Wrong Gradio Verison in my Space Duplicate

by Somekindofathing - opened

Hi !
I've been following an issue that was PR thanks to you here: https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/10270#issuecomment-2568047532

I duplicated your Space and made it work to show that the correct version of gradio was built (5.9.1).
However, I've copied your entire code and your requirements (only one line to install the correct Gradio version) but I keep getting the downgraded vrsion (5.0.1) being re-built, uninstalling the previous 5.9.1 version.

I've already factory reset my Space, nothing changes. You build line is:

--> RUN pip install --no-cache-dir 	gradio[oauth]==5.9.1 	"uvicorn>=0.14.0" 	spaces==0.32.0

And mine is:

--> RUN pip install --no-cache-dir 	gradio[oauth]==5.0.1 	"uvicorn>=0.14.0" 	spaces==0.32.0

Do you have an idea why I'm cursed?
Thx !

Somekindofathing changed discussion status to closed

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