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Their plumage is bright and beautiful, rivaling that of peacocks. Pheasant feathers are used in such delicate Taiwan handicraft items as neckties and purses. In Taiwan there are many people who raise pheasants. The largest farm with more than 10,000 birds is located in Kaohsiung County in southern Taiwan. | 雉雞是一種野生的禽類,共有五十種,原產地大多是在亞洲,有些被引進世界其他地區作為獵鳥或家禽之用。 |
Writing Essays in Steel The Lin family residence in Chiaohsi was Huang Sheng-yuan's first architectural project in Ilan. | 黃聲遠──用鋼條寫散文礁溪有間林宅,是黃聲遠在宜蘭開始的第一個建案。 |
Shih Ju-fang explains, "In the opera, the boss of the Little Wind Theater comes up with the idea of putting on a masked ball to catch a ghost. Although there's no tradition of this kind in the Orient, we decided to keep it in the plot for the sake of dramatic tension." | 施如芳表示,「劇中小風樓老闆為了捉鬼,想出『面具宴會』,然而東方的習俗裡並沒有這種宴會,但為了戲劇張力,仍大膽穿插這段情節。」 |
Improvement of the living conditions of salt laborers is a matter of public concern in the Republic of China. The total area of salt fields in Taiwan is 4,156 hectares. (About 10,400 acres). In case of rainy weather or typhoons, salt production is curtailed and the income of salt laborers decreases. | 改善鹽民生活,為大眾共同關心的問題,因為台灣地區鹽田四千一百五十七公頃,如逢雨季或颱風,產量即受影響,鹽民收入自會減低。 |
His many ideas on ecology during a conference in Ilan drew the attention of then county county chief executive Yu Shyi-kun, who asked him to come and help out in Ilan. | 一次到宜蘭參加會議,因為表達自己對環境生態的種種意見,引起當時縣長游錫 $ 的注意,進而邀請他來宜蘭工作。 |
Other alumni are among the leaders of the industrial and business world. In 1963, Laosung Primary School's student body reached the record high of 11,101. | 該校學生人數最盛時期,是在民國五十二年,全校學生總數高達一萬一千一百零一人之多。 |
Huang, who makes it a point to concern himself with the latest developments in construction in Ilan, hops from his vehicle whenever he passes by a public construction site to familiarize himself with the latest progress. If he can think of any ways to further improve the project, he will put his head together with his partners and offer suggestions and put out bids to win opportunities to put their ideas into practice. | 向來關心宜蘭建設動態的黃聲遠,只要途經一處正在施工的公共工程,就會立刻下車進行了解,而只要他認為工程中還可以再做改進,就會與夥伴們動腦提出新構想,並努力爭取實現機會。 |
Laosung students are keenly interested in the study of abacus reckoning. And their level is high. They often have won prizes in abacus competition. | 學生對於珠算學習的情緒提高,參加比賽,也常常名列前茅。 |
The Veterans General Hospital has won honors both at home and abroad in physical check-ups because of its excellent equipment and outstanding services. | 因為榮總擁有最佳的設備與人才,在體格檢查等保健工作也提供了良好的服務,所以在這一方面,可說是名聞中外。 |
An idea began forming in his mind, murky at first: architecture should exist as part of the landscape, not in spite of the landscape. It should not negatively impact either local residents or its surroundings. | 但他始終無法習慣於這種「為建築而建築」的工作,心底隱約生起一股模糊的概念:建築應與環境譜出共鳴,不應獨自矗立,更不應因為設計者的片面概念而傷害到居民及環境。 |
"If the locals can't even get in, then they will stop caring about these places in the future," he says, so Wong advocates setting aside a time during the low season for tourism or during off-hours when people who won't pay the high price of admission can have a chance to appreciate the beauty of world heritage. | 黃效文因此主張,應分時段計價入園;旅遊淡季或當天離峰時間,讓不想付出高票價的人,也能欣賞世界遺產的美麗,自然會對這塊土地付出關懷。 |
