[enhancement] unify two leaderboards in a single one

by zhiminy - opened

In reviewing the two leaderboards, I noticed a significant overlap in column names, particularly concerning the video quality metrics, which appear to be fully encompassed within the vbench columns. This observation leads me to question whether the video quality leaderboard essentially serves as a subset of the vbench leaderboard in terms of its evaluation criteria, especially since their evaluation results are identical.

Given this redundancy, would it not be more efficient to consolidate our approach? Perhaps we could enhance the vbench leaderboard by introducing an option that allows users to directly select the leaderboard column of interest. This change could streamline our presentation and make navigation more intuitive for users. @awojustin , what are your thoughts on this suggestion?

zhiminy changed discussion title from Differences between these two leaderboards? to [enhanchment] unify two leaderboards in a single one
zhiminy changed discussion title from [enhanchment] unify two leaderboards in a single one to [enhancement] unify two leaderboards in a single one

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