative pre-trained models to score generated texts. There are 19 pre-trained models explored in this paper, ranging in size from 80M (e.g., FLAN-T5-small) to 175B (e.g., GPT3). Experimental results on four text generation tasks, 22 evaluation aspects, and corresponding 37 datasets demonstrate that this approach can effectively allow us to achieve what one desires to evaluate for texts simply by natural language instructions. This nature helps us overcome several long-standing challenges in text evaluation--how to achieve customized, multi-faceted evaluation without the need for annotated samples. We make our code publicly available at
[ "Jinlan Fu", "See-Kiong Ng", "Zhengbao Jiang", "Pengfei Liu" ]
Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models Jared Kaplan Johns Hopkins University, OpenAI [email protected] McCandlish OpenAI sam@
Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models
We study empirical scaling laws for language model performance on the cross-entropy loss. The loss scales as a power-law with model size, dataset size, and the amount of compute used for training, with some trends spanning more than seven orders of magnitude. Other architectural details such as network width or depth have minimal effects within a wide range. Simple equations govern the dependence of overfitting on model/dataset size and the dependence of training speed on model size. These relationships allow us to determine the optimal allocation of a fixed compute budget. Larger models are significantly more sample-efficient, such that optimally compute-efficient training involves training very large models on a relatively modest amount of data and stopping significantly before convergence.
[ "Jared Kaplan", "Sam McCandlish", "Tom Henighan", "Tom B. Brown", "Benjamin Chess", "Rewon Child", "Scott Gray", "Alec Radford", "Jeffrey Wu", "Dario Amodei" ]
Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems with Language Models Aitor Lewkowycz∗, Anders Andreassen†, David Dohany, Ethan Dyery, He
Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems with Language Models
Language models have achieved remarkable performance on a wide range of tasks that require natural language understanding. Nevertheless, state-of-the-art models have generally struggled with tasks that require quantitative reasoning, such as solving mathematics, science, and engineering problems at the college level. To help close this gap, we introduce Minerva, a large language model pretrained on general natural language data and further trained on technical content. The model achieves state-of-the-art performance on technical benchmarks without the use of external tools. We also evaluate our model on over two hundred undergraduate-level problems in physics, biology, chemistry, economics, and other sciences that require quantitative reasoning, and find that the model can correctly answer nearly a third of them.
[ "Aitor Lewkowycz", "Anders Andreassen", "David Dohan", "Ethan Dyer", "Henryk Michalewski", "Vinay Ramasesh", "Ambrose Slone", "Cem Anil", "Imanol Schlag", "Theo Gutman-Solo", "Yuhuai Wu", "Behnam Neyshabur", "Guy Gur-Ari", "Vedant Misra" ]
Inner Monologue: Embodied Reasoning through Planning with Language Models Wenlong Huangy, Fei Xiay, Ted Xiaoy, Harris Chan, Jack
Inner Monologue: Embodied Reasoning through Planning with Language Models
Recent works have shown how the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) can be applied to domains beyond natural language processing, such as planning and interaction for robots. These embodied problems require an agent to understand many semantic aspects of the world: the repertoire of skills available, how these skills influence the world, and how changes to the world map back to the language. LLMs planning in embodied environments need to consider not just what skills to do, but also how and when to do them - answers that change over time in response to the agent's own choices. In this work, we investigate to what extent LLMs used in such embodied contexts can reason over sources of feedback provided through natural language, without any additional training. We propose that by leveraging environment feedback, LLMs are able to form an inner monologue that allows them to more richly process and plan in robotic control scenarios. We investigate a variety of sources of feedback, such as success detection, scene description, and human interaction. We find that closed-loop language feedback significantly improves high-level instruction completion on three domains, including simulated and real table top rearrangement tasks and long-horizon mobile manipulation tasks in a kitchen environment in the real world.
[ "Wenlong Huang", "Fei Xia", "Ted Xiao", "Harris Chan", "Jacky Liang", "Pete Florence", "Andy Zeng", "Jonathan Tompson", "Igor Mordatch", "Yevgen Chebotar", "Pierre Sermanet", "Noah Brown", "Tomas Jackson", "Linda Luu", "Sergey Levine", "Karol Hausman", "Brian Ichter" ]
Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions Danqi Chen Computer Science Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305, USA danqi
Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
This paper proposes to tackle open- domain question answering using Wikipedia as the unique knowledge source: the answer to any factoid question is a text span in a Wikipedia article. This task of machine reading at scale combines the challenges of document retrieval (finding the relevant articles) with that of machine comprehension of text (identifying the answer spans from those articles). Our approach combines a search component based on bigram hashing and TF-IDF matching with a multi-layer recurrent neural network model trained to detect answers in Wikipedia paragraphs. Our experiments on multiple existing QA datasets indicate that (1) both modules are highly competitive with respect to existing counterparts and (2) multitask learning using distant supervision on their combination is an effective complete system on this challenging task.
