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import streamlit as st
import torch
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers import BartTokenizer, BartForConditionalGeneration
# Replace with your Hugging Face model repository path
model_repo_path = 'ASaboor/Bart_samsum'
# Load the model and tokenizer
model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_repo_path)
tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_repo_path)
# Initialize the summarization pipeline
summarizer = pipeline('summarization', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
# Streamlit app layout
st.set_page_config(page_title="Text Summarization App", page_icon=":memo:", layout="wide")
st.title("Text Summarization App")
This app uses a fine-tuned BART model to generate summaries of your input text.
Enter the text you want to summarize in the box below and click "Summarize" to see the result.
# User input
text_input = st.text_area("Enter text to summarize", height=300, placeholder="Paste your text here...")
# Summarize the text
if st.button("Summarize"):
if text_input:
with st.spinner("Generating summary..."):
# Generate summary
summary = summarizer(text_input, max_length=150, min_length=30, do_sample=False)
# Display summary
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"An error occurred during summarization: {e}")
st.warning("Please enter some text to summarize.")
# Optional: Add a footer or additional information
Made with ❤️ using [Streamlit]( and [Hugging Face Transformers](