import random |
import gc |
import re |
from tracemalloc import Statistic |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import copy |
import csv |
import textwrap |
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, ImageColor, PngImagePlugin |
from modules import images, sd_models, devices |
from modules.sd_models import load_model |
from modules.shared import opts |
from scripts.mergers.mergers import TYPES,FINETUNEX,EXCLUDE_CHOICES,smerge,simggen,filenamecutter,draw_origin,wpreseter,savestatics,cachedealer,get_font |
from scripts.mergers.model_util import savemodel |
from scripts.mergers.bcolors import bcolors |
hear = True |
hearm = False |
state_mergen = False |
RANDCOL = 10 |
NUM = "num" |
RAND = "random" |
numadepth = [] |
def freezetime(): |
global state_mergen |
state_mergen = True |
def numanager(startmode,xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,ztype,zmen,esettings, |
weights_a,weights_b,model_a,model_b,model_c,alpha,beta,mode,calcmode, |
useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,wpresets,deep,fine,bake_in_vae,optv,inex,ex_blocks,ex_elems, |
s_prompt,s_nprompt,s_steps,s_sampler,s_cfg,s_seed,s_w,s_h,s_batch_size, |
genoptions,s_hrupscaler,s_hr2ndsteps,s_denois_str,s_hr_scale, |
lmode,lsets,llimits_u,llimits_l,lseed,lserial,lcustom,lround, |
*txt2imgparams): |
cachedealer(True) |
global numadepth |
grids = [] |
sep = "|" |
if RAND in startmode: |
if "off" in lmode: |
cachedealer(False) |
return "Random mode is off",*[None]*5 |
if lserial > 0 : lseed = -1 |
useblocks = True |
if RAND in startmode or TYPES.index(RAND) in [xtype,ytype,ztype]: |
xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,weights_a,weights_b = crazyslot(lmode,lsets,llimits_u,llimits_l,lseed,lserial,lcustom,xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,weights_a,weights_b,startmode) |
lucks = {"on":startmode == RAND, "mode":lmode,"set":lsets,"upp":llimits_u,"low":llimits_l,"seed":lseed,"num":lserial,"cust":lcustom,"round":int(lround)} |
gensets_s = [s_prompt,s_nprompt,s_steps,s_sampler,s_cfg,s_seed,s_w,s_h,s_batch_size,genoptions,s_hrupscaler,s_hr2ndsteps,s_denois_str,s_hr_scale] |
allsets = [xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,ztype,zmen,esettings, |
weights_a,weights_b,model_a,model_b,model_c,alpha,beta,mode,calcmode, |
useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,wpresets,deep,fine,bake_in_vae,optv,inex,ex_blocks,ex_elems, |
txt2imgparams,gensets_s,lucks] |
from scripts.mergers.components import paramsnames |
seed = txt2imgparams[paramsnames.index("Seed" if "Seed" in paramsnames else "Initial seed")] |
if RAND not in startmode: |
if sep in xmen: allsets = separator(allsets,1,sep,xmen,seed,startmode) |
if sep in ymen: allsets = separator(allsets,3,sep,ymen,seed,startmode) |
if sep in zmen: allsets = separator(allsets,5,sep,zmen,seed,startmode) |
if "reserve" in startmode : |
cachedealer(False) |
return numaker(allsets) |
if "normal" or RAND in startmode: |
result,currentmodel,xyimage,a,b,c= sgenxyplot(*allsets) |
if xyimage is not None:grids = xyimage |
else:print(result) |
else: |
if numadepth ==[]: |
cachedealer(False) |
return "no reservation",*[None]*5 |
result=currentmodel=xyimage=a=b=c = None |
while True: |
for i,row in enumerate(numadepth): |
if row[1] =="waiting": |
