#### Column names for Trials Dataframe |
Some features were adapted from the popEye R package ([github](https://github.com/sascha2schroeder/popEye)) |
The if the column depend on a line assignment then a _ALGORITHM_NAME will be at the end of the name. |
- subject: Subject name or ID (derived from filename) |
- trial_id: Trial ID |
- item: Item ID |
- condition: Condition (if applicable) |
- average_y_correction_ALGORITHM_NAME: Average difference between raw y position of a fixation and the center of the line to which it was assigned in pixels |
- Number of fixations before cleaning: Number of fixation found for the trial before any cleaning is done |
- Discard long fixations: Indicates if overly long fixations were discarded |
- Number of discarded long fixations: Number of fixations that were discarded due to being overly long |
- Number of discarded long fixations (%): Number of fixations that were discarded due to being overly long as a percentage of the total number of fixations |
- How short and close fixations were handled: Which option was chosen for handling short fixation |
- Number of merged fixations: Number of fixations that were merged due to their duration being below the set threshold and being in horizontal proximity to their preceeding or subsequent fixation |
- Number of merged fixations (%): Number of fixations that were merged due to their duration being below the set threshold and being in horizontal proximity to their preceeding or subsequent fixation as a percentage of the total number of fixations |
- Far out of text fixations were discarded: Whether fixations were discarded if they were far outside the stimulus text |
- Number of discarded far-out-of-text fixations: Number of fixations that were discarded due to being far outside the stimulus text |
- Number of discarded far-out-of-text fixations (%): Number of fixations that were discarded due to being far outside the stimulus text as a percentage of the total number of fixations |
- Total number of discarded and merged fixations: Number of fixations that were cleaned up |
- Total number of discarded and merged fixations (%): Number of fixations that were cleaned up as a percentage of the total number of fixations |
- trial_start_time: Timestamp of the start of the trial |
- trial_end_time: Timestamp of the end of the trial |
- question_correct: Whether the question associated with the trial was answered correctly. This will be blank if it could not be determined |
- number_of_words_in_trial: Total number of words in the stimulus used for the trial |
- blink: Number of blinks detected during the trial |
- nfix: Number of fixations remaining after cleaning |
- nrun_ALGORITHM_NAME: Number of runs on trial |
- saccade_length_ALGORITHM_NAME: Average saccade length across the trial |
- mean_fix_duration_ALGORITHM_NAME: Average fixation duration across the trial |
- total_fix_duration_ALGORITHM_NAME: Total fixation duration across the trial |
- skip_ALGORITHM_NAME: Proportion of words in the trial that have been skipped during first-pass reading |
- refix_ALGORITHM_NAME: Proportion of words in the trial that have been refixated |
- reg_ALGORITHM_NAME: Proportion of words which have been regressed into |
- firstpass_ALGORITHM_NAME: First-pass reading time |
- rereading_ALGORITHM_NAME: Re-reading time (total reading time minus first-pass reading time) |
- reading_rate_ALGORITHM_NAME: Reading rate (words per minute) |