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pipeline_tag: text-to-audio
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Improving Text-To-Audio Models with Synthetic Captions

🎵 We propose an audio captioning pipeline that uses an audio language model to synthesize accurate and diverse captions for audio at scale. We leverage this pipeline to produce a dataset of synthetic captions for AudioSet, named AF-AudioSet. We then pre-train our Tango family of text-to-audio models on these synthetic captions. 🎶

Read the paper


Our code is released here: https://github.com/declare-lab/tango

Please follow the instructions in the repository for installation, usage and experiments.

Quickstart Guide

Download the model and generate audio from a text prompt:

import IPython
import soundfile as sf
from tango import Tango

tango = Tango("declare-lab/tango-af-ac-ft-ac")

prompt = "An audience cheering and clapping"
audio = tango.generate(prompt)
sf.write(f"{prompt}.wav", audio, samplerate=16000)
IPython.display.Audio(data=audio, rate=16000)

The model will be automatically downloaded and saved in cache. Subsequent runs will load the model directly from cache.

The generate function uses 100 steps by default to sample from the latent diffusion model. We recommend using 200 steps for generating better quality audios. This comes at the cost of increased run-time.

prompt = "Rolling thunder with lightning strikes"
audio = tango.generate(prompt, steps=200)
IPython.display.Audio(data=audio, rate=16000)

Use the generate_for_batch function to generate multiple audio samples for a batch of text prompts:

prompts = [
    "A car engine revving",
    "A dog barks and rustles with some clicking",
    "Water flowing and trickling"
audios = tango.generate_for_batch(prompts, samples=2)

This will generate two samples for each of the three text prompts.