DiffLinker / src /edm.py
DiffLinker code
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import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import math
from src import utils
from src.egnn import Dynamics
from src.noise import GammaNetwork, PredefinedNoiseSchedule
from typing import Union
from pdb import set_trace
class EDM(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(
dynamics: Union[Dynamics],
in_node_nf: int,
n_dims: int,
timesteps: int = 1000,
norm_values=(1., 1., 1.),
norm_biases=(None, 0., 0.),
if noise_schedule == 'learned':
assert loss_type == 'vlb', 'A noise schedule can only be learned with a vlb objective'
self.gamma = GammaNetwork()
self.gamma = PredefinedNoiseSchedule(noise_schedule, timesteps=timesteps, precision=noise_precision)
self.dynamics = dynamics
self.in_node_nf = in_node_nf
self.n_dims = n_dims
self.T = timesteps
self.norm_values = norm_values
self.norm_biases = norm_biases
def forward(self, x, h, node_mask, fragment_mask, linker_mask, edge_mask, context=None):
# Normalization and concatenation
x, h = self.normalize(x, h)
xh = torch.cat([x, h], dim=2)
# Volume change loss term
delta_log_px = self.delta_log_px(linker_mask).mean()
# Sample t
t_int = torch.randint(0, self.T + 1, size=(x.size(0), 1), device=x.device).float()
s_int = t_int - 1
t = t_int / self.T
s = s_int / self.T
# Masks for t=0 and t>0
t_is_zero = (t_int == 0).squeeze().float()
t_is_not_zero = 1 - t_is_zero
# Compute gamma_t and gamma_s according to the noise schedule
gamma_t = self.inflate_batch_array(self.gamma(t), x)
gamma_s = self.inflate_batch_array(self.gamma(s), x)
# Compute alpha_t and sigma_t from gamma
alpha_t = self.alpha(gamma_t, x)
sigma_t = self.sigma(gamma_t, x)
# Sample noise
# Note: only for linker
eps_t = self.sample_combined_position_feature_noise(n_samples=x.size(0), n_nodes=x.size(1), mask=linker_mask)
# Sample z_t given x, h for timestep t, from q(z_t | x, h)
# Note: keep fragments unchanged
z_t = alpha_t * xh + sigma_t * eps_t
z_t = xh * fragment_mask + z_t * linker_mask
# Neural net prediction
eps_t_hat = self.dynamics.forward(
eps_t_hat = eps_t_hat * linker_mask
# Computing basic error (further used for computing NLL and L2-loss)
error_t = self.sum_except_batch((eps_t - eps_t_hat) ** 2)
# Computing L2-loss for t>0
normalization = (self.n_dims + self.in_node_nf) * self.numbers_of_nodes(linker_mask)
l2_loss = error_t / normalization
l2_loss = l2_loss.mean()
# The KL between q(z_T | x) and p(z_T) = Normal(0, 1) (should be close to zero)
kl_prior = self.kl_prior(xh, linker_mask).mean()
# Computing NLL middle term
SNR_weight = (self.SNR(gamma_s - gamma_t) - 1).squeeze(1).squeeze(1)
loss_term_t = self.T * 0.5 * SNR_weight * error_t
loss_term_t = (loss_term_t * t_is_not_zero).sum() / t_is_not_zero.sum()
# Computing noise returned by dynamics
noise = torch.norm(eps_t_hat, dim=[1, 2])
noise_t = (noise * t_is_not_zero).sum() / t_is_not_zero.sum()
if t_is_zero.sum() > 0:
# The _constants_ depending on sigma_0 from the
# cross entropy term E_q(z0 | x) [log p(x | z0)]
neg_log_constants = -self.log_constant_of_p_x_given_z0(x, linker_mask)
# Computes the L_0 term (even if gamma_t is not actually gamma_0)
# and selected only relevant via masking
loss_term_0 = -self.log_p_xh_given_z0_without_constants(h, z_t, gamma_t, eps_t, eps_t_hat, linker_mask)
loss_term_0 = loss_term_0 + neg_log_constants
loss_term_0 = (loss_term_0 * t_is_zero).sum() / t_is_zero.sum()
# Computing noise returned by dynamics
noise_0 = (noise * t_is_zero).sum() / t_is_zero.sum()
loss_term_0 = 0.
