How pricing works?
Hi, hi!
I understand this could be a basic question, but still I try!
I ran out of resources while trying this space:
I thought that placing a payment method I could buy some GPU or CPU time, for running it smoother... but how do I do it? How does it work?
This space is designed as a demonstration world. Zero attributes a GPU based on available resources. The dev version is very demanding. Try the Schnell version for quick prototype.
This space is designed as a demonstration world. Zero attributes a GPU based on available resources. The dev version is very demanding. Try the Schnell version for quick prototype.
Thanks! I tried the Schnell version too, and indeed it's quicker!
I was curious about how paying worked though: I mean, if Zero attributes GPU based on what's available, I guess I can't sorta pay and book or prioritise some resources?
I ask this for it's really my first time on a site like Huggingface.
On this space, no the GPU will be allocated based on the time and resources allocated. But on a private space duplicated with the appropriate token and a paid zero gpu a100, it's possible to do what you want.