import copy |
import numpy as np |
from contextlib import contextmanager |
from itertools import count |
from typing import List |
import torch |
from fvcore.transforms import HFlipTransform, NoOpTransform |
from torch import nn |
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel |
from annotator.oneformer.detectron2.config import configurable |
from annotator.oneformer.detectron2.data.detection_utils import read_image |
from annotator.oneformer.detectron2.data.transforms import ( |
RandomFlip, |
ResizeShortestEdge, |
ResizeTransform, |
apply_augmentations, |
) |
from annotator.oneformer.detectron2.structures import Boxes, Instances |
from .meta_arch import GeneralizedRCNN |
from .postprocessing import detector_postprocess |
from .roi_heads.fast_rcnn import fast_rcnn_inference_single_image |
__all__ = ["DatasetMapperTTA", "GeneralizedRCNNWithTTA"] |
class DatasetMapperTTA: |
""" |
Implement test-time augmentation for detection data. |
It is a callable which takes a dataset dict from a detection dataset, |
and returns a list of dataset dicts where the images |
are augmented from the input image by the transformations defined in the config. |
This is used for test-time augmentation. |
""" |
@configurable |
def __init__(self, min_sizes: List[int], max_size: int, flip: bool): |
""" |
Args: |
min_sizes: list of short-edge size to resize the image to |
max_size: maximum height or width of resized images |
flip: whether to apply flipping augmentation |
""" |
self.min_sizes = min_sizes |
self.max_size = max_size |
self.flip = flip |
@classmethod |
def from_config(cls, cfg): |
return { |
"min_sizes": cfg.TEST.AUG.MIN_SIZES, |
"max_size": cfg.TEST.AUG.MAX_SIZE, |
"flip": cfg.TEST.AUG.FLIP, |
} |
def __call__(self, dataset_dict): |
""" |
Args: |
dict: a dict in standard model input format. See tutorials for details. |
Returns: |
list[dict]: |
a list of dicts, which contain augmented version of the input image. |
The total number of dicts is ``len(min_sizes) * (2 if flip else 1)``. |
Each dict has field "transforms" which is a TransformList, |
containing the transforms that are used to generate this image. |
""" |
numpy_image = dataset_dict["image"].permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() |
shape = numpy_image.shape |
orig_shape = (dataset_dict["height"], dataset_dict["width"]) |
if shape[:2] != orig_shape: |
pre_tfm = ResizeTransform(orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1], shape[0], shape[1]) |
else: |
pre_tfm = NoOpTransform() |
aug_candidates = [] |
for min_size in self.min_sizes: |
resize = ResizeShortestEdge(min_size, self.max_size) |
aug_candidates.append([resize]) |
if self.flip: |
flip = RandomFlip(prob=1.0) |
aug_candidates.append([resize, flip]) |
ret = [] |
for aug in aug_candidates: |
new_image, tfms = apply_augmentations(aug, np.copy(numpy_image)) |
torch_image = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(new_image.transpose(2, 0, 1))) |
dic = copy.deepcopy(dataset_dict) |
dic["transforms"] = pre_tfm + tfms |
dic["image"] = torch_image |
ret.append(dic) |
return ret |
class GeneralizedRCNNWithTTA(nn.Module): |
""" |
A GeneralizedRCNN with test-time augmentation enabled. |
Its :meth:`__call__` method has the same interface as :meth:`GeneralizedRCNN.forward`. |
""" |
def __init__(self, cfg, model, tta_mapper=None, batch_size=3): |
""" |
Args: |
cfg (CfgNode): |
model (GeneralizedRCNN): a GeneralizedRCNN to apply TTA on. |
tta_mapper (callable): takes a dataset dict and returns a list of |
augmented versions of the dataset dict. Defaults to |
`DatasetMapperTTA(cfg)`. |
batch_size (int): batch the augmented images into this batch size for inference. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
if isinstance(model, DistributedDataParallel): |
model = model.module |
assert isinstance( |
model, GeneralizedRCNN |
), "TTA is only supported on GeneralizedRCNN. Got a model of type {}".format(type(model)) |
self.cfg = cfg.clone() |
assert not self.cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINT_ON, "TTA for keypoint is not supported yet" |
assert ( |
), "TTA for pre-computed proposals is not supported yet" |
self.model = model |
if tta_mapper is None: |
tta_mapper = DatasetMapperTTA(cfg) |
self.tta_mapper = tta_mapper |
self.batch_size = batch_size |
@contextmanager |
def _turn_off_roi_heads(self, attrs): |
""" |
Open a context where some heads in `model.roi_heads` are temporarily turned off. |
Args: |
attr (list[str]): the attribute in `model.roi_heads` which can be used |
to turn off a specific head, e.g., "mask_on", "keypoint_on". |
""" |
roi_heads = self.model.roi_heads |
old = {} |
for attr in attrs: |
try: |
old[attr] = getattr(roi_heads, attr) |
except AttributeError: |
pass |