noise_0 = 0.
return delta_log_px, kl_prior, loss_term_t, loss_term_0, l2_loss, noise_t, noise_0
def sample_chain(self, x, h, node_mask, fragment_mask, linker_mask, edge_mask, context, keep_frames=None):
n_samples = x.size(0)
n_nodes = x.size(1)
# Normalization and concatenation
x, h, = self.normalize(x, h)
xh = torch.cat([x, h], dim=2)
# Initial linker sampling from N(0, I)
z = self.sample_combined_position_feature_noise(n_samples, n_nodes, mask=linker_mask)
z = xh * fragment_mask + z * linker_mask
if keep_frames is None:
keep_frames = self.T
assert keep_frames <= self.T
chain = torch.zeros((keep_frames,) + z.size(), device=z.device)
# Sample p(z_s | z_t)
for s in reversed(range(0, self.T)):
s_array = torch.full((n_samples, 1), fill_value=s, device=z.device)
t_array = s_array + 1
s_array = s_array / self.T
t_array = t_array / self.T
z = self.sample_p_zs_given_zt_only_linker(
write_index = (s * keep_frames) // self.T
chain[write_index] = self.unnormalize_z(z)
# Finally sample p(x, h | z_0)
x, h = self.sample_p_xh_given_z0_only_linker(
chain[0] = torch.cat([x, h], dim=2)
return chain
def sample_p_zs_given_zt_only_linker(self, s, t, z_t, node_mask, fragment_mask, linker_mask, edge_mask, context):
"""Samples from zs ~ p(zs | zt). Only used during sampling. Samples only linker features and coords"""
gamma_s = self.gamma(s)
gamma_t = self.gamma(t)
sigma2_t_given_s, sigma_t_given_s, alpha_t_given_s = self.sigma_and_alpha_t_given_s(gamma_t, gamma_s, z_t)
sigma_s = self.sigma(gamma_s, target_tensor=z_t)
sigma_t = self.sigma(gamma_t, target_tensor=z_t)
# Neural net prediction.
eps_hat = self.dynamics.forward(
eps_hat = eps_hat * linker_mask
# Compute mu for p(z_s | z_t)
mu = z_t / alpha_t_given_s - (sigma2_t_given_s / alpha_t_given_s / sigma_t) * eps_hat
# Compute sigma for p(z_s | z_t)
sigma = sigma_t_given_s * sigma_s / sigma_t
# Sample z_s given the parameters derived from zt
z_s = self.sample_normal(mu, sigma, linker_mask)
z_s = z_t * fragment_mask + z_s * linker_mask
return z_s
def sample_p_xh_given_z0_only_linker(self, z_0, node_mask, fragment_mask, linker_mask, edge_mask, context):
"""Samples x ~ p(x|z0). Samples only linker features and coords"""
zeros = torch.zeros(size=(z_0.size(0), 1), device=z_0.device)
gamma_0 = self.gamma(zeros)
# Computes sqrt(sigma_0^2 / alpha_0^2)
sigma_x = self.SNR(-0.5 * gamma_0).unsqueeze(1)
eps_hat = self.dynamics.forward(
eps_hat = eps_hat * linker_mask
mu_x = self.compute_x_pred(eps_t=eps_hat, z_t=z_0, gamma_t=gamma_0)
xh = self.sample_normal(mu=mu_x, sigma=sigma_x, node_mask=linker_mask)
xh = z_0 * fragment_mask + xh * linker_mask
x, h = xh[:, :, :self.n_dims], xh[:, :, self.n_dims:]
x, h = self.unnormalize(x, h)
h = F.one_hot(torch.argmax(h, dim=2), self.in_node_nf) * node_mask
return x, h
def compute_x_pred(self, eps_t, z_t, gamma_t):
"""Computes x_pred, i.e. the most likely prediction of x."""