Caring for the environment can be a tough and lonely road and Huang doesn't want the glory all to himself. He calls on other architects to join in and to do their part in imparting Taiwan's environment with diverse creations. | 這份對環境關愛的堅持之路寂寞而艱辛,黃聲遠不願獨享光環,他歡迎更多的建築師共同加入,以多元創作為台灣環境盡份心力。 |
The name means "old pine tree." It was founded in May of 1896, more than 80 years ago. | 該校創辦於民國前十六年五月,迄今已有八十年的歷史。 |
Its achievements are credited in large part to several former principals who had labored diligently. | 歷任校長對於老松,都是辛勤灌溉,努力耕耘,老松國小能有今天的基礎,也都是他們領導全體老師熱心教育的成果。 |
Praise goes to former principal Chang Kuo-shui, who worked in the field of education for 48 years. While serving as the principal of Laosung for eight years, he enabled the school to make great strides. | 特別是前任校長張郭水,在杏壇默默耕耘四十八年,於今年二月退休,他在老松國小擔任校長八年期間,任勞任怨,誨人不倦,使得校務蒸蒸日上。 |
After his retirement in February of 1976, Chang continued to contribute his efforts to kindergarten education. He was publicly commended by Premier Chiang Ching-kuo on March 15. | 張郭水退休之後,仍然繼續貢獻心力於幼稚教育,他這種做人處事的精神,曾經獲得行政院蔣院長的讚許,在本年三月十五日舉行的擴大早餐會報上,特別邀請張郭水參加,並且公開予以表揚。 |
Chien often reminds the students to study hard, to keep their bodies fit and strong and to be sincere in any work they do. Be a good student of Laosung now, and you will be a useful and proud Chinese after you are grown up, Chien tells his students. | 簡校長常常提醒學生:讀書要用功,身體要健康,做事要熱誠;人人要做老松的好學生,將來長大就是堂堂正正的中國人! |
The Primary school education in the Republic of China emphasizes balanced development of moral, intellectual, physical and teamwork education. | 國內的國民教育,都是注重德、智、體、群四育的均衡發展,老松國小自不例外。 |
Laosung Primary School is no exception. However, it is outstanding in its extracurricular activities. | 不過,在一般教學以外,該校對於學生的生活教育和課外活動,也相當的重視。 |
Its team won the inter-school volly-ball championship several times in the past. | 特別是課外活動,老松國小的排球代表隊曾經參加過歷屆的校外排球錦標賽,囊括了多次的冠軍;老松國小學生的珠算程度,高年級除了極少數學生以外,大部份具有四至五級的珠算能力,二、三級程度的也不在少數,晉入段位的有二十餘人之多。 |
As its name indicates, Laosung Primary School today is like an "old pine tree" of 80 years 'standing. It has quietly brought forth thousands upon thousands of "cones." They spread into every corner of society, becoming a main force in their chosen fields and serving large numbers of people. | 老松國小,今天正如一株屹立了八十年的「老松」,默默地在培育出千千萬萬的「松果」,散佈在社會的每一個角落,成為每一個行業的中堅,各獻心智,為廣大的人群服務。 |
It would be inconvenient for vehicles picking up and dropping off passengers, however, and could be expected to be opposed by vehicle owners. But with the increasing number of people retiring to Ilan from other areas, attitudes have been changing, and in the end the project, as one that would benefit a wider range of people, was accepted with surprisingly little resistance. | 但是隨著越來越多外縣市人口選擇移居宜蘭養老,觀念逐漸開通,這項讓更多人便利的工程推動起來,反而順利地令人驚訝。 |
Up on stage, a gong resounds. The curtain gently opens, as Tang Mei-yun sings "The Charm of Opera" in seven-character lines. Her voice meanders up and down, at times surging valiantly, and the emotions of the actors and audience rise and fall with her singing. | 舞台上,鑼鼓乍響,幕緩緩開啟,唐美雲峰迴路轉的唱腔,時而柔情似水,時而強悍凶惡;舞開的優美身段,時而瞋目甩髮,時而驍勇馴馬,台上的演員和台下的觀眾,情緒都隨著唱唸起伏,歌仔戲的表演境界,至此進入一個全新國度。 |