numadepth[i][1] = "Operating" |
try: |
result,currentmodel,xyimage,a,b,c = sgenxyplot(*row[2:]) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
numadepth[i][1] = "Error" |
else: |
if xyimage is not None: |
grids.append(xyimage[0]) |
numadepth[i][1] = "Finished" |
else: |
print(result) |
numadepth[i][1] = "Error" |
wcounter = 0 |
for row in numadepth: |
if row[1] != "waiting": |
wcounter += 1 |
if wcounter == len(numadepth): |
break |
gc.collect() |
cachedealer(False) |
return result,currentmodel,grids,a,b,c |
def separator(allsets,index,sep,men,seed,startmode): |
if seed =="-1": allsets[30] = str(random.randrange(4294967294)) |
mens = men.split(sep) |
if "reserve" not in startmode: |
allsets[index] = mens[0] |
for men in mens[1:]: |
numaker([*allsets[0:index],men,*allsets[index+1:]]) |
else: |
allsets[index] = mens[-1] |
for men in mens[:-1]: |
numaker([*allsets[0:index],men,*allsets[index+1:]]) |
return allsets |
def numaker(allsets): |
global numadepth |
numadepth.append([len(numadepth)+1,"waiting",*allsets]) |
return numalistmaker(copy.deepcopy(numadepth)) |
def nulister(redel): |
global numadepth |
if redel == False: |
return numalistmaker(copy.deepcopy(numadepth)) |
if redel ==-1: |
numadepth = [] |
else: |
try:del numadepth[int(redel-1)] |
except Exception as e:print(e) |
return numalistmaker(copy.deepcopy(numadepth)) |
def numalistmaker(numa): |
if numa ==[]: return [["no data","",""],] |
for i,r in enumerate(numa): |
r[2] = TYPES[int(r[2])] |
r[4] = TYPES[int(r[4])] |
r[6] = TYPES[int(r[6])] |
numa[i] = r[0:8]+r[11:14]+r[14:18]+r[9:11] |
return numa |
def caster(news,hear): |
if hear: print(news) |
def sgenxyplot(xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,ztype,zmen,esettings, |
weights_a,weights_b,model_a,model_b,model_c,alpha,beta,mode, |
calcmode,useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,wpresets,deep,fine,bake_in_vae,optv,inex,ex_blocks,ex_elems, |
gensets,gensets_s,lucks): |
global hear |
esettings = " ".join(esettings) |
savestat = "savestat" in deep |
gensets = list(gensets) |
from scripts.mergers.components import paramsnames |
def g(wanted,wantedv=None,value = True): |
if wanted in paramsnames:return gensets[paramsnames.index(wanted)] if value else paramsnames.index(wanted) |
elif wantedv and wantedv in paramsnames:return gensets[paramsnames.index(wantedv)] if value else paramsnames.index(wantedv) |
else:return None if value else 0 |
fine = fine.split(",") if fine else [0]*8 |
deep_ori = deep |
ex_blocks_ori = ex_blocks.copy() |
xtype = TYPES[xtype] |
ytype = TYPES[ytype] |
ztype = TYPES[ztype] |
XYZ =xtype + ytype + ztype |
mainmodel = mainmodeldealer(XYZ) |
if "ALL" in [xmen,ymen,zmen]: |
xmen,ymen,zmen = alldealer([xmen,ymen,zmen],[xtype,ytype,ztype]) |
if ytype == "none": ymen = "" |
if ztype == "none": zmen = "" |
modes=["Weight" ,"Add" ,"Triple","Twice"] |
xs=ys=ys=0 |
weights_a_in=weights_b_in="0" |
deepprint = True if "print change" in esettings else False |
def castall(hear): |
if hear :print(f"xmen:{xmen}, ymen:{ymen},zmen:{zmen}, xtype:{xtype}, ytype:{ytype}, ztype:{ztype}\ |
weights_a:{weights_a_in}, weights_b:{weights_b_in}, model_A:{model_a},model_B :{model_b}, model_C:{model_c}, alpha:{alpha},\ |
beta :{beta}, mode:{mode}, blocks:{useblocks}") |
pinpoint = "pinpoint blocks" in XYZ and "alpha" in XYZ |