sigma_t = self.sigma(gamma_t, target_tensor=eps_t)
alpha_t = self.alpha(gamma_t, target_tensor=eps_t)
x_pred = 1. / alpha_t * (z_t - sigma_t * eps_t)
return x_pred
def kl_prior(self, xh, mask):
Computes the KL between q(z1 | x) and the prior p(z1) = Normal(0, 1).
This is essentially a lot of work for something that is in practice negligible in the loss.
However, you compute it so that you see it when you've made a mistake in your noise schedule.
# Compute the last alpha value, alpha_T
ones = torch.ones((xh.size(0), 1), device=xh.device)
gamma_T = self.gamma(ones)
alpha_T = self.alpha(gamma_T, xh)
# Compute means
mu_T = alpha_T * xh
mu_T_x, mu_T_h = mu_T[:, :, :self.n_dims], mu_T[:, :, self.n_dims:]
# Compute standard deviations (only batch axis for x-part, inflated for h-part)
sigma_T_x = self.sigma(gamma_T, mu_T_x).view(-1) # Remove inflate, only keep batch dimension for x-part
sigma_T_h = self.sigma(gamma_T, mu_T_h)
# Compute KL for h-part
zeros, ones = torch.zeros_like(mu_T_h), torch.ones_like(sigma_T_h)
kl_distance_h = self.gaussian_kl(mu_T_h, sigma_T_h, zeros, ones)
# Compute KL for x-part
zeros, ones = torch.zeros_like(mu_T_x), torch.ones_like(sigma_T_x)
d = self.dimensionality(mask)
kl_distance_x = self.gaussian_kl_for_dimension(mu_T_x, sigma_T_x, zeros, ones, d=d)
return kl_distance_x + kl_distance_h
def log_constant_of_p_x_given_z0(self, x, mask):
batch_size = x.size(0)
degrees_of_freedom_x = self.dimensionality(mask)
zeros = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1), device=x.device)
gamma_0 = self.gamma(zeros)
# Recall that sigma_x = sqrt(sigma_0^2 / alpha_0^2) = SNR(-0.5 gamma_0)
log_sigma_x = 0.5 * gamma_0.view(batch_size)
return degrees_of_freedom_x * (- log_sigma_x - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi))
def log_p_xh_given_z0_without_constants(self, h, z_0, gamma_0, eps, eps_hat, mask, epsilon=1e-10):
# Discrete properties are predicted directly from z_0
z_h = z_0[:, :, self.n_dims:]
# Take only part over x
eps_x = eps[:, :, :self.n_dims]
eps_hat_x = eps_hat[:, :, :self.n_dims]
# Compute sigma_0 and rescale to the integer scale of the data
sigma_0 = self.sigma(gamma_0, target_tensor=z_0) * self.norm_values[1]
# Computes the error for the distribution N(x | 1 / alpha_0 z_0 + sigma_0/alpha_0 eps_0, sigma_0 / alpha_0),
# the weighting in the epsilon parametrization is exactly '1'
log_p_x_given_z_without_constants = -0.5 * self.sum_except_batch((eps_x - eps_hat_x) ** 2)
# Categorical features
# Compute delta indicator masks
h = h * self.norm_values[1] + self.norm_biases[1]
estimated_h = z_h * self.norm_values[1] + self.norm_biases[1]
# Centered h_cat around 1, since onehot encoded
centered_h = estimated_h - 1
# Compute integrals from 0.5 to 1.5 of the normal distribution
# N(mean=centered_h_cat, stdev=sigma_0_cat)
log_p_h_proportional = torch.log(
self.cdf_standard_gaussian((centered_h + 0.5) / sigma_0) -
self.cdf_standard_gaussian((centered_h - 0.5) / sigma_0) +
# Normalize the distribution over the categories
log_Z = torch.logsumexp(log_p_h_proportional, dim=2, keepdim=True)
log_probabilities = log_p_h_proportional - log_Z
# Select the log_prob of the current category using the onehot representation
log_p_h_given_z = self.sum_except_batch(log_probabilities * h * mask)
# Combine log probabilities for x and h
log_p_xh_given_z = log_p_x_given_z_without_constants + log_p_h_given_z
return log_p_xh_given_z
def sample_combined_position_feature_noise(self, n_samples, n_nodes, mask):
z_x = utils.sample_gaussian_with_mask(
size=(n_samples, n_nodes, self.n_dims),
z_h = utils.sample_gaussian_with_mask(
size=(n_samples, n_nodes, self.in_node_nf),
z = torch.cat([z_x, z_h], dim=2)
return z
def sample_normal(self, mu, sigma, node_mask):
"""Samples from a Normal distribution."""