The 280-acre Hospital grounds is located at Shipai, a suburb of Taipei. With a capacity of 1,546 beds and a total of 2,778 personnel, it has become one of the largest medical centers in Taiwan. | 榮總院址位於台北市郊石牌,佔地二百八十英畝,床位一千五百四十六張,醫護及行政工作人員二千七百七十八人,為台灣最大醫療單位之一。 |
Work on some projects needs to be done by installment, on-again off-again over a period of years, due to government budget restrictions. But the media, which is in the dark about such considerations and doesn't bother dropping by to investigate, criticizes them, saying that a site is "sitting idle and has become a mosquito breeding ground." Needless to say, Huang and his team feel unjustly treated. | 且受限於政府預算,有些工程必須分期、甚至分年進行,但卻被不明究裡、也沒有實地來訪的媒體批評為「閒置養蚊子」,讓黃聲遠和工作團隊深感委屈。 |
Every department has its own characteristics. For example, one ward concerns the diseases of coronary arteries, where the patients suffering acute myocardial impaction are given competent, vigilant care. Surgical service is able to perform such operations as chest, neuro-surgery and combatting cardiovascular diseases. Open-heart surgery by the open method was first performed by the Hospital in Taiwan. | 每一部門均有其特色,例如內科部特設冠狀動脈室,對急性心肌梗塞病患做進一步的加強醫療及護理;外科部可以施行任何外科手術,包括大型胸腔、神經外科、心臟血管等手術,其中國內直視下心臟外科手術,還是榮總外科醫院所首創。 |
The Nuclear Medicine Center at the Veterans General Hospital is the first such unit established in the Republic of China. There are sophisticated as well as basic nuclear facilities, including a scintillation camera with its data processing accessories. The founding of this Center has brought the medicine to a new horizon of "Nuclear Medicine." | 核子醫學為醫學的新興學門,榮總核醫部的設立,在我國當屬創舉,而且擁有現代化的基本核子醫學設備,包括閃爍掃描器與閃爍攝影機,為中華民國醫學帶入「核子醫學」的領域。 |
The Rehabilitation Center provides physical and daily activity therapies for patients. Parallel bars, crutch gait training, range of motion, and progressive resistive exercise are provided in the gymnasium for the rehabilitation of the disabled. | 至於傷殘復健,對於病患則採取物理、化學、生活活動訓練等治療方式,以恢復其肢體活動的能力;並另設有健身房,購置各項設備,提供傷殘患者,從事平行槓與柺杖運用訓練,和關節及重力等運動,以加速其復健的時效。 |
Salt of the Earth in Taiwan | 政府改善台彎鹽民生活 |
After more than 20 years of endeavor, the salt laborers 'life today is not too different from that of residents in average towns. If the weather affects their production, the government grants the salt workers wage subsidies. | 二十餘年來不斷的努力,目前鹽民的生活,在衣食住行育樂各方面,已與普通的城鎮居民無異;鹽民如因氣候影響短產時,則增發補助工資救濟,同時繼續辦理並副曬製,以增加鹽工收入。 |
There are five salt fields in Taiwan. The average annual production for the last decade was 440,000 metric tons. | 台灣地區現有五個鹽場,十年平均產鹽量為每年四十四萬餘噸。 |
A resident for over a decade, Huang takes part in discussions of renovation plans from the perspective of a local. With the completion of the Taipei-Ilan Expressway, the city of Ilan might find itself faced with an influx of vehicles and the train station will gradually lose its importance. | 在此居住十多年的黃聲遠,以在地人觀點參與討論,考慮未來隨著北宜高速公路完工,宜蘭市區可能面臨大量汽車雜沓湧入,火車站也將逐漸失去功能。 |
Emerging from the surroundings Ilan's beautiful mountains and waters have attracted many new residents. Huang is no exception. Huang did a lot of soul-searching, however, before deciding to pursue a career in architecture here. | 從環境中長出建築宜蘭坐擁好山、好水,吸引了許多外地人移居到此,黃聲遠也不例外,選擇在宜蘭發展建築事業,其實是經過深思熟慮的。 |
