File size: 17,526 Bytes
01d9aad fb7a57d 01d9aad b390e60 d4be6e6 b390e60 e452a5c 01d9aad 96aa704 01d9aad 66a86a3 bd0c13f e480bed 39c7695 43481f8 92c16d7 66a86a3 bd0c13f abaf1c5 66a86a3 92c16d7 abaf1c5 42ea8fa abaf1c5 42ea8fa 66a86a3 bd0c13f abaf1c5 bd0c13f c5fa7c2 eb0efc1 c5fa7c2 7055ca6 6af2acc d855e09 b1bf232 7055ca6 89f1955 d855e09 b1bf232 51fcc5c 1103ce7 b1bf232 c5fa7c2 bd0c13f 3d41bbf c5fa7c2 7055ca6 66a86a3 c5fa7c2 7055ca6 c5fa7c2 bd0c13f 3d41bbf c5fa7c2 7055ca6 662dc37 96aa704 c5fa7c2 c0937ef c5fa7c2 43481f8 96aa704 66a86a3 1bc16a3 0945896 bd0c13f f60d1c6 fb7a57d e452a5c 51fcc5c fb7a57d 51fcc5c f60d1c6 633f6ea 39c7695 abaf1c5 bd0c13f abaf1c5 bd0c13f d855e09 abaf1c5 51fcc5c 6af2acc 39c7695 42ea8fa 39c7695 b1bf232 39c7695 d855e09 7055ca6 6af2acc d855e09 7055ca6 6af2acc 7055ca6 d855e09 7055ca6 d855e09 b1bf232 39c7695 ee24d8b 39c7695 bd0c13f eb0efc1 1f1805f 7055ca6 bd0c13f 7055ca6 69a7d3f 7055ca6 69a7d3f 7055ca6 69a7d3f 7055ca6 39c7695 7055ca6 ee24d8b 39c7695 44ef896 89f1955 7055ca6 39c7695 7055ca6 f60d1c6 51fcc5c bd0c13f b1bf232 43481f8 b1bf232 89f1955 bd0c13f 009207e 3d4d8f3 abaf1c5 51fcc5c b1bf232 009207e b1bf232 009207e b1bf232 009207e b1bf232 009207e c7c8a10 b1bf232 42ea8fa b1bf232 c7c8a10 b1bf232 42ea8fa b1bf232 bd0c13f ee24d8b c0937ef c7c8a10 c0937ef c7c8a10 c0937ef 43481f8 c7c8a10 43481f8 ee24d8b 42ea8fa 009207e d4be6e6 43481f8 d4be6e6 51fcc5c bd0c13f |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 |
from os import write
import time
import pandas as pd
import base64
from typing import Sequence
import streamlit as st
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
# from models import create_nest_sentences, load_summary_model, summarizer_gen, load_model, classifier_zero
import models as md
from utils import plot_result, plot_dual_bar_chart, examples_load, example_long_text_load
import json
ex_text, ex_license, ex_labels, ex_glabels = examples_load()
ex_long_text = example_long_text_load()
# if __name__ == '__main__':
######## App Description ##########
st.markdown("### Long Text Summarization & Multi-Label Classification")
st.write("This app summarizes and then classifies your long text(s) with multiple labels using [BART Large MNLI]( The keywords are generated using [KeyBERT](")
st.write("__Inputs__: User enters their own custom text(s) and labels.")
st.write("__Outputs__: A summary of the text, likelihood match score for each label and a downloadable csv of the results. \
Includes additional options to generate a list of keywords and/or evaluate results against a list of ground truth labels, if available.")