eps = self.sample_combined_position_feature_noise(mu.size(0), mu.size(1), node_mask)
return mu + sigma * eps
def normalize(self, x, h):
new_x = x / self.norm_values[0]
new_h = (h.float() - self.norm_biases[1]) / self.norm_values[1]
return new_x, new_h
def unnormalize(self, x, h):
new_x = x * self.norm_values[0]
new_h = h * self.norm_values[1] + self.norm_biases[1]
return new_x, new_h
def unnormalize_z(self, z):
assert z.size(2) == self.n_dims + self.in_node_nf
x, h = z[:, :, :self.n_dims], z[:, :, self.n_dims:]
x, h = self.unnormalize(x, h)
return torch.cat([x, h], dim=2)
def delta_log_px(self, mask):
return -self.dimensionality(mask) * np.log(self.norm_values[0])
def dimensionality(self, mask):
return self.numbers_of_nodes(mask) * self.n_dims
def sigma(self, gamma, target_tensor):
"""Computes sigma given gamma."""
return self.inflate_batch_array(torch.sqrt(torch.sigmoid(gamma)), target_tensor)
def alpha(self, gamma, target_tensor):
"""Computes alpha given gamma."""
return self.inflate_batch_array(torch.sqrt(torch.sigmoid(-gamma)), target_tensor)
def SNR(self, gamma):
"""Computes signal to noise ratio (alpha^2/sigma^2) given gamma."""
return torch.exp(-gamma)
def sigma_and_alpha_t_given_s(self, gamma_t: torch.Tensor, gamma_s: torch.Tensor, target_tensor: torch.Tensor):
Computes sigma t given s, using gamma_t and gamma_s. Used during sampling.
These are defined as:
alpha t given s = alpha t / alpha s,
sigma t given s = sqrt(1 - (alpha t given s) ^2 ).
sigma2_t_given_s = self.inflate_batch_array(
-self.expm1(self.softplus(gamma_s) - self.softplus(gamma_t)),
# alpha_t_given_s = alpha_t / alpha_s
log_alpha2_t = F.logsigmoid(-gamma_t)
log_alpha2_s = F.logsigmoid(-gamma_s)
log_alpha2_t_given_s = log_alpha2_t - log_alpha2_s
alpha_t_given_s = torch.exp(0.5 * log_alpha2_t_given_s)
alpha_t_given_s = self.inflate_batch_array(alpha_t_given_s, target_tensor)
sigma_t_given_s = torch.sqrt(sigma2_t_given_s)
return sigma2_t_given_s, sigma_t_given_s, alpha_t_given_s
def numbers_of_nodes(mask):
return torch.sum(mask.squeeze(2), dim=1)
def inflate_batch_array(array, target):
Inflates the batch array (array) with only a single axis (i.e. shape = (batch_size,),
or possibly more empty axes (i.e. shape (batch_size, 1, ..., 1)) to match the target shape.