Alishan, located in Chiayi County of central Taiwan, is a branch of the Morrison Mountain Range, with an elevation up to 2,905 meters. Its vast sea of clouds, sublime cliffs, dense jungles and the unique flowers and grasses compose an unforgettable scene. | 阿里山在嘉義縣境,為玉山之一支脈,海拔二千九百零五公尺,景色奇美,除了雄奇浩渺的雲海之外,尚有高山叢林,奇花異草。 |
One pleasure in touring Alishan is to take the train at Chiayi and view the spectacular changing scenery as the train climbs. | 遊阿里山,就是坐著火車,欣賞沿途的風光。 |
He taught for many years at Tamkang, Huafang, Chiao Tung, and Chung Yuan Universities, while serving on review committees evaluating public art proposals for the Ministry of Education and urban design for the Taipei City Government. He also came in contact with and studied public infrastructure projects and urban planning for the first time. | 就這樣,他在淡江、華梵、交通、中原等大學任教多年,兼任教育部公共藝術及台北市都市設計審查委員,並開始接觸、學習公共建設與都市計畫。 |
It wasn't until this time that Huang had the opportunity to take a professional interest in Ilan, which lies beyond the Central Mountain Range on Taiwan's less populated east coast. | 直到那時,黃聲遠才有機會以專業參與來了解後山宜蘭。 |
"The Tungshan River Park was being built at the time. It wasn't big, but it had character and the people of Ilan were encouraged to take part in the project." | 「當時冬山河親水公園正在興設,雖不是大建物,卻很有質感,而且開放給全宜蘭人共同參與。」 |
He began to realize that the government here was different ... none of the stubborn conservatism that you find in most bureaucracies. It seemed to him that he might be able to do something interesting here. | 他開始理解到,這裡有個不一樣的政府,沒有官僚體系慣見的固執與保守,他似乎可以在這裡做出更有趣的東西。 |
"On a light and airy day in March, azaleas are blooming on the slopes of the hills, azaleas are blooming on the banks of a tiny stream. How beautiful! | 「淡淡的三月天,杜鵑花開在山坡上,杜鵑花開在小溪畔,多美麗啊! |
The firm took on a number of these jobs which though small individually, interlocked in complex networks stretching across different neighborhoods. | 事務所接了許多這種穿鄰越里、交涉網路複雜的小工程,可讓同事忙壞了,人手也一路擴充到 25 人,但事務所還是不賺錢。 |
Although the firm was busy and now had two dozen employees, it still wasn't making any money. In the early days of the firm, Huang even had to borrow over NT $ 2 million to pay rent and salaries. | 尤其創業伊始,黃聲遠還得借貸兩百多萬元,用來繳房租,發薪水。 |
"During the first three years, my salary was only NT $ 18,000 per month. The same was true of everyone in the firm. | 「頭 3 年,我每月只拿 1 萬 8000 元的薪水,夥伴們也一律比照。 |
I could only look my employees in the eye when we received awards. "Personally, Huang couldn't care less about awards. | 只有每次建案獲獎時,才覺得總算對得起員工!」 |
Gen. Leslie R. Forney, Jr., newly appointed chief of the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group to the Republic of China, and Mrs. Forney, arrived in Taipei on May 26. They were greeted at the airport by Gen. Lai Ming-tong, chief of the General Staff, Republic of China Armed Forces and Mrs. Lai. | 美國軍事援華顧問團新任團長馮納准將偕夫人,五月二十六日上午搭機來華履新,我國參謀總長賴名湯上將夫婦在台北松山機場迎接。 |
Gen. Forney was born in Tientsin, China and speaks fluent Chinese. He served two previous tours of duty with MAAG, ROC. | 馮納准將出生於我國天津市,能說流利的華語,曾經兩度來華在顧問團服務。 |
