Source Code

by asgharmustafa92 - opened

Hi, Is the source code used to pre-train and fine tune this model from base-bert model available for use?

rttl labs org

Hi, for task adaptive pre-training (adapting it for Yelp reviews), you can use:
You can change the value for mlm_probability to increase the complexity of the prediction task.
for switching to WWM, you just need to use DataCollatorForWholeWordMask or switch to this script:

Hi, for task adaptive pre-training (adapting it for Yelp reviews), you can use:
You can change the value for mlm_probability to increase the complexity of the prediction task.
for switching to WWM, you just need to use DataCollatorForWholeWordMask or switch to this script:

Thanks for sharing. I'll take a look :)

asgharmustafa92 changed discussion status to closed

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