๐Ÿšฉ Report: Not working

by joaseve - opened

I cant use the space of ai-comic-factory. when i write any prompt, the following notification appers:

The AI Comic Factory is a free app available to all Hugging Face users!
Please sign-in to continue:

But im already signed in!

Owner HF Staff

What happens when you sign-in again? Does it fix the issue?

Owner HF Staff

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I understand it can be annoying to login every day,
although the process itself is pretty fast and only take a couple of seconds

after some digging, it appears that the validity duration of a user session is very short default (other Spaces are impacted such as lora-studio

normally this duration is controlled through hf_oauth_expiration_minutes which I did setup here, but it seems like this only works for Gradio spaces.

I will forward the info to the people working on login at HF, to see if it can be remediated

the problem is fixed. thank you very much!!!

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