A statue of the late President Chiang Kai-shek was unveiled at a park in Tama City, near Tokyo, on May 15. | 一座六公尺高的總統蔣公全身銅像,五月十五日在日本東京附近多摩市的櫻丘公園揭幕。 |
In addition to helping to bring the community closer together culturally, Huang built a bridge from the second floor of the community center directly to the riverside park, to link the center with the surrounding scenery. | 除了消弭社區文化的隔閡,黃聲遠更從社福館二樓打造出一座直接通往河濱公園的屋橋,讓社福館成為當地社區與宜蘭河景觀的連結點。 |
Four years ago this project won kudos in the form of the Outstanding Architectural Design Award. | 這項工程 4 年前即獲得「台灣建築佳作獎」的肯定。 |
The pheasant is a beautiful game bird found in the Republic of China. | 雉雞中較為著名的品種,是英國雉雞和我國雉雞。 |
For example, an express train will make the Taipei-Taichung run in 2 hours and the trip to Kaohsiung in 4 hours. Fast freights will make the Kaohsiung trip in six hours. | 例如,直達快車台北、台中間減為二小時,台北、高雄間為四小時,特快貨物列車,華山至高雄為六小時。 |
In recent years guesthouses in Taiwan have risen dramatically in popularity. Small groups of three to five good friends might use them to take their vacations together, or families with children stay at them to experience country life. | 近年民宿旅遊的風氣在台灣逐漸興起,有三、五好友結伴到民宿渡假,也有父母帶著孩子到民宿體驗鄉居生活。 |
The manufacturing of yachts for export is one of the newer industries in the Republic of China. The demand from abroad has increased rapidly in recent years. The export value of yachts for 1976 is estimated at US $ 10 million. | 遊艇製造,是我國一項新興事業,近年來的外銷量直線上升,今年國外訂單較前增多,估計輸出金額可達一千萬美元。 |
Many delicate pieces of enamel ware in a variety of styles and colors were produced during the Ming (1368-1644 A.D.) and Ching (1644-1911 A.D.) dynasties of imperial China. This art reached a high stage of development in the Ching-tai era of the Ming dynasty (1450-1456 A.D.) and became famous throughout the world as Ching-tai-lan ware. | 世人所欣賞的「景泰藍」,是我國明朝景泰年間製造的琺瑯,無論形式或花彩,都是上乘之作。一般說來,明代的產品較優於清代,特別是色彩方面,呈現著半透明的韻味,更富有吸引力。 |
The site construction work was divided into three periods. It started in March of 1975 and is scheduled for completion in August of 1979. By that time 1,153 kms of rail lines from Keelung to Kaohsiung will fully be electrified. | 電化主要工程則於六十四年三月施工,分三期進行,預定六十八年八月全部完成,屆時,由基隆至高雄軌道里程共計一千一百五十三公里,全部電化。 |
Just as for the other employees, the studio is his home. He works until he decides to stop. If he's tired, he gives his ragged out brain a rest by crashing on one of the futons on the second and third floors, working out in the nearby swimming pool, or biking around in the countryside. | 他和所有夥伴一樣,以工作室為家,想做到幾點就做到幾點,累了,就往二、三樓的通舖房間睡下,或到附近游泳池運動一下,或跨上自行車在鄉間兜轉一圈,讓疲累的腦和心休息一下。 |
Premier Chiang Ching-kuo sent a letter of commendation to all the employers of CSBC, saying that their performance was a brilliant record in the history of construction projects and an important achievement in the nation's material and spiritual construction, to assure final victory. | 蔣院長說:這是建設工程史上的光榮紀錄,也是國家建設的重要成就。這一成就,不止顯示了工程的、技術的成功,也顯示了我們物質建設和精神建設的同樣成功!也是我們走向勝利成功的保證。 |
Or perhaps you've already taken in Taiwan's scenic spots in all four seasons of the year. | 或者你也已經看遍了台灣四季風光? |
For instance, during the 1960s in Japan, with the rising popularity of swimming beaches and ski resorts, there was a major shortage of hotel rooms. This sparked a rise in Western-style B & Bs. | 例如日本民宿開始於 1960 年間,當時海水浴場與滑雪場成為熱門景點,旅館住宿嚴重不足,西洋式民宿於是興起。 |
