which metric will determine the ranking
- opened
Hello! On the leaderboard, there are five metrics displayed: track1, track2, track3, F1 score, and accuracy. My question is, which metric determines the final ranking on both the public and private leaderboards? Thank you.
Hi @tasdfgy ,
In the FungiCLEF2024, there are 3 metrics for 3 different tracks. The Accuracy and F1 are on the leaderboard just for "validation/verification."
For recap:
- Track 1: Standard Classification with "unknown" category.
- Track 2: Cost for confusing edible species for poisonous and vice versa.
- Track 3: A user-focused loss composes of both the classification error and the poisonous/edible confusion.
Thus, if there were a high number of participants, we would have three leaderboards. Given the current number of participants, we will most likely determine the winners by just the Track3 metric, which is a combination of Track1 and Track2 metrics.
Hope this helps!
PS: We have discussed the metrics in this thread.