[ "Danqi Chen", "Adam Fisch", "Jason Weston", "Antoine Bordes" ]
SOCIAL BIASFRAMES : Reasoning about Social and Power Implications of Language Maarten SapySaadia GabrielyzLianhui Qinyz Dan Jura
Social Bias Frames: Reasoning about Social and Power Implications of Language
Warning: this paper contains content that may be offensive or upsetting. Language has the power to reinforce stereotypes and project social biases onto others. At the core of the challenge is that it is rarely what is stated explicitly, but rather the implied meanings, that frame people's judgments about others. For example, given a statement that "we shouldn't lower our standards to hire more women," most listeners will infer the implicature intended by the speaker -- that "women (candidates) are less qualified." Most semantic formalisms, to date, do not capture such pragmatic implications in which people express social biases and power differentials in language. We introduce Social Bias Frames, a new conceptual formalism that aims to model the pragmatic frames in which people project social biases and stereotypes onto others. In addition, we introduce the Social Bias Inference Corpus to support large-scale modelling and evaluation with 150k structured annotations of social media posts, covering over 34k implications about a thousand demographic groups. We then establish baseline approaches that learn to recover Social Bias Frames from unstructured text. We find that while state-of-the-art neural models are effective at high-level categorization of whether a given statement projects unwanted social bias (80% F1), they are not effective at spelling out more detailed explanations in terms of Social Bias Frames. Our study motivates future work that combines structured pragmatic inference with commonsense reasoning on social implications.
[ "Maarten Sap", "Saadia Gabriel", "Lianhui Qin", "Dan Jurafsky", "Noah A. Smith", "Yejin Choi" ]
Think you have Solved Question Answering? Try ARC, the AI2 Reasoning Challenge Peter Clark, Isaac Cowhey, Oren Etzioni, Tushar K
Think you have Solved Question Answering? Try ARC, the AI2 Reasoning Challenge
We present a new question set, text corpus, and baselines assembled to encourage AI research in advanced question answering. Together, these constitute the AI2 Reasoning Challenge (ARC), which requires far more powerful knowledge and reasoning than previous challenges such as SQuAD or SNLI. The ARC question set is partitioned into a Challenge Set and an Easy Set, where the Challenge Set contains only questions answered incorrectly by both a retrieval-based algorithm and a word co-occurence algorithm. The dataset contains only natural, grade-school science questions (authored for human tests), and is the largest public-domain set of this kind (7,787 questions). We test several baselines on the Challenge Set, including leading neural models from the SQuAD and SNLI tasks, and find that none are able to significantly outperform a random baseline, reflecting the difficult nature of this task. We are also releasing the ARC Corpus, a corpus of 14M science sentences relevant to the task, and implementations of the three neural baseline models tested. Can your model perform better? We pose ARC as a challenge to the community.
[ "Peter Clark", "Isaac Cowhey", "Oren Etzioni", "Tushar Khot", "Ashish Sabharwal", "Carissa Schoenick", "Oyvind Tafjord" ]
arXiv:1708.07747v2 [cs.LG] 15 Sep 2017Fashion-MNIST: a Novel Image Dataset for Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms Han Xi
Fashion-MNIST: a Novel Image Dataset for Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms
We present Fashion-MNIST, a new dataset comprising of 28x28 grayscale images of 70,000 fashion products from 10 categories, with 7,000 images per category. The training set has 60,000 images and the test set has 10,000 images. Fashion-MNIST is intended to serve as a direct drop-in replacement for the original MNIST dataset for benchmarking machine learning algorithms, as it shares the same image size, data format and the structure of training and testing splits. The dataset is freely available at
[ "Han Xiao", "Kashif Rasul", "Roland Vollgraf" ]
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding Jacob Devlin Ming-Wei Chang Kenton Lee Kristina
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unlike recent language representation models, BERT is designed to pre-train deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be fine-tuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial task-specific architecture modifications. BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE score to 80.5% (7.7% point absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7% (4.6% absolute improvement), SQuAD v1.1 question answering Test F1 to 93.2 (1.5 point absolute improvement) and SQuAD v2.0 Test F1 to 83.1 (5.1 point absolute improvement).