It was due to the efforts of Taiwan Shipbuilding Corporation that the building of big modern ships began in the past ten years, and the Republic of China became known in international shipbuilding circles. | 同時,近十年來,由於台灣造船公司的努力,才開始建造現代化的巨輪,在國際造船工業上,佔有一席的地位。 |
From a distance, this low-key structure hidden in the woods appears simple and unadorned, but entering the backyard, you suddenly realize that the mansion is mounted on stilts extending into a carp-filled pond below. | 雖然從遠處觀看,這間低調、藏身在樹叢裡的屋舍似乎很樸質,但進入林宅後院,赫然發現宅子就挑築在水池上,池裡還飼養了許多錦鯉,環游在屋宅的四周。 |
A rare species, the Mikado pheasant, once was common in Taiwan's forests. | 台灣的氣候非常適宜繁育雉雞,飼料是以高蛋白質熱量來配賦,一年可以產卵七、八十個,每年僅交尾一次。公雉羽毛拔去後,約四十餘天即再長成,而其羽毛色彩明麗奪目,不遜孔雀,因此,成為台灣手工藝品的材料,製成精美的雉毛領帶、皮包,銷售國內外。 |
What is here before your eyes, exposed to the sun and the wind-every brick and tile, every tree and clump of grass-are the fruit of work put in collectively over eight years by the museum, architects, construction companies and community. | 眼前的風和日麗景象,充滿故事的一磚一瓦、一草一木,都是博物館、建築師、營造商和社區 8 年共同合作,不斷突破種種困難的成果。 |
This ware is considered a significant contribution by Chinese craftsmen to the art world. In the making of enamel ware, any kinds of colored enamels are applied to the surface of a metal body. After the baking process, it becomes colorful enamel-ware. | 談到琺瑯的製造,大都是用金屬作胎子,如金胎、銀胎、銅胎,然後填入適當色彩的琺瑯,經過窯燒之後,就成為富麗燦爛的琺瑯製品。 |
Flanked by the old and new provincial highways, a one-story high drop in the middle of this once overgrown barren piece of land was once a major nuisance for both teachers and students at the adjacent township office kindergarten. | 這裡原本是塊荒蕪空地,因為連結了兩側的新舊省道而有一層樓的落差斷層,讓在一旁多年的鄉公所幼稚園師生進出非常不方便。 |
The Taiwan Railway Administration, in recent years, has pushed efforts to increase the capacity of the Republic of China rail system, as a part of the nation's fast economic development. | 進展中的鐵路電氣化近年來我國經濟成長迅速,台灣鐵路管理局為了適應客貨運量的激增,雖然不斷增強運輸能量,提高列車密度,但是仍然不敷社會的需求。 |
However, the line capacity has already reached its saturation point and traffic volume cannot be increased without radical changes in operation. | 目前在老舊的蒸汽柴油動力混合運用之下,平均速度甚低,車輛設備運用已至極限,路線容量的利用也趨飽和。 |
After three-years 'efforts of planning, an Electrification Unit was established July 1, 1974 to carry out the project. Track strengthening had already begun early in July of 1973. | 經過三年時間的規劃、議價、貸款等各項努力,台鐵幹線電化工程處於民國六十三年七月一日正式成立,負責全面推動電化計畫,至於配合電化工程的加強軌道等工程,已經提前於六十二年七月開始施工。 |
Finally, in the autumn of 2003 Huang left his job as head of the institute and returned to his previous plans, formally establishing Atelligent Global Consulting. | 直到 2003 年秋天辭卸資策會董事長一職後,小轉彎的黃河明才又回到原訂軌道,正式著手成立悅智全球顧問公司。 |
"Huang Sheng-yuan offers more than just practical engineering experience. He imparts a broader perspective of how humans will live in the future" --Huang Chih-ju's conclusion is also the highest of praise for Huang Sheng-yuan. | 「跟著黃老師,不只學到工程的務實經驗,更學習到對未來人類生活環境的宏觀視野,」黃致儒的結語,正是對黃聲遠的最高讚美。 |
