Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu)

by mhamilton723 - opened

Hi HF community im looking to set up a HF space for our new method FeatUp which can improve the resolution of any deep vision backbone by 16-32x in a single efficient forward operation:

Our website provides some extended descriptions of the project and the paper:

We have a working HF space to allow visitors to try the method out on their own images. We also hope to integrate this further with the HF transformers library so its easy for people to train upsamplers for any HF model. We appreciate your consideration.

Hi @mhamilton723 , we have assigned a gpu to this space. Note that GPU Grants are provided temporarily and might be removed after some time if the usage is very low.

To learn more about GPUs in Spaces, please check out

Thank you @hysts !!

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