fixed amin acid position inconsistent

by chenglinwang - opened

I hope you well. I have 1 question on using this, why is the pre set fixed amino acid position inconsistent with the final MPNN output fix amino acid position?

output fix amino acid position.png
pre set fix amino acid position.png

The second screenshot is not legible. But the difference is as highlighted by the asterisk. The selection in the UI uses the residue indexes from the PDB file, ProteinMPNN uses 1 based indexing. Internally the numbering is converted to 1 based indexing.

Dear simonduerr,
Thank you very much for the reply. So if I change the name of the PDB file or a revised version of PDB file, it solves this problem?

You need to reindex the PDB file then it will be consistent.

simonduerr changed discussion status to closed

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