Runtime error
Grayscale depth map
Hello, thank you for this demo!
If possible, an option to save the depth map as a 32-bit grayscale PNG would be very useful for many 3D applications, without the need to reverse the coloration. Thank you for considering!
Hi Gordon, I've had some success using the optional HSB/HSL plug-in in Photoshop. Convert from RGB to HSB, look at the channels palette. The former red channel contains the Hue values. It seems to make a useful grayscale depth map.
Lentguy, thanks for that technique! That could work for certain images, but I think does create some subtly shifted values, especially in the intermediate ranges. At the moment I am using, cropping the output to just the depth map, and then using an inverse CLUT to revert from the Viridis colormap palette to grayscale. This yields a more accurate depth map than the HSB red channel strategy here, albeit at a smaller size.
Conclusion: a grayscale depth map option here would still be great!
Thanks World of Depth,
Good to learn of your approach. I do wish 16-bit gray was an output option will all these new programs.
I've been using Selme depth-pro (rainbow color map) and akhliq depth pro. It's taking a lot longer than a second to generate the map using Hugging Face.
I just assumed I could convert the akhliq output to grayscale and invert. My application may not be as demanding as yours.
Best regards.