usebeta = modes[2] in mode or modes[3] in mode |
if "prompt" in XYZ: gensets_s[0] = "" |
if "seed" in XYZ: gensets_s[5] = 0 |
print(f"\n{bcolors.OKGREEN}XY plot start, mode:{mode}, X: {xtype}, Y: {ytype}, Z: {ztype} MBW: {useblocks}{bcolors.ENDC}") |
castall(hear) |
None5 = [None,None,None,None,None] |
if xmen =="": return "ERROR: parameter X is empty",*None5 |
if ymen =="" and not ytype=="none": |
print("Parameter Y is empty, disable Y") |
ytype = "none" |
if zmen =="" and not ztype=="none": |
print("Parameter Z is empty, disable Z") |
ztype = "none" |
if model_a ==[] and "model_A" not in XYZ:return f"ERROR: model_A is not selected",*None5 |
if model_b ==[] and "model_B" not in XYZ:return f"ERROR: model_B is not selected",*None5 |
if model_c ==[] and usebeta and "model_C" not in XYZ:return "ERROR: model_C is not selected",*None5 |
if xtype == ytype and not (xtype == "add elemental" or xtype == RAND): return "ERROR: same type selected for X,Y",*None5 |
if useblocks: |
weights_a_in=wpreseter(weights_a,wpresets) |
weights_b_in=wpreseter(weights_b,wpresets) |
if g("Seed") == -1: gensets[g("Seed",value=False)] = int(random.randrange(4294967294)) |
def dicedealer(zs): |
for i,z in enumerate(zs): |
if z =="-1": zs[i] = str(random.randrange(4294967294)) |
print(f"the die was thrown : {zs}") |
def adjuster(wmen,wtype,awtype,bwtype): |
if "mbw" in wtype or "prompt" in wtype or "adjust" == wtype: |
ws = wmen.splitlines() |
caster(ws,hear) |
if "mbw alpha and beta" in wtype: |
ws = [ws[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(ws),2)] |
caster(ws,hear) |
elif "elemental" in wtype: |
ws = wmen.split("\n\n") |
elif RAND in wtype: |
ws = [""] * int(wmen) |
else: |
if "pinpoint element" in wtype: |
wmen = wmen.replace("\n",",") |
if "effective" in wtype: |
wmen = ","+wmen |
wmen = wmen.replace("\n",",") |
ws = [w.strip() for w in wmen.split(',')] |
caster(ws,hear) |
if "alpha" in wtype and ("effective" in awtype or "effective" in bwtype): |
ws = [ws[0]] |
if "seed" in wtype:dicedealer(ws) |
if "alpha" == wtype or "beta" == wtype: |
ow = [] |
for w in ws: |
try: |
float(w) |
ow.append(w) |
except: |
pass |
ws = ow |
return ws |
xs = adjuster(xmen,xtype,ytype,ztype) |
ys = adjuster(ymen,ytype,xtype,ztype) |
zs = adjuster(zmen,ztype,xtype,ytype) |
if ("beta" in XYZ) and (not usebeta and "tensor" not in calcmode): |
mode = modes[3] |
print(f"{bcolors.WARNING}{modes[3]} mode automatically selected){bcolors.ENDC}") |
if "mbw" in XYZ and not useblocks: |
useblocks = True |
print(f"{bcolors.WARNING}MBW mode enabled{bcolors.ENDC}") |
xcount = ycount = zcount = 0 |
allcount = len(xs)*len(ys)*len(zs) if not lucks["on"] else lucks["num"] |
flag = False |
global state_mergen |
state_mergen = False |
blockid=["BASE","IN00","IN01","IN02","IN03","IN04","IN05","IN06","IN07","IN08","IN09","IN10","IN11","M00","OUT00","OUT01","OUT02","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05","OUT06","OUT07","OUT08","OUT09","OUT10","OUT11"] |
def weightsdealer(xyzval: list,xyztype: list,weights: str, mode: str): |
caster(f"weights from : {weights}",hear) |
ww = xyzval[xyztype.index("pinpoint blocks")] |
wa = xyzval[xyztype.index(mode)] |
ww = [w.strip() for w in ww.split(' ')] |
weights_t = [w.strip() for w in weights.split(',')] |
if ww[0]!="NOT": |
flagger=[False]*26 |
changer = True |
