Tried Llama 3.1 70B?

by noisefloordev - opened

I see a bunch of 3.1 8B out there, but nobody's released a 70B yet that I can find. Maybe people are having a harder time with it for some reason. I might make a go at it eventually, but you had better results than I did with 3, so just curious if you've tried (or plan to).


I really like this model (Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct-abliterated-v3.5 ) and am hoping someone will "ablate" the 3.1 70B model.

I spent a few days trying, but as with Llama 3 I can't reproduce what was done with this model. The best refusal_dir seems to be blocks.29.hook_resid_post, which matches up with this model (only layer 29 was changed). But I can only get any results by editing a lot of layers, if I only apply it to layer 29 it has no noticeable effect. It's probably something I'm doing wrong and not anything that's changed in the model, since I got the same results with 3.0.

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