There also will be greater steadiness in travelling, no air pollution and less noise. The installation of automatic blocking systems will reduce man-made accidents and improve travelling safety. | 再者,可以消滅煤煙、噪音、及汙染,行車平穩,並且由於增設自動停車裝量,減少人為因素的事故,能夠保障行車的安全。 |
"The reeds and rushes are ashy grey / The white dew has become frost" --The Book of Odes. The autumn winds give a deep sense of the season, and on Yangmingshan seas of blooming silvergrass plumes sway elegantly in the breeze. As they move, it is as if they were pulling back the curtains for the season. | 「蒹葭蒼蒼,白露為霜」,秋風正起,秋意漸濃,一望無際的芒花在陽明山盛開起來,宛如白浪翻騰,漫漫的花海以數大為美之姿,舒展蒼茫的風韻,搖曳中為人們悄悄拉開了秋天的序幕。 |
Accurate forecasts of a typhoon's movement can forewarn People to prepare for it and reduce possible damages. The Central Weather Bureau in the Republic of China is constantly improving its forecasting techniques. Its accuracy rate has been raised to 87.8 %. With the help of computers and weather maps, information on typhoon movements is quickly conveyed to the general public through the mass media of communications. | 交通部中央氣象局近年來在颱風預報方面不斷改進,預報準確率已提高至百分之八十七點八;同時,並運用電腦作業,繪製天氣圖,迅速掌握颱風的動向,透過大眾傳播媒介向公眾報導,提高警覺,減少損害。 |
"Silvergrass, silvergrass, growing on the mountainside, growing in the plains. | 「菅芒花,菅芒花,生佇山邊,開佇谷底。 |
The results represent a reported break-through in the field of atmospheric science for predicting the typhoon movements. | 據鮑咸平博士表示:這種實驗在構想和技術方面都是屬於創始性的,經過八個月的努力,對於颱風的研究已具成效。 |
No ostentatious blooming or withering, it just blows in the wind, welcoming the autumn and the winter. | 不帶一絲浮華貴氣的花開花謝,微風中飄搖含蓄的透露著秋去冬來……。 |
CSBC ... Big Things in Kaohsiung | 首先完成十項建設工程之一中船高雄造船廠 |
Pictured here is the Desert Castle guesthouse in Hualien County. | 圖為花蓮「沙漠風情」民宿。 |
The shipyard construction began officially in January of 1974. It includes the Dry Dock, the Hull Construction Works, the Outfitting Works and 350- ton Goliath cranes. | 中船公司的建廠工程,是從民國六十三年元月正式動工,主要工程包括船體工廠、船塢工程、其他廠房工程、三百五十噸吊車工程。 |
Automation systems and computerized equipment are fully adopted in such work as steel surface treatment, electronic photo marking, cutting and welding. | 船體工廠內部,除了設有一般習見的機具之外,並且裝有自動電子控制的鋼料表面處理、落樣、割切、焊接等最新的設備。 |
Almost all types of cranes and other new equipment are used in this large works. | 更因工廠規模甚大,設備齊全,而具備了各種形式的吊車。除了船殼工程之外,船舶的其餘工程多屬艤裝工程的範圍。 |
The Outfitting Works will do as much building as possible to reduce the operation time in the dry dock. | 這種工程施工的原則是將工程儘量先在工廠內預製,以減少在船塢內作業的時間。 |
They must coordinate constantly with the Painting Shop and the Shot Blasting Shop to get the best efficiency in shipbuilding. | 這些工場必須經常與船體工廠的油漆工場及噴砂工場密切配合作業,方能獲得最佳的造船效率。 |
The dry dock in the CSBC Kaohsiung shipyard is 950 meters long, and 92 meters wide, with an average depth of 14 meters and the capacity of one million tons. The dry dock is separated into three stages by two intermediate gates. | 中船的造船塢,長九百五十公尺,寬九十二公尺,平均深十四公尺,容量為一百萬噸,以中間塢門分為三段,同時作業。 |
When the beam erections were made in April and August of 1975, more than 1,000 guests were invited. | 當民國六十四年四月及八月,這兩台吊車「上樑」的時候,前往觀禮的來賓有一千多人。 |
Other sets of cranes installed in shops include 3 Level Luffing, 50 Overhead and 21 Semi-portable. | 在這兩台巨霸吊車之外,尚有各式新型吊車七十餘座。 |
