
by Baslim - opened

Do the safetensors go in the same place as the ckpt files?

@Baslim Sorry. I know as little as you about those.

Oh maybe I shouldn't have downloaded them then lol thanks for answering.

@Baslim I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with them. I got help setting that stuff up by people more technically capable than myself. I’m more of an artist than a technician, and I trained the model myself of course. But I don’t know much about diffusers and safetensors.

Yes I just looked it up sorry all of this is new too me but it looks like its on other stuff too. Thank you.

And the model works really good too thank you. You should get a patreon account.

Yes I just looked it up sorry all of this is new too me but it looks like its on other stuff too. Thank you.

And the model works really good too thank you. You should get a patreon account.


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