[ "Jacob Devlin", "Ming-Wei Chang", "Kenton Lee", "Kristina Toutanova" ]
CTRL: A Conditional Transformer Language Model for Controllable Generation
Large-scale language models show promising text generation capabilities, but users cannot easily control particular aspects of the generated text. We release CTRL, a 1.63 billion-parameter conditional transformer language model, trained to condition on control codes that govern style, content, and task-specific behavior. Control codes were derived from structure that naturally co-occurs with raw text, preserving the advantages of unsupervised learning while providing more explicit control over text generation. These codes also allow CTRL to predict which parts of the training data are most likely given a sequence. This provides a potential method for analyzing large amounts of data via model-based source attribution. We have released multiple full-sized, pretrained versions of CTRL at
[ "Nitish Shirish Keskar", "Bryan McCann", "Lav R. Varshney", "Caiming Xiong", "Richard Socher" ]
THECOMPUTATIONAL LIMITS OF DEEPLEARNING Neil C. Thompson1, Kristjan Greenewald2, Keeheon Lee3, Gabriel F. Manso4 1MIT Computer
The Computational Limits of Deep Learning
Deep learning's recent history has been one of achievement: from triumphing over humans in the game of Go to world-leading performance in image classification, voice recognition, translation, and other tasks. But this progress has come with a voracious appetite for computing power. This article catalogs the extent of this dependency, showing that progress across a wide variety of applications is strongly reliant on increases in computing power. Extrapolating forward this reliance reveals that progress along current lines is rapidly becoming economically, technically, and environmentally unsustainable. Thus, continued progress in these applications will require dramatically more computationally-efficient methods, which will either have to come from changes to deep learning or from moving to other machine learning methods.
[ "Neil C. Thompson", "Kristjan Greenewald", "Keeheon Lee", "Gabriel F. Manso" ]
GRADIENT DESCENT HAPPENS IN A TINYSUBSPACE Guy Gur-Ari School of Natural Sciences Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, NJ 08
Gradient Descent Happens in a Tiny Subspace
We show that in a variety of large-scale deep learning scenarios the gradient dynamically converges to a very small subspace after a short period of training. The subspace is spanned by a few top eigenvectors of the Hessian (equal to the number of classes in the dataset), and is mostly preserved over long periods of training. A simple argument then suggests that gradient descent may happen mostly in this subspace. We give an example of this effect in a solvable model of classification, and we comment on possible implications for optimization and learning.
[ "Guy Gur-Ari", "Daniel A. Roberts", "Ethan Dyer" ]
The Natural Language Decathlon: Multitask Learning as Question Answering Bryan McCann, Nitish Shirish Keskar, Caiming Xiong, Ric
The Natural Language Decathlon: Multitask Learning as Question Answering
Deep learning has improved performance on many natural language processing (NLP) tasks individually. However, general NLP models cannot emerge within a paradigm that focuses on the particularities of a single metric, dataset, and task. We introduce the Natural Language Decathlon (decaNLP), a challenge that spans ten tasks: question answering, machine translation, summarization, natural language inference, sentiment analysis, semantic role labeling, zero-shot relation extraction, goal-oriented dialogue, semantic parsing, and commonsense pronoun resolution. We cast all tasks as question answering over a context. Furthermore, we present a new Multitask Question Answering Network (MQAN) jointly learns all tasks in decaNLP without any task-specific modules or parameters in the multitask setting. MQAN shows improvements in transfer learning for machine translation and named entity recognition, domain adaptation for sentiment analysis and natural language inference, and zero-shot capabilities for text classification. We demonstrate that the MQAN's multi-pointer-generator decoder is key to this success and performance further improves with an anti-curriculum training strategy. Though designed for decaNLP, MQAN also achieves state of the art results on the WikiSQL semantic parsing task in the single-task setting. We also release code for procuring and processing data, training and evaluating models, and reproducing all experiments for decaNLP.