else: |
flagger=[True]*26 |
changer = False |
for w in ww: |
if w =="NOT":continue |
if "-" in w: |
wt = [wt.strip() for wt in w.split('-')] |
if blockid.index(wt[1]) > blockid.index(wt[0]): |
flagger[blockid.index(wt[0]):blockid.index(wt[1])+1] = [changer]*(blockid.index(wt[1])-blockid.index(wt[0])+1) |
else: |
flagger[blockid.index(wt[1]):blockid.index(wt[0])+1] = [changer]*(blockid.index(wt[0])-blockid.index(wt[1])+1) |
else: |
flagger[blockid.index(w)] =changer |
for i,f in enumerate(flagger): |
if f:weights_t[i]=wa |
outext = ",".join(weights_t) |
caster(f"weights changed: {outext}",hear) |
return outext |
def abdealer(z): |
if " " in z:return z.split(" ")[0],z.split(" ")[1] |
return z,z |
def excluder(w): |
if "NOT" in w: |
outs = EXCLUDE_CHOICES.copy() |
w = w.split(" ") |
for x in w: |
if x in outs: |
outs.remove(x) |
return outs |
else: |
return w.split(" ") |
def xydealer(w,wt,awt,bwt): |
wta = awt + bwt |
nonlocal alpha,beta,gensets,weights_a_in,weights_b_in,model_a,model_b,model_c,deep,calcmode,fine,inex,ex_blocks |
if "prompt" in wt: |
gensets[1] = w |
return |
if "pinpoint blocks" in wt or "pinpoint element" in wt or "effective" in wt:return |
if "mbw" in wt: |
def weightser(w):return w, w.split(',',1)[0] |
if "mbw alpha and beta" in wt: |
weights_a_in,alpha = weightser(wpreseter(w[0],wpresets)) |
weights_b_in,beta = weightser(wpreseter(w[1],wpresets)) |
elif "alpha" in wt: |
weights_a_in,alpha = weightser(wpreseter(w,wpresets)) |
else: |
weights_b_in,beta = weightser(wpreseter(w,wpresets)) |
return |
if "alpha and" in wt: |
alpha,beta = abdealer(w) |
return |
if "alpha" in wt and not ("pinpoint element" in wta or "effective" in wta or "pinpoint adjust" in wta):alpha = w |
if "beta" in wt: beta = w |
if "seed" in wt: |
gensets[g("Seed",value = False)] = int(w) |
if "model_A" in wt:model_a = w |
if "model_B" in wt:model_b = w |
if "model_C" in wt:model_c = w |
if "elemental" in wt: |
deep = deep +","+ w if "add" in wt else w |
if "calcmode" in wt:calcmode = w |
if "adjust" == wt:fine = w |
if "clude" in wt: |
if "add" in wt: |
inex = wt.split(" ")[1].capitalize() |
ex_blocks = ex_blocks_ori + excluder(w) |
else: |
inex = wt.split(" ")[0].capitalize() |
ex_blocks = excluder(w) |
def elementdealer(xyzval,xyztype): |
t = "pinpoint element" if "pinpoint element" in xyztype else "effective" |
return str(xyzval[xyztype.index(t)]) + ":" + str(xyzval[xyztype.index("alpha")]) |
def finedealer(fine,xyzval: list,xyztype: list): |
f = xyzval[xyztype.index("pinpoint adjust")] |
a = xyzval[xyztype.index("alpha")] |
fine_in = fine.copy() |
fine_in[FINETUNEX.index(f)] = a |
return fine_in |
xyzimage=[] |
stocker = Stocker() |
for z in zs: |
ycount = 0 |
xyimage = [] |
xydealer(z,ztype,xtype,ytype) |
for y in ys: |
deep = deep_ori |
xydealer(y,ytype,xtype,ztype) |
xcount = 0 |
for x in xs: |
deepy = deep |
xyzv= [x,y,z] |
xyzt = [xtype,ytype,ztype] |
xydealer(x,xtype,ytype,ztype) |
if pinpoint and "alpha" in XYZ: |
weights_a_in = weightsdealer(xyzv,xyzt,weights_a,"alpha") |
weights_b_in = weights_b |
if pinpoint and "beta" in XYZ: |
weights_b_in = weightsdealer(xyzv,xyzt,weights_b,"beta") |
weights_a_in = weights_a |
if "pinpoint element" in XYZ or "effective" in XYZ: |
deep_in = deep + "," + elementdealer(xyzv,xyzt) if deep else elementdealer(xyzv,xyzt) |
