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Babycoder: Recipe for using BabyAgi to write code

Babycoder is a work in progress AI system that is able to write code for small programs given a simple objective. As a part of the BabyAgi system, Babycoder's goal is to lay the foundation for creating increasingly powerful AI agents capable of managing larger and more complex projects.


The primary objective of Babycoder is to provide a recipe for developing AI agent systems capable of writing and editing code. By starting with a simple system and iterating on it, Babycoder aims to improve over time and eventually handle more extensive projects.

How It Works

Babycoder's task management system consists of several AI agents working together to create, prioritize, and execute tasks based on a predefined objective and the current state of the project being worked on. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Task Definition: Four task agents define tasks in a JSON list, which includes all tasks to be executed by the system.

  2. (Optional) Human feedback: If enabled, allows to provide feedback for each task before it is executed. The feedback is processed by an agent responsible for applying it to improve the task.

  3. Agent Assignment: For each task, two agents collaborate to determine the agent responsible for executing the task. The possible executor agents are:

    • command_executor_agent
    • code_writer_agent
    • code_refactor_agent
  4. File Management: The files_management_agent scans files in the project directory to determine which files or folders will be used by the executor agents to accomplish their tasks.

  5. Task Execution: The executor agents perform their assigned tasks using the following capabilities:

    • The command_executor_agent runs OS commands, such as installing dependencies or creating files and folders.
    • The code_writer_agent writes new code or updates existing code, using embeddings of the current codebase to retrieve relevant code sections and ensure compatibility with other parts of the codebase.
    • The code_refactor_agent edits existing code according to the specified task, with the help of a code_relevance_agent that analyzes code chunks and identifies the most relevant section for editing.

The code is written to a folder called playground in Babycoder's root directory. A folder named playground_data is used to save embeddings of the code being written.

How to use

  • Configure BabyAgi by following the instructions in the main README file.
  • Navigate to the babycoder directory: cd babycoder
  • Make a copy of the objective.sample.txt file (cp objective.sample.txt objective.txt) and update it to contain the objective of the project you want to create.
  • Finally, from the ./babycoder directory, run: python and watch it write code for you!