[ "Bryan McCann", "Nitish Shirish Keskar", "Caiming Xiong", "Richard Socher" ]
Shake-Shake regularization Xavier Gastaldi [email protected] Abstract The method introduced in this paper aims at hel
Shake-Shake regularization
The method introduced in this paper aims at helping deep learning practitioners faced with an overfit problem. The idea is to replace, in a multi-branch network, the standard summation of parallel branches with a stochastic affine combination. Applied to 3-branch residual networks, shake-shake regularization improves on the best single shot published results on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 by reaching test errors of 2.86% and 15.85%. Experiments on architectures without skip connections or Batch Normalization show encouraging results and open the door to a large set of applications. Code is available at
[ "Xavier Gastaldi" ]
PROSOCIAL DIALOG : A Prosocial Backbone for Conversational Agents Hyunwoo Kim~Youngjae Yu~Liwei Jiang~|Ximing Lu~| Daniel Kha
ProsocialDialog: A Prosocial Backbone for Conversational Agents
Most existing dialogue systems fail to respond properly to potentially unsafe user utterances by either ignoring or passively agreeing with them. To address this issue, we introduce ProsocialDialog, the first large-scale multi-turn dialogue dataset to teach conversational agents to respond to problematic content following social norms. Covering diverse unethical, problematic, biased, and toxic situations, ProsocialDialog contains responses that encourage prosocial behavior, grounded in commonsense social rules (i.e., rules-of-thumb, RoTs). Created via a human-AI collaborative framework, ProsocialDialog consists of 58K dialogues, with 331K utterances, 160K unique RoTs, and 497K dialogue safety labels accompanied by free-form rationales. With this dataset, we introduce a dialogue safety detection module, Canary, capable of generating RoTs given conversational context, and a socially-informed dialogue agent, Prost. Empirical results show that Prost generates more socially acceptable dialogues compared to other state-of-the-art language and dialogue models in both in-domain and out-of-domain settings. Additionally, Canary effectively guides conversational agents and off-the-shelf language models to generate significantly more prosocial responses. Our work highlights the promise and importance of creating and steering conversational AI to be socially responsible.
[ "Hyunwoo Kim", "Youngjae Yu", "Liwei Jiang", "Ximing Lu", "Daniel Khashabi", "Gunhee Kim", "Yejin Choi", "Maarten Sap" ]
Defending Against Neural Fake News Rowan Zellers, Ari Holtzman, Hannah Rashkin, Yonatan Bisk Ali Farhadi~, Franziska Roesne
Defending Against Neural Fake News
Recent progress in natural language generation has raised dual-use concerns. While applications like summarization and translation are positive, the underlying technology also might enable adversaries to generate neural fake news: targeted propaganda that closely mimics the style of real news. Modern computer security relies on careful threat modeling: identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities from an adversary's point of view, and exploring potential mitigations to these threats. Likewise, developing robust defenses against neural fake news requires us first to carefully investigate and characterize the risks of these models. We thus present a model for controllable text generation called Grover. Given a headline like `Link Found Between Vaccines and Autism,' Grover can generate the rest of the article; humans find these generations to be more trustworthy than human-written disinformation. Developing robust verification techniques against generators like Grover is critical. We find that best current discriminators can classify neural fake news from real, human-written, news with 73% accuracy, assuming access to a moderate level of training data. Counterintuitively, the best defense against Grover turns out to be Grover itself, with 92% accuracy, demonstrating the importance of public release of strong generators. We investigate these results further, showing that exposure bias -- and sampling strategies that alleviate its effects -- both leave artifacts that similar discriminators can pick up on. We conclude by discussing ethical issues regarding the technology, and plan to release Grover publicly, helping pave the way for better detection of neural fake news.
[ "Rowan Zellers", "Ari Holtzman", "Hannah Rashkin", "Yonatan Bisk", "Ali Farhadi", "Franziska Roesner", "Yejin Choi" ]
Measuring the Algorithmic Efficiency of Neural NetworksDanny Hernandez⇤[email protected] B. [email protected]
Measuring the Algorithmic Efficiency of Neural Networks
Three factors drive the advance of AI: algorithmic innovation, data, and the amount of compute available for training. Algorithmic progress has traditionally been more difficult to quantify than compute and data. In this work, we argue that algorithmic progress has an aspect that is both straightforward to measure and interesting: reductions over time in the compute needed to reach past capabilities. We show that the number of floating-point operations required to train a classifier to AlexNet-level performance on ImageNet has decreased by a factor of 44x between 2012 and 2019. This corresponds to algorithmic efficiency doubling every 16 months over a period of 7 years. By contrast, Moore's Law would only have yielded an 11x cost improvement. We observe that hardware and algorithmic efficiency gains multiply and can be on a similar scale over meaningful horizons, which suggests that a good model of AI progress should integrate measures from both.
[ "Danny Hernandez", "Tom B. Brown" ]
Can a Suit of Armor Conduct Electricity? A New Dataset for Open Book Question Answering Todor Mihaylovzand Peter Clarkyand Tusha
Can a Suit of Armor Conduct Electricity? A New Dataset for Open Book Question Answering
We present a new kind of question answering dataset, OpenBookQA, modeled after open book exams for assessing human understanding of a subject. The open book that comes with our questions is a set of 1329 elementary level science facts. Roughly 6000 questions probe an understanding of these facts and their application to novel situations. This requires combining an open book fact (e.g., metals conduct electricity) with broad common knowledge (e.g., a suit of armor is made of metal) obtained from other sources. While existing QA datasets over documents or knowledge bases, being generally self-contained, focus on linguistic understanding, OpenBookQA probes a deeper understanding of both the topic---in the context of common knowledge---and the language it is expressed in. Human performance on OpenBookQA is close to 92%, but many state-of-the-art pre-trained QA methods perform surprisingly poorly, worse than several simple neural baselines we develop. Our oracle experiments designed to circumvent the knowledge retrieval bottleneck demonstrate the value of both the open book and additional facts. We leave it as a challenge to solve the retrieval problem in this multi-hop setting and to close the large gap to human performance.
