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RSPrompter: Learning to Prompt for Remote Sensing Instance Segmentation based on Visual Foundation Model

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This is the pytorch implement of our paper "RSPrompter: Learning to Prompt for Remote Sensing Instance Segmentation based on Visual Foundation Model"

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0. Environment Setup

0.1 Create a virtual environment

conda create -n RSPrompter python=3.10

0.2 Activate the virtual environment

conda activate RSPrompter

0.3 Install pytorch

Version of 1.x is also work, but the version of 2.x is recommended.

pip install torch torchvision --index-url

0.3 [Optional] Install pytorch

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

0.4 Install mmcv

Version of 2.x is recommended.

pip install mmcv==2.0.0 -f

Please refer to installation documentation for more detailed installation.

0.5 Install other dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Data Preparation

1.1 Dataset

WHU Dataset

WHU dataset can be downloaded from WHU. After downloading, put the dataset into the data folder, which contains some image examples.

NWPU Dataset

NWPU dataset can be downloaded from NWPU. After downloading, put the dataset into the data folder, which contains some image examples.

SSDD Dataset

SSDD dataset can be downloaded from SSDD. After downloading, put the dataset into the data folder, which contains some image examples.

1.2 Split the dataset into train and test set

The dataset split files and annotation files are provided in this project, which are stored in the data/*/annotations folder in COCO annotation format.

2. Model Training

2.1 Train SAM-based model

2.1.1 Config file

The config file is located in the configs/rsprompter folder, which can be modified according to the situation. The config file provides three models: SAM-seg, SAM-det, and RSPrompter.

2.1.2 Train

Some parameters of the training can also be modified in the above configuration file. The main modification of the parameters in trainer_cfg, such as single-card multi-card training, etc., for specific configuration modifications, please refer to the Trainer of Pytorch Lightning.

python tools/

2.2 [Optional] Train other models

2.2.1 Config file

The config file is located in the configs/rsprompter folder, which provides only the configuration of Mask R-CNN and Mask2Former. The configuration of other models can refer to these two configuration files and the model config in MMDetection.

2.2.2 Train

Modify the config path in tools/ and then run

python tools/

3. Model Evaluation

The config file is located in the configs/rsprompter folder, which can be modified according to the situation. When the val_evaluator and val_loader are configured in the configuration file, the model will automatically evaluate the model on the validation set during model training, and the evaluation results will be uploaded to Wandb and can be viewed in Wandb. If you need to perform offline evaluation on the test set, you need to configure the test_evaluator and test_loader in the configuration file, as well as the config and ckpt-path paths in tools/, and then run

python tools/

4. [Optional] Model Visualization

The config file is located in the configs/rsprompter folder, which can be modified according to the situation. You can modify the parameters of DetVisualizationHook and DetLocalVisualizer in the configuration file, as well as the config and ckpt-path paths in tools/, and then run

python tools/

5. [Optional] Model Download

This project provides the model weights of RSPrompter-anchor, which are located in huggingface space

6. [Optional] Citation

If you find this project useful for your research, please cite our paper.

If you have any other questions, please contact me!!!

      title={RSPrompter: Learning to Prompt for Remote Sensing Instance Segmentation based on Visual Foundation Model}, 
      author={Keyan Chen and Chenyang Liu and Hao Chen and Haotian Zhang and Wenyuan Li and Zhengxia Zou and Zhenwei Shi},