textgraphs / NOTES.md
Paco Nathan
A new start
* can we build a causal graph of the provenance?
- https://www.pywhy.org/dowhy/v0.11.1/
* target publications:
- https://drops.dagstuhl.de/entities/issue/TGDK-volume-1-issue-1
* impl a _semantic random walk_ from a source KG
* link entities for lemmas, noun chunks using MediaWiki lookups?
- apply default semantics: `skos:related`
* eval clustering/community detection for GOR?
- https://github.com/MengLiuPurdue/LocalGraphClustering
* RAG example
- https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/latest/examples/index_structs/knowledge_graph/KuzuGraphDemo.html#query-with-embeddings
* extend GOR to replicate NodePiece/ULTRA ?
* reify GOR, then use FastRP to generate embeddings?
- https://github.com/Knorreman/fastRP
* eval community detection to condense nodes using k-medoids?
- https://medium.com/neo4j/clustering-graph-data-with-k-medoids-3b6a67ea0873
* add conda packaging
- https://conda.github.io/grayskull/
* SPARQL the DBPedia/Wikidata equivs
* other NER/RE:
- https://github.com/dwadden/dygiepp?tab=readme-ov-file#pretrained-models
* check out https://github.com/wikipedia2vec/wikipedia2vec
* link `sense2vec` synonyms; make affordances for UI to annotate synonyms