[ "Todor Mihaylov", "Peter Clark", "Tushar Khot", "Ashish Sabharwal" ]
INTERSCRIPT : A dataset for interactive learning of scripts through error feedback Niket Tandon, Aman Madaany, Peter Clark, Keis
Interscript: A dataset for interactive learning of scripts through error feedback
How can an end-user provide feedback if a deployed structured prediction model generates inconsistent output, ignoring the structural complexity of human language? This is an emerging topic with recent progress in synthetic or constrained settings, and the next big leap would require testing and tuning models in real-world settings. We present a new dataset, Interscript, containing user feedback on a deployed model that generates complex everyday tasks. Interscript contains 8,466 data points -- the input is a possibly erroneous script and a user feedback, and the output is a modified script. We posit two use-cases of \ours that might significantly advance the state-of-the-art in interactive learning. The dataset is available at:
[ "Niket Tandon", "Aman Madaan", "Peter Clark", "Keisuke Sakaguchi", "Yiming Yang" ]
Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models Alphabetic author list:∗ Aarohi Sri
Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models
Language models demonstrate both quantitative improvement and new qualitative capabilities with increasing scale. Despite their potentially transformative impact, these new capabilities are as yet poorly characterized. In order to inform future research, prepare for disruptive new model capabilities, and ameliorate socially harmful effects, it is vital that we understand the present and near-future capabilities and limitations of language models. To address this challenge, we introduce the Beyond the Imitation Game benchmark (BIG-bench). BIG-bench currently consists of 204 tasks, contributed by 450 authors across 132 institutions. Task topics are diverse, drawing problems from linguistics, childhood development, math, common-sense reasoning, biology, physics, social bias, software development, and beyond. BIG-bench focuses on tasks that are believed to be beyond the capabilities of current language models. We evaluate the behavior of OpenAI's GPT models, Google-internal dense transformer architectures, and Switch-style sparse transformers on BIG-bench, across model sizes spanning millions to hundreds of billions of parameters. In addition, a team of human expert raters performed all tasks in order to provide a strong baseline. Findings include: model performance and calibration both improve with scale, but are poor in absolute terms (and when compared with rater performance); performance is remarkably similar across model classes, though with benefits from sparsity; tasks that improve gradually and predictably commonly involve a large knowledge or memorization component, whereas tasks that exhibit "breakthrough" behavior at a critical scale often involve multiple steps or components, or brittle metrics; social bias typically increases with scale in settings with ambiguous context, but this can be improved with prompting.
