import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n' |
const messages = { |
en: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: 'Send pose to ControlNet', |
keybinding: 'Key Bindings', |
canvas: 'Canvas', |
resizeCanvas: 'Resize Canvas', |
resetZoom: 'Reset Zoom', |
backgroundImage: 'Background Image', |
uploadImage: 'Upload Image', |
poseControl: 'Pose Control', |
addPerson: 'Add Person', |
uploadJSON: 'Upload JSON', |
downloadJSON: 'Download JSON', |
downloadImage: 'Download Image', |
addLeftHand: 'Add left hand', |
addRightHand: 'Add right hand', |
addFace: 'Add face', |
panningKeybinding: '(SPACE / F) + Drag Mouse', |
panningDescription: 'Hold key to pan the canvas', |
zoomKeybinding: 'Mouse wheel', |
zoomDescription: 'Zoom in/out', |
hideKeybinding: 'Right click', |
hideDescription: 'Hide keypoint', |
flip: 'Flip object', |
} |
}, |
zh: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: '发送姿势到ControlNet', |
keybinding: '键位绑定', |
canvas: '画布', |
resizeCanvas: '调整画布大小', |
resetZoom: '重置画布缩放', |
backgroundImage: '背景图片', |
uploadImage: '上传图片', |
poseControl: '姿势控制', |
addPerson: '添加人物', |
uploadJSON: '上传JSON', |
downloadJSON: '下载JSON', |
downloadImage: '下载图片', |
addLeftHand: '添加左手', |
addRightHand: '添加右手', |
addFace: '添加脸部', |
panningKeybinding: '(空格 或 F) + 拖动鼠标', |
panningDescription: '拖动画布', |
zoomKeybinding: '鼠标滚轮', |
zoomDescription: '调整画布缩放', |
hideKeybinding: '鼠标右键', |
hideDescription: '隐藏关键点', |
flip: '左右翻转', |
} |
}, |
ja: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: 'ControlNetにポーズを送信', |
keybinding: 'キーバインディング', |
canvas: 'キャンバス', |
resizeCanvas: 'キャンバスのサイズを調整', |
resetZoom: 'ズームをリセット', |
backgroundImage: '背景画像', |
uploadImage: '画像をアップロード', |
poseControl: 'ポーズコントロール', |
addPerson: '人物を追加', |
uploadJSON: 'JSONをアップロード', |
downloadJSON: 'JSONをダウンロード', |
downloadImage: '画像をダウンロード', |
addLeftHand: '左手を追加', |
addRightHand: '右手を追加', |
addFace: '顔を追加', |
panningKeybinding: '(SPACE / F) + マウスのドラッグ', |
panningDescription: 'キーを押しながらキャンバスをパン', |
zoomKeybinding: 'マウスホイール', |
zoomDescription: 'ズームイン/アウト', |
hideKeybinding: '右クリック', |
hideDescription: 'キーポイントを隠す', |
} |
}, |
ko: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: 'ControlNet에 자세 보내기', |
keybinding: '키 바인딩', |
canvas: '캔버스', |
resizeCanvas: '캔버스 크기 조정', |
resetZoom: '줌 리셋', |
backgroundImage: '배경 이미지', |
uploadImage: '이미지 업로드', |
poseControl: '자세 제어', |
addPerson: '사람 추가', |
uploadJSON: 'JSON 업로드', |
downloadJSON: 'JSON 다운로드', |
downloadImage: '이미지 다운로드', |
addLeftHand: '왼손 추가', |
addRightHand: '오른손 추가', |
addFace: '얼굴 추가', |
panningKeybinding: '(스페이스바 / F) + 마우스 드래그', |
panningDescription: '키를 누르고 캔버스 이동', |
zoomKeybinding: '마우스 휠', |
zoomDescription: '확대/축소', |
hideKeybinding: '오른쪽 클릭', |
hideDescription: '키포인트 숨기기', |
} |
}, |
ru: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: 'Отправить позу в ControlNet', |
keybinding: 'Привязка клавиш', |
canvas: 'Холст', |
resizeCanvas: 'Изменить размер холста', |
resetZoom: 'Сбросить масштаб', |
backgroundImage: 'Фоновое изображение', |
uploadImage: 'Загрузить изображение', |
poseControl: 'Управление позой', |
addPerson: 'Добавить персонажа', |
uploadJSON: 'Загрузить JSON', |