target_shape = (array.size(0),) + (1,) * (len(target.size()) - 1)
return array.view(target_shape)
def sum_except_batch(x):
return x.view(x.size(0), -1).sum(-1)
def expm1(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.expm1(x)
def softplus(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return F.softplus(x)
def cdf_standard_gaussian(x):
return 0.5 * (1. + torch.erf(x / math.sqrt(2)))
def gaussian_kl(q_mu, q_sigma, p_mu, p_sigma):
Computes the KL distance between two normal distributions.
q_mu: Mean of distribution q.
q_sigma: Standard deviation of distribution q.
p_mu: Mean of distribution p.
p_sigma: Standard deviation of distribution p.
The KL distance, summed over all dimensions except the batch dim.
kl = torch.log(p_sigma / q_sigma) + 0.5 * (q_sigma ** 2 + (q_mu - p_mu) ** 2) / (p_sigma ** 2) - 0.5
return EDM.sum_except_batch(kl)
def gaussian_kl_for_dimension(q_mu, q_sigma, p_mu, p_sigma, d):
Computes the KL distance between two normal distributions taking the dimension into account.
q_mu: Mean of distribution q.
q_sigma: Standard deviation of distribution q.
p_mu: Mean of distribution p.
p_sigma: Standard deviation of distribution p.
d: dimension
The KL distance, summed over all dimensions except the batch dim.
mu_norm_2 = EDM.sum_except_batch((q_mu - p_mu) ** 2)
return d * torch.log(p_sigma / q_sigma) + 0.5 * (d * q_sigma ** 2 + mu_norm_2) / (p_sigma ** 2) - 0.5 * d
class InpaintingEDM(EDM):
def forward(self, x, h, node_mask, fragment_mask, linker_mask, edge_mask, context=None):
# Normalization and concatenation
x, h = self.normalize(x, h)
xh = torch.cat([x, h], dim=2)
# Volume change loss term
delta_log_px = self.delta_log_px(node_mask).mean()
# Sample t
t_int = torch.randint(0, self.T + 1, size=(x.size(0), 1), device=x.device).float()
s_int = t_int - 1
t = t_int / self.T
s = s_int / self.T
# Masks for t=0 and t>0
t_is_zero = (t_int == 0).squeeze().float()
t_is_not_zero = 1 - t_is_zero
# Compute gamma_t and gamma_s according to the noise schedule
gamma_t = self.inflate_batch_array(self.gamma(t), x)
gamma_s = self.inflate_batch_array(self.gamma(s), x)
# Compute alpha_t and sigma_t from gamma
alpha_t = self.alpha(gamma_t, x)
sigma_t = self.sigma(gamma_t, x)
# Sample noise
eps_t = self.sample_combined_position_feature_noise(n_samples=x.size(0), n_nodes=x.size(1), mask=node_mask)
# Sample z_t given x, h for timestep t, from q(z_t | x, h)
# Note: keep fragments unchanged
z_t = alpha_t * xh + sigma_t * eps_t
# Neural net prediction
eps_t_hat = self.dynamics.forward(
# Computing basic error (further used for computing NLL and L2-loss)
error_t = self.sum_except_batch((eps_t - eps_t_hat) ** 2)
# Computing L2-loss for t>0
normalization = (self.n_dims + self.in_node_nf) * self.numbers_of_nodes(node_mask)
l2_loss = error_t / normalization
l2_loss = l2_loss.mean()
# The KL between q(z_T | x) and p(z_T) = Normal(0, 1) (should be close to zero)
kl_prior = self.kl_prior(xh, node_mask).mean()
# Computing NLL middle term
SNR_weight = (self.SNR(gamma_s - gamma_t) - 1).squeeze(1).squeeze(1)
loss_term_t = self.T * 0.5 * SNR_weight * error_t
loss_term_t = (loss_term_t * t_is_not_zero).sum() / t_is_not_zero.sum()
# Computing noise returned by dynamics
noise = torch.norm(eps_t_hat, dim=[1, 2])
noise_t = (noise * t_is_not_zero).sum() / t_is_not_zero.sum()
if t_is_zero.sum() > 0:
# The _constants_ depending on sigma_0 from the
# cross entropy term E_q(z0 | x) [log p(x | z0)]
neg_log_constants = -self.log_constant_of_p_x_given_z0(x, node_mask)
# Computes the L_0 term (even if gamma_t is not actually gamma_0)
# and selected only relevant via masking
loss_term_0 = -self.log_p_xh_given_z0_without_constants(h, z_t, gamma_t, eps_t, eps_t_hat, node_mask)
loss_term_0 = loss_term_0 + neg_log_constants
loss_term_0 = (loss_term_0 * t_is_zero).sum() / t_is_zero.sum()
# Computing noise returned by dynamics
noise_0 = (noise * t_is_zero).sum() / t_is_zero.sum()
loss_term_0 = 0.