[ "Aarohi Srivastava", "Abhinav Rastogi", "Abhishek Rao", "Abu Awal Md Shoeb", "Abubakar Abid", "Adam Fisch", "Adam R. Brown", "Adam Santoro", "Aditya Gupta", "Adrià Garriga-Alonso", "Agnieszka Kluska", "Aitor Lewkowycz", "Akshat Agarwal", "Alethea Power", "Alex Ray", "Alex Warstadt", "Alexander W. Kocurek", "Ali Safaya", "Ali Tazarv", "Alice Xiang", "Alicia Parrish", "Allen Nie", "Aman Hussain", "Amanda Askell", "Amanda Dsouza", "Ambrose Slone", "Ameet Rahane", "Anantharaman S. Iyer", "Anders Andreassen", "Andrea Madotto", "Andrea Santilli", "Andreas Stuhlmüller", "Andrew Dai", "Andrew La", "Andrew Lampinen", "Andy Zou", "Angela Jiang", "Angelica Chen", "Anh Vuong", "Animesh Gupta", "Anna Gottardi", "Antonio Norelli", "Anu Venkatesh", "Arash Gholamidavoodi", "Arfa Tabassum", "Arul Menezes", "Arun Kirubarajan", "Asher Mullokandov", "Ashish Sabharwal", "Austin Herrick", "Avia Efrat", "Aykut Erdem", "Ayla Karakaş", "B. Ryan Roberts", "Bao Sheng Loe", "Barret Zoph", "Bartłomiej Bojanowski", "Batuhan Özyurt", "Behnam Hedayatnia", "Behnam Neyshabur", "Benjamin Inden", "Benno Stein", "Berk Ekmekci", "Bill Yuchen Lin", "Blake Howald", "Bryan Orinion", "Cameron Diao", "Cameron Dour", "Catherine Stinson", "Cedrick Argueta", "César Ferri Ramírez", "Chandan Singh", "Charles Rathkopf", "Chenlin Meng", "Chitta Baral", "Chiyu Wu", "Chris Callison-Burch", "Chris Waites", "Christian Voigt", "Christopher D. Manning", "Christopher Potts", "Cindy Ramirez", "Clara E. Rivera", "Clemencia Siro", "Colin Raffel", "Courtney Ashcraft", "Cristina Garbacea", "Damien Sileo", "Dan Garrette", "Dan Hendrycks", "Dan Kilman", "Dan Roth", "Daniel Freeman", "Daniel Khashabi", "Daniel Levy", "Daniel Moseguí González", "Danielle Perszyk", "Danny Hernandez", "Danqi Chen", "Daphne Ippolito", "Dar Gilboa", "David Dohan", "David Drakard", "David Jurgens", "Debajyoti Datta", "Deep Ganguli", "Denis Emelin", "Denis Kleyko", "Deniz Yuret", "Derek Chen", "Derek Tam", "Dieuwke Hupkes", "Diganta Misra", "Dilyar Buzan", "Dimitri Coelho Mollo", "Diyi Yang", "Dong-Ho Lee", "Dylan Schrader", "Ekaterina Shutova", "Ekin Dogus Cubuk", "Elad Segal", "Eleanor Hagerman", "Elizabeth Barnes", "Elizabeth Donoway", "Ellie Pavlick", "Emanuele Rodola", "Emma Lam", "Eric Chu", "Eric Tang", "Erkut Erdem", "Ernie Chang", "Ethan A. Chi", "Ethan Dyer", "Ethan Jerzak", "Ethan Kim", "Eunice Engefu Manyasi", "Evgenii Zheltonozhskii", "Fanyue Xia", "Fatemeh Siar", "Fernando Martínez-Plumed", "Francesca Happé", "Francois Chollet", "Frieda Rong", "Gaurav Mishra", "Genta Indra Winata", "Gerard de Melo", "Germán Kruszewski", "Giambattista Parascandolo", "Giorgio Mariani", "Gloria Wang", "Gonzalo Jaimovitch-López", "Gregor Betz", "Guy Gur-Ari", "Hana Galijasevic", "Hannah Kim", "Hannah Rashkin", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi", "Harsh Mehta", "Hayden Bogar", "Henry Shevlin", "Hinrich Schütze", "Hiromu Yakura", "Hongming Zhang", "Hugh Mee Wong", "Ian Ng", "Isaac Noble", "Jaap Jumelet", "Jack Geissinger", "Jackson Kernion", "Jacob Hilton", "Jaehoon Lee", "Jaime Fernández Fisac", "James B. Simon", "James Koppel", "James Zheng", "James Zou", "Jan Kocoń", "Jana Thompson", "Janelle Wingfield", "Jared Kaplan", "Jarema Radom", "Jascha Sohl-Dickstein", "Jason Phang", "Jason Wei", "Jason Yosinski", "Jekaterina Novikova", "Jelle Bosscher", "Jennifer Marsh", "Jeremy Kim", "Jeroen Taal", "Jesse Engel", "Jesujoba Alabi", "Jiacheng Xu", "Jiaming Song", "Jillian Tang", "Joan Waweru", "John Burden", "John Miller", "John U. Balis", "Jonathan Batchelder", "Jonathan Berant", "Jörg Frohberg", "Jos Rozen", "Jose Hernandez-Orallo", "Joseph Boudeman", "Joseph Guerr", "Joseph Jones", "Joshua B. Tenenbaum", "Joshua S. Rule", "Joyce Chua", "Kamil Kanclerz", "Karen Livescu", "Karl Krauth", "Karthik Gopalakrishnan", "Katerina Ignatyeva", "Katja Markert", "Kaustubh D. Dhole", "Kevin Gimpel", "Kevin Omondi", "Kory Mathewson", "Kristen Chiafullo", "Ksenia Shkaruta", "Kumar Shridhar", "Kyle McDonell", "Kyle Richardson", "Laria Reynolds", "Leo Gao", "Li Zhang", "Liam