By day, this group of community workers and farmers roll up their sleeves, pick up their hoes, and engage in a battle of wits with troublesome insects. By night, they hit the computers, making records of their farming activities and communicating with customers on the Internet to establish a relationship of mutual trust. | 這群由社區工作者和本地農友共同組成的團隊,白天捲起袖子、扛起鋤頭,和難纏的病蟲害鬥智,晚上還要敲著鍵盤紀錄農事,與消費者在網路上對話,建立互信關係。 |
At present this ship is 20 % complete. It is due to be delivered, as scheduled, in October of 1977. | 目前建造工程進度已達百分之二十,即將進行安裝工程,預計將於民國六十六年十月如期完工交船。 |
When their two preschool children first arrived at the guesthouse, they expressed their excitement at staying in "someone else's pretty home." | 兩個學齡前的孩子首度與民宿邂逅,對住進「別人漂亮的家」這件事興奮不已。 |
According to the CSBC plans, the shipyard will be capable of building 1.5 million tons of ships and of repairing 2.5 million tons annually. It will open a new era for the shipbuilding industry in the Republic of China. | 根據中船公司的計畫,今後中船每年的造船量可以達到一百五十萬載重噸,修船二百五十萬總噸。 |
The Kaohsiung shipyard of CSBC is located appropriately in the Water Front Industrial Zone. It faces Kaohsiung's Second Harbor and is flanked by the China Steel Corporation and the Kaohsiung Machinery Works of Taiwan Shipbuilding Corporation. | 中船公司高雄造船廠位於臨海工業區,前臨高雄港第二港口,中鋼、及台船製機廠分居左右,形成造船工業與其支援工業一個完整的配置構想。 |
According to the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, there are now more than 5000 of them throughout Japan. Each has the character of the home it is in, which is one of their most attractive selling points. | 根據日本農林水產省統計,全日本目前已有超過五千家民宿,各具風情的民宿本身,已成為吸引觀光客的另一大賣點。 |
Unlike the intensely competitive management of big commercial tourist hotels, guesthouses have experienced a more natural development in most places. Taiwan is no exception. | 不同於觀光區大旅館步步為營的企業化經營,民宿的發展有其自然歷程,台灣也不例外。 |
In 1945-48 Taiwan was capable of building barely more than 300 tons of ships annually. | 在光復初期,台灣年造船總噸位僅三百多噸。 |
Famous for its sunrise, Alishan National Scenic Area has had a similar experience. In the early years, when information wasn't so easily available, many travelers didn't start looking for a place to stay until they arrived. If hotels were full, they'd ask local residents if they had spare rooms to let. | 以日出聞名的阿里山森林遊樂區情況亦同,早年資訊不發達,許多旅客上了山才開始尋找住宿地點,在旅館房間不足的情況下,只好商請當地居民提供空房間住宿,久而久之,居民乾脆開始經營民宿。 |
Taiwan Shipbuilding Corporation, located on Ho-ping Island in Keelung City, has extensive facilities for shipbuilding, ship repair and machinery manufacturing. | 位於台灣省基隆市和平島的台灣造船公司,擁有完善的造船、修船和機械製造的設備。 |
Huang began to learn musical theory only in middle school. | 也就是這個緣故,使他立志要深入淺出地推廣樂理。 |
The Tourism Bureau's "Domestic Travel Situation Survey Report" shows that in 2004 90 % of ROC citizens had traveled within Taiwan. The total number of trips stood at 110 million (an average of 5.7 per person), which represented a rise of 6.8 % over the year before. | 交通部觀光局所做的「國人旅遊狀況調查報告」顯示,民國 93 年中,高達 9 成的國人曾在國內旅遊,旅次高達 1 億 1 千萬次(平均每人 5.7 次),較前一年成長 6.8%。 |
All in the Same Boat | 浮雕:同舟共濟 |
As far as the supply is concerned, with Taiwan shifting toward a service- and high-tech-based economy, the traditional agriculture, forestry and fishery industries have all been in decline. | 從供給面來看,隨著台灣經濟轉向高科技及服務業,傳統的農林漁牧逐漸式微,再加上 WTO 農業國際化的威脅,迫使農民必須轉型或兼營副業來謀生。 |