optimum-tpu documentation

First TPU Setup on Google Cloud

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First TPU Setup on Google Cloud

This guide walks you through setting up and accessing your first TPU instance on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  • A Google Cloud account
  • Billing enabled on your account
  • Basic familiarity with cloud consoles

Step 1: Enable TPU Access

  1. Navigate to the TPU dashboard at: https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/tpus

    • Note: You will need to enable the TPU API if you haven’t already
    • A valid billing account must be linked to your project
  2. If prompted, enable the TPU API for your project

TPU Dashboard

Step 2: Create your TPU Instance

Click the “Create” button to setup your TPU instance.

TPU Setup

Region Selection

  1. Review available regions and zones for TPUs: https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/regions-zones
  2. For this example, we will use us-west-4a zone
    • Important: TPU availability may vary by region
    • Tips: Choose a region close to your primary usage location

TPU Configuration

  1. Select TPU type:
    • We will use a TPU v5e-8 (corresponds to a v5litepod8). This is a TPU node containing 8 v5e TPU chips
    • For detailed specifications about TPU types, refer to our TPU hardware types documentation
  2. Choose a runtime:
    • Select v2-alpha-tpuv5-lite runtime
    • This runtime is optimized for TPU v5e
      • More runtime information on runtime can be found in at recommended runtime for TPU section in our TPU hardware page

Step 3: Access Your TPU

After creation, your TPU instance should be accessible by ssh

  1. Access your TPU:

    • Click the SSH button in the console for immediate terminal access


  2. For permanent SSH access:

Next Steps

Now that you have a working TPU environment, you can start using it for AI workloads. We offer two main paths depending on your use case:

AI Inference and Training Tutorials

  1. Model Serving on TPU

  2. Model Training on TPU

Choose the tutorial that best matches your immediate needs: