var photopeaWindow = null; |
var photopeaIframe = null; |
function onPhotopeaLoaded(iframe) { |
console.log("Photopea iFrame loaded"); |
photopeaWindow = iframe.contentWindow; |
photopeaIframe = iframe; |
createSendToPhotopeaButton("image_buttons_txt2img", window.txt2img_gallery); |
createSendToPhotopeaButton("image_buttons_img2img", window.img2img_gallery); |
createSendToPhotopeaButton("image_buttons_extras", window.extras_gallery); |
gradioApp().getElementById("photopeaIframeSlider").addEventListener('input', (event) => { |
const newHeight = parseInt(event.target.value); |
photopeaIframe.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; |
}); |
} |
function createSendToPhotopeaButton(queryId, gallery) { |
const existingButton = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${queryId} button`); |
const newButton = existingButton.cloneNode(true); |
newButton.style.display = "flex"; |
newButton.id = `${queryId}_open_in_photopea`; |
newButton.title = "Send to Photopea" |
newButton.textContent = "\u{1F99C}"; |
newButton.addEventListener("click", () => openImageInPhotopea(gallery)); |
existingButton.parentNode.appendChild(newButton); |
} |
function goToPhotopeaTab() { |
const allButtons = gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs').querySelectorAll('button'); |
photopeaTabButton = Array.from(allButtons).find(button => button.textContent === 'Photopea '); |
photopeaTabButton.click(); |
} |
function goToImg2ImgInpaintUpload(onFinished) { |
switch_to_img2img(); |
const img2imgdiv = gradioApp().getElementById("mode_img2img"); |
waitForWebUiUpdate(img2imgdiv).then(() => { |
const allButtons = img2imgdiv.querySelectorAll("div.tab-nav > button"); |
const inpaintButton = |
Array.from(allButtons).find(button => button.textContent === 'Inpaint upload '); |
inpaintButton.click(); |
onFinished(); |
}); |
} |
function activeLayerOnly() { |
return gradioApp() |
.getElementById("photopea-use-active-layer-only") |
.querySelector("input[type=checkbox]").checked; |
} |
function openImageInPhotopea(originGallery) { |
var imageSizeMatches = true; |
const outgoingImg = originGallery.querySelectorAll("img")[0]; |
goToPhotopeaTab(); |
postMessageToPhotopea(getPhotopeaScriptString(getActiveDocumentSize)).then((response) => { |
const activeDocSize = response[0].split(","); |
if (outgoingImg.naturalWidth > activeDocSize[0] || |
outgoingImg.naturalHeight > activeDocSize[1]) { |
imageSizeMatches = false; |
} |
blobTob64(outgoingImg.src, (imageData) => { |
postMessageToPhotopea(`app.open("${imageData}", null, ${imageSizeMatches});`, "*") |
.then(() => { |
if (imageSizeMatches) { |
postMessageToPhotopea(`app.activeDocument.activeLayer.rasterize();`, "*"); |
} else { |
postMessageToPhotopea( |
`alert("New document created as the image sent is bigger than the active document");`, |
"*"); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}); |
} |
function getAndSendImageToWebUITab(webUiTab, sendToControlnet, imageWidgetIndex) { |
const saveMessage = activeLayerOnly() |
? getPhotopeaScriptString(exportSelectedLayerOnly) |
: 'app.activeDocument.saveToOE("png");'; |
postMessageToPhotopea(saveMessage) |
.then((resultArray) => { |
const base64Png = base64ArrayBuffer(resultArray[0]); |
sendImageToWebUi( |
webUiTab, |
sendToControlnet, |
imageWidgetIndex, |
b64toBlob(base64Png, "image/png")); |
}); |
} |
function sendImageToWebUi(webUiTab, sendToControlNet, controlnetModelIndex, blob) { |
const file = new File([blob], "photopea_output.png") |
switch (webUiTab) { |
case "txt2img": |
switch_to_txt2img(); |
break; |
case "img2img": |
switch_to_img2img(); |
break; |
case "extras": |
switch_to_extras(); |
break; |
} |
if (sendToControlNet) { |
const tabId = webUiTab === "txt2img" |
? "#txt2img_script_container" |
: "#img2img_script_container"; |
const controlNetDiv = gradioApp().querySelector(tabId).querySelector("#controlnet"); |
setImageOnControlNetInput(controlNetDiv, controlnetModelIndex, file); |
} else { |
const imageInput = gradioApp().getElementById(`mode_${webUiTab}`).querySelector("input[type='file']"); |
setImageOnInput(imageInput, file); |
} |
} |
function sendImageWithMaskSelectionToWebUi() { |
postMessageToPhotopea(getPhotopeaScriptString(selectionExists)) |
.then((response) => { |
if (response[0] === false) { |
postMessageToPhotopea(`alert("No selection in active document!");`); |
} else { |
goToImg2ImgInpaintUpload(() => { |
const fullMessage = |
getPhotopeaScriptString(createMaskFromSelection) + |
getPhotopeaScriptString(exportSelectedLayerOnly) + |
`app.activeDocument.activeLayer.remove();`; |
postMessageToPhotopea(fullMessage).then((resultArray) => { |
const base64Png = base64ArrayBuffer(resultArray[0]); |
const maskInput = gradioApp().getElementById("img_inpaint_mask").querySelector("input"); |
const blob = b64toBlob(base64Png, "image/png"); |
const file = new File([blob], "photopea_output.png"); |
setImageOnInput(maskInput, file); |
const saveMessage = activeLayerOnly() |
? getPhotopeaScriptString(exportSelectedLayerOnly) |
: 'app.activeDocument.saveToOE("png");'; |
postMessageToPhotopea(saveMessage) |
.then((resultArray) => { |
const base64Png = base64ArrayBuffer(resultArray[0]); |
const baseImgInput = gradioApp().getElementById("img_inpaint_base").querySelector("input"); |
const blob = b64toBlob(base64Png, "image/png"); |
const file = new File([blob], "photopea_output.png"); |
setImageOnInput(baseImgInput, file); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
function setImageOnControlNetInput(controlNetDiv, controlNetModelIndex, file) { |
if (controlNetAccordionIsCollapsed(controlNetDiv)) { |
controlNetDiv.querySelector("span.icon").click(); |
} |
waitForWebUiUpdate(controlNetDiv).then(() => { |
const tabs = controlNetDiv.querySelectorAll("div.tab-nav > button"); |
if (tabs !== null && tabs.length > 1) { |
tabs[controlNetModelIndex].click(); |
} |
imageInput = controlNetDiv.querySelectorAll("input[type='file']")[controlNetModelIndex * 2]; |
setImageOnInput(imageInput, file); |
} |
); |
} |
function setImageOnInput(imageInput, file) { |
const dt = new DataTransfer(); |
dt.items.add(file); |
const list = dt.files; |
imageInput.files = list; |
const event = new Event('change', { |
'bubbles': true, |
"composed": true |
}); |
imageInput.dispatchEvent(event); |
} |
function getPhotopeaScriptString(func) { |
return func.toString() + `${func.name}();` |
} |
async function postMessageToPhotopea(message) { |
var request = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
var responses = []; |
var photopeaMessageHandle = function (response) { |
responses.push(response.data); |
if (response.data == "done") { |
window.removeEventListener("message", photopeaMessageHandle); |
resolve(responses) |
} |
}; |
window.addEventListener("message", photopeaMessageHandle); |
}); |
photopeaWindow.postMessage(message, "*"); |
return await request; |
} |
async function waitForWebUiUpdate(divToWatch) { |
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const mutationConfig = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }; |
const onMutationHappened = (mutationList, observer) => { |
observer.disconnect(); |
resolve(); |
} |
const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutationHappened); |
observer.observe(divToWatch, mutationConfig); |
}); |
return await promise; |
} |
function controlNetAccordionIsCollapsed(controlNetDiv) { |
const directDescendents = controlNetDiv.children; |
const sampleIframe = controlNetDiv.querySelectorAll("iframe")[0]; |
for(var i = 0; i < directDescendents.length; i++) { |
if(directDescendents[i].contains(sampleIframe)) { |
return directDescendents[i].style['display'] === 'none'; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |