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The Swiss Army Knife of Meaning Representation
This repository provides software to support participants in the shared tasks on Meaning Representation Parsing (MRP) at the 2019 and 2020 Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL).
Please see the above task web site for additional background.
implements the official MRP 2019 cross-framwork metric, as well as
a range of framework-specific graph similarity metrics, viz.
- MRP (Maximum Common Edge Subgraph Isomorphism);
- EDM (Elementary Dependency Match; Dridan & Oepen, 2011);
- SDP Labeled and Unlabeled Dependency F1 (Oepen et al., 2015);
- SMATCH Precision, Recall, and F1 (Cai & Knight, 2013);
- UCCA Labeled and Unlabeled Dependency F1 (Hershcovich et al., 2019).
The ‘official’ cross-framework metric for the MRP 2019 shared task is a generalization of the framework-specific metrics, considering all applicable ‘pieces of information’ (i.e. tuples representing basic structural elements) for each framework:
- top nodes;
- node labels;
- node properties;
- node anchoring;
- directed edges;
- edge labels; and
- edge attributes.
When comparing two graphs, node-to-node correspondences need to be established (via a potentially approximative search) to maximize the aggregate, unweighted score of all of the tuple types that apply for each specific framework. Directed edges and edge labels, however, are always considered in conjunction during this search.
./ --read mrp --score mrp --gold data/sample/eds/wsj.mrp data/score/eds/
{"n": 87,
"tops": {"g": 87, "s": 87, "c": 85, "p": 0.9770114942528736, "r": 0.9770114942528736, "f": 0.9770114942528736},
"labels": {"g": 2500, "s": 2508, "c": 2455, "p": 0.9788676236044657, "r": 0.982, "f": 0.9804313099041533},
"properties": {"g": 262, "s": 261, "c": 257, "p": 0.9846743295019157, "r": 0.9809160305343512, "f": 0.982791586998088},
"anchors": {"g": 2500, "s": 2508, "c": 2430, "p": 0.9688995215311005, "r": 0.972, "f": 0.9704472843450479},
"edges": {"g": 2432, "s": 2439, "c": 2319, "p": 0.95079950799508, "r": 0.9535361842105263, "f": 0.952165879696161},
"attributes": {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0, "p": 0.0, "r": 0.0, "f": 0.0},
"all": {"g": 7781, "s": 7803, "c": 7546, "p": 0.9670639497629117, "r": 0.9697982264490426, "f": 0.9684291581108829}}
Albeit originally defined for one specific framework (EDS, DM and PSD, AMR, or UCCA, respectively), the pre-MRP metrics are to some degree applicable to other frameworks too: the unified MRP representation of semantic graphs enables such cross-framework application, in principle, but this functionality remains largely untested (as of June 2019).
The Makefile
in the data/score/
sub-directory shows some example calls for the MRP scorer.
As appropriate (e.g. for comparison to third-party results), it is possible to score graphs in
each framework using its ‘own’ metric, for example (for AMR and UCCA, respectively):
./ --read mrp --score smatch --gold data/score/amr/test1.mrp data/score/amr/test2.mrp
{"n": 3, "g": 30, "s": 29, "c": 24, "p": 0.8, "r": 0.8275862068965517, "f": 0.8135593220338982}
./ --read mrp --score ucca --gold data/score/ucca/ data/score/ucca/ewt.tupa.mrp
{"n": 3757,
{"primary": {"g": 63720, "s": 62876, "c": 38195,
"p": 0.6074654876264394, "r": 0.5994193345888261, "f": 0.6034155897500711},
"remote": {"g": 2673, "s": 1259, "c": 581,
"p": 0.4614773629864972, "r": 0.21735877291432848, "f": 0.2955239064089522}},
{"primary": {"g": 56114, "s": 55761, "c": 52522,
"p": 0.9419128064417783, "r": 0.9359874541112735, "f": 0.938940782122905},
"remote": {"g": 2629, "s": 1248, "c": 595,
"p": 0.47676282051282054, "r": 0.22632179535945227, "f": 0.3069383543977302}}}
For all scorers, the --trace
command-line option will enable per-item scores in the result
(indexed by frameworks and graph identifiers).
For MRP and SMATCH, the --limit
option controls the maximum node pairing steps or
hill-climbing iterations, respectively, to attempt during the search (with defaults 500000
and 20
, respectively).
As of early July, 2019, the search for none-to-node correspondences in the MRP metric can be
initialized from the result of the random-restart hill-climbing (RRHC) search from SMATCH.
This initialization is on by default; it increases running time of the MRP scorer but yields
a guarantee that the "all"
counts of matching tuples in MRP will always be at least as
high as the number of "c"
(orrect) tuples identified by SMATCH.
To control the two search steps in MRP computation separately, the --limit
option can
take a colon-separated pair of integers, for example 5:100000
for five hill-climbing
iterations and up to 100,000 node pairing steps.
Note that multi-valued use of the --limit
option is only meaningful in conjunction
with the MRP metric, and that setting either of the two values to 0
will disable the
corresponding search component.
Finally, the MRP scorer can parallelize evaluation: an option like --cores 8
suitable hardware) will run eight mtool
processes in parallel, which should reduce
scoring time substantially.
Kuhlmann & Oepen (2016) discuss a range of structural graph statistics; mtool
integrates their original code, e.g.