else: |
deep_in = deep |
if "pinpoint adjust" in XYZ and "alpha" in XYZ: |
fine_in = finedealer(fine,xyzv,xyzt) |
else: |
fine_in = fine |
if type(fine_in) == list:fine_in = ",".join([str(x) for x in fine_in]) |
print(f"{bcolors.OKGREEN}XY plot: X: {xtype}, {str(x)}, Y: {ytype}, {str(y)}, Z: {ztype}, {str(z)} ({len(xs)*len(ys)*zcount + ycount*len(xs) +xcount +1}/{allcount}){bcolors.ENDC}") |
if "stock" in esettings: stocker.check_alpha(useblocks,alpha,weights_a_in,calcmode) |
if (((xtype=="seed") or (xtype=="prompt")) and xcount > 0) or (stocker.now and stocker.stock is not None): |
print(f"{bcolors.WARNING}Merge is skipped{bcolors.ENDC}") |
else: |
_, currentmodel,modelid,theta_0, metadata =smerge(weights_a_in,weights_b_in, model_a,model_b,model_c, float(alpha),float(beta),mode,calcmode, |
useblocks,"",save_sets,id_sets,False,deep_in,fine_in,bake_in_vae,optv,inex,ex_blocks,ex_elems,deepprint,lucks,main=mainmodel) |
checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(model_a) |
if "save model" in esettings: |
savemodel(theta_0,currentmodel,custom_name,save_sets,metadata) |
sd_models.model_data.__init__() |
load_model(checkpoint_info, already_loaded_state_dict=theta_0) |
theta_0 = None |
del theta_0 |
if xcount == 0: statid = modelid |
if stocker.now and stocker.stock is not None: |
image_temp = stocker.stock |
print("Stocked image used") |
else: |
image_temp = simggen(*gensets_s,currentmodel,id_sets,modelid,*gensets) |
if stocker.now and stocker.stock is None: |
stocker.stock = image_temp |
gc.collect() |
devices.torch_gc() |
xyimage.append(image_temp[0][0]) |
xcount+=1 |
deep = deepy |
if state_mergen: |
flag = True |
break |
if lucks["on"] and (len(xs)*len(ys)*zcount + ycount*len(xs) +xcount +1) >= lucks["num"]: flag = True |
ycount+=1 |
if flag:break |
if flag and ycount ==1: |
xs = xs[:xcount] |
ys = [ys[0],] |
print(f"stopped at x={xcount},y={ycount}") |
elif flag: |
ys = ys[:ycount] |
print(f"stopped at x={xcount},y={ycount}") |
(xs_t, ys_t) = (xs.copy(), ys.copy()) |
xs,ys,zs = ajustlegend(xs,XYZ),ajustlegend(ys,XYZ),ajustlegend(zs,XYZ) |
if "mbw alpha and beta" in xtype: xs_t = [f"alpha:({x[0]}),beta({x[1]})" for x in xs ] |
if "mbw alpha and beta" in ytype: ys_t = [f"alpha:({y[0]}),beta({y[1]})" for y in ys ] |
xs_t[0]=xtype+" = "+xs_t[0] |
if ytype!=TYPES[0] or "model" in ytype:ys_t[0]=ytype+" = "+str(ys[0]) |
if ys_t==[""]:ys_t = [" "] |
if "effective" in xtype or "effective" in ytype: |
xyimage,xs_t,ys_t = effectivechecker(xyimage,xs_t,ys_t,model_a,model_b,esettings) |
if not "grid" in esettings: |
if "swap XY" in esettings: |
xyimage, xs_t, ys_t = swapxy(xyimage, xs_t, ys_t) |
gridmodel= makegridmodelname(model_a, model_b,model_c, useblocks,mode,xtype,ytype,alpha,beta,weights_a,weights_b,usebeta) |
grid = smakegrid(xyimage,xs_t,ys_t,gridmodel,image_temp[4]) |
xyimage.insert(0,grid) |
if savestat: savestatics(statid) |
zcount+=1 |
xyzimage.append(xyimage[0]) |
if flag: break |
state_mergen = False |
return "Finished",currentmodel,xyzimage,*image_temp[1:4] |
def ajustlegend(ws,xyz): |
if "pinpoint adjust" in xyz: |
for i, s in enumerate(ws): |
if "COL1" == s:ws[i] = "COL1(Cyan-Red)" |
if "COL2" == s:ws[i] = "COL2(Magenta-Green)" |
if "COL3" == s:ws[i] = "COL3(Yellow-Blue)" |
return ws |
def smakegrid(imgs,xs,ys,currentmodel,p): |
