
by onur48 - opened

ValueError: rope_scaling must be a dictionary with two fields, type and factor, got {'factor': 8.0, 'low_freq_factor': 1.0, 'high_freq_factor': 4.0, 'original_max_position_embeddings': 8192, 'rope_type': 'llama3'}

after changing to
"rope_scaling": { "factor": 8.0, "type": "dynamic" }, in config.json
it procedes further
... Lib\site-packages\transformers\integrations\", line 354, in _fuse_awq_mlp new_module = target_cls(gate_proj, down_proj, up_proj, activation_fn) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "d:\code\autoawq\awq\modules\fused\", line 41, in __init__ self.linear = awq_ext.gemm_forward_cuda ^^^^^^^ NameError: name 'awq_ext' is not defined


Hugging Quants org

Hi here @onur48 and @froilo indeed you should update the transformers version that you're using to fix the issue, as transformers 4.43.0 implements the RoPE scaling required for the Llama 3.1 architecture, so the following should work:

pip install --upgrade transformers

See the release notes at; and note that the --upgrade flag will install instead, that also comes with follow up fixes! 🤗

onur48 changed discussion status to closed

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