noise_0 = 0.
return delta_log_px, kl_prior, loss_term_t, loss_term_0, l2_loss, noise_t, noise_0
def sample_chain(self, x, h, node_mask, edge_mask, fragment_mask, linker_mask, context, keep_frames=None):
n_samples = x.size(0)
n_nodes = x.size(1)
# Normalization and concatenation
x, h, = self.normalize(x, h)
xh = torch.cat([x, h], dim=2)
# Sampling initial noise
z = self.sample_combined_position_feature_noise(n_samples, n_nodes, node_mask)
if keep_frames is None:
keep_frames = self.T
assert keep_frames <= self.T
chain = torch.zeros((keep_frames,) + z.size(), device=z.device)
# Sample p(z_s | z_t)
for s in reversed(range(0, self.T)):
s_array = torch.full((n_samples, 1), fill_value=s, device=z.device)
t_array = s_array + 1
s_array = s_array / self.T
t_array = t_array / self.T
z_linker_only_sampled = self.sample_p_zs_given_zt(
z_fragments_only_sampled = self.sample_q_zs_given_zt_and_x(
x=xh * fragment_mask,
z = z_linker_only_sampled * linker_mask + z_fragments_only_sampled * fragment_mask
# Project down to avoid numerical runaway of the center of gravity
z_x = utils.remove_mean_with_mask(z[:, :, :self.n_dims], node_mask)
z_h = z[:, :, self.n_dims:]
z = torch.cat([z_x, z_h], dim=2)
# Saving step to the chain
write_index = (s * keep_frames) // self.T
chain[write_index] = self.unnormalize_z(z)
# Finally sample p(x, h | z_0)
x_out_linker, h_out_linker = self.sample_p_xh_given_z0(
x_out_fragments, h_out_fragments = self.sample_q_xh_given_z0_and_x(z_0=z, node_mask=node_mask)
xh_out_linker = torch.cat([x_out_linker, h_out_linker], dim=2)
xh_out_fragments = torch.cat([x_out_fragments, h_out_fragments], dim=2)
xh_out = xh_out_linker * linker_mask + xh_out_fragments * fragment_mask
# Overwrite last frame with the resulting x and h
chain[0] = xh_out
return chain
def sample_p_zs_given_zt(self, s, t, z_t, node_mask, edge_mask, context):
"""Samples from zs ~ p(zs | zt). Only used during sampling"""
gamma_s = self.gamma(s)
gamma_t = self.gamma(t)
sigma2_t_given_s, sigma_t_given_s, alpha_t_given_s = self.sigma_and_alpha_t_given_s(gamma_t, gamma_s, z_t)
sigma_s = self.sigma(gamma_s, target_tensor=z_t)
sigma_t = self.sigma(gamma_t, target_tensor=z_t)