xs = [makemultilineweight(x) for x in xs] |
ys = [makemultilineweight(y) for y in ys] |
ver_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(y)] for y in ys] |
hor_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(x)] for x in xs] |
w, h = imgs[0].size |
grid = Image.new('RGB', size=(len(xs) * w, len(ys) * h), color='black') |
for i, img in enumerate(imgs): |
grid.paste(img, box=(i % len(xs) * w, i // len(xs) * h)) |
grid = draw_grid_annotations(grid,w,h, hor_texts, ver_texts) |
grid = draw_origin(grid, currentmodel,w*len(xs),h*len(ys),w) |
if opts.grid_save: |
images.save_image(grid, opts.outdir_txt2img_grids, "xy_grid", extension=opts.grid_format, prompt=p.prompt, seed=p.seed, grid=True, p=p) |
return grid |
def makemultilineweight(weight): |
i = 0 |
o = "" |
for c in weight: |
o += c |
i += 1 |
if i > 25: |
if c == ",": |
o += "\n" |
i = 0 |
return o |
def swapxy(imgs,xs,ys): |
nimgs = [] |
for x in range(len(xs)): |
for y in range(len(ys)): |
nimgs.append(imgs[y * len(xs) + x]) |
return nimgs, ys, xs |
def makegridmodelname(model_a, model_b,model_c, useblocks,mode,xtype,ytype,alpha,beta,wa,wb,usebeta): |
model_a=filenamecutter(model_a) |
model_b=filenamecutter(model_b) |
model_c=filenamecutter(model_c) |
if not usebeta:beta,wb = "not used","not used" |
vals = "" |
modes=["Weight" ,"Add" ,"Triple","Twice"] |
if "mbw" in xtype: |
if "alpha" in xtype:wa = "X" |
if usebeta or " beta" in xtype:wb = "X" |
if "mbw" in ytype: |
if "alpha" in ytype:wa = "Y" |
if usebeta or " beta" in ytype:wb = "Y" |
wa = "alpha = " + wa |
wb = "beta = " + wb |
x = 50 |
while len(wa) > x: |
wa = wa[:x] + '\n' + wa[x:] |
x = x + 50 |
x = 50 |
while len(wb) > x: |
wb = wb[:x] + '\n' + wb[x:] |
x = x + 50 |
if "model" in xtype: |
if "A" in xtype:model_a = "model A" |
elif "B" in xtype:model_b="model B" |
elif "C" in xtype:model_c="model C" |
if "model" in ytype: |
if "A" in ytype:model_a = "model A" |
elif "B" in ytype:model_b="model B" |
elif "C" in ytype:model_c="model C" |
if modes[1] in mode: |
currentmodel =f"{model_a} \n {model_b} - {model_c})\n x alpha" |
elif modes[2] in mode: |
currentmodel =f"{model_a} x \n(1-alpha-beta) {model_b} x alpha \n+ {model_c} x beta" |
elif modes[3] in mode: |
currentmodel =f"({model_a} x(1-alpha) \n + {model_b} x alpha)*(1-beta)\n+ {model_c} x beta" |
else: |
currentmodel =f"{model_a} x (1-alpha) \n {model_b} x alpha" |
if "alpha" in xtype:alpha = "X" |
if "beta" in xtype:beta = "X" |
if "alpha" in ytype:alpha = "Y" |
if "beta" in ytype:beta = "Y" |
if "mbw" in xtype: |
if "alpha" in xtype: alpha = "X" |
if "beta" in xtype or usebeta: beta = "X" |
if "mbw" in ytype: |
if "alpha" in ytype: alpha = "Y" |
if "beta" in ytype or usebeta: beta = "Y" |
vals = f"\nalpha = {alpha},beta = {beta}" if not useblocks else f"\n{wa}\n{wb}" |
currentmodel = currentmodel+vals |
return currentmodel |
def effectivechecker(imgs,xs,ys,model_a,model_b,esettings): |
diffs = [] |
outnum =[] |
im1 = np.array(imgs[0]) |
model_a = filenamecutter(model_a) |
model_b = filenamecutter(model_b) |
dir = os.path.join(opts.outdir_txt2img_samples,f"{model_a+model_b}","difgif") |
if "gif" in esettings: |
try: |
os.makedirs(dir) |
except FileExistsError: |
pass |
ls,ss = (xs.copy(),ys.copy()) if len(xs) > len(ys) else (ys.copy(),xs.copy()) |
for i in range(len(imgs)-1): |