downloadJSON: 'Скачать JSON', |
downloadImage: 'Скачать изображение', |
addLeftHand: 'Добавить левую руку', |
addRightHand: 'Добавить правую руку', |
addFace: 'Добавить лицо', |
panningKeybinding: '(ПРОБЕЛ / F) + Перетаскивание мыши', |
panningDescription: 'Зажмите клавишу, чтобы передвинуть холст', |
zoomKeybinding: 'Колесо мыши', |
zoomDescription: 'Увеличить/уменьшить', |
hideKeybinding: 'Правый клик', |
hideDescription: 'Скрыть ключевую точку', |
} |
}, |
de: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: 'Pose an ControlNet senden', |
keybinding: 'Tastenbelegung', |
canvas: 'Leinwand', |
resizeCanvas: 'Leinwandgröße ändern', |
resetZoom: 'Zoom zurücksetzen', |
backgroundImage: 'Hintergrundbild', |
uploadImage: 'Bild hochladen', |
poseControl: 'Pose Kontrolle', |
addPerson: 'Person hinzufügen', |
uploadJSON: 'JSON hochladen', |
downloadJSON: 'JSON herunterladen', |
downloadImage: 'Bild herunterladen', |
addLeftHand: 'Linke Hand hinzufügen', |
addRightHand: 'Rechte Hand hinzufügen', |
addFace: 'Gesicht hinzufügen', |
panningKeybinding: '(LEERTASTE / F) + Maus ziehen', |
panningDescription: 'Halten Sie die Taste gedrückt, um die Leinwand zu verschieben', |
zoomKeybinding: 'Mausrad', |
zoomDescription: 'Vergrößern/Verkleinern', |
hideKeybinding: 'Rechtsklick', |
hideDescription: 'Schlüsselpunkt verbergen', |
} |
}, |
es: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: 'Enviar pose a ControlNet', |
keybinding: 'Atajos de teclado', |
canvas: 'Lienzo', |
resizeCanvas: 'Cambiar tamaño de lienzo', |
resetZoom: 'Restablecer zoom', |
backgroundImage: 'Imagen de fondo', |
uploadImage: 'Subir imagen', |
poseControl: 'Control de pose', |
addPerson: 'Añadir persona', |
uploadJSON: 'Subir JSON', |
downloadJSON: 'Descargar JSON', |
downloadImage: 'Descargar imagen', |
addLeftHand: 'Añadir mano izquierda', |
addRightHand: 'Añadir mano derecha', |
addFace: 'Añadir rostro', |
panningKeybinding: '(ESPACIO / F) + Arrastrar ratón', |
panningDescription: 'Mantén presionada la tecla para mover el lienzo', |
zoomKeybinding: 'Rueda del ratón', |
zoomDescription: 'Acercar/Alejar', |
hideKeybinding: 'Clic derecho', |
hideDescription: 'Ocultar punto clave', |
} |
}, |
fr: { |
ui: { |
sendPose: 'Envoyer la pose à ControlNet', |
keybinding: 'Raccourcis clavier', |
canvas: 'Toile', |
resizeCanvas: 'Redimensionner la toile', |
resetZoom: 'Réinitialiser le zoom', |
backgroundImage: 'Image de fond', |
uploadImage: 'Télécharger une image', |
poseControl: 'Contrôle de pose', |
addPerson: 'Ajouter une personne', |
uploadJSON: 'Télécharger JSON', |
downloadJSON: 'Télécharger JSON', |
downloadImage: 'Télécharger une image', |
addLeftHand: 'Ajouter la main gauche', |
addRightHand: 'Ajouter la main droite', |
addFace: 'Ajouter un visage', |
panningKeybinding: '(ESPACE / F) + Glisser la souris', |
panningDescription: 'Maintenez la touche pour déplacer la toile', |
zoomKeybinding: 'Molette de la souris', |
zoomDescription: 'Zoomer/Dézoomer', |
hideKeybinding: 'Clic droit', |
hideDescription: 'Masquer le point clé', |
} |
} |
}; |
export default createI18n({ |
locale: navigator.language.split('-')[0] || 'en', |
fallbackLocale: 'en', |
messages, |
}); |