# Neural net prediction.
eps_hat = self.dynamics.forward(
# Checking that epsilon is centered around linker COM
utils.assert_mean_zero_with_mask(eps_hat[:, :, :self.n_dims], node_mask)
# Compute mu for p(z_s | z_t)
mu = z_t / alpha_t_given_s - (sigma2_t_given_s / alpha_t_given_s / sigma_t) * eps_hat
# Compute sigma for p(z_s | z_t)
sigma = sigma_t_given_s * sigma_s / sigma_t
# Sample z_s given the parameters derived from z_t
z_s = self.sample_normal(mu, sigma, node_mask)
return z_s
def sample_q_zs_given_zt_and_x(self, s, t, z_t, x, node_mask):
"""Samples from zs ~ q(zs | zt, x). Only used during sampling. Samples only linker features and coords"""
gamma_s = self.gamma(s)
gamma_t = self.gamma(t)
sigma2_t_given_s, sigma_t_given_s, alpha_t_given_s = self.sigma_and_alpha_t_given_s(gamma_t, gamma_s, z_t)
sigma_s = self.sigma(gamma_s, target_tensor=z_t)
sigma_t = self.sigma(gamma_t, target_tensor=z_t)
alpha_s = self.alpha(gamma_s, x)
mu = (
alpha_t_given_s * (sigma_s ** 2) / (sigma_t ** 2) * z_t +
alpha_s * sigma2_t_given_s / (sigma_t ** 2) * x
# Compute sigma for p(zs | zt)
sigma = sigma_t_given_s * sigma_s / sigma_t
# Sample zs given the parameters derived from zt
z_s = self.sample_normal(mu, sigma, node_mask)
return z_s
def sample_p_xh_given_z0(self, z_0, node_mask, edge_mask, context):
"""Samples x ~ p(x|z0). Samples only linker features and coords"""
zeros = torch.zeros(size=(z_0.size(0), 1), device=z_0.device)
gamma_0 = self.gamma(zeros)
# Computes sqrt(sigma_0^2 / alpha_0^2)
sigma_x = self.SNR(-0.5 * gamma_0).unsqueeze(1)
eps_hat = self.dynamics.forward(
utils.assert_mean_zero_with_mask(eps_hat[:, :, :self.n_dims], node_mask)
mu_x = self.compute_x_pred(eps_hat, z_0, gamma_0)
xh = self.sample_normal(mu=mu_x, sigma=sigma_x, node_mask=node_mask)
x, h = xh[:, :, :self.n_dims], xh[:, :, self.n_dims:]
x, h = self.unnormalize(x, h)
h = F.one_hot(torch.argmax(h, dim=2), self.in_node_nf) * node_mask
return x, h
def sample_q_xh_given_z0_and_x(self, z_0, node_mask):
"""Samples x ~ q(x|z0). Samples only linker features and coords"""
zeros = torch.zeros(size=(z_0.size(0), 1), device=z_0.device)
gamma_0 = self.gamma(zeros)
alpha_0 = self.alpha(gamma_0, z_0)
sigma_0 = self.sigma(gamma_0, z_0)
eps = self.sample_combined_position_feature_noise(z_0.size(0), z_0.size(1), node_mask)
xh = (1 / alpha_0) * z_0 - (sigma_0 / alpha_0) * eps
x, h = xh[:, :, :self.n_dims], xh[:, :, self.n_dims:]
x, h = self.unnormalize(x, h)
h = F.one_hot(torch.argmax(h, dim=2), self.in_node_nf) * node_mask
return x, h
def sample_combined_position_feature_noise(self, n_samples, n_nodes, mask):
z_x = utils.sample_center_gravity_zero_gaussian_with_mask(
size=(n_samples, n_nodes, self.n_dims),
z_h = utils.sample_gaussian_with_mask(
size=(n_samples, n_nodes, self.in_node_nf),
z = torch.cat([z_x, z_h], dim=2)
return z
def dimensionality(self, mask):
return (self.numbers_of_nodes(mask) - 1) * self.n_dims