im2 = np.array(imgs[i+1]) |
abs_diff = cv2.absdiff(im2 , im1) |
abs_diff_t = cv2.threshold(abs_diff, 20, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] |
res = abs_diff_t.astype(np.uint8) |
percentage = (np.count_nonzero(res) * 100)/ res.size |
abs_diff = cv2.bitwise_not(abs_diff) |
outnum.append(percentage) |
abs_diff = Image.fromarray(abs_diff) |
diffs.append(abs_diff) |
if "gif" in esettings: |
gifpath = gifpath_t = os.path.join(dir,ls[i+1].replace(":","_")+".gif") |
is_file = os.path.isfile(gifpath) |
j = 0 |
while is_file: |
gifpath = gifpath_t.replace(".gif",f"_{j}.gif") |
print(gifpath) |
is_file = os.path.isfile(gifpath) |
j = j + 1 |
imgs[0].save(gifpath, save_all=True, append_images=[imgs[i+1]], optimize=False, duration=1000, loop=0) |
nums = [] |
outs = [] |
ls = ls[1:] |
for i in range(len(ls)): |
nums.append([ls[i],outnum[i]]) |
ls[i] = ls[i] + "\n Diff : " + str(round(outnum[i],3)) + "%" |
if "csv" in esettings: |
try: |
os.makedirs(dir) |
except FileExistsError: |
pass |
filepath = os.path.join(dir, f"{model_a+model_b}.csv") |
with open(filepath, "a", newline="") as f: |
writer = csv.writer(f) |
writer.writerows(nums) |
if len(ys) > len (xs): |
for diff,img in zip(diffs,imgs[1:]): |
outs.append(diff) |
outs.append(img) |
outs.append(imgs[0]) |
ss = ["diff",ss[0],"source"] |
return outs,ss,ls |
else: |
outs = [imgs[0]]*len(diffs) + imgs[1:]+ diffs |
ss = ["source",ss[0],"diff"] |
return outs,ls,ss |
def crazyslot(lmode,lsets,llimits_u,llimits_l,lseed,lserial,lcustom,xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,weights_a,weights_b,start): |
if start == RAND: |
if lserial > RANDCOL: |
xtype = ytype = TYPES.index(RAND) |
xmen = RANDCOL |
ymen = lserial // RANDCOL + 1 |
else: |
xtype = TYPES.index(RAND) |
xmen = lserial |
if "alpha" in lsets: |
if "custom" in lmode: |
weights_a = lcustom |
else: |
weights_a = ",".join([lmode]*26) |
if "beta" in lsets: |
if "custom" in lmode: |
weights_b = lcustom |
else: |
weights_b = ",".join([lmode]*26) |
return xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,weights_a,weights_b |
def alldealer(mens,types): |
for i, men in enumerate(mens): |
if men == "ALL": |
if types[i] == "pinpoint blocks":mens[i] = "BASE,IN00,IN01,IN02,IN03,IN04,IN05,IN06,IN07,IN08,IN09,IN10,IN11,M00|OUT00,OUT01,OUT02,OUT03,OUT04,OUT05,OUT06,OUT07,OUT08,OUT09,OUT10,OUT11" |
if types[i] == "pinpoint adjust":mens[i] ="IN,OUT,OUT2,CONT,COL1,COL2,COL3" |
return mens |
def draw_grid_annotations(im, width, height, hor_texts, ver_texts, margin=0): |
color_active = ImageColor.getcolor(getattr(opts,"grid_text_inactive_color","#000000"), 'RGB') |
color_inactive = ImageColor.getcolor(getattr(opts,"grid_text_inactive_color","#999999"), 'RGB') |
color_background = ImageColor.getcolor(getattr(opts,"grid_background_color","#ffffff"), 'RGB') |
def wrap(drawing, text, font, line_length): |
lines = [''] |
for word in text.split(): |
line = f'{lines[-1]} {word}'.strip() |
if drawing.textlength(line, font=font) <= line_length: |
lines[-1] = line |
else: |
lines.append(word) |
return lines |
def draw_texts(drawing, draw_x, draw_y, lines, initial_fnt, initial_fontsize): |
minfont = 2244096 |
for line in lines: |
fnt = initial_fnt |
fontsize = initial_fontsize |
line_spacing = fontsize // 2 |
