Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by ariG23498 HF staff - opened
Open Generative Fill org

We were able to run the pipeline for generative fill with open source models on a T4. We would be really grateful if we could get access to a single T4 small to help the demo run.

Hi @ariG23498 , we have assigned t4-small to this space.
BTW, can you check the usage section of this page to see if your Space can run on ZeroGPU? We recently started using ZeroGPU as a default for grants.

I just added you to the ZeroGPU explorer org so you can test it.

Open Generative Fill org

Thanks! Will test it out.

Open Generative Fill org

Hey @hysts

Upon trying to change the hardware settings we get this pop-up.

Can you guide us here? We were not able to switch to GPU Zero.

Hmm, I've never saw it, let me cc @cbensimon .

Currently, ZeroGPU Spaces cannot be created with org-namespaced Spaces (that's a known bug, cc @sbrandeis just for visibility)

I think that you can still create a Space on ZeroGPU (, select Gradio and Zero Nvidia A10G as hardware) and then go the the Rename or transfer this space section of the Settings tab to move it under your desired org

Open Generative Fill org

Will try and update in this thread.

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