Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by skytnt - opened

This project is a midi event transformer for music generation. It can generate very long music. You can prompt it with instruments or midi file. It will display piano roll for the generating midi at each step. At the end of the generation, a midi file and rendered music will be output.

Hi @skytnt , we have assigned a gpu to this space. Note that GPU Grants are provided temporarily and might be removed after some time if the usage is very low.

To learn more about GPUs in Spaces, please check out


skytnt changed discussion status to closed

Hey @hysts , this project is becoming popular. So I hope you can change the gpu type from T4 to zerogpu so more people can use it.

skytnt changed discussion status to open

Hi @skytnt , awesome! I just switched the hardware to ZeroGPU.

OK thanks, I will adapt ZeroGPU immediately.

skytnt changed discussion status to closed

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