license: apache-2.0
- text-classification
- generic
library_name: generic
Hugging Face Transformers with Scikit-learn Classifiers π€©π
This repository contains a small proof-of-concept pipeline that leverages longformer embeddings with scikit-learn Logistic Regression that does sentiment analysis. The training leverages the language module of whatlies. See the tutorial notebook here.
Classification Report π
Below is the classification report ππ»
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.84 0.89 0.86 53
1 0.86 0.81 0.84 47
accuracy 0.85 100
macro avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 100
weighted avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 100
Pipeline π
Below you can see the pipeline ππ» (it's interactive! πͺ)
Pipeline(steps=[('embedding',\n HFTransformersLanguage(model_name_or_path='facebook/bart-base')),\n ('model', LogisticRegression())])Please rerun this cell to show the HTML repr or trust the notebook.
Pipeline(steps=[('embedding',\n HFTransformersLanguage(model_name_or_path='facebook/bart-base')),\n ('model', LogisticRegression())])
Hyperparameters β€οΈ
You can find hyperparameters below ππ»β¨
{'memory': None,
'steps': [('embedding',
('model', LogisticRegression())],
'verbose': False,
'embedding': HFTransformersLanguage(model_name_or_path='facebook/bart-base'),
'model': LogisticRegression(),
'embedding__model_name_or_path': 'facebook/bart-base',
'model__C': 1.0,
'model__class_weight': None,
'model__dual': False,
'model__fit_intercept': True,
'model__intercept_scaling': 1,
'model__l1_ratio': None,
'model__max_iter': 100,
'model__multi_class': 'auto',
'model__n_jobs': None,
'model__penalty': 'l2',
'model__random_state': None,
'model__solver': 'lbfgs',
'model__tol': 0.0001,
'model__verbose': 0,
'model__warm_start': False}