Dugan", "Lianhui Qin", "Lidia Contreras-Ochando", "Louis-Philippe Morency", "Luca Moschella", "Lucas Lam", "Lucy Noble", "Ludwig Schmidt", "Luheng He", "Luis Oliveros Colón", "Luke Metz", "Lütfi Kerem Şenel", "Maarten Bosma", "Maarten Sap", "Maartje ter Hoeve", "Maheen Farooqi", "Manaal Faruqui", "Mantas Mazeika", "Marco Baturan", "Marco Marelli", "Marco Maru", "Maria Jose Ramírez Quintana", "Marie Tolkiehn", "Mario Giulianelli", "Martha Lewis", "Martin Potthast", "Matthew L. Leavitt", "Matthias Hagen", "Mátyás Schubert", "Medina Orduna Baitemirova", "Melody Arnaud", "Melvin McElrath", "Michael A. Yee", "Michael Cohen", "Michael Gu", "Michael Ivanitskiy", "Michael Starritt", "Michael Strube", "Michał Swędrowski", "Michele Bevilacqua", "Michihiro Yasunaga", "Mihir Kale", "Mike Cain", "Mimee Xu", "Mirac Suzgun", "Mitch Walker", "Mo Tiwari", "Mohit Bansal", "Moin Aminnaseri", "Mor Geva", "Mozhdeh Gheini", "Mukund Varma T", "Nanyun Peng", "Nathan A. Chi", "Nayeon Lee", "Neta Gur-Ari Krakover", "Nicholas Cameron", "Nicholas Roberts", "Nick Doiron", "Nicole Martinez", "Nikita Nangia", "Niklas Deckers", "Niklas Muennighoff", "Nitish Shirish Keskar", "Niveditha S. Iyer", "Noah Constant", "Noah Fiedel", "Nuan Wen", "Oliver Zhang", "Omar Agha", "Omar Elbaghdadi", "Omer Levy", "Owain Evans", "Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares", "Parth Doshi", "Pascale Fung", "Paul Pu Liang", "Paul Vicol", "Pegah Alipoormolabashi", "Peiyuan Liao", "Percy Liang", "Peter Chang", "Peter Eckersley", "Phu Mon Htut", "Pinyu Hwang", "Piotr Miłkowski", "Piyush Patil", "Pouya Pezeshkpour", "Priti Oli", "Qiaozhu Mei", "Qing Lyu", "Qinlang Chen", "Rabin Banjade", "Rachel Etta Rudolph", "Raefer Gabriel", "Rahel Habacker", "Ramon Risco", "Raphaël Millière", "Rhythm Garg", "Richard Barnes", "Rif A. Saurous", "Riku Arakawa", "Robbe Raymaekers", "Robert Frank", "Rohan Sikand", "Roman Novak", "Roman Sitelew", "Ronan LeBras", "Rosanne Liu", "Rowan Jacobs", "Rui Zhang", "Ruslan Salakhutdinov", "Ryan Chi", "Ryan Lee", "Ryan Stovall", "Ryan Teehan", "Rylan Yang", "Sahib Singh", "Saif M. Mohammad", "Sajant Anand", "Sam Dillavou", "Sam Shleifer", "Sam Wiseman", "Samuel Gruetter", "Samuel R. Bowman", "Samuel S. Schoenholz", "Sanghyun Han", "Sanjeev Kwatra", "Sarah A. Rous", "Sarik Ghazarian", "Sayan Ghosh", "Sean Casey", "Sebastian Bischoff", "Sebastian Gehrmann", "Sebastian Schuster", "Sepideh Sadeghi", "Shadi Hamdan", "Sharon Zhou", "Shashank Srivastava", "Sherry Shi", "Shikhar Singh", "Shima Asaadi", "Shixiang Shane Gu", "Shubh Pachchigar", "Shubham Toshniwal", "Shyam Upadhyay", "Shyamolima", "Debnath", "Siamak Shakeri", "Simon Thormeyer", "Simone Melzi", "Siva Reddy", "Sneha Priscilla Makini", "Soo-Hwan Lee", "Spencer Torene", "Sriharsha Hatwar", "Stanislas Dehaene", "Stefan Divic", "Stefano Ermon", "Stella Biderman", "Stephanie Lin", "Stephen Prasad", "Steven T. Piantadosi", "Stuart M. Shieber", "Summer Misherghi", "Svetlana Kiritchenko", "Swaroop Mishra", "Tal Linzen", "Tal Schuster", "Tao Li", "Tao Yu", "Tariq Ali", "Tatsu Hashimoto", "Te-Lin Wu", "Théo Desbordes", "Theodore Rothschild", "Thomas Phan", "Tianle Wang", "Tiberius Nkinyili", "Timo Schick", "Timofei Kornev", "Titus Tunduny", "Tobias Gerstenberg", "Trenton Chang", "Trishala Neeraj", "Tushar Khot", "Tyler Shultz", "Uri Shaham", "Vedant Misra", "Vera Demberg", "Victoria Nyamai", "Vikas Raunak", "Vinay Ramasesh", "Vinay Uday Prabhu", "Vishakh Padmakumar", "Vivek Srikumar", "William Fedus", "William Saunders", "William Zhang", "Wout Vossen", "Xiang Ren", "Xiaoyu Tong", "Xinran Zhao", "Xinyi Wu", "Xudong Shen", "Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh", "Yair Lakretz", "Yangqiu Song", "Yasaman Bahri", "Yejin Choi", "Yichi Yang", "Yiding Hao", "Yifu Chen", "Yonatan Belinkov", "Yu Hou", "Yufang Hou", "Yuntao Bai", "Zachary Seid", "Zhuoye Zhao", "Zijian Wang", "Zijie J. Wang", "Zirui Wang", "Ziyi Wu" ]