while drawing.multiline_textbbox((0,0), line.text, font=fnt,spacing = 5)[2] > line.allowed_width and fontsize > 0: |
fontsize -= 1 |
fnt = get_font(fontsize) |
line_spacing = fontsize // 2 |
if minfont > fontsize: |
minfont = fontsize |
fnt = get_font(minfont) |
for line in lines: |
drawing.multiline_text((draw_x, draw_y + line.size[1] / 2), line.text, font=fnt, fill=color_active if line.is_active else color_inactive, anchor="mm", align="center",spacing = 5) |
if not line.is_active: |
drawing.line((draw_x - line.size[0] // 2, draw_y + line.size[1] // 2, draw_x + line.size[0] // 2, draw_y + line.size[1] // 2), fill=color_inactive, width=4) |
draw_y += line.size[1] * 0.3 + line_spacing |
fontsize = (width + height) // 25 |
line_spacing = fontsize // 20 |
fnt = get_font(fontsize) |
pad_left = 0 if sum([sum([len(line.text) for line in lines]) for lines in ver_texts]) == 0 else width * 3 // 4 |
cols = im.width // width |
rows = im.height // height |
assert cols == len(hor_texts), f'bad number of horizontal texts: {len(hor_texts)}; must be {cols}' |
assert rows == len(ver_texts), f'bad number of vertical texts: {len(ver_texts)}; must be {rows}' |
calc_img = Image.new("RGB", (1, 1), color_background) |
calc_d = ImageDraw.Draw(calc_img) |
for texts, allowed_width in zip(hor_texts + ver_texts, [width] * len(hor_texts) + [pad_left] * len(ver_texts)): |
items = [] + texts |
texts.clear() |
for line in items: |
wrapped = wrap(calc_d, line.text, fnt, allowed_width) |
texts += [images.GridAnnotation(x, line.is_active) for x in wrapped] |
for line in texts: |
bbox = calc_d.multiline_textbbox((0, 0), line.text, font=fnt) |
line.size = (bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]) |
line.allowed_width = allowed_width |
hor_text_heights = [sum([line.size[1] + line_spacing for line in lines]) - line_spacing for lines in hor_texts] |
ver_text_heights = [sum([line.size[1] + line_spacing for line in lines]) - line_spacing * len(lines) for lines in ver_texts] |
pad_top = 0 if sum(hor_text_heights) == 0 else max(hor_text_heights) + line_spacing * 2 |
result = Image.new("RGB", (im.width + pad_left + margin * (cols-1), im.height + pad_top + margin * (rows-1)), color_background) |
for row in range(rows): |
for col in range(cols): |
cell = im.crop((width * col, height * row, width * (col+1), height * (row+1))) |
result.paste(cell, (pad_left + (width + margin) * col, pad_top + (height + margin) * row)) |
d = ImageDraw.Draw(result) |
for col in range(cols): |
x = pad_left + (width + margin) * col + width / 2 |
y = pad_top / 2 - hor_text_heights[col] / 2 |
draw_texts(d, x, y, hor_texts[col], fnt, fontsize) |
for row in range(rows): |
x = pad_left / 2 |
y = pad_top + (height + margin) * row + height / 2 - ver_text_heights[row] / 2 |
draw_texts(d, x, y, ver_texts[row], fnt, fontsize) |
return result |
def mainmodeldealer(xyz): |
abc = [True,True,True] |
if "model" in xyz: |
if "A" in xyz:abc[0] = False |
if "B" in xyz:abc[1] = False |
if "C" in xyz:abc[2] = False |
return abc |
class Stocker: |
def __init__(self): |
self.stocked = False |
self.stock = None |
self.now = False |
def check_alpha(self,useblocks, alpha,weights_a_in,calcmode): |
now = False |
if "cosine" not in calcmode: |
if useblocks: |
if re.fullmatch(r"^(0,)+$", weights_a_in): now = True |
else: |
if float(alpha) == 0: now = True |
self.now = now |