./ --read mrp --analyze data/sample/amr/wsj.mrp
(01) number of graphs 87
(02) number of edge labels 52
(03) \percentgraph\ trees 51.72
(04) \percentgraph\ treewidth one 51.72
(05) average treewidth 1.494
(06) maximal treewidth 3
(07) average edge density 1.050
(08) \percentnode\ reentrant 4.24
(09) \percentgraph\ cyclic 13.79
(10) \percentgraph\ not connected 0.00
(11) \percentgraph\ multi-rooted 0.00
(12) percentage of non-top roots 0.00
(13) average edge length --
(14) \percentgraph\ noncrossing --
(15) \percentgraph\ pagenumber two --
can test high-level wellformedness and (superficial) plausiblity of MRP
graphs through its emerging --validate
The MRP validator continues to evolve, but the following is indicative of its
./ --read mrp --validate all data/validate/eds/wsj.mrp
validate(): graph ‘20001001’: missing or invalid ‘input’ property
validate(): graph ‘20001001’; node #0: missing or invalid label
validate(): graph ‘20001001’; node #1: missing or invalid label
validate(): graph ‘20001001’; node #3: missing or invalid anchoring
validate(): graph ‘20001001’; node #6: invalid ‘anchors’ value: [{'from': 15, 'to': 23}, {'from': 15, 'to': 23}]
validate(): graph ‘20001001’; node #7: invalid ‘anchors’ value: [{'form': 15, 'to': 17}]
Among its options for format coversion, mtool
supports output of graphs to the
DOT language for graph visualization, e.g.
./ --id 20001001 --read mrp --write dot data/sample/eds/wsj.mrp
dot -Tpdf > 20001001.pdf
When converting from token-based file formats that may lack either the underlying
‘raw’ input string, character-based anchoring, or both, the --text
option will enable recovery of inputs and attempt to determine anchoring.
Its argument must be a file containing pairs of identifiers and input strings, one
per line, separated by a tabulator, e.g.
./ --id 20012005 --text data/sample/wsj.txt --read dm --write dot data/sample/psd/wsj.sdp
For increased readability, the --ids
option will include MRP node identifiers
in graph rendering, and the --strings
option can replace character-based
anchors with the corresponding sub-string from the input
field of the graph
(currently only for the DOT output format), e.g.
./ --n 1 --strings --read mrp --write dot data/sample/ucca/wsj.mrp
When scoring with the MRP metric, mtool
can optionally provide a per-item
breakdown of differences between the gold and the system graphs, i.e. record
false negatives (‘missing’ tuples) and false positives (‘surplus’ ones).
This functionality is activated via the --errors
command-line option, and
tuple mismatches between the two graphs are recorded as a hierarchically
nested JSON object, indexed (in order) by framework, item identifier, and tuple
For example:
./ --read mrp --score mrp --framework eds --gold data/score/lpps.mrp --errors errors.json data/score/eds/lpps.peking.mrp
For the first EDS item (#102990
) in this comparison, errors.json
contain a sub-structure like the following:
{"correspondences": [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], [8, 9], [9, 10], [10, 11],
[11, 12], [12, 13], [13, 15], [14, 16], [15, 17], [16, 14], [17, 18], [18, 19], [19, 20]],
"labels": {"missing": [[2, "_very+much_a_1"]],
"surplus": [[3, "_much_x_deg"], [2, "_very_x_deg"]]},
"anchors": {"missing": [[2, [6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14]]],
"surplus": [[2, [6, 7, 8, 9]], [3, [11, 12, 13, 14]]]},
"edges": {"surplus": [[2, 3, "arg1"]]}}
When interpreting this structure, there are (of course) two separate spaces of
node identifiers; the correspondences
vector records the (optimal)
node-to-node relation found by the MRP scorer, pairing identifiers from the
gold graph with corresponding identifiers in the system graph.
In the above, for example, gold node #2
corresponds to system node #3
and there is a spurious node #2
in the example system graph, which
does not correspond to any of the gold nodes.
Node identifiers in "missing"
entries refer to gold nodes, whereas
identifiers in "surplus"
entries refer to the system graph, and they may
or may not stand in a correspondence relation to a gold node.
The differences between these two graphs can be visualized as follows, color-coding false negatives in red, and false positives in blue (and using gold identifiers, where available).
Common Options
The --read
and --write
command-line options determine the input and output
codecs to use.
Valid input arguments include mrp
, amr
, ccd
, dm
, eds
, pas
, psd
, ud
, eud
and ucca
; note that some of these formats are only partially supported.
The range of supported output codecs includes mrp
, dot
, or txt
The optional --id
, --i
, or --n
options control which graph(s)
from the input file(s) to process, selecting either by identifier, by (zero-based)
position into the sequence of graphs read from the file, or using the first n
These options cannot be combined with each other and take precendence over each
other in the above order.
Another way of selecting only a subset of graphs (from both the gold and
system inputs) is the --framework
option, which will limit the selection
to graphs with matching "framework"
Finally, the --unique
option will discard graphs with multiple occurences
of the same identifier, keeping only the first occurence from the input stream.
Most top-level graph properties ("id"
, "time"
, "source"
, "provenance"
, "flavor"
, "framework"
, "targets"
, "input"
) can be set
(or destructively overwritten, upon completion of input processing) using the
option, which takes as its argument a JSON object, e.g.
./ --text wsj.txt --read eds \
--inject '{"source": "wsj", "provenance": "Redwoods Ninth Growth (ERG 1214)"}' \
--write mrp wsj.eds wsj.mrp
You can install mtool
via pip
with the following command:
pip install git+
- Daniel Hershcovich [email protected] (@danielhers)
- Marco Kuhlmann [email protected] (@khlmnn)
- Stephan Oepen [email protected] (@oepen)
- Tim O'Gorman [email protected] (@timjogorman)
- Yuta Koreeda [email protected] (@koreyou)
- Matthias Lindemann [email protected] (@namednil)
- Hiroaki Ozaki [email protected] (@taryou)
- Milan Straka [email protected] (@foxik)