Latent Retrieval for Weakly Supervised Open Domain Question Answering Kenton Lee Ming-Wei Chang Kristina Toutanova Google Resear
Latent Retrieval for Weakly Supervised Open Domain Question Answering
Recent work on open domain question answering (QA) assumes strong supervision of the supporting evidence and/or assumes a blackbox information retrieval (IR) system to retrieve evidence candidates. We argue that both are suboptimal, since gold evidence is not always available, and QA is fundamentally different from IR. We show for the first time that it is possible to jointly learn the retriever and reader from question-answer string pairs and without any IR system. In this setting, evidence retrieval from all of Wikipedia is treated as a latent variable. Since this is impractical to learn from scratch, we pre-train the retriever with an Inverse Cloze Task. We evaluate on open versions of five QA datasets. On datasets where the questioner already knows the answer, a traditional IR system such as BM25 is sufficient. On datasets where a user is genuinely seeking an answer, we show that learned retrieval is crucial, outperforming BM25 by up to 19 points in exact match.
[ "Kenton Lee", "Ming-Wei Chang", "Kristina Toutanova" ]
L/ /two.taboldstyle : Open Foundation and Fine-Tuned Chat Models Hugo TouvronLouis MartinyKevin Stoney Peter
Llama 2: Open Foundation and Fine-Tuned Chat Models
In this work, we develop and release Llama 2, a collection of pretrained and fine-tuned large language models (LLMs) ranging in scale from 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. Our fine-tuned LLMs, called Llama 2-Chat, are optimized for dialogue use cases. Our models outperform open-source chat models on most benchmarks we tested, and based on our human evaluations for helpfulness and safety, may be a suitable substitute for closed-source models. We provide a detailed description of our approach to fine-tuning and safety improvements of Llama 2-Chat in order to enable the community to build on our work and contribute to the responsible development of LLMs.
[ "Hugo Touvron", "Louis Martin", "Kevin Stone", "Peter Albert", "Amjad Almahairi", "Yasmine Babaei", "Nikolay Bashlykov", "Soumya Batra", "Prajjwal Bhargava", "Shruti Bhosale", "Dan Bikel", "Lukas Blecher", "Cristian Canton Ferrer", "Moya Chen", "Guillem Cucurull", "David Esiobu", "Jude Fernandes", "Jeremy Fu", "Wenyin Fu", "Brian Fuller", "Cynthia Gao", "Vedanuj Goswami", "Naman Goyal", "Anthony Hartshorn", "Saghar Hosseini", "Rui Hou", "Hakan Inan", "Marcin Kardas", "Viktor Kerkez", "Madian Khabsa", "Isabel Kloumann", "Artem Korenev", "Punit Singh Koura", "Marie-Anne Lachaux", "Thibaut Lavril", "Jenya Lee", "Diana Liskovich", "Yinghai Lu", "Yuning Mao", "Xavier Martinet", "Todor Mihaylov", "Pushkar Mishra", "Igor Molybog", "Yixin Nie", "Andrew Poulton", "Jeremy Reizenstein", "Rashi Rungta", "Kalyan Saladi", "Alan Schelten", "Ruan Silva", "Eric Michael Smith", "Ranjan Subramanian", "Xiaoqing Ellen Tan", "Binh Tang", "Ross Taylor", "Adina Williams", "Jian Xiang Kuan", "Puxin Xu", "Zheng Yan", "Iliyan Zarov", "Yuchen Zhang", "Angela Fan", "Melanie Kambadur", "Sharan Narang", "Aurelien Rodriguez", "Robert Stojnic", "Sergey Edunov", "Thomas Scialom" ]