Andrei Cozma

A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.20.0

title: Image Fft Playground
emoji: πŸ“Š
colorFrom: green
colorTo: blue
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.50.2
pinned: false
license: apache-2.0

Image FFT Playground

Gradio app to play with FFT of images.

Huggingface Spaces Demo:


  • Upload your own input image, or use one of the example images
  • Optionally draw on the input image to see how the FFT changes
  • Mask out areas of the FFT magnitude and phase to see how the image changes
  • Apply IFFT to the modified FFT to see the result

Example Screenshots

Generate FFT

Generate IFFT

Known Bugs

  • Gradio Image canvas sometimes bugs out and unintentionally resizes/crops the images on the FFT Magnitude and Phase canvases. As a result, taking the IFFT will produce an error. To fix this, just refresh the page and try again.
    • In the process of re-writing the app using Streamlit, since Gradio image canvas is not very stable and the API is not very flexible.