######## Example Input ##########
example_button = st.button(label='See Example')
if example_button:
example_text = ex_long_text #ex_text
display_text = 'Excerpt from Frankenstein:' + example_text + '"\n\n' + "[This is an excerpt from Project Gutenberg's Frankenstein. " + ex_license + "]"
input_labels = ex_labels
input_glabels = ex_glabels
title_name = 'Frankenstein, Chapter 3'
display_text = ''
input_labels = ''
input_glabels = ''
title_name = 'Submitted Text'
with st.form(key='my_form'):
######## Form: Step 1 ##########
st.markdown("##### Step 1: Upload Text")
text_input = st.text_area("Input any text you want to summarize & classify here (keep in mind very long text will take a while to process):", display_text)
text_csv_expander = st.expander(label=f'Want to upload multiple texts at once? Expand to upload your text files below.', expanded=False)
with text_csv_expander:
st.markdown('##### Choose one of the options below:')
st.write("__Option A:__")
uploaded_text_files = st.file_uploader(label="Upload file(s) that end with the .txt suffix",
accept_multiple_files=True, key = 'text_uploader',
st.write("__Option B:__")
uploaded_csv_text_files = st.file_uploader(label='Upload a CSV file with two columns: "title" and "text"',
accept_multiple_files=False, key = 'csv_text_uploader',
if text_input == display_text and display_text != '':
text_input = example_text
gen_keywords =
"Generate keywords from text? (independent from the input labels below)",
('Yes', 'No')
gen_summary =
"Generate summary from text? (recommended for label matching below, but will take longer)",
('Yes', 'No')
######## Form: Step 2 ##########
st.markdown("##### Step 2: Enter Labels")
labels = st.text_input('Enter possible topic labels, which can be either keywords and/or general themes (comma-separated):',input_labels, max_chars=2000)
labels = list(set([x.strip() for x in labels.strip().split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0]))
labels_csv_expander = st.expander(label=f'Prefer to upload a list of labels instead? Click here to upload your CSV file.',expanded=False)
with labels_csv_expander:
uploaded_labels_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a CSV file with one column and no header, where each cell is a separate label",
######## Form: Step 3 ##########
st.markdown("##### Step 3: Provide Ground Truth Labels (_Optional_)")
glabels = st.text_input('If available, enter ground truth topic labels to evaluate results, otherwise leave blank (comma-separated):',input_glabels, max_chars=2000)
glabels = list(set([x.strip() for x in glabels.strip().split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0]))
glabels_csv_expander = st.expander(label=f'Have a file with labels for the text? Click here to upload your CSV file.', expanded=False)
with glabels_csv_expander:
st.markdown('##### Choose one of the options below:')
st.write("__Option A:__")
uploaded_onetext_glabels_file = st.file_uploader("Single Text: Choose a CSV file with one column and no header, where each cell is a separate label",
key = 'onetext_glabels_uploader')
st.write("__Option B:__")
uploaded_multitext_glabels_file = st.file_uploader('Multiple Text: Choose a CSV file with two columns "title" and "label", with the cells in the title column matching the name of the files uploaded in step #1.',
key = 'multitext_glabels_uploader')
# threshold_value = st.slider(
# 'Select a threshold cutoff for matching percentage (used for ground truth label evaluation)',
# 0.0, 1.0, (0.5))
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label='Submit')
st.write("_For improvments/suggestions, please file an issue here:")
####### Model Load Time #########
with st.spinner('Loading pretrained models...'):
start = time.time()
summarizer = md.load_summary_model()
s_time = round(time.time() - start,4)
start = time.time()
classifier = md.load_model()
c_time = round(time.time() - start,4)
start = time.time()
kw_model = md.load_keyword_model()
k_time = round(time.time() - start,4)
st.spinner(f'Time taken to load various models: {k_time}s for KeyBERT model & {s_time}s for BART summarizer mnli model & {c_time}s for BART classifier mnli model.')
# st.success(None)
if submit_button or example_button:
######## Load Text Data #######
if len(text_input) == 0 and uploaded_text_files is None and uploaded_csv_text_files is None:
st.error("Enter some text to generate a summary")
if len(text_input) != 0:
text_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'title': [title_name], 'text': [text_input]})
elif uploaded_text_files is not None:
st.markdown("### Text Inputs")
st.write('Files concatenated into a dataframe:')
file_names = []
raw_texts = []
for uploaded_file in uploaded_text_files:
text = str(, "utf-8")
title_file_name ='.txt','')
text_df = pd.DataFrame({'title': file_names,
'text': raw_texts})
label="Download data as CSV",
elif uploaded_csv_text_files is not None:
text_df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_csv_text_files)
# Which input was used? If text area was used, ignore the 'title'
if len(text_input) != 0:
title_element = []
title_element = ['title']
######## Text Chunks ##########
with st.spinner('Breaking up text into more reasonable chunks (transformers cannot exceed a 1024 token max)...'):
# For each body of text, create text chunks of a certain token size required for the transformer
text_chunks_lib = dict()
for i in range(0, len(text_df)):
nested_sentences = md.create_nest_sentences(document=text_df['text'][i], token_max_length=1024)
# For each chunk of sentences (within the token max)
text_chunks = []
for n in range(0, len(nested_sentences)):
tc = " ".join(map(str, nested_sentences[n]))
title_entry = text_df['title'][i]
text_chunks_lib[title_entry] = text_chunks
######## Keywords ##########
if gen_keywords == 'Yes':
st.markdown("### Top Keywords")
with st.spinner("Generating keywords from text..."):
kw_dict = dict()
text_chunk_counter = 0
for key in text_chunks_lib:
keywords_list = []
for text_chunk in text_chunks_lib[key]:
text_chunk_counter += 1
keywords_list += md.keyword_gen(kw_model, text_chunk)
kw_dict[key] = dict(keywords_list)
# Display as a dataframe
kw_df0 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(kw_dict).reset_index()
kw_df0.rename(columns={'index': 'keyword'}, inplace=True)
kw_df = pd.melt(kw_df0, id_vars=['keyword'], var_name='title', value_name='score').dropna()
kw_column_list = ['keyword', 'score']
kw_df = kw_df[kw_df['score'] > 0.25][title_element + kw_column_list].sort_values(title_element + ['score'], ascending=False).reset_index().drop(columns='index')
label="Download data as CSV",
########## Summarize ##########
if gen_summary == 'Yes':
st.markdown("### Summary")
with st.spinner(f'Generating summaries for {len(text_df)} texts consisting of a total of {text_chunk_counter} chunks (this may take a minute)...'):
sum_dict = dict()
for i, key in enumerate(text_chunks_lib):
with st.expander(label=f'({i+1}/{len(text_df)}) Expand to see intermediate summary generation details for: {key}', expanded=False):
# for key in text_chunks_lib:
summary = []
for num_chunk, text_chunk in enumerate(text_chunks_lib[key]):
chunk_summary = md.summarizer_gen(summarizer, sequence=text_chunk, maximum_tokens=300, minimum_tokens=20)
st.markdown(f"###### Original Text Chunk {num_chunk+1}/{len(text_chunks)}" )
st.markdown(f"###### Partial Summary {num_chunk+1}/{len(text_chunks)}")
# Combine all the summaries into a list and compress into one document, again
final_summary = "\n\n".join(list(summary))
sum_dict[key] = [final_summary]
sum_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sum_dict).T.reset_index()
sum_df.columns = ['title', 'summary_text']
# TO DO: Make sure summary_text does not exceed the token length
label="Download data as CSV",
########## Classifier #########
if ((len(text_input) == 0 and uploaded_text_files is None and uploaded_csv_text_files is None)
or (len(labels) == 0 and uploaded_labels_file is None)):
st.error('Enter some text and at least one possible topic to see label predictions.')