if len(old.keys()) == 0: |
yield |
else: |
for attr in old.keys(): |
setattr(roi_heads, attr, False) |
yield |
for attr in old.keys(): |
setattr(roi_heads, attr, old[attr]) |
def _batch_inference(self, batched_inputs, detected_instances=None): |
""" |
Execute inference on a list of inputs, |
using batch size = self.batch_size, instead of the length of the list. |
Inputs & outputs have the same format as :meth:`GeneralizedRCNN.inference` |
""" |
if detected_instances is None: |
detected_instances = [None] * len(batched_inputs) |
outputs = [] |
inputs, instances = [], [] |
for idx, input, instance in zip(count(), batched_inputs, detected_instances): |
inputs.append(input) |
instances.append(instance) |
if len(inputs) == self.batch_size or idx == len(batched_inputs) - 1: |
outputs.extend( |
self.model.inference( |
inputs, |
instances if instances[0] is not None else None, |
do_postprocess=False, |
) |
) |
inputs, instances = [], [] |
return outputs |
def __call__(self, batched_inputs): |
""" |
Same input/output format as :meth:`GeneralizedRCNN.forward` |
""" |
def _maybe_read_image(dataset_dict): |
ret = copy.copy(dataset_dict) |
if "image" not in ret: |
image = read_image(ret.pop("file_name"), self.model.input_format) |
image = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(image.transpose(2, 0, 1))) |
ret["image"] = image |
if "height" not in ret and "width" not in ret: |
ret["height"] = image.shape[1] |
ret["width"] = image.shape[2] |
return ret |
return [self._inference_one_image(_maybe_read_image(x)) for x in batched_inputs] |
def _inference_one_image(self, input): |
""" |
Args: |
input (dict): one dataset dict with "image" field being a CHW tensor |
Returns: |
dict: one output dict |
""" |
orig_shape = (input["height"], input["width"]) |
augmented_inputs, tfms = self._get_augmented_inputs(input) |
with self._turn_off_roi_heads(["mask_on", "keypoint_on"]): |
all_boxes, all_scores, all_classes = self._get_augmented_boxes(augmented_inputs, tfms) |
merged_instances = self._merge_detections(all_boxes, all_scores, all_classes, orig_shape) |
if self.cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON: |
augmented_instances = self._rescale_detected_boxes( |
augmented_inputs, merged_instances, tfms |
) |
outputs = self._batch_inference(augmented_inputs, augmented_instances) |
del augmented_inputs, augmented_instances |
merged_instances.pred_masks = self._reduce_pred_masks(outputs, tfms) |
merged_instances = detector_postprocess(merged_instances, *orig_shape) |
return {"instances": merged_instances} |
else: |
return {"instances": merged_instances} |
def _get_augmented_inputs(self, input): |
augmented_inputs = self.tta_mapper(input) |
tfms = [x.pop("transforms") for x in augmented_inputs] |
return augmented_inputs, tfms |
def _get_augmented_boxes(self, augmented_inputs, tfms): |
outputs = self._batch_inference(augmented_inputs) |
all_boxes = [] |
all_scores = [] |
all_classes = [] |
for output, tfm in zip(outputs, tfms): |
pred_boxes = output.pred_boxes.tensor |
original_pred_boxes = tfm.inverse().apply_box(pred_boxes.cpu().numpy()) |
all_boxes.append(torch.from_numpy(original_pred_boxes).to(pred_boxes.device)) |
all_scores.extend(output.scores) |
all_classes.extend(output.pred_classes) |
all_boxes = torch.cat(all_boxes, dim=0) |
return all_boxes, all_scores, all_classes |
def _merge_detections(self, all_boxes, all_scores, all_classes, shape_hw): |
num_boxes = len(all_boxes) |
num_classes = self.cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.NUM_CLASSES |
all_scores_2d = torch.zeros(num_boxes, num_classes + 1, device=all_boxes.device) |
for idx, cls, score in zip(count(), all_classes, all_scores): |
all_scores_2d[idx, cls] = score |
merged_instances, _ = fast_rcnn_inference_single_image( |
all_boxes, |
all_scores_2d, |
shape_hw, |
1e-8, |
) |
return merged_instances |
def _rescale_detected_boxes(self, augmented_inputs, merged_instances, tfms): |
augmented_instances = [] |
for input, tfm in zip(augmented_inputs, tfms): |
pred_boxes = merged_instances.pred_boxes.tensor.cpu().numpy() |
pred_boxes = torch.from_numpy(tfm.apply_box(pred_boxes)) |
aug_instances = Instances( |
image_size=input["image"].shape[1:3], |
pred_boxes=Boxes(pred_boxes), |
pred_classes=merged_instances.pred_classes, |
scores=merged_instances.scores, |
) |
augmented_instances.append(aug_instances) |
return augmented_instances |
def _reduce_pred_masks(self, outputs, tfms): |
for output, tfm in zip(outputs, tfms): |
if any(isinstance(t, HFlipTransform) for t in tfm.transforms): |
output.pred_masks = output.pred_masks.flip(dims=[3]) |
all_pred_masks = torch.stack([o.pred_masks for o in outputs], dim=0) |
avg_pred_masks = torch.mean(all_pred_masks, dim=0) |
return avg_pred_masks |