CPU Upgrade
Model Error?
Never seen this before.
Step 1
๐ฅ Error
Error in generating model output:
422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: (Request ID: Fz6I40jWI9CXsWJTcPfs-)
Input validation error: inputs tokens + max_new_tokens must be <= 16000. Given: 25850 inputs tokens and 0 max_new_tokens
Make sure 'text-generation' task is supported by the model.
Step 1 | Duration: 55.59
Step 2
๐ฅ Error
Error in generating model output:
422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: (Request ID: YmCDSfDj_SLrS5oOYs5uJ)
Input validation error: inputs tokens + max_new_tokens must be <= 16000. Given: 26017 inputs tokens and 0 max_new_tokens
Make sure 'text-generation' task is supported by the model.
Step 2 | Duration: 0.05
Step 3
๐ฅ Error
Error in generating model output:
422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: (Request ID: 1YZpTWf2b2XBMSX2RXoX7)
Input validation error: inputs tokens + max_new_tokens must be <= 16000. Given: 26175 inputs tokens and 0 max_new_tokens
Make sure 'text-generation' task is supported by the model.
Step 3 | Duration: 0.05
Step 4
๐ฅ Error
Error in generating model output:
422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: (Request ID: DQenQk4OzgyhkykkEpW0M)
Input validation error: inputs tokens + max_new_tokens must be <= 16000. Given: 26332 inputs tokens and 0 max_new_tokens
Make sure 'text-generation' task is supported by the model.
Step 4 | Duration: 0.05
Step 5
Step 5 | Duration: 0.04