if gen_summary == 'Yes':
st.markdown("### Top Label Predictions on Summary vs Full Text")
st.markdown("### Top Label Predictions on Full Text")
if uploaded_labels_file is not None:
labels_df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_labels_file, header=None)
label_list = labels_df.iloc[:, 0]
label_list = labels
with st.spinner('Matching labels...(may take some time)'):
if gen_summary == 'Yes':
labels_sum_col_list = ['title', 'label', 'scores_from_summary']
labels_sum_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=labels_sum_col_list)
labels_full_col_list = ['title', 'label', 'scores_from_full_text']
labels_full_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=labels_full_col_list)
for i in range(0, len(text_df)):
if gen_summary == 'Yes':
s_topics, s_scores = md.classifier_zero(classifier, sequence=sum_df['summary_text'][i], labels=label_list, multi_class=True)
ls_df = pd.DataFrame({'label': s_topics, 'scores_from_summary': s_scores})
ls_df['title'] = text_df['title'][i]
labels_sum_df = pd.concat([labels_sum_df, ls_df[labels_sum_col_list]])
f_topics, f_scores = md.classifier_zero(classifier, sequence=text_df['text'][i], labels=label_list, multi_class=True)
lf_df = pd.DataFrame({'label': f_topics, 'scores_from_full_text': f_scores})
lf_df['title'] = text_df['title'][i]
labels_full_df = pd.concat([labels_full_df, lf_df[labels_full_col_list]])
with st.expander(f'({i+1}/{len(text_df)}) See intermediate label matching results for: {text_df["title"][i]}'):
if gen_summary == 'Yes':
st.dataframe(pd.merge(ls_df, lf_df, on=['title','label']))
if gen_summary == 'Yes':
label_match_df = pd.merge(labels_sum_df, labels_full_df, on=['title', 'label'])
label_match_df = labels_full_df.copy()
####### Ground Truth Labels ######
if len(glabels) > 0:
gdata = pd.DataFrame({'label': glabels})
join_list = ['label']
elif uploaded_onetext_glabels_file is not None:
gdata = pd.read_csv(uploaded_onetext_glabels_file, header=None)
join_list = ['label']
gdata.columns = join_list
elif uploaded_multitext_glabels_file is not None:
gdata = pd.read_csv(uploaded_multitext_glabels_file)
join_list = ['title', 'label']
gdata.columns = join_list
if len(glabels) > 0 or uploaded_onetext_glabels_file is not None or uploaded_multitext_glabels_file is not None:
gdata['correct_match'] = True
label_match_df = pd.merge(label_match_df, gdata, how='left', on=join_list)
label_match_df['correct_match'].fillna(False, inplace=True)
st.dataframe(label_match_df) #.sort_values(['title', 'label'], ascending=[False, False]))
label="Download data as CSV",
# if len(glabels) > 0:
# st.markdown("### Evaluation Metrics")
# with st.spinner('Evaluating output against ground truth...'):
# section_header_description = ['Summary Label Performance', 'Original Full Text Label Performance']
# data_headers = ['scores_from_summary', 'scores_from_full_text']
# for i in range(0,2):
# st.markdown(f"###### {section_header_description[i]}")
# report = classification_report(y_true = data2[['is_true_label']],
# y_pred = (data2[[data_headers[i]]] >= threshold_value) * 1.0,
# output_dict=True)
# df_report = pd.DataFrame(report).transpose()
# st.markdown(f"Threshold set for: {threshold_value}")
# st.dataframe(df_report)
st.success('All done!')
st.balloons() |